the new york herald. (new york [n.y.]). 1874-12-09 [p ]. · thenewyork herald. whole no. 13,988....

THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 13,988. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1874.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTOR! FOR ADVERTISERS. 4MUHKMENT3.Second Paub.Kourth, fifth tad sixth AST R^W-Tw nurru Page.Second column. BILLIAKUS.Ninth Page.Sixth column. BOARDERS WANTED.Twelsth Pi(.*-Thlrd and lourih column*. _ ... _ BOARL AND LODOINO WANTED.Tvxuru Pace. Fourth column. . BROOKLYN BOARD-Iwelttii Pa«b-Fourth column. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. First Pagb. Filth column. . .. BUSINESS NOTICES.Bevbnth Page.Fifth and Sixth BUsfiliSp*OPPORTUNITIES.Eights Page. OiOAK> ANL» TOHACOO.8eco*i. Pack. Fourth column. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-First PAci-F?fta column. OLERK.> aND SALESMEN.Elktknth Pagb.Sixth col¬ umn. a*d Twelfth Page.First column. CtiOTHlNO.Ninth Page.Sixth column COACHMEN AND | OARDENERS.Twelfth Pass. Firsi colnniu. COAL AND WOOD.Second Page. Fourth column. OOAMTWI8E STEAMSHIPS.Twblftb PaOM.sixth OOl- amn. COUNTRY HOARD.Twelfth Paoe. Fifth column. K£?.£.i»wC'^DE,11£'*TH Sixth column. DENTISTRY . Ninth Page. -Ixth column. DRY GOODS.First Page.Fourth column. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, FURNISHED AND US- PURMSHED-.srcond Pagb. Flr«t iolumn. EUROPEAN SI E AMSH1PS.TtBUTH Paoe.Fifth MM sixth column*. EXCHANGE.Nlmtb Pace.Sixth column. EXCURSIONS.'Twelfth Pack.Sixth column. FINaNCIAL.Eiobth Page. FINK ARTS.Fihit Pagb.Fourth column. FOR SaLK.Twelfth Pagb.-ocond column. FURNI SHED ROOM - AND APARTMENTS TO LET. Second Pagb.First and second columns. FCBNITUBF..First Pack.Sixth column. HELP WaNTED.FEMALES.Eleventh Page.Fifth and sixth columns. HELP WANTED.MaLBS.Twelfth Pace. First oou amu. HORSES. CARRIAGES, AC..Fiust Pass.Third and fourth columns. HOTELS.Twelfth Page.Fourth and fifth columns. HOUSES, ROOMS. AC., WANTED-Fibbt Pas»-Pifth column. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION COMPANY.Fib*? PaOB. Sixth column. INSTRUCTION .First Pack.Sixth co umn. LBCTl'Rh SEASON.Second Paue.Fourth colamn. LOAN OKKICES.NiNTn Paci.Sixth column. LOST AND FOUND.First Pagb.First and second col¬ umns. MACHINERY.Twelfth Page.Second column. MARBLE Ma.nIELs. Ninth Page.Sixth column. MEDICAL.TwitLmi Page.Second column. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS.Tenth Paob. Sixth column. MISCELLANEOUS.Ninth Page.Filth column. MUSIC.\L.second Pace.Fonrth column. NEW PUBLICATIONS.Seventh Pagb.sixth column. NEWSPAPER READING ROOMS.Firot P*s»-Slxtt column. PERSONAL.First Page. First column PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC..Second Pxcb.Fourth column. pbofeshional situationb;wanted.females. Eleventh Page.Fifth column. PBOPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FoRSALEORTO RENT .First Pace.Fifth column. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE.First Page-Filth column RBAL BStaTE WANTED.First Page.Fifth column. REWARDS.First Pagb.Second column. BALES AT AUCTION.second Page.Second and third columns. SITUATIONS WANTED.FEMALES.Eleventh Page. First, second, third, lourth and fifth columns. SITUATIONS WANTED.MALES.Eltbntk Paajs.Sixth colamn. SPECIAL NOTICES.PtRiT Page.Second and third col* umns. SPORTING.DOGS, BIRDS, AC.-First Pace.Third column. TUB TRADES.Twelfth Page.First and seoond «ol* omhs. THE IUKF.First Page.Third column. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES.Second Pace. First column. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE.Twelfth Pagb.Sixth column. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET. Second Page.Second column. WANTED TO PURCHASE.Ninth Paoe.Sixth column. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC..First Paoe.Firth column, WINES. LIQUORS, AC..Ninth Pagb.'Ixth colamn. WINTER BESuRTb.Twelfth Pagb.Filth column. BEmfKTT BUHiDIB?G. gENNETT BUILDING. DIRECTOR*. Rooms BASEMENT. 1.Lawrence A Co., Bankers. 3.The "Republic" Newspaper. 8.H. D. Dumont. Stationer. G. W. Smith, Law books. 4.M, Lynch, Wines. i^A. B. Davenport Hatter. 6.Baum A Friedman, Tailors. SECOND STORE I. -VlcMahon A Morse Lawyers. *.W. U. O'Dwyer, Lawyer A. BucklDKham, Lawver. C. T. Pinckney, Lawyer, C. J. Oulteau. Lawyer. 5.Cr.mpbell A Palmer, Lawyers. Jj Meade A Rockwell. Lawyers. <$.1North western Life Insurance Compear L a. Benedict, Agent. .J! I Chamber of Lite Insurance. Jj f Charlton T. Lewis, secrotary. 12.McCarthy A Chalmers, Lawyers. U.Cook A Nassau, Lawyers. H. B. Ferguson, uiwyor. 14.M. W. Weld. Lawver. international Collection Assoc!?.tioi. THIRD HTOilY. 1 (Judge Sutherland. 2 f F. 11. Scott, Lawyer. B. Fettritcti A Cardwell, Lawyers. J. S. Hanson, Lawyer. _ 6.. heridan, Bonytige. Cochran and Me£ma, Btea » graphers. 0. EUshu Uioouier, Real 1.state. O. H. i ook, i.eiil Estate. 7.Brlggs A Fellows. Lawyers. J. U. Aitken. Lawyer. 8.W. C. 'Irs phage n. awyer. C. Matthews. Lawyer. W. H. Kvsn, Lawyer. E. T. Gsirdener. Lawyer. L. O. Wilson. Lawyer. W. Durack, Lawyer. __ 10.Wilkinson A Peters. Trustee* of Estat» ef WfMa. jl I Harrison A Strong. Lawyers. A K. Woodruff, Lawyer, to.W. B. BerslioU, civil Engineer. Pelham and Portchester Railroad Company. FOURTH STORY. 1.Thornton &£arle. Lawyers. 21 Edvar Ketchum, Register in Bankraptor. St Edgar Ketchuui. Jr., Lawver. 4t Henrv Wehle. Lawyer. 5f S. Sultan. Lawyer C. Goldzter, Lawyer. M. F. Eller, Lawyer. C. A. Lane, Lawyer. ' B. Fuehrer. Lawyer. 6.A. 11. .UttCK. L. H. Crail. . Menet A Co. 7.Hasklns A Crook. Lawyers M. i.utzel, Lawyer. G. H. Badenu, Lawyer. 8.Crsrv, Wpller A ctienck. Lawyer*. T. O'Brien, Lawyer. 9.C. M. Williams, Lawyer. 11.C. U. Glover Lawyer. I Lockwood A Crosby, Lawyers. IS. bohler, Lawyer. FIFTH STORY. 1.L. skldmore. Lawyer. 2..-tuvvesaut Bank Receiver. S, Wakeni-in A Letting, Lawyer*. 4ST. b. Wakeman. Lawyer. a) P. s. Winchester, Lawyer. b.John D. Ciute. 7.Fitch A Fitch. Lawyer*. G. FuUer. Lawyer. S.Hascall A stetson. Lawyers h. G. Stedman, Lawyer. 9.Soci ty for Reiormatlon of Juvenile Delinquents. 10.s. H. Steele, Lawyer. W. H. King. Lawver. J. A. Lydecker, Reel Estate. C. E. Lydecker, Real Estate. 11.J. P. A J. A. Heed. Lawyers. 12.Byrne, Everett A Co.. Lawyer*. |^| Walsh, Halbertend t ekerson. Lawyers. SIXTH STOAT. 1.John Townehend. Lawyer. A. Nicholson. S.Henderson Benedict, Lawyer. R. Logan, scotch Granite, Ac. B-O. Vi Carpenter. Lawyer. 41 Otis T. Hail. Lawyer. * . )G. P Webster, Lawyer. D. R. Lyddy, Lawyer Jeiierwn Clark. Lawyer. 8(John L. KnlghL 7) Janitor. 81 Hodges A Meexer. Lawyers. S(R 8. Burr. Law\er. John Crompioa. Accountant. Smith A De«n, c ltj Mirve\o.-A 101o. W. Van stclen. Lawyer. 11 )T. H. Baldwin, Lawver. IsfCharlesD. Barrow. Lawver. 1S< Henry a. Glldersleeve, Lawyer 1410. R Carrlngton, Lswyer. U. W. Toniokina, Lawyer. T. H. Milner. Lawyei. Two paMenger elevators running all (Be time. u.1 Bf! PERSONAL. A LL BIO HT. ArrUCTED MOTHER..UNLESS SOM ETHIN'O IS 4on« bv the 15th of thu mouth prompt and Jeciaive ¦eaauret will be uUd. ALL OF U.« no W SUMMKK".ONLY LIT KB Know you are well and will return, tor the »f oar little two. in great dUtreu. waUBaJEEB. D KTECTIVE 44, JANUARY SO, 1874.CAN CALL. TOHN H. FINCK. .INFORMATION WANTED (ON AC- J count of k death In the :atnllv) u to the above, who left New York about ilx yean ago; realiled at 8u0 lileventh avenue. Any imormation will be thankiully received by James S\ ROGERS. Attorney-at-lAW, No. « New Chamber* creet. PERSONS Having legal CLAIMS aOaINST thb eaute of A. Yeatman Zaohoa. deceaied, may preaenl them lor adjuattneut to P. J. »CH.MtDKR. 346 Broad¬ way. PARKER UOCdE..CALL AT STATION 0 FOR LEI- ter. L. B. IOX reward-for a ban drowned at pier iff&O tu North River; had on ions oil ioat and rubber boot*; waa drowned November 23. The above reward will sepald for bis identlQcauon by PARKER A OBB- MEL, .60 Weat itreet. New York. LOtT A.\ D ruCND, AVALCABLE B.NO. LOST OCRI.VO ~MaY~LAST. will bo returned to the owner, it property Jeacribed aoJ advertulng e.tpeneea paid. For addreai apply to the bookkeeper at the Herald offlo* for one week. A -LOST. O* BKOADWAV, IKTffKBN HBRRTY LOST A..NO POl SfD. I^GOND-A SUM OP MONEY. WHICH THB OWNER " cau have by describing the low. or otherwise satis- fvtni the fluder that the amount was his. Address Robinson, Herald office. IK THE PKRHON WHO TOOK 1HE COAT fftOM I HE ball of W Charles street on Monday evening will re¬ turn Uie paper* m '.be pocket* lie will bo rewarded, aud no 'juoMb/iu asked. LOST.IN A FIFTH AYENUK STAOE 1 O'CLOCK P. M.. Monday, a lady's ills Umbrella. Will 'lie gentleman remaining In the stage wlmu two ladles left please return It to K. *H EKMAN. 116 Wall itreetr L 0*1-BANK BOOK NO. 18 028. ISSUED Br THE Manhattan .Saving* Institution, and payment of '.he same has been stupueu. he tinder will oblige the owner bv retarnlng the same to tbe bunk, 644 Broadway, corner Bleecner street. LOST-A MINK MUFF. BETWEEN DR. CROSBY'S church and southeast corner of Twenty-third street and Kourtb avenue. A reward will be given for lu re¬ turn to the bouse. Lost.on mondat afternoon, about three o'clock In stag* No. 17. Fourth avenue line, a Pack¬ age containing a lace Shawl;owner's name on p&ckaie. Tlte Under will confer a favor and he suitably rewarded by rooming same to J. K. BKAHAMa, 71 Broadway, room 4a LOST-BETWEEN 23 PARK R >W aND ELEVENTH street, on Saturday, about 7 P M.', a pasteboard En¬ velope, containing copies of legal papers; supposed to have been left in university place car. Expense? will be paid on returning same to room 27. No. 2:4 Park row LOST-IN a TWENTY-THIRD STREET AND Broadwav «tage on Wednesday afternoon, between 1 »30and 2o'cloek. a brown Russia leather Pocketbook. containing a ladv's blue enamelled diamoud King. The finder will be liberally rewarded by applying at 363 West Thirtieth street. OTOLKN.SORREI. MARB AND BLACK TOP WAGON. O By returning the tame to 164 Mercer street a suitable reward will be given. $2 street rkwahur. REWARD FOR RETURN OP CARRIAGE DOG. owner's name on collar to 1. B. MBEILs. 24 Bond <t»- REWARD..LOST, A PO KETB0OK OF Rl'S- siu leather with silver plated clasp and mono¬ gram, containing about $30. by getting off the etage, at corner Forty-seventh street and Fifth avenue, or in the ¦tare Kinder will please deliver to B. C. MOORE, at Tiffany A Cos., Onion square. <t>in REWAKD will BE PAID by henry c. «plU PORTER. 18) Church street, tor a liable Muff lelf on steamer Castle ton on 2 P. M. trip from Staten Island Thursday. December 3. mnr BEWARa.L08T, LADY'8 WATCH. GREEN W/jD enamelled ease with painting and scolloped edge frame; tost between Seventeenth and Twenty- ninth streets and Third *nd Sixth avenues will be paid on returning It to the clerk ot tbe Everett House, Seventeenth street corner Fourth avenue. ®<)C REWARD..LOST, ON SUNDAY EVENING, December 6, in going from Prince street to ave nue A, a double-cased Silver Watch, marked "H. I." on the back. The aoove reward will be paid the finder upou presenting the watch to J. J. CROOKE, 163 Mol- berry street. A LIBERAL REWARD WILL BE PAID TO CART- man who took furniture from 713 Broadway, room 2L on Friday night last, upon making himself kuown. JOHN A. FKLTBR. 96 Liberty street BEWARE). SIOOI-LObT, POOKKTBOOK. in fipth Avenue Hotel. Addreu J. B. RL'MSEY, Fifth Ave- nue Hotel. The best plaob in the city to havb your Printing done is at the METROPOLITAN PRINT¬ ING ESTABLISHMENT, 218 Broadway, because, witu the extensive facilities the office possesses, work Is done there at the lowest rates and with great promptness. BPgCIAi. XOT1CE8. TTERALD BRANCH OFFICES. ADVERTISEMENTS-RECEIVED AT ALL HOURS UP TO 9 P. M., AND NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED WITH HERALDS AT FIVE O'CLOCK EVERY MORNINO, AT 1,244 BROADWAY AND 430 SIXTH AVEMUE, BE- TWBEN THIKTT-FIBST AMD THIRTY -SECOND ?TREETS. OFFICE OPEN ALL MIGHT. HARLEM OFFICE 1,281 TbIBD AVENUE, CORNER OP 1MTH &TKEET. ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED TO 7fl0 P. M. AND NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED AT FITB O'CLOCK EVERY MORNINO. Attention. THE NEBRASKA SUFFERERS. The Nebraska Commissioners announce that, through the courtesy ot Mr. John a. Balesiier, the lower floor of building No. U Harclav street has been placed at their service for the reception of Clothing lor the Nebraska sufferers. All Packages should be sent to tbe above place. A .THE AMERICAN REGISTER. A> the most widely circulated of tbe American looroals published in Europe. ! A capital medium tor American I advertisers addressing themselves to | European pstroaage. Indispensable to all pervous visiting Great Britain aad- 1 the European Convent. Subscriptions and advertisement* (or the AMERICAN REUlaTfcR will be received and single copies of the paper may lie obtained at the office ot the New York I It raid, New York. ANCHOR LINE. At a meeting of the eabln passengers held In the sa¬ loon of the steamship Victoria on Monday evening, the 2'd of November. 1874, Robert Talbot Esq.. havlug been selected to preside and the Rev. Wm. Kusseil Almond secretary, it was, inter alia, unanimously resolved, 1. That their cordial thanks aud hish personal regard* be and they are hereby- tendered unto Captain Hedderiok for his uniform klnu attention, polite and courteous treatment of them during their voyage from New York. 2. That he, his officers and boat be. and they are hereby unconditionally oommended to the best consid¬ eration of the travelling community in the United King¬ dom of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as ot the United State* ol America. 