the pointer - university of wisconsin–stevens point · head of moslem agitation in india moslem...

I , THE · D an ce POINTER Omep All er· Mu Chi Oshkosh Sorority Game Dance Tom orrow Saturday Nite NIJbt Series III Vol. VII No. 13 Stevens Pomt, Wis., Janua ry 12, 1933 Price 7· cents NUESSE LEUTHOLD '34 "IRIS" HEADS . ' . ,. BAND ELECTS OFFICERS FOR SECOND TERM Aaron Mona.stersky Chosen To Head Organi.zation For Year At a meeting of the band on Tuesday afternoon, plans for a more closely organized unit were adopted and officers for the next term were selected. Those chosen for office were ~aron Monaster- sky, president; Bill ason, vice- pres ident; Raymond Boyer, secre- tary-trea~urer; and Morris Skin- ner, publicity director. At the same time. a committee of thr ee including La\\'rence Berdoll, Otis Michelson, and Ward Fon stead was appointed and placed in _ charge of all radio programs and · concerts. La.rge M~mbership At pres ent there are forty-eight members in the band organiza- tion. Accordin"' to sections, t11ey are: - Cornet; Aaron Monastcr- sky, Ben Mannis, Glen Hoffman, Franklin Suits, iior"'an Selmer, Doris Leavens, Donald Blood, and Ruth Brahmstcad; Clarinet ; Bo- nita Ne,yby, Pet er Giovannini, Herman Zillman, Woodrow Tes- mer, Marion Holman, Jane Har- vey, Maybell e P tcrson, Blanche Fobart, and Leonard J ensen. Many Ins truments Fiery Moslem Of 'India Here JUNIORS ELECT Tuesday; Assembly Today "IRIS" HEADS . FOR '34 ANNUAL Next 'ruesday morning at the Popular In Engl and regular assembly hou1 · Maulanu Whi le in London at the Round Shaukat Ali, world famous pear- Table Conference, as one of the head of Moslem agitation in India Moslem leaders, Shaukat Ali was who opposes Gandh i, will enter- in gr eat demand as a speaker be- Celestine Nuesse Chosen Editor; tain in the college auditorium. cause of his fiery oratory, charm Edward Leuthold To Be Here Tuesday Night of manner and his perfect com- Business Manager He will lecture again Tuesday mand of the English J.anguage. Members of the Junio r · class evening in the auditorium at 8 He discussed eastern affairs in held an election· in the audito rium o'clock to townspeo ple and others the House of Lords and Commons just before the Christmas reces, who are expected to jam the hall and in private homes of England's and chose Ce lestine Joseph Nucs- to hear one of India 's most fasci- best known people. se of Sturgeon Bay as editor o~ nnting speakers. His evening to- Ar~ admission price of 25c. will the '34 "Iris" (school annual) pie will be different from h is be charged for the evening cuter- and Edward Leuthold of Shawa-· morning address. tainment. 'l'he morning addi ·ess no as business ma~ager. . ' Athlete In lndia is for students and faculty mem- . Shaukat Ali is a striking and bers only. Both Men Prominent co lorful figur e. With his picrtures- . . Both young men have been- que robes and flowing beard he ~ssembly This Morning . active in school organi z"ations du- looks like a reincarna~i.on of a pat - Jessie ~e '.)'aylor, charai:teri st r past years. Nuesse is Presi- riarch of old. He is six feet two and ~n artist m make-up, Will en- dent of the Junior CJass ancL ia in· heigh . At--the great - Moslem - tertam at the reii-nlar 1~ o~clock' affliated with several other college University at Aligarh , where he assembly hour th1s mornmg. Her organizations. He is a member was graduated, he was one of its char acter c~anges from a .grand- of P hi Sigma Epsil on fraternity. mo t famous athlete . He was ma, to a ch1ld and then mto an Leuthold is Men's Room Repl'e- ca pt111in of the cricket team and a aute-~ellum negro or grandpa, are sentat ive for the Junior class and :ta r wrester, besides being ex- tartlmg. is associated with other coll ege pert at fencing, riding, tennis, Miss Taylor's deep contralto acf.ivities. He is. a Chi Del ta Rh o- foptball and hockey. He is now Yoice, of unusual range, is admir- member. · 57 years of age and has been a ably adapted to the presentation · For the past eight years coed~ figbtei· and u ·soldicr of Islam all of either male or female charac- have edited ·the year book. Car l his life. ters. Maslowski was the last young ma n to edit the "Iris" back in 1925. Omega Mu Chi Sorority Dance Saturday Night Eileen Mueller Editor Trombone ; Morris Skinner, DRAMATIC CLUB PICKS CAST FOR 'THE YOUNGEST' Al ex Ka czmarek, ,Raymond Boy- Coeds and their c corts· are pro- er, F lorence Lc mker, Betty Rice, miscd real dance music in the new and Paul i\facDonalcl. French gymnasium Saturday evening Horn; Gideon Carswell, Clarence when Omega Mu Chi sorority will Roseberry And Collins Eil een Mueller of Oshkosh is editor of the '33 annual. Work on individual and organization pie- · tures has bee n underway du ri ng the past week. Joseph M. Davids son is doing the photography wor k on the third floor. ; " Art " Thompson Resigns Konopacki, Lawrence Berdoll, sponsor the first Greek dance of tile vear Get Ha rlequin John "\\ i. niewsk i, and Charles · Scribner. Saxophone ; Neva Red- Ai-chic Adrian and his popular Leads · emann, Edmund Disher, Arthur orchestra from Fond du Lac will Tryouts for the IIarl cquin Club Kussman, Kenneth Schlytter, and en 1 tcrtdain. Arb c!Oiie and hfis "g 1 an 1 g'' Play, "The Youngest", reach cl La\vrcnce Kranl .!!. Bass Saxo- p aye at t e mega orma ast 1 . 1 . F 'd f · · · Th I I · t 1c1r c unax r1 ay a ternooD, Alta Stauffer has been appoint: ca business manager of the an, nual, snccceding ArthurThompson; . who resigned. Alta wa.s editor of the '32 year book. :i\Ir. T. A. Ro,: · gers i faculty adviser. · phone ; Robe rt Steiner, and Ar- s pdnng. 1 le ore iestra 1 1 asfpromJ- when all of the dramatically in- thur Roberts. sc to et oose severa eature . numbers. clincd st udents of the dear old Richard - Cletus Collins; Nan-' 'To Pl ay At Game · If any coed fails to take "her alma mater displayed their wares cy - Blcla Rose berry; Oliver - --- .,~a, r.i-ton ~;- Bi ll-R,ingness,- , -' flt11n+nnn,r"--tharni'glrH \ t e e- b&Eel' t;h judg= .-'1\- "'11,st--wcm.hl~g , if . Vms ow - , 1g- · Ringness, and Genevieve Eastlin g. cause of the pr ice. The Omegas selected, and the dat e of the play l'id tark; l\Iark - Allan Hodell; : Bass; Virgil Pizer, Michael Var e- have reduced the tariff to 79c. per has been tentatively set for Feb- Au;.(usta - Berenice Edick; All an nick, and Malcolm Parks . Dl'Ums ; couple. Dancing will start at g :30 rua ry 9. It now develops upon - Bill Ringncss ; Muff - Edna Bill Nason, and Robert Siegel. 0 'clock and continue until mid- the me mb ers of the Ilarl cquin rocker; Katie - J eg n Lyn rt . · : Bassoon ; "\Vard Fonstead. Tympa, night . Alumnae, prep st udents and Club to make the ycomcnry "The '.l'hc second cast includes: · ni; Verneil Damon. Flute; Otis townspeople are invit ed. Youngest" conscious. 'Tis whis- Richard , Gideon Carswell, Nan-' l\iichelsen. Oboe; Velma Scrib- l\iiss Florence Brown, Mrs. pcrcd among circles "in the cy, Doris Leavens; Oliver, Ralph, n er. Charles Cashin, and Miss Eva Seen know" that many s urpri ses are in Okray; Mrs. "\Vinslow, Helene The band is to play for the will chaperon. store for the students of Central Wate rman: Mark, Bill Scribner; Oshkosh game tomonow night. ------ -- tate. 1 \ugusta , Flo1·cnce Lemkcr; Allan,. S tage Enlarged Versatile Cast Ronald Winn ; . fuff , Florence' Partitions were torn away from Knop c; Kati , Viola llotvcdt. the rear of the stage in the ·audito- In order to give more stu dents ) RESERVED SEATS Students wishing re erved seats rinm during the holiday recess. an opportunity to show their abil- DANCE TOMORROW for the Oshkosh game tomorro\\' Removal of the walls adds con- ity two complete casts were sc- A dance wilt be held in the new· mght may procure tlTI!nrfornn-acl.-t'==uuc....:'llll=-...w.......,u:...,u:c. ,w=.μ,:lGt~..-' 'l'he-mem&ers-oHt,h,,..-F;'~c-hg"'y;.:m~-=;: o;;m =7 o~rr::o:;-w=:-,::.n :!. 1 ,':g'i 1~t ::....:::.c af-i:'te "' r...!";t;-' h'- e--' ditional ten cents. platform. cast are: r Oshkosh basketball game.

