the omaha daily bee - nebraska newspapers · 2019. 1. 15. · the omaha daily bee i} twenty-second...

THE OMAHA DAILY BEE I } TWENTY-SECOND YEAR OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, 1893. NUMBER 2oO. kOT FIREMAN ( MAY'S ' BODY fli Was Recovered from the Bhlverick-Mauror Wreck Yesterday Morning.- lS . DEATH WAS SURELY INSTANTANEOUS vondlllon of the tVoiimloil Men About the- ft Insurance Speculations n to tli- II Flro'n Origin Punil for the Itercaved l ° ninlllc . r The feebler expiring flames of the disas- trous ¬ conflagration thnt destroyed the Shlv- jprick - building Saturday night vanished with lo darkness this morning. The dawn bo- Jold - the streams still playing on the smoul- Coring embers , nnd the weary flremcn who [fed fought t'io elements all through the klormy uight lingered patiently at their Tests. They had conquered the flames , but Ijliclr thoughtful faces nnd half whisccrcd- iionverontlon evinced the sadness with lyiilch they regarded the terrible cost. { Ono of their comrades had perished before | , iielr eyes and his crushed and lifeless body been borne uway to the morgue. Others I ad been taken to the hospital , whcro they Mil lingered whllo the eternal shadows | rrcpt : closer and hung with direful menace } iver their bruised and blooding forms. And hey wOll know thnt beneath the smoulder- S - , blackened mass of brick and timbers lay [ * , ho mangled corpse of another of their num- ricr - , for whom the funeral bell would toll [ when bridal chimes should have announced g'lls ' merry wedding day. Some of them had manned the trucks [ iVhcn the Grand Central went down with i burden ot gallant men. nnd now for the jliird tlmo saw their comrades fall victims [ v the deadly embrace of flame nnd falling Avails. Then as now tlio victims wcro among lho ) most daring nnd faithful men in the de- partment ¬ , und tholr mournful fate dispensed fi gloomy pall , which would not lift for many fays. f round I'lpomnn Oiiraj's Corpse- .q''Aslt . ' bccamo evident that the blaohndl- urremiercd most of the companies were font homo to rent after the hard light and Inly n couple of streams wcro loft playing on- i'lo ' blackened walls. It was not until 8- j.'clock that the firemen who had been dig' } Ins In the ilubrls of the Maurcr building i'ound ' the body of Pipcman Ouray of hose lo. 7. Ho was n little back of the middle of- ho building when bo was overtaken by the Lescending shower of the ruins which cov- t - t red him to a depth of several fcot. His ptody was tciribly crushed and mangled , and Ml seemed certain that his death was instan- yineous - and that ho was mercifully spared -ho horrors of Imprisonment nlivo in the 'turning ruin. Ills body was removed to the Inorgiio where an inquest u ill bo held on- Jooth the dead firemen today.- V . Almost ns soon as it was daylight the curl- pus crowd that had braved the storm the flight before returned to loiter around the I ruins. The lire line was still enforced by the | police , and the visitors wcro compelled to re- main ¬ at a safe distance from the walls. As- these moved away others eum'o , and proba- i lily not less than !25,000 pcoplo visited the ' ruins during the forenoon. When the firemen ceased throwing water on the debris an engine was sent for and , stationed In front of the Shiverick building to pump the water out of the basement. The j'collar was full to the level of the sidewalk , f' ' . .nd It required several hours to transfer the deluge into the nearest catch basin. ' Condition of Iho Idling- .Sucn . portions of the walls ns remained standing after the flrst fatal displacement | are still Intact. The roar of the Shiverick kbullaing was totally demolished in the bo- Vanning - of the conflagration and carried with lit the greater part of the side walls. The Vvcst wall fell outward nnd descended with liondcrous forcq on the wooden structure of- Iho Mauror building , crushing It like an egg ' hell. Morris , Cox and Ouray were on the I oof of the Mauror building when without a- ircrnonitory [ warning the overhanging mass I'.cscendcd ' on their heads. They wcro car- [ led down with the building nnd it is re- garded ¬ ns miraculous that ono of thorn Iscapod nlivo. The cast twenty-two fcot of- iho front wall of the Shiverick building is- I till standing and the remainder only lucks Iho upper story which fell early Saturday ( veiling. Chief Gnlllgan is o' the opinion Vat the wall Is safe with the oxceidion of lie remaining twenty-two fcot of the upper lory , which may yet crumble and fall- .iTho . basements of the Pabst headquarters lid of the Iron Bank building wcro flooded lltli water and the stock of liquors in the liscmcnt of the Pabst building was slightly [ imaged. The sewer connections wcro Token open yesterday and the accumulated lolsture was easily dispobcd of. Early In- lo afternoon tlio shattered timbers of tlio- lilvcrlck building again began to burn , dc- Iito - the avalanche of water that had been lured over them. A couple of companies Ire summoned by telephone and the inclpl- p'blnza - was soon extinguished. Dreadful War of r.lement * . liVhcn the conflagration wns at its height Iturday night , nnd Jusi before the walls Ircumbcd , tlio scene was a remarkable lectncular effect. All the elements of I rth and heaven seemed combined In mad lid unearthly warfare. The flumes from 10 burning building mounted fifty feet love tlio roof nnd moaned in conflict with lie beatings ot the storm , The rain falling l seemingly exhaustions torrents arovo the Inoho down into the midst of the crowd nnd Illed the gutters u 1th a flowing tide which I'omod out of place In the face of tlio fiery llaze , Over all the lightning flashed Inccs- .Imtly . , ns if to vialththoglowlng flumes lolow , und lent n wlcrd Hndcnn tinge that reined In striking harmony with thu crash Jf falling glass und the hoarse shouts which llrcctcd the work of the llro fighters. I Chief Gailigan wns the first fireman to nr- llvooii - the spot uhi'ii the alarm sounded and Imminrcl nil night and all day ycbtcrduy. lovernl ladders belonging to thu hook nnd [ .dder companies wore broken by falling lulls and to bo icplaccd. During lie progress of the flro an explosion occurred 11 the basement of the Khlvcrick building rhlch blow up about ten square fcot of the tdowulk In liont. It Is supposed to have loon caused by the combustion of varnish or- pcohol which wus stored in the basement. Wounded Men Doing Well.- I . I The firemen injured Saturday night are In Imuch moro hopeful Condition than was at I'-st anticipated. Gcorgo Coulter , whllo- dly § bruised about the head , face nnd- I'louldors , was resting quite easily yestcj < Liy evening , and has had quite u good deal ft rcfreshlnB sleep. Morris , who Is at the I'rcsbytoriuu hospital , Is not so well off , but lr. Homers thinks ho will pull through all llgnt. He suffered a sovcro contusion of the Icalpundo bad frncturoof the law, which Imd been broken before. Connellylo is lilso at the hospital , is In a fair way to l-ocovcr , being , probably , In better condition than Morris. His bend was terribly cut , his back injured and hU loft nnklo sprained , and In addition ho wns burned iu or eight Tilaccs on his body nnd logs , Captain Cuff and Charlie Ellington , who vero both hurt about the head , shoulders lind Jcgs , although suffering n good deal of- Tain , uro expected to bo nblo to get about In- i short timo.- 1'Jio . bodies of Captain Cox and Plpemnn Juray nro at Maul's undertaking roomi being prepared for burial , So frightfully laiuiigled uro. they that one looking nt them i ( hey now appear , so terribly bruised nu l .burned , can hardly bollovo that before him lite Iho bodies of what wcro , less than two lihort days ago , two strong , robust , manly Imcu , full of life and hope and vior. Poor lOuray wns to have married on Wednesday Inext Miss Leonlo Hobcrts , who was , up to Saturday , an employe in the bindery of the lOninha Printing company , and who lives on LJpurtecnth street , between California and lyVobster , The unfortunate girl had pre- pared her trousseau uud Onruy had been lsr uted ten days leave of uUcuce , and Uer lover's untimely death In the face of the hnpnlncsi that should have been theirs has well nigh prostrated the sweetheart widow, Ouray entered the department In October , 1801 and was attached to hose No. 7, whore ho has slnco remained. Ho was quiet , steady , reliable , very popular and n thoroughly good man , nnd his death is mourned by every man in the department.- Ouray . was born In Smith county , Virginia , in 1H71. His parents are dead. Ucforo ho Joined the llro department ho was engineer at the Pacltlc Express company's building.- Ho . was to have been married on Wednesday nnd had furnished .1 homo for his bride- .At . n a. m. the injured men wcro resting easy , having passed a good night- .Shlvcrlck'i . liiiiirnncc.- Mr. . . Charles Shlvorlcic nnd hU bookkeeper , Captain Scarff , visited the ruins yesterday and watched the workmen digging away the debris In an attempt to got at the safe. The strong box is buried twenty fcot under the ruins and it will probably take a couple of days to roach It. Regarding the insurance Mr. Shlvcrlclc said : "Wo have at the present time Insur- ance ¬ amounting to between $33,000 nnd $90- 000. , - . Our stock at the time of the fire was worth to us fully $100,000 , perhaps a llttlo more , but not much. " In reply to the question asking what com- panies ¬ carried his policies , Mr. Shlvorlcic said that contrary to the rule all tx ltcles- ivcro In the safe and ho could not tell until .hat was dug up and opened- ."The . list of Insurance companies carrying ur losses as reported In the World- lerald - , Is away off. They evidently opted that list from our last Iro. Slnco that tlmowo have hanged companies and now probably only iold policies In tw'o or three on that list. " Inspector Hnrttnan was at the scene dur- ng - the afternoon , but declined to give any stimulo of the loss , ilo said that it would ako a good half day's work for the clerks in- ils ofllco to got at the exact amount of In- uranco - carried by the Sim-cricks. How llil It StnrlT The origin of the flro remains as deep a mystery as when the flames were first dls- overed - . leaping from the roof and the front windows. At first the theory was fully ex- n'cssed - that lightning was responsible for .lie disastrous conflagration , and that the cloctrlu wires had assisted materially In con- veying ¬ the spark to the combustibles in the building. With the excitement attendant upon such events allayed , other theories are ndvanccd , and electricity Is not held alone responsible for the awful work of Saturday night. Those acquainted with the science of electricity and its workings are loth to- bcltovo that the llro originated in hat manner. Electricians nro more or loss acquainted with the freaks of licht- ing - , nnd after turning the matter over In their minds , some of them have reached the 'onelnsiim thnt It was impossible for a bolt to gain entrance to the building through the brick walls or iron shutters at the windows- .Uoth . are pronounced nonconductors , and will act as a perfect Insulator to whatever might be on the opposite side. The roof ot the building was considered fireproof , and as it is pretty generally- thought by those first upon the ground that tlio tire found its origin on the second or third floors near the center of the room , the theory that the 'ightnlng found its way through the roof will lurdly stand. But as' to the exact manner u which the flames were kindled no ouo ventures an absolute opinion. Wires lu Good Condition. Shortly after the Shiverick flro last fall M. 1. Cowglll , now the city electrician , made an inspection of the wiring in the building.- IIo . found it to bo first class in every particu- lar ¬ and could not ascertain where there was any probability of fire originating from that source. lie has made no examination since , and is not aware that any changes have been mado. IIo reserves his opinion upon thomattcr until ho has examined the trans- formers ¬ that are burled underneath the debris. Tlio transformers are iron recepta- cles ¬ , varying lu si o , and are used to protect the outside wire and inside wire cells by which ono is connected with the other. If the electric bolt gained entrance to the building in that manner orasiblo evidence o- fit will exist In the box. Chief Gailigan is a believer in the electric bolt theory. IIu says that he was standing at the Paxton corner , when ho noticed the flames leaping skyward , and that but a few moments before two balls of flro illumed the firmament. Ills experience with fires has covered twenty-seven years In Omaha alone , and ho feels satisfied that it would bo im- possible - for a number of men to bo in an ad- joining ¬ building and not dotcct the smell of smoke , If the conflagration nad started in ar ordinary way , or was smouldering. It sprcat with too great a rapidity , ho thinks , to have originated In any other manner. The point where the bolt entered lie docs not know , bui- ho believes that that is the way in which the flro started.