the occurrence and distribution of diamonds in new south wales


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Page 1: The occurrence and distribution of diamonds in new south wales


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cylinclcr is tlicn p1ncccI in its position npon t ~ i c tripotl. 1 011 t ~ i o E W ~ Const lies t ~ i u Ilortugucso I'rovinco of A liolc for tlia insertion of R thcrnionictcr inny bc plnccd ! JIoznnibique. coutniniiig vwt con1 inonsurw thnt ortonil iicnr t h u top cclgu so tlint tiic tlicrnionietcr h l b cnn 1% 1 beyonil Jlititl1cl)iir~ into tho Transvnttl. Tho riocn brou lit in contcict with tho inncr surfncc of the cylinclcr i emptying into tho J1oznnil)iqno Chnnncl nro (a) Post nnc1 %y raising nnd iowcring cnn bo ninclc to inclicntc tlic Tortinry nnti (11) 1llcistoconu, containing go^ nnd tin inc311 tcni])crntiirc. Thc shcrts of pnlicr nrc dry nncl rcncly clcrircd froni tho I~ytlonbiirg nnct S\c*nzi!nntl Tin Fields, for rcinornl in nboiit linlf nil hour. i coinprisinq part of the cnstern plntwn of South Africn.

1 Thiw saction unil)rnccs pcgnintit ic grnnitas intcrscctcd j by t~ioritcs nncl curitic grnnitc\rr roincvl witli clunrtz nnil ' qunrtzitcs. Jlirgnutito occiirs nlong tho Stcullwurt Vnlloy I nt Nagnet lluiglits, limvily clinrgcd with titnniurn : in i tlint locnlitr no conl OCCIIM. \vliilnt to tho Soiitli Wcst nt

Tlic hot nir iutiy br iniiclc to cscnlic t 11roiigh lioles drillrcl ronntl tliu bottoni of tlic vcrtirnl \vnlls licit tlic. np~inr~r t i is aingwcm cqiinllv wrll if no linlcs lire ~irci~idctl, ill wliicli ciist', ofcourtw, tlic ;ir iiiorrtIy cscnpcs tit IIIC circu~irfc*rclicc of tile hole*.

A coiivciiient, sized cvliiitlrr is 13 ill. long Iiy. 10 in. t~inmctcr, liroviclcct with n t i in. iiolc. For tliis sizccl cylinder it very sninll Ihinsrii with + in. tube without air rcplntor nncl flnnio 24 in. to :I in. long ix snllicirnt.

\\'o cdiibit (ti) 111i~ier inticlo I)y clrving clo\vii i n oven, ( b ) clitto air driccl on Iiiic, (c) tlitto clAcc~ by our nlqiirrntiis. This is froin stufl wry linblc to contrnctioii untl cockling, nut1 the grcnt cliffcrciicc in tlic nlq)ciirnncc of thc sheet IS wry cvidcnt..

- - .. _._- -

. Sydney .Section. ilfctfiirg Iicltl tit Sydiity on ll 'cditcad~ty, l O / h Socoiilrr, 1013. -


- UY msim aIwrb:, Tho chid Dinniond nnd Golcl Fioltls in Suiitli Africn aro

locwted within tliu ?lit11 arid 20th pi~rallole of eouth Intitiiclo.

' t ~ i o ~ ~ i t ~ c ~ ~ o h i r g C ~ I Ficltli cliroinnto of iron occurs in , ytclica ns fnr nx ti10 Oli~ihnnt River, \vlicm t i n clcltosits

iitvu bcvn found in n niincraliuctl niiitris thnt I)oloiigs : to tho n.cbgrniiito typo of cniptivu rocks. Tliuncc to tliu Preniier IXniiioncl lliiiu iicnr l'rotorin, n cliutnitco of nboiit

