the queen and i

The Queen and I CHAPTER 1: THE NIGHT BEFORE RESUMEN ESPAÑOL La noche del jueves 9 de abril de 1992 era la noche de las elecciones. La Reina estaba en la cama acariciando a su perro Harris y viendo la televisión. Aún no se sabía cuál de los dos partidos iban a ganar las elecciones; pero a la Reina no le preocupaba el resultado de las elecciones, siempre y cuando el partido ganador apoyara la monarquía. La Reina apagó la televisión y durmió t ranquilam ente. A la mañana siguiente, Jack Barker, el líder del Part ido Republican o, ganó las elecci ones, convirtiéndose en primer ministro, y se presentó en el Palacio de Buckingham para ver a la Reina. Tal vez la Reina esperaba tener una reunión con Jack Barker para hablar sobre sus planes como nuevo primer ministro, pero las intenciones de Barker eran muy diferentes: ordenó a la Reina abdicar y expulsar a la Familia Real de palacio. Su idea consistía en que todo el poder residía en el pueblo y que no habría distinción entre clases. Jack Barker insistía en que la Familia Real debía vivir en una casa más humilde y olvidarse de los lujos. La Reina debería cuidar de su madre sin ayuda de criados; no podrían tener nada más que un  perro como mascota, y dejar a los caball os que tenían en los establos. Y tampoco necesi tarían gra ndes armarios para guardar la ropa, sólo necesitarían lo básico, ya que no volverían a aparecer en actos públi cos. Jack Barker cogió la corona real y salió al balcón. Afuera se agolpaba una gran multitud, aplaudiendo al nuevo primer ministro. Después salió la ex Familia Real, y ésta fue abucheada. Barker alzó la corona por encima de su cabeza y después la arrojó desde el  balcón. La ex Familia Real estaba muy preocupada; era el fin de la monarquía. RESUMEN ENGLISH Thursday 9th April, 1992 it was the election night. The Queen was in the bed, stroking her dog named Harris and watching TV. The result of t he election wasn’t known yet; but the Queen didn’t matter while the winning party supports the monarchy. The Queen turned off the TV and slept quietly. The next morning, Jack Barker, the leader of the Republican Party, won the election and he became the Prime Minister, and went to the Buckingham Palace to see the Queen . Maybe the Queen thought to have a meeting with Jack Barker to talk about his ideas like the new Prime Minister, but Barker’s intentions were very different: he ordered the Queen to abdicate and expel the Royal Family out of the palace. His idea was that the people would have the control and delete the differences between social classes. Jack Barker said the Royal Family would have to live in a humble house, keeping only one dog and leave the horses that they had in the stable. The Queen should care for her mother without the

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The Queen and


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The Queen and I


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLLa noche del jueves 9 de abril de 1992 era la noche de las elecciones. La Reina estaba enla cama acariciando a su perro Harris y viendo la televisión. Aún no se sabía cuál de losdos partidos iban a ganar las elecciones; pero a la Reina no le preocupaba el resultado delas elecciones, siempre y cuando el partido ganador apoyara la monarquía. La Reinaapagó la televisión y durmió tranquilamente.

A la mañana siguiente, Jack Barker, el líder del Partido Republicano, ganó las elecciones,convirtiéndose en primer ministro, y se presentó en el Palacio de Buckingham para ver ala Reina.

Tal vez la Reina esperaba tener una reunión con Jack Barker para hablar sobre sus planescomo nuevo primer ministro, pero las intenciones de Barker eran muy diferentes: ordenóa la Reina abdicar y expulsar a la Familia Real de palacio. Su idea consistía en que todoel poder residía en el pueblo y que no habría distinción entre clases. Jack Barker insistíaen que la Familia Real debía vivir en una casa más humilde y olvidarse de los lujos. LaReina debería cuidar de su madre sin ayuda de criados; no podrían tener nada más que un

 perro como mascota, y dejar a los caballos que tenían en los establos. Y tampoconecesitarían grandes armarios para guardar la ropa, sólo necesitarían lo básico, ya que novolverían a aparecer en actos públicos.

Jack Barker cogió la corona real y salió al balcón. Afuera se agolpaba una gran multitud,aplaudiendo al nuevo primer ministro. Después salió la ex Familia Real, y ésta fueabucheada. Barker alzó la corona por encima de su cabeza y después la arrojó desde el


La ex Familia Real estaba muy preocupada; era el fin de la monarquía.

RESUMEN ENGLISHThursday 9th April, 1992 it was the election night. The Queen was in the bed, strokingher dog named Harris and watching TV. The result of the election wasn’t known yet; but

the Queen didn’t matter while the winning party supports the monarchy. The Queenturned off the TV and slept quietly.

The next morning, Jack Barker, the leader of the Republican Party, won the election andhe became the Prime Minister, and went to the Buckingham Palace to see the Queen.

Maybe the Queen thought to have a meeting with Jack Barker to talk about his ideas likethe new Prime Minister, but Barker’s intentions were very different: he ordered the Queen

to abdicate and expel the Royal Family out of the palace. His idea was that the peoplewould have the control and delete the differences between social classes. Jack Barker saidthe Royal Family would have to live in a humble house, keeping only one dog and leave

the horses that they had in the stable. The Queen should care for her mother without the

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help of the servants and live only with the necessary things (for example: they wouldn’t

need many clothes, because they wouldn’t make personal appearances).

Jack Barker took the royal crown and went out to the balcony. Outside there was a great

crowd clapping him. The ex Royal Family went out too and it was booed by the people.Barker held the crown over his head and then threw it through the balcony.

The ex Royal Family was very worried; this meant the end of monarchy.


- Why do you think the Queen didn’t want a Re publican government to be elected?Republican ideas say that people would have the control, not the monarchy and itwouldn’t to be differences between social classes. A Republican government could take

away privileges to the Royal Family, but the Queen didn’t want that. 

- What did Jack Barker tell the Royal Family about their new homes? Barker said RoyalFamily had to live in humble houses with ordinal neighbors and only with the necessarythings, because it wouldn’t need big rooms, servants, many clothes and pets. The RoyalFamily would learn to be an ordinal family. Barker also said that the Queen Mother hadto live in a bungalow and the Queen had to care for her without help.

- What did Jack Barker do with the Queen’s crown and what do you think this signified?He threw down the crown through the balcony. It signified the end of monarchy.


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLLa ex Famlia Real llegó a su nueva casa por la noche; el número 9 de Hellebore Close.La Reina y su familia bajaron del camión de mudanzas y contemplaron su barrio: había

 basura y suciedad por todas partes y olía mal. La casa era pequeña y apenas iban a entrarlos muebles. Tampoco les gustaba la idea de compartir paredes con los vecinos.

Beverly y Tony Threadgold era los nuevos vecinos de la ex Familia Real. Él vestía deforma sencilla; ella era rubia y su ropa era pequeña y ajustada. Se quedaron en la puertamirando cómo sus nuevos vecinos deshacían el equipaje. Cuando la Reina pasó por su

lado para entrar en casa, el matrimonio Threadgold reconoció a la Familia Real, einmediatamente se ofrecieron para ayudar: Beverly preparó té y Tony llamó al señorSpiggy, un “manitas” en cuanto a arreglar cosas de casa. 

