the pathfinder dec 2014

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  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014













    February 28, 2015 is

    scheduled for our all-

    church Future Story


    The calendar year starts on January 1st but for the Church,its New Year starts on Advent Sunday (the fourth Sunday

    before Christmas). The actual date varies, but it is usually the

    last Sunday in November or the rst Sunday in December.

    This year it is November 30.

    Advent comes from the Latin word adventus, which means

    coming, and its the time when the Church gets ready for

    the coming of Jesus, celebrated at Christmas. Adventswatchwords are preparation and waiting. Its about looking

    outward and ahead. Its time for Christians to declare that




    December 2014

    December 2014










  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014


    2 December 2014

    AdventWaiting for More than SantaContinued from page 1

    Gods previous incursion into human aairs

    through Jesus Christ is not the end of the

    story but the foundation for a future hope of

    God bringing ultimate promises to fruition.

    We really do have a story of hope and love

    that the world needs to hear!

    Consider this: A study conducted by

    LifeWay Research found that 91 percent

    of Americans celebrate Christmas,

    including people who call themselves

    atheists, agnostics or other. The study

    also found that one of the ways47 percentof households celebrate the holiday is

    by attending special Christmas Eve or

    Christmas Sunday services. The research

    also shows that people are more open

    during the Christmas season to matters

    of faith, which is why Id suggest seizing

    the opportunity the season provides: to

    invite friends and acquaintances to come

    hear the story and sing the carols of the

    season. 67 percent of Americans say a

    personal invitation from a church-going

    family member would be the most

    eective method a local congregation or

    faith community could use to invite them

    to attend. Invitations to attend church froma friend or neighbor are almost as eective,

    with 63 percent of Americans indicating this

    variety of invitation would be eective.

    Inviting people, making guests and

    strangers feel welcome, making room; these

    are not the work of a church committee.

    Beginning the first

    Sunday in December,

    the Giving Tree of

    First Christian Church,

    Tacoma will have a

    giving tree set up in the

    Narthex (the gatheringarea or front room right

    o the sanctuary). The

    Giving Tree is decorated with ornaments

    of paper which have on them a Christmas

    gift for each of four families that include six

    adults and thirteen young people.. You are


    By: Rev. Barbara Blaisdell

    This is the work of every Christian, of

    every single one of US! Especially in this

    season, as we remember the birth of the

    One for whom there was no room at the

    inn, I am mindful that we must make sure

    at every worship service, at every gatheringof our beloved congregation that our rst

    job is to make certain that there is a place for

    the Christ who comes hidden in the guise

    of the least of these. What will youdo this

    season to help your neighbor await more

    than Santa?




  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014


    December 2014 3

    invited to choose an ornament, purchase

    the gift listed and return it to the church

    by Christmas Sunday, December 21, gift-

    wrapped in Christmas paper with the right

    code name on the gift tag.

    Why should we add this expense to an

    already expensive holiday for our families,

    for people whose names we do not know?

    Let me answer this way: in late September,

    we were privileged to have a gifted preacher

    at First Christian Church, Tacoma. In thatsermon, whose scripture was the familiar

    story of the Good Samaritan, the Rev. Dr.

    Chuck Blaisdell said this:

    if you havent already done so,

    start thinking about your Christmas

    list now - and think about that list

    in a new way. What do I mean?Well, I suspect that on your list, like

    mine, are your spouse, your children

    and parents, your grandchildren

    and friends, your co-workers and

    neighbors. What Id like you to do is

    to join me in planning right now to add

    one extra person to your list. If you

    are shopping for your grandchildren,

    then add another grandchild to that

    list one whom you dont know but

    who needs food, or clothing, or shoes,

    or even a toy. Maybe he or she is at ahome for abused children, or one of

    those children in northern Colorado or

    eastern Washington or New Orleans

    or California whose lives are still

    hurting from the ravages of ood or

    re, or one of those children in the

    Sudan or Syria who have ed from

    terror. Or if you are going to shop for

    your friends, then may I urge you to

    add one more friend to that list? You

    wont know him or her, and he or she

    may be a refugee in the Middle East or

    the victim of an earthquake in Pakistan

    or a soldier a long way from home.