I 30 riiilrs, nro nltcrnnto ~intcliw of ninguetic iron nncl j hmnintitu up to within n few- i n i h of Uritytou. Twonty 1 inilrs soiitli iii tho \\'itwntcrsnriicl gold-bcnring coiiglotncrnto

a.liicli cxtoiich \vwt\vnnI to l'otclicfstrooni nntl Klerbdorp, ! wliicli nrc nil tho rnstcrn MI ' 0 of thc . UIqwr Xnrroo

.\~emurrr. Froin tiib wcsttwi Piniit to C:riclua ~ o w i i in n ~ \viritcrlp linr, the \vholu of tliu Kinibcrlcy clinrnoiiclifcrour

I i i p nncl nllirrLiI fornint ion is intomwtccl nntl o i i i b ~ ~ c t l . * 1 slinll now slio\v tho nnology of this to tliu Sow Ihglnncl : l'lntcnu which fonns pnrt of tho nortliirrn section of tliu , innin tlivitling mngc nf S o w South \ViiIu. Tlrrouglioiit : tho Ien$ 11 o f t l in t swtion tho ninin cliritlo is tloiuinetd , by n ~n*imlilnin structure. niinicly i i ~i lnt rn~i of sub-nerinl ' cleniiclntioii. l'lic clnrinnyc of tlic Iilnteuii from Chiyra to I lluryluiicl nntl Liston, forniing nuincrony titwitxu tlint : wcnr ntvtry linnl nuti soft rocks, is. in so h r IIR tho amturn ' wntcr slictl is concernal, u\-untuiiIly cnrrid out to saL by j tlio ~'~arc.ricc. ~ t i r s u wratcru in their ilowiiwvm-tl cnrcwr ' rcncli tlic Icvcl or inclined surfnco tlint do KYI grnclnnlly j froin n lino soniuwlilct ~ o \ v ScvL 10ru1 to n Jiglit nltitucto * inlniitl, fnriuing what is cnllcrl *' I J ~ S O lovcl." h chain of ' volcnnws oztendv froin Uuvrir rici 11cn I,OII~C~IIJ to n p i n t j eituntcvt bct\vwli ~ e n t c r ~ o ~ c ~ trlitl ~ioiisvi~le. tlio 1iugu 1 f l o ~ froin \vliicli follo~vetl tho enstern nntl wcstcrn wntcr

sIieYI. not only filling t l t q mlleye i i i aliicli \vcm con- contrntnl golcl. tin, nncl otlicr nii~iernls. 1i))er~ttccL by crosivc ugciicy froni tlioir cljfleroiit inntriccs. but also

: corwiny nrnycs of Iiills, giving tliuin n "akin " thnt j 1irOciuci.s iiii uxcwtlingiy fert i h stiil. Tilest) lnvtr pliiiiis

nro cirllnl volnuiic plnins. 1 will untlunvour to show I tho iniportnim of tliu So\\- ICnglnnd l'lntcuu in the ~vholo : sclirniu of tlianiond nntl otlicr inincrnl procl~ictians. Our 1 Iionoiircd foriiier ilm~itlunt, L'rofessor Sir \\'illinin c'rookcs,

cvlio lius niitclc n s p c i ~ l study of the dinnrontl, is of opiiiion t l i n t the origiiinl niirtrix \vtw niutiillic inm in tho first plnco, whilst I'rofcruior Uonnuy stiitos thnt dinuionclv linro now brcn trnccul to two not clit~~iniiliir rucks, nrinicly, rclngito i n ~o i i t l i Africa nnil tlolcritu ii t ~ n k o y C r y k in Xe\v Sontli \\.nIw. Professor Unritl wrote tlint Tliu Oukcy Crcck Uinnioiid is nctuully in eitu in tho Iiorn- lilcntlu dinbitso." Jlr. l'itinitu, Covcrnnicnt Uuologint. Xcw South. \\'ales, wroto tlint " in ~ii: \v of tliu n~itlieiitiu occurruiico at Oukoy Crwk, nunr Iiivurcll, it Liceins noy nioro logical to sonmli for dinniontls in this country 111 Iiorn.blcniIu cliiibusu riithcr tlinii in tho volcnnic brccciii contcrining tdogitc I~oiildix~."