La Reina no podía soportar ver cómo el señor Spiggy recortaba las alfombras para queentraran en el suelo de la casa, de manera que se fue con Harris (su perro) a dar un paseo.Mientras paseaba, descubrió que un policía llamado PC Ludlow custodiaba su nueva casa,

 para que no le ocurriera nada a la ex Familia Real.

Diana y el Príncipe Charles estaban tristes y agobiados; para los niños esa situación eracomo vivir una aventura. Y la Reina tuvo que dormir con su marido, porque sólo había

una cama.

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  NOTA: en la entrada del barrio había un cartel donde se anunciaba el nombre de la zonaresidencial Hellebore Close, pero desaparecieron letras y en realidad ponía Hell Close(infierno cercano).

RESUMEN ENGLISHThe ex Royal Family arrived at their new house at night; number nine, Hellebore Close.The Queen and her family got out to the removal van and they saw their newneighborhood: there was rubbish and dirt everywhere and it smelled really bad. The housewas very small and the furniture couldn’t go through the door.

Beverly y Tony Threadgold were the ex Royal Family’s new neighbors. He was dressedin a ordinal style; she was blonde and her clothes was very small and tight. They wasopposite their door while the Queen and her family entered to their house. Threadgoldfamily recognized the Queen and immediately they helped them: Beverly brought sometea and Tony called Mr. Sipggy, a handyman at housework.

The Queen couldn’t see how Spiggy cut the carpets, because they were too big for the

floor of the house; so she went for a walk with his dog Harris. In her walk she discovereda policeman named PC Ludlow was near her new house and protecting them.

Diana and Prince Charles were very sad and overwhelmed; it was an adventure for thechildren. And the Queen would sleep with her husband because there was only a bed.


- Describe Beverly y Tony Threadgold. They were in married and they were the ex RoyalFamily’s new neighbors (they lived at number eight). He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans.She was blonde and fat and her clothes were too small for her. Both of them was smoking.At the first time they helped the Queen and her family.

- List five things the Queen observed in Hell Close. The street smelled bad. Fences were broken. Gardens were full of rubbish. Barrier guarded. Only one bed in her new house.

- What was the first problem for the Queen, Charles and Diana and how was it solved?They brought their carpets from the palace, but their new house was very small and thecarpets were bigger than the floor. Tony Threadgold called a friend of him: Mr. Sipggy,

a handyman at housework. He cut the carpets.CHAPTER 3: THE FIST MORNING IN HELL CLOSE

RESUMEN ESPAÑOLJack Barker, el nuevo primer ministro, bajó a los sótanos del Palacio de Buckinghamacompañado de un guardia. Allí estaban guardadas piezas muy valiosas de la FamiliaReal, como figuras de animales hechas de cristal o vajillas de oro. Barker iba a venderalguna de esas piezas a unos japoneses; el dinero de la venta se iba a destinar a construirhospitales.

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La Reina se despertó porque su perro Harris estaba muy inquieto; tenía hambre y queríadar un paseo. La Reina se encontró con Beverly en el patio trasero; mientras, Harris

 jugaba con una rata muerta.

Llamaron a la puerta; se trataba de Trish McPherson, una asistente social que trabajaba

en ese barrio. Su idea era mantener una charla con la Reina sobre su nueva vida y ver enqué podía ayudar. Pero la Reina no abrió la puerta por dos motivos: el primero era que la puerta estaba atascada y, el segundo, ella todavía estaba en pijama y no quería que lavieran así. Trish dejó una nota en el buzón diciendo que regresaría más tarde.

La Reina regresó a la cocina. Iba a encender el calentador para cocinar algo, pero nofuncionaba. Su hijo Charles vio se asomó por la ventana desde fuera, y la dijo que teníaque introducir 50 centavos en el contador para encender el calentador. En ese momentola Reina no tenía dinero, de manera que su hijo se fue en busca de los 50 centavos.Mientras esperaba, la Reina intentó abrir la caja de alimentos que había en la cocina;Harris estaba enfadado porque aún no le habían dado de comer. Al intentar abrirla, la

Reina se cortó en los dedos.

El Príncipe Charles regresó con el dinero y vio a su madre sangrando. Ayudó a la Reinaa salir de la casa por la ventana de la cocina (porque la puerta estaba atascada) y se fuerona un hospital. Allí tuvieron que esperar muchas horas hasta que fueron atendidos.

 NOTA: el apellido de la Reina era Windsor porque ella pertenecía a Casa Real deWindsor.

RESUMEN ENGLISHJack Barker, the new Prime Minister went to the basement of the Buckingham Palacewith a guard. There were things very valuable and important of the Royal Family, likecrystal animals figures or gold dishes. Barker was going to sell some things to gentlemenJapanese and built hospitals with the money from de sale.

The Queen woke up because her dog Harris was very nervous; he didn’t eat yet and he

wanted to go for a walk. The Queen saw Beverly in the garden, while Harris was playingwith a death rat.

Somebody knocked the door. It was Trish McPherson, a social worker. She wanted totalk with the Queen about her new life style and how Trish could help the ex Royal

Family. But the Queen didn’t open the door for two reasons: the door was stuck and shewas still wearing the pajama. Trish left a note in the letterbox where she said she wouldcome later.

The Queen returned to the kitchen. She went to turn on the heater but it didn’t work. Her

son Charles saw her throught the window and he told her that she had to put 50 pencecoin in the meter to turn on the heater. The Queen didn’t have money, so Charles went

for some money. While, the Queen tried to open the food box; Harris was very angry because nobody fed him. She cut a little bit on her fingers.

The Prince Charles returned at the window with some money, but he saw her mother

 bleeding to death. He helped her to climb the window to exit out of the house (because

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the door was stuck), and they went to a hospital. There, they would wait some hours before a doctor and a nurse examined the Queen.


- Why wouldn’t the Queen let Trish into the house? The Queen didn’t open the door fortwo reasons: the door was stuck and she was still wearing the pajama.

- Why couldn’t the Queen warm the room? She wanted to turn on the heater, because she

wanted to warm the room, but she couldn’t. Her son Charles told her that she had to put

50 pence coin in the meter to turn on the heater.

- Describe how the Queen injured herself and how she got out of her house. The Queentried to open the food box, but she cut a little bit on her fingers. The Prince Charles sawher mother bleeding to death. He helped her to climb the window to exit out of the house,and they went to a hospital.


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLLa casa de Lady Diana estaba llena vecinas esa tarde. Diana habló de su vida en palacioy de lo que más echaba de menos: su Mercedes-Benz 500 SL, llamado “Merc”. Las

vecinas estaban sorprendidas de lo caras y valiosas que eran las cosas que la Familia Realtenían en palacio.

