the news catcher

The News Catcher This November 6th were the Presidential elections in United States between Ba- rack Obama and MittRomney.

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Page 1: The News Catcher

The News Catcher

This November 6th were the Presidential

elections in United States between Ba-

rack Obama and MittRomney.

Page 2: The News Catcher

Eviction in the heart of San


“We are intervening in the backbone of the insecurity of the

downtown” Irvin Rodriguez

By: Flor de María Monge

The last October 26th


downtown of San Salvador was

one more time witness of an act of

violence. The CAM agents and

people from mayoralty prepared

themselves and the machines for

the eviction. The sellers of the Arce

Street were removed to night from

their sales places for the UMO

agents and the Police. The Police

fight with supposed sellers that had

handmade grenades. The operative

took away more than 100 informal

sales; some of them were there 15

years ago. At 9:00 p.m. the

supposed sellers burned the stands,

trash trying to stop the 600 UMO

agents. Them someone opened fire

and started throwing stones to the

authority. 25 people were

wounded, 8 were CAM agents and

two were wounded for bullet shots.

At 11:00 p.m. Howard Cotto said

that the authority had the control all

ready in 16 blocks around the Arce

Street. Some thief took advance of

the situation and steal the products

of the legal stands but them were

caught for the Police, but they keep

saying that they did not do


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anything. The owners of the

stands were hidden inside of

them for avoid the eviction and

protect their products but they

finish been caught there because

the unrest was a disaster outside.

Step by step the police was

making space for the machines

could work and demolish the

stands made of iron and ceramic

floor. The most of sellers present

their cases to the Human Rights

arguing that they had paid more

than $1000 for those stands. In

many locations in different times

the UMO got to use tear gas to

can get the control of the

situation. One person resulted

electrocuted and was moved to a

place where she could be attend.

“The Price of development”

When we talk about the development, many times we think it

is always good and easy for everybody but that is not the case

of the sellers that were removed this last October 26th. After

fifteen years of working there many people were brutally

removed, taking away their money source and with that, their

food, their house, their hope, and maybe the education of their

children. The mayor is looking for the welfare of everybody

but, what is the price of that development?

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The new face of San Salvador If you are one of thousands of people

that use to pass through the

downtown every day, you are one of

the thousands of people that do not

recognize the Arce Street. From the

of the unrests of those last days these

street look like an abandoned village,

like an hurricane would pass and

destroyed everything, that is why the

mayor Norman Quijano is called “El

Huracan Quijano”. After the repairs

and the remodeling, of the

downtown, the people hope a good

answer after all. The others evections

that have taken place have had good

resolves after a time, the downtown looks more organized but the sellers continued been affected.

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Fomilenio invested $278

millions in the construction of

253 km from the “Longitudinal

del Norte” highway.

omilenio is a project

created by MCC; its goal

is to support third world

countries reached a

development that will raise the

quality of life to the people

from these countries.

El Salvador five years ago was

selected for this program, as a

benefit for the U.S. government.

This project which would be

managed and implemented by

the Government of El Salvador,

It has developed in the north

area of the country mainly in

the departments of

Chalatenango, Cabañas, and

Morazán. This project has had

duration of five years, which to

date have been met, leaving a

great benefit and development

to the north of the country.

Among the projects that

Fomilenio has supported are

building the "Longitudinal del

Norte” highway, agriculture

and education, these are the

main projects that Fomilenio

has maintained.

Fomilenio has benefited to 850

thousand people, with an

estimated investment of 460

millions dollars, the investment

made by this project has

brought hope to the people in

the north of the country.

Fomilenio has made

great contributions in the

area of education, including

building schools, funding

scholarships and supports

educational programs, among

them the support given to the

“Fundacion Kriete” and Its

educational program

"Oportunidades", which opens

with the funds that Fomilenio

has allocated to them; the funds

are approximately $ 4 million,

with this the “Oportunidades”

program will continue the

project which was already

running at the same time expand

the project to more departments

of El Salvador, this program

consists of training

opportunities to children and

teens in the academic areas of

English, Computer Science,

Mathematics and values, and to

qualify for college scholarships

for which students are prepared

for the training of three years.

This Fomilenio has successfully

completed five years of social

investment in El Salvador by

which El Salvador has had the

opportunity to seek a second

Fomilenio which the

government would be invested

in the Salvadoran coast area.


