the new york herald. (new york [n.y.]). 1877-08-01 [p 12]. · oops, meats,pastry, desserts ac.:...

rz nr&Tioirs WATrei>-rrjrvLEs. Co*it*, die. 1Q EAST «D RT.-A YOUSO WOMAN At FIRST iOdHi oMt. poetry aad bread maker; would Ue pert ,»f II aablai rr Mti rare at milk and batter: city reference. OO WBiT 930 ST..A* COOK OK LACNDItBSt OK AttU*oik ta a email family; blgheet olaae city radereacea. Addreee LKQMaKO. Heroin Up-towu office <V7 PfilROfc ST.. TOP FLOOR A YOUNG 1'ROT. At I aataat girt aa cook, waehar and ;roner or tu do general kaneawerfc la a email family; city or country; goad referinaee. JO WERT 44TH ST.-A YOlfXU OlitlT At COOK. 0«£waaber and Iroaar; good reference from laat piece. Call far two day*. OA WBMT iRtn ~«~AN~NmX*if WOMAN AS O A hat claae reok la a hotal or reeteuraiit. ~A n WKrtf aoriT >t (pKT.sit.nt ktiploTkk'H)..a A. \7good, callable girl to cook ami mmi with the waeli- ! ( makes good bread and biscuit; no objection to a pel**!? boardlue bout*. /in WBBT 18TH ST.. RKAK, TUIKD PLOOKT-^A xv/mic girl M good plain cook and excellent laundress; lily reference d «> WKkT ltTH ST. < P RT'.HENT KMPLoVKR'SI.-A XOrsapeetable trtrl at good plain rook, washer and iroaer; would do ciiamberwotk and railiax. dfo PMNCK sT.-A KKSPEtJTABLP. «IJUi Ad Tt?7oook; would aaalat with the co irsa washing: n>. objection to the country icood relareitce Ireiu laat employer. CO WERT"48X11 ST. (Tilhii: Bit;wSKNT KMPLOTUUtrtl.-A good cook, waaher and lienor; alao cbaniber aid and waitress. DC PBKKT ST.. KBARI.A~BB8PRCTA5M£~YO0WO Cj')woman to cook, waah nnd iron; city or country; can lake charge of milk or butter; U a Rood baker; good city reference illQi WKsflarH st.-as compktknt cook; 1U«J2 thoroughly enderatands all branches of oookinI; alao milk sad butter beat reference. iTO~WB8T 47TII ST.-A SMAKT TTDT OIKL TO Li tweoak, waab and iron iu a private ramily ; beat city reference. WKsT 33D NT. COMPETENT SCOTCH WOMAN aa pood cook and araaber; no objnotion ton boarding benae ; city refarpnee. vnfiao ST..TWO WOMKN : ON P. AsTToOK. waalier and Ironer; tbe other aa chambermaid and waitress; country preferred: reference from laat place. T*t'i wi ST :i:tO ST. AS KIIISI (;LAV< «:0"Kr_NO J.^'Xobjectloii to a private boarding liouaa: city refertnoe. 1 '-in WK8T 17TH~ST-A KBBPKOTARLR OIRL AS LOUgorid i-ook. waaber and ironer: no objection to a private boarding house; good reference. ioi WEST lTTH ST. t COLORED WOMAN AM lOAceok or to do general housework. Address MAKGAIbT JACKSON. I Ol WBST ifiTH ST.. IN STOKE.-43 UOOD~COOK; LOlv HI do washing and ironing: Rood reference. |Oi) WgST 19TH ST.. klSK=A "rKBPKOTABLK LOwwoman to conk, wnsh and iron: good city reference; lity or eonntry. |A] tUJto 1STH 81. PIB8T PXOOK. KBA it. A~RK- X xispectable woman aa cook, waalier and ironer or launIresa Call for two daya. iT/f WKST 480 ST.-As" COOK. WASllKR AMD J jt Xlroncr ; excellent baker; good city relorence. TEA W8MT STTH ST. AS FIRST CLASS COOK; J..J v/thotonghly understand* her business; meat*. soups, tie np dUbes, boning, larding, French, Spanish; tlrnt class pastry cook; in a small family or large boarding bouse; reference. 1C1 WEST 34TH ST..TWO REsFiTcTABLE COLLrJAored girls: one na plain cook, washer and irouer; other as chambermaid and waitress; good city reference. f^TwKST 31ST ST. A YOUNU WOM AN ATTTTOOK; I'J'Jno objection to country ' best city reference. 1 WHST^SSfH ST. Vf it SI CLA SH 0 OA) K IN JLOO^oardtncr bonao or restaurant); reference. CLINTON ST.. SEtlfINI7>L0OK, FRONT..A respectable woman as cook, washer and ironer in a private family: city or country ; city reference. Call for two . days. QM1 WE8T2TTH ST. .A VoCNSW O M A N AS COO if; thoroughly nnderstsnds her business In Kngli«U and French: has liven in charge of first class family In city and country; the oonutry preferred. Q/Te-WEsT~2Tri7 sr.. skoonh ac^UeJtive yooag woman as cook and lanndrsss; city reference. 27 I ."WEST ROTH"ST.-A YOtfN OWO.MAN Afi COO K win to do general housework in a small family; willing and obliging; good references, Oii(l EAST 2»TH ST. ATwEDIhTi OIKL AS K1R8T aaswrTclass cook; understands all kiada of tamily cooking; best city reference, O'l/I EAST 29T7|~ST.-A 1 OUNO WOMAN TlTcOOK. ^OUwaeh and iron or to do housework la a small family; best city reference. Q'JfV WhRT 28TH ST.. TOP KLO&R..AS EfRRT e£Ovr ilasa cook: onderstanas cooking in all Its branches; oops, meats, pastry, desserts Ac.: private tamily or first class boarding house; no objection to a country hotel; best reference Can be seen for two days. ooi KASTTRTH"TFT.A UEKMAN O/RL AS FIRST , a^OAclnes ooott in restaurant or Hue private family; good pastry baker and understands all kinds ol desserts. OQC EAST 22D.ST7-T~iil7tL AS FIK8T 01*88 ^O'Jcook and excellent laundress: no objection to a privute boarding bouse: best city reference. 0»»7 EAST 21ST~ ST..A YOU N<; KN 7; LISH TilRL I as cook, washer and ironer in a private tamily; best Bity reference. inoq NOSTRA NO \V., HItOOKLYN -AS "COOK. ^Ot7washer and ironer In small respectable familv; no objection to the conutry; eight yeara' reference. Cell for three dojre. tlOQ BA8f~ROTil sfr.KIK.ST FLOOR.A GIRL TO ^0«7co.ik» wash and iron In a small family; city or conntry boat oity reference. 9,1 j WKsT -J7Til >1. .AsTlRST~CCASS COOK: DKdwAIferstands English and American cooking; city or country: no objection to a private hoarding lionae; good reference. 9coT west imth st. 7pre.skirr YmpT<jverts)^faltlilnl, experienced cook" washer and ironer, ami her danghtar to do 11 petalr» work and washing; both willing and obliging. 1 «rn av.-a"rT-sp-kctablk oiriTto cook. .j'l I wash and Iron ; good reference. "EAST 431) ST.. IN THE STORET^-AN ENGLISH O'/Ownman aa first class rook; reetanrant, hotel or prlrate family: good reference. Q(|« EAST -AT 11 ST.-A K KSI' ( T AK LK ENGLISH t)vU*inu»n aa first class cook mil to assist with waahing and ironiug: city or country: good home more of an object thnn wages; heat city refercnoc. J/TT- TFTrAv. -A>TKJ.GLIH'HTKOTI.STANT WOMA-N OU I as Prat clans cook; no ohjactioa to a uotel or boarding lionae; reference. !rjp7 west jSth siv^ a" vouVo girl ah good DA l plain cook, waatier and ironer; good city roiorence. niQ F.ART 27TII ST. AN AMERICAN PROTESTANT D1 *7woman as cook; ran anit any one's taato; French. English. Spanish, Herman and all others; new atylei; alt, paatry, confectionary: cannot be excelled; la economizing and roltablc to tako charge, and for the interest! of her cinnloyer; 30 years'reference and experience. Can be wen thta week. QOl KA.-r 12TI1 sT.-AN ENGLISH Pi OTKSTANT Ofjlai first class 000k: city or country; city reference. 057" BAST BOTH ST. .A Yol.'NG WOMAN ASCOOK D Ux and laundress or to do general boose work; city or rown try; six years' city reference. A "1 Q KAHTlhTH ST.. OVIIR THE C.ICOOKItT STORE.. tIOa respectable woman da good plain coek, washer and Irveer; city or country. a""oA kAHT I6T if sfT-A#tES PECTABEE. M1DDLBTCArXaged woman aa cook; assist with washing; city or oentry; best reference. 7fO 7TII AV-A RESPECTAB l.E WOMAN AH A A Oeook or to do the work of a small family, city relenwea a ni\ an a v.. first class XT I lAorder cook In hotel or restaurant; beat reference. Mra. JONES. A 71 «TH A V., DAVIS' HOUK STORE.-AS PI RET Tt I Adam eook in a gentleman's la-nily; understands leap*. wieata. bread. cake, pastry ami desserts of ail kinds; beat city reference. Qall till engaged. Foo-sn av.-a kbspb<'Tabi.k woman as kxt/OOoellent conk: first clan* laundress; thoroughly nnIss stand* ber business. Ik at city reference. CTO ~7TH AT -A~ KEMPEOTA Hl-K Q1RL AS Ul/Owwk. mbtr and ironer; city relereucn. Ori| "wiflHINiTTON Hr!.A YOUNG WOMAN AR vJt/Oeook or to do general housework in a auiall private family, beet refbreuce. M W. /TrtQ NTn AV., OONFKOTIONKRY..A RK8PK0TAI Vt/ble (ftrl aecoek. washer and Ironor; good city reference. 79(1 erti ay., between aist and~42i> st&. in 4 dd-rthe canriy store. .A respectable girl nscnoksndto So course washing; city nr country: best reference. 17 A L* 3D A v..A BKrTpKCTA RLE uTbL AjTeXGELI 7rUlent cook; good bread and biscuit maker; willing to aaalet with tbe waablnir: best city reference. QcTk 1ST AV.-A FJBRT CLASH MKAT AND PASTRY t/t-/Ucoe* for hotel: city or country good city reference. QQTi BTH AV"._~resPEC i a HUE "(JThl a s COo k; UUvh willing to aeeiat with the washing and ironing; willing aad »bu«in< best city reference from last place. VJ A 20 AV t rtl-.SPitWABLK WOMAN AS XtyXeovk. waabcr aad ironer, or to do general bonsework; beet referenceATOCMl WOMAN as FIRST CLAM* COOK; NO objection to bearding house: geed city reference. AddresaM.. box 1H7 H-rald ptewn ollice. INKW KNOLAND WOM V N A.NO DAtroliTEB (14 years old) as cook in private family; daughter to be assfal; eieyer country; highest rsierew.e.' 211 West iHithat. f.Tiambermaidi.. ike. r FRANKLIN TERR AG It. 2>Hyi ST.. NEAR 3TH AV.. *Ja respectable young Protest awi girl as chambermaid and waitr-ss or to assist in trashing.or as nur«u; three years' refersace from last place. on Mm avT.a Young 6trl~t7> "i>o~chamberrrerk aad take care of etuhlri n -. a good borne aad $12 per month required: personal reference given. rXTekovaf.7rTiSf~fl<jor.-a k?..spectabl« rjTtyoobg person as chambermaid snd waitress; or woald sake care ot children : is willing and obliging; i> a good dressmaker. Call for two days. oi canvL st.TtnTiin klook7-Y respectable OJLyoang girl, lately landed, as chambermaid and waitrear, er woald do goaeral liottaework: williag and obliging. Call er address tor two days. Tf|Q WUTMTH St.-A KKSPKOTAHLh OlRto TO XvOdwobaoeberwork and waiting; no objection to the sawatry; best oity rt tore nee. inn 7Tii ay." a kkspectablk yocnowoman J Ut7tr do geaeral ttoastwork; is a good washer and iroaer; city or country Dart rstetesee. IIO WBHT 20TM ST.-A itlUNO GIRL AS CHAMI I r (barmaid aad waitress or to do housework; reference. IIC WEST 33U ST..A RESPECTABLE TOLNQ XliArirl » ohambermaW and wsure.s beat city reference treat last pUca. TIC i«fl AT..A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS CilAMXlutriasld aad waitress Hi a private fntnily: city or sua try. TTfl ID A>. (PRESENT BMPL<IYER'S)..A REJUL inspect able yoaag girl a* chant oerm aid and waitress ar aa Uaadrese; city reference (Jail for t o days. d s A trMT ttTii ST., UKAJL.A YOUNG GIRL AS XXl'ltiaiaaiK aad help In mind children: best rity id AT w# BOTH »T , THIRD FLOOR..A OIRL AS waitress er to mind children; beet NEW YOR Si ..... HtVATIQUI WATTr U.KF.MAI.E*. -jgr 1 ACt BAST 34TIi 8T (PRESENT KMPLOYBB'S).. ITUA yeaor |lrl u chtnb«rn»ld ud wnltreee; willing to Hilit with ihe waabtng ud ironing 1 CO WriT a«TH ST~ KBA A-A YOUNO GIRL TO IvaiiI* chamberwork and waiting er hoaeework la >kmII private toady; itty or roautrv good reierenee. 1 /Vt^TKST 13TH ST. iPHESKNT EM PLOYE ITS).-A lcr«/thoroughly competent American Protealenl girl u chambers) aidand waltreaeia aprivate family; willing and obliging; cttv or country 1Kii WEST isi II 5t a vol XQ UlBL TO DO UP. l'/Ortaira wort, or llgbt bontework. onn MIT 46TII 8T.-A YOUNO WOMAN AS _aUUrhanibermald and waltreu or norte and aearettrest; city reference ilO J KAST TBTII ST. IPKKSRNT EMPLOYER'S . ZUt* respectable yoniic girl aa chambermaid and waitroot: reference. ««« oaren «rr.A TODXU WOMAN AS~CHAM~ 'A L ruaiil and waitress: wilt assist with washing and Ironing city or country; beat city reference. ol R lAff *m sr.. room :t._a kksfkotablk . A' lyunat tdrl to do rbaiubsrwork sad washing; beat city reference. <»»»*> EAST .7TH ST SiiOND KI.OOR.-a" YOU NO to do ebambsrwork ud sewing or light bousework; references 90'r. kasr -jot 11 st. rVi-ilRI." as ohamBBRMaTd jj jj* feed wsitrsss; no objectiune te e boarding house; citr reference. Wit EAST iSTH~.sf.-A OI~KL As~61lAMBERMaT6 iow-ind esiirri.1 end to do fine washing audirnniag; best city reference. o»>7 ktst aififst.- a yi> un<f Gi'ici7 "as o ha m ijU I bermeiil end nsltress in e priyete lamlly; country preferred; bent rcfercnc. O7A soi Til .iriF AW-A youno OIHL, LATELY ^TcUfrom Cuba, to do chamber*.>rk end sewing or tske cere of growing cliildreu city or cuunlrr; city reference. *1.1 OTWBHT SImi ST~- V vol) NO WO MANTO DO ^'r^cheniberwors end welting, or is willing to do housework for e smell family. Q/UVtSf iitfj sr room n<». ;v-a youno girl OUOei chembcrineld end waitress or es nurse; city or country; good reference. 01 u EAST 83D sr. A VoCnTTgIRL AS CHAMBEROAOmaid end wultrcsi in e private family; best referencea. )->q "wkst stttii sr -7t01 >m i'kte nt~ girl as OOOchumbermaid mid a»i>N! »it it washing or wailing In a private family; lieet city refereiice. A71 av.-a"rbrfkctablk girl to cook, X I Awash end iron ; city or country; best city roference. jj2q~erii a v.. room i.'.Fa viiixii girl as rrOOehamberiiiHtii and waitress; would assist in washing; good city rolerence. 701 2d av.-\ YOl'nirTilRL a tTdil am bermaid OAand waitress or to make herself generally nsslul; willing and obliging. Tall or address. 117 1 20 av.. near «2d st -a~yol'!*(}'girl~to Air do Iiiietuirs' work uuil like cere of children. WANTKI).BY AN KMtTl.I.-sH <;IKL, A81TUATION ss chambermaid and waitress; city reference. Address m., box 130 Herald Uptuwn odicc. Dressmeltcrs tsiicl .sennutrestes 1/17 ^ks'r 12th st..A first class DRESSIt I maker would like a fow more engagements, or to take work in at reduced rates. oil monroe; is a tfiorOAAough dressmaker and operator; would assist in eham| berwork; best reference. YOUNCI PERSON WISHES A POMTiaW ~A8 seamstress In n private family, by the week or month; country preferred; no objection to travel. Addresa H. II., etatlon I). ~a first class cutter, stylish and tasty rt ... .. k. a. a £1 fid t lilnu CUTTER, bos 100 Herald Uptown ofiice. General Housework, die JONES ST.. NEAR -till AND OTH A VS..A REfspectable young woman to do general houeewnrk where another girl in kept; good reference it required. IO UTTLE_JtiNKS 8 i RKKT..1IOUSKWORK, BT A .competent drl: email private family; excellent washer and Ironor; city or country. TvjTWATT.s~~8T.-A KESPECfABLE GIRL TO DO tfcOhoueework: it a good plain cook, waaber and ironer; reference. Cl" PRINCE ST..RESPKCTABLE WOMAN TO DO tJl general housework; good cook, waaher and ironer; reference. mi EAST 41 ST ST.-A YOUNG (URL TO DO OBNU«a>eral hnnsework in a email private family; prefers living in the city; nine years' reterence. Can he seen for two daya. C*A OH AKLEiTsT., FOURTH KLOOR. CRONT..A KBOTepectable woman to do general homework. Call for two days. nn OKEE NWIOH AV. REAR..A RESPECTABLE I i young girl to do general honsework in a private tarntlv flail Iwn (Isira 1 HU 7TH AV.-A YOCNG WOMAN TO DO GENERAL XUt7bouiowork In a small private family; city or country. 1/kQl WEST~15TH MT7.~A M[DDLK~ AGiiD J'KOrXvst72estant woman as chambermaid or kitcbanmald; rsferoocs. 1 HO1 WB8T 15TII 8TT--A YOUNG WOiLAN TO DO X'' t72boueework; good washer and ironer; best city reference. no WEST 28TH ST.-A YOUNG" WOMAN TO DO Oiteueral honseworlc; good washer and ironer; best reference. TT"V"WERT 830 8T..A ImsrROTAHLK OIRL TO DO X L^Chonsework; geud washer and ironer; plain cook; iiood baker; country preterred. 2D AVT-A MIDDLis AGED litKL TO DO~IJEfTeral honsework ; excellent washer and Ironer, good plain cook; knows how to wait on table: kind to children; no ob]ectlen to a short distance In the country; good city reference. Address. lT Q WK8T 4WTF1 ST .A~ RK8i'ECTABLE YOUNG ll«7drl to do general housework ; is a good plain cook; good city roference. 