the problem and review of literature

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  • 7/27/2019 The Problem and Review of Literature



    Education is the best legacy a nation can give to her citizens especially the youth.

    This is because the development of any nation or community depends largely on the

    quality of education of such nation. It is generally believed that the basis for any true

    development must commence with the development of human resources. Much then is

    said that formal education remains the vehicle for socio-economic, psychological and

    environmental development of any society. When we come to think of students, they are

    the ones who learn ideas to become more responsible and productive someday. Students

    from the rich and the poor, especially those in Agusan National High School are affected

    by myriad of factors. Examples of those factors are socio-economic, psychological and

    environmental factors.

    Socio-economic factors are believed to be the common factors affecting student's

    academic performance. They have been suffering and socio-economic gap between

    families (Johnson, 1996), lamented that parents become poor due to these hard measure,

    such that they can no longer adequately for good education of their children. High level

    of illiteracy, and poverty and low socio-economic status complied with high rate of

    paternal and material deprivation of student academic needs, which was necessitated by

    poor socio-economic situation. Home background according to PISA (Programme

    Internation Student Assement, 2000) influences academic and educational success of

    students and school work, while socio-economic status reinforces the activities and

    functioning of the students.

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    Psychological factors also give a big impact on student's performance. One of

    these is street hawking among students. Danesy and Okediran (2002) elaborated that

    street hawking among students have psychologically imposed other problems, like sex

    networking behavior, juvenile sequent behavior, which takes much of the school time that

    necessited the poor academic performance and drop out syndrome among students.

    Environmental factors also influence academic performance. Learning environment is

    one. The learning environment that is free of barriers, or obstacles or distractions such as

    noise, gas/smoke pollutions and so on can constitute health hazards, which in return

    affect or reduce student's concentration or perceptive or conceptive focus to learning

    (Sprinthall, 1987).


    Education in its broadest meaning is any process by which an individual gains knowledge

    an insight or develops attitudes or skills. It is an experience that has a formative effect on

    the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual, and in its technical sense

    education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated

    knowledge, values, skills from one generation to another generation (Holmes, 1971). The

    function of education is both social and individual. Its social function is to help each

    individual become more effective member of society by passing along to him the

    collective experience of the past and the present. Its individual function is to enable him

    to lead a more satisfying and productive life by preparing him to handle new experience

    successfully (Sadler, 1966).

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    Students are individuals who accumulate knowledge with the help of the teachers. The

    learning experience accumulated in school will serve as his bridge to overcome life's

    circumstances and eventually becomes a more effective member of the society.

    Many empirical studies are carried out to determine the factors affecting student's

    academic performance. All of the research reviews support the hypothesis that student's

    academic performances depend on different socio-economic, psychological, and

    environmental factors. Such as poverty because it is concluded that poverty is an

    important factor accounting for differences in performance and achievement across rural,

    sub-urban and urban districts (United States Department of Education, 2000). Some of

    the researches even tried to explain the relationship between student's achievements,

    economic circumstances and risk of becoming a drop-out that proved to be positive

    (Goldman et. al, 1988 and Pallas et. al, 1986). Chansarkar and Mischaeloudis (2001),

    explain the effects of age qualification distance from learning place on student's

    performance. The academic performance of students on the module is not influenced by

    factors such as age, gender, and place of residence but is related with qualification in

    quantitative subjects. It has been found out that those who live near the school perform

    much better than other students.

    Walkers and Soyibo (1998) further elaborated that student's performance is very much

    dependent on SEB (Socio-economic background) as per their statement, " High School

    Student's level of performance is with statistically significant differences, linked to their

    gender, year level, school and location and type, kind of student and socio-economic

    background (SEB)".

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    Goethals (2001) found out that weak students do better when grouped with other weak

    students. As implied by Zonjonc (1976) that students of their own kind help them to

    improve their performance.

    Socerdoke (2001) found out that grades are higher when students have unusually

    academically strong study partner.

    The findings of Zimmerman (1991, 2001) where somewhat contradictory to Goethals

    results but again is proved that student's performance depends on number of different

    factors; it says that the weak peers might reduce the grades of middling or strong


    Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

    The factors that affects student's performance are complex and numerous. Hence, the

    researchers only chose those that commonly encountered by students.

    Socio-economic Factors are social and economic aspects that influence not only

    students but also the people from the different walks of life. It includes Family

    Background, Financial Income, Position in the society and many more.

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    Psychological Factors are factors that are determined based on the behavior and mental

    state of a person. The indicators include Attitude towards School, Attendance in School,

    Time Allocation and Study Habits, Quality of teachers and Quality of Classmates and


    Environmental Factors are based on the external conditions and circumstances that

    surround the students. The indicators include Health Condition, Home Environment and

    Learning Environment.

    But among all these factors, Walkers and Soyibo (1998) further elaborated that the

    student's performance is very much dependent on ESEB (socio-economic background).