3. That a copy of these proceedings be published In the leading newspapers of Glasgow, Belfast and New Tork. ROBERT TALBOT, President Attest: Wm. Ro*skix almomp, Secretary. A.SODA WATER. MINERAL WATERS, GINGER . Ale. sparkling Wines: manufacture of complete outfits or Apparatus and Materials, with rail instruc¬ tions: all departments of manufacture, bottling and dis¬ senting; exclusive Rights in desirable territory. Cata¬ logues tree. JOHN Matthews, First avenue. Twenty- sixth and Twenty-seventh streets, New York. ATTENTION l-CASH IN HAND FOR PBBSONS wishing to realise on surplus Stocks, Merchandise. Furniture, Ac. Address, in confidence, W. A. T-, box 730 Post office. A-HAVANA LOTTERY OF CUBA . Royal Saxon Government Lottery. Hamburg City Lottery. Brunswick Government Lottery. Prise* cashed and information given. Loek box 1,804. TuEODOR ZSCHOCH, US Nassau street. New York. A DAY POSITIVELY FIXED. TUESDAY, 29TH OF DBCEMBBR. SECOND AND LAST GBAND GiPT COMOSXT IN AID OF THE MASONIC RELIEF ASSOCIATION OP NOBFOLK, VA. S240.0C01 TO BE GIVbN AWAT. PRICE OF TICKETS, Whole tickets $10 Quarter tickets ft 80 Hall tickets 4 Eleven ticket* 100 00 For tickets, circulars, Ac., uddree* THE BRANCH OFFICE OF THE ASSOCIATION, (Room 14), 78 and 80 Broadway. Po*t office box 1,417. . New York. HENBY V. MOORE, Secretary. A -GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING. A. Roval Havana Lottery, December 10, 1871 Only 1(1.000TlcketaI One prize to every seven tickets! 2,097 prizes, amounting to $1,200,000 l capital prize eoo.oto I prize 100.000 1 prize 40 oo 2 prizes, S2.MIU) each 80.000 4 prizes.$10,000 each 40,000 12 prizes. $4,000 each 00.000 473 prises. $400 each 236,600 Circulars, with mil particulars, sent tree; prizes cashes. Address P. O. DEVLIN, >tatloner and General Agent, 30 Liberty street, New York. A-OKFICIaL DRAWING OF THE KENTUCKY . SUM Lotteries.Simmon*. Lucklnaoa A Co., Managers. eehtccxy. extra clau no. S». December 8. 1871 KENTUCKY, CLASS 12. 16, IS. 36. 18, 71. 77. SO. 126. DICKMBKK 8, 1874. 40, 57, 22. 18. 44. 44, 64, «S. 9 U. 2. S3. HKNRY. EXTRA CLAM NO. 1(7.DECEMBER 8 1874. a, 38, 12, 64, 66. «U, 18. * 0, 12. 69. S3. tflNRT, CLASS ICO. 148. DKCJCMBER 8, 1874. 11, S. IS. 33. ti. 9 26. 21 48, 49. 64, SO. Full information by applying to J. CLUTK. 200 Broad- war, room 4, first floor, rear office, or Poat office t>ox 4,969, New York city. A .KENTUCKY STATE SINGLE NUMBER LOT- A> tery. on Havana plan. Extraordinary drawing December 26. Circular* or information turnuhed Dy J. CLl'TK. 100 Broadway or Post office box 4.968. A -OFFICIAL DRAWINGS OF THE KENTUCKY . State and .>belby v'o:le*e Lotteries. KENTUCKY STATU. EXTRA CLASS 299. DECEMBER 8. 1174. 9. 32, 41. 27. 71, it. «. 62, 96. i\ 43. ft. 34. sHKi ar, BXTftA class 117.OECsMixa I. 1874. 21. 17, M. 34. 46, 14. 31, 47. li. 42, 73, IS, M. EEXTOCXY STATE, CLASS J00 .DECEMBER 8 1874. SS, 13, 64. <9. 68, 27 69. 76. 17. 49. 13. 2S, J* SHELBY, CLAM US. DKCEMBSB 8. 1S7V 3, 36, 34. 43, 76. 33. 17, 4, 19. 1 M. 70, 14. J. s. SMITH k CO , Managers, Covington. Kjr. Post office box 1.731. New York. A -PARKS. EMKK80N A CO.. AGENTS FOR . Kentucky state Lotteries, drawn daily. Extraordinary Royal Havau'a Lottery, drawn Dee. 11 Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn Dec i6. 1871 Masonte Rellel Lottery, of Norfolk. Va Deo. 29. 1874. Frizes cashed, inrormation turnished and cirouiar* sent by sdtlressini fARK> A CO.. 180 Broadway, room 4. Po*t office box 1272. Private office attached. Office hours 7 A. M. till T P. M. D~ tfSPEPSlA, CHRONIC CONSTIPATION, HRaRT. bcrn. Waterbrash. Goat Gravel, Nervou*Kxhaue- uon, cured oy L>r. SHARP, offices removed to 69 Wast Ninth street. near sixta avenue. Special attention *ivea disease* ef mea E rMT NIGHT. KTKX1NQ rtLKORA* WKciM. oiufArewt KM ffAMUMCO* SPECIAL moticicsl /GRADUATED CHK-T AND l.cnu frottctokb¬ IT Can be lurruatej or aimlulsheil it will, thus ef¬ fectually preventing ehil. am: cole on your lungs. oold everywhere. isaAC A. sl.vobk, Manufacturer. Broadway. HENRY A. DANIEL®. m. 0.. 144 LEXINGTON AVE- nue. near iweiuynlntn street...special attention Uj um diseases ol uien and important medical and surgi¬ cal l'tufv HAVANA LOTIEBY.-extkaokdinaky dk AWING. December 14. J. h. di \'t, just arrived irom Ha¬ vana, * ill furnish lull particulars at lowest rate*, anil Iniormation iree. Add re** box 4,436 Post office, New York jtavana LOTTERY. (extraordinary lirawing, December 10, 1874 r.0w7 Pri/o* amounting to... cl.100,000 i Price ot- ¦. maoufl 1 Prize ot »»».*« 1 Prize ol su.uou t Prize* of tzvijoo even. so.uuo 4 i'ri/au. ot $10.0uu each 40 0110 12 Prize* ol fetw each. go.ixw 2,076 Prise* amounting to 400,uw Circular* ot Inlormatlon tree. Prize* caahed. J. B. makt1nk2 k CO.. Bankera. IP Wall street, rear bate¬ ll1-iii Post office box 4.bh5, New Vork. Havana lottery..extraordinary draw. lnif.i.eruian government Lotteries. Prizes caahed and inlormatlon given. Post office box 3.310. wachs- MANN k CO.. Bankers, 7Sand 77 Nassau street Havana lottery, extraordinary, dbckx. ber 16: great reduction in price of tickets: send for circulars. K. SuNN'tnueru, box 190 Poat office. New Haven. Conn. Havana lottery-extraordinary draw. ins. Great reduction in price. Prize* cashed bv b. ALENCE a CO.. No. 6 Broad street, room life- Post offlca box 4,151 New York LOTTER1E8.-JOSEPH BATES k CO. WILL BEND Circular* of information for all legalized lotterie* Iree ol char?*, and caan prizes at the lowest rata*; au onler* promptly attended to. JOHEPH BATES A CO., 70 Cedar street. New York. Post office box 4.401 Mink, sable and seal purs darkened to look like new; a process exclusively our own; lining, altering, Ac. J. D. WILLIAMS, 330 Pulton rtreet, Brooklyn. Nervous debility and weakness brought ou by indiscretions, excesses, or overwork ot the brain and nervous syntem, treated by henry A. DANIELS, M. D., 1*4Lexington avenue, near Twenty- mntn street Royal Havana lottery. , Extraordinary Drawing, December 14 Circular* oi fall inlormatlon tree. Prizes cashed. Spanish Bans bui*, Government*, Ac-, purcbaaad. _ TAYLOR k CO.. Banker*. No. ii Wall street New York. cjurpkises. FAVORS, COSTUME MOTTOES. LOV. o ers' Riddle*,' pertume Mottoes: alto Pure and Deli¬ cious candles, at r. P. uibnon's, corner Twenty loeoud street and broadway. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN..ALL PERSONS holding dishonored check* drawn br W. C. Potter, 71 Broadway, and indorsed by a W. Ladd, Nos. 5 and 7 Dey street, on the National State Bank of Elizabeth, N. J., are advited to confer with B. E. ARROW SMITH, 128 Maiden lane, New York. THE METROPOLITAN PRINTING establishment, 218 Broadway, have unsurpassed facilities lor doing all kind* of Printing with unusual promptness and at moderate prices. Qt "i qaa n/la . extraordinary DRAWING «bi.^u".uuu. of the Roval Havana Lottery of t uba, December 1& Circular* or information sent free. Bates a CO., 196 Broadway. SPORTING.douh, BIRDS, 4tc. A -FOR SALE.* ALL KINDS OK FAN0Y DOOS, . Birds Ac.; Medicines for *11 disease*: prepared Food lor mocking bird*, at B. u. DOVEY'S. No. 3 Greene street near Canal. OR SALE.FOUR GENUINE english BULL TBR- rt*r*; vary cheap; four month*old. JaOK HUGHSON, s7 Carmine «troet. f A THE TURF. -trotting at Fleetwood' park, ok wed. . neaday, December 9, at 1 P. M., sharp. Sweep¬ stake* 1900; mile lieaw. be*t J in a John Murphy enter* b. t. Charley Green, to wagon. P. man** eaters b. g. Boy, to wagon. wm. lorn* enters br. g. Phil o'n'ell, in harness. flame day.Match $200; mile heats, best tin S, lu barnes*. k. hewlett enters a m. Long branah Maid. Ed. Odell enter* b. e. Harry. Same day.Match $200: mile heats, boat 1 in 4. in haraaes. A. Parson enter* br. a Taiomah. a 8. Odell enter* b. g. Genuine. Same day-Match »20u: mile heats, be*t tin t, to wagon. J. Goodwin enter* b. g. Milkman. T. Trimble enter* g. m. Alice Grey. admusion. $1. WM. H. VAN CO it. Superintendent. r\EEKPOOT PARK.-trotting.-wednbsda*. de- 1J camber 9, at 2 P. M , match $103,3 miles and reponi, 2ln 3, in harness. Wash slype enters cb. i. Paul; wm. Bennett enters b. g. Mystery. Same day, match for $200, mile heaia. best 3 in a L. 3. samnils b. g. Chieftains Mr. McManu*' br. *taL ajilck. Admission si. WM. McMAHON, Proprietor. Fleetwood parr., Wednesday. December «, 1874..Match for $100, mile neat*, best thr * In Ova. under *addle. John Rogers unrnes b. m. Lady Annta. Joan Murphy names *orr*l geldiag.-orrei Jake. W. H. VAN COTT, Superintendent Woodside PARK, STAMFORD. CONN..ALL per- son* owing entrance money for home* entered in the late tall meeting, given on Woodbridge Park. Novem¬ ber 17. 18 and iv, are hereby notified that the same must be paid on or before December HI. or they, together with their horses, will be suspended. C. W. SMITH, Manager, P. o. Box 231, Stamford, Conn. HORSES, CARRIAGES, dSC. _ A .IMPORTANT TO LOVERS OK TINE HORSES. . THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OK CONNOISSEURS is CALLED 10 Sale by taction of the fine stable of trotting and road Mono* of Mortimer s. Rowan, the celebrated constructing engineer, who Is at present in Texas conatru -ilng the Southern Pacific Road, and has sent instructions )o sell hi* entire Ane stock at auction. ON THURSDAY (TO-MORROW), DECEMBER 1U, at stable No 43 Great Jones street. AT 10W o'CltOCK, including the celebrated line ana last trotting and gen¬ tleman's road team PIKE PKAKE ami mate; are about L5)£ high, 7 years old last spring: were both pur¬ chased at Alexander's sale in Kentucky when yearlings, and tiken to Kansas, where they were thoroughly broken and trained, and were the fustest trotters in the Western country, either tingle or double; PIKE PEAKE has u record of 2:34 single. hit mate ol 2 :33; thev won to¬ gether all the principal double-team trots in tha Weet; their record 2:12; were purchased by Colonel Row^u at Pike's Peak, ana brought to this city one year ago last spring, and have by him been driven at road team since: they huve size, style and strength enoagh tor any family driving or to adorn anv gentleman's coach, and are warranted to beat 2|i5 either single or double, and warranted sound and kind. N. B. . ihu is the celebrated Western team tbat the lata Jamet Kisk offered 96.U00, tor which offer was refusod. and his agent was negotiating for thorn at the time of hi* dicflftie. Also the fine, large, gentleman's Road and Trotting Mare, PRAIRIE QUEEN, liH high, I year* old last spring; »ired by Blanko. half sister to Smuggler; a band- tome, game, prompt, strong, rapid, fat* trotting mare; can pull a road wagon In 2 40 or lest. and show three beats, on track, in lest than 2-.3S; warranted soond and kind. Alto a One, fatt-goln* dapple gray Trotting Mara. 13M high, i years old. sired by Godfrey's Patehen, fnll titter to Hopeful and a lae timile ot htm; was only trained six weeks the last season, and could then show half a mile in l:t< and a full mile in 2-39 and 2tll always! can now thow 2t«J or no tale; warranted tonnd and kind. Also the fast and handsome, gray, gentleman's road and trotting Horse, GRAY MARK, 16^ high. 7 year* old ; sired by Pilot, Jr.; an elegant gentleman'* road¬ sters sale lor any amateur or lady to drive ; a bold, intel¬ ligent, sensible, sate and One horse; oan trot hi* fell mile in<:tfl; warranted souna and kind. Also a thoroughbred Jet blaeit driving, saddle and busi¬ ness Horse, 14K high. 7 years old: fast and fine road¬ ster; a genteel and line horse; warranted sound and kind. Alio two One Brewster Wagons, one track Sulky, one Pany Phaston, double snd single Harnett, by Dun* comb; Dress and stable Blankets, Robes, ac.. to. N. K,.This stable oi One horses were elected by Col¬ onel Rowan tn his various travel* West and Eatt. and were and are now considered the finest horses for speed and blood In the city; they will *11 positively be sold Irrespective of cost or value, aa he has sent us positive Instruction!! to selL Stock now on exhibition, where purchaaar* oan tee them driven and examined. JOHN 8. VANPEWATBR, Auctioneer. A gentleman'S ESTABLISHMENT.MUST BE told low, for caah; Horse, young, sound and kind; trots fast; top Buggy and iiarnes*, aood as n w: hand- tome Sleigh, Robes, Ac.; alto a beautiful top Pony Phae¬ ton. toid separate. 33 East Twelfth street, private stable. SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. A. A >ne Landau, nearly new. our make. One l.ondaulettc. In good order. One Clarence, (mall slra. One Coupe, Pole and shafts. I. B. BREWSTER A CO.. of Twenty-fltth street. S COUPE KOCKAWAY BY BREWSTER, 9K0 COST A ll.uou. two Clarence*, 9700 snd 9900, eo*t 92.0 0 each i Coupe by Ham, 9300. cost 91,iW. HAM. 10 Baat Fourth Itree t. t FIRST CLAPS COUPS, CIRCULAR FRONT. IX A tplentid condition, uted only three month*. wlU bo .old for hall Itt original cost. a. T. DEM A REST k CO.. as Broadway. Second hand Coupe Rockaway. coat 9&M. price 9379. Albany and Portland sleighs. all styles, at low prices. A. T. DhMAREsr k CO.. 698 Broadway. A -handsome CLARENOR, ONE COUPE, ONE T , Cart, with thirling top; aito two-teat sleigh, all used by a private ftinlly ana mnae by '.he belt city mak- *r*. io be <»en at M CURLEY'S, f09. 111 and tli East Thirteenth street, near Fourth avenue. A CASH BARGAIN.-THIS DAY TWO EIiEOaNT city made lop road Wagons. Melgh, Pony Phaetona, single and double Harness. No. S Eighteenth ttreei, be¬ tween Broadway and Fifth avenue. A-FOK SALE. SEVEN HORSES, SUITABLE POR . farming, express or grocery; Grocery Wagon ana Harness Inquire at 371 tfowery, opposite Futii itreet, in the rear A -WAGONS new and SECOXD HAND; EX. , press, Grocery. Bualnete. Bakers. Butchert, Milk. Depot. Delivery and I'latform spring Wagon*, all size* and wtignt* ats taorifloe ai 22t> .spring street. A SIX sKAT WESTCHESTER ROCKaWaY. G1.ASS st ies and front tor sale in pertect order; made oy Mia. Call, in forenoon, at No. I West Forty-sixth street, A -ONE OF THE FINEST LiNDaULETS IN THB . eity, mad* by Wood Brotncrs; cost 91,7(0; price 91.J00; hardly toiled. n«. 