the possible reasons of indonesian-english


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    Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

    For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

    in English Letters



    Student Number: 154214101







  • ii





    Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

    For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

    in English Letters



    Student Number: 154214101











  • vii



  • viii


    First of all, I give my deepest gratefulness to the one who never leaves me

    in any circumstances I go through, Jesus Christ. I thank Jesus for His loves and

    hopes along this journey. His loves and hopes have guided me so that I could

    enjoy this journey and most importantly I could be able to finish this thesis.

    In finishing this thesis, I have received so many supports and helps. I would

    like to extend my gratitude to my advisor Adventina Putranti, M.Hum. for the

    helps in developing my undergraduate thesis. Her patience and guidance during

    the consultation means a lot to me. I also would like to send my gratitude to my

    co-advisor Dr. Bernardine Ria Lestari for her time and advices to make this thesis

    much better.

    I would send my endless gratitude to my beloved parents, Mama Cantik

    and Papa, for their prayers, loves, and supports for me. I will never be in this

    chapter of my life without their efforts. I would also express my love for my

    brothers abang Andrew and Axel for being reminders so that I can be a better

    person. It is a grace to have them in my life.

    I thank my best friends, Cee, Lilong, Gebong, Oli, Fadly, Yosua and Kak

    Evan for always showering me with loves, prayers, courage, and positivity from

    the beginning of my thesis until this time. I thank my college buddies, Cici Valen,

    Ejun, Ojita, Julius and Acay for their supports, help, jokes, gossips, and weird

    stuffs that color up my college life. I thank PMK Efata Sanata Dharma, CG

    Alfian, CG Vera, MC Ministry and Joy Indonesia for the joy, togetherness and

    life lessons.

    In addition, my gratitude and appreciation go to everyone who prays and

    supports me from the beginning of my college journey. God bless you all.

    Adelia Tamara Priscillia Sianipar


  • ix


    TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................... ii

    APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................ iii

    ACCEPTANCE PAGE ....................................................................... iv

    STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................... v



    MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................... vii

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................ viii

    TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................... ix

    LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................. xi

    ABSTRACT ........................................................................................ xii

    ABSTRAK ............................................................................................ xiii

    CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 1

    A. Background of the Study ........................................................... 1 B. Problem Formulation ................................................................. 4 C. Objectives of the Study .............................................................. 5 D. Definition of Terms ................................................................... 5

    CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................... 7

    A. Review of Related Studies ......................................................... 7 B. Review of Related Theories ....................................................... 8

    1. Sociolinguistics.................................................................... 8 2. Code Switching....................................................................... 9 3. Types of Code Switching........................................................ 11 4. Reasons of Code Switching ................................................. 13

    C. Theoretical Framework .............................................................. 18

    CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ................................................... 19

    A. Object of the Study ..................................................................... 19 B. Approach of the Study ............................................................... 19 C. Method of the Study .................................................................. 20

    1. Data Collection .................................................................... 20 2. Data Analysis ..................................................................... 21


    A. Types of Indonesian-English switching in Cindercella’s vlogs .... 24 1. Intra-sentential Switching .................................................... 24 2. Inter-Sentential Switching .................................................... 27 3. Tag Switching...................................................................... 30

    B. Reasons of Indonesian-English switching in Cindercella’s vlogs 33 1. Talking about Particular Topic ............................................. 33


  • x

    2. Doing Interjection ................................................................ 37 3. Clarifying the Speech Content for the Interlocutor ............... 40 4. Being Emphatic about Something ........................................ 45

    CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION .......................................................... 50

    REFERENCES ................................................................................... 53

    APPENDIX: The Types and Possible Reasons of Indonesian-English

    Code Switching in Cindercella’s YouTube Channel ............................... 56


  • xi


    BE : Being Emphatic about Something

    CS : Clarifying the Speech Content for the Interlocutor

    EG : Expressing Group Identity or Solidarity

    I : Doing Interjection

    IA : Intra-Sentential Switching

    IE : Inter-Sentential Switching

    QS : Quoting Somebody Else

    RC : Repetition Used for Clarification

    T : Tag Switching

    TP : Talking about Particular Topic Vlog : Video Blog


  • xii


    Sianipar, Adelia Tamara Priscillia. The Possible Reasons of Indonesian-

    English Code Switching in Cindercella’s YouTube Channel. Yogyakarta:

    Department of English Letters. Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University,


    Switching from one language to another language is often found in

    multilingual community. The phenomenon of switching from one language to

    another is known as code switching. Indonesian as one of multilingual countries

    also experiences this phenomenon. People tend to switch from Indonesian to

    English in their utterance to have wider interactions. Nowadays, beauty vlog is

    very popular on YouTube. It has attracted many people’s attention. One example

    of Indonesian-English code-switching phenomenon can be seen in Cindercella’s

    YouTube channel. Cindercella is a famous Indonesian beauty vlogger. This

    research was conducted t analyze Indonesian-English code switching used by

    Cindercella in her beauty vlog.

    There are two objectives in this research. The first objective of this

    research is to find out what types of Indonesian-English code switching found in

    Cindercella’s vlogs. The second objective is to find out the possible reasons of

    Indonesian-English code switching found in Cindercella’s vlogs.

    In conducting this research, sociolinguistics was applied for the approach

    of the study. Purposive sampling method was applied in collecting the data of this

    research. The data were collected from two video blogs in Cindercella YouTube

    channel and were analyzed using the theories of types of code switching by

    Poplack (1980) and reasons for using code switching by Hoffmann (1991).

    There are 56 data that are considered as Indonesian-English code-

    switching. The types of code switching found are intra-sentential switching, inter-

    sentential switching, and tag switching. Meanwhile, the four reasons for using

    code switching found are talking about particular topic, being emphatic about

    something, doing interjection, and clarifying the speech content for the

    interlocutor. Talking about particular topic is the most frequent possible reason in

    the vlogs. In addition, repetition used for clarification reason, quoting somebody

    else reason, and expressing group identity or solidarity reason are not found in the

    vlogs due to the fact that the vlogs contain monologue and the viewers of the

    vlogs are not particular people or specific ethnic groups, but people from around

    the world so it is not necessary to make sure the conversation goes well and show

    identity or solidarity.

    Keywords: code switching, reason, vlog


  • xiii


    Sianipar, Adelia Tamara Priscillia. The Possible Reasons of Indonesian-

    English Code Switching in Cindercella’s YouTube Channel. Yogyakarta:

    Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2019.

    Beralih dari satu bahasa ke bahasa lain sering ditemukan di komunitas

    multibahasa. Fenomena beralih dari satu bahasa ke bahasa lain dikenal sebagai

    alih kode. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara multibahasa juga mengalami

    fenomena ini. Orang-orang cenderung beralih dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa

    Inggris dalam ucapan mereka untuk memiliki interaksi yang lebih luas. Saat

    ini, vlog kecantikan sangat populer di YouTube. Vlog kecantikan telah

    menarik perhatian banyak orang. Salah satu contoh fenomena alih kode bahasa

    Indonesia-Inggris dapat dilihat di saluran YouTube Cindercella. Cindercella

    adalah vlogger kecantikan Indonesia yang terkenal. Penelitian ini dilakukan

    untuk menganalisis alih kode bahasa Indonesia-Inggris yang digunakan oleh

    Cindercella di vlog kecantikannya.

    Ada dua tujuan dalam penelitian ini. Tujuan pertama dari penelitian ini

    adalah untuk mengetahui jenis alih kode bahasa Indonesia-Inggris yang

    ditemukan dalam vlognya Cindercella. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk mengetahui

    kemungkinan alasan alih kode bahasa Indonesia-Inggris yang ditemukan dalam

    vlognya Cindercella.

    Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, sosiolinguistik digunakan sebagai

    pendekatan penelitian. Metode purposive sampling diterapkan dalam

    mengumpulkan data penelitian ini. Data dikumpulkan dari dua vlog di saluran

    YouTube Cindercella dan dianalisis menggunakan teori jenis alih kode oleh

    Poplack (1980) dan alasan penggunaan alih kode oleh Hoffmann (1991).