1 'Hi WEnf~i9TH ST.A GERMAN "WOMAN TO DO Xij i/general housework; city or eountry. SPRING**STV.A GiiKMAN' OIIIL~f0~D0 GENAOleral honsework; a good washer and ironer. WEST 29TH ST.A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework; is willbitr and obliging ; city or country; best reference. "I Or WE8T 10TH ST..A RESPECTABLE WOMAN TO lOvdo general honsework; pond cook, washer and ironer; conntry preferied; cod reference. Too wi'.sr iaiH st..woman"kor H(7cs,.work .LOOor kitchen work in boarritnir house ; Rood reference. i \ WEST 19T1I ST..A YOUNG COLORED GIRL TO XtH'do ccncral housework or chambermaid or laundrese ; best city relereoce. 1~C C WEST 111 T ST. .A GOOD, RKSi'KCTAHLB i)>Jwouisu to do general honsework in a private family; pood washer and irotier; comes from the country; wunld like to live in city. 1 et» WKHT 28TH ST.-A NKAT^IRI. TO DO GEN*X'JUrral housework la a small private family ; reference. iTuTWEST 2STB I3IRL KOH OENKKAL XUUbousework: good reference. , wwi D . .TtaT 11 US A VI lir All Mini. Til III h I1VV ZUb. . housework; is a pooit cook nod first clan laundress ; best reference. <11 QKAST 98IR ST., BAAKMKNT. .A KKSVKCTA.ijlOWe yonup girl to do general housework; good reference. <) 1 I KaST 23tT8T..A K K SI' E C TAll LfTcolored ^I'Tglrl to do peneral housework: child wltli her. irp7 WKVT 1SHT1I ST. .A Vol.'NUS: "l KE~TO DO £\. I general housework; willing end obliging; city reference. OO/r BAST 3R3 NT.. FIRS1'7'UJ OR,~lMiO NT.7 A ^ajVFyounu worn en to do general housework; city or country; pood reference. nil'! east 2flTH~st..7oIkL To do UKNEKaL housework citr or country good reference. «y*)A UIT MT 11 ST., ST< > 11B..A KE8 PBCTABL.E ^ajtgirl to dn general houaework ; pond washer and ironer; willing end obliging; pood city reference. Cell for two days. 007 "East ^nf.-t., in h ore..a Y61;nu girl mI *j I to do housework in a stuail American family; city reference. 000 KAHT IfiTII ST., BET W t E N~aif AND 3DAVS.. jO* 11 young woman to do ponorul honsework ; twelve Booths' refereucc from last place. o7d WENT 47TH ST. TO DO 7jENKK,\l7 HOUSEiJT'Ieoik; 1st puod plain cook; no objection to the country; three years in last place I),- I EAST aiu ST..A tilKL TO UO UKNKRAl, gut Ji.lionse work; prod cook, washer and ironer; city or country; city reference. MClt WBST auTU ST..A RBSTBOTABLB u I it Li Aj>) .ito do peneral housework : pood citr relorrace. (1(W\ 71'H AV..A WOMAN TO DO JUO'Jpeneral housework pood citr reference. onif"rant"stT.a y<"> u nu iurl to do oenOvyVfernl honsework; city reference. tfff MADISON sr. NKAK ool'vbkn. IJR. top OL-Lfleor. .A respectable woman to tfo housework in a plain faniHy where she can hare a pood heme; reference. J|«J KAST MITII Sl\ .A Ulltl, fO Do II oUSKWOKK OlOpood washer and irouer; pond relereace. «J 1 7 KANT airu" "ST..A OOMPH IK NT AKD fcE01 I liable woman to do peneral housework In a small 'private family; city or country. 1)1(1 F.ASf 87lHnT.-A YODNifuiRIi TO DO GRlT Oi»7eral honsework; rerr best references. ) )' west itiii or. -ax american protesOOt-Jant girl to assist with housoworK. Address. ').)0 WEST 39TI1 ST..A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO OOOpetteritl homework goad plain cook. wether and Irmi'.t city reference. > a 11 went 'jut11 sr..a youn(TuTrl to do okx O liouicwoik; la wi.Uug ud obliging; he it city r. ler n.'B Iron lut pl»« y in BAST rj°lil ST.-excellent oikl F(Jr O'l Uffiier»l homework In it small private family. Can be fern at her preaout cmployer'a. v ( 7 east :«th st..two young girls to do Ox I the work of it family netwenn llieiu; willing and obliging: city «r country ; city reference*. o i Q WEST 4*D nt. .a~f6u~\i7~utkL WIll do UT t/H>«ral bouH*ark In t private lamily: good city re le renee ~r>7 Q~>. A*rlot H ST..A Vol! NO (II It I, to do OBN7 UOrral housework; bo obloctlon to a trench flat; good city retarrnca. A fltt WENT "JUT 11 ST..AN ENGLISH PKOTBHTAN T xlWOg'Irl, lately landed, for general housework. yl I WKST OTII ST.-A GERMAN tllKL TO DO JrJ 'general housework good reference. /L I ii w,;sl' 8STH NT A RENTHoi'ABLB TOUITO XTJ-Ugirl. in a small private lamily, t do general housework la a plain eo .k, good weaker uad Ironar; city reference. ilUJD W (V-'AMIY STOKE/'.A HKSI'KCTABLB xXt7Knglleh annum, not long landed, to do general bonaework In a private lutuilv; plain cook, washer and Ironar; no olfaction to the country; beat city reference, J OI WRHT M.Vrif ST A YOI NG GIRL, LATELY Tt^l Handed, to ilo general limine work In aprlvnte family. diH GREENWICH sr.. NBA It LAlullT, si.rn.Mi TTsi'Illnnr. hack rooiu. -A rcapoctahle girl to do housewora; good conk, washer nnd irnnnr; good city reference. I'JM West ttvril st a YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL C»J" 'to do general homework good reference TJT ATT N¥A* 3RTH ST - A GIRL TO DO xxlheiiawnk la a email family; three year* city refer| anaa. k. herald, wednesda1 grrBATiom WAyrau-FEMAiigs. Grner*] Honacwurk. <Cr. AIR wkst acrH -t.-yoitmi womax to do TT'V»«r«l honMworft In a -mail private family, food euok. waaher and ironer; beet cit* reference. Call tor l*e daye. AK.A WKSr .'.2D hT. .A KkAT. TIDY WOMAN TO TUTdo houenwork; una who underetaiada milk and butter: dljr or eoi utry. H'Jl) EAJiT 17tii bt.-a rkhpkt.tablrturtl to cfO«Jdo general honaowork ; good laundreae; boat city re(aranee. i\a u vth at..a mmtsotabmi oljuta *> in> XlJpeneral honaowork In a private family; boat city reference*. ('all or arldreea. i;1] wk8t 85th st..a totxttoirlto~do oki*. 'UXaral honaowork la a amall private lumlly; good city reference. 3d av..a re8peotarlb to uno oikl, to I vuilo iron ral honaowork three * ear*' food city reference; rink accond bell. Call or addrrta. oqotstav.-a rk8i'KCTABLk"Vodno gikl to Oe/Odo hooaework; no objection to the country. oqt) east fsorii st.-a touno oirlto do obn0»70aral houaowork In a amall family; «oad dty refer, enoa. quj-'day., bktwkbx 47til and d«tu xt3. .to OuTito ireueral boua' work ; good reference. y"7uif f~isd av. cornie~ok tmtlt" st.-a ukA.Ife/Uepeeta'.le rirl to do general honaowork for a amall family; beet elty reference. 1 lti 3"ad a v.. k ancy stoics. -7 to r> o wrl ! iUTiu do DooMWori; l«o y«»r» wi/ "»"» ence from her U»t plac«. It'll 2UAV-A YOUNG GIRL FOR H0U6EWORK. Uii Can be i»n for two days 1~Li\A~ 3n AV.r~NEAR ~MST~T.A ofitL FOB Ul.TX'grneral housework In a sais'l private tamily. TOinfO PROTESTANT ~OIhL~ POR gbnP.RAL work In small lumlly near city. Apply, with references, t 3H lleekman St., t bird floor. UFklT Willi OOOD RKPEKKNORsT"ORHMAN preferred, lor general housework. Ml Kaat JWth st. Widow wants to~oo~b#T bv the day vi> do general housework. Address *v IDOW, Herald office. Honsekeepers, AcQ7 EAST4TH ST..A ItKhPECT.VBL' MTDDLE-AOED ' I woman as housekeeper; thoroughly understands her bnsiness; Bret class reference. l'»(> WES!7 rtl> SI..A YOUNG FKF.NUH LADT,-20, lOCai lionsokeeper or companion for wiilower. fTTj WES i~28TT|~HT..A WlD~OW LADY AS HOUSRIU I keeper for respectable parties only. IDC It I. E K i' K u sr.. Si; (MINI) KLboiC FRONT.. JLUc/Youtig French lady aa housekeeper. Call three day#. Mile. EUGENIE. 917 WEST 3SD ST..AN AMERICAN LADY AS til I housekeepor In hotel or In a widower's family; best reference, Cell for two days. a tit* wwrr asiB sr. (fourth bblle.a prao« x«iUtiral New Euirlaiid housekeeper would 1111 any position of trust; Is not afraid ol work ; references Fjl 7 flTU AY.A yThJNO WIDo1y~(5tKA NUBlt). AS UI I housekeeper: widower preferred. ~ji young Lady demurs k~situation as -fThousekeeper; no objection to the country. Adaress N. HILL. Herald Uptown office. LADY of RESPECTABILITY DESIRES A POSTtiou as housokecper for a gentleman; one who can hppreciate what is most true and noblo in woman. Address R, boa 185 Herald Hranch office. A' YOU NO AMERICAN* WIDOW LADY "WOULD like a situation as housekeeper. Address Mrs. MIL'ION, Herald office. Laaiidresses. Mr. U*y WEST 55TII ST..A RESPECTABLE WOMAN A8 UOlanndrees; Bret class shirt ironer; will assist with chainberwork; city reference. ZjlFl^TANTciN-ST?.A POOR WOMAN TO DO WASHUtJing or cleaning. mWEST 19TH"ST."I-A~RKBPECTABLE GIRL AS washer and ironer; no objection to the country; willing and obliging. oi r east j»Th~st.-a young"woman as laun^IrJdrese- city reference. oljff EA8T' 54TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN julModu washing and Ironing by the day. A WEST 47TH ST.-AK FIRST CLAMS I.ACN^TTTdreiis; no objection to tho country; fivu yuan la last place. OlM WEST 218T ST..A RESPECTABLE WOMAN UJTIC no out by tho day wnehlng or house cleaning. 0V1Q EA8T itflfit ST.-A KEBPKCTAB L\ YOUNG 0*£0w»in*n to go out washiug aud Ironing by the day or to do housework. 0~l () WEST 42 D ST..A FIRST GLASS LAUNDRKS8 O"1 .to go out by the day, week or month French tinting; sheets done up ne now. QQIT"SD AV.^T KKSPEOTABLE YOUNOUIRLXS r/OOfliet class laundress; best city reference. Ring third bell. 1| A K 2D AV..TWO GIRLS; ONE AS LAUNDRESS; .iTCtJthe other as chambermaid and waitress; Protestant; city references. Muriel, dir. iq WEST 35TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE MIDDLE XOaged American woman ne nurse to an invalid lady, or to take care oi young children. orr OLINTON PLAGE iSTIi ST.).A~ YOUNG WOJf)msn to take care of children and make herseli generally useful; country preferred ; beat citv reference. 07 LAKAYETTTT PLACE..AS' NDR.SE AND CH AM0 I bermaid: capable of taking charge of an Infant from birth; best reference. f>9 EASTTRT ~ST. TOP ~FLOOR~A RESPKOTAHLE O^gtrl ae child's maid and seamstress in a good family; best city reference. r> Q WEST 3D ST..A VOUNO KRENCH GIRL. JUST OOfrom Krauee, to take care ot children; no objection to the country. Tkl 1ST ST..A RESPECTABLE GEBMAN~GIRL AS <£nursr or waitress: rood reference. (JO FRANKLIN ST.. JERSEY CITY.-A TOONO c/^Swedish girl. 18 years old. sneak* English and German well, to tako care of children or in n small Protestant family, city 01 country. Address Mr. Theo. Hondles. 1 ') A EAST SOTII ST.-AITERMAN GIRL TO MIND »T"children una make herself uishil; can apeak English and German. Call on or address, for two days, C. K. "IQO SOUTH 1ST StTwII.LIaMSBURti.-A YOUNG J_'7 Jjwoinati aawetnnraeat her own homo: beat reference. t»1 Q WKST :tofll ST.-A LITTLE GIRL~li YEARS LtAOold, to mind n babj. i)t)f\ EAST 29TII ST.. IIR8T KIX3GK. KKONT.-A young woman aahabr'a nurse; no objection to ebamberwnrk ; city or country; rood reference. 0«/q~vk8t 4<)th st KhTWREN 7th AND hth mwmBii.-*A young girl oa wet nurse; city or eonntry; reference. 999_WKHT 40TH ST.. HhTWEKN_7TH AND 8TH ava..A German girl aa child's nurse; beat referent e. twi WKST 47TII ST. (Pltl SENT KMPLOYKK'S)..A gSOJLyoung girl to take rbnrKe ol° a baby or Krowinx children. . <JFT «TH ay.. o.niT iToor above 1HTH ST. £ll)~T (ring three times)..A ynnne « rl tut nurse and seamstress; understands the care of cMldren. OfW | WEST HOUSTON ST. -A YO u no GlBL~Tb O'/'/take care of children. fall or address. o'jl kAST"Tstii siT-an am" rjcan "girl as OOlnnrae or chambermaid and waitress; city reference. Q t »7 EAST l.TTM HT.-A PROTESTANf~WOMAN TO OxOtuke tare or children from birth; obliging; wages no object; roferenoos. 0 -t 3D*Av..A respectable young. HEALTHY OlfXKrench woman, who baa lost her babe two days old, as wet nurse. Jo7i 18T av..a YO uno am kki can widow to X^iUlake charge of a child or aa wet nurse; city reference. A -> > BAST 1STII HT..A YGUN(1 WOMAN WITH A'fresh breast of milk aa wet nurse. 7/"t) 7TH AX~ BJETWKKN 34TH AND RSTIl BTH. TTtJOlhird floor..A young girl, lately arrived from EnglaLd. aa nursemaid In a Jewish taiuily; willing to aeaiat in sewing and honsohold duties; highest references. 77~0~2I> AV. HBOOND I'LOO.'l.AS KIltST CLASS 1 I fcjnurae; well recommended by many families and known physicians. q/uf 2t» at. (third "l'Kid.).-AS* KjTpKRIKNCED t/l/vJnurse, but not in continement cases; can refer in ladies of respectability (formor Invalids) ; also to physicians. 11 9U 2D AV..lOUNO MARKIKD WOMAN AS . Lgaf'/wnt nurse In > good lautily; baby three weeks old , RESPECTABLE GIRL ~TO TAKE CARE OF children anil to assist with the chamberwork: Is willing and obliging. Call at the Rockingham House, apartment 4, present employer's. Waitresses. Ac. QI OHEI8TOPHKR ST., ROOM 6..A YOUNG GIRL Ot Jas waitress or chambermaid In botel or boarding house; has hern 10 years In the last place In the city. 017 WEST 2HTH ST. A ItKSHKCTABLKr OIRL AS LiV I waitress in a bearding house, or would do chamber, work and waiting. 0 ( I BABT 30TH AT..A SCOTCH PROTESTANT ^Tlas first elaas traitress: understands her business In all branches; best cHy references. 11 9 BAOT 17TH ST., MWOND FLOOR, 1 BACK Tiairoiim.-A respectable voung girl as Brat claas waitress; no objection to private boarding booae; eae take charge of a dining room. Call f r two days. r~ A 9 :il> AV AS "lltST 0LA8H WaTtRKShTuX1 L Zfderstsnds ber business thorsnghly; city or country; beat city re to rosea. itllscrllanroua r/\ DIVISION ST.. KIIt.ST FLOOR.-A NORTH OERoV/ni*n Protestant girl as maid auo seamstress; dors not cut end lit dresses, but makes aojr alteration; Is rally competent la taking care of Itnea ; good rlty reference. Call* or address. 1C|| WKWT 25TII ST..A Rl.HI'KCTABLE PROTKNXtJVStani young woman to do light hniraewnrk In private faintly cook, waabcr and Ironer; best ralerenoe. Call lor two nays. 1 - 9 KAM' 421>"s7.-\s LADY'S maid to DO X'/^sewing anu be useful around tlte house or te take care of children ; best reference. 91 i(| KAsr sr.rit ht.-a youmi American hirl to da llgbt houaeworn In n am all private family. oni RAST *!l ST.. RKSI'HC V it I,E MARRT8D ^iwJLwoman wlahce apartmonla free of rent, tor her *eryleee. Mb, KB1P. J/l/j KAST 85TH ST., 8KOONO FLOOR, FRONT..A OUUrespectahlr woman t>» no out hy the day to do hoo-erlnanlnic. or wonld <io washier. full or addrraa. 300 BAMT 31IT MT.-AH MAID \NI> SRAMStRK8.H; Jean tireaa hair, rut and lit apparel, would oeatat with eltnmtoerwork or houaekeepln* ; three yeare' reference from leet place. rilU wis I 8BTH ST..A PKOTRRTART UlMa AO> »JV/01». to aew or do anything in a atore la very amert. pnOFUMHIONALSITI ATIUNMWANTKIIFBMALKB. Xjtflu. SiTSTE i«.n k uiY iTiTonToka ti'Gk,T: rjjfuN"h,ita'TT tlVe employmrnt to nn odtiratnd lady f Anawer explicitly. WAKII, Herald ptown nlflco. HBBlaP WAVTKII- PKMAiiBB. fnl.Si. I.AliV AH TKA. .l.tN., i) M I' A N1 < N expenaea paid. Addreaa II. (I., tor 117 Herald Uptown Hraneu olllce. A" THThW ART A CO. WANT FIRST CLASH COIr lar and calf makers; experta only need apply at Ninth etreet entrance, flroedway, «th ?., end lUth eta. r, AUGUST 1, 1877..TRIPI HKLP WANTED.FEMALES. xVln a rcneiirent Apply 762 Broadway. LAtlT CAN V A 3 SBK8 WANT E D -T(>IN rRODDOB~A new and ueefnl bonoehold article in the country; celery $4 per week end heard end expound paid. Addreeo OL1MAI, box 139 fleraldofliee. S" MART COLOHED^lkX WANTEO'FOR CHAMBER. woak and waiting; muet hare good reference. 