the professional practice of placement

The Professional Practice of Placement Introduction: Placement has been identified consistently as one of the fundamental functions of rehabilitation counselors in public (Berven, 1979; Muthard & Salomone, 1969; Parker & Szymanski, 1992; Rubin, Matkin, Ashley, Beardsley, May, Ontott, & Puckett, 1984; Sink & Porter, 1978) and private for-profit (Collignon, Barker, & Vencill, 1992; Gilbride, 1993; Lynch & Martin, 1982) organizations. Because of its central role in the practice of rehabilitation counseling, placement is an important knowledge base for professional development. The practice of placement generally includes the following activities: contacting and developing ongoing relationships with employers; educating consumers regarding job seeking, resume writing, interviewing, and job selecting; collaborating with consumers and employers to make workplace accommodations; and following consumers to ensure satisfaction with placements. This chapter will discuss the history of placement, its role in the rehabilitation process, current issues relevant to the profession, and future directions requiring study. The Impact of Legislation on Placement: 1

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Page 1: the professional practice of placement

The Professional Practice of Placement


Placement has been identified consistently as one of the fundamental functions of

rehabilitation counselors in public (Berven, 1979; Muthard & Salomone, 1969;

Parker & Szymanski, 1992; Rubin, Matkin, Ashley, Beardsley, May, Ontott, &

Puckett, 1984; Sink & Porter, 1978) and private for-profit (Collignon, Barker, &

Vencill, 1992; Gilbride, 1993; Lynch & Martin, 1982) organizations. Because of its

central role in the practice of rehabilitation counseling, placement is an important

knowledge base for professional development. The practice of placement generally

includes the following activities: contacting and developing ongoing relationships

with employers; educating consumers regarding job seeking, resume writing,

interviewing, and job selecting; collaborating with consumers and employers to

make workplace accommodations; and following consumers to ensure satisfaction

with placements. This chapter will discuss the history of placement, its role in the

rehabilitation process, current issues relevant to the profession, and future directions

requiring study.

The Impact of Legislation on Placement:

The initial delivery of placement services to people with disabilities can be traced to

two pieces of legislation: the Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 (P.L. 64-347) and Soldier

Rehabilitation Act of 1918 (P.L. 65-178). These Acts, which supported vocational

education and rehabilitation, provided the legislative foundation for today's State-

Federal partnership. Early legislation mandated vocational education, vocational

guidance, occupational adjustment, and placement services. The goal of services

was employment: All services had to clearly relate to a feasible vocational goal and

an employment outcome.

There were clear social needs responsible for this vocational focus. Dislocated

workers were traveling from rural areas to cities without the necessary skills to enter


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the labor force. Many wounded veterans survived, returning with significant

disabilities that limited their employment options. The legislation was not intended

to correct some societal wrong or please a vocal interest group. It was intended to

use the available human resources efficiently and move the nation into the

mainstream of the industrial revolution.

Vocational rehabilitation service providers formed a professional association, the

National Civilian Rehabilitation Conference (now the National Rehabilitation

Association), in 1924. Shortly after that, an interest group called the National

Vocational Guidance Association was formed within the American Personnel and

Guidance Association (now the American Couneling Association). It was not until

1954, with passage of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act Amendments (P.L. 83-

565), that these employees were recognized as professional rehabilitation

counselors. This Act provided money for training rehabilitation professionals,

including counselors. It also supported research and demonstration projects to

develop and extend new knowledge. Despite years of developing a professional

association and additional years working as rehabilitation providers, it took the 1954

Act to provide the foundation for the profession of vocational rehabilitation


Shortly after passage of the 1954 Act, debate over the professional role of

rehabilitation counselors entered the professional literature. Patterson (1957; 1966;

1967) argued that professional rehabilitation counselors should provide

psychological counseling while less-professional rehabilitation coordinators should

provide, among other things, placement services. This distinction had little effect on

the actual practice of vocational rehabilitation counseling in the public sector.

Studies of how VR counselors spent their time suggested they were generalists

rather than specialists (Muthard & Salomone, 1969) and performed all the functions

Patterson recommended for counselors and coordinators. But, as well as

professionalizing counselors, the Act professionalized the activity of counseling.


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After the Act, face-to-face counseling assumed a more important role than other

activities until services directly related to placement consume only a fraction of

counselors' time (Vandergoot, 1987; Zadney & James, 1977). Placement is

recognized by practitioners as one of the most important areas of competency, but

counseling is considered the most important skill (Wright, Leahy, & Shapson,

1987). This leaves rehabilitation counseling and placement, as presently practiced,

separate skill domains.

The Act of 1954 also promoted the expansion of non-profit rehabilitation facilities

as community-based centers for work adjustment training. During the 1950s and

1960s, these facilities provided services to people with severe disabilities, especially

people with developmental and psychiatric disabilities. Facilities were more apt than

public agencies to employ specialists for specific tasks. Starr (1982) suggested that

is because they followed a hospital-type organizational structure for service delivery

and employed people in more diverse positions. While public vocational

rehabilitation counselors worked as generalists providing all things to all people,

facility personnel worked within more tightly defined job descriptions providing

only specialized services.

In terms of overall personnel, vocational rehabilitation in both the public and private

non-profit sectors grew tremendously through the 1950s and 1960s. Funding

increased, the types of disabilities approved for services increased, and the number

of rehabilitation professionals subsequently increased. A growing economy

provided more jobs than there were applicants, so the idea of equal employment was

widely accepted. People with disabilities came for services, counseling and training

were provided, and people found jobs. The one place this was not the case was

facilities where the majority of consumers had severe disabilities. For these people,

placement was more difficult. This may be why the movement for placement

specialization originated among facility personnel.


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On October 9, 1963, Robert Eddy, the manager of handicapped placement services

for Goodwill Industries of Chicago brought together several people who worked as

job placement specialists to form a professional association. Participants in this

meeting agreed that placement specialists and the services they provided would be

better served by creating a professional division within the National Rehabilitation

Association. This meeting resulted in the formation of the Job Placement Division

(JPD) of NRA and recognition of job placement as a specialized profession

(Tooman, 1986). This group elected an ad hoc committee that worked to make the

division official within NRA. The division held its first organizational meeting on

November 10, 1964, at the NRA Annual Conference in Philadelphia. The first

president of JPD was Louis Ortale, who worked for the state Vocational

Rehabilitation agency in Des Moines, Iowa.

JPD sought to enhance it professionalism through several means. Members were

recruited and the role of the division was clarified. JPD established conferences and

training programs, including the Louis Ortale Memorial Lecture at the annual NRA

conference (he died in 1967 when he was immediate past-president). The forerunner

of the Journal of Job Placement began as an intra-divisional communication device.

Finally, the division sought to establish standards and competencies for placement


The initial professional competencies and standards were proposed by William

Usdane, who was employed by the Rehabilitation Services Administration, during

his presentation at the fourth Louis Ortale Memorial Lecture in 1973. The lecture

included a statement of scope of practice that said placement professionals should

be given responsibility for: job development, job solicitation, economic job

forecasting, labor market information, job engineering, job placement, and post-job

adjustment. From this description of the role of placement professionals, the

National Rehabilitation Job Placement/Job Development Institute at Drake

University was developed to design the competencies for a masters degree based on


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Usdane's lecture. Howard Traxler, who was Director of that program, gave the

Ortale Lecture in 1978, laying out competencies and a training agenda for graduate

degree programs in placement and rehabilitation counseling.

These competencies remained central to the role of job placement specialists in

public and non-profit rehabilitation agencies through the 1970s and 1980s.

Rehabilitation counselor education programs, still driven by Federal funding to

prepare people for public sector jobs, included these competencies in their program

requirements, but did not emphasize them. Placement was important, there just were

not many people doing it. The people who were supposed to do it put a higher value

on providing counseling (Emener & Rubin, 1980; Neely, 1974).

In 1992, consumers sent a new message in the form of the Rehabilitation Act of

1973 as Amended (P.L. 102-569). The consumer involvement mandated by the

1973 Act was important, but employment outcomes needed to be re-emphasized.

With the 1992 Reauthorization, the initial focus of vocational rehabilitation--

employment--had returned to the central position it held at the beginning of the

century. Employment remained the fundamental purpose of disability services, but

consumers' expectations had changed over 70 years. Consumers expected to be

actively involved in a rehabilitation process that assisted them to achieve their own

personal and career goals. They also expected a high standard of quality in the

services and outcomes they received from vocational rehabilitation.

