the relation between ayah of naskh and punishment for zina

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  • 7/27/2019 The Relation Between Ayah of Naskh and Punishment for Zina


    All praise and thanks to the Creator of the heavens and the earth, who sent his best creaon

    (Prophet Mohammed Sallallahu alayhi wasallam), as a mercy to all his creaons.

    We praise Him and we glorify Him as He ought to praised and gloried and we seek refuge in Him

    from the accursed Shaitaan.

    We seek His guidance and blessings as we try to understand the subject in this arcle in the following


    Lets look at the ayah of naskh

    Pronunciaon of the word naskh should be elongated towards the end of the word.

    Quran 2:106 - Ma nansakh min ayan awnunsiha na/ bikhayrin minha aw mithlihaalam taAAlam

    anna Allaha AAala kulli shay-in qadeer

    Translaon: We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgoen except that We bring forth [one]beer than it or similar to it. Do you not know that Allah is over all things competent?

    This is called the ayah of abrogaon.

    The word used is nansakh.

    Trilateral root isNun-Siin-Kha

    The various meanings from the trilateral root are:

    to abolish, destroy, abrogate, nullify, obliterate, conceal, transfer, substitute, copy,

    transcribe, rule out.

    It is used in the imperfective active form in the ayah.

    And the word used prior to it is Ma.

    It is a conditional noun.

    In effect the translation given is the closest to derive the accurate meaning.

    The Quran here is speaking about something called naskh meaning cancellation or


    And the Quran is saying that Allah says; He never cancels, He never abrogates, any

    ayah (revelation, a law, a message). He never does so without replacing it with

    something better or causes it to be forgotten.

    This is an important point. He never cancels or causes to be forgotten any ayah, but that

    He replaces it with that which is better or that which is similar. This point will help us in

    building the bridge between this verse and the punishment for zina.

    He never said He will replace it something which is different.

    So, according to the condition set by the ayah, if we look at the one which is cancelled or

    abrogated and you look at the one which has replaced it, the two have to be similar to

    each other or one has to appear better than the other.

    Another interesting point to note is that it cannot be in conflict with each other.

    And this is what happened. Allah (subhanu taaala) effects the first instance of naskh.
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    The expression of the word naskh has to be elongated towards the end of the word.

    So what does He cancel?

    He cancels the old sharia of Qiblah.

    The old sharia gave us that Jerusalem is the Qiblah.

    And then now a new verse comes and the new Qiblah is Mecca.

    But Qiblah of Jerusalem reminds Suleiman alayhi salam and Mecca reminds Ibrahim

    alayhi salam, no conflict with each other. This is naskh

    This is the methodology we have to adopt in the study of the subject of the punishment

    for zina in the religion of Ibrahim alayhi salam.

    The Christians says that they belong to the religion of Ibrahim alayhi salam.

    The Jews say the same.

    The Muslims say the same.

    The Quran tells Mohammed (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam), that he must also follow the

    religion of Ibrahim alayhi salam.

    So all three religions came from the religion of Ibrahim alayhi salam.

    And if we want to study the subject on punishment for zina, we have to do with this


    We have to go back to the previous sharia and find out what was there earlier.

    Next, comes the 2nd instance of naskh.

    Remember that prior to the revelation of the laws of fasting in the Quran, we fasted on

    the days the Jews fasted and we fasted in accordance with their laws of fasting.

    One major point of the laws of fasting for the Jews was that, they had to abstain from

    their wives when fasting.

    Then, in the Quran, Allah changes that law and replaces with another law.

    Quran 2:187 -It has been made permissible for you the night preceding fasng to go to your

    wives [for sexual relaons]. They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them. Allah knows that

    you used to deceive yourselves, so He accepted your repentance and forgave you. So now, have

    relaons with them and seek that which Allah has decreed for you. And eat and drink unl the white

    thread of dawn becomes disnct to you from the black thread [of night]. Then complete the fast unl

    the sunset. And do not have relaons with them as long as you are staying for worship in the

    mosques. These are the limits [set by] Allah , so do not approach them. Thus does Allah make clear

    His ordinances to the people that they may become righteous.

