the p3 edge • vol 2 • jan/feb/march 2015

Page 1 Edge The P3 A Charlottesville Employee Newsletter Volume 2 • Jan/Feb/March 2015 “The first things you see are the eyes. If they are going back and forth, it’s a snake.” Ron Cook calmly explains the view from a city pipe inspecon ro- bot. “You never know what you’ll find down there!” And that is one of the reasons the City has pipe inspecon devices. The City is required to inspect every new storm water pipe. These pipes drain storm water directly to creeks and rivers and therefore contrib- ute to the general cleanliness of our environment, not just in Charloes- ville but, as all water is connected, the world. The pipes also provide an escape route for water in mes of heavy rain. When a pipe is faulty, it can cause sediment to buildup, creat- ing blockage and flooding manholes. Before we had technology, humans had to do this, at great expense and with permits required and some- mes with much digging involved. (That’s why they call them “manhole covers”.) Some pipes could not be inspected except externally without breaking into them. But technology has given Ron Cook, our city storm water pipe inspector, a window into the heart of Charloesville’s under- ground waterways. The City has two robots: the first, purchased in 2005, has a CCTV cam- era, remote control ability and inter- changeable wheels for different ter- rain. That was advanced technology then. The newest, obtained in 2013, also includes lasers to take precise measurements of the pipe and a full image of the enre pipe, allowing the City to be proacve and to hold con- tractors accountable for their work. Thanks to technological innovaons Remote Control Robots Used to Inspect City Pipelines See Robots • Page 3 VALUE: CREATIVITY Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a resul holiday season. As a new year begins, I am very ex- cited about the opportunies for our organizaon to connue to make a difference in the lives of our residents. You don’t always read about it in the news, but we are providing high qual- ity services that truly help people. From public safety to social services. From parks and recreaon to transit. Every one of you is enhancing the quality of life for this community. Do we have challenges? Without ques- on. However, what I appreciate about our City Council, our staff and the public is that we embrace those challenges and try our best to solve them. We do not shy away from dif- ficult issues, and we never will. Our strategic plan is one example of our commitment to making life beer in Charloesville for everyone in our city. I look forward to working with you in 2015 to make that happen! All the Best, Maurice Jones, City Manager A Message from the City Manager:

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A City of Charlottesville Employee Newsletter


Page 1: The P3 Edge • Vol 2 • Jan/Feb/March 2015

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A Charlottesville Employee NewsletterVolume 2 • Jan/Feb/March 2015

“The first things you see are the eyes. If they are going back and forth, it’s a snake.” Ron Cook calmly explains the view from a city pipe inspection ro-bot. “You never know what you’ll find down there!” And that is one of the reasons the City has pipe inspection devices.

The City is required to inspect every new storm water pipe. These pipes drain storm water directly to creeks and rivers and therefore contrib-ute to the general cleanliness of our environment, not just in Charlottes-ville but, as all water is connected, the world. The pipes also provide an escape route for water in times of heavy rain. When a pipe is faulty, it can cause sediment to buildup, creat-ing blockage and flooding manholes.

Before we had technology, humans had to do this, at great expense and with permits required and some-times with much digging involved. (That’s why they call them “manhole covers”.) Some pipes could not be inspected except externally without breaking into them. But technology has given Ron Cook, our city storm water pipe inspector, a window into the heart of Charlottesville’s under-ground waterways.

The City has two robots: the first, purchased in 2005, has a CCTV cam-era, remote control ability and inter-

changeable wheels for different ter-rain. That was advanced technology then. The newest, obtained in 2013, also includes lasers to take precise measurements of the pipe and a full image of the entire pipe, allowing the City to be proactive and to hold con-tractors accountable for their work. Thanks to technological innovations

Remote Control RobotsUsed to Inspect City Pipelines

See Robots • Page 3


Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a restful holiday season. As a new year begins, I am very ex-cited about the opportunities for our organization to continue to make a difference in the lives of our residents. You don’t always read about it in the news, but we are providing high qual-ity services that truly help people.

