the nazis were given safe haven in us by eric lichtblau

7/30/2019 The Nazis Were Given Safe Haven in US by Eric Lichtblau 1/35  by Eric Lichtblau November 13, 2010 from NYTines Website  Dr. Josef Mengele in 1956, left. Arthur Rudolph, center, in 1990, was a rocket scientist for Nazi Germany and NASA. John Demjanjuk, right, in 2006 WASHINGTON  A secret history of the United States government‟s Nazi -hunting operation concludes that American intelligence officials created a “safe haven” in the United States for Nazis and their collaborators after World War II, and it details decades of clashes, often hidden, with other nations over war criminals here and abroad. The 600-page report, which the Justice Department has tried to keep secret for four years, provides new evidence about more than two dozen of the most notorious Nazi cases of the last three decades. It describes the government‟s posthumous pursuit of Dr. Josef Mengele, the so-called Angel of Death at Auschwitz , part of whose scalp was kept in a Justice Department official‟s drawer; the vigilante killing of a former Waffen SS soldier in New Jersey; and the government‟s mistaken identification of the Treblinka concentration camp guard known as Ivan the Terrible. The report catalogs both the successes and failures of the band of lawyers, historians and investigators at the Justice Department‟s Office of Special Investigations , which was created in 1979 to deport Nazis. Perhaps the report‟s most damning disclosures come in assessing the Central Intelligence Agency‟s involvement with Nazi émigrés 

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 by Eric Lichtblau 

November 13, 2010from NYTines Website 

Dr. Josef Mengele in 1956, left.Arthur Rudolph, center, in 1990, was a rocket scientist for Nazi Germany and NASA.

John Demjanjuk, right, in 2006 WASHINGTON  A secret history of the United States government‟s Nazi-hunting operation concludes that Americanintelligence officials created a “safe haven” in the United States for Nazis and their collaborators after World War II, and it details decades of clashes, often hidden, with other nations over war criminalshere and abroad.

The 600-page report, which the Justice Department has tried to keep secret for four years, providesnew evidence about more than two dozen of the most notorious Nazi cases of the last three decades.

It describes the government‟s posthumous pursuit of Dr. Josef Mengele, the so-called Angel of Death at Auschwitz , part of whose scalp was kept in a Justice Department official‟s drawer; the vigilante

killing of a former Waffen SS soldier in New Jersey; and the government‟s mistaken identification of theTreblinka concentration camp guard known as Ivan the Terrible.

The report catalogs both the successes and failures of the band of lawyers, historians andinvestigators at the Justice Department‟s Office of Special Investigations, which was created in 1979 todeport Nazis.

Perhaps the report‟s most damning disclosures come in assessing the Central Intelligence Agency‟sinvolvement with  Nazi émigrés . 

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Scholars and previous government reports had acknowledged the C.I.A.‟s use of Nazis for postwar intelligence purposes. But this report goes further in documenting the level of American complicity anddeception in such operations.

The Justice Department report, describing what it calls, “the government‟s collaboration with persecutors,” says that O.S.I investigators learned that some of the Nazis “were indeed knowingly granted entry” to the United States, even though governmentofficials were aware of their pasts.“America, which prided itself on being a safe haven for the persecuted, became - in some smallmeasure - a safe haven for persecutors as well,” it said.  The report also documents divisions within the government over the effort and the legal pitfalls inrelying on testimony from Holocaust survivors that was decades old.The report also concluded that the number of Nazis who made it into the United States was almostcertainly much smaller than 10,000, the figure widely cited by government officials.

The Justice Department has resisted making the report public since 2006. Under the threat of a lawsuit,it turned over a heavily redacted version last month to a private research group, the National Security Archive, but even then many of the most legally and diplomatically sensitive portions were omitted. A complete version was obtained by The New York Times.

The Justice Department said the report, the product of six years of work, was never formally completedand did not represent its official findings. It cited “numerous factual errors and omissions,” but declinedto say what they were.

More than 300 Nazi persecutors have been deported, stripped of citizenship or blocked from enteringthe United States since the creation of  the O.S.I., which was merged with another unit this year.

In chronicling the cases of Nazis who were aided by American intelligence officials, the report citeshelp that C.I.A. officials provided in 1954 to Otto Von Bolschwing, an associate of Adolf Eichmann who had helped develop the initial plans “to purge Germany of the Jews” and who later worked for theC.I.A. in the United States.In a chain of memos, C.I.A. officials debated what to do if Von Bolschwing were confronted about hispast - whether to deny any Nazi affiliation or, “explain it away on the basis of extenuating circumstances,” the report said.  The Justice Department, after learning of Von Bolschwing‟s Nazi ties, sought to deport him in 1981. Hedied that year at age 72.

The report also examines the case of Arthur L. Rudolph, a Nazi scientist who ran the Mittelwerkmunitions factory. He was brought to the United States in 1945 for his rocket-making expertise under Operation Paperclip, an American program that recruited scientists who had worked in Nazi Germany.(Rudolph has been honored by NASA and is credited as the father of the Saturn V rocket.)

The report cites a 1949 memo from the Justice Department‟s No. 2 official urging immigration officersto let Rudolph back in the country after a stay in Mexico, saying that a failure to do so “would be to thedetriment of the national interest.” 

Justice Department investigators later found evidence that Rudolph was much more actively involvedin exploiting slave laborers at Mittelwerk than he or American intelligence officials had acknowledged,the report says.

Some intelligence officials objected when the Justice Department sought to deport him in 1983, but theO.S.I. considered the deportation of someone of Rudolph‟s prominence as an affirmation of “the depthof the government‟s commitment to the Nazi prosecution program,” according to internal memos.  

The Justice Department itself sometimes concealed what American officials knew about Nazis in thiscountry, the report found.

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 In 1980, prosecutors filed a motion that “misstated the facts” in asserting that checks of C.I.A. and F.B.I.records revealed no information on the Nazi past of Tscherim Soobzokov, a former Waffen SS soldier.In fact, the report said, the Justice Department, “knew that Soobzokov had advised the C.I.A. of his SS connection after he arrived in the UnitedStates.” (After the case was dismissed, radical Jewish groups urged violence against Mr. Soobzokov, and hewas killed in 1985 by a bomb at his home in Paterson, N.J.)

The secrecy surrounding the Justice Department‟s handling of the report could pose a politicaldilemma for President Obama because of his pledge to run the most 'transparent' administration in history . Mr. Obama chose the Justice Department to coordinate the opening of government records.

The Nazi-hunting report was the brainchild of Mark Richard, a senior Justice Department lawyer. In1999, he persuaded Attorney General Janet Reno to begin a detailed look at what he saw as a criticalpiece of history, and he assigned a career prosecutor, Judith Feigin, to the job. After Mr. Richard edited the final version in 2006, he urged senior officials to make it public but wasrebuffed, colleagues said.

When Mr. Richard became ill with cancer, he told a gathering of friends and family that the report‟s

publication was one of three things he hoped to see before he died, the colleagues said.He died in June 2009, and Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. spoke at his funeral. “I spoke to him the week before he died, and he was still trying to get it released,” Ms. Feigin said. “Itbroke his heart.”  After Mr. Richard‟s death, David Sobel, a Washington lawyer, and the National Security Archive suedfor the report‟s release under the Freedom of Information Act. 

The Justice Department initially fought the lawsuit, but finally gave Mr. Sobel a partial copy - with morethan 1,000 passages and references deleted based on exemptions for privacy and internaldeliberations.

Laura Sweeney, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said the department is committed totransparency, and that redactions are made by experienced lawyers.

The full report disclosed that the Justice Department found “a smoking gun” in 1997 establishing with“definitive proof” that Switzerland had bought gold from the Nazis that had been taken from Jewishvictims of the Holocaust. But these references are deleted, as are disputes between the Justice andState Departments over Switzerland‟s culpability in the months leading up to a major report on theissue.

 Another section describes as “a hideous failure” a series of meetings in 2000 that United Statesofficials held with Latvian officials to pressure them to pursue suspected Nazis. That passage is alsodeleted.

So too are references to macabre but little-known bits of history, including how a director of the O.S.I.kept a piece of scalp that was thought to belong to Dr. Mengele in his desk in hopes that it would help

establish whether he was dead.

The chapter on Dr. Mengele, one of the most notorious Nazis to escape prosecution, details theO.S.I.‟s elaborate efforts in the mid-1980s to determine whether he had fled to the United States andmight still be alive.

It describes how investigators used letters and diaries apparently written by Dr. Mengele in the 1970s,along with German dental records and Munich phone books, to follow his trail.

 After the development of DNA tests, the piece of scalp, which had been turned over by the Brazilian

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authorities, proved to be a critical piece of evidence in establishing that Dr. Mengele had fled to Braziland had died there in about 1979 without ever entering the United States, the report said. The editedreport deletes references to Dr. Mengele‟s scalp on privacy grounds. 

Even documents that have long been available to the public are omitted, including court decisions,Congressional testimony and front-page newspaper articles from the 1970s.

 A chapter on the O.S.I.‟s most publicized failure - the case against John Demjanjuk, a retired American autoworker who was mistakenly identified as Treblinka’s Ivan the Terrible - deletes dozens of details, including part of a 1993 ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit thatraised ethics accusations against Justice Department officials.

That section also omits a passage disclosing that Latvian émigrés sympathetic to Mr. Demjanjuksecretly arranged for the O.S.I.‟s trash to be delivered to them each day from 1985 to 1987.The émigrés rifled through the garbage to find classified documents that could help Mr. Demjanjuk,who is currently standing trial in Munich on separate war crimes charges.

Ms. Feigin said she was baffled by the Justice Department‟s attempt to keep a central part of its historysecret for so long.“It‟s an amazing story,” she said, “that needs to be told.”

by Katherine Smith, PhD November 30, 2010

from MiddleEasternStudies Website Katherine Smith, PhD

Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience Posted by Ronald Swenson, PhD (University of Jordan inAmman) is a senior fellow at the University of Southern

California, College of Letters, Arts & Sciences, Department of Middle East Studies, www.middleeasternstudies.wordpress 

The long-hidden report "CIA created „safe haven‟ for Nazis in US" obtained by the New York TimesNovember 13, 2010, may be the most concrete account yet of the role that prominent members of Germany‟s Nazi party played in the early, formative years of the CIA, following World War II.

It alleges the CIA created a “safe haven” for Nazis believed to be of use to the US‟ Cold War efforts. [1] 

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 Notice the words alleges and believed , to be of use to the US‟ Cold War efforts. What if there wasanother reason the CIA created a “safe haven” for Nazis? 

