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  • 7/29/2019 The Orthodox Oasis


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    Page 1

    Newsletter of Assumption Greek Orthodox Church

    Vol.XX-IssueIV,April, 2008

    Rev.AndrewBarakos,PresidingPriest & V. Rev.VirgilSuciu,LiturgicalAssistant

    8202 E. Cactus Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (480) 991-3009

    There are two ways, one of life and one of

    death, there is a great difference between the

    two ways (Didache). The earliest teaching of

    the Apostles begins with the clear distinction

    between the two ways of living the way of life

    and the way of death. Either a person is headed

    towards God, away from Him or against Him.

    The Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim explains how

    vastly different the two ways are by detailing

    the consequences of each.

    O Lord and Master of my life do not give me the

    spirit of sloth, despondency, lust of power and

    idle talk.

    But give me rather the spirit of whole-

    mindedness, humility, patience, and love.

    Yes, O Lord and King grant me to see my own

    sins and not judge my brothers and sisters; for

    You are blessed unto the ages of ages. Amen.

    The first four conditions which lead to death are

    sloth, despondency, lust of power and vain talk.

    Each has consequences which form an ever

    increasing fall into a deeper and deeper crevasse

    that leads further and further away from God.

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    Each condition gives birth to the next. Together

    they form a spiritual check list for ailments of

    the soul which lead to death. There are four

    principle conditions which lead to life, they are

    whole-mindedness, humility, patience and love.

    Wholeness opens the way which leads to God,

    Who is the source of life. The fruit of following

    the way of life is the unconditional loving of

    one another.


    Sloth the root of all sin

    The word sloth or laziness is not being used in

    the sense of - I would rather be golfing than

    going to Church but, it refers to spiritual apathy

    and inactivity. In other words, there is a neglect

    of caring for ones spiritual life. One can in fact,

    even attend church, receive communion and say

    the Lords Prayer, while being apathetic

    spiritually if these actions are only superficial.

    It is that strange laziness and passivity of our

    entire being which always pushes us down

    rather than up which constantly convinces us

    that no change is possible and therefore

    desirable. It is in fact a deeply seated cynicism

    which to every spiritual challenge responds,

    What for? and makes our life one tremendous

    spiritual waste (Fr. Schmemann, Great Lent).

    Spiritual sloth manifests itself as indifference

    towards the bible, coming to Church, prayer, the

    sacraments, holy confession and other people. It

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    becomes a force which is expressed as cynicism

    toward the Church, its leadership and






    conviction that everyone is a hypocrite and

    therefore, the Church is a not necessary. Why

    should I care about making personal changes, I

    can do whatever I want. Such a state is

    characterized by a spirit of negativism that is

    easily identified when we listen to how others

    speak. There is no hope, no faith, no God, only

    a dismal assessment of the world, people and

    especially the Church.

    Spiritual indifference leads to despondency

    suicide of the soul

    The consequence of a wasted spiritual life is a






    impossibility for man to see anything good or

    positive; it is the reduction of everything to

    negativism and pessimism . . . it is the suicide

    of the soul because when man is possessed by it

    he is absolutely unable to see the light and to

    desire it (Fr. Schmemann, Great Lent).

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    The Two Ways , Contd. pg 2

    The Two Ways On the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim

    Page 2


    Despondency manifests itself in behaviors

    such as showing an unhealthy concern for the







    psychological terms, a despondent soul has

    barrier issues because the painful consequence

    of neglecting the soul is artificially soothed by

    obsessing in the perceived problems of others.

    The most dangerous despondent soul is the one

    which thinks it is doing this on behalf of God

    and for all the right reasons. Any time a

    judgment is made about an individual, it is

    critical to evaluate why such an assessment is

    being made. In this state, a return to God is

    very difficult because of the darkening of the

    soul it no longer can see God nor desire Him.

