the ottqvftj ,e daily journajl - university of...

VOLUME XXM. LOULSVILLE, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21) 18rtl. NUMBER 1G0. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL rmvan jtd ptcibozd or J0UEKA1 0FI1G3 BlILDIXG, GREEN SIEJlil, K2TWB3 TliIKU AiUJ r'UUrtTil. etcBirnot& niiy, lii the .i: 7. ... $1 c 00 Pil7, by riaii, lu aivau:o. 6 01 Coaatry dauy & 6 00 weMy, in advaQo, finjis 3 Xu eh:i 2: five or ovor 1 j WT"Rfcn.iiwt4ai'M by it&t! in iciwrf ai our ATKS CP ADVHTLNO IS Tftr LonsVlLLB JOURNAL FOR HKGX'LA.t Be iquara, cfcapfftJf trc iCr, n f.niv.i.' !' ('. i do Sfi'drf.- per iURV.lii.. '"' i'J flo t3 Mi'ut-- 1 do do ii-- Cb R.xeh udd'.Eon.U e.(iih.i", unf-- l 'f tin r;'I'o, AivfctL.onitnf.-- ..'oIhiic-I k Ii. V' 1 io lirst fUiri rtiircnth ;'.,. ;il r.v. Anouccin c:i iidt- : i ! - ,,ir caiae. Real Nt' and btnnM'it a!rrirt'r.n.i(n. 'iu c"ii'H.r7-- 3l- -, I' - U'irif, '.b"ftVrical, etrcn, r.r .;:iar , p'uilifl'it'. . uc cf vr. AiiVOl'tlr-Ti'fi;- f, r t 'i j'.:.M, Kit1':!. r . 1I1V1 ifc.nie, waid, it d c'aer pc'j.-- ench like, haif noticot and cr-- manic it Jn:tffa In rd liorial oo1:!,'jub jmd jutoud. d to prorner-- private i yi wiiw per lino; tr..-- 3 ca! . t uiecre-'o- i 01" ti.fl edi'ony Ko commuMiitlo'? w'll i'rtpd sccom-- n d by the i: vpe 01 ' "i.i ttm-it- . ln rHii's i' r r.i;.:i luj.jdiuy; a cii,zie AT!tiseriifi- :e in rvt'-J-- Pi:',- - t:n Will br h h atn-- tiiic v; ii i:.- - t 'J ip l"Gr'!.il iLini iXJiitiiiutJ. I'.tl.T nr-- t iji."5: ti'.Ji, in t:i-- Ui Hn'.ictiLi, on.;- -'.'i ti:c nto-- AcivrtL'CTjpn- - kv-- iu (i:e l.iji-l- of th o jorivj srr Liri'pi) an oiln fT'tt. , AivnHr:fH :iatp.;- - f r'lh' JnimaL .'. .'h 7;ir'- I'J line nr lew), firot iiiit.'iwii i l ' I vh w.r.tinuRiire lA) Viiirfn not It r;;ii- -t V.i to i n:ij t p ni- - PcirtifiKnt? of y,'s.rl :.5 vei-- ' v (bi'fi tii3 ol:.'-- r if no fi..Jl l : till uouji. No fun ;.r At': if 7.e: i;:'" rrti-- r. ins'l wib"iit vivici':i ii ,)cc i 'i, uor wtii a.:i."- e MEDICAL. MANHOOD. flow Losi, Slow Restored. Juu IHbishta, in a &akd Lrvc;s;, ON THK NATCKE. TJiiOATM LM . AN1) JUDK'L ;l ltfc; Ol'yi'i- MM a.i-- V. n Rcxufti ldSility, u tr.J olit'it-.r- y Kaii. joub, HiQinintf Im;U:-'-- j iiiila! ami eujacu.! IiT HOP. J. ('I LVKIIWELL. 21. D. Author oi' i;;g i.ire,;u ii. i;," c. The ap.ihor, in ctc.jlj- - rrcvfe i; - Uj own ir-- 1 vltiio.u ii"Aik'i:io Kiiti vii'aout'dvijtToui bongi.w, intnu-i-Ti- t , nrjK-.o- r , jMliiitiig out & mode of cure at ohm nud iftl by which ttiHi. r.s, i.o tmtff r w hat lii- - condi- tion may bo, in-- we ci,4, ?, ord This Loct.'rr prove a b:i tuo.iaa4j fctld tilOM'ri(i4. Sent imdftr to any - r"f rJ ;'f, on the of tvo ;o3lan ftutp, Dr. CH. J. J. KL1NK, fiL D., 17 bowury. New Voik, oil tkix 4 f.i. &d dly Ciiicsutiail Ve&ereal Kospfial, Ftitblihf1 la iHeToJ ISO, FOB TU1C CCUrfOF PRIVATK 4:iA nnjor theconh-n- offivcof l'ioeI emiaent T'li'-?irl- '. ! the rro! d. R. K. DONAPAKTE, rroc? IjocJou nnfl Prt4 TTo-- t'i.b, n.nd for thfl pi-- r U:i vtifr of '!ic C'ntiriiAti V"nreal H.wjdtal, And 1)- -. K. R. KoTo;d?, Ut o:'Nr k". This ib tne only !'. ".fc in tiie cirr a dftnent Cure of piiv .i raa '' t'.'i' d wit Lot: t he uv ot r:i?rjiiry ir r"ir.ia ! 0- CtouorrrM runv-- l fi to 4 iiortf(. tl'ii iro.i in to 10 -- j. sti ic;NitV3 f ;r d i'j I M S w.vkr. er;wi'ir A in 5 to n 'Jlfc. r:.rnd in 3 t.i wfif'fj, Philli in it. ,f;'i5 t ii Bu in a Jt; . cynidon:fl t:!id ia i to S wet a. t,':An diiwu hi wSwf:'..i. vior retor'-- tn 1 tc 4 weik. All di or.fc-a ol a vriviite treated wi'ti liipsraiiblml ios.. rpaic m imaif. r. Ii ,Qip.iie'3 r".t l.ovfc on prlra di nxes, the p: ;vt t(iii,-l- to j. - ,Vii'l lo Uj?Ac tfi? o'.,1 tmd hr,U1 t'.'? It v. i'.l iihtin iQo-- M::i v,ii,p-- iu d;r.n 1'rlre 2bcu, I by mail. lr. PoMiRit-'- ! f: j' P1't;v'1ii ie nerrr haa nor avpr w'l! fnilir.a.-rk-;- i to br.r r!-- . Jit'n, ex."nrt fit tbi.' h "". f I" . 'I Kl 'Js in tnventiou. itii n ! i:- d t ritJiiit-irW- e rrvij;!: l'nr-u- '. f y and novt.r tnf to give ..:;?tfil:u'.. It w the v,Ay Bile find purs :. ',it jiirj-rai- r and Jiseiuje. Tlie pnoo t ttw Krenh i f 1 the p!u:c one, I p.?r ii:tl id e i, ; duLta. Son; JSPMftdftme LoKin'rt I'emiTe .M 'iillily P:;h arci a nd rbiiiiljld rciiMd)" iornn; t (.; niid ill d:L at. li.mles fiiOiild no? ue .1 duliilJ t thfy m !!1 pr:trti'ca rLiinc.rri stra fp. t" any addr Irs. B. & K. are tii't meu to conut, tiiey ara thi acXfiowlpdred to bo in, i hamtdo:! uud Iiing ! t vuneral diBA.&, tiad tie o:ily Dor'-i- Wont.ilp froin th- old wld: they !isvu N pj from an omi lv (i o. h to wii:v?3 t' va-- :i :ns dwetisea hli h .i.Hift lii'l, Rid to tl-- a IvTi oi rudy, in jvery of iifp. fror.i t1 hiiMM1 t'x-d- of poverty tu top njnopionn of fhe wpAithy. md havinp ascertained bnrond a doubt th.; vaat i Ii;imanlr, to sel'jt't thfe ftMPrrthv9 vt ".a as tntr rtndy, and to th. ir h ntteil ioo to tie kiiriviatin ci the dir-- P oi'tL'-.- ijiJtujrtMit Juni:tio', voIbttrs will be a:iiti. t rt'd uiiieac thy coutstii a leuiit ivice or a ptdtfe etf.Li?. Cail, or a'JdriM DiiB. BONAPARTE i r.KTKOt.Vig, So. 1 Sycamore tref.t, baf, aia and !xtb, eat ifie, Cincinnati, O. Ottce hours, A. M. to 9 P. tS. ilfi lor4dly a. I I.r hi .V. : vv NfD. 33. 11UHL, ho. 3i7 Four'h ct., next door to Kozirt Ma!l, niAM'PMWKKR AM IlOllTEit OF J Ml-.- ttV iit')L'rf k.t cv.iry a- iticti, I'.PAl;-- 1 KT LS. 8W Ut. tl, BAiHICiS, B"!.'e. KAN'kR Th'-;i,.- J rtfACi; ULAKU Rr.-- l.S ULT iUCsa, ic. Ail j i:Mwi ant at uiioit notice. ki34 dtf New Arrival of MILLINERY GOODS ! i HATE JUST K1XTI7TJJ BY ANOTH-e- r invoicy ot ENGLISH fcTRAW JJONVKTS, lUbbLd' '.;Llf:va.-:'- j hat?, LilALl'lltL FLO'.VFES, Ac. I am drteiTuiii;J to ehoapfor caeli, and alii tind tt to their advaiitige to ive uie a cli. it5 P.i I'mrth . M.-- t jnd Jrfferstnn, Changra of 1'irm. rP BHASX3 A CO. biro awociaUd W. A. OAU-- BK VI I'll with thir unr, and iij:tti.f.,"1 t!;e sUcd of SMITH C on Ooali ide oi Ma: k- beJow Flod, wh-i- o th- y v l'l f.mJiu- the WHOLE-8AL1- And P'i AiL OK'K'KKY and PK(.lt"CIi j. Coiiijef-- with hoae th,- hve a good WAGON-YAy.I- lyiTli an.i.-I- aceonnQCKiticna ior Uorew, oonr, and ovhsr vohict", arid would fcti clad thtdr oid rriendi. T. SiiAS:.", H. T. liOiin, Jnlyl3, dtf W. A. OA LHKArTn. fTiiclesale Dealers in Sonusa, Variety 4 Facj Gi. No. CIS miiiIi i(lp of 3 doom from O iCRftiek of Goo.ii bein.t Ui;e for His season, W8 Dava (Mlir!n.-1- ,1 'Tiro In t tn n tr3 ot all tne )ii.K.j in thrt bUt--- th it wre n od tandi.-i tJ.o Lt f t!.id jMonth tpt the the Ba.m-- ot liiiu. Is tbrown Out by tie Our Btoet oi" CifRIBTM A, TOYfl If cotopl-t- e ti7 4r :ANV0N, SHKllp.lLU a u. TTAltVKSr KKUS'5 rRk Hiive-- t Kef?, 1 ft ' 3 fall.m,; p f. ii oem of Demiioune, ail B'ze; jitct raceivbd and tor rnle bv 0K1HN RAWSON, n et., hf.f rwi Third and Fourth. AK WFLL PCCKE'i'H-- -rt 0k Well el", vai i.'Uj kin;h, ,n . retv 1 iiid tor .,o le lo by i I K.tV.;'JN, i '"hi-.- i"1 i'o ,r:ti. ss, Vul nnd a wt-- i:trd ot HAM, :7 CAPS, ivnd Si'W '.'OOI !.t No. fc.if Main ptw, w huh c.n be pi;rchj"-- l'w-- ? er than hare . vP1- h ,re be:.-- cold In th'.a p aikct by y'ch- or by troiupt-payin- cu'tuiuere on ehoit time, al PTt ATTtl'll SMITH. (HANDLE AS'I) 8') Str (Ja'.dVa; UjJ do Mold do: co comni n bar S T.r, W do (iwrnna d) 60 do Toii-- t ftv liU d'J Cattl e ijrt; f f (f;J.,-- r- miS t 'A aTT.FMAN, Ml'RRKl L, 4 CO. MAPLE UiAKViu lbs M ii-- bnar Jot ard for pile hv Seiaa Iwiao, Trot-iji- n s, &c. A FULL atorim!i;it, cf de:n Twine, , 8'atrtnt;, Ch.ilri-L'Q-- ! t.i:;H3, J'iajc, Hemp, and Twinr, V, ;;ll!i. Cottou, and Hemp Ro; ic. ia net n.t,A Tn w iv tIKRIN RAWS' n.a vn ,t.. -- o TM'd i Lo h. f.U'lNKI) SlUAKSVJb '1 , LOVEKLNO'6 aud Urauultci and for iMlf oy HwVWit'N. TODD, tv; CO. t"IIMPANi: W1X3 d I'eU I'Mjii-u- : i j baketd ViTr,Hii ; 13 do in-- ii iS t'o.: In ft re and formal m i;iutitJ1B to .i;t ;ur;ap?r9 by it, I P. TM' AVA COFFF.K A eufpiy o: t;ifevlor old Juva Cof feu for fciio by J. T. l!UM .t CO., Trrt-- " t" T of bUL.Dit'-h'- i.Uilfls a Mamial ai:d T1JK Hock f':f the ii- of all V'hii:t.'r. Militi. ard Ho e Giiafd, OiViLr ot the t. S. Ail. Piee in :r, ct , n. Cf. Covle euiit iet iijai:. f -- t pi'd fjr :; c'.j. Addreaa MADl-fL-N'- fcOoU'i'fOHK, 'i'!itrdt. lLOFK 75 bhH Extra Wbite Whe.-i- I Flour OLDEN fclKl'P, MAPI-t- MOLASi AND ST. "T LOUTS Iu k.j 1,11 fr aclo by l:i HIFt'. r d: vol. OLAfcPLd ;Mj :i.'l L'.iit Li.1- - ;t, i - eellor. FaucLiio, aad At!iUc at: ! tor . fy H. I. N!' " M n PHO. pos T'N t Arnl. ti; IB A LAS tcr Arri!, IrJl: Ci ATA WK A WlNl? i'J bK B:aai'd pure Catawba Wine In ?tore znd by m-- w. b H. Hl UKHaRDT. 117 y.iret rt. ff'R h!i o:,--i- ,. k and t'jrrcB Tea aij MARSHALL H ALBERT 4 CO, THE MEDICAL. Early Physical Degeneracy OF AMERICAN PEOPLE. JCSX PUBLISHED IiT DR. STOKE, riiysCcia to tin Troy Lung- - and Uy4nle A Treatise on the Cr.uses of Er.rly Phyaical De- cline of Amorican People; the Cause of Nerv- ous liebihty, Consumption, and Marasmus. nTHfi vovk l.j r a Mfh tonf, written In chxsU yi't thnilin? l.v:.:!i, and uppi'alB rtir.ctlv to the vornt conm lou-n- ol all. PtKsr.i and it Ai ,'.;M;i'.iv, dt:illiug and roUbie aids ai.d lor cur. It will bt' eent br mail on receipt o( ;;pc3-ce:- giaonp I"3"Paki:ntb aju G'Jaihkr! fail not to Btnd &ad ob:alu '; boL. wVorNG Mrx! i:ct to :nd awfl rat this ri?"iJAjit&I yoc, tro, ciiould at szcure a coj.y o tkii. book. ATcri of Sc'2oma Cossciention j.dfic9 to tfio o who vrill Roloc. A ci';" of rjntiJi prov.'U to afr.rf d est-- iu t it'.'.'iAi vonh rf boh to ai cvlv prrtvft. 'l ivv are vp,-- y iu'.'- - i.'t':i. Thrir tu:i:i.I'tai '.on? or FynTt'':'id ?w Nffvon? U hi'it'. and r i ' or wHctiTijf and of tho 7'.,iv ..i't;... hoic body: or l on atiding a hid or a incht of ftnir, t".ift::tion o' tiif H'rr: !!rnncl:iflc, si:d it: iNuknrf of tiia flnr1sMd Linibi; to ',iot'i"tv and to i.ntipe!' or ptudv: dliuu'i oi ly jr ;t Mfiuory: dizzint'J? :f tiia I'liriip id" tiieL-i- 'a'u in the Hack or L:'.tjr; Dy-;- tvIh, or . io:': iiT K.ilai of Win liofH: ecrtion of the Kidne-y- ft'id olh-- r tfKiid of the bnnv, hh Lpncourh'Pft or Fteur ilyuterta, ar.J Nun'ouJ ?ps..- - No in o out of evfry oae VundreJ aH th - o.ior .viia.nM'd d.forci r.s and a nc-- i oi oiiuts nor inni-i- . as Coi.p::r-iT'iio!- i o: :lie I 'in'ii, andthp mnjt .tiiiitttm aod v i!y i Tin of ( of t lie Hfnai iVjr knor.-- ;t 7lVs P'UvwthV.i, and YYlOTX niinvntri-c- i, 1pv; tln-i- r and ori',,' 'i in di'W of tltici'ince-rn- . tii vtrt'-.- t of iiiecf on the part of old echool f.ractice in - inp'ui- :- Dr. Andrew F;i : i'i to ihn Troy Lunjt and Inttitu.'I v.;, is noA fiij id iu'is this Ci7i-- of m:.'. "R irh t:;'- - n:o-- t ii tonuhi':g Th..- '.ivflfiui.i :.d"pfi Ir the Iivtitution nfw; it i bKo ujton prlrxipleu, with new ditcov-er- i r.'rj"0ieJ, wiin.U f.i .p;j' :,i j or The t iri oi e Tu ure ei ch tip; can b enrod nt thc-i- bi.ji!e. in R?fV pirt of usM from accurate ipt!''.n ct' their cr.o. by I ittLir, Ami havo tiui mediciiiod p'"it ttK-r- by ruail or muvm. PrioUHi inUrrugjtono wl:: lie torwurd rl oo M piiaMion. ; ;rij' n. ':ts ih, n4 disease of the Throat ruv-- si well at the litmus 'f 'fatimtn at the Invito tio-- j by o"duifr the C dd vitdicat- - d n.'ii'-v- Balw.raic I'dpny., with iuh ilr. and ampLt direttious lor their uee, ar.'J wrrw;' Tul'.nce, (fTi'Mit-'i- lor in'rmnrifprie or arivift tc'-- "r.clree 7 t.: v vn-- n ("Vise! rMei'ton. (y'liio atlitid'ne will e found it tbe In- - 'rul. n for Irora it A. fcL to S P. M. of oath nit. ANDRTTW STONK, pnff.ri in to the fio? r.cnc' t!id lirieulc Fnetitutlon nrl PhrVUn for die, isi? of "Heart, Throat, and Longty iti Fifth etret-- '' r.y, N. Y. JIKS. DOCTr.ESS STOKE, WTio I tlirti:rbly and In the pathology of the in- y (j.'1! let i". ' Pii-- pwt'wtitiiifr maladinn ol L.ore )r!;-- i. iil d.'vois oxrliicive att'jiitlou to L.ns ci.i? ,'i ii M dicrit d lV'tirh, a most Ipjpoi-- ' ta: v; t' :or r.;Ai.?.!(ffnt by express lor r. .le ci 1 j t .Mi. I'octrejfl atone coTDnh r.. .y t or N. O. bTONK. M. I)., MiTrou to tne Tiy. N. V. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 I'OK GOOD MATTKES3E3, AND 5 WINOOW-StlADK- o OF SUPKRIO:? STVL2, (10 TO MARCKLLUS 4 LliNTSClPS, K btqeft, koktu sihk, j?j &rflwen Tiu-.- And Tourth. f; WWTV' i GOO!. :f i v:y ftr'e ji;d iMcUt; .:M ' Jj ,SirA .Ni.v.ri iiJil iut a;, t ovdar. (ft pEoo: fra-- t No. UOS.wtJ l m ifn fill ii TfciiL A I uj;ukgi:t. siiaav. DICK PORTEB. .inTTvr rnrin innvrTiii SALGON 1D PiESTMRAXT, Corner Sixtli Sired and Court Plate, OFPOrilTE THE CITY COURT H00M3, Iy- - & rCIiTEH, Proprietors. MEALS at all hours of the duv and nlcht. Our ;plied wita l' ih. Meat, Poultry,, and oyster., the lieft in In; uinrkpt. In onr 8i1octi are to bt- totind in",,!--- ! Wiaes, LSjuore, aDd Cigar of the 4'hotc-i'- t Hi hurt. nyevi in Kentucky for J. J. 8nde'a leb?ati ij Ch:.?o ::nd MiiwaaLi': X..XX, anS XXX Ple Crem tiui s.:ork A', v. lnl'?. ale, in b&rreLs and halt barrels or by hf hut !. Brandies & Crawford, AVE r?novo( to t! new Wirehop o th? lOcth-vos- t toraei o Maiu aad Firrt eUwit. We will pay th hichet a?arket prl fr all ahjfl of delivered ht our ttCiii oi' at any good shipping point oo the O o river. &M df R1ANTPTl A CRAWFORD. POWDEK O F ALL QPiLi-ic- on hand and ftn e?.le ey DA VIS A SPlJ-X'- , AjsnUi l'r thd Mejiufactureri. t, ?ept. 2, FRf. HwHri l)v; i SretP, Aseuts oi Oiientid Powder Co., G'eti We have been ninr Blai tint; Powder and we tike p'eaure iu etatinj; thst we fiij it tuai if not Biip'Tior to aup rotniex thiit w- - Imve p ARTIH'R CAMPBKLI. Superintendent for baith t rfrayscr. I eordUlb' conenr in the thOTe aud cheprfully rrX;oia-oitn- d it to the paoiic J. D. billTH. I et'naifier the above Poadar auprioi: to a;iv wo have abio to obtain. Ii. fOSKIT. We tftke pleaui-- in remmmdiusr wo'ir Indian Orfpn-t- Rifle Powder as eoual it' not superior Ut any we have erer uitd. It beuijf vevy cicely acd strong. Thij wo &jjtsrt alter a thorough UtiaI. Keppfctf.nb" y ur. GSOKtiB VT. WOMACK. J. FRY LAVrRlCNCli, S. P. BRiiWPF.R, 1J A. KNKASTF.R, ZACIIARY it. 1AYLOB. fe7 dtf A IU"R'S. I lag dial Teist Depot. MARSHALL Si DICKINSON, Ptf"o. 917 1'o-urtii- . street, BtTWLEN MALS AND MARKET Sid., Av pr.:p ired to malce to order, at ehort notiro, all aad felDUtf oi' FLAGS & TENTS, A!rO a lar, d etocfe: of BLANKV.T3, tLAfl ATF:RIAL. WATKi'.-Piioo- CAXVA3, Frtli Army Por ale 'o by MARSHALL fe PICKINHON, nil 217 ponrth at.. irvPn Mnin and Markpf. NAVr RfiVOiVfl. NB EXTRA NAVY mZE REVOi.VF.R for ele at o mfl C , 8 3 Maiu St. CAVALRY CAVALRY QATTrTLHTB! hve nov on h.iid a iii'f twdortjnt-- or" (iaant- - Iftv suitable fo- - Cavalry an4 other Military pur pose- -, and fors:i iw it fll'UOl i.P ft maw:villk's. Cornor Fourth and Main nta., mil I n.!. M miiI MM. Lith-- chilled iron Fire Rnd Lurclar Proot SaFKS wirh hi ceihaated eotn' tnit'on rk on them. In ctme and for sale at the iinT.L8v.cnirer's? prices br W. K. BKIvKNAP z CO. PF.ACHK3 AND APPLES-- A few bnnhela af nP.IKO Dried Pearhe and Applei in-'- received at the Wcodeii Wnre and Broom Storri (.nd for Kt (JSK1N RAW SON, ir.S 33 Miin t. bftwp. n Third and Fourth. Gedar Ohetc. CFDAR ('Hfch'l A ip. tore and for sale at reduced 1f piicob to cloe the r en by O'RKiN KAWSON. ml3 lAn , b?tw.n Thini and Fourth. CLAKF.T B St. .;iliU:; Vn t'o 1'1'iUt-- : 15 do St. Jwt received aud lor eale bv ml J. P. THOMPSON. "ANnLES .'W HatnB, Sides, and Shoulders iu J and for ale by tvfto TfTWRTTT BOW WHOLESALE AND KWTAii. (.HOCKRY, rLOUH, sod Ti-;- t i'ORfi. No. jo-J Market etreetl between WUNDR1KSY--- l,i.i;o br.itf Flonn SiHt bbls Appln?; bbU Pj: toea; 5d hiic Oni.n.: i.trj bafc. Client s'btiat Floor; In utore and for talu by TOHN BNYTHR OO. L'MR- hi. la f i ir prime Snesr; 10 h'ld! White Retiueddo; In etore and for sale br ir A N1REW BUCHANAN OO. J LiiAU 4'J hbd prune received ix'.r eteaincrs Majjen J ta. an B. J. Ad.uje and for fitle by inlrt KAWSON. TODD, ft CO. ('OFFt'!'; P.;oCo'Tee )oet rwceired per aud tair, by I At LOU'S RACKED C1LKR juut received and tor by ,T. SMITH SPEED, Main ft. fICE 15 Ci:ka recvived per maiiboat and lor At. na!e by RAWaCN, TOPD. A CO. CODFISH Codfish; 2 b"-- a do; Ft b&Ic lew to use cod Ik unit u. OARDNER & CO. HAM-4,m.- G cipva?ed Ham?; 4 U i atn ccumry do; In stoia aad for silo by f.ARP'R CO. 1 LS Put'.i 2" tbi tale by i l CO. L- - Pr;--.e ntr Tieh in wlmlo and VS bM; MACiCEr. h'.lO No. 1 fialtucu ia lh fcad iuls, m tc 't and for -- a.'? r v y w rr r:"RKTTAn r. tv V:irkrt t"1 L"C- H- X' i 'os Ri.rov'.iTt Kills r.le J.t T'J bji.i ' " " la store aid tor sale by AXD'W PCCHANAV CO. ifcc.-- A t";t f.ortmi-ni- . 't rila, Ciuhu, nnd 1L;:'3 t "lof a and a lull a "! t uiut ol lioop Sitii m ot ftO tl-- i:it roc it ed aud t r ri by JAMES LOW CO., tnS and il'j wet (Me Sixth rU if OTTQVfTJ ,E IMEDICAL LoiTi sville MEDICAL INFIRMARY, CONDUCTED ON THE PLAN OF Tiia HOSPITAL Dl"3 YCNKR1ENS, PA RIB, f; 'fnJcrsTfy7-- thot rich d with any -- N is tomi ot Pnvata JHtt ?.r? can V'.ouip. trinn.itui Kithct rutc or c Ti.iiiO, viz: bv t'iiitin, (iOiiorrh.i, C.leet, Stheti-.rc- , Utrer, Tiiiriorf, Ciinc-ra- , und Svrhili of tlu; Kid-i- n ; ,'. t;t:'. fc? thla iy8t' iu it U rovrd tl at the v.neriAl tnivlalnt f i a entirely u:id r the Control of nu'di'iine a la a con on cold or iitoiitf fever- 9 nd, while ii'.'n'iioient Iei.-oii-d are d vil e".dii! :w ty t'it ti r.f;tcil1 iu hitfeIerP-d- , and Kivi'K thln UP Oily f"Od thrir om ti ii.wj.ji.-tinc;'- , te an. t rurt-- liro coQ?tautly beiug at tli'F lnfiriiiarj . YtUNO MEN, TATIK PARTIClT.R NOTICR.-- Pr. H. UovnUd ci.'.-:- of lus tin?e to the t re Uniot of tnosi m.--- d h - a h.ih't r.liia both bodv ard rainn, umlit i.j Jt tii" wfii':rtii(r:c iudivijiui nr either or !oi'i'-',,- ' 'I'ne :uui nii-c- t oi the.'e carl . !:aoir, or tha exc11 of riy-j- yeia, tre to v ekn end dM!ltati the on.titntion. de?'ro,' the p!i .::cal a;'.d Picnt'il :nd er:STh!o t::e s - ard fxn:ust TL- r!t:.l enT-V- .' cf tn.ini.-od- tha of Vi: aro rnp F"r;d, th; nhject of nmni'ig" and its-- li rend"ivd a te-- of niifen.