Cuando llegó la noche, Diana se empezó a preocupar porque, ni sus hijos ni su marido,habían vuelto a casa. Una vecina la dijo que, en Hell Close, era normal que los niños

 jugaran en la calle hasta muy tarde. Cuando la reunión terminó, fueron las vecinas las quelimpiaron el salón y las tazas donde habían estado bebiendo. Diana no ayudóabsolutamente para nada; después intentó pagar a sus vecinas por el trabajo, pero se diocuenta de su error.

El Príncipe Carlos regresó con la Reina muy tarde. Como la herida que ella tenía en lamano no era muy importante, tuvo que estar esperando mucho tiempo para que laatendieran. Tony Threadgold estaba reparando la puerta atascada, mientras que Philip,William y Harry estaban comiendo un sándwich y viendo a Tony trabajar.

Beverly pasó por casa de la Reina cuando salió de la casa de Diana. La Reina eraconsciente de que debían aprender a hacer las tareas domésticas y no podían depender dela amabilidad de los vecinos, de manera que, mientras Beverly preparaba el té, la exFamilia Real miraba expectante para aprender a prepararlo.

Una vez en casa, Beverly le dijo a su marido Tony que la Familia Real se parecía a ungrupo de bebés que no sabían hacer ni las tareas más sencillas.

 NOTA: La Reina fue la primera en ser consciente de que debían aprender a hacer lascosas por sí mismos y no depender tanto de los vecinos. Poco a poco se fue dando cuenta

de que ya no tenía ningún poder, mientras que el resto de su familia le estaba costandomucho más esfuerzo adaptarse.

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 RESUMEN ENGLISHLady Diana’s house was full of neighbors, all of them were women. Diana talked withthem about her life in palace and all the expensive things that she had; she missed somuch her Mercedes-Benz 500 SL, named “Merc”. The neighbors were very surprised.

Diana was worried because it was night and her sons were out and her husband hadn’t

returned from the hospital with the Queen. A woman told her it was normal the children play out at night in Hell Close. When the meeting finished, the neighbors cleaned theliving room and the cups where they were drinking; Diana didn’t do anything and then

she wanted to pay her neighbors for service, but she noticed it was a mistake.

The Prince Charles came back home to the Queen very late. They had to wait because theinjury wasn’t very serious. Tony Threadgold was reparing the stuck door, while Philip,William y Harry were eating a sandwich and looking Tony how he worked.

Beverly went to the Queen’s house after she went out to Diana’s house. The Queenthought that they had to learn how to do the housework by themselves because theycouldn’t depend on the neighbors forever. While Beverly was making some tea, the ex

Royal Family were looking her and learning.

When they were in their house, Beverly told her husband Tony that the Royal Family waslike a group of babies and they didn’t know how to do the simplest things. 


- Why did all the women visit Diana and what did this show about the people in HellClose? Some women came because they wanted an autograph, but in general theneighbors wanted to help her. When Diana started to talk about her past life, they werevery surprised; there was too much difference between Diana’s life and neighbors’ life. 

- What things about family life in Hell Close were new for Diana? Diana learned that theneighbors help each other and it’s not necessary money between them. And Diana was

worried because it was night and her sons were out, but in Hell Close it was normal thechildren play out at night.

- What did Beverly teach the Royal Family? She showed them how to make some tea.


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLAl día siguiente, Philip no quería salir de la cama; no le gustaba su nueva vida y pretendíaquedarse en casa hasta el fin de sus días. La Reina no pudo convencerle, pero ella se pusoen marcha y fue a dar de comer a Harris.

El Príncipe Charles salió a la calle. Todavía quedaban cosas un camión de mudanza yhabía que sacarlas. Warren Deacon, el chico de las mudanzas, le ofreció a Charles unvideo para ver películas; se lo dejó a buen precio.

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Por la tarde, muchos vecinos se acercaron para ver a la Madre Reina; la calle estaba llenade gente. El policía del barrio, PC Ludlow, fue allí para intentar para ver qué pasaba.Ordenó que casa uno se marchara a su casa, pero fue abucheado por los vecinos. El policíaagarró a Beverly por un brazo y la empujó para que se marchara. El Príncipe Charles lovio e inmediatamente fue a ayudar a Beverly. Los tres empezaron a luchar en el suelo.

Mientras tanto, Warren Deacon robó muchos objetos de valor del camión de mudanzas.

Una vez en comisaría, Charles llamó a Diana para que se pusiera en contacto con suabogado. Ella tenía ganas de ver “Casablanca” en su nuevo video, de manera que llamaría

a su abogado después de que terminara la película.

 NOTA: Philomena Toussaint es una vecina que conoció a la Reina Madre en 1927 enJamaica.


The next morning, Philip didn’t want to go out of bed. He didn’t like his new life and hewanted to be in the house until he died. The Queen couldn’t convince him, so she went

to feed Harris.

Prince Charles went out the house. There were some things in a removal van and he wentto carry them into the house. Warren Deacon, who worked with the removal van, offeredCharles a video to watch movies. Warren sold him at very good price.

In the afternoon, there were many people on the street. The neighbors wanted to see theMother Queen. The policeman from the barrier, PC Ludlow, came there. He ordered tothe people to go home, but he was booed by the neighbors. The policeman caught Beverlyand pulled her arm. Prince Charles saw that and immediately he went to help her. Theywere fighting some minutes on the floor. While Warren Deacon stole some things thatwere in the van.

In the police station, Charles phoned Diana; she would call their lawyer. But Dianawanted to watch “Casablanca” in her new video, so she would call the lawyer when themovie ended.


- How was Philip’s new life affecting him? The Queen was the first who thought that theex Royal Family had to learn how to survive in an ordinal barrier. But Philip didn’t want

to get used to their new situation. He was in pyjamas and lying in bed all the day. He saidthat he would be at home until he died.

- Why did Charles get involved in the fight between PC Ludlow and Beverly? PrinceCharles saw how the policeman caught Beverly and pulled her arm. Charles had read thatsome policemen used their authority in a wrong way, so he went to help her.

- What task did Charles ask Diana to do and why didn’t she do it immediately? *ultimo

 párrafo del resumen*

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RESUMEN ESPAÑOLEl Príncipe Charles y Beverly tuvieron un encuentro con el Presidente del Tribunal, paraexplicar qué sucedió con el policía en Hell Close. PC Ludlow, la Reina, Diana y Tony

Threadgold también estaban allí. Cuando Beverly entró en la sala, Charles le ayudó asentarse, y en ese momento Diana tuvo celos. PC Ludlow mintió en su declaración, perono supo explicar con certeza algunas cosas sobre lo ocurrido. El Presidente del Tribunaldijo que el caso iría al Tribunal de Crown, y Charles y Beverly estarían libres bajo fianza.

De camino a casa, Tony sugirió ir a tomar una taza de té. La Reina fue invitada por elmatrimonio Threadgold, porque ella no tenía dinero. En ese momento, la reina echó demenos a Philip, ya que Charles estaba cerca de Diana y Tony abrazaba a Beverly.

Cuando la Reina estaba en casa, su hija la Princesa Anne fue a verla. Ella también vivíaen Hell Close con sus hijos Peter y Zara. Anne también se adaptó rápidamente a su nueva

vida, como la Reina: instaló una lavadora en su casa con una caja de herramientas y lasinstrucciones.

