the pioneer express (pembina, dakota [n.d.]). 1886-02-05 [p ]. · to resume on monday mr. 8. birch...

(IfFm MBECTOItY. aommor-O* A. n«M< YuMm. StoRMrCMMnl^MamBioirviMrttMii. I" ' . M... u ..iifli lib HMMMII -siraB" jmrnM%«MNl— Oortei VWNnden, Buauek. jSBf^KSrl (M B. keCooncIl, CtertXSlit Oottft-J. M. Tnohr> PemMn«.. -• O.l.COTTOM*. CollMtor—AdtUrtOaaraon, Pembtn*. «. I. UMIil» S.ttonMftiTarso. KfiMli'? DBFUTItt. ' >' J. F»rfo;B.H. Webiter, Pembina. V.i.lHTlBKAtBBTlKOl. OjUtctot—I. I.'PwmlngloB, Blmu«k g.i.iMDomci. Recltttt—B. C. TlBkny, Qr«nd Fork*. Hi^wwmW.j. Anfttfion.Ofind VoTki. V.I. ABUT, FOOT PIM1IKA. O. *. IttTiWi-iMn ISth Infkntrjr, eommind- n'a fnlaT.—Captain and aarfitaatnirsM»,U. a A..ixwttarMooiDd Trewurer. CbIxieu IICKIBII!!.—Captain of 18th Inbotrf, aPil'ooiiraSl—W Lieut., ISth tnfknttv. port ad- Intent, A. A. Q.X.. and A. C. 8., and inoom- iaand of mounted detachment. aaoMii L. CooKB.-litX.tent. 15th infantry, com- nuAlDf Co. "B M L. 8. Boodmx.— m' Went. ISth Inihntay, acting ordinance ofBcer, aigual officer, and recruiting officer. COUNTY omcttu. Member of Territorial Council.—Hon. Jadaon MemberEtoaie of Bepraentativei—Hon.H JKong. Coroner—Dr. P. C. Donoran. _ _ OomniMtonen—B. M. Nixon Penblna^B. H, Bergman, Beanllen: H.C. Arnold, Cryetal, H. >e(wi Arnejt; andj.I). Wallaw. Drayton. BflriMer of Deed*—BobertTweedlie, Pembina. Xranty Auditor—J. H. Bird, Pembina. rraaaurerr-F. A. Ward well, Pembina. Oountr Attorney—W.J.Kn^ihaw, PemSlna. nberiff—D. Dick, Pembina . Judge ofProbate—B. Arming,Pettbtoa. Supt. of 8ohoola—C.B.7achi»n, Pembina. Count* Borreror—8.0; llcOuln. Walballa, St P. M. &.M. R. R. DAILY HO. (North.) (TIME TABLE.) S M. Fulklt. Vtneent TSOpm BsQfi " •:55 am 734 •' 7 M " 8 «• " 8:18 " 8l« " 8:08 •• 8*0 " 8:48 " 10:00 " 1041 " 10:48 •• 11:07 " 1137 " 1148 " 18:08 pm 18:» " U:40 " 1MB " 1:14 " 1:« " ia» " DAILY HO. S (north.) 8:80 pm 0:10 " 5:05 a m 6:80 " 8:10 •' 8:15 •' 11:15 " 137 p m SM> " £:14 •• Ml " S:4S " 8:10 " 8:15 •' VLLtN MAKVEL. ten* Manager. .St Paul ......Mlnneapolii ....... Barnenvllie.......... Glrndon. ArerUi. ...Fclton .Bornp Ada. Rolette Beltrami Kltteon .Crookston- Shlrljr Kuclid .Angus .Warren DAII.YNO.10 {South.) ;;.AiiyIe ... StoiinMt mJBIVIIUCU •• Donaldson.. ..... Don».~— Kennedy Haliock .Northcote .......St Vincent Emergon at Paul and Neclir. _8t. Paul Minneapolis. Fergus Fails. ..Barnesville Moorbead !.....!!.arand?orks Oration St Thomas .Glaeton ...Hamilton ..Bathgate. ...Neclie ..Gretna.... 740 am f:55 •' 830 pm 7:50 " 7:88 " 7:19 " 708 •• 0:47 " tat " 6:12 " 8:51 " 8S5 " 5:07 " 4:40 " 4S# " 4:fi0 •' 8:45 " 825 " 8:8 " 2:5« •' 2ri» " 2:16 " 1:.'5 •' 1:10 " DAILY No,4 (souih.) 7.00 a m f..25 " 10.45 p m 0.15 " 3.U5 » D.00 " 4.00 " 2.00 " 1.21 •' 1.08 " 12.43 " 12.S8 " 12.05 •' 11.45 am C. J.OOOWKO, Agent. A A. F. and A, M- PEMBINA 'LODGE NO. 10. f\r\ Regular meetings in the evenlug* of rst and third Thursday of every month. FCMyhick, W.M. J. Kabkbnaole, Secretary, 1. O. O. P. FIDELITVLODGE NO. 41. Regular meetings every Wednesday evening. Ail Brethren ta go^ stand- tag are cordially invited. V *• Waixace,,^ OB A* R> WARDEN POST NO. 88. Regular meetingsevery secnnit andfourth Mon- day rf each montB. K. ^ BUSIMEM CARPS. c r. PEMBINA, DAKOTA. ITIN J. REILLV, M. B. 8tate University, Minnesota. I*te of To- ronto, Canada. OLGA, DAKO. 1 J. B.MU1R.M.D. Hamilton House, HAMILTON, DAKOTA. Dn. PORTEOUS, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veteri- ia.T College. Treats all diseases ofdomesticated animals, office at Mason's Livery Barn. PEMBINA, - DAKOTA. . I. MUSUROYE, M. D. C. M. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Grad- aate of McGill College, Montreal. DBA YTON, DAKOTA. S .w. RUTLEDGE, M. O. « Homeopathic, Physician and Surgeon. Keeps tU kinasof Homeopathic remedies for tale. 3mc» treated bf mall. GRAND FORKS, - DAKOTA. S. II. MB04UKR. A. i. D6LANBY. McOaOIEB fc DeLANEY. Attorneys and Oooneellors-at-Lan. OIHceover Webb's Store, Rolette street, PFMBINA. DAKOTA. J?. D. 1IARTSON, Attorney-at-Law Land and Loan bgent. Of* •ee in Webster building, Rolette s'.reet, PEMBINA, - DAKOTA. IVllEESllAW U BEVAKS, Lawyers. Will practice In Courts of Dakota, Minnesota, and before United States Land office. Honey to Loan and Collections made. PEMBINA, DAKOTA. ^F.W.OAPFHEir. LAWTI3R, BATHGATE, - DAKOTA. Uio. B.CtirroBD. DAKOTA. GRAND FORKS, w AUH fe onal GRAND FORKS. DAKOTA. MOUNTAIN. DAKOTA. E. A. PJUYT0N, )fflce on DAKOTA Notice ta tatwerlbers. Fartiei Indebted to the PIONBBB Bxntcsson sub.-erlptiin an raiuesttd. to remit by pcitai older or registered letter to this office, or they may leave the amoant with anyor the following: Neche.....^.... „..,„Asa Fanset. Bathgate...... C. L. Porker. Hamilton Bank of Hamilton. Cavalier. Andrew Vassle. St. Thomas.. PuinblnaCo. Bank. anon. .8. R. Smith. ilhalla C. D, Loring. Mountain H. Thorlackson. Market*. The following indicates the state of the market lor articles of produce named below : Fresh butter, per pound 80 25 Tub butter, per pound 20 to 22 Fresh eggs, per dosei 25 Poultry, per pound 8 to 10 Potatoes, per oushel 40 to 50 Onions, per bushel 1 00 Turnips, per bushel 25 Beef; per pound 0 to 7 Hay, per ton 5 00 Dry cak wood, per cord ...5 00 " wood, per cord 4 00 per oord 8to8U Mo. 1 hard per bushel 65 the nom-Eim. Published Every Friday Morning K. H. Young, Publisher. PEMBINA, EEBRUARY 5,1886. ABOUND T0WH. FEBRUARY came in broad side first and no mistake. TUB inyitations are out for the Odd Fellows' ball, which is to take place Feb- urary 22nd. Tub ice rink is now in good condition and the lovers of skating can exercise to their heart's content. R. J. STRONG has removed his office to the opposite side of Stutsman street in Capt Webster's building. THE weather machine seetim to be set for blizzards this month. WiliBome one please turn the crank a cog ortwo ? TUB weather lias been very cold during most of the past week,'the theimoineter several times reaching nearly forty de- grees below zero. OWING to the interest in the revival meetings in the Methodist church, the box social announced for Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. Abrams is post- poned until a future date. A UNION gospel temperance meetine will be held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening next. Addresses will be delivered be Revs. Biwkerville, Hovis and others. All are invited. THE Lutheran congregation of South Pembina will give a public entertainment nndlmzar in Kittson Ilnll this, Friday evening. The Pembina cornet band will be in attendance and a good time is ex- pected. Fred. Puliler, somewhat prominent as an itinerant editor in Minnesota lias sued the Ada Index for libel. He says the Index has damaged bis reputation. As for character, we do not know that he claims to have one. SOME of our folks are having a good time in St. Paul this week. Others of us will enjoy the quiet satisfaction, that by staying at home, we have saved our money—even if we liad'nt a dollar to spend. THE Masonic fraternity are about changing their quarters to the rooms above the store of Full and Ross. Tliey are fitting tip the latter place in good style, and it is expected that the Odd Fellows and Grand Army post will oc- cupy the same quarters. SUBSCRIBERS have said that if they knew when their subscription expired they would remit. If they will notice carefully the address on tlieir paper each week they will see the dateof expiration. Calling the attention of those in arrears to this,, we hope they will respond with- out delay. THE COUNTY treasurer comes in for an occasional hard knock these times, oyer the taxes. But where taxes are too high the mischief is done before itcomcs time to pay thein. It is the township, or school levy, or both that generally cuts Jie most prominent figure in the taxes. If we want to reduce taxes let us begin at the right place, and begin in time. REV. D, C. PIANETTE, presiding elder preached two yery forcible sermons in th<j M. E, Church on Sunday, on the occasion of the regular quarterly services. He also remained to conduct special services the following evenings, and will preach this evening, also. The in- terest and attendance in the special ser- viccs are increasing each evening. Mrs. Plannette gave an interesting address on Wednesday afternoon at a meeting in tlie interests of the Woman's Foreign Mission- ary Society. An organization was form- ed with Mrs. Hovis as president. BRIEFS:—Mr. Harry S. Black repre- senting Miller Cissna & Co., of Chicago was in town Saturday and accidently met Mr. Nixon, they being both from the same Itown, Coboug, Out Messre. E. K. Cavilier and H. K. Webb, left on Sun- day to take in the St. Paul ice carnival. "We notice the following in the last issue of the Pembina, Dakota, PIONEER EXPRESS: 'The^editor's wife and boy,' &c. The disconsolate editor is Mr. Young, brother of Mrs. F. (i. Sparling, of this town. The best thing'he can do is to pack his collar-box aud follow his loving spouse and heir and thus gladden the hearts of his many old friends in Huron. —Seaforth Expositor Presiding elder Plannette, and wife were visiting friends in town this week W. J. S. Traill has been confined to his home by sickness for several weeks, but is recovering again Messrs. Cole and Williams were in town this week, making arrangements to get a boiler and engine, now at Emerson, for their mill at Young Alfred Lewis was amongst the carnival excursionists tlii» week H. D. Allert, superintend- ent of schools for Cavalier county, was in town this week First Lady—"What are you engaged in now? - ' Second Lady—"I am a book agent." F. L.—"What have you to do?" S. L.—'"Nothing but talk."—F. L.—"How delightful!" " Jerry Tuohy, well known here as formerly connected with the Times, and now clerk of tlie court in Pembina county, is making a race to supplant Jud LaMoure and liis trained bears, and will be a candidate for the legislature this lull. Jerry is of the democratic faith, but this iact does not militate against him—and should he succeed in uuaeating the sage of Pembina, he will be a welcome addition to the next conclave."