-irn- : R.r.d regret. Sncli pr.jr,as, .ip'ci filly fiiittmpliiti'if lopii ijiP, los no time io titakius ii;'pje:Ufe Application, rv. r. H., by hh- new treatment, ii m!', to i' - a;d DR. HALL'S AVKKIUS PKKHDIOAL PILLS. -- No Artic'e of meairme intended lor thi exelnei ne of fe' Iia? nvf r yet b'lfni iuirrdncfd thai Lpj ciren r.nch niiverp! ritif.tcT:'-- the American Period iral Pi They cun bo r lied on in til caafj oi tc, V a Eiire ftrid Bfcie reuifdy. Pri'"-- , per . l find one pojtace star:; P:iMf:tiU living at a ditMioe cao ta cured at h(rn? iy twndiLig a description of their dhjoaeo aud inclosing a ft:rjp y, dl'pfl sent to r.n" addn?;?. tVi):l--- No. 1!', rtsu htrret, hetwon Flrat aad Srror.d. 0:iice open Uod 7 A. M. to ! P. M. d24df t . hall, m n OMEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, Chartered by the legislature of JLy. For &e Dure of a!l Trivatc diseases, CoAteitttao THIRTY Jim Plate and JSmrGoinga j ike Atirmy ond PhwioeAj of (A? 4,Vwii Or-0- in a sWe of E:alth ami If rM. PRICE ONLY TEN CENT3. fg.!rit free of postage to all farti of the Uulsa.,( ON A NEW MPTHOD of rrt-lii- g Byphilu, Gocorvhpo, Gioet, 8exnftl Debility. and all b2sc:iods ot the reprediutive py- - ( X ' r V tmof noh tt." inprmttjes aod Diat'.riiy uridine f- -f ret foil.'-- of both , tv'TI a lit Ll Treari .iVr Vv aELP-.aKr?- AND SEMINAL L j.'. WEAKNE.n- -, con- - :. . t'j sequent ,"u rnu 'A'"- body, rini r; c i t) plan of trcatnu, t .. ciiy ra-- PiOnai d t:cce-,ef'i- l mode of cure, hs fiiown by the ci tivati-d- . A triiiln'.il advUt-- fo t:ic u:arri-- arid thosn tonreiunUtln p:arriRt: who entertAin of tfiMr vl'o sical conuitioD. 8uit to anv sh'.ree ip a ealM wriyv.T on t'.e readp: of TEN CENTS o N CiT? Fnll ONE DOLLAR. The;; Bt !htedith t.ny of th- - abrft disown borore rHcin uiider tho tm&meut oi any one, h old thif mva'nable book. KT!e' . .'lT.on i"ny b) tViu y A. M.t) P. M., on nil di-- : as-- oi v. hich th.:ibovt' .i.rk tivfitr; pat i' nt' at a b'- p I.tteiiien' ot tlu-i- sytnptni.i. Cf n r.:t rlkiii j r.t. toanvpirt of the fi.unrry tree oim d'intii'i' or For p'titiouhii send for mn Ut..nk Chnif. a IUt of qn our .tf. All i.i! o and cnimunic.ttiorH eoiiidertd coi' fi'U a'-- I. DR. lit, W EE3 FEMALE MONTHLY REGULATOR, a eafp and cerUin reuu'dy for Obtnictiona, lrreiiiarl-tie- , Ac, and id the only ruliahlo prtiventive ol C C i i.'tv. Th Jije ri!l. iln i'ld tif-- bo ttVen dnrlne Fl.t 'fXAX r. iui-- to M J.' ir.t;i .ii:. P ic p r bor, h'n1 e nt b nil. r'tiALEN'S ilFAD DISFEN8 hX iMhe only of il- - kind in lh- - CnJled Stjt-'- Hi-- I1, he u ncoiji.-- d l.',- - hidioial at'.lhorit;". t i;artt r rp t:i"!. .14 t ill tl jtrwt, beWe!i Mar&ut and jtrdiTbOC, ;0jt iii!-'- . .i lttriiior Doki or V H'nuMhP directed t- OR. GALEN'3 ilBPE!tilA R , !Or. WM. PRICE!, Ttj "?.t-- Living etHli.jhtd in Lonia- - tlie : 1.. vea-d- , and hav-yi- s. ; l:s bad alame i.r.u'tire. ii? the trtat- - 8ro;n!e, ' nneer. Pile- - i!ore Eye?, 9 j bil , aud to ruiiovo Tae horiihle of Ouiniei'i. or has given him vmof to aii.jtr.ln any ?t;ite-iKo- of te hi he:t charrtcW wjch men m Or. W. L. , ,). U. i tidrood, Loviiig, Juioi- - wn, Cai't. W. ii. D. Megawati. '!TY." I had FI?t:,1a and was cured by Dr. Price, without the kiiue or UtfHture, In uevtnU.'odaya. JOSEPH VOUCli lIASDCJ Vl., HT. I hd a neyro c:ai with Fiatula, aiid he "a cnrl by Dr. Pilc Li turwM weekj. WM. BAUD. I bad Fistula for year, with eis opoulnca, flcfl was cured by Dr. Price lu tiuee uvok? . KiLEY WILLIAMS. I hm a hltl)v and hspTiy tuen, bavin..' bif n cured from the horrid etLcta ct Cuaiiuiii. A. CITIZEN. Oi.ce ou Mar it, bftweeu Si.T.h and fevventh bt?. Adr'e?, oucI'Ving a podtae etamp, Loutevillo, K.y. VIZ. LA CROXS'B PUIVATE MKDICAL TRKATISS ON THE riU'SlOLuGICAL VIEW UFMARKIAGE. 360 and IcO Fine Plaia and Color; d L:thogrfti!u. TWEKTY-FIV- CENT3.5 JBwr.t fret of fcCtftse to kU parti of the Uuion.ftJ ON the of yc-t- tuJ maturity, fli'ioe in k the of tK.tli Mixes of ail afBd, catirfina deLiiity, nervous-- 1. tat ion oi ti:o h 'I'.it, fuicidj.! im T'JCo, drtecii.e mpranry, lz.tiiet-3- 'iti!f Vi) 'z Hb' i' ,?,--.- . and ifi. ii ir u tiu'.h- - ' adri-- r io ih.. i.:a: r:. d r.iid !io-- ia .rrlCii. wiio entertain ee.7T;.t dci;b;? rf th-i- r plo -- eoi.dit.:;ii, &Lid u ho aio cxDfciij ot huviiiB harded tne heaith, hapj'ir.owj, and j.rivileKea to which evory huj'-.s- bring ij entitled. ,ji n iit.ftidir.g bchool Mie- -, a Cohnpi Smdent, and a Young Married. Lad, iuil of Tumeric a:i i tnrilling liit re d. Yuiiug i.jen who ar" troubled irlth "A'liP"13, fonoral-lj'ca- e loyah-j- habit ic vouth, tho t htizn oi w ulch are dizziMf js, pcla--- , furgetfuitioaa, eometiaiB a r'.:'.7lrig in the earj, weak e7H3, "Hknes ol the back md lov er fxtn'uiiti.a, coi.hi.floa ot id'--- lo of luemory, wl'h Dielr.i.cuolv, via-- bt c;:;' d h- the author', MiW Fr;iS A;D LONDON TREATMENT. We hnve for th;- i ii jiteri.ivt of th.; p."?t "f fr, dsrotfd our time in VlbinNti 'iilE Li RttPEAN lUSPI-TAL- , availing o;trsehCM r( the ki:owh.tiie aid e oi the modt ci.Ied Phyckinii- - nud In Furoe ar d on th.e (:ou ii;ei. w.h iuhu . 1VIALE, LENOIRP- - RICOHil, ItRECMETEA U, AO'UN, and CURLINGS, of tiio Fre;i.-- and Eiulh hosj.ltaU. Our tour extended thronpM Franco. , Oi, Hol- land, England, Ireland, aiii Waie-i- visiting lncirro;ite the T.rincipr.l hueviLa'.s :n Paris, Lond-rn- , Rome, Venice, Vienna, Drecden, sc., Ac. We have b,;eu smplv- ivpHid bythe vro have e.rqviired m the tree.tinont of various dit.i3to which we have directed our attci.tion. '1 ho who ;a.. thenselve uod; r our cure will now Ua e tii f:dl H of the many XEV AND EFPICIE.T REMEDIES which v d are eu,".blt;d to iiirrodnc into oiir ptuciice, ind tbe public may reot of the sauie riiil, 8KCKECY, and attention being paid to t';eir caes, whh'.h hns so d!?:i!i';nitheJ u) heretofore as a Phvoiiisa In omr PECULIAR de(.rtijeat ofpmfoe-io-"i- l viv.ctlw. McdiciTi?s with d:ri?ction3 annt to any part of the United fitati-- or, by patieliU wnnuviijcaling their pypitorae by letter. Lupines co;respondfa:.ce strictly t oni;jentUl. fDr. L.'a Oir-c- Ii a'.Ul located SB nr.dor the nxiie f U. LA UUOlX Hf l"o in Lire ?aft r to all letter siorf-- i - nd.ji-r.i- "T'-i- CiivlX MEDICAL INrii ITU'i'E," e4 c.ttww" No. 31 Maiden La;:, Aibai , N. Y. No.31 1 t., bit. jTIurket nnd Jefferson, Ma:Ufactu::"R ano jobber of every Floe Diamoud Monnt-in- and riil 'he niv etyltj of Flee Hair '.'k O. niiiitn tt execi'.t'd iu the n.oet suti rior ptyie, of tin1 b: ui it: i i :l. Ail work t. ;irriu od. Pno-j- reatonable. Old old Utkn infr:;ctuige. liine t1ly WESTERN HOTEL, latk vacaro houbk, SOUTH SIDE MACKET, BEL I0CETH k FIFIfl, JACOB rmaiJD & CO., Propr. A1TE would rw'recU'illy inform tlu public that tinoe ' f the boiise haa va.f3ed i the liaudd of Mr. Vacaro it hce bvt;ii ciitheL- re lit ted iu blecaut etyle. aud ii now for t!ie "f gue.t?. Loca d in the wutral and biiiiiieit 'art of the cit. it Iiaa rJoadvan-t'-i'e- s fvr the Lav&lniK ix.blic 'i he ji1'"rr'eT0I"B "U Bp ire no taifn to make their piiela fei l comfortable and ant ifiifd in every' renwl. T!i'.''r larder will ayg he ?nt vHvl with tbe best the irmrk'-- t p.'id tfRtvn afford, and tne (ar will b& ttocied with only tbo bit ot Witiai, ijigar Ac CarWo t'rfi?ctiullr elicit the pr.trcnago of the old and of U19 pjbiic in generaf. luSdU .jACfcH FHII'NI)CO. I NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALIEBY. a Moshm. GARRETT A NICXERSON bavfl pur-- SrhrtFtd the Ou Main 8tr"t, betwvri; g Second r.nd Third- lutBviti.', Ky., formerly B;.iad by Mr. O. T. Sha, in which they have goue t. f conderaMf expeure in ;efi'Tii:K. The Ga!!ry certninly tho very fiefflt in tho Wtst. We an fevrei'aed to ft!T:ir-- all styled of known tn! t ne art. thotogr.ij)h8 m oil, w at r colore, and Ink. Batieftction giroD to all. Give a call R C. At.rty.o Gakuctt. Geo. H. Niosi.h&on. g lyThia is clowd ou Sunday. maylO APr LEd 74 bbla A?pl- - Um revived aid fcr aule by ANO'W HIXHANAN A CO. f OVKKING'S B'JGARS-ihb'.- o LoTarli' Crushed, J Powdered, and Granulatt'd Unpaid lecclvod pr steamer Ecnice and for caie bv a ANTVW nT'TN Jt CO WUGAR-HOLS- MOuAriSl 75 bhle St. .lamea House Molaaoee in store and for eale by " VM'.' MI ( H vja - ') CHOICE P1CR..ES AND CA'l til UPS - EiisUrh Pt klc?, Crttcbn;, Brine, Pi Oi.t, Gfi iiuie. Ctiocol;,te, Cooua, iic. m?t and ft r walP by fs-- j UIBHI TT & SON. ICE 15 caeka rice received and for mile hv ft - KAWSON, TulH, Ci). 3 iiy br.iia Cottca Y:'.ni, ariaorted 'JOliibyif: Li-- No. Batting; "'I do Kxtra do; T1) do No. i do; nO t-- g w ll te Cant Ch.hi; '.'" do colon d in do Caudle-V.'n- j.) co Wmi piugdo; for ea'.e by a3 OAKONTfR ft CO. LD ROLRbON WHISKY 2uo bbls .f vary cuce-ri-, and uarr old (f.r s,:h hy U H. 1. M'Wimii', A P'lO. . (11 i.'.i.. j t ..- . Bu.-iu- , ui't ai 'i t.' .u nan doib pnrae 1 ,uy, aud ia CiUcie'e "ujierlrr cor - raps, for Bale ;y H- - P. NUVCMR A BRO. W'.'OTCH ALE U3 d'z a Vm. Yo biniid j'.iit uud for Mir- P THOMpijnV xi J - hbis tjlme FIaiTa-iou- . in euKilor oocinwo: d dO; In aud lor ie by ru7 TI. P. NYW( OM PRO. rryi-i- Rniudv, Sro-- SPIRITS, iiollai.d e I acialM . I'- : on Vn-k!- f j. Port- Sutvr:, f.ii;:r-rne- , and :ie tr Vie ;v col- - aic-at- i Lu Lcjii.iie Tor p. r.( Montebeilo J. T. LAL'ilAM A (.0., n,14 taii?tpv- - of T t. 'fidrd nt union usiow uKios? u?Jiow, IVOTiS PA: ER AND KNVPLOPS. era'.lhed with 1 ti. bturB :i.iu htrlf J. Pj ire 01 Lu'eh.;w, yi per 1,1'uiOorsfi .r I'.J; I!oto PatSi', $4 3j tr lidia or U tii F. HfiDlXVi BOCKSTOkP, Ii.T Jl Tr.iid Btret. IVSiraplos stjt on receipt of 10 eta In mon.-- or t.inir-?- iNK APF UP t tp.ESE-lnc- a?. e Pine Aj Cliw ll. NrUr-- fm- t'h by UJ14 W. A IU RUKKJJARIr, 4:T M;trk rt. W. H. S iSUCCSSSOR TO E. A Y(T. IL 6TOKK5j. IJilPORTER AND DEALER 1 1ST COACH AND Saddlery IFftrekouse, No. 435 Mam St., between Fifth and Sixth. IMISCKf.LANEOlIS. TO BE DRAWN in LOUISVILLE, KY., dlI3AO 1, IOGI, Library Association Company's DISTRIBUTION OF CASH GIFTS. OXETfZOmiU) PRIZES IX iIOXEF! Tickets tixitcd to 5,000. TICKETS OR SIX TICSXTS FOR Sid. Itcspoimlr-l- n Afffnti nrv wanted l wll Tickets fot- - (tie abaieiamt'd corupnny. Term a very F.biil. t&'For TicKew, Schine.. or A,icle?. d ll 5 inT drf LouM-Ule- . Ky. CASH ! O S XX't Great Sacrifice of LACE. EMHKOlDL-l'-IF-S- . FANCY GO"D3. TIOOP BICIRTd. HO?IKRY, WHITE OOOH8. LINE V CAM- BRIC, .JACONETan-- SWT S3 KDGIWGU aui INSERT ING6, JACONET, SWISS, and FACE FL0LNC1NG8, aod in ihrt onr entire etock, coiarrt lug ilia moat beau- tiful dn ign aud strlj. Will te Sacrificed for Cash. The lail?? nlll dt we'l t c ii at one nnd the grsatoH acd moot deslral RARGAINrJ of th' ea?on. :n:iii;r a- - cannov, m7 Fourth ft., op(io?ite M z.irt Hall. WfH btre on liHiid a food stock MY HiOI9. to tV whi.:h wo invite the aiteuli u ol the tnide. Ttrms OAta O.N DKLITEST. JAMES LOW A CO., 9.13 rr-.t i'iW'l'nl. Pure Concentrated l!x tract of Jamaica Ginger ACTERFD .1 id ii.r and retrdl MANUTj CAt'lToi. LRUU FT.iKB. 0i?O"t The Port ott'.co. O. fl. STUaTTAN, Proprietor. Gwyen's Prcpnrod Whlto Gluo for tho trade bv MANPPACl'L'KED O. II STRATA N, Capitol lnig Store. Camphorated Amlca Limmcnt T.TANITATUREI nd for a!a at irv ablih- - O. il. bTRVr TAN. Droi-- 0 ':olt- tha Tor Invalids. Tii:tK VYLSE HI ITERS din;n,1 with S?.v1 AV 1 UF. O. H. BTRA'ITAN. the Po&trOhiiX. I A t"i'fcl'4rd to ronilir entire vt',ljf icti"i M th-- coed cili'iM 01 Lnai'iik' in ihie H iitrtmont of m- - busi- - O. 11. STRAIT AN, ApotluvHO-- , Ci:ii) dtf C;)".oitfl th;- DO YOIT WAXT WH1SKEK1 DO YOU WAXT WISJSKEU? DO YOU WAST A MU&TACHC! DO YOU lYAliT A ?IUsT ACHE? BELLINGIIAM'S CELELt RATED 0ATGUENT For the Vbiskcrc and Hair. Tha iiibpfiio.''-- ; r.Vaenro in a vioiincinz to th citizen oi' the lulled S?t that th:;y hav' obtained the Agency tor and are now en:ihir;d to o'l't?r to t.hp Aim'ru'ir: - hl tinj above justly ctltrbrattd nd artiu j TUK STIIULATIXG 0GIEXT if prepared by Ort C. P. Hr.ut-';- w. an fminrut 8ivin:i 01 L:idi'n, aad is wair&ctfd to b:lug out a thick "whiskers or a mustache in from thre to hIt v.'ka. TLl- - arM?1n i? the only one cf the kind md bv tno. , mid lu Louda anil PaiiJ it iJ 111 (i:iivplP;tl ll'i;. It a r;Ci it:r Tit. poo hie c, j t ?t imulstint, icti"? l.b if by maple tipou tii root , c;uiniw? a bv;uut:tul urov- th 01 Inxnriaut hnir, lr avrlicd to the bculp, it will cirrj tuLiiMVi, ftiidiau a;iring up in p!a-- c of thi . a fmo gru-.- . tb oi" yw lialr. Ai il!rd aw.dias to direct ii v, ll turn bci or toiry hair haiUm and le-l- jrav hnir to tt- - orii- a1 coior. loavir.K It t!oMh!. Thw "Onoi knt" - un iii.tihjioiihAhi' aiticlo in evi'iT ffntiemau' toiK-t- aid ail or o;ie aje they would not for any couaidc-ratlo- a ho vithont '.t. Th rs ar the only Acx-ut- for Wie article in the Ur.iitd tratt'i, Vj whoa ail oileia uiudl Prim Ora Iiot'ar a box. Frr b all PmpKlft? aud DfflhTo: or r. hr-- ot th "On?npnt'' (wamiuN-- to hitve the d"fin;.-- will be sent to nv who dire it. hv ma!' (din--- ) ty p&cfci-- iu of pnet and ioutige, itl Is. Any'.v to ur addrB HORACE L. HEGEMAN t CO., I)i:ii;(iiftfH, , ti2d;t5i1tp'.H Wiilbri str-f- t. Sew York. VHi-'- you o to NEV YoRii, drive direct to the BHITKSOMAW HOUSE, KP.OAD'A'AY, CORNER OP HOUSTON o:; Tin; European plan, gc.hi Co.ducted oromj-- atit . ai.d n:''dratt-chaig;---- rihiiih; ro lu cntu, Tjcjnt!-- . aoa &! par drty. fioul le rocni? ii'id vir'or9 il 0'.' to V.jal ai o;dcr-- 'ibid Hot"! hart all thf appoint men td f tho hc,'t Hrt'1n, a 1:. a t central loaiiou, aud id heated by btani. m- SAMUEL E ME P, . 0L31STCA0 & 04C0X0R dJucceci jrs to Jos. Rock), And Sole Airent foi tho Iomoroy Coal. . OROERS for ai:y of the p.huve Cowl respect goli JUitIy filled at tiu lowest market prices. Cor.nMy on har.d a lar.-r- ?n?jlvof the "PEYT(")NA C'VNNEL" and "PEACOCK" POME ROY COALS, which for k iUii tin, parlor, or chamb4;r use have do bu. pcrior. Oifloes No. 804 'Iliird ptret, bdveen Market and Jef- ferson, at Robb old cUiid; and at No. south wpst corner Brook aud Market eireeti. je dtf EINZEN, RGSEN.&G9. IXJUOIJ 15- - lb- - ht lu UiiibUiiilll Market Street, North side, between Bis lu and Seventh, L0UISVILLE.KY. nAlways 011 baud a complete assortment of P7 ANOS at rfcasooabio prices. sep38 dly LXLLT Ikim SIOPS For Sale. Cash paid for Darley AT TUI KEXTITRY MILT HOUSE, HOt'TIl KIDS jTIAKKKT STKEIET, Batefcn Sirth and Sevith. Jin:-- J dtf .TOT IN EW'LN ft CO. ILNTIinX'r GOODS BLACK A:0 PANCY ER0ADCLOTU3, I ANCY AND SILK MIXED CASSOiEiW, SILK AND MARSEILLES VESTINOS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, And mo.t comp'? ifMrtmctit of overv vtici - Men' VVar, to tvluh we call tun attention ci cash aud prompt buj eru. J. VON BOHHJES A: CO., m."i C'oth Hoii?e, No. 4 Main et. TIEKJNKP SUOAR Vj bhla Circle A New York Xi. th'Usbi J iu ffore &.ud tor wile by WM. G Y. lni!"I Hi'i-A- n frcflJeat quality ot" stigar-enre- d 1 f in iid Reef for aaiu by Tll3 TTTWPTTT PHN. AIsi b M. R. and Laj'W Riine; llilj X- do Al (10 (in; '4 do do do to kI j. Received pr Piaaa and ijr sale low toclote coujiguju-ju- by ANTHONY ZANONK ft SON, n:2 Piltu Mtiott, below Msia. WUNDRIUS-T- ul, Bic'eN, Chur-j- s, Urooni. "data, R;:H.ct.s Arc In store and tor Hfnnt'l'' son'. WUtiAK- - Ll" u h tide fair to n. i;:.e m ff'n ainfirpal y fin 7 H. P. NEWCi )MW fi IJKO. AlOLASSE bb'jcholo- pip.ntation received by 1 the Autocrat aud i'eytorji and for sale by ti w. crion. L'lNK ERANnY, WULSKY, - 10 do.i u Lfi Coemic Brand y; Ill do ohJ Bourh-r- county Wtilekv, do o"i A,(iie Itrnt;-.-- i do VTlutaev'a tlub Ho'.iM Gin: tS do old u 'ic i Kmn- '.t n 7 J. P. THOMPSON'S. 76 Fourth rt. ! RESET TEA 3 A and a- -o t- - TUf,'lt 01 loice Black and Gr-e- o on bud J. EV ni;J tor ch-;- for J. T. L NT! AM ft CO., VI ll. JAMP8 Bt'OAR-UO- l E Mui..1 dStts 7?i bble m pfore ar.d liirtnh W li THAN AN & CO. BUOAR I' ty 0 hb-i- ta;r to yjimt Sasr in etore tut ANDREW BU .HA NAN & CO- -, I0S1ER- Y- Xi- - Vj d ..g utite Cortonlie C-- 0 3 Lid do: S,'fO do d ix-- d do: 1 licit do, assorted; do, do; Rot&ifJ ar.d far anl: by JAYKS LOW A CO., ml U"- - ard "iiO Sixrh nt I 1Um 1 M i l r.rtif!!' ilrd and niru-cl- ' '1 I ' P. .,., r i Ai '''f,J. &!id riv:ichAL.d (ierriin fi.r hv W. L HCRKiLAJiPT, : Kuket t. DAILY JOURNAJL .. TOKES, SADDLERY UAaDWARE mUDLATLXG MISCELLANEOUS. OfHce of tho Amorican Express Co., Lori?vi:.t.F, May 1, 1 H, N0.T.TCTIii'1ri'y(r'v ' 't li'INRIE DA VIE d Au t thi Aci Miin Tnv-'- LIVINGSTON, FAR-i- a CO., ni 'j d 1 ia Toal foalfoal. 'pO MYFRIENDl AND FORMER PVPR0V3- -1 a. would i:jtomi mv old eurttomfm that I am again to b ito'.mdatthKOth.ecfWm. L. Hf,,rnlu'l'n .i.i, ptr.t, b- -t. ft.d wbc iv I r.iii w- - , ... ... .... , j ,..,-.-, ,Iiy i fj mi w no ic?irp to tiavt- the h.Mt ajid rheapi t Pitt. m 3 nnd Hu t Mr.i City ( oal now lu thn cttV. livi-'- trciMl tf ar.u on.t .1, Jtt.,, . dotrnmed to rlw I .r, that I will hnall i.,v.-,-t- In driving a bnk trado with my old frloi'd-- st too. plu dtf M Wv'kr TO '2W. An eillnt ciiHii'r- - ir n li:(l,l(. hordtit j ( en o n,re P"oitpblo r nnuftctitrl-'- bivinw, r'.)(i'0"E but a pr,)Hl rupi'ftl In Its Cdtahlihhmrit aud pr.n cuiiAn. '"HlEraanufactu'-ftconrif- in of K 1 cud.i '0!1i('vi:iriOrtnnir,f-- to coiurjou hrh-k- del a varipty f otner KiilnniK mitilnt, ot nnit'"t it archivctural fiuUhiaKa, ceiiiuge. tile ( .r floow and for rcohuw. Tlil-- enamel nav br tlntod of anvcolT, t' p pure H ht to tnu ? nt hiAck, wltn all the ro! m and eba brtvpti. p in p!--- o the a to - aprMfd a htrdiiirt ai.d 'inahiii". ln.o.-- t inrr.-rlN- . L-- benty n:rpa f) g tiir.t of thf rrei-- t a- d niot coj.ivoj tiie vai n ot. a mi; tjle, and, null" tht'm iiavvt vioius ti nioPer(Rud will c r fwd.-taii- .. or cntidsj b it afrad.wial y.ut of the price of ordi- arv marbl . It ii-- l?o va nahlp fnrtat-l- find tand trp. mmtl"-p- h ce- -. monnifi-V-- , and an n di varii-- 't otuflrr-Vci- e of Htap e ua h p.vr, n of up Ivlnw the pu.i!I l sinu lo, u hi'fi th. ar'lcU na w i r?adv talo vfi rdiuft Pi- . Re i tie- - mav e Ho n- -. ..r nunnt- turii.p niclei-th- trr any cit, or prruin' ut t wn in tb-- - Unit'fl Rtatf-- by applying to th- euimc . A T.ti t Tiif arirlv raannlpxtnrfid w 1)1 b- - r Miiircd fi.r the ii- - of t!i? invwi'iou. t la f civingfjli puiticulaio will b f T.arded to a l appll- ante. Th.' eurHii-- in tit md twnv this fnamolnd building Hiatal .1 in w th.- uri .nu'lf d in.I t cf (1 Rt; . ' f tln uio-- t T. inent arUiiUict Hd (rl'-nt- l ic moo ot th'a and o'hyr cltit. For pdniculiri', & jdre- - Gcnrnl Ag'ts for Enamoled Building Material, oi'MCin 6 Afti ht. M.i uK. oi STATIONPRY and JKWELRY at ,.,irJ 0,, t5i,'? ,'?.t,,n raiVP"V,T,''w.h-ni- &no- - pt- "t ll' t v - . j Ij. 8. B. d URETY....'E. RARY, Appnt), ';wd atrtxt, aopjlnlnjr the Jonrnnl omc 5 H1!t r'J"chas;TR a tine f rjt WINES aiid CIOUtlRri. a- - " BDRRACX. MOflJiittNE. IWMCs, Ronlcaiit; Potuird: It .10V.IU1; Pe Mnd.Hi; Front' nan Lunal tat. Estci.he. Voluy. .vto-d- MoHo, Vin de Tukay, AxmaTruu, aud Cordiii51 ,C r'nH d'y m AT 1 t REDUCED PRICES! THE r htvit:d a larpp o?" Lftdio' aud Winter Root, Shoes', and Gaiti-iao- hand, a'.t ot hi.