Después, la Reina fue a casa de los Threadgold, para devolverles el dinero de lainvitación. Era la primera vez que estaba en su casa. Todo estaba decorado con objetos yfotos del Elvis Presley; también estaba sonando una canción suya. La Reina vio una fotode dos niños, Tony dijo que esos eran sus hijos, Vernon and Lisa-Marie, pero que losservicios sociales se los habían quitado hacía 18 meses.

Cuando regresó a casa, Philip continuaba en la cama y tampoco quiso cenar.

RESUMEN ENGLISHPrince Charles and Beverly had a meeting with the Chief Magistrate o explain the

 problem we had with the policeman. PC Ludlow, The Queen, Diana and Tony Threadgoldwere in the room too. When Beverly came into the room, Charles helped her to sit down,and Diana felt a little bit jealous. PC Ludlow told lies but he couldn’t explain very well

what happened. The Chief Magistrate said the case would go to Crown Court and Charlesand Beverly would be released on bail.

On the way to home, Tony suggested going to a bar to drink a cup of tea. The Threadgoldinvited The Queen because she didn’t have money in that  moment. In that moment she

missed Philip, because Charles was close to Diana and Tony was hugging Beverly.When The Queen was at home, her daughter Princess Anne came there. She lived in HellClose too with her sons Peter and Zara. Anne She quickly adapted to his new life, likeThe Queen: She installed the washing machine with a toolbox and the instructions.

Then, The Queen wet to the Threadgold’s house; she wanted to return the money of the

cup of tea. It was the first time she was in their house. There were many things aboutElvis Presley and it was playing a song of him. The Queen saw a picture of two children.Tony told her that they were their sons, Vernon and Lisa-Marie, but the social serverstook them 18 months ago.

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The Queen returned to her house, and Philip continued in the bed. He didn’t want to have

a dinner.


- Diana was upset about 2 things in court. What were they? She forgotten to phone theirlawer and she was jealous when she saw Charles helping Beverly to sit down.

- How was Anne different from the other members of her family? Princess Anne and TheQueen were the most adapted in the ex Royal Family, but there was a difference: in the

 beginning The Queen learned from the others but Anne did the things alone; The Queenlearned how to prepare tea because Beverly showed her, but Anne installed a washingmachine only with a toolbox and the instructions.


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLLa Reina estaba desayunando cuando Trish McPherson llamó a su casa. Estuvieronhablando sobre su situación, ya no tenían dinero para comer y dependían de la caridad delos vecinos. La Reina le pidió dinero a Trish; esta dijo que un cheque para ellos estaba encamino, pero que tardarían una semana en recibirlo. La Reina se quejó diciendo que notenían dinero ni comida para aguantar una semana, por ello, Trish la indicó que deberíair al Departamento de la Seguridad Social y preguntar por los “pagos de emergencia”. La

Reina se puso en camino rápidamente.

Mientras tanto, Fitzroy Toussaint llegaba a Hell Close. Era el hijo de PhilomenaToussaint, la vecina y amiga de la Reina Madre. Fitzroy fue a casa de su madre pero allíno había nadie; leyó la nota que había para él en la cocina donde decía que estaba en el

 bungaló de la Reina Madre. Y allí fue. Fitzroy tomó el té con ellas, y cuando Philomenase fue a la cocina, ambos empezaron a hablar sobre las apuestas en las carreras de caballos.

Fitzroy organizaba apuestas a través de llamadas telefónicas, ya que cuando cumplió los18 años su madre le hizo jurar que nunca iría a un local de apuestas. La Reina Madre ledio un billete de £5 para que lo apostara en un caballo llamado Sea Mist que participabaen una carrera a las 2 en punto de la tarde. Fitzroy llamó por teléfono a unos contactos yél también apostó por ese caballo. A los 15 minutos, el teléfono de Fitzroy volvió a sonar:

Sea Mist había sido el ganador de la carrera; Fitzroy y la Reina Madre habían ganado.Cuando Fitzroy se marchó, estaba muy contento de la nueva amistad de su madre.

RESUMEN ENGLISHThe Queen was having her breakfast when Trish McPherson knocked the door. They weretalking about their situation, and it wasn’t very good because the ex Royal Family didn’t

have money and they depend on the charity of neighbors. The Queen asked her if shecould give them some money, but Trish said that they would receive a cheque within aweek. The Queen told her that they couldn’t survive a week without any money, so she

went quickly to the Department of Social Security and asked for and Emergency Payment.

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Fitzroy Toussaint arrived to Hell Close. He was Philomena Toussaint’s son. He went to

his mother’s house but she wasn’t there. There was a note where Philomena said she was

in the Queen Mother’s house. He went to see them and drunk some tea with them.

Philomena went to the kitchen a moment, and the Queen Mother and Fitzroy was talkingabout bets.

Fitzroy organized bets using his mobile, because when he was 18 he promise to hermother that he would never go to a betting shop. The Queen Mother gave him a £5 note

 because she wanted to put that money on a horse called Sea Mist (there was a horse racingat 2 o’clock). Fitzroy called with his mobile and was talking some minutes; he also put

some money on the same horse. Then his mobile rang again: Sea Mist was the winner andthey too.

When Fitzroy left the house he was very happy because the new friend of his mother.


- Fitzroy promised his mother that he would never go into a betting shop. How did hekeep his promise? He organized bets using his mobile and he received his money in a

 bank account.

- Why did Fitzroy and the Queen Mother like each other and why were both happy? Theylike each other because the Queen Mother needed a person how could put her money ona horse racing and Fitzroy liked her because she could be a lucky person. They werehappy because they won the bet.


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLLa Reina fue andando hasta la ciudad; era la primera vez que salía de Hell Close. Fue conHarris a al Departamento de la Seguridad Social, donde se ayudaba a los desempleados.La Reina esperó una larga cola y su turno llegó cuando quedaban unos minutos para quecerraran las tiendas y las oficinas. El empleado dijo que no podía darla el cheque porqueno llevó ningún recibo de su nueva casa para demostrar que ella vivía allí. Tampoco secreyó que ella fuera la Reina de Inglaterra ni que hubiera vivido antes en el Palacio deBuckingham. Cuando la Reina vio que su tiempo se acababa y que no podía conseguir el

dinero para comer durante esa semana, cogió a Harris en brazos y usó a su perro parasensibilizar al empleado. Finalmente, éste le dio algo de dinero.

La Reina usó esa técnica para comprar en otras tiendas, puesto que quería preparar unasopa. Compró huesos en una carnicería y en otra tienda compró patatas, zanahorias ycebollas. En casa se puso a cocinar

RESUMEN ENGLISHThe Queen was walking with Harris into town. It was the first time she went out of HellClose and she liked it. She went to the Department of Social Security, where they helpedunemployed people. The Queen waited the slow queue. When it was her number it was

the time to close down the shops and offices. The clerk said that he couldn’t give her thecheque because she didn’t bring a bill to demonstrate that she lived in Hell Close. The

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Queen was desperate because she needed some money, so she took Harris and used himto awareness the clerk. Finally he gave her some money.