    Ada 56 data yang dikategorikan sebagai alih kode bahasa Indonesia-

    Inggris. Jenis-jenis alih kode yang ditemukan adalah intra-sentential switching,

    tag switching, dan inter-sentential switching. Sementara itu, empat alasan untuk

    menggunakan alih kode yang ditemukan adalah berbicara tentang topik tertentu,

    menunjukan empati tentang sesuatu, interjeksi (memasukkan pengisi kalimat atau

    penghubung kalimat), dan niat mengklarifikasikan isi pesan kepada lawan bicara..

    Berbicara tentang topik tertentu adalah alasan yang paling sering muncul dalam

    vlog. Selain itu, alasan pengulangan yang digunakan untuk klarifikasi, alasan

    mengutip orang lain, dan alasan mengekpresikan identitas kelompok atau

    solidaritas tidak ditemukan dalam vlog karena fakta bahwa vlog mengandung

    monolog dan pendengar vlog bukan orang tertentu atau kelompok etnis

    tertentu, tetapi orang-orang dari seluruh dunia jadi tidak perlu memastikan

    percakapan berjalan lancar dan mengekpresikan identitas kelompok atau


    Kata kunci: alih kode, alasan, vlog


  • 1



    A. Background of the Study

    Lately, many people are able to speak more than one language. They tend

    to use two or more languages in their utterances in order to have a wider

    communication with both people who speak the same language and people who

    speak different language. This kind of situation is considerably influenced by

    globalization. Myers-Scotton (2006) explains that Globalization promotes the

    increasing power of various languages that are already established as the language

    of wider communication, whether in a single country or in the world (p. 136). As a

    result, people frequently switch their languages when delivering their speech. This

    phenomenon is known as code-switching. Code-switching is “the alternate use of

    two or more languages in the same utterance or conversation” (Grosjean as cited in

    Srinivas, 2008, p. 308). Furthermore, Myers-Scotton adds that “English, of course,

    is a prime language of such a language (p. 136). In other words, it is obvious that

    English is used as the language example to broaden people’s interaction.

    In Indonesian, the use of English is also found. Together with the current

    circumstances in Indonesia, people tend to use some English expression, sayings,

    and terminologies. English words and phrases are used not only by Indonesian high

    ranking officials but also ordinary people, whether in newspaper articles, informal

    conversation or presidential speech” (Setiawan, 2016, p. 1545). Setiawan also gives

    some examples of the occurrence of Indonesian-English code-switching,


  • 2

    Freestyle Indonesia Punya Potensi Atraksi Drifting Bike

    (Indonesian Freestyle has Potential in Drifting Bike Attractions)

    Saipul Jamil: Oh My God Kenapa Dewi Persik Pakai yang Palsu?

    (Saipul Jamil: Oh My God Why Does Dewi Persik Use the Fake one?

    (Setiawan, 2016, p. 1549-1550)

    The examples above show the use of English words insertion into Indonesian

    sentences. It can be seen from the words freestyle, drifting bike, and oh my god

    which are categorized as English words. In addition, Setiawan (2016) explains that

    there are four reasons of the occurrence of English code-switching in Indonesian.

    They are “English is more compact, English is more precise, English is more

    prestigious, and English becomes a starter or a stepping stone for a fuller use of the

    language” (Setiawan, 2016, p. 1548).Thus, it is not surprising that there is a large

    number of Indonesian-English code-switching phenomenon found in many types

    of mass media and speeches.

    YouTube, a video sharing platform, is one of the mass media that recently

    most chosen by people to share their interest or attract viewers. As cited in YouTube

    Revenue and Usage Statistics 2018, YouTube is now the world’s second biggest

    search engine in which more than 1,8 billion people are registered on the site to

    check it and watch 5 billion videos daily (para. 1). YouTube is very popular for its

    trendiest characteristic namely, vlog. In Indonesia, vlog has been trending since

    2014 because many people from different backgrounds are triggered to create it

    (Fajrina et al., 2016, para. 1). At first, vlog is used to share people’s daily activities

    and thoughts, but now it is also used to give information or advertisement and to

    interact with others. This fact is supported by Fan et al. (2013) as cited by Sokol

    (2017, p 1) explains that vlogging has developed into one of the most popular ways


  • 3

    for not only recording one’s personal life, but also discussing different products and

    brands. In addition, Zanette et al. (2013) explains that vlogs are important in the

    process of developing a personal or corporate image due to the possibility of

    reaching and influencing thousands of people (as cited in Sokol, 2017, p. 1). Thus,

    this is no doubt that vlog creator, or known as vlogger, is rapidly increasing.

    The growth existence of vlogger is pretty much significant. This is

    supported by Fajrina (2016, para. 2) that explains many people, from common

    people to celebrities, excitedly follow this trend and become a vlogger. Many

    vloggers appear with various contents, one of which is beauty vlog. Beauty vlog is

    a vlog that talks about tutorial on makeup looks, fashions, hairstyles, and other

    beauty stuff-related topics. In this kind of vlog, the researcher finds the tendency of

    the vlogger inserting Indonesia-English code-switching in their utterance while

    delivering the speech, which arouses the researcher’s curiosity to analyze.

    Although the phenomenon of code-switching can be found in many beauty

    vlogs, the researcher is going to focus on one of the Indonesian vloggers that

    frequently uses Indonesian-English code-switching, Marcella Febrianne

    Hadikusumo. Marcella is well known for her YouTube channel called Cindercella.

    She begins her YouTube channel on January 23, 2009, and posted her first video

    on April 10, 2010. She has created various vlog contents such as beauty, song cover,

    traveling, and so on. However, Cindercella is famous for her beauty vlog content.

    Cindercella’s makeup tutorial vlogs have reached more than 11 million views

    (Kompas, 2017, para. 6). Now, she has uploaded 107 videos and has more than


  • 4

    316.914 subscribers. Furthermore, Kompas states that Cindercella is known as one

    of the most popular beauty vlogger in Indonesian (para. 2)

    All of Cindercella’s vlogs show her tendency of inserting code-switching in

    her utterances. Nevertheless, in consideration of large intensity of code-switching,

    the researcher focuses on her beauty challenge vlogs. It is because Cindercella’s

    beauty challenge vlogs show higher tendency of inserting code-switching among

    the other contents. Furthermore, since this research covers sociolinguistic aspect,

    only Cindercella’s challenge vlogs that contain significant number of code-

    switching occurrence will be chosen. Therefore, Cindercella’s vlogs which are


    and 5 Minutes Make-Up Challenge with The Balm are chosen as the object of this


    The occurrence of Indonesian-English code switching in FULL FACE


    Up Challenge with The Balm are used as the data discussed in this research. The

    researcher is going to analyze the types of code switching and the reasons of code-

    switching found in Cinderella’s FULL FACE USING ONLY MY FINGERS (NO

    BRUSHES) CHALLENGE and 5 Minutes Make-Up Challenge with The Balm.

    B. Problem Formulation

    According to the background of this study, there are two questions

    formulated in order to get the main goal. The formulated questions that will be

    discussed are:


  • 5

    1. What are the types of code switching used in two selected vlogs of


    2. What are the possible reasons of code switching used in two selected vlogs

    of Cindercella?

    C. Objectives of the Study

    The research objectives of this study are first to discover the types of code

    switching used by Cindercella in two selected vlogs. Second, after identifying the

    types of code switching used by Cindercella in two selected vlogs, the researcher

    elaborates the possible reasons of code switching used by Cindercella in the third

    selected vlogs based on the context of the utterances.

    D. Definition of Terms

    The researcher provides explanation of several terms that are discussed in

    the study in order to avoid misinterpretation. The terms that are discussed in this

    study are code, code-switching, vlog, beauty vlogger.

    Code is a term that refers to particular language, dialect, or style. It is used

    by people when delivering their speech. It is supported by Myers-Scotton (2006)

    by stating that code is a language, dialect, or style used in speaking by people (p.


    Code-switching is a phenomenon that involves two languages or linguistic

    varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation. The occurrence

    of code switching is in various forms. It can be in the form of phrases, clause, or


  • 6

    sentences including tags and exclamations at either end of the sentence (Poplack as

    cited in Hoffman, 1991, p. 104).

    Vlog, according to Collins English Dictionary, is a set of videos that

    someone regularly posts on the internet in which they record their thoughts or

    experiences or talk about a subject. Meanwhile, according to Duyen (2016), vlog is

    another format of blog, which is published in the form of video clip (p. 17).