    The factors and the students are interlinked. As to the students so as to the factors, both

    runs a well-known epigram. The factors reinforce the activities and functioning of the


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    Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of The Study

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    Statement of the Problem

    The study aims to determine the factors that affect Student's academic performance in

    Agusan National High School.

    More specifically, the study purports to clevle answer to the following questions:

    1. What is the profile of the student respondents in terms of:

    a. Age

    b. Sex

    c. Year Level/ Curriculum

    2. What are the problems that affect student's academic performance along the

    following factors:

    a. Socio-economic factors

    b. Psychological factors

    c. Environmental factor

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    3. What is the factor that greatly affects student's academic performance in Agusan

    National High School?

    4. Is there a significant difference between the factors that affect student's academic

    performance in Agusan National High School?


    Ho: There is no significant difference between the factors that affects student's academic

    performance in Agusan National High School.

    Ha: There is a significant difference between the factors that affect student's academic

    performance in Agusan National High School.

    Significance of the Study

    The findings accumulated by this study may provide significant benefits to the

    following groups or individuals:

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    School Administrators. They will be able to determine on how big difference they can

    make on the student's academic performance. They can make ways to help students excel

    in their studies. For example, they can conduct school services, activities, academic

    programs and seminars that can be a sure fit solution to the student's problems

    influencing their studies and performance.

    Teachers. They can better understand why such student's performance is like that. They

    will be able to help students cope with their studies in spite of the factors affecting it.

    Parents. They will be able to realize their role on their children's academic performances.

    They will be able to guide them on their studies especially their performance in school.

    For example, they can do this through counseling them and spending time teaching them

    their lessons.

    Students. They will be able to know the factors that affect their academic performance.

    Thus, they will be able to manage their situations. This study will serve as a reason for

    them to be more serious with their studies in spite of the factors affecting it.

    Scope and Limitations of the Study

    This study focuses mainly on the factors that affect student's academic performance in

    Agusan National High School. The respondents in this study are 50 students. The

    respondents are asked to fill up the data in the survey questionnaire. The survey

    questionnaire is composed of two sections. The introductory section includes basic

    questions used to identify the socio-demographic profiles of students. The second section

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    of the survey questionnaire addresses the statements and questions under each factors

    mostly encountered by students. Student respondents are asked to indicate their most

    appropriate rating for each item. The statements are intended to capture the effects of

    factors that mostly affects students academic performance.

    Definition of Terms

    To constitute general comprehension, the terms were operationally defined for better

    understanding and justification of the study.

    Socio-economic Factors. The term that refers to the social and economic aspects that

    influences student's academic performance. According to researches, it is the most

    common factor affecting student's academic performance.

    Psychological Factors. The term that refers to the behavior and mental state of the

    students and the people around him/her which affects his/her study.

    Environmental Factors. The term that refers to the external and circumstances that

    surrounds the student that influences his/her performance.

    Student's Performance. The term that refers to the efficiency and efficacy of the

    functioning of students in such way to determine whether it is poor or good.

    Research Design

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    The study utilized the survey approach of research precisely the descriptive method. The

    said approach is used as much as the principal rationale of the study was to figure out the

    problems and/or situations under such factors that mostly affect their academic

    performance. Students from the different year level and curriculum were asked to fill up a

    survey questionnaire. In order to determine the factors that affect student's performance,

    the quantitative research techniques were used particularly the Likert Scale.

    Analysis and Results

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    This chapter of the study focuses mainly the answers to the study. The analysis,

    interpretation, and presentation of data were based from the specific problems mentioned

    in Chapter 1.

    Problem 1. What is the profile of student respondents in terms of: Age, Sex, and Year


    Table 1. Distribution of Student Respondents by Age

    Table 1 shows that most of the student respondents belongs to the age bracket of 14-15

    years old which accounts for 23 or 46% of the total respondents. On the other hand, the

    second lowest which accounts for 2 or 4% of the total respondents is the age bracket of

    20-21 years old.

    Table 2. Distribution of Student Respondents by Sex

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    Table 2 shows that female respondents have dominated male respondents which accounts

    for 35 or 70% of the total respondents. Male respondents were only 15 or 30% of the total


    Table 3. Distribution of Student Respondents by Year Level

    Table 3 shows the equality between the frequency and percentage among the student

    respondents from the different year level which is 10 or 20% of the total respondents.

    This data is being considered in the study undertaken.

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    Problem 2. What are the problems that affects student's academic performance along the

    following factors: Socio-economic Factors, Psychological Factors, and Environmental


    Table 4. Socio-economic Factors that Affects Student's Academic Performance

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    Table 4 shows the indicators of the socio-economic factors along with their

    corresponding means. The data shows that Category B which is Family Income got the

    highest weighted mean of 2.29 whom is Moderately Affected. Under this category, item

    number 6 which is the "My parents have jobs" got the highest weighted mean of 2.76

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    which is Moderately Affected. The student respondents consider their parents employed.

    This is the reason why their studies are affected in such good way. This only means that

    their parents are able to give whatever they need and thus also supports their studies.