—Valley City Times Rev. John Scott, of Walballa, Is visiting frlendsin town....Miss Thabker has been quite ill the put week and her depart- ment in the school has consequently been closed. She will probably be well enough to resume on Monday Mr. 8. Birch and family returned ftom Minneapolis yesterday and will remain in Pembina county. Some of his observations will be given next week Dr. tiuernon, collec- tor of customs returned from the anntli Monday, Unclaimed Iietters. The following letters are unclaimed at the Pembina post-office, and unless call- ed for before March 1st., will be forward- ed to the dead letter office:— Brown, Margaret. Con'on, William. Dobson, S. L. Edwards, Thomas. Ealden, Anthony. Fisher, B. P. Bissett, P. P. Gonyon, Dave. Merrit, Elmer. Middaugh, E. D. Randies, H. W. Steifrater, H. R, Teitsson, August. Ward, Julia. Coats, William. Bride, Nettie. Robarge, Joseph. Ross, Thomas. Mooy, Hoolaghan Lecorre, Rev. Pere. McAllen, Robert. Newclick, Mr., (2) 4th class matter:—W. W. Brown, scroll saw. 3rd:—Wm. Peuiberton Goff, Photo- graph. Returned from Dead Letter Office to writer:—Charigo. D; Bcllhumcr, Antome. Items of Interest. Three hundred bushels of box elder seed ut the post office, Pembina, at $2.00 per bushel. A. L. Akkiib. .Repair Shop. The undersigned is prepared to repair furniture, sleighs, Ac., on short notice, at Curtis' old shop, on Stutsman street. Terms reasonable. Cane bottom chairs repaired. Work guaranteed. 20-32 C. ZIMMERMAN, Pembjpa. Wanted. A good reliable man that understands firing and running a stationery engine. Apply, stating wages, to 27tf Cavali en HOI.LER MILLS, Cavalier, D. T. Repair Shop. I am prepared to do all kinds of Fur- niture repairing, manufacture and re- pair Sleighs, WngoiiH, &c. Turning lathe in connection. O. TIIORSTINSON, 22-3m South Pcmbiua. Pure Saskatchewan. The undersigned has 1,200 bushels of puro Saskatchewan fife wheat for sale. Four dollars a bushel was paid for the seed (from Salzar's seed farm) from which it was grown. Ripens from 8 to 14 days sooner than Scotch life. 21tf Cavalier, D. T. DR. R. VONGORHES. Wlieu baby was sick, wv gave iier CASTOItl A Wlien she wns a child, she cried for OASTORIA When Klic Ij.-cnni'j Mini, site clung to CASTOHIA When she hud ehi Wren she gave tlirm c ASTORIA A Word in Time. Mrs. Thompson would respectfully re- mind those who rcauire Furs made up or renairing done, that she is now nrepar- ed to receive orders in that line. Having orders on hand to a considerable extent, she would like those who favor her to send in early before the rush of work for the i oniing winter closes. At the Old Exn. das Office, Pembina. Removed. A. McDonald wishes to inform his customers and the publie generally, that he has removed from the blacksmith shop next the Farmer's Home to T. Morrison's old stand, opposite Strong's hardware store where lie will continue business as usual. All kinds of wood work done on shortest notice. A. MCDONALD, 27-2;) Blacksmith, Pembina. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, Fever sores, chapped hands, chilblauis, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price. 25 ctB. i>cr box. For sale by C. Moore & Co., and D. Mc- Gruer. Are Voa doing To any part of the United Suites or Cana- da; If so buy your tickets at Neclie, D.T, I will give you the benefit of lowest rates and check bagaage through to destination of ticket. Any desired information alxmt routes, rates and connections cheerfully given on application either in person or by letter. Round trip tickets to Canada at reduced rates. W. E. GOODING, 4tf Agt. St. P. M. & M School Tenders. Sealed bids for building a school house in school district No. GO, Peiubina County, D. T., will be received by tiic director, up to Feb. 15th, 1880. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. For further particulars apply to JOHN T. HCTCIIIXSON, Post office address Director. Wallmlla, D. T. By order of the board. 26 A Gentle Hint to Town and Country House Keepers. If you have not been at Thompson's Grocery Store yet, just drop in and see him, he will be glad to see you and think it no trouble to give his prices before making your purchases elsewhere. Also will exchange for butter aud eggs. Remember the place.—Old Express Office, Pembina. Notice I hereby give notice to whom it may concern, tiiat Robert Lynn, of Acton, D. T., has no authority to act forme as my agent, with reference to lands in Polk, Marshall aud Kittson counties, Minneso- ta, or otherwise. HENRY TUCKER. Minneapolis, Minn., January 15th, '86. Notice.' J. C. Canning is my authorized agent at Drayton, Dakota. He will transact any business * in Pembina, Walsh and Grand Forks counties, Dakota, and also in Kittson. Marshall and Polk coun- ties, Minnesota, in connection with my timber lauds, situated on the Red river. 26-28 HENRY TUCKER. Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1st, 1885. A Word to the Wise, George Thompson, Grocer, of the old Express office, Pembina, says he does not belive in blowing his horn to loudly through the press. He would advise purchasers to look around them aud see for themselves, should they drop into his store, he can do all the blowing himself, by serving them well and at moderate prices. Folks begin to look out, not in the way Patrick did it on passing through a tunnel on board the cars. He unfortunately stuck his head out and it caine in contact with a rock which caused him a contusion; he said thes<4 Yankee's were queer folks ; when they said look out, they meant to look in. 2t ON WINGS OF THE WIND. Come Leaflets of News, Gathered by Enterprising Reporters of the . Pioneer Express from Bathgate, Mountain, Alma, Romio, Walhalla, St. Thomas, Drayton, Cavalier, Parktown and Hamilton.. DRAYTO.V. Principal Ferguson is now occupying the residence recently vacated by B. P. Dayman. Our merchants say it is poor time to make collections, the county treasurer having got all the lose change last week. Births:—On Feb. 1st, Mrs. Alpheus Boyd, of a daughter. On Jan. 28th Mrs. Harvey Boyd, of a daughter. All doing well. J. D. Wallace received his commission as notary public last week and is now ready to attend to I lie wants of the public in that line. Married:—At the residence of R. R. Thompson, Esq., on Jan. 27th, by thfe Rev. John W. Scott, Mr. J. Allan Iiiman, of Midland, to Miss Mary 10. MeKella, of St. Thomas. Dr. C. W. Barnes, who has been very busy here for three weeks, in the dentist line, left lor St. Thoui'is on Wednesday, where he will attend to the wants of suf- ferers for a few weeks. Since the recent rise in the price of wheat, some of our farmers have been drawing a few loads into the M. & N. elevator again, at the same time wishing tlicv had done so when the price was better than now. On Monnay last, during the blizzard, H. L. Crandcll lost his way between here' and St. Thomas.- llis home finally tired out, but he was fortunately in the vicinily of John Belamey's residence, where lie remained all night. Although Mr. Cran- dell sufTered a good deal, his frost bites are not serious, and he will soon be able to take to the road again. On Saturday evening a very jovial company, numbering about thirty-live, surprised Mr. aud Mrs. B. P. Dayman, at their residence, to bid them farewell, previous to their departure to Hamilton, where they will reside in the future. A very pleasant evening was spent, «t the close of which Mr. Dayman, in a few well chosen remarks, thanked the company for the exhibition of kindly feeling to- wards himself aud partner, hoping that their residence in Hamilton mightalwavs be as pleasant as it had been mi Drayton. A very enthusiastic meeting was held in tlie Jf. K church here oil the evening of Jan. oOth, in the intcrestof leinpcrancc. Short and practical addresses were givun by Messrs. B. Warmer, P. M. Hendricks, If- B. Richardson and W. J. Ritchie. Thirty-one names were added to the " total abstinance " list, in addition to the fifty who had signed their names at a previous meeting. Another meeting under I he same auspices will be held on Wednesday the Willi inst., at which ad- dresses, recitations, leadings and music will be the order of the evening. ground with uu ide:v of crcctmg another elevator. Bathgate really needs another elevator. Ike Foster is taming 3ome Jack rabbits G. F. McKinncy and family expect to start for St. Paul this weak R. D. Hosklns expects to take in the ice palace at St.Paul this week R. Grandy and family are back from Ontario. Mr. Grandy looks as if they fed him well Edward Brennan is doing some carpenter work in the Catholic church Gardiner Gilday is doing the carpenter work on A. J. Robinson's hotel building J. A. Armstrong is confined to his bed with sickness. sr. Tiio.MAh. J. D. Winlaw started oil a trip to Win- nipeg on Monday. The hat carnival on the :'»0th was largely attended and a jolly time was had by all. There is no fate too severe for the mau who talks ice palace these cold mornings John McAndrcss returned on Monday from an extended trip to Dulutli and St. Paul. L. E. Storms had a 20ft well dug ou Cleland avenue this week and now has 10ft of water. II. II. George is prepared to negotiate loans at 8 per cent on first mortgage, farm sccurily. 