Private Rehabilitation

Placement as a cluster of professional activities evolved in a sector of the workforce

that, until recently, was separate from public and non-profit vocational

rehabilitation. This other sector is the private for-profit sector that serves industrially

injured workers. The increasing cost of medical care and workers compensation

insurance, gave rise to private (insurance) rehabilitation in the mid 1970s. Growick

(1993) stated that rehabilitation and workers' compensation were "made for each


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other" because both viewed return to work for people with disabilities (albeit for

different reasons) as their primary goal.

Because private for-profit rehabilitation needed to meet the needs of both employers

and people with disabilities, it traditionally focused more on employment and return

to work than did public rehabilitation (Collignon, Barker, & Vencill, 1992; Gilbride,

1993; Gilbride, Connolly & Stensrud, 1990; Matkin, 1983; Matkin, 1987). During

the late 1970s and early 1980s, there was a movement toward state-legislated

rehabilitation as states viewed private rehabilitation as a cost-effective way to help

injured workers return to work.

In recent years, however, there has been a major reduction in mandatory

rehabilitation services for people with work related injuries (Lui, 1993). Spiraling

costs of workers' compensation insurance provided impetus for many state

legislatures to repeal the mandatory rehabilitation provisions of their workers'

compensation systems (e.g. Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota ) or to dramatically

constrain the provision of rehabilitation services (e.g. California). At least part of

this backlash was due to private rehabilitation providers' inadequate documentation

of their effectiveness in returning injured workers to employment (California

Workers' Compensation Institute, 1991; Washburn, 1992). However, the continued

use of rehabilitation in non-mandatory states and the limited extant empirical data

suggest that appropriate rehabilitation services often are successful at putting injured

workers back on the job while saving employers money (Collignon, Barker, &

Vencill, 1992; Growick 1993).

Private for-profit rehabilitation, like private non-profit rehabilitation, held placement

as a central component of the service delivery system. Structurally, for-profit

rehabilitation was more like public rehabilitation in that a single counselor managed

a single case (but much smaller total case load) from beginning to end. In the case

of for-profit rehabilitation, however, payment mechanisms made employment


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outcomes more critical than in public rehabilitation and careful documenting of

activities less important (Growick, 1993).

Public rehabilitation agencies provided involvement-oriented counseling to people

with disabilities but offered few placement services. Private non-profit rehabilitation

agencies provided a specific focus on placement services primarily to people with

severe disabilities but low compensation limited the professionalization of the

industry. Private for-profit rehabilitation companies focused on placement but the

intense outcome orientation resulted in limited documentation of effectiveness. Each

sector evolved somewhat separately and with its own strengths and weaknesses. The

question became: How do we attain the focus of private non-profit rehabilitation,

the documentation capabilities of public rehabilitation, and the outcome orientation

of private for-profit rehabilitation? No one asked this question because there were

no incentives to do so until recently

Current Trends

In the mid 1990s, Federal budget deficits, concern over the size and influence of the

Federal government, and questions about the effectiveness of the State-Federal

Vocational Rehabilitation program (GAO, 1993), led to a general re-thinking

regarding the manner in which public Vocational Rehabilitation services were

delivered. While the Rehabilitation Act amendments of 1992 (P.L. 102-569) again

underscored the centrality of employment outcomes and RSA directives discussed

"quality placements," many consumer groups and policy makers remained skeptical.

Their input to state plans and Federal legislation focused on having these concerns

addressed by rehabilitation providers. In response, new service delivery models such

as "block grants" and "one stop shopping" for employment services were explored.

The current policy debate over block grants and one stop shopping reflects three

current policy themes: states' rights (devolution), market forces (vouchers), and

workforce development areas (service integration). From the beginning of civilian


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rehabilitation tension existed between states and the Federal government regarding

roles and responsibilities for assisting people with disabilities. Over the past 75

years the Federal government has increasingly assumed a greater percentage of the

cost for rehabilitation services while concurrently exerting more control over how

those services were delivered. The current trend toward block grants and one stop

shopping clearly reflects an attempt to rebalance the state/Federal relationship.

The second issue, vouchers, represents a profound break with the entire history of

public rehabilitation. Vouchers promise to offer maximal consumer choice because

people would be allowed to go to any qualified provider and purchase services.

Proponents of vouchers assert that market forces will improve services and enhance

outcomes. The envisioned outcomes are to "render the individuals employable and

achieve an employment outcome." (Sec 104, i, Proposed Careers Act ). If passed,

this law will again solidify placement as the raison d'être for the vocational

rehabilitation profession but, for the first time, services will be provided within a

competitive, market driven environment. Public rehabilitation counselors would be

required to compete with other providers for vouchers.

The third factor, integrated workforce development areas, offers rehabilitation

professionals the opportunity to reclaim the original mandate of the profession. It

does so by addressing many of the same needs identified in 1918, and by weaving

together all the government agencies that address the same concerns. The mandate:

understanding, collaborating with, and integrating people with disabilities into the

workforce, has remained much the same for 80 years, but the way each era shaped

service delivery system has varied. Rehabilitation counseling in its present form

developed because the new industrialized labor market was complex and not readily

negotiated by a person with a disability without extensive assistance. Despite this,

the accepted knowledge base of the rehabilitation profession developed

asymmetrically. While knowledge about people with disabilities and the services

they require has improved, little growth or evolution has occurred in the profession's


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understanding of labor market trends and the needs of employers. This has resulted

in rehabilitation plans often being unresponsive to labor market data and employer

needs (Gilbride & Burr, 1993). Further, rehabilitation professionals have been

unable to document that they actually improve the financial status of even their

successful clients (General Accounting Office, 1993). Beyond this, employers tend

to view rehabilitation agencies as not "cost effective" (Gilbride & Stensrud, 1993).

The current situation necessitates some form of change within the rehabilitation

profession, especially as it pertains to placement. The profession, however, has

neglected placement and there are no clear standards of performance or empirically-

derived guides to effective practice. In a time when the profession's existence is

challenged because it does not deliver adequate employment outcomes, little is

know about how to improve this situation. What is known is that various models of

placement have been developed and applied by practitioners. The utility of these

models is untested. Current events may make many of them obsolete before they are

allowed to demonstrate their effectiveness


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Recruitment and placement

Meaning: - Recruitment is a process of getting potential employees willing to

apply for job/jobs into an organization. Its aim is to develop and maintain adequate

manpower resources upon which an organization can depend when it needs

additional employees.

SOURCES OF MANPOWER; - Before an organization actively begins recruiting

applicants, it should consider the most likely sources of the type of` employees it

needs. Some companies try to develop new sources, while most only try to tackle

the existing sources they have. These sources, accordingly, may be termed as

external and internal.

Internal Sources: Internal sources are the most obvious sources. These include


Already on the pay roll of an organization, i.e. its present working force. Whenever

any vacancy occurs, some body from within the organization is upgraded, promoted

or sometimes demoted. This source also includes personnel who were once on the

pay roll of the company but who plan to return or whom the company would like to

re-hire, such as those on leave of absence, those who quit voluntarily, or those in

production lay-offs.

Merits: The use of internal sources has some merits:

I) It improves the morale of employees, for they are assured of the fact that they

would be preferred over outsiders when vacancies occur.

II) The employer is in a better position to evaluate those presently employed than

outside candidates. This is because the company maintains a record of the progress,

experience and service of its employees.


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III) It promotes loyalty among the employees, for it gives them a sense of job

security and opportunities for advancement.

IV) As the persons in the employment of the company are fully aware of, and well

acquainted with, its policies and know its operating procedures, they require little

training, and the chances are that they would stay longer in the employment of the

organization than a new outsider would.

Demerits: However, this system suffers from certain defects as well.

I) It often leads to inbreeding, and discourages new blood from entering an


II) There are possibilities that internal sources may “dry up”, and it may be

difficult to find the requisite personnel from within an organization.

III) Since the learner does not know more than the lecturer, no invocations

worth the name can be made. Therefore, on jobs, which require original

thinking (such as advertising, style, designing and basic research), this

practice is not followed.