-- oitu luauufacture, otters at grpatiy reduced prices for cah. leuiV in want of fine Calf Win tr Rrot ctn h at tho veiy lo priGa ci' 7 per tor cjh onlv. ALo, & lot of tliiii'i and Roys' Kip and thi-- k Ioota at cad for. cash P. MARSHALL. Main, bolow ThP d etrtot. ELMS HOW, jr., nnd S.H.FOPEa'S PATENT, TTTB K03T RECENT IMPROVPP ShuttleSswingMachiRS FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. PRICK 55. Warranted tbe Beat iu the Market; Fine dui.-he- Ftroug and durablft: whf fed ol grat power: cicccQin: y imple iu not avirt-iiifcxi- t it: Rll it rv.rt? admirably and iufenioi.s-l- an ftufft'd: rauuot iiutolv feet out ot oidtsr, Iwcancc evorytbitjg i pfrriiaiipnlly adjusted: none bo easily and owr:itd, r.nd eovs the not bcanti'1.! ntitcli ovor beheld, alttie ou both T;j lorv uud all v. ho have Sft-- it procono it the bp?t Mv ciilne ever rent to thia vlci..ity. Ail tiro corJially to eanilue it. T, JOHN. , To itliSIers, Produce Picrciiantt, and Grsia Dealers, THE fiiib?CTib(r nffurs hUervica totbi ProfivKfi iu LoiiisvMc for purclin'-.iti- all kinda of tlr-- and Country Prudvc?. Having fcsd lon ftii-ri- nct1 &t th bTiiU'iew, he tV!i a??.nvd thtt he ct givua;i?ftcjon to hll who may employ hiia. H? w tl! act ar. ai ut lor the purpow of hn inj; Orain cud Produce in th? co'intk' of VranfciiiL, t CKKlf 01 d, Scott, Favott, and co'intlo. i T Hn to Civ. C. 8. oreTfwi and Co'cnfd A. O. , Frankfort; Prs. W. S. G'.no and P. R. I Gfonretowa. Addi-- s WILL'S HODGE?., j van dtf tr- J. (i JACK, E. W. A' K, LuisvUi&, Ky. Not Orl.:aua, La. U Alt, 14. U. J B.4.V a ai U Jt.lj) Whclcsslo Grocery PEiiVISIOS i CGSSIFSION SEKHAMS, No. 5LS uortii elds Min tt., boti'oea Third aad Fourth ITMV!! .!:, SI V. UOAK. C I LL, AND MOLAB: n.iitu iN . nrs,.r: t'H' liu-i- rriiae i'.ii Cuti'-o- Juj bi-- Cmhs'd, and Granulated Stir. Jo.i r!, PlaJifullou Wolawefl; 15 V bhid d.'i do; ibb!e Go'don 3:r:ip: fo on kepre Goien Sirup; In store aud'or scir- by JA'JK k BROTHER, 518 Main it. MAm;FACTLTPD Ml!;?0!-r- Tocoot Wii do O. hi do (ki: ftJ do Htviim.'.v do 1' V do Va. mid Ry. do, varlo-.u- i braudi; In etore and for aals by JACK & BKOTHKU, oiS Main st. JP. A S3 AN I) LINSEYS-1-- M! ban N"r ,V.m and Llaseya brU'ti1) in formal.! by JACK U LKOTHKK, bliMainst. KANAWHA 8ALT-3- ,"! bid. Kmawha Salt, beat sto? and for ';le bv JACK Si BKOTIiKR, 6i3 Main st. UNDRIF.B 4n half che?4e Onnrodor 10 do do Buck do; 6') dozen sti ikei Hro m ; 75 do f:toc wii'C tied do; L- do P.i:ntd 'uc'-t- Lj; rveJn do 'l a1- 76 d'on Zioc h': coild Co'ton , 111 ik do H"in do, do; 1 boK:.e tt'ir Cftndleti; 5 do o:-.- r h; 7" do t ""ap; fin Pha do German Soap; do hARe Cotton Varn, til DUCiberi; 2J do Cant Chaia; Lh) bs.te b if th'3; !") do tJr.Tl--W:ck- So do Wrr.piug TliC; ir. bi Sic.. 13 do Prsvrvr; luy matfi t h. namon; ' 3 (we tfadt-L- aud Mluiilft I'iJi-5- i cu M.sdddr. lo bnls Alnnr; 6 do Bulnhar: &t) ca'ke N- - &da 1 Nutinec; 8jt,iH 0 G. D. and 3. B. Caj-o- 75 gro3e Mfttciirit'; 173 no Maoa'e )m--o ftDd email iilkiuf ; 20 boxon Candy; 10 bbl8:id-- r Vim-';-- : kc? Nail-- , aborted narobrj; On ha-'- and fur by tn Tdtrf- JACK P.ROTHPX. Mnlnrt WI1KLLI O'OKM M'.ce vhite and mixtd O tai'.'iiw Corn Li dtre uud lor ed- - br ANO'W IU ;;ia:-.a- A CO., rC7 f V:t!p cf A --."orid and V.i- - MiuM--- ., War ox o War: TRAT 3 ONK QUESTION: But to buy a handsome suit of Clothing J. M. AKMSTJaONCtS, On Main, opiMisIio th; Nntlonul llotf !, 13 A0TI1LR QL'LSTION. rilli GKCATLR OP TIOC TWO CAN xv, riKTTnH X de'.-- 10 p.rtr n;i t ion cf t'.f celt-i- it "took tf M'rl'v'S mi"l M'.'Vb' t'L'jlTIiSl n - ti A the .'.k;r r,.1- - in owq are tLeii-celv- e Wlta VNH"OI'.M "hi.Te ;n." nOMK (;CAH! Hr! I'ri, f TATE ul' 10' SulTH, BLA'"v Gl" A Ki ?rfT. AlsoSUT3 for CUILP-RK- and VJl:"'T1?. w?hp at di i y A It i6 fp.QN G'g. Sunday Cloth es. CO AND PITY A NICE SLIT OP SUNDAY CLOTHES at .7. M. A KM.T RONv'i'S, Ou hiain st., oppo.'ite the National. ELli3AT 8PP.ING SUITS, 81TLK DPESS BtlTS, 1ANT30ME VESTS, SLPEP.F1NE PANTS; AlaO eery vxritfr t 'CRAVATS, TITS, gniKTS ucki;;kv, UNutawtAR, c-- Ja.jt opcued aud for aale eat-a- for uwh at. m; PVTRHNT.'S. Cotton Kope, fac. A I' I'LL Rpwrtmeut 01 an eizes t otton, Manllij, ii J..te, and IL'uip Kor;: Cotton, l cip, find liu Tmr.t;-- . Tw.ue; C!A.k Liii.-3- K ten Lint m. Trot L:Gi, Stasiag, tc.; jutt rtci jd si d for nh- hy OK.'ilN KAWSoN', m13 t . betwi-- b:rd :id t n'.rtb. !AiJKLKr,u A.M Will hi IsH 14 75 tilta Nob. I, 3, and J Mackuilal 10 ,!;bbla Wh tfti-h- . Iu etore and for brIp hy ml4 W. oi H KPRKnARR?. 417 Var'tt gt. CORDAGB .'ot',on Ropy, arisnrted rir;'; 2v0 coils Manilla do, do 1V3; 60 do J:;ti do, dj tio; lui doreo Uemp Btdoris; 100 00 i ton do; 1'K) d") d'; loO do Pluir-Lin- c loraalohy in ! GARDNfTK A CO. iJpdOi lXTTO- N- a.cco d C ttoa, assarted; f. iv ia :i:tdw. do do, Jtui r tiivKd and eala JAMffs LOW ft CO., r,,l !) i' 'O iAt-- I OM'i'N KiKITK AM) tsCOlCH Li I aoaea Poit-cr- do h Soi-- : . ;hrt do,eu or ci-- k tr t jP by -,: P TH("tMPKOM. 1 F.i.irrh C-- l.tHO Kio nscelwd pi Breaker Tail-- cr.i:d aod for by R. T. N7"wrnwB PRO, Pn toua and John Kaiiio lor 'e by in.; OOOO & MOO y U:i r I ff ty IbWJ A fcN I LOULSVILLE JOURNAL CoMTRMFLATEU IN ARKANSAS Tico White Men and three Xgixes Uung.Yi ap-- j peare, pays tho Mumphis Bulliia, that a coutem-- j plated plan of iiif urw ion hjsboen ou fuot in the countie.5 of White aLd Prrtirio, Arh.. The plot was about two woek-- ajo, in which white men wwro concerned. 1 uey were to commence a regular whulfrale of mmder iJucdor. ami noi'Uhoiho; J Hirivry Plains, White county. Three ntKrovd ard one white ntan namtJ Thomas Williamson, were arrested end hum; at Hickory nains, ami a wliilc msn named Norman Webb was ordond to leave tlje State in ten dr.vs. An- other white man, whoso n;tia we di-- not learn, aud who was concerned in tu plvt, was arreittil and hurr at Soarcey. Ap.kkst ion Mail Rouim-.hv- liichard NesI, a bai::igR masier on Kinii Kail read, was arroatcd at C'ii.cinnftti on Biouday, and held in 'l,-j- fr ft furthjr tearing on a cuare of rob!jtiy tli-- l St. D)I'(J( loarn Iroiii a litr from r(' Domingo, under U ite of Ajy Xmi the pub- - lie i. bivhly excitci by the ueufatk-- cf i!:e esstprn portiun tlm by V;ir!ik:i p'ppara'i ins arninf; on, troopi and ainmm:!-tij- u hoin-- j ser.t to tbe frontier; but unk-- Spiin claims bar limlu t h r benooth-.- r deniuri.itratiorif' on tho part of iTtyti. Twars ftgn, Haytitook, by comiiifut or otlivi'wi:, Hinchi, Lis C Hi.d o:hi;r p!aco-i- t v.I:'eh Lave nce belong d toth1 HuT'lci (ioernment, and which will not bo jjivea up wi'.hout a trial. Tha writer " " ' flayft: Aipbaft;iHnra b ivo p.nt to Fr.-- ' a t! Frai:ce. ard thtir ; ch:n will d ciHe what cotiro the doveinmeiit will pii'sun I'tia lurR nutrili r of e:i!ir f.vrm Auihucj hav helped t i a tcfcne'al rVtl nr oF arouriiy here, as lie ( m irHn,a :e welt puii-lis- d wi; h the country, ::d v.idaid as much a in iis def'encH. The conspirator, L tiea B rth( lfirry, who W;. c nd mreii rn dea'hitt Purt-- Piii.c-- , in 1.D. and wh ni".r)a tuc rc-a- hin-c- - If urc, wk-- arrcst-- at L'Arc.ib i o'l the h f L, tir u bt to l'irt .u l'aiico, and shnr at 6 P. M. i f ihis-.mi- f d y. Whoa m irchtd to tiie quara he to ni. k'l hi-- ciur, end inrirwirte showed his iniliif-r-nc- Att(r unirin on th gri.und, he tmk ff hia cr:iVHt, took hi-- cier In his left hi' d. and wj h bis richt struck hi bret cJUd 10 the Mi.-r- dhf.-.- here." At tiia tirs1 tire there we;o ahotit cijht B'lotn tired m'o hi- - brea-j- and neck, which brought Inni to the Kroiinii. er whkh some eiht more wo-- e ti'P'l into Imj l.fas urrt hjiid, i .Ulinrs wnlkirh; up at J dlibe'sfuly p!n'!!:;: the muzzl 8 within a loot or t n of t b"tfy. tUriny; which ti;re b n'rucirK-- vi'ileily upon tin; ground, 11 .d tirt illv rtied in yr;tt aaory l:ere was consider hble mun:fe?ttd in hie favor about town, irit.l ai.d c rrve while IPcnt, or in o hy woriL-- never 1) da hoirin, which exci- ted tile biej of the peufje i:i his b b:tlf. '1 h.i (jdi:-!-, of New O.leai1., Captain Fcl;ifcr v!ooh ws in snd out 'f po many tcrnpes in P'-r- pi three ir.on he airu, now in IlaytiHH, and the Cwptyin in prison, f''f ai'eniot to ki'jnjp n car go of u.'V.t V roiiiof'T the CjV n or some othf m:u The Capl:itn had in i'J j some in tha vol, ainonir others havi:!? p lintwl her white, n'id pnt Tell to the end of Wiiiiam, ihus m.Mn it Wiili-i- Tell. ' he siippoi'i!i.n i? ilut the Cap-a- bd sltot, but your d,iub:4 i'. Thn C'uptntn in a Frerchmn, bui churns lo rn American cit iron bv adoption. The hHI ronr against him. aa he lillrd about 01 hundred ca.-i.- wi:b wicer while in Porl-a- u l'rii.ce. and i:ftnv set Lan b h colors utT of one pjrt ar, I Trench oti' another, and made he a'ieipor to p;et oae htm-- 1 ired and lifty men on beard uri.!'r thf plci of having Fpruiiij hi nidinm. and rudder, and uo-i- roquire ilia t u.ucu force lu put hia vesil to right e. HoOhS CONTHAUAND AaaUMdin inciuetit U rolattd in the tit. Loun t.;n:ocru: tb;t happened tn the eipoditioa of Caraiti Lyon ua'uidt tha eceesieti-:'- ! at PotoT. Tha captured thu: The ntxt move was lo capture the rbbel . which wus kiuwii to be In totn. ead fur this aTeablo duiy Cap'uin G-l- d:tailfd a truard of men, under cm: rr,a.:a tif Svr"-v.n- Ya!l;or, accoiupiiiied by lh: Frarkitn, Sure-i- of Keimsnt. Tho u.ird ruirou-i-it- the hou-- e eupIKJScd to contain the Q ig. aud Dr. frranklin and S'rr.-in- Walker enieri d. After 6aarchin. in vain for me time, the Doc'or ihoiiht he ob-s- Vud the tdy )f the bou.-- e itiioj.-i- rather an uneasy po.diion, and ho very politely akd her to rts. At tirst the lady htaitattd, but, iindm ih-- D.ior'a pT u:isi'. a suaviiy irreutible, ei:o ro-- e elowly, aid li ! tho K'ripe of the en apoear'. u bolow ttia lady's ho- ps. 'Ihe V c or, bowing grwiful "be pardon, madam," rstoepi.d, ami j iio tv ca'chh:; hi la of the jjaiidy odor, cuefuliv deiirrfd the lndv of a lii;:, iLirfy fett lug and nine fe" wide. Tha D ctor bore odT his p ie in tiiumph to ho ca!p, wheru the tio- ps greeted him wi'h wild shouts, and thuraete ia d ilia foat as liij cruwhiio-- glory of tho occasiuc. A.v Am kntlre or Ma Lincoln. Tbo Wash- ington corre-p-ud- cf tho AlUiny (N. V.) Stated-- m m ?ay.:; You g'it all tb.3 nwn, rdI nior Lkj. by h, ro thn" it h b rd to make you an intreat-i'- - Jet tor. L'ut 1 bhoiil t;!t v.:a h wi:h two or 'f'r--- l ivo- - a- th v i ii r;; i v ;i re") if i; ' ft 'i A ::dr! and b u m; rluwn a 1!'. o.- - eiera: Ai-r- h:un, tl::.i advantage of Mis. L 'a ibejica on a shopping tour, duioiir. L'.i tii rii:-- , and stole ou; to the n p rt:.n of the l td..:al Diatric in c,'tet of cce a Bof'-i- ho his adventuro, hj p;i.s-i- d mure than nt.e picket of tbe adversary, and th.-- roiurned with ou di c ivery or ciniure. When the fact cainn u", he n i.hi have known it would, the inaianTv recurred to a mim: What if two or t h'j aoniilo- b,d r.loird in upon him, talcn hitn prisoRcr. and hurri d YWi ctY tn to 111 ;drt the l.iuLin i?:o(.k if not tbe tninc nf :h I House fok as. foe us of horses in war are as various as in the aria of pa:.cef ao that when a h supplied with htrses of t:o d charjie'er iu time of peice, it ran easily furnt-- h euou-- h f t war, b a general tbltiff. Hntire horses ate preferred for m my ot th ervic-a of ihy campiin ard battle tieid, for though pi syid of no grea'er intell'enca thv capable of fw;aitiiuc :nor ex de muds upon ih-i- r slren-- Ti and ei dur mce," nnd h.y r loui'd o b, under the inii!e excire me tit of bjt'l-i- , itnbui d v:'v h a d ci'i' v which i" surpr'pinc. tor draubr or t ije wat.ns atid ainniuiiiiiooi, aa well ha heavy oidiiance. cop; 1: u1 ion. , d endurat cj aro In tbi c antry v.e havo fw h: wlyvo h -- V av.kwardt-ps- would ij nrlt them f r seruci-- ; but in haropa the re.i fcasta which are (fin heavy teaming, r.nd are exprtH-fdo- awkward and u;iui;lv, aro r; c as unlit fr puoh ervi!-- in tha unny. An ir.fuion of Knjdi.-- h thor.itihbrt-- b'ox-- ib:1 pivra lo Ku ope a clr.a (.r heavy hi'.raes fr the ro. d wbith are niwio ureal ly in favor. I hey hare the very tnu-- cf tba cU.-- a of d suht bors vhkh we a'lion u. 1:i r Hart, rd co d csr'i 2 0 drdwn by hor;es cf tho char.-'Cfe- in which v.e allude a cla.s admirably ;iilaptrd to hoivy ai!iii--r- and oh r hodvy 6r vi of war. I or flying arlilkry rr.d ha-v- civalry of a fin- r ori'iniza! ;,it yet scrct-l- pjver, are deniadrd greater activity, mors spirit, and (.rtdr e: dur.ii cs. We bardl. ki.01 what henry cavalry ia in tlib counirv; i ne 'nut the cuirasdora of Lun p&an armiu. They are mon jf lare fcarno, each v.i'arir.f; a culr.-'- aod hcl- - mor, w oi q ov)-- n tne Jii a'-- oiiii not penet'sre ( h.'U,!i the fo cf blow zh a ot':e;i to u:in'!-- a tr.(:n). the L- ro:eotfd by a piai ai:d scaie-sroK- 411 af ieat thicltrifvif ticy aro armed wi:h a "word of tho hfuvk t ar.d pi . Ti.e wi;;ht h.T-- e ad man, if we are rihily iriforratd, often 1 lco rou:id- Hor-- s in th ror-vi- -- ro uMi.iily aiaiiions of (it.'ccn and a half to .six!-1)- ! h'd-- . fuo; ked, with Mmill h' d, rat h:r thnrt but larg bar. ? a: d 1 dii: S eel expected if i o:!, hut rey are miendod to movo iib alntot in tje cliir;-- on ocaua wl'.ere wyi;-J;- t will t ell fh;.ti inipj; v. li. ht civulry a cIa-- t.f r irren i wHch are r?prTenf rd by our liTiten to t'fien and a half hand carriage hr.'.-i- , between t!ie proper hachncy a::d the li Lit otau.ut horse?, cr lurmor's borte of all work. 'Ii i? . a mo.-'-t im p'lian1 c'i39, and one Icri-l- y rcprcaciitod on our Sew Knland f.trm.--', by wtdl cared-fo- r Young horsoe ct (;om1 h',1. which havo not b?an over- worked and idifVtjm d up or strainKl out ?hape, aa too many of our hc-j- have bean. for the uo of lield c;7i.'c-r- and thoir' puvh as will be-i- U'.iHmi'ed crnudin and work in baa ground; hor-v- s of tlie highest endurance, mucie, ki d upi'it. Iho t!ivlih hunter ia wtil adapted lo bt e?pccitlly if an tin Ire hor-- o obtained, and sach are a.'Ufht for in the Briiinh array. We tjnd amon our tiialli 'tifi of all work, efp;jC'j!!y uch as have a lar-- icfuei. n th::ou.:br. d bk.od, bcrws of a very eitmLr char.:cter, but lacking endurance . iioi'us'iii. Tm: KKwvr'ArKKS a.m thi I'imks The Bos- ton evening h:ve iitd tha piico to news- men to one doiiar and lifty cents a hundrfd, wh-.- briiiL' oj:e price of sinjrbi paper3 to three cants. Tbe fioun Courier, i.iie many other his rcduct-- ifa ?.i in onfonni'v wi h the necet-fi:- y, wiiiuh imp .".ea ;ill pracMal eo u- uiy upon every branch of bu incy, and upon none wore linn upon newspapers. iijth these hum u res are jut and A man who grumble at yi inu; three cnts insVad 1.1 iw, tor a p;iper ih-i- t contains tuer.ewsre-- j through expulsive channels frf.m all uarta of tha coani y, or h in not wii h tbe ample d,n,e;i,-- i us which the Couriers1 ill prefiPL-f- , ib not r.iitlod lo iue nws at &r:v price Jhe.--o tiriic3 ii'creapo ttie ex enti-- and dimif'ibh the rv-- j o of Ir a mistake to suppiwe tha jrrea'ly iocre.i d oircuUiion of ihipu-err- balance th. ji'creaced expense. 1' is the radical ti-- and tho ad er't-hii- ; d pu'I- - upon the cren-er- al proh'p:-ri-- of the cocntrj; whatever chc'B uurin-i- - cnciiS adveru ui 'i Lii;dh papers, wliich do not furnLh a duaner 'he tlt-ti- ' ph news ihat tho AiViericia pa&dr d, ure Bu'd at turgor four tlu.a the nri-.- or oars. They iri.iie a pror.t on ihir circ tlatijn al1 ae, ar.d thcretore xmptraovtdv tafa fiooa a tcvj; ion which a;foc s thuir i;iug. We hav Jong th'Uht thi tfaa American panrs would cl imattly he forced ir.:o omtjtalns 1 ke thi- - piaiiiun. WhiN tho cc. t cf pii.i cj.aur. hn heeti enortm-u-l- frribnr , whiie of all kinds have u! ad', a fintr, ihi nr;co of nu-ppt- bus rd1 her d c1! I h if, tijat tlie y,;- - d' 1.1 '1 li'! eOJ'lH!l- - r'C;' fo' ??vi.-i-i- th;) dnvou r.t tin-- lite L(;AK 14 hhds prime laadic from Pay- - fault of our nep 'par t s'era 'at the circa Lit is. n! for i. by not Th, whok a..d - f, pty. prorlt a a k a WR N. toi, ro. - p.irlrni 01 tne hrM coat aane from tbtt d.r- - v3 for by t?tZ nod of of 'J7 At' Im ha r.d i;a bo be are be peo of aro be cf ues he the.-'.- . J 1jviiiK'.' l l. R. K. DR. EADWAY'S RKBSEDIES THE TRUE MEANS TO PKF.SERVE AKD UrX'OVKK HEALTH. LET THE SICK HEAD AND KEJ7LECT. RA l VVA X ? Kl'ill.iTiN'.i F'lJ.M. RAD WAV'S KLNVATiN4i 8KCLRL HEALTH TO ALL, AN!Al:E ULES3ED AtJ I'KOVlDKN'l J A L riPLCHICS 15 Y TUP. CHLKCll. Thf. Catholic. PreK'K in ou,'A Awsriia, II Grate the Arrhbinhop atiHUo, Gen. VUhimUL 0 tK: A rtrtv OS h'j'to-hrr- , hive Vc twed hv Uu-t- mfi'U-bb- - nnd hure given Utcm to the ntck uho haoe fVjti vA.unw cured. MAO'A LST VERITAS ET PRVALII'.IT lUd avV Ready Re V 4 The Minute n R dwa' V Remly Re- - Preveuts bick- - rjpja. R.Jw'' R("dv li.-- St. In a Minute R:'dv.'V Rf-1- f is a llmlwt'n Kesd- R't- - ei ire. Pinp in 'he Hmvi-- RndM a .' R"- - lii'fcuiv I'liothache in -- n inrt-in- . Ri'dira- c ftdv R'v lief Pivrent. Sir - rt.Mt fttte.ok of Sitk- - Radwa 'c R' Rdv ,uref Sick H.'rtdAch". Rudv- v nt furei-Ai- l lb- ae. I HWv-1-- ' v i H.tdw-R- 'i am tlinuor ia .fl. Raawa 'n Rpnova tin yReul vent cure-g-v re ,iK"' rhiiir iiH'.iritit-.-K'-- Surt'f.l Irt't. f'1 t- - .a tiRR"aolven eurw ) lyipMia. lUdwa Kenov - titi(f Itewilvrnt cure- Hronrhitl. Weak Cnittlu. Inrijiir.nt onntiU'tiori, PC KMC ST ASn PI'UOATIVE PILL IN T'lK W- KLO. Ra.1.-ay- ' Kjrulatlnc Pi lis warrant ed to operate tn boVi. RvavV Pill- - are a Ve?etibIo t' for t'a'oincl. Bine Pill. Qnii fnc, ciio. Rada-M- UifiilitinB Pil!t unould be need by Female. tn dflli'rtte tvattli. Radvay'fl bVcnlatine Pili cire all (Vjnijihiint Ilnrt v'( Ketfiilntinp Til1- -, Quiets And pro hifen Sl.K-p- , Sleep, flletV Rd ayV Hdulatinf Hl . One Pill every day will curw lndieHtiouJ TLIE SIONaLOP WOF, HKADACHK. HP AD ACHE, in all its r. vin? vnHrtlM, cured IN IfiOM Fi VB MINUTKS TO six norp.s. BY K AD WAY'S KKOLLATINO PILLS, AM) , RnWAPS READY RELIPF. SICK HKAOACHI-- UEN A', H KAPACFIK, NLKVol'3 llr.ADAi 'ffT5, MALA ItlOl'S MKAOAOTTTe, BlLIOt S Iii:AlACiiK, co'fo;s'nvi: iimadacdr, CATAKliM lU'AUACliK, nKAPAnK I'KOM PVKKd. UKArA'H FROM '1LKTTIINO, lil.ADACH FUOil &L0DI5N COLDS, ASH ITLADAClTt! r a pivrrtOTiitorT eyiaptotn of thre d diit-- ; cr a cinniniant of a dU"i:: a ia trtaciiwl ff.lihm lite eU-rn- , is iutsjitaacoupiy relieved by RAOV7AV3 READY RELItlF, and CURED IN SIX HO! KS, PY KADWAV'fl REIJCLATING PU.L9. There is tcrcely a diertf-r- , alimfi't. or malidythat seize; npn the h.'uian v''-t- but that one of it cldci him prini.