27tf A dance at the Commercial on Monday eve was enjoyed by quite a number of our young people. John Gausslc will arrive here on the 10th inst., witli several car loadsof heavy farm horses from Ontario. Fred Mcltea started for St. Paul on Monday, witfi the avowed intention of playing sinch in the ice palace. Tom Guinaii aud Lcs Moyer have dis- solved partnership in tiie saloon and Lcs will run the boat alone in the future. Call on H. H.George, St. Thomas, for money, before making arrangements elsewhere, it will pay you. 27tf Some evilly disposed person put a charge of shot in Leiiuon's fine pointer, thereby demoralizing the dog and caus- ing much bad blood. Geo. Webster is opening up business in Auburn in readiness for tlie spring trade and will run it in connection with his extensive business here. Attention is called to the. advertisement of Hcywortli liros. They nre establish- ing a sort of headquarters in harness business for southern Pembina couuty. Gus. Short will take a trip to St. Paul the coming week H. II. George made one of his periodical visits to Drayton on Sunday Alex. Buchanan is the orator of our literary society and no mistake... Messrs. Caldwell and Griffith, of Osna- bruck, were doing business in town on Tuesday Billy James and Geo. Nulf of Bathgate, were doing business in town on Tuesday C. W. Lutes, the agent for Grant's Memoirs, was in town on Satur- day G. F. McKinney and wife, R. D. Hoskius and several other Bathgaters, passed through on their way to St. Paul on Wednesday A. J. Ross is on a col- lecting tour in the mountains this week. nUllliATK. Cai peuters are already engaged to build four or five new residences. The wife of Rev. Miinroc is quite sick with lui:g fever, the result of a cold. The church services on last Sunday were unusually well attended and inter- esting. F. E. IJ. Mercer succecus F. A. Willson in the machine business and he promises to do a good business. The manager of the skating rink prom- ises us a drama by a good company soon. Bathgate turns out to a good entertain- ment Tlie carnival held at the rink last week was an enjoyable affair. The costumes showed a good deal of skill and taste in their arrangement and selection. The Chevalier House is full of guests all the time aud everybody is satisfied. The Sunday dinners at the Chevalier House arc attracting the attention of the town people. Oil account of the lai-ge wheat trade at Bathgate this year, some paities were here a few days ago looking over the MOUNTAIN, BRIEFS:—Cold weather Hard on noses and buffalo coats 38 pupils at- tending school and inore expected anon. ...Sunday school, forty-six pupils enrolled.' The post office has been moved from its old stand to Mr. S. Benson's house. Mr. Benson has now charge of all postal matters. Messrs. M. Paulson and E.Thjorlcifson, of Winnipeg, visited this place lately. M. Paulson travels in the interests of an Icelandic Church Monthly and was quite successful in procuring subscribers for this new paper. 15. Tlijorlcifson delivered a series of lectures that were, according to my opin- ion, very good. He criticised some of tlie most popular Icelandic poets, and the. criticism was both timely mid, to a great extent, true. Among others lie mentioned M. Jochomsen who is a poet of considerable merit. He is a personal friend of the English poet Mr. Morris, aud has gained renown in the English and Scandinavian literary world. Last year he traveled in Knuland, lecturing. Mr. Jochemesen has also very successful- ly translated some of Shakespeare's best plays into Icelandic. He deserves pro- bably, more than any other living Icelandic poet the title of laureate. The lecturer Mr Thjorleifson is a B. A. and has for some time studied at the University of Copenhagen. He is him- self, not void of poetical genius, and may, if careful and diligent, some day, also acquire the name of a poet. AI.M.t. Your correspondent here, has, by ex pressing an ooinion in favor of School Districts in preference to School Town- ship Boards, brought down on his head the whole vocabulary of abuse of Ole J. Lajord, together with some very whole- some advice, and a remedial prescription that would surely be death to a patient, with the thermometer at 40 below zero ! And for what reason, 1 fail to see. If an attack had been made on tlie members of the hoard, the answer might have been to some purpose, lint ;iio Aluia corres- pondent believes: ;!•:,! .Vim,i School Township 1:oa.-.-l i.i a j/oort and repre- sentative board, and have tried to do what, they believed to be in the interests of the school township. Xow if Mr. Ole J. Lajord wants to discuss the question, district versus township, let him keep to his text, ami 1 will do the same. Abuse of an op|H>nent is no argument, nor yet is ridicule. Just show the "improve- ments" of the system, and let Alma correspondent, individually alone. Per- sonalis have nothing to with the ques- tion. He may be persuaded by fair reasons that township system is best for a majority of the people, and will humhlv submit. In the interval we hold our opinioim. Colt. IVAMIAM.A. Owing to cold weather few farmers are coming into town. During the illness of Mr. Hemslcy Toney Kaulis tool; charge of the mill. John Mager and O. W. Andrews took a (lying trip down to Pembina last week. Dr. McLachlin was called to visit a patient on the second mountain this week. . On Sunditv quite a respectable little blizzard sprang up, but blew itself out in a few minufes. Notwithstanding the cold weather the mail comes in on lime every day giving satisfaction to all. John Mager our enterprising miller sfarteil Monday morning for Minneapolis. He will also take in the carnival in St. Paul. Airs. J. Scott mother of Mrs. Stevens, died on Saturday last at Mona, and was buried in the Walhalla cemetery on Mon- day, beside the remains of herson-in-law, recently interred. The service was con- ducted by Rev. John Scott. f'A VALI i:It. H. E. Pratt returned from Fargo last Monday. Lots of demand for wood just now especially dry oak. A runaway team attached to a sleigh cauie into town last Tuesday. Frank Mercer and lady of Bathgate were in town last Wednesday. Revival services are being held nightly in the new church conducted by Revs. Moyinsaml Green. Some of the boys tried to get up a char- avare one evening this week but the at- tempt proved a failure. X. Ilebert, Jr., feels happy in the |xis- session of another member to his family. It is a girl and she arrived last Saturday. Messrs. Cole and Williams report the arrangements as complete for building the flour mill at Young and work will be commenced on it forthwith. Sirs. Eliza Matiiew was married last Sunday at the residence of her father Mr. X. Ilebert, to Mr. A. Keahul of Red River- Father Kinney officiated. I'AKlilllW.V. Frozen noses aud fresh eggs are plenti- ful in Parktown. Mr. Kobt. I'attison rejoices in the pos- session of a young daughter. Mr. A. Thompson of this places has in- vested in real estate near Park River. Sheriff Dick and Doc. Porteous were in town this week killing aud burning some glandered horses. Services are held here now every alter- nate Sunday. Mr. Robt. Thexton has kindly placed his house at the disposal of the congregation whilst the cold weather lasts. We have been enjoying unusually bracing weather, witli a superabundance of wind. Indeed the latter filleth the average man with wicked thoughts, as he struggles with it, over supremaceyof an armful of hay for the hungry kine. Spending a short time in Crystal this week we noted many improvements, but notwithstanding the grandeur of the Appleton mansion, the unlicensed saloon and the beauty of the place altogether, Parktown don't like the idea of being annexed. IIAMIM'O.V Town very quiet; cold weather being the cause, The medical' staff of Hamilton aro kept pretty busy these days. Rev. S. F. Beer is looking forward with pleasure to the re-union of himself and family. This week has been devoted to the commercial world in the way of travel- ing agents. Mr. Chas. Mcl.eod of Beaulieau was in town on Wednesday shaking hands with his friends. Little Vanie Sarycr has been quite ill with croup but under the treatment of Doc. Nugent he is again quite well. Some symptomsoftyphoid fever are re- ported. It is to he hoped not, ns Hamil- ton lias had a good share of this plague. Hamilton is receiving quite agood aver- age in wheat through this cold weather; but trade is done up—so says the drug store. The School entertainment which is to take place on Friday evening, promises to bo a grand success under the super- vision, of Mr. Home. A sad commotion prevailed on Monday over the destruction of the ice palace ol the Saintly city.' It was hind to see such disappoint men!. Another lav^e meeting of the farmers and some of our citizens was held on Saturday. Tiie object was not known to your ciurespomient. F. It. Yerxa has returned from Fargo ....(>. ll .loiinson re|>oi(swhcat 6 inches high around Los Angles, California...( 'has. Mcl.eod, ol licaulicu, was in town on Wednesday, shaking hands with his friends. Harness Makers, ST. THOMAS. THE BEST STYLES OK Carriage and Farm Harness ON IIAKD. ito.uo. The town board assembled at the post office on the iSrd tilt. The last few days were somewhat, re- sembling a blizzard. Mr. Sym, of Osnabruck, was in the vicinitv one day last week on business. " The post master complains of not feel- ing well, but we hope to see him about as usual ere long. Edwa'd P-argcr's house >vas found to be on tire on Thursday of last week. The flames were extinguished before much damage was done. WKi.L SELECTED STOCK OF WHIPS, HALTERS, COMBS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, ETC., ETC. AGENTS FOR SPOONEE PAT. COLLARJ CannotChoke a Done. J Adjaatg Onelf to auiyUorsasneck lias two rows of Sticking, Will hold llamas in place. Hone Genuine Unless Stamped with oar ••Trade-Mark." THE St. Paul, Minneapolis Manitoba, RAILWAY. WITH ITS 15,000 MITES OP ROAD lHthe;)ii!yliiu uxtcudiiitftlirriigl; tl,(- PARK REGION OF MINNESOTA, Tcinll priucii r.] jmiiitc in Red River Valley, Northern Minnesota, Northern Dakota , AND TO Devil's Lake and Turtle Mountain District C<mtuiui:ii: Over 9,000,000 ACRES Government Lands, Tlie t.ntiil lii-jKirtimhi of the St. |.oiil. Jiiniie Mimiti lin I:i;»ny lins exili>lvt; ofi!h* r.Mij ii:!;-, 1:,,,.:... I:, >:anii<.!ja, u:k! all i-or rtsp n !i-iu r r.-Lih t„ f tonne, <li si'ViptiM! or 11Ti:ti;. p:u ti(Ml;ir,t;utt nlmuM lK-a.Mr>.s»,Mjt. MapsanM .l'.-cril.lMM!^ SlvliiK riiit-.-- iilTiiri.- ('. I-1:!