- IllsouNtlui . ; the Lightning Theory. Ono of the best known electricians in town discussed the question quite freely , and in the course of his remarks said : "I do noi understand how an electric bolt could have entered the building , although there Is a bare chance that It did. Those brick walls were noncondnctlvo unless they were soaked with water. The Iron shutters in the rear were also. I take no stock whatever In the theory that the bolt was carried Into the building over the electric wires. If It was , evidence of the fact will bo found when an examination Is made of the transformers , or converters , as we call them , that wcro on the outside of the building. It would have had to pass through there , and that I con- sider ¬ next to Impossible. The transformer is an iron receptacle , and they vary in size. Within tlio outside wire is coiled many times , as is the Inside , and the connection is thus made , making the outside wiring Inde- pendent ¬ of tlio Inside , Tlio cells are proba ¬ bly an inch apart , nnd between them is placed insulating materi'ils. To have gained entrance the bolt would have had to leap from ono cell to the other. This probably would have been the cnso , as the voltage would have-been sufficient to force the leap. But before the bolt had entered the box It undoubtedly would have torn it Into fragments and broken the connection.- As . I understand it the wiring in the build- ing ¬ was all exposed to view. In sucli a case if t the bolt entered the building , it would have had to coma In contact with a gas plpo or- scmo othoi : conductor to have loft the copper wire , which was capable of conducting it and would not have been burned out. In view of the filets I da not consider that elec- tricity ¬ is responsible for Ilia fire , ami believe it will haw to bo traced to some other orifhi , " The insurance men are desirous of an in- vestigation ¬ Into thu matter , and a well known underwriter whoso companies hold iwlleles , saiu that an effort would bo made to locate the real origin of the flro. Ho has hopes that the elcutrlo bolt theory will be exploded and that spontaneous combustion or some other cause will bo fully established and held responsible for the flames.- AVlll . Tear Mown the VVulls. After looking over the ruins yes today after- noonUuItdlng - ) Inspector Tilloy said that he would commcncq this morning and have all thu unsafe wails removed. That moans all of the walls from the Iron bank on the east to tlio I'abst building on the west. Colonel TilJcy said that the , walls of the Sblverick building above the second floor wcro alto pettier too light and cave that as the reason lor their fulling. Ho said thnt such r building could not bo put up now as tin laws prevented the erection of such shoddy 0y .structures. Fund for tlio Families.- A . movement was itartcd yesterday tc raise a fund for the benefit of the famlllc 3 of the deau and injured firemen. Kov, T , J , .Mackay , rector of All Saints Episcopal church , took the initiative in the movement And at the close of the morning services umdo a special pica In behalf of the fuinllle : of the llromcn who fell on Saturday night. The result was a collection amounting to f3l which will bo dovotcd to this worthy cause. Yesterday afternoon Chief Gailigan of the flro department received a telegram from ex-Mayor Gushing , who is in Los Angeles btatlng thnt bo would give f 100 to a fund foi the families of the iircmcu who fell iu the performance of their duty. Other prominent citizens expressed i willingness to contribute to the fuml.und the matter will probably assume dcnniu shape today. RlfflON SUCCEEDS PIIELPS formal Installation of the Now American Minister to Qermanyi WORE THE UNIFORM OF A GENERAL President Cleveland' * Appointee Itccelvoil with n Ncnt I.Hllo Speech na the Part of the Kmporor Ills Itciily.- N . , Juno 4. William Walter Phelps , the retiring United States minister , pre- sented ¬ at the castle thisnoon * his letter of- recall. . Immediately afterwards Fricrher- Maschal von Uobcnstcln , minister of foreign affairs , introduced to the emperor Thcodoro- Hunyon , the now minister. Mr. illunyon wore the uniform of a general. He said : 'I have the honor to hand your majesty" President Cleveland's letter announcing my- uppolntruent. . In presenting my credentials , It gives mo great pleasure to refer to the ntnlty and excellent understanding which now has so happily and so long existed bo- twccn - tlio United States and Germany. I hope to bo Instrumental in strengthening nnd making permanent these friendly relations and to extend the commercial intercourse uctxvcon the two countries. My earnest wish is for your majesty's welfare nnd for the continued prosperity ol the great German nation. " in reply the emperor said that ho recog- nized ¬ with pleasure the friendliness of tlio relations between Germany and the United States , and was pleased to receive such a- consplcious American citizen as Air. Hunyou.- Ho . had always felt gratified to know that the Germans who had emigrated to America made good and loyal citizens. Ho wished that Mr. Hunyon's sojourn In Berlin might bo pleasant in every respect. Afterwards the emperor and Mr. Runyon conversed privately on American topics for fifteen minutes.- QLADSTONK . MA.Y DIE- .Qrcnt . Stntcsmnn 1't'cls Ills Tlmo- Incmul Ills Work Undone. Harold Frederic cables the Now York Times as follows : Reassembling this wcolt after the holidays the Commons loaves an extremely grim impression of Gladstone. For the first time ho seems to acknowledge his ago and to bow before tlio impending shears. The old man , always courtesy itself , seems to have taken on transfiguration garments.- Ho . is as subtle and dexterous as of yore , but and inclined to bo deprecatory , rising with a warming linger llko an ancient sibyl to rebuke his unruly opponents who shrink before his apparition as from a ghost , and grow silent when ho rises in the stormiest moments of the house , nnd with weird respect cows the bitterest of his enemies. But it is purely personal , nnd stays no moment of the general obstruction. Conversely to the saying spread of old that the beloved apostle should not die , rumor whispers among the Gladstonlan dis- ciples ¬ that the old man Is going , nnd au nwc. struck hush fulls upon the turbulent assembly whenever ho rises. Enemies treat him as if each speech might bo his last and deferentially listen to a voice that fails now and then , but is- okcd out with a gracious gesture. Nobody dreams of complaining that ho cannot hear- while strangers look on appalled at the dumb show, and reporters compare notes to collate each syllable. There Is murmuring that Gladstone's speech gets harder and harder to tako. With extraordinary tenacity ho refuses to allow Morloy. Harcourt , or any- one else to stcor the bill , and remains till midnight lighting , fencing , and rapicring as- if in his priiro. Thursday ho remained after all his col- leagues ¬ to put through some trivial statute law and revision bill blocked by the torics , Just to enable a cheap revised volume of statutes to bo published. His Irish sympa- thies ¬ daily iind moro marked expression , and ho turns continually toward the applauding Irish quarter as if mutual reparations were being exchanged. The story pocs that ho fears ho will not last to witness the third reading and regards as a sacred charge the duty of piloting the bill as far as ho can dur- ing ¬ his lifetime. Meanwhile every effort of his genius is smothered by the stupidity of Chairman Mcllor , who is now spoken of openly as n- curso. . Mcllor tolerates bogus speeches and amendments amid Gladstone's visible writhi- ngs. - . The Irish are openly revolting against nis incapacity , but ho refuses closure and allows the waddlo. Gladstone's antique courtliness Is averse to adopting guillotine methods , knowing , however , that it would afford a pretext to tlio peers for rejecting the bill , perhaps after his own personal momen- tum ¬ is stilled forever in Westminster Abbey , Ho talks nnd thinks of nothing except car- rying ¬ the billpWishlng chiefly to bo remem- bered ¬ in connection with It. Koturning homo in the small hours of Wednesday morning , after u specially weary night , ho remarked : "I can never go through the hot nights of- July. . " His sayings are now being treasured up by his followers as If his hour had come. Ono of them quoted to mo Is touching enough in remonstrance of factlonism : "I hope the Irish will unite after my death.11 These premonitions , however , contrast strangely at times with the supernatural energy and vim of the old man , who .blazes like a furnace whenever Orangemen offer in- sult ¬ to their countrymen , and springs at them litho as n panther. The liberals , how- ever - , are balanced and perplexed between considerations affecting tlio leader's ago , the chairman's bungling and unionist ferocity. ' They stand meditative and anxious at the close of the week , hoping soon for some Issue out of the parliamentary itnpasso- .HILLUD . 11V UANIJITS.- .Mining . Paymaster Murdered nnd Jloblicd- Unpturc of the I'lcndn.- MONTEKKV . , Max. , Juno 4. Afow days ago Pedro Miu.o and brother , merchants bore and owners of the Water mine i property , some sovcnty-flvo miles from this point , sent their agent to the mlno with about $1,500 , to pay off the bauds. Ho had $3,600 of the money lu the hack with him and the driver- .Three . men on horseback accompanied him , two of whom had each 1000. When near the mine ono of the mon who hud $1,000 had fallen considerably behind the others. Those In advance wcro fired on from amoush , and the agent , his driver , and the- horseman without money were killed. The remaining man's horse was Bounded , but , turning him back , ho kept going until ho reached n ranch they had passed some miles back , whore his horse died , The other man who was in the rcur hoard the firing , and knowing what it meant broke and Hod to the same ranch with his companion. A posse was organized to hunt the assassins , They have capture ! four of them , who have con- fessed ¬ the crime and told who the other two aro. There wcro six In the party. On Mon- day ¬ the four are to bo taken to the very spot whcro the crlmo was committed to bo snot to death. rOUKION I'lNANOIAL UUriUWt- B Unoi lnoi nnd Dlnriut Contlnuo to Dig- turb - tlio Markoti , LONCON , Juno 4. The rates of discount have fallen with remarkable rapidity In this market in consequence of the continued ar- rivals ¬ of gold. During the week rates were easy at" per cent for thrco months and " }{ per cent for short. About 2,000,000 moro in gold is about to arrive from various quarters. In splto of the fact that the displacement of capital duo to the Australian failures was adjusted wore speedily than was expected , uneasl- ucss - and distrust continue to prevail. Silver wns tinner during the week , owing to the usual demand at the close of the ship- ping ¬ season. Tlio Stock exchange was i nervous throughout'tho week. Consols rose fifteen-sixteenth * ot t per cent. American railroads were utterly disorganized.- Tlio . week's variations Include the follow- ing ¬ declines : Central Pacific , Norfolk & Western , 5 percent ) Louisville & Nashville , < W per cent : Northern Pacific , nper cent ) Union Pacific , 2J{ per cent1 Alchtson , 3} percent ; Lake Shore. 2 percent ; Wabash and Denver , preferred ; 1 Jf percent ; Wnbash debenture nnd Krlo , IJf per cent each ; Ohio & Mississippi. I per cent ; Missouri j'Kansas- te Texas and Denver, common , throefourths- of 1 per cent each ; Central Pacific , one- fourth of 1 per cent. Canadian securities wore dull and nil were lower. Grand Trunk , flrst preference , declined 2' per cent. The tone of foreign securities was a notable ex- ception ¬ to the ruling depression , though dealings wore limited thcro was n general moderate rise , except in Greek and Mexican securities. Looted n lUmlun Church.