    If you look at the two laws of fasng (the one in Torah and the other one in Quran), they are similar,

    but the one in the Quran is beer because, when this revelaon came the whole of Medina was


    Allah makes it lawful to sleep with our wives during the night in the month of Ramadan.

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    This is Naskh. Allah turned towards the Ummah of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) mercifully, and He

    gave us a new law of fasng which is beer than the previous one revealed in the Torah.

    And therefore its not appropriate for anybody to go and search in the Quran to nd verses which

    are conicng with each other. That is foolishness.

    Such methodologies do not suit the study of Islamic sciences. Such methodologies are rubbish.

    Nothing in the Quran that has been revealed has ever been cancelled or abrogated or caused to be


    In fact, it is the previous revelaons (Torah, Zaboor and Injeel) that is being cancelled or abrogated.

    Allah has given a divine guarantee of protecon of the Quran. There is no room for anyone to even

    suggest a slightest possibility of some verse of the Quran being forgoen.

    And therefore if any change that needs to take place in the Quran, who is the authorised person toinform us?

    It is denitely the one who has been divinely appointed as a teacher.

    And that person is no one else but Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). He was the divinely

    authorised person to inform us if ever there was any cancellaon or abrogaon that took place in the


    Quran 2:151 - Just as We have sent among you a messenger from yourselves recing to you Our

    verses and purifying you and teaching you the Book and the wisdom and teaching you that which

    you did not know.

    No one else, be it a moulana or sheikh from India, Egypt or Pakistan or Malaysia or anywhere for that

    maer, is appointed to inform us about any cancellaon or abrogaon if ever it took place.

    It was only and only Nabi Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) that was appointed by Allah.

    So he was the one who had to inform us if ever there took any naskh of the ayat of the Quran.

    But going back to all the historical records, we do not nd a single unequivocal statement where Nabi

    Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) gave us such informaon.

    He never spoke of any single change in the Qur an.

    And therefore if anybody tells us, and it does not maer to us who he is, and a report comes to us,

    we will not accept it. We would deem such report as false.

    It may happen that somebody fabricated some story and put it in the name of the Companions of

    the Prophet.

    We cannot deny such incidents that could have taken place, because Allah promised only to protect

    the Quran.

    And therefore, cancellaon or abrogaon or verses being forgoen, that Allah has ordained does not

    refer to anything in the Quran.

    It refers to the revelaon that came before the Quran.

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    One Chrisan asked a queson Nabi Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is dead and gone. So is

    there anything now in the Quran that can be cancelled or abrogated in the future?

    Answer is big (big) NO! NO!! NO!!! Never ever that can happen.

    But there is a hadees in Sahih Bukhari which says When Nabi Isa Alayhi Salam comes back, he is

    going to abolish jizya.

    The law of jizya is in the Quran.

    So according to Sahih Bukhari, an event would take place in the future which is going to cancel or

    abrogate an ayah of the Qur an.

    Are we going to believe such things which say a verse from the Quran was ever cancelled or can be

    cancelled at a later me or was ever forgoen or will ever be forgoen?

    Well, its me for the world of Islam to be taught this subject properly. Its me for the scholars of

    Islam to stop what they have been doing.

    What we have to realize while considering the books of ahadith is:

    1. Allah did not appoint anybody divinely to write books on ahadith.2. Allah did not give any kind of promise to protect the books of ahadith from corrupon.3. Supercial reading of ahadith from the Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim can lead to disastrous

    conclusions. Proper understanding of the science of hadith is necessary before

    understanding one single hadith.

    4. Any Muslim scholar no maer how religious he is can make mistakes for the fact that he is ahuman being.

    5. When a Muslim scholar makes a mistake we should not abuse him or his works.6. In fact as Muslims we should use the Quran to gather the correct and true informaon from

    such books, including the books of ahadith.

