the morter report – march issue

M rterReport MARCH 2015 S TM pring is just around the corner – a fresh beginning for all of us to enjoy! As you plant your new seeds of greatness, remember to fuel them with the love and energy they need to really grow strong. With our busy lives, it’s easy to cut corners, procrastinate, or become distracted from our goals. We need ways to focus on planting and nourishing the seeds of our dreams. It’s a present time consciousness, which allows you to re-focus your power of choice. Because, if you don’t consciously focus on your choices, your choices are made regardless. So, get started by paying attention – attention to what might be getting you off course, attention to your relationships with others, attention to what you feed your body, attention to how you view the world, and attention to what you are putting out there. B.E.S.T. is here to help you first identify, and then synchronize yourself to your goals of health, happiness and success. And, sharing our lives, energy, knowledge and love with each other is what Morter HealthAlliance membership is all about. We’re here to help you reap your dream harvest. Let’s start right now! Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

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Page 1: The Morter Report – March Issue

M rterReport

MARCH 2015


pring is just around the corner – a fresh beginning for all of us to enjoy! As you plant your new seeds of greatness, remember to fuel them with the love and energy they need to really grow strong. With our busy lives, it’s easy to cut corners, procrastinate, or become distracted from our goals. We need ways to focus on planting and nourishing the seeds of our dreams. It’s a present time consciousness, which allows you to re-focus your power of choice. Because, if you don’t consciously focus on your choices, your choices are made regardless.

So, get started by paying attention – attention to what might be getting you off course, attention to your relationships with others, attention to what you feed your body, attention to how you view the world, and attention to what you are putting out there. B.E.S.T. is here to help you first identify, and then synchronize yourself to your goals of health, happiness and success. And, sharing our lives, energy, knowledge and love with each other is what Morter HealthAlliance membership is all about. We’re here to help you reap your dream harvest. Let’s start right now!

Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

Page 2: The Morter Report – March Issue

Disabling Your Distractors!It happens all the time. You feel strongly about a decision, a plan of action, and then something takes over your mind, and for some enigmatic reason, your best intentions get derailed. Sure, we’ve been taught to take responsibility for everything, but truthfully it’s not always your fault.

Here’s why. You’re neurologically hard-wired to think and act, to respond and react, in a very predictable and precise manner. It’s like a clock, you wind it up and it will do the same thing day in and day out. When it runs down and you re-wind it, the same thing happens over and over . . . it’s predictable.

Similarly, the patterns you have developed over your lifetime dictate the way you respond to every situation. Here is where the distractors take over. A distractor is like a multiple choice test question which is strategically placed among the answers to catch you not paying close enough attention. Answer (A) looks like the correct choice, but it was placed there to throw you off – to distract you into an incorrect choice – and you pay the price. It is a choice which does not serve you.

Try this. The next time you are headed in a specific direction – you have made a specific choice to do something and you are distracted into something else – stop and pay attention! Make a decision as to what you really want. What is it that you set out to do? Think about it until the picture of your goal is crystal clear in your mind. What is the feeling you have about your goal?

Now, muscle test the goal, the feeling, and the picture in your mind. Use the Morter March Release to balance you to all three. When you’re synchronized, you’ll be less susceptible to distractors.

Digging deeper here, the secret is to first identify why distractors sabotage you to choose answer (A) on the test question, when (B) was the correct choice and you knew it all along. Simply put, this is why you ate the Oreos last night or you stayed out too late, or didn’t finish that task . . . distractors.

At the new Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. program, we will help you identify what your distractors are through a specific set of processes, so you will recognize what’s keeping you from reaching your goals. Then we’ll show you what to do to eliminate them! Come to Los Angeles or to Toronto and start disabling YOUR distractors!

Dr. Ted Morter, III


March 27-28 in Los Angeles

Let’s take a look at where you are right now, review the basics a bit, teach you some new ways to get ahead, and balance your mind and body to whole new levels of health, happiness and success! Join your BEST friends for this ALL NEW 2-day event! Seating is limited to give you the personal attention you deserve! Reserve your spot today! Call 800.874.1478.

Keep LivingYour B.E.S.T.

July 17-18 in Toronto

Advanced Training for Mastering Your Success by Synchronizing Your Mind to Your Dreams!

October 16-17 in Orlando

Page 3: The Morter Report – March Issue


Feed Your Body

What if you realized “IT” was truly up to you? How would you choose? Would you look at life differently? Would “IT” really matter?

These are some tremendously important questions. Let’s first define what “IT” is. One of the absolute necessities of life is FOOD. It is through our personal choices that we determine what we eat and drink. The choice is YOURS!

Once you understand the consequences of choice and realize you are just a decision away from the effects of your choices, you may actually begin to look at life differently. Realize that life is about cause and effect! You make a choice and there is an appropriate effect. Everything in your life is based on this principal!