The Queen used that tactic to buy in others shops. She bought some bones in a butcher’s

shop and some potatoes, carrots and onions. When she arrived to home she started to



- Why couldn’t the Queen get her Emergency Payment? Because she didn’t bring a bill

to demonstrate that she lived in Hell Close.

- How did the Queen finally get some money and what did she think made it possible?The Queen was desperate because she needed some money, so she took Harris and usedhim to awareness the clerk.

- Compare the butcher’s attitude to his two customers. When the Queen arrived she hadto convince him to let her buy some bones for Harris (she showed him her dog, who hada bad and sad face). He didn’t have good manners with her. B ut the, a well-dressed mancame into the shop, and the butcher was very kind.


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLEra el primer día de escuela de los hijos de Charles y Diana, William y Harry. Su padreles llevó al colegio. La directora era la señora Strickland. Estaban hablando cuandoempezó a gotear agua del techo del colegio. Afuera estaba lloviendo y el agua se filtrabaen el edificio. Los alumnos salieron de sus clases y pusieron cubos de plástico en los

 pasillos para que el agua no encharcara el suelo. La directora le dijo a Charles que elcolegio necesitaba dinero, a pesar de las recolectas que se habían hecho, porque los padresde los alumnos tampoco tenían mucho dinero para aportar.

Charles volvió a su casa y se fue al jardín. Allí había comenzado a plantar zanahorias. Élestaba muy feliz con su nueva vida, se había acostumbrado muy bien. Pero Diana no;mentía a su marido diciéndole que ella también estaba contenta, pero no era verdad. Ellostambién disponían de poco dinero, y lo usaban para el abono del jardín. Diana notaba aCharles muy cambiado, y era verdad, porque Charles se había enamorado de su vecina

Beverly (a pesar de que su aspecto aquella mañana no fuera muy agradable, ya que vestíauna minifalda, olía a tabaco, y Charles vio que le faltaban 3 dientes).

Después, Diana entristeció cuando recordó el jucio pendiente de Charles y pensó que sumarido podía ir a la cárcel.

RESUMEN ENGLISHIt was the first day at the school to Charles and Diana’s sons, William y Harry. Their

father took them to the school and they were talking with the headmistress, MrsStrickland. Suddenly it was started to rain into the school, because it was raining outside

 but the water came into through the cracks of the ceiling. The students put on the floor

some plastic buckets in the corridors. Mrs Strickland told Charles that the school needed

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money; they tried fund-raising but the parents of the students didn’t have too much


Charles came to his house and went to his garden. He used it to cultivate carrots. He wasvery happy with his new life, he adapted very well, but not Diana. She lied her husband

and said that she was happy too, but it wasn’t true. And Diana felt that Charles hadchanged; it was true, because he had fallen in love with Beverly (in spite of her facewasn’t beauty that day, she had dressed with a mini-skirt and Charles noticed that shedidn’t have three teeth). 

Then Diana was sad because she remembered that Charles had a trial and he could go tothe prison.


- What did Diana and Charles each want to do with the money they had? Diana said that

she needed a haircut but Charles wanted to spend their money in fertilizer for the garden.Charles adapted very well to his new life but Diana not and she was still thinking aboutherself.

- Summarise briefly the problems that Marigold Road Junior School had. The ceiling hada lot of cracks and the water came into the school through them. The school didn’t have

money but they couldn’t do anymore because the parents of the students didn’t have too

much money.

- Why was Diana feeling sad at the end of the chapter? Diana was sad for tow reason: thefirst one was that she felt that Charles had changed, and the second one was that sheremembered that Charles had a trial and he could go to the prison.


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLSpiggy, en vecino manitas de Hell Close, estaba en casa de Anne, la hija de la Reina. A

 pesar de que Anne había instalado ella sola su lavadora, algo hizo mal y cuando regresóa casa el suelo de la cocina estaba encharcado de agua. Después de la reparaciónestuvieron hablando mucho rato; ella estaba sorprendida porque él no sabíaabsolutamente nada de ella ni de ex Familia Real. Ambos estaban divorciados y

decidieron quedar para salir a tomar algo una noche.La Reina vio muy mal a su marido Philip, hacía tres días que no comía. El doctor Potterfue a su casa para hacerle un chequeo y dijo que lo mejor sería llevarle al hospital. Eldoctor estuvo haciendo llamadas telefónicas desde su móvil para encontrar una cama libreal Principe Philip, ya que muchos hospitales estaban llenos. Finalmente encontró una enun hospital psiquiátrico. La Reina acompañó a su marido a su nuevo hogar y le prometióque pronto iría a visitarle.

Cuando regresó a casa, la Reina vio que había una carta para ella, de su hijo Edward. Enella contaba que había oído la noticia de la expulsión de la Familia Real de palacio; le

hubiera gustado ir a ayudarles, pero estaba en Nueva Zelanda de gira con su compañíateatral (estaban representado una obra llamada “Sheep”). 

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 Por la noche, la Reina fue a casa de su hija Anne, para hacer de canguros de sus nietosPeter y Zara, ya que Anne iba a salir con Spiggy. La Reina encendió la televisión y vio al

 primer ministro Jack Barker hablar sobre su nuevo gobierno, un gobierno donde todosserían tratados por igual. A la Reina le pareció una idea justa, pero muy cara para llevarla

a cabo, y se preguntó de dónde sacaría el dinero para poder cumplir todas sus promesas.Después se quedó dormida.

RESUMEN ENGLISHSpiggy, the handyman neighbor of Hell Close, was in Anne’s house (the Queen’s

daughter). In spite of Anne installed alone her washing machine, she would do somethingwrong because the floor was full of water when she arrived to home. They were talkinga lot; Anne was surprised because Spiggy didn’t know anything about her and the ex

Royal Family. And they would meet one night to go to a bar, because they were divorced.

The Queen called the doctor because Philip had eaten anything in three days. The Doctor

Potter said that the best thing was took him in a hospital. He was calling with his mobile, because first he had to find a free bed for Philip (all the hospital were full). Finally hefound a place in a mental hospital. The Queen went with her husband to his new homeand she promised that she would go to see him soon.

When she returned to home, the Queen saw a letter for her sent by her son Edward. Hewas very worry because noticed the new that his family was expelled to the palace. Hewanted to be with them, but he was in New Zealand with a theatre company (the playcalled “Sheep”). 

At night, the Queen went to Anne’s house to babysit her grandsons Peter and Zara. Anne

went to go to a bar with Spiggy. The Queen turned on the TV and saw the Prime MinisterJack Barker talking about his new way to govern, a way without differences betweensocial classes and everybody could have the same chances. The Queen thought that it wasa good idea but very expensive to do it real and she thought how Jack Barker could findthe money. Then she went to sleep.


- Why did Anne enjoy talking to Spiggy? Because he was a nice man and he didn’t know

anything about her and the ex Royal Family. She could be herself with him.

