the mu story: how a maverick phage moved the field forwardmove/transpose. mu provided the first...

The Mu story: how a maverick phage moved the field forward Harshey Harshey Mobile DNA 2012, 3:21

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  • The Mu story: how a maverick phage moved thefield forwardHarshey

    Harshey Mobile DNA 2012, 3:21

  • Harshey Mobile DNA 2012, 3:21

    REVIEW Open Access

    The Mu story: how a maverick phage moved thefield forwardRasika M Harshey


    This article traces the pioneering contributions of phage Mu to our current knowledge of how movable elementsmove/transpose. Mu provided the first molecular evidence of insertion elements in E. coli, postulated by McClintockto control gene activity in maize in the pre-DNA era. An early Mu-based model successfully explained all the DNArearrangements associated with transposition, providing a blueprint for navigating the deluge of accumulatingreports on transposable element activity. Amplification of the Mu genome via transposition meant that itstransposition frequencies were orders of magnitude greater than any rival, so it was only natural that the firstin vitro system for transposition was established for Mu. These experiments unraveled the chemistry of thephosphoryl transfer reaction of transposition, and shed light on the nucleoprotein complexes within which theyoccur. They hastened a similar analysis of other transposons and ushered in the structural era where manytranspososomes were crystallized. While it was a lucky break that the mechanism of HIV DNA integration turnedout to be similar to that of Mu, it is no accident that current drugs for HIV integrase inhibitors owe their discoveryto trailblazing experiments done with Mu. Shining the light on how movable elements restructure genomes, Muhas also given of itself generously to understanding the genome.

    Keywords: Historical significance of Mu, Mu DNA transposition, Shapiro model, Phosphoryl transfer, Transpososomestructure, HIV integrase inhibitors

    ReviewThe birth of a journal devoted solely to mobile geneticelements highlights their explosive presence on thegenomic scene. With nearly half of our own genomesmade up of these elements and with half a century ofaccumulated knowledge about their workings, it is onlya matter of time before answers to questions about theirorigin, mechanism of movement, habitat preferences, in-fluence on genome structure and gene regulation, as wellas their impact on disease, are fully at hand. The moredifficult questions are how these elements contribute toevolution at the level of the organism and whether weowe them our very existence [1].How did we journey from the lone observations of

    Barbara McClintock in maize, to witnessing the stunningbounty of these elements throughout the biologicalworld? What twists and turns brought us here? Nodoubt the stories are many [2], but to me, none more

    Correspondence: [email protected] of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology and Institute of Cellular andMolecular Biology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA

    © 2012 Harshey; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.Commons Attribution License (http://creativecreproduction in any medium, provided the or

    exciting than the story of Mu, a bacteriophage that sincethe beginning has had a seat at the head of the table ofthis moveable feast. In this Mu-centric perspective, thefocus will be squarely on big ideas born from Mu whoseripple effects were transformative.

    Finding MuThere is a tide in the affairs of men,Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;Omitted, all the voyage of their lifeIs bound in shallows and in miseries.On such a full sea are we now afloat.And we must take the current when it serves,Or lose our ventures.

    William Shakespeare (in Julius Caesar)

    Mu was accidentally isolated by Larry Taylor duringhis graduate studies in Edward Adelberg’s lab at UCBerkeley in the late 1950s, while he was attempting aphage P1 transduction into an Hfr strain. During testsfor P1 lysogeny in the resulting transductants, he found

    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andiginal work is properly cited.

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  • Figure 1 Electron micrographs of purified Mu phage particles.This image is reproduced with permission from Martha Howe [4].