From public safety to social services. From parks and recreation to transit. Every one of you is enhancing the quality of life for this community. Do we have challenges? Without ques-tion. However, what I appreciate about our City Council, our staff and the public is that we embrace those challenges and try our best to solve them. We do not shy away from dif-ficult issues, and we never will.

Our strategic plan is one example of our commitment to making life better in Charlottesville for everyone in our city. I look forward to working with you in 2015 to make that happen!

All the Best, Maurice Jones, City Manager

A Message from the City Manager:

Page 2: The P3 Edge • Vol 2 • Jan/Feb/March 2015

LESLIE’S CORNER A message from Leslie Beauregard, Director of Budget and Performance Management

The City’s Strategic Plan is supposed to be a living document – one that does not sit on

the shelf but lives as part of our everyday efforts and responsibilities at some level. It also takes more than having City leaders just tell you about the Strategic Plan and where the organization is going – it’s critical for all employees to understand upcoming challenges, have options explained to them, listen to concerns about change and develop consensus! But to do that we need to make the strategic plan exciting and engaging for all employees. Over the next few months, we will be rolling out opportunities for all to be engaged and involved in the Strategic Plan. In the meantime, here are a few ways we want to build excitement around the Strategic Plan.

Getting Feedback from You! – It’s not enough to just ask employees to accept change; we need to also provide those venues for feedback and communication. Whether those concerns are of a sensitive nature or around a larger issue that needs to be addressed, means of getting this feedback – from small groups to “town halls” – will be essential to make this happen.

Successfully Communicating the Strategic Plan – Creating a variety of formats to do this is important from day one of an

employee’s time with the City and throughout his or her time here. Ideas include:

• Dedicated blogs and other social media formats • Brown bag lunches • Awards and formal recognition • Visible elements to recognize the change (such as displaying values posters in the workplace)

Giving Employees Meaningful Responsibilities – We already have teams of employees working on the Strategic Plan Action Team, on each of the five Goal Teams and on a variety of Initiative Teams. There is more room to contribute however – decide to contribute to a future newsletter, or serve on a team. It does not take a huge time commitment to be involved.

Supporting Employees – Using stories to talk about the success of the Strategic Plan is the way to relate to everyone in the organization, and the values posters are a great example of this. Exhibiting the ways that employees, your co-workers, demonstrate creativity, leadership, trust, respect and excellence, tells the story of how each of you contribute to the success of the Strategic Plan.

How can you get involved? We want to hear from you with your ideas and thoughts about how we successfully communicate the Strategic Plan and what your role will be. Send an email to [email protected], and get involved today!


When she began working for the City of Charlottesville back in 1981, Rebecca Morton thought she would do so for only a few months before moving on to other professional challenges. Yet 34 years later, Ms. Morton (as her clients often call her) is still part of the Commissioner of Revenue team. “I think I am still employed by the City because I am happy and comfortable here,” Ms. Morton said. “I want to help our residents, which is what I enjoy doing the most.”

In addition to being in charge of the Virginia Individual Income Tax Filing process, Ms. Morton oversees three residential grant programs, which allow some citizens to benefit from a tax relief. Her professional contribution is very much in line with the City of Charlottesville’s organizational values. “I am a perfectionist; when colleagues or clients come to me, they know that I will do it right and even go above and beyond to ensure success. I truly believe that every tax payer deserves respect, discretion, and trust,” said Ms. Morton. Todd Divers, Commissioner of Revenue and Ms. Morton’s supervisor, says, “Becky Morton is one of those employees who you thank your lucky stars to have on your staff. A consummate professional, she is well respected, she knows all of our programs inside and out, and she is just a tremendous leader in our department. We’re mighty lucky to have her.”

Clearly passionate about her career with the City, Ms. Morton is currently working on completing a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. She also received her Master Deputy Commissioner of Revenue Certification, which is the highest recognition for professional service in the Commissioner of the Revenue Association. Looking ahead, Ms. Morton envisions working for the City until retirement; “this is my way of giving back to the community,” she says. Our organization is a better one because of dedicated individuals like Rebecca Morton.



