the puget sound region vintage chevrolet club of … ·...

October 2012 Items of Interest Feature Article 1 2012 Club Officers 2 Safety Corner 2 Editor’s Note 2 Director’s Corner 3 Garage Nite 3 Membership Meeting 3 Board Meeting 4 Bylaws Revisions 4 Christmas Party 5 Wellington Tour 6 Meeting Minutes 7 Donna’s Car 8 Celebrations 8 Banquet Form 9 Glove Box 10 Events Calendar 10 Classified 11 Web Links 11 Featured Picture 12 Volume 45 Number 10 Club Members Participate in the Concours d’Elegance in Tacoma The 2012 U.S. Bank Kirkland Concours d’Elegance was held on Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012 at America’s Car Museum’s Haub Family Field in Tacoma. This was the first year that the Concours has been held at the Museum. Previously it has been held at Kirk- land’s Carillon Point. Ana Maria Haley furnished pictures of Don and Sallie Comstock and their 1951 Styleline Deluxe Station Wagon, and Gerry Greenfield’s 1951 Styleline Deluxe 2-Door Sedan, that participated at the Concours. George and Ana Maria also participated with their 1949 Plymouth Convertible (sorry, no picture). The 2012 Kirkland Concours featured the following car classes: The Cars of Nicola Bulgari. Kirkland’s Best of Show: Winners from the nine previous Kirkland Concours British Invasion: Postwar cars from England American Postwar Designs: U.S.-built cars from 1948 to 1951 Lamborghini: Countach, Diablo, Murcielago and more Italian sports cars Classic Car Club of America: two classes, Early and Late An Antiques Class and a Special Display Class with a variety of important au- tomobiles. So even though not all cars were Chevys, our Chevys shared the grass with some very impressive tin. Like Ana Maria said, “It was a real honor for the Club members participating at this event.” Congratulations. Reminder: Our October 22 Club membership meeting will be 7:30 PM at the Tillicum Middle School in Bellevue. Matt Dickinson is signed up to bring treats. (The meeting announcement is on page 3.) Our 45th year! THE PUGET SOUND REGION VINTAGE CHEVROLET CLUB OF AMERICA NEWSLETTER

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Page 1: THE PUGET SOUND REGION VINTAGE CHEVROLET CLUB OF … · inquired about our tax status. Information was sent and the account status was changed

October 2012 Tappet Clatter

O ct o b er 2 0 1 2

Items of Interest

Feature Article 1

2012 Club Officers 2

Safety Corner 2

Editor’s Note 2

Director’s Corner 3

Garage Nite 3

Membership Meeting 3

Board Meeting 4

Bylaws Revisions 4

Christmas Party 5

Wellington Tour 6

Meeting Minutes 7

Donna’s Car 8

Celebrations 8

Banquet Form 9

Glove Box 10

Events Calendar 10

Classified 11

Web Links 11

Featured Picture 12

Volume 45 Number 10

Club Members Participate in the

Concours d’Elegance in Tacoma

The 2012 U.S. Bank Kirkland Concours d’Elegance was held on Sunday, Sept. 9,

2012 at America’s Car Museum’s Haub Family Field in Tacoma. This was the first year

that the Concours has been held at the Museum. Previously it has been held at Kirk-

land’s Carillon Point.

Ana Maria Haley furnished pictures of Don and Sallie Comstock and their 1951

Styleline Deluxe Station Wagon, and Gerry Greenfield’s 1951 Styleline Deluxe 2-Door

Sedan, that participated at the Concours. George and Ana Maria also participated with

their 1949 Plymouth Convertible (sorry, no picture).

The 2012 Kirkland Concours featured the following car classes:

The Cars of Nicola Bulgari.

Kirkland’s Best of Show: Winners from the nine previous Kirkland Concours

British Invasion: Postwar cars from England

American Postwar Designs: U.S.-built cars from 1948 to 1951

Lamborghini: Countach, Diablo, Murcielago and more Italian sports cars

Classic Car Club of America: two classes, Early and Late

An Antiques Class and a Special Display Class with a variety of important au-


So even though not all cars were Chevys, our Chevys shared the grass with some

very impressive tin. Like Ana Maria said, “It was a real honor for the Club members

participating at this event.” Congratulations.