•; 1-: l 1 >.lily a.l.ln-sa.lij-, .1 AS. 15. I'i'N ['ij. c. ti, v. ,ir>"' ' 1 >• iu'i. GREATEST CLEARANCE SALE of the season, at Communication. Editor of ri NKKK Exrmws. For the information of our friends and in justice to tiie manv who have subscribed for lots in the Walhalla ceme- tery, I would ask you to inseit the fol- lowing : The cemetery company is working under a charter procured from the Legislature of llie Teiritory of Da- kota, under the name of the Walhalla Presbyterian Manse and Cemetery Coin panv. They have purchased forty aercK of land adjoining the tmvnsite of Wal- halla, t wenty of which have been appro- priated for a cemetery, and the remainder for the Presbyterian manse, and gardens, on which is already erected a ;v«i I sub- Hlantial resilience, stable and we!!. And a very good start made for a botanical garden under the care of tlie 1'ev. John Scott, Presbvteriau minister in charge. The situation cannot lie excelled for grandeurof laud scape scenery any where in the lied river valllev. A part ol the i grounds are elevated about two hundred and fifty feet above the town of Walhalla, anil the grain elevators of Neclie. and Bathgate, twenty miles away, and the Hyde Pari: and St. Joe churches, are plainly to be seen on a fair day from this elevation. The company as chattered is composed of three persons, viz: William l!est, of Cay centre, James Ilvde, of llvde Park, and S. O. Medina of Walhalla, who are working not for their own pecuniary benefit, hut for the general public in order to erect, beautify aud maintain, a respectable burial place lor the dead. The grounds will he laid out in accord- witli the usual style of cemeteries and a vault erected. The material for which is already secured. lOver green trees and hardy flowering shrubs will be interspers- ed among tiie natural oak and poplar that now embellish I lie grounds, a eon. signnient of which lias already been re- receivcd from James Uoldie Ksi|.,. of (iiiclph. Ontario, being a douator to the cemetery. The average size of lots will be 10x20 feet, one hundred and fitly of which liaye already been subscribed for at five dollars per lot. And about seven- ty of these have been paid for. The grounds will lie surveyed in the spring, and alxmt three hundred lots posted and allotted to the different subscribers. The main drive ways are already marked out and the outside survejs completed. Twelve interments have already taken place, some of them from a distance of twenty miles. May they rest in peace till the resurrection morn! The company rest assured that all in- terested in the good work thus com- menced, will assist them financially and otherwise in removing the debt, thus ac- cumulated, and thereby leave our manse and cemetery free, anil the company in a position to go on with the lieccessary im- provements. Subscriptions and dona- tions can be sent to the secretary, the Rev. John 'Scott, of Walhalla, Pembina county, D. T., Presbyterian minister in charge of mission, who is authorized to give receipts for tiie same. Thanking you for the space occupied, I remain, Yours, Ac. S. O. Mc(u i.\, Chairman of the Company. $100,000 -to loan- $100,000 ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY. CuII< ctioiif. Fire, Lightning, Tornado, Ilurri- eumsainl lluil Insurance u specially. AIho Com- voytweirg and .ill bt the 1'. S. l.and Ollicc ut rales to *uil parties. JOHN MuMlLLAX, N .tary I'ublie, Hamilton, ]). T. (Formerly G.-ronx House.) HFAIXtl'AIU'KKS FOR COMMERCIAL TOURISTS. ETUICTLY FII18T-CI..U-S ACOOM.MOI.iATKi.\s, PKMWN'A - DAKOTA. iron last WIU Billed FREE to til ft&pUcuu, aq4 to oattoatrcof lut tmv without ordwlac II. It couuint about IN bum, COO illuitrftttoM, prleu, aeeortt* tfMorlpU»D* tod vftluSi* tflrwtloM forptftotlnt *11 varlMlM ct Ud fXOWEK SKIM, BDLKI^A; iSfiSSS to all. MMotally lo MMkirOMfew? fend £r O. M. FIRRY * CO., Datrott, MMllgu, commencing- Friday, January To make room for the new Spring- Goods. Wo will offer 20 per cent off during- the month, on Men's and Boys' suits, Overcoats, Ladies' cloaks, Boots and Shoes; and 20 per ct. olf nearly ail goods (excepting- groceries,) Tuesdays and Fridays of each week, until we get sick, which won't be very long-. With the exceptionally low prices we have been selling our good© at, it makes it a grand op- portunity for every body to secure their wants. Don't tarry long, as our Special sale will continue but a short time. Don't forget the place. pw § CHWMW Pembina. Pembina & Neche. LIVERY Feed and Sale Stable. The Largest in Pembina County. Good rigs and careful tl rivers alwavs at hand. H. MASON, Proprietor. County and Municipal Officrs of Dakota. J5y W. II. Bierly, Attorney at Law, Grand Forks, author of ami Duties of County hip 1 Township Ollicers of Pennsylvania." A convenient hand hook for lawyers, county and township ollieers, au«l all who desire to he well informed on the duties* of citizenship. Head tho following notes of the hook: Kar,?o Iti-publican:— 1 "Should be In thu hands of e very riitic r. and will be found a wurcu of vnlutkMu information to bnvinefs men gtnierally. Fnnro Aririis:—•-Mr. Uierly if i\ uentlcmnn of uln.m Judye McCVuikH m;*# he Js u thorough li.'.vycr/ " Valley City Times:—'A :iml uomprc- he:isive work. Jt* posKpdtfou t»y all who desir<* t<> heeome conversant with tlto duties t.f <-tieh ulliee, is ti prime necessity." CurrhiKlon News:—"Mr. Iii-. rly, uk a lawv. r, i*= heartily endorsed by eonipeteut ju«i^ex in lVtmsylvania aud Dakota." Sargent County Teller:— u Kvery' Hieiul should have it." ilillsLorc hanuer:—*-A patient uti l e.\huu.<ive compilation." Hi*marek Tribune:—' Of hin-timuble value lo county and town officers—prtcise and eompro heiiHivc." iirufiou New*and Tiiuex:—••Subject fully but tersely treuted." Price fr.V>0. Can !>e ordered direct from the iiutlior or lnul in connection witli the I'ionkkk ExniKsa on terms given elsewhere. MRS. C. O'HARA, DBESSiAMEB, Regs to thank her iiunierinisciiHtoincrxof the Four ConiiT.s l;,r |,;ist i,;it- romifro, ami [., inform them that she is still |iie|<ared to t|(J everything in Hie line of Dresmaking, fiflantlemakihg , &c Trimmings, Patterns, tkc,., alivavs on hand. Ladies are invited lo call any time. n»um* over l>rxn'n Slorr. Pembina. Dakota. No.v is the time tosecure that hook of unparalleled interest, "Grant's Personal emoirs." The undersigned has the exclusive Agency for Pembina and C'ava- .er counties, dive your order early. (.'. \V. I.i tks, Poinl'iiia, D.T. Perfection at last . Haviiii; paid strict attention to the production of a better style and quality ol hoots'mid shoes than are commonly ma le, [ tube thu pleasure of calling the readers attcnti> utotlie fact. Experience shows that iiood etiritom work is appre- ciated hy all, and that not low prices, hut thu best of material and style is what is wanted. price for a ^ood hoot or -hoe are not the lowc.-.i, because I make no cheap orsl.oddy ^oods; the latter ol which is dear at any price. 1 claim for my boots and shoe* thattluiy excel all others manufactured; first, ill style, second in neatness of lit, third in tpiailtv and fourth in superior workmanship. Ail uoik warranted, and can be sent to any one per parcel post to any part of the states or territories at one cert per ounce. Whenever you may be it. tho city, I would be very pleased totake your order. Yours truly, i'A). C. Kl.OItANCK, Pembina, D. T. T II U Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul KAIL WAY Is the fast mail shoit line from St. Paul and Minneapolis via I.aCrosse and Mil- waukee to Chicago ami all points in tho Kastern States ami Canada. It is tho only line under one management be- tween .St. Paul and Chicago, and is the linest equipped railway in the northwest. It is the only liuerunnint; Pullman draw- iiiK-room sleeping cai*s with luxurious smoking rooms, and the finest dining care in the world, via the famous " Itiver Hank lioutc, along the shores of t ake Pepin ami the beautiful Mississippi River to Milwaukee and Chicago. Its trains connect with those of tho Xorthefh lines in the Grand I'niofi Depot at .St. Paul. Xo change of cars of any class between St. Paul and Chicago. For through tickets, time-tables and full information, apply to any coupon ticket agent in the N' Jt. Miller, general manager; .1. !•'. Tucker, Ass't. Gen'l. Manager; A. V. 11. Curpenter, Gen'l. Pass, and Tkt. Ag't"; Geo. II. Ilcaffoiid, Ass't. Gen'l. Pass, and Tkt. Ag't., -Milwaukee, Wis, .V. II. Dixon, Ass't Gen'l Pass, agent, St. Paul Winter Reading. it appears to ho a notable fact that the best farmers, and the best stockmen are the very best friends of newspapers. It is generally tho old fogy and the ne'er-do-wells, that scofrat "book and newspaper larnui," and if they are in- duced to take their home county paper they never read it. The progressive farmers, those who get thirty bushels of wheat to the acre, and own line, fat, sleek cattle and horses, are invmiably men whose sitting room table will be generously supplied with, not only local newspapers, but agricultural journals, books relating to stock, to feeding ani- mals, which contain the thoughts and experiments of able men, who devote their lime ami energies to advance the cause of agriculture and to learn how to produce more abundant cro]#s, sis well as to surround their stock with the best conditions for raising them successfully and profitably. I''very farmer in the Northwest will bo benefitted greatly by subscribing to one or more; good agricultural papers, and if one is published near by it certainly should be a regular visitor in the family. The Northwestern Farmer, published tit largo, Dakota, is doing a good work throughout the Northwest, and wo have decided to o.'Ver it to every old subscriber as well as to all new subscribers in con* nection with the 1' ioxkeu Kxpiikss for $2 a year, the subscription being paid in advance. Or, vou can order the North- western Farmer direct from Fargo for one dollar per year in advance. We will have sample copies sent to any address <>n application,

