the nnb jamiat’s cunning nnb jamiatul...there is absolutely not the slightest vestige of affinity...


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Page 1: THE NNB JAMIAT’S CUNNING NNB Jamiatul...There is absolutely not the slightest vestige of affinity or similarity between the defunct Jamiatul Ulama Transvaal and today [s NNB Jamiatul
Page 2: THE NNB JAMIAT’S CUNNING NNB Jamiatul...There is absolutely not the slightest vestige of affinity or similarity between the defunct Jamiatul Ulama Transvaal and today [s NNB Jamiatul




This group of Munaafiqeen consisting of Zindeeq

Zahir Ragie, Zindeeq Reverend Abraham Bham,

Rubber Stamp Abbas Ali Jeena and a handful of

other money-hungry puppets such as the Carrion

Halaalizing chief, Naulaki, has written a letter to

the miscreant Raiwand faction of the Tabligh

Jamaat in support of the Shiah agent, Dajjaal Tariq

Jamil who is an elder of the Raiwand Tabligh

Jamaat faction.

In its four-page letter in support of the Shiah

agent, the NNB Jamiat cartel of zanaadaqah and

Munaafiqeen has miserably, deplorably and with

great deception failed to address and answer even

a single reason and argument we and others have

presented for condemning the Tariq Dajjaal, for



MASQUERADING AS “Jamiatul Ulama South


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labelling him a Shiah and kaafir. The evil NNB

cartel of Munaafiqeen despite their 4 pages trash

have failed to exonerate the Tariq Dajjaal from the

charges of kufr and Shi’ism with which Islam has

indicted him.

Their 4 pages Rubbish Epistasis is nothing other

than a puerile, emotionl outpour in a vain and

desperate attempt at damage control to resurrect

some credibility which the Tariq Dajjaal has lost on

his recent abortive Shiah promoting tour of South

Africa. Contrary to the NNB Munaafiq cartel claims

in its stupid letter, from the Islamic perspective,

the Dajjaal’s Shiah conspiracy was a failure – a flop

which all the concealed Shiahs in our midst did not


Allah Azza Wa Jal operates in wonderful and

mysterious ways which are unfathomable to our

created minds with their finite scope and

limitations of comprehension. Allah Ta’ala has

brought the Tariq Jamil Devil to South Africa in

order to expose his treachery, kufr irtidaal and

hidden Shi’ism.

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Hitherto, in Pakistan, although many Senior Ulama

had exposed Tariq Dajjaal’s kufr and Shi’ism, the

exposure was on a low profile scale. The Raiwand

faction of the Tabligh Jamaat with its support for

this Shi’i Shaitaan has been complicit in the

pernicious plot to sustain the kufr and Shiah

villainy of this Agent of Iblees.

Since the Ulama in Pakistan had not succeeded in

thoroughly exposing the kufr fitnah of this Shi’i

Dajjaal, Allah Azza Wa Jal sent him to South Africa

to be confronted by the Ahl-e-Haq who have by

Allah’s fazal and karam admirably succeeded in

exposing the Shi’i and Dajjaal, hues of this

Munāfiq and along with him the Nifaaq of the

NNB Jamiatul munāfiqeen and of others of similar

shaitaani/Shi’i ilk.

Alhamdulillah Thumma Alhamdulillah! In South

Africa relevant to Tariq Jamil Dajjaal, the following

Qur’aanic declaration is applicable:

“In fact, We fling the Haq against Baatil, then it

(the Haq) smashes out its (i.e Baatil’s) brain. Then

suddenly it (Baatil) vanishes.”

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Baatil by its very nature evaporates into non-

existence because it is a mirage – a phantom

devoid of reality. On the contrary, the Haq of

Allah’s Deen stands like a rock and weathers all

satanic storms and baatil upheavals. Says the

Hadith in this regard:

“Truth surfaces above. It cannot be verwhelmed.”