Reminder: Our October 22 Club membership meeting will be 7:30 PM at the Tillicum Middle School in Bellevue.

Matt Dickinson is signed up to bring treats. (The meeting announcement is on page 3.)

Our 45th year!


Page 2: THE PUGET SOUND REGION VINTAGE CHEVROLET CLUB OF … · inquired about our tax status. Information was sent and the account status was changed

October 2012 Tappet Clatter

1967 - Puget Sound Region VCCA - 2012

2 T A P P E T C L A T T E R

The Puget Sound Region of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (PS-VCCA) is dedicated to the preservation,

restoration, fun and enjoyment of vintage Chevrolet cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet.

Regional membership is open to all Chevrolet enthusiasts who are members of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America

(VCCA). All Chevrolets from 1912 through 1987 may be registered with the Region.

General meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month at Tillicum Middle School, 16020 SE 16th St., Bellevue,.

7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. No meetings are held in July or December. You can learn more about the club by visiting the

website where you can see color photos of previous tours, parts for sale, wanted, etc., and there is a link to view our

monthly newsletter, “The Tappet Clatter.”

You can find the PS-VCCA website on the World Wide Web at

2012 Puget Sound Region Officers and Board

Director Dave Haddock [email protected]

Asst. Director Al Howe [email protected]

Treasurer Sallie Comstock [email protected]

Secretary Don Comstock [email protected]

Activities Matt Dickinson [email protected]

Membership Donna Onat [email protected]

Historian Bob Helgeson [email protected]

Club Store Bill Damm [email protected]

Webmaster Jim Martoza [email protected]

Garage Nite Dick Olson [email protected]

Refreshment Facilitator Bob Helgeson [email protected]


Editor Glenn Landguth [email protected]

Checkers Dave Haddock [email protected]

Jim Martoza [email protected]

Donna Onat [email protected]

Judy Landguth [email protected]

Photographers Bob Helgeson [email protected]

Jim Seiber [email protected]

Dave Haddock [email protected]

Glove Box Bob Stamnes [email protected]

Safety Corner Bill Damm [email protected]

(and other members who supply copy)

Editor’s Note - Updated The monthly deadline for receiving input is the 5th of the month. We reserve the right to edit material in any way as

appropriate for wording, clarity, grammar, punctuation, and space available. We can accept most electronic formats and

hardcopy. Photographs can be scanned and returned. We will take reasonable care of copy provided, however we cannot

take responsibility for lost or damaged material. Send copy to Glenn Landguth via email at [email protected]

Our sunny weather,

How nice it’s been.

It’s hard to believe

It’ll rain again.

Back to cars

That have small leaks,

And windshield wipers

That just leave streaks.

So get prepared.

Reset your clocks.

Be ready for frost,

And frozen locks.

It might seem gloomy,

But don’t despair.

Patience and safety

Will get you there.


Page 3: THE PUGET SOUND REGION VINTAGE CHEVROLET CLUB OF … · inquired about our tax status. Information was sent and the account status was changed

October 2012 Tappet Clatter

By Director Dave Haddock

Well, what amazing fall weather we have had over the last month!! We were able to enjoy some September and October

tours without any rain. The turnout was great for the trip up Stevens Pass to the Wellington avalanche site and was enjoyed

by many despite the lack of vintage automobiles. We even enjoyed a tour, planned at the last minute, to Jose Enciso's

farm!! But, alas, rain is finally in the forecast for this weekend.

Thank goodness that the plans for hosting the Columbia River Region do not involve driving vintage cars and the col-

lections to be viewed are all indoors. And a big thanks to Bill Barker for planning the event and thank you to everyone who

volunteered to drive them to the various car collections and events. I'm sure we will all enjoy our train ride to Portland next

year and their wonderful Oregon hospitality.

