the new sfi mantra


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Page 1: The New SFI Mantra

The New SFI Mantra

Encourage Spending and you start earning is the new buzz at SFI and surely the same for every successful marketing company out there.

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How Does That Work?

There is a simple Economics behind this:

By encouraging spending we are stimulating demand and this increases overall business and hence rise in income levels for all.

Page 3: The New SFI Mantra

So How Will Spending More Help Me At SFI?

Spending a little more at SFI gets you to Bronze Team Leader (BTL) Rank and this encourages your downlines to do the same which again develops into a habit and by getting just one affiliate do the same, you move up to Silver Team Leader (STL) and the rest just follows.

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So What Are The Avenues For Spending At SFI?The online store for SFI is Tripleclicksand this is your own online store, so treat it as one.

There are multitude of products to choose from:

1) T-Credits

2) Consumables

3) Collectibles

4) Games

5) Auctions

6) Services

7) Downloads

8) Business Building Tools

9) Books – Digital & Print

Page 5: The New SFI Mantra

So What Products Should I Focus On?

Be clear what you want out of this business and then work on those that serve your purpose.

I would suggest buying those products that provide us tools to grow our business, such as T-Credits, more PSA’s, CSA’s, team building tools, motivational books to read, books on personality development, marketing strategies and techniques etc.

You could also choose your own approach to grow this business if team building is not your only objective.

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Can’t I Buy Other Products And Yet Be Successful?Certainly, by all means you can be successful buying any product you choose provided you have the capacity to recruit affiliates consistently and nurture them to build the business while you build yours.

You are free to choose your own approach, it’s your business and Tripleclicks is your store.

Brian Mario Fernandes – SFI TL