the pursuit of excellence. curse and addiction potential conversion resists argues dishonors...

The Pursuit of Excellen ce

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The Pursuit

of Excellenc


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Curse and AddictionPotential





Withholds glory


The Pursuit of


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What is the Purpose of Our Existence?Psalms 79:8-9

Isaiah 43:6-7

Ephesians 3:20-21

I Corinthians 10:31

Serving God with mediocrity violates the purpose of our existence.

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The Book of Malachi

The Pursuit of


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The pursuit of Excellence tells non-Christians that we value our God and our faith.

Key factor in evangelism!

While we have the message of salvation, what we say by how we do things may be so loud that the public will never hear a word.

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What visitors notice…1. A building that is clean and neat on both the inside and the


2. A sign that can easily be seen and maintained

3. A well maintained lawn and parking lot

4. Someone greeted them when they entered the building

5. Services that begin on time ( with the members present on time)

6. Bible class teachers that are prepared

7. A service that begins with a warm welcome and a focus on spiritual things

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What visitors notice…8. A song leader that is prepared

9. A song service where the members know the songs

10.A song service in which all the members participate

11.A scripture reader who is well prepared and reads with passion

12.Meaningful prayers that are clearly spoken into a microphone so all can hear.

13.A Lord Supper service that is reverent with appropriate brief remarks

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What visitors notice…14.Preaching that is well prepared and delivered well

15.An audience that pays attention and turns to passages

16.Visual aids such as PowerPoint

17.Announcements that are brief, emphasize church family and urge visitors to return

18.Guests are given special attention by the church members

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Whether we pursue excellence or not has a powerful effect on people!

If we don’t care about excellence in our facilities and our worship to our God, why should our visitors care about us or our God?

I Corinthians 10:31-32

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First Things First – Greeting Visitors with Excellence

How important is first impressions?

Have you ever visited a congregation that was unfriendly?

How many times does “greet” or “greeting” appear in the New Testament?


Romans 16:16

II Corinthians 13:12-13

I Thessalonians 5:26The Pursuit

of Excellence

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First Things First – Greeting Visitors with Excellence

The problem!

We live in a society today where we have the tendency not to approach strangers.

Matthew 5:47

John 4:4-10

This is our key to growth!

WHY???The Pursuit

of Excellence

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First Things First – Greeting Visitors with Excellence

When you see someone new before worship or Bible class immediately go to them, smile, make eye contact, stick out your hand, welcome them, tell them your name and then ask what is their name.

Focus on loving them! Enjoy talking to them! Care about their eternal destination!

Before the conversation ends, be sure that they have a visitor’s card.

Invite them to sit with you.

If there is a fellowship meal sit with them.

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First Things First – Greeting Visitors with Excellence

The First Minute RuleIf you haven’t met the ones visiting before class or

worship began, in the first minute after dismissal go directly to that visitor. Speak to them before you speak to anyone else.

“We love you!”

“We want you!

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First Things First – Beginning the Worship Service with Excellence

What is the best way to begin a worship service?

Little things can make a big difference. How we begin a worship service can have a big impact on our visitors and our worship.

What is our purpose in assembling on the Lord’s Day?

1. Worship God

2. Edify one another

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First Things First – Beginning the Worship Service with Excellence

When does our worship really begin?

Worship begins in the mind as one contemplates who God is and what God has done.

Power and Wisdom

Love and Grace

Blessings great and small

What is said and how it is said at the beginning of a service makes a big difference.

When we start our worship service, God should be the only thing on our minds.

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First Things First – Beginning the Worship Service with Excellence

The best way to start a worship service…

a call to worship that reminds the audience our reason for gathering together and points to God.

1.A spirited song of praise that everyone knows.

2.Welcome visitors with an invitation to worship.

3.A short scripture reading that focus our attention on worshipping God.

4.Do not make any announcements!

5.Start on time.

6.Be on time The Pursuit of


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First Things First – Beginning the Worship Service with Excellence

The beginning of our worship service is the most special moment of our week.

We have stepped from the world into the assembly of the saints.

We are reunited our eternal family.

We have come before the creator of the universe to recognize who He is and what He has done.

We have come to remember the sacrifice of the Lamb of God on our behalf.

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First Things First – Beginning the Worship Service with Excellence

It should be the moment in which we most clearly see who we are and the purpose for which we were made.