10 Wool Mill. Tw(Tor tureTTrc m ool tkaohbIoTduring tacation in a reioaneratiro poeiti m refereoeee. RHEKtiY, :iM Berclay at. WET NURSE WANTED IM M k7)[ ATRLY FOR 1* 1 en 11We weeke. Call 468 Weet 31 et at. WANTKD-ACTIVB. fNTkLElGKNT KK MALES TO acil Prol. shaw'e ChirapedJn, a new end elegant toilet erticle. which erery lady will bur; money can be made. Rend addreeo to LlfTHLL A SHAW. 10 and IB Roe# et. WAN'TKU.A SCOMP ET ENf MK AM BTRBSN : WO U L well on a li'.dy or growing cbild: oily relerenee. Addreae N. U.. Hareld Uptown office. WANTKD-A I500D COOK fWlTlTB OR COLORED) In a boarding honor one who underatanJe hot brea<le and deeeerlH. Apply, with reference, at 18 Knot 33d et-. betaean 9 and 10 or aftar 3. II/"ANTED-OIttLg WHO UMDBRKTAffD PUTTING >T na labels anl ere willing to neako thnmeelrae generally ueefoi. Call hi ub3 Broadway, top dour. ANTE D.AN AOTIV KK NTK KIM'-I SI NO llUSINESS lady to take ordere: ealary nr rominiaelon. I J. CIJM.MINUS. IT Bond at. "OfANTED-A GIRL FOE GENERAL HOUSEWORK; TT plnln cook, good waener and Ironar; wagae (10. 23S Weet 4Sth et. ANTED IMMKIMATELY-A FllENCH NURSE, BE~*. tween 25 and 30 yeare old. Inlly competent to take en- (Ire cure of an infant ana year old. Address Nuitnis, Herald office. ANTED.IN A PHIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, two Ilrat claaa girla; German or Swedish; one a* cook ; the other as laundress and to assist in the kitchen. 18 East 10th at. WANTIiD-A* CLEAN, TIDY GII1L, 14 YEARS OLD. to mind children and make herself osetnl. Apniy 181 West Steth at. W" ANTED-A RESPECTABLE GIRL FO~B GENERAL housework; must be well recommended. Inquire at No. 70 East tilst St. J1TUATION8 \V A 1TEP.MAEEti. _ ASVROfJtrYOlTNii MAN (ENGLISH) A8 PSltTER, or auy employment: willing to work tor low wages. Address OBLIGING, Herald office. 8 COOK..AKREN011MAN WISHEITA"^TIJATION as second cook in a llrsi class hotel or restaurant; c:ty oruountry; speaks French, English and German. Address B. A., Herald odice. T SINGLE MAN OliSlKKd jA~SITUATION ON A axfarm or gentlamau's place. Address b. 1114 Herald ottlco. BOY WISHB8 A MTUATtuN " TO DBXY« FOIt A dorlor or as belt boy. OhII at 120 8th St., near Rtli av. i Itksi'ECTABLE MAN AS KlIBBTCLASS WAITER or coachman; best of city reference. Call at 100 West 32d st. AN AMERICAN YOUNG MAN UNDJ2RSTANDING the grocery business wlabes a situation la competent to lill sny position in wholesale or retail store. Address INTEGRITY, Herald Uptown office. T 13 EAST~32lT STT-W^ANTED, A GOOD COOK, wasber and Ironer. Call between the hours of 10 and 2. BOY, AGED 17. WISHES'A~ SITUATION WHO writes well and understands bookkeeping. Addreaa HUBERT PHILPOTT, 1124 Kast 67th at. Situation wan ted-by X YTr uictly temTerste young man, where be can make himself generally useful; It u good penman and quick and correct at figures; is willing and obliging. Apply to or address JAMES J. rAuwii, on <10111 nt. S~ TTUATION W.rNTKlT.BV A YOUNG MAN. 20 y«»rs old. in an office nr wholesale honsa: coed nenmnn; moderate wages. Address IIAL8TKAD, Herald oBlca. SITUAtIO«TwANTED BY A YOUNG 1«AN; UNDERslaude the care ol' bar and billiard room aud care ol horaes; willing to do anything; beet reference. Address WILLING. Herald otBco. W~ am r-iiy~a. young-man in-a"boarding house; good reference. Address AIKEN, box 106 Herald Uptown oOice. Wanted"a situation by an intelligent young man of 31. Address O. M.. box 151 Herald oltlce. I C I EAST~I2D ST..A* FIRST CLASS WAtTEGS IN J 1 _jh private la'nily speaks French end Italian. C1.KUKS AND SALESMEN. _ "a"gentli:man, pgr years partner in a well _/\_known Wall street boueo. a thorough accountant and accompiuheri correspondent in English, German and French, fully cunable, In fact, to take charge of any office business, desires a situation where his services are likely to be appreciated' Address E. 0.. Herald office. DRUGGIST, AT PRESENT* IN CHARGE OF A Brooklyn store, speaking French and Spanish fluently, desires employment by the 15th Inst. Address, with lull name and partlcnlars, G. P. 0., Herald office. n experienced "SALESv!an. WHO IS INTImately acquainted with the Western Jobbleg trade. Is open for eugagemout. Address D., box 190 Hernld office. youmFman. experienced"and"fa m!liar with the transaction of bnsiness, e good correspondent, wants a situation as office clerk, salesman, or to take churgo of an otder department, or any situation combining work of similar character; first class city references. Aduresa L. N., care of P. Corbitt A Co., No. 0.14 Broadway. YOUNO MAN. THOIKOUGHLY COMPETENT AND experienced aa a doubly entry bookkeeper, desires employment. Address !i. M. r. L»., Herald office. .STE^RN BROTHERS "w ANT~ A THOROUGHLY competent man as floorwalker; most be of good appearance and address and been engaged In the seme capacity in mine Aral class city fancy dry goods honse. No others ueed apply, between ID 1 2 A. M.. Hth av. and 23d st. iiUGGISTB. A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT CLERK desires a position; speaks German; oest references; salary moderate. Address Pii. G.. Herald office. Drug clerk wanted..apply at ~7us orebnwlch st. T\RUGOI8TK..GRADUATE P. 0. P. DESIRE V A I Fair it .(Inn .in .In hut n* reference: sneaks German. Address QUISIA, 341 Wwt 36th at. RCGQI8T&.W ANTEO, A SITUATION BV A GBAD. nate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; apeak* and write* (.ermuo; beat references. Address KliEl Herald offiee. Vj-OTHINU SUCCEEDS LIKE "SUCCESS. The circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM for the week jnet closed ha* been the largest ever reached by any evoninK newspaper in thia city. We feel a reaaonable pride in making such an announcement, and a* Ibis la oniy the result of public appreciation of the ThLBGKAM'B effoits to meet every emergency presenting Itaelf, we may venture nln> to ronirretelate our readers on the wise discrimination shown by them in tbe selection of a lire Journal. The excitement of tbe paet week ninst have proved beyond a doubt that the TKLKGRAM is daily ahead of all its evening contemporaries, and tbe following figures will hut serve to substantiate its claims to an ever increasing popularity; Monday, July fid 88,500 Thursday .July 36.... 88.T1OO Tuesday. J uly 34 Ufi.800 Friday, J uly 37 08,300 Wednesday, July 23.. 1)3,800 Saturday, July 38.... 49.900 Total 477,POt) Daily average..... 70.833 SITUATION WANTED-BV~KNKRGETIO YOUNG Oman, experienced in conl, real estate and auction bu aim-as, a* clerk, watchman or Janitor; any employment acceptable; satisfactory reference. Address PKANK, Herald Branch office. \\7AN TED.A tTEVTLEal AN OF KNKrtUY AND PUSH. tt to perfect himself in onr business, so as to be able to take charge of branch office; lucrative and pormanout. Address Vr,, box 5,ri30 I'ost office. Wanted.a young man as window dresser and talesman at PHILIP ASIIEK'S fancy store, 555 8th av, WANTED.A SALESMAN, OK GOOD ADDRESS, i f thoroughly posted in tho paper business, to wait on customers. Address, with reference, M. B. W., Ileraid office. \iT ANTKD-AN" EXPERT TO EXAMINE ADVERM8tT ln)f accounts; one accustomed to ncwspapor advertising. Apply M7 BrotdWiy. oBw No. L OOACHimK ABU (iAlinwsIBtM. PRACTICAL KAIIM EII At*"!) GARDEN" f K WANTS a situation by the in on t ti or on sbaro*; ran do alt kind* of carpenter work. Address K. K. H., llernlrt olBce. cThkman-want?Ta situation as "coachman and Kurdoner. Address C. W. .box ISO Herald oilice. YOUNC1 doLOKKI > M AN WlVTlES TVlKST CLASS ploco as enaebman; best reference. Inquire at *:> l.». layette IT., JSrooktyn. S OOAOHMAN.BY A TOURS MAN: THOROUGHLY understands his Dusliieas; will be found wIUIok and olili/riux Address I». Ims 1"_'4 Herald nflirs. THOROUGHLY"" EXI'KiflKXCEf) COACHMAN, Inicle, want* a situation tlrst claas city reference. Ad. dress COACHMAN. 14.> Kranklln at. COACHMAN AND GARDENER, GENERALLY nselul, desires a situation; good elt.r references. Address U, box Did Hersidolflre. C~iOAOU.\AN.-810 RVICE WANTED. B Y A MAN J lonR soenstomed to the cam of drat class thin#*, which certificates will proro. U17 East 47th st. Ct EKMANTROTKmTANT~NAN~WANTH~K SITUATION Tascoachman and ssrdrner: willing to make himself tenerally nselnl; hnst referenrn. Address FREDERICK, ox 11(1 llei alu oBoe. G~ AKDiTlTlTlt 'AND USEFUL MAN ON A GKNTLKinan'splacu; siuitle; best city reference. Address W., | box 134 Herald. U'TUAtToK wastkd.HY a (iKH.MAN as coach1 )n 11 n and gardener nnd to make btmsoll generally useful; iiiit reference. H22 lutli *v. "11' ANTI'.I) A MABKIBO MA N. WITHOUT FAMILY, f T thoroughly competent *»gardener, with full kunwledge ot toe cure anil culture id linlt and hot and colli graperies, to take charge ol a Urge plnce. hone need apply without bent reference! nnd testimonials, to room fill. 21 Cortlaodl at., between 11 end 12 o'clock. WANTKD-A YOI'MI MAN Wild HAH EXPKHlKNrtB III the clothing business. Apply, with reference, any time, at tl> Myrtle nr., MroolJui. WANTKD.AM COAO MMAN. A YOCJNC1 MANKIND man, I'rutestaut, who uniieretanda rare of nnd driving horses: nlno nlile to tend a -.'arilen, nnd wlllliii; to ronltu himself UKiifnl around a frertlumnn'i plnce; wages. par mutitb nuil free hon»e no olty in an need apply. Apply at pisses Depot. .Newark branch of h.rle Kail Way. WANTED.A SITUATION I'.Y A .MM CLE OKR.MAN, ne gardener; In willing to take onre ot horset; six years relerenca Irom last place. Addrote P. M., box 140 Herald efAeo. map Vt A.\TKO-MAI,KS. A*~TfSELL'B Til If KIS11 \M> KllM A.N HATHN»«i EKT Inttion hv., want an Amarlean under 2A as cashier and. auperiuteiideiit. \ okntm wanted to introduce a new artijtl cle of real merit, stnoug the grocery and liquor trail#. Apply 444 2d nr., basement. MAN. WITH ("' '> HAN,!, CAN SECURE SITUA lion paving $12 per week and board. Particulars MOUTHYvIcK A co., WW Broadway. iToKHCE BUY IV ANTED.WILLI fill TO CARRY nut small parcels; $4perweek; good writer. STOCK, lleruld office. ^ BAKrtKi; WANTJtD-A f .Vf.f UP.KKNWICII ST. BON WAN II. D-\T 4o:i KAST4TM ax7, t; P ST AI its, wages $1 !Mi per week ni Hist. CNANVANSKRS LEAVING THE CITY TO CALL UPON ./country merchants can have samples and prices cheap metallic show signs, need for advertising; will sell well. COMMOSe A CO., 7 Col logo plaoo. t tE SHEET. HKLP WAHTED-MALBI. \rffrx8b srtvrwjfrwxcr^Tftt^-xtrvraiLL JTllhe Tournament. a now toy jasl oat; everybody bay* aa«. Call la lb. aaoraiar to be supplied, 92 Chatham ii . nom 1. MANUPACTURINcTCOMPANT WANTS QBNER4L areata; .xeall at opportunity; Baylor over W>l monthly: uaqu. stiouabls references Indispensable. 881 8th or., too floor. PURR TRAS-AGENTS WANTED EVfcRYWHKKK to sell to famlllo*. hotels and lory ooiisomer*: largest stock la tba country; qoallty and term* tha best. Country aaoroho.nors should cml or vrlts Tho WELLS TEA COMPANY. aoi Patten at. , TWO SMAKT, tCTlVK AMERICAN BOYSWANTBD, In a fancy roods boosa, to learn th. business: waoes. ft?',. m",r Address, with rolorsac.s, JiOTlON*. boi 128 Herald office. TO CONDUCTORS."- BRakEMBN AND RXFRBSg. mea..Wsnted. men who nr. thoronghly acquainted in the different towns on th. different railroads rnuainr from APB>r between Sand 11 A. M.. SMITH'S New York Pale Ale Brewery. 1 l\TANTED.RNBKOKTK' CATHOLIC MEN rOR THAT " laat-eeillag book, the new authorised "Lila of Pins IX." THOMAS KKULY. 17 Barclay su ~\AT ANTED.A SMART, ACTIVE BOY, ABOUT 15 . Yanrsof **e: mast bo a good penmnn, expert at flgnret anu wall recommended; one living ivlin hii parent* preferred. AAlclre*« in applle*nt*» liauuwriltnir. alating hr*, residence. references. Ac.. IMPORTER. Poet office box TV" ANTED.A BOY IS SHIPPING OrPICE; SALARY . Y ***.' WOp; in net livejnrltb bit parent* Addrett, in onn«i writing or applicant, K. 8., box lfH Herald otUce. WANTBD-FIR8T RATK ADVJSUTI8KMKNT OAKfr yaaaers for popular maxeainea: oomraisii >ns advanced; references. Address BROOKLYN, 201 Herald offle . W'anteim-by a manufacturer, auent5~to all all over tba United States to the trade » new and handaome article of goods: great fiidoorrneuts will he circa to parties ot large acquaintance nod ability; gooda may he eold to taney dry goods hou»es. grocery (tore* nnri others; (rood record* and the beat of reference muat be glveu. Addreaa or call on ADVERTISER, 633 Broadway, New York, top floor. W" ANTKB-A CATHOLIC GENTLEMAN TO-" TAKE order*; salary and commiaaion paid; apply after 0. 1,338 2d ay. j THE TRADE6^ ^ASteu-at .ilJOHN MA ICON'S Piauo Factory. 40th at. and Cat ay. BAKER WISHES A SITUATION AS GOOD HHOond hand on bread and caka. Apnly at No. 867 00th at., ne ir 8th av.. baser shop. LAD OP 17YT5ARS WANTS TO LEARN A TRADK; butcher's trade prelarred; beat rufereuco* in regard to character. Addrea* SHOE STOKE, No. 1,128 2d av. near OOili at. 1 SHOEMAKKKR-WANTKD. OOOD LISTERS. TRIMmere and tiniaher* to work in airing teama; alao two or three llve-haudod teama on flrat class work. 1 EDWIN >\ Ml) KT, 130 Dnane at. ANTKD-TWENTY JOURNEYMEN TAILORS; Oermauaor Swede* parferrrd: toco to Syraenee, N. Y.; none bnt the yery bektworkineu need apply, inquire to-day, from 10 A. M. till 1 P. M., at MERRILL A WILKINB', 168 lirand at. \\TANTED.A SITUATION IN A WATOU REPAIRING TT or manufacturing eatahllaliment; two yean' experience in tho buslneas. Addreia box 11 Poet office, 'I hump, aon. Pit. ANTED-KOR A BIN 1iERY~ IN NEW ORLKANH,"A foreman who la a flrat claaa Mrwaruer and tlmaber and knowa noa- to make eaHmates. Apply at 28 Keade at. S ALKS AT IUUTIOST A .TUNIS J0'ftNSON.~ACt'}flONEE R. A< eld stand, 87 Naaaau at. On FRIDAY, at 10% o'clock. at 37 Nassau aL, BALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE; also one One Printing Press, with 34 foute of Type, Stands, Ac., Ac.; alao, BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, one sonerb Landau. ADMTNISTRATOR'S HALE. ' BE N.J. P. EAI KIM ILL), Auctioneer, will tell. At public miction, on Thursday. August 2, at 10 A. M., At No. 241 to 247 Bust 56tli «l., About 200 cordt Virginia Pine And Hickory Wood, 1 two Horset. three Truckt, Harness, Ac. Alto All the Machinery uaed In tawing, splitting and : bundling kindling wood. By order ol D. H. OILMAN, adminis'rator. UCTION BALE PHIS (WEDNESDAY)"MORNING, commencing at 10 o'clock, at prlruta resldeuco 206 West 25th st^ near 6th and 7th avt. 2 brilliant toned Pianos, >telnwsy and Ilardmaa, 8 elegant Pa.lor Huits, satin and repa Bronte Mantel Set. Bronze iigurea. assorted. 12 Windows Lace Curtains. ( 18 Brnttols and ingrain Carpets. I 15 elegant Oil Painting*- i 6 elegant Bedroom Sets, In black walani. Elegant Cabinets and Bookcases. ' Hair and spring Mattresses, Wardrobes. 2 elegant Buffets, Extension Table and Chairs. Lot of solid Sllyer and Plated Wares. Lot ol Kitchen end Servants' Furniture. Sale positive. B. K. MARTIN, Ancttoaeer. N. B..cloods boxed and shipped, oitj or conntry. UCTION"VAT pitE KESTDKJTI^ TI1I8 (WEDNESDAY) MORNING. COMMENCING AT XOii O'CLOCK. THE ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD IUKNITURE, HANDSOME AND USEFUL, OP FOUR STOdY HOUSE 130 EAST 16Tn ST., BETWEEN 3D AV. AND IRVINO PLACE. Parlor Snits, in satin, eotelane and reps; Turkish Sets, In tapestry: rosewood 7>» octave Pianoforte, Ktageres. Cabinet Bookcases, Desks, Oil Paintings, Bronzes, Curtains, Clocks: velvet. Brussels aud ingrain Carpets: inlaid Chamber Bets, Bedsteads, Dressing Cases. Washstands, Spring Uh.l, S.ll...... n.,lHln.. IV ...I II.. T ., sion Table. Dining Chairs, Sllrerplated Wars. Cutlery and other Goods and well preferred Household Goods. ALBERT KKAEMKR. Auctioneer. N. B..Goods packed, shipped and removed, city or country. A-IMPORTAN T~A UCTION M ALE . AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE, this (WEDNESDAY) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, five story brown stone mansion NO. 47 WEST 1BTII st., BETWEEN 3TU ANI» 6TH avs., FURNITURE, WoRKs OF ART. BRONZES, / 0TB1NWAY OCTAVE PIANOFORTE. ciiickerino uphibht piano. PARLOR AND DRAWING room SUITS, covered in crimson, tan and irold brocade, satin audcotelaloe; Turkish and Spanish Lounges. Easy Chairs, inlaid srllt Centra Tuoles. Etageres, Cabinets, plate Mirrors, Curtains, French Mantel Sets. UO-day Clocks. Library and Sacretaira Rookcases, Library Tables. Turkish Rait, marquetry Desks BEDROOM FURNITURE.Elaborate and plain Bedroom Rets, inlaid jrilt Bedsteads, Dressing Cases, Bnreans. Washstands. Single Bedsteads, 83 hair and spring Mattresses, rrp and plush Suits, marble top Tables. Extension Table, BuSft, Chairs. Silverware. Ilallstand. 