the memphis daily appeal. (memphis, tn) 1858-11-24 [p ]. · the appeal. tee in school....

THE APPEAL. TEE IN SCHOOL. TfceleSw-wh- IscMee: la aitkrtrict school It taK Mr. TOM FH fainter, at v. Tk, rmllHt of ti MsUMan latetenee Cetaptay, Is a poetical sJdrai b- e- rare na uHiKTMa," is iHumtiit, uusuo- - ceus ui skit asm - A district school, net fr away, MKl Betkthire bMi, w whiter"! day, Was fceaaiBgnitb It wanted eeese O: tkm-sccr- e stecM Ettta sA tori Eeasefewsepoa tMt ut taieert, Bit TsMpalm&n eaieoheaf beet I The wsBefttieraxiietsd.wnMrd seek W.l retUrned en a cayy b kj Whta taMinly. bete Ms bath. B,se sharp isddnr a rraW As 'ln a battery of Lt aff4n e trea enters 1 " WtaViit (he rtsrtle master ctlet, "That, tan," a Ulu. teeerepil. The OteritbnB4erel JS."1 oTriiife - -- With Lite wretch ikM chattel an M. beak. Will bang hU bd ln tear-Ba- shame, And t tee awfal presence case A st, Brecn. bfel araleem, tm beeter aH geed-na- te a tv Wtthal swrew, asd bW aseatori. Tbe ter 1 alien- -" Pass sanies ThaC a, MybUrew P"P2. ebeabt BeSare-t- wears set tehees tobeei WevmgeMaswty ntotF" -- Tw7t ir, berwtr, elr," teed t lad, -- I MiIshi te be l bs Be vta Season aheefc her crab, .netwasrredlwnrslaef AaiteMl B WOr-- a d."., IovaMt ttaed It, air, at at, " MalitMStaSl Iknew bwhee Teoahtteaet, Bwt, iiiIit, from Iw eoati 1 bee mwitlinVMtfTWellMWI" etcretpasdesca f the Appeal. ' ISftssHixi, Tsa, "ev. 5, 185S. S,m( I wag in Paris, Texas, La-B- ar siaaialt- - bb heatjojoartefs of the EI Paso Bailrsaal Cam V 1 Till Is Ifee Dais trunk tt Cairo the i mi it with. at- - Farioe, Meatus aaa Ltttk Keck, the Gaines' Landing ai Oaac- -it BilraJ at a poit called Tex-Mke- ne ea Bed river. Th report f the Presi- dent at th ra te May fe., prMeata very aaar iatarattag itemt, bat I hick tbere ia rms Httte vHsHty &boat it ettosgh to save the cbactar B4taVas wfefte tbat'a said ill'a eafd. Tben ta MsitiMi of caaatry that &eeds R NftHi aatM MtT m bed a Eastarii a ffatttaralcH. aportatlon aJres all tbe anfci, bat tfcere at mbmmj to MMroxda wttfc. 1V r agatwt New Orleans ate loatd and 4ttp. Pasr city ; llonr mech it ton to stand up under, all beeaare Iter Cfr-eataa- te wlfj set work for Dotbing. There ia bo laatma aw aa to "the Pacific Raifeead, the aittoa bt aire rip far a cocapreiaieethat Is, . tatf are wiliiae; to gtfe tbe road up to aoy aady that wtt fy Its deMa. I bow take leave af Tessa, )d Is Ee Mar do net kaew that 1 twitdfanliti far yonr calaaaai aDythioe; more Iba the MtoaTiag additiaiwIBaEalaii a, dtsped froaa the Tas fitpuUican, f Maer Ssb : VSTASG, JR. STJMIAK SMTCBH. J Mt Okarca Fiair le PrfTkt BimtT Brtm-H- Ue 'tm Tteovt OnifMTkc Imperial lailalTili flail up iiti nf 'fr LaerBotaaaae 111 in , ta yt tttAwrtcMMBWitl Sr. PfTxusess. The Utttbee here are exceedingly raagnifi-eaa- t. The St. Isaac, (the Greek. Cibarch,) it la said, cost om bandred and thirty-tw- o tnil-Ha- aa of doiiarc. T&e dome ie all covered with fetid geld. The ftslid bars of silrer which aur naail It altera are etudded wttfa diaeaosda and i aaaaajilr . The pettars which sapport the are jatalachUe, Jasper and Porphyry. The attari Me of solid gald, set with dia- - eaaeraloc, parM, and alt preclofls The Breek: hare no aeata nor organs e, bat the stoat hearealy vocal : ooor listened to. They Bfofase net to worship images, and yet the painrhagB at their aainta are set arou&d with diamaiidi and preciooe steees, before wUeh tbfyWw, croteios tfarmaeives, tooctiog the csid atarMe Soor with their foreheads. Tea see a prince of the blood aad the poorest serf preetrate tfceawelves, side by side, before the Tifgktat secae aaiat,rie. lbht their offer-ba- r; af wax candle at tb altar, drop some cotaa in the alttM-bo- r, and no oat, crossing theaaeehres daeootlr. Thar lata no preachinc in tbe Greek Chnrrh, bafcrit kaeei or atadd, aad cose and an aa ther lima nch indtvidaal i avine his own secret ajnrahip to hiaaeetf, in devont pray- - ere. Tbe Bajpiror ts mi nead of tbe CtrarcD, and it ia aappartad hf vaJoattsry coatribtttieas fraas the paishliipi i u,4ad not by littinsor any tax by saw. 'the nrteata marry, acd ioealcate it ae a daty. The great Charcb of the Oreek faith b stto-nta- d fat-Ct- e aailas iwHitaal of Moscow, in the vary ha lit at Sclaooai: power and wealth, and it ts eaid to have is its cfcnrch service twenty-Ar- e tbaasaad dslltra worth ofgeM and sarrar,etc The Chnrch ia not need for political per-nase- a, aa the treat arm at the people look wfih na smch or aaore idolatry to the Emperor ae they do to the Church or the priest ; and he has tax aaore power over theoa, every way, than the Church can ever have. The tower ctaea here are racy ignorant; and yet (he hljii i classes are well informed, aae lettering, and remarkably cardial and kind. They have manners mare like the planters of the Beath than nay people I have met wtth in Earope- - V left St. PoteraVare at 1 o'clock, in tbe can, machine; Peterboff, (the I(rial bvis-m- ar laaWsntt) aborttr before two. At tfet de-p- at we were met by tbe GranJ Chamberlain, who coodactad aa to the caort carriage, which wee drawn by four white borNk. Tne coach-ma- n and t fnataiia were la ncariet Jivory, triamaed wish gold and black leee We were leteiftd at tne palace entrance by a donbk ale of soldi era, through which the carriage aiisi.ihe soMiere preeenthu; arms, (to tbe Imperial crest and livery.) and the mojecks, or ramman neopla, wha had aaeembted ia great Bombers to see the guesta, bowing their un- covered heads almost to the eartb. Tile Grand Muter of Coremaoies met as descending from the carriage, and delivered na in charge to two tow tier s of fbe court, who preceded ns, wHti aaatiy feeww aad eeeniree. op stairs into the ball. Hate. the JkaaaUi. with tbe celden trna- - net, aanadBted : -- His Exeeiiency Monsieur Pickens, Ambassador of America; Madame, the AmbiindriM, and Mademoiselle." The sa of Csremuoies then came frr-war- d, and nroeoded by hum and fallowed by the enurUats, we were conducted to oor rovms. We rested until 4 o'clock. At this boor, wei esAorea tae grand ssjoob, to wmca wna assem- bled tbe whab'diptoeaatte corps. I was band- ed fan to dinner oy Chevalier Kegina, Neanoli-to- a MiaJetec, and on my right set Cosnt Fol-sto- MasV r of the Hoooebold. The esWsTWss beyoad imacinatioB in rich- ness and bsaaty. A soperb orchestra, led by Stranee, son of the erost Stranes, piaredrav- - tohfaapJy from sa elevattos in tbe tower part of the hmmsnpe dinine; hali. When dessert csme oa. Coaat Feletox arose and rave the health of her Imperial Majesty, which was drank stand-ta- g. it ws bar Majesty 'a birth-de- y. Sinner tto eafti, we retoxnad to the drawing room and took come. IssarirlsV jss csstesl on a green velvet sofa ktsn niyTfeei, after ths fasbien, on as silk iBstUoo, iuat hirh eooeeii to bow tbe deleeete gsM eanttfwidery on black satin stiaaners j anal, wniie I Nsteo ts rb tindly Beant Kslisss-s- f Prince Alt en be re aset tbe Dace de ftaaa, I WH snreetl oat tbe fobs ot ay sirese thai yosar oaJtr eyes aaay observe it White BtUc, two akirts, escn triasnved with alternate jsaaTt of wtdte tulle and lemon olored eilk, stripped Irregularly eriOi tanda et Mack vel vet ; tne eoraae-- ts lew, toae rtotnta tietsiM and before, laced in aba back with small cord. Tbere is a Grecian Uiie i tbe crMe in front nasi back. BetiM tbe nsean taatr, Lord anl tbstMtsjVeb attaebe bare jotsred easr gresap, snd, an we are oeceeaine ralner aastrjr for coort acaenrOe, it is well tbat tbe camasre or tbe Asaarirsn aainioter is attsowac ed ; for at tbas I arise, aad walking to tbe cen tre ot tat room, ssaate 2 presound eosHtetr, id stvte, to tbe floor am taken into tbe bos. osseins at two aids of cersaauuiM, aad pert into CoL P. tastes bis seat and we drive ia tbe pwsjnda, which are very baadsosne, for an horn. Then I go to asy rosea asd lie detva, sad Iesea betoes asy teenplee while I tell ber snag gae ensner wae very jranc tbe men fine teeme-a- te isoies wore silk snd tqlle dresses jawt nswe do is Aaaertca; bat tbatlaaverT tared, asl would like to sleep. Bot before I can coaapoM myeelf. Coi. p. knocks aad says I will b"'Utfor tbe baJL So I get op and pot set a waste snesre antique, with lace triasaio's ever It, looped up oa tide trrlb white lilies of tbe valcjt, narf a srreatbe of tbe saae around aar ifeed "We se dews into toe first drawfnr room, (tbere are str, sseb openirs; into tbe other, and tbe tatlste a teres ball room,) and god Liest of tbe psests asreststy aeeesnbied. Tbe rooms a Sle'J3i. nfrmt of tbe coort osacr 'tad TBS jrree)rn Ministers, and With ft tbe way toilettes of tbe court ladies. While I far aa leoknnr Wttb all she wtinder and delight of a eMM on tbie aaacnifieence, which is so sew tbe to ay repueHesn epes, tbere cotnes a blast from a eilverttsap "t it wbtcb sound Count Foltoz claps kJi2feeis and cries, ' Tbe Emperor in Tbe Jes ineo and bis Majesty enters, with is bio aether, Is waiter Empress, oa bis arm He bee a snflrfe jterton, ui'.L tjpe bine eyes, and tbe saoft bMorolestt of faces. He -- wears tbe white ibdbtsnt Hoifoan of n Colonel, and make a very racefal and affable arknowledgmeiit of tbe Isvr oaefsaBce aade by all tbe company. Tbe BewMer Ie an old woaasn, wttb tracts of beanty webTtb aneet bave bees wonderful in her janttl. 'See were e white sf Ik dress, wrtb point lacs, end a cto d of iiataoarts and rabies that eisseet wasVit4ssed th e ess. Use English crown is S3,? te be ftattry ia erHerrsos with it, : 1!. ptsted down tbe room, followed by the to i ErOftceee and ber mts of iiofi.r. The j . ; tD;rew were a teee robe, looped with ' z:,4 scarlet HUM; bead-ire- of the earn, fas . ed wttb dsasasad June. Oc enter-to- e ae !; to m,( Prince Caffifcin took me in,) er T'r'0"ated to ber aaifBtf ; afterwards to fae Ijowa.r and tb Bovperor. TbeynHspeak tt.ii'ieu, ai.d received ae with tbe tnest gra-c- i' '.s kindt.eea. I i J r,oi deiee. for I was sot very well, and ssv tsm ae in tbe wiT. Bo it as pjeasant li'tot nJ ItsUniog: to the fins music of the S r i3. Their dances sretanslr io oars, ex-t- he Maioork fW ie Wvttfnl and pe- - ir. The snail is abestieeins and I aa anxious for 'bis to go, 'beogh I have wfvea yon scarcely a (Thracee of teat tsse wbirb tesids yeu to ure.t to nar eseawv my tor nte to your ' Go4 will blese b. t riser see a), JFor Mire. - A JTXGS.OMAK'.artoSOosr spetr to S 1 ' W1LUAM BOIKsBBS, ?o. IT Jtsersoa street. Executors' Notice. mvvttnMi havinr nnelisS at Xxecstaxa upon I lbeouteof inelate OS0B,aK K.ABEKTT. 0 uTot to the Ute firm ot GEO- - rLAHJSRTT BBO , are relneetfdtocooiafjnrantaaddtKauirfetlieaaine. And a?perasca tartar cltlmt aealnat tSe aaiil etute wiu preaeat tbem ta tin nwlenlgnei roe etOemeat, JAB- - PIA.HXBTT, KABT JTLAHKBTr. nIS-St- Eaecntora. iTater Works Coopaay. TKacoor4aoirithpTloa neUcthU Oompanr U-- 1 &it fKociSer J5.) orgaaed bj tte alecUonoftlie r3wlalDtirctort: JAKES a JOKES, J. OTCtE&SHAM, B. C. BSUCXXSr, M. Jamea 0. Jecta vu HecUd r.etident, asd IT. A. Birtbe Ssereurj ThcKvholtel as latereit in ttt iscceii of ttl la- - nortEt tmrrarmtcl areret pectraUr SOlletttd to antrl- - tct Ihtreto, br ctQlDg oa the Secretarr aad tattaf ateck la tee oomcaBr. aU-l- 2fotic3 To the Ladies! AFUTB opporiaaltr ii now (Stted to the Ladlts at & CO.. ta bar mat Bartalaa. Ia order to caaaRe oar bnelaeta to a etttcUa Fancy Dry ueooa ana Jiuua. ry sure, we save atmua to ciote act all oar bearr loo e. tscb aa DescrajRata, Oottoa ueunvea, tLC, ax., o.c , at COST FSnpt" Call toon On Hand. atocief B.aaeta and Vmiaerj Ooodd, ASPLKSDID Klcta Cloaka andStawlt, lateljr re- - ctjtch, te be tola low for oaab at x. babinds a: CO.. 7 323 Kata atreet. Fall and Winter Goods AT THE Imporiiiin of Fashion 2D9 MAISr STREET U99 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. IKFOBTXBS AKO DX 11X15 lit Rich Goods or all UlnAs. Dress Good. Bkraat Elba, Telrrta, aad Cafbaere Bobee, Rica Fields. Fialn aad Black Sill I tar Dretiea. Frtacb ate- - rlaae. an wool DelAlae. Mala and crtated. aad aB other aia&a oz xireea voooi. Cloalu and Shawls. Tbe larsett alocx ot Velvet aad Cloth cei to tbe ctlr A tarmb lot of CbeneaL Otleolal, SteCa, Sbawls aad bcaatltal Scarfs. Telret and Straw Bonnets. ThemoetexteailTeitockaf ParU Bob- - aeta ever exalblted ta tbe If tmphla ladles, . aH it oar own Uarertatiea. l Cap and Head Dresses. Tbe larcett aaaortseat la tewa. Dress Tr'imminea, Ot all ktods, tee laraeet steel: la tbe city. Itlillinery Goods. VObeet, Flowera. Feataerf, KsaLea, fcc, Jtc W12 acS abeap to tbe trade. Tjr.ce Goods and EmUroiderieg. TaleBCteasas.Glcapare, Brassels, Ptrlnt aad Fotat Alpacca XJnea. Lace, and MasUa Setta, Cellars, Sirens, Caller jfcwc, w.. Slournins Goods, Alwar ce d, aad srden preaptlr attended to. Black Tetnt and Clotb tor Cloaks. AlQMt rvCTT tblas t bat la pertaiatar to Ladies' Ward-ree- e, can be lonad at ttls Xoiporlam, aad for less laoaej tbaacaa be bad ta tbe dtr Fleaae call aad tatUfj TearselTea. ltlt tronWe foras te show oor Goods. Oar DBB85-KJXIK- DEPABTMIKT ti tbe largest la tbe dtr, aad Lndies can depend on bavlac tbelr work de&f la tae xnoei uaproTru jm. STTLI-l- f AK . CO. lr l Mala street. Ifemabu. FOR SALE TO PAX CHARGES, KB six months since, a day bank S ad was shipped SO from Baton Bongo on tba steaacr H. D Kewooeik, tot, L. Klacbloe, for Esirteraes, Ky . Oa tee Nimonk1, arrival here, a dlspatcb was recetvod to retora blat. Be w skipped back by M en the Cera Aadervoa Ibecm-stgae- e refastsr to pay freight and charge, on him. he was mtrced onaar hands. Any oae havlag any dais to bea. wHl call aad eetfja ail eaarg ta atstns 11 1st wltb-- la tne next thirty days, or he will be aoW at pobttc oc- - sioa. fecTr-in- ti aruvAatejtuurHi& w. Baton Bon re papers notice, and seed Mil to egsa Wanted. rfflf BD3HBI.3 DRIED PSAO PK3, for which tbe f J J highest market pnoe to rata, ty j. j. jfrmrnr. acTI-le- a No 64FreatBow. e Move : titst nceiTiidat Ifo. ST Trent aad offered for J tale low, a general ajMrraentef dsSerrnt a'aed Ma- - . nSIa Kere. I3I vca. -- ...v fust IS&ceivel tt joay a. FLOUByor, tyo. it rrt bow JJ a Cues Glager Wine. 3 Drtrsts OolS.h. 2a Caaea Sckelaam Schnsppa. SB Cae Aeeerted Pickles. IS Gases Fie Fralta. 