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Page 1: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · head of Moslem agitation in India Moslem leaders, Shaukat Ali was ... store for the students of Central Waterman: ... THE

I ,

THE · Dance POINTER Omep Aller· Mu Chi Oshkosh Sorority Game Dance Tomorrow Saturday Nite NIJbt

Series III Vol. VII No. 13 Stevens Pomt, Wis., January 12, 1933 Price 7· cents



SECOND TERM Aaron Mona.stersky Chosen To

Head Organi.zation For Year

At a meeting of the band on Tuesday afternoon, plans for a more closely organized unit were adopted and officers for the next term were selected. Those chosen for office were ~aron Monaster­sky, president; Bill ason, vice­president; Raymond Boyer, secre­tary-trea~urer; and Morris Skin­ner, publicity director. At the same time. a committee of three including La\\'rence Berdoll, Otis Michelson, and Ward Fonstead was appointed and placed in

_ charge of all radio programs and ·concerts.

La.rge M~mbership At present there are forty-eight

members in the band organiza­tion. Accordin"' to sections, t11ey are: - Cornet; Aaron Monastcr­sky, Ben Mannis, Glen Hoffman, Franklin Suits, iior"'an Selmer, Doris Leavens, Donald Blood, and Ruth Brahmstcad; Clarinet ; Bo­nita Ne,yby, Peter Giovannini, Herman Zillman, Woodrow Tes­mer, Marion Holman, Jane Har­vey, Maybell e P tcrson, Blanche Fobart, and Leonard J ensen.

Many Instruments

Fiery Moslem Of 'India Here JUNIORS ELECT Tuesday; Assembly Today "IRIS" HEADS

. FOR '34 ANNUAL Next 'ruesday morning at the Popular In England

regular assembly hou1· Maulanu Whi le in London at the Round Shaukat Ali, world famous pear- Table Conference, as one of the head of Moslem agitation in India Moslem leaders, Shaukat Ali was who opposes Gandhi, will enter- in great demand as a speaker be- Celestine Nuesse Chosen Editor; tain in the college auditorium. cause of his fiery oratory, charm Edward Leuthold To Be

Here Tuesday Night of manner and his perfect com- Business Manager He will lecture again Tuesday mand of the English J.anguage. Members of t he Junior · class

evening in the auditorium at 8 He discussed eastern affairs in held an election· in the auditorium o 'clock to townspeople and others the House of Lords and Commons just before the Christmas reces, who are expected to jam the hall and in private homes of England's and chose Celestine Joseph Nucs­to hear one of India 's most fasci- best known people. se of Sturgeon Bay as editor o~ nnting speakers. His evening to - Ar~ admission price of 25c. will the '34 "Iris" (school annual ) pie will be different from his be charged for the evening cuter- and Edward Leuthold of Shawa-· morning address. tainment. 'l'he morning addi·ess no as business ma~ager. . '

Athlete In lndia is for students and faculty mem-. Shaukat Ali is a striking and bers only. Both Men Prominent

colorful figure. With his picrtures- . . Both young men have been-que robes and f lowing beard he ~ssembly This Morning . act ive in school organiz"ations du-looks like a reincarna~i.on of a pat- Jessie ~e '.)'aylor, charai:terist r past years. Nuesse is Presi-riarch of old. He is six feet two and ~n artist m make-up, Will en- dent of the Junior CJass ancL ia in· heigh . At--the great- Moslem -tertam at the reii-nlar 1~ o~clock' affliated with several other college University at Aligarh, where he assembly hour th1s mornmg. Her organizations. He is a member was graduated, he was one of its cha racter c~anges from a .grand- of P hi Sigma Epsilon fraternity. mo t famous athlete . He was ma, to a ch1ld and then mto an Leuthold is Men's Room Repl'e­ca pt111in of the cricket team and a aute-~ellum negro or grandpa, are sentative for t he Junior class and :tar wrester, besides being ex- tartlmg. is associated with other college pert at fencing, riding, tennis, Miss Taylor's deep contralto acf.ivities. He is. a Chi Delta Rho­foptball and hockey. He is now Yoice, of unusual range, is admir- member. · 57 years of age and has been a ably adapted to the presentation · For the past eight year s coed~ figbtei· and u ·soldicr of Islam all of either male or female charac- have edited ·the year book. Car l his life. • ters. Maslowski was the last young man

to edit the "Iris" back in 1925.