23 Carpets, Ac. N. B..Take tith nr. or University place car or Broadway stage to 47 West 10th st. Goods packed and shipped it desired. RICHARD II. RANDOLPH, Auctioneer. UCTION-AT RESIDENCE 151) WEST lSTOlHT^ BETWEEN HTII AND 7TH AYR., this (Wednesday) morning, commencing at 10l< o'clock, seventeen fine Carpets .twcntv-live beautiful OH Paintings, eight magnificent Parlor Salts, rosewood Ktelnway Pianoforte, eight walnut Bedroom Suits, Single and Donble Bedsteads, Bureaus. Waahstands, Wardrobes, fifteen hair and spring Mattresses, Tables, Lounges, Bookcases. Curtains, Mirrors, Library, dining room rnrnitnre: 150 lots Glass, China, Silverware, Cutlery. Ac. E. ROTH, Auctioneer. Goods packed end delivered. Housekeepers, don't tail to attend. Sale rain or shine. A "SCHWAB, AUCTIONRER~ 277 "BOWERY. SELLS lOo'clnck, No. 155 Bowery, first class Coffee, Cake and Luurh Room. 3 cupper Coffee Urns, black walnut Tables, Cnalrs, Pictures. Icebox Gas Fixtures; 2 o'clock. Crockery, Ac. Dealers Invited. A' UCTIUN H AL fc».PETER BOWK. AUCTIONEER, sells Tlinrsday, August 2, at 11 o'clock, at the auction rooms corner run si. ana university piece, a general assortment of Household Furniture, Bedding. Carpets, Ac. By JOHN A. DUNN, AUCTION KKK..SALE fills day, 10,^ o'clock. at salesroom .19 Great Jones at.Parlor and Cottage Knits. Brussels and Ingrain Carpets. Mattrosses. Mirrors, walnut Hodsteads, Bureaus, Chairs, Tables, Stoves, Ice Muxes, China, Cutlery, Crockery, Feather Bods and Pillows, Fancy Hoods, Ac. Hosiers Invited. Edward scuendk, auctioneer^ ~ Second hand Furniture. On this day, August 1, st 1*1 Liberty at., at It o'clock, some first class second nand Furnitcra. HKNRTD. MINER, AUCTIONEER. -OFFICE AND salesroom H4fi Broadway..Auction tola of lancy Oablnet Ware, comprising Kneels, Wall Pockets, Mu-ic Racks. 1 iiilct i ases. Brockets. Ac.; sale on Thursday. Friday and Saturday August 2. 8 and 4. at 11 o'clock each day; an elegant assortment, comprising nearly ane thousand styles, now on exhibition. JW. CHR18TALLKK, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL this day, at ball-past ten o'clock, 158 10th av., corner lltb si.. Stock and Fixtures of first class Grocery Store, consisting of Teas, ColTees, Spices, Canned Uoods, Soaps, Candles, Scales, Weights, Counters, Flxtnres, Ac.; niao Horse, Watton and Harness. Donlers Invited. JOSEPH BUGNQOOD, AUCTIONEER, SELLS TOmurrow large stock of Toys and Fancy Uoods. Mora particulars to morrow. AKSHAL'S SALE..RICHARD WALTRRS' SORB, Anctlonners. will sell tills day. by virtue of an execution, at Now mil .Id av., a! 10 o'clock A. M., Fixtures, Llqacm, As. LOOIB LlUBUROBWEt Marshal. NUBBBAUM A CO., AUCTION KKRS. 2B1 "HOWEKY, sell Filday. the Fixtures ol the most elegantly fitted up saloon in tin: city, consisting ot elegant Bar and Hark Bar, cost BB.000; Mirrors, cost Kl.finO; Ale Pniup, walnut Partition, Cl|tar Counter. Sllrerpluted Uoods. Ulnssware and everything appertaining to a it rat class saloon, witbiiul reserve. Full particulars on day of sale. UICIIARH WALTERS' SONS,_ AUOTIONBKRaJLtil.hinor Store..Will sell this day. at IB o'clock, at nnrtliaust tuner Grand and Norfolk sts.. Fixtures first cIhsh ld(|itcr Mure, vis. .Elegant four pnll English ale Pump, aiueiulid Bar, copper lineri book Bur. Ico Box. Screens, Doors. Signs, platinrin Scale, Basin, Closets, Measures, Ae. Sale positive. Hh:ii\i:i> waltkkh' nonh. auction msius. il,j, sell thin iIhv «t 2 o'clock. the .stocr and fixtures of Calllornla Winn Room, 117 .'Id ov., Bar ami buck Har, Tablet, Chalra. Partition, (Haas Ware. Deraljohna, battled Liquor*. Wines, Hramllei, Ac. Snle positive. WILLIAM WITTKRS. A I' 11TIO N K K1L .SALKS THIS ilxy, nt 2 o'clock, at 4.VI, 4.VJ I,'anal at., wltliont any reserve. a very lui'^o collection ul Household furniture, of every description, seventy L'arpela. leather' lied*. Mattresses, Curtains, Mirrors; also a quantity of Hotel LII eels. Dealers invited. UILLIAKDS. A LOT or SECOND HAND HILLfAttlfl'XTf'EEtf "TK perfect order, euual to now. at very lotv prices. H. W. COLLJvN DKK. 7118 Broadway. AMERICAN STANDARD BILLIAKD TABLES, NEW and second hand, at irreat bargains; Hiipatolle unit Itusatan Howllnfr 'I aides extra Inducements now olTnred. W. II. UBIPriTH A Oft. 40 Veeer »! ASTR01,0«v\ . »/»>1~EaST Id I'll mT,'~ B ASKMliN I Dooh..Mm£ xiiOLOAA. eluirvoysnl, pives Information on any hnalneax. and inuKitutle treatment; fee, $ I. Jf KUK Ah. A.dr. and mm k. ai H, rttV," offiee No. 47 Weal 13th »t., near Otis nv. ' A MAIL RKSTKLL, MIDWII'K: IN fRA0TI0B8IN0B altMU Ollice, 1 Kast l)2d at., first door Ironi .'>tli av. A-du. and mmk. .melton, ollice No. 47 Vi est, 13th »t., neartith av. A.DK. AND MMK. OIUNDLK.RK81DKN0K AND oiUce, No. 142 Weat 4sth at., between Hth and 7tli ave. A.M HN. W I) lit,' KgT li It, I'H VHICI A N, 140 Cbarlea at., between Waehlnnton end^Weet. MR8. LYONS, VBMALK FHYBIUUN, 40 BAST 00TB it., between eth and Broadway, TO LET FOB BVUVBIS PCXNMAt. I e IXDI not~ » D Fireproof. located on Naessu. Ann and Fulton tta First Floor tu let; suitable lor baaccrs. luaaranea eOsee. or lawyer*; will be lot together or in parts: be altera* ait tenants if deelrsd; eilsplei tor oKoaa or ttwta Keusonahle rente. ^^B Also soma aUglbla Law Offloes to let. APPLY ON THE PKKMI8E8. Take tbe aleretor. Inquire for Janitor. HOUs'lTXnTiHTOKB To~LKT.«.OOD STAND FOB grocery or liquor store; eorner Myrtle and Coarreee ^^B era, Flushing. Call or addrate riToKM, Adrartiaelnant cptbce, 564 3d nr. STEAM POWER. 1 T<J"f(o"U0R8E WELL LIGHTED} Room, various aires; low rente; in Centra and Elm elm I). K. HALO, 137 lm st. STOKE," NORTHWEST COENKK OP NABAAU AND H Aun eta Inquire in book-tore. SB Ann et. STO KK TO L ET Wirii~TWO~HANDSOME PLATE H glass show windows; 38th st.. corner Htli ar.; good mea- ^B lion for butter store or distillery to a good part/; $40 ^B moottly. inquire 231 West 37tli st. SHiTw WlNDOW AND PakT OF THE UTO&S TO t H let. at 323 Otis av. Apply on the premises. ' TT7 LET-ONE LOT. 35X100; AlAJO ONE SHOP. uoX 120, with power. Inquire ol J. D. VaN VOOBUIS, I Screw Bolt Works, IBS av. 1). j TO L KT^i'HK"WELIj LOCATEO STORE 280 SOUTH [/ fl st., corner Rutgers, at a very moderate rent; has been - j^fl used as a liquor store for over twenty years. Apply on ^B preniisea ^B riTO LBT-3TOBK AND WAREHOUSE; ADJOINING H 1 corns' ol Loonurd and Hudson tta. Apply at HhCU* ^B STEIN I I'O.'ii on premises. ^B rflO LET.POOR WELL LIGHTED LOFTS, 'JSAlOSi H Htiditon and FrnnKlin AM. Apply at BKCIIHTEIN 4 00.% Hndaon at., corner of Leonard. 1Q/T WEST ST..F1K8T FLOORTO LET. INQUIRE it/Oof CLARK. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FurnUhed. AURdK four story brown stone house, 24 rooms, lully lumUbi-d. Apply to OWNER, 13 Bart 28th st. No brokors noed apply. ________ I TO LRX-A TTFRKE STORY BRICK HOUSK. NO. ISO / Wnst lOtli, ten rooms; also » lully furnished House, six- r toea rooms. Inquire of OWNER. 176 West 10th St. t Unturnishea. AT SI.:IUO..DESIRABLE HIOH STOOP; WR8T 23D St.; imiucdlata possession or Septembnr 1. S. B. OOOUALE A CO., ft West 23d st. (Fifth Avenue Hotel). ALARilR HOUSE"TO LET-1STH ST. NEAR 5TH hv., elepaut order. Apply Sit West Slid St. ro L ET.FO UR BTO1! Y RNOLISH BASEMEN? Hons-. on 34tU St.; $1,400. EDMUND H. MARTIN B, 1.337 Broadway. IK I LET.NEW^AND HANDSOME DWELLINGS iN view ot the Central Hark ; all modern Improvements an4 roots Inw; sltnatcil 61st st..west of 1;roadway. Apply te lanltur corner Hist st. and 9th av. 1 (?7 iSD 1H9 _KAsrr 82D ST.~WEST OK 3D AV7, I ID I on high ground. -20 loot lilph stoop brown stone » imsoment and cellar Houses; low rent. Apply to JOHN LACY, 53S Brand war. FUKNItiHED KOOMS AKD AFAATMKST8 I TO LET. 1 A PRiVTLW'Ttt* tXTtXf'" VIMWVm* v .finished Rooms, larpe and small, 130 East 12th it. References. NEATLY FURNISHED HALL BEDROOM FOR A Kcntleman. $1 30 per week. 208 Bleecker st. HANDSOME FURNISHED F.tONT ROOM. Olj third floor, $10 per month; for gentlemen only. Ill West 14th st.. near 6th av. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET PARLOR ANli Basement Floors coinpletoly famished; piano, private lath and closet. 406 West 24th. B~ ACK PARLOR TO LET-TO ONE OR TWO »EN« tleinen. No. 611 Lexington av. L-IU RMSHRD-ROOMS TO LET-EN SUITE OR F sinply: also Parlor Floor, three rooms deep, eleirantlr fornslied; location central. 34 West 29th St.. near Broadway, iTTprivatk" house] neatly furnished" Lclesn. pleasant Rooms tor housoseeoing to reapeetable parties. 226 West 13th si. near 7th av. En pkivate hoc be, a~ nicely furnished front Room, with hot, cold water, gee, bath. 238 Bast 18th it. Large furnished roosTto let.foe one or ' two gentlemen. 278 Bowery. NlUli FURNISHKOltoOMS. FOR HOUSKKEEPlNOf cho be iki commodnted with two beds; rent low. Inquire i7l West 12th st PLKASANTTLARGE. FRONT ROOM; ALSO OTHER Rooms, nicely furnished, to let, with or without Board, >r for housekeeping. 282 8th av.. near 24th it. S~PLENDU> I'AKLOR FLOUR.FOUR COOL ROOMS*, compl"telv famished for housekeeping; piano, bath, hot rater, gas: $40 monthlv; private house. 171 East *7th st. TWO KOOMm. FUkNIBIIKD. FUR HuUSEKEhPlMi* $3 30 a wuok at 212 hast 4">th st. 1~ -SOUTHERNr.RS AND~CITY KKHinNTtts Kxl l,reodlnglv cool Rooms; parmsnent or transient, famlllea nr single parties; terms reasonably low. 26 Kaet 30th at^ near Buckingham Hotel. 2 NICELY FUBNISHED ROOMS TO LET, FRONT, ilrst floor. 400 4th nr. CTH~AY.*. NO. 164..FURNISHED ROOMS. FRONT eland rear, villi baths on each floor; references required. t>7 KAHT ~24Tll ST.- BKAI TIPUIj, AIRIT FRONT Zj I Rooms, larj;o anil «mal!: bath, Ac.; terms very mod- «, trtle. f dj7« r.l\ PER WKRK..P.tBLOB KLOOR TOIU '/ Uuf.rjl'nlshoil light housekeeping; fine piano; private ) house; fine location: near oars and boats. Call 240 Bart 12T>tb st.. 2d at., Harlem. 2>) IRVINIi PLACE.-TWO WEbb PUKMIKHBD Oltooms; one with extension; second ond third floors ( very low. OQ EAlS"li4fH"HT-<JENTLKMEN CAUT UK ACCOM! i/niodstod with nicely litrnishod Itooms. en soite or tinply, with If wanted ; terms very moderate. fnrfweh i' ism iT-TFuTtNTskiiD rooms to LKT, 1U I with use of kitchen and parlor, and every convenience. 1/|7_rast lortrstt.PUItNlSHKD PARLOR, with XV* I Kitchou also Room, with Hedroom, tor boaeekedpInr; all conveniences: flee neighborhood. 1 Oil MACOOUOAL ST..NEWLY FUR*18Hk3 X Jmi\JRooms for light housekeeping. Wr~aT~" aHTtT'sTrrTVt'O HANDSOMELY FUFU I i Unlshed salts of Booms, front; nil oonronlouoes lot housokcepliiK; waver, g+tf und bath; also ball Boom; rent cheap. oH"I WEST 22D 8T.-A KOirfbll LADY HAS FRO.TI I lnn<t buck i'arlnr. furnished. with private bath. Bedroom. with Dot and cold water._ UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APART* MENTS TO LET. Arooni-; Improvements. <*11 see OWNBH and premises, from 10 to 12 LKGANT FLOORS FOR SMALL. FAMILIES; PER* loot order; $14 to $20; lmmedlHte possession; nil IronV HAILKY. 331 Hudson it. I"TLK<1AN r_FLAT8-M2TO MB: HPLFNDID HOUHbI liand location*: nil liuprovem nts; perfect order; jaah torn. OWN l.ll, 12ft Enst 34th st. F"bunch PLATA, beautifully LOCATEl», TO let.At end ol Eievnt.d Railroad, 9th nr. and 61st st. Apply to Janitor on premises. IILooks uf fuuk, six ~khd kioht rooms each (all lisrht). situate on 3d and Lexington art, in thor. ouch order. Inquire of MATTHEW BYRNES, 142 East 33d st. ST. JAMES FLATS. 8T11 AV. AND .77111 ST.. one of the finest locations io this city..A few desirably Suits to runt; rentals S30 to $-A per month; nil modern Inn firoveinents: unexceptionable reference required. Janiten li No. HftS Hth nv., or (1. A. 1C18SAM, Hoe st. T"o~let~-FLOOR OF" FOUR UOOMS AND TdRKli attic Booms; rent $2ft month. 42 .lane st., near 8th ay. rpo LET. TO kbsl'ECTABLE COLOBED -YllTTilOT ' X Apoi.ttnentS ot three rooms eaoli or Floors of lix rooms. In handsome four storv bruwn stone front Flats; renta from fft to $1'4. Apply to V. T. HEKVEY, corner 1st ar. and 113th st. rpo'Lif^iN'TiiE"ninth ward, TUB LOWKR PAR# 1 of CottMRS; all modern Improvements. Inquire at 7* carmine si. TUlitD-FLOOR UKKUUM8HKD, POUR ROOMS. to a party without children; first class; reference required. V> East Wth at. ' i)diklooifr6 let.- i:«TienrvsT HOl'SKS, KDO.lll, itt.. WASTED. In tit U city it nil Brooklyn. " A COUPLE WANT handsomely and cleanly furnished Second Floor, light housekeeping, between lPth and ooth *ts.. oth to Stli av.; $30 monthly. Box 140 Herald Uptown office. LI u It M K11 El) I'.OO M WANTED.BY YO11 ts (I LA D? C with light rowing niiicliine, above 14th at.; atnte term*. MAY, rieralit Uptown office. STOKE AND ONK LOPT WANTKD-IN SPRUCE ST. Address ARTHUR, 10 >pruca. TO PRO PR KTT O W N El IN..WANTED. FURNISHED wild unfurnished Houses and Apiirtmanta: also building Lota. .TOIIN M. N1XON, Broadway, corner Stat *. i WANTED-A FLAT OK KIOIIT OR MNR ROOMS, with wll the modern cnnviniciices, except having the water closet nnil servant's bedroom ventilated through kitchen, -tore or dining room ; below JMd at.; not over .J7® I per mouth. Address H. A., euro 0. P. Williams, Exchange I Court. I ANTED.BY sMALL KAMiLY T>V ADULTGL > Apartment! of elx rooms. In roapertahle neighborhood! ) Yerkvi.le; rent moderate. O.. atatlou E. j ANTbD-TWO OR THKME Ff KMMIKD ROOM* ) for a young married conple, without family, for Itghj housekeeping location between 20th and 'J'.ill sta.Sth and I Sth an; 11, a quiet family; rent in net he moderate. Address, » wlib full particulars, LUCK WOOD, Herald Uptown Branca olfiae. | In the Country* WANTED-TO lie.NT, FOR ONE Yl-.AR, WITH PRIT. Hope of lire ; email llouee.wtthln one honr of New York City llall; means of access mist he good and certain all the year round. Address, giving terms end every other Ik particular. M. H., box !12tt Herald office. WATCHES. JEWELRY, AC. 0. A.AT S17 BROADWAY, CORNER _> 11 iff "T)t/C mouds, Watchos, Jewelry. Silks and Porsonal Proportf ot every description bought and sold. Loans negotiated. ISAAC BAKU. AsfeoiaTjTY $7r>.(x»a- diamonds, watches .Jowolry. Vnlunblra, Ac., bought; utmost vnlua paid, looms effected. Incompnrfthlo linrrnins in Diamonds, Watches, Ac. lietftollahod jr. M. RAKIIINCKR. Ml Union square. T .lOHNsil VS. .Mi HOvY EliY, SOLID »TUUW silver IV» Set, now designs,less than linlt prion', lot Una YVniches, low llinn innmiliicturor's cost; Diamond Croat, cost. HMKHi; Knrrtuca equally low. «J»1 "DIAMOND sTUD, J CARAT; WAN TAKXM IN pJ-ii'/trade lor horse. Stable. 124 West l.lth at. .:. i)K.\ 'l'l S'l'KY. 4 A MKT 6> I'KKTIf IN 1'IIKKI; 1IOITKM AfTfUt"^ NKWBItOUUH'f. :I77 (llli nv., one door nkova 2:W at., opposim Masonic Trtnple, linbber. Celluloid, Hold, Platlna, Ac., anil evcr> thing in mechanical dentistry with d -apttA. Nitrons Uxtda Una. No. 1177 fftli *v. t'jeautih l, di iiahi.i'., resfkotlt frrrdMk JjArtlfle.inl Teeth, »«; .iuin. $H, tlaala. ft i erarrantadkY Natf York Dsatal Atoms, 3W ®tt ar, A111*H