Following 1111oii tlic os~iressctl opinions of tlicsc eciuiitiats, tind nftcr niini im~iis couvcrantioiis \ritli priicticiil digger8 on tho field, I lirrvo nuiclo i t niy duty to nsccrkiin to whnt cstcnt tlicio exists itti winlogy betwen the Xe\r South Wnlcs nnil the South Africnn occiirmncw nntl distribiition of tlinniontl~. 1.ct IIR ttrkc scction lying bctivoon tliu 29th nntl 30th pnrnllcln of soiitli Intitiiclo, nntl tvu find in this Stnto tliiit, tliu Clnroncu River iiot only contninv npliwcinlilo qunntit ics of itlluviiil gold, tliorcby corraspontl. iug with tlic rivom onilitying into tho JIozirinl)irluo C'liaiinol, Init it lina bcun etnktl to in0 by Mr. Altlurinnn tha t he obtniiwd two bonutiful tlinnioncle. xniiill in size, from St. Josepli's Crculr, which is R tributnry of tho Clnronco. Agnin, nt Coiiklnlo, nbout 40 iiiilcs froni Crnfton, I found bituniiimus coal, corrcsponcliiig to tho coal iii tho district of Loilrun o Jlnrquos. A t Gordon h o o k . iilong tho soiitli bnnk OF tho Clnronco, rioh ohroinnto of iron ocoiim tha t corresponds with tho Bolfaet-3liddlcburg chronintcti in tliu


Page 2: The occurrence and distribution of diamonds in new south wales

to thnt of Npgnet Ilci~lits, Trnnsrnnl, occurs also con- tuining titniiiiiiii. A t Iionavillo, gold is foiind in rich rcofs in cliorito nnd fnlsito oncnscd in jirnnito sonio\vlint siniilnr to tlic fornintion nt Mooclio's, Trnnsvnnl. Kcar Gupn is situntwl n crutcr not inferior in sizo to nny i n South Africn, of wliicli tlic plug or coro is iindoubtcdy dolcrito. I hnvo thcrcforc eomo to tho concliision tlint tlic first eriiptivo rock to intersect t~int region wi19 tlio clnleritr, nnd tlint 1110 gciicrnl bcnring is north cuicl soutli of nll fissures conncctcd with this nntl otlior pipes. llocontly,

Srulc 110 1llllCd 111 I illrh.

bcnring 13nsin is soprc~tccl from tlio clinniond ficlcls by Trinssic con1 mcnsiircs cnllccl tlio \Vcstorn Scconclnry nncl 'i'crtiory Beds. Thoro is n noticablo diasiniilnrity gcologicnlly nl01ig tho rcslwctivo sectioils in tlio ninttur of crosioii. Tho Xow 1Englnnd Plutrnii licrs yioldcd to crosivo forces nt t h o dilTorcnt p x i d s , tlic first synclironising with tlic clolcrilic orn )tions wliicli pnotrntcd 1110 ccrrboiiitorous rock; tlic suconcl dlrnlt wit11 octritic nnd nppditic grnnitcs, qimrtz, porpliyriw, fclsites, niicldioritea, wliicli piorcccl tho Sihirinn and Jhvoiiian forriintions,

been destroyed by tlicso volcanic pipes nnil fiaRiirc!s, tliiis corrcitpontling in n roniarlinblu ~nnnnor with that 1Swtorn ~mrtion of South Africa sitlintcti ~Jutwcun tho 20th nlld 29th p r . in south Intitudo 11s fnr as tlioir intorncotion by tho 28th clcgreu of catit longitiitb. I n sliort tlio 152' of cast longitudo whoro it inturwcts tho 29th and 30tIi parallole of sauth Intitcidu in this Strrtu nro ns rionrly us jrwvliblo idontical in guology and niinurnlogy with tho ennict lrtitudinlrl lwnring inturswtccl hy tho 28" of catit longitudo