    Beauty Vlogger is commonly used to describe a person who creates and

    posts a video to YouTube about tutorial on makeup looks, fashions, hairstyles, and

    other beauty stuffs-related topics. Nguyen (2015) stated that “beauty vloggers are

    those beauty influencers who share their reviews through recorded video clips

    instead of blog posts” (as citied in Duyen 2016).


  • 7



    A. Review of Related Studies

    There are two studies that related to this research. Both studies discuss about

    code switching phenomenon. The first is an undergraduate thesis written by Putu

    (2018) which is entitled “The Possible Reasons of Indonesian-English Code

    Switching in Indonesian Morning Show on 5 August 2016”. Putu, in her study,

    formulates two questions which are what types of code switching that are used on

    the talk show and the possible reasons of Indonesia-English code switching that are

    seen on the talk show. In analyzing the data, Putu uses four theories which are

    theory of types of code switching by Poplack (1980), theory of reasons of code

    switching by Hoffman (1991), theory of grammatical function by Downing (2015)

    and theory of types of phrase by Greenbaum & Nelson (2002).

    In her conclusion, Putu finds out that the most frequent reasons used by the

    speakers are being emphatic about something, interjection, and talking about

    particular topic. It is because the guest had much exposure with English since she

    had lived for several years in countries such as Canada and American where English

    is the official language. In addition, Putu states that the switching is frequently

    found in the talk show because one of the hosts is also fluent in English.

    The second one is a journal by Mukti and Muljani (2018) which is entitled

    “Code Switching in the Instructions of English Language Education Study Program

    Lecturers”. This study presents the analysis of the types of code switching ELESP


  • 8

    lecturers employed in their instructional languages and the reasons of code

    switching employed in their instructional languages. Mukti and Muljani identify the

    types of code switching used by ELESP lecturers based on Wardaugh (2006) theory

    of types of code switching, namely situational switching and metaphorical

    switching, while the reasons of code switching based on Hoffman (1991), Holmes

    (1992) and Wardaugh (2006). According to the results, both situational and

    metaphorical code switching are employed by the participants. However, the

    participants mostly employ situational code switching. In addition, there are eight

    reasons found for the participants to code-switch. They are topic, addressee,

    emphasis, persuasion, solidarity, affection, the nature of the subject, and as the

    participants’ strategy. It shows that the participants do consider their use of code

    switching. Mukti and Muljani also add that instead of the lack of English mastery,

    the participants use code switching to help students understand better.

    From the previous studies, the researcher finds out that both studies have

    similar and different aspects to this research. Both studies deal with code switching

    phenomenon and they apply the theory of reasons of code switching by Hoffman.

    Both studies analyze code switching in conversation, while this research analyzes

    code switching in monologue from Cindercella’s YouTube channel. Although the

    object is different, both studies help the researcher in understanding the theory

    better which is applied to solve the problem formulation of this research.

    B. Review of Related Theories

    1. Sociolinguistics

    Sociolinguistics knowledge and information are required in this research


  • 9

    since code switching belongs to one of sociolinguistics phenomena. The idea that

    code switching is in the scope of sociolinguistic phenomena is supported by

    Gardner-Chloros (2009) who states that “code switching was considered as

    sociolinguistic phenomenon - a linguistic product of language contact, determined

    in various ways by the social circumstances in which it occurs” (p. 65). In

    other words, social circumstances such as topic, interlocutor, and context

    determine people’s choice of using language. According to Holmes (2013),

    sociolinguistics gives the overview that social factors (backgrounds, settings,

    knowledge) of the interlocutor influence the choice of appropriate ways of

    speaking in different social contexts (p. 1). For example, students use one code

    when talking to their principal and use different code when talking to their mother.

    It is also found that people can express the same message with different styles to

    different people. Furthermore, Caparas and Gustilo (2017) state that people in a

    multilingual community can speak two or more languages due to language contact

    and language policy. Therefore, code switching from one language to another is

    inevitable in multilingual community (p. 349). Herk also says that code switching

    is the common result of widespread multilingualism (2012, p. 130). Related to this

    research, the researcher tries to observe how code switching as sociolinguistic

    phenomenon used by an individual in a particular society, which is here a vlog

    .2. Code Switching

    Code refers to a specific way that people use in communication. As stated

    by Yun, “code means any style, variety, dialect, or language” (2009, p. 10).

    Wardhaugh (2006) says that code switching is a particular code for speaking and


  • 10

    switching from one code to another within very short utterances or between

    speakers turn (p. 101). Therefore, it is understood that code switching is a switch

    from one language to another language in the same utterance or conversation done

    by people who are able to speak more than one language. Poplack (1980) gives

    equivalence constraint for code switching that occurs within clause or phrase. The

    rule says that “code switches will tend to occur at points in the discourse where

    juxtaposition of L1and L2 elements does not violate a syntactic rule of either

    language” (as cited in Gafaranga, 2007, p. 39). One of the examples is switching

    within phrase.

    “English noun phrase “big house” and French noun phrase “grande maison”

    can be switched into “big maison” or “grande house”. However, English

    noun phrase “red boat” and French noun phrase “bateau rouge” cannot be

    switched because the grammar of both languages in that particular case does

    not match each other.” (Holmes as cited in Putu, 2018, p.12)

    Poplack (1980) also adds that bound morpheme from one language is affixed

    to the root from another language cannot be considered as code switching (as cited

    in Gafaranga, 2007, p.38). In conclusion, code switching is the alternation between

    two languages within a sentence or at sentence boundary, not the alternation

    between bound morpheme of one language and affix of another language.

    Related to this research, the researcher only analyzes the occurrence of

    code switching phenomenon in the vlogs. Thus, any other types of code case

    found in the vlogs will not be analyzed since this research focuses on analyzing

    code switching case.


  • 11

    3. Types of Code Switching

    According to Poplack (1980) as cited by Romaine (1995, pp. 122-123), there

    are three types of code switching, namely intra-sentential switching, inter-sentential

    switching, and tag switching.

    a. Intra-Sentential Switching

    This type of code switching involves switching within sentence. In this type

    of switching, the speaker uses two different languages within the same sentence.

    Jendra (2010) explains intra-sentential switching is found when a word, a phrase or

    a clause of a foreign language is used within the sentence in a base language (p. 76).

    Furthermore, if this type of switching is omitted from a sentence, the idea of the

    sentence will change. In other words, this type of switching affects the idea of the

    whole sentence. The examples of intra-sentential switch are provided below:

    M poko telman (I have not yet really) make up mind mwen (my).

    (St. Fort, 2012, p. 136)

    In the example above, the speaker uses Haitian Creole at the beginning and

    English in the middle of the sentence. The English phrase ‘make up mind’ is used

    in Haitian Creole sentence. The code switching in the example above occurs within

    sentence boundary.

    b. Inter-Sentential Switching

    Inter-sentential switching occurs at sentence boundary. According to Al

    Heeti and Al Abdely (2016), this switch occurs “at sentential boundaries where one

    sentence is in one language and the next sentence is in the other” (p. 11). In other


  • 12

    words, this switch occurs at two separate sentences where one sentence is spoken

    in one language and the next sentence is in another language. Romaine as quoted

    by Stockwell (2002) says this switch occurs at sentence boundary which is marked

    by the change of topic (p. 33). According to Wells (2006), falling intonation is used

    to distinguish clause and sentence boundaries in speech. The falling intonation is a

    signal that what we say is complete (p.25).The tone for wh-question is also a fall,

    while the tone for yes-no question is a rise (Wells, 2006, p. 42-45). Examples of

    inter-sentential switch are provided below:

    A Spanish-English speaker:

    It’s on the radio. A mi se me olvida la estaciόn (I forget which station).

    I’m gonna serve you another one, right?

    (Poplack, 1982, p. 13)

    ‘A mi se me olvida la estaciόn’is the example of code switching occurs at sentence

    boundary. The speaker uses English at the first sentence, then switch into Spanish

    at the second sentence, then switch again into English at the third sentence.

    c. Tag Switching

    This type of code switching occurs when a speaker inserts a tag, filler, or

    exclamation which is in another language from the rest of the sentence. If this

    type is omitted in a sentence, it will not change the idea of the sentence. This is

    supported by Appel (1987) that says tag switching involves exclamation, a tag, or

    parenthetical in another language from the rest of the sentence. According to Giorgi

    (2016), parenthetical means expressions that are inserted in another clause, usually

    independent clause. It is usually connected to independent clause only because it

    appears in the same utterance, but is otherwise unrelated.