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Post on 08-Aug-2020




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Page 1: The New York herald. (New York [N.Y.]). 1877-08-01 [p 12]. · oops, meats,pastry, desserts Ac.: private tamily or first class boardinghouse; noobjection to acountry hotel;best reference

rznr&Tioirs WATrei>-rrjrvLEs.

Co*it*, die.1Q EAST «D RT.-A YOUSO WOMAN At FIRSTiOdHi oMt. poetry aad bread maker; would Ue pert ,»fII aablai rr Mti rare at milk and batter: city reference.

OO WBiT 930 ST..A* COOK OK LACNDItBSt OKAttU*oik ta a email family; blgheet olaae city radereacea.Addreee LKQMaKO. Heroin Up-towu office<V7 PfilROfc ST.. TOP FLOOR A YOUNG 1'ROT.At I aataat girt aa cook, waehar and ;roner or tu do generalkaneawerfc la a email family; city or country; goad referinaee.JO WERT 44TH ST.-A YOlfXU OlitlT At COOK.0«£waaber and Iroaar; good reference from laat piece.Call far two day*.OA WBMT iRtn ~«~AN~NmX*if WOMAN ASO A hat claae reok la a hotal or reeteuraiit.

~A n WKrtf aoriT >t (pKT.sit.nt ktiploTkk'H)..aA. \7good, callable girl to cook ami mmi with the waeli-! ( makes good bread and biscuit; no objection to apel**!? boardlue bout*./in WBBT 18TH ST.. RKAK, TUIKD PLOOKT-^Axv/mic girl M good plain cook and excellent laundress;lily referenced «> WKkT ltTH ST. < PRT'.HENT KMPLoVKR'SI.-AXOrsapeetable trtrl at good plain rook, washer and iroaer;would do ciiamberwotk and railiax.

dfo PMNCK sT.-A KKSPEtJTABLP. «IJUi AdTt?7oook; would aaalat with the co irsa washing: n>. objectionto the country icood relareitce Ireiu laat employer.CO WERT"48X11 ST. (Tilhii: Bit;wSKNT KMPLOTUUtrtl.-Agood cook, waaher and lienor; alao cbaniber

aidand waitress.DC PBKKT ST.. KBARI.A~BB8PRCTA5M£~YO0WOCj')woman to cook, waah nnd iron; city or country; canlake charge of milk or butter; U a Rood baker; good cityreference

illQi WKsflarH st.-as compktknt cook;1U«J2 thoroughly enderatands all branches of oookinI;alao milk sad butter beat reference.

iTO~WB8T 47TII ST.-A SMAKT TTDT OIKL TOLi tweoak, waab and iron iu a private ramily ; beat cityreference.

WKsT 33D NT. COMPETENT SCOTCH WOMANaa pood cook and araaber; no objnotion ton boarding

benae ; city refarpnee.vnfiao ST..TWO WOMKN : ON P. AsTToOK.waalier and Ironer; tbe other aa chambermaid and

waitress; country preferred: reference from laat place.T*t'i wi ST :i:tO ST. AS KIIISI (;LAV< «:0"Kr_NOJ.^'Xobjectloii to a private boarding liouaa: city refertnoe.1 '-in WK8T 17TH~ST-A KBBPKOTARLR OIRL ASLOUgorid i-ook. waaber and ironer: no objection to a privateboarding house; good reference.

ioi WEST lTTH ST. t COLORED WOMAN AMlOAceok or to do general housework. Address MAKGAIbTJACKSON.I Ol WBST ifiTH ST.. IN STOKE.-43 UOOD~COOK;LOlv HI do washing and ironing: Rood reference.

|Oi) WgST 19TH ST.. klSK=A "rKBPKOTABLKLOwwoman to conk, wnsh and iron: good city reference;lity or eonntry.

|A] tUJto 1STH 81. PIB8T PXOOK. KBA it. A~RK-X xispectable woman aa cook, waalier and ironer or launIresaCall for two daya.iT/f WKST 480 ST.-As" COOK. WASllKR AMDJ jt Xlroncr ; excellent baker; good city relorence.

TEA W8MT STTH ST. AS FIRST CLASS COOK;J..J v/thotonghly understand* her business; meat*. soups,tie np dUbes, boning, larding, French, Spanish; tlrnt

class pastry cook; in a small family or large boardingbouse; reference.

1C1 WEST 34TH ST..TWO REsFiTcTABLE COLLrJAoredgirls: one na plain cook, washer and irouer;other as chambermaid and waitress; good city reference.

f^TwKST 31ST ST. A YOUNU WOM AN ATTTTOOK;I'J'Jno objection to country ' best city reference.

1 WHST^SSfH ST. Vf itSI CLASH 0 OA) K INJLOO^oardtncr bonao or restaurant); reference.

CLINTON ST.. SEtlfINI7>L0OK, FRONT..Arespectable woman as cook, washer and ironer in a

private family: city or country ; city reference. Call for two. days.

QM1 WE8T2TTH ST. .AVoCNSWOMAN AS COO if;thoroughly nnderstsnds her business In Kngli«U and

French: has liven in charge of first class family In city andcountry; the oonutry preferred.Q/Te-WEsT~2Tri7 sr.. skoonh ac^UeJtiveyooag woman as cook and lanndrsss; city reference.27 I ."WEST ROTH"ST.-A YOtfNOWO.MAN Afi COOKwin to do general housework in a small family; willingand obliging; good references,

Oii(l EAST 2»TH ST. ATwEDIhTi OIKL AS K1R8TaaswrTclass cook; understands all kiada of tamily cooking;best city reference,O'l/I EAST 29T7|~ST.-A 1 OUNO WOMAN TlTcOOK.^OUwaeh and iron or to do housework la a small family;best city reference.

Q'JfV WhRT 28TH ST.. TOP KLO&R..AS EfRRTe£Ovr ilasa cook: onderstanas cooking in all Its branches;oops, meats, pastry, desserts Ac.: private tamily or first

class boarding house; no objection to a country hotel; bestreference Can be seen for two days.ooi KASTTRTH"TFT.A UEKMAN O/RL AS FIRST

, a^OAclnes ooott in restaurant or Hue private family; goodpastry baker and understands all kinds ol desserts.

OQC EAST 22D.ST7-T~iil7tL AS FIK8T 01*88^O'Jcook and excellent laundress: no objection to a privuteboarding bouse: best city reference.

0»»7 EAST 21ST~ ST..A YOU N<; KN 7; LISH TilRLI as cook, washer and ironer in a private tamily; best

Bity reference.

inoq NOSTRA NO \V., HItOOKLYN -AS "COOK.^Ot7washer and ironer In small respectable familv; noobjection to the conutry; eight yeara' reference. Cell forthree dojre.tlOQ BA8f~ROTil sfr.KIK.ST FLOOR.A GIRL TO^0«7co.ik» wash and iron In a small family; city or conntryboat oity reference.

9,1 j WKsT -J7Til >1..AsTlRST~CCASS COOK: DKdwAIferstandsEnglish and American cooking; city orcountry: no objection to a private hoarding lionae; goodreference.

9coT west imth st. 7pre.skirr YmpT<jverts)^faltlilnl,experienced cook" washer and ironer,ami her danghtar to do 11 petalr» work and washing; bothwilling and obliging.

1 «rn av.-a"rT-sp-kctablk oiriTto cook..j'l I wash and Iron ; good reference."EAST 431) ST.. IN THE STORET^-AN ENGLISH

O'/Ownman aa first class rook; reetanrant, hotel or prlratefamily: good reference.

Q(|« EAST -AT 11 ST.-A K KSI' ( ;«TAKLK ENGLISHt)vU*inu»n aa first class cook mil to assist with waahingand ironiug: city or country: good home more of an objectthnn wages; heat city refercnoc.J/TT- TFTrAv. -A>TKJ.GLIH'HTKOTI.STANT WOMA-NOU I as Prat clans cook; no ohjactioa to a uotel or boardinglionae; reference.

!rjp7 west jSth siv^ a" vouVo girl ah goodDA l plain cook, waatier and ironer; good city roiorence.

niQ F.ART 27TII ST. AN AMERICAN PROTESTANTD1 *7woman as cook; ran anit any one's taato; French.English. Spanish, Herman and all others; new atylei;

alt, paatry, confectionary: cannot be excelled; la economizingand roltablc to tako charge, and for the interest! ofher cinnloyer; 30 years'reference and experience. Can bewen thta week.QOl KA.-r 12TI1 sT.-AN ENGLISH Pi OTKSTANTOfjlai first class 000k: city or country; city reference.057" BAST BOTH ST. .A Yol.'NG WOMAN ASCOOKDUx and laundress or to do general boosework; city orrown try; six years' city reference.A "1 Q KAHTlhTH ST.. OVIIR THE C.ICOOKItT STORE..tIOa respectable woman da good plain coek, washer andIrveer; city or country.a""oA kAHT I6T if sfT-A#tESPECTABEE. M1DDLBTCArXagedwoman aa cook; assist with washing; city oroentry; best reference.7fO 7TII AV-A RESPECTAB l.E WOMAN AHA A Oeook orto do the work of a small family, city relenweaa ni\ an a v.. first classXT I lAorder cook In hotel or restaurant; beat reference.Mra. JONES.A 71 «TH A V., DAVIS' HOUKSTORE.-AS PI RETTt I Adam eook in a gentleman's la-nily; understandsleap*. wieata. bread. cake, pastry ami desserts of ail kinds;beat city reference. Qall till engaged.Foo-sn av.-a kbspb<'Tabi.k woman as kxt/OOoellentconk: first clan* laundress; thoroughly nnIssstand* ber business. Ik at city reference.CTO ~7TH AT -A~ KEMPEOTA Hl-K Q1RL ASUl/Owwk. mbtr and ironer; city relereucn.Ori| "wiflHINiTTON Hr!.A YOUNG WOMAN ARvJt/Oeook or to do general housework in a auiall privatefamily, beet refbreuce. M W.

/TrtQ NTn AV., OONFKOTIONKRY..A RK8PK0TAIVt/ble (ftrl aecoek. washer and Ironor; good city reference.79(1 erti ay., between aist and~42i> st&. in4 dd-rthe canriy store. .A respectable girl nscnoksndtoSo course washing; city nr country: best reference.17 A L* 3D Av..A BKrTpKCTA RLE uTbL AjTeXGELI7rUlent cook; good bread and biscuit maker; willingto aaalet with tbe waablnir: best city reference.

QcTk 1ST AV.-A FJBRT CLASH MKAT AND PASTRYt/t-/Ucoe* for hotel: city or country good city reference.

QQTi BTH AV"._~resPEC i aHUE "(JThl a s COo k;UUvh willing to aeeiat with the washing and ironing;willing aad »bu«in< best city reference from last place.

VJA 20 AV t rtl-.SPitWABLK WOMAN ASXtyXeovk. waabcr aad ironer, or to do general bonsework;beetreferenceATOCMlWOMAN as FIRST CLAM* COOK; NOobjection to bearding house: geed city reference. 1H7 H-rald ptewn ollice.INKW KNOLAND WOM V N A.NO DAtroliTEB (14years old) as cook in private family; daughter to be

assfal; eieyer country; highest rsierew.e.' 211 West iHithat.

f.Tiambermaidi.. ike.r FRANKLIN TERRAG It. 2>Hyi ST.. NEAR 3TH AV..*Ja respectable young Protest awi girl as chambermaid andwaitr-ss or to assist in trashing.or as nur«u; three years'refersace from last place.on Mm avT.a Young 6trl~t7> "i>o~chamberrrerkaad take care of etuhlri n -. a good borne aad $12per month required: personal reference given.rXTekovaf.7rTiSf~fl<jor.-a k?..spectabl«rjTtyoobg person as chambermaid snd waitress; or woaldsake care ot children : is willing and obliging; i> a gooddressmaker. Call for two days.oi canvL st.TtnTiin klook7-Y respectableOJLyoang girl, lately landed, as chambermaid and waitrear,er woald do goaeral liottaework: williag and obliging.Call er address tor two days.

Tf|Q WUTMTH St.-A KKSPKOTAHLh OlRto TOXvOdwobaoeberwork and waiting; no objection to thesawatry; best oity rt tore nee.inn 7Tii ay." a kkspectablk yocnowomanJ Ut7tr do geaeral ttoastwork; is a good washer andiroaer; city or country Dart rstetesee.

IIO WBHT 20TM ST.-A itlUNO GIRL AS CHAMII r (barmaid aad waitress or to do housework; reference.

IIC WEST 33U ST..A RESPECTABLE TOLNQXliArirl » ohambermaW and wsure.s beat city referencetreat last pUca.TIC i«fl AT..A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS CilAMXlutriasldaad waitress Hi a private fntnily: city orsua try.

TTfl ID A>. (PRESENT BMPL<IYER'S)..A REJULinspectable yoaag girl a* chant oerm aid and waitressar aa Uaadrese; city reference (Jail for t o days.d sA trMT ttTii ST., UKAJL.A YOUNG GIRL ASXXl'ltiaiaaiK aad help In mind children: best rity

id AT w# BOTH »T , THIRD FLOOR..A OIRL waitress er to mind children; beet




1 ACt BAST 34TIi 8T (PRESENT KMPLOYBB'S)..ITUA yeaor |lrl u chtnb«rn»ld ud wnltreee; willingto Hilit with ihe waabtng ud ironing1 CO WriT a«TH ST~ KBAA-A YOUNO GIRL TOIvaiiI* chamberwork and waiting er hoaeework la >kmIIprivate toady; itty or roautrv good reierenee.

1 /Vt^TKST 13TH ST. iPHESKNT EMPLOYEITS).-Alcr«/thoroughly competent American Protealenl girl uchambers) aidand waltreaeia aprivate family; willing andobliging; cttv or country

1Kii WEST isi II 5t a vol XQ UlBL TO DO UP.l'/Ortaira wort, or llgbt bontework.

onn MIT 46TII 8T.-A YOUNO WOMAN AS_aUUrhanibermald and waltreu or norte and aearettrest;city referenceilO J KAST TBTII ST. IPKKSRNT EMPLOYER'S .ZUt* respectable yoniic girl aa chambermaid and waitroot:reference.««« oaren «rr.A TODXU WOMAN AS~CHAM~'A L ruaiil and waitress: wilt assist with washing andIroning city or country; beat city reference.

ol R lAff *m sr.. room :t._a kksfkotablk. A' lyunat tdrl to do rbaiubsrwork sad washing; beatcity reference.

<»»»*> EAST .7TH ST SiiOND KI.OOR.-a" YOUNOto do ebambsrwork ud sewing or light bousework;references

90'r. kasr -jot 11 st. rVi-ilRI." as ohamBBRMaTdjj jj* feed wsitrsss; no objectiune te e boarding house;citr reference.Wit EAST iSTH~.sf.-A OI~KL As~61lAMBERMaT6iow-ind esiirri.1 end to do fine washing audirnniag;best city reference.

o»>7 ktst aififst.-a yi>un<f Gi'ici7 "as ohamijUI bermeiil end nsltress in e priyete lamlly; country

preferred; bent rcfercnc.O7A soi Til .iriF AW-A youno OIHL, LATELY^TcUfrom Cuba, to do chamber*.>rk end sewing or tskecere of growing cliildreu city or cuunlrr; city reference.

*1.1 OTWBHT SImi ST~- V vol)NO WO MANTO DO^'r^cheniberwors end welting, or is willing to dohousework for e smell family.Q/UVtSf iitfj sr room n<». ;v-a youno girlOUOei chembcrineld end waitress or es nurse; city or

country; good reference.01 u EAST 83D sr. A VoCnTTgIRL AS CHAMBEROAOmaidend wultrcsi in e private family; best referencea.)->q "wkst stttii sr -7t01 >m i'kte nt~ girl asOOOchumbermaid mid a»i>N! »it it washing or wailing Ina private family; lieet city refereiice.

A71 av.-a"rbrfkctablk girl to cook,X I Awash end iron ; city or country; best city roference.

jj2q~erii a v.. room i.'.Fa viiixii girl asrrOOehamberiiiHtii and waitress; would assist in washing;good city rolerence.

701 2d av.-\ YOl'nirTilRL atTdilambermaidOAand waitress or to make herself generally nsslul;

willing and obliging. Tall or address.

117 1 20 av.. near «2d st -a~yol'!*(}'girl~toAir do Iiiietuirs' work uuil like cere of children.

WANTKI).BY AN KMtTl.I.-sH <;IKL, A81TUATIONss chambermaid and waitress; city reference. Address

m., box 130 Herald Uptuwn odicc.Dressmeltcrs tsiicl .sennutrestes

1/17 ^ks'r 12th st..A first class DRESSItI maker would like a fow more engagements, or totake work in at reduced rates.

oil monroe; is a tfiorOAAoughdressmaker and operator; would assist in eham|berwork; best reference.

YOUNCI PERSON WISHES A POMTiaW ~A8seamstress In n private family, by the week or month;

country preferred; no objection to travel. Addresa H. II.,etatlon I).~a first class cutter, stylish and tastyrt ... .. k. a. a £1 fid t lilnu

CUTTER, bos 100 Herald Uptown ofiice.General Housework, die

JONES ST.. NEAR -till AND OTH AVS..A REfspectableyoung woman to do general houeewnrk whereanother girl in kept; good reference it required.

IO UTTLE_JtiNKS 8 i RKKT..1IOUSKWORK, BT A.competent drl: email private family; excellent washer

and Ironor; city or country.TvjTWATT.s~~8T.-A KESPECfABLE GIRL TO DOtfcOhoueework: it a good plain cook, waaber and ironer;reference.Cl" PRINCE ST..RESPKCTABLE WOMAN TO DOtJl general housework; good cook, waaher and ironer; reference.mi EAST 41ST ST.-A YOUNG (URL TO DO OBNU«a>eralhnnsework in a email private family; prefers livingin the city; nine years' reterence. Can he seen for twodaya.C*A OH AKLEiTsT., FOURTH KLOOR. CRONT..A KBOTepectablewoman to do general homework. Call fortwo days.nn OKEENWIOH AV. REAR..A RESPECTABLEI i young girl to do general honsework in a private tarntlvflail Iwn (Isira

1 HU 7TH AV.-A YOCNG WOMAN TO DO GENERALXUt7bouiowork In a small private family; city or country.1/kQl WEST~15TH MT7.~A M[DDLK~ AGiiD J'KOrXvst72estantwoman as chambermaid or kitcbanmald;rsferoocs.

1 HO1 WB8T 15TII 8TT--A YOUNG WOiLAN TO DOX'' t72boueework; good washer and ironer; best city WEST 28TH ST.-A YOUNG" WOMAN TO DO

Oiteueral honseworlc; good washer and ironer; bestreference.TT"V"WERT 830 8T..A ImsrROTAHLK OIRL TO DOX L^Chonsework; geud washer and ironer; plain cook;iiood baker; country preterred.

