the new student


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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Educational Montessori school story, it might be adapted to your school.



2. Once upon a time there was a lovely orange bird telling a story to his friends 3. Let me tell you about Wasana, or Wasi, like people call her, the bird said, shes a beautiful whale who wanted to go to school, although it was difficult, she really wanted to 4. Mom, mom, Wasana said, I want to go to school, like all the children mom, I want to learn many things and to have good friends and lovely 5. But, Wasi, mom said, it is impossible, you are a beautiful whale, but how could you go to a school? I want to help you and you can count on me, but you are a whale, the schools are not for you, I am sorry dear 6. But Wasana was determined to achieve her goals, she wanted to go to a school more than anything in the world, this goal was already real inside her heart. 7. So Wasi had a great idea: to ask different friends to help her on this difficult mission: and first, she went to visit a turtle, that lives on the beach, this was something very important for her 8. Please help me Wasi asked, I want to learn how to breath like you, in the water and in the air Of course, answered the turtle you need to practice with me, I am going to teach you how to breath. 9. And Wasana learned how to breath. Then, she needed to learn how to speak like a person, so she visited some parrots that could teach her many words 10. And so the parrots taught her how to speak Wasi was a very good student and always followed instructions. 11. Now, Wasi wanted to learn how to walk and run when shes not in the water so she asked a horse for help 12. I can teach you the horse said, tomorrow when Im not in the carousel, we can practice and you will see that it is very easy 13. And so the next day, Wasi and the horse went to a park, they practiced all day and night 14. Wasi learned many things, because she really wanted to get prepared for her goal. 15. Wasana, the horse said, now you know many things, but there is one thing that you need to learn, practice and have in your heart forever what is that very important thing? Wasana asked 16. you need to learn how to to be a good friend said the horse 17. And so, the nice whale went to speak with someone who knows how to be a best friend 18. A lovely dog 19. And so the dog told the whale how to be a good friend, he told her to be nice, responsible, he told her to forgive and undertand the others, and one more thing 20. Love said the dog, express your feelings , tell the others that you love them, this is something many people forget, but we, the dogs, do everyday: we say I love you 21. And so the mother told Wasi, oh, my dear, I love you so much, you are ready to go to school now, you have worked on your dream for a long time, I am so proud of you 22. And Wasana the whale went to Montessori School, and she made wonderful friends, found lovely teachers, she learned many new things. She had never been so happy in her life 23. Wasi is a great friend, a good student, and she respects and loves others.. 24. And when the Montessori families go to the beach, they can see Wasana very happy saying 25. Hello, my friends from Montessori, thank you for everything you did for me, I love you. 26. 3 Questions: 1) What did you learn from the story? 2) Why are family and friends so important ? 3) How can you be as good student as Wasi? 27. The end