the need for speed! accelerated mobile, beyond amp


Upload: jono-alderson

Post on 29-Jan-2018




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There’s a lot of much-needed focus on (mobile)

performance at the moment


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On AMP, briefly...

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Just the tip of the iceberg...


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Risky? Dangerous? Subversive, even?


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Are you actively managing your AMP cache?

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You don’t need AMP.

You can do this yourself.

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Anyone can (theoretically) create an AMP cache.


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@jonoalderson if you could

de-couple AMP?

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To clarify, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t adopt AMP.

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So, what’s the broader performance toolkit look like?

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Infrastructure & network optimisation

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HTTP2 Implications


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HTTPS isn’t a binary thing!

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SSL Chain LengthOn certificate length...

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HSTS● Become compliant by adding extra HTTPS checks

● Register for the HSTS preload list (

● Skip the HTTP/HTTPS redirect when people type

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More here...

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Let’s go faster.

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We need to go smarter, not faster

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Connection & data transfer

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With HTTP2, you don’t need to worry as much about round trips...

...but you should still consider what you’re transferring,

and how.


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For devices...● Detect early, and adapt. Responsive = expensive!

● Make CSS mobile-first (build up from min-width); typically reduces sizes.

○ Conditionally layer on / load more for larger devices.



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For media/images…Test CSS3 vs images vs sprites vs encoding vs inlining

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SRCSET is the only solution for managing image sizes/resolutions.

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...And you can also use <picture> to support multiple formats

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You can also base64() encode images...

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Sprite sheets are might still be a thing!

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WebP > JPG & PNG

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Error management for common request headaches

Manage your robots, favicons, and other irritations.


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apple-touch-icon.png (and variants)

favicon.ico (and variants)


Feeds (/rss/, /feed/, etc)

Invalid page/date ranges

Broken internal links (and missing http links)

Alternate sitemap and metadata urls

Breaking parameters (especially on images, from search engines)

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Which metrics matter?● There’s no such thing as ‘speed’. What are we measuring?

● Numbers from Google Pagespeed Insights, Pingdom,

WebPageTest, GA, etc, are all nonsense

● User satisfaction metrics > any technical speed metrics


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The Waterfall in Chrome


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Brand New Chrome Dev Toys!

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Which metrics matter?● Don’t ignore, or get fixated on time ‘til first byte.

● You need to fix the front end and the back end.


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Other Tools

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Undoing bad habits

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Hostname sharding

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Resource combination

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(I’m not going to talk about)

Back-end optimisation

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Options for handling angular/react sites...1. Hope for the best

2. Serve static HTML versions, then let the framework pick up

the heavy lifting (using something like or PhantomJS)

3. Use something like (paid, or self-hosted).

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● There comes a point where you outgrow a single server.

● If you’ve finite RAM and CPU, consider separating servers and

databases. Latency, however!

● Consider caching, varnish, load-balancers

Server Ecosystems

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Server Ecosystems

Varnish (static page cache) < Apache/Nginx < PHP/Python

(memcache) < MySQL/NoSQL (request cache)


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SCARY?Learn by doing

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DIY time


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(I’m going to skim over)

Front-end optimisation

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Caching Policies● Set your expiry times (appropriately!)

● Use 304 “Not Modified” header

● Use ETags

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Resource Hints● Preload, preconnect, prefetch, dns-prefetch, prerender, and subresource.

○ <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//">

○ <link rel="prefetch" href="image.png"> (when idle)

○ <link rel="subresource" href="styles.css"> (prioritises)

○ <link rel="preload" href="/styles/other.css" as="style"> (prioritises)

● Pass as tags, headers, or via js

● NB: Rel next/previous automatically triggers prefetch in Chrome+Firefox

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CDNs are still important● Localisation is important!

● Latency is a bottleneck more often than you’d think.

● Cookieless subdomains reduce header sizes!

● Use resource CDNs (eg., for things like jQuery.

● Your first line of defense.

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Above the fold (critical path) rendering

● Reduces waiting time for the

browser to download assets

● ...but can’t be (easily) cached!

● loadCSS is your friend (async loading and js support)

● Takes advantage of rel preload

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(Re)paint & (Re)flow● Consider how the page is constructed

and how it behaves

● Minimise unknowns to reduce tearing

and reflow in particular

● Small technical gains, big perception


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CSS specificity = slow paint● .container > nav > ul > li > a { color: red; }

● .main-nav-link { color: red; }

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Animation & FPS● jQuery, scrolling and changing elements costs GPU and CPU

● Consider the user’s physical hardware

● To maintain 60fps, you frame animations need to execute in less than 14ms.

● Transformation and opacity are the only ‘free’ animations.

● Measure with Chrome, and kick your devs!

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Deferring / async resources● Do you need to load everything immediately?

● Do you need to load everything in the <head>?

● Do you need to load everything on every page?

● Do you understand the dependencies?

● What can you defer, load asynchronously, or load conditionally?

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(You should go learn about)


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“Twitter Lite and High Performance React Progressive Web Apps at Scale”

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Key takeaways...

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You have a million opportunities to improve

performance ...and every byte matters to users.

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Ignore all of the scores the tools give you, and

just make things faster.

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Don’t neglect your infrastructure and back-

end opportunities

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The landscape is changingDon’t get caught up in today’s hype

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AMP is not the end.(but this is)

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