Omega Mu Chi Sorority Dance

Saturday Night

Eileen Mueller Editor

Trombone ; Morris Skinner,

DRAMATIC CLUB PICKS CAST FOR 'THE YOUNGEST' Alex Kaczmarek, ,Raymond Boy- Coeds and their c corts ·are pro­

er, F lorence Lcmker, Betty Rice, miscd real dance music in the new and Paul i\facDonalcl. French gymnasium Saturday evening Horn; Gideon Carswell, Clarence when Omega Mu Chi sorority will Roseberry And Collins

Eileen Mueller of Oshkosh is editor of the '33 annual. Work on individual and organization pie- · tures has been underway during the past week. Joseph M. Davids son is doing the photography work on the third floor. ;

" Art " Thompson Resigns

Konopacki, Lawrence Berdoll , sponsor the first Greek dance of tile vear Get Harlequin

John "\\ i. niewski, and Charles • · Scribner. Saxophone ; Neva Red- Ai-chic Adrian and his popular Leads

· emann, Edmund Disher, Arthur orchestra from Fond du Lac will Tryouts for the IIarlcquin Club Kussman, Kenneth Schlytter, and en

1tcrtdain. Arb c!Oiie and hfis "g


1g'' Play, "The Youngest", reach cl

La\vrcnce Kranl.!!. Bass Saxo- p aye at t e mega orma ast 1 . 1. F 'd f · · · Th I I · t 1c1r c unax r1 ay a ternooD,

Alta Stauffer has been appoint: ca business manager of the an, nual, snccceding ArthurThompson;. who resigned. Alta wa.s editor of the '32 year book. :i\Ir. T. A. Ro,: · gers i faculty adviser. ·

phone ; Robert Steiner, and Ar- spdnng. 1

le ore iestra 1

1asfpromJ- when all of the dramatically in-

thur Roberts. sc to et oose severa eature . numbers. clincd students of the dear old Richa rd - Cletus Collins; Nan-'

'To Play At Game · If any coed fails to take "her alma mater displayed their wares cy - Blcla Roseberry; Oliver ----.,~a,r.i-ton~;- Bill-R,ingness,,-, -'flt11n+nnn,r"--tharni'glrH \ t e e- b&Eel' t;h judg=.-'1\- "'11,st--wcm.hl~g , if . Vms ow - , 1g- ·

Ringness, and Genevieve Eastling. cause of the price. The Omegas selected, and the date of the play l'id tark; l\Iark - Allan Hodell; : Bass; Virgil Pizer, Michael Vare- have reduced the tariff to 79c. per has been tentatively set for Feb- Au;.(usta - Berenice Edick; Allan nick, and Malcolm Parks. Dl'Ums ; couple. Dancing will start at g :30 rua ry 9. It now develops upon - Bill Ringncss ; Muff - Edna Bill Nason, and Robert Siegel. 0 'clock and continue until mid- the members of the Ilarl cquin rocker; Katie - J egn Lyn rt . · : Bassoon ; "\Vard Fonstead. Tympa, night. Alumnae, prep students and Club to make the ycomcnry "The '.l'hc second cast includes:

· ni; Verneil Damon. Flute; Otis townspeople are invited. Youngest" conscious. 'Tis whis- Richard , Gideon Carswell, Nan-' l\iichelsen. Oboe; Velma Scrib- l\iiss Florence Brown, Mrs. pcrcd among circles "in the cy, Doris Leavens; Oliver, Ralph, ner. Charles Cashin, and Miss Eva Seen know" that many surpri ses are in Okray; Mrs. "\Vinslow, Helene

The band is to play for the will chaperon. store fo r the students of Central Waterman: Mark, Bill Scribner; Oshkosh game tomonow night. -------- tate. 1\ugusta, Flo1·cnce Lemkcr; Allan,.

Stage Enlarged Versatile Cast Ronald Winn ; . fuff, Florence' Partitions were torn away from Knopc; Kati , Viola llotvcdt.

the rear of the stage in the ·audito- In order to give more students ) RESERVED SEATS

Students wishing r e erved seats rinm during the holiday recess. an opportunity to show their abil- DANCE TOMORROW for the Oshkosh game tomorro\\' Removal of the walls adds con- ity two complete casts were sc- A dance wilt be held in the new· mght may procure tlTI!nrfornn-acl.-t'==uuc....:'llll=-...w.......,u:...,u:c. ,w=.µ,:lGt~..-''l'he-mem&ers-oHt,h,,..-F;'~c-hg"'y;.:m~-=;:o;;m=7o~rr::o:;-w=:-,::.n:!.1,':g'i1~t::....:::.caf-i:'te"'r...!";t;-'h'-e--' ditional ten cents. platform. cast are: r Oshkosh basketball game.

Page 2: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · head of Moslem agitation in India Moslem leaders, Shaukat Ali was ... store for the students of Central Waterman: ... THE


Y'<>l. VII. THE POINTER ·No. 13

.: Publiobed Weekly at Stoveno Point by the otudento ot the Central State Teacbere College. Subscript ion Price •i.oo per 'Jear.

Entered as second·claso matter May 26, 1927, at the poot office at Stenn• Poi!J,t, Wisconsin, under the Act ot March 3, 1879. " ·


Coming January 25 No Favors At Spring

Formals This Year Favors will be abolished at the

Greek spring formals this year. Members of the Greek Council voted this action at their last meeting. Plans to reduce the ex­penses of th; formal events neces­itatcd the move.

Editor ........... .... . . . .... George R. Maurer, Phone 240J. or 43; Office 1584 A,osoeiate Editor . . ...... . .... . .......... . .. . . ... ................ John Wied ·. News Editors ......... . . . ......... . ............. Gordon Uteo, Donald Crocker Sports Editor . .. . ................... . ........ . . ......... ,.Samuel H. Blathe Society Editor . . ............... . ................... . .... .. Florence Woboril Girls' Sport• Editor . .. .... ............ . ...... . . .. . .. ... ....... Alta Stauffer News ..•..... . .................... . . ............. Natalie Gorski, Tom Smith Honorary Member ...................................... Burton E. Hotvodt


Buoineas MaMger ............ . .. ..... ........ ....... . Cedric Vig, Phone 810J Circulation Manager ............ ........... . . . . ............. .. Ignatiuo Mioh Faqulty Adviser ... ... .. ...... . ...... : ................ Raymond M. Rightoell

(College Office Infonn&tion, Phone 224)


After being padlocked for two weeks because of misuse by "a certain few individuals" the door of the Men's Room has been swung open once more.

President Hyer has threatened to permanently close the recrea­tion room should any more furniture be broken as the result of "kid t.ricks " . He is justified in his threat. Then, too, the girls would .have use of the rad1o in their room, if the threat were executed.

A badly bent iron rod (which had been used in prying open lockers in the men's locker room) was also found by our President. In.dividua\s who find entertainment in preying and "sneaking lUY!lY" the· property of their fellow students should be granted an ex­~ion diploma from the college.

·The. men missed the use of the entertainment room during the pl'S,t weeks. - Students were running around the. ha11s like.lost sheep ......: some ,vere even sitting on the window sills in the locker room -otli.ers parked themselves on the stairways - while the padlock was 11.winging 01;1 the door of the Men's Room.

Our prexy has spent a considerable amount of his o,yn money to af;ford a little diversion and recreation for the men. Most of us ap­preciate it.

· From now on let 's keep an eye on these "opponents of apprecia,. tion-" and weed them out. ·


Lollagola ns a Doy.