IV) As promotion is based on seniority, the danger is that really capable

hands may not be chosen. The likes and dislikes of the management may

also play an important role in the selection of personnel.

This source is used by many organizations; but a surprisingly large number

ignore this source, especially for middle management jobs. In other words,

this source is the lode that is rarely mined. It is not only reasonable but wise

to use this source, if the vacancies to be filled are within the capacity of the

present employees; if adequate employee records have been maintained; an

if opportunities are provided in advanced for them to prepare themselves for

promotions from “blue-collar” to “white-collar” jobs.


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EXTERNAL SOURCES: These sources lie outside the organization. They usually


1. New entrants to the labour force, i.e. young, mostly inexperienced potential

employees --- the college students;

2. The unemployed—with a wide range of skills and abilities;

3. Retired experienced persons such as mechanics machinists, welders,


4. Others not in the labour force, such as married women and person form

minority groups.

Merits: External sources provide the requisite type of personnel for an

organization, having skill, training an education up to the required standard. Since

persons are recruited from a large market, the best selection can be made without

any distinctions of caste, sex or colour. In the long run, this source proves

economical because potential employees do not need extra training for their jobs.

Demerits: However, this system suffers from what is called “brain drain,”

especially when experienced person are raided or hunted by sister concern


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METHODS OF RECRUITMENTAn author summarizes the possible recruiting methods into three categories:

direct, indirect and third party.

Direct Methods; These include sending recruiters to educational and professional

institutions, employees’ contacts with the public, and manned exhibits. One of the

most widely used direct methods is that of sending recruiters to college and

technical schools. Most college recruiting is done in cooperation with the placement

office of a college. The placement office usually provides help in attracting students,

arranging interviews, furnishing space, and providing student resumes. For

managerial, professional and sales personnel’s, campus recruiting is an extensive

operation. Persons reading for M.B.A. or other technical diplomas are picked up in

this manner. For this purpose, carefully prepared brochures, describing the

organization and the jobs it offers, are distributed amongst students, before the

interviewer arrives. The DCM, TATAs, and other enlightened firms maintain

continuing contacts with institutions’ placement officials with a view of recruiting

staffs regularly for different responsible position.

Sometimes, firms directly solicit information from the concerned professors

about students with an outstanding record.

Many companies have found employees’ contacts with the public a very

effective method.

Other direct methods include sending recruiters to conventions and seminars,

setting up exhibits at fairs, and using mobile offices to go to the desired centers.

Indirect Methods: Indirect methods generally involve advertising in newspapers,

on the radio, in trade and professional journals, technical magazines and brochures.

Advertising in newspapers and\or trade journal and magazines is most

frequently used methods, when qualified or experience personnel are not available

from other sources. Senior post are largely filled by such methods when they cannot

be filled by promotions from within. The classified advertisement section on daily

newspapers or the Sunday weekly editions of the Hindustan Times, Times of India,

The Tribune, The National Herald, Free Press Journal, The Pioneer, Amrit Bazar


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Patrika, Economic Times, The Hindu, The Indian Expressed. Carry advertisement

for all types of positions. Such advertisement enable prospective candidates to

screen themselves in order to find out whether they are fit for the jobs for which the

advertisement has been issued. In order to be successful, an advertisement should be

carefully written. If it is not properly written, it may not draw the write type of

applicants or it may attract to many applicants who are not qualified for the job. It

should be so framed as to attract attention---- for example, by the use of different

sizes and types of print. The first line should limit the audience somewhat and the

next few lines should further screen out the readers who do not posses the necessary

qualifications. It should provide specific information on job requirement and

opportunities for advancement, the benefits to be enjoyed by working in the

company; and to its professional aspects. “Frilly advertisements, containing

exaggerated claims and gimmicky appeals, are to be avoided.” Advertising can be

very effective if its media are properly chosen.

According to Advertisement Tactics and Strategy in Personnel Recruitment,

there points need to be borne in mind before an advertisement is inserted. First, to

visualize the type of applicant one is trying to recruit. Second, to write out a list of

the advantages a company offers; in other words, why the reader should work for

the company. Third, to decide where to run the advertisement, not only in which

area but in which newspaper, having local, state or nation-wide circulation.

Other methods include advertising in publications, such as trade and

professional journals, and radio or televisions announcements, as is done by many

Indian manufacturers. Professional journals are read by people with specialized

backgrounds and interests. Therefore, advertisements in these are generally

selective. For example advertisement for the services of engineers are generally

inserted in publications meant for engineers.

Third Party Method: These include the use of commercial or private employment

agencies, state agencies, placement offices of schools, colleges and professional


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associations, recruiting firms, management consulting firms, indoctrination seminars

for college professors, and friends and relatives.

Private Employment Agencies are widely used. They charge a small fee from an

applicant. They specialize in specific occupation; general office help, salesman,

technical workers, accountants, computer staff, engineers and executives. These

private agencies are brokers who bring employers and employees together. The

specialization of these agencies enhances their capacity to interpret the need of their

clients, to seek out particular types of persons and to develop proficiency in

recognizing the talent of specialized personnel.

State or public employment agencies, also known as Employment or Labour

Exchanges, are the main agencies of public employment. They provide a

clearinghouse for jobs and job information. Employers inform them of their

personnel requirements, while jobs-seekers get information from them about the

types of jobs that are referred to them by employers. These agencies provide a wide

range of services-canceling, assistance in getting jobs information about the labour

market, labour and wage rates.

Schools, colleges and professional associations, also provide a useful service to

employers. They maintain registers giving the bio-data and other particular about

their students. The companies that need employees maintain contact with the

guidance counselors of Employment Bureaus and teachers of business and

vocational subjects. Work-study programmes provide an opportunity for students to

work part time while they finish their school. After they finish their education, they

may be absorbed by the companies concerned.

Recruiting firms or executive recruiters maintain complete information

records about employed executives. These firms are looked upon as headhunters,

raiders and pirates by organizations, which lose personnel through their efforts.


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However, these same organizations may employ “executive search firms” to help

them find executive talent. These consulting firms recommend persons of high

caliber for managerial, marketing, and production engineers’ posts.

Indoctrination seminars for college professors are arranged to discuss the

problems of companies and employees. Professors are invited to take part in these

seminars. Visits to plants and banquets are arranged so that the participant’s

professors may be favorably impressed. They may later speak well of a company

and help it in getting the required personnel.

Friends and relative – of present employees are also a good source from which

employees may be drawn. When the labour market is very tight, large employees

frequent offer their employees’ bonuses or price for any referrals that are hired with

the company for a specific length of time. Some companies maintain a register of

former employees whose record was good to contact them when there are new job

opening for which they are qualified. This method of recruitment, how ever suffer

from a defect in that it encouraged nepotisms, i.e. person of one community or casts

are employed, who may or may not be fit for the job.

Trade data banks- when a company desires a particular type of employee, job

speciation and requirement are fed into a computer; here they are matches against

the resume data stored therein. The output is a set resume for individual who meet

the requirement. This method is very useful for identifying candidates for hard-to-

fill position, which call for a usual combination for skill.

Casual labour source: Most industrial unit relies to some extent on the casual

labour which presents its self-daily at the factory gate or employment office.

However this source is uncertain and the candidates cover a wide range of abilities.