-ir- w iiKADACl'K. 'i'i-.- tLr-- or the Sronnt-h- , Live-r- Hriirt, Shin. How 1h. ki'in.'Vci, or a di'turopn?;' ol' the rimt-- 1 :t lorn of tho b' rr intoi tVience with tne rc3ni7 in t in, Co a great or leas tavor-ity- , In LKAL. HEADACHE T not of itrlf a dh'eApe, but it i1 a r?rtain fl?n that tovfh'n Rud loiiia'tiiy hntnorn ''TJ--- ivlthlu th1 sytera, ar.d tii it dir-- ! te within h1 lita'iRche, hiuld uover hf netJi.c'.e'i: it a nm.-- of 1; j?fi ,t tu the T to fortifj hi? ."jvtem to i't i- - and r.'pcl tit thr."ateut-- dL'Ti"? It' ;p not oni r. ei;i of tbich'eiied iii.l 't:e, nt it it lilo'w! v p. cy.iicorrdtfiit of uli the ruo it violent, int'oTioi1-- , i.i.tHi-iir- . and !UI that tniift In h f ' tri'"?. conTt.?in;ii. -- nd Yi LLoW.T PMi 3. I'VrHum, S. AkLKT, HHIP PEVT.R ia LLS-- t PLVEtt, PNELMONTA, MEABLtri, bMALL fuX- - 1 IX FEVER AGUE. Chapres . Vr-- h Fever In all Rendtteat sjid Iiitermilt-- ut TeLTfi In bi'ions Nvr'.oar, and Rr F '. . in inri'i(;ti7.n. So! o Tliront, Bodden Coldr. lu Dioth-jrisi- , iu imLruuEuation, Cougeatiou, and l'a!iv,tbbi:s, QEADAC'rlE, HEADACIiE, HEADACH 'e!-'- ii di'.vn The brrin with ;ain. aud tt'isDclorr,!:' the rnadftiit d bruin Ju ad theae fonanoi' Hoadnche, KAU WAY'S READY RELIEF, RAOVA-- S REOlTlATING FILLS, are q jlck ami v In ail yf d tui tomtliotic tieadarho, a1 dl- orderrd 'tiurti b, euddeu cold, srt':i ivo Lioui-nn- , cluro phi Rt'.on, . KADWAY'S KEADY RELIEF will re-- re th'- Kiiff.rer to triicyailiity in a fts luin-ut-- j, aud R DVT AY 8 REOULATINCI PILL8 will, fn rtji hour?, puro i'r:ci tlie pytt-r- all eitcndh'jr hutnonj, and a asaJluy euftl iar.'.iua to Van Let those who a'-- st pref- - ct RifTiriut w th Hadarhe nia.kv th- - ut',1 rii:i:it. In fv-.- tiv-- i r.uiitn j to ?ix hoar' vua wi i U i'rr- froia and wi,! eajoy a bleep. Doi.'t ail. but try it at once. EMINENT A N I) TJl 3T I NG UI HE ! Statra n. Lawyer, t s n' n, I":i.jici.ina. Miiitry ana Navl o.jiJ, Mtrchioit-- . p.r.d otii. t . n;-- .hj iue cptriori:iC-v- Dr. RADWAY'd uKHtDl'3. HEAD THE RECORD. Hon. J. J. Middltoa. cf 8 uta Cat Gru. Jw Vii.'.ruiM, of the Arr;y of 8. A. Ir Frederi- k 11., o:" Mi?iTV'. CL P. M..nry, Hon. John 4. Q'litTvua. of R. 8111 I.e. l.i .d liari:.:, Ebi-- , of " M, -. P,.k-.-- 'i : Fl 5i. Merchant Lr. Kv. le.r. i'Tws. r, Li L.1. Wllt-- M , y:htti,'h, Lv I Har E ll;uA'" t::n. La. Cl. li. fcU.iioui, OA. Coi. Win. K'k'o, lovtua. Ox. Lar.c , (Jm. Or J. S L fyet te, a. Dr. Juo 'ir.k. S. C. Dr $.11 L tinuT. Mo'.int Verron, Ga. Dr 8. i. llopvu.rt, Fiucatlc, Va. n. h tid-- L". 8. A. Col. b'.h N. Y. 8. M. Dr. E. VV Eailc. AbivviM, S. C. P. .L .:i, i.Hj , i. , Fla. Col D. K:th.r!non, (ii'i'8toii, T.j7at (iov. Dicka iu, Tt-- and ihoiii 'd-- oilier (fGiith'tuau hav? ud ItADvVAY'6 READY KEL1ZF. R )Wrs KE'U LA riN'.l !'Ii.! .9, KAi AVA Y".-- RENOVA I ING R . 'LVENT, and nive onr-'- rh. nitu'ivi and ori:ers ith t vm.'- - i a, after all ot' er mdicineri f.dted. Every vmw named ill v iu.h for r"M-ii- n.i binf,' th. rml- that restored thm ar.d th.-i- friend" acd taoaO io whom they recoaitut-ode- 10 health. lllinVlV'S RE10? RKi IEl- TiiE MINUTE MEDICINE. eaj.' - givn by Kadwa. V R"dy i d in ail tw.' cf Hcnt' p.iiTi, internal or external. P ton in a n.'unent the ni'id.h-oint- ; aoiir of rhenmH'ir'iii. neuralgia, t'otlmthe, biirn.-t- r l l, CV. and brui e. wlii-1- apili-i- o't'wardi v. Torture, th-i- if continued oaid ciiis" death, in ar .st d va ht..-:- - it, in rie niiu.itt . it nsp. ndn dUea ivins tim for the iictif-- of eai' die?. All compiu.ut i d by unhi alth;- air. aj .'njall-'o- ncnr:-- t ait a, fever aad a."iie, yellow ft vvr, Ciiolva, . I"i.iim-ni- a &r.. r.r ,!! vented b it.' ivca.-lon- i iif. V. h n tne nerroiu yct:') i" parai cr couvnls d. it p uJ:iro3 a r:ipid rcaciicn, im.'.:eoiit-l- y n- rJ, ft.i(,i", rcnvtil-ain.- , hy.-t- r.j. Ac. F.r tho d- bilit:ited i1 it the h- -t poIbie toinacait:. infinitely ihan alci,iji in f.ih tor:n. Havi.' it 'Q hsud n!n ai i:, tor it niiiv Imi rAjuired at any tuofue-.t- , and no drj v.iH rf.iply WM. SYPNEY ME-.S- , PQ., Hwaba. Cue a. 11 v ak a,, Ct'M, J.n,. 3. IfitS. M T Raowav t Co.. Oeiitl'-- pn ; I ! a f.T-- from Awte Cr.rck'.c Irtra'i-::-- th- ht S ti:. t'J It 1." y Uj ev r m'l; ii:t.i d:;i ini that peMid, n- ii:."' toji;iir nor jn ivtn e:.ri--r- . 1 h.ivn a b'ltnac on Doctors all, n i: d riv Ina bctieiU. ih oai1 of 1:1 Ire jv.eiit .tlical alt'-CK-. w:i? ve.rv Ml tcr a weeJf, njid had not pt :in ho'ir tt mi;, one tiiu". A bh f ien j to whom I r l:tt- d n:y i;t fieri , tid me ho h:i l a remf dy w hich Ti,;l Jl e in relief, and hj I' molv prc( nt-- mo vith a bottle of 'KiOWAl's Kn.iE" Although skeptical of iteriving anv advantf-- from it uce, I ttint niiihi. applied it IV. '1 1.- on Koinx to bed- ft' ti, to my aniHzeuit'iit, feP !'jlieved and nleft mirnolv. Tti" next in phi-- 1 Hfim m'j- lied tha K"iH- - E'lie.f, and nw"ke in t 'if ?i "i' . J rccjTtrm 'fitt-- , hax-it- otiiy u . ahovi k 'It tiir unu.. ii ) I rjti:ni youiny humble ccknovli-' your invala:t')l'- iadii inn. n hich my well ctn d a "hjesiins Lo mr.n." 'fi: nkin? vou from ir.y fiMil i; vo..: 1. ;..J?nJ roruody, I have tt,.? tubur to iLihjciiba eve. L:', o ira, W. SYDfai MYiJC. Gre?.t C'irf!" of Fever acd Aie, Typhoid F' l5oif-i- f iTCirU-- t Yellov.' Fevr, bio-.- , M'Kiiip--'- . Croaf, )& .re 'i'hi'oat, A'inj, . HM u-n, AV liooniii t'O'iffhe, DWi', Cholera L'; .'eTitrj", IUi'jd.i.a1';!-'- , r.heaiadtlenit , Cent, Lvjubifo, Ijiirihao, All pui. All iicLea, And jufiruii'-lo-)- , (TRK'V! CI PKD! CURED! B7 BAD WAY'S READY RELIEF and R.viWaY8 RHi.L'LAT!NG PiLLS! AL3' - CFRTATN OTHER GREAT OUR PS AH" OA1LY EFFECTED ITU M t'VLLLOFS RABIDITY. Ry RADU'AY'ri RENOVATING l YEN l". Hiueom of all ki.:', gore, Ulorv. rt!;in rr,tion, Rheum, is. FinMl'.'iloth.,'inm.-i-- , eciotu'a, 8phil, Feset, g..Te, White fcrtsip.'ld.?, 3or Ucrtdii, Sore Eyes, tjo:o tnkei'n. CiinrtOi, "t re Chronic Coini h.inls', Rheun;.-Ti-ni- , , Diowy, Prouciti. Luaea In the Th oat, ' ua.v, c. UNHEALTHY CITIES, SP'KLY . Dr. Vtinibrie., 01 Cm tov n ritcB to th- -l a. itt of Ir. R;id".-- Ri foilows: Tnlf i one or tiu- - iaop: plrtO'V in th-- worM mcdicim-- of kiioL thit vill cure di ot the .no r.,tv:, 'n othr pl.lfl IniVrt no etlect uvoti the ei f it h- - ; P i h. :t 'e Heady Relief, Realtinf; Pill-4n- d Ken. at ''.:' E'YOl-ve- pojvo hpp lor In e- -r r,:- iere. tiife niiraculoati n edicmei si u Rdnhn'-l- - i, t'.f-- enve tliacick. J hae cured the met ter.iMo c rr d fever, hi'd rnr, t ph id toott - 1011 of the live"-- , bllii'-ii- iVver, by t)ij 01 the Kvlic-- an.i Radwav'H Fill!". Wit:i tlie. Uell 't Cd Pit.- -, Dvfen tery I' ha- ml vs, Choi ra b wiuon a anJ tl.c riont vbdent Small P"X ci.ancj. s toai-;i!- toim of the Varioi- id. The frirlitin! - ree 'il' r. duted to eHv, uik-1- Hvd bi'i In b:U'3 of o,.;k. ., kii.1 ftlin ot in: !, a wnsi nvphcr-tio- oT the K- litl ueiitralir"? the poison, and the in'itio'iid rieth. I have r in d several emm of of the htKi t, mull of blo--- to the head, and tit of vaiiuai kiada, by a few doaca of ttadway'e Pilia. RE80L- - VLT Will recenerito d hnmanlty, elnn?e, enrich, and puriiy the blod, cue a every kind cf ha&iOte, aud tiufurt to all a clear tiun aod tair coiapleAiou. FORBORE EYF-S- , ULCERS, AND IIUMOKB, The Walking bkclUoT eovred with 8ors and Running U . Before the introduction of Kadway'a K .ln eolt'out on thp- coast of tjiutlj America, t t of CiLiO. Vilparai-o- , Bat n mA .Tt. Kio. jci er lcii citie. nvre throDtied vriih (.cor an A C it ienniiif( oi huraanity, covi-re- fro1 j ;u toot iia fnthtfiil u!e-i- 'S dipchhv:; and corrupt Liimord 1 mi e cf E.urai 't ' Ko- - solvent has puritied, cIT.owid, and ovory c e. No more trirph d and fcil aud ;ori-e- LoUit ra U photic for ia Ridwie Rolvent, a., ivai-- ctHfh hi the Eeadr K lief nnd E- tad mo t repuMve leer covered with rtmuuaiaorea ana n'iCor. fouiiii- - ck'ti, aud t. alThy. Eadway'o Ktao-'cie- are told by Cic- let, reliant, au St ' ee Price of P.(W a V Readt- - r. nt, Sf. rent, and $' pkT bk.ttle. HadwavV Ketailat in P: coat pr bOT with ku;h, 3h pills in euch box. '9 R novstine Iter-- . Ivetit o.r kittle. K.O'eW 4 (, ' . t1". John New Yorh. tL WILDER, Akvnt, Jy-'- viiio. i Ui2t fl) 1 tuiiy Second Importation ! Dress Goods at Auction Prices. PL IN AND PMPOIDi- HE M ZMRIQI: 3; PLAIN AND EMUi'.OJKK.iED EOLiaU Li.P.EwES; D. 0' HE WORSTED RICH PKINTKii POP: INS NO PoPLINhTlEi ANii PLSUEP. LACK MANTLES AND P IN'l rl; 1 DOZEW LAL'K MTTT3 AND C AUNTLtTS: OiOVi-- AND UOoIPRY: U'PEVd iMOL'HN NO COOPS, BOYS' WEAR AN UOirT!C; LINEN ?!FKrlN 8 AND ; A larr lor of 5 T.VH'M'i-OL.'- !' ORG VN'Y, JAC- ONET, AND BEKEGE ROHEd at Onimjui'. tlu CO" of impor'ntion. ni-- T ih S; i . h. t. Mrk. t and Tff. rm. The Carpet IVarehusD, MAIV STREET. O. IDTJrJTSJLi Sc CO. fK TP. V.T ion. 1 VP'.'. FT IPS. hV, r Aj y 1. h, AP i KY Hi (, -- E 3, Til ,1 E Pi V im.KALN, !Trt .pui IS K N, FINE IN RAI. COTTON ( li. J, '( I ' i h - v I: E VNFTf h J PO", DOG'S M U , ei, v va. et-- . FloorOll Cloth ?3 r iu S f t de of vv f vl- - ii on it ,c x to 'nit h ilL or r nm tt.i nt I va to j urch ira pod r:n nt n' the iSo.- - :q t Rrd IU e ? I'd ar & d . . - C. DUVAU CO r. :1 ib If I KKPl- K'S M,iit i . i .1 A Vll iH' IN :f?lr i i'hi,'. t... ' if i .11 BKST AND rHKAPKT VOGT KLINK, JVlantifacturorA - S24 Third ac. oiTr Pr tn' ion and sIo a iwk' and sr.h ii;? ;1 i;;-tm;'-i- t of J 312 IU 271 if nst.f.rlor workrein.'hip rmI na!.;e Di nood. Corn', , , artiehs roil.. Oit, h'l". f.nd be i itnul ftnd Lf ionttiiiy h nr line, oi t;iiroLe;i.ii iajyo.-t- NlW Yoia &rj ir.r ovni oifthe. l.een i7.;?nt.'ted by trCEO.'E OL'- t"li at ny than return (oo is, r;d, ow inn to tla; hurj fn-es- dtylrcnn lo LET Ni CAil t UnTOVLK OO on the fcoio of nvic-a- , wn invito oar i:d to call au.i i jjoine O'T and r t fbat teir wsiii and ieaoi mil and .hr.l! b,' Ki't' laiO 0 - -- o. hilr.l t(e?t Attention, Military! Vl'- - Dovr i,r;arc.i to iiifi'ii'f.-Ui'-- Mil I r t- - i .Ars or every du.iirt d in aaj tjna'itilj i'd at the tnoiUfi uotice iai .rJ) AT F.X. CRAIG. OPPICERS' CAPS of tbo beat ra T ti r.j.E.. lica:;;. T3T0HY ObTliE I NlTob NEa lit Ki,AND3, by Mr ON 3'K'PT'''0 hy .Toel .pn s 5') I U!'' li'.tii.K AND THE CLAsrGt a, b; B- oPMm3?. A2 r.i. ANNATE OF T(U: AM Kill AN METHODIST Pt'L FIT bv v, ,;. , .. . j. j,. .v.. MAt ALLtVY'd liijiuP.v' OF Ur GLAND. Vol. 5. 4 voi:i::.;EN and tuki;: difficl'lt:, by Mr U c. SOLDiEl-"- ' AM) SAILORS' TEXT BO' 'S, hy Pv. .1. K. Macd'tr:, D. D 3 C'DLY'S UDt'o LUCK fjr . ,l"-- t'j A. DAVIINjON, a; ju S'i) Till: ' r,-- ir V.,v,.t. M. C. IIAaISEY, Removed to io. 3IS Fonrlh slrctt, opposite Tripp & i.Tgss Music More, WHERE he ii- seain read; tov oti hi: fllttidf1 vih Lis l ug-- - "t ck of Wathen Cio U. TewoTrv, fl;!verwarc, A'ablc i'no pectucica, J''ti9 per limn T r ffl r L.-- 4 1 REPAIR IN ti IS KVF.HY Dr.PA KTMPNT I t.e t'nifl ccii.n ti nturn r.iv t- ti ni i ho fo noM1" In vm.' my c od ' t tnthefiu tint wepL me fioiu mv old flad c i s1' e t. mis tX i M ( . RAMSEY. GREAT IlEDUOTION ! Engraving, liliiojraphs, tsfiit Frames, LWikiDc-filasse- sf WaikinjCanes A fine ftcsortent, and CHUAEK THAN i VER. "". ''.i7 ?rft -- t., htwecn "rnl m1 Thh-i- . ojijI !. it. Uitthe: niiJ lf--1- .!., t nri kn'opri.'h - It ' t .ill liccc: VmI m! Uic Claeap Lico tor 3"" Sf 0iJ NO. LA I'm P. of ni!'r-:dt;v.t Haidf ) do I Do do V.i iok;. Piain Linen (,'olhirn nnd gefe; Fdcin? an-- Lac; Ai- a tew Lice t oll.irs and ti- mw ctvit . s.t o y ne'O.l low price fnr ci h. A lut oi F:ench Eiiibroid.-re- Innn Pno? till be " ,.t til All C,-- CH AS F. RAFCIIFFvSlV Ciiep 04 ,x.h - v fourth troei ( l.i ni-- ; ST.GHARlESScSTtUSAfJT, FIFTH STEEET. EETWEEN MAIN AND MARKET. 'IPl.f, OVHT! KM AM) L4.1iM JUST UK. c uei b m. NPillX: III- - IVKNS. KltOi; l1K.".'Ql.'AJ( Fihli. a... ., ' oils" y on iiaiAd. AH of iiich will b d at m RtibiauraQt or pent to a.n- iKir1, of thy city lu au'rwr rs2 :iij KLTSf'ER N. R DY ALP and PORTP.R fur i?.c in all qiiau- - tiiuis at the HI. CUARLL,-)- OCR 11 AT An mwvvi. pvvail- - with t f i;ur ret v r.j-t- tht' Hi' make nl a Ut A!i rrich will favor us hy iooicin k.T th.- - ff; i' V.y if Gat we ae piodnrh thi- - at and Th-- y are filial t anytluo nv!e i Arn'-- at tbe B.meT.i-.-- . PKMTiER & HMIiL rn J is.ii vi ,m ?t. FINE II & Mi VU'rt PFE ? VMM HAJ'S, '.inv nt; L, l. d'..J C'f 01 tne riii"; onl be had .t No .V;;;Uj fctre-- whi-r- th; m: raina'.a',tiir-- d. r-- sh GATB AND CAPS. 1p PRTUrKS'.lTlt kr( u Vrf hand a I.i nt ..r "d fcu,. kia-i- Of rl. jib '.veil IW tho finest IU , a No. iZ- .:ii 'hat a Horrid riiht: n-- ,A'h.-i- i'n m tn. i th ,t .i d to live rw nk lA 1 t.i he,' 'tr ,iu T" A iu-- ' fNy ;t. vu'iiu't! cf ;ih a th g ' one of tiioe el" ant & raw iale ajiia" jut br'iirht out tor lh.' ".itile onej" by nti-- b AT.PT f'Vifri aj ri.i k - i' iiv .s ot 'I' aai G'.e.-- t tu oiCuent evor opemd in the 'ifv at lg iu4jib CRAIG'S PKlO C.Pa A f.::o a:'ortiaemt of light Ctipa tor rrm a1 CRAIG'S. CJIAWB gXlT3.B. limt! men pc Ii r it H coiiibinv lUht netv with rri enfi bean' w i 'h ea-- i h d citv. ar;o .ibove all, vi otrii-- f il ail iii t iinue , a UVi - will Oth Hie Kdio. Porson- who d n't k::ow win' triat is, bat womd ufce to, ehould call aud tee ior thuuicV-i- . es. AT.FX. RUG, c-- rV -- o V p.'h-'t-- . U GUEVE W- - hVIU'.LAlil'.. J. fitjCHfl AM GKEVE, BUIIRL1GE, & CO., IV- PAELOS FUEHITUIi5 JSlanulaoturers Cabiiiet-Makcr- s' Materials, Greer, street, between Clay and Shelby strw. ,rX 'Vfl.f ,K, KV. l:S!i?l'L AS RKlil AS )HNA!U NTAi WM. KENDIICK'S, to5 d e., bst-cs- and Market t? hty noek of JF?, WAlXT!3. 1 JBWELRY. X SILVER sol WnBtiv7 thau r.t arad Is offer- -- ,c a fulr tviiaf a- - cho N n. F'r'y. (Cr COAL! COAL! piTTSKlTi'fi, COAL! COAL1 ind at tb. p. :t prirf-- lor If t CjU't (& AN PI', f If if T '.,! ftr rf.. jtr ;&b llwi-.- n iUrht. CTiOSALE. 1 e. a. cx."tr,r A Mh,;;Vv;. , v, tv- - vrt rt;i tlT--- t,i .ll. L.'!.- -, l"ni"? ;, 3 ' """ " AN r, r., L , , ., KV, I NVl i' j'.N..... j . . fi o; io,j.. Lr;. j'T i o'" Ki. y t ; A'i V u!;'..lln; i. l - iv?rt I'.'v.z of . :iii;.i,' ' I" t th- w wlr ai.d h.ilf er. of "..r';. Carbunri- -. c ; . .1 T'-r- . :eir i.v.:i',..- Fi'. . p V . , 'Svtr-i- , fj. ( . 'i Vr " ' i .' V'.-.- - A everr ' t .' ..p-i- ; Wal Juijh iiiXc-U- c ti;, '. , TP-F- ST., PEL MAIN d F'KOG jL - , I :J ' n fin- - a f f-f- ,H. 'PriNO F il I'l.NM 3 ' !'. . ; ' it '1 '';.: c a A.-- if Third huts u h.t! y. ,t. S ! c- bil.i" ii . n i M.' K" m; r'.'i H'l. r- r.: v i a MARK&DOWiVS. TUP PT'r-m- tr nh'o r.f th11- t;"-o- r ro n? to 'o onr fr ud- nil f i vt we u t rhv-- e p of b -- L.i to a C t, S it 1ANDAUD. aua will od-- r ah o r Iancy Dress GoocN, of vhi.-J- we hnve a gocd t?tk at OF.CAiLY EF. DICED PiilCtS. MAS 3 &. r:orr, t' 3 11 1 Mrn t eet. DRY GOODS 4:13 ?vlain st., 4 13 II.wp ia ttcre a fall and cmji'. STAPLE A.3) DlSTir GOOUS, Oi tiifc beet f'b::cj, n'.:h aj TAPLE LINENS- - Pi I I EN-- : SUIKTING LINENS T0V.'E!,IN 1 REIT CI GUIS: FINE Dl")'!'!' MARSP.ILL- - S oPKKAES t,l!!E: I'.'i e o'lTuNS; GSNAurrjs, o. or.. : an . ;t1T::. FI LL ST CK OT V it' CM ,r.c I'.OLRNING GOOD c-- ALL :.'.' Tht.1 o rr.i aU Yes. ' " f ebh of ! k. t. ;irt .irt - t .0 uin-- ph'rirt all Cajw.i.d t.:i,i pi iret. nt mS-- ll.RK 6 D'')V.l, Fop Casli I LES Tl (M W liiHIAIUS! I?.ttG8. MATS, iiHtAiVfKEi'i'C nd Cf eva y vath-tj- at "With 'he fir ove f U p'oc'f r...-.- On-- f..r cw'i Kt The l.x t ri 1. . j I OK ( 'ASH ff r in- dues locutj l:i ac; or'Ji'.:t: .villi th Hl' E .v PM I L. Mnin street, hetveeit T i d ntM V'minh. CHEAP FOS CASH! MILLINERY GOODS Clieap for Casli r Intecdi'"i niakt a in Jiy hutiatss, I a ill i.ll my renru'TQjj rtoca of BONNETS. RID RONS, FLOWERS. FANCY GOODS, ic, For CSH 0''LY, ai d t verT If ra.--- AM rer""D tpo"-i- th his- I s ;nd b? d to are rithj) ctliilly invited I'M p f ci jetM thei j c n te. ii.22 i3rs. n. J. tntNT. CIi!Ari CUCAP! FOR C a 6H I J. !t. AIOi-T)f5N- (3 Ot Wio ft'reot, opeostte t!'P la now off rinf hie eh cant rtock of MKV A H A f LmHU, Ext for ca"h. At rest y rednc d pi ices. MEN'S SI I I'S ROYS' SPITS: CniL' REN'P 8 ITS. WILL Pif Mil 'A E H.VE ON HND A LAKOE AND NLW S'OCK Pis abore, which wy are Belling Iowlt than au; now Alw on tiaad a la; go "to-- ' of Window Shades, bought at th prsecut panic piieto f r ccdi, wLI-'h- ;re aMlieg at aSTOMSHlfiLT LCT7 PRICES! Cll exin II you want baTga.lui at LiLFP & BROTKSS'S, 303 Fourth street, BCTWXEN MARKET AND IF.FFERSON STRLETS, Vxl tloor to Orocry m'5 idivitc CIGARS! CIGARS ! OP DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM HAVANA, coDiiTniitg a lot of the very best nucii PREVAS 1NTIVIDAD; LONDP.K8 1NTIMIPAD; CONCHAS WAslIINlil'OH; CONCHAS LCLEEO; REGALIA WAlliNOiON; RKfiALIA LFOf R"; REGALIA LOS ANDES: LONDRES DISTINCTION ?. Alnayd on haod aud for le at vh'At.i'nr And retail by n.4 . Main t.. itnd-- r th I .niivill UoteL JUAR I HAUL w- - 'AND C QTLKRY. 'X.yZ North Kdo itjaln c between 41 nnn 4ih OECEJVING daily larce addition? to our etork of II Hardware, of Anv.!-- . , l.oJ. ii, 1...H Saw. .'It"" Mills, Nal.a, S?h ;r!it'. Coop' 'iTient.r. (KMiiV. ."LOl R lia t'bl Xiura Flour int. and tor eale bv (" ;.AEIM- R V hurttraBe-'- Wbltfcy; 6J bbii do bf- kth do; ii boisc nper dintiiifd do; 75 bbi fine oi l .icurbou ao; S bbie fine old Uya d": Iu and for tlt) rr.; MARSHALL FAT..Rl g Ct). L HANDY Jb ptptn A. SeiKuetto Brandy; j Keip Cr.tlliiC dj; i pip?! Roch. Ufl do; . lu (Hard, Dupuy, a Co. Lrijn-ay- bhi- - N. V. 8 him noc oM Pcatli lJ 5 hb- - old Ai'pti 1; tortus and for wbKg!Aa hALPHRT & CO. TiiN YAK- S- CHjl lb . b, a'ort rtmiwr; 2d do Cariwt fcu bale Lotion '11''?: ru do Cni:d''-Wt'K- ; , . . I'otion Varn aud ISattit;-- Yarn, No . Mill u.tiou 1 rk BA 8 Hope e, M : Rcre.v,d and tor u 10. c. fr ro W 'ia'Lwkp Mwleira YiTnr I., do Port 00; hblH M4lft-- a OC, In tor aud for KHH ATTj nT,PFttT h CO. cilice lot is ti -- A M and Gantry bacon ju.t recti vi u. xnd ior "i7 W. & n. PUPJtHARDT. GT Markgt rt ILOIR n,(i bb'.a Arcane MiSli ohoice faicily Flsui' V ir .andior-- pvcKANAN CO.. " ' " r''.-- " a -J lBl. isfcl rLGR-- l'. i" ",u Suir in a. Ur Or uu atd by ,rv ur ttv Til" l.i A. iv KAMi.-- l HJJLI-J-l.;- i' Ij in tn- u- '01 bj , Jr. iwi F.' ui

