the polar express - updated script

THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 1 A play with music for Those who Truly BelieveBased on the 2004 Motion Capture Computer-Animated Fantasy Film & The Classic Children's Story by CHRIS VAN ALLSBURG Adapted for the Stage by L. HILL & C. JOURDYN Featuring Music by GLEN BALLARD & ALAN SILVESTRI SYNOPSIS: For one doubting child, an astonishing event occurs. Late on Christmas Eve night, the child lies in bed hoping to hear the sound of reindeer bells from Santa's sleigh. When to the child’s surprise, a steam engine's roar and whistle can be heard outside the window. The conductor invites the child on board to take an extraordinary journey to the North Pole with many other pajama-clad children. There, the child receives an extraordinary gift only those who still believe in Santa can experience... CAST OF CHARACTERS: Listed in order of appearance NARRATOR, Adult Sarah Keller.................................................................................................................Brittany Bretz PETER KELLER, Sarah’s Father..................................................................................................................Harrison Judd SARAH KELLER................................................................................................................................Madison Henderson CATHY KELLER, Sarah’s Mother.............................................................................................................Hannah Ritchey JO, Sarah’s Doubting Sister.....................................................................................................................Sydney Penrod CONDUCTOR.........................................................................................................................................Elizabeth Carver DEBORAH & BARBARA JOHNSON.....................................................................................Jillian Pratt, Sydney Schnabel BILLY SMITH................................................................................................................................................Brock Kugler BECKY THOMPSON..................................................................................................................................Bella Ortmann TRAIN CHILDREN ............................................................Morgan Fowler, Stasja Harris, Angela Heck, Joey Gryglewski Matt Muniz, Emily Quinn, Rachael Raub, Shelby Salger, Alyssa Watson WAITERS/ELF CHOIR............................................................................................................AMS Select Women’s Choir ELF ANNOUNCER..................................................................................................................................Mason Ambrose ELVES......................................................................................................Alex Harper-Mill, Kaitlyn Potts, Alexis Schaub SANTA.................................................................................................................................................................Himself SCENES & SONGS: SCENE 1: “The Night Before Christmas”................................................................Narrator, Sarah, Father, Mother, Jo SCENE 2: “All Aboard the ‘Polar Express’”....................................................Jo, Conductor, Train Children, Becky, Billy SONG: “The Polar Express”..................................................................................................Train Children SCENE 3: “On Board”...........................Conductor, Train Children, Waiters, Deborah & Barbara, Jo, Becky, Billy SONG: “Hot Chocolate!”.....................................................................Conductor, Train Children, Waiters SONG: “When Christmas Comes to Town”..............................................................................Billy, Becky SONG: “The Polar Express” REPRISE............................................................Conductor, All Train Children SCENE 4: “The North Pole”................................Conductor, Train Children, Becky, Jo, Billy, Deborah & Barbara SCENE 5: “Santa’s Arrival/Departure”........................................................ Conductor, All Train Children, Santa, Elves SONG: “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”................................................Elf Choir, Company, AUDIENCE* SONG: “The Spirit of the Season”...............................................................................................Company SCENE 6: “Heading Home”...............................................................................................Conductor, All Train Children SCENE 7: “The Bell Rings” ...........................................................................................Jo, Sarah, Mother, Father SCENE 8: “BELIEVE!”.....................................................................................................................Narrator & Company SONG: “Believe” FINALE...........................................................................................Narrator & Company

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Polar express script


THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 1 A play with music for Those who Truly Believe Based on the 2004 Motion Capture Computer-Animated Fantasy Film & The Classic Children's Story by CHRIS VAN ALLSBURG Adapted for the Stage by L. HILL & C. JOURDYN Featuring Music by GLEN BALLARD & ALAN SILVESTRI SYNOPSIS: Foronedoubtingchild,anastonishingevent occurs. Late onChristmasEvenight,thechildliesinbedhopingto hearthesoundofreindeerbellsfromSanta'ssleigh.Whentothechildssurprise,asteamengine'sroarand whistlecanbeheardoutsidethewindow.Theconductorinvitesthechildonboardtotakeanextraordinary journeytotheNorthPolewithmanyotherpajama-cladchildren.There,thechildreceivesanextraordinarygift only those who still believe in Santa can experience... CAST OF CHARACTERS: Listed in order of appearance NARRATOR, Adult Sarah Keller.................................................................................................................Brittany Bretz PETER KELLER, Sarahs Father..................................................................................................................Harrison Judd SARAH KELLER................................................................................................................................Madison Henderson CATHY KELLER, Sarahs Mother.............................................................................................................Hannah Ritchey JO, Sarahs Doubting Sister.....................................................................................................................Sydney Penrod CONDUCTOR.........................................................................................................................................Elizabeth Carver DEBORAH & BARBARA JOHNSON.....................................................................................Jillian Pratt, Sydney Schnabel BILLY SMITH................................................................................................................................................Brock Kugler BECKY THOMPSON..................................................................................................................................Bella Ortmann TRAIN CHILDREN ............................................................Morgan Fowler, Stasja Harris, Angela Heck, Joey GryglewskiMatt Muniz, Emily Quinn, Rachael Raub, Shelby Salger, Alyssa Watson WAITERS/ELF CHOIR............................................................................................................AMS Select Womens Choir ELF ANNOUNCER..................................................................................................................................Mason Ambrose ELVES......................................................................................................Alex Harper-Mill, Kaitlyn Potts, Alexis Schaub SANTA.................................................................................................................................................................Himself SCENES & SONGS: SCENE 1: The Night Before Christmas................................................................Narrator, Sarah, Father, Mother, Jo SCENE 2: All Aboard the Polar Express....................................................Jo, Conductor, Train Children, Becky, Billy SONG: The Polar Express..................................................................................................Train Children SCENE 3: On Board...........................Conductor, Train Children, Waiters, Deborah & Barbara, Jo, Becky, BillySONG: Hot Chocolate!.....................................................................Conductor, Train Children, Waiters SONG: When Christmas Comes to Town..............................................................................Billy, Becky SONG: The Polar Express REPRISE............................................................Conductor, All Train Children SCENE 4: The North Pole................................Conductor, Train Children, Becky, Jo, Billy, Deborah & Barbara SCENE 5: Santas Arrival/Departure........................................................ Conductor, All Train Children, Santa, Elves SONG: Santa Claus is Coming to Town................................................Elf Choir, Company, AUDIENCE* SONG: The Spirit of the Season...............................................................................................Company SCENE 6: Heading Home...............................................................................................Conductor, All Train Children SCENE 7: The Bell Rings ...........................................................................................Jo, Sarah, Mother, Father SCENE 8: BELIEVE!.....................................................................................................................Narrator & Company SONG: Believe FINALE...........................................................................................Narrator & Company THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 1: The Night Before Christmas _____________________________________________________________________________________ OVERTURE OPENING VOICE-OVER MUSIC (Spotlight on NARRATOR) NARRATOR (ADULT SARAH):On Christmas Eve my parents tried desperately to put my sister and me to bed as they did every year. Although my sister and I were believers through and through... going to bed on such an exciting night was always a little difficult for young children like us. Wed toss and turn and run to check the window...Wed listen closely to every little sound; trying to stay awake until we heard him come... Yet, somehow