4 Cases Garrett's 8a cS. 8 Obests Tea Aseerted. Woreealershtre Saoee. Fine Chewing Tebecca. Also a fine lot of Cigars, yew Mackerel. Best Snrer-Cor- Baau. All of which wB) ta eoM at tbe lowest market price. acIS JOHN . FlOBBNer. BEIM EXTR&ORDIH&RY H. F. FABySWOBTH BEKBT WAD3. H. F. FAENSWOSTH & CO. WHOLESALE 2? K W a & IS rI s AKD APOTHECARIES, No. 29S Main Street, Tjkoxi3.x?2aAE TorrnoeBoo, HZVJE REMOVED Frasi their OM Stand. He. 1 Front Bow to ttat BeacU-- fal large Five Bkjry BaUetag, No. 298 Main Street, SOUTH OF MOXROE. JTUST RECEIVED AKD P O B SALS WHOLESALE A1VD RETAIL! QUININE 1960 oasces, pure. LARD OIL extra fine 10 bantli . FISH OIL rre 30 barrels. TANNERS' OIL any quantity desired do Basra. LINSEED OIL pare 5 easkr. MACHINERY OIL 5ae and cheap. ROSIN OIL 50 barrels. FRENCH ZINC in oil 10,000 lbs. very lew SNOW WHITE ZINC 19,000 lbs. warran'ed. WHITE LEAD PURE In any quantity. SPTS. TURPENTINE 50 bbls. just received. ROSIN common and white 25 birrsls. FRESH DRUGS A large assortment In store ana eaBy an mag. TBE BKTAIX DRUG BUSIJfES wtS racelvs ar lartteslar aucstua at oar sew stand. No. 298 Main Street; PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Promptly aad CsrefcPy Corrpeaaied, x-.a--- sr ..3xrx oxtig: Br these who can be relied on aa qaaiifltd. H. F. FARXSTTORTH & CO. occ-d- tr JVotice. mO the Creditors ef the Estate ot 8. J. Williams de X ceased : The aaggeatlen of the ttaetvencv of the es tate of 3. J. wwuiaj. navtag been made la the OosatT Coort ot Shelby coaaty, Teanaesee, all ser- - aeata hoettag claims against said estate are hereby notl- - s-- f u, file tbem with I he uera o' saw cosrl cay aathen-tsoalr- d. as by law rraalred, oner before tbe 324 day ef oeceaiier text, ror pro rata pareacai. i a. wiujAMa, Adm'r ef the EiUte ef S. J. Williams, decM. aeteat-g- m NBW MUSIC STORE! rpBCnnderaigsedlits Jest received his fan stock af l nanes, jterBaeooe, .iseu., sintcs, AcosTaeens, keaie Books aad 9ccetMalc, which tsbyfarthelariest and beet aseorted stock ever offered la this city. The Pi.nis are frun the xaakcrs.A. O. Ssle Oo , aad BU In way & soa. nvery runs is warranted are years, aad will b. cold al Sew Tork Prices, the IreKU iy aaeea , My stock of Sheet Maslc is very large, embracing al new ana popeur pieces or tne aay. it yoa want th beat Planes, and at the beet irieee. can at J. A. McCLURB'S, a Main atreet. If S A fresh sopply of the new ropnar soars, Lais Oeee, Where has Lala Gone, aad Linger ta BUssfnl iff au or rosier. sepin-t- r On Socond Alley, BBTWXEK riKlOK AKD arnvTtnn THK weald respettfaHy Inform the citV ef Memphis aad Its vicinity, and his name rota easterners Uvlnc at a distance la the coentry for their past patreaate la hie line of baslaeas, which easiness has bBberto been ceo fined to themaaafactartng and pat- - - - wawwBBj, ama, ua KLui aeuevrag them be the best tmmn In rjae. elffei ,,.f n4 n. ,.- - . d ptoperly pat np, (and the meanest when not ae nude T sad pat ap.) however aa there era placea where the A J?J Faajpcaaaot be ased also a few persona yet living .no aim intra teat there are I tart 4ermnd u accommodate thetaste of all trpotttsf cp shipping to orer, any kind of aFmapthat I have therefore, employed sTexperV '.raj iron ise asi, woo win attend ta Zm ll ofPLWMKlKO. an ef which I ZFglSZESl I mean what 1 I have le the laat year ettae'ed mschjneryto a nam. berefrar Cbal Fames with erilra racceu. I have alao need large balaaoa wheels oa nana Chain Prow wlikfsacceas. Xn ase ase 1 have aged the welded Ltak pain aad Tcmed Batten, which Is oalte 0pTO i)Te but 11 -- f aieth tat sway." . "MTrLTBlt IMPABVO." I hsve recently uveoted a CHAIS FtrMP BOX. est. araelng two complete, aeparata and distinct he Props, liter drf fcr doable tenements, (and docile See, two pe sons can draw water from this box u the aaraa time. Jt.ving no Interference with each ether whatever betagno hole f. la the partition, wall r enotgh for aa nrct in dog eat, chicken or merits to crawt from e yard le tteether. X weald T eoaeeraingSbePaap, toF O.BtaghunandJ B Vet ing w. uaiuny rtH'fli V.7,13 snort "Ur",t0nUiUl!,,i"r. jaxSi-d- jy V. o. I Valuable Land I?or Sale T OrFXS for aaUUaUactot last vpo""MetiI. X rratle. coautatac 1000 acre, ana wuaia one mile of If uon t, aa tbe Itesptlt and Ohio Ballroad. Mr place la burUsmyr Improred i Trilh cxi Orcaud aad ertrr ooaTealeaaa. Tbere are about 600 acre ot cleared Ucd, balance veil Umbered. I win tll tbt eattre tract or a part I act determined te nil aad I will tire a barxata. Reference sur be bad to Dr. 3. O. Whltelow, et Brownsville, orXr. East UctSj, Urmpbti. Addreci ma at Sbarcn. Teaa., or Col. K. B. Somer- - velUlieaipbU. JOS,JKO. SOMEaVXLL. Cbnitlan AdTocau cepr- - e(3S-d- tf CITY AND SUBUliBM Property ! FOR SALE OS EASY TERM8. Cae Bel Ideacea oa Court a trcet, aad several sue F0US en tbe aaate street. Tcrte as Besmeacea oa scetcr (irtet. aorse vacaat lota oa (all stmt. SeTeral Betidtacea aad vacaat lots oa Taac street. A rood. Tbrre-ete-rr Brick Baslaue Itsaae on Kaln street, searDatca. zjevrru naniaiKas, wijla wioui ArgToca. Twelve to Sixteen Acres ot Groaad. three miles rram tbe city for f ale, or to trade lor dtr prrpertr. Fraail,eOta 1800 acres of rood land .la Westers Texas, for exebaag for lead la Kortbera if Lulsatppl, or west Teuneaaer, or Araaneia. TroB 10 to is choice Sabarbaa Lets, some barnved. for tale cheap. Tbt? are near B. Q rabam'f and are e aad baaeUoaelj located. Cl acres, five xalles rroa ateapUs , on the new Frame Bosse wttb fear roomt, klubea, eervaat'e boase. Stc 1 rood itabllar attached. Terms, one-ha- lf Casb, aad one-ha- lf 1m proved dtr pro- perty. Also a rood Koctawav Brrse, aad a rood new nocia-wa- y a first-ra- te banala It offered. In adtolon to tbe above property, we ban lota la- s' roved and aatoaprtrred, ta varloas rarta of tbe city. Also, several tboosaad acres cf WBlroprowd aad land la KUeliilprl, Loaldaaa, Alkaasas aad Texas, to wbteh we will efier treat narrates far casb, oa Urns, o- - la exebaace roe other property. Apply to itu.u.-'- auunu, nlO K Xitate Brokers e, ye. it Madlwm-s-t. Trustees Sale of Valuable Suburban Property, NEAR THE CITY OF MEMPHIS. WKDKESDAT, the IStb day ot December nut, 0K virtue of a Dted a' Trait, exeeated by Bennett Bicbytotee asaersizaro. oa lae is'a asy ox Apru, IEs0.aadef record In tbe KulaMra tSee of Cbelby coaaty, book 5. pates C(, (7 and tS for certain parpoeea IbertU oeatlaaeJ, I will proceed to sell oa tae premises to las bUbeit aad beat btoder, a certala tract or parcel of croenc, aaUlalciSTS-ieOasre- s, lylas anl tlnr la the oaaaty of Shear, aad State et Teaneatee, aad with- in bait a mile of tbe corporation line of tbe ellr ot Jf easphlt, aad Dearly opposite tbe Shelby Ooaaty Fair Graesds ca the If eapbls aad Balelrb Flack road, betsr tbe rrsldiace of the aW Bennett Bsty. The residence wtU be eold separate, and tbe balaaoa Into coavealeat slsed balKllcc lota. TiaMS or Sam One-thi- Cssb, sad tbe bilaoce la tae and two rears wltk later st. and a Hen apsa tbe property; the right ef redenrptl.n being waived. Tae true to tne aeon property is laaiipate&ie, oat a coarey oaty inch as is Tested la me as traatee. v lsakbi. Trastee. PLANTATION AND NEGROES FOR SALE. TX7TS win sellcnrpltBtattoB la Saaaswer coaaty, cor-- W UlnlcgI.M acres, betweca 640 aad W0 ot which Is ia caltlvatlsn, SOO bsadred mere Is deadesed, aad not mora than no acres are s abject to leaadatlea by tbe highest water ever known. we can (aad weud If desired) dlvMe this lato two tracts, glnng a portion ot the cleared tract to each. If It woaM salt a parcbaser. we weald sell twefty heads, tbe stock, corn, fodder, ae., with tbe land. This land is witala tear miles of tbe Tsaoo river, over a good road, aear Caretsa'a FlsataUoa. Mr. Bald on tbe pre mises win snow the puce. For terms, S.C, we refer to John IT. Eopklas, In of Ifnapcts, or apply to as at csntea, Kits. ocssawttia hiimiau usaup Valuable Plantation For Sale. T OFFHB for stle my Plantation, lying oae talis . A. seainef Batoeta uept, oa ibs atusistrppi aadTeaseafoe Ratnad, centalntig Foar Bca'rcd' Acres, two baodr i aad fifty aaaer calttvatlrn.. wltb a good log d veltlac boase, e. negro cabins aad an necessary oat bo Mugs. I win sell tbe pi aoe lev. Any eoe wbbing toparcba'e. can leara tbe price asd terms by cesiag d. wb orwrltlag to me at Seaatobta, jtssieeigfjt- - isefge-aawae- aj n. 1. WALua. CLEBR'S SALE OF TOWN LOTS. The Union Inn in Ralsigh TJT vlrtnef a deereetal trier made by tbe Clrcalt Jul Ocan of BbJ b.ceea'.yat Us September Terra, IS5S. ta the case af Jos. B HsiMKAn asd wire, aad others vs. K. I- - Smith aae others I wui sell to tbe highest biader. atpaMKeefry. la treat cf tbe conrt boaee door, la Baletah.oa MOyuAT, tbe 6th dty of Dectmbr next, 'hreelota kaawa sad ea tbe p.aaof the torn ef BaMgh hMi yes 1 and 3, la Mock X," aad No. 1 la btack ' y " heretaforc occarl'd by Mra Aaa taltt. deceased, aad kaewa as th Union tea. terms One-tb- l'd cash, tbe retldae oo a creditor oae aad two years In eoasl Instalments. Bond with approv ed arcartty r qelred fer the def ered permeate aad a Hea retained catu tae eaurs pares are meoev ii rata. October IS, 16i3. H. D L. BIEWABT, Rerk. ALSO At the tame time and place, the administra tor wtH fell at pabltc sale, th: stock ot horses, hots aad cattle, farming atenstts, baasebtM aad kitchen furniture beseagiag te tee estate et Aaa smith. oecea.ed. Terms made known oa tbe day of sale. In Is offered tbe be.t rtand and eppartaal'y torapsrson wlabiag to tagece in the hotel baslaeas. Tbe are spaeleas. with aU the aeceuary stables. nosa2S, ocu'tosj nunr. t nutru, Aonvr. for B?le. T WA Vk for sale two tracts cf Land, a sec lea , A oae ml'e from Ca'cee oa white river, adjoin- - 1st a planta! Ion 1 bave JastaoMto Jss. rjpsbaw. ot MeBPhU so lsprevrmcnta tat excellent. Land, and twesty feet above oversow. The other, two maee rram Aaeroeea on tae stage roaa to utue bocx; has 160 acres ef la"d la caltlvalloa. 660 ta a3. Im- - orvveatents are good, with a dwelling, negro cabins, etc. Jes. ft. ureaaw, cf Jtempais. or A. J. irrner, near Cascoa, win give any lnrormaoon oeeired. f H n WBXLBOBH. White Eiver Land for Sale. enbscrfcber offer tor site the follewlog THB of Land, lylac near nut's Biver, lu1 Arkansas : Oae traet wlthfa twomlleaof Crock. ett's Blctr. ceadsUag bf Kl irr-- e. UV 75 acres Improved asd . oaie cblas. T Island la ri'h. level ctose ta navigation, above In a good and coavrnient to mpetaal stock Targe. Oae tract foar miles from Cass coaaty, eoauialag f-- 0 acre a. ITS lsareved. gocl cablaa and exceBVatsla boaee. Th'a ta a fir t rate npland farm remarkab'y healthy lo- -i eatloa, fine taae, good netghboihosd and dose to con stant asvigauen. nr. rnoe, living aear tne place, will bow It to persons who wish to examine It Also oae tract la 8t. Franc's ceanty.twtlve miles east of Des Arc, cwtatalsc S0 acres, evar 100 Improved, with gtod castas, ott. it u samcteat to say of lets place that It is oae of th best n tba Blch- - lasd township. 