    7. Read Surah AL Kahf every Friday to idenfy true informaon from the false ones.8. The literature that is seen in the books of ahadith are full of gure of speech and religious

    symbolism and metaphors. Literal interpretaon of the hadith is not always possible.

    9. The books of ahadith have been compiled by the same people who had memorised thewhole Quran during the mes of the Prophet.

    10.The rst generaon of books that were available have vanished because of the availability ofthe encyclopaedia type of books on ahadith like Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.

    So the hadees in Sahih Bukhari about abolishing jizya may mean something else and hence we have

    to agree at this point that no verse of the Quran can ever be abrogated or cancelled in the future

    when Nabi Isa Alayhi Salam returns.

    Now lets deal with the 3rd


    In the same way that they tested Nabi Isa alayhi Salam, it is intriguing to us, we dont know why the

    Jews do so, they now come to Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), with the same test.

    They brought two people, who have confessed to zina asking Mohammed (sallallahu alayhiwasallam) to judge.

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    It was a test. It was a trap by the Jews.

    How will Nabi Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) respond?

    In the case of Nabi Isa alayhi Salam, he was prepared to enforce the law.

    Nabi Isa alayhi Salam said Let him who is without sin among you be the rst to throw a stone ather. [Reference RSV Bible John 8:7]

    And when there was nobody to cast stone, Nabi Isa alayhi salam allowed the woman to go away.

    Now in the case of Nabi Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), they brought two people who have

    confessed to zina and they ask Nabi Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) to judge.

    But the trap boomeranged on the Jews.

    Nabi Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked What punishment do you give?

    Our understanding is the Jewish council of law, had already taken a decision to abandon the law of

    stoning to death as punishment for zina. This happened 2000 years ago.

    So when the Prophet asked What law, what punishment you give? Bring me the Torah.

    So that book, even with the changes in it is sll recognized as the Torah in the mes of Nabi

    Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Even though the text was corrupted, it was sll recognised

    as the Torah.

    When they brought the Torah, someone was appointed to read the passage pertaining to

    punishment for zina.

    Abdullah bin Salam was present. He accepted Islam and was a Jew. When the appointed person was

    reading and he came to the passage on the law of stoning to death for zina, he put his nger on it, in

    order to hide it. The person read over it.

    Abdullah bin Salam said stop. Raise your nger and now read

    So the person had to read, that in the Torah in their book, it is menoned that the punishment for

    zina was stoning to death.

    [Reference Book of Deuteronomy 22.23 If a damsel who is a virgin be betrothed unto a husband, anda man nd her in the city and lie with her,

    22.24 then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with

    stones, that they die the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city, and the man, because he

    hath humbled his neighbours wife; so thou shalt put away evil from among you.]

    So if any Chrisan or a Jew were to say, that it is barbarism, you are insulng the God of Abraham.

    If anyone, who is not a Jew or Chrisan but a Hindu or Buddhist were to say that this is barbarism,

    remember you are going to have a very big problem on Judgement Day.

    Your sight is going to be very piful on Judgement Day if you open your mouth to say one word

    against the law of stoning to death, because it came from the God of Abraham.

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    And it is sll there in the Torah.

    So connuing with the story. The Jews are now stammering and they said well, well, well you

    know, when the rich people commied zina, we had to let them o and the punishment was only

    given to the one who is poor

    This situaon is prevalent today in the world. We dont want to name the countries. We leave that up

    to you to research and nd out.

    So what the world has done today is they have replaced a God given law with their own whimsical


    One example is, in one country they have law where the person who commits zina, his face is made


    We ask a queson to those law makers. Why not red?

    We ask the world of Jews and Chrisans that when you abandon the Gods law and you make your

    own man made law, and then you do not implement Gods law and you do not implement your law

    as well!! Have you no shame?

    And here are million and millions of Muslims following an Arab Prophet and we are prepared today

    to enforce the law which is essence your law and which you have abandoned.