The Hikmat of Allah Azza Wa Jal underlying the

Dajjaal’s visit to South Africa was to expose his

kufr shi’i promotion. His South African tour has

thoroughly denuded him of his evil cover which he

was unable to conceal despite his employment of

the Shiah belief of Taqiyah (Holy Hypocrisy).

Thousands of unsuspecting Muslims who were

formerly dwelling in a quandary and lost in

confusion regarding the kufr and Shi’ism of the

Tariq Dajjaal had their eyes opened by Allah Ta’ala

to enable them to see the true evil colours of this

Agent of Iblees and to understand that he is an

agent of the Shiahs.

Maulana Makki said in the Haram Sharief to

thousands of Hujjaaj and others:

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“The Shiahs are elated by the bayaans of Tariq


This Dajjaal’s covert promotion of Shi’ism and his

advocacy of brotherhood with the worst Haters of

the Sahaabah had finally convinced innumerable

Muslims of the danger to Imaan the Tariq Iblees


The NNB Jamiatul Munaafiqeen’s claim of

thousands having benefited from the evil

discourses of this Disciple of the Devil is pure self-

induced hallucination. South Africa has a Muslim

population of approximately 2 million. A few

thousand – less than 6000 country wide – had

attended the Dajjaal’s talks in South Africa.

A significant fact of reality to debunk the

propaganda of “hidaayat”, is that most of those

who attended the Devil’s talks themselves were

not Muslims.

Whilst they may have been born in Muslim homes

and profess to be Muslims, they all are

modernists, liberals, pro-Shiahs and anti-Sunnah.

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It is a case of the Mudhalleen enjoying the

misguidance of the Mudhil. In other words, the

Devil was singing to audiences consisting of devils.

People of Imaan-Muslims who love Rasulullah

(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his Sahaabah-

Muslims who stand up to defend the Honour of

our Mother, Hadhrat Siddiqah Aishah

(Radhiyallahu Anha) against Shiah slanders-did

NOT AND will NOT attend rubbish, haraam, pro-

Shiah talks of a Dajjaal parading as a ‘Muslim’.

Tariq Dajjaal is NOT a Muslim. He is an undercover

Shiah Agent. But Allah Ta’ala has ripped off his

mask of Nifaaq in South Africa.

No where and at no time was this Shiah Shaitaan

so thoroughly exposed as he was in South Africa.

Along with his denudation, the haram complicity

of the Raiwand Tablighi Jamaat has also been


A convoluted sense of prudence has constrained

the NNB Jamiatul Munaafiqeen to hurriedly write

its stupid letter of support to Raiwand’s

treacherous supporters of Tariq Dajjaal.

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Having realized the degree of self-immolation and

damage which the Dajjaal had caused to himself

and his hidden Shi’i plots, the cartel of NNB

Munaafiqeen decided that it was prudent to

present a form of defence for Tariq Dajjaal to

arrest the downward slide of his severely-mauled

Shiah ‘credibility’.

More and more Muslims are being made aware of

the Shiah kufr and other kufr propagated by this

Dajjaal. We and others of the Haqq are now

increasing the exposure of the Shaitaan’s kufr-the

Shaitaan whom Raiwand has given and is giving

refuge and sanctuary. By this evil and treacherous

support for a Shiah Devil the Raiwand Tabligh

Jamaat is rendering itself an eternal disservice.

The Raiwand faction has now entered into satanic

collusion with the Mudhilleen.

In its letter of support for Tariq Dajjaal, the NNB

Jamiatul Munaafiqeen makes the preposterously

false claim of bein a “pure deeni organisation.”

The conspicuity of this lie is not hidden from

intelligent South Africa Muslims who are aware of

the multitude of haraam fisq and fujoor and even

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kufr shenanigans of this cartel of obnoxious

Munāfiqeen with its Shaitaani appendage Radio

Devil (Radio Shaitaan).