    Despondency leads to a Lust of Power

    spiritual murder

    Once despondency has been created in the

    soul, the next consequence is to murder my

    brother or sister with condescending thoughts

    because I am above everyone else. The lust

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    of power is thus a fundamental depravity in my

    relationship with other beings, a search for

    their subordination to me. It may result as

    well in indifference, contempt, lack of interest,

    and respect (Fr. Schmemann, Great Lent). The

    further down one falls into a crevasse away

    from God, the soul becomes more and more

    vainglorious. If God is not the Lord and

    Master of my life, then I become my own lord

    and master the absolute center of my own

    world, and I begin to evaluate everything in

    terms of my own needs, my ideas, my desires,

    and my judgments (Fr. Schmemann, Great

    Lent). Typically, such a state is characterized

    by destructive behaviors directed towards

    hurting others. In marriages, spouses are at

    enmity with one another. Parents abuse

    children. Careers are marked by conflicts.

    Parishioners have contempt for one another,

    for priests and bishops. Clergy mandate rules

    that no one can follow and no one else does

    ministry in the Church.

    Idle Talk the power of sin

    Idle talk does not refer to meaningless,

    unedifying talk, in the prayer of St. Ephraim, it

    has a definite purpose, and it is a power which

    seeks the destruction of others. At the bottom

    of the crevasse which leads to death is to use

    speech as a weapon. Instead of the tongue

    being employed to praise God and build up one

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    another, it utters malicious comments, slander

    and spends hours in gossip. If one decides to

    continue in this way, spiritual death is its end.

    With God however, all things are possible.

    This final state can only be corrected by a deep

    sense of repentance, compunction, confession

    and by Gods grace.


    Whole-mindedness is found in Christ

    Wholeness is a gift from God that results when

    one turns to Him in prayer, seeking self-

    knowledge THROUGH THE ACT OF

    CONFESSION. Christ restores wholeness in

    us and He does so by restoring in us the true

    scale of values by leading us back to God (Fr.

    Schmemann, Great Lent). This radical change

    is seen when defensiveness, which was

    employed as a means of closing ones eyes to

    personal sins, is replaced with openness to

    correction, and a heart ready to be changed by

    Gods grace. The first step is willingly

    becoming obedient to God and acknowledging

    Him as the Lord and Master of my life.

    Standing before Christ, bringing out that which

    was hidden from us, by Gods grace we confess

    to Christ through a priest. God knows our sins;

    it is us, who by bringing sin out before

    ourselves that begins the process of change.

    The priest stands next to us, and becomes our

    advocate and advisor so that we may be

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    strengthened not to return to the way of death


    Humility the first fruit of wholeness

    Humility is a divine virtue, as such, it is

    something which comes from God, not us.

    Virtues are gifts received from God as a result

    of our union with Him. Virtue is expressed in

    personal traits; however, it has a divine source

    that is allowed to be seen in us following

    repentance. Christ said, Come to Me, all you

    who labor and are burdened, and I will give

    you rest. Take up My yoke upon you and learn

    from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart;

    and you shall find rest to your souls. For My

    yoke is good and My burden is light. [Mt.

    11:28-30] It (humility) is above everything

    else the victory of truth in us, the elimination

    of all lies in which we usually live (Fr.

    Schmemann, Great Lent). Christ restores

    wholeness which leads to humility because

    now Christ is acting in and through our

    actions. Personal awareness of the wounds

    caused by sin allows for Christ to come and

    make his abode in our hearts. This is why

    many after completing a confession feel

    freedom from a great burden and lightness in

    their soul. The soul is freed from restlessness

    that was caused by living in a state of

    estrangement from God and our true selves.

    Christ Who is Light, reveals sin so that it can

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    The Two Ways, from page 1

    Page 3


    Parish Council Update

    This years Lenten Journey is well underway and it is a

    busy time at Assumption. In addition to the regular Liturgy

    service on Sundays, there are many additional services held

    weekly throughout the Lenten season. Please review the

    monthly calendar for April, included in this newsletter, for

    details on when these services are scheduled and make

    plans to attend as many of the services as possible.