    So going back to story, we nd that they had to read that the punishment for zina in the Torah is

    stoning to death.

    But they could not enforce it and therefore they replaced it with their own law.

    The queson is now how will Nabi Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) respond?

    Will he say, He who is without sin should cast the rst stone?

    No. Like Nabi Isa alayhi salam so do Nabi Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) recognized that it

    is Allahs law, that is stoning to death.

    And he ordered that the two people should be stoned to death.

    The Jews were absolutely astonished. Because its about 600 years since last they ever had a person

    stoned to death.

    And so now they realized that not only is this man (Nabi Mohammed) praying in the direcon of

    Jerusalem, not only he is fasng with them, but he is also enforcing the law which they (Jews) haveabandoned.

    They realized that this man had to be a Prophet of Allah.

    [Reference on the Story : Sahih Bukhari Book #60 Hadith #79 Narrated 'Abdullah bin Umar: The Jews

    brought to the Prophet a man and a woman from among them who had commied illegal sexual

    intercourse. The Prophet said to them, "How do you usually punish the one amongst you who has

    commied illegal sexual intercourse?" They replied, "We blacken their faces with coal and beat

    them," He said, "Don't you nd the order of Ar-Rajm (i.e. stoning to death) in the Torah?" They

    replied, "We do not nd anything in it." 'Abdullah bin Salam (aer hearing this conversaon) said to

    them. "You have told a lie! Bring here the Torah and recite it if you are truthful." (So the Jews brought

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    the Torah). And the religious teacher who was teaching it to them, put his hand over the Verse of Ar-

    Rajm and started reading what was wrien above and below the place hidden with his hand, but he

    did not read the Verse of Ar-Rajm. 'Abdullah bin Salam removed his (i.e. the teacher's) hand from the

    Verse of Ar-Rajm and said, "What is this?" So when the Jews saw that Verse, they said, "This is the

    Verse of Ar-Rajm." So the Prophet ordered the two adulterers to be stoned to death, and they were

    stoned to death near the place where biers used to be placed near the Mosque. I saw her companion

    (i.e. the adulterer) bowing over her so as to protect her from the stones.]

    But as we know from historical records, that they have rejected him. So aer they rejected him, now

    Allah (subhanu taaala) gives us naskh.

    The First: The change in Qiblah from Jerusalem to Mecca.

    The Second: The change in the law of fasng.

    The Third now comes and it is in the Quran in Surah Noor which is Surah number 24 in the second

    verse. Allah (subhanu taaala) gives the law of punishment for zina (adultery and fornicaon), in the

    new sharia.

    What is the literal meaning of zina? Lets understand that rst.

    The word zina comes from the trilateral root: Zay-Nun-Ya

    Its various meanings are:

    [to mount, the mounting upon a thing, to commit fornication/adultery,


    The word zina is a verbal noun.

    Now we need to know what the meaning of these two terms is: fornication and adultery

    Fornication: illegal sexual intercourse by unmarried people.

    Adultery: Illegal sexual intercourse by people who are already married to a certain person, or

    a married person having illegal sexual intercourse with an unmarried person.

    What we find here is that that common denominator in both the definitions is sex outside the

    institution ofmarriage.

    These are the two words in English.

    Is it necessary that we have to have two words in Arabic too for differentiating between

    adultery and fornication?

    Is there any law of thesaurus to prove that it is a necessity?

    Definitely not! Arabic literature is very rich and one word is sufficient to encompass meaning

    of the variations in one type of action.
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    The word zina literally means: illegal sexual intercourse between an unmarried couples.

    Now whether the two people in action are unmarried or one of them or both of them are

    married to some other person, the word zina still encompasses the variety of situations that

    can arise in the case of illegal sexual intercourse.

    Set A Set B Implication

    unmarried Man unmarried woman Word zina applicable

    Man married to woman B Un married woman Word zina applicable

    Man married to woman B Woman married to man C Word zina applicable

    Un married man Woman married to man C Word zina applicable

    Now that we have understood that literal meaning of the word zina, lets get back to the 3rd


    What we have realized now is that a new law replaces the old law. The new law never replaces the

    old law part me.