  • 13

    For example, ‘John, as everybody knows, likes to go to parties’, the clause

    ‘as everybody knows’ occurs as parenthetical in the sentence since it is a non-

    restrictive clause (Giorgi, 2016, p. 472). Non-restrictive clause is a clause that adds

    additional information to a sentence yet it can be omitted (Traffis, 2019, para. 9).

    In other words, parenthetical does not give significant meaning to the sentence.

    Moreover, this switching type can be found in the beginning, in the middle or at the

    end of a sentence. Other examples of tag switching are provided below:

    Tamati: Engari (So) now we turn to more important matters.

    (Holmes, 2013, p. 35)

    In the example above, Tamati, the name of the speaker, inserts a Maori tag

    “Engari” in the beginning of his utterance.

    4. Reasons of Code Switching

    According to Hoffmann (1991, p. 115-116), there are seven reasons of code

    switching. They are talking about particular topic, being emphatic about something,

    interjection, repetition for clarification, expressing group identity or solidarity,

    clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor, and quoting somebody else. Each

    reason of code switching will be elaborated below:

    a. Talking about Particular Topic

    Talking about particular topic means people sometimes switch from one

    language to another language when they are talking about particular topic or

    specific information. Hoffmann (1991) explains talking about particular topic may

    cause a switch, either because of lack of facility in the relevant register or because


  • 14

    certain items trigger to use particular language (p. 115). In other words, people

    sometimes prefer to talk about a particular topic in one language rather than in

    another because there is no exact term for that particular topic in that language or

    because certain topic triggers people to use certain words from particular language.

    Here is the example below:

    Host: ada seatbelt gak? (Khairunnas, 2017, p. 60)

    In the example above, the speaker is a host. The speaker wants to give a seatbelt

    for the guest to stay sit. The speaker uses the word ‘seatbelt’ because she is talking

    about particular topic. The speaker uses the word ‘seatbelt’ because it refers to a

    belt or strap that cannot only prevent people from injury, but also make people

    stay sit. The speaker uses English term 'seatbelt' because Indonesian people

    frequently use it than the Indonesian term ‘sabuk pengaman’. Therefore, the

    speaker is triggered to use the English term.

    b. Quoting Somebody Else

    Sometimes people switch from their mother tongue into another language

    in order to quote a saying or expression of some well-known figures. The example

    of quoting somebody else can be seen from the utterance below:

    ‘y… si dices “perdon” en castellano se tevuelve la mujer y tedije :’ (‘… and

    if you say “sorry” in Castilan Spanish, the lady turns to you and says:’)

    ‘encatala’ (‘in Catalan!)

    (Calsamiglia and Tuson as cited in Hoffmann, 1991, p. 112)


  • 15

    In this case, the utterance of an adult Spanish-Catalan bilingual shows the example

    of quoting somebody else reason by switching her language into Catalan ‘en catala’

    in order to quote an expression from the lady.

    c. Being Emphatic about Something

    Being emphatic about something means the speaker switches from one

    language to another language to emphasize something or to be empathy. The switch

    could be in the form of interjection or repetition. According to Riyandani (2018, p.

    47-53), the switch can also occur in form of ellipsis, wh-question, and sentence.

    The example of being emphatic about something reason can be seen below:

    Host: Semuanya berebutan ya. They all want you to be on their cover.

    (Khairunnas, 2017, p. 42)

    In the example, the speaker is a host. She uses code switching because she is being

    emphatic about something. The speaker switches into English ‘they all want you to

    be on their cover’ to emphasize her first statement that all of the magazine

    publishers were scrambling to make the guest as their magazine cover model.

    d. Repetition Used for Clarification

    Repetition used for clarification occurs, for example, when a speaker

    explains or says about something using one code and repeats the explanation for the

    same topic using another different code in order to make the message clear and the

    conversation goes well. The repetition is used to emphasize the message that is

    delivered. The example can be seen below:


  • 16

    An adult Spanish-English bilingual:

    ‘Tenia zapatos blancos (I had white shoes), un poco (little bit), they were

    off white, you know.’

    (Silva-Corvalán as cited in Hoffman, 1991, p. 112)

    The sentence in Spanish above is being repeated into English language. The speaker

    switches code in order to emphasize the message of the sentence so that the

    interlocutor understands the message clearly and the conversation goes well.

    e. Clarifying the Speech Content for the Interlocutor

    A message in one code is repeated in another code in somewhat modified

    form to make the content of the speech runs smoothly and be understood by the

    hearers. The switching sometimes intended to add some explanation. The code-

    switching can appear in the form of a single word, idiom, clause, sentence, and

    phonological level. The example can be seen below:

    Host: Liat dong posenya yang di GAP kaya gimana, How is the pose? I want

    to see the pose.

    (Khairunnas, 2017, p. 42)

    In the example, the speaker does code switching because at first the listener does

    not understand what is being asked then the speaker switches to English ‘how is the

    pose? And she also added ‘I want to see the pose’ to make interlocutor understands


    f. Doing Interjection

    Interjection is expressions which are used in sentences to convey surprise,

    strong emotion, or to gain attention. Interjection is a short exclamation such as

    “Wow!”, “Look!”, “Oh!”, “Oops!”, et cetera. Khairunas explains interjection in


  • 17

    switching involves fillers or sentence connectors (2017, p. 39). Fillers are words,

    phrases, clauses or sounds that are inserted to fill a pause in utterance or

    conversation. Fillers do not have significant meaning in a sentence. Speakers often

    use interjection in speaking rather than writing. The example can be seen below:

    ‘… Oh! Ay! It was embarrassing! It was very nice, though, I was


    (Silva-Corvalán as cited in Hoffman, 1991, p. 112)

    In the example, “ay!” does not have any grammatical meaning. The speaker uses

    interjection “ay!” to show strong expression since she feels embarrassed.

    g. Expressing Group Identity or Solidarity

    The way of communication is different from one community to the other.

    Therefore, code-switching can be used to express group identity. A greeting is

    usually used to express solidarity with someone from certain ethnic groups. This is

    an example used by English – Maori speaker:

    Sarah: I think everyone’s here except Mere.

    John: She said she might be a bit late but actually I think that’s her

    arriving now.

    Sarah: You’re right. Kia ora Mere (Hi Mere).Haeremai (Come in). Kei

    tepehekoe (How are you)?

    Mere: Kia ora e hoa (Hello my friend). Kei tepai (I’m fine). Have you

    started yet?

    (Holmes, 2013, p. 34)

    In the example above, Mere is Maori while Sarah is English. Sarah speaks English

    at the beginning, but then she switches into Maori to greet Mere. Here, Maori’s

    greeting is an expression of solidarity.


  • 18

    C. Theoretical Framework

    This research aimed to answer two problems formulated in chapter I. All

    theories and reviews give a big contribution to solving the problems. In order to

    answer the first problem, the researcher employs the theory of types of code

    switching by Poplack (1980). There are three types of code switching, namely,

    intra-sentential switching, inter-sentential switching, and tag switching. All

    occurrences of Indonesian-English code switching by Cindercella will be

    classified based on the theory.

    Then, the finding of the types of Indonesian-English code switching in the

    vlogs helps the researcher to answer the second problem. In answering the second

    problem, the researcher employs theory by Hoffmann (1991). Hoffmann’s

    definition of reasons for using code switching is perfectly matched to help the

    researcher in analyzing and classifying the data.


  • 19



    A. Object of the study

    Cindercella’s vlogs which are entitled 5 Minutes Make-Up Challenge with


    CHALLENGE were chosen as the sources of the data for this research. In these

    vlogs, Cindercella as the speaker did certain challenges and explained it to the

    viewer. These vlogs are categorized as beauty vlogs since they consist of makeup

    tutorials and beauty product talks. The first vlog which is entitled FULL FACE


    YouTube on August 31, 2016 and its length is 13’ 14” while the second vlog which

    is entitled 5 Minutes Make-Up Challenge with the Balm was uploaded on April 15,

    2016 and its length is 5’ 35”. In this research, the data were taken from the speaker

    utterances in the two selected vlogs. Therefore, any forms of Indonesia-English

    code switching found in the vlogs would be analyzed in this research.