4 West Thirteenth street A ROAD ROMS FOE BaLK-BAY. II 8AN09, I ^na,a^"aa'rgai&gtivniia MNp hobsks. CARRIAGES. d>C. A T BARKER A SOS'S. A CITY AUCTION MART AND NEW YOBK TAT¬ TERS A I.Lii, Corner of Hroadwav and l hirtv-nlnth street, X A.I UK l'haklk.- *. hakkkk AUCTIuNEEB. REGULAR aaLES of Horses. Carriage*. Ac.. tVKKi WEDNESDAY A.nD SATURDAY AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. TWEN "Y-FOUK hours allowed lor trial every Horse sold under warrantee. Tills IS I UK omv auctiou mart in the State having the proper facilities for shewing liorse* on aale. vlt :. a large driving ring entirely uuder cover and plenty 01 room for examination CaaAl.OiiUK OK SALE THIS DAY. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. TWELVE portland Sleighs. NEW AND second-hand Harness. Horse Clothing. Baddiea, bridle*. Whips, H niters, Ao GENTLEMAN'S Roai> Turnout, comprising a fast and very promising youug bay Hambletonian trottinu iie.a- iiig, 15s* high, u years old; an elegant, game, prompt and easy driver; can trot in J:at) now anu was never handled to develop sueed; It alraid ol nothing; can be driven by a lady and is warranted sound and kind. Also lop side bar noad wagon. Harness. Ac. SPEEDY BLACK Trotting Gelding, sired by General Knox. 16J£ high, 6 years ola; a very stylish and handy driver; can trot In three minutes aud faster to the pole; Is sold to close the estate of the late W. White, ol Brook¬ lyn, and is warranted souud and kind. MORTGAGE SALE ol ao extra fine bay fielding fPatchen stock), 1}^ high, 8 vear* old. fine and easy driver; trotted last August over Fleetwood Park In 3:12 to top wagon: lias since improved in i>peed ; la afraid of nothing, and is warranted sound and kind. HIGH HRED BAY Trotting Gelding. got by 8t Law¬ rence, 16K high. 6 years old; a garaey driver; finely catted; can trot In i :A0. and Is warranted sound ana kind. TOP SIDE bar Road Wagon, br Benson. PARK PHAETON, bv Brewster * Go. ROCKAWay, built by Terrill NO TOP side bar Wagon, by Dusenbury. TWKNTY-EIGHT other lop and no i«p Road Wagons, ExpreMaud Business Wsgoua, Carriages, Ac. FOURTEEN OTHER Horses. PULL description at sale. . BALKS NEVER postponed on account of weather. DECEMBER I&.Fifteenth aale of the Monroe county Trotters. A -MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKER ANNOUNCES . TUK FIFTEENTH SALE O* THE FAMOUS MONROE COUNTY TROTTERS AND ROADSTER8 at barker a son's CITY-AUCTION MART AND N EW YORK TATTftRSALLS, corner of Broadway and Tbirty-ninth street. On WEDNESDAY. December 16, at 11 o'clock. THE STOCK comprises 15 head, that can trol ill from SAO to 3 minutes, and the getol Champion (sire of »L James). J. J. Crittenden, Toronto Chiel, Rip Van Winkle, Niagara Chief (»tre ot Ben Flagler), Ilenrv Clay, Ethan Allen, Pox Hunter, Eckler's (Hay, Red Dick, Ac. THEY ARE all young, sound, splendid drivers; have elegant long, lull tails tbst drag the ground; have never beeu handled for speed, and consequently are capable of great improvement. POSITIVELY the tin est and fastest lot of rreeo horses ever offered to the public for peremptory sale. STOCK now on exhibition. SEND POU a catalogue. NO postponement on account of yeather. BARGaINS.-CaRRIaGES AND SLEIOHS. COUPES. Landaulets. tour and six-seated Koc&aways. new second hand; six-seated and Pony sleighs, Cutters and Portlands. J. COLYE k A Co.. No. 7 Washington place, opposite 714 Broadway. Board pgr horses-good stables: best of care and attention. WILLIAM T. carpenter, Red spring. Glen Cove, L. I.; references James D. McMann, Long Island City; John Lovett, luo West Forty- third street. /1ARRIAOK8 \j RECEIVED (*N STORAGE OR SALE. BOOMS large, light, clean and dry. A. 8. klandrau, bnildlrar lately occupied bv Brewster A Co., corner. BROOME ANu MOTT STREETS. CARRIAGES AND SLEIGHS FOR SALE.AT THE old established manufactory, 10 Nevlns street. Brooklyn, all uew styles, new and second hand, ») per ceut less than New York prices. H. B. WITTY A 00. (lOUPE WANTED..ANY ONE HAVING A LIGHT J Coupe in good order for sale, may find a purchaser by addressing a note to MERCHANT, New York HoteL COUNTBY BOARD POR HORSES.14 MILES PBOM city, near Eaglewood, N. J.; lOu acres elegant pas¬ ture; finest stables; water in stalls; horses taken and re- turned to city; terms moderate. PK KEKT A CO.. 96 Water street FOR 8ALE.20 LOW-PRICED HORSES. SUITABLE for city or country work; also one Depot Wagon. Apply at 140 Varlck street. For sale.handsome brewster a ca *8 close Carriage, pauelled sides: has only been ran three months; in first clais condition: ean be bought for less than half original oost. Inquire at 36 Broad street, room R For sale-bat horse hands, six tears old; fine horse for any purpose. Prench Horse, IS hands; good worker, lively driver; 975; both lully war. ranted. Call for two days at feed store. 370 Hudson st |jm>r sale.a oood horse and Barnes.*, r fashionable lull spring top Wagon, city made; Whip, Lap Robe, Blankets; *4*8 cash. Call at M7 West Porty- nhuh street For sale at a bargAfN. for want or use. Black Hone, 16bands, 7 years; kind and gentle; priae $10tx Apply at «81 yifth avenue. For sale cheap-two splendid city made shifting top road Wagons. Portland Sleigh, one fast trotting bav Horse. Private stable 13 Fifteenth street, between Broadway a»d Fifth avenue. For salsv, truck, habnesbi horse M haMa. 7 years old, warranted sound and kind, separately or together; sold (or want of use. 73 V and am street near Hudsoa FOR 8ALE CHEAP.A SOUND AND RELIABLE pair of Carriage Horse* handsome and stylish: good travellers: ISH nigh, 7 years old; warranted; to be sold for want of use. Address H. CL R., Herald Uptown Branch ofllee. Harness..the cheapest harness store in New York: a good buggy Harness. hand made, 117; . good grocer'* Harness, $15: a good milkman's Harness, $30; a good doable truck Harness, $30: a good Stable Blanket, $1 SO; waterproof Blanket*, (trapped and na- Krapued. call and examine for yourselves. FISH KB k OSBORNE, 71 Barclay *treet. New York. Private stables wantkd. with 2 to 4 stalls, to rent or boy. within five minute* walk ot Windsor Hotel. Addrew. with term*, box 2,338, City Poet office. t>amphlets op every description fub- I nlshed at moderate price* by the METROPOLITAN PRINTING ESTABLISH HUNT. 718 Broadway. K. Y. Sleighs, sleiohs. sleighs. SOI Sleighs of all style*; six Seater*. Pony's, Shift¬ ing Beau, Tarn Seat Portland*. Swell*, Trotting, trimmed and untrimmed; Portland*, the largest stock In the city. Wit. H. okay, a8 and it W poster street. SLEIOHS, SLKIOH bells, carriages, HAR- pess, every description, new and tecond hand; popular price*: Conpe. Coupe Rockaway. six-eeat Rock- away. several Buggies. Do* Cart, Victoria: bargain*. MANUFACTURERS' ONION. No. 834 Broadway. TOP side BAR waoon BY BREWSTBR k CO. TOP waook, fttll spring, by DUSRNRURY k NEL¬ SON. COUPES, a* good a* new, city BUILT. COUPE ROCKaWAY, by WOOD BROl, vary light tar one bone. Clarence, naarly new. by Dtmn. Cloee I'oach, nearly new. by Da an. Too and no top Pony rhaetooa, Depot Wagon* and Rockaways. *ix and four seats. Doctor'* Wagon, by Brewster k Co.. ot Broonu^gtfMk Jamp-teat top Wagon, by Hooker k Co. Piny ton and no top Wagons, from $l*> up. BaroacM, by Brewiter k Co.. »f Broome meat PORTLAND cutters! of different stylea, ne and two seat*. BT KIXBAL, PARK BR A BUSSELL. VOX, BEAR WOLF AND BUFFALO ROBES. Blanket* of every description. Sleigh Ball* in great varteij. AT PRIVATE SALE. AT Van TASbELL k KEARNEY'S auction MART POR HORSES AND CARRIAGES, 110. 1M EAST 13TH ST., NEAR «TH AV. THE FINEST PAIR-OP TRUCK HORSES IN NEW York, wltn Truck and Harnes*, tor tale cheap a* the owner ho* no further as* for them. Apply to OEOROE REAY, 77 John street. WANTED-A A gentleman'S COMPLETE ROAD Turnout la exchange tor a superior first class new Pianoforte from wareroom. A Now 1 maker. Address W. HAKR1S. box 181 Herald office. JANTKD.-A SECOND HAND portland CUTTER Sleigh tn good order. J.J. MAODONALD, I Nassau street. Wasted-second hand slbioh. with or without Jump seat; also Robe*. Addre** X.. box 180 Herald wlthde*orlption and price. WANTKD-A CANADUN PONY. ABOUT 14 HANDS high, weighing 1.100 to 1,200 pound*; a good worker, sound, kind aad true, single or doable; also a good set of douiile Truck Harness, but little used, for which a fair price will ^e paid. Call at 74 Broad ureal ^ WANTRD-A BREWSTER ONE M aN ROAD WAGON, very light, cheap tor cash; state price. Addnta* t. P.. Herald Uptown Brunch office. Z -auction PRICES.CasH BARGAINS. . Sleigh*, Bells, Robes. Blankets, Whips, Ac. Job Lou choice Goods, about hall usual price. ^ JERK. JOHNSON, JR., 58 Liberty street. 1PINK SIX SEAT COUPE ROCKaWaY. BY Adatns; 1 fine Coupe. Pole and Shafts; I light coach, I V Clarence. Coupe Rockawar*. 10 lop and open Road Wagons, of all style*. by Broome streei Brewster D use o- bnry. Stivers, kc.. top and open Pon.v Phaeton*, 1 Doc¬ tor's Phaeton. 100 Carriage* of all styles. Harness, Blan¬ ket*. Robes, *«. WILLIAM 11. GRAY. RtWooater street. w DRY BOOU». For sale.pine seal skin sacque, ss Inches long; also Sable Muff, Boa and Wrlstleu; Minx Mutf, $13; handsome velveteen Polonaise, $30; gentleman's seal iktn Can and Gloves. LIN DO BROS., 1.867 Broadway. Magnificent oaukls» hair shawl fo* saie..Cost $1,300; will sell for ResOO. Address INDIA, box 1£) Herald Uptown Branch office. _______ PENI NO..SMITH'S PATTERN BAZAAR 914 Broadway, between Twentieth and Twenty-flret street*. GRAND DISPLAY OF FASHIONS, BEAUTIFCL DESIGNS, . JUaT RXCKIVKD. Pattern* with CLOTn MODELS of them BRADY, PATTBRNS FITTED to tbe FORM, WARRANTED pertect. Open antll $ P. M. THlf> WEEK. Oar Msgagln* is mailed. PyS ARTI. t ADT WASHINGTON'S RECEPTION DaY; OR, TttR fessE CITY KEAL ESTATE VUH SALE. Cmtnl. * -fifth avenue. nos. &. c. ««9. sit, era. rn 78i n . and #59. on Central l'arli. with .tuble; tome de¬ cided bargain*. V. K. f-TKVEN-ON'. Jr. 11 Pin* *treet or SI East Seventeenth street A BARE opportunity.-I OFFER TWO PIR.^T class days'work built Ilouao ou Thirty seventh street. Murray Mill, lest than any housei In tbe city, tor alxa, locality *od order, held by executors OLIVER BfeYAN. Builder, 114 Broadway. hast »lde. ABAROAIX-THS THREE STORY HIGH STOOP Dwelling House, 23x 44x92 In splendid conditions newly painted; handsomely ireserved and fitted up in magnificent »tvle; will sell house and furniture together or separately, on easy terms: family having moved to Europe, Apply to HEN KY RosKNBLaiT, on tba premise* No. ta East Nineteenth street. HOUSE AND LOT 113 LEWIS 9TREBT, near Seventh..Price only $500; easy term*; al*o other Property in South Fifth avenue and elsewhere. Apply to A. M. FANNING. 23 East Fourth street. Maps, descriptive pamphlets of property. Circulars, i *tulogue«, and every kind of Printing adapted to real estate dealers promptly, carefully and cbenoly donr at the METROPOLITAN PRINTING E.S- TAMlifcHMEKT, In the Herald Building. <feQ ONLY POR A three STORY HIOH i 'JU stoop brown stone Monae, three block* from Central Park lu 112th street; terms ea*y. Inquire ol P. C B. RANSOM, 74 Bedford straawa/tar 6 P. M. F Wrst Side. ABARQAIN.THE CHEAPEST TENEMENT PROP- erty In the city; west side; good location; mnit be ¦old; cash only; Property ofTereil. with Bnildinga. for what the lot* coat JOHN DAVIS. 200 Broadway, rear .(Bee. OB SALE.TWO FOUR STORY FIRST CLASS brown stone Dwelling*, $19,000 each; and three Stores and Dwelling* on Etihth avenue, leasehold, $3,300, near Central Park. WM. BEDELL, builder and owner, 9tM Eighth avenue. OfvTll STREET. WEST OF SEVENTH A VENUE.- Handsome lour story English Dasement brick House, all improvement*., will be sold low. RICHARD V. HaRNETt, 111 Broadway, room F. basement OC1 WEST TWENTY-FIRST STREET..POR SALE, Zj' 11 a four story brick Home (lot 98 feet in depth), with Carpets, Oilcloths Window Shades and Ga* fix¬ ture*; price $18,1X10: terms easy. JOHN FETTRETCH. MM Third avenue. d»Q AAA.OMLT $3,500 CASH. A FOUR STORY iPt/.UUU and basement brick House and Lot. on Weit Twenty-ninth street, with 10 rooms, marble man- tal*. Ac., and well ranted. PHALON k SLOaN, SI East Seventeenth street NUcelianeoui. A THREE 8TORY BBOWN 8TONB HOUSE. WITH all the modern improvements, for $L5,Mo; only $2.0o0 required; balance easy. Apply at 31 Union *qu*re. room 3. Foe sale cheap-and on easy terms, a four story brick Tenement with store, in Thirty- sixth street: size. 20x50x100; price $9.50Ul Owner give* particulars verbally in gallery, 303 Broadway. PLANS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF PROPERTY. BILLS, Circulars and every kind of Printing furnished at the METROPOLITAN PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 213 Broadway. PROPBRTT OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Farm at northpobt-40 acres, nice house barn, plenty fruit, to exchange for a stock of Mer¬ chandise or a country or city Store. LEWIS. 2b7 Front street. New York. For sale.a charming residence, on the Hudson, containing all the desirable points for a country house, near New York, with steamboat and railroad communication; (uperb river and mountain view*; perfectly healthy: free from all nuisances; 20 acres of tand, well adapted for villa sites; fruit trees of all kinds In lull bearing, and at! necessary outbuildings for a first clas* place: will now be sold much below It* true value. Address box 262 Port office, Nysck. Florida..the subscriber will let. for the sea*on. hi* furnished House, on Brooklyn Height* (part of Jacksonville. Fla.), only five minutes' walk from the railroad station and principal hotel*. The situation la one or the tno*t beautiful In til Florida, being upon the highest bluff on the St John's River and having a magnificent and extensive view. For particu¬ lar* apply to W. C. LANG LEY k CO., Worth street. New York, or lo the subscriber, in Providence. R. I. O. A. B ALLOC, METUCHEN. » MILES FROM NEW YORK, ON Pennsylvania Railroad..A splendid Farm of 71 acre* for *ale. SO acre* in a high state of cultivation; balance in wood and pastu'e; if not sold prior to the ldth Inst it will be sold at auction at 2 P.M. on that date. For further particular* aadre** JOHN GREANEY, Me- tuchen, N. J. MONTCLAIR.