in Eoutli Africa. J n thu x'uw South Walw soction q u u t ~ d , on1 tho Ashford Cod %lewum to tlio north of 11i\*orull and' tiiu ~ ~ a r o n c o con1 alensiircs a t and near cou~cta~u tiavo w c a j d deetruetion. Thon uguin, tho Capo Prou Stato diamond area quoted is sojwratcd from tho Grout Artcwian Water Uwin undoriving h h u e ~ l e n d and Nsmaquolad by thc Upper torroo bdu, just YB tho

ourselves in thnt tho bnsnlts niid tufit, of tlio Tertiary p o r i d whicli cover tho two provioiisly 1iiontionwl dutritus nrc now buing swept by tho bond, rovccdin * in ninny places iwol;itcd cluposite of cliniiionda nnnociutoi witli tin and otlier niiiiornle niid goin stonos. Tlio nioro notublo of tlicso cluIioijiits uro ut prcsunt boiny worked at Soldior'a Ilill, tho Old Furin, tlio Mount J ~ O H H , tho Crown Jowol, tlio Strcuk of I m k , nnd tho ~lultrccu Tin ant1 Diumond Niiiw situate on tho Cqwlton Dirrrnond Fields. Ono of tliuso minus in pnrti~iiliir, cnll~ml tho Iloi~nd Mount, WDB pcrnoiiully i n s p o t d and tustwl by Inynolf anid found to contnin oxcullunt wliitu and vullow diamonda of I ) oocl eizu. I Iiiuy ntnto tliut nlr. Cant'sold nio a w o u l of ffisniondr tukon from this niino wliicli inc ludd ono wuigling 2$ curute und ono wuigliing 1 i curate whiuh woru of mrfuat ootaiwiron shap, epotlws and fluw~wu, thus oontirming

Page 3: The occurrence and distribution of diamonds in new south wales


what’has boon r h t d ovor oiid ovur again, tha t t h o nru dionionds in that roglon of good coniniorcial sizo. N o similar crosion on anything liko tlio sculo oxhibitctl i n this S t a h fs procoding botwoon Pmtoriit and Kiiuburloy in South Africn, for wliicli rcimon tlioso who nru ongirgocl in tho locnl indiistry must not j i i in l i at Iiasty concluaioi~s. JIv JNIMDnid obxurvirtiori.u ant that tliirniorid~ hltw huen fdind not cinIy IJY m. A. I L IWU i n tho iiiittrix iii tlio 1)oiinniniir JIino at Onkop Cnwk crnd by inyrrolf, I n i t

c~nililoyu~l to conliriii or rufirtu Jlr. I’ikC’H ruriiirrk;rblo tliucovury. ‘I‘liu s~x)ciniuti of doloritu oslriliitcxl thi. ovuning is siniilnr to tliu elwciciicn coirtnininy IL dianinnd which Mr. I’iku IIDH oxliiliitlul tu L’rofcwrwm Sir \VIII. Crookus trnd I)irritf, nniorig othum. Tlio iiifumncu, thuroforc, is thirt tho lnvtrrcll IAvieiisn of Now 1Snylnncl, rliuru ditrtriunds havu bcwn fountl in tho iliiliwitu tlyko ~nontioii~ul, is intamwlucl b n Huricw of dykcs ruiiriing iiortli und soiitli itp iroxiiiiirtu$-, trnd cuniiocting wit11 piIKty, i t IHting undorstoooci t ~ i n t tlro e i i ~ ~ u c n t c~oliaqition of bii- strltof tlia ‘I’urtinry por id Iirrs, in t l iu niajority of inutncw, obt~~unnl thu pijws, critters. con* uiid plugs. JIy niun o l w n d tho l)oiiimmiir Uyku at two lovoh BO us to obtain the uxuct mngnotic bomng, wliich in 10” wost of north by 10’ unst of soiitli, tho tliioknuss of tho principal body buing 26 ft. U in. Tlict rnotrix, cvhich docorn~iosw on oxposum to tho etiiioslihoru with I\ fircilitj nliiiost ucluul tu that ol~tnining in connwtion with tho *‘ bluu ” oxtmctud froni Soiitli Africnn pipun, is uxtruniulp Iiurtl in tho lowor luvol. Froin ninu IomL of tho d~uoiii~io.ic“L nintrix iny iiiuii olitnind two blurutifully whitu diuriioii& which woiglicd slightly undcr on0 carat, i i i w p f t d ant1 unfractiird.