    As we go to press, plans are being finalized for several

    dinners to be held at Assumption Church during the Lenten

    season. The Annual Palm Sunday Luncheon is scheduled

    for Sunday, April 20. Plans are also underway to serve

    dinner following the Pascha midnight service. Please watch

    for details about these dinners in upcoming weekly

    bulletins and in the Community Center.

    Our annual Saturday of Lazarus pancake breakfast & palm-

    cross making event will be held on Saturday, April 19, in

    the Community Center following services. This is a great

    family event and all are welcome so please make plans to

    join us.

    The Parish Council continues to work diligently on the

    church repair project. As reported in late 2007, we have

    engaged the services of a forensic architect group, Gervasio

    & Associates, to assist with determining the extent of the

    problems as well as to provide recommendations for fixing

    these problems. We are currently awaiting the details of

    this groups recommendations and estimates for the needed

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    repairs before we finalize a course of action.

    We are pleased to announce that $50,000 from the proceeds

    of the 2007 Greek Festival were used to pay down the

    church mortgage. As of February 18, the remaining

    mortgage balance totaled approximately $110,961. Icon

    contributions continue to be received; as of February 18,

    the total contributions received were $201,540.

    Please mark your calendars and make plans to attend the

    Spring General Assembly meeting which will be held on

    Sunday, May 4, immediately following Liturgy. All

    stewards of Assumption are invited to this important

    meeting. More information will be mailed to your homes

    in the next few weeks.

    Estelle Stell, Parish Council Secretary


    As of 3/17/08

    Total Stewards.......247

    Total Pledged.. $269,824

    Stewardship Paid.......$47,119

    Mortgage Balance......$107,226.91

    The Two Ways, cont from pg 2

    be healed. The world is no longer a dark place;

    Gods love and goodness become our life and

    the disparity caused by sin goes away.

    Patience God is patient because he sees the

    depth of all that exists

    The next divine virtue which is the fruit of

    humility is patience. The closer we come to

    God, the more patient we grow and the more we

    reflect that infinite respect for all beings which

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    is the proper quality of God (Fr. Schmemann,

    Great Lent). This virtue only sees the good in

    others and with a discerning eye, understands

    others in light of having personally experienced

    Gods patience and His loving us

    unconditionally despite wrong decisions and

    sins. Respect for others is the highest form of

    love one can give. Grace is increased in us by

    expanding our ability to affirm the value of

    others. This is expressed as being present when

    someone is talking to us. It is seen when our

    own agenda of tasks that I would like to

    accomplish in a day are quickly abandoned when

    the needs of others demand our attention. In this

    state, our life becomes a source of life to others.

    We become a positive force that others seek to

    be near and engaged. Learning, spiritual growth,

    renewal, illumination, discernment are all fruit

    of increasing Gods patience and grace in our


    Love the greatest of all virtues

    God is love. The last line of the prayer reads:

    Yes, O Lord and King grant me to see my own

    sins and not to judge my brothers and sisters;

    for You are blessed unto the ages of ages.

    Amen. The goal of the spiritual life, of fasting

    and prayer is to love one another with the love

    with which we have been loved. As we grow in

    our relationship with God, we grow in our

    relationships with others. Lenten disciplines that

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    lead to isolation and alienation from others are

    misdirected efforts. Love that is life-giving to

    others is primarily manifested in ones ability

    not to judge others. This is possible when we

    have an awareness of our own sinfulness and


    The last thing we do before singing Christ is

    risen is to forgive one another. It is the first and

    last action of Great and holy Lent because it is

    indeed the test of whether or not we are truly

    His disciples and following the WAY OF LIFE.

    In Christs love,

    Fr. Andrew

    Page 4


    Annual Lenten


    Retreat Keynote:

    V. Rev. Dr. Josiah Trenham

    pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church

    Riverside California


    Making Marriage and Family Life

    Christian: Orthodox Teachings on

    Marriage and Family Life

    according to St. John Chrysostom


    April 12th

    10am to 4:30pm

    (lunch included with

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    Vespers to follow)

    Hosted by:

    St. George Orthodox Church.