    But they are your neighbors too.

    When Barbara and I moved to Hawaii,

    we quickly learned that the Hawaiian

    language has the perfect word to sum

    up the story of the Good Samaritan:

    the word hana`i. That word denotes

    someone is like family, who really IS

    family, family not by biology but bychoice. And what the Good Samaritan

    story tells us is that with God as

    our heavenly parent, the Father and

    Mother of us all, we are all, whether

    near or far, hana`i brothers and sisters.

    God has made us family with all

  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014


    4 December 2014

    Giving TreeContinued from page 3

    As 2014 nears its

    end, it is a good

    time to reflect

    on the past and

    look forward

    to the future of

    our Church. It is

    also time for me

    to step down as

    Moderator and look to other ways to serve

    in our church body.

    In the last two years our congregation has

    THANKS!By: Rich Eltrich

    kinds of people whom we know and

    who are close by - and with all kinds

    of other people whom we will never

    meet. The Good Samaritan put thatman who was in the ditch on his list

    to give a gift to; will you join me in

    adding someone to your own gift list

    who needs you?

    The song that every child knows at this

    time of year says this of Santa Claus:

    Hes making a list and checking ittwice Id like to invite you to check

    your own list twice or more and make

    sure, indeed, that on that list is a gift for

    someone who oh-so-needs your help.

    And, whats more, maybe youre like

    me, in that you really dont need any

    more stu and in fact are thinking

    about how to pare down your stu!If so, invite your family and friends to

    make their Christmas lists and instead

    of giving a gift TO you, ask them to

    consider giving a gift in your honor

    to one of those organizations that is

    helping to assuage hurt in this world.

    Ask those on your list if they would like a gift

    to Habitat for Humanity or the Food Bank or

    Associated Ministries or for needy families

    at FCC. And then designate those gifts to

    FCC in their honor and well make sure they

    get where they need to be. If you do, they

    and you will have the joy of knowing that

    those gifts will be used well for members

    of your hana`i family somewhere in Godsgood world. Will you join me in checking

    your lists and making those gifts?

    Barbara Blaisdell, Senior Pastor

  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014


    December 2014 5

    worked through some signicant changes.

    The challenges have been many. From

    changes in worship style to many personal

    changes to improving nancial support

    for the church. All of these issues have

    challenged us as a congregation and some

    will continue to challenge us into the future.

    The good news is you have elected a group

    of volunteers who have stepped up to take

    on these challenges with renewed vigor.

    Many thanks to those on the Search

    Committee who worked with it for well

    over a year to select Pastor Blaisdell as our

    Senior Pastor. What a blessing! Many thanks

    to those who served on the Board, Elders

    and various committees. Your guidance,

    thoughtful consideration on tough issues

    and prayerful decision making skillfully

    guided our church though these times.

    Many thanks to the Deacons for all the workyou do each Sunday and other times when

    called on.

    There are many people who warrant special

    kudos for the above and beyond work they

    do for our church. Here are a few who I

    remember from this past year; Jim Treece, for

    working to keep our grounds and buildingswell maintained. Jim is present on the

    church grounds weekly to work with sta

    and contractors who maintain the buildings

    or do repairs. Linda Hickcox, for working

    with sta to order our books, make them

    more transparent and make them balance.

    Lela Cox, who works with children each

    Sunday during service to provide Christian

    education to them. All the volunteers who

    work weekly in the oce to help Pastor

    Blaisdell and her sta. Finally, to all of our

    volunteers who do the work of the church or

    are called by Christ to be in service through

    our church, thank you!

    As we look to the future I want to encourage

    you to please plan to participate in our

    scheduled Future Story Congregational

    meeting set for February 28th. The

    Committee that is working with Dick Hamm

    on crafting the details to assist you in helping

    to tell the story of FCC into the future is

    working hard on gathering information

    for this process. Why is this meeting so

    important? This meeting will help craft the

    direction FCC will move into the future. This

    means developing concrete actionable work,planned out and prayerfully considered

    The only people who can do that is our

    church body, we need you! Called by

    Christ to serve in this church we are the

    ones who must decide through prayerful

    consideration and thoughtful planning what

    is important to bringing Christs message

    to this community and what is not. Whatwill our choices of program and ministry

    be? How committed will we be to carrying

    those out? Please come and share this church

    changing event with your fellow brothers

    and sisters in Christ.

