the prologue to the canterbury tales

Geschke/British Literatur e The Canterbur y Tales The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales The Monk The Friar The Merchant The Oxford Cleric

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The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales. The Monk The Friar The Merchant The Oxford Cleric. The Monk. The Monk. Characterization Diction “one of the finest sort/ Who rode the country” (163-164) Suggests he travels often - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales

Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales

The Monk

The Friar

The Merchant

The Oxford Cleric

Page 2: The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales

Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Monk

Page 3: The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales

Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Monk

• Characterization– Diction

• “one of the finest sort/ Who rode the country” (163-164)– Suggests he travels often– A monk is religious person who lives

away from the world in cloister where he resigns his life to Christ

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Monk

• “His bridle, when he rode, a man might hear

Jingling in a whistling wind as clear,Aye, and as loud as does the chapel bell Where my lord Monk was Prior of the

cell.” (167-170)

– Expensive accessories

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Monk

• “The Rule of good St. Benet or St. Maur/ As old and strict he tended to ignore” (171-172)

– Ignores the rule of proper behavior for a monk

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Monk

• “he spared for no expense” (190)

• “He was not pale like a tormented soul/ He like a fat swan best, and roasted whole.” (203-204)

– Pale=inside all day (cloistered)

– Ate very well

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Monk

• Purpose of the Diction

» Characterizes the Monk as a hypocrite

» Not concerned about the welfare of others

» Self-centered

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The Monk

• Our Reaction

– We do not like the Monk

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The Friar

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Friar

• Characterization

– Diction

• “a wanton one and merry” (206)

– Wanton=jolly

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Friar

• “He’d fixed up many a marriage, giving each/ Of his young women what he could afford her.” (210-211)

– Chaucer implies that the Friar arranges marriages for girlfriends he is tired of

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Friar

• “Sweetly he heard his penitents at shrift/ With pleasant absolution, for a gift.” (219-220)

– Absolves peoples sins in exchange for gifts

• Unethical

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Friar

• “His neck was whiter than a lily-flower/ But strong enough to butt a bruiser down.” (236-237)

– He is stronger than he appears

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Friar

• “He knew the taverns well in every townAnd every innkeeper and barmaid tooBetter than lepers, beggars and that crew,For in so eminent a man as heIt was not fitting with the dignityOf his position, dealing with a scumOf wretched lepers; nothing good can comeOf commerce with such slum-and-gutter

dwellers,But only with the rich and victual-sellers.”


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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Friar

• Not interested in helping the poor

– The poor cannot offer him anything

• More familiar with the bartenders than the people he should be offering help to.

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Friar

• “He was the finest beggar of his batch, And, for his begging-district, payed a rent; His brethren did no poaching where he went. For though a widow mightn’t have a shoe, So pleasant was his holy-d’ye-do He got his farthing from her just the same Before he left, and so his income came To more than he laid out.”(250-257)

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Friar

• The Friar has a license to beg

• Takes money from the poor as well as the rich

– Unethical

– Remember, the Friar took a vow of poverty

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Friar

• “Of double-worsted was the semi-cope Upon his shoulders, and the swelling fold About him, like a bell about its mould When it is casting, rounded out his


– Expensive and extravagant clothing– Overweight

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Friar

• Purpose of the Diction

– Demonstrates that the Friar is unethical

– Uses his position to better himself

– Takes advantage of people

– Goes against his vows

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Friar

• Our Reaction to the Friar

– We do not like him

– We should not trust him

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Merchant

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Merchant• Characterization

– Diction• “There was a Merchant with a forking beard

And motley dress; high on his horse he sat, Upon his head a Flemish beaver hat And on his feet daintily buckled boots. He told of his opinions and pursuits In solemn tones…”


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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Merchant

• Concerned with appearances and social stature

• Thinks highly of his opinions

• Bores others with his commentary

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Merchant

• “This estimable Merchant so had set/ His wits to work, none knew he was in debt” (283-284)

– False appearances

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Merchant

• Purpose of the Diction» Demonstrates the narcissism of

the Merchant» Critics believe that because of

the personal description of the Merchant, Chaucer had a particular individual in mind when writing about this character.

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Merchant

• Witty Ending– “To tell the truth I do not know his

name” (288)

• The merchant is so concerned about his social status and with achieving recognition, yet Chaucer cannot remember his name.

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The Merchant

• Our Reaction to the Merchant

– Not much of an opinion

– We laugh at him

– He is somewhat forgettable

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The Oxford Cleric

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The Oxford Cleric

• Characterization– Diction

• “…his horse was thinner than a rake,And he was not too fat, I

undertake, But had a hollow look, a sober stare; The thread upon his overcoat was bare.

(291-294)• Fits the stereotype of the poor, starving


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The Oxford Cleric

• “He preferred having twenty books in redAnd black, of Aristotle’s philosophy,Than costly clothes, fiddle or

psaltery.” (298-300)

– More concerned with learning than with physical appearances

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The Oxford Cleric

• “Whatever money from his friends he took

He spent on learning or another bookAnd prayed for them most earnestly,

returningThanks to them thus for paying for his


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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Oxford Cleric

• The Cleric repays his debts by praying for those who loaned him money

– More spiritual than the Monk or the Friar

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Oxford Cleric

• Purpose of the Diction– Demonstrates the commitment of the Oxford

Cleric to his studies– Reminds us of the lack of commitment

demonstrated by the Monk and the Friar

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Geschke/British Literature The Canterbury Tales

The Oxford Cleric

• Our Reaction to the Oxford Cleric– Not much of an opinion– Relatively forgettable character