In Search of J. D. Salinger , by Ian Hamilton, recounts Salinger‟s experience during and after WorldWar II, serving with the Counter Intelligence Corps  (CIC).

Salinger‟s reclusive behavior may have been the result of knowledge he gained while in the employ of the United States Defense Intelligence Department during and after World War II.He took part in the creation of the mind control program, MK-Ultra and Project Artichoke and in theinterrogation of captured Nazis (denazification of Germany)

[2] Project Artichoke was developed under the influence of the former Nazis who workedwith CIC and The House of Rothschild to make sure the end of the Diaspora and theJews arrival in Palestine happened in exactly 1260 years from the “abomination of desolation.”The Cassandra Prophecy by Ian Gurney 

Salinger, it is reasonable to assume, had access to the secret memorandum written on June 21, 1933,from the German Zionist Federation to the Nazis,

“All German Jewish organizations, it was declared, should be dominated by the Zionistspirit”.

In 1941, the “Stern Gang,” among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented theNazis with the Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization (NMO) inPalestine: 

The NMO, which is well-acquainted with the goodwill of the German Reich governmentand its authorities towards Zionism activity… is of the opinion that: the NMO inPalestine… offers to actively take part in the war on Germany‟s side.The Iron Wall, London 1984, pp.195-197 The Wall Street Journal December 2, 1976 

Concentration camps weren‟t the only camps set up by Hitler and the Gestapo.During the 1930s, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine.The Transfer Agreement between Hitler‟s Germany and international Zionism, implemented in 1933and abandoned at the beginning of WWII, allowed German Jews to immigrate to Palestine. [3] 

Therefore, we can logically deduce that Salinger may have uncovered the Story behind the Story of  Adolph Hitler  and the Modern State of Israel, aka The Key to the Secret of the Universe . 

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„For Esmé - With Love and Squalor‟ 

In his celebrated story For Esmé - With Love and Squalor , Salinger, trying to get a grip on life, mostprobably is talking about himself when he starts a correspondence with a thirteen year-old British girl.A Perfect Day for Bananafish  is another story about his struggle with suicide because he was

tormented by: The knowledge he learned as a counterintelligence officer that millions of deaths andan untold amount of suffering caused by two World Wars and the Holocaust had onlyone purpose: to create the Modern State of Israel and end the Diaspora, in 1948. TheKey... 

Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that Salinger connected WW I, WW II, Adolph Hitler and the'Holocaust'  to The Modern State of Israel. 

Salinger was living with both the memory of the horrors of war and with the knowledge that millions of deaths and untold suffering caused by World War II had nothing to do with an incompetent fanaticaldictator,  Adolph Hitler, financed by George H.W. Bush‟s father, Prescott , trying to take over the world.[4]

In one of the rare moments when he did speak to the media, he said,“I love to write. But I write just for myself and my own pleasure.”

He displayed the mental anguish of a misanthrope involved in one of the bloodiest episodes of  the war in Hürtgenwald, a useless battle, where he witnessed the horrors of war, and has to confront the realitythat 70 million people died in order to create the Modern State of Israel.

Salinger himself was hospitalized for stress, according to his biographer, Ian Hamilton, and later retreated into his private world and Zen Buddhism. Alleging a conspiracy about the story behind thestory of two World Wars and the Holocaust in 1950 would be hazardous to your mental and physicalhealth.

It was a choice between getting killed or ridiculed; he kept silent and waited for death. Endnotes 

[1] A report the Justice Department has been trying to hide for the past four yearsoffers the most detailed account yet of the CIA‟s efforts to protect known Nazi war criminals in the United States. Eric Lichtblau,  [2] The project‟s intentionally oblique CIA cryptonym is made up of the digraph MK,meaning that the project was sponsored by the agency‟s Technical Services Division,followed by the word ULTRA (which had previously been used to designate the mostsecret classification of World War II intelligence). Other related cryptonyms includeMK-NAOMI and MK-DELTA.

 A precursor of the MK-ULTRA program began in 1945 when the Joint Intelligence

Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for  OperationPaperclip. Operation Paperclip was a program to recruit former Nazi scientists. Some of thesescientists studied torture and brainwashing, and several had just been identified andprosecuted as war criminals during the Nuremberg Trials.,  

Several secret U.S. government projects grew out of Operation Paperclip. These

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projects included Project CHATTER (established 1947), and Project BLUEBIRD(established 1950), which was later renamed to Project ARTICHOKE in 1951. Their purpose was to study mind-control, interrogation, behavior modification and relatedtopics. [3] When Lenni Brenner‟s, 51 Documents: Zionism Collaboration with the Nazis waspublished the Pro-Zionist British Jewish central organization wanted Amazon to issuea warning to their customers,

“We have urged Amazon to acknowledge on the site that this book isof a dangerous and controversial nature.” 

Brenner‟s introduction: The Nazi era is the most discussed period in history, yet most Jewsand others are unaware of the interaction between Zionism, Hitler andMussolini. 

What happened to the Jews is constantly utilized in Zionist propaganda as justificationfor the creation of the Israeli state, the silver lining around the dark cloud of desolation. [4]

Part 1: The Modern State of Israel - Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened  Part 2: World War I, II - Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened   Part 3:  Adolph Hitler - Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened  Part 4: How did Hitler lose the war - Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened  Part 5: The War to End All Wars - Providence, Pointless Tragedy or What Really


The Modern State of Israel: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened, Part 1

May 23rd, 2010 

Written by Robert Singer 

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make themthink, they'll hate you."-- Don Marquis

The following Glossary, abbreviations and essay will help the reader understand howTheodor Herzl on August 29, 1897 predicted that within fifty years there would be aJewish state.

Zionism: an organization of Jews who believed the Jewish people needed a nation of their own to escapepersecution.

Judaism: Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud.

RothIsm or Rothschildism: abbreviation for The Zionist movement corrupted and co-opted by The Houseof Rothschild and their agents to advance a New World Order agenda. In 1871 Albert Pike Grand Master of the Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium, received a vision, which he described in aletter dated August 15, 1871 that graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen asnecessary to bring about the One World Order.

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be

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conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel)mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will beconstrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…Weshall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm … Theneverywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, willexterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whosedeistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but withoutknowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of thepure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. [1]

RBZJ: The Rothschild Backed Zionist Jews, acronym used when referring to anyone connected to or related to the House of Rothschild.

RAGENT: Abbreviation for a Rothschild Agent

The House of Rothschild (the Rothschilds): Global financial empire founded in the late 18th century by adynasty of Khazars, an ancient people from Georgia. [2]

The Rothschilds control a vast portion of the world's wealth and are the hidden hand behind all the social-

cataclysms: the French, Russian and American Revolutions; Communism, Capitalism, World Wars andthe Modern State of Israel. The Rothschilds are not the Jews of the bible and do not practice Judaism.

Mel Gibson would have been correct if he had claimed, The Rothschilds are responsible for all the wars inthe world. The “Labour Leader” newspaper of Britain on December 19, 1891 ref erred to the Rothschildswhen they wrote:

This blood-sucking crew has been the cause of untold mischief and misery in Europe during the presentcentury, and has piled up its prodigious wealth chiefly through fomenting wars between States whichought never to have quarreled. Wherever there is trouble in Europe, wherever rumors of war circulate andmen‟s minds are distraught with fear of change and calamity you may be sure that a hook -nosedRothschild is at his games somewhere near the region of the disturbance (ibid, p. 12).

In “Imperialism,” writer J. A. Hobson wrote: “No Great War could be undertaken by any European State...if the house of Rothschild and its connections set their face against it” (ibid, p, 25).  

The “Labour Leader” did not use the term Jew because the Rothschilds are the descendants of Khazars;they are not of Abraham‟s Seed. 

Rothschild founded and funded the Zionist movement to further a New World Order agenda. At the firstZionist conference Theodor Herzl, a Rothschild agent (Ragent) makes it clear Rothschildism (RothIsm) isnot about saving Jews,

It is essential that the sufferings of Jews….become worse….this will assist in realization of our plans….Ihave an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth….The anti-Semites will

assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semitesshall be our best friends. [3]

UN Resolution (GA 181) 

 August 29, 1897 Theodor Herzl, the founder of RothIsm at the First Zionist Congress predicted that withinfifty years there would be a Jewish state. UN Resolution (GA 181) partitioned Palestine in 1947.

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RothIsm is a political movement to encourage, force if necessary, Jews to move to Palestine. All Jewswere encouraged; it didn‟t matter if you were of Abraham‟s seed, you left for Palestine or else. 

Herzl picking 1947 as the end of the Diaspora and the return of the Jews to the “Holy Land” is either oneof those “bizarre coincidences”, like the same person winning the lottery three weeks in a row, or thepartition of Palestine, finalized in 1947, was part of Rothschilds plan for a New World Order, “to effect

complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world'spopulation by two thirds.” 

Rothschild‟s secret societies, The Bavarian Illuminati, Order of Perfectibilists, the Skull and Bones are nolonger classified as prehistoric science fiction and have their origins in the ancient religions and the occult:Jesuits, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Freemasons and the Kabbalah.

In 2003, 60 Minutes aired a segment about Alexandra Robbins, staff member at the New Yorker. Robbins,a Yale graduate, penetrated the wall of silence around the Skull and Bones, the American branch of Rothschild‟s secret society and authored the best seller Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power. 

Members of the Skull and Bones include some of the most powerful men of the 20th century.

J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb are all connected to the RothschildsGlobal financial empire and secret societies. They are members of the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, France, and Germany or, for that matter, any central bank anywhere in the world.

RothIsm was not-so-secretly funded when Baron Edmond (Binyamin) de Rothschild purchased 90,000acres in Palestine launching Israel‟s future initially as an agricultural society. After the early settlersarrived, they wanted Rothschild to “take his hands from it.” Baron Edmond responded, “I created theYishuv, I alone. Therefore no men, neither colonists nor organisations have the right to interfere in myplans” 

Lord Moyne, the British Secretary of State in Cairo, in 1942 tried to interfere in Baron Edmond‟s planwhen he declared “the Jews were not the descendants of the ancient Hebrews and that they had no"legitimate claim" on the Holy Land. In favor of limiting Jewish immigration into Palestine, he was accusedof being "an implacable enemy of Hebrew independence," and on November 6, 1944 Lord Moyne wasmurdered by two members of the Stern Gang (Yitzhak Shamir's group). [4]

A Jewish State, a sacrilege, can be found in the Bible 

 A Jewish state can be found in the book of Revelation. John, an Apostle of Jesus on the Isle of Patmos in90 A.D., was told to “Write the things which thou hast seen , and the things which are, and the thingswhich shall be hereafter.” John wrote: 

 And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months (1279 days). And I will give power to mytwo witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in Sackcloth.