    There is no concept of naskh taking place only 50 %

    The new law always replaces the old law completely.

    Is there a concept that on yawm al jummaah you turn towards Jerusalem for Salah and you can turn

    towards Mecca for Salah on yawm al Sabbath?

    This is impossible. It can never happen as such. The old law is cancelled and abrogated totally and

    replaced with the new law.

    So the same law of naskh applies to the change of Qiblah and so to the change of laws of fasng

    and now so to the punishment for zina.

    The law of stoning to death is now totally and completely cancelled and abrogated.

    And that law is now replaced completely with the new law and that is public ogging.

    [Reference Quran 24:2 - The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornicaon,- og each of

    them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a maer prescribed by

    Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their


    24:3 - Let no man guilty of adultery or fornicaon marry and but a woman similarly guilty, or an

    Unbeliever: nor let any but such a man or an Unbeliever marry such a woman: to the Believers such a

    thing is forbidden.]

    And only and only if there are 4 evidences tesfying to the unlawful act and only and only if the

    person or both of them confessed to comming zina can the law of public ogging be applicable.

    Another interesng point is that it has to be proved that the act was a full-edged illegal sexual

    intercourse and not half or quarter of the act. It is only then the punishment for zina is applicable.

    If there are no eye witnesses (it has to be 4 witnesses in total) and neither of the two confessed to

    comming zina, then the punishment cannot take place.

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    Muslims need to ponder on the verse 3. It speaks a lot about how to treat a person guilty of zina.

    Well then how come millions and millions of muslims around the world are prepared today to

    implement the punishment for zina as stoning to death?

    In one sense, we should be proud of it, that this Ummah is prepared today to enforce the law which

    the Jews and Chrisans have abandoned.

    There must be some wisdom behind this preparedness.

    The answer lies in the hadith. That there are at least 4 ahadith in Sahih Bukhari which gives a view

    that the law of Islam for punishment for zina is one in which the cancellaon or abrogaon was part

    me. That if the people who commied zina are unmarried, then the new law applies and the old

    law is cancelled.

    But if they are married, then the old in the Torah is not cancelled. It is sll applicable according to the


    And there are few but not many instances in the ahadith of Nabi Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi

    wasallam), enforcing the law as stoning to death.

    What the ahadith do not do is that they do not tell us that these acts of stoning to death ordered by

    Prophet Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) took place before the revelaon came down

    (cancellaon and abrogaon) or took place aer the revelaon.

    But there is a basic principle of methodology and we need expand it now.

    The Quran is absolutely authenc. There is a divine guarantee of the authencity of the Quran and

    Allah protects it.

    No hadith has that status. And we request to read this with paence because it is important to

    understand the methodology before accepng any informaon as true and correct.

    It is the funcon of the Quran to sit in judgement over the hadith, not vice versa.

    Quran and hadith do not have the same status, not even if it is an authenc ahadith.

    You can never have the same status.

    And therefore when you nd something in the books of ahadith, which is in conict with the Quran,

    it is with the Quran that you must stay. That is the correct methodology.

    Quran 3:103-

    And hold rmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.

    And there is one hadith in parcular, again in Sahih Bukhari in which Umar (Radiallahu anhuma) is

    reported to have said that people will say we no longer nd the verse of rajm in the Quran.

    Rajm means stoning to death.

    Reference on the narraon


    Hadhrat Umar (Radiyallahu Anhu) said, "Verily, Allah Taala sent Muhammad (SallallahuAlayhi wa sallam) with the truth, and revealed the Quran upon him. The verse regarding the

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    stoning of the adulterer/ess was from amongst the verses revealed (in the Quran). We read it,

    understood it and memorized it. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) stoned and we

    stoned after him. I fear that with the passage of time a person may say, We do not find

    mention of stoning in the Book of Allah and thereby lead astray by leaving out an obligation

    revealed by Allah. Verily, the stoning of the adulterer/ress is found in the Quran and is the

    truth, if the witnesses are met or there is a pregnancy or confession."