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LOUISVILLE JOURNALrmvan jtd ptcibozd or


etcBirnot& niiy, lii the .i: 7. ... $1 c 00Pil7, by riaii, lu aivau:o. 6 01Coaatry dauy &

6 00weMy, in advaQo, finjis 3Xu eh:i 2: five or ovor 1 j

WT"Rfcn.iiwt4ai'M by it&t! in iciwrf ai our


Be iquara, cfcapfftJf trc iCr, n f.niv.i.' !' ('.i do Sfi'drf.- per iURV.lii.. '"' i'J

flo t3 Mi'ut-- 1 do do ii-- CbR.xeh udd'.Eon.U e.(iih.i", unf-- l 'f tin r;'I'o,AivfctL.onitnf.-- ..'oIhiic-I k Ii. V' 1 io lirst

fUiri rtiircnth ;'.,. ;il r.v.Anouccin c:i iidt- :i !

- ,,ir caiae.

Real Nt' and btnnM'it a!rrirt'r.n.i(n.'iu c"ii'H.r7-- 3l- -, I' - U'irif, '.b"ftVrical,

etrcn, r.r .;:iar , p'uilifl'it'. . uc cf vr.AiiVOl'tlr-Ti'fi;- f, r t 'i j'.:.M, Kit1':!. r . 1I1V1

ifc.nie, waid, it d c'aer pc'j.-- ench like,haif noticot and cr-- manic it Jn:tffa In rdliorial oo1:!,'jub jmd jutoud. d to prorner-- private i

yi wiiw per lino; tr..-- 3 ca! . t uiecre-'o- i01" ti.fl edi'ony

Ko commuMiitlo'? w'll i'rtpd sccom-- n

d by the i: vpe 01 ' "i.i ttm-it-.

ln rHii's i' r r.i;.:i luj.jdiuy; a cii,zie

AT!tiseriifi- :e in rvt'-J-- Pi:',- - t:nWill br h h atn-- tiiic v; ii i:.- - t 'J ipl"Gr'!.il iLini iXJiitiiiutJ. I'.tl.T nr-- t iji."5: ti'.Ji, in t:i--

Ui Hn'.ictiLi, on.;- -'.'i ti:c nto--AcivrtL'CTjpn- - kv-- iu (i:e l.iji-l- of th o jorivj srr

Liri'pi) an oiln fT'tt. ,AivnHr:fH :iatp.;- - f r'lh' JnimaL .'. .'h 7;ir'-

I'J line nr lew), firot iiiit.'iwii i l '

I vh w.r.tinuRiire lA)

Viiirfn not It r;;ii- -t V.i to i n:ij t p ni- -PcirtifiKnt? of y,'s.rl :.5 vei-- ' v (bi'fi tii3

ol:.'-- r if no fi..Jl l : till uouji.No fun ;.r At': if 7.e: i;:'" rrti-- r.

ins'l wib"iit vivici':i ii ,)cc i 'i, uor wtii a.:i."- e


MANHOOD.flow Losi, Slow Restored.

Juu IHbishta, in a &akd Lrvc;s;,ON THK NATCKE. TJiiOATM LM . AN1) JUDK'L;l ltfc; Ol'yi'i- MM a.i-- V. nRcxufti ldSility, u tr.J olit'it-.r- y Kaii.joub, HiQinintf Im;U:-'-- j iiiila! ami eujacu.!

IiT HOP. J. ('I LVKIIWELL. 21. D.Author oi' i;;g i.ire,;u ii. i;," c.

The ap.ihor, inctc.jlj- - rrcvfe i; - Uj own ir-- 1

vltiio.u ii"Aik'i:io Kiiti vii'aout'dvijtTouibongi.w, intnu-i-Ti- t , nrjK-.o- r ,

jMliiitiig out & mode of cure at ohm nudiftl by which ttiHi. r.s, i.o tmtff r w hat lii- - condi-

tion may bo, in-- we ci,4, ?, ordThis Loct.'rr prove a b:i tuo.iaa4j

fctld tilOM'ri(i4.Sent imdftr to any - r"f rJ ;'f, on the

of tvo ;o3lan ftutp, Dr. CH. J. J.KL1NK, fiL D., 17 bowury. New Voik, oil tkix 4 f.i.

&d dly

Ciiicsutiail Ve&ereal Kospfial,Ftitblihf1 la iHeToJ ISO,

FOB TU1C CCUrfOF PRIVATK4:iA nnjor theconh-n- offivcof l'ioeI emiaent T'li'-?irl- '.

! the rro! d.R. K. DONAPAKTE, rroc? IjocJou nnfl Prt4 TTo--

t'i.b, n.nd for thfl pi-- r U:i vtifr of '!ic C'ntiriiAtiV"nreal H.wjdtal, And 1)- -. K. R. KoTo;d?, Ut o:'Nrk". This ib tne only !'. ".fc in tiie cirr adftnent Cure of piiv .i raa '' t'.'i' d wit Lot: the uv ot r:i?rjiiry ir r"ir.ia ! 0- CtouorrrM runv--l fi to 4 iiortf(. tl'ii iro.i in to 10 -- j. sti ic;NitV3

f ;r d i'j I M S w.vkr. er;wi'ir A in5 to n 'Jlfc. r:.rnd in 3 t.i wfif'fj,Philli in it. ,f;'i5 t ii Bu in a Jt; .

cynidon:fl t:!id ia i to S wet a. t,':An diiwuhi wSwf:'..i. vior retor'-- tn 1

tc 4 weik. All di or.fc-a ol a vriviite treated wi'tiliipsraiiblml ios.. rpaic m imaif.

r. Ii ,Qip.iie'3 r".t l.ovfc on prlra di nxes, thep: ;vt t(iii,-l- to j. - ,Vii'l lo Uj?Ac

tfi? o'.,1 tmd hr,U1 t'.'? It v. i'.liihtin iQo-- M::i v,ii,p-- iu d;r.n 1'rlre 2bcu, I

by PoMiRit-'- ! f: j' P1't;v'1ii ie nerrr haa noravpr w'l! fnilir.a.-rk-;- i to br.r r!-- .

Jit'n, ex."nrt fit tbi.' h "". f I" . 'I Kl 'Js intnventiou. itii n ! i:- d t

ritJiiit-irW- e rrvij;!: l'nr-u- '.

f y and novt.r tnf to give ..:;?tfil:u'.. It w thev,Ay Bile find purs :. ',it jiirj-rai- r andJiseiuje. Tlie pnoo t ttw Krenh i

f 1 the p!u:c one, I p.?r ii:tl id e i, ; duLta. Son;

JSPMftdftme LoKin'rt I'emiTe .M 'iillily P:;h arci and rbiiiiljld rciiMd)" iornn; t (.; niid ill d:L

at. li.mles fiiOiild no? ue .1 duliilJt thfy m !!1 pr:trti'ca rLiinc.rristra fp. t" any addrIrs. B. & K. are tii't meu to conut, tiiey ara thi

acXfiowlpdred to bo in, i hamtdo:! uud Iiing !t vuneral diBA.&, tiad tie o:ily Dor'-i-

Wont.ilp froin th- old wld: they !isvu N pjfrom an omi lv (i o. h to wii:v?3 t' va-- :i

:ns dwetisea hli h .i.Hift lii'l, Rid to tl--

a IvTi oi rudy, injvery of iifp. fror.i t1 hiiMM1 t'x-d- of povertytu top njnopionn of fhe wpAithy. md havinp ascertainedbnrond a doubt th.; vaat i Ii;imanlr,

to sel'jt't thfe ftMPrrthv9 vt ".a as tntrrtndy, and to th. ir h ntteil ioo to tie

kiiriviatin ci the dir-- P oi'tL'-.- ijiJtujrtMit Juni:tio',voIbttrs will be a:iiti. t rt'd uiiieac thy coutstii a leuiitivice or a ptdtfe etf.Li?.

Cail, or a'JdriMDiiB. BONAPARTE i r.KTKOt.Vig,

So. 1 Sycamore tref.t, baf, aia and !xtb, eat ifie,Cincinnati, O.

Ottce hours, A. M. to 9 P. tS. ilfi lor4dly

a. II.r

hi.V. :

v v

NfD. 33. 11UHL,ho. 3i7 Four'h ct., next door to Kozirt Ma!l,

niAM'PMWKKR AM IlOllTEit OFJ Ml-.- ttV iit')L'rf k.t cv.iry a- iticti, I'.PAl;-- 1

KT LS. 8W Ut. tl, BAiHICiS, B"!.'e. KAN'kRTh'-;i,.-J rtfACi; ULAKU Rr.-- l.S ULT iUCsa,ic. Ail j i:Mwi ant at uiioit notice.

ki34 dtf


i HATE JUST K1XTI7TJJ BY ANOTH-e- rinvoicy ot

ENGLISH fcTRAW JJONVKTS,lUbbLd' '.;Llf:va.-:'- j hat?,

LilALl'lltL FLO'.VFES,Ac.

I am drteiTuiii;J to ehoapfor caeli, andalii tind tt to their advaiitige to ive uie a cli.

it5 P.i I'mrth . M.-- t jnd Jrfferstnn,

Changra of 1'irm.rP BHASX3 A CO. biro awociaUd W. A. OAU--

BK VI I'll with thir unr, and iij:tti.f.,"1 t!;e sUcdof SMITH C on Ooali ide oi Ma: k-

beJow Flod, wh-i- o th- y v l'l f.mJiu- the WHOLE-8AL1-

And P'i AiL OK'K'KKY and PK(.lt"CIi j.Coiiijef-- with hoae th,- hve a good

WAGON-YAy.I- lyiTli an.i.-I- aceonnQCKiticna iorUorew, oonr, and ovhsr vohict", arid would fcti cladthtdr oid rriendi. T. SiiAS:.",

H. T. liOiin,Jnlyl3, dtf W. A. OA LHKArTn.

fTiiclesale Dealers in Sonusa, Variety 4 Facj Gi.No. CIS miiiIi i(lp of 3 doom from

OiCRftiek of Goo.ii bein.t Ui;e for His season,W8 Dava (Mlir!n.-1- ,1 'Tiro In t

tn n tr3 ot all tne )ii.K.j in thrt bUt--- th itwre n od tandi.-i tJ.o Lt f t!.id jMonth tpt thethe Ba.m-- ot liiiu. Is tbrown Out by tieOur Btoet oi" CifRIBTM A, TOYfl If cotopl-t- eti7 4r :ANV0N, SHKllp.lLU a u.

TTAltVKSr KKUS'5 rRk Hiive-- t Kef?, 1ft ' 3 fall.m,; p f. ii oem of Demiioune,

ail B'ze; jitct raceivbd and tor rnle bv0K1HN RAWSON,

n et., hf.f rwi Third and Fourth.AK WFLL PCCKE'i'H-- -rt 0k Wellel", vai i.'Uj kin;h, ,n . retv 1 iiid tor .,o le lo by

i I K.tV.;'JN,i '"hi-.- i"1 i'o ,r:ti.

ss, Vul nnd a wt-- i:trd ot HAM,:7 CAPS, ivnd Si'W '.'OOI !.t No.

fc.if Main ptw, w huh c.n be pi;rchj"-- l'w-- ?er than hare . vP1- h ,re be:.-- cold

In th'.a p aikct by y'ch- or by troiupt-payin-

cu'tuiuere on ehoit time,al PTt ATTtl'll SMITH.

(HANDLE AS'I) 8')Str (Ja'.dVa;

UjJ do Mold do:co comni n bar S T.r,

W do (iwrnna d)60 do Toii-- t ftvliU d'J Cattl e ijrt; f f (f;J.,-- r-

miS t 'A aTT.FMAN, Ml'RRKl L, 4 CO.

MAPLE UiAKViu lbs M ii-- bnar Jotard for pile hv

Seiaa Iwiao, Trot-iji- n s, &c.A FULL atorim!i;it, cf de:n Twine, ,

8'atrtnt;, Ch.ilri-L'Q-- ! t.i:;H3,J'iajc, Hemp, and Twinr, V, ;;ll!i. Cottou,and Hemp Ro; ic. ia net n.t,A Tn w iv

tIKRIN RAWS'n.a vn ,t.. -- o TM'd i Lo h.

f.U'lNKI) SlUAKSVJb '1 ,

LOVEKLNO'6aud Urauultci and for iMlf oyHwVWit'N. TODD, tv; CO.

t"IIMPANi: W1X3d I'eU I'Mjii-u- :

i j baketd ViTr,Hii ;13 do in-- ii iS t'o.:

In ft re and formal m i;iutitJ1B to .i;t ;ur;ap?r9 byit, I P. TM'

AVA COFFF.K A eufpiy o: t;ifevlor old Juva Coffeu for fciio by

J. T. l!UM .t CO.,Trrt-- " t" T of

bUL.Dit'-h'- i.Uilfls a Mamial ai:dT1JK Hock f':f the ii- of all V'hii:t.'r. Militi.ard Ho e Giiafd, OiViLr ot the t. S. Ail.Piee in :r, ct , n. Cf.

Covle euiit iet iijai:. f -- t pi'd fjr :; c'.j. AddreaaMADl-fL-N'- fcOoU'i'fOHK,


lLOFK 75 bhH Extra Wbite Whe.-i- I Flour

OLDEN fclKl'P, MAPI-t- MOLASi AND ST."T LOUTS Iu k.j 1,11

fr aclo by l:i HIFt'. r d: vol.OLAfcPLd ;Mj :i.'l L'.iit Li.1- - ;t, i -

eellor. FaucLiio, aad At!iUc at: ! tor .fy H. I. N!' " M n PHO.

pos T'N t Arnl. ti;IBA LAS tcr Arri!, IrJl:

Ci ATA WK A WlNl? i'J bK B:aai'd pure CatawbaWine In ?tore znd by

m-- w. b H. Hl UKHaRDT. 117 y.iret rt.

ff'Rh!i o:,--i- ,. k and t'jrrcB Tea



Early Physical DegeneracyOF



riiysCcia to tin Troy Lung-- and Uy4nle

A Treatise on the Cr.uses of Er.rly Phyaical De-

cline of Amorican People; the Cause of Nerv-

ous liebihty, Consumption, and Marasmus.nTHfi vovk l.j r a Mfh tonf, written In

chxsU yi't thnilin? l.v:.:!i, and uppi'alB rtir.ctlv tothe vornt conm lou-n- ol all. PtKsr.i and it Ai

,'.;M;i'.iv, dt:illiug and roUbie aidsai.d lor cur.

It will bt' eent br mail on receipt o( ;;pc3-ce:- giaonp

I"3"Paki:ntb aju G'Jaihkr! fail not to Btnd &ad

ob:alu '; boL.wVorNG Mrx! i:ct to :nd awfl rat this

ri?"iJAjit&I yoc, tro, ciiould at szcure a coj.y o

tkii. book.

ATcri of Sc'2oma Cossciention j.dfic9to tfio o who vrill Roloc.

A ci';" of rjntiJi prov.'U to afr.rf d est-- iut it'.'.'iAi vonh rf boh

to ai cvlv prrtvft. 'l ivv are vp,--y

iu'.'- - i.'t':i. Thrir tu:i:i.I'tai '.on? orFynTt'':'id ?w Nffvon? U hi'it'. and

r i ' or wHctiTijf and of tho7'.,iv ..i't;... hoic body: or

l on atiding a hid or a incht of ftnir,t".ift::tion o' tiif H'rr: !!rnncl:iflc, si:d

it: iNuknrf of tiia flnr1sMd Linibi;to ',iot'i"tv and to i.ntipe!' or ptudv: dliuu'i oi ly

jr ;t Mfiuory: dizzint'J? :f tiiaI'liriip id" tiieL-i- 'a'u in the Hack orL:'.tjr; Dy-;- tvIh, or . io:': iiT K.ilai

of Win liofH: ecrtion of the Kidne-y-

ft'id olh-- r tfKiid of the bnnv, hh Lpncourh'Pft or Fteurilyuterta, ar.J Nun'ouJ

?ps..- -

No in o out of evfry oae VundreJ aHth - o.ior .viia.nM'd d.forci r.s and a nc-- i oi oiiuts norinni-i- . as Coi.p::r-iT'iio!-

i o: :lie I 'in'ii, andthp mnjt.tiiiitttm aod v i!y i Tin of ( of t lie HfnaiiVjr knor.-- ;t 7lVs P'UvwthV.i, and YYlOTX niinvntri-c- i,

1pv; tln-i- r and ori',,' 'i in di'W of tltici'ince-rn- .tii vtrt'-.- t of iiiecf on the part of old echool

f.ractice in - inp'ui- :-Dr. Andrew F;i : i'i to ihn Troy Lunjt and

Inttitu.'I v.;, is noA fiij id iu'is thisCi7i-- of m:.'. "R irh t:;'- - n:o-- t ii tonuhi':g

Th..- '.ivflfiui.i :.d"pfi Ir the Iivtitution nfw;it i bKo ujton prlrxipleu, with new ditcov-er- i

r.'rj"0ieJ, wiin.U f.i .p;j' :,i j or The t irioi e Tu ure ei ch tip; can b enrod nt thc-i-

bi.ji!e. in R?fV pirt of usM from accurateipt!''.n ct' their cr.o. by I ittLir, Ami havo tiui mediciiiod

p'"it ttK-r- by ruail or muvm. PrioUHi inUrrugjtonowl:: lie torwurd rl oo M piiaMion.

; ;rij' n. ':ts ih, n4 disease of the Throatruv-- si well at the litmus 'f 'fatimtn at the Invitotio-- j by o"duifr the C dd vitdicat- - d n.'ii'-v- Balw.raicI'dpny., with iuh ilr. and ampLt direttious lor their uee,ar.'J wrrw;' Tul'.nce,

(fTi'Mit-'i- lor in'rmnrifprie or arivifttc'-- "r.clree 7 t.: v vn-- n ("Vise! rMei'ton.

(y'liio atlitid'ne will e found it tbe In- -

'rul. n for Irora it A. fcL to S P. M. of oath

nit. ANDRTTW STONK,pnff.ri in to the fio? r.cnc' t!id lirieulc Fnetitutlon

nrl PhrVUn for die, isi? of "Heart, Throat, andLongty iti Fifth etret-- '' r.y, N. Y.


WTio I tlirti:rbly and In the pathology ofthe in- y (j.'1! let i". ' Pii-- pwt'wtitiiifr maladinn ol L.ore

)r!;-- i. iil d.'vois oxrliicive att'jiitlou to L.ns

ci.i?,'i ii M dicrit d lV'tirh, a most Ipjpoi-- '

ta: v; t' :or r.;Ai.?.!(ffnt by express lor r..le ci 1 j t .Mi. I'octrejfl atone coTDnh r.. .yt or

N. O. bTONK. M. I).,MiTrou to tne

Tiy. N. V.





btqeft, koktu sihk, j?j

&rflwen Tiu-.- And Tourth.

f; WWTV' i GOO!. :f i v:y ftr'e ji;d iMcUt; .:M' Jj ,SirA .Ni.v.ri iiJil iut a;, t ovdar. (ft

pEoo: fra-- t No. UOS.wtJ l

m ifn fill ii TfciiL A

I uj;ukgi:t. siiaav. DICK PORTEB.

.inTTvr rnrin innvrTiii

SALGON 1D PiESTMRAXT,Corner Sixtli Sired and Court Plate,


Iy- -

& rCIiTEH, Proprietors.

MEALS at all hours of the duv and nlcht. Our;plied wita l' ih. Meat, Poultry,,

and oyster., the lieft in In; uinrkpt. In onr 8i1octi areto bt- totind in",,!--- ! Wiaes, LSjuore, aDd Cigar of the4'hotc-i'- t Hi hurt.

nyevi in Kentucky for J. J. 8nde'a leb?ati ijCh:.?o ::nd MiiwaaLi': X..XX, anS XXX Ple Cremtiui s.:ork A', v. lnl'?. ale, in b&rreLs and halt barrelsor by hf hut !.

Brandies & Crawford,AVE r?novo( to t! new Wirehop o th? lOcth-vos- t

toraei o Maiu aad Firrt eUwit.

We will pay th hichet a?arket prl fr all ahjfl ofdelivered ht our ttCiii oi' at any good shipping

point oo the O o river.&M df R1ANTPTl A CRAWFORD.

POWDEKO F ALL QPiLi-ic- on hand and ftn e?.le ey

DA VIS A SPlJ-X'- , AjsnUi l'r thd Mejiufactureri.

t, ?ept. 2, FRf.HwHri l)v; i SretP, Aseuts oi Oiientid Powder

Co.,G'eti We have been ninr Blai tint; Powder and

we tike p'eaure iu etatinj; thst we fiij it tuai if notBiip'Tior to aup rotniex thiit w- - Imve p

ARTIH'R CAMPBKLI.Superintendent for baith t rfrayscr.

I eordUlb' conenr in the thOTe aud cheprfully rrX;oia-oitn- d

it to the paoiic J. D. billTH.I et'naifier the above Poadar auprioi: to a;iv wo have

abio to obtain. Ii. fOSKIT.We tftke pleaui-- in remmmdiusr wo'ir Indian Orfpn-t-

Rifle Powder as eoual it' not superior Ut any we haveerer uitd. It beuijf vevy cicely acd strong. Thij wo&jjtsrt alter a thorough UtiaI. Keppfctf.nb" y ur.


fe7 dtf A IU"R'S.

I lag dial Teist Depot.MARSHALL Si DICKINSON,

Ptf"o. 917 1'o-urtii- . street,BtTWLEN MALS AND MARKET Sid.,

Av pr.:p ired to malce to order, at ehort notiro, allaad felDUtf oi'

FLAGS & TENTS,A!rO a lar, d etocfe: of


WATKi'.-Piioo- CAXVA3,

Frtli Army Por ale 'o byMARSHALL fe PICKINHON,

nil 217 ponrth at.. irvPn Mnin and Markpf.

NAVr RfiVOiVfl.NB EXTRA NAVY mZE REVOi.VF.R for ele ato mfl C , 8 3 Maiu St.

CAVALRYCAVALRY QATTrTLHTB!hve nov on h.iid a iii'f twdortjnt-- or" (iaant- -

Iftv suitable fo- - Cavalry an4 other Military purpose- -, and fors:i iw it

fll'UOl i.P ft maw:villk's.Cornor Fourth and Main nta.,

mil I n.!. M miiI MM.Lith-- chilled iron Fire Rnd Lurclar ProotSaFKS wirh hi ceihaated eotn' tnit'on rk on them.

In ctme and for sale at the iinT.L8v.cnirer's? prices brW. K. BKIvKNAP z CO.

PF.ACHK3 AND APPLES-- A few bnnhela afnP.IKO Dried Pearhe and Applei in-'- received atthe Wcodeii Wnre and Broom Storri (.nd for Kt

(JSK1N RAW SON,ir.S 33 Miin t. bftwp. n Third and Fourth.

Gedar Ohetc.CFDAR ('Hfch'l A ip. tore and for sale at reduced1f piicob to cloe the r en by

O'RKiN KAWSON.ml3 lAn , b?tw.n Thini and Fourth.

CLAKF.TB St. .;iliU:;

Vn t'o 1'1'iUt-- :15 do St.

Jwt received aud lor eale bvml J. P. THOMPSON.

"ANnLES .'W HatnB, Sides, and Shoulders iuJ and for ale bytvfto TfTWRTTT BOW

WHOLESALE AND KWTAii. (.HOCKRY, rLOUH,sod Ti-;- t i'ORfi. No. jo-J Market etreetl between

WUNDR1KSY---l,i.i;o br.itf Flonn

SiHt bbls Appln?;bbU Pj: toea;

5d hiic Oni.n.:i.trj bafc. Client s'btiat Floor;

In utore and for talu byTOHN BNYTHR OO.

