the ncu northerner jan. 2013

N O R T H C E N T R A L U N I V E R S I T Y ¡ Pura Vida! January 2013 | Minneapolis, Minnesota .......................... NEWS | 04 .......................... REVIEWS | 07 .......................... FEATURE | 09 .......................... SPORTS | 12

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The Northerner is the student media publication of North Central University, Minneapolis, MN. The Northerner newspaper, The Northerner digital edition and are created and produced by Communication Arts students.


Page 1: The NCU Northerner Jan. 2013



¡Pura Vida!

January 2013 | Minneapolis, Minnesota




.......................... NEWS | 04

.......................... REVIEWS | 07

.......................... FEATURE | 09

.......................... SPORTS | 12

Page 2: The NCU Northerner Jan. 2013




Editor-in-Chief/ Rebekah [email protected]

Feature Editor/ Joy [email protected]

Copy Editor/ Meghan [email protected]

News Editor/ Amanda [email protected]

Sports Editor/ Dan [email protected]

Reviews Editor/ Katelyn [email protected]

Art Director/ Loren [email protected]

Head of Photography/ Nathan [email protected]

Assistant Photographer/ Jenny [email protected]

Assistant Photographer/ Paisley [email protected]

Assistant Art Director/ Chrissie [email protected]

Assistant Art Director/ Andy [email protected]

Online Editor/ Camden [email protected]

Assistant Online Editor/ Joshua [email protected]

Assistant Online Editor/ Sydney [email protected]

Head of Videography/ Amy [email protected]

Assistant Videographer/ Sofia [email protected] Videographer/ Brian Jones

[email protected]

ADVERTISING.Business Manager/ Bailey Schott

[email protected]

Paul BrunnerMark Cronk

Michael DahlagerElexa Feldman

Jacqueline GauthierCrystal Goutierez

Erica HillardTika Jones

Andrew KinneyAnna Koch

Jordan LofthusAlexander Marum

Blake MayesBen Pirie

Kayla TrulsenAlyssa Wallace



I remember when I was a little girl. I would dance around the living room in my pink Barbie tutu, screaming, “Daddy, Daddy, watch me dance!” I wanted to be a ballerina when I grew up.

From ballerina to teacher to astronaut to an actress, my childhood aspirations were far and wide. It wasn’t until 11th grade when I imagined being a writer – more specifically, a journalist. I took a journalism class at my high school, and that was it. I had found the platform for the rest of my life’s journey.

Fast forward four years. Hi, my name is Rebekah Jacobson. I like to bake desserts in my dorm room, smile from ear-to-ear, and drink lots of coffee. Oh, I’m also the new editor-in-chief for The Northerner.

I never would have imagined being in this role growing up. Once I started at-tending North Central, I jumped onto The Northerner staff as a writer. I was the eager and shy freshman that nobody knew.

The past two-and-a-half years on staff have been a huge learning experience for me. Not only have my writing skills been refined, but I have learned how to work diligently with a team through many different circumstances.

When applying for editor-in-chief this semester, I was scared. I had the passion for the newspaper, but I was afraid of leading the entire staff. Then it hit me.

Sometimes we need to follow the footsteps of our fear, because that’s where the Lord wants us next. Knocking on the door of fear can bring countless new oppor-tunities before us.

I’m reminded of the Pevensie kids in Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. If Lucy didn’t crack open the door into the dark and mysteri-ous wardrobe while playing hide-and-go-seek with her siblings, they wouldn’t have discovered Narnia.

Chronicles of Narnia was probably my favorite book in my middle school years. I aspired to be like Lucy, fearless and adventurous for whatever opportunity pre-sented itself before her.

And that’s what I did. I opened the wardrobe door, and a whole new world of journalism set its course before me.

So, here I am. It’s been three weeks since classes began, and in that short period of time I’ve already grown so much. I work with an incredible team of talented writers and editors, and if it hadn’t been for their continuous encouragement and the Lord’s guidance, I don’t know where I would be.

I am so excited to refuel The Northerner this semester. My vision is to make it a relevant news source on campus that appeals to all students and staff, while giving the glory to God through every story, photo, caption and headline.