wed wake up on Christmas morning and find that Santa magically visited us throughout the night. On one particular Christmas Eve, many years ago, I was no exception... as I pleaded with my parents to let me stay up, in the other room lay my sister in her bed with worries of her own...A friend at school had insisted, 'There is no Santa!'Can you believe it?! She knew her friend was wrong... but even worse, she thought ... what if her friend was right? On that Christmas Eve, my doubting sister lay quietly in her bed. She did not rustle the sheets. She breathed slowly and silently. She was listening for the same sound I was... only, she was afraid shed never hear it... The ringing bells of Santa's sleigh.... (Fade out Spotlight, Fade in Downstage) FATHER (PETER): All right. All right, Sarah, you had your water. Now let's get youupstairs and into bed. SARAH: But...But...But, I have to... FATHER (PETER): Come on sweetie, its late and you need your rest. SARAH:But she said Santa would have to fly faster than get to every house in one night. FATHER (PETER): So... SARAH: (Quickly continues) And to hold everyone's presents...his sled would be bigger than an ocean liner! FATHER (PETER): Your sister said that? Oh she was just kidding you. She knows there's a Santa. THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 3 SARAH: She said she wasn't sure... She wasn't sure if Santa was for real! FATHER (PETER): Of course Santa is real. He's as real as Christmas itself. MOTHER (CATHY): ...But he won't come until you're sound asleep, young lady. Off to bed now... Sweet dreams. FATHER (PETER): Santa will be here before you know it. So go upstairs to sleep. SARAH: Ok... Good Night. CONFLICT HARP JO: (To herself) How can Santa be real? Hes a fairy tale just like the tooth fairy. Nobody could deliver millions of presents in just one night. Thats impossible! (She hears people coming and runs to her bed.) FATHER (PETER): She's gotta be asleep by now. MOTHER (CATHY): She used to stay awake all night waiting for Santa. FATHER (PETER): Think those days are just about over... MOTHER (CATHY): That would be sad if that were true. FATHER (PETER): Yeah, an end of the magic... MOTHER (CATHY): (Whispering) Merry Christmas, sweetheart FATHER (PETER): She's out like a light... An express train wouldn't wake her up now. (Fade out on Parents. Parents exit... Spotlight on JO. ...Scene Continues seamlessly into SCENE 2) THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 2: All Aboard the Polar Express _____________________________________________________________________________________ JO: "End of the magic?!What does that mean? (She ponders for a moment.) What if Santa actually is real and hes not a made up story? (She falls asleep.) (JO awakens from the sound of a bell followed by an acceleration of rumbling.) POLAR ENTRANCE JO: What is that?! (She jumps out of bed and runs to her window. A light blinds her as she stumbles backward.) Whoa!...whats going on? (JO runs outside.) {RED CURTAIN Opens fully with a flood of smoke and bright lights shining on JO.} CONDUCTOR: (Off Stage) All Aboard! {(He appears from the smoke)} All Aboard! (JO walks over to conductor.)Well, you coming? JO: Where? CONDUCTOR: Why to The North Pole of course, this is The Polar Express! JO: The North Pole? CONDUCTOR: I see... hold this please (hands lantern to JO) Is this you? (He shows JO a clipboard) JO: (She looks at clipboard) Yeah... CONDUCTOR: Well it says here: NO photo with department store Santa this year, NO letter to Santa and you even made your sister put out the milk and cookies. Sounds to me like this is your crucial year. If I were you, I would think about climbing on board. Come on, come on. (He looks at clock) I've got a schedule to keep. (JO stands there staring at the CONDUCTOR) Suit yourself. (The train starts to pull away and JO gets on train.) {When JO gets on the train, a burst of smoke is followed behind her. Train interior revealed and TRAIN CHILDREN sing The Polar Express chorus} 'CAUSE THAT'S THE WAY THINGS HAPPEN ON THE POLAR EXPRESSWHOO, WHOO, THE WHISTLE BLOWS THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 5 THAT'S THE SOUND OF HER SINGING DING, DING, THE BELL WILL RING GOLLY, LOOK AT HER GOYOU WONDER IF WE'LL GET THERE SOON ANYBODY'S GUESS 'CAUSE THAT'S THE WAY THINGS HAPPEN ON THE POLAR EXPRESS WHEN WE GET THERE WE'LL SCREAM, "YAY!" WE'LL ARRIVE WITH A BANG, BANG, BANGBOOM, BOOM, BOOM LAUGHING ALL THE WAYWITH A COMFY SEAT AND LOTS TO EAT BOY, IT'S JUST THE BESTWISH IT WOULDN'T EVER HAVE TO END WITH A LITTLE LUCK, WE'LL BE ON TIME THERE'S NO NEED TO STRESS'CAUSE THAT'S THE WAY THINGS HAPPEN ON THE POLAR EXPRESS (All laugh and chatter excitedly) DEBORAH:Hey, you! Yeah, you! Do you know what kind of train this is? JO: Huh? DEBORAH: Train!!Do you know what kind of train this is? BARBARA: Well, do ya? JO: Uhh.. .ummm BECKY: (to DEBORAH & BARABARA) Of course, its a magic train. (To JO) Were going to The North Pole. DEBORAH: We know it's a magic train. Actually it's a Baldwin 284 S3 class steam locomotive... BARBARA: ...built in 1940 at the Baldwin Locomotive Works and it weighs 456,100 pounds. CONDUCTOR: Tickets. Tickets, please. Tickets. (to JO) Ticket, please.... Try your pocket THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 6 JO: Nothing. CONDUCTOR: Try your other pocket. JO: (JO pulls out ticket and reads what the ticket says) The Polar Express, Round Trip. CONDUCTOR: (Grabs ticket) Thank