- ST. . . Pr.TEnsnunh , Juno 4. It transpired yesterday that while the czar was in Mos- cow ¬ recently the Church ot the Chudov monastery , within the Kremlin , was plun- dered ¬ of n vast amount of plate and money. The plato had just been used in the cere- monies ¬ attendant upon the reception of the czar and bad not yet been returned to the vaults , whcro It was usually kept. The total loss Is estimated at between 2,500,000 and 3,000,000 roubles. ' No arrests have been made. CHOICE. Prominent Tndlann Itcpubllcnns 1'rcpnrod to- I'tinh the JCx-1'rcslilont til ' 1)0- .WASIIIXOTON . DUIIEAU OP Tun Inn , ) fil5 FOUIITBDNTII STUEET , WASHINGTON. D. C. , Juno 4- "ExPresident . r r- xnmii ' Harrison's friends in Indiana have n compact organization in his behalf for the republican nomination in 1890, " said S. E. . Morss , editor of the Indianapolis Sentinel , and the now consul general to Paris , who arrived todaj' from Indiana on his way to Paris. "I bcllovo the o'x-prcsldent Is prepared to nllow his name to bo used and that ho believes ho can be elected , " "Tho democrats fear ox-Speaker Heed moro than any other man and ho seems to bo popular with his party generally. The republican party Is a party of aggression and forco. I think ho stands the best show of nomination and that ho would make ; i spirited campaign , The democratic candi- date ¬ will como from the west. " Nothing Now In the Vonca flunk Case. Comptroller Eckels said ho had no now Information in tno case of the cashier of the failed Ponca bank who Is under arrest. The case was brought by the federal authorities en evidence secured by the bank examiner- .It . is alleged that Improper or fraudulent entries were mado. J AVcitcm Pension * . The following pensions granted are re- ported ¬ '' : Nebraska : Increase John McCord , Ran- som ¬ Glllbam , Emanuel Meyer. Uolssuo Armour Patterson , A. Jones , E. Williams. Original Widows , etc. Helena Pyffer , Amelia Essclborn , ..Sarah Lusk. Widows Indian wars Naomi Dougherty. Iowa : 'Original George W. ATcrtz , Mary Fitzgerald , nurse. Increase Thomas E. Miner , John Stahl, Elmer Culver , John Hlley , John M.Elgin. . Reissue Joseph Sweazy , John W. Athcy. Charles Quick- .Or'ginal . widows , etc , Elizabeth Thorn , Melissa Noble. ? _ P. S. H- .ONIE . AiWiW SUCCEED. How American ?M slcal Students Tlvo In Georpo1- W. . Pepper , United Gtatcs consul at Milan , Italy , has made an interesting report upon the difficulties encountered by American musical students in Italy. Mr. Pcppor says that the great majority of youm * students go to Milan "to finish off" return to their homes In a few years without having ro- colvcd - great benefit , and disillusioned as to the merits of the Italian masters , and ho then proceeds to give some advice as to how- this disappointing result may bo prevented. Choosing a teacher Is ono of the dlfllcult- problem. . Now that the two most famous mvslcians , San GoV'iana ami Lampcro , nro dead , thcro are 150 others , more or less cele- brated ¬ , from whom to chooso. Young women are wronglyjallowcd to como alone to this country and bojro confronted by another dilliculty , as social etiquette , which forbids tholr taking a lessop unless a third person bo present , condemns tholr appearing in public alono. Thiscjistom Is gradually giving way to moro liberal fviows , but it has often , even recently , subjected young American women to the most annoying persecutions. Out of the hundreds who have como to have their voices tested , only ono , to my knowledge , received nn honest verdict from the master to the effect that the quality of her voice did not Justify her m commencing lessons. Unfortunately the majority believe that they are destined for a successful career. They remain from month to montli and year to year , continuing their lessons and waiting for engagements. Three cases have been brought to Mr- .Pepper's . attention whore the cupidity of the master in wishing to keep his pupils fora long tlmo in order to continue to receive their money caused disappointment that resulted in the unsettling of the reason of all three. Wrong ideas with regard to the cheapness of Hying in Italy is also another reason for the failure of students , many of whom think that board can bo had so cheaply that they bring insufficient funds. This , says Mr , Pepper , is ono of tlio primary causes of final discouragement and failure. No ono can live very cheaply. They may enter the Hoyal conservatory whore tuition is very low. but few Americans succeed in doing so. as the conditions for entering nro very strict. None over twenty-two years of ago nro ac- coptcd - , or wltnout some knowledge of the Italian language. Out of 100 American singers now residing in Milan not ono has succeeded In entering this year. ' The majority of Americans have been in Milan for moro than a year : a number for moro than flvo yea s. New York , Ohio nnd California send the greatest number. The quality of their voices in purity and range is said to surpass those of other nations , hut the fact is apparent , says Mr. Popper , that not moro than live per cent of them attain grout success on the stage , CLEVELAND'S VIS 1 1 CONCLUDED- .Keturni . to the Wlilto Homo After a Plenn- aot - Outing , WASHINGTON , D, , O. , Juno 4. President Cleveland returned to Washington at 7:40 : this morning from his short fishing trip at Capo Charles , Va. , tjud was mot at the sta- tion ¬ oy Private Secretary Thurber with the president's carriage and iho two mon were driven to the whlio .house. Mr. L- . Clark Davis did not accompany the president to Washington , "Ver.vy few people wore at the Pennsylvania station at the hour , as the time of tuo arrival of the president's car , attached to train No. 41 from Wilmington , was much earlier than the public expected 0 o'clock being the regular schedule time. The president lastn.ght ) sent a telegram to- Mr. . Thurber informing when ho would nr- rlvo. - . The run from Exmore to Washington was made quickly and without inUhap of any sort.- Mr. . . Cleveland stayed at the white house half an hour , Ho then called for his car- riage ¬ and was driven to Woociloy his sum- mer ¬ villa In the suburbs of Washington where he hod breakfast with Mrs. Clove- land. - . Mr. Cleveland Is now as brown as a berry , and the brief respite from business has had the effect of refreshing him both mentally and physically. He has had goo3 * port , and Is much pleased with his trip. Death Hull. , Juno 4-Apnul Schlff , ono of the heaviest speculators on the Vienna bourse , died today.- HocunsTEn . , N. Y. , Juno 4. Horatio Peters , ono of thn principal stockholders In the Now York Clipper, died at his homo In this city FATAL LIGHTNING BOLT Miss Ploy Oalclwoll Killed in Her Homo in University Plaoo. MUCH STORM DAMAGE IN NEBRASKA Vicinity of Button Covered with Vnormoiu- Qanntltlca of Hull Pnrni Stock Killed lu Urent Number * Severe In- Jinny Localities * LK , Nob. , Juno 4. [Special to TUB ] Floy Catdwell , daughter of M. Cald- well - of University Place , was killed by n bolt of lightningat 0:1)0 : ) o'clock last night during a heavy storm. She was standing In the sitting room , reading an essay she was- te render nt a society entertainment at- Wcslcylan university at 8 o'clock last night when the fatal bolt descended and she fell to the floor. Her pulse continued for two hours afterward , and every effort wns made to revive her, but to no avail. The top of her head nnd her face wcro badly burned and there was n burned and blackened mark down ono sldo of her body. Her sister , not moro than thrco feet away , was uninjured , as wcro the father and mother In an adjoining room. The car- pets - wore blackened and ruined throughout the house , the walls pierced by small holes as If made with bullets and the wall paper Ignited. A portion of the chimney was knocked away and the largo house splintered in several places. The girl was 10 years old and the brightest and most popular at the Wesleyan university. VERY niSSTllUUTIVK STOKSI. Vicinity or Sntton Covered with iKnormouH- Qimiitltlen of Hull- .Snrrox . , Neb. , Juno 4. [Special Telegram to Tun BKE. ] The destructive results of- yesterday's storm are much creator than first supposed. In a track of a mile wide north and cast of here , a cloudburst llte'rally flooded the face of the country accompanied by hull and wind that destroyed the crops , breaking glass In the farm houses and level- ing ¬ wind mills.- Mrs. . . Henry Hull's son was instantly killed by lightning as the lad was bringing homo the stock for the night. East of hero two cows tygro killed and a girl was severely stunncaby lightning. The hail twenty- four hours after the storm is four feet deep in the draws nnd was so destructive as to kill calves and other young stock. PALISADE , Nob. , Juno 4. [ Special to Tnn- Br.u.J The crops In this part of the state look very well indeed. Tncro has not been the amount of r.iin necessary to make the straw very heavy. The heads will bo nil right. There has been au immense acreage of corn ilantod nnd the stand is good. HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno 4. [ Special to Tun- Ben. . ] The storm of yesterday was very much moro severe north of hero than in- Hastings. . Between Hastings nnd Hanson It- is said that the rainfall amounted almost te- a cloudburst , filling up crooks and draws in- a short tlmo. A heavy fall of hall accom- panied ¬ the rain.- PAPILMOX . , Neb. . Juno 4. [Special to Tnn- Bcc.l Owing to the hcavy'raln ' last night the Papilllon creek Is out of its banks , over- flowing ¬ nil the bottom lands In this locality. People living on the south sldo can only "" *" reach in wagons. DU.NBAU , Nob. , Juno 4. [ Special to Tnn- BEE. . ] A very much needed rain foil hero for five hours last evening. It was very beneficial to the growing cr'ops , especially the oats. Fall wheat in this part is good and promises to bo an excellent crop. Corn Is a splendid stand and a crop above the av- erage ¬ is expectet- t.Ia . tliift | Noirg Notcn. HASTINGS , Neb , , June 4. [Special to Tnn- BEK. . ] On Friday night the store of John F. Rowell was broken Into by burglars , the locks on the front door having been broken.- A . police alarm was turned in by some ono. who suspected that all was not right , and the robbers hurriedly loft without taking anything. The most important society event of the week past was the marriage of II. H. Wil- liams ¬ and Miss Florence B. Work. Mr. Williams is one of tlio best known commer- cial ¬ men in the state , and is one of the edi- tors ¬ of the Commercial Pilgrim. Miss Work was tlio daughter of Judge George F. Work , a well known nnd highly respected citizen of- Hastings. . Both the young pcoplo are loaders In musical circles hero. The field day sports of Hastings College athletes wcro interrupted by rain yesterday , and postponed until Monday. The tennis singles vtoro won by AV. J. Little ; the mixed doubles by Little and Miss Mnnthn Cunning- ham ¬ , tno men's doubles being undecided. The standing broad Jump was won by Stuckcy , 8 feet 10j inches ; Aitchison second , Standing hop , stop and Jump : Aitchison- flrst , Stuckcy second ; 20 feet 0 inches. Hun- ning - hop , step and Jump : Aitchison flrst , Little second ; 31 feet 4 Inches. A special 100 yards , heavy man's race at 175 pounds weight was won by Aitchison , Jones second. Time : ma5. _ Ord Personal Mmitlon.- OnD . , Neb. , Juno 4. [ Special to TUB BCE. Judge A. A. Lavorty returned Monday evening from an extended tour of Texas.- Mr. . . and Mrs , John H. Williams loft hero Monday tmormiig on a visit to the Aorld's fair. Miss Edith Robbins left Thursday morn- ing ¬ for Omaha where she goes as a delegate to the State Epworth league convention.- liov. . . E. A , Hussoll returned Wednesday evening from Denver where ho was In . .at- tendance ¬ at the Baptist convention. Whllo there ho was presented with a beautiful silver water service by the olllcials of the Publication socle ty In token of his twenty- flvo - years of continued service with the society.- Dr. . . F. D. Haldoman loft for Lincoln Thursday morning to attend the regular meeting of the State Board of Health.- Mrs. . . W. E. Cramer and daughter Frances returned Monday evening from nn extended visit to friends in Fiwlng and other Ne- braska ¬ points.- Hon. . . H. A. Oabcock of Lincoln wns hero Wednesday attending a meeting of the directors of the First National bank.- No . from Aihlnnd.- AsiiLiXD . , Nob. , Juno 4. [ Special to TUB BEE , ] Master Ilalph Hull , the 8yoaroldB- OH of Mr. S. B. Hall of this city , had his collar bone broken Saturday. IIo was trying to ride n balky pony when ho was thrown off.- Mr. . . and Mrs. A. J. Songergava a surprise party to their son , Henry , Monday evening to a select party of friends.- At . a regular mooting of Pomogranlto lodge Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons the fol- io wing officers wcro elected : Master , Gcorgo- Lawson ; senior warden , O. D. Harford ; junior warden , J. A. Bowen ; treasurer, H- .Budli . ; secretary , O. C. Steolo. Miss F. E. Townosley , pastor of Immanuel Baptist church , loft Tuesday for a summer vacation , to bo gone thrco months. Her Im- mediate ¬ destination was Hot Springs , S. I ) . ( Street Jtallwuy Hold.- FBEMONT . , Nob. , Juno 4 , [Special to Tnn- BEE. . ] The iFromont ] street railway , In- eluding the franchise and nil property be- longing - to the company , was sold yesterday for ta.100 to Frank Fowler who will In the future operate the system. The price realized was less than half Its value. _ Houtrlco Notts Notei.- BEATIUCE . , Neb. , Juno 4. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The Woodmen of the World held their third anniversary celebration at the Second Presbyterian church Thursday after.- noon. . . He vs. O. N , Brouillotto and J , It. Keller conducted the services.- J. . . N , Fuller lost a very valuable borso this morning , death being caused by pleurisy , Kunaway teams continue to bo vary com mon , aiu ed by the electric cars. Much fault Is being found with tiio heedless man- ner ¬ in which the cars nro being run on the down-town thoroughfares.