Revelation 11:2&3

Herzl predicted the 1947 UN partition but John, in the spirit, was taken up into heaven and saw that theholy city would be underfoot for forty-two months given over to non-Jewish people until 1967 (688 A.D. +1279 years), when in the first hours of the Six-day war Jews took control of East Jerusalem and theprophesy in Sackcloth ended when they had their own state on May 14th 1948 (688 A.D. + 1260 years).[5]

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Grand Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum, believed RothIsm is "the work of Satan, a sacrilege, a blasphemy” and TheHolocaust, he wept, “was a direct result of RothIsm, a punishment from G-d.” 

Rothschild was well aware of Jewish history and Jews, according to the Christian New Testament,persecuted and crucified Jesus Christ and most of his early followers. America's traditional churches inthe 19th Century would never stand for a Jewish occupation of Jesus' homeland.

Rothschild Backed Zionist Jews (RBZJ) and a con artist Cyrus Scofield were used to change America andits religious orientation by the use of the Scofield Reference Bible from Oxford University Press.

Scofield, after being released from prison was introduced to Samuel Untermeyer, the President of theKoren Hayesod, and the RothIsm movement in America.

Untermeyer, an attorney, was instrumental in preparing the Federal Reserve Banking law in 1910, andthe financing of Scofield‟s Reference bible. 

The Scofield bible has hundreds of easy-to-read footnotes in the margins and at the bottom of the pagesthat misleadingly weave parts of the Old and New Testaments together as though the same people wrotethem at the same time. The most convincing evidence of RothIsm influence on Scofield are the notes

themselves, below are examples taken from the revised 1967 Edition:

For a nation to commit the sin of anti-semitism brings inevitable judgment.

God made an unconditional promise of blessings through Abram's seed to the nation of Israel to inherit aspecific territory forever.

In fact there is no sin of anti-semitism in the bible and Abraham did not bequeath a “specific territory” tohis descendants.

Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell weave Scofield‟s “Jews” into Genesis 12:3, “And I will bless them thatbless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” and

falsely conclude:

God has blessed America because America has blessed the Jew. If this nation wants her fields to remainwhite with grain, her scientific achievements to remain notable, and her freedom to remain intact, Americamust continue to stand with Israel.

John McArthur, author, pastor at Grace Community Mega-Church came up with a “Just War” explanationfor the Iraq War because of Scofields “specific territory” note. On CNN he told Larry King, “Iraq is „a justwar‟ because Iraq has not only rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but has done everything it canpossibly do to stamp out the people of God, namely Israel.”  

Robertson, Falwell and McArthur because of Scofield, ignore the central tenets of Christianity: Seekingpeace and loving one's enemies, “Peace be with you, that the meek and those who work for peace --

rather than the powerful and violent -- are blessed by God.” 

Then he will say to those on his left (Robertson et all), 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into theeternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I wasthirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothesand you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' "They will answer, 'Lord,when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did nothelp you?' "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you didnot do for me.' MT 25:41

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Pre-millennialism, Dispensationalism, Judeo-Christianity and "Christian Zionism" all rely on the Scofieldfootnote “A Curse Laid Upon Those Who Persecute The Jews” to justify the Iraq war and Israel‟s humanrights violations in Gaza and the West Bank. [6]

It is impossible to overstate the influence of Cyrus Scofield and the Oxford Press on twentieth-centuryChristian and Jewish sectarian beliefs. With limitless advertising and promotion, the Scofield Bible

became the most important instrument for spreading the message of Christian Zionism: that the ModernState of Israel is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

Uganda is not Jerusalem 

In 1903, Joseph Chamberlain, the British Colonial Secretary, brought the "Uganda Project", a Jewishsettlement in East Africa, to Theodore Herzl. Herzl initially rejected the idea but the April 1903 Kishinevpogrom, the Medieval Outbreak where 49 Russian Jews were killed, 92 severely wounded, 500 slightlywounded changed his mind and he recommended the controversial solution as a temporary measure.

Herzl did not live to see the rejection of the Uganda Plan in 1905. He, and further discussion of ahomeland other than Palestine, died unexpectedly when Herzl was 44.

David Wolfson succeeded Herzl but he failed to convince the Young Turks to give up Palestine after theOttoman Empire collapsed. Dr. Otto Warburg (related to Paul and Max, Rothschild‟s agents) was put incharge and the movement was moved to Berlin.

WWII is over but not for the Palestinians  

The war ended in 1945 and after the bitterest episode in Jewish history the refugees were moved fromConcentration to Displaced Persons camps until the world was willing to give the Holocaust survivors thePalestinian‟s Land. 

 As the United Nations debated a resolution to divide the Palestinian land, the UN- appointed mediator Count Folke Bernadotte thought the resolution offended

Basic principles to prevent these innocent victims of the conflict [Palestinians were not to blame for theHolocaust] from returning to their homes, while Jewish immigrants flood into Palestine and, what's more,threatening to permanently replace the dispossessed Arab refugees who have been here for centuries.”He described, "Zionist pillage on a grand scale and the destruction of [Palestinian] villages withoutapparent military need.

His report (U.N. Document A. 648) was filed on September 16, 1948. The next day Count Bernadotte andhis assistant were assassinated in the part of Jerusalem occupied by the Zionists. [7]

Finally the British navy attacked the 4,500 Holocaust survivors (“Exodus 1947”) on their way to Palestineand a Rothschild Homeland was a fait accomplis.

On May 14, 1948, the British Mandate over Palestine expired and Rothschild had established the JewishState, located in the only place in the world that could have a clash of civilizations, Jerusalem.

The Jews return to the “Holy Land” portends Armageddon.  

 Armageddon, the final battle, will come when someone blows up the Dome of the Rock. That magnificentgolden domed mosque built on the site of Solomon‟s Temple (the abomination of desolation) ispreventing the return of the messiah. Radical Christians and Jews believe Christ will not come back toearth until the Jews rebuild the Temple.

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Should the Dome be demolished, then for the first time in history, thanks to Saddam Hussein when hedestroyed 90 percent of Iraq‟s Wetlands, 200 million people could cross the Euphrates for a holy war inJerusalem. [8]

 A war that will rid the planet of millions of useless eaters.

The Rothschild New World Order only needs 500 million of us for slaves.

Note: This is Part 1 of a series, and the author acknowledges help from M.E. Young.Part 2: World War I, II: Providence, Miracle, or What Really HappenedPart 3: Adolph Hitler: Providence, Miracle, or What Really HappenedPart 4: How did Hitler lose the war: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened

Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice. 


[1] 4. Cmdr. William Guy Carr: Quoted in Satan: Prince of This World, Albert Pike received a vision, whichhe described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871.  

[2] Shlomo Sand, When and How the Jewish People was Invented , Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe,published in 1976.

[3] From the diaries that Theodor Herzl kept between 1895 and 1904 -- Part I, pp. 16

[4] Original document in German Auswertiges Amt Archiv, Bestand 47-59, E224152 and E234155-58.Complete original text published in: David Yisraeli, The Palestinian Problem in German Politics 1889-1945 (Israel: 1947) pp. 315-317.

[5] The Mosque of Omar built in 688 A.D., The Dome of the Rock is the correct identification of the

abomination of desolation. Biblical scholars acknowledge the words of Ezekiel who wrote, “I haveappointed thee each day for a year.” 

[6] Reverend Jerry Falwell erroneously denied that many evangelicals opposed the U.S.-led war in Iraq. Appearing opposite Sojourners editor-in-chief Reverend Jim Wallis on the February 11 edition of FOXNews' Hannity & Colmes, Falwell called Wallis's claim that "evangelicals around the world were againstthe war in Iraq" "baloney" and remarked: "You could fit your [antiwar evangelical] crowd in a phonebooth." After Wallis told Falwell that "there are evangelical Christians who don't share your pro-war views," Falwell replied, "I know -- you and William Sloane Coffin." Coffin is a longtime peace activist andformer Yale University chaplain.

[7] For the assassination of Count Bernadotte see the report sent to the UN the same day as the attack(17 September 1948) by General A. Lundstrom (who was sitting in Bernadotte's car). See also the book

published by the same general for the 20th anniversary of the crime : L'assassinat du Compte Bernadottel,printed in Rome (pub. East. A. Fanelli) in 1970 under the title : 'Un tributo a la memoria del Comte FolkeBernadotte'. Also Ralph Hewins' book : 'Count Bernadotte, his life and work' (Hutchinson, 1948). And inthe Milanese weekly Europa', Baruch Nadel's confessions (quoted in Le Monde, 4 and 5 July 1971).

[8] In 1994, 60 percent of the wetlands were destroyed by Saddam Hussein's regime. They were drainedto permit military access and greater political control of the native Marsh Arabs.

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World War I, II: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened, Part 2

May 25th, 2010 

by Robert Singer 

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make themthink, they'll hate you."-- Don Marquis

The following Glossary, abbreviations and essay will help the reader understand how ona sunny June morning in 1914 the assassination Serbia‟s Archduke Ferdinand set inmotion World War I, II, the Holocaust and the Modern State of Israel.

RothIsm: an organization of Jews who believed the Jewish people needed a nation of their own to escapepersecution.

Judaism: Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud.

RothIsm or Rothschildism: abbreviation for The Zionist movement corrupted and co-opted by The Houseof Rothschild and their agents to advance a New World Order agenda. In 1871 Albert Pike Grand Master of the Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium, received a vision, which he described in aletter dated August 15, 1871 that graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen asnecessary to bring about the One World Order.

The first world war is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia, as promised byNathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used toattack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires areto be used to forment this war.

The second world war is to be used to forment the controversy between facism and political zionism withthe slaughter of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is

designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds created) and increase the power of political zionism.This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of unitedChristendom.

The third world war is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, theremaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual andeconomic exhaustion. [1]

RBZJ: The Rothschild Backed RothIsm Jews, acronym used when referring to anyone connected to or related to the House of Rothschild.

RAGENT: Abbreviation for a Rothschild Agent

The House of Rothschild (the Rothschilds): Global financial empire founded in the late 18th century by adynasty of Khazars, an ancient people from Georgia. [2]

The Rothschilds control a vast portion of the world's wealth and are the hidden hand behind all the social-cataclysms: the French, Russian and American Revolutions; Communism, Capitalism, World Wars andthe Modern State of Israel. The Rothschilds are not the Jews of the bible and do not practice Judaism.

Rothschild founded and funded the RothIsm movement to further a New World Order agenda.

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WWI and the deed to Palestine 

WWI “the war to end all wars,” allegedly began in Europe over clashes for "spheres of influence".