2D AVT-A MIDDLis AGED litKL TO DO~IJEfTeralhonsework ; excellent washer and Ironer, goodplain cook; knows how to wait on table: kind to children;no ob]ectlen to a short distance In the country; good cityreference. Address.

lTQ WK8T 4WTF1 ST .A~ RK8i'ECTABLE YOUNGll«7drl to do general housework ; is a good plain cook;good city roference.

1 'Hi WEnf~i9TH ST.A GERMAN "WOMAN TO DOXij i/general housework; city or eountry.

SPRING**STV.A GiiKMAN' OIIIL~f0~D0 GENAOleralhonsework; a good washer and ironer.WEST 29TH ST.A GIRL TO DO GENERALhousework; is willbitr and obliging ; city or country;

best reference."I Or WE8T 10TH ST..A RESPECTABLE WOMAN TOlOvdo general honsework; pond cook, washer and ironer;conntry preferied; cod reference.Too wi'.sr iaiH st..woman"kor H(7cs,.work.LOOor kitchen work in boarritnir house ; Rood reference.

i \ WEST 19T1I ST..A YOUNG COLORED GIRL TOXtH'do ccncral housework or chambermaid or laundrese ;best city relereoce.

1~C C WEST 111 T ST. .A GOOD, RKSi'KCTAHLBi)>Jwouisu to do general honsework in a private family;

pood washer and irotier; comes from the country; wunldlike to live in city.1 et» WKHT 28TH ST.-A NKAT^IRI. TO DO GEN*X'JUrralhousework la a small private family ; reference.

iTuTWEST 2STB I3IRL KOH OENKKALXUUbousework: good reference.,wwi D . .TtaT11 US A VI lir All Mini. Til III h I1VV

ZUb. . housework; is a pooit cook nod first clan laundress; best reference.<11 QKAST 98IR ST., BAAKMKNT..A KKSVKCTA.ijlOWeyonup girl to do general housework; good reference.<) 1 I KaST 23tT8T..A KKSI'ECTAllLfTcolored^I'Tglrl to do peneral housework: child wltli her.

irp7 WKVT 1SHT1I ST..A Vol.'NUS: "l KE~TO DO£\. I general housework; willing end obliging; city reference.OO/r BAST 3R3 NT.. FIRS1'7'UJOR,~lMiONT.7A^ajVFyounu worn en to do general housework; city orcountry; pood reference.nil'! east 2flTH~st..7oIkL To do UKNEKaL

housework citr or country good reference.

«y*)A UIT MT 11 ST., ST< >11B..A KE8PBCTABL.E^ajtgirl to dn general houaework ; pond washer and ironer;willing end obliging; pood city reference. Cell for twodays.007 "East ^nf.-t., in h ore..a Y61;nu girlmI *j I to do housework in a stuail American family; cityreference.000 KAHT IfiTII ST., BETWtE N~aifAND 3DAVS..jO* 11 young woman to do ponorul honsework ; twelve

Booths' refereucc from last place.o7d WENT 47TH ST. TO DO 7jENKK,\l7 HOUSEiJT'Ieoik;1st puod plain cook; no objection to thecountry; three years in last placeI),- I EAST aiu ST..A tilKL TO UO UKNKRAl,gut Ji.lionse work; prod cook, washer and ironer; city orcountry; city reference.MClt WBST auTU ST..A RBSTBOTABLB u I it LiAj>) .ito do peneral housework : pood citr relorrace.

(1(W\ 71'H AV..A WOMAN TO DOJUO'Jpeneral housework pood citr reference.onif"rant"stT.a y<"> u nu iurl to do oenOvyVfernlhonsework; city reference.

tfff MADISON sr. NKAK ool'vbkn. IJR. topOL-Lfleor. .A respectable woman to tfo housework in aplain faniHy where she can hare a pood heme; reference.

J|«J KAST MITII Sl\ .A Ulltl, fO Do II oUSKWOKKOlOpood washer and irouer; pond relereace.«J 1 7 KANT airu" "ST..A OOMPH IKNT AKD fcE01I liable woman to do peneral housework In a small'private family; city or country.1)1(1 F.ASf 87lHnT.-A YODNifuiRIi TO DO GRlTOi»7eral honsework; rerr best references.

) )' west itiii or. -ax american protesOOt-Jantgirl to assist with housoworK. Address.

').)0 WEST 39TI1 ST..A YOUNG WOMAN TO DOOOOpetteritl homework goad plain cook. wether andIrmi'.t city reference.

> a 11 went 'jut11 sr..a youn(TuTrl to do okxOliouicwoik; la wi.Uug ud obliging; he it city

r. ler n.'B Iron lut pl»«

y in BAST rj°lil ST.-excellent oikl F(JrO'l Uffiier»l homework In it small private family. Canbe fern at her preaout cmployer'a.v ( 7 east :«th st..two young girls to doOx I the work of it family netwenn llieiu; willing andobliging: city «r country ; city reference*.o i Q WEST 4*D nt..a~f6u~\i7~utkL WIll doUT t/H>«ral bouH*ark In t private lamily: good cityre le renee

~r>7Q~>.A*rlotH ST..A Vol! NO (II It I, to do OBN7UOrral housework; bo obloctlon to a trench flat; goodcity retarrnca.

A fltt WENT "JUT 11 ST..AN ENGLISH PKOTBHTAN TxlWOg'Irl, lately landed, for general housework.

yl I WKST OTII ST.-A GERMAN tllKL TO DOJrJ 'general housework good reference.

/L I ii w,;sl' 8STH NT A RENTHoi'ABLB TOUITOXTJ-Ugirl. in a small private lamily, t do general houseworkla a plain eo .k, good weaker uad Ironar; city reference.ilUJD W (V-'AMIY STOKE/'.A HKSI'KCTABLBxXt7Knglleh annum, not long landed, to do generalbonaework In a private lutuilv; plain cook, washer andIronar; no olfaction to the country; beat city reference,J OI WRHT M.Vrif ST A YOI NG GIRL, LATELYTt^l Handed, to ilo general limine work In aprlvnte family.diH GREENWICH sr.. NBA It LAlullT, si.rn.MiTTsi'Illnnr. hack rooiu. -A rcapoctahle girl to do housewora;good conk, washer nnd irnnnr; good city reference.

I'JM West ttvril st a YOUNG AMERICAN GIRLC»J" 'to do general homework good reference

TJT ATT N¥A* 3RTH ST -A GIRL TO DOxxlheiiawnk la a email family; three year* city refer|anaa.

k. herald, wednesda1grrBATiom WAyrau-FEMAiigs.

Grner*] Honacwurk. <Cr.AIR wkst acrH -t.-yoitmi womax to doTT'V»«r«l honMworft In a -mail private family, foodeuok. waaher and ironer; beet cit* reference. Call tor l*edaye.AK.A WKSr .'.2D hT. .A KkAT. TIDY WOMAN TOTUTdo houenwork; una who underetaiada milk andbutter: dljr or eoi utry.H'Jl) EAJiT 17tii bt.-a rkhpkt.tablrturtl tocfO«Jdo general honaowork ; good laundreae; boat cityre(aranee.

i\a u vth at..a mmtsotabmi oljuta *> in>XlJpeneral honaowork In a private family; boat city

reference*. ('all or arldreea.

i;1] wk8t 85th st..a totxttoirlto~do oki*.'UXaral honaowork la a amall private lumlly; good city

reference.3d av..a re8peotarlb touno oikl, to

I vuilo iron ral honaowork three * ear*' food city reference;rink accond bell. Call or addrrta.

oqotstav.-a rk8i'KCTABLk"Vodno gikl toOe/Odo hooaework; no objection to the country.

oqt) east fsorii st.-a touno oirlto do obn0»70aralhouaowork In a amall family; «oad dty refer,enoa.

quj-'day., bktwkbx 47til and d«tu xt3..toOuTito ireueral boua' work ; good reference.

y"7uiff~isd av. cornie~ok tmtlt" st.-a ukA.Ife/Uepeeta'.lerirl to do general honaowork for aamall family; beet elty reference.

1 lti3"ad a v.. kancy stoics.-7 to r>o wrl! iUTiu do DooMWori; l«o y«»r» wi/ "»"»

encefrom her U»t plac«.

It'll 2UAV-A YOUNG GIRL FOR H0U6EWORK.Uii Can be i»n for two days

1~Li\A~ 3n AV.r~NEAR ~MST~T.A ofitL FOBUl.TX'grneral housework In a sais'l private tamily.TOinfO PROTESTANT ~OIhL~ POR gbnP.RAL

work In small lumlly near city. Apply, with references,t 3H lleekman St., t bird floor.

UFklT Willi OOOD RKPEKKNORsT"ORHMANpreferred, lor general housework. Ml Kaat JWth st.

Widow wants to~oo~b#T bv the day vi> dogeneral housework. Address *v IDOW, Herald office.

Honsekeepers, AcQ7EAST4TH ST..A ItKhPECT.VBL' MTDDLE-AOED' I woman as housekeeper; thoroughly understands her

bnsiness; Bret class reference.l'»(> WES!7 rtl> SI..A YOUNG FKF.NUH LADT,-20,lOCai lionsokeeper or companion for wiilower.

fTTj WES i~28TT|~HT..A WlD~OW LADY AS HOUSRIUI keeper for respectable parties only.IDC It I. E K i' K u sr.. Si; (MINI) KLboiCFRONT..JLUc/Youtig French lady aa housekeeper. Call three day#.


917 WEST 3SD ST..AN AMERICAN LADY AStil I housekeepor In hotel or In a widower's family; bestreference, Cell for two days.a tit* wwrr asiB sr. (fourth bblle.a prao«x«iUtiral New Euirlaiid housekeeper would 1111 any positionof trust; Is not afraid ol work ; references

Fjl 7 flTU AY.A yThJNO WIDo1y~(5tKA NUBlt). ASUI I housekeeper: widower preferred.~ji young Lady demurs k~situation as-fThousekeeper; no objection to the country. Adaress N.HILL. Herald Uptown office.

LADY of RESPECTABILITY DESIRES A POSTtiouas housokecper for a gentleman; one who can hppreciatewhat is most true and noblo in woman. AddressR, boa 185 Herald Hranch office.

A' YOUNO AMERICAN* WIDOW LADY "WOULDlike a situation as housekeeper. Address Mrs. MIL'ION,

Herald office.

Laaiidresses. Mr.U*y WEST 55TII ST..A RESPECTABLE WOMAN A8UOlanndrees; Bret class shirt ironer; will assist withchainberwork; city reference.

ZjlFl^TANTciN-ST?.A POOR WOMAN TO DO WASHUtJingor cleaning.

mWEST 19TH"ST."I-A~RKBPECTABLE GIRL ASwasher and ironer; no objection to the country; willingand obliging.

oi r east j»Th~st.-a young"woman as laun^IrJdrese-city reference.

oljff EA8T' 54TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMANjulModu washing and Ironing by the day.

A WEST 47TH ST.-AK FIRST CLAMS I.ACN^TTTdreiis;no objection to tho country; fivu yuan lalast place.OlM WEST 218T ST..A RESPECTABLE WOMANUJTIC no out by tho day wnehlng or house cleaning.0V1Q EA8T itflfit ST.-A KEBPKCTAB L\ YOUNG0*£0w»in*n to go out washiug aud Ironing by the day orto do housework.0~l () WEST 42D ST..A FIRST GLASS LAUNDRKS8O"1 .to go out by the day, week or month French tinting;sheets done up ne now.

QQIT"SD AV.^T KKSPEOTABLE YOUNOUIRLXSr/OOfliet class laundress; best city reference. Ring thirdbell.

1| A K 2D AV..TWO GIRLS; ONE AS LAUNDRESS;.iTCtJthe other as chambermaid and waitress; Protestant;city references.

Muriel, WEST 35TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE MIDDLEXOaged American woman ne nurse to an invalid lady, orto take care oi young children.orr OLINTON PLAGE iSTIi ST.).A~ YOUNG WOJf)msnto take care of children and make herseli generallyuseful; country preferred ; beat citv reference.

07 LAKAYETTTTPLACE..AS' NDR.SE AND CH AM0I bermaid: capable of taking charge of an Infant frombirth; best reference.

f>9 EASTTRT ~ST. TOP ~FLOOR~A RESPKOTAHLEO^gtrl ae child's maid and seamstress in a good family;best city reference.r> Q WEST 3D ST..A VOUNO KRENCH GIRL. JUSTOOfrom Krauee, to take care ot children; no objection tothe country.

Tkl 1ST ST..A RESPECTABLE GEBMAN~GIRL AS<£nursr or waitress: rood reference.

(JO FRANKLIN ST.. JERSEY CITY.-A TOONOc/^Swedish girl. 18 years old. sneak* English and Germanwell, to tako care of children or in n small Protestantfamily, city 01 country. Address Mr. Theo. Hondles.1 ') A EAST SOTII ST.-AITERMAN GIRL TO MINDA» »T"children una make herself uishil; can apeak Englishand German. Call on or address, for two days, C. K.

"IQO SOUTH 1ST StTwII.LIaMSBURti.-A YOUNGJ_'7 Jjwoinati aawetnnraeat her own homo: beat reference.

t»1 Q WKST :tofll ST.-A LITTLE GIRL~li YEARSLtAOold, to mind n babj.i)t)f\ EAST 29TII ST.. IIR8T KIX3GK. KKONT.-A

young woman aahabr'a nurse; no objection to ebamberwnrk; city or country; rood reference.

0«/q~vk8t 4<)th st KhTWREN 7th AND hthmwmBii.-*A young girl oa wet nurse; city or eonntry;reference.

999_WKHT 40TH ST.. HhTWEKN_7TH AND 8THava..A German girl aa child's nurse; beat referente.

twi WKST 47TII ST. (Pltl SENT KMPLOYKK'S)..AgSOJLyoung girl to take rbnrKe ol° a baby or Krowinx children.


<JFT «TH ay.. o.niT iToor above 1HTH ST.£ll)~T (ring three times)..A ynnne « rl tut nurse andseamstress; understands the care of cMldren.OfW | WEST HOUSTON ST.-A YOu no GlBL~TbO'/'/take care of children. fall or address.o'jl kAST"Tstii siT-an am" rjcan "girl asOOlnnrae or chambermaid and waitress; city reference.

Q t »7 EAST l.TTM HT.-A PROTESTANf~WOMAN TOOxOtuke tare or children from birth; obliging; wagesno object; roferenoos.0 -t 3D*Av..A respectable young. HEALTHYOlfXKrench woman, who baa lost her babe two days old,as wet nurse.

Jo7i 18T av..a YOuno am kkican widow toX^iUlake charge of a child or aa wet nurse; city reference.A -> > BAST 1STII HT..A YGUN(1 WOMAN WITH'fresh breast of milk aa wet nurse.

7/"t) 7TH AX~ BJETWKKN 34TH AND RSTIl BTH.TTtJOlhird floor..A young girl, lately arrived from EnglaLd.aa nursemaid In a Jewish taiuily; willing to aeaiat insewing and honsohold duties; highest references.

77~0~2I> AV. HBOOND I'LOO.'l.AS KIltST CLASS1 I fcjnurae; well recommended by many families andknown physicians.q/uf 2t» at. (third "l'Kid.).-AS* KjTpKRIKNCEDt/l/vJnurse, but not in continement cases; can refer inladies of respectability (formor Invalids) ; also to physicians.11 9U 2D AV..lOUNO MARKIKD WOMAN AS

. Lgaf'/wnt nurse In > good lautily; baby three weeksold ,

RESPECTABLE GIRL ~TO TAKE CARE OFchildren anil to assist with the chamberwork: Is willing

and obliging. Call at the Rockingham House, apartment4, present employer's.

Waitresses. Ac.QI OHEI8TOPHKR ST., ROOM 6..A YOUNG GIRLOt Jas waitress or chambermaid In botel or boarding house;has hern 10 years In the last place In the city.017 WEST 2HTH ST. A ItKSHKCTABLKr OIRL ASLiV I waitress in a bearding house, or would do chamber,work and waiting.0 ( I BABT 30TH AT..A SCOTCH PROTESTANT^Tlas first elaas traitress: understands her business Inall branches; best cHy references.11 9 BAOT 17TH ST., MWOND FLOOR, 1 BACKTiairoiim.-A respectable voung girl as Brat claaswaitress; no objection to private boarding booae; eae takecharge of a dining room. Call f r two days.r~ A 9 :il> AV AS "lltST 0LA8H WaTtRKShTuX1L Zfderstsnds ber business thorsnghly; city or country;beat city re to rosea.

itllscrllanrouar/\ DIVISION ST.. KIIt.ST FLOOR.-A NORTH OERoV/ni*nProtestant girl as maid auo seamstress; dors notcut end lit dresses, but makes aojr alteration; Is rally competentla taking care of Itnea ; good rlty reference. Call*or address.

1C|| WKWT 25TII ST..A Rl.HI'KCTABLE PROTKNXtJVStaniyoung woman to do light hniraewnrk In privatefaintly cook, waabcr and Ironer; best ralerenoe. Call lortwo nays.1 - 9 KAM' 421>"s7.-\s LADY'S maid to DOX'/^sewing anu be useful around tlte house or te takecare of children ; best reference.

91 i(| KAsr sr.rit ht.-a youmi American hirlto da llgbt houaeworn In n am all private family.

oni RAST *!l ST.. RKSI'HC V it I,E MARRT8D^iwJLwoman wlahce apartmonla free of rent, tor her *eryleee.Mb, KB1P.J/l/j KAST 85TH ST., 8KOONO FLOOR, FRONT..AOUUrespectahlr woman t>» no out hy the day to dohoo-erlnanlnic. or wonld <io washier. full or addrraa.

300 BAMT 31IT MT.-AH MAID \NI> SRAMStRK8.H;Jean tireaa hair, rut and lit apparel, would oeatat with

eltnmtoerwork or houaekeepln* ; three yeare' reference fromleet place.rilU wis I 8BTH ST..A PKOTRRTART UlMa AO>»JV/01». to aew or do anything in a atore la very amert.

pnOFUMHIONALSITI ATIUNMWANTKIIFBMALKB.Xjtflu. SiTSTE i«.n k uiYiTiTonToka ti'Gk,T: rjjfuN"h,ita'TTtlVe employmrnt to nn odtiratnd lady f Anawer explicitly.WAKII, Herald ptown nlflco.

HBBlaP WAVTKII-PKMAiiBB.fnl.Si. I.AliV AH TKA. .l.tN., i) M I' A N1 < N

expenaea paid. Addreaa II. (I., tor 117 Herald UptownHraneu olllce.

A" THThW ART A CO. WANT FIRST CLASH COIrlar and calf makers; experta only need apply at Ninth

etreet entrance, flroedway, «th ?., W» end lUth eta.


xVln a rcneiirent Apply 762 Broadway.

LAtlT CAN V A3SBK8 WANTED-T(>IN rRODDOB~Anew and ueefnl bonoehold article in the country; celery

$4 per week end heard end expound paid. AddreeoOL1MAI, box 139 fleraldofliee.