Page 3: The P3 Edge • Vol 2 • Jan/Feb/March 2015


GO Driver Prepares City Residents for CAT EmploymentVALUE: LEADERSHIP

On November 10, 2014, twelve Charlottesville resi-dents graduated from the City’s new workforce development program: GO Driver. A pre-employment training program offering instruction in the areas of customer service, career and workplace readiness, and commercial driver’s licensing (CDL), GO Driver prepares City residents to become Relief Transit Bus Operators with Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT).

GO Driver is a partnership between the City’s Office of Economic Development and CAT, with support from the City Manager’s Office, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Social Services, and the Commissioner of Revenue’s Office. The program was established for two pri-mary reasons: 1) to help City residents attain self-sufficiency by creating training programs that will prepare them for employment, and 2) to assist CAT in finding a qualified work-force to fill vacant bus driver positions.

To date, eight of the twelve graduates have obtained

employment with CAT. According to GO Driver graduate, Kevin Damron, “I had been unemployed for almost a year when I found out about this opportunity. I tried to get a CDL on my own but had trouble getting past all of the hurdles. This program gave me a chance to get the CDL training I needed to become employed with CAT.” Latita Talbert, another graduate of the pro-gram, stated, “GO Driver gave me a chance to explore

new possibilities and secure my future with a career at CAT. Our trainers have been great, and CAT has been flexible with my schedule because I have a family.” It is anticipated that the remaining four graduates will be employed by CAT in early January 2015.

Due to the success of GO Driver, a second session is being planned for spring 2015. Additionally, three new training programs based on GO Driver are in development. All of these programs are initiatives of the City’s Strategic Action Team on Workforce Development (SAT) and were recom-mended in the SAT’s 2013 report to City Council, Growing Opportunity: A Path to Self-Sufficiency in Charlottesville.

Robots • Continuedand Ron’s willingness to embrace it, the City can now work to prevent pipe failures and respond to newly in-creased federal and state requirements. Ron also had to be creative in helping redesign the van he uses to carry the robots, traffic cones, computer control systems, shov-els and other equipment to job sites. They were generally designed for a team, and though he often works with the terrific folks in Public Service, when he travels as a one-man show he has different needs. He used creativity to help custom-build Public Works’ storm water van.

Ron CookPubic Service Program Coordinator

The Charlottesville Albemarle Convention & Visitors Bureau’s Visitors Relations Manager Tracy Kellum, in collaboration with PVCC, has designed a training

program specifically for front-line staff working in any local business serving visitors.

“Concierge Charlottesville” aims to provide superior customer service training for anyone assisting out-of-town guests, with the ultimate goal of making our destination the friendliest, most welcoming place to visitors. During this training, participants review all there is to see and do in the greater Charlottesville area and rediscover some of our attractions through the eyes of a visitor. This ensures that the information they will offer to guests is accurate and personalized.

This course is tailored to front-line staff working at hotels, restaurants, transportation companies, or attractions. So far, close to 60 people have been trained and have received credits for continuing education through PVCC.

Concierge C’villeAt Your Service!

Page 4: The P3 Edge • Vol 2 • Jan/Feb/March 2015

Thank you for reading! If you would like to submit content for a future edition of The P3 Edge, please email [email protected].


THE P3 EDGE EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTER ©2015Editor: Joe Rice Content Editors: Leslie Beauregard, Miriam Dickler, Caitlin Blessing, Maya KumazawaAuthors: Rosalind Collins, Gretchen Ellis, Bri Warner, Cheryl Sandridge, Hollie LeeCopy Editor: Paige Rice

“Strategic Plan” Word Search

YOU HAVE A VOICE!Why Employee Survey Participation is Crucial to Our Organization’s Success

Employee SurveyExtended Deadline - January 9!

In years past, survey results were the catalyst for many changes citywide such as the “great place to work” ini-tiative and the creation of the Employ-ee Appreciation Committee. Today, the Department of Human Resources and City management are committed to using the results of the 2014 sur-vey to identify multiple priority areas for deeper review and follow-up.