Gavrilo Princip, the 19-year-old assassin and member of the Black Hand secret society,

envisioned the death of the Archduke as the key that would unlock the shackles bindinghis people to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The Serbian government kept a close watch on Black Hand activities and knew of the plot to kill the Archduke. The prime minister of Serbia, Nikola Pasic, gave instructions for the three men to be arrestedand the Black Hander in charge of the plot was told to abort the mission but inexplicably neither order wascarried out.

The War to End all wars ended twice, the first time Germany won and offered the losers a simple statusquo and end of the war, with no punitive conditions. Then the losers were approached with an offer theyshould have refused.

The House of Rothschild and the International Banking community agreed to bring America into the war 

in exchange for the famous Balfour Declaration. The Balfour Declaration was not a declaration or publicstatement but a letter drafted by Lord Alfred Milner, a Rothschild employee to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild.” [3] 

He didn‟t keep us out of war  

Winston Churchill claimed “the U.S. entry in the war cost one million British, French, American, and other lives."

Up to and during the 1916 Presidential campaign The U.S. had no interest in a European adventure evenafter the suspicious sinking of "45,000 tons of live bait”, the Lusitania.  

President Wilson campaigned for re-election with the slogan, "He kept us out of war." Then ninety daysafter beginning his second term, he called upon Congress for a declaration of war in order to "make theworld safe for democracy."

No one was fooled by Wilson‟s mysterious change in position so a massive government propagandacampaign and the Espionage Act were required to sell the war. It was now a crime for Americans tospeak against their government's war effort, incite disloyalty, or encourage men to resist the draft.

J.P. Morgan, Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb and Rothschild‟s financial empire were the power behindthe Federal Income tax, the Federal Reserve, millions of deaths from two world wars and WoodrowWilson‟s political career. [4] 

How Does Samuel Untermeyer Fit Into The Scheme? 

 Another particularly influential figure promoting Woodrow Wilson was New York attorney SamuelUntermeyer, a leader in the RothIsm movement and the man who financed the Scofield bible [5].

The former "man of peace" pleaded with Congress to declare war against Germany because whenWilson was president of Princeton he had an affair with a married woman, Mary Peck. Shortly after theinauguration Samuel Untermeyer, attorney and generous contributor to Wilson‟s presidential campaign,contacted Wilson about a breach of promise legal action from his client, Mary Peck.

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Untermeyer informed President Wilson that his client was willing to accept $40,000 in lieu of commencinga breach of promise action. Wilson did not have the money and Untermeyer volunteered to pay themoney on the condition that Wilson would appoint to the first vacancy on the United States SupremeCourt a nominee to be recommended by Untermeyer. On June 14, 1916 Louis Dembitz Brandeis, themost politically influential of all Zionists in the United States, on the recommendation of Untermeyer isappointed to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court Justice Brandeis volunteered his opinion to presidentWilson that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English Channel justified thedeclaration of war against Germany. [6]

 As Samuel Landman, the former secretary of the World RothIsm Organization disclosed:

The only way . . . to induce the American president to come into the war (was) to securethe cooperation of RothIsm Jews by promising them Palestine, and thus enlist andmobilize the hitherto unsuspectedly powerful forces of RothIsm Jews in America andelsewhere in favor of the Allies on a quid pro quo contract basis, the Balfour Declaration.

With help from America the second time WWI was over the Allies won.

The Treaty of Versailles was the agreement among the winners, the Allies, to decide on how to punish

the losers, the Central Powers. The Treaty was so unfair that when the French leader Clemencea, wasasked by the press what the leaders had given the world by the treaty, he said, “We have guaranteedanother war in twenty years.” 

The International bankers decided the future of the defeated Germany. Prime Minister Lloyd Georgeobserved the Bankers, “swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issuedVersailles orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.” The Rothschild-affiliated Bleichroder Bank of Berlin decreed the reparations clause that required Germany pay £6,600 million.

The future of Germany was the corrupt Weimar government and World War II financedby the international bankers.

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Professor Antony C. Sutton, a distinguished scholar,documents the roles played by Max Warburg, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb (all connected to the Rothschild global financialempire) in the bloodiest, most destructive war in history.

Prescott Bush, patriarch of two Presidents and connected to the House of Rothschild, was funding Hitler from America, while German soldiers were killing Americans. Bush‟s company was seized under the,“Trading With The Enemy,” Act yet the Anti-Defamation League has never criticized the Bush family.

Hitler and RothIsms a match made in the Holocaust

WWII confirmed that the fundamental aim of the RothIsm movement was to create a “Jewish state” inPalestine not to save Jewish lives. From the diaries of Theodor Herzl, a Rothschild agent,

It is essential that the sufferings of Jews….become worse….this will assist in realization of our plans….Ihave an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth….The anti-Semites willassist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semitesshall be our best friends. [7]

Concentration weren‟t the only camps set up by Hitler and the Gestapo. During the 1930‟s, in cooperationwith the German authorities, RothIsm groups organized a network of some 40 camps where prospectivesettlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. The Transfer Agreement between Hitler‟s Germany

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and international RothIsm implemented in 1933 and abandoned at the beginning WWII allowed GermanJews to immigrate to Palestine. [8]

When Lenni Brenner‟s, 51 Documents: RothIsm Collaboration with the Nazis was published the Pro-RothIsm British Jewish central organization wanted Amazon to issue a warning to their customers, "Wehave urged Amazon to acknowledge on the site that this book is of a dangerous and controversial nature.”


Brenner‟s introduction: 

The Nazi era is the most discussed period in history, yet most Jews and others are unaware of theinteraction between RothIsm, Hitler and Mussolini.

What happened to the Jews is constantly utilized in RothIsm propaganda as justification for the creationof the Israeli state, the silver lining around the dark cloud of desolation.

Brenner‟s 51 Documents included a secret memorandum written on June 21, 1933, from the GermanRothIsm Federation to the Nazis, “All German Jewish organizations, it was declared, should bedominated by the RothIsm spirit". In 1941, the "Stern Gang," among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime

Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization (NMO) in Palestine :

The NMO, which is well-acquainted with the goodwill of the German Reich government and its authoritiestowards RothIsm activity … is of the opinion that: the NMO in Palestine, … offers to actively take part inthe war on Germany's side. [10]

In late 1942 RothIsms blocked a proposal from both houses of the British Parliament to evacuate 500,000Jews from Europe, and resettle them in British colonies because Palestine was omitted and later theJewish Agency delegation headed by Golda Meir (Meirson) ignored a German $250 offer to allow Jews toemigrate to other countries.

New York papers on Feb. 16, 1943 report Roumania offered 70,000 Jewish refugees of the Trans-Dniestria to leave at the cost of $50 each. Yitzhak Greenbaum, Chairman of the Rescue Committee of theJewish Agency responded,

NO! and I say again, NO! should resist this wave which pushes the RothIsmactivities to secondary importance. Stephen Wise declared, “No collection of fundswould seem justified.” [10] 

These facts are read with consternation and unbearable shame. How can it beexplained that at a time during the last phase of the war, when the Nazis were willing totrade Jews for money, was it possible that the "Jewish leaders" did not move heaven

and earth to save their brothers? [11]

"Jewish leaders" only moved heaven and earth to save their brothers on the bridge to Palestine.

WWII is over but not for the Palestinians  

The war ended in 1945 and after the bitterest episode in Jewish history the refugees were moved fromConcentration to Displaced Persons camps until the world was willing to give the Holocaust survivors thePalestinian‟s Land. 

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 As the United Nations debated a resolution to divide the Palestinian land, the UN- appointed mediator Count Folke Bernadotte thought the resolution offended

Basic principles to prevent these innocent victims of the conflict [Palestinians were not to blame for theHolocaust] from returning to their homes, while Jewish immigrants flood into Palestine and, what's more,threatening to permanently replace the dispossessed Arab refugees who have been here for centuries.”

He described, "RothIsm pillage on a grand scale and the destruction of [Palestinian] villages withoutapparent military need.

His report (U.N. Document A. 648) was filed on September 16, 1948. The next day Count Bernadotte andhis assistant were assassinated in the part of Jerusalem occupied by the RothIsms. [12]

Finally the British navy attacked the 4,500 Holocaust survivors (“Exodus 1947”) on their way to Palestineand a Rothschild Homeland was a fait accomplis.

On May 14, 1948, the British Mandate over Palestine expired and Rothschild hadestablished the Jewish State, located in the only place in the world that could have aclash of civilizations, Jerusalem.

The Jews return to the “Holy Land” portends Armageddon.  

 Armageddon, the final battle, will come when someone blows up the Dome of the Rock.That magnificent golden domed mosque built on the site of Solomon‟s Temple (the abomination of desolation) is preventing the return of the messiah. Radical Christians and Jews believe Christ will notcome back to earth until the Jews rebuild the Temple.

Should the Dome be demolished, then for the first time in history, thanks to Saddam Hussein when hedestroyed 90 percent of Iraq‟s Wetlands, 200 million people could cross the Euphrates for a holy war inJerusalem. [13]

 A war that will rid the planet of millions of useless eaters.

The Rothschild New World Order only needs 500 million of us for slaves.

Note: This is Part 2 of a series, part 1, The Modern State of Israel: Providence, Miracle, or What ReallyHappened, Part 1 

Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice. 


[1] 4. Cmdr. William Guy Carr: Quoted in Satan: Prince of This World, Albert Pike received a vision, whichhe described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. , 

[2] Shlomo Sand, When and How the Jewish People was Invented, Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe,published in 1976.

[3] Carroll Quigley, Georgetown history professor, wrote the “Balfour Declaration was actually drafted byLord Alfred Milner, a Rothschild employee.” 

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[4] Zionism - the Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman, The Greatest Story Never Told, WinstonChurchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott, pg. 20

[5] Zionism - the Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman, The New York Times, December 8, 1922

[6] Zionism - the Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman, The Greatest Story Never Told, Winston

Churchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott, pg. 20

[7] From the diaries that Theodor Herzl kept between 1895 and 1904 -- Part I, pp. 16

[8] Arad, et al., eds., Documents On the Holocaust (1981), p. 155. (The training kibbutz was at Neuendorf,and may have functioned even after March 1942.) E. Black, The Transfer Agreement (1984), pp. 328, 337.