-FURNISHED HOUSE TO RKJJT aT $80 per month; seven minutes (Tom station and next Congregational church. Address bos IW Herald Uptown Branch otticc. TO LET-IN ELIZABETH, S. J., SEVEN MINUTES from depot 30 minute* from Wall street, small House; beat location; beautifully furnished from attic to cellar; a* complete a* any New York house in all its appointment*: will let cheap till 1st of May to respon¬ sible and careful parties; winter'* coal and wood in cel¬ lar. If rented immediately two most excellent servant* will remain if desired Apply to owner, F. THQtMX 47« Broom* street, Maw York. ' ' r rLET.A COUNTRY VILLA, THREE ACRES OF ornamental ground and pasturage: one hour (Tom Wall street oy Erie Railroad; house contain* all modern improvement*, eight room*, kitchen and bathroom; in a healthy and heautifoi location, surrounded by moun¬ tain scenery *nd running streams; possession giveu Im¬ mediately. Address T. LOCKYER, HohoXus, N. J. Tide water mill at mian us. conn., for .ale; $$,000 cash t or exchange at a price. B. FERRIS. Ids Washington street HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE-FINE HOUSES in " THE CITT FOR Property at Brighton, staten Island ; owner* send full deacription; no other* noticed. E..M. MASON. St Park row. Exchange.good city property and cash ; alto Tenement, free and clear, and caah for Dwell¬ ing In Thirteenth ward. Brooklyn. B. K. RKED, 1T< Fulton meet, New York. For exchange-in Brooklyn, a first class three atory and basement Dwelling, witc all the mod¬ ern improvement*, near the ferries, lor vaoant Lota; parties replying mailt give full particulars. Address EXCHANGE, box 118 Herald office. IJKJR SALE OR EXCHANGE.ON TWENTY FOURTH r street, between fourth mid Lexington avenues, a XI toot four story House, containing 18 rooms; terms to salt; would take small Brooklyn House in part pay. went Holmes BKOI HKHS, fo East Twenty-third st. FOR SALE OR BXCHANQB-LIQUOR STORE, well stocked, good basinets; also unencumbered Urge Farm and Buildings in southern Jersey for city House, lightly mortgaged. Address EXCHANGE, Herald Uptown Branch office. Handsome country seat on* huhson, west tide, to exchange for New York or Brooklyn Im¬ proved Property, not too heavily mortgaged. Owner* address R. K. D., box 202 Herald office. Merchandise of all kinds wanted in ex. change for out of town Property situated on Long ltland and Jerte.r; tend fail description to HENRY, box 106 Herald Brooklyn Branch ortloe. rpO bxchanoe-AN KLEOANT COUNTRY seat, 1 aear the elty, aneucnmbered worth glflO.OuQ, lor Ten¬ ement or Store Property In this city or Brooklym, or private Houses. MARilN DUNN, aft Broadway. TO EXCHANGE FOR A CITY HOU8B-A SPLENDID Country Beat at PUlnfleld; also a One Farm at 100 *""..» "¦""UtiBy m We SELL AND EXCHANOE real estate..NO charge whatever unless a sale or exchange is of- fected through us. C. C. WaYLAND k AY-uAR, 168 Fulton street, New York. WANTBD-GOOD REAL estate, OUT OF town, V* In exehnnge for City Property and Merchandise; also good Farms In New Jersey wanted. Address G. T., Herald Brooklyn Branch office. <j»0 nnrt equity in farms near thk city, «p«7.UUU to exchange for Dry Goods, Clothing, a good paying Business, or good stock of Watobet and Jew¬ elry. Address EQUITY, Herald office. RBAX. BWATB WAJVTKD. WANTED.TO PURCHA8K, A BROWN STONE V* House, between Lexington and Seventh avenues, below Tlilrtv-inarth street; price about SXXOUO. MARTIN DUNN, SOS Broadway, near Fulton street HOUSES, ROOMS. dtC., WASTED. In thl* City and Brooklyn. Furnished boosb or apartments wantbd. For the winter by a small private family; location between KUhtb and Fortieth streets and Third anit -ev- enth avenues. Address, stating location snd terms, winch must be reasonable. HOUSK, care nf twen Mc- lntyre. Si Broadway. Hefcrence gtveu and required THE METROPOLITAN PRINTING ESTa.HUSHMB.VT Is *t 118 Broadway, in the Herald Building. "a private house, b* a qcikt tt couple, two untarnished Rooms, eoatieotlna; loca¬ tion between Tenth and I'wenty-thlrd urrets and be¬ tween second and Sixth avenues; references. Address, with terms, .to.. QEoHfltt. Herald Uptown Branch odlce. 1XTANTEUTO RKNT-A FURNISHED HOTBU DOING TT well the year round, in a country towu. W. a. VERPLa.vOK. No. » fine street, mom 13. IVANTED TO LKaSE-FOK a number of years. >T t vacant Plot of Ground, about 73xluO feet, on which the owner would erect * one-story building, suit¬ able lor an iron warehouse, or the ground Floor and Cel¬ lar of s building of equal dimensions, must be located between Chambers and Canal street*. Address, stating term*. Ml Pear, street. WATCHES, JIWBLBY, <fcC. Bargains for" rait holidays.-a fixe assort. mem of Diamonds, Watcties Gold and Coral Jew. .try, tolld silverware, he. ; old Oola ana stiver bought. LIN Do BROS., 1,207 Broaaway. opposite Gilsey bouse. COLITAIRK DIAMO.SD STCD. CARAT, »WX); O pure white Diamond Crust, H ..tones, coet tl 00 lur ..00; singlt stone and cluster Kings, b.arriuu« aud Pins, to pay advances. yNDO BRoS., 1.107 Broadway. Tug mbtiopoutan printing kstabushment i* at 111 Sread way, In th« Herald Buildiug. IXDLSTRIAL K XHIBITIOtt COMP AS V. SCENE AT 8TEINWAT HALL. TjIH DRAWING THAT TOOK PLACB TB9TERDAY. V1IK SkUOND DRAWING UK THE INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION COM HA Nr. A large and renpoutable assemblage of ladle* and f*Oi tlnneii wi> hold at Stelnway 11*11 yesterday. About 7UQ iu.«i.» .in<i 1UU ladies were present. the occaalon being the second drawing of the Industrial Exhibition Com- panv. Od the stage. which wu well lighted and envalopea lu a background of reu curtain, wan placed the big wheel, wh<.»* revolution* decided the prizes. Then there waa a vouthtul imiiviutiai who ''ailed out theprues tn a load voice, aided by sign*, with big black figure*. On the state were also il.e Committee tod the officer* of tha Company. The drawing too* place lull lu the sight of all the au¬ dience, and nve general satisfaction. There were no bitches. postpouementa. Everything wag well managed, and everything transpired in an oraarlF manner. Some at the episodes were ol Interest. One lady who drew a Sl.iM) nrl«> almost xwooned tor Joy. Another voting man who drew s&w uttered a yell of delight, bat the majority uf the luckv ones took their good luck quietiv. rren those who drew no prize were satiated, ax each drawn seria bond, even if it drew nothing elae. was entitled to >21. Bond Serle 1.258. So. 91. drew the Capital Prlxe, $28,000. Bond Sene 1.2S8. No. 29. drew 9lO,tMi. Altogether tba Second Premium Drawing of the ladusuial Kxhlbltioa Company was a sucoee.t Ar a1-i-m ooao MfU 22 23 00 00 9 $ $ 22 22 00 JO III 23 00 UO 99999 22 0D 00 If 22 00 00 $ 9 22 00 09 $9999 » 00® 9^ 222222222 0000 All boy a Flrat Mortgage Premium Bond of the INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION COMPANYOFNEW TOES. EVERY BOND parcluMd on or before Monday, January «, wiil participate In the THIRD 8ERIKS DRAWING, . to be held on JANUARY 4, 1875. Capital Premium, 9100,000. The proceed* of the tale* of tliese Bond* will be naad for the erection of a permanent Exhibition Palace, (a b* erected on the ground* of the Company, situated on ninety-eighth to 102d street, from Third to Fourth avenae* THE.SE BONDS will make a splendid Chrlstma* or New Tear*g preeeat, a* there la no risk of any loss. Every Bond will be redeemed with PREMIUM. Addreaa for Circulars, full information and Bonda. MORGENTHAU, BRUNO * OO, Financial Agent*. 23 PARK ROW. NEW YORK. <P. O. Drawer M.) KEWSPAPER RESAJPIXQ HOOME. ftNEW8PA?EB READING ROOMS," 22 UNION .-.QUARB. ADVERTISING1 TABLETS OVER THB 3BEAT KEWSPaPBB FILB MAT NOW BE E NOAGED FOB 1875. THESE TABLETS ARE OF GLASS. and will be lettered ornamentally to suit the wlshe* at our patron*. Price per year 925, includtaj^tetternig ana gl'KNITUKfc.. A-WUMLY "and monthly payments fob . Fu'naiJure, Carpeu and Bedding, At B. M. COW- PERTHWjjfr* CO.'i. 155 and 157 Chatham street An imuwnse sfck and low prices. AMAUXIFICENT TURKISH PARLOR SUIT, COST $450, lor $125; do. reus and haircloth, $35: rose- Wood Pianoforte. cont $>50, tor $250: Carpets. 50 cunts Ser yard, rrivala roaidence 21 East 20th (treat, near roadway. AUCl'ION ?RICKS.-OFFICE PUBNITURK, AC. Elegant Desks, Libraries Tables, Chairs. Ac. Several superb Parlor nnd Beuroom Salts, half price. Finest rnwc cylinder. Davenport and other Dealt*. JERK. JOHNSON, Jr., 58 T Liberty street A PRIVATE FAMILY LEAVING THE CITY Will to dlMoxe of their Household Furniture.2 Parlor Suits lu crtsuson lirocatel, cost $000, for $200; do , $175; centre Console Tables. Mirrors, Curtains. Bronzes, Clocks. Turkish Chairs Library and Dlniug Room. Bed* etead. Dreasing Case, Holding, Paintings; also Bradbury i'ianotortfc. ."tool, Covar, Secretaire, Bookcase, J Writing Desks. Call at 263 West ffld »L AUCTION NOTICE..GOOD SECOND HAND AND misfit Carpets, hnglisn Brussels, three-ply and In¬ grain, very cheap, from auction, at the old place US Fulton street, side entrance. Auction second hand furniture of every description. Mattresses, Extension Tables. Library Tables. Parlor snltt, Bedroom .--lut*, carpets and a va¬ riety ol miscellaneous articles, at JAMES (JRAHAM'S 19u Third avenue. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL MAGNIFICENT glided satin brocade Grand Duchess Parlor Suit, cost $55X tor $175; Marie Antoinette. $S5: grand square IV, octave Pianoforte. $250; brocatel and reps Parlor Suits. $50, $40 aud $25; chamber. Library, Dining Fur¬ niture, Carpets: a sacrifice. 10J West Twenty-elgnm street near Sixth avenue. A SACRIFICE FOB IMMEDIATE CASH..PltlVATB family will sell, via.:.Parlor Suit, cost $650, for $200' do.. $150; Library and Dining Furniture. 7& octave Stelnway Piauoforte. $.*X); Turkish Suit. $100; Bed¬ room Sets, $60, $125; Bedsteads, Mattresses, rep Snlt, $.15; plush, $40; flne Paintings. Bronzes, Ac.: must be sold. Call three days private residence 21.i West 21st St. PRIVaTR FAMILY "DECLINING UOUSEKEEP- Ing will sell lor cash. 40c. on the dollar, all their el¬ egant first class citv made Furniture: superb satin Par¬ lor Suit, cost $000, for $150; rep Suits <7 pieces), $55; ploah Suits, >50; velvet Carpet. 50c. yard; magnificent Stem- war A Son Pianoforte, cost $1,000. tor$27S; complete Bedroom suits (12 pieces) tor $60 upward; flne Oil Paint- inns. Bronzes, Mirrors, Centre Tabiea. Buffet. Extension Table. Chairs, Silverware, Sofas. Lounges. Hat Stands, Chandeliers. Ice Box, Stove, Ac. Call at nrivata reel- deuce 120 West 23d st., between 4th and 7th avs. Call be- lore purchasing elsewhere; no reasonable offer refused tor cash. Remember the number, 120 Wast 23d St., noar 6th av. BARGAINS..PARLOR SUIT, DRAB REPS, t pieces crimson Trimmings, 2 imported Vases. I mar¬ ble top Tables, sable Muff. Boa and Wristlets, mink Ma^ handsome ?slvstaen Pqlouahie. UNDO BROS., 1,267 Broadway. rUBPBTft, V Furniture, Beds. Bedding, Ac. Payments taken by tlie week or month. Tar ins easy. KELLY A CO.. corner of Twenty-flfth street and Sixth svenue. Carpets and furniture..$250,000 worth Furniture now offered at our immense wareroota 25 per cent cheaper tnau any ouier house tn the city; Parlor suits, 7 pieces, $40. and Chamber suits, 9 plecoa, $22. a choice assortment of Carpeu.Velvet, body Biussela, tapestry Kms-sel* and ail wool ingrain at low prloes; Ollclotus. Window Shades, lace Curtains Li» Irequina, Mats, Matting, Ac. D. KELLY, successor to H. O' FarreU, 610, 512, 514 anil 516 Eighth avenue, Furniture and house furnishing. Monthly Payment's. Monthly Payments. Monthly Pavmenta GEORGE A. CLARKE. 747 Broadway. (j^URNI TURK, OROCKRIES, LIQUORS, CIOARS. J; Pianos. Carriages. Hardware, Drugs, Dry Goods, any other Merchandise, In large or smnll identities, wanted,. In exchange tor unencumbered Real Estate. Address HALLETTVHerald othee. Thk metropolitan PRINTING KSTABLISHMBNT Is at 21.4 Broadway, In the Herald Building. .JQ EAST TIlIRrbEKTH STREET..HA VEN A COi 0«7 will sell Furniture of every description at privato sale at auction prues; also regular auction sales every week, see auction column. INSTRUCTION. AT THOMPSON'S COLLKOE. 2U FOURTH AVENUB, opposite Cooper Institute..Bootik»eplng, Writing, Arithmetic, Herman taught dav and evening. Ladies' Department, iviegranhy tangut practically. With la- > VERY COMPETENT TEACHER OF THE KNG- A llsli branches and French language, has two hoars at the di>posal ot tl|OM needing her services: spelling, grammar aud letter-writing a specialty. Address, for one week, CON fidentlaL, Herald Uptown Branch olBco. AUDV. HAVING GREAT PaCILITY IN TEACH- ing English to foreigners, osn take two pupils; no grammar: the natural method speaking, reading and writing pursued. Address AMERICAN, box UO Herald Uptown Branch office. BOARDING SCHOOL.AT WILTON. CONN. | HOM« comforts; healthy location; thorough instructionj kind treatment; terms moderate. Address AUGUSTUS W H11 LOl) K. FUEKCH and OK KM \N LK8801T3 OlVt* IT K young gentleman of iho t'ulverfity of Francor teacher In a hoarding school ^disengaged svory after- noon. AJdress J. chaRLKS. Herald office. CpRENCH AND GERMAN LBS SONS GIVEN TO r laaies atvi gentlemen, by an university graaaata teacher In several «chool*. disengaged ano evening. Address ritBNCH AND GABMan, Herald Uptowti Branch olBce.