Rebekah [email protected]

Scan this to read the full-color digital edition on your mobile device



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Page 3: The NCU Northerner Jan. 2013


January 2013 | 03

“The Week” Events









GAME NIGhT.7-9:30 p.M.




ENCOuNTER.9:30 p.M


On Jan. 27, women from the North Central community gathered in the small chapel to attend the Purity Campaign, presented by Steps to Beauty, a student-led organization under the umbrella of IMPACT.

Steps to Beauty is a group that “host[s] conferences, tea parties and sleepovers for young girls from K-12 to show them inner beauty through the use of all arts,” said junior evangelism and church planting major and organization leader Alayna Morgan.

Tim and Kim Berndt, a husband and wife team and executive directors of the ministry LoveLines, presented their story to the women in attendance. Over the years the couple has served as counselors at various churches in the Minneapolis area, and LoveLines offers both in-person and phone counseling.

Tim Berndt opened the event with a prayer repenting for the church’s silence and ignorance regarding sexual issues.

“We as a society and as a church label our sin…and yet God sees it all the same,” said Kim Berndt.

The Berndt team and Steps to Beauty suggested that women are often overlooked in the area of sexual purity. Those involved in Steps to Beauty believe that the topic is generally just geared toward men because they are the ones who are stereotypically visually stimulated. Putting the Purity

Steps to Beauty hosts women’s conference

By ElExa FEldman & Crystal GoutiErEz

Campaign together, according to its hosts, was a way to show women who struggle that they are not alone.

The speakers shared the platform as they talked about God’s love, human struggles and the need for accountability. Tim Berndt spoke for the majority of the time, and although it was a male speaking to women on such a sensitive topic, the girls stayed afterwards to ask questions and respond to the message.

“We [girls] shouldn’t be ashamed of it

because it’s not just a struggle for guys. Church leaders shouldn’t shy away from bringing up the topic,” said freshman elementary education major Megan Meyers, one of the women in attendance.

“It’s not what you’ve done…it’s what you choose to do next,” said Tim Berndt

Kim Berndt voiced her belief that talking about sexual addictions can bring a positive outcome.

“God will take your trial, and He will make it a testimony,” said Kim Berndt.


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Page 4: The NCU Northerner Jan. 2013



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Photo by Sofia Almarza

sinG sinG sinGNorth Central Chorale members take a picture on there recent Costa Rica trip.Ph


by S




On Jan. 4, North Central’s Chorale members flew south to Costa Rica where they performed songs in churches, malls and a public park during their 10-day trip.

“The biggest thing I took from the trip is that music is universal. We didn’t need to sing in a language they understood in order to get a point across,” said senior music major Mariah Simonson.

While Chorale sang in a public area, a crowd of people would gather, and the main bulk of their ministry happened during conversations while mingling with the crowd after the performance.

“The culture is much more relational than in the United States. Things like time, money and personal space don’t really matter to people in Costa Rica as much as building relationships. They will do just about anything for a friend,” said Simonson.

Not only did Chorale build relationships with citizens of Costa Rica, but

they also grew closer as a team throughout the business of performing and serving alongside one another.

“We had very long days, jam-packed with traveling, concerts, and events, which taught us to have patience with one another, but I was so blessed to have the opportunity to get to know the people in Chorale on a much deeper level,” said sophomore undeclared major Veronica Parks.

Throughout their trip in the Spanish-speaking country, Chorale learned a phrase that became a well-known expression among the group. The phrase was “pura vida,” which is literally translated to mean pure life. This phrase is similar to people in the United States saying, “You only live once.”

“Any time there was an awkward silence, someone would just yell, ‘pura vida!’ and a bunch of people would join in,” said Simonson.

North Central’s Chorale sang to the people of Costa Rica, served them, built relationships with them and grew closer to one another in the light of Jesus’ name, bringing the beauty of God through the talents He has given them.

By Brian JonEs & alyssa WallaCE


Photo by Sofia Almarza

Fun in tHE sunChorale members give there vocal chords a rest and take a dip.