    (Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 2 pg. 1009 / Sahih Muslim Vol. 2 pg. 65)


    This means the narraon wants to convey a message that it used to be earlier in the Quran and now

    its no longer in the Quran now. It dropped out, or it was cancelled or it was forgoen!!

    Well if the verse of Rajm used to be in the Quran and it is no longer in the Quran, how can you be

    enforcing it in the hadith?

    What non sense is this that there used to be a verse in the Quran!!

    It is clear as daylight that this is a fabricaon.

    And when we speak of a hadith which is in Sahih Bukhari and declare it is a fabricaon that does not

    mean that the enre body of ahadith is destroyed.

    What non sense is that?

    The word Dajjal did not occur in the Qur an. And you cannot understand the world today and you

    cannot understand what is happening in the world today without the knowledge of Dajjal.

    And all informaon about Dajjal that we have is in the books of ahadith.

    So because we declare one hadith from Sahih Bukhari to be a fabricaon, are you going to declare

    now that we have said that the enre body of ahadith is destroyed?

    That is frivolous. The enre body cannot be destroyed.

    Muslim around the world need to wake up and have courage and integrity to recognize a fabricaon

    in the ahadith to declare it s a fabricaon so as to invite the Jews and so as to invite the Chrisans,

    that when they (Jews and Chrisans) see a fabricaon plain as daylight, do what we are doing in this

    arcle and declare it as fabricaon.

    That does not mean that the rest of the Bible too has collapsed. No, not at all.

    So now we end by reminding our audience that Rajm (stoning to death) is their (Jews and

    Chrisans) law and not our (Islamic sharia) law.

    Below you can nd the references for some ahadith from Sahih Bukhari for further explanaon on

    the subject.Below are the three narrations on the penalty of stoning, from the famous book of the

    Prophetic Traditions and Narrations known as Sahih Al-Bukhari:

    Hadith No. 4.829: When a Jew and a Jewess who had committed the illegal sexualintercourse were brought before the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), he ordered them to

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    be punished according to their Jewish laws that are recorded in the Torah. The couple was

    stoned to death. This Hadith was narrated by Abdullah bin Umar.

    Hadith No. 8.805: A married man from the tribe of Bani Aslam who had committed illegal

    sexual intercourse and bore witnesses four times against himself was ordered by the Prophet

    (s.a.s) to be stoned to death.

    This Hadith was narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari.

    Hadith No. 8.804: Ash Shaibani narrates that when he asked Abdullah bin Abi Aufa; Did

    Allahs Apostle carry out the penalty of Rajam (i.e., stoning to death)? He said, Yes.

    When the narrator asked; Before the revelation of Surah-an-Nur or after it? He replied, I

    dont know. This Hadith is narrated by Ash Shaibani and is repeated one more time under

    Hadith No. 8: 824


    1. The Surah-an-Nur (i.e. Chapter 24 of the Quran, in which the penalty of flogging is

    prescribed) was Revealed in or after the sixth year of Prophets migration from Mekkah to

    the city of Medinah. This is confirmed by verses 11 to 20. It is inconceivable that the Prophet,

    who has been declared by Allah as the best of the examples for Muslims, could have dictated

    his own edict after the revelation of Surah-an-Nur, which was delivered to mankind through


    2. It is a known fact that before the promulgation of the Quranic Laws, the Prophet and his

    followers used to follow many of the Abrahamic Traditions and the Law of Moses. Once the

    specific Law of the Quran was revealed to the Prophet in that matter, the ancient traditionsand laws became null and void.