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Post on 27-May-2020




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Page 1: The Pioneer express (Pembina, Dakota [N.D.]). 1886-02-05 [p ]. · to resume on Monday Mr. 8. Birch and family returned ftom Minneapolis yesterday and will remain in Pembina county

(IfFm MBECTOItY. aommor-O* A. n«M< YuMm. StoRMrCMMnl^MamBioirviMrttMii. I" • ' . M... u • ..iifli • — lib HMMMII

-siraB" jmrnM%«MNl— Oortei VWNnden, Buauek. jSBf^KSrl (M B. keCooncIl,

CtertXSlit Oottft-J. M. Tnohr> PemMn«.. -• O.l.COTTOM*.

CollMtor—AdtUrtOaaraon, Pembtn*. «. I. UMIil» '¥

S.ttonMftiTarso. KfiMli'? DBFUTItt. ' >' •

J. F»rfo;B.H. Webiter, Pembina. V.i.lHTlBKAtBBTlKOl.

OjUtctot—I. I.'PwmlngloB, Blmu«k g.i.iMDomci.

Recltttt—B. C. TlBkny, Qr«nd Fork*. Hi^wwmW.j. Anfttfion.Ofind VoTki.

V.I. ABUT, FOOT PIM1IKA. O. *. IttTiWi-iMn ISth Infkntrjr, eommind-

n'a fnlaT.—Captain and aarfitaatnirsM»,U. a A..ixwttarMooiDd Trewurer.

CbIxieu IICKIBII!!.—Captain of 18th Inbotrf,

aPil'ooiiraSl—W Lieut., ISth tnfknttv. port ad-Intent, A. A. Q.X.. and A. C. 8., and inoom-iaand of mounted detachment.

aaoMii L. CooKB.-litX.tent. 15th infantry, com-nuAlDf Co. "B M

L. 8. Boodmx.— m' Went. ISth Inihntay, acting ordinance ofBcer, aigual officer, and recruiting officer.

COUNTY omcttu. Member of Territorial Council.—Hon. Jadaon

MemberEtoaie of Bepraentativei—Hon.H JKong. Coroner—Dr. P. C. Donoran. _ _ „ OomniMtonen—B. M. Nixon Penblna^B. H,

Bergman, Beanllen: H.C. Arnold, Cryetal, H. >e(wi Arnejt; andj.I). Wallaw. Drayton.

BflriMer of Deed*—BobertTweedlie, Pembina. Xranty Auditor—J. H. Bird, Pembina. rraaaurerr-F. A. Ward well, Pembina. Oountr Attorney—W.J.Kn^ihaw, PemSlna. nberiff—D. Dick, Pembina . Judge ofProbate—B. Arming,Pettbtoa. Supt. of 8ohoola—C.B.7achi»n, Pembina. Count* Borreror—8.0; llcOuln. Walballa,

St P. M. &.M. R. R.

DAILY HO. (North.)


S M. Fulklt. Vtneent

TSOpm BsQfi " •:55 am 734 •' 7 M " 8 «• " 8:18 " 8l« " 8:08 •• 8*0 " 8:48 "

10:00 " 1041 " 10:48 •• 11:07 " 1137 " 1148 " 18:08 pm 18:» " U:40 " 1MB " 1:14 " 1:« " ia» "

DAILY HO. S (north.) 8:80 pm 0:10 " 5:05 a m 6:80 " 8:10 •' 8:15 •'

11:15 " 137 p m SM> " £:14 •• Ml " S:4S " 8:10 " 8:15 •'

VLLtN MAKVEL. ten* Manager.

.St Paul ......Mlnneapolii ....... Barnenvllie..........

Glrndon. ArerUi.

...Fclton .Bornp

Ada. Rolette

Beltrami Kltteon

.Crookston-Shlrljr Kuclid .Angus .Warren

DAII.YNO.10 {South.)

;;.AiiyIe ... StoiinMt mJBIVIIUCU ••

Donaldson.. ..... Don».~— Kennedy Haliock

.Northcote .......St Vincent


at Paul and Neclir. _8t. Paul

Minneapolis. Fergus Fails. ..Barnesville


!.....!!.arand?orks Oration St Thomas .Glaeton

...Hamilton ..Bathgate. ...Neclie ..Gretna....

740 am f:55 •' 830 pm 7:50 " 7:88 " 7:19 " 708 •• 0:47 " tat " 6:12 " 8:51 " 8S5 " 5:07 " 4:40 " 4S# " 4:fi0 •' 8:45 " 825 " 8:8 " 2:5« •' 2ri» " 2:16 " 1:.'5 •' 1:10 "

DAILY No,4 (souih.) 7.00 a m f..25 "

10.45 p m 0.15 " 3.U5 » D.00 " 4.00 " 2.00 " 1.21 •' 1.08 "

12.43 " 12.S8 " 12.05 •' 11.45 am

C. J.OOOWKO, Agent.

A A. F. and A, M-


f\r\ Regular meetings in the evenlug* of rst and third Thursday of every month.

FCMyhick, W.M. J. Kabkbnaole, Secretary,


Regular meetings every Wednesday evening. Ail Brethren ta go^ stand-tag are cordially invited. V *• Waixace,,^


Regular meetingsevery secnnit andfourth Mon­day rf each montB. K. ^


c r.



M. B. 8tate University, Minnesota. I*te of To­ronto, Canada.


J. B.MU1R.M.D. Hamilton House,


Dn. PORTEOUS, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veteri-

ia.T College. Treats all diseases ofdomesticated animals, office at Mason's Livery Barn. PEMBINA, - DAKOTA.

. I. MUSUROYE, M. D. C. M. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Grad-

aate of McGill College, Montreal. DBA YTON, • DAKOTA.

S.w. RUTLEDGE, M. O. « Homeopathic, Physician and Surgeon.

Keeps tU kinasof Homeopathic remedies for tale. 3mc» treated bf mall. GRAND FORKS, - DAKOTA.

S. II. MB04UKR. A. i. D6LANBY.

McOaOIEB fc DeLANEY. Attorneys and Oooneellors-at-Lan. OIHceover

Webb's Store, Rolette street, PFMBINA. DAKOTA.

J?. D. 1IARTSON, Attorney-at-Law Land and Loan bgent. Of*

•ee in Webster building, Rolette s'.reet, PEMBINA, - DAKOTA.

IVllEESllAW U BEVAKS, Lawyers. Will practice In Courts of Dakota,

Minnesota, and before United States Land office. Honey to Loan and Collections made. PEMBINA, • DAKOTA.




Uio. B.CtirroBD.


w AUH fe




E. A.


)fflce on


Notice ta tatwerlbers. Fartiei Indebted to the PIONBBB Bxntcsson

sub.-erlptiin an raiuesttd. to remit by pcitai older or registered letter to this office, or they may leave the amoant with anyor the following: Neche.....^.... „..,„Asa Fanset. Bathgate...... C. L. Porker. Hamilton Bank of Hamilton. Cavalier. Andrew Vassle. St. Thomas.. PuinblnaCo. Bank.

anon. .8. R. Smith. ilhalla C. D, Loring.

Mountain H. Thorlackson.

Market*. The following indicates the state of the market

lor articles of produce named below : Fresh butter, per pound 80 25 Tub butter, per pound 20 to 22 Fresh eggs, per dosei 25 Poultry, per pound 8 to 10 Potatoes, per oushel 40 to 50 Onions, per bushel 1 00 Turnips, per bushel 25 Beef; per pound 0 to 7

Hay, per ton 5 00 Dry cak wood, per cord ...5 00

" wood, per cord 4 00 per oord 8to8U

Mo. 1 hard per bushel 65

the nom-Eim.

Published Every Friday Morning K. H. Young, Publisher.



FEBRUARY came in broad side first and no mistake.

TUB inyitations are out for the Odd Fellows' ball, which is to take place Feb-urary 22nd.

Tub ice rink is now in good condition and the lovers of skating can exercise to their heart's content.

R. J. STRONG has removed his office to the opposite side of Stutsman street in Capt Webster's building.

THE weather machine seetim to be set for blizzards this month. WiliBome one please turn the crank a cog ortwo ?

TUB weather lias been very cold during most of the past week,'the theimoineter several times reaching nearly forty de­grees below zero.

OWING to the interest in the revival meetings in the Methodist church, the box social announced for Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. Abrams is post­poned until a future date.

A UNION gospel temperance meetine will be held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening next. Addresses will be delivered be Revs. Biwkerville, Hovis and others. All are invited.

THE Lutheran congregation of South Pembina will give a public entertainment nndlmzar in Kittson Ilnll this, Friday evening. The Pembina cornet band will be in attendance and a good time is ex­pected.

Fred. Puliler, somewhat prominent as an itinerant editor in Minnesota lias sued the Ada Index for libel. He says the Index has damaged bis reputation. As for character, we do not know that he claims to have one.

SOME of our folks are having a good time in St. Paul this week. Others of us will enjoy the quiet satisfaction, that by staying at home, we have saved our money—even if we liad'nt a dollar to spend.

THE Masonic fraternity are about changing their quarters to the rooms above the store of Full and Ross. Tliey are fitting tip the latter place in good style, and it is expected that the Odd Fellows and Grand Army post will oc­cupy the same quarters.

SUBSCRIBERS have said that if they knew when their subscription expired they would remit. If they will notice carefully the address on tlieir paper each week they will see the dateof expiration. Calling the attention of those in arrears to this,, we hope they will respond with­out delay.

THE COUNTY treasurer comes in for an occasional hard knock these times, oyer the taxes. But where taxes are too high the mischief is done before itcomcs time to pay thein. It is the township, or school levy, or both that generally cuts Jie most prominent figure in the taxes. If we want to reduce taxes let us begin at the right place, and begin in time.

REV. D, C. PIANETTE, presiding elder preached two yery forcible sermons in th<j M. E, Church on Sunday, on the occasion of the regular quarterly services. He also remained to conduct special services the following evenings, and will preach this evening, also. The in­terest and attendance in the special ser-viccs are increasing each evening. Mrs. Plannette gave an interesting address on Wednesday afternoon at a meeting in tlie interests of the Woman's Foreign Mission­ary Society. An organization was form­ed with Mrs. Hovis as president.