Presentation of the survey results and the selection of priority areas to employees will take place in June and July. Employee Action Planning Com-mittees will be created for each of the priority areas and charged with the task of developing short and long-term initiatives to address priority areas. Your feedback is valuable and WILL be used to improve our workplace.

If you have not yet completed the survey, please go online at or call Human Resources at

ext. 3490 for a paper copy. YOU WILL BE HEARD!



Diane Hoffman may be new to her City position, but she is a veteran of facilitating care for the elderly and disabled in our community. Diane came to the City in March from over a decade in UVA health system, “on the other side of things”, as an outpatient social worker for those with medical issues. Now, she has broadened her reach to the larger community of elderly and disabled in Charlottesville, including the homeless population of older adults.

The Adult Protective Services unit in Charlottesville’s Social Services department works closely with external agencies and with City departments to provide assistance, referrals, and other case management services, as well as to investigate reports related to care facilities in our area. Diane says the two best parts about working at the City are the fantastic group of people she works with every day and the amount of support she feels throughout the City, such as from City Police.

Diane and her coworkers use strategic planning to make the most of their human capital. “They are awesome,” she says. “They care so much about our clients!”

Strategic Plan Mission: To provide services and facilities that promote an

excellent quality of life for everyone in our community.

Page 5: The P3 Edge • Vol 2 • Jan/Feb/March 2015

JANUARY09 - Employee Surveys Due - ICMA Rep 9:30am–5pm/2nd Flr. CR 13 - Service Awards Luncheon 11am-1pm/Carver Rec. Center - OnSite Nurse 9:30am-11am/City Hall BCR 11:30am-1pm/Public Works CR - Coventry Representative 9am-11am/City Hall 15 - Weight Watchers Open House 12pm–1pm/Carver Rec. Center 16 - CITY HOLIDAY (Lee-Jackson) 19 - CITY HOLIDAY (MLK, Jr.) 27 - OnSite Nurse 1:30pm–3:30pm/CAT Building FEBRUARY 10 - OnSite Nurse 9:30am-11am/City Hall BCR 11:30am-1pm/Public Works CR - Coventry Representative 9am-11am/City Hall 13 - ICMA Rep 9:30am–5pm/2nd Flr. CR 16 - CITY HOLIDAY (President’s) 24 - OnSite Nurse 1:30pm–3:30pm/CAT Building MARCH 05 - ICMA Rep 9:30am–5pm/2nd Flr. CR 10 - OnSite Nurse 9:30am-11am/City Hall BCR 11:30am-1pm/Public Works CR - Coventry Representative 9am-11am/City Hall 20 - ICMA Rep 9:30am–5pm/2nd Flr. CR 24 - OnSite Nurse 1:30pm–3:30pm/CAT Building 31 - End Gym Membership Quarter


Weight Watchers Open House

Employees reaching the milestones of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service to the City during the 2014 calendar year have been invited, along with their supervisors, to the Annual Service Awards Luncheon at the Carver Recreation Center on Tuesday, January 13th. Lunch will be catered by Harvest Moon, and City Manager Maurice Jones will recognize each employee. For a list of all employees being recognized for their service go to CityNet>HR.

A special congratulations to our 40-year employees:

Judy Barlow: Having worked together for 37 years, Judy is like family to me. I am extremely thankful for her service to our department and the City. – Rosey Barbour, City Assessor

Linda Daly: Linda began her career with Parks and Recreation over forty years ago and has served in a variety of capacities for the department. She is incredibly dependable, and her attention to detail, diligence, accountability and sense of service quality has not only served the department well, but more importantly, the citizens of Charlottesville. – Brian Daly, Director of Parks & Recreation Joe Brown: Joe has been a dedicated employee for over 40 years. Joe’s late nights and long hours go without praise most of the time. His dedication allows the citizens of Charlottesville good clean water to drink. His service to the City of Charlottesville has made Charlottesville a better community. – Tim Morris, Utilities Operations Supervisor