    4530 E Gold Dust Ave

    Phoenix, AZ 85028

    Located SW of Tatum and Shea


    Free and open to the public!

    Sponsored by AECOC

    (Arizona Council of Eastern Orthodox Clergy)

    Page 5


    The Orthodox Oasis, April 2008

    Father Andrew and Assumption

    parishioners at the Serbian

    Orthodox Monastery of St.

    Paisius, in Safford, AZ on

    February 9, 2008.

    Page 6


    Please join our Brothers & Sisters at the host parishes

    for these Sunday Evening Lenten Vespers Services

    Page 7


    Abba, Father,

    Prayer Ministry

    The Abba, Father, Prayer Ministry is a ministry of

    prayer for those who have special needs and requests.

    Each week a Prayer List is updated and sent via email

    to our parish prayer ministry partners. The list also is

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    available in the church on Sundays. To volunteer, or

    to learn more about the ministry, please contact

    Sherry Chakonas. You may send prayer requests to:

    [email protected]

    Aaron *

    Adam *

    AJ *


    Andrew *


    Colin *

    Danny *



    Geoff *

    George *

    Jay *



    Luke *


    Children of Assumption

    Youth in Juvenile Facilities


    Remember In Your Prayers

    The book club met and discussed two books last month. Raising Them Right by St. Theophan the

    Recluse; and Making God Real in the Orthodox Christian Home by Fr. Anthony Coniaris. As a

    group, it was decided that every Orthodox home should possess the Coniaris book!It contains a

    wealth of information with a very easy format. We all benefitted from reading bo

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    th books. Our next

    book is The Way of the Pilgrim. Congratulations to Joanne Lewandowski who won thered rose

    centerpiece last month! If you enjoy reading and discussing books from differentgenre, come and

    join us! A list of the books and discussion dates is available in the communitycenter. Our next

    meeting will be on Thursday, May 1, at 9:30AM. The book is titled Gilead, by Marilynn Robinson

    and is available in Assumption

    s bookstore. Presvytera Andrea

    Book Club Meets Monthly

    Greek School

    Greek school classes continue to meet every Thursday starting at 4:15PM and

    concluding at 6PM. Teachers are available to meet with parents from 6PM until 6:15 PM.

    Please note the Greek school will not have classes on Holy Thursday, April 24, 2008

    due to Holy Week. The Greek school held their March 25 celebration in the churchafter

    liturgy and the students presented background information about this historic date, sang

    songs such as the Greek national anthem, and recited poems. The children did a

    wonderful job and we are very proud of them! The Greek school also hosted Coffee

    Hour on this same day and we would like to thank everyone for their donations toour

    Greek Language Program. The last day for classes will be Thursday, May 15, 2008and

    the Greek school will celebrate the end of another year with a party, pizza, and

    beverages. If anyone would like to register their children for next year, pleasepick up

    a registration form located on our bulletin board in the Community Center and return it

    to the Greek school mailbox located outside of the secretarys office. You may also

    contact Angie Fotias if you have any questions concerning registration. For questions

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    about tuition contact treasurer Angela Koufidakis. All other questions concerning the

    Greek school program may be directed to Francine White.

    Please feel free to check

    out the Greek school bulletin board in the Community Center located right over the

    water dispenser. There you will find photos of the teachers and children throughout the

    school year.

    Page 8


    GOYA is for 6-12 graders, and all are

    welcome to participate. GOYA calendars

    are now available in Sunday School

    Classrooms. If you would like to be added

    to the GOYA e-mail list, please contact

    Nicole Dimtsios.

    GOYA Calendar of Events


    The Orthodox Oasis, April, 2008

    We will meet regularly the 4th Sunday of every

    month after Sunday school (11:45AM - 1:00PM).

    The next meeting is May 25, 2008. It is our

    hope that this will give more children, grades K-

    5, an opportunity to get involved in the JOY

    group. We always have FUN and always have

    room for more!