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    that they released a phage that was not P1. It sohappened that the E. coli K12 Hfr strain he was usingwas the only strain in Adelberg’s stocks that was lyso-genic for Mu. Had he not used this strain, Mu mightnever have been discovered. The discovery of the newphage, however, was not in and of itself particularlynoteworthy; it became so when this phage was found tocause mutations.Taylor moved to Milislav Demerec’s lab at the

    Brookhaven National Laboratory and was setting upsome Hfr x F- genetic crosses. The presence of the newphage in the Hfr donor raised a problem of zygoticinduction in the recipient. He solved this problem bylysogenizing the recipient strains with the new phage.He spotted the phage on lawns of these strains, which hadmultiple auxotrophic markers to begin with, picked about100 colonies from among the survivors of phage infectionand carefully checked for all the markers in the strain. Heobserved that one of the colonies had acquired a newnutritional marker. He disregarded this mutant as a fluke.In the next experiment he again found a colony that hadacquired a different nutritional marker. His interest nowpiqued, Taylor set out to see whether the phage wascausing these mutations, and was soon able to show thatthe nutritional requirements of phage-induced mutantswere as varied as those encountered in mutagen-treatedbacteria. So he christened the phage ‘Mu’ for mutator. Ingenetic crosses, he showed that the mutations wereinseparable from the prophage, that is, the mutations werecaused by the physical presence of the prophage Mu atthe affected loci. In the paper reporting this discoveryTaylor wrote, “Phage Mu’s dual ability to occupy manychromosomal sites and to suppress the phenotypic expres-sion of genes with which it becomes associated resemblesthe ‘controlling elements’ of maize more closely than anypreviously described bacterial episome” [3]. This papernever fails to thrill me as a wonderful example of acompletely unprepared discovery by a fully preparedmind (Figure 1).

    Significant Mu discoveries in the 1970sThe precedent for insertion mutations established withMu influenced interpretation of the curious propertiesof pleiotropic mutations in the gal operon of E. coli,whose reversion patterns were inconsistent with thoseof point mutations, leading eventually to the recognitionthat they were insertions of Insertion Sequence (IS)elements [5].Around this time (late 1960s), Ahmad Bukhari, a

    graduate student in Larry Taylor’s lab at the Universityof Colorado, began using Mu as a mutagen for experi-ments related to the biosynthesis of cell wall componentsin E. coli. Fascinated by its properties, Bukhari took Muwith him to Cold Spring Harbor when he established his

    own laboratory there in 1972. Mu soon became the focalpoint of his work, which had a far-reaching impact onresearch into movable elements. At Cold Spring Harbor,Bukhari also came face to face with Barbara McClintock,whose work was vital to his thinking [6]. The first ofBukhari’s many pioneering contributions was the de-monstration that Mu could insert randomly at many siteswithin a single bacterial gene [7]. In a monumental pieceof work, he showed that these insertions were extremelystable [8]. On the rare occasions that they reverted,restoration of gene activity was accompanied by excisionof the integrated prophage, a formal proof that Mu inte-gration and excision could occur without damaging thetarget DNA sequences. This also meant that there was aspecific mechanism for the recognition of Mu ends, dis-tinguishing them from host DNA. Demonstrations forother transposable elements soon followed and the similarbehavior of Mu, IS sequences and other transposonscarrying a variety of drug resistances (Tn elements), wasthe stimulus for a meeting co-organized by Bukhari, JimShapiro and Sankar Adhya in 1977, and credited withbeing pivotal in accelerating research into these elements[9]. This meeting marked the transition point from theidea of a static and unchanging genome to that of adynamic and mobile one.

  • Figure 2 Shapiro model for transposition of Mu and otherelements. Taken from [12]. The original legend for this figure readsas follows: “Transposition and replication. The top cartoon illustrateshow various DNA regions may be brought into close physicalproximity for the subsequent cleavage and ligation events. Thebottom four drawings show various steps in the transpositionprocess as described in the text. Solid lines indicate donor DNA;dashed lines indicate target DNA; the heavy bars are parental DNAof the transposable element, and open bars are newly synthesizedDNA; the small boxes indicate the oligonucleotide target sequence(filled, parental DNA; open, newly synthesized DNA). The arrowheadsindicate 3’-hydroxyl ends of DNA chains and the dots indicate 5’-phosphate ends. The letters a, b, c and d in the duplex arms flankingthe transposable elements and target oligonucleotide serve toindicate the genetic structure of the various duplex products.” Thisfigure is reproduced with permission from James Shapiro.