- Orotrncil . nl Lincoln- .Lixcoi.v . , Nob. , Juno 4Special [ to Tun- BEE. . ] Gcorgo Adams , an employe a' . Lincoln park , wns drowned at 9 o'clock this morning iu the crook that flows through the park.- He . was out In a pleasure boat aloao on the swollen stream. Suddenly ho was seen to- rlsoupnnd Jump Into the water. Parties hastened to the spot out ho was scon no- moro. . The boat floated to the shore minus ono oar. H Is thovght that ho lost nn oar and Jumped from fright. Ho was 23 year * old nnd single. His body has not I Con re ¬ covered- .Pnlltiulo'n . Po tmtKtcr Hound Ovrr.- PAMSADB . , Nob. , Juno 4. [ Special to Tnn- Bnn.j The democrats nro having lots of fun with ono another In this villaco. Tholr postmaster , Dr. E. P. Chllds , has boon bound over in the district court for soiling whisky without a license , nud from the tes- timony ¬ given at the preliminary examina- tion ¬ thcro may bo some truth in the charge.- Oiithrlu . Center Gtrrnnic Cnsinn , Nob. , Juno 4. [ Special to Tun Bnn. ] Last night the Koclt Island depot was broken Into and the safe blown open. The thlovcS failed , however , to got Into the cash box , which contained about S150. They got about $ ' for their pains. They went through the express packages and all the baggago. BURNED TO DEATH. Horrible Itostitt of n yunrrnl Between Col- ored ¬ ( ! onrtr : in . A notorious colored woman who goes by the name of Anna Brown was locked up in the city Jail yesterday afternoon charged with assault with intent to murder Ballna Arnold , Both women are colored and lived nt 203 North Ninth street , in u "tough nigger Joint , " as the police say. According to the statements made by tlio police thcro was n row in the house about 5- o'clock Sunday morning , during which beer bottles and other missiles were tin-own pro- mtscously. - . During a lit of anger the Brown woman grabbed up a lamp and throw it at- Mrs. . Arnold. The lamp struck Mrs. Arnold on the head and exploded , enveloping her in- a sheet of llaino. At this Instant the other occupants of the room flod. Mrs. Arnold had presence of mina enough to throw a quilt aliout her , but that was hardly enough to extinguish the flames. Help arrived shortly and the woman was taken to the Presbyterian hospital. An examination showed that the woman was badly burned from head-to foot and it thought then that the chances of saving her llfo were slim. After the Brown woman was captured Detectives Savage and Dompscy called at the hospital with n notary to take the pa- tient's ¬ dying statement. It was a sad sight indeed ; the poor woman lay wrapped In bandages from head to foot and it was easy to sco that she could live but a short timo. The ofllccrs askc.l her who throw the lamp and the answer was Anna Brown , then the ) aticut fainted and all efforts to revive her tvero fruitless. She died in great' agony at 5:30 : o'clock. Anna Brown , who Is jri Jail , was asked if- .ho'throw tho4amp nndadmitted it. She said : "There ivero four or flvo of us In the com and wo had n row. Mrs. Arnold threw a beer bottle at mo and I threw the lamp and ran. I am sorry she Is do.xd and I sup- ioso - | I will have to pay the penaltj. " The Brown woman cumo hero two years ago from Topcka , and at once began life in the "burnt district. " She has a hara name and has boon arrested any number of times for being drunk and lighting. Coroner Maul took charge of the Arnold woman's body and will hold an inquest to- day. ¬ . During the evening the police arresto.l Josephine Rogers , Florence Phelps and Er- nest ¬ Lane nnd held thorn as state's wit ¬ nesses. They toll substantially the :umo story as told above. CLOSE I11AV1! Wiril V.lXAnA , Second Internntloiinl Jtcclnroclty Conven- tion ¬ Ooctia nt St. Paul Todny.- ST. . . PAUL , Minn , , Juno 4. International reciprocity convention , the Great Northern railroad celebration and the Loyal Legion quadrennial congress will make St. Paul the Mecca for thousands of pcoplo during the week commencing tomorrow. The second international reciprocity con- vention ¬ , for which fifty cities have selected 1,100 delegates , will ba called to order In the mammoth St. Paul Auditorium tomorrow afternoon at 1! o'clock , and will not only be- ef great Interest but also of great influence in favor of reciprocal trade relations with Canada. Delegates have been named by every city of prominence along or within reach of the Canadian border , from Sault St ? Marie on the cast , west to the Pacific coast , nnd dele- gates ¬ will also bo present from Manitoba and the Canadian northwest , whllo the speakers como from all parts of the conti- nent ¬ nnd nro of national repute. The flrst reciprocity convention , hold' last year at Grand Forks , N. D. , was largely at- tended ¬ nnd drew much attention to Its object , so that this year's convention will number among its active delegates many widely known business nnd profes- sional ¬ men and u very few politicians. Its proceedings will bo watched wl'h much Intel-cat nnd the series of resolutions formu- lated ¬ will deserve the careful study they will undoubtedly receive at the hands of iho general public. Tlio states Interested nnd represented in the convention are Michigan , Wisconsin , Minnesota , North and South Dakota , Montana and Washington , whllo Individuals interested in the convention's object will bo present also from Illinois , Ohio , Now York and other states. Other Celebrutluni. Following the thrco days session of the reciprocity convention comes the celebration In honor of President James J. Hill of the Great Northern railroad , Just completed to- iho Pacific coast without government aid. Tills celebration was primarily a St. Paul event , but so great was the Interest In It of the cities along the line of the Great Northern road that all will participate and will have handsome forces In the grand parade Wednesday , Hcprcscntativos front Wisconsin , with the Dakotas , Montana nnd Washington will supplement the local dis- plays ¬ , The progress of the northwest In agricul- ture ¬ , with commerce und trauspoi tutlon , also bo represented In the parade , The Hill celebration will extend over until Friday nnd will further Include n big reception In the Auditorium und a banquet nt the Uyau- hotel. . The Loyal Legion quadrennial congress , mooting Wednesday , Thursday and Friday , comprises business sessions , banquet , lake trips and reception , and will bo largely attended. The city Is already In gala attlra for the events of the wooU. Half a doicn magnlll- cent triumphal arctics have been erected in various parts of the city along the line of march ana every buslno&s piaco and many private residences have been decorated for the week. Many delegates to the reci- procity convention uro already m thu city , but the majority of them will arrive on the early morning trains , bo received at the Auditorium und their wants looked after by the reception committee. At the session tomorrow the welcome addresses and ro- cponses - will take up the time not devoted tc- organization. . TERRIBLE MINE DISASTER Twenty-Six Mon Smothered to Death at Eagle Pass , Mox. ALL LEAVE DESTITUTE FAMILIES I Several of the limit Itomnvoil by Com * imnluni ol thn Victim * How the Accident Occurred 3cono- nt the Air blmft.- GAIAT.STON . , Tex. , Juno 4. A special from Eagle Pass to the Galveston News says : Full particulars of the Fuonto coal mlno disaster , as nearly as can bo learned , nro nS follows : The Mexican International railway which recently caino Into possession of the mines, Is operating n narrow gauge road with a small engine which penetrates the main entry , hauling In empty and bringing out loaded cars. This main entry Is lined on the sides and nt the top with crcsotcd lumber , nnd thrco air shafts from Ib supply the miners with ventilation. The entrance of the track Is on the north side ot- a range of hills , through vhlch It passes down an incline to the mouth of the tunnel, on the banks of the Hto Escondldo river. The working are all to the cast of the main entry , and some fifty men wore employed taking out coal- .At . M 4 o'clock yesterday evening , shortly after the locomotive loft , the mine was dis- covered to bo on flro and smoke and flame * wcro scon issuing from the nirshafts. About one-half of the miners were working near the main tunnel nnd thcso made thole escape , leaving twenty-six of their nuinbca- to perish from the boat and smoke and from the poisonous gas , which spread like light * ning to every portion of the mines. All Hope Ahniulonotl. When It was scon that all efforts wcro useless to rescue the Imprisoned miners every energy was directed to saving the property from destruction. Pipes wcro laid into the mine as far as any work could be done) and hose attached and water poured on to the burning timbers , nnd in thrco hours the flro was under control. There are twenty-si * chambers in the mlno nnd the dead miners are supposed to bo well to tlio front 01 the mino- .At . 12 o'clock today ono body had been ra- covcrad irom the seventh chamber anil shortly afterwards another , fearfully icorched and blackened , was brought to the lurfnco. The tenth chamber has bp reached and men with ropes tied to thcic bodies , to effect tncir rescue if overcome by heat and smoko-aro , lighting their way to- ivhcrovtho bodies of , their dead eomradea'jiro- ylng. . Superintendent George Spence ven- tured ¬ In too far and was overcomeby heat ) and smoko. ' Ho was prostrated , but was rescued. All Ilodlns Will Ito Recovered- .It . is bclioved that by tomorrow the mini will bo cleared of the heat and smoke , which nt present it is impossible to cope with , and that all the bodies will bo recovered. AU the miners employed wcro Mexicans , and, most of them leave destitute families- .It . is reported that all parties responsible * for the management of the mines have boon, placed under arrest , pending an investigation of the causes of the disaster. But for the prompt action of the Mexican International and their heroic efforts , thomlno would have been destroyed and none of their bodies would have been recovered. This is the flrst great disaster in the his- tory ¬ of coal mining in Mexico. Largo numbers of the friends nnd relatives of the unfortunate miners nro gathered as the mouth of the mine , mutely awaiting the recovery of the bodies of tholr sons and hus- bands. ¬ . When n body Is talcen out , there l- no outburst of grlofbut a look of resignation and deep grief appears upon every counton- anco. - . Hundreds of people from Eagle Pas * and Piedras Ncgras have visited the scene todny nnd the smoke still issuing from the nlr shafts Impresses on all the folly of hoping any of the Imprisoned miners are yet alivo- .o . NOT Ji.if.rjr jtoiti : fcorpso I'oiind at City Not Thnt of the Onmlin Mini. KANSAS CITY, Mo. , Juno 4. Upon further Investigation it is now ssttlod that the body of the man who was found flouting In tha Missouri river near this city some days ago is not that of Kalpb G , Gaylord , the Omaha man who has been missing since about May 15. The body was exhumed nnd yesterday brought from Independence , Mo , , to this city , where It was viewed by n number ot- persons. . None , however , could establish Us Identity and from the description given of Gaylord it was decided positively that it wa not his remains- .SVllAF.Klt . I'ltKVKUKKIt JiHATII. Generally Ilclloveil thut thn lliilned Chicago Hunker Committed Suicide , CHICAGO , III. , Juno 4 , The impression la growing thut tlio man who committed suicide by Jumping from n row boat Into tlio lake la- Lakoviow Friday was Herman Sehafncr , the missing banker. Developments in the case today lead the police to consider this as the most plausible theory. The hat found In the boat lias been identified as the one worn by- Mr. . Sehafncr lust previous to his sudden dis- appearance. ¬ . Some of Iho depositors are taliclng vigorously ot prosecuting A. G. Decker, Sciiafncr's partner , and Sclmfncr , if- ho turns up alivo- .iioo'tii . aituntxa W Very J.lttlu Hope of nvcn it Partial JU- covcry. . NEW Vonic , Juno 4. Edwin Booth is worse. This evening the following , bulletin wiw posted at the Player's club ; In regard to Mr. llooth'a condition , U may b stated that hu has gradually grown vruuke during the past twenty-four IIOUM , and that there la now very llttlu liopo of oven a partial recovery , HINCI.AIH HMiru , M , 1) , ItoilrlctliiK the Jloniinmt of Hlio j , ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 4. A Pioneer Prei * special from Helena , Mont. , says ; Mo sheep can bo Imported Into this state from Oregon , California , Nevada , Washington , Wyoming , Idaho , Utah , Colorado or Now Mexico , ex. copt upon the certificate of the state voterN- narian that the ihocp have been Inspected nnd found free from any Infectious or con- tagious disease. Such Is the purport of a > proclamation Just Issued by Gorornor- nrd .