The sole objective of the NNB Jamitul unaafiqeen

Mafia cartel is only money and aggrandizement

for which they have bartered away their Imaan

with fisq, fujoor and kufr. They are utilizing the

imbecile Molvi Abbas Ali Jeena as their Rubber

Stamp. This pitiable lost soul is stupidly unaware

of the direction in which the NNB Munāfiqs are

leading him. He is simply used as a stupid rubber

stamp for a veneer of credibility which this cartel

lacks in entirety. In the public eye these

Munāfiqeen stand damned and disgraced by their

own villainous shenanigans.

NNB Jamiatul Munāfiqeen alleges that it is not a

self-form body, but was formed by senior Ulama

of Deoband. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi

Wasallam) said that a salient feature of

Munaafiqeen is speaking lies.

The villains in charge of the office of this

conglomerate of Juhala are adept in the art of lies

which they deceptively adorn to beguile the

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unwary and the ignorant. The type of lies spun by

these Munāfiqeen of NNB Jamiatul Munāfiqeen is

described in the Qur’aan Majid as: “Zukhruful

Qawl” which is pure shaitaani deception. The

averment that the NNB Jamiatul Munaafiqeen was

formed by Senior Ulama of Deoband is a

monstrous LIE.

The following facts will thoroughly debunk this vile


1) Not a single one of the Akaabir of Deoband

was involved in the establishment of the

NNB Jamiatul Munaafiqeen.

2) Not a single one of the Senior Ulama of

South Africa was involved in establishing the

NNB Munaafiq outfit.

3) The NNB Jamiatul Munāfiqeen was NOT

formed in 1923 as asserted by this group of

Munāfiqs who had formed the cartel which

they are masquerading as ‘jamiatul ulama

south africa’.

4) The Ulama body which was formed in 1923

was known as Jamiatul Ulama Transvaal.

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It was not formed by the Akaabir Ulama of

Deoband. It was formed by local Ulama who had

an affiliation with Deoband.

There is absolutely not the slightest vestige of

affinity or similarity between the defunct Jamiatul

Ulama Transvaal and today’s NNB Jamiatul

Munaafiqeen. While the former Body was an

organization of Ulama-e-Haqq, the current NNB

cartel of Munaafiqeen is a shaitaani outfit which

calls to Jahannam. It is shockingly soiled and

polluted with fisq, fujoor and kufr. For these

mongrel Munāfiqeen the sun has already risen in

the west.

They are incorrigibly polluted beyond the point of

redemption. Aggrandizement and monetary lust

have effaced their Imaan. In Qur’aanic terms they

are RIJS:

“And He (Allah) casts Rijs (Filth) on those who lack

intelligence.” (Qur’aan)

In its letter, the NNB Jamiatul Munāfiqeen

confesses to having invited the Tariq Dajjaal to

South Africa.

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This fact is vociferous testification for the kufr and

Shiah complicity of the NNB cartel of Munāfiqs. It

also brings to light the nifaaq of the Raiwand

Tabligh Jamaat faction.

Just on this one issue it will be correct to conclude

that Molvi Sa’d of the Nizamuddin faction is the

lesser evil since the Raiwand group is the greater

evil by virtue of concealing within its ranks the

Dajjaal agent of the Shiahs.

Basing the hallucinated “success” of the Dajjaal’s

talks on the numbers of the non-Muslim and

moron audience, the NNB Jamiatul Munāfiqeen

alleges that 10,000 people attended the Shiah’s

talk in Johannesburg. Further, in the moronic

attempt to present numbers as the criterion of

hidaayat, the Munāfiqeen claim that no one else

prior to this Dajjaal had attracted such a large


Whilst numbers are never the criterion for judging

hidaayat, it must be said that Janāb Palan

Haqqaani some decades ago had attracted far

greater crowds than Tariq Dajjaal.

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Furthermore, Haqqaani did not content himself

with only three bayaans. He spent a considerable

period of time in South Africa and huge crowds of

thousands graced all his bayaans.