you, miss... DEBORAH: Boy, that guy sure likes to show off. BARBARA: Look what that wise guy punched on my ticket. "L-E." DEBORAH: What the heck does that mean? CONDUCTOR: Next stop, 11344Edbrooke. DEBORAH: (Looking out the window) Were heading for the other side of the tracks. BARBARA: Oh no! Not the other side of the tracks! (The train comes to a halt. Children peek out the windows, eavesdropping.The CONDUCTOR gets off to greet BILLY) CONDUCTOR: (to BILLY) Well? You coming? DEBORAH: It's just another pickup. BARBARA:That's weird. I thought you (to JO) were supposed to be the last one. CONDUCTOR: (to BILLY) Why, to the North Pole, of course. This is the Polar Express! Suit yourself. (BILLY gets on..) Take your seats, please! Let me remind you we are on a very tight schedule. And I've never been late before...and I am certainly not going to be late tonight. Now, everybody, take your seats, please! Thank you. THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 7 (Continue seamlessly to SCENE 3) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 3: On Board _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONDUCTOR: (Continues...) Your attention, please! Are there any Polar Express passengers in need of refreshment? ALL TRAIN CHILDREN: Me, Me, Me! Yes! I do! (adlib, etc) CONDUCTOR: I thought so... SONG: HOT CHOCOLATE ENSEMBLE: [CHORUS:] HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT CHOCOLATE! (Together) HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT CHOCOLATE! (Together) [VERSE 1:] HOT CHOC-O-LAT! (Together) [REPEAT CHORUS] [VERSE 2:] (HERE, WE ONLY GOT ONE RULE) (NEVER EVER LET IT COOL!) KEEP IT COOKIN IN THE POT [REPEAT CHORUS] [REPEAT VERSE 2] CONDUCTOR: OOH, WE GOT IT! HEY, WE GOT IT! SAY, WE GOT IT! HOT CHOCOLATE! (Together) OH, WE GOT IT! SO, WE GOT IT! YO, WE GOT IT! HOT CHOCOLATE! (Together) HERE, WE'VE ONLY GOT ONE RULE: NEVER EVER LET IT COOL! KEEP IT COOKIN IN THE POT, YOU'VE GOT... HOT CHOC-O-LAT! (Together) [REPEAT CHORUS] HERE, WE ONLY GOT ONE RULE: NEVER EVER LET IT COOL! SOON, YA GOT HOT CHOC-O-LAT! [REPEAT CHORUS] [REPEAT VERSE 2] THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 8 DEBORAH: You know, Montezuma, the king of the Aztecs would drink 50 quarts of hot chocolate every day... BARBARA: Yeah, it was thick as mud and red. He put chili pepper in instead of sugar. Get it? Hot-chocolate? (Both laugh) TRAIN CHILD 1: How do you know? TRAIN CHILD 2: Ive never heard that before! TRAIN CHILD 8:Thats not even true! DEBORAH: Yes it is! BARBARA: ... And did you know that it can take at least 3 minutes for a train to come to a complete stop when only going 40mph. JO: (to BECKY) Where you going with that? BECKY: It's for him, the boy back there. JO: I don't think we're allowed to leave our seats. DEBORAH: Yah! Thats true. BARBARA: It's a violation of safety regulations for a kid to cross moving cars without a grown-up. BECKY: (Sarcastically to DEBORAH & BARBARA) I think I'll be okay... JO: Are you sure? BECKY: Yes, Ill be fine. Now... are you coming? (To JO) CONDUCTOR: (Enters, noticing BECKY with HOT CHOCOLATE in hand) What about this lad in the back? Did he get any refreshment? THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 9 BECKY: (Shakes her head No) I know we are supposed to stay in our seats but... CONDUCTOR: (Interrupts her) Well, take some to him, by all means. (JO and BECKY walk to the next car and find BILLY singing to himself.) SONG: WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES TO TOWN BECKY: (to JO) Shhh... listen! BILLY: LA LA LA LA LA LA, LA LA LA LA LA, LA LA LA LA LA IM WISHING ON A STAR AND TRYING TO BELIEVE. THAT EVEN THOUGH ITS FAR, HELL FIND ME CHRISTMAS EVE. I GUESS THAT SANTAS BUSY CAUSE HES NEVER COME AROUND. I THINK OF HIM WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES TO TOWN. BECKY: THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR, WHEN EVERYONE COMES HOME. WITH ALL THIS CHRISTMAS CHEER, ITS HARD TO BE ALONE. PUTTING UP THE CHRISTMAS TREE WITH FRIENDS WHO COME AROUND. ITS SO MUCH FUN WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES TO TOWN. PRESENTS FOR THE CHILDREN WRAPPED IN RED AND GREEN BILLY: ALL THE THINGS IVE HEARD ABOUT, BUT NEVER REALLY SEEN BECKY AND BILLY: NO ONE WILL BE SLEEPING ON THE NIGHT OF CHRISTMAS EVE, HOPING SANTAS ON HIS WAY (MUSIC INTERLUDE) BECKY: PRESENTS FOR THE CHILDREN WRAPPED IN RED AND GREEN BILLY: ALL THE THINGS IVE HEARD ABOUT, BUT NEVER REALLY SEEN BECKY AND BILLY: NO ONE WILL BE SLEEPING ON THE NIGHT OF CHRISTMAS EVE HOPING SANTAS ON HIS WAY BECKY: WHEN SANTAS SLEIGH BELLS RING THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 10 BILLY: I LISTEN ALL AROUND BECKY: THE HERALD ANGELS SING BILLY: I NEVER HEAR A SOUND BECKY: AND ALL THE DREAMS OF CHILDREN BILLY: ONCE LOST WILL NOW BE FOUND BECKY:THAT'S ALL I WANT WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES TO TOWN. JO: THATS ALL I WANT... ALL: WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES TO TOWN. BECKY: Look! (Points to the sky) JO: The northern lights! CONDUCTOR: Hey, you three. We just crossed it. Latitude 66 degrees, 33 minutes. The Arctic Circle. You see those lights in the distance; they look like lights of a strange ocean liner sailing on a frozen sea. (Continues) That... is The North Pole! SONG: THE POLAR EXPRESS REPRISE ITS A MAGIC CARPET ON A RAILNEVER TAKES A REST FLYING THROUGH THE MOUNTAINS AND THE SNOW RIDE FOR FREE AND JOIN THE FUN(YOU