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fli Was Recovered from the Bhlverick-Mauror

Wreck Yesterday Morning.-




vondlllon of the tVoiimloil Men About the-

ft Insurance Speculations n to tli-

II Flro'n Origin Punil for theItercaved l °ninlllc .

r The feebler expiring flames of the disas-trous


conflagration thnt destroyed the Shlv-jprick


building Saturday night vanished withlo darkness this morning. The dawn bo-


the streams still playing on the smoul-Coring embers , nnd the weary flremcn who[fed fought t'io elements all through theklormy uight lingered patiently at their

Tests. They had conquered the flames , butIjliclr thoughtful faces nnd half whisccrcd-iionverontlon evinced the sadness withlyiilch they regarded the terrible cost.

{ Ono of their comrades had perished before| , iielr eyes and his crushed and lifeless been borne uway to the morgue. OthersI ad been taken to the hospital , whcro they

Mil lingered whllo the eternal shadows| rrcpt: closer and hung with direful menace} iver their bruised and blooding forms. And

hey wOll know thnt beneath the smoulder-S


, blackened mass of brick and timbers lay[


,ho mangled corpse of another of their num-


, for whom the funeral bell would toll[ when bridal chimes should have announcedg'lls' merry wedding day.

Some of them had manned the trucks[ iVhcn the Grand Central went down with

i burden ot gallant men. nnd now for thejliird tlmo saw their comrades fall victims[ v the deadly embrace of flame nnd fallingAvails. Then as now tlio victims wcro amonglho) most daring nnd faithful men in the de-


, und tholr mournful fate dispensedfi gloomy pall , which would not lift for manyfays.f round I'lpomnn Oiiraj's Corpse-.q''Aslt

.' bccamo evident that the blaohndl-urremiercd most of the companies werefont homo to rent after the hard light andInly n couple of streams wcro loft playing on-

i'lo' blackened walls. It was not until 8-

j.'clock that the firemen who had been dig'} Ins In the ilubrls of the Maurcr buildingi'ound' the body of Pipcman Ouray of hose

lo. 7. Ho was n little back of the middle of-ho building when bo was overtaken by the

Lescending shower of the ruins which cov-t

-t red him to a depth of several fcot. Hisptody was tciribly crushed and mangled , andMl seemed certain that his death was instan-yineous


and that ho was mercifully spared-ho horrors of Imprisonment nlivo in the'turning ruin. Ills body was removed to the

Inorgiio where an inquest u ill bo held on-

Jooth the dead firemen today.-V

.Almost ns soon as it was daylight the curl-

pus crowd that had braved the storm theflight before returned to loiter around theI ruins. The lire line was still enforced by the| police , and the visitors wcro compelled to re-main


at a safe distance from the walls. As-these moved away others eum'o , and proba-

i lily not less than !25,000 pcoplo visited the' ruins during the forenoon.

When the firemen ceased throwing wateron the debris an engine was sent for and

, stationed In front of the Shiverick buildingto pump the water out of the basement. The

j'collar was full to the level of the sidewalk ,

f'' ..nd It required several hours to transfer thedeluge into the nearest catch basin.

' Condition of Iho Idling-



portions of the walls ns remainedstanding after the flrst fatal displacement

| are still Intact. The roar of the Shiverickkbullaing was totally demolished in the bo-Vanning


of the conflagration and carried withlit the greater part of the side walls. TheVvcst wall fell outward nnd descended withliondcrous forcq on the wooden structure of-

Iho Mauror building , crushing It like an egg' hell. Morris , Cox and Ouray were on theI oof of the Mauror building when without a-

ircrnonitory[ warning the overhanging massI'.cscendcd' on their heads. They wcro car-[ led down with the building nnd it is re-garded


ns miraculous that ono of thornIscapod nlivo. The cast twenty-two fcot of-iho front wall of the Shiverick building is-

I till standing and the remainder only lucksIho upper story which fell early Saturday(veiling. Chief Gnlllgan is o' the opinionVat the wall Is safe with the oxceidion oflie remaining twenty-two fcot of the upperlory , which may yet crumble and fall-.iTho


basements of the Pabst headquarterslid of the Iron Bank building wcro floodedlltli water and the stock of liquors in theliscmcnt of the Pabst building was slightly[imaged. The sewer connections wcroToken open yesterday and the accumulatedlolsture was easily dispobcd of. Early In-

lo afternoon tlio shattered timbers of tlio-lilvcrlck building again began to burn , dc-Iito

-the avalanche of water that had been

lured over them. A couple of companiesIre summoned by telephone and the inclpl-p'blnza

-was soon extinguished.

Dreadful War of r.lement * .

liVhcn the conflagration wns at its heightIturday night , nnd Jusi before the wallsIrcumbcd , tlio scene was a remarkablelectncular effect. All the elements ofI rth and heaven seemed combined In madlid unearthly warfare. The flumes from10 burning building mounted fifty feetlove tlio roof nnd moaned in conflict withlie beatings ot the storm , The rain fallingl seemingly exhaustions torrents arovo theInoho down into the midst of the crowd nndIlled the gutters u 1th a flowing tide whichI'omod out of place In the face of tlio fieryllaze , Over all the lightning flashed Inccs-.Imtly


, ns if to vialththoglowlng flumeslolow , und lent n wlcrd Hndcnn tinge thatreined In striking harmony with thu crash

Jf falling glass und the hoarse shouts whichllrcctcd the work of the llro fighters.I Chief Gailigan wns the first fireman to nr-llvooii

-the spot uhi'ii the alarm sounded and

Imminrcl nil night and all day ycbtcrduy.lovernl ladders belonging to thu hook nnd[ .dder companies wore broken by fallinglulls and to bo icplaccd. Duringlie progress of the flro an explosion occurred11 the basement of the Khlvcrick buildingrhlch blow up about ten square fcot of thetdowulk In liont. It Is supposed to haveloon caused by the combustion of varnish or-pcohol which wus stored in the basement.

Wounded Men Doing Well.-I

.I The firemen injured Saturday night are InImuch moro hopeful Condition than was atI'-st anticipated. Gcorgo Coulter , whllo-

dly§ bruised about the head , face nnd-I'louldors , was resting quite easily yestcj <Liy evening , and has had quite u good dealft rcfreshlnB sleep. Morris , who Is at theI'rcsbytoriuu hospital , Is not so well off , butlr. Homers thinks ho will pull through allllgnt. He suffered a sovcro contusion of theIcalpundo bad frncturoof the law, whichImd been broken before. Connellylo islilso at the hospital , is In a fair way tol-ocovcr , being , probably , In better conditionthan Morris. His bend was terribly cut , hisback injured and hU loft nnklo sprained , andIn addition ho wns burned iu or eightTilaccs on his body nnd logs ,

Captain Cuff and Charlie Ellington , whovero both hurt about the head , shoulders

lind Jcgs , although suffering n good deal of-Tain , uro expected to bo nblo to get about In-

i short timo.-1'Jio


bodies of Captain Cox and PlpemnnJuray nro at Maul's undertaking roomibeing prepared for burial , So frightfully

laiuiigled uro. they that one looking nt themi ( hey now appear , so terribly bruised nu l

.burned , can hardly bollovo that before himlite Iho bodies of what wcro , less than twolihort days ago , two strong , robust , manlyImcu , full of life and hope and vior. PoorlOuray wns to have married on WednesdayInext Miss Leonlo Hobcrts , who was , up toSaturday , an employe in the bindery of the

lOninha Printing company , and who lives onLJpurtecnth street , between California andlyVobster , The unfortunate girl had pre-pared her trousseau uud Onruy had beenlsr uted ten days leave of uUcuce , and Uer

lover's untimely death In the face of thehnpnlncsi that should have been theirs haswell nigh prostrated the sweetheart widow ,

Ouray entered the department In October ,1801 and was attached to hose No. 7, whoreho has slnco remained. Ho was quiet ,

steady , reliable , very popular and nthoroughly good man , nnd his death ismourned by every man in the department.-


was born In Smith county , Virginia ,in 1H71. His parents are dead. Ucforo hoJoined the llro department ho was engineerat the Pacltlc Express company's building.-Ho

.was to have been married on Wednesday

nnd had furnished .1 homo for his bride-.At

.n a. m. the injured men wcro resting

easy , having passed a good night-





. Charles Shlvorlcic nnd hU bookkeeper ,

Captain Scarff , visited the ruins yesterdayand watched the workmen digging away thedebris In an attempt to got at the safe. Thestrong box is buried twenty fcot under theruins and it will probably take a couple ofdays to roach It.

Regarding the insurance Mr. Shlvcrlclcsaid : "Wo have at the present time Insur-ance


amounting to between $33,000 nnd $90-000.

,-. Our stock at the time of the fire was

worth to us fully $100,000 , perhaps a llttlomore , but not much. "

In reply to the question asking what com-panies


carried his policies , Mr. Shlvorlcicsaid that contrary to the rule all tx ltcles-ivcro In the safe and ho could not tell until.hat was dug up and opened-


list of Insurance companies carryingur losses as reported In the World-lerald

-, Is away off. They evidently

opted that list from our lastIro. Slnco that tlmowo havehanged companies and now probably onlyiold policies In tw'o or three on that list. "

Inspector Hnrttnan was at the scene dur-ng

-the afternoon , but declined to give any

stimulo of the loss , ilo said that it wouldako a good half day's work for the clerks in-ils ofllco to got at the exact amount of In-


carried by the Sim-cricks.How llil It StnrlT

The origin of the flro remains as deep amystery as when the flames were first dls-overed

-. leaping from the roof and the frontwindows. At first the theory was fully ex-n'cssed


that lightning was responsible for.lie disastrous conflagration , and that thecloctrlu wires had assisted materially In con-veying


the spark to the combustibles in thebuilding. With the excitement attendantupon such events allayed , other theories arendvanccd , and electricity Is not held aloneresponsible for the awful work of Saturdaynight. Those acquainted with the scienceof electricity and its workings are loth to-

bcltovo that the llro originated inhat manner. Electricians nro more

or loss acquainted with the freaks of licht-ing

-, nnd after turning the matter over In

their minds , some of them have reached the'onelnsiim thnt It was impossible for a bolt

to gain entrance to the building through thebrick walls or iron shutters at the windows-.Uoth


are pronounced nonconductors , andwill act as a perfect Insulator to whatevermight be on the opposite side. The roof otthe building was considered fireproof , andas it is pretty generally- thought by thosefirst upon the ground that tlio tire found itsorigin on the second or third floors near thecenter of the room , the theory that the'ightnlng found its way through the roof willlurdly stand. But as' to the exact manneru which the flames were kindled no ouoventures an absolute opinion.

Wires lu Good Condition.Shortly after the Shiverick flro last fall

M. 1. Cowglll , now the city electrician , madean inspection of the wiring in the building.-IIo


found it to bo first class in every particu-lar


and could not ascertain where there wasany probability of fire originating from thatsource. lie has made no examination since ,

and is not aware that any changes havebeen mado. IIo reserves his opinion uponthomattcr until ho has examined the trans-formers


that are burled underneath thedebris. Tlio transformers are iron recepta-cles


, varying lu si o , and are used to protectthe outside wire and inside wire cells bywhich ono is connected with the other. Ifthe electric bolt gained entrance to thebuilding in that manner orasiblo evidence o-fit will exist In the box.

