the new customer experience landscape, canux 09

The New Customer Experience Landscape

Post on 19-Sep-2014




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Given at the Banff Center for the Arts, 11/13/09.


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The  New  Customer  Experience  Landscape

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Product IdeationNew Products,

New Uses

Immersive TestingBuyers, Features,

Pricing, Service

LaunchBuzz, Promotion, Marketing

Customer ServiceProblems, Questions,


Where Social Systems meets Customer Service

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Product IdeationNew Products,

New Uses

Immersive TestingBuyers, Features,

Pricing, Service

LaunchBuzz, Promotion, Marketing

Customer ServiceProblems, Questions,


Social Effects

Where Social Systems meets Customer Service

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User  Experience  loves  the  customer

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Your  Average  Business,  sadly,  doesnʼ’t

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Trouble  Ticket  Systems

Outsourced  Call  Centers

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Bad  metrics  &  measurements...

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...Leads  to  this

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Friction-free  communication  is  the  new  norm

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Losing Control:8 Steps to Success in a post 2.0 World


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Networks  are  nothing  new

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It  was  about  moving  goods

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A  new  kind  of  network

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Linking  create  new  kinds  of  value  chains

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Value  exists  externally

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Practically  speaking...

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From  this

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To  this

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What  does  all  this  mean  for  UX?

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1. Organizations understand their customers are out there now.

2. Every part of the organizational value chain is now aware of the customer, and the impact that can have on their piece of the business.

3. Most organizations have no idea what to do about that.

Three  things

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Home  sweet  home

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Customers  lead  the  conversation

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Change  happens  faster  thanorganizations  can  process

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We  can  handle  it

“They  walk  fast  and  they  walk  adroitly.  They  give  and  they  take,  at  once  aggressive  and  accommodating.  With  the  subtlest  of  motions  they  signal  their  intention  to  one  another.”

William  Whyte,  City  (1969)

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A  willingness  to  iterate

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From  hierarchy

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To  something  a  little  more  improvisational

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Waterfall  to  washing  machine

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Fear  of  competition

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Impossible  to  hide

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Youa  Culpa

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Pixar  is  a  community  in  the  true  sense  of  the  word.  We  think  that  lasting  relationships  matter,  and  we  share  some  basic  beliefs:  Talent  is  rare.  Managementʼ’s  job  is  not  to  prevent  risk  but  to  build  the  capability  to  recover  when  failures  occur.  It  must  be  safe  to  tell  the  truth.

-Ed  Cartmill,  President,  Pixar  (Harvard  Business  Review)

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Secrecy  is  obsolete

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Itʼ’s  not  clear  where  your  interests  endand  others  begin

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Edges  everywhere

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Edges  everywhere

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Edges  everywhere

Edges  everywhere

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In  the  service  of  a  higher  purpose

When  we  try  to  pick  out  anything  by  itself,  we  find  it  hitched  to  everything  else  in  the  universe.  -  John  Muir

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“About  week  3,  I  realized  I  wasnʼ’t  in  charge  anymore.”  -Ted  Rheingold,  CEO,  Dogster

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Google  aims  to  be  a  steward  for  the  Internetʼ’s  decentralized  nature,

its  core  social  good.

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1. Customer service?

2. Product development?

3. Marketing and Brand development?

4. Business development?

5. Advertising?

What  does  all  this  mean  for...

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In Summary

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Three  things

1. Organizations understand their customers are out there now.

2. Every part of the organizational value chain is now aware of the customer, and the impact that can have on their piece of the business.

3. Most organizations have no idea what to do about that.

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1. Customer service?

2. Product development?

3. Marketing and Brand development?

4. Business development?

5. Advertising?

What  does  all  this  mean  for...

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Lane BeckerEmail me at [email protected] me at monstro9Follow me on Twitter @monstroOr on Facebook at /lanebOr even give me a call at 1-415-867-1708