CAN RIDE FOR FREE)IF YOU JUST SAY YES! CAUSE THATS THE WAY THINGS HAPPENON THE POLAR EXPRESS YOU BET! THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 11 WOOO WOOO THE WHISTLE BLOWSTHATS THE SOUND OF HER SINGINGDING DING THE BELL WILL RINGGOLLY LOOK AT HER GO! YOU WONDER IF YOULL GET THERE SOON ANYBODYS GUESSCAUSE THATS THE WAY THINGS HAPPENON THE POLAR EXPRESS WHEN WE GET THERE WELL SCREAM YES! (YEAH) WELL ARRIVE WITH A BANG BANG BANGBOOM BOOM BOOM LAUGHING ALL THE WAY! ITS A CHOO CHOO WITH A STUNNING VIEWTHAT RIVALS ALL THE BEST BUT YOU WONT SEE IT ADVERTISEDITS A SIMPLE FACT WE STAY ON TRACKTHOUGH SOMETIMES WE DIGRESS BUT THAT CAN ONLY HAPPEN ON THE POLAR EXPRESS HISS HISS THE STEAM HISSES THATS THE SOUND OF HER BREATHING CLANG CLANG THE BOILER BANGS WHAT A WONDERFUL SHOW! WITH A COMFY SEAT AND LOTS TO EAT BOY IS THIS THE BEST! WISH IT WOULDNT EVER HAVE TO END WITH A LITTLE LUCK WELL BE ON TIME THERES NO NEED TO STRESS CAUSE THATS THE WAY THINGS HAPPENON THE POLAR EXPRESS LIGHTS ARE GLEAMING FAR ACROSS THE SNOW YOURE NOT DREAMINGMAY I PRESENT THE NORTH POLE! IF ITS PENGUINS YOU EXPECT TO VIEW YOU SURELY HAVENT GUESSEDTHEY ALL LIVE DOWN AT THE OTHER END WITH A LITTLE LUCK WELL BE ON TIME THERES NO NEED TO STRESS CAUSE THATS THE WAY THINGS HAPPENON THE POLAR EXPRESS BOOM BOOM THE WHISTLE BLOWSTHATS THE SOUND OF HER SINGING DING DING THE BELL WILL RING THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 12 GOLLY LOOK AT HER GO! IF YOU WANT TO JOIN US COME ALONG ILL CHECK MY MANIFEST CAUSE THATS THE WAY THINGS HAPPENON THE POLAR EXPRESS WHEN WE GET THERE WELL SCREAM YES! (YEAH) WELL ARRIVE WITH A BANG BANG BANG BOOM BOOM BOOM LAUGHING ALL THE WAY IF YOU WANT TO JOIN US COME ALONG YOU CAN BE OUR GUESTCAUSE THATS THE WAY THINGS HAPPENON THE ROLLER COASTER THE POLAR EXPRESS! (Transition seamlessly to SCENE 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 4: The North Pole _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONDUCTOR: We made it with five minutes to spare. We made it! Welcome to the North Pole! BECKY: There should be elves... where are the elves? TRAIN CHILD 3: Where are the elves? TRAIN CHILD 4:Yeah, where are the elves? ( libs by other children) TRAIN CHILD 9:(Disappointed) I dont see them!! CONDUCTOR: They are gathering in the center of the city. That is where Santa will give the first gift of Christmas. DEBORAH: Who gets the first gift of Christmas? BARBARA: I hope it will be me! Ive been extra good this year. CONDUCTOR: He will choose one of you. TRAIN CHILD 5: Look!! Elves! (TRAIN CHILDREN excitedly cheer, talk, adlib and look for the elves out the windows) THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 13 CONDUCTOR: All right. All right , ladies and gentlemen. Two columns, if you please. Shorter in the front, taller in the back. Even-numbered birthdays on the right, odd-numbered on the left. No pushing. No pushing. But let's not dilly-dally. It's five minutes to midnight. BARBARA:(Whispering to DEBORAH) That seems like a gross miscalculation. DEBORAH: (Speaking up) Hey, what gives? It was five minutes till midnight four minutes ago. CONDUCTOR: (Annoyed) Exactly. Columns of two. One, two... BECKY: Excuse me... CONDUCTOR: Question? BECKY: What about him? (points to BILLY) CONDUCTOR: (to BECKY) No one is required to see Santa. (to the group) Ladies and gentlemen, you do not have to hold hands but please remain in your columns while we are in transit. BECKY: (to JO) Come on... JO: But we arent supposed to leave the group. BECKY: I know but it is Christmas Eve and we are going to meet Santa. You dont want Billy to miss this do you? JO: Well no... but.... BECKY: Then come on. BARBARA: Hey... where are those two going? (The group starts to walk off stage as JO and GIRL cross to BILLY) BECKY: Look, you have to come with us. THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 14 JO: Yeah, shes right... BILLY: Christmas just doesn't work out for me. Never has and probably never will.. . BECKY: But Christmas is such a wonderful, beautiful time. It's a time for giving and being thankful, for friends and family. People hang decorations and lights. Santa leaves presents under our Christmas trees. BILLY: Christmas just... (pauses) it just doesn't work out for me. JO: Look, I don't know if Christmas is gonna work out for you or not but this is Christmas Eve. Don't stay here by yourself. BECKY: Yes, come with us, we'll go together. (The three look around and realize they have separated from the group) JO:Oh no! Which way did they go?! Were lost! BECKY: (Pausing, Listening) You hear that? The bell. JO: What bell? BECKY: The sleigh bell. JO: Sleigh bell? BECKY: Don't you hear it? That's the way we should go. Come on! JO: We're lost! (Sits. Depressed) BECKY:(Not paying attention to JO) Yes. I hear it. BILLY: I hear it too. JO: I don't hear anything. THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 15 BECKY: Okay, it's down this way. JO: Are you sure? BECKY: Absolutely. JO: Why can't I hear anything? I don't know about this. I don't hear it. Do you? BECKY: I think we should follow those arrows over there... JO: We're gonna miss everything. BECKY:(Sees stacks of presents ready to be shipped) Hey, look.Presents! (Runs and begins examining all the presents) BILLY:(Finding one in the stack) This one is going to my town. To someone named, Billy! ...My name is Billy... It's going to Edbrooke Avenue. That's my address! JO:Come on. Well be late!