L'MR-hi. la f i ir prime Snesr;

10 h'ld! White Retiueddo;In etore and for sale br


J LiiAU 4'J hbd prune received ix'.r eteaincrs MajjenJ ta. an B. J. Ad.uje and for fitle byinlrt KAWSON. TODD, ft CO.

('OFFt'!'; P.;oCo'Tee )oet rwceired peraud tair, by

I At LOU'S RACKED C1LKR juut received and torby

,T. SMITH SPEED, Main ft.

fICE 15 Ci:ka recvived per maiiboat and lorAt. na!e by


CODFISH Codfish;2 b"-- a do;

Ft b&Ic lew to use cod Ik unit u.OARDNER & CO.

HAM-4,m.- Gcipva?ed Ham?;

4 U i atn ccumry do;In stoia aad for silo by


1 LS Put'.i 2" tbi tale byi l CO.

L- - Pr;--.e ntr Tieh in wlmlo and VS bM;MACiCEr. h'.lO No. 1 fialtucu ia lh fcad iuls, mtc 't and for -- a.'? r v

y w rr r:"RKTTAn r. tv V:irkrt

t"1 L"C- H-X' i 'os Ri.rov'.iTt Kills r.leJ.t

T'J bji.i ' " "la store aid tor sale by


ifcc.-- A t";t f.ortmi-ni- . 't rila, Ciuhu, nnd1L;:'3 t "lof a and a lull a "! t uiut ol lioop Sitii mot ftO tl-- i:it roc it ed aud t r ri by

JAMES LOW CO.,tnS and il'j wet (Me Sixth rU





f;'fnJcrsTfy7-- thot rich d with any--

N is tomi ot Pnvata JHtt ?.r? canV'.ouip. trinn.itui Kithct rutc orc Ti.iiiO, viz: bv t'iiitin, (iOiiorrh.i,C.leet, Stheti-.rc- , Utrer, Tiiiriorf,Ciinc-ra-, und

Svrhili of tlu; Kid-i- n

; ,'. t;t:'. fc? thla iy8t' iu it Urovrd tl at the v.neriAl tnivlalntfi a entirely u:id r the Control of

nu'di'iine a la a con on cold oriitoiitf fever- 9 nd, while ii'.'n'iioientIei.-oii-d are d vil e".dii! :w ty t'it tir.f;tcil1 iu hitfeIerP-d- , and Kivi'K

thln UP Oily f"Od thrir om ti ii.wj.ji.-tinc;'- , tean. t rurt-- liro coQ?tautly beiug attli'F lnfiriiiarj .


H. UovnUd ci.'.-:- of lus tin?e to the t re Uniot oftnosi m.--- d h - a h.ih't r.liia bothbodv ard rainn, umlit i.j Jt tii" wfii':rtii(r:c iudivijiui nreither or !oi'i'-',,- ' 'I'ne :uui nii-c- t oi the.'e carl .

!:aoir, or tha exc11 of riy-j- yeia, tre to v ekn enddM!ltati the on.titntion. de?'ro,' the p!i .::cal a;'.dPicnt'il :nd er:STh!o t::e s -

ard fxn:ust TL- r!t:.l enT-V- .' cf tn.ini.-od- thaof Vi: aro rnp F"r;d, th; nhject of nmni'ig"

and its-- li rend"ivd a te-- of niifen.-irn- :R.r.d regret. Sncli pr.jr,as, .ip'ci filly

fiiittmpliiti'if lopii ijiP, los no time io titakiusii;'pje:Ufe Application, rv. r. H., by hh- new treatment,ii m!', to i' - a;d

DR. HALL'S AVKKIUS PKKHDIOAL PILLS. --No Artic'e of meairme intended lor thi exelnei ne offe' Iia? nvf r yet b'lfni iuirrdncfd thai Lpj ciren r.nchniiverp! ritif.tcT:'-- the American Period iral PiThey cun bo r lied on in til caafj oi

tc, V a Eiire ftrid Bfcie reuifdy.Pri'"-- , per . l find one pojtace star:;

P:iMf:tiU living at a ditMioe cao ta cured at h(rn? iytwndiLig a description of their dhjoaeo aud inclosing aft:rjpy, dl'pfl sent to r.n" addn?;?.

tVi):l--- No. 1!', rtsu htrret, hetwon Flrat aadSrror.d. 0:iice open Uod 7 A. M. to ! P. M.

d24df t . hall, m n

OMEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY,Chartered by the legislature of JLy.

For &e Dure of a!l Trivatc diseases,

CoAteitttao THIRTY Jim Plate and JSmrGoinga jike Atirmy ond PhwioeAj of (A? 4,Vwii Or-0-

in a sWe of E:alth ami If rM.PRICE ONLY TEN CENT3.

fg.!rit free of postage to all farti of the Uulsa.,(ON A NEW MPTHOD of rrt-lii- g

Byphilu, Gocorvhpo,Gioet, 8exnftl Debility.

and allb2sc:iods ot the reprediutive py- -

( X ' r V tmof noh tt." inprmttjesaod Diat'.riiy uridine

f- -f ret foil.'-- of both, tv'TI a lit Ll Treari

.iVr Vv aELP-.aKr?- AND SEMINALL j.'. WEAKNE.n- -, con- -

:. . t'j sequent ,"u rnu'A'"- body, rini r; c i t)

plan of trcatnu, t .. ciiy ra--PiOnai d t:cce-,ef'i- l mode of cure, hs fiiown by the

ci tivati-d- . A triiiln'.il advUt-- fo t:ic u:arri--arid thosn tonreiunUtln p:arriRt: who entertAin dout.tcof tfiMr vl'o sical conuitioD. 8uit to anv sh'.ree ip aealM wriyv.T on t'.e readp: of TEN CENTS o N

CiT? Fnll ONE DOLLAR.The;; Bt !htedith t.ny of th- - abrft disown borore

rHcin uiider tho tm&meut oi any one,h old thif mva'nable book.

KT!e' . .'lT.on i"ny b) tViuy A. M.t) P. M., on nil di-- : as-- oi v. hich th.:ibovt'.i.rk tivfitr; pat i' nt' at a b'- p

I.tteiiien' ot tlu-i- sytnptni.i. Cf n r.:t rlkiii j r.t.

toanvpirt of the fi.unrry tree oim d'intii'i' orFor p'titiouhii send for mn Ut..nk Chnif.

a IUt of qn our .tf. Alli.i! o and cnimunic.ttiorH eoiiidertd

coi' fi'U a'-- I.

DR. lit, W EE3 FEMALE MONTHLY REGULATOR,a eafp and cerUin reuu'dy for Obtnictiona, lrreiiiarl-tie- ,

Ac, and id the only ruliahlo prtiventive ol

C C i i.'tv. Th Jije ri!l. iln i'ld tif-- bo ttVen dnrlneFl.t 'fXAX r. iui-- to M J.' ir.t;i .ii:.P ic p r bor, h'n1 e nt b nil.

r'tiALEN'S ilFAD DISFEN8 hX iMhe onlyof il- - kind in lh- - CnJled Stjt-'- Hi-- I1, he u

ncoiji.-- d l.',- - hidioial at'.lhorit;". t i;artt r rp t:i"!..14 t ill tl jtrwt, beWe!i Mar&ut and jtrdiTbOC,

;0jt iii!-'- .

.i lttriiior Doki or V H'nuMhP directedt- OR. GALEN'3 ilBPE!tilA R ,

!Or. WM. PRICE!,Ttj "?.t-- Living etHli.jhtd in Lonia- -

tlie : 1.. vea-d-, and hav-yi-

s. ; l:s bad alame i.r.u'tire. ii? the trtat- -

8ro;n!e, ' nneer. Pile- - i!ore Eye?, 9 j bil , audto ruiiovo Tae horiihle of Ouiniei'i. or

has given him vmof to aii.jtr.ln any ?t;ite-iKo-

of te hi he:t charrtcW wjch men m Or. W. L., ,). U. i tidrood, Loviiig, Juioi- -

wn, Cai't. W. ii. D. Megawati.'!TY."

I had FI?t:,1a and was cured by Dr. Price, without thekiiue or UtfHture, In uevtnU.'odaya.


I hd a neyro c:ai with Fiatula, aiid he "a cnrl byDr. Pilc Li turwM weekj. WM. BAUD.

I bad Fistula for year, with eis opoulnca, flcflwas cured by Dr. Price lu tiuee uvok? .

KiLEY WILLIAMS.I hm a hltl)v and hspTiy tuen, bavin..' bif n cured

from the horrid etLcta ct Cuaiiuiii. A. CITIZEN.Oi.ce ou Mar it, bftweeu Si.T.h and fevventh bt?.Adr'e?, oucI'Ving a podtae etamp, Loutevillo, K.y.


riU'SlOLuGICAL VIEW UFMARKIAGE.360 and IcO Fine Plaia and Color; d L:thogrfti!u.

TWEKTY-FIV- CENT3.5JBwr.t fret of fcCtftse to kU parti of the Uuion.ftJ

ON the of yc-t-

tuJ maturity, fli'ioe in k theof tK.tli Mixes of ail

afBd, catirfina deLiiity, nervous--

1. tat ion oi ti:o h 'I'.it, fuicidj.! im

T'JCo, drtecii.e mpranry, lz.tiiet-3-

'iti!f Vi)'z Hb' i' ,?,--.-.

andifi. ii ir u tiu'.h- -

' adri-- r io ih.. i.:a: r:. d r.iid!io-- ia .rrlCii.

wiio entertain ee.7T;.t dci;b;? rf th-i- r plo -- eoi.dit.:;ii,&Lid u ho aio cxDfciij ot huviiiB harded tne heaith,hapj'ir.owj, and j.rivileKea to which evory huj'-.s- bringij entitled. ,ji n iit.ftidir.g bchool Mie- -,

a Cohnpi Smdent, and a Young Married. Lad, iuil ofTumeric a:i i tnrilling liit re d.

Yuiiug i.jen who ar" troubled irlth "A'liP"13, fonoral-lj'ca-

e loyah-j- habit ic vouth, tho t htizn oi w ulchare dizziMf js, pcla--- , furgetfuitioaa, eometiaiB a r'.:'.7lrigin the earj, weak e7H3, "Hknes ol the back md lov erfxtn'uiiti.a, coi.hi.floa ot id'--- lo of luemory, wl'hDielr.i.cuolv, via-- bt c;:;' d h- the author', MiW Fr;iSA;D LONDON TREATMENT.

We hnve for th;- i ii jiteri.ivt of th.; p."?t "f fr, dsrotfdour time in VlbinNti 'iilE Li RttPEAN lUSPI-TAL- ,

availing o;trsehCM r( the ki:owh.tiie aide oi the modt ci.Ied Phyckinii- - nud In

Furoe ar d on th.e (:ou ii;ei. w.h iuhu . 1VIALE,LENOIRP- - RICOHil, ItRECMETEA U, AO'UN, andCURLINGS, of tiio Fre;i.-- and Eiulh hosj.ltaU. Ourtour extended thronpM Franco. , Oi, Hol-land, England, Ireland, aiii Waie-i- visitinglncirro;ite the T.rincipr.l hueviLa'.s :n Paris, Lond-rn- ,

Rome, Venice, Vienna, Drecden, sc., Ac. Wehave b,;eu smplv- ivpHid bythe vrohave e.rqviired m the tree.tinont of various dit.i3towhich we have directed our attci.tion. '1 ho who ;a..

thenselve uod; r our cure will now Ua e tii f:dl Hof the many XEV AND EFPICIE.T REMEDIESwhich v d are eu,".blt;d to iiirrodnc into oiir ptuciice, indtbe public may reot of the sauie riiil,8KCKECY, and attention being paid to t';eir caes,whh'.h hns so d!?:i!i';nitheJ u) heretofore asa Phvoiiisa In omr PECULIAR de(.rtijeat ofpmfoe-io-"i- l

viv.ctlw.McdiciTi?s with d:ri?ction3 annt to any part of the

United fitati-- or, by patieliU wnnuviijcalingtheir pypitorae by letter. Lupines co;respondfa:.cestrictly t oni;jentUl.

fDr. L.'a Oir-c- Ii a'.Ul located SB nr.dorthe nxiie f U. LA UUOlX

Hf l"o in Lire ?aft r to all letter siorf-- i - nd.ji-r.i-

"T'-i- CiivlX MEDICAL INrii ITU'i'E,"e4 c.ttww" No. 31 Maiden La;:, Aibai , N. Y.

No.31 1 t., bit. jTIurket nnd Jefferson,Ma:Ufactu::"R ano jobber of every

Floe Diamoud Monnt-in-

and riil 'he niv etyltj of Flee Hair '.'k O. niiiitn ttexeci'.t'd iu the n.oet suti rior ptyie, of tin1 b: ui it: i i :l.Ail work t. ;irriu od. Pno-j- reatonable. Old old Utkninfr:;ctuige. liine t1ly

WESTERN HOTEL,latk vacaro houbk,


JACOB rmaiJD & CO., Propr.A1TE would rw'recU'illy inform tlu public that tinoe' f the boiise haa va.f3ed i the liaudd of Mr.

Vacaro it hce bvt;ii ciitheL- re lit ted iu blecaut etyle. audii now for t!ie "f gue.t?. Loca d in thewutral and biiiiiieit 'art of the cit. it Iiaa rJoadvan-t'-i'e- s

fvr the Lav&lniK ix.blic 'i he ji1'"rr'eT0I"B "UBp ire no taifn to make their piiela fei l comfortableand ant ifiifd in every' renwl. T!i'.''r larder will ayghe ?nt vHvl with tbe best the irmrk'-- t p.'id tfRtvn afford,and tne (ar will b& ttocied with only tbo bit ot Witiai,

ijigar AcCarWo t'rfi?ctiullr elicit the pr.trcnago of the old

and of U19 pjbiic in generaf.luSdU .jACfcH FHII'NI)CO.


SrhrtFtd the Ou Main 8tr"t, betwvri;g Second r.nd Third- lutBviti.', Ky., formerlyB;.iad by Mr. O. T. Sha, in which they have goue t.

f conderaMf expeure in ;efi'Tii:K. The Ga!!rycertninly tho very fiefflt in tho Wtst. We an

fevrei'aed to ft!T:ir-- all styled of known tn!t ne art. thotogr.ij)h8 m oil, w at r colore, and

Ink. Batieftction giroD to all. Give a callR C. At.rty.o Gakuctt. Geo. H. Niosi.h&on.g lyThia is clowd ou Sunday. maylO

APr LEd 74 bbla A?pl- - Um revived aid fcr aule byANO'W HIXHANAN A CO.

f OVKKING'S B'JGARS-ihb'.- o LoTarli' Crushed,J Powdered, and Granulatt'd Unpaid lecclvod pr

steamer Ecnice and for caie bva ANTVW nT'TN Jt CO

WUGAR-HOLS- MOuAriSl 75 bhle St. .lameaHouse Molaaoee in store and for eale by

" VM'.' MI ( H vja - ')

CHOICE P1CR..ES AND CA'l til UPS - EiisUrhPt klc?, Crttcbn;, Brine, Pi

Oi.t, Gfi iiuie. Ctiocol;,te, Cooua, iic. m?t andft r walP by fs-- j UIBHI TT & SON.ICE 15 caeka rice received and for mile hvft - KAWSON, TulH, Ci).

3 iiy br.iia Cottca Y:'.ni, ariaorted 'JOliibyif:Li-- No. Batting;

"'I do Kxtra do;T1) do No. i do;nO t-- g w ll te Cant Ch.hi;'.'" do colon d in

do Caudle-V.'n-

j.) co Wmi piugdo; for ea'.e bya3 OAKONTfR ft CO.

LD ROLRbON WHISKY 2uo bbls .f vary, and uarr old (f.r s,:h hy

U H. 1. M'Wimii', A P'lO.. (11 i.'.i.. j t ..- .

Bu.-iu-, ui't ai 'i t.' .u nan doib pnrae

1 ,uy, aud ia CiUcie'e "ujierlrr cor - raps, for Bale;y H- - P. NUVCMR A BRO.

W'.'OTCH ALE U3 d'z a Vm. Yobiniid j'.iit uud for Mir-


xi J - hbis tjlme FIaiTa-iou- . in euKilor oocinwo:d dO;

In aud lor ie byru7 TI. P. NYW( OM PRO.

rryi-i- Rniudv, Sro--SPIRITS, iiollai.d e I acialM . I'- : on Vn-k!- fj. Port- Sutvr:, f.ii;:r-rne- , and :ie tr

Vie ;v col- - aic-at- i Lu Lcjii.iie Tor p. r.( MontebeiloJ. T. LAL'ilAM A (.0.,

n,14 taii?tpv- - of T t. 'fidrd nt

union usiow uKios? u?Jiow,IVOTiS PA: ER AND KNVPLOPS. era'.lhed with1 ti. bturB :i.iu htrlf J. Pj ire 01 Lu'eh.;w, yi per1,1'uiOorsfi .r I'.J; I!oto PatSi', $4 3j tr lidia or U tii

F. HfiDlXVi BOCKSTOkP,Ii.T Jl Tr.iid Btret.IVSiraplos stjt on receipt of 10 eta In mon.-- or


iNK APF UP t tp.ESE-lnc- a?. e Pine Aj Cliwll. NrUr-- fm- t'h by

UJ14 W. A IU RUKKJJARIr, 4:T M;trk rt.



COACH ANDSaddlery IFftrekouse,

No. 435 Mam St., between Fifth and Sixth.



dlI3AO 1, IOGI,Library Association Company's


OXETfZOmiU) PRIZES IX iIOXEF!Tickets tixitcd to 5,000.


Itcspoimlr-l- n Afffnti nrv wanted l wll Ticketsfot- - (tie abaieiamt'd corupnny.

Term a very F.biil.t&'For TicKew, Schine.. or A,icle?. d ll 5

inT drf LouM-Ule- . Ky.



BRIC, .JACONETan-- SWT S3 KDGIWGU aui INSERTING6, JACONET, SWISS, and FACE FL0LNC1NG8,aod in ihrt onr entire etock, coiarrt lug ilia moat beau-

tiful dn ign aud strlj.Will te Sacrificed for Cash.

The lail?? nlll dt we'l t c ii at one nnd thegrsatoH acd moot deslral RARGAINrJ of th' ea?on.

:n:iii;r a-- cannov,m7 Fourth ft., op(io?ite M z.irt Hall.

WfH btre on liHiid a food stock MY HiOI9. totV whi.:h wo invite the aiteuli u ol the tnide. Ttrms


9.13 rr-.t i'iW'l'nl.Pure Concentrated l!x tract of Jamaica

GingerACTERFD .1 id ii.r and retrdlMANUTj CAt'lToi. LRUU FT.iKB.

0i?O"t The Port ott'.co.O. fl. STUaTTAN, Proprietor.

Gwyen's Prcpnrod Whlto Gluofor tho trade bvMANPPACl'L'KED O. II STRATA N,

Capitol lnig Store.

Camphorated Amlca LimmcntT.TANITATUREI nd for a!a at irv ablih- -

O. il. bTRVr TAN. Droi--

0 ':olt- tha

Tor Invalids.Tii:tK VYLSE HI ITERS din;n,1 with S?.v1 AV1 UF. O. H. BTRA'ITAN.

the Po&trOhiiX.

I A t"i'fcl'4rd to ronilir entire vt',ljf icti"i M th-- coedcili'iM 01 Lnai'iik' in ihie H iitrtmont of m- - busi- -

O. 11. STRAIT AN, ApotluvHO-- ,

Ci:ii) dtf C;)".oitfl th;-




For the Vbiskcrc and Hair.Tha iiibpfiio.''-- ; r.Vaenro in a vioiincinz to th

citizen oi' the lulled S?t that th:;y hav' obtainedthe Agency tor and are now en:ihir;d to o'l't?r to t.hpAim'ru'ir: - hl tinj above justly ctltrbrattd nd


if prepared by Ort C. P. Hr.ut-';- w. an fminrut8ivin:i 01 L:idi'n, aad is wair&ctfd to b:lug out a thick

"whiskers or a mustachein from thre to hIt v.'ka. TLl- - arM?1n i? the only onecf the kind md bv tno. , mid lu Louda anilPaiiJ it iJ 111 (i:iivplP;tl ll'i;.

It a r;Ci it:r Tit. poo hie c, j t ?t, icti"? l.b if by maple tipou tii root , c;uiniw?a bv;uut:tul urov- th 01 Inxnriaut hnir, lr avrlicd to thebculp, it will cirrj tuLiiMVi, ftiidiau a;iring up inp!a-- c of thi . a fmo gru-.- . tb oi" yw lialr. Aiil!rd aw.dias to direct ii v, ll turn bci or toiryhair haiUm and le-l- jrav hnir to tt- - orii- a1 coior.loavir.K It t!oMh!. Thw "Onoi knt"

- un iii.tihjioiihAhi' aiticlo in evi'iT ffntiemau' toiK-t-

aid ail or o;ie aje they would not for any couaidc-ratlo- a

ho vithont '.t.Th rs ar the only Acx-ut- for Wie article in

the Ur.iitd tratt'i, Vj whoa ail oileia uiudl

Prim Ora Iiot'ar a box. Frr b all PmpKlft?aud DfflhTo: or r. hr-- ot th "On?npnt'' (wamiuN-- tohitve the d"fin;.-- will be sent to nv who direit. hv ma!' (din--- ) ty p&cfci-- iu of pnetand ioutige, itl Is. Any'.v to ur addrB

HORACE L. HEGEMAN t CO.,I)i:ii;(iiftfH, ,

ti2d;t5i1tp'.H Wiilbri str-f- t. Sew York.

VHi-'- you o to NEV YoRii, drive direct to the


o:; Tin; European plan, gc.hiCo.ducted oromj-- atit . ai.d n:''dratt-chaig;----

rihiiih; ro lu cntu, Tjcjnt!-- . aoa &! pardrty. fioul le rocni? ii'id vir'or9 il 0'.' to V.jal aio;dcr-- 'ibid Hot"! hart all thf appoint men td f thohc,'t Hrt'1n, a 1:. a t central loaiiou, aud id heated

by btani.m- SAMUEL E M E P, .

0L31STCA0 & 04C0X0RdJucceci jrs to Jos. Rock),

And Sole Airent foi tho

Iomoroy Coal. .

OROERS for ai:y of the p.huve Cowl respect goliJUitIy filled at tiu lowest market

prices.Cor.nMy on har.d a lar.-r- ?n?jlvof the "PEYT(")NA

C'VNNEL" and "PEACOCK" POME ROY COALS,which for k iUii tin, parlor, or chamb4;r use have do bu.pcrior.

Oifloes No. 804 'Iliird ptret, bdveen Market and Jef-ferson, at Robb old cUiid; and at No. south wpstcorner Brook aud Market eireeti. je dtf


IXJUOIJ15- - lb-- ht

lu UiiibUiiilll

Market Street,North side, between Bis lu and Seventh,

L0UISVILLE.KY.nAlways 011 baud a complete assortment of P7 ANOS

at rfcasooabio prices. sep38 dly


Cash paid for DarleyAT TUI


Batefcn Sirth and Sevith.Jin:-- J dtf .TOT IN EW'LN ft CO.





And mo.t comp'? ifMrtmctit of overv vtici- Men' VVar, to tvluh we call tun attention

ci cash aud prompt buj eru.


m."i C'oth Hoii?e, No. 4 Main et.

TIEKJNKP SUOAR Vj bhla Circle A New YorkXi. th'Usbi J iu ffore &.ud tor wile by

WM. G Y.

lni!"I Hi'i-A- n frcflJeat quality ot" stigar-enre- d

1 f in iid Reef for aaiu byTll3 TTTWPTTT PHN.

AIsib M. R. and Laj'W Riine;

llilj X- do Al (10 (in;'4 do do do to kI j.

Received p r Piaaa and ijr sale low toclotecoujiguju-ju- by

ANTHONY ZANONK ft SON,n:2 Piltu Mtiott, below Msia.

WUNDRIUS-T- ul, Bic'eN, Chur-j- s,

Urooni. "data, R;:H.ct.s Arc In store and torHfnnt'l'' son'.

WUtiAK- - Ll" u h tide fair to n. i;:.e m ff'n ainfirpaly fin 7 H. P. NEWCi )MW fi IJKO.

AlOLASSE bb'jcholo- pip.ntation received by1 the Autocrat aud i'eytorji and for sale by

ti w. crion.L'lNK ERANnY, WULSKY,

- 10 do.i u Lfi Coemic Brand y;Ill do ohJ Bourh-r- county Wtilekv,

do o"i A,(iie Itrnt;-.--

i do VTlutaev'a tlub Ho'.iM Gin:tS do old u 'ic i Kmn- '.t

n 7 J. P. THOMPSON'S. 76 Fourth rt.! RESET TEA 3 A and a- -o t- -

TUf,'lt 01 loice Black and Gr-e-o on budJ. EV ni;J tor ch-;- forJ. T. L NT! AM ft CO.,

VI ll. JAMP8 Bt'OAR-UO- l E Mui..1 dStts 7?i bblem pfore ar.d liirtnh

W li THAN AN & CO.


ty0 hb-i- ta;r to yjimt Sasr in etore tut


I0S1ER- Y-Xi- - Vj d ..g utite Cortonlie

C-- 0 3 Lid do:S,'fO do d ix-- d do:

1 licit do, assorted;do, do;

Rot&ifJ ar.d far anl: byJAYKS LOW A CO.,

ml U"- - ard "iiO Sixrh nt

I 1Um 1 M i l r.rtif!!' ilrd and niru-cl- ' '1I ' P. .,., r i Ai '''f,J. &!id riv:ichAL.d (ierriin

fi.r hvW. L HCRKiLAJiPT, : Kuket t.




MISCELLANEOUS.OfHce of tho Amorican Express Co.,

Lori?vi:.t.F, May 1, 1 H,N0.T.TCTIii'1ri'y(r'v ' 't li'INRIE DA VIE

d Au t thi Aci MiinTnv-'- LIVINGSTON, FAR-i- a CO.,

ni 'j d 1 ia

Toal foalfoal.'pO MYFRIENDl AND FORMER PVPR0V3- -1a. would i:jtomi mv old eurttomfm that I am again tob ito'.mdatthKOth.ecfWm. L. Hf,,rnlu'l'n .i.i,ptr.t, b--t. ft.d wbc iv I r.iii w- -

, ... ... .... ,j ,..,-.-, ,Iiy i fj mi w no ic?irp to tiavt-the h.Mt ajid rheapi t Pitt. m 3 nnd H u t Mr.i City ( oalnow lu thn cttV. livi-'- trciMl tf ar.u on.t .1, Jtt.,, .

dotrnmed to rlw I .r, that I will hnall i.,v.-,-t-In driving a bnk trado with my old frloi'd--st too. plu dtf M Wv'kr

TO '2W.An eillnt ciiHii'r- - ir n li:(l,l(. hordtit j ( en o n,reP"oitpblo r nnuftctitrl-'- bivinw, r'.)(i'0"E but apr,)Hl rupi'ftl In Its Cdtahlihhmrit aud pr.n cuiiAn.'"HlEraanufactu'-ftconrif- in of K

1 cud.i '0!1i('vi:iriOrtnnir,f-- to coiurjou hrh-k-

del a varipty f otner KiilnniK mitilnt, ot nnit'"t itarchivctural fiuUhiaKa, ceiiiuge. tile ( .r floow and forrcohuw.