Lo Ba go la Now

LoBngola, the \Vest African Bushman, whoso sensntionnl story of his own lifo ns an Afrienn savage hns thrilled tho nation, will mnke his first visit in Wisconsin here \Vcdn cedny, January 25, when he will enteftain the college stu­dents in the morning nrtd townspeople in tho e vening. He spen t his ea rly yours on the look-out for apes and hook­liznrds, later was kidnapped and finally picked up and educated by " Scotch­man. Those who hnvo heard J ,obago!u ~ny that his drnmntic nnrrntivc is un­'paralleled.


'31 Anderson, F;;;;ces.' 2 yr. Elem6n. tary Course. Tchr., 7th & 8th grades,

A Greek Council meeting will be held in the Girls' Room next Tues­day everung at 9 o'clock. A date for the next inter fraternity-soro­rity dance and the adoption of a constitution will be matters acted upon.

Profit From Play Amounts To $5.30

Net profit from the play, "The Donovan .Affair", which was pres­ented in the auditiorium Decem­ber 6 by Mr. L. M. Bwrroughs' speech class amounted to $5.30.

Total receipts were $34.75. Ex­penses including a $20 royalty, tickets, books and advertising to­taled $29.45.


State Graded School, Hixton. The Question: Do you feel that '31. Atwood, Alta A vice. 2 yr. Prima- you have missed the men's room

ry. Tchr., 1st grn4e, Wausau. . suff. · 1 · th f •-'31. Berg, Edna Helene. 2 yr. Prim· 1c1ent y m e ew weea.,s

ary. Tchr., 1st & 2nd Grades, Wild Rose. to warrant the trouble of keeping '32. Birr, Margaret Alice. 4 yr. H . E. it in good condition? Why?

B. Ed., C. S. T. C., July, 1931. Tchr., Home Ee., dirlo Junior Technical Ignatius L. P. Mush: Certainly School, ,Milwaukee. I have. Numerous benefits are de-

'32. Boeyink, Amy Amelia. 2 yr. rived by having a lounge room. Prim. Tchr., 1st grade, Livermore, Iowa. The anoisconduct of "the few

'31. Brehmer, Richard E. 3 yr. St. Graded Prin. Course. Tchr., 1st class roughnecks" should be curtailed State Graded School, R. J, Weet Allio. by the means of drastic discipli-

'.l'here 's been one thing missing at our basketball games during Married 1927, Marian Prebaoki. nwry actions to be imposed by the ,the past weeks - our college band (not including college cheers). •31. Butler, Genevieve E : 2 yr. Ele· Men 's Room Committee. Perhaps ,the absence of music at our recent games will make us mcntary Course. Tchr., Rural School,

appreciate just a little more the service the Poynetto. · David Graves: Yes. I have baud is rendering the school. Nevertheless,· '31. Castner; Forrest R. 3 yr. St. Grad- nothing more for publication.

cd Prin. Course. Tchr., 7, 8, 9 grades, our Music Director, Peter J. Michelsen, in- Ciaos A, State Graded School, Willard. Ronald Murray : No, I haven't. forms us that his organization will be back Married 1929. Lucille Boomer. It is all right for the fellows who in the "old corner" in the balcony again to- '33. Caule, B ernice. 4 yr. Primary. B. live out of town to have a room morrow night when our varsity boys open Ed., c. s. T. C., July, 1932· Tchr., lat where they can hang around dur-

0 k h grndc, Stevens Point. their conference game with sh os · '33. Day, Julia Redding. Tchr., Ru· ing the noon hour.

W e owe an apology to our band for not rnl School, Stevens Point. H . S commenting on the concert it rendered in '33. Edes, Earl L . 4 yr. Rural. B. Ed., hafton: I don't believe the auditorium in December. Three years c. S. T. C., July, 1932. Prin., County that I've ever been in the place.

Normal School, Ladysmith. ..,_, Okra y b · ·· ago the only musical organization we had ,32. Englebert, Grace Margaret. 2 ....... ph Y: es, ccause it 1s was composed of a few self-made horn blow- yr. Int. , Substitute teneher, Green Bay. the most convenient place to study ers. '32. Kline, Lawrence P. 2 yr. St. Gr., in school. One can cliscnss prob-

Before coming here Mr. Michelsen won Prin., Course, Tcbr., MaTohticld. !ems there while he can't in the 0 · t t b d t t f '32. Long, Lorene. 2 yr. Int., July, J'b

1 consecutive s a e an ournamen s or 1932 Tchr 6th gr~ad'!!e~ S~e~v~as~t~o22!lc..!Co~n~-~1~ r~ar:,Yt'.;·:......-:::-;--;----~-:---~---1 the Ric)lland Center High school. He ha& -oolid',,tcd- S~ho-ur,Sturgeon ay. Harry Rickman: I haven't

carved out one of tne neatest college bands '32. Pekarokcy, Irene E. 2 yr. State missed it a darn bit. I've been too in the state since coming to our institution Graded Prin. Courae. Tchr., Rura l busy-studying to even think of it. in 1930. School, .Stovens Point.

PETER J. MICHELSEN None of our athletic teams, debate Robert Bablitch: Yes, I have squads or other activity groups put in half the hours in practice as STUDENTS WANTED missed ~t because I missed the uoes our band members. · This organization practices all-year-round h 1 good-fellowship which is a feature

Magazine subscription sc o ar- of the room Bes·d- I JS. sed the just to give the college music, when it wants it. Yet when it comes sh.ip workers and crew managers radio. · 1 =, m tii .publicity our other groups reap the harvest. ,write immediately for very best

Oftentimes this organization has merited a little ink splashing in student scholarship offers of lead- Don Abel: For the fellows from our columns which they didn't get. Mr. Michelsen and his musicians ing publis.hers. Can be worked out of town there is no other place 'always gladly furn.ished music for the various school entertain- there now. Permanent positions to go outside of the men 's room. ments. if experienced, also sui;nmer crews Bill Scribner: Well, from my


Our band isn't asking ~r glory - but we believe it is worthy of for U. S. and foreign territory. position as· a·member of the execu­mention. New baud uniforms would lend considerable color to the For full details write - The Col- tive board, its a place to go when group.' It wouldn't be a: bad idea for the various fraternities, sorori- legiate Scholarship Institute - there isn't any other place to go; t•~ies~a!n~d,~o~t~h~e~t~s~c~h~o;o~l;;;o~r~g~a~n~i~za~ti~o~n~sirt~o;J~e~t~t~o:7e~th~e~r';i;a:n~f.h:;e~l ~:·~~:"-t-;::-..1"-"publi a-tldi-ng,---Mifl·m·, It-dooou 'L affect me mm:lrt!rt""'= --~...,..,

- t pure asmg o new ou 1 • e a l agree that they deserve them. Fla . ....:. adv. closing weekl! ol;. the depression.

Page 3: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · head of Moslem agitation in India Moslem leaders, Shaukat Ali was ... store for the students of Central Waterman: ... THE



Continental Quint In Pre/rm HIS CA GERS ARE The college "B" \eam, led by sics of the City League, conside_r- DEFEAT ALUMNI their sparkplug, eel by many the strongest team m

SET FOR TUSSLE lhsehe:i~~!~~~ g~en~~~~ta1!h\.:!ct~~~irov:;co~~ COURTMEN, 37-26 turned m their game.