“¡Pura Vida!”Photo by Sofia Alm


Page 5: The NCU Northerner Jan. 2013

January 2013 | 05

TweetsThe Northerner

The Northerner

The Northerner

Are those crows I hear? They’re probably back for the @NCUWWS Live Worship recording! (Psalm 104:12)

Congratulations to MOE on winning the @NCU_Intramurals Basketball tournament this year! #NewChampsInTown

Reggie Dabbs bringing the Word to a packed chapel at NCU!




2 Feb

2 Feb

28 Jan


Photo by Sofia Almarza

Social work program undergoes season of change

This past year the social work program has gone through major changes, one being the loss of the program’s only two professors, Donna McElveen and Karen Harrington, who resigned at the end of the fall 2012 semester.

“I was really disappointed when I found out that Donna and Karen resigned. Having Donna as a teacher made a huge impact on my decision to continue with the social work program,” said freshman social work major Lauren Ringwald.

Currently, three adjunct professors are in place for the semester until a final decision in the hiring process is made. Those professors are Kevin Spading, Nick Zeime and Jennifer Finstad.

“I have classes with Nick and Kevin, and they’re both great. They are both passionate about their field, and it really seems they truly care about impacting the lives of the social work students here at NCU,” said senior social work major Katie Detloff.

A committee composed of two social work students, the school’s vice president, and faculty members inside and outside the college of arts and sciences are in charge of the process for hiring full-time professors.

“The goal is to have made decisions regarding who to hire by late April,” said Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Dan Nelson.

Despite all of the changes in the program, the social work curriculum will remain the same.

“We are able to offer this spring each of the social work courses that had been on the schedule, and are very pleased with the adjunct faculty selected,” said Nelson.

The second major change in the program revolved around the accreditation process. The social work program is currently accredited with the Higher Learning Commission, but opportunities for accreditation with national agencies such as the Council of Social Work Education are available.

“As a result of our site visit last year, we were granted candidacy status, which in Minnesota means that our graduates can immediately, upon graduation, apply for licensure as social workers and be eligible for advance standing in many social work master’s degree programs,” said Nelson.

Each site visit essentially helps move the program forward until accreditation status is earned. For North Central, this could potentially happen within the next two years, and the CSWE has strongly encouraged North Central to continue moving forward with the process.

“We are excited about the social work program at North Central and are committed to its continued development,” said Nelson.


By PaislEy BEnnEt & Kayla trulsEn

Follow The Northerner on Twitter!

Photo by Sofia Almarza

On April 13, students from North Central and other private colleges in the area will showcase their best academic work at the Scholars’ Symposium. The event will be held at North Central and begin at 1 p.m.

The presentations will last 8-10 minutes and can be on any topic. Papers will be presented in the afternoon and followed by a dinner and keynote address by Dr. Roger Sorbo.

The cost for students who are accepted to present is $10.00, which includes the cost of the dinner. If you are on the NCU meal plan, the cost is $5.00.

Students who are interested in submitting their work may email a 150-250 word abstract of the presentation to [email protected] by March 1.

On the abstract, please include your name, email address, phone number, university/college affiliation, and academic discipline of the presentation.

For more information, contact Prof. Desiree Libengood ([email protected]) or Dr. Leslie Crabtree ([email protected]).

Scholar’s Symposium

Page 6: The NCU Northerner Jan. 2013



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At 6:10 p.m. on Jan. 31, Nicholas Reed, a student at North Central from 2011-2012, passed away in Akron, Ohio. Reed was a freshman studying pastoral studies and lived on Carlson Hall 2 East during his one year as a student.

During Reed’s short time at North Central, he left a huge impact on several students and faculty.

“He taught me how to worship Christ on a deeper level,” said sophomore pastoral studies major Austin Hall. “Hearing about his story and not losing his faith really lifted me up. He loved Christ with all of his heart, and it would have been really easy for him to not under the circumstances.”

Reed was first diagnosed with cancer in his knee when he was 14 years old, and then healed a few years later on a missions trip.