    Shannon David & Joanne Lewandowski


    March was an incredible month for our classes!

    The teachers were amazed at the amount of

    students who came prepared with an icon on the

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    Sunday of Orthodoxy.

    The students participated in the icon procession

    with a great deal of reverence and respect. We

    are truly proud of your children! On that same

    Sunday, many children were able to receive

    Holy Communion with their godparents as we

    celebrated Godparents Sunday. Thank you to all

    who made the effort to get your children

    together with their godparents.

    In April, we will be hosting some of the youth

    speeches for the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical

    Festival. Assumption will host the southwest

    regional speeches on April 13 at 3:00.


    possible, plan to attend the speeches with your

    children and support our young speakers. It s a

    great way to encourage younger children to

    speak publicly about their faith.

    Once again, your children came home from

    class with an OCMC mission coin box. They

    should be asking for ways which they can "earn"

    money to be put into their coin box. We have

    been spending time in class discussing prayer,

    fasting, and almsgiving during the lenten

    season. Please encourage your children during

    this time to place the needs of others before

    their own desires. We will collect the boxes

    following Pascha Sunday.

    On April 25, we will host our annual Holy

    Friday Retreat. The retreat will be held from

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    10AM-3PM. Please sign-up with your child


    sunday school teacher so that we may plan

    accordingly with food and activities.

    Fr. Andrew will have letters available for

    excused school absence.

    Of course, there won

    t be class on Pascha!

    Kalo Pascha!

    Presvytera Andrea


    t Springtime in Arizona wonderful? Our tots

    had a fantastic time playing at the Train Park on

    one of our beautiful, sunny days. Of course, we

    had to ride the train and the carousel...some of us

    rode multiple times! While the kids played, the

    moms enjoyed visiting and sharing some ideas

    and thoughts about "kid friendly" Lenten meals.

    Another day we used our "bubble wands" and had

    as much fun chasing the bubbles as we did

    making them.

    We will spend time in April preparing for Holy

    Week and Easter. We will not meet on Holy

    Wednesday, April 23. Hopefully, we will see one

    another at the afternoon Holy Unction service. On

    Wednesday, April 30, we will meet at Cactus Park

    for our annual Easter Egg Hunt!

    Kali Anastasi

    Presvytera Andrea

    Moms N Tots


    4-6 Regional Youth Retreat with Metropolis Youth


  • 7/29/2019 The Orthodox Oasis


    13 Southwest Regional Oratorical Festival hosted

    at Assumption

    19 Saturday of Lazarus Pancake Breakfast & Palm


    25 Holy Friday Retreat/Confession

    27 Pascha & AGAPE Vesper Service at 4PM

    Page 9


    Saint Sophia Summer Camp 2008

    Another Great Season Coming Your Way!

    Session I

    July 27th-August 2nd

    Session II

    August 2nd-August 9th

    Camp will again will be located at beautiful

    Camp Seely.

    Registration will open May 5th, 2008 at

    For further information please visit our website


    contact Vicki Kades St. Sophia Camp,

    Administrative Assistant

    [email protected]



    [email protected]

    ROC Ministry Report- Yesterday and Tomorrow

    YESTERDAY, we visited our boys at Adobe Mountain Juvenile Prison. The Assumption m

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    ROC (Rest On Christ), is scheduled for a visit on the third Saturday of each month. Yes, Adobe is a

    real prison. The boys ages range from 12-18. All are there because they have broken the law--some

    more seriously than others. While at Adobe, they attend school and various activities. They live a very

    structured life.

    Each boy has a sad or tragic story. However, they are given the chance to straighten out their lives

    while at Adobe. If not, at age 18, they will not go home. They will be sent to an adult prison.

    Our Lord is The True Light and Hope for all of us. In Matthew 25:34-35, He commands us to feed the

    hungry, visit the sick, clothe the naked, AND TO COME UNTO THOSE IN PRISON. Jesus went on to

    say that when we follow this commandment, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one ofthe least of

    these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me.