BRIEFS:—Mr. Harry S. Black repre­senting Miller Cissna & Co., of Chicago was in town Saturday and accidently met Mr. Nixon, they being both from the same Itown, Coboug, Out Messre. E. K. Cavilier and H. K. Webb, left on Sun­day to take in the St. Paul ice carnival.

"We notice the following in the last issue of the Pembina, Dakota, PIONEER EXPRESS: 'The^editor's wife and boy,' &c. The disconsolate editor is Mr. Young, brother of Mrs. F. (i. Sparling, of this town. The best thing'he can do is to pack his collar-box aud follow his loving spouse and heir and thus gladden the hearts of his many old friends in Huron. —Seaforth Expositor Presiding elder Plannette, and wife were visiting friends in town this week W. J. S. Traill has been confined to his home by sickness for several weeks, but is recovering again

Messrs. Cole and Williams were in town this week, making arrangements to get a boiler and engine, now at Emerson, for their mill at Young Alfred Lewis was amongst the carnival excursionists tlii» week H. D. Allert, superintend­ent of schools for Cavalier county, was in town this week First Lady—"What are you engaged in now?-' Second Lady—"I am a book agent." F. L.—"What have you to do?" S. L.—'"Nothing but talk."—F. L.—"How delightful!" " Jerry Tuohy, well known here as formerly connected with the Times, and now clerk of tlie court in Pembina county, is making a race to supplant Jud LaMoure and liis trained bears, and will be a candidate for the legislature this lull. Jerry is of the democratic faith, but this iact does not militate against him—and should he succeed in uuaeating the sage of Pembina, he will be a welcome addition to the next conclave."—Valley City Times Rev. John Scott, of Walballa, Is visiting

frlendsin town....Miss Thabker has been quite ill the put week and her depart­ment in the school has consequently been closed. She will probably be well enough to resume on Monday Mr. 8. Birch and family returned ftom Minneapolis yesterday and will remain in Pembina county. Some of his observations will be given next week Dr. tiuernon, collec­tor of customs returned from the anntli Monday,

Unclaimed Iietters. The following letters are unclaimed at

the Pembina post-office, and unless call­ed for before March 1st., will be forward­ed to the dead letter office:— Brown, Margaret. Con'on, William. Dobson, S. L. Edwards, Thomas. Ealden, Anthony. Fisher, B. P. Bissett, P. P. Gonyon, Dave. Merrit, Elmer. Middaugh, E. D. Randies, H. W. Steifrater, H. R, Teitsson, August. Ward, Julia. Coats, William. Bride, Nettie. Robarge, Joseph. Ross, Thomas. Mooy, Hoolaghan Lecorre, Rev. Pere. McAllen, Robert. Newclick, Mr., (2)

4th class matter:—W. W. Brown, scroll saw. 3rd:—Wm. Peuiberton Goff, Photo­graph. Returned from Dead Letter Office to writer:—Charigo. D; Bcllhumcr, Antome.

Items of Interest.

Three hundred bushels of box elder seed ut the post office, Pembina, at $2.00 per bushel. A. L. Akkiib.

.Repair Shop. The undersigned is prepared to repair

furniture, sleighs, Ac., on short notice, at Curtis' old shop, on Stutsman street. Terms reasonable. Cane bottom chairs repaired. Work guaranteed.

20-32 C. ZIMMERMAN, Pembjpa.

Wanted. A good reliable man that understands

firing and running a stationery engine. Apply, stating wages, to

27tf Cavali en HOI.LER MILLS,

Cavalier, D. T.

Repair Shop. I am prepared to do all kinds of Fur­

niture repairing, manufacture and re­pair Sleighs, WngoiiH, &c. Turning lathe in connection. O. TIIORSTINSON,

22-3m South Pcmbiua.

Pure Saskatchewan. The undersigned has 1,200 bushels of

puro Saskatchewan fife wheat for sale. Four dollars a bushel was paid for the seed (from Salzar's seed farm) from which it was grown. Ripens from 8 to 14 days sooner than Scotch life. 21tf Cavalier, D. T. DR. R. VONGORHES.

Wlieu baby was sick, wv gave iier CASTOItl A Wlien she wns a child, she cried for OASTORIA When Klic Ij.-cnni'j Mini, site clung to CASTOHIA When she hud ehi Wren she gave tlirm c ASTORIA

A Word in Time. Mrs. Thompson would respectfully re­

mind those who rcauire Furs made up or renairing done, that she is now nrepar-ed to receive orders in that line. Having orders on hand to a considerable extent, she would like those who favor her to send in early before the rush of work for the i oniing winter closes. At the Old Exn. das Office, Pembina.

Removed. A. McDonald wishes to inform his

customers and the publie generally, that he has removed from the blacksmith shop next the Farmer's Home to T. Morrison's old stand, opposite Strong's hardware store where lie will continue business as usual. All kinds of wood work done on shortest notice. A. MCDONALD,

27-2;) Blacksmith, Pembina.

Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts,

bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, Fever sores, chapped hands, chilblauis, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price. 25 ctB. i>cr box. For sale by C. Moore & Co., and D. Mc-Gruer.

Are Voa doing To any part of the United Suites or Cana­da; If so buy your tickets at Neclie, D.T, I will give you the benefit of lowest rates and check bagaage through to destination of ticket. Any desired information alxmt routes, rates and connections cheerfully given on application either in person or by letter. Round trip tickets to Canada at reduced rates.

W. E. GOODING, 4tf Agt. St. P. M. & M

School Tenders. Sealed bids for building a school house

in school district No. GO, Peiubina County, D. T., will be received by tiic director, up to Feb. 15th, 1880. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. For further particulars apply to


Post office address Director. Wallmlla, D. T.

By order of the board. 26

A Gentle Hint to Town and Country House Keepers.

If you have not been at Thompson's Grocery Store yet, just drop in and see him, he will be glad to see you and think it no trouble to give his prices before making your purchases elsewhere. Also will exchange for butter aud eggs.

Remember the place.—Old Express Office, Pembina.

Notice I hereby give notice to whom it may

concern, tiiat Robert Lynn, of Acton, D. T., has no authority to act forme as my agent, with reference to lands in Polk, Marshall aud Kittson counties, Minneso­ta, or otherwise.


Minneapolis, Minn., January 15th, '86.

Notice.' J. C. Canning is my authorized agent

at Drayton, Dakota. He will transact any business * in Pembina, Walsh and Grand Forks counties, Dakota, and also in Kittson. Marshall and Polk coun­ties, Minnesota, in connection with my timber lauds, situated on the Red river.


Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1st, 1885.

A Word to the Wise, George Thompson, Grocer, of the old

Express office, Pembina, says he does not belive in blowing his horn to loudly through the press. He would advise purchasers to look around them aud see for themselves, should they drop into his store, he can do all the blowing himself, by serving them well and at moderate prices. Folks begin to look out, not in the way Patrick did it on passing through a tunnel on board the cars. He unfortunately stuck his head out and it caine in contact with a rock which caused him a contusion; he said thes<4 Yankee's were queer folks ; when they said look out, they meant to look in. 2t


Come Leaflets of News, Gathered by Enterprising Reporters of the

. Pioneer Express from

Bathgate, Mountain, Alma, Romio, Walhalla, St. Thomas, Drayton,

Cavalier, Parktown and Hamilton..

DRAYTO.V. Principal Ferguson is now occupying

the residence recently vacated by B. P. Dayman.

Our merchants say it is poor time to make collections, the county treasurer having got all the lose change last week.

Births:—On Feb. 1st, Mrs. Alpheus Boyd, of a daughter. On Jan. 28th Mrs. Harvey Boyd, of a daughter. All doing well.

J. D. Wallace received his commission as notary public last week and is now ready to attend to I lie wants of the public in that line.

Married:—At the residence of R. R. Thompson, Esq., on Jan. 27th, by thfe Rev. John W. Scott, Mr. J. Allan Iiiman, of Midland, to Miss Mary 10. MeKella, of St. Thomas.

Dr. C. W. Barnes, who has been very busy here for three weeks, in the dentist line, left lor St. Thoui'is on Wednesday, where he will attend to the wants of suf­ferers for a few weeks.

Since the recent rise in the price of wheat, some of our farmers have been drawing a few loads into the M. & N. elevator again, at the same time wishing tlicv had done so when the price was better than now.

On Monnay last, during the blizzard, H. L. Crandcll lost his way between here' and St. Thomas.- llis home finally tired out, but he was fortunately in the vicinily of John Belamey's residence, where lie remained all night. Although Mr. Cran-dell sufTered a good deal, his frost bites are not serious, and he will soon be able to take to the road again.

On Saturday evening a very jovial company, numbering about thirty-live, surprised Mr. aud Mrs. B. P. Dayman, at their residence, to bid them farewell, previous to their departure to Hamilton, where they will reside in the future. A very pleasant evening was spent, «t the close of which Mr. Dayman, in a few well chosen remarks, thanked the company for the exhibition of kindly feeling to­wards himself aud partner, hoping that their residence in Hamilton mightalwavs be as pleasant as it had been mi Drayton.

A very enthusiastic meeting was held in tlie Jf. K church here oil the evening of Jan. oOth, in the intcrestof leinpcrancc. Short and practical addresses were givun by Messrs. B. Warmer, P. M. Hendricks, If- B. Richardson and W. J. Ritchie. Thirty-one names were added to the " total abstinance " list, in addition to the fifty who had signed their names at a previous meeting. Another meeting under I he same auspices will be held on Wednesday the Willi inst., at which ad­dresses, recitations, leadings and music will be the order of the evening.

ground with uu ide:v of crcctmg another elevator. Bathgate really needs another elevator.

Ike Foster is taming 3ome Jack rabbits G. F. McKinncy and family expect

to start for St. Paul this weak R. D. Hosklns expects to take in the ice palace at St.Paul this week R. Grandy and family are back from Ontario. Mr. Grandy looks as if they fed him well Edward Brennan is doing some carpenter work in the Catholic church Gardiner Gilday is doing the carpenter work on A. J. Robinson's hotel building J. A.

Armstrong is confined to his bed with sickness.

sr. Tiio.MAh.