    B. Approach of the study

    Sociolinguistic approach was conducted in this research since the topic of

    this research which is code switching is in the scope of sociolinguistics phenomena.

    Sociolinguistics concerns about the relationship between language and society

    (Holmes, 2013, p. 1). Therefore, examining the relation between the language and


  • 20

    the society with consideration regarding the speaker and the topic as code-switching

    phenomenon, sociolinguistics perspective is the suitable approach for this research.

    C. Method of the Study

    1. Data Collection

    The data of this research were collected from audio-visual material.

    Purposive sampling method is used to collect the data of this research. Since

    purposive sampling method was applied, the researcher chose the individual or site

    that is suitable to the research (Creswell, 2007, p. 125). The researcher chose two

    vlogs of Cindercella which contained significant number of code switching case.

    The switches from Indonesia to English were considered as the data.

    This research was done by using qualitative research. Creswell (2007) states

    that qualitative research is the process of understanding based on distinct

    methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a social phenomenon (p. 37). In

    this research, the researcher found one of social phenomena which is code switching

    in the vlogs. Merriam (2002) explains that one of the characteristics of qualitative

    research is the researcher is the primary instrument of data collection and data

    analysis. Moreover, the goal of this research is understanding so that the human

    instrument is the ideal means in collecting and analyzing the data of this research

    (p. 5).

    In other words, the researcher plays important role since the data which were

    collected and analyzed are based on the researcher’s understanding and decision.

    The source of the data for this research was taken by downloading the vlogs of


  • 21

    Cindercella which are entitled 5 Minutes Make-Up Challenge with the Balm and


    YouTube. The researcher then transcribed the utterances and displayed the data in

    the form of table. Since this study used purposive sampling to collect the data, the

    researcher only took the speaker’s utterances that consist of English-Indonesia code

    switching as the data.

    2. Data Analysis

    After collecting the speaker’s utterances that consist of Indonesian-English

    code switching, the researcher segmented the utterances based on its topic and gave

    specific number. Then, the researcher classified the switch based on Poplack’s

    (1980) theory of types of code switching. There are three types of code switching

    found, which are intra-sentential switching, inter-sentential switching, and tag

    switching. The researcher distinguished which data occurred at sentence boundary

    or within sentence or as insertion based on the researcher’s comprehension on

    English grammatical function, types of clause, and types of phrase.

    After finding the types of code switching and giving specific code to each

    data, the researcher classified Indonesian-English code-switching case based on

    Hoffmann’s theory about the reasons of using code-switching to solve the second

    problem of this research. Hoffmann (1991, p. 115-116) mentions that there are some

    reasons people use code-switching. They are talking about particular topic, quoting

    somebody else, being emphatic about something, repetition used for clarification,

    clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor, interjection, and expressing group


  • 22

    identity or solidarity. In order to determine what reason of code switching the data

    belonged, the researcher matched the meaning and the context of each code

    switching case first. The next step was matching the meaning and the context of

    each code switching case to the concept of each code switching reason proposed by

    Hoffmann. Furthermore, the relation between the types of code switching and the

    reasons of code switching used would be analyzed based on the criteria that is

    mentioned in theory of types of code switching by Poplack (1980) and in theory of

    reasons of code switching by Hoffmann (1991). After finding out the reason of each

    data, the researcher also gave code so that the classification will be easily

    understood. Here is the explanation of the date code given:

    1 or 2 : number of the vlog

    1 : number of utterance

    A : the data occurs in utterance

    IA /IE /T : the types of code switching

    TP/QS/BE/RC/CI/I/EG : the reasons of code switching

    Each data belongs to the criteria of types of code switching by Poplack and reasons

    for using code switching by Hoffmann was given checklist (√) on the addressed

    column. To highlight the data of this research, the researcher provided a table as the

    medium. The table contained the classification of the switch types and reason for

    code switching of the data.


  • 23

    No Data Code Utterance

    Types of CS Reasons of Code Switching



  • 24



    As it is stated previously, there are two problems conducted in this

    research. The first is to find the types of Indonesian-English code switching and

    the second is to find the possible reasons for using Indonesian-English code

    switching produced by Indonesian beauty vlogger, Cindercella. Therefore, this

    chapter presents the findings and the discussion on those problems.

    A. Types of Indonesian-English code-switching by Cindercella After analyzing the whole data, the researcher found three types of code

    switching, namely intra-sentential switching, inter-sentential switching, and tag

    switching used by Cindercella. The researcher analyzed the data based on

    Poplack’s (1980) theory as cited by Romaine (1995, p.122-123). Some cases from

    each type of code switching will be elaborated as follows:

    1. Intra-sentential Switching

    Intra-sentential switching occurs within a sentence. Jendra (2010)

    explains that intra-sentential switching can be a word, a phrase, or a clause (p. 76).

    The researcher found that the switch occurs as a word, phrase, and clause. Based

    on the findings, there are 30 data that are categorized as intra-sentential switching.

    The examples of intra-sentential switching are provided below:


  • 25

    Data Code Utterance


    Next, I’m going to do my brows. Aku mau pake

    brown gel. Terus pake jari kaya dibrehh gituan

    aja, ngasal gitu. Abis itu baru dirapiin pake

    concealer. Sekarang aku buka ya (showing the

    product to the camera and then applying the

    product with her fingers) I’m not cheating, I’m

    not cheating. Ini kaca ya (pointing at the

    mirror). Ini gini (applying the brown gel to her

    brows). Huaa kok warnanya (showing

    disappointment). It is too dark (staring at the

    camera). Aku lap dulu. Ini bukan tool loh

    (showing cotton to camera). Ini cuman ngelap

    jari (cleaning her fingers with cotton). Jangan

    marah-marah, nih jari nya sudah bersih.

    In the context, the speaker tells about particular makeup product called

    brown gel. The speaker uses brown gel to do her brows. While telling it, the

    speaker switches to English phrase “brown gel”. The switch is categorized as

    intra-sentential switching because it occurs within Indonesian sentence “Aku mau

    pake brown gel.” The switch is in the form of noun phrase with noun ‘gel’ as the

    head and the adjective ‘brown’ as the modifier. Moreover, the switch cannot be

    omitted. The idea of the sentence is that the speaker wants to apply brown gel. The

    phrase “brown gel” functions as the object of the sentence. If the switch is omitted,

    the thing that the speaker wants to apply will be absent which then makes the idea

    of the sentence is distracted. The next example occurs at word level:


  • 26

    Data Code Utterance



    Penilaiannya itu tidak berdasarkan apa yang

    dipakai atau berapa lama video itu. Yang

    penting video nya jelas sama pencahayaan nya

    bagus. Product yang digunakan gak harus

    product The balm loh. Jadi boleh pake apa aja,

    terus terakhir submisi lomba ini adalah tanggal

    20 april. Terus juga kamu harus upload foto

    hasil 5 menit make up challenge itu ke

    Instagram kamu. Dengan nulis juga link video

    kamu di bio kamu atau di caption.

    In this case, the speaker explains about the requirements of the challenge

    which one of it is to post the result of the challenge to Instagram. At this time, the

    speaker switches to English “upload”. The switch “upload” is categorized as

    intra-sentential switching because it occurs within sentence. Besides that, the

    switch cannot be omitted since it occurs as the predicator of the sentence “Kamu

    juga harus upload foto hasil kamu 5 menit make up challenge itu ke Instagram

    kamu.” or in English “You also have to upload the result of your 5 minutes makeup

    challenge to your Instagram.” The main point of the sentence will be changed if

    the switch is omitted.

    The next example occurs at clause level:

    Data Code Utterance


    (Applying the eyeshadow) Keknya sih aku

    ngerasa kalo misalnya agak ditekan ke bawah

    gitu, it helps dan kaya ngeblend bagian pinggir

    tengah gitu. That’s what I think, I don’t know.

    Alisnya hahh susah banget.So far,the hardest

    part is the brows. Kurang ajar susah banget. I’m

    going to put the Medallion here.(putting the


  • 27

    Medallion color on her inner corner) Mau pake

    jari kelingking, pake warna yang dark brown nih

    (showing the product to camera).