  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014


    6 December 2014

    ThanksContinued from page 5

    Like a roller coaster

    barreling down thatrst long hill, we are

    running straight into

    the holiday season.

    Along with all the

    festivities, excitement,

    reflection and worship, December 31

    becomes one of the last hurrahsone last

    chance for parties, for tasty treats andevenings with friends and family full of

    fun and laughter. New Years Eve marks

    the end of 2014.

    Many of us use this opportunity to reect

    on the year just passing, with all of its joys

    and sorrows, successes and failures. We

    hope we have learned lessons that willhelp to guide our actions in the new year

    so that we avoid repeating mistakes, and

    nd greater happiness by making progress

    toward our goals.

    And then comes New Years Day. Fresh and

    READY OR NOT!By: Becky Metcalf

    Finally, thank you so much for giving me

    the opportunity to work with you. I look

    forward to serving with you in the future.

    Moderator FCC

    Rich Eltrich

    pure, a brand new calendar page that has

    not been written on. This is our chance to

    make a new start, forget the past and forge

    boldly into the next chapter of our lives.

    As in our personal lives, so the communitythat gathers for worship and ministry at

    6th and Orchard will also walk across a

    threshold into a new year, full of changes

    The church operates on the calendar year

    for business, and so January will mark a

    transition to a new church board, and a time

    to re-set our sights for the future.

    As the incoming Board Moderator, I am

    eager to begin this new adventure. We have

    come through some unsure times, you and

    me, on our journey in the past few years. But

    things are now beginning to stabilize with

    both a permanent Senior Pastor and Minister

    of Music and Spirituality in place. The new

    board can move from the business of trying

    to call a new pastor to now listening very

    carefully to Gods call for our future together

    At this point, I cant even imagine what that

    is; however, I know Gods plans for us are

    wonderful and life-giving and abundant

    Just as we say goodbye to the old year and

    welcome the new, our challenge now is tolet go of the past and take faithful steps into

    a new future with our way always being lit

    by the presence of Gods Spirit.

    I hope you will join with me in looking

    forward eagerly, expectantly, to the next

  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014


    December 2014 7

    Thanksgiving Sunday

    we were oered the

    opportunity to pledge

    our support for the

    ministry and mission

    of First ChristianChurch. We had 39

    giving units turn in a

    pledge card. 38 of those pledged a specic

    amount. The 39th card contained a pledge to

    tithe with no specic amount listed. These


    Thank you to all

    who contributed

    to the poinsettias!

    Poinsettias will goup on Thursday

    December 11th for

    the last two Sundays

    of Advent including

    Christmas Sunday

    ( the last Sunday of Advent) and Christmas

    Eve. Anyone who would like to help place

    the poinsettias is invited to come for lightpotluck refreshments at 5:30.

    Unhanging of the Greens the undecorating

    party with light potluck refreshments will

    be after Sunday Jan 4th Epiphany.

    TIS THE SEASON......



    Nov 30Learning to Wait

    I. Waiting for the ReningFire (HOPE)

    Isaiah 64:1-9; Mark 13:24-37

    Dec 7Learning to Wait

    II. Waiting for the Shepherds Care (PEACE)Isaiah 40:1-11

    Dec 14Learning to Wait

    III. Waiting on the Light (JOYJohn 1:6-8, 19-28

    Dec 21Learning to Wait

    (Christmas Sunday)

    IV. Waiting on the Sovereign Child(LOVE)

    Luke 1:39-56

    Christmas Eve @ 7:00 pm(Service of Lessons and Carols)

    chapter, the future story of Gods body here

    at First Christian Church. Make your hearts

    tender for Gods direction, and make plans to

    play the part that only you can play. Because,

    ready or not, the future is nearly here!