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    Table 5. Psychological factors that affects student's academic performance

    Table 5 shows the indicators under the Psychological Factor. The data shows that

    Category D which is Quality of Teachers got the highest weighted mean of 2.81 which is

    Extremely Affected. Under this category, item number 11 which is the "My teacher

    guides and helps me whenever I have difficulties in understanding the lesson" got the

    highest weighted mean of 2.82 which is Extremely Affected. Student respondents

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    consider their teachers helpful whenever they have difficulties in understanding the


    Table 6. Environmental Factors that affects student's academic performance

    Table 6 shows the indicators under the Environmental Factors. The table also shows

    that Category B which is Home Environment got the highest weighted mean of 2.33

    which is Moderately Affected. Under this category, item number 5 which is the "Sources

    of information and knowledge are available in the place where I live (Books, Newspaper,

    PC w/ Internet, TV, Radio, etc.)" got the highest weighted mean of 2.61 which is

    Moderately Affected. The student respondents consider their homes complete in sources

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    of information and knowledge. This only shows that their studies are moderately affected

    in a good way.

    Problem 3. What is the factor that greatly affects student's academic performance in

    Agusan National High School?

    Table 7. Factors that Affects Student Academic Performance

    Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

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    Summary of Findings

    The study utilized the survey approach of research precisely the descriptive method.

    The said approach is use as much as the principal rationale of the study was to figure out

    the problems and/or situations under such factors that mostly affect their academic

    performance. Students from the different year level and curriculum were asked to fill up a

    survey questionnaire. In order to determine the factors that affect student's academic

    performance, the quantitative research techniques were used particularly the Likert Scale.

    A survey questionnaire was prepared for students. This instrument was used to

    determine the problems and/or situations under such factors that mostly affect student's

    academic performance. The survey questionnaire is composed of two sections. The

    introductory section of it includes basic questions used to identify the socio-demographic

    profiles of the student respondents. The second section of the survey questionnaire

    addresses the statements and questions under each factors mostly encountered by

    students. The questionnaire is consist of 35 items as indicators. Student respondents are

    asked to indicate their most appropriate rating for each item. There are 50 respondents

    taken for the student respondents.

    As to age, most of the student respondents belongs to the age bracket of 14-15 years old

    which accounts for 23 or 46% of the total respondents. Female respondents have

    dominated male respondents which accounts for 35 or 70% of the total respondents. In

    terms of year level, the student respondents got an equal frequency and percentage which

    is 10 or 20% of the total respondents. This data is being considered in the study


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    As to the socio-economic factors, category B which is the family income got the

    highest weighted mean of 2.29 which is Moderately Affected. Under this category, item

    number 6 got the highest weighted of 2.76 which is Moderately Affected. Majority of the

    student respondent's parents are employed or have jobs.

    As to the psychological factors, category D which is the Quality of Teachers go the

    highest weighted mean of 2.81, verbally described as Extremely Affected. Under this

    category, item number 11 got the highest weighted mean of 2.82 which is Extremely

    Affected. Student respondents strongly agreed that their teachers guide and help them

    whenever they have difficulties in understanding their lesson.

    As to the environmental factors, Category B which is the Home Environment got

    the highest weighted mean of 2.33 which is Moderately Affected. Under this factor, item

    number 5 got the highest weighted mean of 2.61 which is Moderately Affected. Most of

    the student respondents consider their home complete in sources of information and

    knowledge such as books, newspapers, personal computers with internet connection,

    television and radio.

    Summing up all the data, the psychological factor got the highest over-all mean of 2.42,

    verbally described as Moderately Affected. This only shows that most of the student

    respondents' academic performances are moderately affected by the psychological



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    Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

    1. Majority of the student respondents belongs to the age-bracket of 14 to 15 year olds

    which is 23 or 46% of the total respondents.

    2. Most of the student respondents are female which is 35 or 70% of the total


    3. The student respondents from the different year level and curriculum got an equal

    frequency and percentage which is 10 or 20% of the total respondents.

    4. Family Income in the socio-economic factor got the highest weighted mean of 2.29.

    Under this category, item number 6 got the highest weighted mean of 2.76. Both are

    verbally described as Moderately Affected.

    5. Quality of Teachers in the Psychological factor got the highest weighted mean of

    2.81. Under this category, item number 11 got the highest weighted mean of 2.82. Both

    are verbally described as Extremely Affected.

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    6. Home Environment in the Environmental Factor got the highest weighted mean of

    2.33. Under this category, item number 5 got the highest weighted mean of 2.61. Both are

    verbally described as Moderately Affected.

    7. Psychological Factor got the highest over-all mean of 2.42, verbally described as

    Moderately Affected.

    8. There is a significant difference between the factors that affects student's academic

    performance in Agusan National High School.


    On the basis of findings and conclusions taken from the study, the following

    recommendations are given for consideration.

    1. The students should avoid distractions during classes.

    2. The teachers should maintain their good relationship with their students.

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    3. The school administrators should be aware of the health hazards and pollutions which

    in return can affect the students.

    4. The parents should take good part on their role in their children's school performance.