Fomilenio a great proyect in El

Salvador Written by: Carlos Lara


Page 6: The News Catcher

New chance for the Salvadorian teens


year, “ ”

will come

Page 7: The News Catcher

Projection of growth in the

beginning of the year:

2.5%; projection of growth

at the end of the year 1.5%

ast Monday the

President Funes in a

television program

“frente a frente” said the


economy grow

1.5% in GDP at

the end of this

year, Funes also

reiterate that this

growth was not

the projection that

his government

made, but this is

due to several causes and

among them are the situation

that the developed countries

living, for example: USA and

certain European countries such

as Spain and others countries.

Funes also said the Salvadoran

economy will continue to grow

with these low rates while there

is no private investment, It is

why Funes defended the

package of law for attracting

private investment

that his

government has

created; now this

package is in the

hands of the

Legislature and

that's why Funes

has done a call to

the MPs to approve

this package of laws, which he

said It would help to develop

and stabilize the national

economy. Funes discarded that

the lack of private investment is

due to violence that the country

is living. Funes also said that El

Salvador to comparison

between others countries in

C.A., It is only above to

Nicaragua in the daily murder

rate, so the president Funes

attributed other causes so that

the private sector does not

invest in the country. President

Funes in this program made an

announcement about two strong

investment by means of two

hotel companies in the area of

tourism; one of these companies

will invest in the construction of

a beach hotel in the East of the

country in the department of

“La Union”, while the other

company will invest in the

capital to built a modern hard

rock hotel.


Economy Funes: “El Salvador will only grow

1.5% at the end of this year”

Written by: Carlos Lara

Funes said that the

economy of El

Salvador will only

grow 1.5% in this


Page 8: The News Catcher

These Elections are not only from the popular vote. The election of the president is made by the Electoral College only 270 of the 538 are enough to win the presidency.

The next President of United States by: Gabriela Serrano This November 6th were the Presidential elections in United States between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, this has been a very hard campaign. According to “the tie, said the Washington Post on Sunday also is seen among independent voters, even those not registered as Democrats and / or Republicans. Until last month, that figure was not reflected in the samples.”

Both candidates came with a very hard percentage of 48%-49% of preferences in each

one of them in one of the most hard-fought elections in the United States. The country is divided in two making of this a

very hard decision.

A time ago both candidates made debates to gain votes and ensure the presidency and have the confidence of the North American people.

What is the electoral college? An electoral college is process it is composed by 538 integrants and consists in the election of the people who will be the candidates for the presidency or the vice-presidency; these take place every four years.

Barack Obama makes the Empire State blue

In the state of New York City the big Empire State was illuminated with the color of the winner candidate which was blue that means that the winner is Barack Obama; again four more years at the presidency wining with 332 votes and Mitt Romney with 206 votes. Few hours before declare the winner Obama has declared himself in twitter saying “four more years” attaching a photo with his wife holding each other celebrating the victory. According to CNN and


Page 9: The News Catcher

Are you

Ready for



Page 10: The News Catcher

esearchers at Stanford

University (USA) have

approved the 'method

Vampire', revealing that the

young blood could stimulate

cell growth and reverse the

effects of old age in an


A team of scientist began to

prove this theory and they

formed two groups of animals,

one of whom were juveniles,

while the other had older.

After that, the scientists did

blood transfusion to young mice

aged. Then his brain studied and

performed various tests, and

found that old animals given

doses of young blood made it

through the test with the same

success as the young, while

older mice that did not receive a

donation from that biological

material got bad results.

From a biological standpoint,

the young blood caused a huge

effect on the brain, stimulating

the growth of new cells. It also

increased the number and

strength of neuronal

connections in an area of the

brain where new cells do not


In addition, the muscles of mice

were strengthened and

improved the liver and immune

system. Villeda argues that

young blood active chemical

components with age stop

reproducing in the body. The

researchers note that in humans

the effect may be different, so it

is necessary to conduct more


Currently scientists do tests,

introducing young blood into

mice suffering from

Alzheimer's disease, to see if

the biological material can

combat cognitive impairment

caused by the disorder. The

study was presented at the

conference of the Society for


(Taken from Russia Today)


Scientists confirm that Dracula was

right! Written by: César González

Science and technology

New Ipad 2012.