Hadhrat Qari Tayyib Saheb was the first senior of

Deoband to visit South Africa. Pandemonium

broke out at the airport when the huge crowd

flowed onto the tarmac to welcome him. Large

crowds of Muslims graced his talks.

As far as Tariq Dajjaal is concerned, only morons,

modernists, deviates and zindeeqs were his


No one gained any hidaayat from his talks for the

simple reason that all of his audience comprised of

already confirmed modernists who are anti-

Sunnah. Tariq Dajjaal’s talks only served to further

solidify the dhalaalat (deviation) and misguidance

of the already converted audience. They were

converts of kufr prior to their ears being dinned

with the kufr of Tariq Dajjaal.

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In brief, the standard of numbers so stupidly and

vainly averred by the NNB Jamiatul Munāfiqeen is

defacatory drivel.

Regarding the criterion of numbers, the Qur’ān

Majeed states:

“If you follow the majority on earth, verily they

will mislead you from the path of Allah.”

The ‘crowd’ criterion is a shaitaani principle for

the success of shaitaaniyat and dajjaaliyat. No one

will draw greater crowds than Dajjaal-the real

Dajjaal who will appear in close proximity of

Qiyaamah. The small Dajjaals such as Tariq Dajjaal,

are fertilizing the ground and preparing the stage

for the Dajjaal-in-Chief.

Pop singers and other satanists draw crowds of

hundreds of thousands. Whilst trash, scum and

rubbish follow the agents of Iblees, Rasulullah

(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) described the

Upholders of Islam as the “Forlorn” and Islam as


“Islam began ghareeb (forlorn with no friends and

no crowds in attendance). Soon shall it return to

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that original state of forlornness. Therefore glad

tidings for the Ghuraba.”

Debunking the stupid number theory, the Qur’aan


“Verily, the Haq is from your Rabb, but most

people have no Imaan.”

“This is the Established Deen, but the majority of

people does not know.”

“We have not sent you (O Muhammad!) except as

Bringer of Glad Tidings and as a Warner to entire

mankind, but the majority does not know.”

The argument of numbers and crowds being proof

for hidaayat is absolutely devoid of Shar’i

substance. Since Tariq Jamil is the agent of Dajjaal,

it is only logical for his dajjaaliyat to attract

crowds. This suffices for this stupid theory of the

stupid Jeena, Ragie, Bham cartel of Munāfiqeen.

The sole Repository of Hidaayat is Allah Ta’ala who

administers Hidaayat via the media of His Ambiya

and those who follow meticulously in the Sunnah

of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).

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Never will anyone gain any Hidaayat from agents

of Iblees and from Dajjaals of the ilk of the Shiah

agent, Tariq Jamil. From such Shaitaani Juhala

percolate only dhalaalat, fisq, fujoor and kufr.

The little list of hallucinated persons whom the

NNB Munāfiqeen imagine has ‘repented’ and

‘reformed’ after hearing the Dajjaal is laughable.

Firstly, these Munāfiqeen are experts in the

satanic art of speaking LIES and hallucinating


Secondly, thousands of errant and miscreant

Muslims had repented and reformed in the

company of the Ulama-e-Haqq, the Saaliheen and

from just reading the Books of the Ahl-e-Haq. The

couple of isolated examples fabricated by the

cartel of Munāfiqeen only extract mirth.

The NNB Jamiatul Munāfiqeen in its silly letter

applauds the Tariq Dajjaal for his “one ummah”

call regardless of kufr beliefs, regardless of

flagrant hatred for the Sahaabah and regardless of

slandering Hadhrat Aishah (Radhiyallahu Anha).

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In an earlier article, already published, we have

thoroughly refuted this haraam shaitaani “one

ummah” theory propounded by this illegitimate

son of Dajjaal. The article is available on our

website. In short, the “one ummah” teaching of

Tariq Dajjaal is haraam and kufr.