Ever than many of our industry make use do this source to fill up the casual



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Which particularly source is to be taped will depend on the policy of the

firm, the position of labour supply, government regulation and agreement with the

labour organization. However, the personnel manager must be in a close touch with

these different sources and use them in accordance with this need. The management

policy regarding recruitments is to look first within the organization. If that source

fails external recruitments must be tackled. Degree of tightness in

the labour Market

Sources used

for Recruitment

Area covered

for recruitment

1. Most loose Direct hiring Immediate


2. Intermediate Unions, friends

and relatives,

private and

public agencies

Part of an urban

industrial area

3. Tight Advertising,

nearby special





The whole

urban industrial


4. Most tight Labour scouting Regional and



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of an organization must satisfy the following conditions;

1. It should be in conformity with its general personnel policies;

2. It should be flexible enough to meet the changing needs of an


3. It should be so designed as to ensure employment opportunities for its

employees on a long term basis so that the goals of the organization should

be achievable; and it should develop the potentialities of employees;

4. It should match the qualities of employees with the requirements of the

work for which they are employed; and

5. It should highlight the necessity of establishing job analysis

The nature and extent of the recruitment programmed depends on a

number of factors, including the skills required, the state of the labour market,

general economic conditions, and the image of the employer. Accompany which

has a reputation for paying fair wages, providing good employee benefits and

taking interest in employee welfare activities would attract a larger number of

applicants than it needs without making any extra recruiting efforts. Small

companies which hire only a few persons each year may not need to do more

than spread the word around the plant or office that a vacancy exists. However,

as a result of regulations and pressures from society and the government, the

recruitment programmed now requires the employers to go out and actively seek

job applicants from groups of those who may not otherwise apply for


Employment office organization: There is no general procedure for hiring new

personnel which are applicable to all business enterprises. Each enterprise has its

“tailor-made” procedure which brings it the desired quantity and quality of

manpower at the minimum possible cost. The most commonly adopted practice

is to centralize the recruitment and selection function in a single office .All

employment activity should be centralized if the policies of the top management


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are to be implemented consistently and efficiently. Only when personnel

requisitions go through one central source and all employment records are kept –

up to- date is there a possibility of maximum efficiency and success in hiring.

The advantages of centralization recruitment and selection are:

1. It reduces the administrative cost associated with selection by

consolidating all activity in a single office;

2. It relieves line officers of the details involved in hiring workers, which is

common under a decentralized plan;

3. It tends to make the selection of workers scientific;

4. It makes possible the development of a centralized manpower pool in a


5. It provides a wider opportunity for placing an applicant in several

departments of the company;

6. It tends to reduce favoritism as a basis for selection.

This centralized department is generally known as the Employee office,

or the Recruitment Section. The personnel staff is attached to it. This

enables specialists to concentrate on the recruitment function; and soon

they become very efficient in the use of various recruitment techniques.

This office should be properly equipped with furniture. Its waiting room

should be roomy, clean and well ventilated.

Recruitment forms the stage in the process which continues with

selection and ceases with the placement of the candidate. It is the next step in the

procurement function, the first being the manpower planning. Recruiting makes it

possible to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the

continued operation of the organization. Recruiting is the discovering of potential

applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. In other words, it is a

linking activity bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs.


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As Yoder and other point out “Recruitment is a process to discover

the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to

employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to

facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.” Accordingly, the purpose

of recruitment is to locate sources of manpower to meet job requirements and job


Recruitment has been regarded as the most important function of personnel

administration, because unless the right types of people are hired, even the best

plans, organization charts and control systems would not do much good. Flippo

views recruitment both as “positive” and “negative” activity. He says, “It is a

process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging

them to apply for jobs to increase the ‘hiring ratio’, i.e., the number of applicants for

a job. Selection, on the other hand tends to be negative because it rejects a good

member of those who apply, leaving only the best to be hired.”


All organizations, whether large or small, do engage in recruiting

activity, though not to the same extent. This differs with:

(i) The size of the organization;

(ii) The employment conditions in the community where the

organization is located;

(iii) The effects of the past recruiting efforts which show the

organization’s ability to locate and keep good performing


(iv) Working conditions and salary and benefit packages offered by

the organization---which may influence turnover and necessitate

future recruiting;

(v) The rate of growth of organization;


Page 21: the professional practice of placement

(vi) The level of seasonality of operations and future expansion and

production programmers; and

(vii) Culture, economic and legal factors, etc.

Factors governing recruitment may broadly be divided as internal and

external factors.

The internal factors are:

(i) Recruiting policy of the origination;

(ii) Human resource planning strategy of the company;

(iii) Size of the origination and the number of employees employed;

(iv) Cost involved in recruiting employees, and finally;

(v) Growth and expansion plans of the origination.

The external factors are:

(i) Supply and demand of specific skills in the labor market;

(ii) Political and legal consideration such as reservation of jobs for

Sacs, Sets, and so on.

(iii) Company’s image-perception of the job seekers about the



Page 22: the professional practice of placement


Recruiting is a two-way street: it takes a recruiter and a recruitee. Just as the

recruiter has a choice whom to recruit and whom not, so also the prospective

employee has to make the decision if he should apply for that origination’s job. The

individual makes this decision usually on three different bases, the objective factor,

critical contact, and subjective factor.4

“The objective factor theory views the process of organitional choice as

being one of weighing and evaluating a set of measurable characteristics of

employment offers, such as pay, benefits, location, opportunity for advancement,

the nature of the work to be performed, and educational opportunities.”

“The critical contact theory suggests that the typical candidate is unable

to make a meaningful differentiation of organization’s offer in terms of objective or

subjective factors, because of his limited or very short contact with the organization.

Choices can be made only when the applicant can readily perceive the factors such

as the behavior of the recruiter, the nature of the physical facilities, and the

efficiency in processing paper work associated with the application.”

“The subjective factor theory emphasizes the congruence between

personality pattern and the ‘image’ of the organization, i.e., choices is made on a

highly personal and emotional basis.”


No employer could ever freely choose the “best” candidate because various

forces impinge upon such selection. Such constraints are:

1. The Image of the Organization: The prospective candidate may not be

interested in getting job in the particular organization either because its reputation or

goodwill is not good in the community, or because the condition of work are unsafe

or it is indifferent to the personnel available


Page 23: the professional practice of placement

2. The Unattractive Job: If the job is regarded as boring, hazardous, anxiety

creating or lacking in promotion potential, people would not be attracted to such an


3. Internal Organizational Policies: If the policy aims at providing promotion to

its employee from within, people would be attracted to it, because such a policy

enjoys several advantages such as that of creating good public relations, building

high moral, encouraging good people who are ambitious and improving the

probability of a good selection.

4. Union Requirements can also Restrict Recruiting Sources: Some unions

emphasize on recruitment to member of the unions only. Where such situation

occurs, management has to recruit from a restricted supply.

5. Government Influence: An employer cannot distinguish any individual, on the

basis of physical appearance, sex or religious background, for purpose of



As was mentioned earlier, recruitment refers to the process of identifying

and attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of qualified applicants. The

process comprises five-inter-related stages, viz.,

1. Planning

2. Strategy development,

3. Searching,

4. Screening and

5. Evaluation and control.


Page 24: the professional practice of placement

Place of Recruiting in selection system

According to Famulor, personnel recruitment process involves five

elements, viz., a recruitment policy, a recruitment organization, a forecast of

manpower, the development of sources of recruitment, and different techniques used

for utilizing these sources, and a method of assessing the recruitment programme.

Figure 9.1 shows the place of recruitment in the entire selection process.


Personnel Human Resources Planning

Recruiting Needed Personnel

Selecting Qualified Personnel

Placing New Employees on Job

Developing sources of Potential Employees

Search for Potential Employees

Evaluating Recruiting Effectiveness

Internal Sources

External sources

Personnel Research

Job Positing

Employee Referrals

Upgrading in same position

Transferring to new job

Promoting to Higher responsibilities

Evaluating for selection



Page 25: the professional practice of placement


Such a policy asserts the objective of the recruitment and provides a

framework of implementation of their recruitment programme in the form of

procedures. As Yoder and other observe:

“Such a policy may involve a commitment to broad principles such a filling

vacancies with best qualified individuals. It may embrace several issues such as

extent of promotion from within, attitudes of enterprising in recruiting its old

employees, handicaps, minority groups, women employees, part-time employees,

friends and relatives of present employees. It may also involve the organization

system to be developed for implementing recruitment programme and procedures to

the employed.”

Therefore, a well considered and pre-planned recruitment policy, based on

corporate goals, study of environment and the corporate needs, may avoid hasty or

ill-considered decision and may go a long way to man the organization with the

right type of personnel.

A good recruitment policy must contain these elements:

(a). Organization’s objectives –both in the short-term and long-term-must be taken

into consider as a basic parameter for recruitment decision and needs of the

personnel-area-wise, job-family-wise.

(b). Identification of the recruitment needs to take decision regarding the balance of

the qualities dimensions of the would be recruits, i.e., the recruits should prepare

profiles for each category of workers and accordingly work out the main

specifications, decide the sections, departments or braches where they should be

placed and identify the particular responsibilities which may be immediately

assigned to them.