    In the context, the speaker gives an advice on how to apply eyeshadow.

    While giving advice, she switches to English “it helps”. The switch is categorized

    as intra-sentential switching because it occurs within sentence. The switch “it

    helps” occurs within the sentence “Keknya sih aku ngerasa kalo misalnya agak

    ditekan ke bawah gitu, it helps, kaya ngeblend bagian pinggir dan tengah gitu”. In

    the first clause, the speaker uses Indonesian. In the second clause, the speaker uses

    English and then she switches again into Indonesian in the third clause. The subject

    ‘it’ and the predicate ‘helps’ indicate the switch is in the form of independent

    clause. Moreover, the switch cannot be omitted since the clause contributes

    information to the meaning of the whole sentence.

    Based on the analysis result on intra-sentential switching data, the speaker

    switches at word, phrase, and clause level. However, the speaker mostly switches

    at phrase level than word level or clause level.

    2. Inter-sentential Switching

    Inter-sentential switching occurs at sentence bounddary where one

    sentence is in one language and the next sentence is in the other. This switch occurs

    at sentence boundary which is marked by the change of topic (Romaine as citied

    by Stockwell, 2002, p. 33). Wells (2006) says that falling intonation is used to

    distinguish sentence boundaries in speech. The researcher found that there are 18

    inter-sentential code switching cases occurred in the vlogs. Some examples are


  • 28

    provided below:

    Data Code Utterance



    (Applying the eyeshadow) Keknya sih aku

    ngerasa kalo misalnya agak ditekan ke bawah

    gitu, it helps dan kaya ngeblend bagian pinggir

    tengah gitu. That’s what I think, I don’t know.

    Alisnya hahh susah banget.So far,the hardest

    part is the brows. Kurang ajar susah banget.

    I’m going to put the Medallion here (putting

    the Medallion color on her inner corner). Mau

    pake jari kelingking, pake warna yang dark

    brown nih (showing the product to camera).

    In the context, the speaker tells the viewers that she is going to add some

    colors around her inner corner. While telling it, the speaker switches to English

    “I’m going to put the Medallion here.” The switch is categorized as inter-

    sentential switching because it occurs at sentence boundary. At first, the speaker

    uses Indonesian sentence “Alisnya hahh susah banget” and then switches to

    English sentence “I’m going to put the Medallion here.” The falling intonation

    used at the end of the word ‘here’ marks the boundary between the switch and the

    next sentence “Mau pake jari kelingking, pake warna yang dark brown nih.” The

    switch occurs in the form of simple sentence. According to Downing (2015),

    simple sentence consists minimally of one independent clause (p. 250).

    Independent clause has two basic constituents: subject and predicate (p. 33). The

    sentence has ‘I’ as the subject and ‘am going to put the Medallion here’ as the

    predicate. Moreover, the change of topic also marks the boundary between the

    sentences. In the previous sentence, the speaker complains about her brows while


  • 29

    in the next sentence, she talks about the color of the eyebrow that she is going to


    The next example also occurs as simple sentence:

    Data Code Utterance


    Next, aku bakal pake bedak. (applying the

    powder on her face with her fingers) (looking at

    the mirror and making a surprised

    expression)What am I doing? Ngapain dah

    gua. (Laughing) This is actually very funny.

    In the context, the speaker applies powder to her face with her fingers,

    which is something she never does. After applying it, she looks at the mirror and

    feels surprised by the result. She, then, switches to English “What am I doing?”

    In the previous sentence, the speaker uses Indonesian sentence and then she

    switches to English sentence. Thus, the switch is categorized as inter-sentential

    switching since it occurs at sentence boundary. Moreover, Wells (2006) says that

    the tone for wh-question is a fall. The falling intonation at the end of the sentence

    “What am I doing?” indicates the boundary between the switch and the next

    sentence “Ngapain dah gua”. In addition, the switch occurs as a simple sentence.

    The sentence “What am I doing?” has one subject “what” and one predicate “am

    I doing” which indicates the switch is in the form of independent clause.

    The next example occurs as compound sentence:

    Data Code Utterance



    Terima kasih sudah nonton video aku. I hope

    you guys like it, don’t forget to like subscribe

    and share to your friends.


  • 30

    In the context, the speaker gives a closing statement regarding the vlog. At

    this time, the speaker uses Indonesian sentence “Terima kasih sudah nonton video

    aku” and then she switches to English “I hope you guys like it and don’t forget

    to like, subscribe, and share to your friends” in the next sentence. The switch is

    categorized as inter-sentential switching because it occurs at sentence boundary.

    The switch occurs as compound sentence. Compound sentence consists of two

    independent clauses which are linked by a coordinator (Downing, 2015, p. 250)

    The switch consists of two independent clause and linked by coordinator ‘and.’

    They are “I hope you guys like it” and “don’t forget to like, subscribe, and

    share to your friends.”

    Based on the analysis of utterances in the three tables above, it is obvious

    that inter-sentential switching occurs at sentence boundary. Moreover, the data of

    inter-sentential switching in this research appears in two forms which are simple

    sentence and compound sentence.

    2. Tag Switching

    Tag switching means the insertion of tags, fillers, exclamation, or

    parenthetical which is in another language from the rest of the sentence. The

    insertion can be in the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the utterance. The

    presence of tag switching does not give significant meaning to the sentence.

    Therefore, if it is omitted, it will not change the main point of the sentence. Based

    on the findings, there are 8 data which are categorized as tag switching. These are

    the examples of tag switching occur in the vlogs:


  • 31

    Data Code Utterance

    2/9A/T/I Apa ini? Wow! Liat tuh, bonus (Feeling

    surprised because there is lipstick on her teeth)

    In this context, the speaker feels surprised because there is lipstick on her

    teeth. At this time, the speaker switches to English expression “Wow”. The switch

    is categorized into tag switching because the word is an interjection. The presence

    of the switch “Wow” is not significant in the sentence since it only shows the

    speaker’s feeling of shock. If the expression is omitted, the idea of the sentence

    remains the same. It is still about the lipstick stuck on her teeth. In addition, the switch

    occurs in the beginning of the sentence “Wow! Liat tuh, bonus.” The next example

    occurs as a tag:

    Data Code Utterance


    Untuk yang ikutan kompetisi ini, good luck to

    you, semoga kalian menang. Nanti kita ketemu

    di atrium sogo plaza senayan, okay? Sampai

    jumpa (waving her hand). I hope you enjoy my

    video, I hope you guys like it, and don’t forget

    to share, like and subscribe.

    In the context, the speaker hopes to see the winner at the place where the

    event is held. At this time, the speaker switches to English “okay?” The switch is

    categorized as tag switching because the word occurs as tag. If the word “okay?”

    is omitted, the sentence will be “Nanti kita ketemu di atrium sogo plaza senayan.”

    The main idea will not change. The tag only works for asking agreement without

    expecting the viewers’ reply. Moreover, the switch occurs at the end of sentence.


  • 32

    The next example occurs as parenthetical:

    Data Code Utterance


    Asli ini tuh very fun. Jadi,I wanna tag all of my

    Indonesian beauty vloggers friends and I wanna

    tagyou guys,yang nonton ini untuk melakukan

    ini juga karena ini seru banget, dan ini susah

    banget sebenarnya. Nih (pointing at her brows)

    as you can see, belepotan kemana-mana alisku,

    what the hell!

    In the context, the speaker explains about the challenge. She thinks that the

    challenge is very fun yet hard. The speaker also shows her messy brows to

    emphasize her opinion that it is really hard to do makeup with fingers. At this time,

    she switches to English “as you can see”. The switch is categorized as tag

    switching because it occurs as parenthetical. Parenthetical is expressions that are

    inserted in another clause, usually independent clause. It is usually connected to

    independent clause only because it appears in the same utterance, but is otherwise

    unrelated (Giorgi, 2016, p. 472). The conjunction “as” indicates that the switch is

    in the form of dependent clause. The switch is considered as non-restrictive clause

    because it does not give significant meaning to the sentence. Non-restrictive

    clause is a clause that adds additional information to a sentence yet it can be

    omitted (Traffis, 2019, para. 9). Therefore, if the switch “as you can see” is

    omitted, the main point of the sentence will still be about the speaker’s messy

    brows. In addition, the switch “as you can see” occurs in the middle of the



  • 33

    Based on the three tables above, it is understood that tag switching occurs

    as interjection, tag, and filler. Moreover, in this research, the data of tag switching

    occur in the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the sentence.