BILLY: But look! It says, "Merry Christmas, Billy. From Mr. C!" I think I know what it is. I wanted one of these my whole life. (Starts to open the present) JO:(Stopping BILLY) Wait, wait. Stop. Read it! BILLY:But I... JO: It says, Dont Open until Christmas BECKY:(Spotting the DEBORAH & BARBARA) Hey! What are you two doing here? DEBORAH:Same as you, checking our presents. THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 16 BARBARA: ...Making sure were getting everything on our lists. DEBORAH: I found one present. All it had was stupid underwear. BECKY: Hey! Listen! Did you hear that? Sleigh bells! Were here!

JO:It's still five minutes till Christmas? I think we're gonna make it! DEBORAH:Of course. BARBARA: ... It's been five to for the last hour. TRAIN CHILD 6:(Enters, spotting the missing children) Hey! Weve been looking for you! (The TRAIN CHILDREN enterwith an ELF guide and reunite) TRAIN CHILD 7:Nice to see you again! CONDUCTOR: Cutting it kind of close, aren't we? Santa is almost here! (EVERYONE cheers, adlib. Santa is on his way! Hes Almost here!, etc. ringing bells ELF CHOIR gets in place). (Continue seamlessly to SCENE 5) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 5: Santas Arrival/Departure _____________________________________________________________________________________ SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN ELF ANNOUNCER: (In an announcers voice) And now... Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls... You better watch out! You better not cry...Introducing the Official Elf Choir of the Northern Hemisphere: The North Pole Singers! (Everyone claps and cheers) ELF CHOIR:


BECKY:Aren't those bells the most beautiful sound? He must be here! (Spot him) He is!He's here! Hes Here!(CHILDREN begin to cheer excitedly)

JO: Where? BILLY: I see him. He's over there. EVERYONE : (Cheers and celebrates) ITs SANTA! Santas here! Merry Christmas! ad libs, etc. JO: I can't see him. I can't see him. I can't see him! DEBORAH: (Pointing at JO in shock) Doubter! BARBARA: (Gasps)Doubter! (A bell from SANTAS Sleigh falls off and lands in front of JO. She picks up the bell and shakes it but hears nothing.) JO: (Examining the bell) Okay, Okay...I believe...I believe! (She shakes the bell and finally hears it ring) SANTA: What was that you said? JO: I...I believe! (Looking up, astonished)I believe this is yours. (Hands SANTA the bell) SANTA: Well...Thank you. (Begins to scan the crowd for a child to pick) Now, who should receive the first present... (CHILDRENS hands fly up to be chosen, ad lib) DEBORAH: Me, me. Pick me, Santa. BARBARA: No! Pick me, pick me! I want the first gift. (DEBORAH & BARBARA begin to argue and fight) THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 19 BECKY: (To DEBORAH & BARBARA) What are you doing? Stop it. SANTA: (to DEBORAH & BARBARA) Patience and a smidgen of humility might also serve you both well. DEBORAH & BARBARA: (In unison, ashamed) Yes, sir... SANTA: (to BECKY) And you, young lady... A lady of decision, full of confidence and spirit, Christmas spirit. Keep up the good work. BECKY: Thank you. SANTA: (to BILLY) And Billy. It is Billy? BILLY: Yes. SANTA: I see you've made some new friends. BILLY: Yes, sir. I sure have. SANTA: That's a lucky lad. There's no greater gift than friendship. (to EVERYONE) And speaking of gifts, lets have this young lady right here. (to JO) Now...what would you like for Christmas? JO: Me? SANTA: Yes, you. (JO whispers what she wants to Santa) Yes...Indeed. Hmmm.. Yes, indeed. (to EVERYONE) The first gift of Christmas! (Holds up the bell) This bell is a wonderful symbol of the spirit of Christmas... as am I.Just remember...the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart. (Midnight tolls.) (to JO) Merry Christmas! Lets Celebrate the Spirit of Christmas! (Music Begins) CONDUCTOR: (to JO) Better keep that in a safe place. DEBORAH: (Examining the bell) Man alive!! An authentic, first edition, mint condition, Kris Kringle Bell!! THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 20 BARBARA: You sure are lucky!