Chief Gailigan is a believer in the electricbolt theory. IIu says that he was standingat the Paxton corner , when ho noticed theflames leaping skyward , and that but a fewmoments before two balls of flro illumed thefirmament. Ills experience with fires hascovered twenty-seven years In Omaha alone ,

and ho feels satisfied that it would bo im-possible

-for a number of men to bo in an ad-


building and not dotcct the smell ofsmoke , If the conflagration nad started in arordinary way , or was smouldering. It sprcatwith too great a rapidity , ho thinks , to haveoriginated In any other manner. The pointwhere the bolt entered lie docs not know , bui-ho believes that that is the way in whichthe flro started.-


; the Lightning Theory.Ono of the best known electricians in town

discussed the question quite freely , and inthe course of his remarks said : "I do noiunderstand how an electric bolt could haveentered the building , although there Is abare chance that It did. Those brick wallswere noncondnctlvo unless they were soakedwith water. The Iron shutters in the rearwere also. I take no stock whatever In thetheory that the bolt was carried Into thebuilding over the electric wires. If It was ,

evidence of the fact will bo found when anexamination Is made of the transformers , orconverters , as we call them , that wcro onthe outside of the building. It would havehad to pass through there , and that I con-sider


next to Impossible. The transformeris an iron receptacle , and they vary in size.Within tlio outside wire is coiled manytimes , as is the Inside , and the connection isthus made , making the outside wiring Inde-pendent


of tlio Inside , Tlio cells are proba ¬

bly an inch apart , nnd between them isplaced insulating materi'ils. To have gainedentrance the bolt would have had to leapfrom ono cell to the other. This probablywould have been the cnso , as thevoltage would have-been sufficient to forcethe leap. But before the bolt had enteredthe box It undoubtedly would have torn itInto fragments and broken the connection.-As

.I understand it the wiring in the build-


was all exposed to view. In sucli a case iftthe bolt entered the building , it would havehad to coma In contact with a gas plpo or-scmo othoi : conductor to have loft the copperwire , which was capable of conducting itand would not have been burned out. Inview of the filets I da not consider that elec-tricity


is responsible for Ilia fire , ami believeit will haw to bo traced to some otherorifhi , "

The insurance men are desirous of an in-vestigation


Into thu matter , and a wellknown underwriter whoso companies holdiwlleles , saiu that an effort would bo made tolocate the real origin of the flro. Ho hashopes that the elcutrlo bolt theory will beexploded and that spontaneous combustionor some other cause will bo fully establishedand held responsible for the flames.-



Tear Mown the VVulls.

After looking over the ruins yes today after-noonUuItdlng


) Inspector Tilloy said that hewould commcncq this morning and have allthu unsafe wails removed. That moans allof the walls from the Iron bank on the eastto tlio I'abst building on the west. ColonelTilJcy said that the , walls of the Sblverickbuilding above the second floor wcro altopettier too light and cave that as the reasonlor their fulling. Ho said thnt such rbuilding could not bo put up now as tinlaws prevented the erection of such shoddy0y

.structures.Fund for tlio Families.-


movement was itartcd yesterday tcraise a fund for the benefit of the famlllc 3

of the deau and injured firemen. Kov , T, J ,

.Mackay , rector of All Saints Episcopalchurch , took the initiative in the movementAnd at the close of the morning servicesumdo a special pica In behalf of the fuinllle :of the llromcn who fell on Saturday night.The result was a collection amounting to f3lwhich will bo dovotcd to this worthy cause.

Yesterday afternoon Chief Gailigan of theflro department received a telegram fromex-Mayor Gushing , who is in Los Angelesbtatlng thnt bo would give f 100 to a fund foithe families of the iircmcu who fell iu theperformance of their duty.

Other prominent citizens expressed iwillingness to contribute to the fuml.undthe matter will probably assume dcnniushape today.


formal Installation of the Now AmericanMinister to Qermanyi


President Cleveland' * Appointee Itccelvoilwith n Ncnt I.Hllo Speech na the

Part of the KmpororIlls Itciily.-



, Juno 4. William Walter Phelps ,

the retiring United States minister , pre-sented


at the castle thisnoon*

his letter of-

recall. . Immediately afterwards Fricrher-Maschal von Uobcnstcln , minister of foreignaffairs , introduced to the emperor Thcodoro-Hunyon , the now minister. Mr. illunyonwore the uniform of a general. He said :

'I have the honor to hand your majesty"President Cleveland's letter announcing my-uppolntruent. . In presenting my credentials ,

It gives mo great pleasure to refer to thentnlty and excellent understanding whichnow has so happily and so long existed bo-


tlio United States and Germany. Ihope to bo Instrumental in strengthening nndmaking permanent these friendly relationsand to extend the commercial intercourseuctxvcon the two countries. My earnest wishis for your majesty's welfare nnd for thecontinued prosperity ol the great Germannation. "

in reply the emperor said that ho recog-nized


with pleasure the friendliness of tliorelations between Germany and the UnitedStates , and was pleased to receive such a-

consplcious American citizen as Air. Hunyou.-Ho


had always felt gratified to know thatthe Germans who had emigrated to Americamade good and loyal citizens. Ho wishedthat Mr. Hunyon's sojourn In Berlinmight bo pleasant in every respect.

Afterwards the emperor and Mr. Runyonconversed privately on American topics forfifteen minutes.-






Stntcsmnn 1't'cls Ills Tlmo-Incmul Ills Work Undone.

Harold Frederic cables the Now YorkTimes as follows : Reassembling this wcoltafter the holidays the Commons loaves anextremely grim impression of Gladstone. Forthe first time ho seems to acknowledge hisago and to bow before tlio impending shears.The old man , always courtesy itself , seems tohave taken on transfiguration garments.-Ho


is as subtle and dexterous as of yore , butand inclined to bo deprecatory ,

rising with a warming linger llko an ancientsibyl to rebuke his unruly opponents whoshrink before his apparition as from a ghost ,and grow silent when ho rises in thestormiest moments of the house , nnd withweird respect cows the bitterest of hisenemies. But it is purely personal , nnd staysno moment of the general obstruction.

Conversely to the saying spread of oldthat the beloved apostle should not die ,rumor whispers among the Gladstonlan dis-ciples


that the old man Is going , nnd au nwc.struck hush fulls upon the turbulentassembly whenever ho rises. Enemiestreat him as if each speech mightbo his last and deferentially listen to avoice that fails now and then , but is-okcd out with a gracious gesture. Nobodydreams of complaining that ho cannot hear-while strangers look on appalled at thedumb show , and reporters compare notes tocollate each syllable. There Is murmuringthat Gladstone's speech gets harder andharder to tako. With extraordinary tenacityho refuses to allow Morloy. Harcourt , or any-one else to stcor the bill , and remains tillmidnight lighting , fencing , and rapicring as-if in his priiro.

Thursday ho remained after all his col-leagues


to put through some trivial statutelaw and revision bill blocked by the torics ,

Just to enable a cheap revised volume ofstatutes to bo published. His Irish sympa-thies


daily iind moro marked expression , andho turns continually toward the applaudingIrish quarter as if mutual reparations werebeing exchanged. The story pocs that hofears ho will not last to witness the thirdreading and regards as a sacred charge theduty of piloting the bill as far as ho can dur-ing


his lifetime.Meanwhile every effort of his genius is

smothered by the stupidity of ChairmanMcllor , who is now spoken of openly as n-

curso. . Mcllor tolerates bogus speeches andamendments amid Gladstone's visible writhi-ngs.

-. The Irish are openly revolting against

nis incapacity , but ho refuses closure andallows the waddlo. Gladstone's antiquecourtliness Is averse to adopting guillotinemethods , knowing , however , that it wouldafford a pretext to tlio peers for rejecting thebill , perhaps after his own personal momen-tum


is stilled forever in Westminster Abbey ,Ho talks nnd thinks of nothing except car-


the billpWishlng chiefly to bo remem-bered


in connection with It. Koturning homoin the small hours of Wednesday morning ,

after u specially weary night , ho remarked :

"I can never go through the hot nights of-July. . " His sayings are now being treasuredup by his followers as If his hour had come.Ono of them quoted to mo Is touching enoughin remonstrance of factlonism :

"I hope the Irish will unite after mydeath.11

These premonitions , however , contraststrangely at times with the supernaturalenergy and vim of the old man , who .blazeslike a furnace whenever Orangemen offer in-sult


to their countrymen , and springs atthem litho as n panther. The liberals , how-ever

-, are balanced and perplexed between

considerations affecting tlio leader's ago , thechairman's bungling and unionist ferocity. 'They stand meditative and anxious at theclose of the week , hoping soon for some Issueout of the parliamentary itnpasso-






Paymaster Murdered nnd Jloblicd-Unpturc of the I'lcndn.-


, Max. , Juno 4. Afow days agoPedro Miu.o and brother , merchants boreand owners of the Water mine i property ,

some sovcnty-flvo miles from this point , senttheir agent to the mlno with about $1,500, topay off the bauds. Ho had $3,600 of themoney lu the hack with him and the driver-.Three


men on horseback accompanied him ,

two of whom had each 1000. When nearthe mine ono of the mon who hud $1,000had fallen considerably behind the others.Those In advance wcro fired on fromamoush , and the agent , his driver , and the-horseman without money were killed. Theremaining man's horse was Bounded , but ,turning him back , ho kept going until horeached n ranch they had passed some milesback , whore his horse died , The other manwho was in the rcur hoard the firing , andknowing what it meant broke and Hod to thesame ranch with his companion. A possewas organized to hunt the assassins , Theyhave capture ! four of them , who have con-fessed


the crime and told who the other twoaro. There wcro six In the party. On Mon-day


the four are to bo taken to the very spotwhcro the crlmo was committed to bo snotto death.


Unoi lnoi nnd Dlnriut Contlnuo to Dig-


tlio Markoti ,

LONCON , Juno 4. The rates of discounthave fallen with remarkable rapidity In thismarket in consequence of the continued ar-rivals


of gold. During the week rates wereeasy at" per cent for thrco months and "}{per cent for short.

About 2,000,000 moro in gold is about toarrive from various quarters. In splto ofthe fact that the displacement of capital duoto the Australian failures was adjustedwore speedily than was expected , uneasl-ucss

-and distrust continue to prevail.

Silver wns tinner during the week , owingto the usual demand at the close of the ship-ping


season. Tlio Stock exchange was


nervous throughout'tho week. Consols rosefifteen-sixteenth * ot t per cent. Americanrailroads were utterly disorganized.-


week's variations Include the follow-ing


declines : Central Pacific , Norfolk &Western , 5 percent ) Louisville & Nashville ,< W per cent : Northern Pacific , npercent ) Union Pacific , 2J{ per cent1 Alchtson ,3} percent ; Lake Shore. 2 percent ; Wabashand Denver , preferred ; 1Jf percent ; Wnbashdebenture nnd Krlo , IJf per cent each ; Ohio& Mississippi. I per cent ; Missouri j'Kansas-te Texas and Denver, common , throefourths-of 1 per cent each ; Central Pacific , one-fourth of 1 per cent. Canadian securitieswore dull and nil were lower. Grand Trunk ,flrst preference , declined 2' per cent. Thetone of foreign securities was a notable ex-ception


to the ruling depression , thoughdealings wore limited thcro was n generalmoderate rise , except in Greek and Mexicansecurities.

Looted n lUmlun Church.-ST.


. Pr.TEnsnunh , Juno 4. It transpiredyesterday that while the czar was in Mos-


recently the Church ot the Chudovmonastery , within the Kremlin , was plun-dered


of n vast amount of plate and money.The plato had just been used in the cere-monies


attendant upon the reception of theczar and bad not yet been returned to thevaults , whcro It was usually kept. Thetotal loss Is estimated at between 2,500,000and 3,000,000 roubles. ' No arrests have beenmade.


Prominent Tndlann Itcpubllcnns 1'rcpnrod to-

I'tinh the JCx-1'rcslilont til '1)0-



WASHINGTON. D. C. , Juno 4-

"ExPresident. rr-


' Harrison's friends inIndiana have n compact organization in hisbehalf for the republican nomination in1890 , " said S. E. . Morss , editor of theIndianapolis Sentinel , and the now consulgeneral to Paris , who arrived todaj' fromIndiana on his way to Paris. "I bcllovo theo'x-prcsldent Is prepared to nllow his nameto bo used and that ho believes ho can beelected , "

"Tho democrats fear ox-Speaker Heedmoro than any other man and ho seems to bopopular with his party generally. Therepublican party Is a party of aggressionand forco. I think ho stands the best showof nomination and that ho would make ;ispirited campaign , The democratic candi-date


will como from the west. "Nothing Now In the Vonca flunk Case.Comptroller Eckels said ho had no now

Information in tno case of the cashier of thefailed Ponca bank who Is under arrest. Thecase was brought by the federal authoritiesen evidence secured by the bank examiner-.It


is alleged that Improper or fraudulententries were mado. J

AVcitcm Pension * .