Tlil-- enamel nav br tlntod of anvcolT, t' ppure H h t to tnu ? nt hiAck, wltn all the ro! m andeba brtvpti. p in p!--- o the a to- aprMfd a htrdiiirt ai.d 'inahiii". ln.o.-- t inrr.-rlN- .

L-- benty n:rpa f) g tiir.t of thf rrei-- t a- d niotcoj.ivoj tiie vai n ot. a mi; tjle, and, null" tht'miiavvt vioius ti nioPer(Rud will c r fwd.-taii- .. or

cntidsj b it afrad.wial y.ut of the price ofordi- arv marbl .

It ii-- l?o va nahlp fnrtat-l- find tand trp. mmtl"-p- hce- -. monnifi-V-- , and an n di varii-- 't otuflrr-Vci- e

of Htap e ua h p.vr, n of up Ivlnw thepu.i!I l sinu lo, u hi'fi th. ar'lcU na w ir?adv talo vfi rdiuft Pi- . Re

i tie- - mav e Ho n- -. ..r nunnt- turii.p niclei-th-

trr any cit, or prruin' ut t wn in tb-- - Unit'flRtatf-- by applying to th- euimc . A T.ti t Tiifarirlv raannlpxtnrfid w 1)1 b-- r Miiircd fi.r the ii- - oft!i? invwi'iou. t la f civingfjli puiticulaio will bf T.arded to a l appll- ante.

Th.' eurHii-- in tit md twnv this fnamolndbuilding Hiatal .1 in w th.- uri .nu'lf din.I t cf (1 Rt; . ' f tln uio-- t T. inent arUiiUictHd (rl'-nt- l ic moo ot th'a and o'hyr cltit.

For pdniculiri', & jdre- -

Gcnrnl Ag'ts for Enamoled Building Material,oi'MCin 6 Afti ht. M.i uK.

oi STATIONPRY and JKWELRY at ,.,irJ 0,,t5i,'? ,'?.t,,n raiVP"V,T,''w.h-ni- &no- -

pt- "t ll' t v - . j

Ij. 8. B. d URETY....'E. RARY, Appnt),';wd atrtxt, aopjlnlnjr the Jonrnnl omc

5H1!t r'J"chas;TR a tinef rjt WINES aiid CIOUtlRri. a- -"

BDRRACX. MOflJiittNE. IWMCs,Ronlcaiit; Potuird: It .10V.IU1;Pe Mnd.Hi; Front' nan Lunaltat. Estci.he. Voluy. .vto-d-

MoHo, Vin de Tukay, AxmaTruu, aud Cordiii51,C

r'nH d'y


THE r htvit:d a larpp o?" Lftdio' audWinter Root, Shoes', and Gaiti-iao- hand,

a'.t ot hi.-- oitu luauufacture, otters at grpatiy reducedprices for cah.

leuiV in want of fine Calf Win tr Rrot ctn hat tho veiy lo priGa ci' 7 per torcjh onlv.

ALo, & lot of tliiii'i and Roys' Kip and thi-- k Ioota atcad for. cash P. MARSHALL.

Main, bolow ThP d etrtot.



Warranted tbe Beat iu the Market;Fine dui.-he- Ftroug and durablft: whf fed ol gratpower: cicccQin: y imple iu not avirt-iiifcxi- t

it: Rll it rv.rt? admirably and iufenioi.s-l-an ftufft'd: rauuot iiutolv feet out ot oidtsr, Iwcancc

evorytbitjg i pfrriiaiipnlly adjusted: none bo easilyand owr:itd, r.nd eovs the not bcanti'1.!

ntitcli ovor beheld, alttie ou both T;jlorv uud all v. ho have Sft-- it procono it the bp?t Mvciilne ever rent to thia vlci..ity. Ail tiro corJially

to eanilue it. T, JOHN. ,

To itliSIers, Produce Picrciiantt, andGrsia Dealers,

THE fiiib?CTib(r nffurs hUervica totbi ProfivKfiiu LoiiisvMc for purclin'-.iti- all kinda of tlr--

and Country Prudvc?. Having fcsd lon ftii-ri- nct1 &tth bTiiU'iew, he tV!i a??.nvd thtt he ct givua;i?ftcjonto hll who may employ hiia.

H? w tl! act ar. ai ut lor the purpow of hn inj; Oraincud Produce in th? co'intk' of VranfciiiL, t CKKlf 01 d,Scott, Favott, and co'intlo.

i T Hn to Civ. C. 8. oreTfwi and Co'cnfd A. O., Frankfort; Prs. W. S. G'.no and P. R. I

Gfonretowa. Addi-- s WILL'S HODGE?.,j van dtf tr-

J. (i JACK, E. W. A' K,LuisvUi&, Ky. Not Orl.:aua, La.

U Alt, 14. U. J B.4.V a ai U Jt.lj)


No. 5LS uortii elds Min tt., boti'oea Third aad Fourth


n.iitu iN . nrs,.r:t'H' liu-i- rriiae i'.ii Cuti'-o-

Juj bi-- Cmhs'd, and Granulated Stir.Jo.i r!, PlaJifullou Wolawefl;15 V bhid d.'i do;

ibb!e Go'don 3:r:ip:fo on kepre Goien Sirup;

In store aud'or scir- byJA'JK k BROTHER, 518 Main it.

MAm;FACTLTPDMl!;?0!-r- Tocoot

Wii do O. hi do (ki:ftJ do Htviim.'.v do

1' V do Va. mid Ry. do, varlo-.u- i braudi;In etore and for aals by

JACK & BKOTHKU, oiS Main st.

JP. A S3 AN I) LINSEYS-1-- M! ban N"r ,V.m andLlaseya brU'ti1) in formal.! by

JACK U LKOTHKK, bliMainst.

KANAWHA 8ALT-3- ,"! bid. Kmawha Salt, beatsto? and for ';le bv


4n half che?4e Onnrodor10 do do Buck do;6') dozen sti ikei Hro m ;

75 do f:toc wii'C tied do;L- do P.i:ntd 'uc'-t- Lj;

rveJn do 'l a1-

76 d'on Zioch': coild Co'ton , 111

ik do H"in do, do;1 boK:.e tt'ir Cftndleti;

5 do o:-.- r h;7" do t ""ap;

fin Phado German Soap;

do hARe Cotton Varn, til DUCiberi;2J do Cant Chaia;

Lh) bs.te b if th'3;!") do tJr.Tl--W:ck-

So do Wrr.piug TliC;ir. bi Sic..13 do Prsvrvr;

luy matfi t h. namon; '3 (we tfadt-L- aud Mluiilft I'iJi-5-

i cu M.sdddr.lo bnls Alnnr;

6 do Bulnhar:&t) ca'ke N- - &da

1 Nutinec;8jt,iH 0 G. D. and 3. B. Caj-o-

75 gro3e Mfttciirit';173 no Maoa'e )m--o ftDd email iilkiuf ;

20 boxon Candy;10 bbl8:id-- r Vim-';-- :

kc? Nail-- , aborted narobrj;On ha-'- and fur by

tn Tdtrf- JACK P.ROTHPX. Mnlnrt

WI1KLLI O'OKM M'.ce vhite and mixtdO tai'.'iiw Corn Li dtre uud lor ed- - br

ANO'W IU ;;ia:-.a- A CO.,rC7 f V:t!p cf A --."orid and V.i- - MiuM--- .,War ox o War:


But to buy a handsome suit of Clothing

J. M. AKMSTJaONCtS,On Main, opiMisIio th; Nntlonul llotf !,


rilli GKCATLR OP TIOC TWO CAN xv, riKTTnHX de'.-- 10 p.rtr n;i t ion cf t'.f celt-i- it

"took tf M'rl'v'S mi"l M'.'Vb' t'L'jlTIiSl n - tiA the .'.k;r r,.1- - in owq are tLeii-celv- e

Wlta VNH"OI'.M "hi.Te ;n."nOMK (;CAH! Hr! I'ri,f TATE ul' 10' SulTH,BLA'"v Gl" A Ki ?rfT.

AlsoSUT3 for CUILP-RK- and VJl:"'T1?. w?hpat di i y A It i6 fp.QN G'g.


CLOTHES at.7. M. A KM.T RONv'i'S,

Ou hiain st., oppo.'ite the National.




AlaO eery vxritfr t 'CRAVATS, TITS, gniKTSucki;;kv, UNutawtAR, c--

Ja.jt opcued aud for aale eat-a- for uwh at.m; PVTRHNT.'S.

Cotton Kope, fac.A I' I'LL Rpwrtmeut 01 an eizes t otton, Manllij,ii J..te, and IL'uip Kor;: Cotton, l cip, find liuTmr.t;-- . Tw.ue; C!A.k Liii.-3- K ten Lint m. Trot

L:Gi, Stasiag, tc.; jutt rtci jd si d for nh- hyOK.'ilN KAWSoN',

m13 t . betwi-- b:rd :id t n'.rtb.!AiJKLKr,u A.M Will hi IsH14 75 tilta Nob. I, 3, and J Mackuilal

10 ,!;bbla Wh tfti-h- .Iu etore and for brIp hy

ml4 W. oi H KPRKnARR?. 417 Var'tt gt.

CORDAGB .'ot',on Ropy, arisnrted rir;';2v0 coils Manilla do, do 1V3;

60 do J:;ti do, dj tio;lui doreo Uemp Btdoris;100 00 i ton do;1'K) d") d';loO do Pluir-Lin- c loraalohy


iJpdOi lXTTO- N-a.cco d C ttoa, assarted;f. iv ia :i:tdw. do do,

Jtui r tiivKd and ealaJAMffs LOW ft CO.,

r,,l !) i' 'O iAt--

I OM'i'N KiKITK AM) tsCOlCHLi I aoaea Poit-cr-

do h

Soi-- : . ;hrt do,eu or ci-- k tr t jP by-,: P TH("tMPKOM. 1 F.i.irrh

C-- l.tHO Kio nscelwd pi Breaker Tail--cr.i:d aod for by

R. T. N7"wrnwB PRO,

Pn toua and John Kaiiio lor 'e byin.; OOOO & MOO

y U:i r

I ff ty IbWJ A fcN


Tico White Men and three Xgixes Uung.Yi ap-- jpeare, pays tho Mumphis Bulliia, that a coutem-- jplated plan of iiif urw ion hjsboen ou fuot in thecountie.5 of White aLd Prrtirio, Arh.. The plot was

about two woek-- ajo, in which whitemen wwro concerned. 1 uey were to commence aregular whulfrale of mmder iJucdor. ami

noi'Uhoiho; J Hirivry Plains, White county.Three ntKrovd ard one white ntan namtJ ThomasWilliamson, were arrested end hum; at Hickorynains, ami a wliilc msn named Norman Webbwas ordond to leave tlje State in ten dr.vs. An-

other white man, whoso n;tia we di-- not learn,aud who was concerned in tu plvt, was arreittiland hurr at Soarcey.

Ap.kkst ion Mail Rouim-.hv- liichard NesI,a bai::igR masier on Kinii Kail read,was arroatcd at C'ii.cinnftti on Biouday, and heldin 'l,-j- fr ft furthjr tearing on a cuare ofrob!jtiy tli-- l

St. D)I'(J( loarn Iroiii a litr from

r(' Domingo, under U ite of Ajy Xmi the pub- -

lie i. bivhly excitci by the ueufatk-- cf i!:eesstprn portiun tlm by V;ir!ik:i

p'ppara'i ins arninf; on, troopi and ainmm:!-tij- u

hoin-- j ser.t to tbe frontier; but unk-- Spiinclaims bar limlu t h r benooth-.- r

deniuri.itratiorif' on tho part of iTtyti. Twars ftgn,Haytitook, by comiiifut or otlivi'wi:, Hinchi,Lis C Hi.d o:hi;r p!aco-i- t v.I:'eh Lave ncebelong d toth1 HuT'lci (ioernment, and whichwill not bo jjivea up wi'.hout a trial. Tha writer

" " 'flayft:Aipbaft;iHnra b ivo p.nt to Fr.-- ' a t!

Frai:ce. ard thtir ; ch:n will dciHe what cotiro the doveinmeiit will pii'sunI'tia lurR nutrili r of e:i!ir f.vrm Auihucjhav helped t i a tcfcne'al rVtl nr oF arouriiyhere, as lie ( m irHn,a :e welt puii-lis- d wi; h thecountry, ::d v.idaid as much a in iisdef'encH.

The conspirator, L tiea B rth( lfirry, who W;.c nd mreii rn dea'hitt Purt-- Piii.c-- , in

1.D. and wh ni".r)a tuc rc-a- hin-c- - Ifurc, wk-- arrcst-- at L'Arc.ib i o'l the h

f L, tir u bt to l'irt .u l'aiico, and shnr at6 P. M. i f ihis-.mi- f d y. Whoa m irchtd to tiiequara he to ni. k'l hi-- ciur, end

inrirwirte showed his iniliif-r-nc- Att(r unirinon th gri.und, he tmk ff hia cr:iVHt, took hi--

cier In his left hi' d. and wj h bis richt struckhi bret cJUd 10 the Mi.-r- dhf.-.-

here." At tiia tirs1 tire there we;o ahotit cijhtB'lotn tired m'o hi- - brea-j- and neck, which broughtInni to the Kroiinii. er whkh some eiht morewo-- e ti'P'l into Imj l.fas urrt hjiid, i .Ulinrswnlkirh; up at J dlibe'sfuly p!n'!!:;: the muzzl 8within a loot or t n of t b"tfy. tUriny; whichti;re b n'rucirK-- vi'ileily upon tin; ground, 11 .dtirt illv rtied in yr;tt aaory l:ere was considerhble mun:fe?ttd in hie favor about town,

irit.l ai.d c rrve while IPcnt, orin o hy woriL-- never 1) d a hoirin, which exci-ted tile biej of the peufje i:i his b b:tlf.

'1 h.i (jdi:-!-, of New O.leai1., CaptainFcl;ifcr v!ooh ws in snd out 'f po many tcrnpesin P'-r- pi three ir.on he airu, nowin IlaytiHH, and the Cwptyin inprison, f''f ai'eniot to ki'jnjp n car go of

u.'V.t V roiiiof'T the CjV n or someothf m:u The Capl:itn had in i'J j some

in tha vol, ainonir others havi:!?p lintwl her white, n'id pnt Tell to the end ofWiiiiam, ihus m.Mn it Wiili-i- Tell. ' hesiippoi'i!i.n i? ilut the Cap-a- bd sltot, butyour d,iub:4 i'. Thn C'uptntn in aFrerchmn, bui churns lo rn American cit ironbv adoption. The hHI ronr againsthim. aa he lillrd about 01 hundred ca.-i.- wi:bwicer while in Porl-a- u l'rii.ce. and i:ftnv ir.lsset Lan b h colors utT of one pjrt ar, I Trench oti'another, and made he a'ieipor to p;et oae htm-- 1

ired and lifty men on beard uri.!'r thf plci ofhaving Fpruiiij hi nidinm. and rudder, anduo-i- roquire ilia t u.ucu force lu put hia vesilto right e.

HoOhS CONTHAUAND AaaUMdin inciuetit U

rolattd in the tit. Loun t.;n:ocru: tb;t happenedtn the eipoditioa of Caraiti Lyon ua'uidt tha

eceesieti-:'- ! at PotoT. Tha capturedthu:

The ntxt move was lo capture the rbbel .

which wus kiuwii to be In totn. ead fur thisaTeablo duiy Cap'uin G-l- d:tailfd a truard of

men, under cm: rr,a.:a tif Svr"-v.n- Ya!l;or,accoiupiiiied by lh: Frarkitn, Sure-i- of

Keimsnt. Tho u.ird ruirou-i-it- the hou-- e

eupIKJScd to contain the Q ig. aud Dr. frranklinand S'rr.-in- Walker enieri d. After vain for me time, the Doc'or ihoiiht he ob-s-

Vud the tdy )f the bou.-- e itiioj.-i- rather anuneasy po.diion, and ho very politely akd herto rts. At tirst the lady htaitattd, but, iindmih-- D.ior'a pT u:isi'. a suaviiy irreutible, ei:oro-- e elowly, aid li ! tho K'ripe of the

en apoear'. u bolow ttia lady's ho- ps.'Ihe V c or, bowing grwiful "be pardon,madam," rstoepi.d, ami j iio tv ca'chh:; hi la ofthe jjaiidy odor, cuefuliv deiirrfd the lndv of a

lii;:, iLirfy fett lug and nine fe"wide. Tha D ctor bore odT his p ie in tiiumphto ho ca!p, wheru the tio- ps greeted him wi'hwild shouts, and thuraete ia d ilia foat as liijcruwhiio-- glory of tho occasiuc.

A.v Am kntlre or Ma Lincoln. Tbo Wash-

ington corre-p-ud- cf tho AlUiny (N. V.) Stated-- m

m ?ay.:;You g'it all tb.3 nwn, rdI nior Lkj. by h,

ro thn" it h b rd to make you an intreat-i'- -Jet tor. L'ut 1 bhoiil t;!t v.:a h

wi:h two or 'f'r--- l ivo--a-

th v i ii r;; i v ;i re") if i ; ' ft 'i A ::dr! andb u m; rluwn a 1!'. o.- - eiera: Ai-r-

h:un, tl::.i advantage of Mis. L 'a ibejica on ashopping tour, duioiir. L'.i tii rii:-- , and

stole ou; to the n p rt:.n of the l td..:alDiatric in c,'tet of cce a Bof'-i- ho

his adventuro, hj p;i.s-i- d mure than nt.epicket of tbe adversary, and th.-- roiurned withou di c ivery or ciniure. When the fact cainn

u", he n i.hi have known it would, theinaianTv recurred to a mim:

What if two or t h'j aoniilo- b,d r.loird in uponhim, talcn hitn prisoRcr. and hurri d YWi ctY tn

to 111 ;drt the l.iuLin i?:o(.k ifnot tbe tninc nf :h I

House fok as. foe us of horses inwar are as various as in the aria of pa:.cef

ao that when a h suppliedwith htrses of t:o d charjie'er iu time of peice,it ran easily furnt-- h euou-- h f t war, b a generaltbltiff. Hntire horses ate preferred for m my otth ervic-a of ihy campiin ard battle tieid, forthough pi syid of no grea'er intell'enca thv

capable of fw;aitiiuc :nor ex demuds upon ih-i- r slren-- Ti and ei dur mce," nndh.y r loui'd o b, under the inii!e excire

me tit of bjt'l-i- , itnbui d v:'v h a d ci'i' v whichi" surpr'pinc. tor draubr or t ije wat.nsatid ainniuiiiiiooi, aa well ha heavy oidiiance.

cop; 1: u1 ion. , d endurat cj aroIn tbi c antry v.e havo fw h: wlyvo h -- Vav.kwardt-ps- would ij nrlt them f r seruci-- ;

but in haropa the re.i fcasta which are (finheavy teaming, r.nd are exprtH-fdo-

awkward and u;iui;lv, aro r ; c as unlitf r puoh ervi!-- in tha unny. An ir.fuion ofKnjdi.-- h thor.itihbrt-- b'ox-- ib:1 pivra loKu ope a clr.a (.r heavy hi'.raes fr the ro. d wbithare niwio ureal ly in favor. I hey hare the

very tnu-- cf tba cU.-- a ofd suht bors vhkh we a'lion u. 1:i rHart, rd co d csr'i 2 0 drdwn by hor;es cf tho

char.-'Cfe- in which v.e allude a cla.s admirably;iilaptrd to hoivy ai!iii--r- and o h r hodvy 6rvi of war.

I or flying arlilkry rr.d ha-v- civalryof a fin- r ori'iniza! ;,it yet scrct-l- pjver,are deniadrd greater activity, mors spirit, and(.rtdr e: dur.ii cs. We bardl. ki.01 what henrycavalry ia in tlib counirv; i ne 'nut thecuirasdora of Lun p&an armiu. They are monjf lare fcarno, each v.i'arir.f; a culr.-'- aod hcl- -mor, w oi q ov)--n tne Jii a'-- oiiii not penet'sre( h.'U,!i the fo cf blow zh a ot':e;i tou:in'!-- a tr.(:n). the L- ro:eotfd by a

piai ai:d scaie-sroK- 411 af ieatthicltrifvif ticy aro armed wi:h a "word of thohfuvk t ar.d pi . Ti.e wi;;hth.T-- e ad man, if we are rihily iriforratd, often

1 lco rou:id- Hor-- s in th ror-vi-

-- ro uMi.iily aiaiiions of (it.'ccn and a half to.six!-1)- ! h'd-- . fuo; ked, withMmill h' d, rat h:r thnrt but larg bar. ? a: d

1 dii: S eel expected ifi o:!, hut rey are miendod to movo iib alntot

in tje cliir;-- on ocauawl'.ere wyi;-J;- t will t ell fh;.ti inipj; v.

li. ht civulry a cIa-- t.f r irren iwHch are r?prTenf rd by our liTiten to t'fienand a half hand carriage hr.'.-i- , between t!ieproper hachncy a::d the li Lit otau.ut horse?,cr lurmor's borte of all work. 'Ii i? . a mo.-'-t imp'lian1 c'i39, and one Icri-l- y rcprcaciitod on ourSew Knland f.trm.--', by wtdl cared-fo- r Younghorsoe ct (;om1 h',1. which havo not b?an over-worked and idifVtjm d up or strainKl out ?hape,aa too many of our hc-j- have bean.

for the uo of lield c;7i.'c-r- and' puvh as will be-i- U'.iHmi'ed crnudinand work in baa ground; hor-v- s of tlie highestendurance, mucie, ki d upi'it. Iho t!ivlihhunter ia wtil adapted lo bt e?pccitllyif an tin Ire hor-- o obtained, and sach area.'Ufht for in the Briiinh array. We tjnd amonour tiialli 'tifi of all work, efp;jC'j!!y uch as havea lar-- icfuei. n th::ou.:br. d bk.od, bcrws ofa very eitmLr char.:cter, but lackingendurance . iioi'us'iii.

Tm: KKwvr'ArKKS a.m thi I'imks The Bos-ton evening h:ve iitd tha piico to news-men to one doiiar and lifty cents a hundrfd, wh-.-

briiiL' oj:e price of sinjrbi paper3 to three cants.Tbe fioun Courier, i.iie many otherhis rcduct-- ifa ?.i in onfonni'v wi h the necet-fi:- y,

wiiiuh imp .".ea ;ill pracMal eo u- uiy uponevery branch of bu incy, and upon none worelinn upon newspapers.

iijth these hum u res are jut and Aman who grumble at yi inu; three cnts insVad1.1 iw, tor a p;iper ih-i- t contains tuer.ewsre-- j

through expulsive channels frf.m all uartaof tha coani y, or h in not wii h tbeample d,n,e;i,-- i us which the Couriers1 ill prefiPL-f- ,

ib not r.iitlod lo iue nws at &r:v price Jhe.--o

tiriic3 ii'creapo ttie ex enti-- and dimif'ibh the rv-- jo of Ir a mistake to suppiwetha jrrea'ly iocre.i d oircuUiion of ihipu-err-balance th. ji'creaced expense. 1' is the radical

ti-- and tho ad er't-hii- ; d pu'I- - upon the cren-er- al

proh'p:-ri-- of the cocntrj; whatever chc'Buurin-i- - cnciiS adveru ui

'i Lii;dh papers, wliich do not furnLh aduaner 'he tlt-ti- ' ph news ihat tho AiViericiapa&dr d , ure Bu'd at turgor four tlu.a the nri-.-

or oars. They iri.iie a pror.t on ihir circ tlatijnal1 ae, ar.d thcretore xmptraovtdv tafa fiooaa tcvj; ion which a;foc s thuir i;iug. Wehav Jong th'Uht thi tfaa American panrswould cl imattly he forced ir.:o omtjtalns 1 kethi- - piaiiiun. WhiN tho cc. t cf pii.i cj.aur. hnheeti enortm-u-l- frribnr , whiie of allkinds have u! ad', a fintr, ihi nr;co of nu-ppt-

bus rd1 her d c1! I h if, tijat tliey,;- - d' 1.1 '1 li'! eOJ'lH!l- -

r'C;' fo' ??vi.-i-i- th;) dnvou r.t tin-- lite

L(;AK 14 hhds prime laadic from Pay- - fault of our nep 'par t s'era 'at the circa Lit is.! for i. by not Th, whok a..d -f, pty. prorlt aak a WR N. toi, ro.

- p.irlrni 01 tne hrM coat aane from tbtt d.r- -


for by




















the.-'.- . J 1jviiiK'.'




RA l VVA X ? Kl'ill.iTiN'.i F'lJ.M.RAD WAV'S KLNVATiN4i


CHLKCll.Thf. Catholic. PreK'K in ou,'A Awsriia, II Grate

the Arrhbinhop atiHUo, Gen. VUhimUL 0 tK: A rtrtvOS h'j'to-hrr- , hive Vc twed hv Uu-t- mfi'U-bb- -

nnd hure given Utcm to the ntck uho haoe fVjtivA.unw cured.


V 4 The MinutenR dwa' V Remly Re- -

Preveuts bick- -rjpja.

R.Jw'' R("dvli.-- St. In aMinute

R:'dv.'V Rf-1-

f is a

llmlwt'n Kesd- R't- -

ei ire. Pinp in'he Hmvi--

RndM a .' R"- -

lii'fcuiv I'liothachein -- n inrt-in- .

Ri'dira- c ftdv R'vlief Pivrent. Sir -

rt.Mt fttte.ok of Sitk- -

Radwa 'c R' Rdv,uref Sick

H.'rtdAch".Rudv- v

nt furei-Ai- llb- ae.

I HWv-1-- ' v i H.tdw-R- 'iam

tlinuor ia.fl.

Raawa 'n Rpnovatin yReul vent cure-g-vre ,iK"' rhiiir iiH'.iritit-.-K'--

Surt'f.l Irt't.f'1 t- -.a tiRR"aolven eurw

) lyipMia.lUdwa Kenov -

titi(f Itewilvrnt cure- Hronrhitl. WeakCnittlu. Inrijiir.nt onntiU'tiori,


T'lK W- KLO.Ra.1.-ay- ' Kjrulatlnc Pi lis warrant ed to operate tn

boVi.RvavV Pill- - are a Ve?etibIo t'

for t'a'oincl. Bine Pill. Qnii fnc, ciio.Rada-M- UifiilitinB Pil!t unould be need by Female.

tn dflli'rtte tvattli.Radvay'fl bVcnlatine Pili cire all (Vjnijihiint

Ilnrt v'( Ketfiilntinp Til1- -,

Quiets And pro hifen Sl.K-p- , Sleep, flletVRd ayV Hdulatinf Hl .