On the business side of things, most of you have renewed your memberships online and the checks are coming in. The

last I heard is that we have 60 memberships renewed and hope to reach 80 or 85 memberships. Dick Jones is already work-

ing hard on the roster for 2013. Jim Martoza is available for consultation and is maintaining a backup database.

On the NW Meet front, Al Howe has taken the leadership in getting us ready to host the 2014 event and is busy recruit-

ing others to help. If you haven't volunteered to help out yet, please email Al or sign up for something at the October Gen-

eral Meeting. This is always a big job and there are plenty of chores to go around!!

Director’s Corner “The Sunday Driver”

T A P P E T C L A T T E R 3

November 14th GARAGE NITE will be at Bill Barker’s in Issaquah starting at 7 PM.

See mailed/emailed copy of the Tappet Clatter for directions and contact info.

Garage Nite - by Dick Olson

Membership Meeting October 22

Our October 22 Club membership meeting will be 7:30 PM at the Tillicum Middle School in Bellevue.

October is when we nominate officers for the coming year. I know you all want to participate in some way

so if you are interested in helping in some way don't be bashful.

We need to have a vote on proposed Bylaws changes. (See page 4 for proposed changes.)

Have you read your October G&D? You may want to bring it to the October meeting as a reference while

we talk about this year’s four-cylinder tour and how much fun these tours are.

We also will show a DVD of the tour that Jim Farris and his daughter, Teresa, made. It is wonderful video.

Friends and family will enjoy this also so bring everyone to the meeting.

Matt Dickinson is signed up to bring treats.

Al Howe

Membership News

Our new year started October 1, and your checks have been rolling into my mailbox for well over a month. Most of you

are now used to the on-line renewal process and it has been going very well.

Our crack photographers have been busy taking lots of updated photos at meetings and events. I have been making

phone calls to tie up loose ends, expecting to have everything wrapped up by Halloween. Thanks for your prompt attention,

which allows time for the new Roster to be processed and printed for the January banquet. Donna Onat

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October 2012 Tappet Clatter

4 T A P P E T C L A T T E R

Board Meeting September 24, 2012

The meeting was called to order by Director Dave Haddock at The Old Country Buffet in Factoria Mall. The meeting

was held there to determine if it would be a suitable place for general meetings. The meeting was well attended but it was

felt that this wasn’t the right location for general meetings. The meeting portion began about 5:30 PM.

1. Officers for 2012. Matt Dickinson will be unable to continue as Tour Coordinator and Dave Haddock and Al

Howe have agreed to switch positions as Director and Assistant Director. All the other officers have agreed to

continue in their current positions unless someone would like to take on one of the officer positions.

2. The Club banner was discussed. Bill Damm had the banner dry cleaned and it needs to be repaired or replaced. It

will likely cost in excess of $350 to replace it. Diane Haddock volunteered to attempt repairing it by trying to

soak out the bleeding of orange color and cutting off the lower portion of the banner and reattaching new fringe.

3. Membership: Donna reported we have 80 members with 30 renewals thus far using the online process. We have

one new member from the XXX meeting.

4. Dick Jones talked about alternatives for organizing the Roster. The board chose to have uniform size photos and

contact information and a separate listing of vehicles owned by members listed by age of vehicle cross referenc-

ing with the owners name.

5. Treasury issues were discussed. Sallie Comstock outlined the steps taken when the bank and ultimately the IRS

inquired about our tax status. Information was sent and the account status was changed to meet IRS require-

ments. We currently have 10 large decals left to sell nationally.

6. The recent tour costs were discussed and the Board authorized sending Bob Kelly $100. The topic will be

brought up at the meeting. The club also incurred the cost of parking passes and potentially the cost of renting

the Skykomish Senior Center.

7. Newsletter printing costs were briefly discussed, focusing on the large number of extra copies printed and the

cost of mailing them to Donna Onat. Glenn Landguth will be asked to contact the printer and reduce the number

printed if it saves money.

8. The annual banquet will be again held at the Golden Steer in Kent. The Board authorized the expenditure of up

to $1000 to cover costs related to the banquet.