No matter where you are currently in this process, you can always improve. Anna and I recently elected to do a 21-day cleanse. This was the first long-term, structured “dietary program” I have ever done. You see, my diet has been pretty good for decades. (I had an incredible mentor who knew a thing or two about nutrition!) Like I said earlier, there is always room for improvement. We can all slip backwards gradually over time and end up in a place that is not the result of a single decision. Or is it? The decision and responsibility for its effect is truly up to you; every single day, every single decision!

In order to eat what I wanted I used many of the common excuses: travel, celebrate the win, success, it’s just one meal, no time, try something new, etc. Well, one day in January Anna said she wanted do a “cleanse” that our daughter, Dr. Sarah, and her “partner in crime,” Jodi, the Pilates instructor, had put together and utilized very successfully. We went to the initial meeting and got our instructions for diet and exercise for the next 21 days! We eliminated gluten and meat for the first three days. Dairy and red meats were out for the next 21 days. Coffee and alcohol, yes even wine, disappeared from view!

We began a process of label reading that was quite an experience for me. The grocery store runs initially took 30-45 minutes longer, because we read every single label and made different choices than we had been making. Remember, our diet was pretty good to start with and was going to be even better! We followed the rules explicitly for the first seven days. Then it happened. I fell off the wagon. A SEMO (habit) automatically occurred. I acciden-tally put some butter on my toast that I was having with my quinoa infused salad. Understanding the forgiveness principles, I immediately forgave myself and sent a text to my daughter!

I stated:” Forgive me daughter for I have sinned! I accidentally put organic butter on my organic, gluten-free, no sugar, non-GMO, no trans-fat, salt-free, low sodium, fair trade certified, save the whales, multi-grain toast! It was at least a ¼ teaspoon of organic, low-fat, salt-free, low protein, non-dairy union, non-homogenized, flash pasteurized, vegetarian fed, non-GMO, butter! Thanks for all you do! Love you tons, Daddy!!!”

When you make a decision to do better, don’t take yourself too seriously! From time to time allow the students in your life to become the teachers in your life. Listen more. Eat more fruits and veggies. We did and each of us lost ten pounds, a side-effect, and we both feel “cleaner.” We have continued to make better choices as a result of this experience. Feed your body better, exercise more often. You can have a happier, healthier life. “It” really does matter!


Page 4: The Morter Report – March Issue

In our experience, knowledge is power. But, knowledge implies truth. Very often, stressful relationships are constructed on the illusion of what a good relationship should be. Great relationships happen when you are being exactly who you are in a natural condition relating to another person who is also in a natural place. We can only be who and what we are. If you find yourself in any relationship waiting and hoping someone will change, you are probably going to be waiting and hoping for a very long time.

We each have our own personalities, gifts, resources, genetics and astrological birth maps along with other things to form who and what we are. If for example, you like living with other people you will probably like living with other people for the rest of your life. If you require more time alone, then you will probably have this requirement for the rest of your life. You will probably always like having time to yourself no matter how much you might love your partner and family. You can try to change yourself to meet the needs of other people, but in doing so you will not live in balance. The only way two people can find real balance and love is when they accept each other EXACTLY as they are with the exception of one person acting hurtful toward the other. Hurtful behavior should always be unacceptable.

Relationships have long been a mystery to most people. Now it is time to take a bigger look into that proverbial peek in the crack of the cosmic egg. Each of us as a living, breathing entity is a like an electrical crystal. The body, with its high salt water content functions like a liquid crystal that resonates. This means that we each give off electrical signals. In a simple sense, we are like the unique snowflakes (salt crystals) each with our own shape and form. However, as human beings, we each give off a unique set of complex electrical messages. These electrical messages manifest out as various personality characteristics.

It is the interaction of these personality characteristics that determine consonance and dissonance. Some people might call this magnetic attraction. But, magnetic attraction is a metaphor for very sophisticated electrical interac-tions between and among people. When two people meet, there is an interaction between two electrical fields. When we get into a range of about three of four feet of each other, the electrical interplay begins. We naturally begin to look for both consonance and dissonance. Consonance means harmony, agreement, a pleasing experience. Dissonance is a lack of compatibility or consistency, an unpleasant experience. All relationships have some combination of the two. Good relationships are driven by consonant electrical field resonances. Incompatible relationships are driven by dissonant electrical field resonances. Compatible, consonant relationships are life-giving and supportive to your well-being. Incompatible or dissonant relationships produce stress and drain your system of vital life force. Good relationships are driven by consonant electrical field resonances. Incompatible relationships are driven by dissonant electrical field resonances.

Love is ALL about electrical connections along with lots and lots of “HEART.” You ARE your relationships! Your health, your wealth and your well-being are all connected to your relationships! Acceptance is a key to making your relation-ships work. If you have someone in your life who you are trying to change, look within yourself for your answers. The magic is that if you do, you just might find lots more LOVE in your life.


