the process of developing the front and back cover of my cd cover

The Process of developing the front and back cover of my CD cover Selection of possible choices for front and back cover These are the photos I took with a still camera; I took several photos so I had a ray of choice for my front and back cover.

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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: The Process Of Developing The Front And Back Cover Of My CD Cover

The Process of developing the front and back cover of my CD cover

Selection of possible choices for front and back cover

These are the photos I took with a still camera; I took several photos so I had a ray of choice for my front and back cover.

Chosen Front Cover Chosen Back Cover

Out of the other possible choices of photos, I chose these two as my front and back cover, I chose these photos because my theme was ‘criminal/convict’ but with a ‘rebellious’ twist, so I wanted them to look as if they had been arrested and were having their ‘line up’ photos but to look unenthusiastic and laid-back. I believe they capture the theme in

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these photos because they are in a ‘line up’ stance, but with a laid-back attitude, and once I start to edit on Photoshop the theme will come more apparent. On Photoshop I started editing, what I decided to do first was cut the people out, therefore removing the brick background and leaving them on a plain white background, I done this by the Magnetic lasso and magic wand tools which cuts around objects.

Once they were cut out I decided to smooth the edges so it didn’t looks so Sharpe and looked more realistic – not like they had been cut out, but

as if they were really there and the background was real – I done this by using the eraser tool, I tuned down the harshness of the eraser and made it a bit smaller and zoomed in so I could go around the outlines more carefully, this method simply smoothed out the edges of the people (as seen in the photos above).

Page 3: The Process Of Developing The Front And Back Cover Of My CD Cover

Once I had finished editing I then added in the background, which was of a criminal line up wall – to go with the theme of the photos. I cropped off parts that did not need to be on the image and I enlarged the image to fit in with the size of the people.

And finally, I added in the text of the band name, ‘Rebellion’, the album name, ‘Manipulation Games’, and the track listings. And also I added in the basics of a CD front and back cover, such as a barcode, etc. Once I had done that I checked over what I had done to see if it was up to scratch, and once I thought it was I had completed my CD front and back cover.