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Page 1: The New York herald. (New York [N.Y.]). 1874-12-09 [p ]. · THENEWYORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 13,988. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1874.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTOR! FOR



4MUHKMENT3.Second Paub.Kourth, fifth tad sixth

ASTR^W-Tw nurru Page.Second column.BILLIAKUS.Ninth Page.Sixth column.BOARDERS WANTED.Twelsth Pi(.*-Thlrd and

lourih column*. _ ... _

BOARL AND LODOINO WANTED.Tvxuru Pace.Fourth column. .


Filth column. . ..

BUSINESS NOTICES.Bevbnth Page.Fifth and Sixth

BUsfiliSp*OPPORTUNITIES.Eights Page.OiOAK> ANL» TOHACOO.8eco*i. Pack.Fourth column.CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-First PAci-F?fta

column.OLERK.> aND SALESMEN.Elktknth Pagb.Sixth col¬

umn. a*d Twelfth Page.First column.CtiOTHlNO.Ninth Page.Sixth columnCOACHMEN AND | OARDENERS.Twelfth Pass.

Firsi colnniu.COAL AND WOOD.Second Page.Fourth column.OOAMTWI8E STEAMSHIPS.Twblftb PaOM.sixth OOl-

amn.COUNTRY HOARD.Twelfth Paoe. Fifth column.K£?.£.i»wC'^DE,11£'*TH Sixth column.DENTISTRY .Ninth Page. -Ixth column.DRY GOODS.First Page.Fourth column.DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, FURNISHED AND US-

PURMSHED-.srcond Pagb. Flr«t iolumn.EUROPEAN SI EAMSH1PS.TtBUTH Paoe.Fifth MM

sixth column*.EXCHANGE.Nlmtb Pace.Sixth column.EXCURSIONS.'Twelfth Pack.Sixth column.FINaNCIAL.Eiobth Page.FINK ARTS.Fihit Pagb.Fourth column.FOR SaLK.Twelfth Pagb.-ocond column.FURNI SHED ROOM - AND APARTMENTS TO LET.

Second Pagb.First and second columns.FCBNITUBF..First Pack.Sixth column.HELP WaNTED.FEMALES.Eleventh Page.Fifth

and sixth columns.HELP WANTED.MaLBS.Twelfth Pace. First oou

amu.HORSES. CARRIAGES, AC..Fiust Pass.Third and

fourth columns.HOTELS.Twelfth Page.Fourth and fifth columns.HOUSES, ROOMS. AC., WANTED-Fibbt Pas»-Pifth


Sixth column.INSTRUCTION .First Pack.Sixth co umn.LBCTl'Rh SEASON.Second Paue.Fourth colamn.LOAN OKKICES.NiNTn Paci.Sixth column.LOST AND FOUND.First Pagb.First and second col¬

umns.MACHINERY.Twelfth Page.Second column.MARBLE Ma.nIELs. Ninth Page.Sixth column.MEDICAL.TwitLmi Page.Second column.MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS.Tenth Paob.

Sixth column.MISCELLANEOUS.Ninth Page.Filth column.MUSIC.\L.second Pace.Fonrth column.NEW PUBLICATIONS.Seventh Pagb.sixth column.NEWSPAPER READING ROOMS.Firot P*s»-Slxtt

column.PERSONAL.First Page. First columnPIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC..Second Pxcb.Fourth

column.pbofeshional situationb;wanted.females.


.First Pace.Fifth column.REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE.First Page-Filth

columnRBAL BStaTE WANTED.First Page.Fifth column.REWARDS.First Pagb.Second column.BALES AT AUCTION.second Page.Second and third


First, second, third, lourth and fifth columns.SITUATIONS WANTED.MALES.Eltbntk Paajs.Sixth

colamn.SPECIAL NOTICES.PtRiT Page.Second and third col*

umns.SPORTING.DOGS, BIRDS, AC.-First Pace.Third

column.TUB TRADES.Twelfth Page.First and seoond «ol*

omhs.THE IUKF.First Page.Third column.TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES.Second Pace.


Second Page.Second column.WANTED TO PURCHASE.Ninth Paoe.Sixth column.WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC..First Paoe.Firth column,WINES. LIQUORS, AC..Ninth Pagb.'Ixth colamn.WINTER BESuRTb.Twelfth Pagb.Filth column.



DIRECTOR*.Rooms BASEMENT.1.Lawrence A Co., Bankers.3.The "Republic" Newspaper.8.H. D. Dumont. Stationer.

G. W. Smith, Law books.4.M, Lynch, Wines.i^A. B. Davenport Hatter.6.Baum A Friedman, Tailors.

SECOND STOREI.-VlcMahon A Morse Lawyers.*.W. U. O'Dwyer, Lawyer

A. BucklDKham, Lawver.C. T. Pinckney, Lawyer,C. J. Oulteau. Lawyer.

5.Cr.mpbell A Palmer, Lawyers.Jj Meade A Rockwell. Lawyers.<$.1North western Life Insurance CompearL a. Benedict, Agent..J! I Chamber of Lite Insurance.Jj f Charlton T. Lewis, secrotary.12.McCarthy A Chalmers, Lawyers.U.Cook A Nassau, Lawyers.

H. B. Ferguson, uiwyor.14.M. W. Weld. Lawver.

international Collection Assoc!?.tioi.THIRD HTOilY.

1 (Judge Sutherland.2 f F. 11. Scott, Lawyer.B. Fettritcti A Cardwell, Lawyers.

J. S. Hanson, Lawyer. _6.. heridan, Bonytige. Cochran and Me£ma, Btea »

graphers.0.EUshu Uioouier, Real 1.state.O. H. i ook, i.eiil Estate.

7.Brlggs A Fellows. Lawyers.J. U. Aitken. Lawyer.

8.W. C. 'Irs phage n. awyer.C. Matthews. Lawyer.W. H. Kvsn, Lawyer.E. T. Gsirdener. Lawyer.L. O. Wilson. Lawyer.W. Durack, Lawyer. __10.Wilkinson A Peters. Trustee* of Estat» ef WfMa.

jl I Harrison A Strong. Lawyers.A K. Woodruff, Lawyer,

to.W. B. BerslioU, civil Engineer.Pelham and Portchester Railroad Company.FOURTH STORY.

1.Thornton &£arle. Lawyers.21 Edvar Ketchum, Register in Bankraptor.St Edgar Ketchuui. Jr., Lawver.4t Henrv Wehle. Lawyer.5f S. Sultan. Lawyer

C. Goldzter, Lawyer.M. F. Eller, Lawyer.C. A. Lane, Lawyer. '

B. Fuehrer. Lawyer.6.A. 11. .UttCK.

L. H. Crail. .Menet A Co.

7.Hasklns A Crook. LawyersM. i.utzel, Lawyer.G. H. Badenu, Lawyer.

8.Crsrv, Wpller A ctienck. Lawyer*.T. O'Brien, Lawyer.

9.C. M. Williams, Lawyer.11.C. U. Glover Lawyer.

I Lockwood A Crosby, Lawyers.IS. bohler, Lawyer.

FIFTH STORY.1.L. skldmore. Lawyer.2..-tuvvesaut Bank Receiver.S, Wakeni-in A Letting, Lawyer*.4ST. b. Wakeman. Lawyer.a) P. s. Winchester, Lawyer.b.John D. Ciute.7.Fitch A Fitch. Lawyer*.

G. FuUer. Lawyer.S.Hascall A stetson. Lawyersh. G. Stedman, Lawyer.9.Soci ty for Reiormatlon of Juvenile Delinquents.10.s. H. Steele, Lawyer.W. H. King. Lawver.

J. A. Lydecker, Reel Estate.C. E. Lydecker, Real Estate.

11.J. P. A J. A. Heed. Lawyers.12.Byrne, Everett A Co.. Lawyer*.|^| Walsh, Halbertend t ekerson. Lawyers.

SIXTH STOAT.1.John Townehend. Lawyer.

A. Nicholson.S.Henderson Benedict, Lawyer.R. Logan, scotch Granite, Ac.B-O. Vi Carpenter. Lawyer.41 Otis T. Hail. Lawyer. *. )G. P Webster, Lawyer.

D. R. Lyddy, LawyerJeiierwn Clark. Lawyer.

8(John L. KnlghL7) Janitor.81 Hodges A Meexer. Lawyers.S(R 8. Burr. Law\er.

John Crompioa. Accountant.Smith A De«n, c ltj Mirve\o.-A

101o. W. Van stclen. Lawyer.11 )T. H. Baldwin, Lawver.IsfCharlesD. Barrow. Lawver.1S< Henry a. Glldersleeve, Lawyer1410. R Carrlngton, Lswyer.

U. W. Toniokina, Lawyer.T. H. Milner. Lawyei.

Two paMenger elevators running all (Be time.





ArrUCTED MOTHER..UNLESS SOM ETHIN'O IS4on« bv the 15th of thu mouth prompt and Jeciaive

¦eaauret will be uUd.

ALL OF U.« no W SUMMKK".ONLY LIT KBKnow you are well and will return, tor the

»f oar little two. in great dUtreu. waUBaJEEB.


TOHN H. FINCK. .INFORMATION WANTED (ON AC-J count of k death In the :atnllv) u to the above, wholeft New York about ilx yean ago; realiled at 8u0lileventh avenue. Any imormation will be thankiullyreceived by James S\ ROGERS. Attorney-at-lAW, No.« New Chamber* creet.

PERSONS Having legal CLAIMS aOaINST thbeaute of A. Yeatman Zaohoa. deceaied, may preaenl

them lor adjuattneut to P. J. »CH.MtDKR. 346 Broad¬way.


IOX reward-for a ban drowned at pieriff&O tu North River; had on ions oil ioat and rubberboot*; waa drowned November 23. The above rewardwill sepald for bis identlQcauon by PARKER A OBB-MEL, .60 Weat itreet. New York.

LOtT A.\ D ruCND,

AVALCABLE B.NO. LOST OCRI.VO ~MaY~LAST.will bo returned to the owner, it property Jeacribed

aoJ advertulng e.tpeneea paid. For addreai apply tothe bookkeeper at the Herald offlo* for one week.




cau have by describing the low. or otherwise satis-fvtni the fluder that the amount was his. AddressRobinson, Herald office.

IK THE PKRHON WHO TOOK 1HE COAT fftOM I HEball of W Charles street on Monday evening will re¬

turn Uie paper* m '.be pocket* lie will bo rewarded, audno 'juoMb/iu asked.

LOST.IN A FIFTH AYENUK STAOE 1 O'CLOCKP. M.. Monday, a lady's ills Umbrella. Will 'lie

gentleman remaining In the stage wlmu two ladles leftplease return It to K. *H EKMAN. 116 Wall itreetr

L0*1-BANK BOOK NO. 18 028. ISSUED Br THEManhattan .Saving* Institution, and payment of '.he

same has been stupueu. he tinder will oblige theowner bv retarnlng the same to tbe bunk, 644 Broadway,corner Bleecner street.

LOST-A MINK MUFF. BETWEEN DR. CROSBY'Schurch and southeast corner of Twenty-third street

and Kourtb avenue. A reward will be given for lu re¬turn to the bouse.

Lost.on mondat afternoon, about threeo'clock In stag* No. 17. Fourth avenue line, a Pack¬

age containing a lace Shawl;owner's name on p&ckaie.Tlte Under will confer a favor and he suitably rewardedby rooming same to J. K. BKAHAMa, 71 Broadway,room 4a

LOST-BETWEEN 23 PARK R >W aND ELEVENTHstreet, on Saturday, about 7 P M.', a pasteboard En¬

velope, containing copies of legal papers; supposed tohave been left in university place car. Expense? willbe paid on returning same to room 27. No. 2:4 Park row

LOST-IN a TWENTY-THIRD STREET ANDBroadwav «tage on Wednesday afternoon, between

1 »30and 2o'cloek. a brown Russia leather Pocketbook.containing a ladv's blue enamelled diamoud King. Thefinder will be liberally rewarded by applying at 363West Thirtieth street.

OTOLKN.SORREI. MARB AND BLACK TOP WAGON.O By returning the tame to 164 Mercer street a suitablereward will be given.


rkwahur.REWARD FOR RETURN OP CARRIAGE DOG.owner's name on collar to 1. B. MBEILs. 24 Bond

<t»- REWARD..LOST, A PO KETB0OK OF Rl'S-siu leather with silver plated clasp and mono¬

gram, containing about $30. by getting off the etage, atcorner Forty-seventh street and Fifth avenue, or in the¦tare Kinder will please deliver to B. C. MOORE, atTiffany A Cos., Onion square.

<t>in REWAKD will BE PAID by henry c.«plU PORTER. 18) Church street, tor a liable Mufflelf on steamer Castleton on 2 P. M. trip from StatenIsland Thursday. December 3.

mnr BEWARa.L08T, LADY'8 WATCH. GREENW/jD enamelled ease with painting and scollopededge frame; tost between Seventeenth and Twenty-ninth streets and Third *nd Sixth avenues $» will bepaid on returning It to the clerk ot tbe Everett House,Seventeenth street corner Fourth avenue.

®<)C REWARD..LOST, ON SUNDAY EVENING,December 6, in going from Prince street to ave

nue A, a double-cased Silver Watch, marked "H. I." onthe back. The aoove reward will be paid the finderupou presenting the watch to J. J. CROOKE, 163 Mol-berry street.

A LIBERAL REWARD WILL BE PAID TO CART-man who took furniture from 713 Broadway, room

2L on Friday night last, upon making himself kuown.JOHN A. FKLTBR. 96 Liberty street

BEWARE). SIOOI-LObT, POOKKTBOOK. in fipthAvenue Hotel. Addreu J. B. RL'MSEY, Fifth Ave-

nue Hotel.

The best plaob in the city to havb yourPrinting done is at the METROPOLITAN PRINT¬

ING ESTABLISHMENT, 218 Broadway, because, wituthe extensive facilities the office possesses, work Is donethere at the lowest rates and with great promptness.






Attention.THE NEBRASKA SUFFERERS.The Nebraska Commissioners announce that, throughthe courtesy ot Mr. John a. Balesiier, the lower floor of

building No. U Harclav street has been placed at theirservice for the reception of Clothing lor the Nebraskasufferers. All Packages should be sent to tbe aboveplace.A .THE AMERICAN REGISTER.A> the most widely circulated of

tbe American looroals publishedin Europe.

! A capital medium tor AmericanI advertisers addressing themselves to

| European pstroaage.Indispensable to all pervous visiting Great Britain aad-

1 the European Convent.Subscriptions and advertisement* (or the AMERICAN

REUlaTfcR will be received and single copies of thepaper may lie obtained at the office ot the New YorkI Itraid, New York.