1 1 Is on one ot the principal roads la tbe State aad u favcrablr slttatrd for a penile stand Tbere le a female academy gotag ap within bait a mile of tbe noare. mere ts aleo a ana cntrreb e avealrat. Mr. DavldMm. ea tbe place, or Cel. Baiby will ahow the land. Col Bagby Is aalbertied te sett. Persons wtubing far ther lafonaallsa win aoerers ae at waterfera. Miss. F Q. MOO RIMS. P. S. If yen want bargabM arplr soon, 1 am deter mined U set F. H M. Cheap Plantation for Sale. sir piaataacn ror saie. lying three Iurrsit of LaOranze, Tcnn. , caatsla- -' lag Bight Hundred and yineteea Acres, (519.;' This place was formerly awaed by Capt. Tbos J. Pott, and al prevent Is rested by Mr. y. E Cot tart. It la new in a high state ot caltlvatlen, well adapted ta the prodse' tenet cotton and all kind of grata asaally grown, and snaM easily be converted lato oae of. the most valaable stock farms In tbe weet, being divided In to tsar large fleets . Tbe improvements are comfortable; th' dwelling basse ts ef loc and baa foar large rooms ; caMas (comfortable) for twenty or thirty negroes, cjrn crtb, stables, aad all ether neceefery baHdiag.; a good wen of water, aad one of tba best selections of frxlt la tbe country. This tsene of the most ceramaadlag aad beaattfal cites te balld a tae koeae tn the coaaty, being high aad elevated and ssrressded by a beaattfal grove The percbsfer vrfll be coavealeat ta both the male and teaals colleges ta LaOrange. ana can save the expense of bearding hi. children as well aa having tbe pleasure cf their company at home. I have mere laad than I caa cel- - ttvate which It the only lndacement to sell. Any oae wishing a bargain la land can not do tetter In tvest Tesneseee. Call and examine the laad aa I am deter mined to sell. I can be f onnd at my residence three anea north ef LaQraage, aad will take pteasare la showing It to aay one wishing to parcnaae. JBBll-daw- tr u. H. BWIFT. SALE 0 F ID iU HEGROES, IH BOUTH ABK AITS AS T)T elrtae of aa horlly gives la a deed at trait execn I) US by O. M Watson, en the dy of ISS. and recorded lo Colambls coaaty. Arkansas. I oaar for -- el? .Mat 2 500 Acres of Land. LylBg ta Celomfcii county, oa the waters of the Smack- - aver ureec, ateet tntrry mres rram uamaea, uae aouy uf this laad contains some two thoassnd acres three or roar headred ef which are opened. Tbe other, of some Ave haadred acres, ha-- , perbspi, a band red opeaed. On the latter Is a Water-gi- aad other baUdlsgs for the sccommodstloa of a small force; bat tba overroer and ocgroea living apen IhJ larger tract, have heretofore rsiuvaieo.rjoiai.'geicer. laere are Porty-Plv- e or Pifty Slaves, Aboat twenty of tbm Seed haacs. Kcne an very old. mcy have been wen tret ted. aje mere Uketr than corn- - men, and are lacreasteg rar-ll'- I win a'M sen the Crept (except Oottoa) male this year, tee stock riaataun Tools and all other perisha ble proporty on the nsute I wsall prefer s tiling Laid aad Kexroea to cae car- - chaaer; and It arraagementa sstlsfsctory to me are mane, each a parcbaser osa get a reaaoaabie credit os a portion cf the Bet havlag determined to sen. I offer the Kecroes la families for cash : and the land one-- . bird cash, ice balance in twe eqsal installments, on a ereati ot twe ih tares yeara. Dearies; eisni per cent. Interest tbs Interest oa the deferred rsymenta to be paia aaaaatzy. A portion of the laad aad slsves are aader mortgage tr aecare aerator arwet eight thoaaaad collars to I. w Moon, ef Sew Orleans. J. H Appereon Is manarercron the place, and to htm. and U O. L. McSa- -, of Hosst Hetty, Ualen county, I refer persona . he wish to examine the prrpertr. I ex pect to be oa the place cr In that neighborhood, by the mioaieot ueccmvr next. My post office is " Trvvmiaa'a Depot, Loelf a. va." When la Arkansas my nisi once win De. Udoeasale. Ooiembta.oaniy, Ara. thus o. watsom, Trrstee. For Sale on Liberal Terms, fTTWO tbenfana to nnnorea and thirty scree; i or cnoice ativar xasq. varee nines from the Mississippi river I fear handred acres la cal- -i U ration: cnod DweDlag and comfortable Qaar- -. ters. Steam din and new Gin Stands, will be sold with the place. Twenty jo t etew lianas, yoang ana likely; twenty Mnies Ox Teens, Wagons, Farming utecalls,Ite Adjolnlngthls place I will sell cae thaasajd aad forty acres, one handred and fifty acres la celt . loo. three haadred deadened The above property . be add for oae-tht- rd cash, the balance on one aad as years credit, ror fanner rarucatars can oa me at tb plan- - tatlcn. Aocreas j. rwjn. rrentut, stlsilulp 1. or toDr J. 3. PBACOCS. BUSI-- U Mempbl., Tenneeeu. LAND FOR SALE. deeIrons ot parcbarlag good bomee within PKBSOKS half mile ef Coart Sqaare, woald do wen to call on H TolHctlre. twe doers from the Commercial Hotel. lie will sett K0 or 1U acres la lota to salt par ch asen not less than so acres. aalt-dl- f H VOLLIKT1KB. FINE PROPERTY FCK SAXE. OFTBR FOB SALB, the following pieces of . Beat Jsstate near the ciiy, ro-- : limn :i seres etch. . n Fonlar street, last outside the dty Thcs Lota, oae ef which Js well Improved, win be . aold teeether cr separately to salt purchasers. Another tot of IS seres, rwlthslae aires cleared aad a good or. chardj on the new state use read two awes rrcm tbe city Also a sne lot cn talcing seven acres ana covered wtth forest trees, or the Germanlews Flaakroad. two mnas root tae cut The above crorjcrtT la an er the moat desirable character and will be sold en favorable terms. pHyo W. B. SBLAVT, aey gvim Provlne ti Stewart's Block, Msla st. For Sale. A N Improved Lot fmntlng Goalee atreet 77 by Its feet, A. In the nrlghberheod e' tbe St. Agaea Academy. AIM a Lot freeing Coart r at TS by I13H In the Arsa-- Croaada, and Tbr e Lota treating Ik Soto street, ex- tended. 97 -5 feet aacb. by SO deep, a part ef Cel. Foe- - tec's Division ef Lots, aad adjoining the place on which lives. Far particelars, spply to I. T. HATLZT, .ciSt-l- 8 Front Bow. efSoe of mu ilia-ley- . Por Sale. J A MOST desirable BCGAB FLANTATIOK oa the coast. S3 miles above this dty. contain la BU Arneata ot Laadt S30lacaltlvatloa.tha balaace heavily timbered, together with S3 ac-- ror ctlaattd slaves. Tbs place li la perfect order. Urnu.f ,,t FXUTCHAHP i FLOWXB. Maw Ortatal, Jaw 14, ISS. IcsSMU fottmrs. SWAN & 00,'S E0TTEBTE3 TRIUMPHANT. fdlowlag schema wtll be drawn by S. Swan o TBB Vaaagera of tbe Sparta Academy Lottery, ia each ot lbei Single Jfambtr Lotteries for November, 1SS3, at ATJQCBTA, Ga., la pabUe, aader the saperla-teadeac- Cocualistoam. Clats 40 draws on Saturday, November 6, 1858. Class 41 draws Saturday, November 13, 1653. Class 42 draws Saturday, November 20, 1853. Class 43 draws Saturday, November 27, 1S58. On the Plan of Single Numbers! 50,000 Tickets! Is early Oao 3Priso to Evory Kino Tiokots. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME, TO BE DBAW5 EACH SATUHDAi IN NOVEMBER. iFrtsa af... ..TO,000 JFrtiaa of, .. 10,090 4 M " , .. 10,000 t " " , .. 6,000 i 4,000 CO 1,000 60 1,(00 100 1,000 2SO APPB0IIKAT10H FBI2XS. Prises ot ttOOAprox'Ung to (70,000 Frtse are 1,600 W0 10,000 1 ,200 330 ' 10,000 600 " 126 " 6,000 tOO " 100 4,090 (00 " T ,000 S00 " 60 I,O0 ' 200 " tO are 100,000 6,435 pruts aiaosollnf to..................p20,0CC Wholo Tickets, 810 ; Halroa, 85 00; tj- - A Clrsalar saawlag tbe pi an at tbe Lotteries m be seat U any one desirsu ot recetvlag It Oerttficatesof rackageawlllbe sold at tee feilowtng rales, which u tne risk : CerUScsW of rackageof 10 Wbsle Tlctets ..(SO 00 " 10 Halt " 40 00 " ' 10 Qaarter ........ sa 00 lOElghtlt 10 CO Ia ordering Tickets or Certificates, Xadusa tbe moncT to car address for tbs Tickets or. dered, en receipt ot which they will be forwarded by first man. Farcbasers can bare Tickets easing to any figare they may designate. Tae list of drawn aambera aad prises will be aeat ta Darcaasers immediately after tbe drawing. Farcbaaera will please write tbelr sUustares piala, aad ctn tbelr Fosl once. iaaty ana state. 13 Bemember that every Fvise Is drawn and payable in ran witaoat oeaactuKi. t3" All Frlxes of $1,000 and aader, paid immediately after tba drawing other Frizes attbaaiaal Hat of thirty days. OT All commaslcatleai strictly confidential. Address orders for Ticket- - or Oertificatea te S. SWAN At CO.. Aaroita. Qa yy Persons residing near KonUonwry, Ala , .ril- - lanta, lit., can nave tatir sruer suieo, aaa ean is by addressing 3. Swan la Co. at either of those cities. Ey"Aiistcf uteaamKrs tnst are arawn rrom weed, with tba amount ot tbe prise that each one U titled to. will bepabHshed after every drawing, la tbe fol lowing papers : yew Orleans Delta, KoVUe BegiitcTi Charltstoaataodard. HaehvUieuuette. Atlanta lnieiu- eacer, yew Tort Weekly Day Book, Savannah Geor gian, Blcamead mspatai, yew Tork Dupatca, ram-dla- g (If las.) Clarion, Aagasta (Oa.) CoasUtatlsaaHst, aaa uttie nocz ( trc i Tree Democrat. iris-iT-e- na efnsttrairct. 1jVFF city litaUKAittas lUJlfARI UK lUbJlf Ul3i Oace Hint Balldlag, Mala stmt, third door sootb of si arisen. Capital, $SO0,O0O. JAB. W. O&OCCKB Secretarr. IT. W. WILEiysoy PmHent. DIHECTCBS CIIAS. rOTTKE, HltyftT LAIRD, S. M. OATSS, M. J. wiors. Cespaay, ceaapoeed ef one haedred and thirty THIS business awn of MeawkK Is new ready far baslnesc, with staple security to tbe lBeare,as4 the cash on hand to pay any imssediate las We aeilctt the tbe pabltc for Fire, Mlver and Mareae Ktsks, aaa prorstse a prompt aetuinjuut ot ail weees. actn-ai- r Memphis Insurance Company. OFF10B Coeavaay's BalMiag, JaSeraes atreet, KEJITUIS, TEXft. A P I T AL $150,000. SAM. M0SBT, PresMeat. Bnw Mat, Secretary. Marine, aadRlver Risks Kee riSttBESagalnatFtre, as heretofore, v ill pay all fair loaves prestauy- - UiBBlTTUits. B. MOIBT.. Q. o. ATsinea. T. n. ALSfBU A- - - HAnnts, J. O. SxxZXlaw, T. A. ysuoir, marla-I- y D. H. Towmrgp. t. a. ritncn. x amis. jb. NEW MARBLE WORKS FISHEB, AMIS & CO., (Sacceasora lo A ts fa Oo ) Soath side Adams street, betrtea Htta aa1 recend. MfiVFHlS, TSA2 TTAVR cn hand a fine saartiseat of Italian sad Aaer- - rl lesa M tble, MonameBts Box TimOS and Fet stoaee, ax., gotfn ap la tbe LATEST A?(D MOST APPROVED STYLES, aad are corttaetly recevtag adllliis to oar already large stock We employ the belt weeenvn aad are de- termined not te be excelled by any eata.Hetnt Zatt, West. Brrth or Soath. All kinds or Ma Me asd Stone work exrented ts order, at the shortest settee aad lowest cxan prices, uive as a can aaa patronize acme saaa-factar- Ton shall not leave diasstlsfled e 6 dlmtwSm $150 Eeward. y WILL give t.eabore reward to itry person whoe. wlU apprehend, aad seare la all er eth rwlse, so that I can get them, three Negro Mra, that ran away from ma. Two of them left on the Itlh ef September, aad the other on tbe 21th las . If tales ap oat of the state, If taken lathe state, one- - third far either ot them. Oueof tbs two that left first Is naired ADAM aboat 6 ( laches high, light cen- - slectod aad telnab y and a aear ea bis ncee aad one knee somewhat enlarged by a eat and aboat it years sftge. Ibe other one li named, Is aboat ftet high, very blsck, wttghs aboat 1S6 poends, asd ts aboat SSyearaofags I believe they were decoyid. tT aad are aiming to get to a f ree Stste The oae who left ontbelfSUet , Is very black, aboat go y srs ot , end fi ret t techx high, heavy bollt aad very s'eat, has rather a dowa look wtea spoken to, berertheiesa very shrewd ml smart. 9 AmDKi, I MEAL. oczs-daw-ln year vaceo, Fayette coontyr Tean. Sua dries. BBLS. Eilr. Family Fleer : 100 loo tsjx-- s yo t Fa m seas: li pacaaaes o.tla Batter; 75 VAt. Cr itbed Powdered aad Leaf Facers ; 73 bjxe. S'ar Caadlea ; 96 djzen Wash Board ; as half chests tre.h Black aad Greee Tea 00 :bs Setae, wlae and ratLaua; 10 too VlrglalaFish Heees. with a geaeral assertaseet ef lrcerles. stora and fsr sale by nil C'A3 MBCLKAy, ra Freot Raw FALL 1S58- - FALL 1S58. XiATEST. M.. SIMOJS", MANCFACTURIIl OF Fashionable Clothing ! TTAS Jatt retaened from the East with the largest and JJL best selected sicca or CLOTHING of all grades, shades aad prices; DRY GOODS to suit all and every one ; BLANKETS, KERSEYS AND LINSEYS; BOOTS AND SHOES, for smalt and large; HA AS A3i U UAl'S ; And a geaeral assortmeet ox all Goods sppertstnleg ta bis line, ta which be calls t he atten'lenof every parchas. er, more especial y, Country ItXercbauts, River Tra ders, Planters ami Peddlers, As his facilities caaaot bo aarpaeeed by aar Tldese la the city, aad his WhtJ. sale Prices will compare favora bly with tb la the Beat M. SIMON, si rroat bow corner or Jefferson street, sepa-g- m aader the Commercial Hotel Wm M. WellerT' BUILDEB! Slempis, Tens. PI HOP onJetTersaa street, between Thirl and Fonrth. j An kind i if jsbbtag aad reps nag ot bandings promptly aiierceej u. m Mew Furniture. XT are recellg fn m tt.tntrs Eel-- T v ras: ass sehratks. this day. mm large assortment of FINE FUBjfrrr Rk from Xew Tork. cintlitiar of Frerch Bedsteads. Warlrobea Bureau, ffa h staoda Beset.. riesaad BoekCatet, Sideboards. Xtagrea, Whst-Xot- a. etc, as jiii ot which is Brit daes works, aad wtll t sera low. ttT I ml McEINNIT a CO S50 Rewaril. i, snoraooaitBSSEthdayof Septrm-S-A. XV tember last, my oeg-- o bey named AMBBOSB, VP agoi about H jeari ; 6 fee S era laches hljh : .rfv oark complexln ; dowa lock , will weigh aboat ISO-- 2- pouaoa. raptayaweuontbendllej had on when he leitanewjalrof hlsecottan rant., efeeeterl i, ccat, a brown hat aad sew pair shoes. I will alvo 113 if the bey be delivered tome; I wn -- J invn in aurjausQ taat t rasy ootaia him. U.J CDRBIE. Jtcksoa Onaty. A'k-.Oc- t SO. 1S58. ntlawlm Plantation for Sale or Rent. TTTO wm sell ot rent 4 acres et land 199 , r r nearea. rxo awetiiar. orchard r nn t miles from Mimphla, oaKoncosaah Creek, tear' .... .... . ZH eea Trut ae w . BOBISS0S It TOUXO. 18 H adlacn streC I Wanted, Immediately, 10.000 TONS OF COTTON SEED. AS the Agent for the pnrchase of Cotton Seed for the district ef M'suhls, I feg leave to call the alien, tien ef planters to say card For all good, coaad, clean Seed, I will jay eash oa ic urcry. io jtur mcrceaais, or lo FBANK O. CAPJES, Meoinlils. VWn F. S la cases of contract made rrcrerie. 