The following pensions granted are re-ported


' ':

Nebraska : Increase John McCord , Ran-som


Glllbam , Emanuel Meyer. UolssuoArmour Patterson , A. Jones , E. Williams.Original Widows , etc. Helena Pyffer ,Amelia Essclborn , ..Sarah Lusk. WidowsIndian wars Naomi Dougherty.

Iowa : 'Original George W. ATcrtz , MaryFitzgerald , nurse. Increase Thomas E.Miner , John Stahl, Elmer Culver , JohnHlley , John M.Elgin. . Reissue JosephSweazy , John W. Athcy. Charles Quick-.Or'ginal


widows , etc , Elizabeth Thorn ,Melissa Noble. ?_ P. S. H-




How American ?M slcal Students Tlvo In

Georpo1-W. . Pepper , United Gtatcs consul at Milan ,

Italy , has made an interesting report uponthe difficulties encountered by Americanmusical students in Italy. Mr. Pcppor saysthat the great majority of youm * studentsgo to Milan "to finish off" return to theirhomes In a few years without having ro-


great benefit , and disillusioned as tothe merits of the Italian masters , and hothen proceeds to give some advice as to how-this disappointing result may bo prevented.

Choosing a teacher Is ono of the dlfllcult-problem. . Now that the two most famousmvslcians , San GoV'iana ami Lampcro , nrodead , thcro are 150 others , more or less cele-brated


, from whom to chooso. Youngwomen are wronglyjallowcd to como alone tothis country and bojro confronted by anotherdilliculty , as social etiquette , which forbidstholr taking a lessop unless a third personbo present , condemns tholr appearing inpublic alono. Thiscjistom Is gradually givingway to moro liberal fviows , but it has often ,even recently , subjected young Americanwomen to the most annoying persecutions.

Out of the hundreds who have como tohave their voices tested , only ono , to myknowledge , received nn honest verdict fromthe master to the effect that the quality ofher voice did not Justify her m commencinglessons. Unfortunately the majority believethat they are destined for a successfulcareer. They remain from month to montliand year to year , continuing their lessonsand waiting for engagements.

Three cases have been brought to Mr-.Pepper's

.attention whore the cupidity of the

master in wishing to keep his pupils fora longtlmo in order to continue to receive theirmoney caused disappointment that resultedin the unsettling of the reason of allthree. Wrong ideas with regard to thecheapness of Hying in Italy is alsoanother reason for the failure ofstudents , many of whom think thatboard can bo had so cheaply that theybring insufficient funds. This , says Mr ,Pepper , is ono of tlio primary causes of finaldiscouragement and failure. No ono canlive very cheaply. They may enter theHoyal conservatory whore tuition is very low.but few Americans succeed in doing so. asthe conditions for entering nro very strict.None over twenty-two years of ago nro ac-coptcd

-, or wltnout some knowledge of the

Italian language. Out of 100 Americansingers now residing in Milan not ono hassucceeded In entering this year. '

The majority of Americans have been inMilan for moro than a year : a number formoro than flvo yea s. New York , Ohio nndCalifornia send the greatest number. Thequality of their voices in purity and range issaid to surpass those of other nations , hutthe fact is apparent , says Mr. Popper , thatnot moro than live per cent of them attaingrout success on the stage ,




to the Wlilto Homo After a Plenn-aot

-Outing ,

WASHINGTON , D , ,O. , Juno 4. PresidentCleveland returned to Washington at 7:40:

this morning from his short fishing trip atCapo Charles , Va. , tjud was mot at the sta-tion


oy Private Secretary Thurber with thepresident's carriage and iho two mon weredriven to the whlio .house. Mr. L- . ClarkDavis did not accompany the president toWashington , "Ver.vy few people wore at thePennsylvania station at the hour , as thetime of tuo arrival of the president's car ,

attached to train No. 41 from Wilmington ,was much earlier than the public expected0 o'clock being the regular schedule time.The president lastn.ght) sent a telegram to-Mr. . Thurber informing when ho would nr-rlvo.

-. The run from Exmore to Washington

was made quickly and without inUhap ofany sort.-


. Cleveland stayed at the white househalf an hour , Ho then called for his car-riage


and was driven to Woociloy his sum-mer


villa In the suburbs of Washingtonwhere he hod breakfast with Mrs. Clove-land.

-. Mr. Cleveland Is now as brown as a

berry , and the brief respite from businesshas had the effect of refreshing him bothmentally and physically. He has had goo3* port , and Is much pleased with his trip.

Death Hull., Juno 4-Apnul Schlff , ono of the

heaviest speculators on the Vienna bourse ,died today.-


, N. Y. , Juno 4. HoratioPeters , ono of thn principal stockholders Inthe Now York Clipper, died at his homo Inthis city


Miss Ploy Oalclwoll Killed in Her Homo inUniversity Plaoo.


Vicinity of Button Covered with Vnormoiu-Qanntltlca of Hull Pnrni Stock Killed

lu Urent Number * Severe In-

Jinny Localities *

LK , Nob. , Juno 4. [Special to TUB] Floy Catdwell , daughter of M. Cald-


of University Place , was killed by nbolt of lightningat 0:1)0: ) o'clock last nightduring a heavy storm. She was standing Inthe sitting room , reading an essay she was-te render nt a society entertainment at-Wcslcylan university at 8 o'clock last nightwhen the fatal bolt descended and she fellto the floor. Her pulse continued for twohours afterward , and every effort wns madeto revive her, but to no avail. Thetop of her head nnd her facewcro badly burned and there was n burnedand blackened mark down ono sldo of herbody. Her sister , not moro than thrco feetaway , was uninjured , as wcro the fatherand mother In an adjoining room. The car-pets

-wore blackened and ruined throughout

the house , the walls pierced by small holesas If made with bullets and the wall paperIgnited. A portion of the chimney wasknocked away and the largo house splinteredin several places.

The girl was 10 years old and the brightestand most popular at the Wesleyan university.


Vicinity or Sntton Covered with iKnormouH-Qimiitltlen of Hull-


, Neb. , Juno 4. [Special Telegramto Tun BKE. ] The destructive results of-

yesterday's storm are much creator thanfirst supposed. In a track of a mile widenorth and cast of here , a cloudburst llte'rallyflooded the face of the country accompaniedby hull and wind that destroyed the crops ,breaking glass In the farm houses and level-ing


wind mills.-Mrs.


. Henry Hull's son was instantly killedby lightning as the lad was bringing homothe stock for the night. East of hero twocows tygro killed and a girl was severelystunncaby lightning.

The hail twenty- four hours after the stormis four feet deep in the draws nnd was sodestructive as to kill calves and other youngstock.

PALISADE , Nob. , Juno 4. [ Special to Tnn-Br.u.J The crops In this part of the statelook very well indeed. Tncro has not been theamount of r.iin necessary to make the strawvery heavy. The heads will bo nil right.There has been au immense acreage of cornilantod nnd the stand is good.

HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno 4. [Special to Tun-Ben. . ] The storm of yesterday was verymuch moro severe north of hero than in-

Hastings. . Between Hastings nnd Hanson It-is said that the rainfall amounted almost te-a cloudburst , filling up crooks and draws in-

a short tlmo. A heavy fall of hall accom-panied


the rain.-PAPILMOX


, Neb. . Juno 4. [Special to Tnn-Bcc.l Owing to the hcavy'raln' last nightthe Papilllon creek Is out of its banks , over-flowing


nil the bottom lands In this locality.People living on the south sldo can only

"" *"reach in wagons.DU.NBAU , Nob. , Juno 4. [Special to Tnn-

BEE. . ] A very much needed rain foil herofor five hours last evening. It was verybeneficial to the growing cr'ops , especiallythe oats. Fall wheat in this part is goodand promises to bo an excellent crop. CornIs a splendid stand and a crop above the av-erage


is expectet-



tliift| Noirg Notcn.HASTINGS , Neb , , June 4. [Special to Tnn-

BEK. . ] On Friday night the store of JohnF. Rowell was broken Into by burglars , thelocks on the front door having been broken.-A


police alarm was turned in by some ono.who suspected that all was not right , andthe robbers hurriedly loft without takinganything.

The most important society event of theweek past was the marriage of II. H. Wil-liams


and Miss Florence B. Work. Mr.Williams is one of tlio best known commer-cial


men in the state , and is one of the edi-tors


of the Commercial Pilgrim. Miss Workwas tlio daughter of Judge George F. Work ,a well known nnd highly respected citizen of-Hastings. . Both the young pcoplo are loadersIn musical circles hero.

The field day sports of Hastings Collegeathletes wcro interrupted by rain yesterday ,and postponed until Monday. The tennissingles vtoro won by AV. J. Little ; the mixeddoubles by Little and Miss Mnnthn Cunning-ham


, tno men's doubles being undecided.The standing broad Jump was won byStuckcy , 8 feet 10j inches ; Aitchison second ,

Standing hop , stop and Jump : Aitchison-flrst , Stuckcy second ; 20 feet 0 inches. Hun-ning

-hop , step and Jump : Aitchison flrst ,

Little second ; 31 feet 4 Inches. A special100 yards , heavy man's race at 175 poundsweight was won by Aitchison , Jones second.Time : ma5._

Ord Personal Mmitlon.-OnD


, Neb. , Juno 4. [Special to TUB BCE.Judge A. A. Lavorty returned Monday

evening from an extended tour of Texas.-Mr.


. and Mrs , John H. Williams loft heroMonday tmormiig on a visit to the Aorld'sfair.

Miss Edith Robbins left Thursday morn-ing


for Omaha where she goes as a delegateto the State Epworth league convention.-


. E. A , Hussoll returned Wednesdayevening from Denver where ho was In


at the Baptist convention. Whllothere ho was presented with a beautifulsilver water service by the olllcials of thePublication socle ty In token of his twenty-flvo

-years of continued service with the



. F. D. Haldoman loft for LincolnThursday morning to attend the regularmeeting of the State Board of Health.-


. W. E. Cramer and daughter Francesreturned Monday evening from nn extendedvisit to friends in Fiwlng and other Ne-braska



.. H. A. Oabcock of Lincoln wns hero

Wednesday attending a meeting of thedirectors of the First National bank.-



from Aihlnnd.-AsiiLiXD

., Nob. , Juno 4. [Special to TUB

BEE , ] Master Ilalph Hull , the 8yoaroldB-OH of Mr. S. B. Hall of this city , had hiscollar bone broken Saturday. IIo was tryingto ride n balky pony when ho was thrown off.-


. and Mrs. A. J. Songergava a surpriseparty to their son , Henry , Monday eveningto a select party of friends.-


a regular mooting of Pomogranlto lodgeAncient , Free and Accepted Masons the fol-io wing officers wcro elected : Master , Gcorgo-Lawson ; senior warden , O. D. Harford ;junior warden , J. A. Bowen ; treasurer, H-


; secretary , O. C. Steolo.Miss F. E. Townosley , pastor of Immanuel

Baptist church , loft Tuesday for a summervacation , to bo gone thrco months. Her Im-mediate


destination was Hot Springs , S. I).

(Street Jtallwuy Hold.-


, Nob. , Juno 4 , [Special to Tnn-BEE. . ] The iFromont ] street railway , In-eluding the franchise and nil property be-


to the company , was sold yesterdayfor ta.100 to Frank Fowler who will In thefuture operate the system.

The price realized was less than half Itsvalue. _

Houtrlco Notts Notei.-BEATIUCE


, Neb. , Juno 4. [Special to TUBBEE. ] The Woodmen of the World heldtheir third anniversary celebration at theSecond Presbyterian church Thursday after.-noon.

.. He vs. O. N , Brouillotto and J , It.

Keller conducted the services.-J.