The new Ipad



last March 7

by Tim Cook.


quality of

screen, a more


processor and

a camera

more solvent

are the main


offered by this


Page 11: The News Catcher

Improve the education with the self-confidence.

By: Orlando Ávalos

Translate by: Flor Monge

The increase of the

educational investment

from Latin America’s

governments have let an

increase in the quality of

children that assist to the

school, the coverage has

expanded to the rural zones

and rates of sudden drop and

repetition have diminished.

Even though, as the

“Informe de progreso

educativo en America Latina

(2006)”, about the quality,

equity and efficiency, the

progress continue been

scarce despite the enforce

that them have done to

improve the education in

Latin America. Year by year

the low levels of learning

and population of teachers

have not translated great

changes of the educational

practices into the classroom..

Taking in consideration that

the process of teaching-

learning is so big and has

many dimensions, the lines

of intervention could be for

different directions. However

when intended improve the

quality of education, the

spotlight most be the

classroom, because is the

space where obtains the most

contact with the learning

subject: the student. There is

where the teachers and

students relate, where the

source of knowledge is.

Finishing the process

teaching-learning from the

classroom, most take in

consideration: a) the

instructive, ergo, the training

through the scientific logic

(that what includes the

intellectual development and

the knowledge learning) b)

the educational, ergo, the

development of convictions,

the will and other elements

(includes values, qualities

and feelings). That is how

born the necessity of

examine the biggest factors

about the learning level of

the students inside the

relationship that make with

their teachers.

In this field, self-efficacy

becomes important to the

academic success and the

educational development of

the students because regulate

the motivational, intellectual

and affective process into the

classroom. The ideas around

the persecution of personal

effectiveness were studied

and developed thanks that in

1977 el psychologist Albert

Bandura, support the term

self-efficacy for making

reference to: “the own

believes in the capacity to

organized and run the action

course to manage the future

situations”. Inside the

classroom , those perceptions

that have on the own

capacity, becomes

indispensable in the

continuity of the wished

academic resolves.

The academy self-efficacy is

a mediator variable between

the none have the capacity

and obtained goals for the

students, let more domain on

the social reality of the

classroom when those self-

assessments are firm. In

other words, not only the

“real” capacity determinate

Page 12: The News Catcher

the success of the students;

but aldo the opinions that

have about them, as them

move the effort to fight o

give up in the face of the

challenge and scholar

requirements. Thinking they

are able, the students can

look for more opportunities

to get a more use of the

teacher’s instructions. But

thinking they are not able

they can show themselves

insecure doing homework,

little motivated, negating to

improve, anxious of commit

mistakes and give up easily.

For that is necessary

motivate those believes of

self-efficacy in the

relationship teacher-student.

Adding, considerate that the

self-efficacy stud and the

teacher’s training with their

basic precepts is an certain

enforce to improve the

learning quality. Their deep

comprehension could orient

the creation of a better

experience into the teaching-

learning process in the

school trough the teaching

practices. Through the

believes of self-efficacy will

motivate the instructive and

the educative. The resolve is

comprehensive academic of

the subject of learning.

Page 13: The News Catcher

The Eiffel Tower

By: Alisson Góngora

The Eiffel Tower, located in Paris, France; was a project of the engineer Gustav Eiffel that is why the name “Eiffel Tower”. This project was focus in construct a pyramid like a tower

but the people did not accepted it; and it was rejected many times. This tower was constructed in 31st August in 1889. But in 1990 the French people wanted to topple the tower because they were not agreeing with the project.

The Eiffel Tower is really famous because is in Paris, a city recognized for being a romantic city. This Tower has 3 floors and has a beautiful view of the city because it’s height is around 325 meters and inside there are many places that you can visit; first there are restaurants: divided in expensive and cheaper, There are some sights of the country like: Notre Dame cathedral one of the most important place in France, The Musée d'Orsay, etc.

In the Eiffel tower the person decides to go up by the stairs or by the elevator.

The padlocks of love

By: Alisson Góngora

The padlocks of Love are a tradition of lovers, in countries like Italy, Rome and France. This is about put a padlock with the name of the couple and throw away the key like a symbol of love and eternity. This idea was created by the literary phenomenon of Federico Moccia,

which was first literature, and then film until it’s became a tradition.

But in some places very famous authorities do not let the person put the padlock because they believe it is disrespectful.

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