S"MART COLOHED^lkX WANTEO'FOR CHAMBER.woak and waiting; muet hare good reference. 10 Wool


Tw(Tor tureTTrcmool tkaohbIoTduring tacationin a reioaneratiro poeiti m refereoeee.RHEKtiY, :iM Berclay at.

WET NURSE WANTED IM M k7)[ATRLY FOR 1*1en 11We weeke. Call 468 Weet 31 et at.

WANTKD-ACTIVB. fNTkLElGKNT KKMALES TOacil Prol. shaw'e ChirapedJn, a new end elegant toilet

erticle. which erery lady will bur; money can be made.Rend addreeo to LlfTHLL A SHAW. 10 and IB Roe# et.

WAN'TKU.ASCOMPETENf MKAMBTRBSN : WOULI»well on a li'.dy or growing cbild: oily relerenee. AddreaeN. U.. Hareld Uptown office.

WANTKD-A I500D COOK fWlTlTB OR COLORED)In a boarding honor one who underatanJe hot brea<le

and deeeerlH. Apply, with reference, at 18 Knot 33d et-. betaean9 and 10 or aftar 3.II/"ANTED-OIttLg WHO UMDBRKTAffD PUTTING>T na labels anl ere willing to neako thnmeelrae generally

ueefoi. Call hi ub3 Broadway, top dour.

ANTED.AN AOTIVK KNTK KIM'-I SI NO llUSINESSlady to take ordere: ealary nr rominiaelon.

I J. CIJM.MINUS. IT Bond at.

"OfANTED-A GIRL FOE GENERAL HOUSEWORK;TT plnln cook, good waener and Ironar; wagae (10. 23SWeet 4Sth et.

ANTED IMMKIMATELY-A FllENCH NURSE, BE~*.tween 25 and 30 yeare old. Inlly competent to take en-

(Ire cure of an infant ana year old. Address Nuitnis,Herald office.

ANTED.IN A PHIVATE BOARDING HOUSE,two Ilrat claaa girla; German or Swedish; one a* cook ;

the other as laundress and to assist in the kitchen. 18 East10th at.

WANTIiD-A* CLEAN, TIDY GII1L, 14 YEARS mind children and make herself osetnl. Apniy 181

West Steth at.

W" ANTED-A RESPECTABLE GIRL FO~B GENERALhousework; must be well recommended. Inquire at

No. 70 East tilst St.


ASVROfJtrYOlTNii MAN (ENGLISH) A8 PSltTER,or auy employment: willing to work tor low wages.

Address OBLIGING, Herald office.8 COOK..AKREN011MAN WISHEITA"^TIJATIONas second cook in a llrsi class hotel or restaurant; c:ty

oruountry; speaks French, English and German. AddressB. A., Herald odice.T SINGLE MAN OliSlKKd jA~SITUATION ON Aaxfarm or gentlamau's place. Address b. 1114 Heraldottlco.


TO DBXY« FOIt Adorlor or as belt boy. OhII at 120 8th St., near Rtli av. i

Itksi'ECTABLE MAN AS KlIBBTCLASS WAITERor coachman; best of city reference. Call at 100 West

32d st.

AN AMERICAN YOUNG MAN UNDJ2RSTANDINGthe grocery business wlabes a situation la competent to

lill sny position in wholesale or retail store. Address INTEGRITY,Herald Uptown office.T 13 EAST~32lT STT-W^ANTED, A GOOD COOK,wasber and Ironer. Call between the hours of 10 and 2.

BOY, AGED 17. WISHES'A~ SITUATION WHOwrites well and understands bookkeeping. Addreaa

HUBERT PHILPOTT, 1124 Kast 67th at.

Situation wanted-by XYTruictly temTersteyoung man, where be can make himself generallyuseful; It u good penman and quick and correct at figures;is willing and obliging. Apply to or address JAMES J.rAuwii, on <10111 nt.

S~TTUATION W.rNTKlT.BV A YOUNG MAN. 20y«»rs old. in an office nr wholesale honsa: coed nenmnn;

moderate wages. Address IIAL8TKAD, Herald oBlca.

SITUAtIO«TwANTED BY A YOUNG 1«AN; UNDERslaudethe care ol' bar and billiard room aud care ol horaes;willing to do anything; beet reference. Address WILLING.Herald otBco.

W~am r-iiy~a. young-man in-a"boardinghouse; good reference. Address AIKEN, box 106

Herald Uptown oOice.

Wanted"a situation by an intelligentyoung man of 31. Address O. M.. box 151 Herald oltlce.

I C I EAST~I2D ST..A* FIRST CLASS WAtTEGS INJ 1 _jh private la'nily speaks French end Italian.


"a"gentli:man, pgr years partner in a well_/\_known Wall street boueo. a thorough accountant andaccompiuheri correspondent in English, German and French,fully cunable, In fact, to take charge of any office business,desires a situation where his services are likely to be appreciated'Address E. 0.. Herald office.

DRUGGIST, AT PRESENT* IN CHARGE OF ABrooklyn store, speaking French and Spanish fluently,

desires employment by the 15th Inst. Address, with lullname and partlcnlars, G. P. 0., Herald office.

n experienced "SALESv!an. WHO IS INTImatelyacquainted with the Western Jobbleg trade. Isopen for eugagemout. Address D., box 190 Hernld office.

youmFman. experienced"and"fam!liarwith the transaction of bnsiness, e good correspondent,

wants a situation as office clerk, salesman, or to take churgoof an otder department, or any situation combining work ofsimilar character; first class city references. Aduresa L.N., care of P. Corbitt A Co., No. 0.14 Broadway.

YOUNO MAN. THOIKOUGHLY COMPETENT ANDexperienced aa a doubly entry bookkeeper, desires employment.Address !i. M. r. L»., Herald office..STE^RN BROTHERS"wANT~ A THOROUGHLYcompetent man as floorwalker; most be of good appearanceand address and been engaged In the seme capacityin mine Aral class city fancy dry goods honse. No

others ueed apply, between ID 1 2 A. M.. Hth av. and 23d st.

iiUGGISTB. A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT CLERKdesires a position; speaks German; oest references;

salary moderate. Address Pii. G.. Herald office.

Drug clerk wanted..apply at ~7us orebnwlchst.

T\RUGOI8TK..GRADUATE P. 0. P. DESIRE V AI Fair it .(Inn .in .In hut n* reference: sneaks German.Address QUISIA, 341 Wwt 36th at.

RCGQI8T&.WANTEO, A SITUATION BV A GBAD.nate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; apeak*

and write* (.ermuo; beat references. Address KliElHerald offiee.


LIKE "SUCCESS.The circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM for the

week jnet closed ha* been the largest ever reached by anyevoninK newspaper in thia city. We feel a reaaonablepride in making such an announcement, and a* Ibis la oniythe result of public appreciation of the ThLBGKAM'B effoitsto meet every emergency presenting Itaelf, we mayventure nln> to ronirretelate our readers on the wise discriminationshown by them in tbe selection of a lireJournal. The excitement of tbe paet week ninst haveproved beyond a doubt that the TKLKGRAM is daily aheadof all its evening contemporaries, and tbe following figureswill hut serve to substantiate its claims to an ever increasingpopularity;Monday, July fid 88,500 Thursday .July 36.... 88.T1OOTuesday. J uly 34 Ufi.800 Friday, J uly 37 08,300Wednesday, July 23.. 1)3,800 Saturday, July 38.... 49.900

Total 477,POt)Daily average..... 70.833SITUATION WANTED-BV~KNKRGETIO YOUNGOman, experienced in conl, real estate and auction bu aim-as,a* clerk, watchman or Janitor; any employment acceptable;satisfactory reference. Address PKANK,Herald Branch office.

\\7AN TED.A tTEVTLEal AN OF KNKrtUY AND to perfect himself in onr business, so as to be able totake charge of branch office; lucrative and pormanout.Address Vr,, box 5,ri30 I'ost office.

Wanted.a young man as window dresserand talesman at PHILIP ASIIEK'S fancy store, 555

8th av,

WANTED.A SALESMAN, OK GOOD ADDRESS,i f thoroughly posted in tho paper business, to wait oncustomers. Address, with reference, M. B. W., Ileraidoffice.

\iT ANTKD-AN" EXPERT TO EXAMINE ADVERM8tTln)f accounts; one accustomed to ncwspapor advertising.Apply M7 BrotdWiy. oBw No. L


a situation by the in on t ti or on sbaro*; ran do alt kind*of carpenter work. Address K. K. H., llernlrt olBce.

cThkman-want?Ta situation as"coachmanand Kurdoner. Address C. W. .box ISO Herald oilice.

YOUNC1 doLOKKI > M AN WlVTlES TVlKST CLASSploco as enaebman; best reference. Inquire at *:> l.».

layette IT., JSrooktyn.S OOAOHMAN.BY A TOURS MAN: THOROUGHLYunderstands his Dusliieas; will be found wIUIok and

olili/riux Address I». Ims 1"_'4 Herald nflirs.

THOROUGHLY"" EXI'KiflKXCEf) COACHMAN,Inicle, want* a situation tlrst claas city reference. Ad.

dress COACHMAN. 14.> Kranklln at.

COACHMAN AND GARDENER, GENERALLYnselul, desires a situation; good elt.r references. AddressU, box Did Hersidolflre.

C~iOAOU.\AN.-810 RVICE WANTED. BY A MANJ lonR soenstomed to the cam of drat class thin#*,

which certificates will proro. U17 East 47th st.

Ct EKMANTROTKmTANT~NAN~WANTH~K SITUATIONTascoachman and ssrdrner: willing to make himself

tenerally nselnl; hnst referenrn. Address FREDERICK,ox 11(1 llei alu oBoe.

G~AKDiTlTlTlt 'AND USEFUL MAN ON A GKNTLKinan'splacu;siuitle; best city reference. Address W.,| box 134 Herald.

U'TUAtToK wastkd.HY a (iKH.MAN as coach1)n 11 n and gardener nnd to make btmsoll generally useful;iiiit reference. H22 lutli *v.

"11' ANTI'.I) A MABKIBO MA N. WITHOUT FAMILY,f T thoroughly competent *»gardener, with full kunwledge

ot toe cure anil culture id linlt and hot and colli graperies,to take charge ol a Urge plnce. hone need apply withoutbent reference! nnd testimonials, to room fill. 21 Cortlaodlat., between 11 end 12 o'clock.

WANTKD-A YOI'MI MAN Wild HAH EXPKHlKNrtBIII the clothing business. Apply, with reference, any

time, at tl> Myrtle nr., MroolJui.

WANTKD.AM COAOMMAN. A YOCJNC1 MANKINDman, I'rutestaut, who uniieretanda rare of nnd driving

horses: nlno nlile to tend a -.'arilen, nnd wlllliii; to ronltuhimself UKiifnl around a frertlumnn'i plnce; wages. parmutitb nuil free hon»e no olty in an need apply. Apply atpisses Depot. .Newark branch of h.rle KailWay.

WANTED.A SITUATION I'.Y A .MM CLE OKR.MAN,ne gardener; In willing to take onre ot horset; six years

relerenca Irom last place. Addrote P. M., box 140 HeraldefAeo.

map Vt A.\TKO-MAI,KS.

A*~TfSELL'B Til If KIS11 \M> KllM A.N HATHN»«i EKTInttion hv., want an Amarlean under 2A as cashier and.

auperiuteiideiit.\ okntm wanted to introduce a new artijtlcle of real merit, stnoug the grocery and liquor trail#.Apply 444 2d nr., basement.

MAN. WITH ("' '> HAN,!, CAN SECURE SITUAlion paving $12 per week and board. Particulars

MOUTHYvIcK A co., WW Broadway.iToKHCE BUY IVANTED.WILLI fill TO CARRYnut small parcels; $4perweek; good writer. STOCK,

lleruld office.


BON WAN II. D-\T 4o:i KAST4TM ax7, t; P ST AI its,wages $1 !Mi per week ni Hist.

CNANVANSKRS LEAVING THE CITY TO CALL UPON./country merchants can have samples and prices cheap

metallic show signs, need for advertising; will sell well.COMMOSe A CO., 7 Collogo plaoo.



\rffrx8b srtvrwjfrwxcr^Tftt^-xtrvraiLLJTllhe Tournament. a now toy jasl oat; everybodybay* aa«. Call la lb. aaoraiar to be supplied, 92 Chathamii . nom 1.

MANUPACTURINcTCOMPANT WANTS QBNER4Lareata; .xeall at opportunity; Baylor over W>l

monthly: uaqu. stiouabls references Indispensable. 881 8thor., too floor.

PURR TRAS-AGENTS WANTED EVfcRYWHKKKto sell to famlllo*. hotels and lory ooiisomer*: largest

stock la tba country; qoallty and term* tha best. Countryaaoroho.nors should cml or vrlts Tho WELLS TEACOMPANY. aoi Patten at. ,

TWO SMAKT, tCTlVK AMERICAN BOYSWANTBD,In a fancy roods boosa, to learn th. business: waoes.

ft?',. m",r Address, with rolorsac.s, JiOTlON*. boi128 Herald office.

TO CONDUCTORS."-BRakEMBN AND RXFRBSg.mea..Wsnted. men who nr. thoronghly acquainted in

the different towns on th. different railroads rnuainr fromAPB>r between Sand 11 A. M.. SMITH'S New

York Pale Ale Brewery. 1

l\TANTED.RNBKOKTK' CATHOLIC MEN rOR THAT" laat-eeillag book, the new authorised "Lila of Pins IX."

THOMAS KKULY. 17 Barclay su

~\ATANTED.A SMART, ACTIVE BOY, ABOUT 15.Yanrsof **e: mast bo a good penmnn, expert at flgnret

anu wall recommended; one living ivlin hii parent* preferred.AAlclre*« in applle*nt*» liauuwriltnir. alating hr*,residence. references. Ac.. IMPORTER. Poet office box

TV" ANTED.A BOY IS SHIPPING OrPICE; SALARY. Y ***.' WOp; in net livejnrltb bit parent* Addrett,in onn«i writing or applicant, K. 8., box lfH Herald otUce.

WANTBD-FIR8T RATK ADVJSUTI8KMKNT OAKfryaaaers for popular maxeainea: oomraisii >ns advanced;references. Address BROOKLYN, 201 Herald offle .

W'anteim-by a manufacturer, auent5~toall all over tba United States to the trade » new and

handaome article of goods: great fiidoorrneuts will he circato parties ot large acquaintance nod ability; gooda may heeold to taney dry goods hou»es. grocery (tore* nnri others;(rood record* and the beat of reference muat be glveu. Addreaaor call on ADVERTISER, 633 Broadway, New York,top floor.

W"ANTKB-A CATHOLIC GENTLEMAN TO-"TAKEorder*; salary and commiaaion paid; apply after 0.

1,338 2d ay. jTHE TRADE6^

^ASteu-at.ilJOHN MA ICON'S Piauo Factory. 40th at. and Cat ay.

BAKER WISHES A SITUATION AS GOOD HHOondhand on bread and caka. Apnly at No. 867 00th at.,ne ir 8th av.. baser shop.

LAD OP 17YT5ARS WANTS TO LEARN A TRADK;butcher's trade prelarred; beat rufereuco* in regard to

character. Addrea* SHOE STOKE, No. 1,128 2d av. nearOOili at. 1

SHOEMAKKKR-WANTKD. OOOD LISTERS. TRIMmereand tiniaher* to work in airing teama; alao two orthree llve-haudod teama on flrat class work. 1

EDWIN >\ Ml) KT, 130 Dnane at.

ANTKD-TWENTY JOURNEYMEN TAILORS;Oermauaor Swede* parferrrd: toco to Syraenee, N. Y.;

none bnt the yery bektworkineu need apply, inquire to-day,from 10 A. M. till 1 P. M., at MERRILL A WILKINB', 168lirand at.

\\TANTED.A SITUATION IN A WATOU REPAIRINGTT or manufacturing eatahllaliment; two yean' experiencein tho buslneas. Addreia box 11 Poet office, 'I hump,

aon. Pit.ANTED-KOR A BIN 1iERY~ IN NEW ORLKANH,"Aforeman who la a flrat claaa Mrwaruer and tlmaber and

knowa noa- to make eaHmates. Apply at 28 Keade at.


A< eld stand, 87 Naaaau at.

On FRIDAY, at 10% o' 37 Nassau aL,

BALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE;also one One Printing Press, with 34 foute of Type, Stands,Ac., Ac.; alao,

BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE,one sonerb Landau.

ADMTNISTRATOR'S HALE. 'BE N.J. P. EAI KIM ILL), Auctioneer, will tell. At publicmiction, on Thursday. August 2, at 10 A. M., At No.

241 to 247 Bust 56tli «l.,About 200 cordt Virginia Pine And Hickory Wood, 1

two Horset.three Truckt, Harness, Ac.

Alto All the Machinery uaed In tawing, splitting and :bundling kindling wood. By order ol D. H. OILMAN, adminis'rator.

UCTION BALE PHIS (WEDNESDAY)"MORNING,commencing at 10 o'clock, at

prlruta resldeuco 206 West 25th st^near 6th and 7th avt.

2 brilliant toned Pianos, >telnwsy and Ilardmaa,8 elegant Pa.lor Huits, satin and repaBronte Mantel Set.Bronze iigurea. assorted.12 Windows Lace Curtains. (18 Brnttols and ingrain Carpets. I15 elegant Oil Painting*- i6 elegant Bedroom Sets, In black walani.Elegant Cabinets and Bookcases. 'Hair and spring Mattresses, Wardrobes.2 elegant Buffets, Extension Table and Chairs.Lot of solid Sllyer and Plated Wares.Lot ol Kitchen end Servants' Furniture.

Sale positive. B. K. MARTIN, Ancttoaeer.N. B..cloods boxed and shipped, oitj or conntry.UCTION"VAT pitE KESTDKJTI^




Parlor Snits, in satin, eotelane and reps; Turkish Sets, Intapestry: rosewood 7>» octave Pianoforte, Ktageres. CabinetBookcases, Desks, Oil Paintings, Bronzes, Curtains,Clocks: velvet. Brussels aud ingrain Carpets: inlaid ChamberBets, Bedsteads, Dressing Cases. Washstands, SpringUh.l, S.ll...... n.,lHln.. IV ...I II.. T .,

sion Table. Dining Chairs, Sllrerplated Wars. Cutlery andother Goods and well preferred Household Goods. ALBERTKKAEMKR. Auctioneer. N. B..Goods packed, shipped andremoved, city or country.


five story brown stone mansionNO. 47 WEST 1BTII st., BETWEEN 3TU ANI» 6TH avs.,


ciiickerino uphibht piano.PARLOR AND DRAWING room SUITS, covered in

crimson, tan and irold brocade, satin audcotelaloe; Turkishand Spanish Lounges. Easy Chairs, inlaid srllt CentraTuoles. Etageres, Cabinets, plate Mirrors, Curtains, FrenchMantel Sets. UO-day Clocks. Library and Sacretaira Rookcases,Library Tables. Turkish Rait, marquetry DesksBEDROOM FURNITURE.Elaborate and plain Bedroom

Rets, inlaid jrilt Bedsteads, Dressing Cases, Bnreans. Washstands.Single Bedsteads, 83 hair and spring Mattresses,rrp and plush Suits, marble top Tables. Extension Table,BuSft, Chairs. Silverware. Ilallstand. 23 Carpets, Ac.