- Where was Prince Edward and what was he doing? He was in New Zealand with atheatre company (the play called “Sheep”). 


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLTrish McPherson, la asistenta social, se encargaba de varios casos en Hell Close, entreellos el de los hijos del matrimonio Threadgold. Beverly siempre la decía que ellos eran

 buenos padres, pero iba a ser difícil recuperar a sus hijos, Lisa-Marie and Vernon. Ambosestaban con la familia Duncan, vivían temporalmente en su casa.

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Trish dejó su maletín lleno de documentos en el coche antes de dirigirse a casa de laReina. La Reina no quería ver a Trish, porque sus reuniones no servían para nada ya quesus problemas no se solucionaban: no tenía dinero, su hijo Charles podría ir a la cárcel,su marido Philip estaba en un hospital psiquiátrico… 

Mientras ellas hablaban, Tony Threadgold robó el maletín de Trish que dejó en el coche.Por la tarde, fue a casa de la Reina y estuvieron leyendo los documentos juntos.Descubrieron que los hijos del matrimonio padecían una enfermedad que hacía que sushuesos fueran frágiles. El matrimonio Threadgold nunca maltrató a sus hijos, perosiempre tenían huesos rotos. Tal vez con esos documentos podían demostrar que no eranmalos padres.

 NOTA: el informe médico que encontraron la Reina y Tony estaba en un sobre quetodavía no estaba abierto, por lo tanto Trish aún no lo había leído.


Trish McPherson, the social worker, visited some neighbors of Hell Close every day, forexample the Threadgold. Beverly always said that they were good parents, but it wasgoing to be difficult to recuperate their children, Lisa-Marie and Vernon. In that moment,they lived with the Duncan in their house.

Thrish left her briefcase in the car and went to visit the Queen. But the Queen didn’t want

to see her, because she thought that their meetings weren’t necessary; the Queen

continued having problems: she didn’t have money, Prince Charles could go to prison,

her husband Philip was in a mental hospital… 

While they were talking, Tony Threadgold was stealing the Trish’ briefcase. At night,

Tony went to the Queen’s house with the briefcase and they started to read the papers.

They discovered that his children had brittle bone disease. The Threadgold never abusedthem, but they always had some broken bones. Maybe the Threadgold could demonstratethat they weren’t bad parents with that documents. 


- Why did Trish think that the Threadgold were unstable? Because Beverly was verynervous and one time she tried to attack Trish.

- Why did the Queen find life horrible? Because she didn’t have money, Prince Charlescould go to prison, her husband Philip was in a mental hospital, her doughter Anne had arelationship with a handyman and she couldn’t feed Harris. 

- If Trish had read the letter in her briefcase, what would she have realized? She woulddiscover that the Threadgold weren’t bad parents and it was possible thet could recuperate

their children.



Era el día del juicio de Charles y Beverly contra el policía PC Ludlow. El primero endeclarar fue el policía, y casi no recordaba las mentiras que dijo en el juicio anterior. El

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abogado de la defensa, Oliver Lebutt le preguntó por una libreta donde él había apuntadolo que sucedió ese día; PC Ludlow dijo que no pudo traerse esa libreta porque se le cayóal río, intentando salvar a un gatito (esto hizo que el jurado creyera en su inocencia).

Después declaró Charles. Él explicó que vio como el policía agarraba fuertemente a

Berverly del brazo, y por eso fue a ayudarla. Pero la pelea había causado serios daños aPC Ludlow, ya que tenía la barbilla llena de cicatrices y debía llevar barba el resto de suvida para ocultarlas. Oliver Lebutt intentó sensibilizar al jurado hablando sobre la tristeinfancia de Charles y humillándolo.

Cuando el jurado popular volvió de su reunión, anunciaron su veredicto: encontraban aBeverly inocente (rápidamente Tony abrazó a su mujer), pero a Charles culpable; sucondena era estar 6 meses en la cárcel. Diana comenzó a llorar, pero antes de que la policíase lo llevaran, Charles le susurró algo a su mujer: “riega las plantas”.  

Por la tarde todos estaban en casa de la Reina Madre, ya que ésta se puso muy enferma

cuando se enteró de la noticia de su nieto. Philomena Toussaint estaba dándola de comeren la cama.

Charles estaba en una pequeña celda con tres hombres más; era una habitación estrechay con literas. Estaba muy preocupado por su jardín; debía enviar una carta a Diana coninstrucciones cuanto antes.

 NOTA 1: el Príncipe Charles tenía el pelo largo recogido en una coleta (“ponytail”). 

 NOTA 2: en este capítulo se muestra lo emotiva que es la familia de los Threadgold, yaque hicieron una fiesta para celebrar la inocencia de Beverly. En cambio el resto de

componentes de la Familia Real no se preocuparon por Diana después de que se llevaran

a Charles a la cárcel.

RESUMEN ENGLISHIt was the trial of Charles and Beverly against PC Ludlow. The policeman was the firstto talk about what happened and he tried to remember the lies that he said at the previoustrial. Oliver Lebutt, the lawyer for the defence, asked him where was his notebook. PCLudlow had a notebook where he wrote what happened that day, but he said that hecouldn’t bring it because he lost it when he was saving a little cat in the river (in that

moment the jury believed in his innocence).

Then Charles told his version. He saw the policeman pulling Beverly’s arm, and he went

to help her. But the chin of PC Ludlow was scarred and he would wear beard to hide themfor the rest of his life. Oliver Lebutt tried to awareness the jury talking about the Charles’s

difficult childhood and humiliating him.

The jury had a meeting and came back quickly. The verdict was: Beverly was innocent(Tony hunged and kissed her) but Charles was guilty; he would be in prison during sixmonths. Diana started to cry, but Charles could tell her something before the policementook him: “water the plants”. 

The whole Royal Family was in the Queen Mother’s house, because she was ill when sheknew the sentence of Charles. Philomena Toussaint was feeding her in the bed.

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 Charles was in a little and narrow cell; there were three men and two bunk beds. He onlythought in his plants. He had to write Diana quickly and send her instructions.


- Why was the Queen angry with Charles? Because Charles looked like a poor man withhis ponytale; he had to cut his hair and wear better clothes.

- Why did Diana think the Royal Family wasn’t emotional? Because nobody asked how

did she feel after the policemen took Charles to his cell.

- Apart from the letter to his mother, what other letters did Charles want to write? He promised to the Queen that he would write her every day. Also he had to write to Dianato remember her that she had to water the garden. But the prisoners could only send aletter per week.


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLSpiggy fue a casa de Anne montado a caballo, llamado Gilbert. Le compró el animal a unhombre en un bar porque no podía mantenerlo, y pensó que sería una bonita sorpresa paraAnne. Construiría un establo en el jardín de Anne porque era muy amplio y mantendríanel caballo entre los dos.