In their letter, the NNB Jamiatul Munāfiqeen aver

that after Hadhrat Shaikhul Hind (rahmatullah

alayh) was released from incarceration, he

mentioned that there are two reasons for the fall

and humiliation of Muslims:

1) Mutual Dissension

2) Being far from the Qur’aan Kareem

The attempt to extravasate support for the Dajjaal

from the comment of Sheikhul Hind is stupid and

baseless. The ikhtilaaf (difference) to which

Sheikhul Hind referred is in entirety at variance

from the difference which Muslims have with the

Kuffaar Shiahs, and which the Ahlus Sunnah Wal

Jama’ah have with the deviant sects which the

Ulama have not excommunicated from the fold of

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Islaam although proclaiming them beyond the

pale of the Ahlus Sunnah.

The unity which Sheikhul Hind urged relates to

political and other nafsaani issues on the basis of

which haraam splits are created within the very

ranks of those who are supposed to be the people

of the Sunnah. Examples of such dissention

(ikhtilaaf) are the massive split of Daarul Uloom

Deoband, the split of Mazaahirul Uloom of

Sahaaranpur, the satanic split in the Jamiatul

Ulama Hind and very recently the satanic split of

the Tabligh Jamaat.

These splits in the ranks of the Ahlus Sunnah were

not the consequences of the conflict between Haq

and Baatil. These upheavals of discord were of a

Deeni nature. The ikhtilaaf was nafsaani. It relates

to power struggles dictated by the nafs and

engineered by Shaytaan which tore asunder the

unity of these institutions of the Haq.

The differences which resulted in the splits were

not issues of Aqeedah or Furoo-ee Masaa’il of any

deeni kind.

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It was pure nafsaaniyat with the adversaries

digging in to solidify their respective nafsaani

position bring in its wake lasting hatred and

enmity. The current shaytaaniyat and nafsaaniyat

which have driven the Tabligh Jamaat personnel

into the vortex of jahaalat, have cemented the

dissention to the eternal detriment of the


It was this type of devilish discord to which

Shaikhul Hind referred. It is stupid and dishonest

to tear Shaikhul Hind’s statement out of its

context in the attempt to forge a dastardly haram

unity with the enemies of Allah Ta’ala and the

Haters of the Sahaabah. The Qurān and the

Sunnah proscribe unity with baatil.

As far as ikhtilaf is concerned with Shiahs and all

the other sects of baatil, it is the type of disunity

commanded by the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Hence

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:

“My Ummah will split into 73 sects. All of them

will be in the Fire except one.”

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Unity with the inmates of the Fire is haraam. They

are not part of the Ummah after they have split

and deviated from the Path of the Ummah.

It is the Path which Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi

Wasallam) said is:

“his Path and the path of his righteous Khulafa.”

They are the very Khulafa and Sahaabah whom

the Shiahs brand as murtaddeen and label them

with the worst epithets of hatred, malice and

vilification. Never can Muslims have unity with the

enemies of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi


Furthermore, disunity with Baatil is in the Divine

Plan for this world which Allah Ta’ala has created

to be the arena for the conflict between Haq and

Baatil, and this conflict will necessarily endure

until the Day of Qiyaamah.

The epitome of Baatil will be Dajjaal. The small

dajjaals such as Tariq Jamil and the Munāfiqeen

such as the morons of the NNB Jamiatul

Munāfiqeen are all the agents of the Big Dajjaal.

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Unity with these satanic mobs of Shayaateenul Ins

and Shayaateenul Jinn is a total impossibility for


At no stage in his life did Shaikhul Hind or any of

the Akaabir Ulama of Deoband ever propagate

unity with Shiahs or Qadianis or any other baatil

sect regardless of their profession of the Kalimah.

On the contrary, Shaikhul Hind continued

steadfastly on the Minhāj of the Sunnah as

propounded by the Akābir of Deoband and the

Salafus Sāliheen.

The NNB Jamiatul Munāfiqeen and the Tariq

Dajjaal who have falsely and abortively dragged

the name of Shaikhul Hind into their mess of baatil

should present cases of Shaikhul Hind urging unity

with Shiahs and the baatil sects – unity which the

Shayaateenul ins hallucinate and falsely fabricate.