[9] - May 25, 2005 Board of Deputies of British Jews: "Pragmatic" Nazi-RothIsm Collaboration was OK  

[10] The Iron Wall, London 1984, pp.195-197, The Wall Street Journal December 2, 1976

[11] "The Millions That Could Have Been Saved" by I.Domb, Lucy Dawidovitch, “A Holocaust Reader”, p.155. "THE UNHEEDED CRY", by Rabbi Weissmandl this book describes his witness of the brutal Zionistrole which prevented the rescue of the holocaust victims, The Wall Street Journal December 2, 1976

[12] For the assassination of Count Bernadotte see the report sent to the UN the same day as the attack(17 September 1948) by General A. Lundstrom (who was sitting in Bernadotte's car). See also the bookpublished by the same general for the 20th anniversary of the crime : L'assassinat du Compte Bernadottel,printed in Rome (pub. East. A. Fanelli) in 1970 under the title : 'Un tributo a la memoria del Comte FolkeBernadotte'. Also Ralph Hewins' book : 'Count Bernadotte, his life and work' (Hutchinson, 1948). And inthe Milanese weekly Europa', Baruch Nadel's confessions (quoted in Le Monde, 4 and 5 July 1971).

[13] In 1994, 60 percent of the wetlands were destroyed by Saddam Hussein's regime. They were drainedto permit military access and greater political control of the native Marsh Arabs.

Adolph Hitler: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened, Part 3

May 27th, 2010 

by Robert Singer 

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them

think, they'll hate you."-- Don Marquis

The following Glossary, abbreviations and essay will help the reader understand how onan unemployed High School drop out becomes the Chancellor of Germany.

RothIsm: an organization of Jews who believed the Jewish people needed a nation of their own to escape persecution.

Judaism: Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud.

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RothIsm or Rothschildism: abbreviation for The Zionist movement corrupted and co-opted by The Houseof Rothschild and their agents to advance a New World Order agenda. In 1871 Albert Pike Grand Master of the Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium, received a vision, which he described in aletter dated August 15, 1871 that graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen asnecessary to bring about the One World Order.

The second world war is to be used to forment the controversy between facism and political RothIsm withthe slaughter of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This isdesigned to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds created) and increase the power of political RothIsm.This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of unitedChristendom. [1]

RBZJ: The Rothschild Backed RothIsm Jews, acronym used when referring to anyone connected to or related to the House of Rothschild.

RAGENT: Abbreviation for a Rothschild Agent

The House of Rothschild (the Rothschilds): Global financial empire founded in the late 18th century by adynasty of Khazars, an ancient people from Georgia. [2]

The Rothschilds control a vast portion of the world's wealth and are the hidden hand behind all the social-cataclysms: the French, Russian and American Revolutions; Communism, Capitalism, World Wars andthe Modern State of Israel. The Rothschilds are not the Jews of the bible and do not practice Judaism.

Rothschild‟s secret societies, The Bavarian Illuminati, Order of Perfectibilists, the Skull and Bones are nolonger classified as prehistoric science fiction and have their origins in the ancient religions and the occult:Jesuits, Knights Templar, Rosicrucian‟s, Freemasons and the Kabala. 

The ruling cabal practices satanic rituals and places direct descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimatein the leadership councils everywhere in the world.

Rothschild founded and funded the RothIsm movement to further a New World Order agenda.

Treaty of Versailles 

The second time WWI was over the Allies won with help from the doughboys.

The Treaty of Versailles was the agreement among the winners, the Allies, to decide on how to punishthe losers, the Central Powers. The burden of war reparations clause that required Germany pay £6,600million was decreed by the Rothschild-affiliated Bleichroder Bank of Berlin and was so unfair, that whenthe French leader, Clemenceau, was asked by the press what the leaders had given the world by thetreaty, he said, “We have guaranteed another war in twenty years.” 

The future of the defeated Central Powers was not decided by the Allies but according to Prime Minister 

Lloyd George, “International bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one sideand issued Versailles orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs”. 

Once The Treaty was ratified and the corrupt Weimar government was forced on the German people,Wall Street financiers and the international bankers began the financing of the most destructive war inhistory. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Professor Antony C. Sutton, a distinguished scholar,documents how. Sutton documents the roles played by Max Warburg, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb everyone one connected to the Rothschild global financial empire.

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Prescott Bush, patriarch of two Presidents and connected to the House of Rothschild, was funding Hitler from America, while German soldiers were killing Americans. Bush‟s company was seized under the,“Trading With The Enemy,” Act but the Anti-Defamation League has never criticized the Bush family.

Under Versailles the old Austrian Empire was Balkanized and the corrupt Weimar government forced onthe German people made Hitler‟s rise to power possible. 

Chancellor Adolph

Hitler came on the scene with the Beer Hall Putsch, a march on Berlin, the first in aseries of curious blunders. Hitler, Eric Ludendorff, Hermann Goering and 3,000-armedsupporters of the Nazi Party forget to take control of the radio stations and find the roadto Berlin blocked by the Munich police. When the Nazis refuse to stop the police fire intothe ground and the future Führer throws himself to the ground dislocating his shoulder 

and runs away.

 And in one of those unexplained mysteries, despite the Nazi‟s outnumbering the police, the marchersabandon the Putsch and follow their leader… to jail. 

 After hiding in a friend's house for several days Hitler is arrested and his 5-week trial turns Adolf Hitler intoa national hero.

In prison Hitler is treated as a Chancellor in waiting and it is here, according to the official story, he readsThe International Jew by Henry Ford and is convinced there was a Jewish conspiracy. Hitler then wrote,later corrected to “dictated” the best seller Mein Kamp. His struggle was most likely ghost-written by aJesuit priest, Father Staempfler and his grandfather may have been a Rothschild.

Hansjurgen Koehler in his book, "Inside The Gestapo,"

Maria Anna Schicklgruber, Adolf Hitler's grandmother, "A little servant girl…….came to Vienna andbecame a domestic servant…….at the Rothschild mansion…….and Hitler‟s unknown grandfather must

be probably looked for in this magnificent house


Jews declare war on Germany 

The Reichstag fire in February 27 1933 not unlike the WTC collapse on 9/11 allowedHitler to assume emergency powers to “protect the nation from terrorists.” The special"enabling laws", renamed the Patriot Act in 2001, enabled Hitler and later Bush tosuspend the rights of the people with warrantless spying and invade any sovereigncountry in the world. The fire is blamed on the Jews and the communists.

What is more unusual: on March 24 1933 the RothIsms without consulting Jews in Germany or for that

matter Jews anywhere in the world, “Declare War On Germany” on the front page of the London DailyExpress. We know they did not consult German Jews because since the Emancipation Edict of 1822,Jews were guaranteed all civil rights enjoyed by Germans. You can guess which country offered Jews arefuge from Russia when the Communist coup failed in 1905… Germany. 

We are to believe the Jews persecuted throughout most of history, living in the only country in Europewhich did not place restrictions on Jews, put on their yarmulkes and tefillin and went off to war against theNazi‟s with one-day economic boycott.. which had about the same effect as a fly biting an elephant.

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No one was surprised when Hitler announced a one-day boycott of Jewish-owned shops and directed theGerman government to enact 42 laws restricting the economic and social rights of German Jews.

Many Jews in Germany packed up and left for Palestine while many other Jews wanted to go to America.Unfortunately the door to the U.S., usually open to people fleeing oppression, was suddenly closed aswas just about every other door in the world.

The Munich Agreement 

From the World Book Encyclopedia:

On September 29, 1938, an agreement was signed between Hitler and Great Britain‟s NevilleChamberlain calling for a peaceful revision of the wrongs committed by the Treaty of Versailles that wouldhave avoided Wor ld War II. Hitler said the Sudetland was “the last territorial claim I have to make inEurope.” But German troops invade Poland on Sept 1, 1939, starting World War II. The Munich Agreement was one of the worst of the tragic blunders that led up to the war.

Blunder? Unlikely

World Book scholars neglected to read the November 14, 1938 front page of the Völkischer Beobachter,reporting the death of Vom Rath.

“Reichskristallnacht, Crystal night: cause and effect.” 

The Munich agreement was not signed because Ernst vom Rath was killed when a Polish Jew, HerschelGrynszpan, walked into the German Embassy in France one week earlier and assassinates according tomost historical accounts a “top German” diplomat, as revenge for the expulsion of Herschel‟s parentsfrom Germany to Poland.

Joseph Goebbels suspects a Jewish conspiracy and plans a show trial hoping to demonstrateGrynszpan‟s link with the RothIsms to plunge Europe into a war but the trial is scrapped when Grynszpan

fabricates a story about a homosexual liaison between the junior diplomat and himself.

The wartime court documents reveal Goebbels is correct.

Grynszpan first accosts Count Welczek, the German ambassador, in the street outside the embassy, anddemanded to know "where he could find the ambassador". Count Welczek, sensing trouble, did notidentify himself but helpfully directed the stranger into the First Secretary's office, where the assassin,who was well-heeled with both money and an expensive gun, pumped the bullets into Ernst vom Rath,believing him to be the ambassador. The unemployed illegal immigrant Grynszpan had checked into anexpensive hotel just round the corner from the offices of LICA, the forerunner of the modern RothIsmactivist group LICRA. One of the foremost barristers in Paris is hired by LICA to defend Grynszpan after he was arrested. [3]

People are entitled to draw their own conclusions.

"Crystal night" or the Night of Broken Glass was the “effect”; a pogrom in Nazi Germany that marked thebeginning of the systematic Entfernung of the Jews and served as a prelude to the Holocaust that was tofollow. On a single night, 91 Jews were murdered and 25,000 –30,000 were arrested and deported toconcentration camps.

Doctor Kubovy, from the Tel Aviv "Documentation Center", admitted in 1960 "There is no documentsigned by Hitler, Himmler or Heydrich which speaks of exterminating the Jews... and in 1981, Walter 

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Laqueur, author of The terrible secret , admitted: "Until now, we have never found Hitler's order to destroythe European Jewish community, and in all probability the order was never given." There is no order because Hitler used the term Entfernung of the Jews – removal or expulsion. 

Up until "Crystal night" not enough Jews had not been “re” moved to Palestine.  

September 11, 1939 WWII begins when "economic warfare is forced on Germany”. 

Six days later the Soviet Union invades Poland and when the fighting is over multiple millions areremoved, some permanently and the Jewish race, which was not Entfernung, had formed their own stateand became a powerful force in world politics.

WWII is over but not for the Palestinians  

The war ended in 1945 and after the bitterest episode in Jewish history the refugeeswere moved from Concentration to Displaced Persons camps until the world was willingto give the Holocaust survivors the Palestinian‟s Land. 

 As the United Nations debated a resolution to divide the Palestinian land, the UN- appointed mediator Count Folke Bernadotte thought the resolution offended

Basic principles to prevent these innocent victims of the conflict [Palestinians were not to blame for theHolocaust] from returning to their homes, while Jewish immigrants flood into Palestine and, what's more,threatening to permanently replace the dispossessed Arab refugees who have been here for c enturies.”He described, "RothIsm pillage on a grand scale and the destruction of [Palestinian] villages withoutapparent military need.