1 win e v... r. n VanteeZ X TMMKDIATSLT, a colored Cjok, Watner aad Iracer.for rr r.eC":- - "ar"v ot " I'lav-V- Jl el m. SUA W eav IX). MlliCll cows Ann Dairy Panning! cearnisixo : THE Breeds, Brecdlxgfand Maragemeot la Heallfa aad of Dslrv and otter rtoct ; the (elecien of si ucn uowt, wim a r nn evpiwaticncf Bnenoo'a met hod I THE CULTURE OF FORAGE PLANTS, And the Frcdactlon ot MILE, BUTTEB AND CHKBSBj Embodying tbe most recent lmprovemnte. and adanted w atcuoi ta tae untie, oiates ana urilisa rTSVtaceS. with a Treatise apen tbe tn DAIPT HCSSAXDIT OF H0LLAXD; TowtUhliadJed, Horcfall'a Systera of . Dairy Management. w BT CBkRLES L. TLIXT. Liberally Ilinstrabd. For sale by CLEATI3 at TADB.N. jr. feIjMsOJves. TAILOR, ao. Ait niatunon street. NEARLY OPPOSITE THE UNION BANK, MEMPHIS, T FSLLOWZS.lataof tba ana tt FeTIawes fc, . Co., takes pleas nr. ia armeunctng te the dll- - oi jawncats, aaa au f rienaa generally, who have heretofore ao kindly patronised him. that be. prepared to wait on then at the above So. cn Maditan sttest, wiia irea- - mm styiisn Bla. Xr. T. havlag had an experience ef severtl years la the principal cities of the Union, heettttra ant ta aasara that he can give perfect latuf scltsn ta Ml I tor " Stady w rivese, ta sua ocua. rpia Ae gEESSEIis Late of tiufirm of Simon, Sttutl, lean to Inform the Lsdtea aad Gentlemen of BESS aad vicinity, that he has opened bis en- tirety new and Urge stock ot 33X1,-2- - GOODS, Counting of the vry lsleitglylea et Silks, Woolen and Fancy Dress Goods. Embroideries. Bose-rie- s, Notions, staple Goods, Etc. Also, a splendid aurtmeat of Beady-Xad- e MEN'S AND COT'S CLOTHING, Cent's Faraishlng Gocds, Boots sod a oca at wholesale aad retail, nbich have Ueo carrfclly aelected at tbe prtu-cjp- sl port of the country. Mr rnotti ketng cash aad aot be u naderaold by any other hooae In the clt i , 1 Invite tba pnUln most rcpeetfanr to call aad examine my stock be- fore vnrcbastcg. elsewhere. A. aSEaSEL. SM Main street, lr Opposite Part Square. HEADY - MADE CLOTHING a y d FURNISHING GOODS FOB MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR! At Wholesale and. Betail roa ttjs FULL AHD WINTER TRADE Of 1858. STOCK. OF OOO D5 for tbls season beiag one et OnB largest and beet assorted ever offered by na, aad wltb oar tadllttea xor gettlax op goods In oar Use, and onrdrtemtnat ton actio be undersold by any, we most respect felly lavlte an examiaition from Wholesale and Retail Buyers of oar stock sad prices before maktoc tbelr parthaaea jonysoN a. j iisr, Wholeeale end BeUU Clothiers. sepsa-dawi- Ko S Clark's Marble B'ock CAMDEE, MIX & CO., Wbolcsalo and Retail Dealers In Staple ana Fancy -- tn -- r -- - A Sliocs, liats. Carpets, 5;c., ABB NOW EKCIKTIKS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Oomprla lzx& : Plaill & FilllCy SiilW, From $15 to $1 SO pattern. WOltSTED DRESS GOODS. All qualities and styles. Vslonceinnoa, Thread Point .Lace, Quipure, Brussols, Honiton and Crapo Setts, Collars. Capes, &c. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF . AiHUtJB, XilHUrOlUCriCii, AWIUUUUB, Gtlovcs, Hosiery, CHILBS' AXD LADIES' SU0ES, &c, COUNTRY MERGiiMTS t&nd Planters WILL ALWAYS FIND OUR STOCK OF STAPLE GOODS! Full nnd tVell Assorted. AMONG WniCn ABB : 2.000 iiounds Carnet Warn: 2UU Dales Alabama, lieorgla, Virginia, Lon-isia- na and Eistern Osnaburgs and Yarns ju oaies tieavy uuck; 50 bales Brown DoBteetlcs; 30 eases Bleached. Domestics ; 300 cases Boots and Browns ; ELy. and Ala. Jeans and Llnseys, From M to 6-- 4 yard wide. Fulled Cloth for Negroes, From 3-- 1 to 7-- 4 yard wide. iTashmgtOfl, Plantation, Georgia, Virginia, Paooiiix and other ttyles of Wool Twills and Plains. We are i gents far moat of tbe ab vre STAPLB GOODS, snd will ten to er castomers at as LOW BATB3 aa they can bay same quality at the Factories. We call erpretal attention to ear Stock of Comprising Mary, TThlfiiey, Waldo, Bfacbi- - uavv, uatit. uenttan. unmi's, Oar Stock is the Largest and Cheapest WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. Va.elUiUt aJAtJa. Ga UUse CS Iffcln Plf'e't. MfmHiiJi. atnlinpnlr rtferitttte CHARLES SHOLL, Arclaiteot, AAA FROFESSOR OF DIUTVU'G, IX ALL ITS BBAKCHES, Office, over tbe River Bank, Madison Street. aan-tl- y ARCHITECTURE. P. II. HIflAItSKOIiD, Architect, Civil Engineer & SurTeyor. f FFICB on Madison street over Gsyuo Savings Bank, srmpnts, win laraisn cesigns for aaa ssperlalend tbe erection of pnblle or private Bolldjigs, Churches, stores. Store Fixtures, a c WC1 aleo attend to aay work coming coder Ue bead of Civil Engineering srSarveylng and famish detigas and worklag drawings ror aiweiuag noasesoroiBcr nai.aisgs in the country, so tbat any contractor or ballder saa follow them. Will also faralsh all torts ot Ornamental Casting! for Irrn Fronts, Bailings, Balconies, Terinith', it, and MarMe Kaatiee, Fluor Tllv sad Cat Stone of a' 1 descrip tions at to we, i marsei prices BzrESrxcES. Hon A. B. Loorstreet. LL. D .Hoo. lose ocoii, oasx xaxe, sm . rreament or js. & u. Col. W. M. Stockton, Dr J. O. Miningtx, D CockereD, aaa., uoi. t. i. Finale, lien. a. D. Mitchell. J VcXeev. Bmce nears trost a A- - at. to I p at . aid from 2 r o one-ha-lf past Sr. K. aaKwUtawtf 8. B. UltXCR.. JOt. Flttst. NEW PAINT SHOP. Miller V Pimm. 4 main sireei, (Orer Bisk's Store.) Ornamental, Sign, Banner, Plain ABD DECORATIVE PAINTING, Execated tn the most approved styles. ARTISTS Of the rarest order are csestactly employed In this ahem at a ireTaemfrwa f l nen.. wMeK m. m.m capable cf doing aU classes of work tn oor Una than any I ether .ban In MMsnhl. I ' - - 1 nnr Cm n Defies competition both at home and abroad. Persenal attention given to all oar wstk both la dty and country. X B. SMALL SIGNS at ac hoar's notice. JyU-dd- a MOUSE, SIGJl9 ASD 3CORATITE PAIKTHVG Glass Staining. Gilding, &c W. H. PASSMORE. TH retnmtag.hls sincere thsnk for the very libera! pa t-- ronage cestoweo on him slace his residence in aem- - pnis, woald inform the citizens that he is prepared al au times to make tihh CONTRACTS for the completion work tn the above branches of his bnslness. In a style test wm maintain lis enviable Mentation already gained In this city. Store No. 3. Slewaltti Provine's Block. Mala street. below Colon. X. B. I have tacceeded In engaging the services or oaa of the best practical painters la the conn try, Mr, Bo bebtb, late cfJTew Tork. aa foreman, to eiiUtmetn carrying on tne aa.mess in a manner that will give per feet satisfaction to all ptrtlea. ma-a- ir w. li. rassauae. 520 Acres ol aLand FOR SALE. A LOT of Z acres ef Laad aad a aecoad lot IX. of 100 acre., the former lot- - sltnatrd three ana s pair mile. nonnw?,t cf Baleign, aaa tne latter adiernl&r TJr. Garneee. I.nd aa BlrOrvek. Shelby eoTBty are for ssle. The W0 seres hts K ecrea Improvd, and has open It aoed balldlag, o. anirs, proved land of aae QBallty e I ittnnin. t, ...i.u BM,iAfi.aH vrenlses. If I noea!eIse!Trct:4 bytht 1Mb or Dcember, the whale I ti . . .et,,. I. . ffnmortaoitv te ee-- I , rare excellent property en very advantageous tee ml, Qt eeri-cirri- I I NIGHT SALES. A. S. LETY CO. WILL COiOIESCS THEIR NWHT SAis This, Tuesday, sept. 21st, AKD OOKTIKCB DUBINO THB SKAS0S. Goods nlj warraHted as represented. ClolUing, Dry Goads, &c sepSt . . A- - B. LETT. Aarttcneer- Ploor Oil ciQtns. bttt cnalltycf Floor Oil Cloth. AH the dlfrereot, THB receive tbl T, McSlNKST at CO. fjjat".i, r Look well to Your Interests and Pur- chase only the Best Machines. F E L T O jN'S SELF-SHARPENI- PortahleGrlstnni. EVERY PLANTER HIS OWN MILLER. THIS li CBS of the most velaable laventleaa of the dav all the qualities Beceasaryto make ltie the greatest service to every Planter, aad Is destined soon to top reed, every other mm and to sopptr a rreat want long felt In every part of tbe eosatry. II octant., only 3 feet by t, aad weighs too pounds. The great dlstiagalshlBg charactertstlcs are. Us sim mciTr, DcaAnllJTT, VTIL1TT and glfAlX COST leqalrlae no skill tok r It 'a urder. It tt sre i -- til' i nrei low . T ant'i Jt i,.fc is i it -- Rr Wi.tcu ILairT AK invar.uA..tx rrrn vit stoi k It It adapter to steam, wwi or horsepower, grtndlae to perfection wheat, corn, eats, backwheat, dragsaad spices grinds with two horse power tin to elaat basbels per hoar of tbe finest quality ef meal for faraltr ase, and ten basbels of prime feed for stock, and neiSi bests tbe meal a valaable feature. It contains mora good qnalltles than all other mm. eceoblaed. aad only needs to be seen tn otxr.ii, vlace every lateaubnt ml ad of Its great rse and riraotu eatUlty. w-- e challenge the world for a trlil before com. any other mill ever Invented. HaadM. ef the mills sre In as. In dlSVreat parte af tbe DaltM State, and aU give eattre satUfactlon. AU orders fsr Mills aad sppUcatliu for Coaaty Bia-ht- In the Bute of Mississippi, mast be addressed to tjua uuu, uoay sprlagt. Visa T. H. 6t CO., fcb-d- ly Mem, his, Tenn. TO SAW HILL OWNERS. ITIBB sabscrtber, a praotleai his terma- - L neatl7 located blmaei r vmAai. ... .. et and STBAtOHTKNl'yO 0IHCTJLAR au mi 'jiner jAo. trerk Ooae st Otactaaall aad .KKiupnn, gaaraatiea. Also, orders received far a rare efeurtaaLu, r Ran :. " me are warranted saw Mill owaw wuimut it to taeir advantage ta call ae rae before pei Mia nacwecro. nnep on Poplar street, oppotlte Ualen Faanderv. novsalawlr SAMIT!. V ARTSTB. R I" iie. .an. JLr 1 1 iSLawju 3C "I" t AVD C A S T I N G S AT Reduced Prices for Cash, Or Approved Paper. TBE StJSSORIBSiS ABK K8W BSOMVlliQ T3B1B Fan supply of UarJware, Frsm the AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS, AyD Br Spooial Importntloxt FROM BNGLAWD AND QSHHANY. Resident Agent in Eiirope.UTTjtirrvnTTt kiiic man leieiewa ill Goods cf Earopean nianafactnro, At Very Reeiweee! Rates, i ryparehasers et allitadt. WB OAX AVD WIU. FCBK13H TO Country llerchants. All Ooods In oar Mm at aa LOW PiaTJHBB Ashe can toy them In aay Kastern er Saethern Market. ' Cash Bayers Solicited. HAWKS. SMtTB St CO., ncta-l- T let aad 384 Ma'a atreet. G BIFFING AND ECCENTRIC Screw Wrencli, Patented March 13th and October 2d, 1855. w teallen MACHINISTS GA0 PITTEBS SollIMIlS This Superior W tor which we are I SOLS AQ3HTS. HAsTllS, 8niTH CO. ftrindetones. 30.000 peniIajieva gestla ant Bedea Gilad- - slcnes. at low flarev. H1WK-- . Swirn S. CI. Barcafns In Hardware. s i joa who Bargains in iiareaare. cab trpea A octl HAWT.S, SHUH It CO. Taole and Pocket Ctttlerv. fXVTL Silortmmt 1 verv large, and w are trllleg at V lover prices than at aay othrr aeub i.hmeat In the city. lcisi h a wes aiiira s co. 310 Dozen CliopplHir Axes. OF the foUowlsg brands : '3 w Coll, is." Hani's," " L'pplocotl's.'' "Lewis." H OHll l" aad " Blodgett Toul Company," far ta'a at Baxtxbw FBiecS. oclSl TIAWE- -, SMITH St CO. Sundries. MAXILLA Cordage. Oattaa Bev, SO bates Oakmn, Trace, Fifth. Sfretcher. Stay aad Tosgae Chalna; Bar Iron and Steel, TIB Tate, Sa- - Tin; 180 aaaoies eaest iron, asiorteo, ror saia at rejeord prices. UAWSLn SX1TH B- - C.U., oclS SOt srl lot Msla strset AT- - WHOLESALE. TUB STJBSCBIBXBS ABB AOAIK C1NDIDATI3 FOB inn PATBOKAGB OF S3CH Wholesale Vnrohasers AS PAY Or wnase ability and promptcest arc aadoabted. WB IMPOST oca FnrfiSTl CfiflflS DlrfCt ftOH FUr0I)tl!l , .... a nv , .. , , I muuui AMERICA! IlIASlJFAtjA lJUES From Snt hands. Oar Stock It very large fer this mar ket, sal oar prices reduced lo the meet favorable cent. parlson with aay aarket in the United Slates. Mar. chaata la good standing are Invited te ei a nsteo ear Stock, which consists ot everything asainv foond In Hardware or Iron Stores. As oar proSts are excectiagly small en Geeds Jobbed to Dealers, we cannot sftirJ to aeU taaay bat FIBST CLASS BTJTEBS OB lOB 0A8H. Lounct, Orgilt &. Co., Xoa. it aad It Freal Raw. Ba.tern Offlce, 41 Watt al reel. K.T lectldawTta V L Notice. at OrrtcE Sotrntrnx FAcino "Jtti"00- - I Ma as hall. Tsxas, Oct 18, tSM. I I a nrEiaiL UEETINU cf the ot towu.r. ot m. A rtmniT will be held at lealsvtlte. Ktateety, T0UB3DAT,the:sth day of Xawabrr test A meet- - leg ef the Dtmtars or tae twspear - tae the sane place. Batlness st lenwrtaaoe win be trta. aaea J leaia - . rv,. al credlltrs. beUlng I I"?.: .J' ror the tamaf ahaat .I.-U,- . m. ... V. I imna , T.. term, or tne eouii-- , . . . . fe.,t.m.m.).,liHm,l, parmeal of this in soteuuea. maaths. in .a or arpref4 n ..iT-v.,.'- .. ii i. sulr ble to this lad bUdn.lbat we msy cvea Into rosea. a el SrB7d andewpetlF of th. CPay aMjUf proceed with tbe we.lroctlen of toe - nttineA tbs next tntv ive iniwa Mai i tn lbs ,v. n n. neeanl.rv dl.aHllvlee, sad IB' lime, proceed with Ihe rosd be shown, e TJb v. id be ea. -J..,.. - , n..i.itiiHf tt Teas, er ef the gas Ml am htT pT,rrl'y. br F!ltc.5?'.,tl fJ&J'!i .i'il etaee, ui aoaje res. oi 0.1 v.,. iiL. . .... a... east, tfiw.rds tats KTVSl v... te in.rf th. sm railway sytsm et the United Slates. n.. U. LKl...... . . tegttber . te elect a st . . . dl'ecwry. sad tean epen alt sea every taajret wawo tbevrntrtWEtroiiy , ,r. t,, . ajea a (A ' w aa ill gaaeetM Two iriales Lost and One Found. or were swim rreet me, s sorrel HA STBATBD M17LC (borrca ) The tenet Jtfcsaan branded with the Ititsr "I" Tbe Mttkltm I mm a na naad ea eaa ferefoot eeunese A. males were lo past sre tea mllea f rata Memphis, oa the Balel b p'anlroaa On the Jllnitant.a BAT MOLH wst tekea ap al the plica trem wblco Iks Mbirs ewar-- d. tad la now tn nty polsas'ie3B ban stti arani iiew. w ocil-tfS- S B. Pi XAjjEBS. OA BABRKLS Oopperts, P. St V.. by ... JavU aaxS tt. T. PARMBWOETB St CO.- - DEiUTISTRY. TB. J. O. CO LB, late of tbe xrm cf J BS.TAK k. COLE, wut cnttnea the bnslness at tba old atsed at tea flraa I1 aa fatly prepared to pert a an esert lions la Dentistry Teeth tase-te- d en tbe ntost Improved plea. I have a new and valuable Improvement la aritlttal work, which requires bat a sight to aaUafy 'be mled cf Its atlllty aad strength Oace on Mala trret la Pre-vi- tt Stewart's new balldlsg, rear ot Qayae Ilottae n m raizo...... ...M...