    It is our hope and prayer to be used by God to show our boys the Light and Loveof Christ. It is so

    evident that they are hungry for the love of God and fellow humans. We are trulyblessed to have

    become friends with our Adobe boys. They are precious to us. So often, we arrive

    at Adobe keenly

    aware of our unworthiness to help them. Yet, by Gods grace and the work of the Holy Spirit, one or

    two boys always opens up to us. We are blessed to witness a beginning of a changeof attitude. And,

    with His Amazing Grace, we end our visit, leaving with joy and a glow in our hearts. After all, we and

    they are seeking a much better TOMORROW.

    Rennie Nicholson

    Page 10


    Page 11


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    An area containing 92 adult size spaces is set aside, that has a tree located inthe eastern part of the block.

    Paradise Memorial Gardens will give a 10% discount on the current price of the spaces to members of the

    Greek Orthodox Church. The current price is $2,500 per space. Less the 10% discount, the price would be

    $2,250 per space. Additional fees are $325 endowment care and $75 recording fee.This brings the total price

    (with discount) to $2,650 per space. Each of these spaces can be used for companion burial (2 caskets in one

    space). Paradise Memorial Gardens will freeze the price of the spaces until January 1, 2009, after which the

    10% discount will be applied to the then current price. Paradise Memorial Gardens can be contacted at (480)

    860-2300. For more information, call Chris Evangelides.

    Section for Greek Orthodox Church Members set aside at

    Paradise Memorial Gardens

    The Orthodox Oasis, April, 2008

    Assumption Greek Orthodox Church marker for

    the souls of the Orthodox reposing at Paradise

    Memorial Gardens in Scottsdale.

    Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos

    You are invited to pray for the children of

    Assumption the Akathist Hymn to the

    Theotokos, Nurturer of Children.


    prayer booklet is available at Assumptions


    If interested in praying this

    Akathist Hymn, please come on Thursday

    evenings, from 6-7PM at the church. On

    Holy Thursday, April 24, we will not meet.

    For more information on The Akathist

    Prayer Ministry for Assumption children,

  • 7/29/2019 The Orthodox Oasis


    contact Angelina Radjenovich or Fran


    Steve Acheson Mission Trip to Romania

    Steve Acheson with OCMC staffer Claudia.

    Photo taken Cibiu, Romania

    This April 5th, 2008 please join us for a Benefit Lenten Dinner to be held at


    s Mexican Restaurant to benefit Project Mexico and the St. Innocent

    Orphanage, a boys

    orphanage in Rosarito (Baja California, Mexico)

    We are most honored to have

    His Grace, the Right Reverend BENJAMIN

    in presence to bless this charitable event.

    April 5th, 2008

    begins at 7 pm

    Macayo s Mexican Kitchen

    12637 S. 48th Street, Phoenix

    $35.00 per person

    For more information contact:

    Rom & Raquel 480-704-0238

    email: [email protected]

    Benefit Lenten Dinner

    Page 12

    Reception for Sunday of Orthodoxy Vesper


    Philoptochos hosted the reception following

    the Sunday of Orthodoxy Vesper Service at

    Assumption on March 16. It was a well-

    attended service with many visitors from the

    other Orthodox churches in the Valley.

    Thank you to all who prepared Lenten dishes

    and also to those who assisted with the set up

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    and clean up.

    Pascha Plant Sale

    Our Pascha Plant Sale is planned for March

    23-April 13, 2008.

    Remember beloved

    family and friends; beautify the Church with

    plants this Pascha. To order plants, please

    use the order form in this issue of the Oasis.

    Tsourekia/Koulouria Sale

    Once again, Philoptochos is planning our

    annual Tsourekia and Koulouria Sale,

    scheduled for Palm Sunday, April 20,

    following Divine Liturgy.

    Please contact

    Helen Serelis to let her know that you will

    be baking Tsourekia and/or Koulouria.