Visiting Team Composed Of Tall And Lanky Court


Tomorrow night Coach Kotal and his basketeers will play hosts to the Oshkosh Teachers quintet in the first conference game of the basketball season. No pre­liminary game will be played, so. the feature attraction will start at 8 o'clock.

Oshkosh Lads Lanky

first win of t he At forward positions Coach season when "Moon" Baker has placed Asher they triumphed Shorey and Art Nygaard. " Ar­over t he strong vie" Gordon has the call for the "Continental " center post, and "Beano" Garber, team of the ! 'Whataman" Christenson, Dick City L e a g u e Schwahn, and Ronnie Murray last Thursday, alternate at the guard· positions. evening, 13 to To Play At Home Ja.n. 21 11, in a prelimi- The "B" t1!am will not play a nary to the col- preliminary game to the Oshkosh­

ASHER SHOREY lege-a l u m n i Point game tomorrow night be­game. caus_e of the many dances sched-

Lose To Gypsies uled for the evening. However, Coached by Eel Baker, the "B" the boys will show their wares

t eam is developing into a well-· next week while t he varsity squad rounded quintet. In their first is invading Stout. The "B" team start of t he season they dropped a will. play a suitable opponent at decision to the str ong A & P Gyp- home at t hat time.

Oshkosh comes here with a good pre-season reputation. Coach Kolf's men downed St. Norbert's last Saturday night, 34 to 18, ap­prox..imately the same scor e as that which the Pointers rolled up on the Deperemen. The B 'Gosh men are all ·big boys, according to Coach Kotal, who scouted them last Saturday. If anything, they · have an edge in height over our -lads. SAM'S


Sale Of Ice Cream Aids "S" Club Funds If something -cold should slide

down your neck in an exciting mo­ment at the Oshkosh game, don't be alnTmed. It isn 't snowing, - it will just be one of those delicious. ten.der, tasty, wholesome Eskimo Pies which can be purchased at the game.

The Oshkosh squad has been hit by ineligibility and injury this year, but they are still able to put their strongest lineup on the floor. Outstanding in their offense is Lindow, star forward, brother of one of ouT college co-eds.

Pointers In Trim

You -nil know about the flu epi­demic" that's going t he rounds these days. Well, there 's anothijr disease around that the doctors can't prescribe for. It 's called "athlete's head".

Some people call it "swell­hea.ditis" . The symptoms are a tendency to scratch the ears a.­bout a foot a_wa.y from the head.

· Only a. Nickel

These delectable bits of goodness (They asked for a nice write-up! ) will be r etailed for the slight sum of five cents by the "S" Club ("·S" for ·Central State) for the purpose of buying nice warin sweaters for reserving young men.

Old Run Away With Colle­gians As Long As They Keep

Their Wind· "Maje" Chvala Stars ·

Coach Kotal 's Cagers gave a visible demonstration of why a varsity quintet can generally beat an alumni team last Thursday evening when an all-star aggrega­tion of former college stars bowed to the present-day collegians, 37 to 26.

Alumni Boys Tire Only the fact that the "old

boys" got tired in the last half allowed the local basketeers to. save their reputation. Coach Ko­tal used thirt'een men against the alumni 's squad of eight, and the veterans soon felt their lack of training.

The Kotalmen played a ragged game, passing poorly, and never completing a play. The play of Nolan Gregory. at his guard post was all that brightened the even­ing for the collegians. Larry Bi hop was effective in his work under the •basket.

Chvala Leads Alumni "Maje" Chva­

la was the out­standing man on the floor. The dimuniHve Ted was all over the floor and suc­ceeded in drop­ping in three baskets during

The Pointers have been work­ing out daily in preparation for tbis game. After their disappoint­ing exhibition in the alumni game, the need for work is more and more apparent. Coach Kotal has selected a tentative first­string line-up, consisting of Bish­op, Hansen, and Krumm, for­wards, Thompson at center, and Gregory and Marsh, guards. The reserves scrimmage this outfit daily: . .

Although a bit of a physic might help, the best possible remedy is a decisive beating at the hands of any opponent. Of course, we 're not insinuating--.

1 h i s ramblings. "Artie" Schroe­der and "Ollie" Neu ber ger, former ·college

c. CHVALA luminaries, were

Be careful to buy your Eskimo ' Pies only from Hiu:,ris Shafton of Bill Scribner . Anyone else is apt to be muscling in for the Margaret Ashmun club, the chiselers. Re­member, your nickel goes for a

the other big guns in the alumni offense.

worthy cause. Coach Kotal started his strong­

The college band, under the personal direction of Mr. Michel­sen, will render appropriate selec­tions to cheer "our boys" to vic­tory. Students will be admitted on presentation of their student tickets, while the us11al charge will be made for outside ad-

'rhe 'Stevens P oint Journal car­ried a story about a possible Point.. Marquette University game to be played i1) the field · house at Wis­consin Rapids. Sounds too good to ============== e. t lineup, with Thompson at cen­


Practice For Girls' Cage Tourney Today

e true. Alumni (26)-*S FG FT FM PF

Sch roeder, f ... 12 3 0 1 l If th~e g8.llfe does-go- thronglr,it- -0hvala;-t-. -:-. :-: .13- 3 Z- 0 3

will be because Marquette wants Neuberger, c . .. 18 2 1 0 0 to do a little advertising for itself Bannach, c . . . . 4 0 0 0 l in Central Wisconsin. The old en- Vrobel, g, f 7 2 1 2 2 rollment has to be kept up,. a.nd a Krembs, g . . . . . 1 1 0 0 2 successful · basketball team can Fishleigh, g ... 0 0 0 0 ·o

All girls who expect to enter the help to draw students. Baker, g ...... 0 0 0 0 0 coed basketball tournament must ___ _ r eport for practice at 4 o'clock Totals .. ..... 57 11 4 3 11 this afternoon. 'l.'he game is desirable to "the •(Code: S, shots; FG, field

Miss Seen said before any defi- Pointers for the proceeds wonlcl nite plans can be made she must sure help the Athletic Commission goa ls ; FT, free throws ; FM, free know approximately tqe number pay off the mortgage on the old throws missed ; PF, personal who expect to participjte in the scl1-0ol. It wouldn't be much of a fou ls). tourney. According to present gnme, though. Mar quette beat Progress ive score : plans both a class and a .division Whiteivater, 36 to 12, in the first Alumni ..... .. ... 5 13 19 26 tournament will be held. Those game of the season, and Marquette T h 6 10 21 37 ho-do-not--make..tbe class sq on to beat Wisconsin, enc ers · · · · · · · · · will be eligible for t he division Notre Dame, and Indiana smce a · O.,.ta.,.nme"'S""",- --,.tefere

· tourney. then. Neale, umpire ; W illecke, timer.