-.........M- .S Bonus. DRS. SNEED & HORINE, Denti is "t 3, MEMPHIS, TENN fmca, Corser ef Oeart ant Main s sheets, oppoilte wens at we. on Cenit street. Teeth ISMrtirf .n Muiui. t. meascaabe seeaaloarefaos. aBl-ia- DR. G. W. ACREE, ncntist Court Street, opposite A T. Wells Bro. A LL opera lees pevforaud with tbe XX least possible pain and la the meet sktatal manner, dtaeaiea et the gnats aad1 teeth sacmafaSy treated. Artificial Teeth rr Inserted upon the cumI .scrceed nlaa. vHh ninu. Bdaobaatbog etUeroMor new u offered te tfreplre toe paanc wito consdeiKe la ay skrk, er as ea esdace-ae- at In call at my office. aalS B. H0WC0TT, DKNTIST, irecrjioa to tin. x. bowcott: A... OFEBATIOy S pertsnaad at tba abort andgasraatlnt. Office ea Main atreet, opposite the yorshsa boase reett-dl- y DRS. BRYSON t. CKOtVEEE. I iierB, air asm street, oroKe Odd ,ew uait, jtesopess, Teaaeeaee aoS0-t- v Jjraip Carlrs. Wines, Brandies, Kums, Wli VCat TEAS. efcC. P. TIER K A IV & SON, II III ti more, nfnrvlnnrl. OFFiB for sale tbe feel-iil- artio--s of Ih--tr awn parties arly for family aae: SHBRBTWiyKS Pesarttxe's ftsest psse geV ed biswaSfeenUs, tawoodaad la glass POST TntrKS-aandea- an's 'oapetltienred aad whMe Port, in wood ard m glaas. MADBIBA WINK Join Reward March's fine Made- ira, 1 waod aad in Hals l else, Srsae Jasee. BOCC WiyBS Jeaaaetberger, Sftsberfer, Maree. brnaaer, O.btnet, Breeseeerg.ef ISeS CEAMFAGNB WI.N'JS Kol and Chaadea's fiaast, a Cjaarts snd ptau. EEANDII3 OUrd and Heaaatci's fine eM pale aad oars firasatea. BUMS Old and flae Jaaslea, Asttgaa, Grenada, aad from the Islands. Imported direct f cam Lcoaea HOLLAyD Oiy Tbe best qnalllj Ttevaan araee ana do mixtnre or uematsc sntaea n tt. 309 halt chests of the Sees SOITCHOKG IB A. ecla-l-y PILOT KNOB IRON COMPANY. riEOT UXOR, 3IO., HOT AND COLD BLAST PIG I R O J , CenstasUy en hand and far Sale. OFFICE, Zl COMMERCIAL STREET, ST. LOUIS. JKO. 8. MeCUXE. PreeMest Jos. S. Pease. Secretary. feast Jlr c. at. habvet .a. n BA3VET. C. 31. HARVEY & CO., COMMISSION & POSWARWSG MIBCliiNTS, KO- - 1W QBATIBB ST., S1V OBLBAys rtTABLUIIED 13 ISM. OBDSB3 tor Soothers .Staple, rare fafly aad f .prefaettr attended ta. V iMeKhaowts and Fio-- S. dace recelTed and. forwarded acanrdlas te IBiiraMleee with dispatch Freight by .all or .teea eeewaeted far at low rates RErES TO Ctnok St Co , I O 9rtS)eg & Bro., Steed at Etrar-tj- Haaash .V iina. mart Sly nenne a. bihtholb JOLIBS II. SMITH. macxlot TnoMrson ALrnso c. ara.teoBt I aJtMaeAaAwJii, SMITH & 00., yjnllr.s II. Smith's celebrated ; Old He serve VaSt. Iouis, Mo. 1M AI.'D in yOBTH SECOND STOBBT, JaalJ-I- y ST. LOUIS. LOUISVILLE PAPER MILL C. I. & A. V. DuPONT. MASTTFAOUXBSBS OF SEWS ASD BOOK PRISTISC PifltH, AJfB BBALBB3 IX PAPSES Ol? ALL KIJtDS, xn 31ain-8tree- t, Louisville, Ky. eecwHuwi, Wt xtm ft Confctiions. PARIS HOUSE CO.VFKOTIOXERY. Wholesale and Retail CANDY MANUFACTORY, Ko. 67 Front Bow. to Us trreeds and the pabltc for the veey TQAVXFTJL extended ta blea fer the last twelve years, M LOCI8 HO.STSDONICO bega leave te laferm thectiaaas &t Memphis aad vtclnlty. that he wttleea-.taat- ly keee an hand a large aatortment ef the beat Im- ported Wines Claret, Fort, Madeira, White, ac; alse. scotch am and Loaeon porter. Alee tee best Brandies, warranted to be pare aad geaalne M. L. Mostsdosico always kaeta on hand a great variety of Fancy Caadtee aad toys, aa aasertaaeBt eT tick Candy. Prases In tare aad boxes. Batata. Graaes. every kind of Fralts and Hats, Iena,tl slr. dines. Olives, French and English Mestard, Secar, m 'oar and oexes, carssae, naraienine. UK wiaes, u rarer. Preserves, Savaasab, Mew Terk aBd Bieten Preserves, Cats an. Peeeer Ssaee, Choealate, Cordials. Syvese. Xac- - carant. Vsraaaoelil, the beat Havana Cktara. aad a great many other articles toe onasrroea to mention, new fer sak very low, er her by wholesale or retail HeweelaaegiMlewaltanlitsaM cesteBaera and aa many new ones ae may can nana haw, ternlaose them geaaleet arsteiea and eot4 hrtB astC-l- y SiOTH 15 OF DISSOLUTION. veearteerehlst heretofore exUthSf between Gee THE a lerether h this day dt'sotved by lb death thesanaer Memphis September IB. 188. JAVKt FLABBBTT asd MART FLAHSBTT (wldt-- of the late' George Flabrrtj) wn ceattanas the VURS 7CMC baeineaa. ca--' ter the style et J.raes ft M Flaherty, at their raw aad extenslvewareieBse, oa the soath s de ef Uatea ateeet. between a aad Secaad, and ad)oiBiBg tbe carriage heare of Messrs J. U. Wlsweil & Co.. where they wm be pleased to receive the patronage et their irteaes aad the pabile general! seel VARIETY a store So. 277 Wain Street, NEXT DOOR TO J. D. WILLIAMS & CO.'S. JSftrasseri & JLinU TTATlftG laat aneaed at the above stand, we Invite XI the atttntlcn ef the pshUe, aad the Ladies parUe- - alariy, te ear aasaremeaw er 1 a i id. Jit I Ii QS, of all kinds, au o all tscb. goods aa are kept Is a Brat class TABinrT usx. anIO-I- y STBASaBBl S. LlKr. Brownsville FEMALE COLLEGE. ATUMBIR ot Tesch'r. 8; n timber at Pa IS rlls, 131. Bev. WILUAM SHILTOV, A. it.. Pre. Id eat Xext fbeskta bectas. September Utb. Fref. CHABLBa HBM, the bruilsnt Perfirmer and T sober, hat charge ef the Maslral Depart ea eat The other depart men a are ailed by the beet Teachers In Ue ccaatrr. Fer cataiegaea, ceotataiag Terms, u , aperr ae sae President, or to B S. THOM. eXiT W. P. LEWIS, Cornor of main nnd Monroe Sts., MEMPHIS, tennessi-:e- , Wholesale and Retail feeler la SADDIsEttY HAKDWAI12, Ataaah SHOEMAKERS' FINDINGS, Meaatteaeree serf tVaMa ta BaiIuIcs, Milts, htm Wits, Whips, Sc. hsee new en bead, a fall and neaassl sorlraent ot QOOIHI la oar nee, ts4 win recelslag weakly, rrheMNhae sever sU at, which I win sell a CUBA P FOR C A 5 tt the s.iae aealUy at eeeeJe eaa be wrehainl either le lanctnnaii.irtl. Kala We woaM stetaiiy invite twux-tt- r ystnil atlvM ,al ' l .a .t.mlst.U. , noct, aswearaeeaarvllelMit ae their orders al saartrst ttatiee. All Goods uaawattl la tbe Roase, warranted. aai-Dt- ai CHOICE PRUIT OP Altli KIUD3. J pal THHsM(ltw htsmhshdthela-srs- t ! WuAUiXUn er V HtllT TitlKA. FLOWKK tag nvaauHBRNB ever esvrea in this MS' Ml at reaairr. Maaeolilt Laara Uta.ih. and Gism Tinea aatertcd, hv the thoaiaaJ rttatert wae have ttHfrred by the late oversow, can ertehlsh their gatdeas aad ertbares al alx Deaths' ee all seeta ever SUO; er asms et saoo aadap-- wsms, at twnvetetaus' lime with esilsfactory piper, rereeal inMed. All are-er- a addreeeal te me thronxk Ihe Memphis post win t(i-rersi-t attention Mynarsery la en netn Its rta.1, 1 h muea trwn tepit'timty a. ja. w uauatuit . VIVO tstlredfroai IheAnctlon Bceintst. thesamr be carried oo al the Ut Hand, Xo. 13 Madlacn trcet, by 8. liETTf & A. E. FltAXIIIiAND, Under the style and arm et --r3u. S3. IaETCTTZ- - da OO. Consignments Solicited. Account Sales ea-- JB aerfd promptly. ,r A 8. 3JST1 & CO- - tsg JrS-da- o B. F . WILLIAMS' COMPOUHD SrSLlTS3 op s&nstiPcZJzii.i. tvn Xodiclo of THIS popatar remedy la now oCered to this cemmantry nar,tiMAiR.M...ritt. i,. t.i. HWc dtsordcte, and dLreases et the Skla, IaSammattos af the Xautneys, Ehenmatlssz, 46. Please read : Free the Kaehvlle Gsxette I To the irmemi imr .tti, mmauia fnvhieh ina attention ef the atiene ts se rreeeeoslv easeM throegh tae aewspaper preea and otaar mediants, there nams Ooaavaad Exirart of Sarsiasritla aad IwHde ef Felaasa, prepared la this dty by Dr. n. I. wassstas. as a sptedy sad ttt ctlve nmed tar vum, narrxi- - floe. Cm. ntcers. Dnserala. Liver Csesptainsm. see a nam ear efotbev - ma that Sish la heir to." rl baa raptdlr gsleed ."Mimjr, weaavewHseiaeaaiaBy iastarxraer Its teaeaciai enewa num a?1 restortng laSaeGcee we have seen the wan dyspeptic grow Strang In mascte snd wealthy as Seen ! the weeaaa who had leeg been the ptnelrata rtela ef disease, restored te health and the esjefsent er IMe ; aad Saeantaael adsnivirtHSs lesciereia entirely nhiu.!4 -- i ta.t imtate arSietuio. One tnetaaee a she Jatsevheae wis pantoaiarty gratllyicg w oa A Utile hoy, aged throe sun waa rvr seme ttate sfaled with sore eyre. sexraed almost ta nit abM that be waald laee lha seaao ef sight The most erase, at of atedlcal skBI wassaieSej'. aad lbs parents ef the little saerj--er attesded at. tr-.t- .ttb .atk.irjareeualeefleteadeead aeBehtr eareweaeH eelv a rac4Mrarjde father cm leel and bestow, bat aB, It j.,. vi.. uB.ur anea.aytnasewboaad wHeessed tad expeneeeea .s gr--at cwimi. i,wM.e-- ., tt Dr WIIUaaa'8araaGarttlaaadIaeMae,rwit.. mj tj.. aa... iSam wSm tlMaaerlaM them, aae Sit ftod's bleulnr bbob Ibi Motneter of tlia metflela. eyes are aim.! eetlrety well. Msy the medlei.e that bat wreeght IMe ewe area hint, cbtaea a aad kted heaves skewer Its Heeeek bie.stags apeo e geassae yaeec sewesmsn, Br 8. F Wanliml. $1 per bottle, a tar ti. Fer saie by WARS i JON OS. SclncooWs RESTAURANT, ADAMS STBEET, OPPOSITE THE WORSHAM HOUSE. THEsrenrt-tsr- ef talsas-XV- JS UMuh,... tea'cetrsOy re- -l tanas isuu to hts reaay patraea aad ackXMHTladsea a .hare er eaataaa reeeieed dartag the peak BeaMaer beyond exeecUtssa- - He has hsd aa adettteaal beUdusg pet se. aad satpreeemeats ntade lo all the deeart meats ef Me hwese. He dap Be saawsefeahtspaiTATEPABUMS aad enters seen the Fall aeastn wtth a deSevBtsaattaa te keep an a r-- whaoh he has a adeaveved to earn, that af seeetv sag hss eeetoKevs with the BSH AKD FBBwHKST "ATABLB U be feaad la the markets, Berth aad Seeth. OTSTXRS THIS BAT SSBTZB IK ETBBT STTLS tus eeaaeatahaient wt.1 be feaad csen ae eirty at SIX ZrllT . ,,ISO wr eOBBseeatta af r?iiT Fa-- e at tble Bestaaraat eaaaet be Bar- - ' 9ftfl M Tbt flMMM wn MMt a itMir Mnucsm ' WORSHAM HOUSE. I FALL & WINTER Q-r- t OXiiiCUii . enwr . Worshain BlOUSe. . Mempllls, September lit, IS5S. : TTeljX-leT- ' Si ' mamrt'. "w aaaiiaae wasoa. the i seK tae one. Urn i ,etMB Me aetao- -l esmiyU ta Ma tisseli. aed the a.hsse geswtallv twtaMrUaetal va- - Uwaax- - as tee reaat , and a. setlett a oaattaaaoee at ssaeeet for the relate. He aaaores iheaa that he la faflv txeeared fer the Tsteeege TraveL aad the Fan aad winter trade, aad af- ters aa mech eeatfert and aeaet seseattse ae ate te be aasd tn aay Hetet ta the Soeahweet. lie hasabaaSieid, far tbe .reseat, if aet fseenr, the teea er ehaagsaa; Ms beeteesat aed, bavtnc ataee erery KestraMea to keep. a. hetusliis, a real, FiBJer-OLAS- eS eHrTaUieaa I'soutaaeskW, he will centlaav te de- vote Ma anehvhfed aMealtea te the null mail at at Ma Heaae. Be.fectraaty, J 1. WO&SHAM, tepl-t- f Proprietor, ef Werekasn Hoase. America. CJV. THE sobecrfb- -r wcekt re--. f. apectia taferss hi Iitaads , the peejlie, tbat bla F1EST BESTABKAKT SM BOTEt, nakAl. ' ea Adaaas street, nearly opposite the Wonhasa Hoaae, Is new open, wnere ata a ana castotaera win be ed with all Mndsef Game aad oMtcaeiea ef Ue as welas thecheweet brande af Wines. Okalleef tog all ceatpetltleB, he aetrrtta a le-r-al thapa at the Beet "treaaa.. afl-I- yl JOSEPH THtJFZL New BooIi-- . , T , . . . , . I !I . H. A V It'. SI Xr XrAlllt'iV v-sJ-i- v .aji v a' , HATB BtesiTEB , THE LIFE AND LABORS ' u lk- - J i REV. DAlYXEXs DAHE It , i I Fstr aaa bmhv preiearee br M. sea, , a.iuui s,saai, Fitter of tae Oaeest, Aaaesa, Twss. XBestratsd wtth a See reetrait. A N INQU I R Y late the laATV Ol ."VEGIte S2.AT15RT, Is the PNTTB StATEfl 8F AMSSteOA , Tewbeeh ttpeasseeV AX BtSVOBtOAI. SKETCH OT SLAVXBY; BT THOMAS B. E. SJBB, Of G sansa. THE COURTSHIP OF MILES STAND ISH, Aad OTHER rOBMS; Br HSK4KT WAtsawearH I(f8FBUW. ON THE AUTHORIZED VBR8ION OT the KIT TEsTTAMBKT. taieeaetH. B wttneosnorviiat peeeeiah fee tat iseeta e- -. By BTC8ARB GHEXETtX FBSMOst. Fer i ale by BM CLBtTBS 1 TaB-SX- . TWELVE "LESSONS 5 tLt of Pel's Cam. II Minatrele.) WOCT.B rrteeetre'le .anecaee. bhst he ha taer ' . , -- .. a.., -- i . i i , .- . w- - . . U... w . . k . . wwa- - J . peyeasM Oestreag taetractteas eaa eteereasB tevaaa.&c ' ea en at their reswenees, by lesvlag ereera st te.tove , - sewai-t- s J1 Varil. , i ' TING reeaiaed agala tbe FCRSITCRB BDBIKB4S Ha the eM stead, aad are ae reeatvint: est enter sty new aaa wen select a steak, waaea caenvt bat eae aa, bath la price aad atyta. Ttrtafcntl to all aar It as fer their past liberal pttreesg. w14 stsB aomtt tketr traea, aad weald be pleased ta serve yoa ase be en-t- r at eRoavxKt)B. H M. oaoaveson. a 1 CAMP. GBOSVEleOB. CAMP & CO., Wheleaale aad Deeleis ta FURNITURE, PIANOS, mm Oil Carpeting &c. IHATTitESSES, OF ALL EIXD3 OX HAXD, ISO MASK TO OBD4B. 280 Main Street, below-- Madlsen, oe7-- tf Sleinpliis, Tenn. S40 iewuii. on the night of ltk at SepHm ST0LBX. tweoty-acve- n mile, frcte Mam- - phl. ol the etvtlle read, a c axt eolared MABB MITLB. foar yeara old. Fr mar ard I tbset I will pay JW, or $26 fer ma a, at Sheeby OVrtet, or aay ufernaallou received. Ffet OeBce. Shelby Depot eeJS-l- JP. B. PBTTOX1 ID PENS REPAIBED!: vxGLeWS tacav, wlttat ceoea eaea, tm X eeat staaase 'j er oO cent, fca meney. to my aAdrew, aad they win be retaraed by stall la good order. ROaXl.VS 1 BABXBS, Gesi rea Manafactery, iylawiy Xe. 88 Third street, LeaHevlBe. ty. JVotice. T) ESOLTKD, hf the Board ef Mayer aad AJeerniea ef XV the OHy et Meetphrs, lhat the Mayer keep a ttaad-- tt aatsce iilHMtse cuy paeers, that ne aceeant agatcH the city w be eaVd Balm made by aaenertty of the Mayer and Board of Aldermen and approved by the Mayer t Extract rrota ths atmatrs B. D. BAU8H, Mayer LB Bicbabds, City Begister. Metaphl., AarattS. 