(Begin to load/pass presents for departure) SONG:THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON IT'S THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON,THE SPIRIT IN THE AIR COME HERE IT IF YOU LISTEN EVERYWHERE, SO MUCH CARE, LIKE A PRAYER WHATEVER IT IS YOU NEED TO SHARE IT IT'S THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON... YOU CAN HEAR IT IN THE AIR PEOPLE SMILE AS THEY PASS YOU BY THE DAY WILL BE HERE SOON DREAMS ARE DANCING IN THE CHILDRENS EYES HEARTS ARE SINGING, BELLS ARE RINGING, TOO IT'S THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON, FILLING HEARTS WITH LOVE AND CARE LET THE SHINING STARINCREASE IT EVERYWHEREMAKE IT THERE, LIKE A PRAYER WHATEVER IT IS YOU NEED TO SHARE IT IT'S THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON... IT'S THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON... (SANTA prepares to fly away as everyone continues celebrating.) SANTA: Ho Ho Ho, Pull, Comet. Pull, boy! Prancer, that's a girl. Good boy, Dasher. Ho Ho Ho! SNOW IS FALLING AS YOU RUSH DOWNTOWN THE CITY SEEMS TO GLOW HAPPY WISHES FOR THE HAPPY SOUND HEARTS ARE SINGING, BELLS ARE RINGING, TOO IT'S THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON, FILL HEARTS WITH LOVE AND CARE LET THE SHINING STAR INCREASE IT EVERYWHERE... EVEN THERE, LIKE A PRAYER WHATEVER IT IS YOU NEED TO SHARE IT IT'S THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON YOU CAN HEAR IT IN THE AIR... THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 21 IT'S THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON YOU CAN HEAR IT EVERYWHERE... BECKY: It's everything I dreamed it would be. BILLY: Could all this be nothing but a dream? JO: No. BILLY: How do you know for sure? JO: I... I just believe. SANTA: (Offstage) To the top of the roof. To the top of the wall... Now, dash away, dash away... Dash away all! (Everyone Cheers, ad lib Good Bye Santa! Merry Christmas!, etc ) (BLACKOUT) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 6: Heading Home _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONDUCTOR: All Aboard! All Aboard! Show your tickets. Have your tickets ready. (to KNOW IT ALL) All right, you two... Tickets, please. DEBORAH: Lean. (to BARBARA) Whatever that's supposed to mean... CONDUCTOR: Lean is spelled with four letters. I believed I punched five. DEBORAH: Hey, are you saying I don't know how to...? (Look again) BARBARA: Oh...Were sorry. It says learn, our mistake. CONDUCTOR: Lesson Learned. (to BILLY) Ticket. THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 22 BILLY: Depend On (Flips ticket over) Rely On (Flips ticket over) Count On CONDUCTOR: That is some special ticket. BILLY: Sure is. CONDUCTOR: So can you count on us to get you home safe and sound? BILLY: Absolutely. Me... and my friends. CONDUCTOR: Ticket. BECKY: It says lead, like lead balloon. CONDUCTOR: I believe it also is pronounced lead, as in leader, leadership, lead the way. Follow you anywhere, ma'am. BECKY: Oh... Thank you! CONDUCTOR: (to JO) Ah, yes. The young gal with all the questions... ticket. JO: It says... CONDUCTOR: (Interrupts her) Its nothing I need to know. JO: Oh... (Nodding and Smiling). CONDUCTOR: All Aboard! Last call, All Aboard! (He goes onto the train as JO looks at his ticket.) JO: Believe. (She walks onto the train.) BECKY: Come on, let's see. Show us the bell. THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 23 JO: Ok. (She looks in her pockets) Its...Its gone. BECKY: Where is it? JO: I lost it. I lost the bell from Santas sleigh. BILLY: Dont...Dont worry well find it. (CHILDREN ad lib...yeah dont worry, yeah well find it yeah well help you, all of us etc.) BECKY: Yah, lets hurry up and find it right now. Come on! (The train-whistle blows) Its too late...Im sorry. JO: I will never find it now. I got the first gift of Christmas, a bell from Santas sleigh... and I lost it. CONDUCTOR: 11344 Edbrooke Ave. Next stop 11344 Edbrooke Ave. (BILLY stands up and starts following the conductor.) DEBORAH: Hey, where you going? BILLY: Home. DEBORAH: Oh, okay. BARBARA: See ya later. BILLY: See ya. (He walks over to JO) Thanks for stopping the train for me. (Shakes her hand) JO: Youre welcome and Merry Christmas, Billy. BECKY: Have a wonderful Christmas, Billy. CONDUCTOR: 11344 Edbrooke Ave. BILLY: Goodbye everyone! THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 24 CONDUCTOR: Watch your step, please and Merry Christmas. (BILLY walks away as the conductor waves on the train.) BECKY: Look! (BILLY runs outside with a present) Santa got to Billy's house already. BILLY: Look, look! Santa got here! He made it, he made it! BECKY: (to JO) Isn't that amazing? JO: It is amazing... (she sits back in her chair) Wow... that is amazing. CONDUCTOR: Its your stop young lady. BECKY: I'm sorry about the bell; it was a really special present. DEBORAH: Well, you know what they say. It's the thought that counts. JO: Yeah... BARBARA: Well, see ya. JO: (to BECKY) Well...see ya. BECKY: See ya. (Hugs JO) CONDUCTOR: Watch your step, please. JO: Thank you. CONDUCTOR: No, thank you. One thing about trains: It doesn't matter where they're going. What matters is deciding to get on... Merry Christmas! JO: Merry Christmas. (She watches as the train leaves, waving to her