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Page 1: The Nature of Motion Blur - Stanford AI Nature of Motion Blur Abstract The remoalv of motion blur induced

The Nature of Motion Blur


The removal of motion blur induced into images is currently an active �eld of research. The analysis

of motion de-blur algorithms has shown, that they perform di�erently on synthetic and real motion blur.

Therefore we have build an apperatus which allows us to produce pictures with de�ned motion blur induced,

so we can study these possible di�erences. In this paper we focus on clearly visible lines in the spectrum of

synthetically blurred images. We investigate for such lines in real blur images and are able to show their

existence with both blur types. Furthermore we give theoretical reasoning for these lines to appear. Hence

this which is a strong indice that the basic blur model used to generate synthetic blur incoperates some


1 Purpose

Motion Blur is a phenomena encountered in manyapplication. Not only photographers, but also as-tronomers and operators of surveillance cameras arestruggling with distorted images due to motion blur[5]. Several techniques to restore the image alreadyexists, but none of the existing algorithms allowsperfect restoration [5]. The suboptimal results arepartly due to di�erences between the motion blurmodeled and the motion blur encountered in realworld images. Revealing the similarities and dif-ferences hopefully leads to a better understandingof the motion blur phenomena, thus allows to de-sign better algorithms. Therefore a certain aspectof synthetically blurred image is considered here,namely the appearance of of lines in the spectrumof the blurred image.

2 Experimental Observations

Let's take a look at a picture (Figure 1) which gotblurred (synthetically with a known horizontal dis-placement, in this case 10 pixels).

Now the spectrum of both images is generated viaa FFT and both spectra are compared (Figure 2).

Figure 1:Original and synthetically blurred image

The upper row represents the spectrum of the un-blurred, original image whereas the lower row showthe spectrum of the blurred image.

The upper spectra look like random noise and thereseems to be no additional information included inthe picture. Whereas in the spectra of the blurredimage clearly some lines get visible. These lines arevisible at best in the magnitude spectrum, but alsocan be seen in the real or imaginary only spectrum.If we compute the average value of a vertical lineand plot the result (Figure 3), we get a graph wherethe peaks represent the vertical lines in the magni-tude spectrum.


Page 2: The Nature of Motion Blur - Stanford AI Nature of Motion Blur Abstract The remoalv of motion blur induced

Figure 2:Spectra of blurred and non-blurred image

Figure 3:Average magnitude along the horizontal axis of

blurred image

Counting the number of peaks, we �nd 9 peaks,which is about the value of the blur parameter usedto generate this image. If one now considers thatthe peak in the middle is about twice as wide asall the other peaks, we can count it as a doublepeak and therefore get 10 peaks, which is corre-spond to the blur parameter used earlier. We nowassume as a thesis that the number peaks in theintensity graph of the spectrum of an blurred im-age corresponds to blur parameter used during itsgeneration.

Let's see if this holds true for other blur parame-ters. Figure 4 show the intensity graph of picturesblurred using di�erent blur parameters. Countingthe number of peaks, we get values which are round

Figure 4:Spectra of blurred images with di�erent


about the blur parameter, but di�er to a little ex-tend. This is possible due to the little amplitudenear the ends.

Another important issue is, before questioning whythese lines occur is, if our �ndings are not only oftheoretical nature but are also visible in blurred pic-tures taken with a camera. For this purpose we havebuild an experimental setup, which allows to pro-duce blurred images with a de�ned displacement.Furthermore the blurred images should be compa-rable to the synthetically created ones in terms oflinear blur and horizontal-only blur.

Figure 5:Experimental setup

This unit is shown in Figure 5 and comprises acamera unit, a guiding rail and a stepper motor.The camera carriage is accelerated to a constantspeed and the camera takes a photo with a mediumexposure time (around 100ms) to allow signi�cantmotion blur appear in the picture. As a motif acheckerboard structure has been chosen, since this


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allows an easy method for estimating the associatedblur parameters.

Figure 6:Estimating the PSF with real motion blur

An image captured with our experimental setup isshown in Figure 6. From the way we have set upthe capturing process we assume the motion pathof the camera to be linear and uniform in the hor-izontal direction. The �rst assumption is veri�edby looking at the plot shown in Figure 7. The plotdepicts the luminance of the picture, which takenacross the blurred zone (marked with (a) in Figure6). The luminance curve is very close to linearlydecreasing.

Figure 7:Veri�cation of linearity

The second assumption that the motion is only inthe horizontal direction is veri�ed with a secondluminance graph (of region (b)), shown in Figure8. The sharp decay of luminance at the border be-tween the two boxes proves that there is almost

no motion in the vertical direction (otherwise thegraph must look like shown in Figure 7, where thedecay is linear and spread about a signi�cant num-ber of pixels).

Figure 8: Veri�cation of horizontal motion

Measuring the blur area in Figure 7 allows us todirectly infer the length of the PSF (the length hasbeen visualized in Figure 6).

Another picture taken by this unit is shown in Fig-ure 9, which is used to see if your assumption of thecharacteristic spectrum holds true.