(c). Preferred sources of recruitment, which would be tapped by the organization,

e.g., for skilled or semi-skilled manual workers, internal sources and employment

exchanges may be preferred; for highly specialized categories and managerial

personnel, other sources besides the former, may be utilized.


Page 26: the professional practice of placement

(d). Criteria of selection and preference: These should be based on conscious

thought and serious deliberations. In some cases trade may be consulted in working

out the recruitment policy. In others, management may take the unilateral decision.

(e). the cost of recruitment and financial implications of the same.

A “recruitment policy,” in its broadest sense, “involves a commitment by the

employer to such general principles as:

(i) To find and employ the best qualified persons for each


(ii) To retain the best and most promising of those hired;

(iii) To offer promising opportunities for life-time working

careers; and

(iv) To provide programmes and facilities for personal

growth on the job.”

According to Yoder, “the recruitment policy is concerned with quantity and

qualification (viz, and Q1 and Q2) it established broad guidelines for the staffing

process. Generally, the following factors are involved in a recruitment policy:

Recruitment and Selection Process

(i) To carefully observe the letter and spirit of the relevant

public policy

(ii) To provide individual employees with the maximum of

employment security, avoiding, frequent lay- off or lost


(iii) To provide each employee with an open road and

encouragement in the continuing development of his

talents and skills;

(iv) To assure each employees of fairness in all employment

relationships, including promotion and transfers;

(v) To assure each employee of the organisation interest in

his personal goals and employment objectives;


Page 27: the professional practice of placement

(vi) To avoid cliques which may develop when several

members of the same household or community are

employed in the organisation;

(vii) To provide employment in jobs which are engineered to

meet the qualifications of handicapped workers and

minority sections; and

(viii) To encourage one or more strong, effective, responsible

trade unions among the employees.


Page 28: the professional practice of placement


Before an organization activity begins recruiting applicants, it should

consider the most likely source of the type of employee it needs. Some companies

try to develop new sources, while most only they to tackle the existing sources they

have. These sources, accordingly, may be termed as internal and external.

INTERNAL SOURCES Internal sources are the most obvious sources. These include personnel

already on the pay roll of an organization, i.e., its present working force. Whenever

any vacancy occurs, somebody from within the organisation is upgraded,

transferred, promoted or sometimes demote. This source also includes personnel

who were once on the pay roll of the company but who plan to return or whom the

company would like to rehire, such as those on leave of absence, those who quit

voluntarily, or those on production lay offs.


The use of an internal source has some merits:

(i) It improves the morale of employees, for they are assured of the

fact that they would be preferred over outsiders when vacancies


(ii) The employer is in a better position to evaluate those presently

employed than outside candidates. This is because the company

maintains a record of the progress, experience and service of its


(iii) It promoted loyalty among the employees, for it gives them a

sense of job security and opportunities for advancement.

(iv) As the persons in the employment of the company are fully aware

of, and well acquainted with, its policies and know its operating

procedures, they require little training, and the chances are they


Page 29: the professional practice of placement

would stay longer in the employment of the organisation than a

new outsider would.

(v) They are tried people and can, therefore, be relied upon.

(vi) It is less costly than going outside to recruit.


However, this system suffers from certain defects as well.

(i) It often leads to inbreeding, and discourages new blood from entering an


(ii) There are possibilities that internal sources may “dry up”, and it may be

difficult to find the requisite personnel from within an organisation.

(iii) Since the learner does not know more than the lecturer, no innovations

worth the name can be made. Therefore, on jobs, which require original

thinking (such as advertising, style, designing and basic research), this

practice is not followed.

(iv) As promotion is based on seniority, the danger is that really capable

hands may not be chosen. The likes and dislikes of the management may

also play an important role in the selection of personnel.

This source is used by many organizations; but a surprisingly large number

ignore this source, especially for middle management jobs. In other words, this

source is the lode that is rarely mined. It is not only reasonable but also wise to use

this source, if the vacancies to be filled are within the capacity of the present

employees; if adequate employee records have been maintained, and if opportunities

are provided in advance for them to prepare themselves for promotion from “blue-

collar” to “white-collar” jobs.


Page 30: the professional practice of placement

EXTERNAL SOURCES These sources lie outside the organisation. They usually include:

(i) New entrants to the labour force, i.e., young, mostly inexperienced

potential employees---the college students;

(ii) The unemployed---with a wide range of skills abilities;

(iii) Retired experienced persons such as mechanics, machinists, welders,


(iv) Others not in the labour force, such as married women and persons from

minority groups.


(i) External sources provide the requisite type of personnel for an

organization, having skill, training and education up to the required


(ii) Since persons are recruited from a large market, the best selection can be

made without any distinctions of caste, sex or colour.

(iii) In the long run, this source proves economical because potential

employees do not need extra training for their jobs.


However, this system suffers from what is called “brain drain”, especially when

experienced persons are raided or hunted by sister concerns.


Page 31: the professional practice of placement


The different sources for recruitment in India have been classified thus:

i) Within the organisation;

ii) Badli or temporary workers;

iii) Employment agencies;

iv) Casual callers;

v) Applicants introduces by friends and relatives in the organisation;

vi) Advertisement; and

vii) Labour contractors.

According to a survey of public and private sector employers by prof. Basavaraj,

the following methods were used to recruit employees:

A) In the public sector (steel units), the major sources of recruitment in order of

preferences are:

i) Casual callers or employment seekers;

ii) Newspaper advertisements;

iii) Scheduled tribes and scheduled castes;

iv) Employment exchanges;

v) Other public undertakings;

vi) Internal advertisement;

vii) Displaced persons;

viii) Relative and friends;

ix) Employee recommendations; and

x) Institutions.

In the public sector (heavy engineering), the sources for non-supervisory staff are:

i) Employment exchanges;

ii) External advertisement:

iii) Internal advertisement;

iv) Central training institute;


Page 32: the professional practice of placement

v) Introduction by the liaison officer of a corporation;

vi) Deputation personnel; and

vii) Transfers from other public undertakings.

B) In the private sector, the survey disclosed that the procedures, though formulated,

were not institutionalized in character. In some organisations, preference was given

to sons and relatives of employees and to local people. In order of preference, the

major sources are:

i) Advertisements;

ii) Employment exchanges;

iii) Relatives and friends;

iv) Casual callers; and

v) Employee recommendations.


A controversy has arisen in recent years over giving preference in recruitment

to “Sons of the Soil”. In this connection the National Commission on Labour has


“The solution has to be sought in terms of the primacy of common citizenship,

geographical mobility and economic feasibility of locating industrial units, on the

one hand, and local aspiration on the other”. It has suggested that:

a) Young persons from families whose lands are acquired for industrial use should

be provided training opportunities for employment in jobs, which are likely to be

created in new units set up on these lands;

b) To remove unjustified apprehensions among local candidates, the following steps

should be taken to supervise the implementation of the directives of the Government

of India on recruitment for public sector projects;

i) While recruiting unskilled employees, first preference should be given to persons

displaced from the areas required for the projects. The next to be preferred should

be those who have been living in the same vicinity.


Page 33: the professional practice of placement

ii) The selection of persons to posts in lower scales should not be left entirely to the

head of the unit. It should be made through a recruitment committee, with a

nominee of the government of the state in which the unit is located.

iii) In the case of middle level technicians whose recruitment has to be on an all-

India basis, a member of the State Public service Commission should be associated

in making selections in addition to the State Government official on the Board of


iv) Apart from the report sent to the concerned Ministry at the Center, the

undertaking should send a statement to the statement to the State Government at

regular intervals, preferably every quarter, about the latest employment and

recruitment position.

Although the Commission has suggested these steps for employment in the

public sector, it is of the opinion that they should apply equally to recruitment in the

private sector, though the mechanism to regulate this recruitment would necessarily

differ from that in the public sector. In India, for recruitment of industrial labour,

traditional methods (casual or badli workers on lists maintained by the factory; the

use of jobbers, sarders, mukadams, etc., employees’ relatives and dependents and

undertaking’s own labour force, etc., and contract labour) are still used for getting

labour in textile industry, for building and construction industry, digging of canals,

building of roads and dams, etc.