ANCHOR LINE.At a meeting of the eabln passengers held In the sa¬

loon of the steamship Victoria on Monday evening, the2'd of November. 1874, Robert Talbot Esq.. havlug beenselected to preside and the Rev. Wm. Kusseil Almondsecretary, it was, inter alia, unanimously resolved,

1. That their cordial thanks aud hish personalregard* be and they are hereby- tendered unto CaptainHedderiok for his uniform klnu attention, polite andcourteous treatment of them during their voyage fromNew York.

2. That he, his officers and boat be. and they arehereby unconditionally oommended to the best consid¬eration of the travelling community in the United King¬dom of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as ot theUnited State* ol America.

3. That a copy of these proceedings be published In theleading newspapers of Glasgow, Belfast and New Tork.

ROBERT TALBOT, PresidentAttest: Wm. Ro*skix almomp, Secretary.

A.SODA WATER. MINERAL WATERS, GINGER. Ale. sparkling Wines: manufacture of complete

outfits or Apparatus and Materials, with rail instruc¬tions: all departments of manufacture, bottling and dis¬senting; exclusive Rights in desirable territory. Cata¬logues tree. JOHN Matthews, First avenue. Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh streets, New York.

ATTENTION l-CASH IN HAND FOR PBBSONSwishing to realise on surplus Stocks, Merchandise.

Furniture, Ac. Address, in confidence, W. A. T-, box 730Post office.

A-HAVANA LOTTERY OF CUBA. Royal Saxon Government Lottery.Hamburg City Lottery.

Brunswick Government Lottery.Prise* cashed and information given. Loek box 1,804.TuEODOR ZSCHOCH, US Nassau street. New York.





Whole tickets $10 Quarter tickets ft 80Hall tickets 4 Eleven ticket* 100 00For tickets, circulars, Ac., uddree*THE BRANCH OFFICE OF THE ASSOCIATION,

(Room 14), 78 and 80 Broadway.Po*t office box 1,417. .

New York.HENBY V. MOORE, Secretary.

A -GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING.A. Roval Havana Lottery, December 10, 1871Only 1(1.000TlcketaI One prize to every seven tickets!2,097 prizes, amounting to $1,200,000l capital prize eoo.otoI prize 100.0001 prize 40 oo2 prizes, S2.MIU) each 80.0004 prizes.$10,000 each 40,00012 prizes. $4,000 each 00.000473 prises. $400 each 236,600Circulars, with mil particulars, sent tree; prizescashes. Address P. O. DEVLIN, >tatloner and General

Agent, 30 Liberty street, New York.

A-OKFICIaL DRAWING OF THE KENTUCKY. SUM Lotteries.Simmon*. Lucklnaoa A Co.,Managers.eehtccxy. extra clau no. S».December 8. 1871

KENTUCKY, CLASS12. 16, IS. 36. 18, 71. 77.SO. 126.DICKMBKK 8, 1874.

40, 57, 22. 18. 44. 44, 64, «S. 9 U. 2. S3.HKNRY. EXTRA CLAM NO. 1(7.DECEMBER 8 1874.

a, 38, 12, 64, 66. «U, 18. * 0, 12. 69. S3.tflNRT, CLASS ICO. 148. DKCJCMBER 8, 1874.

11, S. IS. 33. ti. 9 26. 21 48, 49. 64, SO.Full information by applying to J. CLUTK. 200 Broad-

war, room 4, first floor, rear office, or Poat office t>ox4,969, New York city.A .KENTUCKY STATE SINGLE NUMBER LOT-A> tery. on Havana plan. Extraordinary drawingDecember 26. Circular* or information turnuhed Dy J.

CLl'TK. 100 Broadway or Post office box 4.968.

A -OFFICIAL DRAWINGS OF THE KENTUCKY. State and .>belby v'o:le*e Lotteries.KENTUCKY STATU. EXTRA CLASS 299.DECEMBER 8. 1174.9. 32, 41. 27. 71, it. «. 62, 96. i\ 43. ft. 34.

sHKi ar, BXTftA class 117.OECsMixa I. 1874.21. 17, M. 34. 46, 14. 31, 47. li. 42, 73, IS, M.

EEXTOCXY STATE, CLASS J00.DECEMBER 8 1874.SS, 13, 64. <9. 68, 27 69. 76. 17. 49. 13. 2S, J*

SHELBY, CLAM US. DKCEMBSB 8. 1S7V3, 36, 34. 43, 76. 33. 17, 4, 19. 1 M. 70, 14.

J. s. SMITH k CO , Managers, Covington. Kjr.Post office box 1.731. New York.

A -PARKS. EMKK80N A CO.. AGENTS FOR. Kentucky state Lotteries, drawn daily.

Extraordinary Royal Havau'a Lottery, drawn Dee. 11Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn Dec i6. 1871Masonte Rellel Lottery, of Norfolk. Va Deo. 29. 1874.Frizes cashed, inrormation turnished and cirouiar*

sent by sdtlressini fARK> A CO.. 180 Broadway, room4. Po*t office box 1272. Private office attached.

Office hours 7 A. M. till T P. M.

D~ tfSPEPSlA, CHRONIC CONSTIPATION, HRaRT.bcrn. Waterbrash. Goat Gravel, Nervou*Kxhaue-

uon, cured oy L>r. SHARP, offices removed to 69 WastNinth street. near sixta avenue. Special attention *iveadisease* ef mea



SPECIAL moticicsl/GRADUATED CHK-T AND l.cnu frottctokb¬IT Can be lurruatej or aimlulsheil it will, thus ef¬fectually preventing ehil. am: cole on your lungs. ooldeverywhere. isaAC A. sl.vobk, Manufacturer.


HENRY A. DANIEL®. m. 0.. 144 LEXINGTON AVE-nue. near iweiuynlntn street...special attention

Uj um diseases ol uien and important medical and surgi¬cal l'tufv

HAVANA LOTIEBY.-extkaokdinaky dk AWING.December 14. J. h. di \'t, just arrived irom Ha¬

vana, * ill furnish lull particulars at lowest rate*, anilIniormation iree. Add re** box 4,436 Post office, NewYork

jtavana LOTTERY.(extraordinary lirawing, December 10, 1874

r.0w7 Pri/o* amounting to... cl.100,000i Price ot- ¦. maoufl1 Prize ot »»».*«1 Prize ol su.uout Prize* of tzvijoo even. so.uuo4 i'ri/au. ot $10.0uu each 40 011012 Prize* ol fetw each. go.ixw

2,076 Prise* amounting to 400,uwCircular* ot Inlormatlon tree. Prize* caahed. J. B.

makt1nk2 k CO.. Bankera. IP Wall street, rear bate¬ll1-iii Post office box 4.bh5, New Vork.

Havana lottery..extraordinary draw.lnif.i.eruian government Lotteries. Prizes caahed

and inlormatlon given. Post office box 3.310. wachs-MANN k CO.. Bankers, 7Sand 77 Nassau street

Havana lottery, extraordinary, dbckx.ber 16: great reduction in price of tickets: send

for circulars. K. SuNN'tnueru, box 190 Poat office.New Haven. Conn.

Havana lottery-extraordinary draw.ins. Great reduction in price. Prize* cashed bv

b. ALENCE a CO.. No. 6 Broad street, room life- Postofflca box 4,151 New York

LOTTER1E8.-JOSEPH BATES k CO. WILL BENDCircular* of information for all legalized lotterie*

Iree ol char?*, and caan prizes at the lowest rata*; auonler* promptly attended to. JOHEPH BATES A CO.,70 Cedar street. New York. Post office box 4.401

Mink, sable and seal purs darkened tolook like new; a process exclusively our own;

lining, altering, Ac. J. D. WILLIAMS,330 Pulton rtreet, Brooklyn.

Nervous debility and weakness broughtou by indiscretions, excesses, or overwork ot the

brain and nervous syntem, treated by henry A.DANIELS, M. D., 1*4Lexington avenue, near Twenty-mntn street

Royal Havana lottery. ,

Extraordinary Drawing, December 14 Circular*oi fall inlormatlon tree. Prizes cashed. Spanish Bansbui*, Government*, Ac-, purcbaaad. _TAYLOR k CO.. Banker*.

No. ii Wall street New York.

cjurpkises. FAVORS, COSTUME MOTTOES. LOV.o ers' Riddle*,' pertume Mottoes: alto Pure and Deli¬cious candles, at r. P. uibnon's, corner Twenty loeoudstreet and broadway.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN..ALL PERSONSholding dishonored check* drawn br W. C. Potter,

71 Broadway, and indorsed by a W. Ladd, Nos. 5 and 7Dey street, on the National State Bank of Elizabeth, N.J., are advited to confer with B. E. ARROW SMITH, 128Maiden lane, New York.

THE METROPOLITAN PRINTING establishment,218 Broadway, have unsurpassed facilities lor doing

all kind* of Printing with unusual promptness and atmoderate prices.Qt "i qaa n/la .extraordinary DRAWING«bi.^u".uuu. of the Roval Havana Lottery oft uba, December 1& Circular* or information sent free.

Bates a CO., 196 Broadway.

SPORTING.douh, BIRDS, 4tc.

A -FOR SALE.* ALL KINDS OK FAN0Y DOOS,. Birds Ac.; Medicines for *11 disease*: prepared

Food lor mocking bird*, at B. u. DOVEY'S. No. 3 Greenestreet near Canal.

OR SALE.FOUR GENUINE english BULL TBR-rt*r*; vary cheap; four month*old.

JaOK HUGHSON, s7 Carmine «troet.f


-trotting at Fleetwood' park, ok wed.. neaday, December 9, at 1 P. M., sharp. Sweep¬

stake* 1900; mile lieaw. be*t J in aJohn Murphy enter* b. t. Charley Green, to wagon.P. man** eaters b. g. Boy, to wagon.wm. lorn* enters br. g. Phil o'n'ell, in harness.

flame day.Match $200; mile heats, best tin S, lu barnes*.k. hewlett enters a m. Long branah Maid.Ed. Odell enter* b. e. Harry.

Same day.Match $200: mile heats, boat 1 in 4. in haraaes.A. Parson enter* br. a Taiomah.a 8. Odell enter* b. g. Genuine.

Same day-Match »20u: mile heats, be*t tin t, to wagon.J. Goodwin enter* b. g. Milkman.T. Trimble enter* g. m. Alice Grey.admusion. $1. WM. H. VAN CO it. Superintendent.

r\EEKPOOT PARK.-trotting.-wednbsda*. de-1J camber 9, at 2 P. M , match $103,3 miles and reponi,2ln 3, in harness. Wash slype enters cb. i. Paul; wm.Bennett enters b. g. Mystery. Same day, match for $200,mile heaia. best 3 in a L. 3. samnils b. g. ChieftainsMr. McManu*' br. *taL ajilck. Admission si.

WM. McMAHON, Proprietor.

Fleetwood parr., Wednesday. December «,1874..Match for $100, mile neat*, best thr * In Ova.

under *addle. John Rogers unrnes b. m. Lady Annta.Joan Murphy names *orr*l geldiag.-orrei Jake.

W. H. VAN COTT, Superintendent

Woodside PARK, STAMFORD. CONN..ALL per-son* owing entrance money for home* entered in

the late tall meeting, given on Woodbridge Park. Novem¬ber 17. 18 and iv, are hereby notified that the same mustbe paid on or before December HI. or they, together withtheir horses, will be suspended. C. W. SMITH, Manager,P. o. Box 231, Stamford, Conn.



is CALLED 10 Sale by taction of the fine stable oftrotting and road Mono* of Mortimer s. Rowan, thecelebrated constructing engineer, who Is at present inTexas conatru -ilng the Southern Pacific Road, and hassent instructions )o sell hi* entire Ane stock at auction.

ON THURSDAY (TO-MORROW), DECEMBER 1U,at stable No 43 Great Jones street.

AT 10W o'CltOCK,including the celebrated line ana last trotting and gen¬tleman's road team PIKE PKAKE ami mate; areabout L5)£ high, 7 years old last spring: were both pur¬chased at Alexander's sale in Kentucky when yearlings,and tiken to Kansas, where they were thoroughlybroken and trained, and were the fustest trotters in theWestern country, either tingle or double; PIKE PEAKEhas u record of 2:34 single. hit mate ol 2 :33; thev won to¬gether all the principal double-team trots in tha Weet;their record 2:12; were purchased by Colonel Row^u atPike's Peak, ana brought to this city one year ago lastspring, and have by him been driven at road teamsince: they huve size, style and strength enoagh tor anyfamily driving or to adorn anv gentleman's coach, andare warranted to beat 2|i5 either single or double, andwarranted sound and kind.N. B.. ihu is the celebrated Western team tbat the lata

Jamet Kisk offered 96.U00, tor which offer was refusod.and his agent was negotiating for thorn at the time of hi*dicflftie.Also the fine, large, gentleman's Road and Trotting

Mare, PRAIRIE QUEEN, liH high, I year* old lastspring; »ired by Blanko. half sister to Smuggler; a band-tome, game, prompt, strong, rapid, fat* trotting mare;can pull a road wagon In 2 40 or lest. and show threebeats, on track, in lest than 2-.3S; warranted soond andkind.Alto a One, fatt-goln* dapple gray Trotting Mara.

13M high, i years old. sired by Godfrey's Patehen, fnlltitter to Hopeful and a lae timile ot htm; was onlytrained six weeks the last season, and could then showhalf a mile in l:t< and a full mile in 2-39 and 2tll always!can now thow 2t«J or no tale; warranted tonnd andkind.Also the fast and handsome, gray, gentleman's road

and trotting Horse, GRAY MARK, 16^ high. 7 year*old ; sired by Pilot, Jr.; an elegant gentleman'* road¬sters sale lor any amateur or lady to drive ; a bold, intel¬ligent, sensible, sate and One horse; oan trot hi* fellmile in<:tfl; warranted souna and kind.Also a thoroughbred Jet blaeit driving, saddle and busi¬

ness Horse, 14K high. 7 years old: fast and fine road¬ster; a genteel and line horse; warranted sound andkind.Alio two One Brewster Wagons, one track Sulky, one

Pany Phaston, double snd single Harnett, by Dun*comb; Dress and stable Blankets, Robes, ac.. to.N. K,.This stable oi One horses were elected by Col¬

onel Rowan tn his various travel* West and Eatt. andwere and are now considered the finest horses for speedand blood In the city; they will *11 positively be soldIrrespective of cost or value, aa he has sent us positiveInstruction!! to selLStock now on exhibition, where purchaaar* oan tee

them driven and examined.JOHN 8. VANPEWATBR, Auctioneer.

A gentleman'S ESTABLISHMENT.MUST BEtold low, for caah; Horse, young, sound and kind;

trots fast; top Buggy and iiarnes*, aood as n w: hand-tome Sleigh, Robes, Ac.; alto a beautiful top Pony Phae¬ton. toid separate. 33 East Twelfth street, private stable.

SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. A.A>ne Landau, nearly new. our make.One l.ondaulettc. In good order.One Clarence, (mall slra.One Coupe, Pole and shafts.

I. B. BREWSTER A CO..of Twenty-fltth street.

S COUPE KOCKAWAY BY BREWSTER, 9K0 COSTA ll.uou. two Clarence*, 9700 snd 9900, eo*t 92.0 0each i Coupe by Ham, 9300. cost 91,iW. HAM. 10 BaatFourth Itree t.

t FIRST CLAPS COUPS, CIRCULAR FRONT. IXA tplentid condition, uted only three month*. wlU bo.old for hall Itt original cost.

a. T. DEM A REST k CO.. as Broadway.Second hand Coupe Rockaway. coat 9&M. price 9379.

Albany and Portland sleighs.all styles, at low prices.