Love and AcceptanceBy Mary Miller MSW, Director I Ching Systems LLC

Page 5: The Morter Report – March Issue


By Dr. Don WilliamsImagine feeling connected to all of life, compassion for all, a sense of joy and abundance, caring and free, grateful and blessed. Those are feelings of an open heart. The mind becomes still, and you are able to listen and be present.

We all long for this feeling but the mind in its role as antagonist and judge gets in the way. Actually it shoves the heart out of the driver’s seat (its rightful place) and takes over. The tyrant that it

is won’t relinquish control. It knows how to run this show better, it thinks.

This is precisely the problem; it thinks; it cannot feel. It creates isolation and loneliness, leaving you cold and hungry – hungry for a sense of belonging and purpose. How can we put the heart back in its rightful place? That is the essence of Dr. M.T. Morter Jr.’s lifelong work, to reunite soul with Spirit. Connected with Spirit, the soul (which resides in the heart) reflects our essential nature, the essence of our true self. That essence is peace and joy.

Forgiveness and gratitude are two of our foundational tools for putting the heart back in the driver’s seat of our lives. Letting go of the wounding we all carry personally and collec-tively. Recreating the story of ourselves and reclaiming our innocence, living in gratitude, opening our lives to the influence of Grace, appreciating the miracles occurring all around us as we open our hearts to love. Take time daily to be still, to be quiet and watchful. Taking time to be forgiving of the past and grateful for what we have now. Take some time to journal on the 5 steps of Forgiveness on a past unresolved issue and work with your B.E.S.T. practitioner to clear the SEMO’s associated with it. And finally, take time to check in on your body and your breathing throughout the day, consciously relaxing and breathing deeply. If you sit a lot, stand up frequently and walk across the room, do a Morter March, get a glass of water and an apple and a few raw walnuts. Did that get all the 6 Essentials? Mostly, be grateful for life.

Dr. Morter left a huge legacy in healing. I am so grateful to be able to share it with others across the country and hopefully around the world and to be celebrating the 40th Anniversary of B.E.S.T. this year.

Celebrating 40 Years of B.E.S.T.

Morter Homecoming 2015 Rogers, Arkansas – September 12-13

Page 6: The Morter Report – March Issue


I was always taught it’s not what you eat, but what you absorb and assimilate. In other words, you need to digest, get food into the body and optimally utilize nutrition in your body. Otherwise, what you eat is not feeding and building up the body. When I start to balance a practice member chemically, I almost always start with getting the GI tract working right. The best diet and supplements in the world are a waste if they are not absorbed.

Because we typically do not eat enough food in its natural raw and unprocessed state, we usually can benefit from some enzyme support. Super Digest is a great supplement that provides all of the needed enzymes to break down fats, carbohydrates, proteins and whey proteins. I find that people with more chronic digestive conditions can benefit from Alka•Pan® and SuperDigest®. The addition of SuperDigest® and possibly Alka•Pan® can help indigestion, decrease intestinal gas and normalize bowel function. But most importantly, your body can now completely utilize what you are eating.

The colon often gets neglected until there are severe problems. Conditions like diverticulosis and diverticulitis are on the rise. And prevention of colon problems starts with maintaining healthy colon function. We consistently expose our gut to antibiotics that are present in our meat sources. So, we consistently need to replace the good bacteria in our colon. Good bacteria or probiotics are very helpful to normal digestion. They produce vitamins and enzymes. They prevent overgrowth of bad bacteria, yeast, fungi and parasites. They are a vital part of normal colon function. Lastly, they are a major part of our immune function. I love Alkadophilus®! It is a great price and does not have to be refrigerated to maintain the viability of the probiotics, which makes it easier to store and use.

If you are not asking your practice members about their digestive issues, you are missing a great opportunity to help them with these amazing products. I guarantee that you have many practice members who could benefit by taking these supplements. I recommend digestive support to all of my patients and take it myself regularly. I encourage you to add these supplements to your daily health program and share the many health benefits with your practice members.

Absorption and Assimilation

by Dr. Bruce Phillips

It’s All About

This supplement is designed to reduce stress in the body and aid digestion.* The body’s pancreatic enzymes are designed as a “clean-up” system and Alka•Pan® is used to supplement the functioning of an exhausted system.* Best taken with high protein (meat) meals.