At no stage ever did the Akaabir of Deoband

advocate unity with baatil and unity with Shiahs.

On the contrary, the Akaabir Ulama have pubished

innumerable Kitaabs to expose the danger and the

kufr of Shiahs and of other deviates.

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The attempt to extract support from Shaikhul Hind

is palpably stupid. It is the desperate clutching of

straws by those bereft of rational, Qur’ānic and

Hadith proofs for bolstering their Satanism.

In a satanically abortive bid to defend the Dajjaal,

the cartel of Munāfiqeen avers that he did not

advocate adoption of the baseless beliefs of the

Baatil sects, but he propagated against hatred for

the Ahl-e-Baatil and for the kuffaar.

This argument is a massive LIE of deception

termed Zukhruful Qawl in the Qur’aan Majeed.

We have already responded to and refuted this

type of ‘unity’ propagated by Tariq Dajjaal. Our

response is available on the website.

Under Shaitaani deceptive cover, Tariq Dajjaal was

in reality promoting the interfaith concept-Bosom

friendship should be struck up with those who

disgorge hatred for the Sahaabah. While this

moron Devil advocates abstention from hatred for

the Shiahs and to embrace them, he is satanically

silent about their vociferous and vehement

outpourings of HATRED for the Sahaabah.

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This Dajjaal and his Munāfiq supporters – Jeena,

Ragie, Bham and Co – are ominously silent

regarding Shiah hatred for the Sahaabah, but

boisterously vociferous when the Ahl-e-Haq warn

Muslims of the satanism of the Shiahs and of the

Bid’ah of the deviant sects.

But while the hatred for the Sahaabah is tolerable

to the Dajjaal, the proclamation of the Haq along

the Minhaaj of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi

Wasallam) and the Sahaabah is intolerable.

That is why this vile epistasis calls for unity with

the Haters of the Sahaabah. And this son of Iblees

dismisses with scorn the Hadith:

“Those who hate my Sahaabah do so because they

hate me.”

The only logical and Imaani conclusion is that this

evil Tariq Dajjaal is a covert Shiah-Hater of the


It is a monstrous falsity to say, as the NNB

Munāfiqeen say, that the Dajjaal did not promote

baatil. In reality his ‘one ummah’ theory is to

merge with the baatil sects into a homologous

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whole, and this is possible only by comprising our

Tauheed and frauding a satanic potion of satanic

kufr beliefs to appease the wide variety of kufr


The Dajjaal has been promoting the very opposite

of what the moron NNB Munāfiqeen laboriously

and stupidly alleged in their flapdoodle shaitaani

attempt to defend Tariq Dajjaal and to exonerate

him from the kufr which has become his trade


At this juncture we warn the Raiwand faction of

the Tabligh Jamaat that if it continues its haraam

dalliance with Tariq Dajjaal, there will be no

option other than branding this faction a baatil

sect. Its consequence will be debarring the

Raiwand faction’s groups from the Musaajid.

Deprived of truth and Ilm, the NNB Jamiatul

Munaafiqeen has miserably failed to even attempt

responding rationally with Shar’i dalaa-il to even a

single reason from the many reasons the Ahl-e-

Haqq have tendered in condemnation of Tariq

Dajjaal. They advertise themselves as Ulama, but

Page 25: THE NNB JAMIAT’S CUNNING NNB Jamiatul...There is absolutely not the slightest vestige of affinity or similarity between the defunct Jamiatul Ulama Transvaal and today [s NNB Jamiatul


they lack the simple ability of rationally and

Islamically refuting our dalaa-il for our stance.

Thus, in their bamboozling attempt they can only

disgorge the emotional effluvium that the critics

of the agent of Dajjaal are motivated by envy and

the like.