Besides these, large industrial complexes have developed a more

‘committed’ labour force. For supplying skilled operators there are a number Crafts

Training Schools (Industrial training Institutes; Advanced Vocational Training

Institutes at Mumbai, Calcutta, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Ludhiana and Chennai; Seven

Craft Instructors Training Schools; And an Institute for training of Foreman at



Page 34: the professional practice of placement


All public sector enterprises are required to consider candidates sponsored

by the Employment Exchanges (over 535) and, in most cases, confine the selection

to these candidates. However, the private sector is not under any such formal


Under the Apprentices Act, 1961, young craftsmen having received pre-

employment training in Industrial Institutes have to be employed by ‘specialized’

industries during their training period as a percentage of the total number of regular

employees. Reservation of 25% of vacancies fro Scheduled Castes and Scheduled

Tribes candidates and preferential treatment of displaced persons is a part of

statutory requirement of Government and public sector employment in India.

The recruitment of supervisory personnel in all orgainsed industries is

generally by promotion from within the organisation. Some industries first recruit a

number of young persons as management trainees and after 2 or 3 years absorb

them completely. Executives too are mostly promoted from within. Sometimes good

persons are also recruited from Indian Institutes of Technology, All-India Institutes

of Management at Calcutta, Institutes of Technology, All-India Institutes of

Management at Calcutta, Ahmedabad and Banglore; from universities offering

MBA courses, etc.

Retired military and police personnel also provide an important source of

recruitment particularly for security jobs, and for personnel jobs.

In the U.S.A.four sources of applicants are most used in obtaining hourly

workers---direct applications at the company office, public employment sources,

recommendations by employees, and newspaper advertising. In the case of blue-

collar workers, the sources most successfully used are newspaper advertising, direct

application, public employment offices, employee’s recommendations, and private

employment agencies. In the case of scientific, professional and technical

employees, the most productive sources are advertising, on-campus recruiting and

employment agencies.


Page 35: the professional practice of placement

Thus, it may be observed that there is virtually no definite work that

develops employers’ reasons for selecting various methods of recruitment. No

single method is predominant and that recruitment practices are adopted to fill

vacancies, employment rates, and other circumstances faced by the employer.


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Sources for recruiting should be periodically evaluated. For this purpose, the

criteria may be the cost per applicant, the applicant\hiring ratio, tenure, and

performance appraisals, etc. The Organisation should first identify how an applicant

was attracted to the firm. A simple way of securing this information is to include in

the application blank a question: “How did you learn of the job vacancy for which

you have applied?” The next step is to determine whether any one method

consistently attracts better applicants. The last step is to use this information to

improve the recruiting process. Recruiting should take into consideration ethical

practices, such as use of “truth in hiring,” i.e., telling an applicant all about the firm

and its position, both good and bad, to enable him to decide whether or not to join

the firm, if selected.

A successful and effective recruitment programme necessitates a well-

defined recruitment policy, a proper organizational structure, and procedure for

locating sources of manpower resources, suitable methods and techniques for

utilizing these and a constant assessment and consequent improvement.


Page 37: the professional practice of placement



The selection procedure is concerned with securing relevant information about

an applicant. This information is secure in a number of steps or stages. The

objective of selection process is to predetermine whether an applicant meets the

qualifications for a specific job and to choose the applicant who is most likely to

perform well in that job.

Selection is a long process, commencing from the preliminary interview of

the applicants and ending with the contract of employment.

The hiring procedure is not a single act but it is essentially a series of

methods or steps or stages by which additional information is secured about the

applicant. At each stage, facts may come to light, which may lead to the rejection to

the applicant. A procedure may be compared to a series of successive hurdles or

barriers which an applicant must cross. These are intended as screens, and they are

designed to eliminate an unqualified applicant at any point in the process. This

technique is known as the successive hurdles technique. Not all selection processes

include all these hurdles. The complexity of a process usually increases with the

level and responsibility of the position to be filled.

According to Yoder, “the hiring process is of one or many a ‘go, no-go’

gauge. Candidates are screened by the application of these tools. Qualifies

applicants go on to the next hurdle, while the unqualified are eliminated”. Thus, an

effective selection programme is a non-random process because those selected have

been chosen on the basis of the assumption that they are more likely to be “better”

employees than those who have been rejected.


Page 38: the professional practice of placement

Hiring requirement Types of Qualifications or

specifications Types of Gauges

1. Arbitrary i. Application blank

Security ii. Security check

Sex iii. Police records

Age iv. Personal records

2. Physical health and adequacy Physical examination

3. Skills (including specialized


i Application blank

ii Education, training,


iii Grades

iv Employment records

v Biography

vi Trade tests

4. Experience i Application blank

ii Biography

iii Employment records

iv Reference

v Interviews

5. Aptitude (including intelligence) i Employment records

ii Personnel appraisals

iii References

iv Tests

6. Interests i Application blank

ii Reference

iii Biography

iv Test in


Page 39: the professional practice of placement

7 Emotional maturity, moods,


i Biography

ii Employment records

iii Tests

8. Attitudes i Interviews

ii References

iii Personnel appraisals

iv Attitude-morale scales.

Selection processes or activity or activities typically follow a standard pattern,

beginning with an initial screening interview and concluding with the final

employment decision. The traditional selection process includes: preliminary

screening interview; completion of application form; employment tests;

comprehensive interview; background investigations, physical examination and

final employment decision to hire.


Page 40: the professional practice of placement


While formulating a selection policy, due consideration should be given to

organizational requirement as well as technical and professional dimensions of

selection procedures. Yoder and others have suggested goals, technological issues,

cost factors, extent of formality, etc. in other words, an effective policy must assert

the “why” and “what” aspects of the organizational objectives.


The selection procedure adopted by an organisation is mostly tailor made to

meet its particular needs. The thoroughness of the procedure depends upon three


First, the nature of selection, whether faulty or safe, because faulty selection affects

not only the training period that may be needed, but also results in heavy

expenditure on the new employee and the loss that may be incurred by the

organisation in case the job-occupant fails on his job.

Second, the policy of the company and the attitude of the management. As a

practice some companies usually hire more than the actual number needed with a

view to removing the unfit persons from the jobs.

Third, the length of the probationary or the trial period. The longer the period, the

greater the uncertainty in the minds of the selected candidate about his future.

The hiring process can be successful, if the following preliminary

requirements are satisfied:


Page 41: the professional practice of placement

i) Some one should have the authority to hire. This authority comes from the

employment requisition, as developed by an analysis of the workload and work


ii) There must be some standard or personnel, with which a prospective employee

may be compared, i.e., there should be available, beforehand, a comprehensive job

description and job specifications as developed by a job analysis.

iii) There must be a sufficient number of applicants from whom the required number

of employees may be selected.


There is no shortcut to an accurate evaluation of a candidate. The hiring

procedures are, therefore, generally long and complicated. Many employers make

use of such techniques and pseudo-sciences as phrenology, physiognomy, astrology,

graphology etc., while coming to hiring decisions. However, in modern times, these

are considered to be unreliable measures.

The following is a popular procedure though it may be modified to suit individual


i) Reception or preliminary interview or screening

ii) Application blank—a fact-finder which helps one in learning about an applicant’s

background and life history;

iii) A well conducted interview to explore the facts and get at the attitudes of the

applicant and his family to the jobs;

iv) A physical examination—health and stamina are vital factors in success;

v) Physiological testing to explore the surface area and get an objective look at a

candidate’s suitability for a job;

vi) A reference check;

Vii) Final selection approval by manager; and communication of the decision to the



Page 42: the professional practice of placement


A special interviewer or a high caliber receptionist in the

employment office usually conducts the initial screening. When a large number of

applicants are available, the preliminary interview is desirable both from the

company’s point of view and that of the applicant seeking employment. This

interview is essentially a sorting process in which perspective applicants are given

the necessary information about the nature of the jobs in the organisation. The

necessary information, then, is elicited from the candidates relating to their

education, experience, skill, salary demanded, the reasons for leaving their present

jobs, their job interests and whether they are available for the jobs, their physical

appearance, age, “drive” and facility in speech. If a candidate meets with the

requirements of the organisation, he may be selected for further action. If he does

not fit into the organizational structure (because of lack of requisite qualifications,

physical disability, weak sight, or poor physique), he is eliminated at the

preliminary stage. Such interviews are usually short and may be conducted at a

desk, across a counter or railing and they are known as stand-up interviews. The

main objective of such interviews is to screen out undesirable\unqualified

candidates at the very outset. Such interviews should be conducted by someone who

inspires confidence, who is genuinely interested in people, and who judgment in the

“sizing up” of applicants is fairly reliable. Care is taken to ensure that the “weeding

out” process does not lead to the elimination of desirable workers.