9. Al Howe shared information about hosting the 2014 Northwest Meet. He and Dick Olson investigated Port An-

geles as a potential meet location. He will present their finding at the general meeting.

10. The next Board meeting will be held in February. Meeting adjourned about 6:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted: Don Comstock

Proposed Bylaws Revisions The Board proposes changes as shown below. Deleted text is shown by strikethrough, and added text is underlined.

Existing Bylaws may be found on the Region’s website at, in the Mem-

bers Only section. The proposed changes will be voted on at the October 22, 2012 membership meeting.



2nd Para.: He/she shall receive new and renewal membership forms and dues, which dues shall be forwarded to Treasurer

or deposited in the Clubs bank account , shall be responsible for developing and distributing annual Regions Roster; and

record attendance at monthly meetings. Roster updates shall be shared with membership and coordinated with Editor.

Section 8. HISTORIAN The Historian shall maintain the Region scrapbooks containing pictures, programs, news articles,

mementoes, etc. of Region activities. The Historian collects is responsible for collecting and archiving pictures and the

above items, ensures that all events are covered by a photographer, and makes scrapbooks available at monthly meetings.


Section 1. All Regional members must be members in good standing with the National VCCA. Good standing means the

holder of a valid current National Vintage Chevrolet Club of America membership card. A membership in the Region is

considered a Family Membership. Active Family Membership may include any children under the age of nineteen (19)


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October 2012 Tappet Clatter

T A P P E T C L A T T E R 5

Christmas Party

December 1, 2012

The first day of December

Is a Saturday! Don’t be confused.

The location hasn’t changed however.

A potluck is planned to celebrate the season.

Bring veggies, a salad, a dessert, or some fruit.

Arrive around 2, eat at 4, and trade gifts later.

Santa will be there sharing his favorite ride.

Decorations will be hung on several trees,

Cats and cars are the common themes.

Come one, come all, there is room.

If it snows plan on staying

until Spring.

Here are the Details and Directions:

Attendees are encouraged to bring a salad, side dish or dessert. The club will be providing a hot meat

entrée as well as hot and cold beverages.

The ever exciting annual gift exchange/swap will continue with the suggested $15 limit (inflation); crea-

tivity is encouraged. Gifts should be marked for male or female or child (if you are bringing children).

Everyone who brings a gift will, hopefully, end up with a gift. It may not be the one you choose first.

The rules will be explained before the gift exchange begins.

Plan on gathering around 2 PM and we will be eating around 4 PM. The gift exchange will follow dinner.

There is plenty of parking on the grounds. Please save the area up by the house for those who don’t hike


Driving Directions: Don & Sallie Comstock’s





Page 6: THE PUGET SOUND REGION VINTAGE CHEVROLET CLUB OF … · inquired about our tax status. Information was sent and the account status was changed

October 2012 Tappet Clatter

Wellington Tour, Part 1 On September 22, 2012 a tour gathered at the Woodinville Park and Ride and departed there for Skykomish. Notice the

rain gear! Remember when we used to get rain? Rod Schein appears to be in disbelief that it would rain on his tour.

The guide, Bob Kelly of the Skykomish Historical Society, presented a slide show in Skykomish. Then the tour went on

to Wellington (near the Stevens Pass ski area) accompanied by Bob Kelly, to learn more about the Great Northern Railroad

and the history of railroading on Stevens Pass. On the short drive from Skykomish to Wellington Bob pointed out some his-

torical sites.

At Wellington Bob showed historical photographs of the March 1, 1910, avalanche disaster that killed 96 people. At

Wellington people were also able to hike around the area and sense the history before them. The remaining evidence of the

switchbacks, the old tunnel, and the snow shed are reminders of the tremendous achievement that was accomplished in put-

ting a railroad through the mountain pass, and the tragic result of the unprecedented weather on one fateful day.

Lunches were enjoyed at the trailhead parking lot at Wellington with beautiful views of the Northern Cascades along the

west slope of Stevens Pass.