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    The effort now shifted to thinking about how transpo-sable elements move through the genome independent ofDNA sequence homology. Clues about mechanism beganemerging from accumulating reports of shared chromo-somal aberrations - deletions, inversions, replicon fusions -mediated by Mu, IS and Tn elements. Two Mu papersplayed a critical role in showing that Mu did not excise dur-ing transposition, but rather duplicated itself while joiningunrelated DNA segments together. The first was a paper byLjungquist and Bukhari, who induced a Mu prophage toenter into lytic growth and then followed the fate of theprophage-host DNA junctions for the next 30 minutesusing the emerging technology of restriction analysis andSouthern DNA hybridization [10]. Unlike the control λprophage, whose original λ-host junctions disappeared soonafter induction, consistent with its physical excision, theoriginal Mu-host junctions remained intact late into thelytic cycle, concomitant with the appearance of manynew Mu-host junctions. Because Mu was replicatingduring this time, it was apparent that Mu could move tonew sites without leaving its original location. The sec-ond seminal paper was by Michel Faelen and ArianneToussaint, who showed that Mu can join unrelatedDNA segments, duplicating itself in the process [11].The non-excisive, concerted replication-integrationmechanism for Mu transposition suggested by thesestudies served as the archetype for many subsequenttransposition models.

    Mu and the Shapiro model for replicative transpositionIn 1979, Jim Shapiro proposed an elegant and parsimo-nious model for transposition [12] (Figure 2). The modelrelied heavily on observations made with Mu, particu-larly the Faelen-Toussaint finding of replicon fusionsbordered by Mu copies (also observed for Tn3 and IS1),and the puzzling Ljungquist-Bukhari finding that Mucould replicate its genome without excising from its ori-ginal location. Shapiro postulated four specific singlestrand cleavages, two within each end of the donor andtwo within the target. Those in the target were stag-gered, as first proposed by Grindley and Sherratt to ex-plain target site duplications associated with IS elementtransposition [13]. The single strands in the donor werethen ligated to those in the target to create a jointmolecule, which we now refer to as the ‘Shapiro inter-mediate’, so resoundingly has the model been verified forMu. This intermediate created two replication forks ateach joint, explaining nicely how Mu transposition andreplication could be coupled, and how the Mu replicacould simply peel off the original site without Muexcision. The model was strengthened by being able tooffer a simple explanation for inversions and deletions oftarget markers that were always found linked to a copyof the transposon: alternate polarities of the strand

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    joining event would lead to these alternate rearrange-ments. The model also suggested why transposableelements would likely not have an autonomous existence- a striking feature of Mu virions where each particle hasa Mu genome buried within host DNA. The model pos-tulated all reactions to be limited to local regions, withno need for base pairing at the site of insertion. Thiswould be the first example of non-homologous, illegi-timate, yet somewhat site-specific recombination. Now,30 years later, a survey of transposons and transpositionmechanisms shows a multitude of different ways ofmovement, which do not always go through the Shapirointermediate. But the reaction always initiates withdonor cleavage, whether single or double stranded, andalways ends in these strands joining to the target, withor without intervening steps of hairpin formation orreplication (see [14]).