His report (U.N. Document A. 648) was filed on September 16, 1948. The next day Count Bernadotte andhis assistant were assassinated in the part of Jerusalem occupied by the RothIsms. [4]

Finally the British navy attacked the 4,500 Holocaust survivors (“Exodus 1947”) on their way to Palestineand a Rothschild Homeland was a fait accomplis.

On May 14, 1948, the British Mandate over Palestine expired and Rothschild had established the JewishState, located in the only place in the world that could have a clash of civilizations, Jerusalem.

The Jews return to the “Holy Land” portends Armageddon.  

 Armageddon, the final battle, will come when someone blows up the Dome of the Rock. That magnificentgolden domed mosque built on the site of Solomon‟s Temple (the abomination of desolation) ispreventing the return of the messiah. Radical Christians and Jews believe Christ will not come back toearth until the Jews rebuild the Temple.

Should the Dome be demolished, then for the first time in history, thanks to Saddam Hussein when hedestroyed 90 percent of Iraq‟s Wetlands, 200 million people could cross the Euphrates for a holy war inJerusalem. [5]

The third world war is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, theremaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual andeconomic exhaustion. [1]

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 A war that will rid the planet of millions of useless eaters.

The Rothschild New World Order only needs 500 million of us for slaves.

Note: This is Part 3 of a 4 part series.

Part 1, The Modern State of Israel: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened, Part 1 

Part 2: World War I, II: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened, Part 2  

Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice. 


[1] 4. Cmdr. William Guy Carr: Quoted in Satan: Prince of This World, Albert Pike received a vision, whichhe described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. , 

[2] Shlomo Sand, When and How the Jewish People was Invented , Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe,published in 1976.

[3] Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich (London, 1996) by David Irving, 

[4] For the assassination of Count Bernadotte see the report sent to the UN the same day as the attack(17 September 1948) by General A. Lundstrom (who was sitting in Bernadotte's car). See also the bookpublished by the same general for the 20th anniversary of the crime : L'assassinat du Compte Bernadottel,printed in Rome (pub. East. A. Fanelli) in 1970 under the title : 'Un tributo a la memoria del Comte FolkeBernadotte'. Also Ralph Hewins' book : 'Count Bernadotte, his life and work' (Hutchinson, 1948). And inthe Milanese weekly Europa', Baruch Nadel's confessions (quoted in Le Monde, 4 and 5 July 1971).

[5] In 1994, 60 percent of the wetlands were destroyed by Saddam Hussein's regime. They were drainedto permit military access and greater political control of the native Marsh Arabs.

How did Hitler lose the war: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened, Part 4

June 4th, 2010 

By Robert Singer 

The following Glossary, abbreviations and essay will help the reader who did not livethrough the Second World War understand a) the pervasive atmosphere of hatredagainst Germans that began in 1933 and b) how Theodor Herzl‟s prophesy, “that withinfifty years there would be a Jewish state”, came true. 

RothIsm: an organization of Jews who believed the Jewish people needed a nation of their own to escape persecution.

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Judaism: Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud.

RothIsm or Rothschildism: abbreviation for The Zionist movement corrupted and co-opted by The Houseof Rothschild and their agents to advance a New World Order agenda. In 1871 Albert Pike Grand Master of the Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium, received a vision, which he described in aletter dated August 15, 1871 that graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as

necessary to bring about the One World Order.

The second world war is to be used to forment the controversy between facism and political RothIsm withthe slaughter of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This isdesigned to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds created) and increase the power of political RothIsm.This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of unitedChristendom. [1]

RBZJ: The Rothschild Backed RothIsm Jews, acronym used when referring to anyone connected to or related to the House of Rothschild.

RAGENT: Abbreviation for a Rothschild Agent

The House of Rothschild (the Rothschilds): Global financial empire founded in the late 18th century by adynasty of Khazars, an ancient people from Georgia. [2]

The Rothschilds control a vast portion of the world's wealth and are the hidden hand behind all the social-cataclysms: the French, Russian and American Revolutions; Communism, Capitalism, World Wars andthe Modern State of Israel. The Rothschilds are not the Jews of the bible and do not practice Judaism.

Rothschild founded and funded the RothIsm movement to further a New World Order agenda.


 Americans who did not live through the Second World War cannot imagine the

pervasive atmosphere of hatred against Germans that began in 1933 -- more than eightyears before the Old Pearl Harbor, the American people were emotionally conditionedto wage war and spare nothing in their effort to kill Germans.

The emerging anti-germanism and the mental image of Germans as arrogant, cruel,treacherous, and brutal helped convict Bruno Hauptmann of the Lindberg Kidnapping.

The March 1, 1932 kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh, Jr., and the sensational "trial of the century" isthought to have been committed by a carpenter who fought against U. S. forces in World War I.

German-born Hauptmann, shy, hardworking, and frugal was called " filthiest vilest snake that ever crawled through the grass" and "public enemy number one of this world". The prosecution's case waslargely circumstantial and he could not have been convicted without the ransom note “obviously” written

by a German struggling with the English language.

After 2-2 days we will inform you were to deliver the Mony. We warn you for making anyding public or for notify the polise the child is in gute care 

Many people believed at the time, New Jersey Gov. Harold Hoffman publicly aired hisdoubts about Hauptmann's guilt, and some people continue to believe--that Hauptmannwas innocent. All attempts to win a confession before and after his conviction provedfruitless. Authorities offered to spare him the death penalty and a newspaper promised

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to give Hauptmann's widow, Anna, and young son $75,000 if he would provide the paper with details of his kidnapping. Still on April 3, 1936 he went to the electric chair insisting he was entirely innocent. [3]

The mass news and entertainment media was the most important single factor behind the U.S. entry intothe Second World War.

World War I was not an easy sell and required a massive government propaganda campaign andWilson‟s Espionage Act that made it a crime to speak against the war effort, incite disloyalty, or encourage men to resist the draft.

New York attorney Samuel Untermeyer, a leader in the RothIsm movement and the man who financedthe Scofield bible on August 6, 1933 spewed a half-hour tirade of hate- propaganda campaign of unprecedented magnitude against the German people on the New York radio station WABC. [4]

But even with the RBZJ and U.S. Government efforts, there were still vocal opponents to launching agenocidal crusade against the Germans in 1941. Aviation hero Charles Lindbergh (his father was avirulent opponent of the Federal Reserve) gave his famous Speech on September 11, “urging Americansto remain against intervention of the European war”. 

How did Hitler lose the war? 

History books acknowledge Hitler‟s invasion of Russia in the winter and letting 335,000 Allied soldiers escape at Dunkirk were blunders that probably cost him the war butPoliakov, in his "Breviaire de la haine" emphasized other absurd contradictions.

After Stalingrad, the Allies were destroying his war production centres and hewas forced emptying his factories to mobilize new soldiers. How could he have been fatallyobsessed with the will to exterminate the Jews, instead of using them, even in inhumanconditions, in his factories?

Hannah Arendt calls it insane and Bevin Alexander in How Hitler Could Have Won World War II:The Fatal Errors That Led To Nazi Defeat writes:

The Nazis turned straightforwardly useless into the harmful when, right in the middle of the war,despite the penury of building materials and of rolling stock, they erected huge and costlyextermination factories and organized the transport of millions of people...the manifestcontradiction between this behavior and military imperatives gives the entire undertaking a mad,chimerical air.

With the chance to cut off the Soviet lifeline of oil, and therefore any hope of Allied victory fromthe east, why did Hitler insist on dividing and weakening his army, which ultimately led to thehorrible battle of Stalingrad?

With the opportunity to drive the British out of Egypt and occupy all of the Middle East, opening aNazi door to the vast oil resources of the region, why did Hitler fail to move in just a few panzer divisions to handle such an easy but crucial maneuver?

Why… Theodor Herzl‟s prophesy that within fifty years there would be a Jewish state would not have

come true.

Thank the Nazi leaders for their inconsistent and insane handling of the war and for the detaileddocumentation and films about the atrocities they left behind: it made it easier to convict them atNuremberg but it also guaranteed the world will “never forget” what happened to the Jews during WWII. 

Images of the holocaust are invoked anytime there is cr iticism of Rothschild‟s Israeli foreign policy. 

WWII is over but not for the Palestinians  

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The war ended in 1945 and after the bitterest episode in Jewish history the refugees were moved fromConcentration to Displaced Persons camps until the world was willing to give the Holocaust survivors thePalestinian‟s Land. 

 As the United Nations debated a resolution to divide the Palestinian land, the UN- appointed mediator Count Folke Bernadotte thought the resolution offended

Basic principles to prevent these innocent victims of the conflict [Palestinians were not to blame for theHolocaust] from returning to their homes, while Jewish immigrants flood into Palestine and, what's more,threatening to permanently replace the dispossessed Arab refugees who have been her e for centuries.”He described, "RothIsm pillage on a grand scale and the destruction of [Palestinian] villages withoutapparent military need.

His report (U.N. Document A. 648) was filed on September 16, 1948. The next day Count Bernadotte andhis assistant were assassinated in the part of Jerusalem occupied by the RothIsms. [5]

Finally the British navy attacked the 4,500 Holocaust survivors (“Exodus 1947”) on their way to Palestineand a Rothschild Homeland was a fait accomplis.

On May 14, 1948, the British Mandate over Palestine expired and Rothschild had established the JewishState, located in the only place in the world that could have a clash of civilizations, Jerusalem.

The Jews return to the “Holy Land” portends Armageddon.  

 Armageddon, the final battle, will come when someone blows up the Dome of the Rock. That magnificentgolden domed mosque built on the site of Solomon‟s Temple (the abomination of desolation) ispreventing the return of the messiah. Radical Christians and Jews believe Christ will not come back toearth until the Jews rebuild the Temple.

Should the Dome be demolished, then for the first time in history, thanks to Saddam Hussein when hedestroyed 90 percent of Iraq‟s Wetlands, 200 million people could cross the Euphrates for a holy wa r in

Jerusalem. [6]

The third world war is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, theremaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual andeconomic exhaustion. [1]

 A war that will rid the planet of millions of useless eaters.

The Rothschild New World Order only needs 500 million of us for slaves.

Note: This is Part 4 of a 4 part series.

Part 1: The Modern State of Israel: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened Part 2: World War I, II: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened Part 3: Part 3: Adolph Hitler: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened 

Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice and The Market Oracle ( 


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[1] 4. Cmdr. William Guy Carr: Quoted in Satan: Prince of This World, Albert Pike received a vision, whichhe described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. , 

[2] Shlomo Sand, When and How the Jewish People was Invented , Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe,published in 1976.