Note: We plan to return to the area next year for the Wellington Tour, Part 2, in our classic Chevys, for a tour of the

back roads of Stevens Pass. Stay tuned.

6 T A P P E T C L A T T E R

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October 2012 Tappet Clatter

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at Tillicum Middle School at 7:35 PM by Director Dave Haddock. Dave

will handle election of officers then turn the meeting over to Al Howe.

Welcome: Twenty-seven members were present with no guests or new members present.

Election of Officers: Dave Haddock asked for volunteers for Activities Coordinator as well as anyone wishing to volun-

teer for any office. All officers except Matt Dickinson have agreed to continue if no volunteers come forward. At this meet-

ing there were no volunteers.

At this point in the Meeting Al Howe took over.

2014 Northwest Meet: Dick Olson and Al Howe visited Port Angeles as a potential site for the 2014 NW Meet. The Red

Lion is the only viable host hotel with a $119 per night rate and a $20 up-charge for water-view rooms. Unless someone

finds a more suitable location, this is it. Al sought leadership roles for the many committees needed to put on a meet. Some

of the spots such as tours, hospitality and judging have been filled. Registration, prospectus and notebook, meals, parking

and security need to be filled. Lots of help is needed.

Al showed the schedule of host regions and dates for future rotations. After the switch with Columbia River in

2014/2015 we will revert back to the original rotation where we follow Columbia River region. No we won’t be hosting

again in 2016.

Columbia River Region Tour: Bob Helgeson discussed our Hosting CRR October 19-21. Activities will be

centered in the north end with the hotel in Arlington. Saturday begins at 8 AM at the hotel. Tours of three car

collections are featured along with a guided tour of the Boeing Everett facility. Puget Sound Region members are

needed to shuttle folks from place to place. A BBQ dinner will follow at the final location. The cost to members

will be about $16 for the Boeing Tour and about $20 for dinner along with fuel costs. On Sunday CRR members

will drive themselves to Tacoma to visit LeMay America’s Car Museum, then return home. A sign-up sheet was circulated

but there a need for more drivers. Contact Bob Helgeson or Bill Barker if you wish to participate. You do not need to take

the Boeing Tour or have dinner but you will need to drive the folks back to their hotel after dinner.

Treasurer: Sallie Comstock invited anyone interested to examine the books. They were recently signed off by Dave

Haddock per Bylaws requirement. We are in pretty good shape this year, staying on budget.

2016 National Meet: Jim Darby announced (after receiving a call from Bill Barker) that a location change had

just occurred for the next National Meet scheduled for Medford, Oregon. It seems the location proved inadequate

for a National Meet after attempts to provide secure parking, banquet facilities and other logistical problems

could not be resolved. The Meet location is now Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

Historian: Bob Helgeson needs pictures from the Ballard Parade and other events to include in the annual


Editor: Glenn Landguth asked for articles from events and offered to help by adding his touch to articles and small bits

that are sent to him.

Dates to put on you calendars: Next year’s ’29-’36 Early Six-Cylinder Tour will be in Baker, Oregon. Jim Farris just

completed this year’s tour in Moab, Utah.

Saturday, December 1, 2012 is the date for this year’s Christmas party at the Comstock’s home.

January 26, 2013 is the date for the annual banquet at the Golden Steer in Kent.

Break: A break was held at 8:32 PM. Bill

Johnson was not here at the meeting but sent cook- ies

and mini-cinnamon rolls with Matt Dickinson.

Meeting adjourned: Around 9:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Don Comstock

T A P P E T C L A T T E R 7

Puget Sound Region VCCA

General Meeting Minutes

September 27,2012

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October 2012 Tappet Clatter

8 T A P P E T C L A T T E R

Donna's Dilemma Deciphered (i.e., The causes of the problem with Donna’s car are finally found and fixed.)

By Donna Onat

Many of you have been very kind about helping me with various issues with my Chevy, including the most recent prob-

lem at the party at Jerry Yoder’s, so it may be interesting for you to hear about recent events.