La Reina recibió una carta de su hijo Charles desde la cárcel. En ella contaba lo horribleque era la cárcel: estaba casi todo el tiempo metido en la celda, tenía hambre y se aburría.También contaba que el director de la cárcel era muy amable con él, porque sabía que sumadre fue la Reina. Pero esto le traía problemas con el resto de reclusos, de manera quele dijo a su madre que escribiera una carta al director, pidiéndole que cambiara sucomportamiento (y así lo hizo). También confesó que pensaba en Beverly y el únicomensaje que quería transmitirle a Diana quera que recordara regar las plantas.

Ese mismo día Charles recibió una carta de Diana, pero no contaba nada interesante, sóloque últimamente estaba muy ocupada, que por fin se había ido a cortar el pelo y que suhijo William había suspendido un examen de matemáticas.

Mientras tanto, Sayako estaba comprando en la tienda más cara de Londres: Harrods. Ellaera la hija del emperador de Japón y estaba visitando la ciudad. Llevaba todo el día decompras, le gustaba la moda y gastaba mucho dinero en ella. Se alojaba en un nuevo hotelque abrió hacía poco en Londres: Buckingham Palace Hotel.

RESUMEN ENGLISHSpiggy went to Anne’s house reading a horse ca lled Gilbert. He bought the animal froma man in a bar, because he couldn’t keep it, and he thought that it could be a nice surprise

to Anne. He would build a stable in the Anne’s garden because her garden was the biggest

in Hell Close, and they could keep the horse together.

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The Queen received a letter sent by Charles from the prison. He wrote about the life inthere was horrible: he was always in his little cell, he was hungry and bored. He also saidthat the Governor of the prison was very kind with him and it was causing problems withthe other men, for that reason Charles asked his mother if she could send a letter to theGovernor demanding a new attitude with Charles (and she did it). Charles said too that

he was thinking about Beverly every moment and the only thing that he wanted to say toDiana was that she had to remember to water the plants.

That day Charles received a letter written by Diana, but she didn’t tell anything important:

she was very busy, she went to a haircut and her son Williams didn’t pass a Mathematicsexam.

Meanwhile, Sayako was buying in the most expensive shop in London: Harrods. She wasthe Emperor of Japan’s daughter and she was visiting the city. She was shopping all the

day because she liked the fashion and she spent a lot of money on it. She was living inthe new hotel in London: Buckingham Palace Hotel.


- Why was Charles having problems with the other men? Because the Governor of the prison had a special treatment with him, because he know that Charles’ mother was the


- How do we know that Sayako was rich? She is the Emperor of Japan’s daughter, she

spent a lot of money in the most expensive shop in London and she was living in the newBuckingham Palace Hotel (maybe it wasn’t a cheap hotel). 


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLPhilomenan cuidaba de la Reina Madre; estaba muy enferma. La Reina quería llamar aun médico pero Philomena dijo que era una persona mayor y que ya era hora de dejarladescansar y que “durmiera para siempre”. Toda la Familia Real fue a la habitación donde

estaba la Reina Madre para despedirse de ella.

Cuando murió, Philomena y Beverly se encargaron de preparar el cuerpo. Ellas sabían

cómo y no era la primera vez que lo hacían; solían adecentar a las personas que moríanen Hell Close porque los vecinos no tenían dinero para pagar ese servicio. Ellasmaquillaron los ojos, labios y mejillas de la Reina Madre, y la vistieron con su vestidoazul favorito.

El director de la prisión permitió que Charles saliera para ir al entierro. Pero Chales pensóque si él salía, escaparía para no volver a la cárcel.

Diana trajo unas flores que cogió del jardín, pero en realidad eran cebollas. La flor favoritade la Reina Madre eran los lirios, por eso alguien debía comprar flores de esa especie.Fitzroy Toussaint (el hijo de Philomena) entró en la habitación. Él y Diana se miraron y

ambos sintieron algo especial. Se fueron los dos juntos a comprar las flores; Dianaconducía el coche de Fitzroy.

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 De camino a la tienda, estuvieron escuchando música de Pavarotti en la radio. La Reina,que estaba comprando en un supermercado, les vio riéndose en el coche. Y Diana vio asu cuñada Anne con Spiggy montando a caballo.

Mientras tanto, el jardín de Charles ya no tenía cebollas porque Diana las cogióconfundiéndolas con flores, y el agua se estaba secando.

RESUMEN ENGLISHPhilomena was took care the Queen Mother; she was very ill. The Queen wanted to calla doctor, but Philomena said that she was an old woman and it was time she “sleep

forever”. All the Royal Family went to the room where the Queen Mother was and they

said goodbye to her.

When she died, Philomenta and Beverly knew how to prepare a dead body. They used todo when someone in Hell Close died, because the neighbors didn’t have money to pay

for that service. They made up the Queen Mother’s eyes, lips and cheeks and they haddressed her with her favorite blue dress.

The Governor of the prison allowed Charles went to the funeral of his grandmother. AndCharles thought that he could escape when he would be out.

Diana took some flowers form the garden, but really they were onions. The Queen Motherliked lilies so someone had to go to buy some of them. Fitzroy Toussaint (the Philomena’s

son) came into the room. He and Diana looked each other and they felt something special.They went together to buy the flowers; Diana drove Fitzroy’s car. 

On the way to the shop, Diana and Fitzroy were listening to Pavarotti on the radio. TheQueen was in a supermarket and saw them laughing in the car. And Diana could see Annewith Spiggy riding the horse.

Meanwhile, the Charles’ garden was without onions and water.


- What decision do you think Charles made when he looked out of his cell window? Hethought that if he could go out of the prison, he would escape.

- Why did Diana like Fitzroy? Because he was very tall and he was very well dressed. Hisfingernails were clean.


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLLa noticia de la muerte de la Reina Madre ocupó muy pocas líneas en los periódicos. Lanoticia más importante trataba sobre una crisis de préstamo que sufría Inglaterra en esemomento: Japón prestó dinero a Inglaterra, pero resultó que el Banco de Inglaterra estaba

vacío, no había dinero para devolver el préstamo, y Japón quería su dinero de vuelta.

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Spyggy estaba construyendo un ataúd para la Reina Madre. Anne fue a ayudarle para pintar un carro, donde sería puesto el ataúd. La Reina estaba muy cansada y, por primeravez desde la muerte de su madre, comenzó a llorar.

A la mañana siguiente, todos los vecinos ayudaron a la Familia Real a preparar el funeral.

Chales apareció en Hell Close acompañado de un policía. Cuando el ataúd fue puesto enel carro, los vecinos fueron uno por uno a abrazar a la Reina. Eso la hizo sentir mejor, yaque se encontraba un poco sola: Anne estaba llorando agrazada a Spiggy y Fitzroy ofrecíasu brazo a Diana.

Después, Charles le dijo al policía que quería ver su jardín; pero el agente necesitaba ir al baño, por ello, le permitió que fuera solo. Charles se horrorizó al ver el lamentable aspectode su jardín, pero rápidamente llamó a Diana. Ella le trajo una muda limpia y le dio algode dinero. Charles se escapó a Escocia.


The news of the Queen Mother’s death was very small in the newspaper. The mostimportant news was the loan crisis: Japan lent some money to England but The Bank ofEngland was empty and Japan wanted his money back.