In condemning the Devil we stated that he

supports unification with those who hate the

Sahaabah and slander our Mother, Hadhrat Aishah

(radhiyallahu anha). We have detailed the vile and

noxious beliefs of kufr of the Shiahs. But the

Dajjaal, his supporters and the NNB Jamiatul

Munaafiqeen have failed rationally to respond to

these exceptionally grave charges which we have

levelled at the Shiahs whom Tariq Dajjaal


Dozens of senior Pakistani Ulama have severely

criticized Tariq Dajjaal for his villainous views and

statements. Pakistani Ulama have published

whole books on the wickedness of this Dajjaal’s

religious beliefs and the danger he poses to

Imaan. But the NNB Jamiatul Munaafiqeen in its

stupid letter pretends to be ignorant of the

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condemnation of Tariq Dajjaal by the Pakistani

Ulama many years prior to our recent entry on to

this stage.

We are merely the very latest addition to the long

list of Ulama who have condemned this shaitaan.

This DAJJAAL and the Raiwand Tabligh faction

MUST respond and say with clarity if Muslims

should embrace Shiahs who disgorge venomous

hate for the Sahaabah.

The Raiwand firqah shall not escape the necessary

lash of the Shariah if it plods along the path of

dhalaal which it has chosen for itself with the

Tariq Dajjaal leading them to Jahannam.

It is also necessary to rip off the mask of fraud and

deception under which the NNB Jamiatul

Munaafiqeen operates. This shaitaani cartel has

no valid Islamic credibility in South Africa. All

intelligent and informed Muslims are aware of the

satanism of this handful of mudhilleen-drunk with

monetary lust and aggrandizement – hubb-e-maal

and hubb-e-jah.

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They represent ONLY the handful of moron in

their cartel. Their trumpeting and wailings are all

“sound and fury signifying nothing.”

They are a tiny group of Mudhilleen and

Munaafiqeen whose primary occupation is digging

up the foundations of Islam. About such miserable

characters of the NNB Jamiatul Munāfiqeen,

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:

“Verily, I fear for my Ummah the aimamah


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The issue from which sight must never be

deflected, is the honour, love and integrity of the

Sahaabah about whom Rasulullah (Sallallahu

Alayhi Wasallam) stated explicitly and


“My Sahābah, are like stars.”

There Ijma’ of the Ummah that all the Sahābah are

righteous, just, honest and the best generation

which flourished on earth from the very inception

of man’s sojourn on this ephemeral earth with the

advent of Hadhrat Aadam (alayhis salām).

It is on the foundations of the Honesty and

Integrity – on the highest status of Adaalat of the

Sahābah that Islam, the Qur’ān, the Ahādith and

the Ummah are structured.

Love for the Saahabah is an integral DOCTRINE of

Imaan. Hatred for the Sahābah invalidates Imaan.

Those who have hatred for the Sahābah as a

doctrine of faith are the worst kuffaar who have

ever appeared on the surface of this earth.

Page 29: THE NNB JAMIAT’S CUNNING NNB Jamiatul...There is absolutely not the slightest vestige of affinity or similarity between the defunct Jamiatul Ulama Transvaal and today [s NNB Jamiatul


The TARIQ JAMIL DAJJĀL cunningly and subtly in

terms of the Shiah belief of Taqiyah (Holy

Hypocrisy) promotes the Shiah belief of HATRED

for the Sahaabah while advocating love for the

haters of the Sahaabah.

The NNB Jamiatul Munaafiqeen covertly supports

Hatred for the Sahaabah via their Munaafiq Tariq

Dajjaal conduit. The miscreant Raiwand Tabligh

faction, solely to gain the dajjaaliyat services of

the Tariq Dajjaal, honours, bootlicks and lies in a

haraam bed with him. Hence whether

intentionally or unintentionally, the Raiwand

Tablighi hierarchical clique of mudhilleen is guilty

of facilitating Hatred for the Sahaabah.

The policy of this evil triumvirate cartel of

Mudhilleen is:



Salaam on those who follow the Hidāyat of Allah