ter, Bishop and K rumm at the fot·ward posts, and Gregory and ",Tu"'" Marsh at uards. Never­theless, the alumni t eam was ea -ing at half time, 13 to 10. · The lineup : Teachers (37)-*S FG FT FM PF Bishop, f ...... 13 6 0 2 l Hansen, f .... . . , 3 1 0 0 1 P eterson, f . . . . 3 0 0 1 1 Krumm, f .... . 10 2 0 0 2 Eckerson, f . . . . 2 0 2 2 0 Klement, f . . . . . 4 0 1 0 0 Thompson, c ... , 5 0 1 0 . 0 Tard iff, c ..... 0 0 0 1, 0 Gregory, g . . .. 8 3 1 0 1 Om holt, g .. . .. 4 2 0 0 0 i\f arsh, g 9 2 0 0 0 Bader, g . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 0 Becker, g . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1

,. ----Totals ..... . . 65 16 5· 6 7

Page 4: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · head of Moslem agitation in India Moslem leaders, Shaukat Ali was ... store for the students of Central Waterman: ... THE




Regent Crownhart Inspects Colleg~

A profcS<IOr of psychology at Colgato University required his students .. ta sleep in clnss so that he could dctcrm111e thC most cffcctivo pitch lor an alarm clock,

Mr . C. Il. Crownhart oI i\Ia- n============="II di -on, r gent at large, \\'ho is ma­king a sur,•ey ancl inspection tour of the nine •reachers College in the state, viisitecl Central tate Teacher College just before the Chris tmas holiday.

ommenting on the loc11l insti­tution t he regent said, '' I am ·very much impr s ed with your colleg9. 'fhe friendly spirit of your Presi­d ent, faculty member and of the students I lrnd occation to m eet. made me feel quite at home. You are publi hing a fine co llege paper and I r ead the Pointer with inte­r est each week. It was the first of the college papers I received.

'"l'hc progre s your college has

FISCHER'S Specialty

Shop for

Women "Wher.e Smart Style

Meets Moderate Price"



For All Occasions Hotet Whiting Block

made during the past two years i~ r--------------,

Maulana Shaukat AIL

Special Performance Given Catholic Sisters


The Show-Off. by Geo. Kelley, the second of a series of five pro­ject plays to · be enacted by the

Manual Training Supplies

SHAFTO N'S Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes,

· Hats and Caps Stevens Point, Wis.

eleven o'clock Speech class was .--------------. presented in the College Anclitor­um, Tnesclay night, January, 10. [n the op inion of the audience, t he iroduction more than just ified ts reputation as being one of the en bes~ plays of the season.




r emarkable", con\)lucled l\Irs. Crow11hart. ·This is the s ixth Teachers College visited by the r e­gent.

The Best Of 40 · Haircu,ts At C

CENTRAL BARBER SHOP 1008 Division SI. South Side

ED.RAZNER Suits or Overcoats $15.00 to $27.00

Men's and Bon' Clothing ·. and Furnishings

~ .. " Discount For All Studenll Phone 817 3f6 Main St.

PERMANENTS $3.50 Vita Dyne for . . . . . $2 $5 00 Duradene Steam OIi, compiete $3 Shampoo and Finger Wave SOc Shampoo and Marcel 7 Sc Marcel . . . . 50c

Neale Does Well BON TON





Phone 57 217 Clark St.

NELSON HALL The comfortable and homelilr:•

dormitory tor women of Central

Biate Tencbers College

Dining Boom

tor both men and women


Varied, abundant, delicious and


MAY A. ROWE Dire~tor

(Graduate Dietitian)

omplimented for his portrayal of For Your Dry Cleaner BEAUTY SHOP rnbrcy Piper, the 'Show-Off'; a CALL No Appointment Neceuary Portage County ifficu\t character part. Nina GEORGE BROS. o .. nTu...S11.TbundaraodSatu,d11£nninr1 Medic;al Society Ira bes also d id well as Mrs. Phooe 42D tu s,,onp An. PHONE 1038 H.P. Bonn M. D. City

Bob Neale is to be e. pec ia.Jly I Over Adam'• Drug Store H. M. Coon M. D. River Pineo SJ,n.

'ishcr, '_:~J1:h~1s~i;c~w~a~sf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~========~~===~~- W--Coon.-.-M.-D Ri-ve Pinea-Bl..,,,.+-----11 1-ayed ·etw"C"e W. F . Cownn M. D. City ollege Orchestra. E. P. Crosby M. D. City

C I• f A. G. Dunn M. D. City A special performance beforti omp 1ments O w. w. Gregory M. D. City.

1e Sisters and students of Saint E. E. Kidder M. D. City

GUARANTEE HARDWARE COMPANY F. R. Krcmbs M. D. City >6ephs Academy was given last F. A. Mnrra M. D. City 1turday afternoon in the auditor- H. H. Rnnsoch M. D. Nelsonv:ille

G. W. Reis M. D. Junction City m. D. B. Rice M. D. City

R. W. Rice M. D. City

DODGE-PLYMOUTH ' 1 Floating *Power~-

:URRIER MOTOR CO. Inc. 14 Union St. Phone '86

@Dressing for skin poisons, dry itchlnr eczema, insect bites, b1rber

~ itch. d1ndruff, poison Ivy and skin affection. A pleasant skin tonic and healinr lotion, ·

. Use alter shaving to keep the skin ·clean and pores reduced.


A. A. Sinniko M. D. City F. A. Southwick M. D. City C. Von Neupert M. D. City F. E. Web•ter M. D. Amherst E. A. Weller M. D. Cit7 Eric Wisiol M. D. City R. B. Diamond M. D. City

... ,

Page 5: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · head of Moslem agitation in India Moslem leaders, Shaukat Ali was ... store for the students of Central Waterman: ... THE



Regent Crownhart Inspects Colleg~

iVIr . C. II. rownhar t of Ma­d ison, regent at la rn-c, who is ma­king a survey and inspection tour of t.l1 e nine 'feachers Colleges iu the state, visited Central State Teachers College just before the Ch ristmas holiday.

Commenting on the local insti­tution the regent sujd, "lam ·very much impres eel with your collegj). '!'he fri endly spi rit of your Pre i­dent, fncult.y members and of the students I had occation to meet. made me feel quite at home. You are publishing a fine college paper and I read the Pointer with inte­re t each week. I t was the firs t of the college papers I received.

'' '!'he 1,rogre s yonr college has

A profeS&Or of p•ychology at Colgate University required his students .. to sleep in class so t hat 110 could dctormrno the most cffceti\lO pitc.h for an nlnrm clock.

FISCHER'S Specialty

Shop for

Women "Where Smart Style

Meets Moderate Price"


RIDING TOGS For All Occasions

Hotet Whiting Block

made during th e past two years i~ t--------------.

Maulana Shaukat All.

S-PE-Et:.H CLASS Manual Training Supplies


Special Performance Given Catholic Sisters


'fhe Show-Off. by Geo. Kelley, the second of a series of f ive pro­ject plays to · be enacted by the eleven o 'clock Speech class was presented in the College Auditor­ium, 'l'uesday night, January, 10. In t he opinion of the a udience, the production more than justified its r eputation as being one of the ten bes~ plays of the season .

