the much needed resume advice

The Much Needed Resume Advice Open the door of Opportunity

Upload: bezonkarter

Post on 27-Jul-2015




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The Much Needed Resume Advice

Open the door of Opportunity

While looking for a job, one often asks, “How do I make an attention grabbing resume?”

Your natural instinct will be to “google” the web for a solution and find yourself confused with a dizzying array of data

Here it is made easy for you. With a strong backing of extensive research and recruiter insights, we have compiled a list of important tips you will need to know and do while drafting an impressive resume:

One size does not fit all! - The single resume approach won’t make it in today’s competitive market, which continuously demands specialized needs. So, plan and draft many versions of your resume that fit perfectly to the variety of jobs that you are applying for. It is necessary to include ways in which you can immediately add value to the organization you are applying to; this reflects your homework and your passion to be part of that particular organization. Before sending it to the recruiters, make sure that you carefully review your resume and adjust it to contain the key words that the recruiters will be looking.

Unread objective! -  Stop worrying about the objective of the resume. Normally, employers overlook this section. It is very rare that an employer will screen a resume based on an objective. Instead concentrate your efforts on your experience, skills and result driven descriptions.




Prioritize your content! “Space gives you importance”, placing the most important information at the top will grab the employers needed attention. Also, invest more time in writing more information about skills, experience, undertaken projects that are directly related to the applied job.

Keep it simple! Avoid using complicated fonts and designs in your resume. With such complications, the chances of your resume being read effectively minimize because, the application tracking system of the company or the third party website cannot decipher elaborate fonts and complicated designs.

Prove yourself! It is not as difficult as it sounds nor impossible. We work in a metrics driven world and quantifying your work will easily prove your point. Instead of plainly saying that you increased the sales or contributed to the marketing activities, support it with quantifiable data whenever possible

Check, recheck! One spelling mistake, inaccuracy or an alignment error can cost you second look or even rejection. Proof read your resume for grammar, spelling mistakes etc.

Size matters! Long resumes need time and patience which employers don’t have. Keep the resume one or two pages. If it exceeds more than a page, mention your name and email id on every page and do your best for the employer to keep on reading!