Employee Service Award LuncheonTuesday, January 13th • 11:30am–1pm • Carver Rec Center


Thursday, January 15th • 11:45am–12:30pm • Carver Rec CenterStop by to learn how Weight Watchers can help you reach your health goals! It’s not just about losing weight, but teaching you about foods, such as what foods can curb your appetite and what foods can make you hungrier. It’s about finding ways to eat healthier and how to enjoy your favorite foods. It’s friends laughing and sharing stories, ups and downs, and good advice on what works and what doesn’t. EARLY BIRDS WILL BE ENTERED INTO A DRAWING FOR PRIZES!

Advantages of the City’s At-Work Program:

• The series price is cheaper than joining at a Weight Watcher Center. • Benefit eligible employees can be reimbursed 50% of the monthly fee if they attend at least 14 meetings each series. • You can attend meetings downtown during your lunch time or at any time at any Weight Watchers Center.

For more information contact Missy Creasy at [email protected] or Kathy McHugh at [email protected], or call x3182.


For More Info Call HR at x3490


Page 6: The P3 Edge • Vol 2 • Jan/Feb/March 2015

Each year the City offers a variety of City-sponsored trainings or courses that employees may sign up for on our intranet (CityNet), with supervisor approval. If you are interested in any of the trainings offered, please be sure to enroll through CityNet.

The Human Resources Department, with help from IT, is now able to easily view and track which trainings or courses each employee has signed up for. Please make sure that when you enroll in trainings or courses through CityNet, you ALSO sign the attendance sheet once you arrive at the particular training. If there is not an attendance sheet when

you arrive at these City-sponsored events, please make it known to the presenter. These attendance sheets play a key part in making sure the information Human Resources is producing is accurate.

If you are interested in knowing which City-sponsored trainings or courses you have taken, please send an email with your name to [email protected] or send a written request through interoffice mail to Chris Baudo in Human Resources.

City-Sponsored Trainings

The City of Charlottesville Human Resources Department will soon be launching a new system through NeoGov, our applicant tracking system, called ONboard. ONboard, “ON”, is a web-based employee on-boarding system that makes it easier for newly hired employees to complete paperwork by streamlining a variety of hiring processes. This will allow the new hire to complete paperwork at home or at any computer with access to the internet. All involved in the hiring process can easily fill out and sign digital I-9 and W-4 forms, as well as other documents that are necessary for employment with the City.

The ON system ensures that new hires have completed all of the required paperwork be-fore they submit their documents. Hiring managers can easily view progress by signing into their account, and new em-ployees will be able to access a comprehensive onlne portal of media, important documents, and the City’s vision, mission, and values.

ONboard: Streamlining the Hiring Process

Alexander Patton FireAmy Herndon Public WorksChristina Fisher NDSDavid Frazier NDSElizabeth Hamlin Social ServicesErik Alvarez Public WorksHeather Poole NDSJacob Bowlin PoliceJeannette Dean Social ServicesJerome Czarski Public WorksJill Greiner Public WorksJourdan Arnold FireKatherine Shifflett Social ServicesKiomi Brittle Public WorksLisa Love Public WorksMilton Gray Public WorksPeter Schellinger PoliceRiaan Anthony Parks & RecThomas Souter Fire

Corey Walton Public WorksKatherine Dodson FinanceKim Histand Social Services

Greg Lawson Public WorksLaura Woodworth CACVBRonald Roberts PoliceSarah Goulde-Elizares Social ServicesSteve Lawson Public WorksWilliam Byers Parks & Rec



NEW HIRES! ACI is our Employee Assistance Program, offering a wide range of services to help employees and their family members better manage whatever life issues arise, including:

• Relationship issues • Emotional well-being • Legal issues • Financial issues • Workplace challenges

ACI benefits are available to not only employees, but all family members as well – even extended family or those living out-of-state! Learn more about ACI’s services by

Regular Employee

Oct/Nov/Dec 2014