One Pill every day will curw lndieHtiouJ


HPADACHE, in all its r. vin? vnHrtlM, curedIN IfiOM Fi VB MINUTKS





NLKVol'3 llr.ADAi 'ffT5,MALA ItlOl'S MKAOAOTTTe,

BlLIOt S Iii:AlACiiK,co'fo;s'nvi: iimadacdr,



ASHITLADAClTt! r a pivrrtOTiitorT eyiaptotn ofthre d diit-- ; cr a cinniniant of a dU"i:: a iatrtaciiwl ff.lihm lite eU-rn- , is iutsjitaacoupiy relievedby


PY KADWAV'fl REIJCLATING PU.L9.There is tcrcely a diertf-r- , alimfi't. or malidythat

seize; npn the h.'uian v''-t- but that one of it cldcihim prini.-ir- w iiKADACl'K. 'i'i-.- tLr--

or the Sronnt-h- , Live-r- Hriirt, Shin. How1h. ki'in.'Vci, or a di'turopn?;' ol' the rimt-- 1

:t lorn of tho b' rr intoi tVience with tnerc3ni7 in t in, Co a great or leas tavor-ity- ,


T not of itrlf a dh'eApe, but it i1 a r?rtain fl?n thattovfh'n Rud loiiia'tiiy hntnorn ''TJ--- ivlthlu th1 sytera,ar.d tii it dir-- ! te within h1 lita'iRche,

hiuld uover hf netJi.c'.e'i: it a nm.-- of1; j?fi ,t tu the T to fortifj hi?

."jvtem to i't i- - and r.'pcl tit thr."ateut-- dL'Ti"? It';p not oni r. ei;i of tbich'eiied iii.l 't:e,

nt it it lilo'w! v p. cy.iicorrdtfiit of uli the ruo it violent,int'oTioi1-- , i.i.tHi-iir- . and !UI that tniift

In h f ' tri'"?. conTt.?in;ii. -- ndYi LLoW.T PMi 3. I'VrHum, S. AkLKT,


IX FEVER AGUE.Chapres . Vr-- h Fever In all Rendtteat sjid

Iiitermilt-- ut TeLTfi In bi'ions Nvr'.oar, and RrF '. . in inri'i(;ti7.n. So! o Tliront, Bodden

Coldr. lu Dioth-jrisi- , iu imLruuEuation, Cougeatiou,and l'a!iv,tbbi:s,QEADAC'rlE, HEADACIiE, HEADACH

'e!-'- ii di'.vn The brrin with ;ain. aud tt'isDclorr,!:' thernadftiit d bruin Ju ad theae

fonanoi' Hoadnche,KAU WAY'S READY RELIEF,

RAOVA-- S REOlTlATING FILLS,are q jlck ami v

In ail yf d tui tomtliotic tieadarho, a1 dl- orderrd'tiurti b, euddeu cold, srt':i ivo Lioui-nn- , clurophi Rt'.on, . KADWAY'S KEADY RELIEF will re--

re th'- Kiiff.rer to triicyailiity in a fts luin-ut-- j,


will, fn rtji hour?, puro i'r:ci tlie pytt-r- all eitcndh'jrhutnonj, and a asaJluy euftl iar.'.iua to Van

Let those who a'-- st pref- - ct RifTiriut w th Hadarhenia.kv th- - ut',1 rii:i:it. In fv-.- tiv-- i r.uiitn j to ?ixhoar' vua wi i U i'rr- froia and wi,! eajoy a

bleep. Doi.'t ail. but try it at once.


Statra n. Lawyer, t s n' n, I":i.jici.ina. Miiitryana Navl o.jiJ, Mtrchioit-- . p.r.d otii. t . n;-- .hj iuecptriori:iC-v- Dr. RADWAY'd uKHtDl'3.

HEAD THE RECORD.Hon. J. J. Middltoa. cf 8 uta CatGru. Jw Vii.'.ruiM, of the Arr;y of 8. A.

Ir Frederi- k 11., o:" Mi?iTV'.CL P. M..nry,Hon. John 4. Q'litTvua. ofR. 8111 I.e. l.i .d liari:.:, Ebi-- , of "M, -. P,.k-.-- 'i : Fl 5i. MerchantLr. Kv. le.r. i'Tws. r, Li L.1.Wllt-- M , y:htti,'h, LvI Har E ll;uA'" t::n. La.Cl. li. fcU.iioui, OA.Coi. Win. K'k'o, lovtua. Ox.Lar.c , (Jm.Or J. S L fyet te, a.Dr. Juo 'ir.k. S. C.Dr $.11 L tinuT. Mo'.int Verron, Ga.Dr 8. i. llopvu.rt, Fiucatlc, Va.

n. h tid-- L". 8. A.Col. b'.h N. Y. 8. M.Dr. E. VV Eailc. AbivviM, S. C.P. .L .:i, i.Hj , i. , Fla.Col D. K:th.r!non, (ii'i'8toii, T.j7at

(iov. Dicka iu, Tt--

and ihoiii 'd-- oilier (fGiith'tuau hav?ud ItADvVAY'6 READY KEL1ZF.

R )Wrs KE'U LA riN'.l !'Ii.! .9,KAi AVA Y".-- RENOVA I ING R . 'LVENT,

and nive onr-'- rh. nitu'ivi and ori:ers ith t vm.'- -i a, after all ot' er mdicineri f.dted. Every vmw

named ill v iu.h for r"M-ii-

n.i binf,' th. rml- that restored thm ar.d th.-i-

friend" acd taoaO io whom they recoaitut-ode- 10



eaj.' - givn by Kadwa. V R"dy i din ail tw.' cf Hcnt' p.iiTi, internal or external. P tonin a n.'unent the ni'id.h-oint- ; aoiir of rhenmH'ir'iii.neuralgia, t'otlmthe, biirn.-t- r l l, CV. and brui e.wlii-1- apili-i- o't'wardi v. Torture, th-i- if continued

oaid ciiis" death, in ar .st d v a ht..-:-- it, inrie niiu.itt . it nsp. ndn dUea ivins tim for theiictif-- of eai' die?. All compiu.ut i d byunhi alth;- air. aj .'njall-'o- ncnr:-- t ait a,fever aad a."iie, yellow ft vvr, Ciiolva, . I"i.iim-ni- a

&r.. r.r ,!! vented b it.' ivca.-lon- i iif. V. h n tnenerroiu yct:') i" parai cr couvnls d. it p uJ:iro3 ar:ipid rcaciicn, im.'.:eoiit-l- y n- rJ, ft.i(,i", rcnvtil-ain.- ,

hy.-t- r.j. Ac. F.r tho d- bilit:ited i1 it the h- -t

poIbie toinacait:. infinitely ihan alci,iji in f.ihtor:n. Havi.' it 'Q hsud n!n ai i:, tor it niiiv Imi rAjuiredat any tuofue-.t- , and no drj v.iH rf.iply

WM. SYPNEY ME-.S- , PQ., Hwaba. Cue a.1 1 v a k a,, Ct'M, J.n,. 3. IfitS.

M T Raowav t Co.. Oeiitl'-- pn ; I ! af.T-- from Awte Cr.rck'.c Irtra'i-::-- th- ht S ti:.t'J It 1." y Uj ev r m'l; ii:t.i d:;i ini that peMid,n- ii:."' toji;iir nor jn ivtn e:.ri--r- . 1 h.ivn a

b'ltnac on Doctors all, n i: d riv InabctieiU. i h oai1 of 1:1 Ire jv.eiit

.tlical alt'-CK-. w:i? ve.rv Ml tcr a weeJf, njid hadnot pt :in ho'ir tt mi;, one tiiu". A bh f ien j towhom I r l:tt- d n:y i;t fieri , tid me ho h:i l a remf dyw hich Ti,;l J l e in relief, and hj I' molv prc( nt-- movith a bottle of 'KiOWAl's Kn.iE" Althoughskeptical of iteriving anv advantf-- from it uce, I ttintniiihi. applied it IV. '1 1.- on Koinx to bed- ft' ti, to my

aniHzeuit'iit, feP !'jlieved and nleft mirnolv. Tti" nextin phi-- 1 Hfim m'j- lied tha K"iH- - E'lie.f, and nw"ke int 'if ?i "i' . J rccjTtrm 'fitt-- , hax-it- otiiy u . ahovik 'It tiir unu..

ii ) I rjti:ni youiny humble ccknovli-'

your invala:t')l'- iadii inn. n hich my well ctn da "hjesiins Lo mr.n." 'fi: nkin? vou from ir.yfiMil i; vo..: 1. ;..J?nJ roruody, I have tt,.? tubur toiLihjciiba eve. L:',

o ira,W. SYDfai MYiJC.

Gre?.t C'irf!" of Fever acd Aie,Typhoid F'

l5oif-i- f

iTCirU-- t

Yellov.' Fevr,bio-.- ,

M'Kiiip--'- . Croaf,)& .re 'i'hi'oat, A'inj,

. HM u-n,

AV liooniii t'O'iffhe,DWi', Cholera

L'; .'eTitrj",IUi'jd.i.a1';!-'- , r.heaiadtlenit

, Cent,Lvjubifo, Ijiirihao,

All pui. All iicLea,And jufiruii'-lo-)- ,




Hiueom of all ki.:', gore, Ulorv. rt!;in rr,tion,Rheum, is. FinMl'.'iloth.,'inm.-i-- , eciotu'a,8phil, Feset, g..Te, Whitefcrtsip.'ld.?, 3or Ucrtdii, Sore Eyes, tjo:otnkei'n. CiinrtOi, "t re Chronic Coini h.inls',Rheun;.-Ti-ni- , , Diowy, Prouciti. LuaeaIn the Th oat, ' ua.v, c.UNHEALTHY CITIES, SP'KLY .

Dr. Vtinibrie., 01 Cm tov n ritcB to th- -l a. ittof Ir. R;id".-- Ri foilows: Tnlf i one or tiu- - iaop:

plrtO'V in th-- worM mcdicim-- of kiioL vd.iethit vill cure di ot the .no r.,tv:, 'n othrpl.lfl IniVrt no etlect uvoti the ei f it h- - ; P i h. :t 'e

Heady Relief, Realtinf; Pill-4n- d Ken. at ''.:' E'YOl-ve-

pojvo hpp lor In e- -r r,:- iere.

tiife niiraculoati n edicmei si u Rdnhn'-l- - i, t'.f-- enve

tliacick. J hae cured the met ter.iMo c rr dfever, hi'd rnr, t ph id toott - 1011 of

the live"--, bllii'-ii- iVver, by t)ij 01 the Kvlic--

an.i Radwav'H Fill!".Wit:i tlie. Uell 'tCd Pit.- -, Dvfen

tery I' ha- ml vs, Choi ra b wiuon a anJ tl.criont vbdent Small P"X ci.ancj. s toai-;i!- toim of theVarioi- id. The frirlitin! - ree 'il' r. duted toeHv, uik-1- Hvd bi'i In b:U'3 of o,.;k. ., kii.1

ftlin ot in: !, a wnsi nvphcr-tio- oT the K- litlueiitralir"? the poison, and the in'itio'iid rieth.I have r in d several emm of of the htKi t,mull of blo--- to the head, and tit of vaiiuai kiada, by afew doaca of ttadway'e Pilia.

RE80L- -

VLTWill recenerito d hnmanlty, elnn?e, enrich,and puriiy the blod, cuea every kind cf ha&iOte, audtiufurt to all a clear tiun aod tair coiapleAiou.


The Walking bkclUoT eovred with 8ors and RunningU .

Before the introduction of Kadway'a K .lneolt'out on thp- coast of tjiutlj America, t t ofCiLiO. Vilparai-o- , Bat n m A .Tt. Kio. jci erlcii citie. nvre throDtied vriih (.cor an A

C it ienniiif( oi huraanity, covi-re- fro1 j ;u tootiia fnthtfiil u!e-i- 'S dipchhv:; and

corrupt Liimord 1 mi e cf E.urai 't ' Ko- -

solvent has puritied, cIT.owid, andovory c e. No more trirph d and

fcil aud ;ori-e- LoUit ra Uphotic for ia

Ridwie Rolvent, a.,ivai-- ctHfh hi the Eeadr K lief nnd E-

tad mo t repuMve leer covered with rtmuuaiaorea anan'iCor. fouiiii- - ck'ti, aud t. alThy.Eadway'o Ktao-'cie- are told by Cic- let, reliant,

au St ' eePrice of P.(W a V Readt- - r. nt, Sf. rent,

and $' pkT bk.ttle. HadwavV Ketailat in P: coatpr bOT with ku;h, 3h pills in euch box. '9

R novstine Iter-- . Ivetit o.r kittle.K.O'eW 4 (, ' . t1". John New Yorh.

tL WILDER, Akvnt, Jy-'- viiio.i Ui2t fl) 1 tuiiy

Second Importation !





A larr lor of 5 T.VH'M'i-OL.'- !' ORG VN'Y, JAC-

ONET, AND BEKEGE ROHEd at Onimjui'. tluCO" of impor'ntion.

ni-- T ih S; i . h. t. Mrk. t and Tff. rm.

The Carpet IVarehusD,MAIV STREET.

O. IDTJrJTSJLi Sc CO.f K TP. V.T ion. 1

VP'.'. FT IPS. hV,r Aj y 1. h,

AP i KY Hi (, -- E 3,Til ,1 E Pi V im.KALN,

!Trt .pui IS K N,FINE IN RAI.COTTON ( li. J, '(

I ' i h - v I: E VNFTf h JPO", DOG'S M U , ei, v va. et-- .

FloorOll Cloth ?3r iu S f t de of vv f vl- - ii on it , c x to'nit h ilL or r nm tt.i nt I va to j urch ira

pod r:n nt n' the iSo.-- :q t Rrd IU e? I'd ar & d . . -

C. DUVAU COr. :1 ib

If I KKPl- K'S M,iit i . i .1

A Vll iH' IN:f?lr i i'hi,'. t... ' if i .11


VOGT KLINK,JVlantifacturorA - S24 Third ac.

oiTr Pr tn' ion and sIo a iwk'and sr.h ii;? ;1 i;;-tm;'-i- t of

J 312 IU 271if nst.f.rlor workrein.'hip rmI na!.;e Dinood. Corn', , , artiehs roil..

Oit, h'l". f.nd be i itnul ftnd Lf ionttiiiy hnr line, oi t;iiroLe;i.ii iajyo.-t- NlW Yoia &rj

ir.r ovni oifthe.l.een i7.;?nt.'ted by trCEO.'E OL'-

t"li at ny than return (oo is, r;d, owinn to tla; hurj fn-es- dtylrcnn lo

LET Ni CAil t UnTOVLK OOon the fcoio of nvic-a- , wn invito oar i:d

to call au.i i jjoine O'T and r t

fbat teir wsiii and ieaoi mil and .hr.l! b,' Ki't' laiO

0 - -- o. hilr.l t(e?t

Attention, Military!Vl'-- Dovr i,r;arc.i to iiifi'ii'f.-Ui'-- Mil I r

t- - i .Ars or every du.iirt d in aaj tjna'itilji'd at the tnoiUfi uoticeiai .rJ) AT F.X. CRAIG.

OPPICERS' CAPS of tbo beatra T ti r.j.E.. lica:;;.

T3T0HY ObTliE I NlTob NEa lit Ki,AND3, by

Mr ON 3'K'PT'''0 hy .Toel .pn s 5')I U!'' li'.tii.K AND THE CLAsrGt a, b; B - oPMm3?.


FIT bv v, ,;. , .. . j. j,. .v..MAt ALLtVY'd liijiuP.v' OF Ur GLAND. Vol. 5.


voi:i::.;EN and tuki;: difficl'lt:, by MrU c.

SOLDiEl-"- ' AM) SAILORS' TEXT BO' 'S, hy Pv..1. K. Macd'tr:, D. D 3

C'DLY'S UDt'o LUCK fjr .

,l"-- t'j A. DAVIINjON,a; ju S'i) Till: ' r,-- ir V.,v,.t.


Removed to io. 3IS Fonrlh slrctt,opposite Tripp & i.Tgss

Music More,WHERE he ii- seain read; tov oti hi: fllttidf1 vih

Lis l ug-- - "t ck of

Wathen Cio U. TewoTrv, fl;!verwarc,A'ablc i'no pectucica,

J''ti9 per limn T r ffl r L.-- 4 1

REPAIR IN ti IS KVF.HY Dr.PA KTMPNTI t.e t'nifl ccii.n ti nturn r.iv t- ti ni

i ho fo noM1" In vm.' my c od ' t tnthefiutint wepL me fioiu mv old flad c i s1' e t.

mis tX i M ( . RAMSEY.



tsfiit Frames,LWikiDc-filasse- sf

WaikinjCanesA fine ftcsortent, and CHUAEK THAN i VER.

"". ''.i7 ?rft -- t., htwecn "rnl m1 Thh-i- .

ojijI !. it. Uitthe: niiJ lf--1- .!.,t nri kn'opri.'h

- It ' t

.ill liccc: VmI m! UicClaeap Lico tor3"" Sf 0iJ NO.

LA I'm P. ofni!'r-:dt;v.t Haidf

) do I

Do do V.i iok;.Piain Linen (,'olhirn nnd gefe;

Fdcin? an-- Lac;Ai- a tew Lice t oll.irs and ti- mw ctvit .

s.t o y ne'O.l low price fnr ci h.A lut oi F:ench Eiiibroid.-re- Innn Pno? till be "

,.t til All C,--

CH AS F. RAFCIIFFvSlV Ciiep04 ,x.h - v fourth troei

( l.i ni-- ;


'IPl.f, OVHT! KM AM) L4.1iM JUST UK.c uei b m.

NPillX: III- - IVKNS. KltOi; l1K.".'Ql.'AJ(Fihli. a... ., ' oils" y on iiaiAd.

AH of iiich will b d at m RtibiauraQt or pent toa.n- iKir1, of thy city lu au'rwr

rs2 :iij KLTSf'ERN. R DY ALP and PORTP.R fur i?.c in all qiiau- -

tiiuis at the HI. CUARLL,-)-

OCR 11 AT An mwvvi.pvvail- - with t f i;ur ret v r.j-t- tht'Hi' make nl a Ut A!irrich will favor us hy iooicin k.T th.- - ff; i' V.y if

Gat we ae piodnrh thi- - at andTh-- y are filial t anytluo nv!e i Arn'-- at tbeB.meT.i-.-- . PKMTiER & HMIiL

rn J is.ii vi ,m ?t.

FINE II & Mi VU'rt PFE? VMM HAJ'S, '.inv nt; L, l. d'..J

C'f 01 tne riii"; onl be had .t No .V;;;Uj

fctre-- whi-r- th; m: raina'.a',tiir-- d. r-- shGATB AND CAPS.

1p PRTUrKS'.lTlt kr( uVrf hand a I.i nt ..r "d fcu,.

kia-i- Of rl. jib '.veil IW tho finest IU, a No. iZ- .:ii

'hat a Horrid riiht:n-- ,A'h.-i- i'n m tn. i th ,t .i d to live

rw n k l A 1 t.i he,' 'tr ,iu T" A iu-- '

fNy ;t. vu'iiu't! cf ;ih a th g' one of tiioe el" ant & raw iale ajiia" jut

br'iirht out tor lh.' ".itile onej" bynti-- b AT.PT f'Vifri

a j ri.i k - i' iiv .s ot'I' aai G'.e.--t tu oiCuent evor opemd in the 'ifv at

lg iu4jib CRAIG'S

PKlO C.Pa A f.::o a:'ortiaemt of lightCtipa tor rrm a1


CJIAWB gXlT3.B.limt! men pc Ii r it H coiiibinv lUht

netv with rri enfi bean' w i 'h ea-- i hd citv. ar;o .ibove all, vi otrii-- f il ailiii t iinue , a UVi - will Oth Hie Kdio.

Porson- who d n't k::ow win' triat is, bat womd ufce to,ehould call aud tee ior thuuicV-i- . es.

AT.FX. RUG,c-- rV -- o V p.'h-'t-- .

U GUEVE W- - hVIU'.LAlil'.. J. fitjCHfl AM



PAELOS FUEHITUIi5JSlanulaoturers

Cabiiiet-Makcr- s' Materials,Greer, street, between Clay and Shelby strw.

,rX 'Vfl.f ,K, KV.

l:S!i?l'L AS RKlil AS )HNA!U NTAi

WM. KENDIICK'S,to5 d e., bst-cs- and Market

t? hty noek ofJF?, WAlXT!3.


WnBtiv7 thau r.t arad Is offer---,c a fulr tviiaf a- - cho N n. F'r'y. (Cr


COAL! COAL1ind at tb. p. :t prirf-- lor If t

CjU't ( & AN PI',f If if T '.,! ftr rf..

jtr ;&b llwi-.- n iUrht.

CTiOSALE.1e. a. cx."tr,r

A Mh,;;Vv;.,

v,tv-- vrt rt;i tlT--- t,i .ll.


l"ni"? ;, 3

' """ "

AN r, r., L , , ., KV,I NVl i' j'.N..... j . .fi o; io,j.. Lr;.

j'T i o'" Ki. y t ; A'i V

u!;'..lln;i. l - iv?rtI'.'v.z of . :iii;.i,' ' I" t th-

w wlr ai.d h.ilf er. of "..r';. Carbunri- -. c ;. .1

T'-r- . :eir i.v.:i',..- Fi'. . p V . ,

'Svtr-i- , fj. ( . 'i Vr" ' i .' V'.-.- - A everr ' t .'

..p-i- ;

Wal Juijh iiiXc-U- c ti;, '. ,TP-F- ST., PEL MAIN d

F'KOG jL -


I :J ' n fin- - a f f-f- ,H. 'PriNOF il I'l.NM 3 ' !'. . ; ' it '1 '';.: ca

A.-- if

Third huts u h.t! y. ,t.S ! c- bil.i" ii . n i

M.' K" m; r'.'i H'l. r- r.: v i a

MARK&DOWiVS.TUP PT'r-m- tr nh'o r.f th11- t;"-o- r ro n? to

'o onr fr ud- nil f i vt weu t rhv-- e p of b -- L.i to a C t, S it1ANDAUD. aua will od--r ah o r

Iancy Dress GoocN,of vhi.-J- we hnve a gocd t?tk at OF.CAiLY EF.DICED PiilCtS.

MAS 3 &. r:orr,t' 3 11 1 Mrn t eet.

DRY GOODS4:13 ?vlain st., 4 13

II.wp ia ttcre a fall and cmji'.

STAPLE A.3) DlSTir GOOUS,Oi tiifc beet f'b::cj, n'.:h aj


SUIKTING LINENS T0V.'E!,IN1 REIT CI GUIS: FINE Dl")'!'!'MARSP.ILL- - S oPKKAES t,l!!E: I'.'i e o'lTuNS;GSNAurrjs, o. or.. : an . ;t1T::.FI LL ST CK OT V it' CM ,r.cI'.OLRNING GOOD c-- ALL :.'.'

Tht.1 o rr.i aU Yes. ' " febh of ! k. t. ;irt .irt - t .0uin-- ph'rirt all Cajw.i.d t.:i,ipi iret. nt

mS-- ll.RK 6 D'')V.l,

Fop Casli ILES Tl (M W liiHIAIUS!

I?.ttG8. MATS,iiHtAiVfKEi'i'C nd

Cf eva y vath-tj- at

"With 'he fir ove f U p'oc'f r...-.- On--

f..r cw'i Kt The l.x t ri 1. . j I OK ( 'ASH ff r in-

dues locutj l:i ac; or'Ji'.:t: .villi thHl' E .v PM I L.

Mnin street, hetveeit T i d ntM V'minh.


MILLINERY GOODSClieap for Casli r

Intecdi'"i niakt a in Jiy hutiatss, I a ill i.llmy renru'TQjj rtoca ofBONNETS.


FANCY GOODS, ic,For CSH 0''LY, ai d t verT If ra.---

AM rer""D tpo"-i- th his- I s ;nd b? d to arerithj) ctliilly invited I'M p f ci jetM thei j c n te.

ii.22 i3rs. n. J. tntNT.



J. !t. AIOi-T)f5N- (3

Ot Wio ft'reot, opeostte t!'Pla now off rinf hie eh cant rtock of

MKV A H A f LmHU,Ext for ca"h.

At rest y rednc d pi ices.MEN'S SI I I'S



Pis abore, which wy are Belling Iowlt than au; now

Alw on tiaad a la; go "to-- ' of

Window Shades,bought at th prsecut panic piieto f r ccdi, wLI-'h-

;re aMlieg at

aSTOMSHlfiLT LCT7 PRICES!Cll exin II you want baTga.lui at

LiLFP & BROTKSS'S,303 Fourth street,


Vxl tloor to Orocrym'5 idivitc


OP DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM HAVANA,coDiiTniitg a lot of the very best nucii


Alnayd on haod aud for le at vh'At.i'nr And retail by

n.4 . Main t.. itnd-- r th I .niivill UoteL


C QTLKRY.'X.yZ North Kdo itjaln c between 41 nnn 4ihOECEJVING daily larce addition? to our etork ofII Hardware, of Anv.!-- . , l.oJ.ii, 1...H Saw. .'It""Mills, Nal.a, S?h ;r!it'. Coop' 'iTient.r.


."LOl R lia t'bl Xiura Flour int. and toreale bv (" ;.AEIM- R

V hurttraBe-'- Wbltfcy;6J bbii do bf- kth do;ii boisc nper dintiiifd do;75 bbi fine oi l .icurbou ao;S bbie fine old Uya d":

Iu and for tlt)rr.; MARSHALL FAT..Rl g Ct).

L HANDYJb ptptn A. SeiKuetto Brandy;

j Keip Cr.tlliiC dj;i pip?! Roch. Ufl do; .

lu (Hard, Dupuy, a Co. Lrijn-ay-

bhi- - N. V.8 him noc oM Pcatli lJ

5 hb- - old Ai'pti 1;

tortus and for wbKg!Aa hALPHRT & CO.

TiiN YAK- S-CHjllb . b, a'ort rtmiwr;2d do Cariwtfcu bale Lotion '11''?:ru do Cni:d''-Wt'K- ; , . .

I'otion Varn aud ISattit;--Yarn, No .Mill u.tiou1 rk BA 8 Hope

e, M :

Rcre.v,d and tor u 10. ro

W 'ia'Lwkp Mwleira YiTnrI., do Port 00;

hblH M4lft-- a OC,

In tor aud forKHH ATTj nT,PFttT h CO.

cilice lot isti -- A

M and Gantry bacon ju.t rectivi u. xnd ior

"i7 W. & n. PUPJtHARDT. GT Markgt rt

ILOIR n,(i bb'.a Arcane MiSli ohoice faicily Flsui'V ir .andior-- pvcKANAN CO..

" ' "r''.-- "a -J

lBl. isfcl rLGR-- l'. i" ",u

Suir in a. UrOr uu atdby ,rv ur ttv


l.i A. iv KAMi.-- l HJJLI-J-l.;- i'

Ij in tn- u- '01 bj, Jr. iwi F.' ui