It is a humbling time.

It is a glorious time.

It is a time when we must pursue excellence!

Psalm 95:6-7 (KJV)

 ”O come, let us worship and bow down:

let us kneel before the LORD our maker.

For he is our God; and we are the people

of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.”The Pursuit

of Excellence

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Reading the Scripture with ExcellenceI Thessalonians 5:27

The public reading of scripture has long been a central part of what God’s people do.

Why does it need to be done with excellence?

Ephesians 3:4

Isaiah 34:16

Nehemiah 8:8

Reading scripture is not something that is a part of our service just to break up the routine or fill space. You are reading God’s word to people.

“An example to prove a point.”

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Reading the Scripture with ExcellenceGod’s word deserves the highest reverence and excellence.

God is listening to you speak His words.

An illustration from World War II

Suggestions to help us achieve excellence1. Pray

2. Don’t let it become too routine but appreciate the privilege and the opportunity to publicly read God’s word. (reverence and excellence)

3. Look at Jeremy’s email.

4. Practice!

5. Look at the context and tone so you know how to read the passage.

6. Remember everything communicates (dress, eye contact, use of microphone, etc.)

7. Announce the text two times and give opportunity to locate.

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Leading the Singing with ExcellenceOf all the things we do in worship, singing is the most culturally

foreign to us.

The song leader has a task of great magnitude… getting people to sing who normally would never dream of singing in public.

But getting someone to lead the singing is an even greater task!

John 4:24

Eph. 5:19

Prov. 3:9

Visitor perception (accapella)

Song Leaders vs. Song Starters

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Leading the Singing with ExcellenceSuggestions for Striving for Excellence

1. Pray

2. Prepare a song list (first song, prayer, sermon, Lord Supper)

3. Practice

4. Announce the number and spell out the number if not using screen (Announce which verses you intend to lead)

5. Determine the pitch

6. Raise hand and inhale

7. Beat pattern (Hold up hand to cut off congregation)

8. Tempo!

9. Look up from time to time.

10.Reflect the song The Pursuit of


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Leading the Singing with ExcellenceWhat the congregation should do

1. Pay attention to what the song leader is doing especially his lips and beating pattern (look up)

2. Sing with excellence!

3. Be encouraging

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Leading Prayer with ExcellenceOne of the most important things we do on a daily basis is pray,


How much more important is it then for the collective gathering called the church to pray?

Luke 18:1-8

The life of Jesus (Mt. 14:23; Mk. 14:35; Lk. 6:12)

Early church (Acts 2:42; 6:4; 12:5)

Paul commanded the Church at…

Rome (12:12)

Colossae (4:2)

Ephesus (6:18)

Philippi (4:6)

Thessalonica (5:17)

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Leading Prayer with ExcellenceIf prayer then, is such an essential part of our lives and

worship… how does one pray with excellence???

When it comes to praying with excellence it is more about the internal than the external.

1. Remember to whom we are praying.

The Levitical Priesthood

(powerful reminder)

In the New Testament age we have a more intimate relationship with God, but that intimacy must never come at the expense of reverence!

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Leading Prayer with Excellence2. Make an Effort to Prepare Properly


You are coming before God and addressing Him on behalf of the congregation!

We must carefully consider to whom we are praying, for whom we are praying and for what we are praying.

This should be done before we ever step before the microphone.

Practice? Paper?

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Leading Prayer with Excellence3. Avoid Meaningless Repetition

Matt. 6:7???

Be careful of simply repeating the words of others.

Example – “guide, guard and direct”

God wants you to genuinely talk to Him not give a performance (# 1 reason why someone won’t lead public prayer)

Some of the most beautiful prayers I have ever heard were new converts praying publicly for the first time. Why?

Simple, yet reverent; heartfelt, not canned

Sadly, as they learn more about the

“fine art” of praying from the more

experienced brethren, their prayers

become very routine.

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Leading Prayer with Excellence4. Speak from the Heart!

Matt. 6:5!

If we are not careful, we will more concerned about how it is perceive by others than to Whom it is directed.

We can fall into the trap of labeling the person who is able to craft a well-worded prayer as being more spiritual.

Why don’t we just record one of our men, praying the most beautiful, magnificently worded prayers ever imaginable and just play a recording of it during the service.

Prayer involves more than words!