  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014


    8 December 2014

    The First Church Calendar Fundraiser has

    been a great

    success! Thirty


    and families

    have already

    ordered 78

    calendars and

    donated about

    $500.00. These

    funds will be used for our educational

    ministries. The best news is that there are 22

    calendars still available (unless we have to



    For Each HouseholdPastor Barbara has purchased a limited

    number of Advent

    Devotionals for adults.

    They will be available

    on Thanksgiving

    Sunday as a gift from

    her home to yours, one

    per each participanthousehold.

    For Families with Children

    Pastor Barbara has purchased a limited

    number of these Advent

    devotionals for families

    with children as a gift

    from her family to yours

    They will be available on

    Thanksgiving Sunday,

    one per each participant

    household with children

    pledges are gifts from about 70 people. The

    pledges turned in so far add up to $113, 746.

    We are aware that we have other regular

    givers who have not yet had a chance toturn in a pledge card. There are cards still

    available in the church oce and at the

    reception desk in the narthex. Wed love to

    still hear from you. Finally, we are grateful

    to all our generous

    givers of time, talent

    and treasure. You

    make the ministry of

    Jesus possible at 6th

    and Orchard.


    order even more) and you still have a month

    before its time to hang your beautiful and

    useful 2015 calendar where you can use it

    every day. Dont forget that these calendars

    will also make great Christmas gifts. See

    Joe Mills, the Calendar Guy, before or afterSunday worship.

  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014


    supply was not sending sucient wattage

    to consistently make the connection for

    some of the notes. Our electrician, Bob Blue,

    was able to improve this situation enough

    to use the organ for Thanksgiving Sunday.

    We were excited to have Tim Drewes, the

    organ restorer, play the organ Thanksgiving

    Sunday and accompany Monica Steele and

    the Chancel Choir on the piano for the choir

    anthem, Jesus Christ, the Apple Tree.

    We ordered a new power supply, a $200

    item, and should have it installed for the

    rst Sunday in Advent. All work should be

    complete by the second Sunday of Advent

    Thanks again to all those who have already

    contributed to the organ fund and who

    are considering doing so. If you have not

    contributed and would like to, we are

    establishing an organ maintenance fund to

    ensure we have the funds to maintain the

    organ in the future. This is an investment inour musical/spiritual heritage. We praise

    God for those who rst invested and those

    who continue to invest in an instrument

    built in 1923 for $10,000 (now worth over

    $500,000) that will continue to praise God!!

    Again, we are so grateful for the folks who

    have contributed to the organ fund. We

    received $4025 !These gifts plus the $1500

    we already have in the budget will enable

    us to complete this years work on the organ.

    Our new goal is to have the organ up to

    its best potential by the second week of

    Advent. You know the Spirit is working

    when things get done ahead of the original


    During the third week of work on the organ,

    almost done with the rst two phases of the

    work, we found that the electrical power

    December 2014 9


    By: Monica Steele

  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014


    10 December 2014

    About Tim Drewes

    Tim Drewes has been playing music for a

    long time - since he was six. He graduated

    from Pacic Lutheran University in Tacoma,

    Washington, in 1982 with performance

    degrees in both piano and organ. His organ

    teacher was David Dahl.

    Tinkering with organs was one of his

    favorite things. In high school, he worked

    for organbuilder Byard Fritts. (Byards son

    Paul is now a well- known organ builder.)

    American organs of the Victorian period are

    one of his passions. After college he worked

    for George Bozeman in New Hampshire and

    later Richard Bond in Oregon, both known

    for their work with historic organs. In 1994,

    the American Institute Of Organbuilders

    ( awarded him their

    Colleague certicate.

    William Porter and Yuko Hayashi were his

    teachers during graduate school at New

    England Conservatory. He is an active

    performer on piano and organ in the Seattle-

    Tacoma area. Tim played for three national

    conventions of the Organ Historical Society

    Organ NewsContinued from page 7

    ( He lives in an

    old house in Auburn, Washington with his

    wife, Cheryl and son, Issac who are also


    GIVING TREEWe are helping four

    families. Look for gift requests on the

    giving tree for one you might like to

    give. Please return it gift wrappedwith a gift tag that identies the family

    and recipient by the letter and number

    indicated on the gift request.