SHAFTO N'S Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes,

· Hats and Caps Stevens Poiot, Wis.




remarkable·•, con~Jucled Mrs. Crownhnrt. This i.· the sixth Teachers College visited by the r e­gent.

The Best Of 40 . Haircu.ts At C

CENTRAL BARBER SHOP 1008 Division S1. South Side

ED.RAZNER Suits or Overcoats $15.00 to $ 27.00

Men's and Boys' Clothing · and Furnishings

.... " D iscount For All Student• Phone 887 316 Main SL

PERMANENTS $3.50 Vita Dyne for . . • . • $2 $5 00 Duradene Steam Oil, compiete $3 Shampoo and Finger Wave SOc Shampoo and Marcel 7 Sc Marcel • . . . SOc

Neale Does Well BON TON





Phone 57 217 Clark St.

NELSON HALL Tho com!ortable and homelike

dormitory tor women ot. Central

Biate Teachers College

Dining Room

for both men and women


Varied, abundant, delicioue and


MAY A. ROWE Diro~tor

(Graduate Dietitian)

Bob Neale is to be especia.J ly f.!!!!--------!!!!!!!!!!'J, complimented for his portrayal of For Your Dry Cleaner BEAUTY SHOP Aubrey Piper, the 'Show-Off'; a CALL No Appointment Nece .. ary Portage County difficult character part. Nina GEORGE BROS~ Oo,nTund11.Thunda1aadSaiu,da1Enain11 Medic;al Society Drabes also did well as l\frs. Phooe420 ms"onpA... PHONE JOSS H.P. Boon M.D. Cit7 Over Adam'• Drug Store H M c 'l D R' · p· a. Fisher, t he mother. Music w•aa~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~========~====~-H;' · oon D • • iver mes .,,.n . .,, Yl.-Coo M.-D Ri.ver-Pines--Ba •

lnyed- b·etwC"errtl c s y t IC w. F. Cowan M. D. Cit7 College Orchestra. E. P. Crosb7 M_ D. Cit7

C I• f A.G. Dunn M. D. Cit7 A special performance befor~ omp unents O w. w. Gregory M. D. Cit7. the Sistera and students of Saint E. E. Kidder M. D. Cit7 • GUARANTEE HARDWARE COMPANY F. R. Krombs M. D. cu,. J05ephs Academy was given las F. A. Marrs M. n. Cit,. Saturday afternoon in the auditor- H. H . Rnasoch M. D. Nelsonville

G. W. Reis M. D. Junction Cit7 ium. D. B. Rico M. D. Cit

7 R. W. ~ic~ M. D. Cit7

DODGE-PLYMOUTH ' 1 Floating -J'owerj·

CURRIER MOTOR CO. Inc. 114 Union St. Phone ·86

@Dressing for skin poisons, dry itchinr eczema, insect bites. barber

'" itch. dandruff, poison Ivy and skin affection. A pleasant skin tonic and heallng lotlon, '

. Use alter shavin,r to keep the skin ·clean and pores reduced.


A. A. Sina,ko M. D. Cit7 F. A. Southwick M. D. Cit7 C. Von Nenper t M. D. Cit7 F . E. Webster M. D. Amheret E. A. Woller M. D. Oit7 Eric Wisiol M. D. Clt7 R. B. Diamond M. D. Cit,.

Page 6: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · head of Moslem agitation in India Moslem leaders, Shaukat Ali was ... store for the students of Central Waterman: ... THE


I Young 'Women Adopt

SOCIETY . Plan To Raise Funds

NB Ws The Y. W. C. A. has ~ novel plan for raising money for thei1;

...a:aeeeeeeeea::eeea::e~ convention in May. It is called The Human Cnlend11 r. In thii

Ma.rga.ret Ashmun·Dance plan one person represents a year, Tomorrow nite - yes, Friday, and gives a dollar. 'fhe year asks

the 13th, - a dance will be given twelve girls to represent· the in the new gym by the Margaret months, and they give fifty cents. Ashmun Club. Music by Ben Mau- The twelve month in turn each nis and his Band. Student admis- ask four girls to be a week, and · s ion, 25c; all others, 40c. See you they give a quarter. Each week there after the game. then asks seven girls to be days

" Bloc" Meets Tonight Members of the " Bloc " club

will meet at the home of Mr. Nor­man E. Knutzen, 1204 E. Normal avenue, tonight at 7 :30 o'clock. Mr. Charles C. Evans, g u es t speaker, will discuss "Eugenics" with the group.

Entertain at Dinner Party Two girls from the Nol'th Cot-

. tage, Jennie N e wsome and Blanche Tyler, . entiirtained -five guests at a s ix-thirty dinner Sat­urday evening, January 7, 1933. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. J . V . Collins, Miss Bessie May Al­len, Miss Nancy Jane Church and Miss Edna Carlsten.

and they give a dime. This idea will be·cnrried out in

the form of a campaign to the end of the semester, and if it is suc­cessful there will be no necessity for the girls . having to donate again before the convention. The donation of girls who represent months and weeks will also be checked off as dues. This plan is posted on the bulletin board.

The regular meeting this week is postponed until next Thursday when Miss Hanson will be with us. The picture for the Iris will also be taken at that time.

WANTED: Someone with a. complete blstotT notebook. Two-bits tlll Tnesda.y.

Sigma Zetas Observe Phenomena TWO TYPES

The Sigma Zeta Society met on One man with a. car will boast to a loss, December 13th in Mr. Rightsell 's How far he can go on a gallon of gn..s; -lecture room. The program was While another, much wiser, will proudly

recall devoted to a "Phase of Physics'' How far he ca n go wi t h no gas at nlU

~'i,i'l~THEATRES. V ~ ~ $U~/IO/NT '


After a tuff day at the " old college grind" you will find no better diversion and w h o 1 e s o m e entertain­ment than a good movie.

For the year 1933 we are offering students and citi­zens of Stevens Point some productions that we know you will not want to miss. ·our a.dded attra.ctions and special fea.tures on travel, sport events, news, and other highlights of the day will afford you real a.muse~ent. More than this, they will give you many helpful education­al hints.

Watch this space we~kly in the Pointer for our coming attractions.