    The biochemical eraGeorge Chaconas and I were post-docs in AhmadBukhari’s lab in the early 1980s, where we constructedmini-Mu plasmids and showed that their transpositionbehavior in vivo was true to that of their Mu parent[15]. We intended to use these convenient substrates toset up in vitro transposition reactions in our own labs,when we were blindsided by Kiyoshi Mizuuchi, who hadbeen studying the biochemistry of phage λ integrativerecombination, and who published the first successfulprotocol for observing transposition in vitro using mini-Mu plasmids [16]. A decade of brilliant experiments fromthe Mizuuchi group, using either mini-Mu plasmids orMu end oligonucleotides as donor substrates, laid thefoundation for our current knowledge of transpositionmechanisms. They revealed the reaction chemistry to betransposase-mediated hydrolysis of a specific phospho-diester bond between each Mu end and its flanking DNA,exposing 3’-OH ends, which then attack target DNA atstaggered positions 5 bp apart. Both these steps involvemetal-ion mediated activation of nucleophiles - water inthe first step and the free 3’-OHs of DNA in the secondstep – and are direct phosphoryl transfer reactions that donot involve covalent protein-DNA intermediates [17]. TheMu experiments were torchbearers for establishing in vitroreactions for other transposable elements (Tn10, Tn7, Tn5,P elements, retroviral elements, VDJ recombination), andit became clear that while details varied, they all sharedsimilar phosphoryl transfer chemistry (see [2]) (Figure 3).Three important papers contributed to understanding

    the Mu reaction in the context of a higher-order nucleo-protein assembly. The first was the elucidation of thedomain organization of the transposase MuA protein[18], which helped in assigning specific functions to eachdomain, ultimately paving the way for use of thesedomains in structural studies. The other two papers

    came from George Chaconas’s lab, which trapped ‘trans-pososomes’ in the act of cleavage or strand transfer [19].A hallmark of the transpososomes is their extraordinarystability, with a catalytic core comprised of a tetramer[20]. These studies facilitated separation of uncleaved,cleaved and strand transfer complexes on agarose gels,greatly expediting the analysis of various cis and transfactor requirements for each step of the reaction. Thecomplexes get progressively more stable as the reactionproceeds, a feature apparently designed to progressivelyrearrange the reacting components and prevent chemicalreversal of the reaction. Similar multi-subunit complexesand stabilities have been observed for many transposo-somes (see [2]).Another trio of Mu papers established that only two

    subunits in the multi-subunit MuA transpososome wereresponsible for catalysis, and that these subunits act intrans, ensuring that the reaction was not initiated untilboth ends were paired and all the players were in place[21-23]. These studies were aided by the use of oligo-nucleotide substrates that could be preloaded withdesired catalytic mutants, or isolation of altered specifi-city variants of MuA that could be directed to specificbinding sites. The trans feature of transposase-mediatedcatalysis is also proving to be widespread among mobileelements [24-27].

    Mu, HIV and the structural eraHIV arrived on the scene in the early 1980s, at a timewhen avian and murine retroviruses were being activelystudied. The resemblance of Long Terminal Repeat(LTR) sequences at the ends of retroviral DNA to thoseat the ends of transposable elements, and their ability tointegrate and cause duplications at the site of insertion,had immediately suggested that these were similar toinsertion elements (see 1981 Cold Spring Harbor sympo-sium volumes). Several labs set up in vitro integrationreactions and identified the integrase (IN) to be respon-sible. A comparison of a large number of retroviral INs,prokaryotic and eukaryotic transposases as well as theRAG recombinase involved in immunoglobulin VDJrearrangements, led to identification of conserved D,D(35)E motifs that were shown to be important forintegration; these residues coordinate the metal ionsrequired for nucleophile activation [28]. Although MuAdid not readily show up in this analysis, it was later alsoshown to belong to the DDE family of transposases.The similarities between the phosphoryl transfer steps

    of Mu and HIV integration are remarkable, both occur-ring by a one-step mechanism without involvement of acovalent protein-DNA intermediate [29]. Both Mu andHIV have a conserved CA dinucleotide at each end atwhich cleavage occurs, and both transposase/integraseproteins cut the target in a 5 bp stagger. Both MuA and

  • Figure 3 A multitude of transposition mechanisms. For details, see [14]. This figure is reproduced with permission from the Nature Publishing Group.