    B. Possible Reason of Indonesian-English code-switching by Cindercella The second problem analyzed was the reasons of code switching used by

    Cindercella. From the seven reasons of code switching stated by Hoffmann (1991,

    p. 115), the researcher only found four reasons of code switching in the data. The

    code switching reasons found in this research were talking about particular topic,

    doing interjection, clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor, and being

    emphatic about something. The examples of code switching reasons that were

    found in Cindercella’s vlogs and details explanation elaborated as follows:

    1. Talking about Particular Topic

    Sometimes, people switch from one language to another when they are

    talking about a specific topic or information. Lack of facility in the relevant register

    or because certain items trigger to use particular language also cause switch. The

    speaker uses code switching because they cannot find the right words, phrases, or

    sentences in another language. Based on the data, there are 32 data of code

    switching which happens because talking about particular topic. The evidences can

    be seen as follows:


  • 34

    Data Code Utterance


    Haiiiii, haiiiii, haiiiii… (waving hand to the

    camera) Today I’m going to do the full face

    using only my fingers. Jadi, di challenge ini,

    kita tuh tidak diperbolehkan untuk memakai

    alat apapun, mau brush, mau beauty blender,

    mau apapun itu gak boleh. Cuman boleh pake


    In the context, the speaker explains about makeup tools that are not allowed

    to use during the challenge. When explaining it, the speaker switches to English

    word “beauty blender”. The switch is categorized as intra-sentential switching

    because it occurs within sentence. The speaker uses “beauty blender” because she

    is talking about particular topic, which is about makeup tool term. She uses related

    term such as “beauty blender” because it is commonly known or used by

    Indonesian people when talking about makeup tools. In addition, there has been no

    found Indonesian term for “beauty blender” which causes a lack of facility.

    Therefore, the speaker feels that the switch “beauty blender” is the appropriate

    one since there is no exact term for it in Indonesian. Next example occurs at word


    Data Code Utterance



    Penilaiannya itu tidak berdasarkan apa yang

    dipakai atau berapa lama video itu. Yang

    penting video nya jelas sama pencahayaan nya

    bagus. Product yang digunakan gak harus

    product The balm loh. Jadi boleh pake apa aja,

    terus terakhir submisi lomba ini adalah tanggal

    20 april. Terus juga kamu harus upload foto

    hasil 5 menit make up challenge itu ke


  • 35

    Instagram kamu. Dengan nulis juga link video

    kamu di bio kamu atau di caption.

    In the context, the speaker explains about the video submission of the

    event. The competitors should post the result of their makeup on Instagram and

    write the link of their video in the biography column or caption of the photo that

    they post. While explaining about it, the speaker switches to English word

    “caption”. The switch is categorized as intra-sentential switching because it occurs

    within a sentence. The speaker uses “caption” because she is talking about

    particular topic, which is about one of Instagram’s features. In this context, caption

    is a brief explanation appended to photo which is posted in Instagram. She uses

    related term such as “caption” because it is commonly known or used by

    Indonesian people than the Indonesian term ‘takarir gambar’ when talking about

    Instagram. Therefore, the speaker might feel that the word “caption” is more

    appropriate. In other words, Instagram feature triggers the speaker to switch her

    language. The next example occurs at phrase level:

    In the context, the speaker gives an explanation regarding the challenge. At

    this time, the speaker switches to English “The Balm Beauty in 5 minutes

    Data Code Utterance



    Jadi, mereka tuh lagi ngadain kompetisi untuk

    ngajakin kalian bikin video kaya aku 5 minutes

    make up challenge. Dengan kasih judul

    videonya di Youtube The Balm Beauty in 5

    Minutes challenge.


  • 36

    challenge”. The switch refers to the title of the video or vlog that the viewers

    should make if they want to join the competition. The switch is categorized as

    intra-sentential switching because it occurs within a sentence. The speaker

    switches to English “The Balm Beauty in 5 minutes challenge” because she is

    talking about particular topic, which is about particular challenge. She uses term

    such as “The Balm Beauty in 5 minutes challenge” because it is the name of

    particular competition held by particular makeup brand. Since it is the

    requirements of the competition that the title of the vlog must be “The Balm

    Beauty in 5 minutes challenge”, the speaker has to switch her language so that

    she can give proper and specific information to the viewers.

    The next example occurs at sentence level:

    Data Code Utterance


    Terima kasih sudah nonton video aku. I hope

    you guys like it and don’t forget to like

    subscribe, and share to your friends.

    In the context, the speaker gives a closing statement regarding the vlog. At

    this time, the speaker switches to English “I hope you guys like it and don’t

    forget to like subscribe and share to your friends.” The switch is categorized as

    inter-sentential switching because it occurs at sentence boundary. The speaker uses

    the switch “I hope you guys like it and don’t forget to like subscribe and share

    to your friends.” because she is talking about particular topic, which is YouTube

    features. The speaker focuses on the words ‘like, subscribe, and share’. YouTube

    has some features such as share, like and subscribe which help its users to enjoy

    the vlog. The words ‘share, like and subscribe’ are commonly used by people


  • 37

    especially vlogger when giving closing statement. The speaker always mentions

    these words at the end of her vlog. In other words, YouTube features trigger the

    speaker to switch her language. Therefore, the speaker simply switches into

    English sentences “I hope you guys like it and don’t forget to like subscribe

    and share to your friends.”

    Based on the explanation towards talking about particular topic, it is found

    that the speaker switches because of lack of facility, specific information, and the

    trigger of certain items. Types of code switching are also involved. In 1/1/IA/TP,

    2/12/IA/TP, 2/11/IA/TP, the switch occurs as intra-sentential, while in

    1/24/IE/TP, the switch occurs as inter-sentential. Thus, it can be said that the

    types of code switching that are used for talking about particular topic can be

    inter-sentential and intra-sentential.

    2. Doing Interjection

    Interjection is expressions which are used by speaker to express strong

    emotion, surprised, and to gain attention. It can be in the form of exclamation, tags,

    fillers or sentence connectors. It does not have significant meaning or does not

    contribute to the whole meaning of a sentence. There are 8 data that categorized as

    doing interjection reason. The evidence of doing interjection reason can be seen as


    Data Code Utterance


    Next, aku bakal pake bedak (applying the

    powder on her face with her fingers). (Looking

    at the mirror and making a surprised


  • 38

    expression) What am I doing? Ngapain dah

    3gua. (Laughing) This is actually very funny.

    In the context, the speaker is going to apply powder to her face. When telling

    it, the speaker switches to English word “Next”. The switch “Next” is categorized

    as tag switching because the expression appears as sentence connector. If it is

    omitted, the sentence will be “aku bakal pake bedak.” The main idea of the sentence

    does not change. It is still about the speaker is going to apply the powder. The

    speaker uses the word “Next” because she is doing interjection. Here, the English

    expression “Next” is used to show the continuation of the speech so that it can be

    easier understood and followed by the viewers. In addition, the switch occurs as tag

    switching, so it can be considered as doing interjection.

    The next example occurs as a tag:

    Data Code Utterance


    Untuk yang ikutan kompetisi ini, good luck to

    you, semoga kalian menang. Nanti kita ketemu

    di atrium sogo plaza senayan, okay? I hope you

    enjoy my video, I hope you guys like it, and

    don’t forget to share, like and subscribe.

    In the context, the speaker hopes to see the winner of challenge. At this time,

    the speaker switches to English “okay?” The switch is categorized as tag switching

    because the word occurs as tag. The presence of this switch is not significant in

    the utterance. The speaker uses the expression “okay?” because she is doing

    interjection. She uses English tag “okay?” to ask for the viewers’ acceptance about

    the meeting. She uses the tag without really expecting their responses. Whatever


  • 39

    the winners of the competition responses, she is going to meet them at Plaza

    Senayan. The next example occurs as an exlamation:

    Data Code Utterance


    Powder, powder, powder, powder, powder,

    powder (applying powder on her face with

    brush) Oke sudah satu menit, Oh my God!