friends.) THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 25 [(Scene Change) Red Curtain Closes. Blackout] ___________________________________________________________________ SCENE 7: The Bell Rings _____________________________________________________________________________________ SARAH: (JO is asleep and SARAH comes barging in.)Wake up! Wake up! Santa's been here! Santa's been here! JO: (Wiping her eyes) Huh? SARAH: Hurry up. Hurry up! Santa's been here! JO: What?! (She is pulled out of bed by SARAH) SARAH: Mom, Dad, wake up. Wake up! Santa's been here! MOTHER (CATHY): (Parents enter) Well, it looks like Santa has been here. FATHER (PETER): Yeah (Yawning) look at all the presents for you. SARAH: Look! He brought us all kinds of stuff! Look, a train! This is the beautiful-est, most wonderful-est Christmas ever. JO: This has been a pretty good Christmas after all. SARAH: Wait. Look. Here's one more, and it has your name on it. JO: (She opens the box) Uhh... SARAH: What is is? JO: (Reading to herself) I found this on the seat of my sleigh, thought you might want it back.- Mr. C THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 26 MOTHER (CATHY): Oh, what a beautiful bell. Who's it from? JO: Santa. MOTHER (CATHY): Santa?... really? (Looks at PETER, assuming it was him. She shakes the bell. It doesnt ring) Oh, that's too bad. FATHER (PETER): What's this? MOTHER (CATHY): A bell from Santa. FATHER (PETER): Hmm ... (Looks at CATHY, assuming it was her, He shakes the bell. It doesnt ring) Broken. Sorry about that, sweetie. (He hands JO the bell and parents exit. JO shakes the bell as she and SARAH listen to it ring.) MOTHER (CATHY): (OFFSTAGE) Come to the kitchen when youre ready, kids! Breakfast!(Parents exit; JO and SARAH remain at tree; temporarily frozen. Lights fade out everywhere but tree) Spotlight NARRATOR.SCENE 7 Flows seamlessly into SCENE 8 FINALE.SARAH & JO unfreeze and begin listening to the bell and playing with the train at the tree whenNARRATOR begins speaking _____________________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 8: Believe! _____________________________________________________________________________________ NARRATOR (ADULT SARAH): (Enters) That Christmas, in that moment, my sister was changed... I knew in my heart, she too, was a true believer... like me!Our special sisterly bond could never be broken... At one time, most of our friends, too, could hear the bell. But as years passed, like our parents, it fell silent for them... For some, it seemed like the magic slippedaway, but it would return again every Christmas day, and thoughI've grown older...the bell still rings for me and the spirit and magicof Christmas still lives strong in my heart... (MUSIC BEGINS) (Continues) As it does for all who truly... believe... SONG: BELIEVE FINALE NARRATOR (ADULT SARAH): CHILDREN, SLEEPING. THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 27 SNOW IS SOFTLY FALLING. DREAMS ARE CALLING, LIKE BELLS IN THE DISTANCE. WE WERE DREAMERS, NOT SO LONG AGO. BUT ONE BY ONE, WE ALL HAD TO GROW UP. WHEN IT SEEMS THE MAGIC SLIPPED AWAY... WE FIND IT ALL AGAIN ON CHRISTMAS DAY.(BILLY, BECKY enter SL)BILLY: BELIEVE IN WHAT YOUR HEART IS SAYING, HEAR THE MELODY THAT'S PLAYING. BECKY: THERE'S NO TIME TO WASTE, THERE SO MUCH TO CELEBRATE. (FATHER and MOTHER Enter and Join SARAH and JO at the Christmas Tree) BILLY, BECKY, NARRATOR: BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU FEEL INSIDE, GIVE YOUR DREAMS THE WINGS TO FLY. YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED, IF YOU JUST BELIEVE. (Red curtain opens to reveal CONDUCTOR, WAITERS, POLAR EXPRESS & TRAIN CHILDREN) CONDUCTOR: TRAINS MOVE QUICKLY TO THEIR JOURNEY'S END. DESTINATIONS... ARE WHERE WE BEGIN AGAIN. CONDUCTOR, WAITERS & TRAIN CHILDREN: SHIPS GO SAILING, FAR ACROSS THE SEA. TRUSTING STARLIGHT, TO GET WHERE THEY NEED TO BE. JO: WHEN IT SEEMS THAT WE HAVE LOST OUR WAY... WE FIND OURSELVES AGAIN ON CHRISTMAS DAY. COMPANY: BELIEVE IN WHAT YOUR HEART IS SAYING, HEAR THE MELODY THAT'S PLAYING THERE'S NO TIME TO WASTE, THERE SO MUCH TO CELEBRATE. BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU FEEL INSIDE, AND GIVE YOUR DREAMS THE WINGS TO FLY. YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED, IF YOU JUST BELIEVE. (Lights Begin to Fade behind Red curtain, spotting front ensemble) SARAH & JO: IF YOU JUST BELIEVE. THE POLAR EXPRESS THE POLAR EXPRESS - 28 BILLY & BECKY: IF YOU JUST BELIEVE. NARRATOR: IF YOU JUST BELIEVE...JUST BELIEVE...JUST BELIEVE. (Exit) (RED CURTAIN Closes) CURTAIN CALL Order: ELVES/ELF ANNOUNCER WAITERS/ELF CHOIR MOTHER/FATHER NARRATOR/SARAH TRAIN CHILDREN DEBORAH/BARBARA CONDUCTOR BILLY/BECKY JO SANTA