In November 2011, Reed’s knee began hurting again. As a freshman at North Central, Reed wasn’t able to do many activities with his friends.

“He started walking with a cane, and eventually he moved to crutches and finally a wheelchair,” said Hall.

During the summer, Reed went in for a knee replacement where the doctors found cancer all over his body. He continued going in for treatment, and in September, his right leg was amputated.

Shortly afterwards, he started writing a blog called “The Pilgrim Man.” The blog tracks his journey from November to early January, and was a platform for him to share his story with others.

“God called him to ministry, and this was the only place he was going to reach people at the time,” said his girlfriend and sophomore worship arts major Jessica Short.

Reed’s strong faith and hope in the Lord was evident through the words of his blog.

The verse that stands as the tagline on his blog is Psalm 118:17: “I will not die but live and proclaim what the Lord has done.”

During the last week of January, things started going downhill when he had kidney failure. He died peacefully on Jan. 31 in Akron’s Children Hospital, with Short and his family close by. Although the end came, his story still lives on.

“He’s in a better place, he’s healthy, and he’s happy,” said Short.Reed’s friends described him as a very studious, caring and friendly

individual. He also had a fascination for Germany and playing the trumpet.“He loved to read,” said Hall. “Every time I walked in his room he was

reading.”Although Reed endured much pain, he was still the same “goofy, loving”

guy to everyone he met.In one of his blogs, he recorded that “whatever happens, death or life, I

hold a truth that nothing can take way from me. And this is where I find solace and peace.”

“Nick’s legacy at NCU is significant,” said Chris Woelfle, resident director of Carlson Hall. “[He] embodied honorable character, academic faithfulness, and a willingness to serve others.”

Reed will be remembered by his family, Short and friends. His blog web address is:

By rEBEKaH JaCoBson


Page 7: The NCU Northerner Jan. 2013

ReviewsLast year, Theory Hazit, a low key Christian hip-hop artist,

released his album Thr3e. Within Thr3e, Theory paints a distinct picture of his past. He combines his words, linking them with a smooth approach and flow as he raps over beats that have an old school flavor to them.

It is evident that Theory is a lyrical genius. He chooses excellent words and tells several graphic stories. While listening to the album it is easy for an individual to visualize what Theory is saying and what his message is.

One song, “I Need You More Than Ever,” tells of a father that is separating from his wife and young daughter.

Theory also references illegal drug use, chasing girls and reckless behavior from his past. Following this, he gives glory to God and raps about life change. This album is for a unique and thirsty ear.

In 2012, producer Jeff Mantalvo, also known as Seven Lions, dropped a heart-stopping, progressive dubstep EP called Polarize.

The opening track, “Isis,” punches the ear with a harmonious Middle Eastern sound supported by a heavy syncopated beat.

Nearly all of the drops within the tracks provide the audience with fervent thrill. The sound of this EP is most similar to a roller coaster in the way that it makes a person feel. Mantalvo functions in emotional highs and lows and gives the listener a wild ride.

Mantalvo switches things up and keeps his listeners on their toes. This EP is full of high-energy sounds and soothing melodies. It is nearly impossible to suffer boredom while listening to Polarize.

If you are looking for expressive, high quality electronic music, then this EP is something worth checking out. Relax and turn up your speakers.

Picture a Change of Heart with Theory Hazit – Thr3e

Thousand Foot Krutch – The End Is Where We Begin recreates with original flavor

Josh Turner – Punching Bag sets the bar for country

Seven Lions – Polarize EP steals the listening audience

By andrEW KinnEy

By BEnJamin PiriE Christian rock music has seen many bands come and go in the past 10 years. There is one band, however, that has stood the test of time in reaching a lost group of people through this form of media: Thousand Foot Krutch.

For more than a decade, Thousand Foot Krutch has created Christ-centered music with a rock ‘n’ roll twist, and they have proven that Christian music can be made in a way that even the secular community can enjoy.

Their newest album, The End Is Where We Begin, was released April 17, 2012. Although newer, this album has an old school feel due to the fact that the band left Tooth and Nail Records at the end of 2011 and began producing their own music.