N. B..Take tith nr. or University place car or Broadwaystage to 47 West 10th st. Goods packed and shipped itdesired. RICHARD II. RANDOLPH, Auctioneer.


this (Wednesday) morning, commencing at 10l< o'clock,seventeen fine Carpets .twcntv-live beautiful OH Paintings,eight magnificent Parlor Salts, rosewood Ktelnway Pianoforte,eight walnut Bedroom Suits, Single and Donble Bedsteads,Bureaus. Waahstands, Wardrobes, fifteen hair andspring Mattresses, Tables, Lounges, Bookcases. Curtains,Mirrors, Library, dining room rnrnitnre: 150 lots Glass,China, Silverware, Cutlery. Ac. E. ROTH, Auctioneer.Goods packed end delivered. Housekeepers, don't tail toattend. Sale rain or shine.

A "SCHWAB, AUCTIONRER~ 277 "BOWERY. SELLSlOo'clnck, No. 155 Bowery, first class Coffee, Cake and

Luurh Room. 3 cupper Coffee Urns, black walnut Tables,Cnalrs, Pictures. Icebox Gas Fixtures; 2 o'clock. Crockery,Ac. Dealers Invited.

A'UCTIUN H ALfc».PETER BOWK. AUCTIONEER,sells Tlinrsday, August 2, at 11 o'clock, at the auction

rooms corner run si. ana university piece, a general assortmentof Household Furniture, Bedding. Carpets, Ac.

By JOHN A. DUNN, AUCTION KKK..SALE fillsday, 10,^ o'clock. at salesroom .19 Great Jones at.Parlorand Cottage Knits. Brussels and Ingrain Carpets. Mattrosses.Mirrors, walnut Hodsteads, Bureaus, Chairs, Tables,Stoves, Ice Muxes, China, Cutlery, Crockery, Feather

Bods and Pillows, Fancy Hoods, Ac. Hosiers Invited.

Edward scuendk, auctioneer^ ~

Second hand Furniture.On this day, August 1, st 1*1 Liberty at., at It o'clock,some first class second nand Furnitcra.

HKNRTD. MINER, AUCTIONEER. -OFFICE ANDsalesroom H4fi Broadway..Auction tola of lancy OablnetWare, comprising Kneels, Wall Pockets, Mu-ic Racks.

1 iiilct i ases. Brockets. Ac.; sale on Thursday. Friday andSaturday August 2. 8 and 4. at 11 o'clock each day; an elegantassortment, comprising nearly ane thousand styles,now on exhibition.

JW. CHR18TALLKK, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELLthis day, at ball-past ten o'clock, 158 10th av., corner

lltb si.. Stock and Fixtures of first class Grocery Store,consisting of Teas, ColTees, Spices, Canned Uoods, Soaps,Candles, Scales, Weights, Counters, Flxtnres, Ac.; niaoHorse, Watton and Harness. Donlers Invited.

JOSEPH BUGNQOOD, AUCTIONEER, SELLS TOmurrowlarge stock of Toys and Fancy Uoods. Mora particularsto morrow.

AKSHAL'S SALE..RICHARD WALTRRS' SORB,Anctlonners. will sell tills day. by virtue of an execution,at Now mil .Id av., a! 10 o'clock A. M., Fixtures,

Llqacm, As. LOOIB LlUBUROBWEt Marshal.

NUBBBAUM A CO., AUCTION KKRS. 2B1 "HOWEKY,sell Filday. the Fixtures ol the most elegantly fitted up

saloon in tin: city, consisting ot elegant Bar and Hark Bar,cost BB.000; Mirrors, cost Kl.finO; Ale Pniup, walnut Partition,Cl|tar Counter. Sllrerpluted Uoods. Ulnssware andeverything appertaining to a it rat class saloon, witbiiul reserve.Full particulars on day of sale.

UICIIARH WALTERS' SONS,_ AUOTIONBKRaJLtil.hinorStore..Will sell this day. at IB o'clock, at nnrtliausttuner Grand and Norfolk sts.. Fixtures first cIhshld(|itcr Mure, vis. .Elegant four pnll English ale Pump,aiueiulid Bar, copper lineri book Bur. Ico Box. Screens,Doors. Signs, platinrin Scale, Basin, Closets, Measures, Ae.Sale positive.

Hh:ii\i:i> waltkkh' nonh. auction msius. v» il,j,sell thin iIhv «t 2 o'clock. the .stocr and fixtures of CalllornlaWinn Room, 117 .'Id ov., Bar ami buck Har, Tablet,

Chalra. Partition, (Haas Ware. Deraljohna, battled Liquor*.Wines, Hramllei, Ac. Snle positive.

WILLIAM WITTKRS. A I' 11TION K K1L .SALKS THISilxy, nt 2 o'clock, at 4.VI, 4.VJ I,'anal at., wltliont any

reserve. a very lui'^o collection ul Household furniture, ofevery description, seventy L'arpela. leather' lied*. Mattresses,Curtains, Mirrors; also a quantity of Hotel LII eels.Dealers invited.


A LOT or SECOND HAND HILLfAttlfl'XTf'EEtf "TKperfect order, euual to now. at very lotv prices. H. W.

COLLJvN DKK. 7118 Broadway.

AMERICAN STANDARD BILLIAKD TABLES, NEWand second hand, at irreat bargains; Hiipatolle unit

Itusatan Howllnfr 'I aides extra Inducements now olTnred.W. II. UBIPriTH A Oft. 40 Veeer »!

ASTR01,0«v\ .

»/»>1~EaST Id I'll mT,'~ BASKMliN I Dooh..Mm£xiiOLOAA. eluirvoysnl, pives Information on any hnalneax.and inuKitutle treatment; fee, $ I.


A.dr. and mm k. ai H, rttV,"offiee No. 47 Weal 13th »t., near Otis nv. '

A MAIL RKSTKLL, MIDWII'K: IN fRA0TI0B8IN0BaltMU Ollice, 1 Kast l)2d at., first door Ironi .'>tli av.

A-du. and mmk. .melton,ollice No. 47 Vi est, 13th »t., neartith av.

A.DK. AND MMK. OIUNDLK.RK81DKN0K ANDoiUce, No. 142 Weat 4sth at., between Hth and 7tli ave.

A.M HN. W I) lit,'KgTli It, I'H VHICI A N,140 Cbarlea at., between Waehlnnton end^Weet.

MR8. LYONS, VBMALK FHYBIUUN, 40 BAST 00TBit., between eth and Broadway,


D Fireproof.located on Naessu. Ann and Fulton tta

First Floor tu let; suitable lor baaccrs. luaaranea eOsee.or lawyer*; will be lot together or in parts: be altera* M»ait tenants if deelrsd; eilsplei tor oKoaa or ttwta

Keusonahle rente. ^^BAlso soma aUglbla Law Offloes to let.APPLY ON THE PKKMI8E8.

Take tbe aleretor. Inquire for Janitor.

HOUs'lTXnTiHTOKB To~LKT.«.OOD STAND FOBgrocery or liquor store; eorner Myrtle and Coarreee ^^B

era, Flushing. Call or addrate riToKM, Adrartiaelnantcptbce, 564 3d nr.

STEAM POWER. 1 T<J"f(o"U0R8E WELL LIGHTED}Room, various aires; low rente; in Centra and Elm elmI). K. HALO, 137 lm st.

STOKE," NORTHWEST COENKK OP NABAAU AND HAun eta Inquire in book-tore. SB Ann et.

STOKK TO LET Wirii~TWO~HANDSOME PLATE Hglass show windows; 38th st.. corner Htli ar.; good mea- ^Blion for butter store or distillery to a good part/; $40 ^Bmoottly. inquire 231 West 37tli st.

SHiTw WlNDOW AND PakT OF THE UTO&S TO t Hlet. at 323 Otis av. Apply on the premises.


TT7 LET-ONE LOT. 35X100; AlAJO ONE SHOP. uoX120, with power. Inquire ol J. D. VaN VOOBUIS, I

Screw Bolt Works, IBS av. 1). j

TO LKT^i'HK"WELIj LOCATEO STORE 280 SOUTH [/ flst., corner Rutgers, at a very moderate rent; has been - j^flused as a liquor store for over twenty years. Apply on ^Bpreniisea ^B

riTO LBT-3TOBK AND WAREHOUSE; ADJOINING H1 corns' ol Loonurd and Hudson tta. Apply at HhCU* ^BSTEIN I I'O.'ii on premises. ^BrflO LET.POOR WELL LIGHTED LOFTS, 'JSAlOSi HHtiditon and FrnnKlin AM. Apply at BKCIIHTEIN 4 00.%Hndaon at., corner of Leonard.



AURdK four story brown stone house,24 rooms, lully lumUbi-d. Apply to OWNER, 13 Bart

28th st. No brokors noed apply.________ I

TO LRX-A TTFRKE STORY BRICK HOUSK. NO. ISO /Wnst lOtli, ten rooms; also » lully furnished House, six- r

toea rooms. Inquire of OWNER. 176 West 10th St. t


AT SI.:IUO..DESIRABLE HIOH STOOP; WR8T 23DSt.; imiucdlata possession or Septembnr 1. S. B. OOOUALEA CO., ft West 23d st. (Fifth Avenue Hotel).

ALARilR HOUSE"TO LET-1STH ST. NEAR 5THhv., elepaut order. Apply Sit West Slid St.


1.337 Broadway.

IK I LET.NEW^AND HANDSOME DWELLINGS iNview ot the Central Hark ; all modern Improvements an4

roots Inw; sltnatcil 61st st..west of 1;roadway. Apply telanltur corner Hist st. and 9th av.

1 (?7 iSD 1H9 _KAsrr 82D ST.~WEST OK 3D AV7, IID I on high ground. -20 loot lilph stoop brown stone »

imsoment and cellar Houses; low rent. Apply to JOHNLACY, 53S Brand war.


A PRiVTLW'Ttt* tXTtXf'" VIMWVm* v.finished Rooms, larpe and small, 130 East 12th it. References.

NEATLY FURNISHED HALL BEDROOM FOR AKcntleman. $1 30 per week. 208 Bleecker st.

HANDSOME FURNISHED F.tONT ROOM. Oljthird floor, $10 per month; for gentlemen only. IllWest 14th st.. near 6th av.

PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET PARLOR ANliBasement Floors coinpletoly famished; piano, private

lath and closet. 406 West 24th.

B~ACK PARLOR TO LET-TO ONE OR TWO »EN«tleinen. No. 611 Lexington av.

L-IURMSHRD-ROOMS TO LET-EN SUITE ORF sinply: also Parlor Floor, three rooms deep, eleirantlr fornslied;location central. 34 West 29th St.. near Broadway,iTTprivatk" house] neatly furnished"Lclesn. pleasant Rooms tor housoseeoing to reapeetableparties. 226 West 13th si. near 7th av.

En pkivate hocbe, a~ nicely furnishedfront Room, with hot, cold water, gee, bath. 238 Bast

18th it.

Large furnished roosTto let.foe one or'

two gentlemen. 278 Bowery.

NlUli FURNISHKOltoOMS. FOR HOUSKKEEPlNOfcho be iki commodnted with two beds; rent low. Inquire

i7l West 12th st

PLKASANTTLARGE. FRONT ROOM; ALSO OTHERRooms, nicely furnished, to let, with or without Board,

>r for housekeeping. 282 8th av.. near 24th it.

S~PLENDU> I'AKLOR FLOUR.FOUR COOL ROOMS*,compl"telv famished for housekeeping; piano, bath, hot

rater, gas: $40 monthlv; private house. 171 East *7th st.

TWO KOOMm. FUkNIBIIKD. FUR HuUSEKEhPlMi*$3 30 a wuok at 212 hast 4">th st.

1~ -SOUTHERNr.RS AND~CITY KKHinNTtts Kxll,reodlnglv cool Rooms; parmsnent or transient, famllleanr single parties; terms reasonably low. 26 Kaet 30th at^near Buckingham Hotel.

2 NICELY FUBNISHED ROOMS TO LET, FRONT,ilrst floor. 400 4th nr.

CTH~AY.*. NO. 164..FURNISHED ROOMS. FRONTeland rear, villi baths on each floor; references required.t>7 KAHT ~24Tll ST.- BKAI TIPUIj, AIRIT FRONTZj I Rooms, larj;o anil «mal!: bath, Ac.; terms very mod- «,trtle. fdj7« r.l\ PER WKRK..P.tBLOB KLOOR TOIU '/Uuf.rjl'nlshoil light housekeeping; fine piano; private )house; fine location: near oars and boats. Call 240 Bart12T>tb st.. 2d at., Harlem.

2>) IRVINIi PLACE.-TWO WEbb PUKMIKHBDOltooms; one with extension; second ond third floors (

very low.

OQ EAlS"li4fH"HT-<JENTLKMEN CAUT UK ACCOM!i/niodstod with nicely litrnishod Itooms. en soite or tinply,with If wanted ; terms very moderate.

fnrfweh i' ism iT-TFuTtNTskiiD rooms to LKT,1U I with use of kitchen and parlor, and every convenience.1/|7_rast lortrstt.PUItNlSHKD PARLOR, withXV* I Kitchou also Room, with Hedroom, tor boaeekedpInr;all conveniences: flee neighborhood.1 Oil MACOOUOAL ST..NEWLY FUR*18Hk3X Jmi\JRooms for light housekeeping.

Wr~aT~" aHTtT'sTrrTVt'O HANDSOMELY FUFU Ii Unlshed salts of Booms, front; nil oonronlouoes lot

housokcepliiK; waver, g+tf und bath; also ball Boom; rentcheap.oH"I WEST 22D 8T.-A KOirfbll LADY HAS FRO.TI

I lnn<t buck i'arlnr. furnished. with private bath. Bedroom.with Dot and cold water._UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APART*


Arooni-; Improvements. <*11 see OWNBH and premises,from 10 to 12

LKGANT FLOORS FOR SMALL. FAMILIES; PER*loot order; $14 to $20; lmmedlHte possession; nil IronV

HAILKY. 331 Hudson it.

I"TLK<1AN r_FLAT8-M2TO MB: HPLFNDID HOUHbIliand location*: nil liuprovem nts; perfect order; jaah

torn. OWN l.ll, 12ft Enst 34th st.

F"bunch PLATA, beautifully LOCATEl», TOlet.At end ol Eievnt.d Railroad, 9th nr. and 61st st.

Apply to Janitor on premises.

IILooks uf fuuk, six ~khd kioht rooms each(all lisrht). situate on 3d and Lexington art, in thor.

ouch order. Inquire of MATTHEW BYRNES, 142 East33d st.

ST. JAMES FLATS. 8T11 AV. AND .77111 of the finest locations io this city..A few desirably

Suits to runt; rentals S30 to $-A per month; nil modern Inn

firoveinents: unexceptionable reference required. Janitenli No. HftS Hth nv., or (1. A. 1C18SAM, Hoe st.

T"o~let~-FLOOR OF" FOUR UOOMS AND TdRKliattic Booms; rent $2ft month. 42 .lane st., near 8th ay.


X Apoi.ttnentS ot three rooms eaoli or Floors of lix rooms.In handsome four storv bruwn stone front Flats; rentafrom fft to $1'4. Apply to V. T. HEKVEY, corner 1st ar.and 113th st.

rpo'Lif^iN'TiiE"ninth ward, TUB LOWKR PAR#1 of CottMRS; all modern Improvements. Inquire at 7*carmine si.

TUlitD-FLOOR UKKUUM8HKD, POUR ROOMS. toa party without children; first class; reference

required. V> East Wth at. '

i)diklooifr6 let.-i:«TienrvsT

HOl'SKS, KDO.lll, itt.. WASTED.In titU city it nil Brooklyn. "

A COUPLE WANT handsomely and cleanlyfurnished Second Floor, light housekeeping, between

lPth and ooth *ts.. oth to Stli av.; $30 monthly. Box 140Herald Uptown office.LI u It M K11 El) I'.OO M WANTED.BY YO11 ts (I LAD?C with light rowing niiicliine, above 14th at.; atnte term*.MAY, rieralit Uptown office.


TO PROPR KTT OWN El IN..WANTED. FURNISHEDwild unfurnished Houses and Apiirtmanta: also building

Lota. .TOIIN M. N1XON, Broadway, corner Stat *. i

WANTED-A FLAT OK KIOIIT OR MNR ROOMS,with wll the modern cnnviniciices, except having the

water closet nnil servant's bedroom ventilated throughkitchen, -tore or dining room ; below JMd at.; not over .J7® Iper mouth. Address H. A., euro 0. P. Williams, Exchange ICourt. I

ANTED.BY sMALL KAMiLY T>V ADULTGL >Apartment! of elx rooms. In roapertahle neighborhood! )

Yerkvi.le; rent moderate. O.. atatlou E. jANTbD-TWO OR THKME Ff KMMIKD ROOM* )for a young married conple, without family, for Itghj

housekeeping location between 20th and 'J'.ill sta.Sth and ISth an; 11, a quiet family; rent in net he moderate. Address, »

wlib full particulars, LUCK WOOD, Herald Uptown Brancaolfiae. |

In the Country*WANTED-TO lie.NT, FOR ONE Yl-.AR, WITH PRIT.

Hope of lire ; email llouee.wtthln one honr of New YorkCity llall; means of access mist he good and certain allthe year round. Address, giving terms end every other Ikparticular. M. H., box !12tt Herald office.


A.AT S17 BROADWAY, CORNER _> 11 iff "T)t/Cmouds, Watchos, Jewelry. Silks and Porsonal Proportf

ot every description bought and sold. Loans negotiated.ISAAC BAKU.

AsfeoiaTjTY $7r>.(x»a- diamonds, watches.Jowolry. Vnlunblra, Ac., bought; utmost vnlua paid,looms effected. Incompnrfthlo linrrnins in Diamonds,Watches, Ac. lietftollahod

jr. M. RAKIIINCKR. Ml Union square.T .lOHNsil VS. .Mi HOvY EliY, SOLID »TUUWsilver IV» Set, now designs,less than linlt prion', lot Una

YVniches, low llinn innmiliicturor's cost; Diamond Croat,cost. HMKHi; Knrrtuca equally low.«J»1 "DIAMOND sTUD, J CARAT; WAN TAKXM INpJ-ii'/trade lor horse. Stable. 124 West l.lth at.

.:.i)K.\ 'l'l S'l'KY.4

A MKT 6> I'KKTIf IN 1'IIKKI; 1IOITKM AfTfUt"^NKWBItOUUH'f. :I77 (llli nv., one door nkova 2:W at.,opposim Masonic Trtnple, linbber. Celluloid, Hold, Platlna,Ac., anil evcr> thing in mechanical dentistry with d -apttA.Nitrons Uxtda Una. No. 1177 fftli *v.

t'jeautih l, di iiahi.i'., resfkotlt frrrdMkJjArtlfle.inl Teeth, »«; .iuin. $H, tlaala. ft i erarrantadkYNatf York Dsatal Atoms, 3W ®tt ar, A111*H