.. N , Fuller lost a very valuable borso this

morning , death being caused by pleurisy ,

Kunaway teams continue to bo vary com

mon , aiu ed by the electric cars. Muchfault Is being found with tiio heedless man-ner


in which the cars nro being run on thedown-town thoroughfares.-


nl Lincoln-.Lixcoi.v


, Nob. , Juno 4Special[ to Tun-BEE. . ] Gcorgo Adams , an employe a'. Lincolnpark , wns drowned at 9 o'clock this morningiu the crook that flows through the park.-He

.was out In a pleasure boat aloao on the

swollen stream. Suddenly ho was seen to-rlsoupnnd Jump Into the water. Partieshastened to the spot out ho was scon no-moro. . The boat floated to the shore minusono oar. H Is thovght that ho lost nn oarand Jumped from fright. Ho was 23 year *old nnd single. His body has not I Con re ¬




Po tmtKtcr Hound Ovrr.-PAMSADB


, Nob. , Juno 4. [Special to Tnn-Bnn.j The democrats nro having lots offun with ono another In this villaco. Tholrpostmaster , Dr. E. P. Chllds , has boonbound over in the district court for soilingwhisky without a license , nud from the tes-timony


given at the preliminary examina-tion


thcro may bo some truth in the charge.-


CenterGtrrnnic Cnsinn , Nob. , Juno 4. [Special

to Tun Bnn. ] Last night the Koclt Islanddepot was broken Into and the safe blownopen. The thlovcS failed , however , to gotInto the cash box , which contained aboutS150. They got about $' for their pains.They went through the express packagesand all the baggago.


Horrible Itostitt of n yunrrnl Between Col-ored


( ! onrtr :in .

A notorious colored woman who goes bythe name of Anna Brown was locked up inthe city Jail yesterday afternoon chargedwith assault with intent to murder BallnaArnold , Both women are colored and livednt 203 North Ninth street , in u "tough niggerJoint , " as the police say.

According to the statements made by tliopolice thcro was n row in the house about 5-

o'clock Sunday morning , during which beerbottles and other missiles were tin-own pro-


. During a lit of anger the Brownwoman grabbed up a lamp and throw it at-Mrs. . Arnold. The lamp struck Mrs. Arnoldon the head and exploded , enveloping her in-

a sheet of llaino. At this Instant the otheroccupants of the room flod. Mrs. Arnoldhad presence of mina enough to throw aquilt aliout her , but that was hardly enoughto extinguish the flames. Help arrivedshortly and the woman was taken tothe Presbyterian hospital. An examinationshowed that the woman was badly burnedfrom head-to foot and it thought thenthat the chances of saving her llfo wereslim.

After the Brown woman was capturedDetectives Savage and Dompscy called atthe hospital with n notary to take the pa-


dying statement. It was a sad sightindeed ; the poor woman lay wrapped Inbandages from head to foot and it was easyto sco that she could live but a short timo.The ofllccrs askc.l her who throw the lampand the answer was Anna Brown , then the

) aticut fainted and all efforts to revive hertvero fruitless. She died in great' agony at5:30: o'clock.

Anna Brown , who Is jri Jail , was asked if-

.ho'throw tho4amp nndadmitted it. Shesaid : "There ivero four or flvo of us In thecom and wo had n row. Mrs. Arnold threw

a beer bottle at mo and I threw the lampand ran. I am sorry she Is do.xd and I sup-


| I will have to pay the penaltj. "The Brown woman cumo hero two years

ago from Topcka , and at once began life inthe "burnt district. " She has a hara nameand has boon arrested any number of timesfor being drunk and lighting.

Coroner Maul took charge of the Arnoldwoman's body and will hold an inquest to-



During the evening the police arresto.lJosephine Rogers , Florence Phelps and Er-nest


Lane nnd held thorn as state's wit ¬

nesses. They toll substantially the :umostory as told above.

CLOSE I11AV1! Wiril V.lXAnA ,

Second Internntloiinl Jtcclnroclty Conven-tion


Ooctia nt St. Paul Todny.-ST.


. PAUL , Minn , , Juno 4. Internationalreciprocity convention , the Great Northernrailroad celebration and the Loyal Legionquadrennial congress will make St. Paul theMecca for thousands of pcoplo during theweek commencing tomorrow.

The second international reciprocity con-


, for which fifty cities have selected1,100 delegates , will ba called to order In themammoth St. Paul Auditorium tomorrowafternoon at 1! o'clock , and will not only be-

ef great Interest but also of great influencein favor of reciprocal trade relations withCanada.

Delegates have been named by every cityof prominence along or within reach of theCanadian border , from Sault St ? Marie onthe cast , west to the Pacific coast , nnd dele-gates


will also bo present from Manitobaand the Canadian northwest , whllo thespeakers como from all parts of the conti-nent


nnd nro of national repute.The flrst reciprocity convention , hold' last

year at Grand Forks , N. D. , was largely at-tended


nnd drew much attention toIts object , so that this year's conventionwill number among its active delegatesmany widely known business nnd profes-sional


men and u very few politicians. Itsproceedings will bo watched wl'h muchIntel-cat nnd the series of resolutions formu-lated


will deserve the careful study theywill undoubtedly receive at the hands of ihogeneral public. Tlio states Interested nndrepresented in the convention are Michigan ,Wisconsin , Minnesota , North and SouthDakota , Montana and Washington , whlloIndividuals interested in the convention'sobject will bo present also from Illinois ,

Ohio , Now York and other states.Other Celebrutluni.

Following the thrco days session of thereciprocity convention comes the celebrationIn honor of President James J. Hill of theGreat Northern railroad , Just completed to-iho Pacific coast without government aid.Tills celebration was primarily a St. Paulevent , but so great was the Interest In It ofthe cities along the line of the GreatNorthern road that all will participate andwill have handsome forces In the grandparade Wednesday , Hcprcscntativos frontWisconsin , with the Dakotas , Montana nndWashington will supplement the local dis-plays



The progress of the northwest In agricul-ture


, with commerce und trauspoi tutlon ,

also bo represented In the parade , The Hillcelebration will extend over until Fridaynnd will further Include n big reception Inthe Auditorium und a banquet nt the Uyau-hotel. .

The Loyal Legion quadrennial congress ,mooting Wednesday , Thursday and Friday ,

comprises business sessions , banquet , laketrips and reception , and will bo largelyattended.

The city Is already In gala attlra for theevents of the wooU. Half a doicn magnlll-cent triumphal arctics have been erected invarious parts of the city along the line ofmarch ana every buslno&s piaco and manyprivate residences have been decorated forthe week. Many delegates to the reci-procity convention uro already m thu city ,but the majority of them will arrive on theearly morning trains , bo received at theAuditorium und their wants looked after bythe reception committee. At the sessiontomorrow the welcome addresses and ro-cponses


will take up the time not devoted tc-

organization. .


Twenty-Six Mon Smothered to Death atEagle Pass , Mox.


Several of the limit Itomnvoil by Com *

imnluni ol thn Victim * How theAccident Occurred 3cono-

nt the Air blmft.-



, Tex. , Juno 4. A special fromEagle Pass to the Galveston News says :

Full particulars of the Fuonto coal mlnodisaster , as nearly as can bo learned , nro nSfollows :

The Mexican International railway whichrecently caino Into possession of the mines,Is operating n narrow gauge road with asmall engine which penetrates the mainentry , hauling In empty and bringingout loaded cars. This main entryIs lined on the sides and nt the top withcrcsotcd lumber , nnd thrco air shafts from Ib

supply the miners with ventilation. Theentrance of the track Is on the north side ot-

a range of hills , through vhlch It passesdown an incline to the mouth of the tunnel,

on the banks of the Hto Escondldo river.The working are all to the cast of the mainentry , and some fifty men wore employedtaking out coal-


. M4 o'clock yesterday evening , shortly

after the locomotive loft , the mine was dis-

covered to bo on flro and smoke and flame *

wcro scon issuing from the nirshafts.About one-half of the miners were workingnear the main tunnel nnd thcso made tholeescape , leaving twenty-six of their nuinbca-to perish from the boat and smoke and fromthe poisonous gas , which spread like light *

ning to every portion of the mines.All Hope Ahniulonotl.

When It was scon that all efforts wcrouseless to rescue the Imprisoned minersevery energy was directed to saving theproperty from destruction. Pipes wcro laidinto the mine as far as any work could be done)

and hose attached and water poured on tothe burning timbers , nnd in thrco hours theflro was under control. There are twenty-si *chambers in the mlno nnd the dead minersare supposed to bo well to tlio front 01 themino-



12 o'clock today ono body had been ra-

covcrad irom the seventh chamber anilshortly afterwards another , fearfullyicorched and blackened , was brought to thelurfnco. The tenth chamber has bp

reached and men with ropes tied to thcicbodies , to effect tncir rescue if overcome byheat and smoko-aro, lighting their way to-

ivhcrovtho bodies of , their dead eomradea'jiro-ylng. . Superintendent George Spence ven-


In too far and was overcomeby heat )

and smoko. ' Ho was prostrated , but wasrescued.

All Ilodlns Will Ito Recovered-.It


is bclioved that by tomorrow the miniwill bo cleared of the heat and smoke , whichnt present it is impossible to cope with , andthat all the bodies will bo recovered. AUthe miners employed wcro Mexicans , and,

most of them leave destitute families-.It


is reported that all parties responsible *

for the management of the mines have boon ,

placed under arrest , pending an investigationof the causes of the disaster. But for theprompt action of the Mexican Internationaland their heroic efforts , thomlno would havebeen destroyed and none of their bodieswould have been recovered.

This is the flrst great disaster in the his-


of coal mining in Mexico.Largo numbers of the friends nnd relatives

of the unfortunate miners nro gathered asthe mouth of the mine , mutely awaiting therecovery of the bodies of tholr sons and hus-



. When n body Is talcen out , there l-

no outburst of grlofbut a look of resignationand deep grief appears upon every counton-anco.


. Hundreds of people from Eagle Pas *

and Piedras Ncgras have visited the scenetodny nnd the smoke still issuing from thenlr shafts Impresses on all the folly of hopingany of the Imprisoned miners are yet alivo-



NOT Ji.if.rjr jtoiti:fcorpso I'oiind at City Not Thnt of

the Onmlin Mini.KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Juno 4. Upon further

Investigation it is now ssttlod that the bodyof the man who was found flouting In thaMissouri river near this city some days agois not that of Kalpb G , Gaylord , the Omahaman who has been missing since about May15.

The body was exhumed nnd yesterdaybrought from Independence , Mo , , to thiscity , where It was viewed by n number ot-persons. . None , however , could establish UsIdentity and from the description given ofGaylord it was decided positively that it wanot his remains-




Generally Ilclloveil thut thn lliilned ChicagoHunker Committed Suicide ,

CHICAGO , III. , Juno 4 , The impression lagrowing thut tlio man who committed suicideby Jumping from n row boat Into tlio lake la-Lakoviow Friday was Herman Sehafncr , themissing banker. Developments in the casetoday lead the police to consider this as themost plausible theory. The hat found In theboat lias been identified as the one worn by-Mr. . Sehafncr lust previous to his sudden dis-appearance.


. Some of Iho depositors aretaliclng vigorously ot prosecuting A. G.Decker, Sciiafncr's partner , and Sclmfncr , if-ho turns up alivo-



aituntxa W

Very J.lttlu Hope of nvcn it Partial JU-covcry. .

NEW Vonic , Juno 4. Edwin Booth is worse.This evening the following , bulletin wiwposted at the Player's club ;

In regard to Mr. llooth'a condition , U may bstated that hu has gradually grown vruukeduring the past twenty-four IIOUM , and thatthere la now very llttlu liopo of oven a partialrecovery , HINCI.AIH HMiru , M , 1) ,

ItoilrlctliiK the Jloniinmt of Hlio j ,ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 4. A Pioneer Prei *

special from Helena , Mont. , says ; Mo sheepcan bo Imported Into this state from Oregon ,

California , Nevada , Washington , Wyoming ,Idaho , Utah , Colorado or Now Mexico , ex.copt upon the certificate of the state voterN-narian that the ihocp have been Inspectednnd found free from any Infectious or con-tagious disease. Such Is the purport of a>

proclamation Just Issued by Gorornor-nrd .