Unfortunately, this may also be their downfall. The album lacks imagination, and with the exception of a few songs, the album sounds more like an old Linkin Park recreation instead of the Thousand Foot Krutch we have grown up listening to. Only time will tell if this reinvention will prove successful, or if we have already seen the best of what Thousand Foot Krutch has to offer.

When most people think about country music, seldom do they think of the word, “Christian.” Many people believe that country music only appeals to those who grew up in the south or on a farm. This standardized view of what it is to be “country” is something that Josh Turner does a great job of steering far away from in his new album Punching Bag.

In his album, Josh Turner sings about how a true countryman should be. Living for God, never giving up when the job gets hard, and being faithful to one woman for all of your life are themes that can be seen throughout this album.

His hit single “Time is Love” was the number one country song of the year, named by Billboard magazine in December 2012.

If you are looking for a good country album, this is definitely a great one to check out.

Page 8: The NCU Northerner Jan. 2013

Les Miserablesre



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Les Miserables, the movie, has received quite a lot of attention since its release in December 2012.

Just shy of two months in theaters, Les Mis has grossed $138 million overall, including nearly $28 million on opening weekend, according to the Internet Movie Data Base. Most recently, Les Mis has received a total of eight Oscar nominations this year, including a nomination for best actor, Hugh Jackman. Alongside Jackman, who plays the main character Jean Valjean, is best supporting actress nominee Anne Hathaway, starring as Fantine.

Who would have known that a 19th century novel would eventually be recognized on a global level in the entertainment industry? That’s right, Les Miserables was first a novel written by Victor Hugo in 1862. His novel later transformed into a Broadway

musical and has now evolved into the major motion picture critics are praising today.

Les Mis paints the portrait of one man’s journey to redemption during post-French Revolution. Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman) plays the thief who finds redemption and love through caring for a child but is continuously in hiding and on the run from Javert (Russell Crowe), a man who is committed to finding Valjean in order to bring honor to the law. The story follows Valjean as he repeatedly makes new chapters in his life in order to avoid Javert’s sentence.

Toward the beginning of the story, Valjean finds himself as a cause of injustice when he meets Fantine (Anne Hathaway), a poor single mother who works for Valjean and sends all her wages to her child. The chase between Valjean and Javert unfolds across the

map of France with twists and turns along the way, including the French Revolution.

Les Mis is presented in a more operatic form, where singing is the main dialogue. The beautiful singing is understandable and true to the emotions of the story. This operatic presentation gives Les Mis the unique ability to connect with the audience through instrumentals and a variety of musical dialogue. Overall, the motion picture is true to the chronology of Hugo’s book and is also accurate in the small scenery details in the text. Les Mis is a must see, especially for those who have read Hugo’s novel. The story is a beautiful presentation of finding redemption and grace, as well as learning how to love and how to give mercy to those who may not deserve it.

By marK CronK & EriCa Hillard


Upcoming Events














Photo by Jonny Jackson

“Les Mis had grossed $138 million overall, including $28 million on opening weekend, according to Internet Movie Data Base.”

Page 9: The NCU Northerner Jan. 2013


January 2013 | 09

A change of policies

Ever since North Central’s beginning in 1930, infamously known to students as “North Central Bridal College,” policies have been enforced that have caused some dispute among students. There are many rules by which the students must abide, a good handful of which concern dorm life.

Current guidelines pertaining to the dormitories are: gender-separated dorms, curfew, and prohibited items such as R-rated movies, incense, and mature-rated video games. Want to have a dance party? Unless it’s choreographed, dancing is against North Central policy.

Many of the above stipulations are not an issue on secular campuses and appear to be unappreciated by some students at North Central.

Sophomore business administration major Kaitlyn Rosenbush commented on the subject of the 1:30 a.m. curfew.

“I understand why the curfew is in place, but I think we’re at college because we’re old enough to decide how late we should be out,” said Rosenbush.

Despite the downsides of North Central policy, there are also many positive aspects to the existing housing regulations. Senior business administration major Grace Riley explains her appreciation of the gender-separated dorms.