The car quit while at idle waiting to park at Yoder’s; it would start and immediately die and this happened several times.

Fortunately we were the very last in line, so I walked away, certain that after some time passed, it would start right up.

We enjoyed Jerry’s fabulous museum, and the delicious lunch, and then when it was time to leave I went confidently to

start the car. When it wouldn’t start, several of you pushed us down to level ground to clear the road.

Coincidently, the gas gauge had been stuck on Full all during the trip, and the car was behaving as it did once before

when out of gas. So several of you kindly contributed gas, and I had some too, and gas was poured down the carburetor, and

it started right up.

My sister and I drove to a nearby gas station, where only one gallon would go in the tank! So, now knowing the tank

was indeed full, we started out again and immediately the car started coughing and sputtering, and no amount of stepping on

the gas pedal made any difference.

The car died in the street. It started and died several more times, and finally we got going and stumbled into an empty

parking lot, where it died again.

After waiting a bit, I started the car successfully and drove around the parking lot, and feeling confident once more, got

out to the street. We drove about a mile, whereupon the sputtering began again and the car died.

We coasted to the side of the road and my sister, bless her, was stoic about the whole thing. Trouble was, we were plan-

ning to drive to Federal Way to pick up her daughter. Instead, we got a very expensive tow back to my driveway.

The last straw was that evening, when I started the car without a problem and drove around the neighborhood for 15

minutes, cursing.

The following week, the car would not start at all. Larry subsequently changed both of the fuel filters, disconnected the

fuel lines to do some checking, and we were hopeful, but the engine would not start. So, wanting to avoid another expensive

tow, I called AAA to haul the hunk of junk to a shop known to work on vintage cars, 3 miles from my house, for free.

Next day diagnosis: Fuel lines were clogged with gunk and needed cleaning, gas tank was covered with scaly sediment

and needed cleaning and coating, there was blockage in the tank outlet port, and the fuel pump should be rebuilt.

I delivered the fuel pump to our own Ron Henry and he noticed right away that it had previously been rebuilt (not on my

watch). When Ron opened it up, he reported that one of the valves was floating loose inside and it fell right out! Also, one

of the springs was not properly connected. He explained that with one valve not functioning, gas could flow into the pump,

and then flow back out!

The shop drained the full gas tank, sent it out for cleaning and coating, blew debris from the fuel lines, installed the re-

built fuel pump, and also replaced a broken plug wire boot and made some repairs to the vacuum line and fitting.

I’ve had the car out for three excursions and all seems to be working great, including the gas gauge. Hopefully this be-

gins a new period of reliability. Perhaps now the windshield wipers will even work, if it ever rains again!


Al and Lynn Anderson 11/2

Bill and Cathy Johnson 11/7

Dave and Marti Miller 11/8

Don and Lynn Boltz 11/23

Judy and Jerry Cloutier 11/30


Tony Zimmerman 11/2

Jeffrey Haines 11/8

John Campbell 11/15

Joanne Barquist 11/15

Dan Johnson 11/16

Judy Martin 11/18

Jim Martoza 11/25

November Celebrations

Page 9: THE PUGET SOUND REGION VINTAGE CHEVROLET CLUB OF … · inquired about our tax status. Information was sent and the account status was changed

October 2012 Tappet Clatter

T A P P E T C L A T T E R 9

Annual Banquet Golden Steer Steak & Rib House

23826 104th Ave SE, Kent, WA

Saturday, January 26, 2013

This year George Kowats and Sallie Comstock have teamed up to arrange the banquet facilities and plan the menu. The

banquet will be held at the Golden Steer Steak & Rib House in Kent. Social time will start at 6:00 PM, followed by dinner

being served at 7:00 PM. Drinks will be available via server from the restaurant bar throughout the evening.

Thanks to the hard work of all club members, our financial position is such that the club can afford to subsidize our

dinners to the tune of $12.00 each. As usual, there will be three dinner choices. All dinners come with bread, baby red pota-

to with a seasoning, Caesar Salad, and the Golden Steer’s legendary carrot cake for dessert. Coffee, tea or soft drink is also

included. Prices shown reflect the club subsidies.