Sometimes, applicants are eliminates because of some feature in the

organisation which cannot be adjusted satisfactorily at this stage. Six biographical

items have been suggested as knock-out factors in the preliminary screening

programme for salesmen. They include instability of residence, failure in business

within two years, divorce or separation within two years, excessive personal indebt

ness, too high a standard of living and unexplained gaps in the employment record.

The organization may fit a job to the person who available, as when a girl is

appointed as stenographer, telephone operator, secretary or saleswomen. Or jobs


Page 43: the professional practice of placement

may be provided for the blind, the firms or other handicapped persons. Working

hours may be so adjusted as to make an intelligent match possible between them.

Since the preliminary interview brings about one of the first personal

contacts of an individual with a company and since it is the stage at which some

candidates must be rejected, it is desirable that the interviewer should be courteous,

kind receptive and informal. Despite the pressure under which he frequently works,

he should avoid appearing brusque or impatient. Further, privacy must be

maintained in holding interviews.


Page 44: the professional practice of placement

Model Procedure for Effective Personnel Selection


1st stage Establishing Selection policies

2nd stageIdentifying & choosing selection Criteria

3rd stage

Gathering information about potential employees

5th stage

Making decision to select or reject

4th stage

Evaluating information & assessing applicant.

6th stage

Communicating decision

1Purpose of selection? 2Who makes selection decision? 3Screening out for selecting in? 4Fitting people to jobs or designing people 5Selection procedure?

1Identifying criteria of successful performance 2Identifying predictors of success 3Determining selection criteria

1Authorized to hire 2.Initial contact with potential employee 3.PreliminaryInterview 4. Biographical data 5. Testing 6. In depth interview 7. Verifying background 8. Medical examination

1Evaluating biographical inventory 2. Evaluating test results 3.Assessing applicant interview

- 1Electronic assistance 2.Personal value judgment

1.Rejection 2. Making job offer 3. Acceptance or rejection of offer

Page 45: the professional practice of placement

Selection process flow chart



Reception of Application

Preliminary interview

Application blank

Psychological tests


Background investigation (Reference check)

Final selection by interviewers


Physical examination

Negative decision

Waiting List of desirable applicants

Page 46: the professional practice of placement

Resume Management system (RMS)

The user of RMS is broadly classified into two main categories.

1) Employer ( within the organization)2) Candidates (outside the organization)

i) Post Vacancies i) View vacanciesii) View Vacancies. ii) Apply online & offlineiii) Vacancy Orderingiv) View Resumev) Quick Searchvi) Text Based Search

The employer is again divided into three main categories. The category is said to be the actors. There are three actors and the role played by them is as follows:

Actors Role Played

Admin (1) Creating, Updating, Deleting Job Opening.(2) Deleting & updating records of candidates.(3) Creating, Updating, Deleting login information.(4) Creating, Updating, Deleting Category.(5) Creating, Updating, Deleting Evaluation Form.

Team Leaders (1) (1) Search the candidates against the job opening.(2) Short listing of Candidates.(3) Send mail to Admin (HR Manager).(4) View the Job Opening.

Data Entry Operators(5) (1) Creating candidate entry.


Employer Candidates Internet

Page 47: the professional practice of placement

Whenever there are certain requirements for the candidates in the organization the manager of that particular department informs the Admin (HR Manager) about the vacancies plus the total number of vacant position available.

After getting the information the Admin notes down the Job Requirements and then posted the data on the net. Since company is also maintaining one data bank that is used within the organization (for Intranet), the same copy of the Job Opening must also available on their data bank so that search can be done in the later.

Once the data about Job Opening becomes available online on the company website then the next role is played by the Candidates. The candidate visits the web site and clicks on the career link. After clicking the link the system will take the user to the Job Opening Page i.e the brief listing of all the job opens. This page wouldn’t display a full description of all the jobs. If the user doesn’t want to see the full detail of a particular job then he can directly click on the Application Form button or if he wants to see the detail then clicking on the button (View Job) attached to each job will show him the individual detail.

Once he moves to Application Form page, he has to enter the necessary details and uploads the Resume. After uploading the resume and clicking on the Submit button submits the record in the database. After submission the system sends an e-mail known as acknowledgement stating the successful submission of the record in the database, it also sends a password so that user can modify his/her profile later.

Now since the company is also maintaining data bank the record must be added to their database as well. Once the submission is done the system notifies the Team Leaders about the arrival of candidate and detail of the job opening with which his profile matches.

Now go back one step back when the admin has posted the data then he informs the TL (Team Leaders) that there is a job opening and these are the requirements. After getting the job requirements the next job of TL is to search the suitable candidates for the job in the database and then shortlist those candidates who are going through the selection process. This means from the search result not all candidates are going through the selection process. Only few are going through the process and that decision is taken by the TL. Once the candidates are short listed TL informs the Admin through the mail and sends a list of short listed candidates so that they can be communicating for the selection process or to inform them.


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The short listed candidates are informed through either the mail or through the phone and give them the date and timing of interview.

Now the next comes the Selection Process. In the Selection Process there are minimum two stages and maximum three stages.

Stage 1 – First Interview (Taken by the admin only)

In this interview session the candidate is interviewed by the admin and then admin makes the decision about whether the candidate is selected or rejected. It might possible that no decision is taken at all and decision is still pending but the candidate is put forward to the next stage which is the stage 2. The admin may put certain comments about the candidate which is required while making any decisions.

Stage 2 – Second Interview (taken by the Team Leaders)

In this interview session the candidate is interviewed by the Team Leader. This interview is a kind of review of marks that is scored by the candidate during the first stage. The TL also put certain comments.

Stage 3- Final Decision

Here in this stage the decision about the candidate is taken by the admin depending on the previous score secured by the candidate and the comments given by admin as well as TL.

Remarks- It may possible that candidate doesn’t have to go through all the stages described above, since the admin can take the decision early about the selection of the candidate. This implies that the candidate may skip certain stages also.

The decision taken by the admin is final. There are three decisions that are to be considered.

(1) Considered – This means that the candidate is selected for the particular job.(2) Rejected – this means that the candidate is rejected.(3) Pending – the decision is still not taken.(4) None- doesn’t go through any of the stages.

Once the candidate has gone through all the stages, he is informed through the e-mail or by post about the result.


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The very first page contains the Login Page. This Login Page determines the type of the user and accordingly sends the user to that area. Here in this case we have three types of user.

(a) Admin(b) Team Leader(c) Data Entry Operator


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1. Name of the company

2. Person interviewed

3. Company’s deal

4. How do you’ll advertise

5. What are the terms and conditions of payment to the company

6. Do you take the interview, select and send them or you just train and send them.

7. BPO' are booming today and there are so many placement agencies, how do you cope with the competition?

8. What do you think why are placement agencies needed today

9. What is role of each person in hierarchy

10. How do you’ll conduct training and do you’ll charge for training


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The name of the company is “Power Talk Human Resource”. I interviewed Mr.

Jude (The Vice President)-handles operations. They deal with JP Morgan’s Chase,

Intelenet, Sutherland, ICICI one source, 3G. Their different form of advertising

includes newspapers and pamphlets not only this, they give cold calls as well as

taking the data of the existing employees of one of company and shifting them to

another by offering them better packages as well as other favorable working

conditions and better incentives. The payments are done on commission basis. The

percentage was not disclosed as it was confidential. The agency trains the candidate

for their interviews to the company the candidate wish to join. They personally

approach the companies for the contract, where they give presentations and the most

effective ones’ are selected. The company’s time and efforts are saved since the

appointment of candidates is handled by different placement agencies which in a

way are effective and economical. The telecallers have to call the candidates for

interviews. The team leader above him guides and directs him and then there is an

operation manager who gives the plans and sets the target for team leader and above

him is the Vice President who just monitors the work and approves everything.