Spyggy was making a coffin for the Queen Mother. He and Anne painted the cart wherethe coffin would put on it. The Queen was very tired.

In the next morning, all the neighbors were helping the Royan Family. A policemanappeared with Charles in Hell Close. When the coffin was put onto the cart, the neighborsgave the Queen a hug, one by one. The Queen like that because she was alone: Anne wascrying with Spiggy and Fitzroy offered to Diana his arm.

Charles said to the policeman that he wanted to see his garden. The policeman needed togo to the toilet so he left Charles alone. Charles was horrified when he saw his deadgarden, but quickly he called Diana. She gave him new clothes and some money, andCharles escaped to Scontland.


- What did Spiggy do to make the Queen think he was a kind man? The Queen saw howSpiggy was very kind with her daughter Anne, but the Queen thought that he was a good

man when Spiggy was making a coffin for the Queen Mother and when he made sometea to the Queen when she felt very sad.

- How did the neighbors show their kindness to the Queen on the day of her mother’s

funeral? All the neighbors brought some food and flowers to the funeral. And the Queendidn’t feel alone when the neighbors hugged her. 

- What did Charles do when the guard went to the toilet? He called Diana and she gavehim a tracksuit, trainers and some money. Charles escaped to Scotland.


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RESUMEN ESPAÑOLLa Reina estaba en el hospital psiquiátrico con su marido Philip. Estaban viendo juntosla televisión. Unas imágenes mostraban al Emperador Akihito de Japón, su hija Sayaco yJack Barker. El primer ministro decía que él había intentado dar lo mejor de él para queno hubiera diferencias entre clases y que todos tuvieran las mismas oportunidades, pero

que aún había que hacer muchos cambios y que los anunciaría en una rueda de prensa aldía siguiente.

Cuando la Reina regresó a su casa, tenía una carta de Charles. En ella él contaba queestaba bien; pretendía construir una cabaña en Escocia y vivir en ella. También recibióuna llamada de Australia, era de la compañía de teatro donde trabajaba el PríncipeEdward: se había escapado.

En ese momento la Reina pensó que su familia era un auténtico caos: Philip estaba en unhospital psiquiátrico, su hijo Charles se escapó de la justicia, Edward estaba desaparecidoy su madre había muerto. Anne estaba saliendo con un obrero y Diana con un hombre

negro. Y Harris se estaba convirtiendo en un perro agresivo.

Pero la Reina pensaba que el primer ministro Jack Barker anunciaría su dimisión al díasiguiente y guardó la esperanza de que posiblemente pronto estuviera de nuevo en palacio.Invitó a todos los vecinos en su casa para ver las noticias del día siguiente.

RESUMEN ENGLISHThe Queen was in the mental hospital with Philip. They were watching the TV. Theimages showed the Emperor Akihito of Japan, his daughter Sayaco and Jack Barker. ThePrime Minister said that he had done his best to come true his promises: no difference

 between social classes and the same chances for everybody. But it could be necessary todo more changes, and he would tell them the next day in a meeting.

The Queen returned to her house and she saw a letter sent by Charles. He said he was fineand maybe he would build a cabin in Scotland. Then, an Australian called the Queen; hesaid that he was a workmate of Edward in the theatre company but Edward disappearedsome days ago.

The Queen thought that her family was a chaos: Philip was in a mental hospital, her sonCharles escaped to Scotland, Edward was disappeared and her mother had died. Annewas with a handyman and Diane was with a black man. And Harris got wild.

But the Queen thought that the Prime Minister would resing and probably she and hisfamily returned to the palace soon. The Queen invited the whole neighbors to her houseto see the news the next day.


- What three things made the Queen think that Jack Barker had spent all the money fromJapan? The Queen noticed that the society had improved but the changes could have beenvery expensive. She saw that the taxes were smaller; the school had a new roof… 

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- Describe how the Queen’s family was in chaos. Philip was in a mental hospital, her son

Charles escaped to Scotland, Edward was disappeared and her mother had died. Annewas with a handyman and Diane was with a black man. And Harris got wild.

- Why did the Queen decide to invite her neighbors and why did she think it might be a

“goodbye party? Because she thought the Prime Minister would resing and probably sheand his family returned to the palace soon


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLLa Reina limpió su casa antes de que vinieran todos sus invitados. A las 11.00 am empezóla entrevista.

Jack Barker apareció en el balcón del Palacio de Buckingham. Dijo que Inglaterra y Japón

habían firmado un acuerdo de amistad, por ello todos los cambios que se habían realizadofueron gracias al dinero que Japón prestó a Inglaterra. Pero no hacía falta devolver eldinero del préstamo ya que Gran Bretaña se convertiría en otra isla más perteneciente aJapón.

Todos estaban muy sorprendidos. Vieron como barcos y aviones japoneses entraban enla ciudad de Londres y cómo la bandera japonesa ondeaba en el mástil del palacio. LaReina pensó que aquello no podía estar pasando; eso no fue lo que ella esperaba.

De repente vio que aparecía la hija del emperador, Sayaco, vestida con un traje de novia blanco y a su lado estaba su marido, que era Edward, el hijo de la Reina. Tambiénsostenían en brazos a Harris.

Pero sucedió que Harris se puso muy agresivo y mordió a la princesa. El emperadorgolpeó al animal y perdió el apoyo del pueblo inglés. La cámara dejó de emitir en esemomento.

 NOTA: Harris llevaba varios días desaparecido.

RESUMEN ENGLISHThe Queen cleaned her house before her neighbors came in. At 11:00 am the meeting

started.Jack Barker appeared in the balcony of the Buckingham Palace. He said that England hada new relationship with Japan and all the changes that he did were possible with themoney that Japan lent to England. But it wasn’t  necessary that England gave back themoney to Japan because in that moment Great Britain was a Japanese island.

Everybody was shocked. They saw Japanese ships and planes come into London and theflag of Japan was flying over Buckingham Palace. The Queen thought that it couldn’t be

 possible, it wasn’t the same that she thought the previous day. 

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Sayaco, the Emperor’s daughter, appeared on the balcony. She was dressed with a white

dress like a bride and she was with her husband: Edward, the Queen’s son. Ha rris wasthere too.

But suddenly, something happened: Harris was very aggressive and he bit Sayaco. The

Emperor hit the dog and he lost the English people’s support. 


- What had Jack Barker done? He sold Grand Britain to Japan.

- What did Sayaco try to do to win the support of the British public and how did thiswrong? She was holding Harris in her arms, to demonstrate that she liked animals. ButHarris bit her and the Emperor hit the dog.


RESUMEN ESPAÑOLLa Reina se despertó y observó que estaba en su habitación de palacio. Todo había sidoun sueño. Cuando encendió la televisión, pudo comprobar que el Partido Conservadorhabía ganado las elecciones. La Monarquía no corría peligro.

RESUMEN ENGLISHThe Queen woke up in her bedroom in Buckingham Palace. It was a dream. When sheturned on the TV, she could see that the Conservative Party won the election. TheMonarchy wasn’t in ganger. 


- What is the explanation for the whole story? The Queen had a nightmare.