A digestive enzyme derived from plants, this product works to replace enzymes destroyed by cooking.* SuperDigest® contains 7 plant digestive enzymes, including Lactase, which helps in the digestion of milk and dairy products, Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Cellulase, Papain, Alfalfa Powder and Bromelain. These enzymes aid in the stomach’s digestive process and may help to acidify an acid-deficient stomach.* This formula represents the ultimate in enzyme science!*

Get the Supplements with thethe Healthy Difference!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

B.E.S.T. Process Alka•Line Supplements help your body restore its natural alkalinity, put you back on the road to health, and help return your body to its natural state – healthy and func-tioning perfectly! They are not heat treated, so the enzymatically active ingredients remain alive for maximum effectiveness.*

Page 7: The Morter Report – March Issue


A great hook can enhance your company’s advertising and make your business more memorable in the minds of consumers. Most people instantly recognize and associate the words, “When you care enough to send the very best,” . . . with Hallmark Cards. Created more than 100 years ago, it has become one of the most enduring hooks in advertising history. For Hallmark, which sells more than 6.5 billion cards each year in the United States, it represents more than just a hook. It is a promise delivered with every card. Hallmark’s founder, the late Joyce C. Hall, said in his autobiography that these words put constant pressure on the company to make the very best cards.

Even for small businesses, a great hook can capture the essence of the company, creating meaning and relevance for its customers. If your business doesn’t have a great hook, or if it’s time to revisit an existing one, here are some principles to keep in mind.

Provide a call to action. The American Express hook, “Don’t leave home without it,” gave the idea that the company’s card should be an essential part of every consumer’s life. This message was conveyed by ads depicting travelers un-expectedly showing up in four-star hotels with no luggage, no reservations and often looking exhausted. American Express card in hand, they were always welcomed no matter the situation.

Like American Express, your call to action should evoke an emotion or suggest an example of how your company will help prospective customers.

Try to inspire.Nike’s hook, “Just Do It,” inspires athletes and wanna-be athletes to do their very best. It’s relevant to a wide range of consumers because it lets them define what “it” is rather than setting prescribed goals that would be unattainable for most people.

While the hook should inspire, it should also reflect the brand personality. The Apple Inc. “Think Different” hook makes a statement about the company as well as the type of person who buys its products. Many Apple consumers pride themselves as being people who are a little different and who think outside the box.

Be clear, concise and compelling.When developing a hook, experts agree that clear is more important than clever. A clear and compelling hook ensures perspective so that customers aren’t left guessing what you do.

Hooks also need to be short. The goal is to be concise, not comprehensive.

Include a key benefit.An effective hook should communicate the unique benefit that you bring to the marketplace to help dif-ferentiate your company. You should view a hook as more than simply a clever spin on words. Linking it to your company’s positioning lets customers see how they can benefit from your products or services.

Make it memorable. The best hooks are memorable. Communicating a positive feeling helps ensure consumers remember hooks such as “It takes a licking and keeps on ticking” (Timex), “A diamond is forever” (DeBeers), “Melts in your mouth, not in your hands” (M&Ms Candies), “There is no substitute” (Porsche), “Live in your world. Play in ours.” (Play Station 2) and “Outwit. Outplay. Outlast.” (Survivor.) The last being my personal favorite.

Be original. A good hook is original, capturing attention and interest. The hook that I have used as a chiropractor and now as marketing and business consultant is, “Powering up lives one mind at a time . . . acting locally but thinking globally” this suits my business and my lifestyle for passionate living.

Coming up with a good hook may take time. For some people inspiration may come in a “Eureka!” moment. For me it came in the night and I wrote it down in a little notebook I keep by my bed for moments like these – confirmation that I got it right in the sweet spot.

Great Hooks Send A Great Message by Dr. Ralph LeBlanc

Page 8: The Morter Report – March Issue


All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

February14-15 B.E.S.T. Relationships – Dallas, TX22 B.E.S.T. Workshop - Manhattan Beach, CA 27-1 B.E.S.T. Training – Phoenix, AZ

March13-14 Be Your B.E.S.T. – Noosa, Australia15 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia22 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Manhattan Beach, CA27-28 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Los Angeles, CA28 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Marietta, GA27-29 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

April10 B.E.S.T. Life – Paris, France11-12 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France12-13 Personal Care – Paris, France24-25 Give It Your B.E.S.T. – Calgary, Canada25-26 B.E.S.T. Treatment Day – Calgary, Canada30-2 Elite Master – Las Vegas, NV

May15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR21-22 Animal B.E.S.T. – Toulouse, France24 Animal Mastery – Toulouse, France29-31 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

June12-13 Animal B.E.S.T. – Rogers, AR14 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR26-27 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL

July10-12 B.E.S.T. BootCamp – Dallas, TX17-18 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Toronto, Canada24-26 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

August14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY28-30 Personal B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

September10-11 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR12-13 Homecoming 40th Year – Rogers, AR25-27 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

October2 Personal B.E.S.T. II – Paris, France3-4 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France16-17 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL23-24 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

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Celebrating 40 Years of B.E.S.T.!

1975 – 2015