1S63. aaT-- l' Huine'F Hill, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Kotary 1'ubllc. of Deeds, Ceesml'stsner ef Oeart et COMMtSsIONBB State Oaeaatlasieaer, Meetebi,Taa. Oace open 'rem S A. M.t r. st. Atteatksa gives to the aetauwledaaaeat e' Deede aad ether tastiaaaenia et wrhnsig, n aad aat ef oBtoe ( to the ef Dee, and an other ittstiSBienU et illsagi to the tekhs. ef DMaltlft te be ased latheeeeecat State aadTerrt-tarle- at to Puite HtfigXotee aad ttrarts. lhavetweea- - eee ka lnisiill.n caaaecslea, aad peeeaBt caa eater by the ttee deer wttbtat the taterreyetesi tee rreert ttXee. Aeaaeete and natea far eatrectsaa ersast Wtst this see wtH be ataced ttt the hand ef reUeele eeaeers. lis-e- n C. K HOIST & SON, Cabinet Makers UITOERTAKEKS, Matn-St- ., Old Stand, bolow Honroe. (Tts oMerf per tanrxf ifsnd (a fAs ctryj HATB eeatlanBy en hand all sixes at Patent MetaWc Cases, which they tine and rot ap atr-lla-ht ta the best manner. Also, aH kinds ef Wood aad doth Covered OoStaa, which they sell at a fair Price. Orders rroa the ceaatry prompt attended ta, and Par-nM-er made and repaired, and Upholstering exeested. nova-i- y Xiiterarfj Eureau. AX Experienced Bepur, a taecesstal Anther, and a thereeahly- - edeeabd Lllertrr Maa. weary with tweaty-- d years et the dredger? af Daily Jesrnallsm, baa eetertalaed te hire oat er seU his brains at retail, to the who may rtaelre thler service., la any hoaortble way. Merthants. Bnslness Mtn. Inventors, aad dealsrs of rve'y uae whi ceaeppitea, c 7--0 and, wit a Aevertlse- - meats, (poetical or elherwisa.J xotlco., carda, Clrcalara, er aar specie, of article desired. Iw tUctaas wtll te e applied with Spreche. Bemrts BMeiatlsBS. Letters. Teaals. Famshhlets. Editorial Ar. iieei, (.watmemcaiioBS, saa fr cry o'E.r sort ef Br.ln as wwrk, whMh net my snd It Inconvenient or tronbi- t- soeor bb aa ter taemser s. laws .nd Gentlemen, af evirr raak tnsodetr e eaptUes Is life, can have Letters written on an. a woeiBeroatinejesorsenizmentaj. The advertiser will a' so cocdact or translate Gerrespon eee ef erery hind, either Bnglien, Preach Spanish tfermae, er Italtan. Poetry, ACTOtllca. Lines far Alb ami. Kot. mnt. dex, Menedles, and Compesltloat of the most delicate aiM Kiaeoiiai caaracter lackfeat to eve rv tiosalbleclr- - caateUttce or event In tie, wlHbe ft mis bed In Inviolable aanadeace, by writ tig to the anderslzned, and explaining .II Orders by mail, accemsaaled with sash, win bastrlctlT lacaptiy aiteaoca La. aaarese J. THOMPSON. Literary Bsreaa. 3- -' Box SS Philadelphia P O . Fa. STQHEW&BE MAHUFACTOHY he Bj Taleatlne WatsI & ABton Scli-o- ob, kad "Fori PickerinE". Oa tbe right band aide of tbe WlsaiiiippI ami Teteuee Kauroad, near we cor- poration line and river wttb Weald retpectf BRy aaaeaaoe tbe eltttmnmg cf W . a nw u a vvrpaCTOBT. where aB terul. efwAvt I tat. Maa. from a half gsHonJogtoa tlx fatten, andlars fr.mbaK to SfUca gsitoa., are made. .. Haas aaa s.iet r newer pci. cm u eia imt. AH wienies' te see the ntaaaftetkr- - cf these artlctesana aiaase caJJ. Lots, IPxa-eilw- iI a'OTTri I other with the conidance el 11. HOfestswthe wist Wa i ... , w nn. k.M. to GfireK UMaTS. Tstfar. is aane apon which we place a bihr eeksseae than WaV- - pabile favor whsrevwr tatrsdaced. Ia aUa cttejiaBsJu year?, to wheat we ar" attaeaeel by tae atreeeeet et Be sneered tae meet exerataataae pees, s a swam r aeraaa. with bet sttght beaeaK te Itttle May The ttt't . V,. iu. el.. kk. terreer vA keiesk. aeeT Ms Wltearsale Arret", Me GHXtTEariZLU Co., VA , ABg I, 'M. aTEeMBS. Bevr a. AXX to , Btcheaeas Last faa oae at art resiee was tamed loose ta the stasia yard: whOe piaytBg with ether males, raa wtth the wetgat of hsa wh-4- body agasast a large plate af sheet tree em- - tteg btralf oe the thigh er ham aeoet tea lsebet sang aad frees an baab an a halt te two laches deep ; the weud was ot sack a character as ie set Pe be weald never beef aay eerrtee te ase agate-Seei- ng a aileeeof the Terr OH In the paeers, I peeeand aad applied tt at eaee aa the cat, aad ta aeeet three wee I a he was perfectly well aad at week, aad yoe can- not perceive the feast sear where the cat was mad. H A W1MTXIB. P " There are suae aaate at bajarasa te CaHe as aeti kbMhoed, whkh have bean cared by year Twrt LMt aad it f ao, bnent t 1 caa securer, maay - '.'. - ... J" mmm ii - eet heaarec fssartj they ever saw H. A. WINFtrOB. AMiLir worwrr, JaayM see. Messrs. Bevr a. Co.. Laat aaeaaan I had a veer aste herte tetseed ha one e( Ms bind less sehaery aa teeaewe Is. ta vt 1 tk. Mm "f . i.. - - T tmbU every remedy I eaaaw hear er tauavk ef, wtsheat littusag htaa IntbeleaH. Berteethe feel the swiSBag lea las eed. when year Mr Archer saw It, and reesaanweded year Tare OH. I seeeered a bottle and sa a very aeest treae, befere I bad ased tbe ceettana ef one haaabt, the seauas anbsWed. and yen eaeM net tell wMeh tag wea lalared. Be H aew well aad dotat; afl knada eg raeaa week. Ve-- reseectn ly, Fer ,a. Mhi. by J ' Wbe have the oMtrel er it ka esse ataaa. Hfew Treatment. BUFFALO MEDICAL DISPEiVSART, Bat ihttthMt fer the eese ef DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DBWLITT, FEVER AKD AGUE, ASTHMA, INCIPIENT COaWUMPTtOK, Infirmities of Youth aBd Old A NO HERC?nY USED. DE. AMOS & SON, OO&KMB. or maik ajtd QOAT SerSrJPjrjaL nCFFAl-O- , XEW TO It Si, A BS the esdy hyalcsu. la the State wae ase as saa IX. tiers ef the Beyal Colleaw f Sattset,l be cettaeMed frees S o'clock la the ntzkt. In every state and syaantasa ef Waisis, The IreataneH they adoet la tswreaaMer apweaasf tatrty years- - axteaerte ana aaeceeeni aeeetate ss and Astsiats. A MOM SClSf7iriO IXTINTtOef. An teatraeaeat ter the care ot Haekarnal gntlsilnai. xasee paaaeito Weekness,9tc Can be Bersaaneatlr cerew teew te t wwty etay., by h-- a K nas. aaet roaa ewt, .tea aWceadeatUywrth ntedleaaes. tookg mbk. tacb PABnetrLAK Nrrreva. Dr. Aai A Bcai Ute altiwire ia i its nsrg BVat abey bare laiejUed a aae tuoerttat hMtiwaMae sea tb. aewe ef the above dtseatea. It has beee sektecsed aeateetef Ike swet emleewt phyilrties tat LieSie, Paess. PatliSil pais aad w Task i It kaa been deetaVed the eanr eee- - fai htatrameat ever yet laveeted far te ease of Bat Weakness, er aardieeaae ef the siastsl esvsaa. censed by the secret hahiU ef yoath Dr. Aaaea A. Sea, ha oreer te MMt the Wiset taisil eal as ta the Bserlta of their. lean ussiet, Btaahje Bkem-serv-ea that ta any lastaae where H aaayaeeesaasatss fasatry after a fair trUl, the aaaey wtll be ril uaians ay retarnsag the rnatiaateat tn aoed eeear Feisans wtsbbas; the above aaetal laitisiiiiataBa, serve that the price, with the eeeasaaastetnceaseeiaasks, seearely peeked, aad sent by atett er sasesss. la tea delta re. XBW BBMBMB8 ANB QfJICK CUB Bel a cran wiaaama. Dr. Aiaea a. Soa have fer a leas Mr lea at jeaes keen eaagd ta aa exteeeive avaetsee tn the taeatesset aXtsate tad tee theory Isanstr oysaV Sed Phfeacataa who new advevtlae te case net saa esse- - Pernae ha any part ot the werM sear be i treated by ferwatenn a eaevecS etatt af I wteh a remittance far MaenOBtea, Ac . which wttt be te barBed wtth the atBteet etaatek, and aecaee seeea eb-- Aaavete DR. AMOS ft SOX. earner Mesa aatl ajaay sareees. Berate X T mart Saw Is Dr. T. McGotvWs SARSAPARILLA AKD IODIDE Or POTASH, THB GBZAT Bleod TwtoVer astl Health Kttrtr ! PBHPABBO fisa the FBJtSR BOOT, the easy Mad ft ;i Pty.wt.iM ar the Baetaet oM, taspetted root nx inert aad worthless faeae tea have KTSiT-- a he svato 7-- 1 f r".i.w IB ww, saa e UM aW.r.1 El .n. It. mm I tela. Efcaao B.U, w'Mte Swetlaag, SyaOjias, Baweaaataves, (wtf, .MM , . tfce M jtaal uatu. r.netfs rim i, r ntia.ii Taasera, Cadexy. &c It reaeaeee lanaiSllii C the Blood or Svataaa r abase of Mercary, aad asstse the skts clear and ttm-uth- aa object of nttereat weth the uetea. rt aaeese e aeea la the tartan; ta sea! Bee4 aad pre-- , cat sukneea. Price, $1 a beetle. McGokh's EieeHee ef Tsr, Ie a ecrtata care for ttowei (aaaiadaat, aa sabanssvea Bytentery, Flax, &c. JIcGown's Doejveui HHtl srH, I rmnisialisi Ni riillli Tlji inpsss.TSlsSilsjiiiisu. yaJeaeas ae teeArttay U Cows s TBI ton, Agae Cehe, 3V JlcGTJH'f GteleteR feelekratl, Fertae rvtsrr u Ceofhi, Cvkt:, ri aisaapllaa. Cwl, &c aictJotvu'r. steiMack Bitters, A peaawt ta ! vvigoratas Teaae McGoivn's Mntiaeir, Never known to fall caring E!d seeee. Paan i, External laeliTaaillen, Caroale acre pe, fre. An the above Beeeareil and sekt ty xt. s. aroma. Xe. 343 Mala street, seeth i.t rkvloBuMe mrSS-daw- ly Aad fer sal br all other Br MAD THE POliliOWiKG AND BE COHVINCQKD. THB Hsn has at lot aiived when aU yarisi seaanasal aay of the tallowing onB,latats, will ae DB. SLESGS'S CHLBBBATBB COMPOaTXM. CbBls, Freer aael Aawe, Bya. J.aadtee. Lreer Sees plaint, Xeraeee Headaahe, asd Bis seal TlnS llslj, are cared by the net ef it-- SLBMBeS XBBTO08 TONW Oebts, Ceazhe, Or eaa, laaaiaii, nrisihstaa, Asia rat, SfMtta. Bisod, anal IscteHat 17 insassillta. see enras sr tne aeeer BE. SLXDSK'S HOABHOtTKB FaNBAa Blarraea. Diseeilery, BesesVy Flax, Ohesera Metaas, aad aB aff' Unas et the Bowels, e enred by tsnaaeef DB. SLSDGB'S 0BOL3B-- t Si DiAXBHZA TBBr. Per rsMrea, when teetMag. Is thss eeeeer ptnloa tarty aAsvesd. PBiezs Serveae Tesrte J aad JI per beats. Hear heead and Pectoral St sw kettle, er stx tiltlie Ur t Btarshea Syrap l per settle, or betlleeset . BXi B THB FOLLOWING CsUttlrWATBal: Mmrnis, Teaa., pebraatr , Has. DB. J. M. SuteSE 0ser Ser; I have beast taken, ter soeae days, yeat Male Bsttera and take bsiiibsu at tsyaasUatsethnasI her. ever tahee hea besMtHtee) ave seated In se shart a thaw aa It hea. Tbere was a gea-e- rt deMUty aad praetratisa of ary whsie vyeaaaa, a BeaaV ache aearty aat the state, and ceaetaat aeeajaaaji far semetaate after eettna, with eaWaeis ef Bay I awhe. I ased resaedhM tbat I theeght seed bat wtxheet any speetal beexat I ecttTaasBed te try year lease Betsaia, aad 1st a day ar twe after aia theaa. I twwaa w laaarerv aaslaeel' that! am gtaastr biaiatttdby it. 1 eammead theaa te the Bethllc aa ae hasabng, aad aaejaeartanshty esueer eke best tearaea saw laasefer OektsHyaad geaeral ef the syeteas. Beepecrelly. yer etieliat eervaee, SAM'LA BOLMB6. BkSACA, Sa , May It, HeT. J. M. Kxssr &Ce., Msateasa, Tvteu. Genfsr Tea was please seed ae (to Beaea Beeee, era j tweaar-fe- ar beSHea ef the Xetveea Teaec Ser Hi a sage or OkeBn aad Fever. We have seM al yen aent aa wteh the exes, Hea ot oae bettse. It takee One ha tbas pars, and seeaaa ta have the eeetred eet. Pleaae tetwerd aa early aa convenient. Tears, reapecHaSv, J. W. & J. HILL. BcxmvtlMlss..SeytBser9,hBfC. a. J. M. Sitnoc-Be- er Sir: I have Jinat veer XerveMTeaetobebraeaetalfertheeaee el CatsBs an Fever. wWpseaM sl BHtese deienseetla aaeeaat at yea eaa. Tean, very teipectfaBy, JOXAUAX McMAaBMl. Sbiloh. Ginsorr 0a.. Tens., Sept. 3, hWe. Da. J. M. Sucsoc: Bneleeed we hand yea a leccstt fee twe aad a halt dexea bottfea Dtarrkea Byrne, waSak came te hand la dee tbate, and we have see ease anal a, half desen et them. As far aa we know tt baa gevea. anV ttre sattstaettea. We have set all the Xarvens Teene aad Hear boa nd Fectaral left wtth aa by jeer agent. We presame we eaaM test two er three desen betake of easit, bt it tt convenient fer yea to aBd them to as. Taore, trnly, J. C GILLEKPIB taSehaT. MAaow Depot, M. X O. B. B., Seat, t, aaa. DB. Slxdox : We have seM aH e year Xervea 3aaat left by year agrat. These that have need K are steeh pleased with It. Wehave had several casks feral aseea we bave been oat. Ten will please send ae eee ease bottles and oblige years, etc, B. T. BROABXAX et SthtC AB ef the above are fer fer rale by aB lire seta tries' ' merchanls threoghent theceentry. Areata sad sabsri, wlahUg t isppry, mast aewreaa GOODTZAB, ZXJPF A TO, mrl7.Ht SPreeeteters, Meeaaatta Teaa. . Cancers Cnrett. than 1080 cases have been cared matin the MOBS six years, ranging from oae to tbtrtr year Heading Orvlt Lovt, Lovmgten, Ta ; Ihemaa Hekbe, . rrtersbnrg, TlrglBla, Joel H Fartak, Lea eases. Virginia, John XternoMe, Big Island. Vtfftata, Theet. W. Marshall. Beaafert, X . O , Mis Hatlsa Baah esleg. Fine Hall, X. C , Samaei BlBghsai, Maeve, X C. Cel. Archibald aad P. Carter, MosevHe, X. O , Baa. George C. Mend ban, Jamestowa, X. C, Mat. Masts Anderson, Covtrgtoa. Georgia. I A. Baash, Seetat do, Georgia, Jerry Creamer. Dillon, Ga., i B-- Eltsba Dardeit, Social tBaata, Ga Col. T. Lsmpkla asd John Palmer HaaaavHe, Aa. FamphleU eca taming testbsealal ef the Ml test be forwarded te aay one wtahjag to test the. trathof these . rMedielrM J lerwaraea oy man. Address, JAS A. CLOPTOX, M. oct3S-l- y no tsrUe, Alabama. KOT1CE. M. SLEDGE haa retaraed treat Xew Tbe. after an absence of Mae months. sb4 hss egeetea KBe astoandleg cares in that (My He kaa taken aa, .fem at Xo. XT Xesree street, between Mate IK Seesnd ttrtet., tad will re an me the piactere af Medtet. wsire has for sale his celebrated Goapeesda. AB easts to, day cr night. As he intends lecattet; vera a- - " twntrets W.T hi.. .td freen Usa rreat saccete heAaa, in th treatmeat ef the varies dHe lies, be tSeeki'-hashoa- ld have a liberal patronage frera the cHlttos eft Memphis taac-e-a v Removal. B. E. OBNE'S LAND OFPICE,; been removed to Stewart St Trevtae's Block, on. HAS street, between Union aat Gayeso streets Lands In the Chickasaw and Biv r eonaUej., In, Mi-s- slsslppl. PlsnUtioas to MUtltJlppl sot Arkansas, OMv Improved and salaprn d ts Memphis andlB. barbl,slwtysoaBA!and Itorialf. tfSJzlTt