    TIME STAFFYou are invited to give

    a cash gift for distribution to our part

    time sta for Christimas.



    REGIONlook for more information

    on this opportunity.


  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014


  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014



    Currently all newsletters are printed on

    recycled paper, but is that really enough? To

    help out Mother Earth we are asking if youwould like to receive an electronic version

    of the newsletter? If so, please contact

    Cassie at: [email protected] with subject

    Lets Save Mother Earth and please let

    us know the best e-mail address to send

    your electronic newsletter to. Thank you

    for Going Green.

    This Summer the Writing for Fun & Family

    group had a fantastic time being creative

    and exploring ways of expressing ones self

    through writing. For a limited time youcan read their compilations in Memories

    Laughter & Tears for $5 (while supplies

    last). All proceeds will be donated to the

    churchs organ nd. To get your copy there

    will be a table set up in the narthex or you

    can reach Myra Gormley.



    During a recent event at

    the church our Kitchen

    coordinators notice we

    had several missing hot

    water pitchers. Though

    we were able to borrow

    some from another churchfor the event, we would like to remind

    everyone to please return items that they

    have borrowed from the kitchen. Thank you

    for your cooperation and understanding.


    GIFT IDEAS FOR FCCIn November, we began

    to collect for the YWCA

    Womens Shelter. There are

    still donations we can give

    for these women who are

    afraid to go home:

    12 December 2014


    We are still in need of cookies and small

    muns labeled and dated and stored in

    our freezer in zip lock bags. So If you love

    to bake, please consider donating a portion

    of your latest eorts. If baking is not your

    thing, you can bring goodies that are store

    bought or you can help us set up by making

    coee and/or clean up. There is a sign-up

    sheet in the Gathering Area (Narthex) and

    a complete instruction sheet for doing the

    coee fellowship is in a binder on top of

    the coee machine.

  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014


    YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!By: Norma Carolyn

    The numbers of people served at the

    Northwest Tacoma Food Bank on distribution

    days keep growing. Five FCC volunteers

    donated their time on Wednesday, November19, and four volunteers donated their time on

    Saturday , November 22. On Wednesday,

    175 families visited the Food Bank to receive

    December 2014 13

    Large size disposable diapers; regular size

    toiletry items shampoo, deodorant, lotion,

    soap, body wash, disposable razors, etc ;

    small suitcases, large totes, pillow cases;

    hand towels, kitchen towels, washcloths,

    dishcloths; sweatshirts

    Lets also double our eorts to support

    Nativity House, for whom we have been

    collecting on a regular basis. During the

    cold weather, the warm hospitality oered

    at Nativity House is a Godsend for the


    Used or new mens clothing, especially

    socks and underwear; mens toiletries

    deodorant, shaving cream, razors, small

    tubes of toothpaste

    Womens toiletries

    Boxes are in the Parlor ready to receive your

    love oerings

    food supplies, and 166 families visited the

    Food Bank on Saturday.

    These families included 1,141 individuals.

    Your donations helped make a dierence

    in their lives.

    For every $1.00 donated, the food bank

    can distribute $7.00 worth of food, enough

    food for a meal for a family of four. You can

    put your donation in the collection plate on

    Sunday, mark it Food Bank and well get

    it to the NW Tacoma Food Bank.

    If you wish to donate non-perishable

    food items in the

    Food barrel in the

    Narthex, items

    most needed are

    chili and stew,

    tuna, peanutb u t t e r , a n d

    canned beans and

    fruit. Non-food

    i tems always

    in demand are

    toi let paper ,

    large diapers,

    shampoo, soap and toothpaste.

    The next dates for FCC volunteers to donate

    time at the Food Bank are December 31

    and January 3. Contact Ginny Quiring or

    Norma Carolyn to volunteer your time.

  • 8/10/2019 The Pathfinder Dec 2014











    First Christian Church of Tacoma602 North Orchard StreetTacoma, Washington 98406253-752-7734