[3] The Hoffman Case, Time Magazine, Monday, Apr. 13, 1936,,9171,755961-1,00.html  

[4] The New York Times, Monday, August 7, 1933, Two sources for the Text of Untermeyer's Address ,  

[5] For the assassination of Count Bernadotte see the report sent to the UN the same day as the attack(17 September 1948) by General A. Lundstrom (who was sitting in Bernadotte's car). See also the bookpublished by the same general for the 20th anniversary of the crime : L'assassinat du Compte Bernadottel,

printed in Rome (pub. East. A. Fanelli) in 1970 under the title : 'Un tributo a la memoria del Comte FolkeBernadotte'. Also Ralph Hewins' book : 'Count Bernadotte, his life and work' (Hutchinson, 1948). And inthe Milanese weekly Europa', Baruch Nadel's confessions (quoted in Le Monde, 4 and 5 July 1971).

[6] In 1994, 60 percent of the wetlands were destroyed by Saddam Hussein's regime. They were drainedto permit military access and greater political control of the native Marsh Arabs.

The War to End All Wars: Providence, Pointless Tragedy or What Really Happened

June 8th, 2010 

By Robert Singer 

[War and the Modern State of Israel seem to be “hot topics” on the Internet. However, it is my belief that I am the only one that connects two World Wars, the Balfour Declaration and the Holocaust to  (The Key to the Secret of the Universe).]

The First World War: A Modern View 

Thanks partly to a generation of war poets who recorded the horrors of the war and a generation of historians who castigated the Allied high command for their decisions and „waste of life‟ (Allied soldiersbeing the 'Lions led by Donkeys'), the war is generally viewed as a pointless tragedy.  

The War to End all Wars, according to Churchill, would have ended in 1917 if the U.S. had not enteredthe war.

“The mood in London was bleakly pessimistic in early 1917. The blood -drenched Battle of the Somme,from July to November 1916, had proved that France and Britain could not defeat Germany without As Winston Churchill later wrote, Britain was so close to defeat that any straw had to be grasped.” [1]  

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History goes on to record the losers were about to accept a simple status quo and end of the war, with nopunitive conditions when France and Britain were approached with an offer they should have refused. [2]

“The deal entailed that if the Zionist-led international banking cartel could arrange Britain's victory, wouldGreat Britain support a Zionist state later on when the right conditions presented themselves. GreatBritain agreed to these terms, and as their part of the deal, the Zionist bankers would get the United

States of America into the conflict and reverse the obvious outc ome.” [3] 

Great Britain agreed to these terms and the famous Balfour Declaration was their part of the deal, so thatthey could “reverse the obvious outcome.” [4]. 

The 1974 World Book Encyclopedia contradicts Churchill and acknowledges the military situation was inthe Allies favor [5] and claims the U.S. entered the war because the British intercepted a message inJanuary 1917 from Germany to Mexico asking for an alliance in case of war.

Churchill‟s Statements are Disinformation 

Disinformation is deliberately misleading information announced publicly or leaked by a government,intelligence agency or other entity for the purpose of influencing opinions or perceptions. Unlike

misinformation, which is also a form of wrong information, in this case Churchill intended to sow confusionand deceive the public.

To fully understand this pointless tragedy and how the Battle of the Somme lead to the creation of theState of Israel requires we engage in a little historical revisionism (HR).

HR is the tradition begun by such distinguished historians as Harry Elmer Barnes, A.J.P. Taylor, CharlesTansill, Paul Rassinier and William H. Chamberlin and continues at The Institute for Historical Review(IHR).

I contacted The Institute's director, Mark Weber by telephone.

Mark is a historian, lecturer, current affairs analyst and author. He holds a master's degree in modernEuropean history from Indiana University.

I offered a donation to acknowledge his work in bringing “history in accord with the facts” and offered himmy Modern State of Israel series of articles.

I pointed out the absurdity of the official World War stories:

WW I leading directly to WW II without stopping at the Versailles treaty began when three members of theBlack Hand secret society envisioned the death of an Archduke as the key that would unlock the shacklesof their people to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The Serbian government knew of the plot to kill the Archduke and gave instructions for the men to bearrested and the Black Hander was told to abort the mission but inexplicably neither order was carried out.

Then a fanatical dictator, financed by George H.W. Bush‟s father, failed in his attempt to take over theworld but was ultimately successful in the Entfernung (removal or expulsion) of the Jews. [6]

My series resolves all of the anomalies of two World Wars and the Holocaust and makes a connectionthat just about every historian has missed: [7]

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The Scofield Bible, World War I, World War II and the Holocaust were an Illuminati conspiracy to createthe Modern State of Israel and ensure the Jews arrived in Palestine not in 1946 or 1950 but in 1948 . [8]

IHR has been unjustly accused of being the "world's leading Holocaust denial organization” with links toneo-Nazi organizations, and that its primary purpose is to disseminate views denying key facts of Nazismand the genocide of Jews and others. [9]

Holocaust denial movement should really be labeled “The Six Million That Didn‟t Die.” 

IHR and others, labeled Holocaust deniers, are not saying that hundreds of thousands of Jews were notkilled and otherwise perished during the Second World War as a direct and indirect result of the harshanti-Jewish policies of Germany and its allies.

What Mark and the 'revisionist scholars' such as Faurisson, Butz 'and best selling British historian DavidIrving are saying is that there is no evidence for the systematic extermination of six to eight million Jews inconcentration camps.

Mark realizes the six million figure was a systematic distortion of history that allows Israel, over the last 50years, to violate international law and avoid punishment for its repeated acts of military aggression

against the Arab states and the Palestinians. [10]

We both want to expose the “real” power behind that distortion, the "Jewish (Khazar)-Zionist (Illuminati)conspiracy", but his goal is to end the reign of "Jewish-Zionist power" for the “sake of our nation andhumankind” and mine is for the sake of Mother -Earth (Gaea).

Mark had a number of comments/critiques of my 4 part series on the Modern State of Israel. He admittedhe might be nit-picking but thought my outrageous statements required especially rigorous proof. Hereare three of his comments (more later):

1. Theodor Herzl‟s famous quote, “there would be a Jewish State within fifty years” wasn‟t propheticbecause Herzl made a lot of predictions that didn‟t come true (I can only find one, his prophecy of 

an end to anti-Semitism went unfulfilled). [11]2. My definitions of Zionism: an organization of Jews who believed the Jewish people needed anation of their own to escape persecution and Judaism: Jews collectively who practice a religionbased on the Torah and the Talmud were not clear because “Zionism” is a movement andideology not an organization and that “Judaism” is a religion not a collective. He highlights theenigma of Judaism: religion , a race , a culture or a nation.

3. “How Rothschild could be sure Germany would win World War I the first time” which led to theBalfour declaration.

“How Rothschild could be sure Germany would win World War I the first time” is a trick question. 

Mark will admit to the Balfour Declaration conspiracy:

Samuel Untermeyer blackmails Wilson with Mary Peck‟s love letters in order to get Louis DembitzBrandeis, the most politically influential of all Zionists in the United States appointed to the SupremeCourt. Brandeis volunteered his opinion that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in theEnglish Channel justified the declaration of war against Germany. [12]

 And he knows the Allies could have defeated Germany without grasping at the straw in the United Statesbefore, during, and after the battle of the Somme.

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Therefore Mark knows the Germans didn‟t win the battle of the Somme, the British went into the tank (punintended) and took a dive.

How Rothschild could be sure of the outcome of the Battle of the Somme?

"...lumbering slowly towards us came three huge mechanical monsters such as we had never seen


Simple, the Rothschilds, the hidden hand behind the belligerents in every conflict, operate out of their headquarters in the square-mile sovereign state in the heart of greater London, only deployed the tank inlimited numbers in 1916. [13]

Why didn‟t the Rothschilds use tanks in greater numbers until after the U.S. entered the war? 

 Answer: Because the Jews would not have arrived in Haifa in 1948 . The Key to the Secret of theUniverse, Part 2 

Note: This is Part 5 of a seriesPart 1: The Modern State of Israel: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened Part 2: World War I, II: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened Part 3:  Adolph Hitler: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened Part 4: How did Hitler lose the war: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened 

Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice and The Market Oracle ( 


[1] So Zionist claims of influence in America, surely exaggerated, looked enticing enough for Britain to actupon. Zionism - the Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman,

[2] Ted Lang‟s The Zionist Connection - An Unholy Tripartite.

1916 - July 1-November 18- the battle in Somme causes 1 million deaths, and no strategic gain.Things look bleak for the allies at this point in the war. 

“Germany won World War I. The war was over, but prior to an acceptance of Germany's offer of a simplestatus quo ante end to the war with no punitive, attendant conditions for the losers, namely Great Britainand France, the international banking community, through its Zionist representatives, approached theBritish, desperate to win the war, and offered Britain a deal.The deal entailed that if the Zionist-led international banking cartel could arrange Britain's victory, wouldGreat Britain support a Zionist state later on when the right conditions presented themselves? GreatBritain agreed to these terms, and as their part of the deal, the Zionist bankers would get the UnitedStates of America into the conflict and reverse the obvious outcome.” 

Ted Lang‟s The Zionist Connection needs the following documentation about the Battle of the Sommeand the details of Wilson‟s May 27, 1916 speech, where he expressed the hope that "peace was close athand" to be complete.

 At first, President Wilson used every means at the disposal of a neutral power to offer his good offices tothe belligerents. However, "his efforts met with no success. In fact, it increased bitterness, and broughtabout an extended use of propaganda upon both sides."2 In 1915, American aloofness and neutrality

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were sorely tried both by Allied control of the sea lanes (which adversely affected foreign trade), and bythe sinking, in May, of the British passenger ship, the Lusitania, by a German submarine. Many Americans were among those who lost their lives. This incident, as well as submarine warfare in general,brought the United States close to breaking with the Central Powers. The crisis subsided when the Central Powers pledged in May 1916 to restrict submarine warfare (before the battle of Somme they weretrying to end the war). As American awareness of the war was growing in the Presidential election year of 1916, the President stepped up his peace efforts. On May 27, 1916, Wilson gave a speech in Washingtonat a rally held by the League to Enforce Peace. He expressed the hope that "peace was close at hand"  and implied that the United States was ready to mediate and guarantee it. The League's rally gave President Wilson the opportunity to state his views regarding the postwar settlement.3 One of the ideas he espoused was "the right of every people to choose its sovereignaffiliation."4 Wilson also suggested that in order to assure the freedom of the seas and to prevent futurewars, "universal association of nations" should be formed. The President hoped in vain that his initiativewould be followed by a similar British move.