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Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1858-11-24 [p ]. · THE APPEAL. TEE IN SCHOOL. TfceleSw-wh-IscMee: la aitkrtrict school It taK Mr.TOM FH fainter, at v. Tk, rmllHt of ti MsUMan


TfceleSw-wh- IscMee: la aitkrtrict school It taK Mr.TOM FH fainter, at v. Tk, rmllHt of tiMsUMan latetenee Cetaptay, Is a poetical sJdrai b-e-rare na uHiKTMa," is iHumtiit, uusuo- -ceus ui skit asm -

A district school, net fr away,MKl Betkthire bMi, w whiter"! day,

Was fceaaiBgnitb It wanted eeeseO: tkm-sccr- e stecM Ettta sA toriEeasefewsepoa tMt ut taieert,Bit TsMpalm&n eaieoheaf beet IThe wsBefttieraxiietsd.wnMrd seekW.l retUrned en a cayy b kjWhta taMinly. bete Ms bath.B,se sharp isddnr a rraWAs 'ln a battery ofLt aff4n e trea enters 1

" WtaViit (he rtsrtle master ctlet,"That, tan," a Ulu. teeerepil.

The OteritbnB4erel JS."1oTriiife - --

WithLite wretch

ikM chattel an M. beak.Will bang hU bd ln tear-Ba- shame,And t tee awfal presence caseA st, Brecn. bfel araleem,tm beeter aH geed-na- te a tvWtthal swrew, asd bW aseatori.Tbe ter 1 alien- -" Pass saniesThaC a, MybUrew P"P2. ebeabt

BeSare-t- wears set tehees tobeeiWevmgeMaswty ntotF"

-- Tw7t ir, berwtr, elr," teed t lad,--I MiIshi te be l bs

Be vta Season aheefc her crab,.netwasrredlwnrslaefAaiteMl B WOr--a d.".,IovaMt ttaed It, air, at at, "MalitMStaSlIknew bwhee Teoahtteaet,Bwt, iiiIit, from Iw eoati 1 beemwitlinVMtfTWellMWI"

etcretpasdesca f the Appeal.' ISftssHixi, Tsa, "ev. 5, 185S.

S,m( I wag in Paris, Texas, La-B- ar

siaaialt- - bb heatjojoartefs of the EI Paso

Bailrsaal Cam V 1 Till Is Ifee Dais trunktt Cairo thei mi it with. at-- Farioe,

Meatus aaa Ltttk Keck, the Gaines' Landing

ai Oaac- -it BilraJ at a poit called Tex-Mke- ne

ea Bed river. Th report f the Presi-

dent at th ra te May fe., prMeata very

aaar iatarattag itemt, bat I hick tbere iarms Httte vHsHty &boat it ettosgh to save thecbactar B4taVas wfefte tbat'a said ill'a eafd.

Tben ta MsitiMi of caaatry that &eeds R

NftHi aatM MtT m bed a Eastarii a

ffatttaralcH. aportatlon aJres alltbe anfci, bat tfcere at mbmmj to MMroxdawttfc. 1V r agatwt New Orleansate loatd and 4ttp. Pasr city ; llonr mech itton to stand up under, all beeaare Iter Cfr-eataa- te

wlfj set work for Dotbing. There ia bo

laatma aw aa to "the Pacific Raifeead, theaittoa bt aire rip far a cocapreiaieethat Is,

. tatf are wiliiae; to gtfe tbe road up to aoyaady that wtt fy Its deMa. I bow take leaveaf Tessa, )d Is Ee Mar do net kaew that 1

twitdfanliti far yonr calaaaai aDythioe; more

Iba the MtoaTiag additiaiwIBaEalaiia, dtsped froaa the Tas fitpuUican,

f Maer Ssb : VSTASG, JR.

STJMIAK SMTCBH.J Mt Okarca Fiair le PrfTkt BimtT

Brtm-H- Ue 'tm Tteovt OnifMTkc Imperial

lailalTili flail up iiti nf 'fr LaerBotaaaae111 in , ta yt tttAwrtcMMBWitl

Sr. PfTxusess.The Utttbee here are exceedingly raagnifi-eaa- t.

The St. Isaac, (the Greek. Cibarch,) itla said, cost om bandred and thirty-tw-o tnil-Ha- aa

of doiiarc. T&e dome ie all covered withfetid geld. The ftslid bars of silrer which aurnaail It altera are etudded wttfa diaeaosda andi aaaaajilr . The pettars which sapport the

are jatalachUe, Jasper and Porphyry.The attari Me of solid gald, set with dia- -

eaaeraloc, parM, and alt precloflsThe Breek: hare no aeata nor organs

e, bat the stoat hearealy vocal: ooor listened to.

They Bfofase net to worship images, and yetthe painrhagB at their aainta are set arou&dwith diamaiidi and preciooe steees, beforewUeh tbfyWw, croteios tfarmaeives, tooctiogthe csid atarMe Soor with their foreheads.Tea see a prince of the blood aad the poorestserf preetrate tfceawelves, side by side, beforethe Tifgktat secae aaiat,rie. lbht their offer-ba- r;

af wax candle at tb altar, drop somecotaa in the alttM-bo- r, and no oat, crossingtheaaeehres daeootlr.

Thar lata no preachinc in tbe GreekChnrrh, bafcrit kaeei or atadd, aad cose andan aa ther lima nch indtvidaal iavine hisown secret ajnrahip to hiaaeetf, in devont pray- -ere. Tbe Bajpiror ts mi nead of tbe CtrarcD,and it ia aappartad hf vaJoattsry coatribtttieasfraas the paishliipi i u,4ad not by littinsor anytax by saw. 'the nrteata marry, acd ioealcateit ae a daty.

The great Charcb of the Oreek faith b stto-nta- dfat-Ct- e aailas iwHitaal of Moscow, in

the vary ha lit at Sclaooai: power and wealth,and it ts eaid to have is its cfcnrch servicetwenty-Ar- e tbaasaad dslltra worth ofgeM andsarrar,etc

The Chnrch ia not need for political per-nase- a,

aa the treat arm at the people lookwfih na smch or aaore idolatry to the Emperorae they do to the Church or the priest ; and hehas tax aaore power over theoa, every way,than the Church can ever have.

The tower ctaea here are racy ignorant; andyet (he hljii i classes are well informed,aae lettering, and remarkably cardial and kind.They have manners mare like the planters ofthe Beath than nay people I have met wtth inEarope- -

V left St. PoteraVare at 1 o'clock, in tbecan, machine; Peterboff, (the I(rial bvis-m- ar

laaWsntt) aborttr before two. At tfet de-p- at

we were met by tbe GranJ Chamberlain,who coodactad aa to the caort carriage, whichwee drawn by four white borNk. Tne coach-ma- n

and t fnataiia were la ncariet Jivory,triamaed wish gold and black leee We wereleteiftd at tne palace entrance by a donbkale of soldi era, through which the carriageaiisi.ihe soMiere preeenthu; arms, (to tbe

Imperial crest and livery.) and the mojecks, orramman neopla, wha had aaeembted ia greatBombers to see the guesta, bowing their un-covered heads almost to the eartb. Tile GrandMuter of Coremaoies met as descending fromthe carriage, and delivered na in charge to twotow tier s of fbe court, who preceded ns, wHtiaaatiy feeww aad eeeniree. op stairs into theball. Hate. the JkaaaUi. with tbe celden trna- -

net, aanadBted : -- His Exeeiiency MonsieurPickens, Ambassador of America; Madame,the AmbiindriM, and Mademoiselle." The

sa of Csremuoies then came frr-war- d,

and nroeoded by hum and fallowed bythe enurUats, we were conducted to oor rovms.We rested until 4 o'clock. At this boor, weiesAorea tae grand ssjoob, to wmca wna assem-bled tbe whab'diptoeaatte corps. I was band-ed fan to dinner oy Chevalier Kegina, Neanoli-to- a

MiaJetec, and on my right set Cosnt Fol-sto-

MasV r of the Hoooebold.The esWsTWss beyoad imacinatioB in rich-

ness and bsaaty. A soperb orchestra, led byStranee, son of the erost Stranes, piaredrav- -

tohfaapJy from sa elevattos in tbe tower part ofthe hmmsnpe dinine; hali. When dessert csmeoa. Coaat Feletox arose and rave the health ofher Imperial Majesty, which was drank stand-ta- g.

it ws bar Majesty 'a birth-de- y. Sinnertto eafti, we retoxnad to the drawing room andtook come.

IssarirlsV jss csstesl on a green velvet sofaktsn niyTfeei, after ths fasbien, on as

silk iBstUoo, iuat hirh eooeeii to bowtbe deleeete gsM eanttfwidery on black satinstiaaners j anal, wniie I Nsteo ts rb tindly BeantKslisss-s- f Prince Alt en be re aset tbe Dace deftaaa, I WH snreetl oat tbe fobs ot ay siresethai yosar oaJtr eyes aaay observe it WhiteBtUc, two akirts, escn triasnved with alternatejsaaTt of wtdte tulle and lemon olored eilk,stripped Irregularly eriOi tanda et Mack velvet ; tne eoraae-- ts lew, toae rtotnta tietsiM andbefore, laced in aba back with small cord.Tbere is a Grecian Uiie i tbe crMe in frontnasi back. BetiM tbe nsean taatr, Lord

anl tbstMtsjVeb attaebe bare jotsredeasr gresap, snd, an we are oeceeaine ralneraastrjr for coort acaenrOe, it is well tbat tbecamasre or tbe Asaarirsn aainioter is attsowaced ; for at tbas I arise, aad walking to tbe centre ot tat room, ssaate 2 presound eosHtetr,

id stvte, to tbe floor am taken into tbe bos.osseins at two aids of cersaauuiM, aad pert into

CoL P. tastes bis seat and we drive ia tbepwsjnda, which are very baadsosne, for anhorn. Then I go to asy rosea asd lie detva,sad Iesea betoes asy teenplee while I tell bersnag gae ensner wae very jranc tbe men fineteeme-a- te isoies wore silk snd tqlle dressesjawt nswe do is Aaaertca; bat tbatlaaverTtared, asl would like to sleep. Bot before Ican coaapoM myeelf. Coi. p. knocks aad says Iwill b"'Utfor tbe baJL So I get op and potset a waste snesre antique, with lace triasaio'sever It, looped up oa tide trrlb white lilies oftbe valcjt, narf a srreatbe of tbe saae aroundaar ifeed

"We se dews into toe first drawfnr room,(tbere are str, sseb openirs; into tbe other, andtbe tatlste a teres ball room,) and god Liestof tbe psests asreststy aeeesnbied. Tbe roomsa Sle'J3i. nfrmt of tbe coortosacr 'tad TBS jrree)rn Ministers, and With fttbe way toilettes of tbe court ladies. While I


aa leoknnr Wttb all she wtinder and delight ofa eMM on tbie aaacnifieence, which is so sew tbeto ay repueHesn epes, tbere cotnes a blast froma eilverttsap "t it wbtcb sound Count Foltozclaps kJi2feeis and cries, ' Tbe Emperor in

Tbe Jes ineo and bis Majesty enters, with isbio aether, Iswaiter Empress, oa bis armHe bee a snflrfe jterton, ui'.L tjpe bine eyes, andtbe saoft bMorolestt of faces. He --wears tbewhite ibdbtsnt Hoifoan of n Colonel, and makea very racefal and affable arknowledgmeiitof tbe Isvr oaefsaBce aade by all tbe company.Tbe BewMer Ie an old woaasn, wttb tracts ofbeanty webTtb aneet bave bees wonderful in herjanttl. 'See were e white sf Ik dress, wrtb pointlacs, end a cto d of iiataoarts and rabies thateisseet wasVit4ssed th e ess. Use English crownis S3,? te be ftattry ia erHerrsos with it, :

1!. ptsted down tbe room, followed by the to

i ErOftceee and ber mts of iiofi.r. Thej . ; tD;rew were a teee robe, looped with

' z:,4 scarlet HUM; bead-ire- of theearn, fas . ed wttb dsasasad June. Oc enter-to-e

ae !; to m,( Prince Caffifcin took me in,) erT'r'0"ated to ber aaifBtf ; afterwards to

fae Ijowa.r and tb Bovperor. TbeynHspeaktt.ii'ieu, ai.d received ae with tbe tnest gra-c- i'

'.s kindt.eea.I i J r,oi deiee. for I was sot very well, and

ssv tsm ae in tbe wiT. Bo it as pjeasantli'tot nJ ItsUniog: to the fins music of theS r i3. Their dances sretanslr io oars, ex-t- he

Maioork fW ie Wvttfnl and pe- -ir.

The snail is abestieeins and I aa anxiousfor 'bis to go, 'beogh I have wfvea yon scarcelya (Thracee of teat tsse wbirb tesids yeu toure.t to nar eseawv my tor nte to your

' Go4 will blese b.t riser see a),

JFor Mire. -

A JTXGS.OMAK'.artoSOosr spetr toS 1 ' W1LUAM BOIKsBBS,

?o. IT Jtsersoa street.

Executors' Notice.mvvttnMi havinr nnelisS at Xxecstaxa upon

I lbeouteof inelate OS0B,aK K.ABEKTT. 0

uTot to the Ute firm ot GEO- - rLAHJSRTT BBO , arerelneetfdtocooiafjnrantaaddtKauirfetlieaaine. Anda?perasca tartar cltlmt aealnat tSe aaiil etute wiupreaeat tbem ta tin nwlenlgnei roe etOemeat,


nIS-St- Eaecntora.

iTater Works Coopaay.TKacoor4aoirithpTloa neUcthU Oompanr U-- 1

&it fKociSer J5.) orgaaed bj tte alecUonoftlier3wlalDtirctort:JAKES a JOKES, J. OTCtE&SHAM,B. C. BSUCXXSr, M.

Jamea 0. Jecta vu HecUd r.etident, asd IT. A.Birtbe Ssereurj

ThcKvholtel as latereit in ttt iscceii of ttl la--nortEt tmrrarmtcl areretpectraUr SOlletttd to antrl- -tct Ihtreto, br ctQlDg oa the Secretarr aad tattafateck la tee oomcaBr. aU-l-

2fotic3 To the Ladies!AFUTB opporiaaltr ii now (Stted to the Ladlts at

& CO.. ta bar mat Bartalaa. Iaorder to caaaRe oar bnelaeta to a etttcUa Fancy Dryueooa ana Jiuua. ry sure, we save atmua to cioteact all oar bearr loo e. tscb aa DescrajRata, Oottoaueunvea, tLC, ax., o.c , at COST FSnpt" Call toon

On Hand.atocief B.aaeta and Vmiaerj Ooodd,ASPLKSDID Klcta Cloaka andStawlt, lateljr re--ctjtch, te be tola low for oaab at

x. babinds a: CO..7 323 Kata atreet.

Fall and Winter GoodsAT THE

Imporiiiin of Fashion2D9 MAISr STREET U99


IKFOBTXBS AKO DX 11X15 litRich Goods or all UlnAs.

Dress Good.Bkraat Elba, Telrrta, aad Cafbaere Bobee, RicaFields. Fialn aad Black Sill I tar Dretiea. Frtacb ate- -rlaae. an wool DelAlae. Mala and crtated. aad aB otheraia&a oz xireea voooi.

Cloalu and Shawls.Tbe larsett alocx ot Velvet aad Cloth cei to tbe ctlrA tarmb lot of CbeneaL Otleolal, SteCa, Sbawls aadbcaatltal Scarfs.

Telret and Straw Bonnets.ThemoetexteailTeitockaf ParU Bob- -

aeta ever exalblted ta tbe If tmphla ladles, .

aH it oar own Uarertatiea. lCap and Head Dresses.

Tbe larcett aaaortseat la tewa.

Dress Tr'imminea,Ot all ktods, tee laraeet steel: la tbe city.

Itlillinery Goods.VObeet, Flowera. Feataerf, KsaLea, fcc, Jtc W12acS abeap to tbe trade.

Tjr.ce Goods and EmUroiderieg.TaleBCteasas.Glcapare, Brassels, Ptrlnt aad FotatAlpacca XJnea. Lace, and MasUa Setta, Cellars, Sirens,Caller jfcwc, w..

Slournins Goods,Alwar ce d, aad srden preaptlr attended to. BlackTetnt and Clotb tor Cloaks.

AlQMt rvCTT tblas tbat la pertaiatar to Ladies' Ward-ree- e,

can be lonad at ttls Xoiporlam, aad for less laoaejtbaacaa be bad ta tbe dtr Fleaae call aad tatUfjTearselTea. ltlt tronWe foras te show oor Goods.

Oar DBB85-KJXIK- DEPABTMIKT ti tbe largestla tbe dtr, aad Lndies can depend on bavlac tbelr workde&f la tae xnoei uaproTru jm.

STTLI-l- f AK . l Mala street. Ifemabu.