Filet Mignon—Tenderloin. $24.00

Salmon Filet $20.00

Chicken Dijon $17.00

Vegetarian or vegan meal options are also available. Contact George Kowats at 253-852-8178 to make arrangements.

Directions to Golden Steer: From the North

1. Take WA-167 So. (Valley Freeway)

2. Take the So. 212 St Exit, then turn

left onto 212 St. So.

3. Turn right on 108th Ave SE. Chang-

es to Benson Rd SE, changes again to

104th Ave SE.

4. Golden Steer is on your left.

From the South

1. Take WA 167 [valley Freeway]

2. Go right on WA –516 continue on

Willis to Central

3. Left on Central Ave S. Changes to

Central Ave N.

4. Right on E. James Street, changes to

S 240th, and continues on SE 240th St.

5. Left on 104th Ave East.

6. Golden Steer is on your right.

January 26, 2013, Annual PS-VCCA Banquet Registration Form

(Place an X under the corresponding dinner choice for each name.)

Filet Mignon Salmon Chicken

Name:___________________________ ________________ ________________ _______________

Name:___________________________ ________________ ________________ _______________

Name:___________________________ ________________ ________________ _______________

Name:___________________________ ________________ ________________ _______________

Phone:_(____)_____________________ E-mail:_________________________________________________

Total Amount Enclosed: _________________

Registration forms must be returned to Sallie by January 15, 2013. Make checks payable to PS-VCCA.

Mail this form with payment to: Sallie Comstock

See mailed/emails Tappet Clatter for address and phone number

email address: [email protected]

Page 10: THE PUGET SOUND REGION VINTAGE CHEVROLET CLUB OF … · inquired about our tax status. Information was sent and the account status was changed

October 2012 Tappet Clatter

Noisy Hydraulic Lifters

by Dave Folsom

Do your 235/261 lifters start making noise when the engine is run at highway speeds then quiet down at lower speeds?

In most cases there is a simple fix. The shop manual gives a detailed description on how to fill hydraulic lifters before in-

stallation, but most people skip this step, or think soaking them in a can of oil is enough. Most noisy hydraulic lifters can be

attributed to air trapped in the lifter. Once trapped it stays there.

In most but not all cases the noisy lifters are aftermarket. Most aftermarket lifters have a hole in the pushrod seat, (this is

the area the pushrod sits in). By grinding a small groove in the bottom of the pushrod from the center out to the edge air is

allowed to escape. The air will come out from the hole in the pushrod seat, and through the groove you cut in the bottom of

the pushrod. This groove can be

less than 0.010 .inches deep,

enough to allow air to escape,

though the depth is not critical.

Chevrolet did this very thing

in their 1950-52 engines from the


This repair has worked well

for me and others.

Visit my Blog at

From the Glove Box From the Glove Box is devoted to sharing technical information, tech-

nical problems and solutions to problems related to the restoration and preser-

vation of vintage Chevrolets. Please share your knowledge, experiences and

recommendations with your fellow members.

Contact the Glove Box Coordinator, Bob Stamnes, via email

at [email protected] with your information.

T A P P E T C L A T T E R 1 0

Take Your Foot Off the Clutch When Stopped and While Driving By Dave Folsom

A miss-adjusted clutch and keeping your foot on the clutch will increase wear on the crank shaft and thrust bearing in

your engine. So check your clutch adjustment and take your foot off the clutch when stopped.

1950-1952 push rod with grooves Dave’s groove examples

Dates Activity Activity Organizer

October 19 - 21

Columbia River Region overnight tour to our area.

Bill Barker has planned visits to a number of car col-

lections north of Seattle for them. The final stop will

include a meal.

Bill Barker

October 22 Membership Meeting Club Meeting

November 26 Membership Meeting Club Meeting

December 1 Christmas Potluck Don and Sallie Comstock

January 26, 2013 Annual Banquet at The Golden Steer Restaurant George Kowats, Sallie Comstock

Future Club Events Calendar From Activities Coordinator Matt Dickinson

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October 2012 Tappet Clatter

TAPPET CLATTER Classifieds Ads will be carried up to three months on a space-available basis, unless withdrawn sooner or an extension is requested.