[3] The Greatest Story Never Told, Winston Churchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott, pg. 20

[4] The Balfour Declaration was not a declaration or public statement but a letter drafted by Lord Alfred

Milner, a Rothschild employee to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild.” Carroll Quigley, Georgetown historyprofessor.

[5] Though Germany turned out to be the Central Power most involved in the war, there is little or noevidence that the Germans had planned for war.

Manpower - The greater population of the Allied countries gave them a distinct advantage over theCentral Powers in the mobilization of manpower.

Mobilized Manpower Of Belligerents (in 1916 before the United States 4,355,000, Romania 750,000,Greece 230,000 Portugal 100,000enter the war):

The Allies (Russia, Britain, France) = 36,754,000

Central Powers (Germany and Austria-Hungary) = 22,850,000

source: Grolier’s Online Encyclopedia Americana 

Naval Power (1914) - Great Britain was the greatest naval power in the world, Germany was a distantsecond.

Commercial shipping (1914) - The Allies had a decisive advantage. Moreover, whereas Alliedcommercial shipping was free to roam the oceans but that of the Central Powers was restricted by the Allied blockade to inland waters under their control.Battle Conditions 1915 - The situation at the beginning of 1915 was definitely not in Germany's favor.

The western front showed 90 German divisions against 108.5 Allied. On the eastern front, there were78.5 German divisions against 93.5 Russian.

Poison Gas The Germans tried to gain a decisive advantage by the employment of poison gas but theproblems with its deployment became apparent after the Second Battle of Ypres in 1915.Countermeasures were soon developed, and though both sides employed gas occasionally throughoutthe war, its use had only nuisance value.

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Bibliography for Footnote [5] 1. Holborn, Hajo. A History of Modern Germany 1840-1945 . New York:

Knopf, 1969, p.4152. Holborn, Hajo. A History of Modern Germany 1840-1945 . New York: Knopf, 1969,

p.4223. Ryder, A. J. Twentieth Century Germany From Bismarck to Brandt . New York: Columbia

University Press, 1973, p. 1154. Holborn, Hajo. A History of Modern Germany 1840-1945 . New York:

Knopf, 1969, p.4345. Ryder, A. J. Twentieth Century Germany From Bismarck to Brandt . New York:

Columbia University Press, 1973, p. 1544. Holborn, Hajo. A History of Modern Germany 1840-1945 .

New York: Knopf, 1969, p.506

[6] Doctor Kubovy, from the Tel Aviv "Documentation Center", admitted in 1960 "There is no documentsigned by Hitler, Himmler or Heydrich which speaks of exterminating the Jews... and in 1981, Walter Laqueur, author of The terrible secret , admitted: "Until now, we have never found Hitler's order to destroythe European Jewish community, and in all probability the order was never given." There is no order because Hitler used the term Entfernung of the Jews – removal or expulsion. 

[7] Some of the most important events in the twentieth century took years to accomplish, while otherstook only minutes. Twentieth century history is made up of both the large and the small events thatshaped it, however Jennifer Rosenberg‟s 20th Century History Guide does not include the creation of theState of Israel.

Designed for students, “Events That Changed the World in the Twentieth Century”, Edited by Frank W.Thackeray and John E. Findling is a unique resource that offers detailed descriptions and expert analysisof the 20th century's most important events: World War I, the Russian Revolution, the Rise of Fascism,the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, the Chinese Revolution, the end of Colonialism andthe Rise of the Third World, European unification, and the collapse of the Soviet union.

The creation of the State of Israel is not among the Events That Changed the World in the TwentiethCentury.

In response to an inquiry from a Vassar College student publication, B.W. Van Norden wrote his opinionof “The Ten Most Important People of the 20th Century.” 

His criteria for inclusion were how many people were influenced, and to how great an extent, by theevent(s) associated with this person and would the event(s) associated with this person not haveoccurred, or would they have happened in a significantly different way, had this person not existed?

* Adolph Hitler: WWII and the Holocaust are central events of this century. He does not consider thecreation of the State of Israel a central event of this century.

[8] 'Jewish Soap' and Auschwitz: Myths and Facts by Mark Weber document the “unknown holocaust” -- a“horrible era of destruction, looting, starvation, rape, „ethnic cleansing,‟ and mass killing” in which somethree million Germans died unnecessarily after the official end of the war in 1945 -- about two millioncivilians, mostly women, children and elderly, and about one million prisoners of war.

This “`unknown holocaust‟ of non-Jews,” he said, “is essentially ignored not because the facts aredisputed or unknown, but rather because this reality does not fit well with the Judeo-centric view of history(six million died in concentration camps) that is all but obligatory in our society, a view of the past thatreflects the Jewish-Zionist hold on our cultural and educational life.” 

[9] In January 2009, Weber, the IHR's director, released an essay titled, "How Relevant Is HolocaustRevisionism?"

In it he noted that Holocaust denial had attr acted little support over the years: "It‟s gotten some support inIran, or places like that, but as far as I know, there is no history department supporting writing by these

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folks." Accordingly, he recommended that emphasis be placed instead on opposing "Jewish-Zionistpower", which some commentators claim is a shift to a directly antisemitic position.

[10] THE NUREMBERG TRIALS The story of the Six Million was given judicial authority at theNuremberg Trials of German leaders between 1945 and 1949, proceedings which proved to be the mostdisgraceful legal farce in history. For a far more detailed study of the iniquities of these trials, which as

Field Marshal Montgomery said, made it a crime to lose a war, the reader is referred to the works citedbelow, and particularly to the outstanding book Advance to Barbarism (Nelson, 1953), by thedistinguished English jurist, F. J. P. Veale. From the very outset, the Nuremberg Trials proceeded on thebasis of gross statistical errors. In his speech of indictment on November 20th, 1945.

ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE It should be emphasised straight away that there is not a single document inexistence which proves that the Germans intended to, or carried out, the deliberate murder of Jews. InPoliakov and Wulf‟s Das Dritte Reich und die Juden: Dokumente und Aufsätze  (Berlin, 1955), the mostthat they can assemble are statements extracted after the war from people like Hoettl, Ohlendorf andWisliceny, the latter under torture in a Soviet prison. In the absence of any evidence, therefore, Poliakovis forced to write: “The three or four people chiefly involved in drawing up the plan for total exterminationare dead, and no documents survive.” This seems very convenient. Quite obviously, both the plan andthe “three or four” people are nothing but nebulous assumptions on the part of the writer, and are entirely


[11] Mark didn‟t try the “he was off by one year” because he knew UN Resolution (GA 181) partitionedPalestine in 1947.

[12] Zionism - the Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman, The Greatest Story Never Told, WinstonChurchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott, pg. 20

[Excerpt from Part 2: World War I, II: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened] 

He didn‟t keep us out of war  

Winston Churchill claimed “the U.S. entry in the war cost one million British, French, American, and other lives."

Up to and during the 1916 Presidential campaign The U.S. had no interest in a European adventure evenafter the suspicious sinking of "45,000 tons of live bait”, the Lusitania. 

President Wilson campaigned for re-election with the slogan, "He kept us out of war." Then ninety daysafter beginning his second term, he called upon Congress for a declaration of war in order to "make theworld safe for democracy."

No one was fooled by Wilson‟s mysterious change in position so a massive government propagandacampaign and the Espionage Act were required to sell the war. It was now a crime for Americans tospeak against their government's war effort, incite disloyalty, or encourage men to resist the draft.

J.P. Morgan, Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb and Rothschild‟s financial empire were the power behindthe Federal Income tax, the Federal Reserve, millions of deaths from two world wars and WoodrowWilson‟s political career. [4] Zionism - the Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman, The Greatest StoryNever Told, Winston Churchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott, pg. 20

How Does Samuel Untermeyer Fit Into The Scheme? 

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 Another particularly influential figure promoting Woodrow Wilson was New York attorney SamuelUntermeyer, a leader in the Zionist movement and the man who financed the Scofield bible. Zionism - theHidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman, The New York Times, December 8, 1922

The former "man of peace" pleaded with Congress to declare war against Germany because whenWilson was president of Princeton he had an affair with a married woman, Mary Peck. Shortly after the

inauguration Samuel Untermeyer, attorney and generous contributor to Wilson‟s presidential campaign,contacted Wilson about a breach of promise legal action from his client, Mary Peck.

Untermeyer informed President Wilson that his client was willing to accept $40,000 in lieu of commencinga breach of promise action. Wilson did not have the money and Untermeyer volunteered to pay themoney on the condition that Wilson would appoint to the first vacancy on the United States SupremeCourt a nominee to be recommended by Untermeyer. On June 14, 1916 Louis Dembitz Brandeis, themost politically influential of all Zionists in the United States, on the recommendation of Untermeyer isappointed to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court Justice Brandeis volunteered his opinion to presidentWilson that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English Channel justified thedeclaration of war against Germany. Zionism - the Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman, TheGreatest Story Never Told, Winston Churchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott, pg. 20

 As Samuel Landman, the former secretary of the World Zionist Organization disclosed:

The only way . . . to induce the American president to come into the war (was) to secure the cooperationof Zionist Jews by promising them Palestine, and thus enlist and mobilize the hitherto unsuspectedlypowerful forces of Zionist Jews in America and elsewhere in favor of the Allies on a quid pro quo contractbasis, the Balfour Declaration.

The House of Rothschild and the International Banking community agreed to bring America into the war in exchange for the famous Balfour Declaration. The Balfour Declaration was not a declaration or publicstatement but a letter drafted by Lord Alfred Milner, a Rothschild employee to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild.” Carroll Quigley, Georgetown history professor, wrote the “Balfour Declaration was actuallydrafted by Lord Alfred Milner, a Rothschild employee.” 

[End of footnote 12 and the Excerpt]  

[13] Andrew Hitchcock, author of The History of the House of Rothschild. 

"The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into manyaspects of our daily lives, and are the hidden hand behind all the social cataclysms in history”  

Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton. The World Order by Eustice Mullins, Boring,OR: CPA Book Publisher, 1985. The Power Of The Rothschilds By Fritz Springmeier (Excerpt -Bloodlines of the Illuminati, The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock, 25.

The Battlefield Debut of the Tank was in 1916 and an EyeWitness to History writes:

The new weapon made its battlefield debut on September 15, 1916 when fifty of the machines joined theBattle of the Somme in a third attempt to attack and break through the German defenses. The attackfailed - no breakthrough occurred. Only 35 of the tanks actually took part in the battle. Their presenceshocked the enemy, but their practical impact was minimal due to a lack of effective tactics and numerousmechanical failures. But, the door to the future was opened and the first step taken in the development of a weapon that would dominate the battlefield of future wars.

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