J. D. Winlaw started oil a trip to Win­nipeg on Monday.

The hat carnival on the :'»0th was largely attended and a jolly time was had by all.

There is no fate too severe for the mau who talks ice palace these cold mornings

John McAndrcss returned on Monday from an extended trip to Dulutli and St. Paul.

L. E. Storms had a 20ft well dug ou Cleland avenue this week and now has 10ft of water.

II. II. George is prepared to negotiate loans at 8 per cent on first mortgage, farm sccurily. 27tf

A dance at the Commercial on Monday eve was enjoyed by quite a number of our young people.

John Gausslc will arrive here on the 10th inst., witli several car loadsof heavy farm horses from Ontario.

Fred Mcltea started for St. Paul on Monday, witfi the avowed intention of playing sinch in the ice palace.

Tom Guinaii aud Lcs Moyer have dis­solved partnership in tiie saloon and Lcs will run the boat alone in the future.

Call on H. H.George, St. Thomas, for money, before making arrangements elsewhere, it will pay you. 27tf

Some evilly disposed person put a charge of shot in Leiiuon's fine pointer, thereby demoralizing the dog and caus­ing much bad blood.

Geo. Webster is opening up business in Auburn in readiness for tlie spring trade and will run it in connection with his extensive business here.

Attention is called to the. advertisement of Hcywortli liros. They nre establish­ing a sort of headquarters in harness business for southern Pembina couuty.

Gus. Short will take a trip to St. Paul the coming week H. II. George made one of his periodical visits to Drayton on Sunday Alex. Buchanan is the orator of our literary society and no mistake... Messrs. Caldwell and Griffith, of Osna-bruck, were doing business in town on Tuesday Billy James and Geo. Nulf of Bathgate, were doing business in town on Tuesday C. W. Lutes, the agent for Grant's Memoirs, was in town on Satur­day G. F. McKinney and wife, R. D. Hoskius and several other Bathgaters, passed through on their way to St. Paul on Wednesday A. J. Ross is on a col­lecting tour in the mountains this week.

nUllliATK. Cai peuters are already engaged to build

four or five new residences.

The wife of Rev. Miinroc is quite sick with lui:g fever, the result of a cold.

The church services on last Sunday were unusually well attended and inter­esting.

F. E. IJ. Mercer succecus F. A. Willson in the machine business and he promises to do a good business.

The manager of the skating rink prom­ises us a drama by a good company soon. Bathgate turns out to a good entertain­ment

Tlie carnival held at the rink last week was an enjoyable affair. The costumes showed a good deal of skill and taste in their arrangement and selection.

The Chevalier House is full of guests all the time aud everybody is satisfied. The Sunday dinners at the Chevalier House arc attracting the attention of the town people.

Oil account of the lai-ge wheat trade at Bathgate this year, some paities were here a few days ago looking over the


BRIEFS:—Cold weather Hard on noses and buffalo coats 38 pupils at­tending school and inore expected anon. ...Sunday school, forty-six pupils enrolled.'

The post office has been moved from its old stand to Mr. S. Benson's house. Mr. Benson has now charge of all postal matters.

Messrs. M. Paulson and E.Thjorlcifson, of Winnipeg, visited this place lately. M. Paulson travels in the interests of an Icelandic Church Monthly and was quite successful in procuring subscribers for this new paper.

15. Tlijorlcifson delivered a series of lectures that were, according to my opin­ion, very good. He criticised some of tlie most popular Icelandic poets, and the. criticism was both timely mid, to a great extent, true. Among others lie mentioned M. Jochomsen who is a poet of considerable merit. He is a personal friend of the English poet Mr. Morris, aud has gained renown in the English and Scandinavian literary world. Last year he traveled in Knuland, lecturing. Mr. Jochemesen has also very successful­ly translated some of Shakespeare's best plays into Icelandic. He deserves pro­bably, more than any other living Icelandic poet the title of laureate.

The lecturer Mr Thjorleifson is a B. A. and has for some time studied at the University of Copenhagen. He is him­self, not void of poetical genius, and may, if careful and diligent, some day, also acquire the name of a poet.

AI.M.t. Your correspondent here, has, by ex

pressing an ooinion in favor of School Districts in preference to School Town­ship Boards, brought down on his head the whole vocabulary of abuse of Ole J. Lajord, together with some very whole­some advice, and a remedial prescription that would surely be death to a patient, with the thermometer at 40 below zero ! And for what reason, 1 fail to see. If an attack had been made on tlie members of the hoard, the answer might have been to some purpose, lint ;iio Aluia corres­pondent believes: ;!•:,! .Vim,i School Township 1:oa.-.-l i.i a j/oort and repre­sentative board, and have tried to do what, they believed to be in the interests of the school township. Xow if Mr. Ole J. Lajord wants to discuss the question, district versus township, let him keep to his text, ami 1 will do the same. Abuse of an op|H>nent is no argument, nor yet is ridicule. Just show the "improve­ments" of the system, and let Alma correspondent, individually alone. Per­sonalis have nothing to with the ques­tion.

He may be persuaded by fair reasons that township system is best for a majority of the people, and will humhlv submit. In the interval we hold our opinioim. Colt.

IVAMIAM.A. Owing to cold weather few farmers are

coming into town.

During the illness of Mr. Hemslcy Toney Kaulis tool; charge of the mill.

John Mager and O. W. Andrews took a (lying trip down to Pembina last week.

Dr. McLachlin was called to visit a patient on the second mountain this week. .

On Sunditv quite a respectable little blizzard sprang up, but blew itself out in a few minufes.

Notwithstanding the cold weather the mail comes in on lime every day giving satisfaction to all.

John Mager our enterprising miller sfarteil Monday morning for Minneapolis. He will also take in the carnival in St. Paul.

Airs. J. Scott mother of Mrs. Stevens, died on Saturday last at Mona, and was buried in the Walhalla cemetery on Mon­day, beside the remains of herson-in-law, recently interred. The service was con­ducted by Rev. John Scott.

f'A VALI i:It. H. E. Pratt returned from Fargo last


Lots of demand for wood just now especially dry oak.

A runaway team attached to a sleigh cauie into town last Tuesday.

Frank Mercer and lady of Bathgate were in town last Wednesday.

Revival services are being held nightly in the new church conducted by Revs. Moyinsaml Green.

Some of the boys tried to get up a char-avare one evening this week but the at­tempt proved a failure.

X. Ilebert, Jr., feels happy in the |xis-session of another member to his family. It is a girl and she arrived last Saturday.

Messrs. Cole and Williams report the arrangements as complete for building the flour mill at Young and work will be commenced on it forthwith.

Sirs. Eliza Matiiew was married last Sunday at the residence of her father Mr. X. Ilebert, to Mr. A. Keahul of Red River- Father Kinney officiated.

I'AKlilllW.V. Frozen noses aud fresh eggs are plenti­

ful in Parktown.

Mr. Kobt. I'attison rejoices in the pos­session of a young daughter.

Mr. A. Thompson of this places has in­vested in real estate near Park River.

Sheriff Dick and Doc. Porteous were in town this week killing aud burning some glandered horses.

Services are held here now every alter­nate Sunday. Mr. Robt. Thexton has kindly placed his house at the disposal of the congregation whilst the cold weather lasts.

We have been enjoying unusually bracing weather, witli a superabundance of wind. Indeed the latter filleth the average man with wicked thoughts, as he struggles with it, over supremaceyof an armful of hay for the hungry kine.

Spending a short time in Crystal this week we noted many improvements, but notwithstanding the grandeur of the Appleton mansion, the unlicensed saloon and the beauty of the place altogether, Parktown don't like the idea of being annexed.

IIAMIM'O.V Town very quiet; cold weather being

the cause,

The medical' staff of Hamilton aro kept pretty busy these days.

Rev. S. F. Beer is looking forward with pleasure to the re-union of himself and family.

This week has been devoted to the commercial world in the way of travel­ing agents.

Mr. Chas. Mcl.eod of Beaulieau was in town on Wednesday shaking hands with his friends.

Little Vanie Sarycr has been quite ill with croup but under the treatment of Doc. Nugent he is again quite well.

Some symptomsoftyphoid fever are re­ported. It is to he hoped not, ns Hamil­ton lias had a good share of this plague.

Hamilton is receiving quite agood aver­age in wheat through this cold weather; but trade is done up—so says the drug store.

The School entertainment which is to take place on Friday evening, promises to bo a grand success under the super­vision, of Mr. Home.

A sad commotion prevailed on Monday over the destruction of the ice palace ol the Saintly city.' It was hind to see such disappoint men!.

Another lav^e meeting of the farmers and some of our citizens was held on Saturday. Tiie object was not known to your ciurespomient.

F. It. Yerxa has returned from Fargo ....(>. ll .loiinson re|>oi(swhcat 6 inches

high around Los Angles, California...( 'has. Mcl.eod, ol licaulicu, was in town on Wednesday, shaking hands with his friends.

Harness Makers, ST. THOMAS.


Carriage and Farm Harness ON IIAKD.

ito.uo. The town board assembled at the post

office on the iSrd tilt.

The last few days were somewhat, re­sembling a blizzard.

Mr. Sym, of Osnabruck, was in the vicinitv one day last week on business. "

The post master complains of not feel­ing well, but we hope to see him about as usual ere long.

Edwa'd P-argcr's house >vas found to be on tire on Thursday of last week. The flames were extinguished before much damage was done.







Done. J Adjaatg Onelf to auiyUorsasneck lias two rows of

Sticking, Will hold llamas

in place.

Hone Genuine Unless Stamped with oar ••Trade-Mark."


St. Paul, Minneapolis

Manitoba, RAILWAY.


15,000 MITES OP ROAD lHthe;)ii!yliiu uxtcudiiitftlirriigl; tl,(-

PARK REGION OF MINNESOTA, Tcinll priucii r.] jmiiitc in

Red River Valley, Northern Minnesota,

Northern Dakota, AND TO

Devil's Lake and Turtle Mountain District

C<mtuiui:ii: Over

9,000,000 ACRES Government Lands,

Tlie t.ntiil lii-jKirtimhi of the St. |.oiil. Jiiniie Mimiti lin I:i;»ny lins exili>lvt;

ofi!h* r.Mij ii:!;-, 1:,,,.:... I:, >:anii<.!ja, u:k! all i-or rtsp n !i-iu r r.-Lih t„ „f

tonne, <li si'ViptiM! or 11Ti:ti;. p:u ti(Ml;ir,t;utt nlmuM lK-a.Mr>.s»,Mjt.