    In this context, the speaker feels surprised because there is lipstick on her

    teeth. At this time, she switches to English expression “Oh my God!” The switch

    is categorized into tag switching because the word is an interjection. The speaker

    uses English expression “Oh my God!” because she is doing interjection. The

    English expression “Oh my God!” is an exclamation since it followed by an

    exclamation point '!'. In this context, the expression “Oh my God!” is used to show

    the speaker’s feeling of shock. The speaker feels shock because the time shows it

    is 4 minutes left. Therefore, the speaker uses English expression “Oh my God!”

    The next example occurs as filler:

    Data Code Utterance


    Asli ini tuh very fun. Jadi, I wanna tag all of my

    Indonesian beauty vloggers friends and I wanna

    tag you guys, yang nonton ini untuk melakukan

    ini juga karena ini seru banget, dan ini susah

    banget sebenarnya. Nih (pointing at her brows)

    as you can see, belepotan kemana-mana alisku,

    what the hell!

    In the context, the speaker explains about the challenge. She thinks that the

    challenge is very fun yet hard. The speaker also shows her messy brows to


  • 40

    emphasize her opinion that it is really hard to do makeup with fingers. At this time,

    she switches to English “as you can see”. The switch is categorized as tag switching

    because it occurs as parenthetical. Parenthetical is an expression that is inserted in

    another clause, usually independent clause only because it appears in the same

    utterance, but is otherwise unrelated. Here, the expression “as you can see” appears

    in the form of non-restrictive clause. Non-restrictive clause is a clause that adds

    additional information to a sentence yet it can be omitted (Traffis, 2019, para. 9).

    The speaker uses expression “as you can see” because she is doing

    interjection. The expression is used to gain the viewers’ attention because she

    wants to show her messy brows. Since the switch is just an expression which does

    not give significant meaning to the sentence and it can be omitted, it can be said

    that the switch only functions as filler in the sentence. If the filler is omitted, the

    sentence will be “belepotan kemana-mana alisku.” The main idea of the sentence

    does not change. It is still about the speaker’s messy brows. In addition, the type

    of the switch is tag switching, it can be considered as doing interjection reason

    After the analysis towards doing interjection part, the researcher found that

    the speaker in the vlogs doing interjection mostly in form of exclamation and filler.

    Since the switches occur in the four tables above are tag switching, it is understood

    that the type of code switching that is always applied as doing interjection is tag


    3. Clarifying the Speech Content for the Interlocutor

    The speaker sometimes uses code switching because the speaker is


  • 41

    clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor. A message in one language is

    repeated in a somewhat modified form to make the content of the speech runs

    smoothly and be understood by the listener. It is found that the speaker in the vlogs

    switches from one language to another language in the form of clause and sentence

    to clarify the speech content for the hosts.

    Based on the findings, there are 4 data which belong to the clarifying the

    speech content for the interlocutor reason. Here are the examples for the clarifying

    the speech content for the interlocutor reason:

    Data Code Utterance


    (Applying the eyeshadow) Keknya sih aku

    ngerasa kalo misalnya agak ditekan ke bawah

    gitu, it helps dan kaya ngeblend bagian pinggir

    tengah gitu. That’s what I think, I don’t know.

    Alisnya hahh susah banget.So far,the hardest

    part is the brows. Kurang ajar susah banget. I’m

    going to put the Medallion here.(putting the

    Medallion color on her inner corner) Mau pake

    jari kelingking, pake warna yang dark brown nih

    (showing the product to camera).

    In the context, the speaker gives an advice on how to apply eye shadow.

    While giving advice, she switches to English clause “it helps”. The switch is

    categorized as intra-sentential switching because it occurs within sentence. The

    switch occurs in the form of independent clause. The speaker uses “it helps” to

    clarify her message in the previous utterance “Keknya sih aku ngerasa kalo

    misalnya agak ditekan ke bawah gitu.” The switch “it helps” clarifies that the

    moves done by the speaker indeed help to apply and blend the colors of the


  • 42

    eyeshadow. The switch “it helps” not only clarifies the previous utterance but also

    adds explanation. The speaker here realizes that her explanation in the previous

    utterance is not complete and clear so she adds more explanation that the moves

    she is doing help to make eye shadows looks better.

    The next example occurs at sentence level:

    Data Code Utterance


    Next, I’m going to do my brows. Aku mau pake

    brown gel. Terus pake jari kaya dibrehh gituan

    aja, ngasal gitu. Abis itu baru dirapiin pake

    concealer. Sekarang aku buka ya (showing the

    product to the camera and then applying the

    product with her fingers) I’m not cheating, I’m

    not cheating. Ini kaca ya (pointing at the

    mirror). Ini gini (applying the brown gel to her

    brows). Huaa kok warnanya (showing

    disappointment). It is too dark (staring at the

    camera). Aku lap dulu. Ini bukan tool loh

    (showing cotton to camera). Ini cuman ngelap

    jari (cleaning her fingers with cotton). Jangan

    marah-marah, nih jari nya sudah bersih.

    In the context, the speaker, the speaker does her brows by applying the

    brown gel. After applying it, the speaker looks at the mirror and feels disappointed

    because she just realizes that the product is too dark. She then makes a disappointed

    expression and says "it is too dark". The switch "it is too dark" is inter-sentential

    switching because it occurs at sentence boundary. The speaker uses the switch

    because she is clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor or in this context,

    the viewers. The speaker uses "it is too dark" to clarify her message in the previous

    utterance "huaa kok warnanya." The sentence "it is too dark" clarifies that the


  • 43

    color of the product is too dark. It is unlike what the speaker expected. The switch

    “it is too dark” not only clarifies the previous utterance but also adds explanation.

    The speaker here realizes that her explanation in the previous utterance is not really

    clear so she adds more explanation that the color is too dark.

    The next example occurs at sentence level:

    Data Code Utterance


    (Applying the eyeshadow) Keknya sih aku

    ngerasa kalo misalnya agak ditekan ke bawah

    gitu, it helps, kaya ngeblend bagian pinggir

    tengah gitu. That’s what I think, I don’t

    know.Alisnya hahh susah banget. So far, the

    hardest part is the brows. Kurang ajar emang.

    I’m going to put the Medallion here.(putting the

    Medallion color on her inner corner) Mau pake

    jari kelingking, pake warna yang dark brown nih

    (showing the product to camera).

    In the context, the speaker talks about the hardest part of the challenge for

    her. According to utterance, the speaker employs code switching. The switch “So

    far, the hardest part is the brows” is categorized as inter-sentential switching

    because it occurs at sentence boundary. The speaker switches into English sentence

    “So far, the hardest part is the brows” because she is repeating a message. The

    sentence “Alisnya hahh susah banget” is being repeated into English “So far, the

    hardest part is the brows.” The switch is used to clarify that the brows is really

    hard to do for her. The switch does not only clarify the previous sentence, but also

    add information that the most difficult part of the challenge for the speaker is the

    brows. The next example also occurs at sentence level:


  • 44

    Data Code Utterance


    Gak boleh pake tool? Oke. (Applying the glue to

    the false eyelashes) Wah gila. (Making a weird

    expression) Crazy thing I do for you. (Placing

    the false eyelashes to her natural lashes) Kenapa

    gak nempel buset dah, buset.

    In the context, the speaker wants to apply false eyelashes. She feels weird

    because she has to apply the glue and the false eyelashes with her fingers. Since

    the speaker never applies the glues and the false eyelashes with her fingers, she

    considers it as a crazy thing. At this time, the speaker switches to English “crazy

    thing I do for you”. The switch is categorized as inter-sentential switching

    because it occurs at sentence boundary.

    The speaker switches to English because she is clarifying the speech

    content for the interlocutor or in this context, the viewers. The speaker uses

    “crazy thing I do for you” to clarify her message in the previous utterance “Wah

    gila.” The sentence “crazy thing I do for you” clarify that “gila” in the previous

    utterance refers to her current activity. The switch does not only clarify the

    message in the previous sentence, but also add more explanation that the speaker

    is willing to do the thing that she thinks crazy for her viewers. The speaker thinks

    that her previous utterance is not clear enough so she switches to English in the

    next utterance.

    Based on the explanation above, it is found that the switches used for

    clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor are in the form of clause and

    sentence. Since the switches that occur in the four tables above are inter-sentential