A. T. DhMAREsr k CO.. 698 Broadway.

A -handsome CLARENOR, ONE COUPE, ONE T, Cart, with thirling top; aito two-teat sleigh, all

used by a private ftinlly ana mnae by '.he belt city mak-*r*. io be <»en at M CURLEY'S, f09. 111 and tli EastThirteenth street, near Fourth avenue.

A CASH BARGAIN.-THIS DAY TWO EIiEOaNTcity made lop road Wagons. Melgh, Pony Phaetona,

single and double Harness. No. S Eighteenth ttreei, be¬tween Broadway and Fifth avenue.

A-FOK SALE. SEVEN HORSES, SUITABLE POR. farming, express or grocery; Grocery Wagon ana

Harness Inquire at 371 tfowery, opposite Futii itreet,in the rear

A -WAGONS new and SECOXD HAND; EX., press, Grocery. Bualnete. Bakers. Butchert, Milk.

Depot. Delivery and I'latform spring Wagon*, all size*and wtignt* ats taorifloe ai 22t> .spring street.

A SIX sKAT WESTCHESTER ROCKaWaY. G1.ASSst ies and front tor sale in pertect order; made oy

Mia. Call, in forenoon, at No. I West Forty-sixth street,

A -ONE OF THE FINEST LiNDaULETS IN THB. eity, mad* by Wood Brotncrs; cost 91,7(0; price91.J00; hardly toiled. n«. 4 West Thirteenth street

A ROAD ROMS FOE BaLK-BAY. II 8AN09, I^na,a^"aa'rgai&gtivniiaMNp

hobsks. CARRIAGES. d>C.

A T BARKER A SOS'S.A CITY AUCTION MART AND NEW YOBK TAT¬TERSA I.Lii,Corner of Hroadwav and l hirtv-nlnth street,

X A.I UK l'haklk.- *. hakkkk AUCTIuNEEB.REGULAR aaLES of Horses. Carriage*. Ac..tVKKi WEDNESDAY A.nD SATURDAY

AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK.TWEN "Y-FOUK hours allowed lor trial every

Horse sold under warrantee.Tills IS I UK omv auctiou mart in the State having

the proper facilities for shewing liorse* on aale. vlt :.a large driving ring entirely uuder cover and plenty 01room for examination

CaaAl.OiiUK OK SALE THIS DAY.AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK.TWELVE portland Sleighs.NEW AND second-hand Harness. Horse Clothing.

Baddiea, bridle*. Whips, H niters, AoGENTLEMAN'S Roai> Turnout, comprising a fast and

very promising youug bay Hambletonian trottinu iie.a-iiig, 15s* high, u years old; an elegant, game, prompt andeasy driver; can trot in J:at) now anu was never handledto develop sueed; It alraid ol nothing; can be driven bya lady and is warranted sound and kind. Also lop sidebar noad wagon. Harness. Ac.SPEEDY BLACK Trotting Gelding, sired by General

Knox. 16J£ high, 6 years ola; a very stylish and handydriver; can trot In three minutes aud faster to the pole;Is sold to close the estate of the late W. White, ol Brook¬lyn, and is warranted souud and kind.MORTGAGE SALE ol ao extra fine bay fielding

fPatchen stock), 1}^ high, 8 vear* old. fine and easydriver; trotted last August over Fleetwood Park In 3:12to top wagon: lias since improved in i>peed ; la afraid ofnothing, and is warranted sound and kind.HIGH HRED BAY Trotting Gelding. got by 8t Law¬

rence, 16K high. 6 years old; a garaey driver; finelycatted; can trot In i :A0. and Is warranted sound anakind.TOP SIDE bar Road Wagon, br Benson.PARK PHAETON, bv Brewster * Go.ROCKAWay, built by TerrillNO TOP side bar Wagon, by Dusenbury.TWKNTY-EIGHT other lop and no i«p Road Wagons,

ExpreMaud Business Wsgoua, Carriages, Ac.FOURTEEN OTHER Horses.PULL description at sale. .

BALKS NEVER postponed on account of weather.DECEMBER I&.Fifteenth aale of the Monroe countyTrotters.




corner of Broadway and Tbirty-ninth street.On WEDNESDAY. December 16, at 11 o'clock.

THE STOCK comprises 15 head, that can trol ill fromSAO to 3 minutes, and the getol Champion (sire of »LJames). J. J. Crittenden, Toronto Chiel, Rip Van Winkle,Niagara Chief (»tre ot Ben Flagler), Ilenrv Clay, EthanAllen, Pox Hunter, Eckler's (Hay, Red Dick, Ac.THEY ARE all young, sound, splendid drivers; have

elegant long, lull tails tbst drag the ground; havenever beeu handled for speed, and consequently arecapable of great improvement.POSITIVELY the tinest and fastest lot of rreeo horses

ever offered to the public for peremptory sale.STOCK now on exhibition.SEND POU a catalogue.NO postponement on account of yeather.

BARGaINS.-CaRRIaGES AND SLEIOHS. COUPES.Landaulets. tour and six-seated Koc&aways. new

second hand; six-seated and Pony sleighs, Cutters andPortlands. J. COLYE k A Co..

No. 7 Washington place, opposite 714 Broadway.

Board pgr horses-good stables: bestof care and attention. WILLIAM T. carpenter,

Red spring. Glen Cove, L. I.; references James D.McMann, Long Island City; John Lovett, luo West Forty-third street.

/1ARRIAOK8\j RECEIVED (*N STORAGE OR SALE. BOOMSlarge, light, clean and dry.

A. 8. klandrau,bnildlrar lately occupied bv Brewster A Co., corner.


CARRIAGES AND SLEIGHS FOR SALE.AT THEold established manufactory, 10 Nevlns street.

Brooklyn, all uew styles, new and second hand, ») perceut less than New York prices. H. B. WITTY A 00.

(lOUPE WANTED..ANY ONE HAVING A LIGHTJ Coupe in good order for sale, may find a purchaser

by addressing a note to MERCHANT, New York HoteL

COUNTBY BOARD POR HORSES.14 MILES PBOMcity, near Eaglewood, N. J.; lOu acres elegant pas¬

ture; finest stables; water in stalls; horses taken and re-turned to city; terms moderate.

PK KEKT A CO.. 96 Water street

FOR 8ALE.20 LOW-PRICED HORSES. SUITABLEfor city or country work; also one Depot Wagon.

Apply at 140 Varlck street.

For sale.handsome brewster a ca *8 closeCarriage, pauelled sides: has only been ran three

months; in first clais condition: ean be bought for lessthan half original oost. Inquire at 36 Broad street,room R

For sale-bat horse i« hands, six tearsold; fine horse for any purpose. Prench Horse, IS

hands; good worker, lively driver; 975; both lully war.ranted. Call for two days at feed store. 370 Hudson st

|jm>r sale.a oood horse and Barnes.*,r fashionable lull spring top Wagon, city made; Whip,Lap Robe, Blankets; *4*8 cash. Call at M7 West Porty-nhuh street

For sale at a bargAfN. for want or use.Black Hone, 16bands, 7 years; kind and gentle;

priae $10tx Apply at «81 yifth avenue.

For sale cheap-two splendid city madeshifting top road Wagons. Portland Sleigh, one fast

trotting bav Horse. Private stable 13 Fifteenth street,between Broadway a»d Fifth avenue.

For salsv, truck, habnesbihorse M haMa. 7 years old, warranted sound and

kind, separately or together; sold (or want of use. 73Vandam street near Hudsoa

FOR 8ALE CHEAP.A SOUND AND RELIABLEpair of Carriage Horse* handsome and stylish: good

travellers: ISH nigh, 7 years old; warranted; to be soldfor want of use. Address H. CL R., Herald Uptown Branchofllee.

Harness..the cheapest harness store inNew York: a good buggy Harness. hand made, 117;

. good grocer'* Harness, $15: a good milkman's Harness,$30; a good doable truck Harness, $30: a good StableBlanket, $1 SO; waterproof Blanket*, (trapped and na-Krapued. call and examine for yourselves.

FISH KB k OSBORNE, 71 Barclay *treet. New York.

Private stables wantkd. with 2 to 4 stalls,to rent or boy. within five minute* walk ot Windsor

Hotel. Addrew. with term*, box 2,338, City Poet office.

t>amphlets op every description fub-I nlshed at moderate price* by the METROPOLITANPRINTING ESTABLISH HUNT. 718 Broadway. K. Y.

Sleighs, sleiohs. sleighs.SOI Sleighs of all style*; six Seater*. Pony's, Shift¬

ing Beau, Tarn Seat Portland*. Swell*, Trotting,trimmed and untrimmed; Portland*, the largest stockIn the city. Wit. H. okay, a8 and it Wposter street.

SLEIOHS, SLKIOH bells, carriages, HAR-pess, every description, new and tecond hand;

popular price*: Conpe. Coupe Rockaway. six-eeat Rock-away. several Buggies. Do* Cart, Victoria: bargain*.MANUFACTURERS' ONION. No. 834 Broadway.

TOP side BAR waoon BY BREWSTBR k CO.TOP waook, fttll spring, by DUSRNRURY k NEL¬

SON.COUPES, a* good a* new, city BUILT.COUPE ROCKaWAY, by WOOD BROl, vary light tar

one bone.Clarence, naarly new. by Dtmn.Cloee I'oach, nearly new. by Daan.Too and no top Pony rhaetooa, Depot Wagon* and

Rockaways. *ix and four seats.Doctor'* Wagon, by Brewster k Co.. ot Broonu^gtfMkJamp-teat top Wagon, by Hooker k Co.Piny ton and no top Wagons, from $l*> up.BaroacM, by Brewiter k Co.. »f Broome meat

PORTLAND cutters! of different stylea,ne and two seat*.


VOX, BEAR WOLF AND BUFFALO ROBES.Blanket* ofevery description.Sleigh Ball* in great varteij.AT PRIVATE SALE.


110. 1M EAST 13TH ST., NEAR «TH AV.

THE FINEST PAIR-OP TRUCK HORSES IN NEWYork, wltn Truck and Harnes*, tor tale cheap a* the

owner ho* no further as* for them. Apply to OEOROEREAY, 77 John street.

WANTED-A A gentleman'S COMPLETE ROADTurnout la exchange tor a superior first class new

Pianoforte from wareroom. A Now 1 maker. Address W.HAKR1S. box 181 Herald office.

JANTKD.-A SECOND HAND portland CUTTERSleigh tn good order.

J.J. MAODONALD, I Nassau street.

Wasted-second hand slbioh. with orwithout Jump seat; also Robe*. Addre** X.. box

180 Herald wlthde*orlption and price.

WANTKD-A CANADUN PONY. ABOUT 14 HANDShigh, weighing 1.100 to 1,200 pound*; a good worker,

sound, kind aad true, single or doable; also a good set ofdouiile Truck Harness, but little used, for which a fairprice will ^e paid. Call at 74 Broad ureal


WANTRD-A BREWSTER ONE M aN ROAD WAGON,very light, cheap tor cash; state price. Addnta*

t. P.. Herald Uptown Brunch office.

Z -auction PRICES.CasH BARGAINS.. Sleigh*, Bells, Robes. Blankets, Whips, Ac.Job Lou choice Goods, about hall usual price.^

JERK. JOHNSON, JR., 58 Liberty street.

1PINK SIX SEAT COUPE ROCKaWaY. BYAdatns; 1 fine Coupe. Pole and Shafts; I light coach,

I V Clarence. Coupe Rockawar*. 10 lop and open RoadWagons, of all style*. by Broome streei Brewster D use o-bnry. Stivers, kc.. top and open Pon.v Phaeton*, 1 Doc¬tor's Phaeton. 100 Carriage* of all styles. Harness, Blan¬ket*. Robes, *«. WILLIAM 11. GRAY.

RtWooater street.



For sale.pine seal skin sacque, ssInches long; also Sable Muff, Boa and Wrlstleu;

Minx Mutf, $13; handsome velveteen Polonaise, $30;gentleman's seal iktn Can and Gloves.

LINDO BROS., 1.867 Broadway.

Magnificent oaukls» hair shawl fo*saie..Cost $1,300; will sell for ResOO. Address INDIA,

box 1£) Herald Uptown Branch office._______

PENINO..SMITH'S PATTERN BAZAAR914 Broadway, between Twentieth and Twenty-flret




Open antll $ P. M. THlf> WEEK. Oar Msgagln* ismailed.



* -fifth avenue. nos. &. c. ««9. sit, era. rn 78in . and #59. on Central l'arli. with .tuble; tome de¬cided bargain*. V. K. f-TKVEN-ON'. Jr.

11 Pin* *treet or SI East Seventeenth street

A BARE opportunity.-I OFFER TWO PIR.^Tclass days'work built Ilouao ou Thirty seventh

street. Murray Mill, lest than any housei In tbe city, toralxa, locality *od order, held by executors

OLIVER BfeYAN. Builder, 114 Broadway.

hast »lde.

ABAROAIX-THS THREE STORY HIGH STOOPDwelling House, 23x 44x92 In splendid conditions

newly painted; handsomely ireserved and fitted up inmagnificent »tvle; will sell house and furniture togetheror separately, on easy terms: family having moved toEurope, Apply to HEN KY RosKNBLaiT, on tbapremise* No. ta East Nineteenth street.

HOUSE AND LOT 113 LEWIS 9TREBT, nearSeventh..Price only $500; easy term*; al*o other

Property in South Fifth avenue and elsewhere. Applyto A. M. FANNING. 23 East Fourth street.

Maps, descriptive pamphlets of property.Circulars, i *tulogue«, and every kind of Printing

adapted to real estate dealers promptly, carefully andcbenoly donr at the METROPOLITAN PRINTING E.S-TAMlifcHMEKT, In the Herald Building.<feQ ONLY POR A three STORY HIOH

i 'JU stoop brown stone Monae, three block*from Central Park lu 112th street; terms ea*y. Inquireol P. C B. RANSOM, 74 Bedford straawa/tar 6 P. M.


Wrst Side.

ABARQAIN.THE CHEAPEST TENEMENT PROP-erty In the city; west side; good location; mnit be

¦old; cash only; Property ofTereil. with Bnildinga. forwhat the lot* coat JOHN DAVIS. 200 Broadway, rear.(Bee.

OB SALE.TWO FOUR STORY FIRST CLASSbrown stone Dwelling*, $19,000 each; and three

Stores and Dwelling* on Etihth avenue, leasehold, $3,300,near Central Park. WM. BEDELL, builder and owner,9tM Eighth avenue.

OfvTll STREET. WEST OF SEVENTH AVENUE.-Handsome lour story English Dasement brick

House, all improvement*., will be sold low. RICHARDV. HaRNETt, 111 Broadway, room F. basement

OC1 WEST TWENTY-FIRST STREET..POR SALE,Zj' 11 a four story brick Home (lot 98 feet in depth),with Carpets, Oilcloths Window Shades and Ga* fix¬ture*; price $18,1X10: terms easy.

JOHN FETTRETCH. MM Third avenue.

d»Q AAA.OMLT $3,500 CASH. A FOUR STORYiPt/.UUU and basement brick House and Lot. onWeit Twenty-ninth street, with 10 rooms, marble man-tal*. Ac., and well ranted. PHALON k SLOaN,

SI East Seventeenth street


A THREE 8TORY BBOWN 8TONB HOUSE. WITHall the modern improvements, for $L5,Mo; only

$2.0o0 required; balance easy. Apply at 31 Union*qu*re. room 3.

Foe sale cheap-and on easy terms, afour story brick Tenement with store, in Thirty-

sixth street: size. 20x50x100; price $9.50Ul Owner give*particulars verbally in gallery, 303 Broadway.

PLANS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF PROPERTY. BILLS,Circulars and every kind of Printing furnished at



Farm at northpobt-40 acres, nice housebarn, plenty fruit, to exchange for a stock of Mer¬

chandise or a country or city Store.LEWIS. 2b7 Front street. New York.

For sale.a charming residence, on theHudson, containing all the desirable points for a

country house, near New York, with steamboat andrailroad communication; (uperb river and mountainview*; perfectly healthy: free from all nuisances; 20acres of tand, well adapted for villa sites; fruit trees ofall kinds In lull bearing, and at! necessary outbuildingsfor a first clas* place: will now be sold much below It*true value. Address box 262 Port office, Nysck.