Leading the prayer with excellence

isn’t determine by the eloquence of

the words we used or the duration of the

prayer, but the heart from which it flows.

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Leading Prayer with Excellence

5.Communicate to be Heard and Understood

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Observing the Lord Supper with ExcellenceThe CommandThe Washington Monument… Vietnam Wall…

help us remember.

How then are we to keep fresh in our minds the greatest event in human history?

Jesus did not leave it up to man to figure out on his own.

If He had, I imagine it would not be the simple and profound reminder we observe.

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Observing the Lord Supper with ExcellenceThe Danger#1 thing - We need to make sure that we do remember Him.

Sometimes this does not happen… Why?

#1 Reason – It becomes too routine.

It is same thing every week.

It is the same men, following the same procedure, reading the same passages, making the same comments week after week.

It is so easy to simply go through the motions without really focusing on what Jesus has done.

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Observing the Lord Supper with ExcellenceThe DangerWe face two challenges if we will pursue excellence.

Focus our minds

Eliminate distractions

We wage this battle on two fronts.



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Observing the Lord Supper with ExcellenceThe SuggestionsKeep it as brief as possible without losing focus

It is a mistake to assume that spending more time on our remarks will automatically make the moment more spiritual.

In fact, just the opposite is true. The longer the remarks the more likely minds will stop focusing on the Supper and start thinking about something else.

Prepare your comments

We need to give careful thought to what we say. Our goal is to help people focus on the cross.

Never leave the impression that we are just going through a ritual.

Avoid illustrations that take too long.

Our goal… Prepare our minds for the Supper

so we can EAT the Supper! The Pursuit of


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Observing the Lord Supper with ExcellenceThe SuggestionsUse different passages

It is very easy to use the same “Lord Supper” scriptures that are used every Sunday i.e. I Cor. 11. This causes people’s mind to wander.

Try to think “outside the box” and use scriptures that make a connection to the cross that people don’t expect.

For example, Heb. 8:12 or Eph. 1:3-7

A new scripture will engage the mind of the congregation.

Don’t let personal appearance become a distraction

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Mark 7:37

Fanny Crosby in 1875 “For I know what e’er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.”

His disciples?

What have we discussed thus far when it comes to excellence in worship?

Listening with ExcellenceWhat was one of Jesus’ favorite sayings?

“He who has ears to hear let him hear” (Mt. 11:15)

What did He mean by that?

What is the longest avenue of worship in which we participate?

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Listening with ExcellenceWhat is listening with excellence?

1. An Open BibleWhy?

Acts 17:11

“Searched” – to study thoroughly

Acts 18:26

How did two tent –makers do that for such an eloquent speaker?

We need to come to services wit our Bibles, then we need to open our Bibles. Children need to see their parents with open Bibles. Visitors need to see that they are with people who believe that the Word of God is the final authority.

Romans 10:17

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Listening with Excellence2. An Attentive MindJust because our Bibles are open does not mean we are

listening to what it says.

Acts 17:11

“readiness of mind” = a willing and eager i. e. a mind that is prepare to hear

Neh. 8:3

What prevents us from having an attentive mind?



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Listening with Excellence3. A Receptive HeartThe heart is the target of every sermon (Acts 2:37)

Luke 8:15 (8:18)

Listening with excellence is not just about having ears to hear. It is a heart issue.

It should all start with our own heart but what do we often do?

How does what is being studied applies to me?

When it comes to the preaching of God’s Word with Excellence, it is more about the one listening than the one preaching.

The power of any sermon is not in the preacher, but in the word he proclaims.

Matt. 17:5 The Pursuit of


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What do visitors see when they visit our church for the first time?

When someone visits us for the first time, they often walk in the door just like a potential buyer walks in the front door of a house he may buy.

Some visit with a critical eye.

Sometimes it is the “little things” that have the biggest impact.

The appearance of the building both inside and out makes the very first impression a visitor has of this congregation.

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Maintaining OUR Facilities with Excellence

How???Adopt a Space and or Tackle a Task

Be aware (looking through a visitors eyes)

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The Christian life is a Life in the Pursuit of ExcellenceRev. 3:15-16

Eccl. 9:10

Phil. 1:9-10

II Cor. 8:7

I Thess. 4:1

I Cor. 10:31

I Cor. 15:58

The Pursuit of