    3. The Hadith No. 5: 805 does speak of a married man being stoned to death but it does not

    specify the period when that penalty was confirmed. Before or after the Revelation of Allahs

    Law. One cannot use this example of a married individual and interpret it to be applied to

    the Revealed verse and then Create the distinction between the act of adultery and the


    4. There is NO recorded authentic Narration in which the Prophet has made a ruling or given

    the directive that there is to be observed a distinction or inequality between the married

    persons and unmarried individuals when the penalty for the illegal sexual intercourse is tobe applied. Nor, there is any explicit directive or a command of the Prophet asking the

    followers that the Revealed Verse of flogging is ONLY for the unmarried individuals.

    Allahs Law permits the guilty person to live and remarry (see below). No one has the

    authority to deprive that God given privilege

    Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry any, but a woman similarly guilty, or an

    Unbeliever, nor let any but such a man or an Unbeliever marry such a woman: To the

    Believers such a thing is forbidden. Quran Surah-an-Nur (24) verse 3.

    (This verse 3, follows the verse number 2 in which the penalty is prescribed and itemphasizes the fact that THERE IS NO DEATH PENALTY)

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    Commentary # 2957 (of Abdullah Yusuf Ali) to the above verse:

    Islam commands sexual purity, for men and for women, at all times,before marriage,

    during marriage, and after the dissolution of marriage. Those guilty of illicit practices are shut

    out of the marriage circle of chaste men and women.

    Surah-an-Nur REPEALED the previous directives permanently

    Following is a reference for the rebual given by one of the authors in the


    Hadhrat Umar (Radiyallahu Anhu) said, "Verily, Allah Taala sent Muhammad (Sallallahu

    Alayhi wa sallam) with the truth, and revealed the Quran upon him. The verse regarding the

    stoning of the adulterer/ess was from amongst the verses revealed (in the Quran). We read it,

    understood it and memorized it. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) stoned and we

    stoned after him. I fear that with the passage of time a person may say, We do not find

    mention of stoning in the Book of Allah and thereby lead astray by leaving out an obligation

    revealed by Allah. Verily, the stoning of the adulterer/ress is found in the Quran and is the

    truth, if the witnesses are met or there is a pregnancy or confession."

    (Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 2 pg. 1009 / Sahih Muslim Vol. 2 pg. 65)

    The above text mentions: "We read it, understood it and memorized it."

    It is hard to conceive that a verse of such a serious consequence that was "READ,

    UNDERSTOOD AND MEMORIZED" by "WE" meaning several Muslims was LOST

    TOTALLY! Yet, "its hukm (injunction)" was NOT LOST!!! Please go to foregoing

    paragraphs of this article and read my lengthy response to such baseless conjectures. I wish

    to remind the readers and those who have rebutted that the verse number 9 of Surah Al-Hijr

    (15), is NOT LOST, it is well preserved and reads: "We have without doubt sent down theMessage; and We will ASSUREDLY GUARD IT."

    Should a Believer place his/her Imaan (faith), on the above verse which is duly recorded in

    the final compilation of the Qur'an and is available today for us to READ and

    UNDERSTAND --or-- upon something that is alleged to have been Lost or Abrogated and is

    not within the Final Compilation and Promulgation?
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    Here are two verses numbers 17/18 of Surah Al-Qiyamat (75) and they reveal: "It is for Us to

    collect it and to promulgate it: But when We have promulgated it follow thou its recital."

    After reading the above quoted verses one cannot take a stand that the final Compilation and

    Promulgation, when it was done by Hadhrat Uthman (r.a.), was for some reason or reasons


    GUARDED IN ALL RESPECT" unless that person prefers to be

    the REJECTER of the above quoted Verses of the Glorious Qur'an.

    IF the verse of Rajam (Stoning) was ABROGATED by Allah (SWT) then the "following -

    obeying" of that Message was also Abrogated by Allah (SWT). And, He had Revealed the

    Substituted MESSAGE in Surah Nur, verses 2 to 5. Why not follow that MESSAGE which

    is before us, and be on the SAFE SIDE?


    Jazak Allah Khairan