Figure 9:Real blur of a checker board structure

Using the same technique as for the synthetic im-age, we can compute the intensity graph (Figure10). Clearly the graph shows much more noise thanthe one of the synthetic blurred images. In this case


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we calculate the period of the peaks, since it is con-stant in the graphs above and we need only a fewpeaks to calculate the total number. The markeddata points show a period between 5 and 6. Thisgives us 21 to 23 peaks which is about the same asthe blur parameter determined earlier.

Figure 10:Spectrum of checker board structure

3 Theoretical Reasoning

Commonly a linear, non-recursive (FIR) is used tomodel the degradation of digital (sampled) imagescaused by motion blur. Let's consider the origi-nal, blur-free M ×N -image f to be convolved witha convolution kernel h, referred to as the PointSpread Function (PSF). Additionally, some noiseis introduced during the capturing process, whichis modeled with the additive noise term n. Hence,the blurred M×N image b, as it is captured by themoving camera, is modeled as

b = h ? f + n (1)

where the symbol ? represents the convolution op-erator.

The most simple form of the PSF consists of twoHeaviside functions, de�ning a rectangular �lter:

h = u(0)− u(a)

with a being the blur parameter or respectivly thelength of the blur zone.

If we consider discrete values, the PSF consists ofa series of Diracs:

h =a∑



It is furthermore known, that a convolution with aDirac is a shifts by the amount the Dirac's argumentof the original function. Assuming no noise (n = 0),the blurred image can be written as

b = h ? f =a∑


δ(k) ? f =

f(x, y)+f(x+1, y)+...+f(x+a, y) =a∑


f(x+k, y)

Clearly the resulting image increased in intensity,which has to be compensated by a factor c = 1

a+1 ,which has been omitted here fore simpli�cation pur-poses.

As we are interested in the spectrum of the blurredimage, we will use the Fourier transformation (FT)F{} to achieve this. Since the FT is a linear oper-ation, we can move the FT-operation into the sum.

F{b} = F{a∑


f(x + k, y)} linearity=


F{f(x + k, y)}

Now let's look at a single, displaced image. Therule of circular displacement allows us, to rewritethe expression in that manner, that it only containsthe original image.

F{f(x + k, y)} = e−j 2πkN · F{f(x, y)}

where N denotes the total Length of the image.Now we make again use of linearity and factor outthe spectrum of the original image:

F{b} =a∑


e−j 2πkN · F{f(x, y)}

Assuming that the spectrum of the motion blur freeimage consists only of random noise, we can neglectits in�uence on the blurred image spectrum. Plot-ting the sum of exponential function yields a graph(Figure 11) which is somewhat similar in its peakstructure to the one of the real blur image. The plothas been shifted by half its width to correspond toMATLAB's way of computing the spectrum. Fur-thermore this graph has been translated into an im-age, with the characteristic line structure. Here it isharder to see the corresponding lines in the real blur


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spectrum, but they can be seen even though theyare dominated by non-equally distributed noise. Wecan infere, since lines are present in both syntheticand real spectrum, convolution is a valid method tomodel motion blur.

Figure 11:Series of exponential functions

4 Conclusion

We have seen that synthetic and real blur seemsto be quite similar in terms of lines in the spec-tra. Thus this can not be a reason for restorationalgorithms to fail miserably on real world pictures.Taking a look at the spectrum of the real blur imagegives a indication that noise might be the reason.In comparison to the synthetic spectrum it com-prises more noise. Furthermore comparison testshave shown increasing restoration problems whennoise is added to the synthetic blur [5]. Hence moreresearch into the noise issue is required.

Furthermore one might be tempted to use the linesappearing in the spectrum to determine the blur pa-rameters [3]. Quick tests on real pictures taken bycameras with long exposure time reveal that the rel-evant motion is much more complex and can there-fore not be identi�ed by just looking at the lines inthe spectra. But only recently new �ndings [1, 2, 4]o�er promising ways to acquire the blur parameters.


[1] M. Ben-Ezra and SK Nayar. Motion deblurringusing hybrid imaging. Computer Vision andPattern Recognition, 2003. Proceedings. 2003IEEE Computer Society Conference on, 1, 2003.

[2] M. Ben-Ezra and S.K. Nayar. Motion-BasedMotion Deblurring. IEEE Transactions onPattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,26(6):689�699, 2004.

[3] MM Chang, AM Tekalp, and AT Erdem. Bluridenti�cation using the bispectrum. SignalProcessing, IEEE Transactions on [see alsoAcoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEETransactions on], 39(10):2323�2325, 1991.

[4] R. Fergus, B. Singh, A. Hertzmann, S.T.Roweis, and W.T. Freeman. Removing camerashake from a single photograph. ACM Transac-tions on Graphics (TOG), 25(3):787�794, 2006.

[5] S. Schuon and K. Diepold. Comparison of Mo-tion Deblur Algorithms and Real World Deploy-ment. Paper on IAC 2006, 2006.