Training is absolutely free and it’s done on individual basis as well as in groups.


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K-10 is the leading HR Solutions, Training, Marketing & Technology

Consulting Company, to offer complete Business Solutions.

K-10 penetrates the world of consulting in the areas of Convergence


Contact Centers, Business Process Outsourcing

[BPO] and Web Technologies.

They are able to achieve this by being a Total Service Provider of e-

Business solutions and Contact Center system integration services

MISSION: To revolutionize the way people interact at the interface of customer


VISION: Train with Kaizer and work with global giants in the Customer Service



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Placement agencies from an organizational and rupee standpoint is a

significant investment in training and infrastructure. The infrastructure needed to

support the placement agency’s environment varies. The evidences strongly suggest

that for large companies the benefits out weighs the cost

Placement agencies itself is anew concept that has been introduced to reduce

time, efforts of the companies in hiring the employees Placement agencies have

been regarded as the most important agencies because unless the right types of

people are hired, even the best plans, organization charts and control system would

not do much good. The recruitment is viewed both as positive and negative activity.

It is process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and

encouraging them to apply for jobs to increase the hiring ratio. Selection on other

hand tends to be negative because it rejects good under of those who apply, leaving

only the best to be hired.

It reduces the administrative cost associated with selection by consolidating

all activity in a single office it relives line offices of the detail involved in hiring

people which is common under a decentralize plan. It tends to make the selection of

workers scientific


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Name: Job Opening FormDescription: Job Opening Form is used to enter detailed information on any Job

Openingin principal India

Actor/s: Recruiting StaffPrecondition: NoneMain Scenario:

1. System displays the following set of fields: Under the General Information section

a. Job Titleb. Codec. Categoryd. Departmente. Objectives

Under the Job Condition sectionf. Locationg. Trial Periodh. Job Typei. Working Dayj. Work Schedulek. Minimum Salaryl. Maximum Salarym. Over a Time

Under the Job Duties sectionn. Job Dutieso. Namep. Positionq. Phoner. Faxs. E-mail

Under the Job Requirements Section, five rows oft. Trait Typeu. Trait Name


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Under the Requisition sectionv. Requisition Numberw. Requisition Datex. Needed Byy. Statusz. Importantaa. Confidentiallybb. Openedcc. Filleddd. Availableee. Hiring Manger

Under the Information of HR Department sectionff. Responsible Expertgg. Start Recruitment Datehh. Finish Recruitment Dateii. Duration of Recruitment

2. Recruiting Staff fills up the necessary fields.3. Staff clicks on the Submit button.4. System validates if mandatory fields are specified.5. System displays a message stating that record has been added successfully.6. System stores the record in the database


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Candidate Application Form

Name: Candidate Application FormDescription: The Application Form is for inputting detailed information on an

applicant.Actor/s: Recruiting staffPreconditions: NoneMain Scenario:

1. 1. System displays the following set of fieldsUnder the General Information Section

a. First Nameb. Last Namec. Middle Named. Category

Under the Contact Information Sectione. Addressf. Cityg. Stateh. ZIP Codei. Countryj. Home Phonek. Work Phonel. E-mail

Under the Source of Applicant Sectionm. Source Typen. Date of Application

Under the Job Expectation Sectiono. Job Titlep. Minimum Salaryq. Job Typer. Period (appears only when temporary is selected in Job

Type)s. Working Day

Under the Education Section, five rows of t. Yearu. Qualificationv. Institutew. Distinction, If any

Under the Work Experience Section, five rows ofx. Periody. Organizationz. Designationaa. Responsibilities


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Applicant Source FormName: Applicant Source FormDescription: The Applicant Source Form is for inputting and editing the

main information on an applicant source.Actor/s: Recruiting StaffPreconditions: NoneMain Scenario: 1. System displays the following set of fields:

a. Nameb. Typec. Addressd. ZIP Codee. Phonef. Faxg. WWWh. E-maili. Commentsj. Active

2. Staff fills up the fields (a) to (j)3. Staff clicks on the ‘Submit’4. System validates if the mandatory fields are specified5. System stores the record in the database

Interview Model


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Selection Round Form

Name: Selection Round Form Description: The Selection Round Form is for showing the ways applicants are

evaluated during each selection round.Precondition: NoneActor/s: Recruiting StaffMain Scenario:

1. System displays the following set of fields:a. Round Nameb. Round Typec. Weightd. Numbere. Expert

Under Evaluated Traits, five rows off. Characteristicg. Weight

Evaluation Form Name: Evaluation FormDescription: Each selection round has an Evaluation Form corresponding to it.


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It includes the selection round requisites and the results of it being conducted.

Main Scenario: 1. System displays the following set of fields:a. Applicant (First Name, Last Name, Middle Name)b. Job Openingc. Hiring Managerd. Experte. Advanced Datef. Approved Dateg. Round Dateh. Time

Under Evaluated Traits Section, five rows of i. Traitsj. Scores

After Evaluated Traits Sectionk. Commentsl. Decision

Applicant Rejection Form Use Case

Name: Applicant Rejection FormDescription: The Applicant Rejection Form includes general information on an

applicant’s rejection.

Main Scenario:

System Displays the following set of fields:a. First Nameb. Last namec. Middle Named. Job Titlee. Roundf. Expertg. Dateh. Reason

Applicant Hiring Form Name: Applicant Hiring FormDescription: The Applicant Hiring Form includes general information on the


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conditions of hiring the applicantMain Scenario: System displays the following set of fields:

a. Hired Dateb. Date of Starting workc. Trial Period Untild. First Namee. Last Namef. Middle Nameg. Job Titleh. Hiring Manageri. Expert


=>> http://www.powertalk .com=>>


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Personnel Management—C.B.Mamoria

Personnel management—C.B.Mamoria /S.V.Gankar.

INDEX Particular Pg.no1. Professional practice of placement 1-92. Introduction

*meaning*sources*merits and demerits



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3. Methods of Recruitment *direct method*indirect method


4. Perquisite of a good recruitment Policy *advantages of centralization recruitment *factors affecting recruitment


5 Theories regarding recruitment 22-246 Recruitment policy 25-277 Sources of Recruitment

*internal sources*external sources


8 Recruitment practice in India 31-339 Recruitment practice in India and Elsewhere 34-3510 Assessment of the recruitment programme 3611 Selection procedure

*hiring requirement37-39

12 Selection policy*essentials of selection procedure

*steps in selection procedure*reception, initial or preliminary interview


13 Model procedure for effective personnel selection


14 Resume management system 46-4915 Questionnaire

*analysation of powertalk*analysation of k10



16 Annexure 55-6117 Bibliography 62


I am deeply indebted towards people who have guided me in preparing this

project. I would firstly like to express my gratitude towards my guide prof.Dipti

Soni for having shown so much flexibility, guidance as well as supporting me in all


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possible ways whenever I needed help. She has motivated me through out and

helped me to understand the topic in a very effective manner.

I would also like to thank our BMS coordinator Prof.Bhanu Krishnan for an

indirect support throughout.

I am sincerely thankful to Mr. Jade the mangers of PowerTalk for his valuable

time and those out looks through which I would understand various things and

concepts related to this topic

I acknowledge my indebtedness and express my great appreciation to all behind

this work.


This project introduces the basics of recruitment methodology, including the frame

work, approaches that have been used by the placement agencies to increase

employer and employee satisfaction


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This project on management of placement agencies is a precise

methodology to measure and improve a company’s operational performance by

identifying and eliminating ‘defects’ in the working and service related process. The

Management of Placement agencies are most often associated with the management

concepts. The techniques are also being applied extensively to transactional and

administrative process. Like most change initiative the placement agencies require

unwavering and consistent ownership and leadership by top management. The goal

of most of the companies is to increase customer satisfaction through reduction of

product defects.

Placement agencies have now evolved as a way to do business for

employee satisfaction and to increase productivity in the work. These agencies have

come up to reduce time, money, manual work, solve many technical problems and

employ most efficient work force.

Human Resource managers can also use Six Sigma for hiring employees

which can reduce the cycle time. Many companies have adopted hiring placement

agencies and have benefited to a great extent.



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