the myerÆs briggs type indicator theory

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  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory


    The Myers Briggs typeThe Myers Briggs type

    indicator theoryindicator theory

    According to this theory individuals are classified asAccording to this theory individuals are classified as

    --Extraverted or introvertedExtraverted or introverted

    --Sensing or IntuitiveSensing or Intuitive--Thinking or feelingThinking or feeling

    --judging or perceivingjudging or perceiving

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory


    Other personality traits relevant toOther personality traits relevant to

    OBOBCore self evaluationCore self evaluation




    Risk takingRisk taking

    Type A and Type B personalityType A and Type B personality

    Proactive personalityProactive personalityHigh flyersHigh flyers

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory


    The big fiveThe big five

    personality modelpersonality model

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory


    The Big 5 Personality ModelThe Big 5 Personality Model



    ConscientiousnessConscientiousness Emotional stabilityEmotional stability

    Openness to experienceOpenness to experience

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory



    Values are broad preferences concerningValues are broad preferences concerningappropriate course of action or outcomes.appropriate course of action or outcomes.

    Value system means hierarchy based on aValue system means hierarchy based on aranking of individuals value in terms of theirranking of individuals value in terms of theirintensityintensity

    Values has content as well as intensity attriibuteValues has content as well as intensity attriibute

    Content attribute says mode of conduct of aContent attribute says mode of conduct of avalue and intensity attribute says how imp it isvalue and intensity attribute says how imp it is

    Sourses of values are parents,teachers,friends. .Sourses of values are parents,teachers,friends. .

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory


    Terminal and instrumental valuesTerminal and instrumental values

    Terminal values are endTerminal values are end states. These are thestates. These are the

    goals a person would like to achieve during hisgoals a person would like to achieve during his

    or her lifetime.or her lifetime. Instrumental values are preferable modes ofInstrumental values are preferable modes of

    behavior or means of achieving ones terminalbehavior or means of achieving ones terminal


  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory


    Major job AttitudesMajor job Attitudes

    Job satisfactionJob satisfaction

    Job involvementJob involvement

    Organizational commitmentOrganizational commitment

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory


    Job involvementJob involvement

    It involves psychological empowermentIt involves psychological empowerment--

    emplyees belief in the degree to which theyemplyees belief in the degree to which they

    affect their work environment,theiraffect their work environment,their

    competence,the meaningfulness of their job,andcompetence,the meaningfulness of their job,and

    their perceived autonomy in their work.their perceived autonomy in their work.

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory


    Organizational commitmentOrganizational commitment

    The degree to which an employee identifies withThe degree to which an employee identifies with

    a particular organization and its goals and wishesa particular organization and its goals and wishes

    to maintain membership in the maintain membership in the organization.

    Affective commitment a belief in itsAffective commitment a belief in its --anan

    emotional attachment to an organization and aemotional attachment to an organization and a

    belief in its values.belief in its values.

    Continuance commitmentContinuance commitment

    Normative commitment.Normative commitment.

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory


    Linking an individuals personalityLinking an individuals personality

    and values to the workplaceand values to the workplace PersonPerson--job fitjob fit

    PersonPerson--organization fit.organization fit.

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory



    Attitudes are evaluative statementsAttitudes are evaluative statements--either favorableeither favorable

    or unfavorableor unfavorable--about objects,people,or events.about objects,people,or events.

    The main components of attitudes areThe main components of attitudes are--Cognitive componentCognitive component

    --Affective componentAffective component

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory



    --Behavioral componentBehavioral component

    Cognitive component is the opinion or beliefCognitive component is the opinion or belief

    segment of an attitude.segment of an attitude.Affective component is the emotional segment ofAffective component is the emotional segment of

    an attitude.

    Behavioral component is an intention to behave inBehavioral component is an intention to behave ina certain way toward someone.a certain way toward someone.

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory


    Job satisfactionJob satisfaction

    Measuring a job satisfactionMeasuring a job satisfaction

    How satisfied are people in the jobHow satisfied are people in the job

    What causes j.s.What causes j.s.

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory





    LoyaltyLoyalty Neglect.Neglect.

  • 8/9/2019 The Myers Briggs type indicator theory


    Impact of job satisfactionImpact of job satisfaction

    On job performanceOn job performance

    On OCBOn OCB

    On customer satisfactionOn customer satisfaction On absenteeismOn absenteeism

    On turnoverOn turnover

    On workplace devianceOn workplace deviance