Florida..the subscriber will let. forthe sea*on. hi* furnished House, on Brooklyn

Height* (part of Jacksonville. Fla.), only five minutes'walk from the railroad station and principal hotel*.The situation la one or the tno*t beautiful In til Florida,being upon the highest bluff on the St John's River andhaving a magnificent and extensive view. For particu¬lar* apply to W. C. LANG LEY k CO., Worth street. NewYork, or lo the subscriber, in Providence. R. I.


METUCHEN. » MILES FROM NEW YORK, ONPennsylvania Railroad..A splendid Farm of 71

acre* for *ale. SO acre* in a high state of cultivation;balance in wood and pastu'e; if not sold prior to the ldthInst it will be sold at auction at 2 P.M. on that date.For further particular* aadre** JOHN GREANEY, Me-tuchen, N. J.

MONTCLAIR.-FURNISHED HOUSE TO RKJJT aT$80 per month; seven minutes (Tom station and

next Congregational church. Address bos IW HeraldUptown Branch otticc.

TO LET-IN ELIZABETH, S. J., SEVEN MINUTESfrom depot 30 minute* from Wall street, small

House; beat location; beautifully furnished from atticto cellar; a* complete a* any New York house in all itsappointment*: will let cheap till 1st of May to respon¬sible and careful parties; winter'* coal and wood in cel¬lar. If rented immediately two most excellent servant*will remain if desired Apply to owner, F. THQtMX47« Broom* street, Maw York. '

' r

rLET.A COUNTRY VILLA, THREE ACRES OFornamental ground and pasturage: one hour (Tom

Wall street oy Erie Railroad; house contain* all modernimprovement*, eight room*, kitchen and bathroom; ina healthy and heautifoi location, surrounded by moun¬tain scenery *nd running streams; possession giveu Im¬mediately. Address T. LOCKYER, HohoXus, N. J.

Tide water mill at mian us. conn., for.ale; $$,000 cash t or exchange at a price.B. FERRIS. Ids Washington street



THE CITT FORProperty at Brighton, staten Island ; owner* send

full deacription; no other* noticed.E..M. MASON. St Park row.

Exchange.good city property and cash ;alto Tenement, free and clear, and caah for Dwell¬ing In Thirteenth ward. Brooklyn.

B. K. RKED, 1T< Fulton meet, New York.

For exchange-in Brooklyn, a first classthree atory and basement Dwelling, witc all the mod¬

ern improvement*, near the ferries, lor vaoant Lota;parties replying mailt give full particulars. AddressEXCHANGE, box 118 Herald office.

IJKJR SALE OR EXCHANGE.ON TWENTY FOURTHr street, between fourth mid Lexington avenues, a XItoot four story House, containing 18 rooms; terms tosalt; would take small Brooklyn House in part pay.went Holmes BKOI HKHS, fo East Twenty-third st.

FOR SALE OR BXCHANQB-LIQUOR STORE,well stocked, good basinets; also unencumberedUrge Farm and Buildings in southern Jersey for cityHouse, lightly mortgaged. Address EXCHANGE, HeraldUptown Branch office.

Handsome country seat on* huhson, westtide, to exchange for New York or Brooklyn Im¬

proved Property, not too heavily mortgaged. Owner*address R. K. D., box 202 Herald office.

Merchandise of all kinds wanted in ex.change for out of town Property situated on Long

ltland and Jerte.r; tend fail description to HENRY, box106 Herald Brooklyn Branch ortloe.

rpO bxchanoe-AN KLEOANT COUNTRY seat,1 aear the elty, aneucnmbered worth glflO.OuQ, lor Ten¬ement or Store Property In this city or Brooklym, orprivate Houses. MARilN DUNN, aft Broadway.

TO EXCHANGE FOR A CITY HOU8B-A SPLENDIDCountry Beat at PUlnfleld; also a One Farm at 100

*""..» "¦""UtiBy m

We SELL AND EXCHANOE real estate..NOcharge whatever unless a sale or exchange is of-

fected through us. C. C. WaYLAND k AY-uAR,168 Fulton street, New York.

WANTBD-GOOD REAL estate, OUT OF town,V* In exehnnge for City Property and Merchandise;also good Farms In New Jersey wanted. Address G. T.,Herald Brooklyn Branch office.

<j»0 nnrt equity in farms near thk city,«p«7.UUU to exchange for Dry Goods, Clothing, agood paying Business, or good stock of Watobet and Jew¬elry. Address EQUITY, Herald office.


WANTED.TO PURCHA8K, A BROWN STONEV* House, between Lexington and Seventh avenues,below Tlilrtv-inarth street; price about SXXOUO. MARTINDUNN, SOS Broadway, near Fulton street

HOUSES, ROOMS. dtC., WASTED.In thl* City and Brooklyn.

Furnished boosb or apartments wantbd.For the winter by a small private family; location

between KUhtb and Fortieth streets and Third anit -ev-enth avenues. Address, stating location snd terms,winch must be reasonable. HOUSK, care nf twen Mc-lntyre. Si Broadway. Hefcrence gtveu and required

THE METROPOLITAN PRINTING ESTa.HUSHMB.VTIs *t 118 Broadway, in the Herald Building. "a private house, b* a qcikttt couple, two untarnished Rooms, eoatieotlna; loca¬

tion between Tenth and I'wenty-thlrd urrets and be¬tween second and Sixth avenues; references. Address,with terms, .to.. QEoHfltt. Herald Uptown Branch odlce.

1XTANTEUTO RKNT-A FURNISHED HOTBU DOINGTT well the year round, in a country towu. W. a.VERPLa.vOK. No. » fine street, mom 13.

IVANTED TO LKaSE-FOK a number of years.>T t vacant Plot of Ground, about 73xluO feet, onwhich the owner would erect * one-story building, suit¬able lor an iron warehouse, or the ground Floor and Cel¬lar of s building of equal dimensions, must be locatedbetween Chambers and Canal street*. Address, statingterm*. Ml Pear, street.


Bargains for" rait holidays.-a fixe assort.mem of Diamonds, Watcties Gold and Coral Jew.

.try, tolld silverware, he. ; old Oola ana stiver bought.LIN Do BROS., 1,207 Broaaway. opposite Gilsey bouse.

COLITAIRK DIAMO.SD STCD. CARAT, »WX);O pure white Diamond Crust, H ..tones, coet tl 00 lur..00; singlt stone and cluster Kings, b.arriuu« aud Pins,to pay advances. yNDO BRoS., 1.107 Broadway.

Tug mbtiopoutan printing kstabushmenti* at 111 Sread way, In th« Herald Buildiug.



TjIH DRAWING THAT TOOK PLACB TB9TERDAY.V1IK SkUOND DRAWING UK THE INDUSTRIALEXHIBITION COMHA Nr.A large and renpoutable assemblage of ladle* and f*Oitlnneii wi> hold at Stelnway 11*11 yesterday. About 7UQ

iu.«i.» .in<i 1UU ladies were present. the occaalon beingthe second drawing of the Industrial Exhibition Com-panv.Od the stage. which wu well lighted and envalopea lu

a background of reu curtain, wan placed the big wheel,wh<.»* revolution* decided the prizes. Then there waaa vouthtul imiiviutiai who ''ailed out theprues tn a loadvoice, aided by sign*, with big black figure*. On thestate were also il.e Committee tod the officer* of thaCompany.The drawing too* place lull lu the sight of all the au¬

dience, and nve general satisfaction. There were nobitches. postpouementa. Everything wagwell managed, and everything transpired in an oraarlFmanner.Some at the episodes were ol Interest. One lady whodrew a Sl.iM) nrl«> almost xwooned tor Joy. Another

voting man who drew s&w uttered a yell of delight, batthe majority uf the luckv ones took their good luckquietiv. rren those who drew no prize were satiated,ax each drawn seria bond, even if it drew nothing elae.was entitled to >21.Bond Serle 1.258. So. 91. drew the Capital Prlxe, $28,000.

Bond Sene 1.2S8. No. 29. drew 9lO,tMi. Altogether tbaSecond Premium Drawing of the ladusuial KxhlbltioaCompany was a sucoee.t

Ara1-i-m ooao

MfU 22 23 00 009 $ $ 22 22 00 JOIII 23 00 UO99999 22 0D 00If 22 00 00

$ 9 22 00 09$9999 » 00®9^ 222222222 0000

All boy a Flrat Mortgage Premium Bondof the



parcluMd on or before Monday, January «,wiil participate In the

THIRD 8ERIKS DRAWING,. to be held on

JANUARY 4, 1875.

Capital Premium, 9100,000.The proceed* of the tale* of tliese Bond* will be naad

for the erection of a permanent Exhibition Palace, (a b*

erected on the ground* of the Company, situated on

ninety-eighth to 102d street, from Third to Fourth avenae*


will make a splendid Chrlstma* or New Tear*g preeeat,a* there la no risk of any loss.

Every Bond will be redeemed withPREMIUM.

Addreaa for Circulars, full information and Bonda.


Financial Agent*.23 PARK ROW. NEW YORK. <P. O. Drawer M.)






THESE TABLETS ARE OF GLASS.and will be lettered ornamentally to suit the wlshe* atour patron*. Price per year 925, includtaj^tetternig ana


A-WUMLY "and monthly payments fob. Fu'naiJure, Carpeu and Bedding, At B. M. COW-

PERTHWjjfr* CO.'i. 155 and 157 Chatham street Animuwnse sfck and low prices.

AMAUXIFICENT TURKISH PARLOR SUIT, COST$450, lor $125; do. reus and haircloth, $35: rose-

Wood Pianoforte. cont $>50, tor $250: Carpets. 50 cunts

Ser yard, rrivala roaidence 21 East 20th (treat, nearroadway.

AUCl'ION ?RICKS.-OFFICE PUBNITURK, AC.Elegant Desks, Libraries Tables, Chairs. Ac.

Several superb Parlor nnd Beuroom Salts, half price.Finest rnwc cylinder. Davenport and other Dealt*.

JERK. JOHNSON, Jr., 58 TLiberty street

A PRIVATE FAMILY LEAVING THE CITY Willto dlMoxe of their Household Furniture.2 Parlor

Suits lu crtsuson lirocatel, cost $000, for $200; do , $175;centre Console Tables. Mirrors, Curtains. Bronzes,Clocks. Turkish Chairs Library and Dlniug Room. Bed*etead. Dreasing Case, Holding, Paintings; also Bradburyi'ianotortfc. ."tool, Covar, Secretaire, Bookcase, J WritingDesks. Call at 263 West ffld »L

AUCTION NOTICE..GOOD SECOND HAND ANDmisfit Carpets, hnglisn Brussels, three-ply and In¬

grain, very cheap, from auction, at the old place USFulton street, side entrance.

Auction second hand furniture of everydescription. Mattresses, Extension Tables. Library

Tables. Parlor snltt, Bedroom .--lut*, carpets and a va¬riety ol miscellaneous articles, at JAMES (JRAHAM'S19u Third avenue.

A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL MAGNIFICENTglided satin brocade Grand Duchess Parlor Suit,

cost $55X tor $175; Marie Antoinette. $S5: grand squareIV, octave Pianoforte. $250; brocatel and reps ParlorSuits. $50, $40 aud $25; chamber. Library, Dining Fur¬niture, Carpets: a sacrifice. 10J West Twenty-elgnmstreet near Sixth avenue.

A SACRIFICE FOB IMMEDIATE CASH..PltlVATBfamily will sell, via.:.Parlor Suit, cost $650, for

$200' do.. $150; Library and Dining Furniture. 7& octaveStelnway Piauoforte. $.*X); Turkish Suit. $100; Bed¬room Sets, $60, $125; Bedsteads, Mattresses, rep Snlt,$.15; plush, $40; flne Paintings. Bronzes, Ac.: must besold. Call three days private residence 21.i West 21st St.

PRIVaTR FAMILY "DECLINING UOUSEKEEP-Ing will sell lor cash. 40c. on the dollar, all their el¬

egant first class citv made Furniture: superb satin Par¬lor Suit, cost $000, for $150; rep Suits <7 pieces), $55; ploahSuits, >50; velvet Carpet. 50c. yard; magnificent Stem-war A Son Pianoforte, cost $1,000. tor$27S; completeBedroom suits (12 pieces) tor $60 upward; flne Oil Paint-inns. Bronzes, Mirrors, Centre Tabiea. Buffet. ExtensionTable. Chairs, Silverware, Sofas. Lounges. Hat Stands,Chandeliers. Ice Box, Stove, Ac. Call at nrivata reel-deuce 120 West 23d st., between 4th and 7th avs. Call be-lore purchasing elsewhere; no reasonable offer refusedtor cash. Remember the number, 120 Wast 23d St., noar6th av.

BARGAINS..PARLOR SUIT, DRAB REPS, tpieces crimson Trimmings, 2 imported Vases. I mar¬

ble top Tables, sable Muff. Boa and Wristlets, mink Ma^handsome ?slvstaen Pqlouahie.UNDO BROS., 1,267 Broadway.rUBPBTft,

V Furniture,Beds. Bedding, Ac.Payments taken

by tlie week or month.Tarins easy.

KELLY A CO..corner of Twenty-flfth street and Sixth svenue.

Carpets and furniture..$250,000 worth o»Furniture now offered at our immense wareroota

25 per cent cheaper tnau any ouier house tn the city;Parlor suits, 7 pieces, $40. and Chamber suits, 9 plecoa,$22. a choice assortment of Carpeu.Velvet, bodyBiussela, tapestry Kms-sel* and ail wool ingrain at lowprloes; Ollclotus. Window Shades, lace Curtains Li»Irequina, Mats, Matting, Ac. D. KELLY,

successor to H. O' FarreU,610, 512, 514 anil 516 Eighth avenue,

Furniture and house furnishing.Monthly Payment's.Monthly Payments.Monthly Pavmenta

GEORGE A. CLARKE. 747 Broadway.

(j^URNI TURK, OROCKRIES, LIQUORS, CIOARS.J; Pianos. Carriages. Hardware, Drugs, Dry Goods, anyother Merchandise, In large or smnll identities, wanted,.In exchange tor unencumbered Real Estate. AddressHALLETTVHerald othee.

Thk metropolitan PRINTING KSTABLISHMBNTIs at 21.4 Broadway, In the Herald Building.

.JQ EAST TIlIRrbEKTH STREET..HAVEN A COi0«7 will sell Furniture of every description at privatosale at auction prues; also regular auction sales everyweek, see auction column.


AT THOMPSON'S COLLKOE. 2U FOURTH AVENUB,opposite Cooper Institute..Bootik»eplng, Writing,

Arithmetic, Herman taught dav and evening. Ladies'Department, iviegranhy tangut practically. With la-

> VERY COMPETENT TEACHER OF THE KNG-A llsli branches and French language, has two hoarsat the di>posal ot tl|OM needing her services: spelling,grammar aud letter-writing a specialty. Address, forone week, CON fidentlaL, Herald Uptown BrancholBco.

AUDV. HAVING GREAT PaCILITY IN TEACH-ing English to foreigners, osn take two pupils; no

grammar: the natural method speaking, reading andwriting pursued. Address AMERICAN, box UO HeraldUptown Branch office.

BOARDING SCHOOL.AT WILTON. CONN. | HOM«comforts; healthy location; thorough instructionjkind treatment; terms moderate. Address AUGUSTUS

W H11 LOl) K.

FUEKCH and OKKM \N LK8801T3 OlVt* IT Kyoung gentleman of iho t'ulverfity of Francor

teacher In a hoarding school ^disengaged svory after-noon. AJdress J. chaRLKS. Herald office.

CpRENCH AND GERMAN LBSSONS GIVEN TOr laaies atvi gentlemen, by an university graaaatateacher In several «chool*. disengagedano evening. Address ritBNCH AND GABMan,Herald Uptowti Branch olBce.