“When I lived in Phillipps, I was grateful for the closed-dorm policy. It was comforting to know that I could just hang out with my girls. It made bonding so much easier; that’s why we were such a close-knit community,” said Riley.

In retrospect, the rules of the present are nothing compared to those of the past. Melody Reedy, director of T.J. Jones Library, laughed as she explained how she found an old Guns and Roses CD, among other items, in a room of confiscated objects in the upper level of the building.

When alumna Christine Wefel attended North Central in the early 1980s, VCRs were forbidden in student housing. And until Dianne Anderson, wife of the university’s president, petitioned the policy, women were required to wear dresses to school.

Even if some of the present rules also seem obsolete and obnoxious, Brittany Wipf, residence director of Phillipps Hall, assures that each rule is in place to ensure the well-being of the students.

After all, North Central is a faith-based school. Although some of North Central’s policies may seem strict to some students, they were implemented to benefit the community and promote the well-being of all students.

By JaCKiE GautHiEr


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North Central is known for its emphasis on enabling students to better understand diversity in the world around them, but is this commitment being fulfilled within the student body?

In response to diversity at North Central, freshman undeclared major Joseph Capehart said, “There is more [diversity] here than other places, but I was surprised at how little there was. I guess I was expecting more because we are here in Minneapolis, but the average student is white. I wasn’t expecting that.”

The North Central leadership staff has been working hard the past couple of years to promote diversity within the student body.

“The leadership theme this year is Integrated, which focuses on encouraging the student body to work with others within and outside of the North Central community,” said sophomore intercultural studies major and Miller Hall DL Michelle McKinley.

Diversity at North Central has the potential to build the student body into a stronger community that is able to interact with life outside of the so-called, “NCU Bubble.”

“[Diversity] gives you a taste of real life. You can get caught in your own friend groups in high school, but in an urban college in downtown Minneapolis, we are surrounded by a bunch of different people and different races,” said freshman psychology major Kaylee Burgett.

Capehart believes that diversity goes beyond ethnicity and applies to each person’s background. Various backgrounds can give new perspectives and broaden the chance for the student body to learn something new.

Burgett has a similar philosophy: she believes that North Central can already be considered a diverse school.

“You hear people saying that we are not very diverse here and we are all a bunch of Christians, but I think it is very diverse. We are all a bunch of Christians, but we all have different stories,” said Burgett.

Some students may feel uncomfortable or alienated because their voices are not represented, but North Central tries to offer a unique community-oriented atmosphere.

“What is really cool is the fact that the students here are Christians, so for the most part they are extremely including and loving. I’ve seen that this has been able to overcome that feeling of alienation,” said Capehart.

One of the goals of North Central is to equip students to interact with various people groups. As stated on North Central’s website, students should be able “to observe and interpret human behavior within the richness of social and cultural diversity.”

By miCHaEl daHlaGEr & sydnEy mEssmErPhoto by Nathan Almquist


Diversity takes an unexpected turn at NCU

Page 11: The NCU Northerner Jan. 2013

January 2013 | 11

New Year’s resolutionsBy soFia almarza & anna KoCH

The ball drops and fireworks explode – people all around the globe joyfully welcome in a new year! 2013 is here. It is new and fresh. Common resolutions are: eat healthier, spend more time with family, save more money, etc. However, the amount of people making resolutions seems to be decreasing.

Sophomore English major Anna Keophannga chose not to make a New Year’s resolution. Instead, she chose to make long-term goals to see her plans come to fruition.

“I have made resolutions, but they have always been about weight and wanting to look better. I could never reach my goals by mid-January, so I felt like a failure,” said Keophannga.

Keophannga sees nothing wrong with making resolutions for the New Year but creates long-term life goals for herself.

“Other people get super excited about the upcoming year, and they want to make a difference, but they don’t have a game plan and they just jump right in. With long-term goals, you’ve thought about them and you have a plan of action,” said Keophannga.

Senior psychology major Melissa Genca chose to make New Year’s resolutions using the word “clean” as a basis for them.