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    retroviral integrases are organized in three independentlyfolding domains, with the central domain containing thecatalytic DDE residues. The catalytic core domains of bothMuA and retroviral integrases were the first to be crystal-lized and showed a striking similarity in their active sitesand overall RNase H structural fold [30-33] (Figure 4).Despite the early success with crystallizing catalyticdomains of these proteins, a structure of their transposo-somes eluded crystallization. The first such structureobtained was that for Tn5 [26], and a decade later thosefor the IS200/IS605 family and Drosophila Mos1 elements[24,25]. All three structures are dimers. They show atrans arrangement of catalytic subunits, as first func-tionally demonstrated for MuA. The highly interwovenprotein-DNA and protein-protein contacts explain thehigh stability of transpososomes. Structures of inta-somes captured at various stages of the integration ofthe retrovirus PFV (prototype foamy virus), also show atrans arrangement of catalytic subunits, with targetDNA accommodated in a severely bent conformation inthe strand transfer complex [27,34]. Finally, the long-awaited transpososome structure of Mu, the mobileelement that started it all, is here [35]. The structureshows the expected trans arrangement of the catalyticsubunits, with target DNA also bent as in the PFVintasome (Figure 5A,B). Target bending is another fea-ture common to transpososomes [36], and is proposedto contribute to the irreversibility of the reaction byhaving the strained DNA spring away from the activesites after strand transfer [35].

    Modeled after the Mu in vitro system, convenient HIVintegration assays were developed that could be carriedout in the wells of micro-titer plates for screening largenumbers of potential inhibitors of HIV DNA integration[40]. Over the years, a plethora of HIV integrase inhibi-tors have been discovered, but raltegravir is the firstdrug developed by Merck targeted to the integrase to beapproved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration)[41]. This drug, which inhibits the strand transfer step,was shown in the intasome structure of the relatedretrovirus PFV to intercalate between the terminal ends,displacing the reactive 3' viral DNA end from the activesite, and chelating a metal ion [27]. The PFV structure willbe invaluable for the development of next-generationintegrase inhibitors.

    Where Mu gets its mojoSince Mu amplification is dependent on transposition, ithas evolved enhancing functions that are peculiar toMu and Mu-related phages [42]. These include a cis-ac-ting transposition enhancer, an accessary transposition-enhancing protein MuB, and a centrally located stronggyrase binding site SGS.The cis-acting enhancer is an essential component of

    the transposition reaction. It acts as a scaffold duringtranspososome assembly [43], directing an ordered inter-action with the two Mu ends to generate a highly inter-twined 3-site synapse which traps 5 DNA supercoils[38,44-46] (Figure 5C). Many regulatory roles for the en-hancer have been deduced (see [47]), including serving as

  • Harshey Mobile DNA 2012, 3:21 Page 6 of 9

    a topological filter to ensure the most stable configurationof the transpososome, while guarding against pairingincorrect Mu ends in a cell where multiple copies of Muare accumulating [48]. The enhancer requirement can bebypassed in vitro by use of the solvent dimethyl sulfoxideor high protein and DNA concentrations (see [42]). Therecently solved structure of the Mu transpososome doesnot include the enhancer (Figure 5A, B).MuB is best known as a protein that enables efficient

    target selection. It is, however, also a protein with mul-tiple functions, some of them paradoxical. MuB interactswith the C-terminal IIIβ domain of MuA to not onlyallosterically activate the catalytic potential of MuA anddeliver the target to the transpososome, but to also pro-mote target immunity, which prevents some segments ofDNA from receiving Mu transpositions (see [42]). Twokinds of target immunity have been uncovered: cis-immunity prevents regions in the immediate vicinity ofMu ends from being used as targets, and depends on re-moval of MuB from these regions [49-51]; Mu genome-immunity prevents Mu from transposing into itself, andappears to operate by a different mechanism where MuBis not only not removed but rather binds strongly [52].Only one other transposon, Tn7, encodes additionaltarget selection proteins [53], while two – Tn7 and Tn3family – display target immunity that resembles Mu cis-immunity [54-56].