After Shows and Dances We Are Ready To Serve You Tasty Lunches and FounWn


THE GRILL Acroaa From Theatre

Lmnher and Millwork

BELKE MFG. CO. with Evelyn ,vimme as student (J;:du:1 Gray, College Life) chairman and M.r. Rightselt as fa- 247 N. 2nd St. · Phone 1304 culty adviser. Interesting pheno- .. -----------.. r...-----------­menal results obtained by electri- you are welcomed city were demonstrated by Orville into the newest and Halvorson. The make-up and uses of the hydraulic press were ex- most up-to-date Cafe plained by Thyrza Iverson, and where you will receive Stanley Niemczyk worked several the best of service and experiments with el!!ctrical waves, comparing them with radio waves. food. Prices reason-


BELMONT , CAFE Margaret Ashmun Meets

"A Reading Program For Col­

lege Students" was the program •-----------.. carried out at the _meeting of the Margaret Ashmun Club held in the ,-------------, RuraI'Assembly Room Wednesday GROCERIES, FRUITS, MEATS, evening. Mr. Burroughs, faculty adviser, was assisted by Dorothy McLain and Ben Mannis. Miss ·coNFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM McLain gave a report on "Con­temporary English Poets" and Ben Mannis report,ed on "Modern British Fiction" . PORTER'S .GROCERY


313 Clark St. Pbone199W





• •••••••••••••••••••••••••


FIRST NATIONAL BANK Cap~al & Surplus $250,000 Largest in Portage County ce:e~



- - Eufl7 Acceaaible lb:peDl9 Belatln!7 Low

Loc:&tion u~ Por HealtllfUIDeN

An ID111umce .u Well .u a lldlool Oredlta Accepted At All Un1nnlli•

Decree oounea For 4,l1 Teacllffa Special 'tnJn1Dc For Home ~&114

B1lnJ Education

fleDd For Llteratun


"HELLMANS" ThollWld Island Dressing

Mayonnaise Dressing

Sandwich Spread.

Try "HELLMI\NS" Belter Than The Resi

The next meeting will be in CO.MK.IO harge-of-M,iss-Mason- assisted- by ·1----------1+-a----W-O_R_Z_f\_L_L_f\ __ ,.....lrut-- _._,'--""-'· --

Celestine Neusse and Alta Stauf- Phone 1102 1329 Main St. THE POINT fer. rUBEISHING CAFE

H. Ee. Club Meets

The Home Economics Club met Monday evening in the H. E. Rooms at 7 :30 o'clock. After hav­ing their own pict.ures taken, they saw same moving pictures on va­rious phases of nutrition. Two films had been secured from the Castle Film Company in' New York City. _One film was entitled " Nutrition and Dental Health"


For Better Shoes

At Reasonable Prices


60Mrf\NY E=!:!I

Job Printers Publishers

Book Binders e;;;;;;;J

200-210 No. Secobd Smet

Phone 267

Here you will find Good Food, Clean, Courteous Service all designed to make you and your friends comfortable and conten­ted while you are our guests.


Page 7: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · head of Moslem agitation in India Moslem leaders, Shaukat Ali was ... store for the students of Central Waterman: ... THE

Dorm Girls Given Treat-By Miss Rowe

Happy New Year to ·everyone! We extend our best \\;i hes with thi., the first issue of the Pointer for the new year.

Miss Rowe invited the family to celebrate "Twelfth Night" with her last Friday evening. On that night the Christmas tree and boughs were burned with a glo­rious blaze in our living-room fireplace. 'rhe whole room . was aglow with firelight, and red Christmas candles twinkled here and there a~out the room. It was something Freshmen "Oh-ed and ah-ed at", and Seniors put away in their memory nooks. Hot cin­namon cider, cookies, and hard Christmas candies were served. At the close of the party the girls tuned up with several familiar songs, and the room was filled with harmony.

We received word of Miss Fern P edrick of Ripon to the effect that she hos developed a serious case of sciat ica. Miss Florence Hanson will not be able to return for sometime. She is suffering with a nervous breakdown.

Miss Frieda Gosse entertained her sister, a former student here, and a friend, . Miss Schultz of Black Creek, for a few days. Miss .Anna Bartz, of Bancroft, and Miss Lorraine Hetzel, of West­boro, both Central State Grad­uates, · visited with l'vliss Sigrid Stark Saturday.

HANNA~S Women's Wear

Have You Visited Our Soda Fouo toiri? We Invite You To Do So.

BAEBENROTH'S Hotel \Vhitioa- Corner

· Home Made Candy AT



---Hi-::3.::.;09ccScct'-'ro""ngs Ave. ___fboneJl2... A"CWAYS OPEN


For )



FOX THEATRE llsTUDENT SNAPII · FREE TICKETS Our Thyna. is n bright winsome Ines

In sports th ere is none who surpass ,vinners of the eighl 'free Fox Her cheeks nre oglow

The Latest in College Styles at

KUHL BROS. DEPT. STORE 4tl.415 Main Street

d Her lips overflow theatre tickets which were awar · With laughter whenever you pass. ed in the last issue of the Pointer included John Fish, Margaret Beardsley, Barbara Joy, Thomas Holliday, Warren Becker, Georgia Booth, Frank S. Hyer, and Alfrecl J . Herrick.

If you can correctly spell your name from any one of the three lines below report to the ~ointer Editor for a complimentary ticket. The passes are good at the local theatre anytime.

(first winner) OERDONOARKE (second winner)

KGRlJll.UMYMYO (third winner) OBLIGZAERM

COOK STUDIO Demand a Portrait O f Your Fricod.

It'• Proper.

452~ Main St. Phone 407


.. "Tho Bank That Seiyice_Built"

CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruita and VegelJililos

Phone 51 457 Main St.

Try Our Lunches---Evenings and Between Meals!


You Will lleDellgh!edWi1hOur 100" Home Co_oked Meals and Lunches


SPECIAL! Parco Pen and Pencil Set

l\lade by Parker $1.95 Set

HANNON--BACH Phy., Inc. 413 Main St.

SPOT CAFE A Popul~ce Wilh Low Prices

414 Main St. Phone 95

NOAHS' ARK The Place That Makes



422 Main St.

Billy boy is n lnrmor you know,· But college lilo for him isn't slow And when s,vect drcnms come

Manual Training Lumber

VETTER Mffi. 60. So <i0ftly ho hums Co bossy, Co Bossy, Co, Co.

For Something Different Phone 88



In The Fox Theatre Bulldloir Bottlers of Hi1b Grade Drink• Only Oranre Crush--Coco Cola··Mllk Chocolate

All O tbe)...PJavon



Repair Work a Specialty F. 0. HODSDON


Silent Automatic Oil Burners

Ice Cream and Ices Phone 160W 425 Water St.

Phone 297, 320 Strongs Ave. Gel Your Skates Sharpened

By Expert Skaters And Mechanics




Mens' and Boys' Clothing


· N. J. Knope and Sona Phone 1629

Opposite Fair'Grouods


Marquette University DENTAL SCHOOL

• To the young man and woman with interest in health serYice

Enrollment Feb. 1 and Sept. 21 -in the 3-year dental course which fol. lows two years of pre -medical or pre· dental liberal arts college work. Undergraduates with 64 semester hours of acceptable credits - at least 8 ,emcsier hours of inorganic chemistry, 4 semester hours of organic chemistry, 8 semester hours of biology or zoology, 8 scmest·er hours of physics an<f 6 _sem,ester hours of English may make apphcauon for enroll- .

. ment. Applicant.I from colleges requiring - 120..semesu,r..houu . .for-11< l-l-ll-llll----i.--,

admitted with 60 semester hours. The February college graduate who com­plie1 with the requirement, for admission can become a doctor of dental surgery with the Marquette University Class of 1935 by enrolling in the propo9Cd mid-year class and attending summer school for 12 week. in 1933 and 6 weeks in 1934.

Stnd for our ntw folder tntilltd, "A Worthwhile Pro/tssi.onol Corttr.11