Please notify the Tappet Clatter Editor when your ad is answered or you need an extension. [email protected]

T A P P E T C L A T T E R 1 1

1931 Chev 5-window Sports Coupe, with rumble seat, stock,

previously restored, needs some

paint work done. Comes with extra

parts including: engine block, head,

clutch, transmission, headlight as-

sembly, 2 boxes of miscellaneous

and electrical parts. Asking

$10,000. Phil Christensen,

509-636-2163, or [email protected].

1958 Chev Biscayne, 283 cu.-

in.. Changed carb from 2bl to

4bl, (original manifold availa-

ble), 3sp, column shift. Some

mechanical and body restora-

tion completed. New univer-

sal joints and center carrier bearing, wheel cylinders and

brakes. Glove box replaced. Speedometer assembly rebuilt.

Replaced turn signal assembly. New sending unit in gas

tank. Previous owner replaced carpet, headliner, seat covers

and door panels. Fixed rust problem in trunk. Minor rust

behind left rear wheel. Paint is fair, should be redone. Runs

and drives well, could use additional restoration. Asking

$4,000 but will take offers. Phil Christensen, 509-636-2163,

or [email protected].

1936 Chev 4-Door Standard Sedan. Very straight, all origi-

nal, solid rust-free car. Needs restoration, have all the stock

parts. Maple Valley area. Pic's available. Asking $5500 obo.

David Sanders, 425-413-8102.

Floor Creeper (The Bone), $10, George Kowats, 253-852-


Come-Along, Two available, $10.00 each, George Kowats,



1979 Camaro Cascade, with all options including A/C. It is

#8 of 90 of these models made. $1,400, Jerry Van DeWalle


1947 Chev Stylemas-

ter .This is a really nice car

and it runs perfectly. Ask-

i n g $ 1 6 , 5 0 0 . M i k e

McLaughlin, email is

m g m c l a u g h -

[email protected] and cell

Order Custom-Made Seat Belt Covers One of our members returned from a trip recently with a prized souvenir - a pair of handsome seat belt covers for their

Chevy. Nicely padded with Velcro closure, they were handmade in the locale. The product has been shown to a seamstress

neighbor who will make them to order for $18. per set of two. You get to go shopping and select your own fabric! All you

need to purchase is a 9 inch piece of 45-inch wide fabric.

Bring it to the next Club meeting with payment, and the sample and mystery will be revealed. Your custom seat belt

covers will at the following meeting. These will make wonderful gifts too! (This offer is from an anonymous member.)

1940 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Custom

Coupe, overhauled 350 V-8, Edelbrock

carb, TH350 A/T, 10 bolt 3.08 Posi-

traction, rear air shocks, new custom

alloy wheels and tires, rack & pinion

front suspension, front disc brakes, PS,

PB, 1973 Impala tilt column, “Dakota”

digital electronic dash, AM-FM stereo

w/CD, “Flying Lady” hood ornament, new chrome bumpers

& guards, new custom original tan interior. $25,000 OBO,

Chuck Holmes, 253-275-7306.

Web Links for Area 3 VCCA Regions Capital City Region, VCCA: None

Colombia River Region, VCCA:

Mt. Rainier Region, VCCA: None

North Cascade Region, VCCA:

Puget Sound Region, VCCA:

Willamette Valley Region, VCCA:

Medical Paradox

What is a medical paradox? A paradox is when you have

two doctors that don’t agree and they can’t both be right.

How do you solve a medical paradox? Get rid of one of

the doctors!

Page 12: THE PUGET SOUND REGION VINTAGE CHEVROLET CLUB OF … · inquired about our tax status. Information was sent and the account status was changed

October 2012 Tappet Clatter

August 2011 October 2012

Feeling history on the September 22 Wellington

tour. See page 6 for related story.