    Figure 4 A conserved transposase catalytic core homologous to the Rmembers are shown with conserved secondary structure elements coloredfrom the Nature Publishing Group.

    The SGS site was discovered by Martin Pato and hiscolleagues, who showed that its central location on theMu genome was critical for efficient Mu replication [57].It is the strongest gyrase binding site known, initiating astriking SGS-dependent increase in processivity of thegyrase reaction [58,59]. Pato has proposed that the SGSinitiates plectonemic supercoiling at the center thatpropagates to the Mu termini, enabling efficient synapsisof the ends located approximately 37 kb apart on theMu genome [60,61].

    Mu replication, non-replicative transposition, and repairof transposition eventsTwo replication forks are created at each Mu end afterstrand transfer into target DNA (see Figure 2, II). Tran-sition of the oligomeric MuA tightly bound to the ends,to a replication-ready configuration, has been mainlydissected in Hiroshi Nakai and Tania Baker’s laboratories[62] (Nakai, like Bukhari, was also a graduate student inLarry Taylor’s lab, where he first became interested in Mureplication [63]). In a highly choreographed series of steps,the molecular chaperone ClpX interacts with the C-terminal IIIβ domain of MuA to unfold one of two cata-lytic subunits, weakening the overall interaction of thetranspososome with DNA and allowing exchange withprotein factors that ultimately load the restart primosomeat the Mu ends for replication [64-69].

    Nase H fold. Single subunits or fragments of the four indicated familysimilarly. For details see [33]. This figure is reproduced with permission

  • Figure 5 Crystal structure of the Mu transpososome and Mu DNA topology. The figures in (A) and (B) are reproduced with permission fromPhoebe Rice [35]. (A) Structure of the Mu transpososome engaged with cleaved Mu ends joined to target DNA. (B) Schematic of the structure inA, illustrating positions of the various MuA domains and DNA segments. Full length MuA protein is 630 residues long. The polypeptide in thecrystal structure includes residues 77 to 605; it is missing the regulatory N (Iα)- and C (IIIβ)-terminal domains that interact with the enhancer, andwith proteins MuB and ClpX, respectively. Catalytic sites are marked as tan/yellow stars in B. The donor DNA in the crystallized complex consistsof two equivalent right ends, each with two MuA binding sites. It shows one right-handed DNA crossing. (C) On native Mu DNA, the left (L) andright (R) ends have three MuA binding sites each, and are non-equivalent with regard to their spacing and orientation. A third enhancer (E)segment is essential for assembly of a functional transpososome. The enhancer is positioned closer to the L end on the Mu genome. In atranspososome assembled on this native configuration of the L, E, R segments, six MuA subunits bound via their Iβγ domains to the L (L1-L3) andR (R1-R3) ends, make bridging interactions with the enhancer (E: O1-O2) via their Iα domains to trap five supercoils - two L-R, two R-E and one L-E crossings - as indicated (see [37]). R-E interactions initiate assembly and are essential [38]. When the transpososome is treated with high salt orheparin, a stable tetrameric core remains, which still retains two L-R and one R-E DNA crossing (black arrow heads) [39]. Of the two L-R crossings,the one at the top of the diagram, is likely the one seen in the crystal structure (A, B). Placement of the second L-R crossing is arbitrary, but notethat this crossing as well as the proximal R3-E crossing is maintained by the tetramer [39]. See [38] for details.

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    It is a quirk of history that the first transpositionmechanism analyzed in-depth was the replicative me-chanism of Mu. The study of a vast majority of trans-posable elements that followed showed that they exciseand reinsert without replication, like those described byMcClintock in maize (Figure 3; see [2]). Not to be out-done on any front, Mu also transposes by a variation ofthe non-replicative mechanism, but this mechanism isconfined to the integration of infecting Mu DNA, thatis, Mu injected into the host from a phage particle (see[42]). The initial single strand cleavages at Mu ends andjoining to target DNA are the same as in the Shapiromodel; however, rather than replication, the transpo-sition intermediate is resolved by removal of 5’ flapsattached to Mu ends, followed by repair of the integrant[70]. This pathway is not yet reproduced in vitro, butin vivo results show that the flap removal activity is con-tributed by MuA itself [71,72]. Since every integrationevent from an infecting Mu virion is non-replicative,this system is poised to reveal cellular mechanisms forrepair of such events, of which we know virtuallynothing. Recent experiments have already overthrownthe long-held assumption that the short gaps in thetarget left in the wake of transposition are repaired bygap-filling polymerases; for Mu they are repaired by theprimary machinery for double-strand break repair in