Jlr. I’iko and his party inclicntcvl to inu onother matrix forinotion nt Stagy Crcck sinco cirllcvl tho AlfrLvtniniu Jlirio, siturrtyi on pro]wrty owned b JIr. I\. k’. Komp of Cowrie. rlio ruturn of 570 diuruoid wcighing 175) [X! cnrata froin 200 lowly of tho ovorlyiii nlluviol contoilling riiucli c~oconipwcc~ doluritu, olt~ioiJi mtisfirctury, c~uw n o t couvoj eng dulinito wtiinato IUI to tho vnliio of tlro inetrix ihclf. Sincu tlint work wiu cturied out, Iiowuvur. 1 Iiirvo ~ W I I suvorul iuwt proin‘wiiig-looking nintrim lucslitiw in tho Now Englnnd ’Intcau, irnd to tho soiitli- \wit of tliu Doiiiiirinirr Jliiic, liniling tho coliclitions \vhicli 1 l r iu l trll I ~ ~ I J I I ~ lio~ml to fiiid, uirinuly, ir p i p intact. mid (I iilw thst IILW ~ W I I dolirird of itrr crutur untl oxtcrior rock

ky oronion. lot11 contuiiiiiib * dieiiioiitl awocitrtua. 1 hlb \O, tlioruforo. bou!i lcd to bcliovu tliirt ir eliirin of pipes will bo foiiiitl ntrutcliing from tliu conhot of tliu c o d mo(Lwrc3 ut ~\sliforil wit11 tlio Socondory Ikxb uloiiy tlic liiio of contnct, through \\‘arinIdir, Ihgnrir. tho Ccqictoii Dinlitorid Bields, to Narrnbri, thcnco to Iloggnbri, ~:1111ncdir11, Kepior, l b l l t ~ (;ulgong Lo Kylstoiic, iw tho \Ycatrrn Surim, corrurpoiitling wit11 tho Oriquuloncl \Ywt ecriua of p i p in South Africu, whilut un m t u r n noricti will iiiost probnbiy bu found ulong tho Now Engliriicl l’lirteou bctaccir ‘l‘ciitcrlicld, Dccpcvrtur, (:luii Inncs, O ~ I L I I , Guyra, uud \\‘nlchir, which will corrwpond with tho l’rcinier ‘l’rui~vi~ul Crtrtor trud otlicr orators. Tho Easturn \\’utorsh~vl linv iindoiiltcdly C I J I I V O ~ ~ iniriiy cliiriiiontln and uwociirtcd iiiincruls to tho c u t into tho Clorcncu Utwiu, just UY tho \\‘eaturn Wutur. slid 1 1 1 ~ convuycd dimion&, tin, and other iuinornb tlirou ‘11 NuWRtCIbd. Elainoro, Gilgrri, Toppers Aloiriilin ant^ ktmnifur, ~ i n g ~ m . ~o leton, into tho Gtvydir. 1 girtliur froni ruturns p u b l k d by tliu Minw Do$, Sydnoy, thirt 178,O71 a cirrots of tliuniontls huvo boon ragistcrcd ILII tho output of this State, volucd nt €120,407, with on ox~ilrrnirtory iiotu that tho roturiw cnnnot posuibly reflcct (L coinlilcto trnd corrout record.

find tho niirtrix of tliu toliiLr or wolfririii, irltlio~r 41 I tiuvu foirnt~ uuvorir~ wotur-worn pubblen conttrining halt wolfrirrii holf tnpz, thus suy wtiny thut nt somu spot in tliu Now Engloiid Mutwu boil occur in eitu togotticr.