    General Membership Meeting

    The next scheduled Philoptochos meeting

    will be on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at

    6:30PM in the Community Center. As has

    been the custom in the past, we will have our

    potluck supper before we break for the

    summer months. Please bring your favorite


    Art Auction

    Art Auction is being planned for Saturday,

    May 10. For the details, please see our ad in

    this issue of the OASIS.

    Coffee Hour

    Philoptochos is looking for Coffee Hour

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    hosts for June, July and August.

    If you

    would like to volunteer for an upcoming

    Sunday please call Sotera Catsadimas to

    check for available dates. You may choose

    any Sunday that works for you and you may

    co-host with one or two other persons.





    Arranging coffee and juice cups along with

    napkins, plates and forks (all items are

    located in the kitchen on shelves), bringing

    in simple food items like cookies, cake, and

    donuts as well as juice for the children,

    leaving coffee pots to cool down after use. It

    is not necessary for you to make the coffee in

    the morning, as it is done by volunteer

    George Genetos every Sunday, but please

    plug in the coffee pot(s) when you drop off

    your food items so that it will be ready after

    church. You need to arrange your food items

    on the tables provided in time to

    accommodate people as soon as they come

    out of church.





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    (remove all unused food, clean any dishes

    used, and place trash and garbage in the

    proper containers).

    Coffee Hour hosts for the following

    upcoming dates are:


    04-06-08 Nia & Mike Ristagno

    04-13-08 Loukoumathes Sale

    04-20-08 Palm Sunday Luncheon

    04-27-08 Pascha! Vesperal Liturgy at 4PM


    05-04-08 Society of Wisdom

    05-11-08 Mothers Day/Parish Council

    05-18-08 Kelly Pateras & Joyce Pateras

    05-25-08 Helen Noplos

    ***Reminder: Please continue bringing non-

    perishable food items (canned food, macaroni

    & cheese, cereal, etc.) to be collected at

    every Philoptochos meeting for Vista Del



    Visit Philoptochos Web Page @


    Page 13


    The bookstore is open Sundays after

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    Liturgy until 11:45 AM and Tuesdays 9:30

    AM to 1:30 PM. For information, and to

    request special orders, please contact

    Diana Ozee. We have 14-karat and

    sterling silver crosses, birthday and

    nameday cards, CDs, and many other

    items, in addition to a wide selection of

    books for adults and children. Now is the

    time to get your red egg dye packets and

    Holy Week books, too!




    Michael Amity was baptized on January

    26, 2008. His godparent is Christine


    Anastasios Contes was baptized on

    January 19, 2008. His godparents are

    Nicholas Moore and Cassandra Quinn.

    Amelia Piyis was baptized on January 26,

    2008. Her godparents are Philipis and

    Katerina Grammenos.

    [email protected]

    Often, people hold a vision of senior citizens

    sitting in rocking chairs watching the world go


    Perhaps they have never met the

    Assumption Society of Wisdom seniors! These

    seniors are busy playing card games,

    backgammon, bingo, and going on a variety of

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    The first week of March, there were two

    events. On Wednesday, March 5, eight ladies

    went to the Ritz Carlton for high tea. The

    atmosphere was very elegant, and the food

    was delicious. The second excursion was on

    Friday, March 7, to Fort McDowell Casino.

    Those who went were treated to a great lunch,

    and everyone had a wonderful time.

    These seniors believe watching the world isnt

    near as much fun as being a part of an activity

    with their brothers and sisters in Christ! The

    Society of Wisdom meets Friday mornings at

    the Assumption Community Center. Please

    stop by at 10AM to enjoy some food, fellowship,

    and fun. On Holy Friday, April 25, there will be

    no meeting in observance of our Lords


    Patricia Christopoulos & Effie Garcia

    Society of Wisdom Fieldtrip

    Lenten Studies Classes for Inquirers

    The April Lenten Studies classes are on

    Wednesday, the 9th & 16th. The classes are

    at 7PM here at Assumption. There is no fee

    or registration required.






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    Society Of Wisdom

    Calling All Se

    Do you enjo

    during coffe























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