“I want to ‘Eat Clean,’ which means eating food in its natural state (unprocessed). I want to ‘Speak Clean,’ which means lifting others up and speaking truth. I want to ‘Think Clean,’ to think pure, holy, kind and Christ-like thoughts about myself and others,” said Genca.

Developing goals is one thing – being successful is another. “I decided to set 12 goals – one for each month. In doing so, it made each

month exciting and new and helped me to be less overwhelmed when thinking about achieving those goals,” said Genca.

The tradition of making resolutions is not dying, but changing. People feel they can be more successful by setting long-term goals.

“I love making goals. I think it’s so important to reflect and then project. Reflect on what your past year or years have been like and what you liked or disliked about them, then project into what you want your future to be like,” said Genca.


VidEoScan this code or go to to watch a video on resolutions other students have set in place for this new year.

Photo by Nathan Almquist

Page 12: The NCU Northerner Jan. 2013



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Teams dropped the puck on Jan. 19, just 13 days after a new collective bargaining agreement was reached between the players’ association and the league itself. Though the season was originally scheduled to begin on Oct. 11, 2012, the lockout was declared by NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman, which put the game on hold for more than three months of debate.

There are many reasons that contributed to the lockout, though the crux of the labor strife was a disagreement on revenue sharing among teams, owners, and the league. This is the third lockout under Bettman’s 19-year tenure as commissioner. As a result of the lockout, the 2012-13 season has been reduced from 82 to 48 games, which is almost a 42 percent reduction.

A major concern for teams after the lockout was whether fans would return and support the league after it had deprived them of hockey for so long. Around North Central, students’ reactions were varied. For some, the lockout was ironically seen as a positive thing.

“The shortened schedule makes the season more exciting because now there are games every night, and players will not take nights off since they know every game matters that much more,” said junior elementary education major and hockey enthusiast Michael Linder.

But for some, including senior psychology major and lifelong hockey fan Ryan Nelson, the lockout has left a bad taste that cannot be easily removed.

“I was really bummed about all of the games that were cancelled. It was unfair to the fans and truly showed the selfishness of all those involved,” said Nelson.

There may be no fans more excited than those of the Minnesota Wild. The excitement started in the off-season as the team made a memorable splash, upon the signing of the two most sought-after free agents on the market: for-ward Zach Parise and defenseman Ryan Suter.

In an effort to attract college students into attendance, the Wild are hosting ‘College Nights’ where students can present their school I.D and purchase a lower level ticket for $35.


By Paul BrunnEr

SportsNorth Central’s men’s basketball has been on a tear recently, winning six out

of the nine games played in January. This recent hot streak pushed the team’s record to 11-7 at the end of January.

One of the team’s biggest contributors is team co-captain Nate Roeder, a senior youth development major who broke the school’s single game scoring record by scoring 51 points in a thrilling 99-92 victory at Crown College on Jan. 19.

“God is good,” said Roeder. “It’s a big blessing. Winning the game makes breaking the record even sweeter. I could not have done it without my team-mates and my coach.”

Roeder attributed the team’s recent winning streak to learning how to win tight games.

“Early in the season we would lose the close games. We are learning to win games down the stretch,” said Roeder.

The team is looking forward to the rest of the season while owning second place in the UMAC conference at the time of this printing.

Though the season may not be going the way they hoped it would, the players on the women’s basketball team take solace in the fact that they are winning the games that they know they should.

The Rams are 4-13 overall, and 1-7 in conference play.“It is a tough conference right now,” said freshman secondary education

major Jamie High, “but the team has the talent that they need to play better together.”

The team is looking forward to the second half of the season, specifically toward conference matchups. In UMAC conference play, each team will play every other UMAC team twice. The Lady Rams hope that knowing how the teams have played recently will help them form new techniques to beat them.

Overall, the team has a good, fun atmosphere, and the players have great personalities both on and off the court.

“It’s a great season so far, and I can’t wait to be in the second half of the conference play,” said High.

Rams team updatesBy BlaKE mayEs & alEx marum

Men’s Basketball

Women’s Basketball