MapsanM .l'.-cril.lMM!^ SlvliiK riiit-.-- iilTiiri.- ('. I-1:!•; 1-: l1 >.lily a.l.ln-sa.lij-,

.1 AS. 15. I'i'N ['ij. c. ti, v. ,ir>"' '1 >• iu'i.


CLEARANCE SALE of the season, at

Communication. Editor of ri NKKK Exrmws.

For the information of our friends and in justice to tiie manv who have subscribed for lots in the Walhalla ceme­tery, I would ask you to inseit the fol­lowing : The cemetery company is working under a charter procured from the Legislature of llie Teiritory of Da­kota, under the name of the Walhalla Presbyterian Manse and Cemetery Coin panv. They have purchased forty aercK of land adjoining the tmvnsite of Wal­halla, t wenty of which have been appro­priated for a cemetery, and the remainder for the Presbyterian manse, and gardens, on which is already erected a ;v«i I sub-Hlantial resilience, stable and we!!. And a very good start made for a botanical garden under the care of tlie 1'ev. John Scott, Presbvteriau minister in charge. The situation cannot lie excelled for grandeurof laud scape scenery any where in the lied river valllev. A part ol the

i grounds are elevated about two hundred and fifty feet above the town of Walhalla, anil the grain elevators of Neclie. and Bathgate, twenty miles away, and the Hyde Pari: and St. Joe churches, are plainly to be seen on a fair day from this elevation. The company as chattered is composed of three persons, viz: William l!est, of Cay centre, James Ilvde, of llvde Park, and S. O. Medina of Walhalla, who are working not for their own pecuniary benefit, hut for the general public in order to erect, beautify aud maintain, a respectable burial place lor the dead. The grounds will he laid out in accord-witli the usual style of cemeteries and a vault erected. The material for which is already secured. lOver green trees and hardy flowering shrubs will be interspers­ed among tiie natural oak and poplar that now embellish I lie grounds, a eon. signnient of which lias already been re-receivcd from James Uoldie Ksi|.,. of (iiiclph. Ontario, being a douator to the cemetery. The average size of lots will be 10x20 feet, one hundred and fitly of which liaye already been subscribed for at five dollars per lot. And about seven­ty of these have been paid for. The grounds will lie surveyed in the spring, and alxmt three hundred lots posted and allotted to the different subscribers. The main drive ways are already marked out and the outside survejs completed. Twelve interments have already taken place, some of them from a distance of twenty miles. May they rest in peace till the resurrection morn!

The company rest assured that all in­terested in the good work thus com­menced, will assist them financially and otherwise in removing the debt, thus ac­cumulated, and thereby leave our manse and cemetery free, anil the company in a position to go on with the lieccessary im­provements. Subscriptions and dona­tions can be sent to the secretary, the Rev. John 'Scott, of Walhalla, Pembina county, D. T., Presbyterian minister in charge of mission, who is authorized to give receipts for tiie same. Thanking you for the space occupied, I remain,

Yours, Ac. S. O. Mc(u i.\,

Chairman of the Company.

$100,000 -to loan- $100,000 ON

GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY. CuII< ctioiif. Fire, Lightning, Tornado, Ilurri-

eumsainl lluil Insurance u specially. AIho Com-voytweirg and .ill bt the 1'. S. l.and Ollicc ut rales to *uil parties.

JOHN MuMlLLAX, N .tary I'ublie, Hamilton, ]). T.

(Formerly G.-ronx House.)




iron last WIU b« Billed FREE to til ft&pUcuu, aq4 to oattoatrcof lut tmv without ordwlac II. It couuint about IN bum, COO illuitrftttoM, prleu, aeeortt* tfMorlpU»D* tod vftluSi* tflrwtloM forptftotlnt *11 varlMlM ct Ud fXOWEK SKIM, BDLKI^A; iSfiSSS to all. MMotally lo MMkirOMfew? fend £r O. M. FIRRY * CO., Datrott, MMllgu,


Friday, January To make room for the

new Spring- Goods. Wo will offer 20

per cent off during- the month, on Men's and Boys' suits, Overcoats, Ladies' cloaks, Boots and Shoes; and 20 per ct. olf nearly ail goods (excepting- groceries,) Tuesdays and Fridays of each week, until we get sick, which won't be very long-. With the exceptionally low prices we have been selling our good© at, it makes it a grand op­portunity for every body to secure their wants.

Don't tarry long, as our Special sale will continue but a short time.

Don't forget the place. pw § CHWMW


Pembina & Neche.

LIVERY Feed and Sale Stable.

The Largest in Pembina County.

Good rigs and careful tl rivers alwavs at hand.

H. MASON, Proprietor.

County and Municipal Officrs of Dakota.

J5y W. II. Bierly, Attorney at Law, Grand Forks, author of ami Duties of County hip 1 Township Ollicers of Pennsylvania." A convenient hand hook for lawyers, county and township ollieers, au«l all who desire to he well informed on the duties* of citizenship. Head tho following notes of the hook:

Kar,?o Iti-publican:—1"Should be In thu hands of e very riitic r. and will be found a wurcu of vnlutkMu information to bnvinefs men gtnierally.

Fnnro Aririis:—•-Mr. Uierly if i\ uentlcmnn of uln.m Judye McCVuikH m;*# • he Js u thorough li.'.vycr/ "

Valley City Times:—'A :iml uomprc-he:isive work. Jt* posKpdtfou t»y all who desir<* t<> heeome conversant with tlto duties t.f <-tieh ulliee, is ti prime necessity."

CurrhiKlon News:—"Mr. Iii-. rly, uk a lawv. r, i*= heartily endorsed by eonipeteut ju«i^ex in lVtmsylvania aud Dakota."

Sargent County Teller:—uKvery' Hieiul should have it."

ilillsLorc hanuer:—*-A patient uti l e.\huu.<ive compilation."

Hi*marek Tribune:—' Of hin-timuble value lo county and town officers—prtcise and eompro heiiHivc."

iirufiou New*and Tiiuex:—••Subject fully but tersely treuted."

Price fr.V>0. Can !>e ordered direct from the iiutlior or lnul in connection witli the I'ionkkk ExniKsa on terms given elsewhere.

MRS. C. O'HARA, DBESSiAMEB, Regs to thank her iiunierinisciiHtoincrxof

the Four ConiiT.s l;,r |,;ist i,;it-romifro, ami [., inform them that

she is still |iie|<ared to t|(J everything in Hie line of

Dresmaking, fiflantlemakihg, &c Trimmings, Patterns,

tkc,., alivavs on hand. Ladies are invited lo call any time.

n»um* over l>rxn'n Slorr. Pembina. Dakota.

No.v is the time tosecure that hook of unparalleled interest, "Grant's Personal

emoirs." The undersigned has the exclusive Agency for Pembina and C' counties, dive your order early.

(.'. \V. I.i tks, Poinl'iiia, D.T.

Perfection at last.

Haviiii; paid strict attention to the production of a better style and quality ol hoots'mid shoes than are commonly ma le, [ tube thu pleasure of calling the readers attcnti> utotlie fact. Experience shows that iiood etiritom work is appre­ciated hy all, and that not low prices, hut thu best of material and style is what is wanted. price for a ^ood hoot or -hoe are not the lowc.-.i, because I make no cheap orsl.oddy ^oods; the latter ol which is dear at any price. 1 claim for my boots and shoe* thattluiy excel all others manufactured; first, ill style, second in neatness of lit, third in tpiailtv and fourth in superior workmanship. Ail uoik warranted, and can be sent to any one per parcel post to any part of the states or territories at one cert per ounce. Whenever you may be it. tho city, I would be very pleased totake your order. Yours truly,

i'A). C. Kl.OItANCK, Pembina, D. T.


Chicago, Milwaukee

and St. Paul KAIL WAY

Is the fast mail shoit line from St. Paul and Minneapolis via I.aCrosse and Mil­waukee to Chicago ami all points in tho Kastern States ami Canada. It is tho only line under one management be­tween .St. Paul and Chicago, and is the linest equipped railway in the northwest. It is the only liuerunnint; Pullman draw-iiiK-room sleeping cai*s with luxurious smoking rooms, and the finest dining care in the world, via the famous " Itiver Hank lioutc, along the shores of t ake Pepin ami the beautiful Mississippi River to Milwaukee and Chicago. Its trains connect with those of tho Xorthefh lines in the Grand I'niofi Depot at .St. Paul. Xo change of cars of any class between St. Paul and Chicago. For through tickets, time-tables and full information, apply to any coupon ticket agent in the N' Jt. Miller, general manager;

.1. !•'. Tucker, Ass't. Gen'l. Manager; A. V. 11. Curpenter, Gen'l. Pass, and Tkt. Ag't"; Geo. II. Ilcaffoiid, Ass't. Gen'l. Pass, and Tkt. Ag't., -Milwaukee, Wis, .V. II. Dixon, Ass't Gen'l Pass, agent, St. Paul

Winter Reading. it appears to ho a notable fact that the

best farmers, and the best stockmen are the very best friends of newspapers. It is generally tho old fogy and the ne'er-do-wells, that scofrat "book and newspaper larnui," and if they are in­duced to take their home county paper they never read it. The progressive farmers, those who get thirty bushels of wheat to the acre, and own line, fat, sleek cattle and horses, are invmiably men whose sitting room table will be generously supplied with, not only local newspapers, but agricultural journals, books relating to stock, to feeding ani­mals, which contain the thoughts and experiments of able men, who devote their lime ami energies to advance the cause of agriculture and to learn how to produce more abundant cro]#s, sis well as to surround their stock with the best conditions for raising them successfully and profitably.

I''very farmer in the Northwest will bo benefitted greatly by subscribing to one or more; good agricultural papers, and if one is published near by it certainly should be a regular visitor in the family.

The Northwestern Farmer, published tit largo, Dakota, is doing a good work throughout the Northwest, and wo have decided to o.'Ver it to every old subscriber as well as to all new subscribers in con* nection with the 1'ioxkeu Kxpiikss for $2 a year, the subscription being paid in advance. Or, vou can order the North­western Farmer direct from Fargo for one dollar per year in advance. We will have sample copies sent to any address <>n application,