    E. coli [73]. Given that double-strand break repair path-ways have been implicated in repair of the retroviral andLINE retro-element insertions, Mu may once againshow us the way.

    Through the Mu looking glassNo discussion of Mu can be complete without citing thepioneering contributions of Malcolm Casadaban, whogenerated a variety of Mu derivatives as probes forgenome transcription and translation, as cloning vehi-cles, as mobile sources of transcriptional promoters, andas movable primers for DNA sequencing ([74,75]; thetwo citations included here are book-ends for over adozen papers from the Casadaban lab). These Mumanipulations were the prototype for a myriad differentways in which transposons have been harnessed as toolsfor genetic engineering, cleverly using them to decon-struct the genomes they reconstructed [2,76-78].

    ConclusionMu was the catalyst that liberated our thinking abouttransposition, its mechanisms and significance. Eversince Mu, our view of the changing genome has grownenormously, with a superabundance of insertion ele-ments and conjugative transposons, retroviruses andretro-transposons, LINE and SINE elements, homing

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    and retro-homing introns, telomeres and immune sys-tem rearrangements. A handful of mechanisms are usedover and over in different combinations, generating agreat deal of diversity [2,14,79]. What new discoveriescan we look forward to in the coming years?

    On such a full sea are we now afloatAnd we must take the current when it serves.

    AbbreviationsF: Fertility factor/episome; FDA: Federal drug administration; Hfr: Highfrequency recombination; HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus; IN: Integrase;IS: Insertion sequence; LINE: Long interspersed nuclear element; LTR: Longterminal repeat; Mos: Mosaic; P Element: Transposon present specifically inDrosophila; PFV: Prototype foamy virus; RAG: Recombination activating gene;SGS: Strong gyrase site; SINE: Short interspersed nuclear element;TE: Transposable element; Tn: Transposon; VDJ: Variable, diverse, and joiningimmunoglobulin gene segments.

    Competing interestsThe author declares that she has no competing interests.

    Author informationThe author is currently a Professor in the Section of Molecular Genetics andMicrobiology at the University of Texas at Austin.

    AcknowledgementsI dedicate this article to the memory of Ahmad Bukhari, my mentor in allthings Mu, whose death at the height of his powers and at the young ageof 40, robbed us of a discerning mind. His prescience in recognizing that asolution to the mechanism of transposition would come from Mu has beenamply vindicated. I am grateful to Larry Taylor for giving me a first-handaccount of the discovery of Mu, and for reading an earlier draft of this article.Mu research in my laboratory has been supported by NIH for the past 30years. I thank all the members of my lab, past and present, for sharing myenthusiasm for Mu, and Sooin Jang and Rudra Saha for help withpreparation of the illustrations for this article.

    Received: 15 October 2012 Accepted: 13 November 2012Published: 5 December 2012

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    doi:10.1186/1759-8753-3-21Cite this article as: Harshey: The Mu story: how a maverick phagemoved the field forward. Mobile DNA 2012 3:21.

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    AbstractReviewFinding MuSignificant Mu discoveries in the 1970sMu and the Shapiro model for replicative transpositionThe biochemical eraMu, HIV and the structural eraWhere Mu gets its mojoMu replication, non-replicative transposition, and repair of transposition eventsThrough the Mu looking glass

    ConclusionAbbreviationsCompeting interestsAuthor informationAcknowledgementsReferences