1 irin ruferring to tliu t o p s I J O C ~ I I H U i t is rcall u iiiost Vlbllllbbl~ cuwueistu of tliu clinniond in tho a~iuviiJ cutting R I I C ~ polishing uxtruinuly woll, uiid buing nnlcitbli* in inirny owtitries LW IL eiibstitiito for thu ditriiionil itclulf. Tho

C I ~ L ; in fuot, I cirniiot iiiiogiuu i r~~yth ing inoru boirutiful or brilliant than I) out onu-uarrrt stonu and upwurde froru tho Copotou rugion eut in I) ledy’e pondant or time.

d M 0 113’ Ill)’ IJW11 illlh]Wlld~llt~ h f T of Il1011 W h o $vurc

,111 OOllClllRiOll I Illlb)’ HtUh tlllrt 1 lllbVC l l O t b C O l l IbbIO to

~ l l H ~ ~ t b ~ i l b l i diUlllOlld~ aI’0 lllbrd bllt UXt~~l l ldy fiUI’J’ W h l W

Carbons or borb sro found Rsuocintccl thorowith of y;yat Iinrdnmu irntl spccially adnptad UY dianiond drills. l l i u Govornnicnt would bc uxccdingly moll ntlvisetl to equip RII oxpcrt gcologicnl irntl prouliccting oxpcdition to rnuko R uystoniirtic invusLigntion tliroiiglioiit tlic nrciw rcforrcd to i i i thin piqicr. for ccrtrriri i t is thnt Hoonur or lntor dinnionda will IJC found in the elee J irllitviirl Imdx of this Stntu and ill niirtricw wliic~i will t o profitir~ily workcti.

Froin R tcwt workill at tho Alfrcdnniia miuc, lnrcrcll, uxtuncling ovor 530 kouru, LOO lodq woro oxomiued, yielding 770 tlicrmonds which wcigliccl in d l 175. carats, mid wcro valued at €150; 8 0 7 woro wliito, and 20% yollow : and t h y woro singular y freu from carbon spots. Vory fow woro ootahoclml in ehapo. Tho assooiatocl iiiiuorols woro tin (about 1 owt.), gomot, sapphire, topaz, zircon. and tourmolino.

During niy rosidonco on tho fiold a t o l d of 4062 clinrnoncls hnvo pnrrsccl throngh my hands, whiok I havo clnssifiotl u undcr :- .- - ___ -- -- --__--

vsiuo per enrut.

Colour. I su.

E 8. d. O I G 3

0 10 0

u 13 3

0 10 0 . I O U


I 0 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0

.lIlG:! ;

’I’liu blnuk H ~ I L & H OIL tho colourlcw crystab \v&o mostly i i c w the eurfirco wcl could be reuiovctl in cutting without n~uclr lo.%. ‘lhmo irrrtl tliu two follo\vin 1 0 k coniparcd very firvourirbly, wight for \wiglit, w i b sclccted ~ a t r l River cliainoiith. So for thcro dow not a I car to bu uny iiinrkut in Australia for tho Iiortu, for \vlli’cfi f4 por cnrnt W I L ~ pirid on tho fiold. Tliwe irro coiisidcrd to bo cqual i n voluo to Ihzilicrn cnrbonudos for UHO in diuniond ClrilL, irntl ~hiiiild bo utilhcd in Austrulis, whoroso inucli diamond drilling is curried on.

A s is \ v d l LIIOWII, Atistrirliirn diuiiionds irro considcrubly hirrilcr tliirri thosu from South Africa, hencu it wonld xcuiii. tlitit Alolie’s ljcirlu will requiru oxtoitsion to includo tlictiu Ytollw.

LllU “ Ctrbbl)’Ht.” c‘O~tl~llD)lJIC3JJ oj c~iiiilyric rtcicf ioiis.-Vury inuiiy cublytiu

roeetione uro kiiowii, oeoiirriiig in ull branohoe of ohoniietry. c