FOR SALE TO PAX CHARGES,KB six months since, a day bank S ad was shipped

SOfrom Baton Bongo on tba steaacr H. D Kewooeik,tot, L. Klacbloe, for Esirteraes, Ky . Oa tee Nimonk1,arrival here, a dlspatcb was recetvod to retora blat. Bew skipped back by M en the Cera Aadervoa Ibecm-stgae- e

refastsr to pay freight and charge, on him. hewas mtrced onaar hands. Any oae havlag any daisto bea. wHl call aad eetfja ail eaarg ta atstns 1 1 1st wltb-- la

tne next thirty days, or he will be aoW at pobttc oc--sioa. fecTr-in- ti aruvAatejtuurHi& w.

Baton Bon re papers notice, and seed Mil to egsa

Wanted.rfflf BD3HBI.3 DRIED PSAO PK3, for which tbef J J highest market pnoe to rata, ty

j. j. jfrmrnr.acTI-le- a No 64FreatBow.

e Move :titst nceiTiidat Ifo. ST Trent aad offered forJ tale low, a general ajMrraentef dsSerrnt a'aed Ma--

.nSIa Kere. I3I vca. -- ...v

fust IS&ceiveltt joay a. FLOUByor, tyo. it rrt bowJJ a Cues Glager Wine.

3 Drtrsts OolS.h.2a Caaea Sckelaam Schnsppa.SB Cae Aeeerted Pickles.IS Gases Fie Fralta.4 Cases Garrett's 8a cS.8 Obests Tea Aseerted.

Woreealershtre Saoee.Fine Chewing Tebecca.Also a fine lot of Cigars,yew Mackerel.Best Snrer-Cor- Baau.

All of which wB) ta eoM at tbe lowest market price.acIS JOHN . FlOBBNer.





2? K W a & IS rI sAKD

APOTHECARIES,No. 29S Main Street,

Tjkoxi3.x?2aAE TorrnoeBoo,

HZVJE REMOVEDFrasi their OM Stand. He. 1 Front Bow to ttat BeacU--

fal large Five Bkjry BaUetag,

No. 298 Main Street,SOUTH OF MOXROE.



QUININE 1960 oasces, pure.

LARD OIL extra fine 10 bantli .

FISH OIL rre 30 barrels.

TANNERS' OIL any quantity desired doBasra.

LINSEED OIL pare 5 easkr.

MACHINERY OIL 5ae and cheap.

ROSIN OIL 50 barrels.

FRENCH ZINC in oil 10,000 lbs. very lew

SNOW WHITE ZINC 19,000 lbs. warran'ed.

WHITE LEAD PURE In any quantity.

SPTS. TURPENTINE 50 bbls. just received.

ROSIN common and white 25 birrsls.

FRESH DRUGS A large assortment In store anaeaBy anmag.

TBE BKTAIX DRUG BUSIJfES wtS racelvsar lartteslar aucstua at oar sew stand.

No. 298 Main Street;

PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONSPromptly aad CsrefcPy Corrpeaaied,

x-.a--- sr ..3xrx oxtig:Br these who can be relied on aa qaaiifltd.H. F. FARXSTTORTH & CO.

occ-d- tr

JVotice.mO the Creditors ef the Estate ot 8. J. Williams deX ceased : The aaggeatlen of the ttaetvencv of the es

tate of 3. J. wwuiaj. navtag been made lathe OosatT Coort ot Shelby coaaty, Teanaesee, all ser- -aeata hoettag claims against said estate are hereby notl- -s-- f u, file tbem with I he uera o' saw cosrl cay aathen-tsoalr- d.

as by law rraalred, oner before tbe 324 day efoeceaiier text, ror pro rata pareacai.i a. wiujAMa,

Adm'r ef the EiUte ef S. J. Williams, decM.aeteat-g- m

NBW MUSIC STORE!rpBCnnderaigsedlits Jest received his fan stock af

l nanes, jterBaeooe, .iseu., sintcs, AcosTaeens,keaie Books aad 9ccetMalc, which tsbyfarthelariestand beet aseorted stock ever offered la this city. ThePi.nis are f run the xaakcrs.A. O. Ssle

Oo , aad BU In way & soa. nvery runs is warrantedare years, aad will b. cold al Sew Tork Prices, the

IreKU iy aaeea ,My stock of Sheet Maslc is very large, embracing al

new ana popeur pieces or tne aay. it yoa want thbeat Planes, and at the beet irieee. can at

J. A. McCLURB'S,a Main atreet.

If S A fresh sopply of the new ropnar soars, LaisOeee, Where has Lala Gone, aad Linger ta BUssfnl

iff au or rosier. sepin-t- r

On Socond Alley,BBTWXEK riKlOK AKD arnvTtnn

THK weald respettfaHy Inform the citVef Memphis aad Its vicinity, and his name rota

easterners Uvlnc at a distance la the coentry for theirpast patreaate la hie line of baslaeas, which easinesshas bBberto been ceo fined to themaaafactartng and pat--- - wawwBBj, ama, ua KLui aeuevrag thembe the best tmmn In rjae. elffei ,,.f n4 n. ,.-- .d ptoperly pat np, (and the meanest when not ae nude

Tsad pat ap.) however aa there era placea where the


J?J Faajpcaaaot be ased also a few persona yet aim intra teat there are

I tart4ermnd u accommodate thetaste of all trpotttsf cpshipping to orer, any kind of aFmapthatI have therefore, employed sTexperV

'.raj iron ise asi, woo win attend ta

Zmll ofPLWMKlKO. an ef which IZFglSZESl I mean what 1

I have le the laat year ettae'ed mschjneryto a nam.berefrar Cbal Fames with erilra racceu. I havealao need large balaaoa wheels oa nana Chain Prowwlikfsacceas. Xn ase ase 1 have aged the weldedLtak pain aad Tcmed Batten, which Is oalte 0pTOi)Te but 11 --faieth tat sway.". "MTrLTBlt IMPABVO."

I hsve recently uveoted a CHAIS FtrMP BOX. est.araelng two complete, aeparata and distinct heProps, liter drf fcr doable tenements, (and docile See,two pe sons can draw water from this box u the aaraatime. Jt.ving no Interference with each ether whateverbetagno hole f. la the partition, wall renotgh for aa nrct in dog eat, chicken or merits tocrawt from e yard le tteether. X weald TeoaeeraingSbePaap, toF O.BtaghunandJ B Vet ing

w. uaiunyrtH'fli V.7,13 snort"Ur",t0nUiUl!,,i"r.jaxSi-d-jy V. o. I

Valuable LandI?or Sale

T OrFXS for aaUUaUactot last vpo""MetiI.X rratle. coautatac 1000 acre, ana wuaia onemile of If uon t, aa tbe Itesptlt and OhioBallroad. Mr place la burUsmyr Improred iTrilh cxi Orcaud aad ertrr ooaTealeaaa. Tbere areabout 600 acre ot cleared Ucd, balance veil Umbered.I win tll tbt eattre tract or a part I act determinedte nil aad I will tire a barxata.

Reference sur be bad to Dr. 3. O. Whltelow, etBrownsville, orXr. East UctSj, Urmpbti.

Addreci ma at Sbarcn. Teaa., or Col. K. B. Somer--velUlieaipbU. JOS,JKO. SOMEaVXLL.

Cbnitlan AdTocau cepr- - e(3S-d- tf


FOR SALE OS EASY TERM8.Cae Bel Ideacea oa Court a trcet, aad several sue

F0US en tbe aaate street.Tcrte as Besmeacea oa scetcr (irtet. aorse

vacaat lota oa (all stmt.SeTeral Betidtacea aad vacaat lots oa Taac street.A rood. Tbrre-ete-rr Brick Baslaue Itsaae on Kaln

street, searDatca.zjevrru naniaiKas, wijla wioui ArgToca.Twelve to Sixteen Acres ot Groaad. three miles rram

tbe city for fale, or to trade lor dtr prrpertr.Fraail,eOta 1800 acres of rood land .la Westers

Texas, for exebaag for lead la Kortbera if Lulsatppl, orwest Teuneaaer, or Araaneia.

TroB 10 to is choice Sabarbaa Lets, some barnved.for tale cheap. Tbt? are near B. Q rabam'f and are e

aad baaeUoaelj located.Cl acres, five xalles rroa ateapUs , on the new

Frame Bosse wttb fear roomt,klubea, eervaat'e boase. Stc 1 rood itabllar attached.Terms, one-ha- lf Casb, aad one-ha- lf 1m proved dtr pro-perty.

Also a rood Koctawav Brrse, aad a rood new nocia-wa- y

a first-ra- te banala It offered.In adtolon to tbe above property, we ban lota la-

s' roved and aatoaprtrred, ta varloas rarta of tbe city.Also, several tboosaad acres cf WBlroprowd aad

land la KUeliilprl, Loaldaaa, Alkaasas aadTexas, to wbteh we will efier treat narrates far casb,oa Urns, o- - la exebaace roe other property.

Apply to itu.u.-'- auunu,nlO K Xitate Brokers e, ye. it Madlwm-s-t.

Trustees Sale ofValuable Suburban Property,

NEAR THE CITY OF MEMPHIS.WKDKESDAT, the IStb day ot December nut,0K virtue of a Dted a' Trait, exeeated by Bennett

Bicbytotee asaersizaro. oa lae is'a asy ox Apru,IEs0.aadef record In tbe KulaMra tSee of Cbelbycoaaty, book 5. pates C(, (7 and tS for certain parpoeeaIbertU oeatlaaeJ, I will proceed to sell oa tae premisesto las bUbeit aad beat btoder, a certala tract or parcelof croenc, aaUlalciSTS-ieOasre- s, lylas anl tlnr lathe oaaaty of Shear, aad State et Teaneatee, aad with-in bait a mile of tbe corporation line of tbe ellr otJf easphlt, aad Dearly opposite tbe Shelby Ooaaty FairGraesds ca the Ifeapbls aad Balelrb Flack road, betsrtbe rrsldiace of the aW Bennett Bsty. The residencewtU be eold separate, and tbe balaaoa Intocoavealeat slsed balKllcc lota.

TiaMS or Sam One-thi- Cssb, sad tbe bilaocela tae and two rears wltk later st. and a Hen apsa tbeproperty; the right ef redenrptl.n being waived.

Tae true to tne aeon property is laaiipate&ie, oat acoarey oaty inch as is Tested la me as traatee.

v lsakbi. Trastee.


TX7TS win sellcnrpltBtattoB la Saaaswer coaaty, cor-- W

UlnlcgI.M acres, betweca 640 aad W0 ot whichIs ia caltlvatlsn, SOO bsadred mere Is deadesed, aad notmora than no acres are sabject to leaadatlea by tbehighest water ever known.

we can (aad weud If desired) dlvMe this lato twotracts, glnng a portion ot the cleared tract to each.

If It woaM salt a parcbaser. we weald sell tweftyheads, tbe stock, corn, fodder, ae., with tbe land. Thisland is witala tear miles of tbe Tsaoo river, over a goodroad, aear Caretsa'a FlsataUoa. Mr. Bald on tbe premises win snow the puce.

For terms, S.C, we refer to John IT. Eopklas, Inof Ifnapcts, or apply to as at csntea, Kits.

ocssawttia hiimiau usaup

Valuable PlantationFor Sale.

T OFFHB for stle my Plantation, lying oae talis .A. seainef Batoeta uept, oa ibs atusistrppiaadTeaseafoe Ratnad, centalntig Foar Bca'rcd'Acres, two baodr i aad fifty aaaer calttvatlrn..wltb a good log d veltlac boase, e. negro cabinsaad an necessary oat boMugs. I win sell tbe pi aoelev. Any eoe wbbing toparcba'e. can leara tbe priceasd terms by cesiag d. wb orwrltlag to me at Seaatobta,jtssieeigfjt- - isefge-aawae- aj n. 1. WALua.CLEBR'S SALE OF TOWN LOTS.

The Union Inn in RalsighTJT vlrtnef a deereetal trier made by tbe ClrcaltJul Ocan of BbJ b.ceea'.yat Us September Terra, IS5S.ta the case af Jos. B HsiMKAn asd wire, aad others vs.K. I-- Smith aae others I wui sell to tbe highest biader.atpaMKeefry. la treat cf tbe conrt boaee door, laBaletah.oa MOyuAT, tbe 6th dty of Dectmbr next,'hreelota kaawa sad ea tbe p.aaof the tornef BaMgh hMi yes 1 and 3, la Mock X," aad No.1 la btack ' y " heretaforc occarl'd by Mra Aaa taltt.deceased, aad kaewa as th Union tea.

terms One-tb- l'd cash, tbe retldae oo a creditor oaeaad two years In eoasl Instalments. Bond with approved arcartty r qelred fer the def ered permeate aad a Hearetained catu tae eaurs pares are meoev ii rata.

October IS, 16i3. H. D L. BIEWABT, Rerk.

ALSO At the tame time and place, the administrator wtH fell at pabltc sale, th: stock ot horses, hots aadcattle, farming atenstts, baasebtM aad kitchen furniturebeseagiag te tee estate et Aaa smith. oecea.ed. Termsmade known oa tbe day of sale.

In Is offered tbe be.t rtand and eppartaal'ytorapsrson wlabiag to tagece in the hotel baslaeas. Tbe

are spaeleas. with aU the aeceuary stables. nosa2S,ocu'tosj nunr. t nutru, Aonvr.

for B?le.T WA Vk for sale two tracts cf Land, a sec lea ,A oae ml'e from Ca'cee oa white river, adjoin--1st a planta! Ion 1 bave JastaoMto Jss. rjpsbaw.ot MeBPhU so lsprevrmcnta tat excellent.Land, and twesty feet above oversow. The other, twomaee rram Aaeroeea on tae stage roaa to utue bocx;has 160 acres ef la"d la caltlvalloa. 660 ta a3. Im- -orvveatents are good, with a dwelling, negro cabins, etc.Jes. ft. ureaaw, cf Jtempais. or A. J. irrner, nearCascoa, win give any lnrormaoon oeeired.


White Eiver Land for Sale.enbscrfcber offer tor site the follewlogTHB of Land, lylac near nut's Biver, lu1

Arkansas : Oae traet wlthfa twomlleaof Crock.ett's Blctr. ceadsUag bf Kl irr--e. UV75 acres Improved asd . oaie cblas. T Island la ri'h.level ctose ta navigation, above In a good

and coavrnient to mpetaal stock Targe.Oae tract foar miles from Cass coaaty, eoauialag f-- 0

acre a. ITS lsareved. gocl cablaa and exceBVatsla boaee.Th'a ta a fir t rate npland farm remarkab'y healthy lo- -i

eatloa, fine taae, good netghboihosd and dose to constant asvigauen. nr. rnoe, living aear tne place, willbow It to persons who wish to examine ItAlso oae tract la 8t. Franc's ceanty.twtlve miles east

of Des Arc, cwtatalsc S0 acres, evar 100 Improved,with gtod castas, ott. it u samcteat to say of letsplace that It is oae of th best n tba Blch- -lasd township. 1 1 Is on one ot the principal roads la tbeState aad u favcrablr slttatrd for a penile standTbere le a female academy gotag ap within bait a mile oftbe noare. mere ts aleo a ana cntrreb e avealrat. Mr.DavldMm. ea tbe place, or Cel. Baiby will ahow the land.Col Bagby Is aalbertied te sett. Persons wtubing farther lafonaallsa win aoerers ae at waterfera. Miss.

F Q. MOO RIMS.P. S. If yen want bargabM arplr soon, 1 am deter

mined U set F. H M.

Cheap Plantation for Sale.sir piaataacn ror saie. lying threeIurrsit of LaOranze, Tcnn. , caatsla- -'

lag Bight Hundred and yineteea Acres, (519.;'This place was formerly awaed by Capt. Tbos J.Pott, and al prevent Is rested by Mr. y. E Cot tart.It la new in a high state ot caltlvatlen, well adapted tathe prodse' tenet cotton and all kind of grata asaallygrown, and snaM easily be converted lato oae of. themost valaable stock farms In tbe weet, being divided Into tsar large fleets . Tbe improvements are comfortable;th' dwelling basse ts ef loc and baa foar large rooms ;caMas (comfortable) for twenty or thirty negroes, cjrncrtb, stables, aad all ether neceefery baHdiag.; a goodwen of water, aad one of tba best selections of frxlt latbe country. This tsene of the most ceramaadlag aadbeaattfal cites te balld a tae koeae tn the coaaty, beinghigh aad elevated and ssrressded by a beaattfal groveThe percbsfer vrfll be coavealeat ta both the male andteaals colleges ta LaOrange. ana can save the expense ofbearding hi. children as well aa having tbe pleasure cftheir company at home. I have merelaad than I caa cel- -ttvate which It the only lndacement to sell. Any oaewishing a bargain la land can not do tetter In tvestTesneseee. Call and examine the laad aa I am determined to sell. I can be fonnd at my residence three aneanorth ef LaQraage, aad will take pteasare la showing Itto aay one wishing to parcnaae.

JBBll-daw- tr u. H. BWIFT.


IH BOUTH ABK AITS AST)T elrtae of aa horlly gives la a deed at trait execnI) US by O. M Watson, en the dy of ISS.and recorded lo Colambls coaaty. Arkansas. I oaar for--el? .Mat

2 500 Acres of Land.LylBg ta Celomfcii county, oa the waters of the Smack- -aver ureec, ateet tntrry mres rram uamaea, uae aouyuf this laad contains some two thoassnd acres three orroar headred ef which are opened. Tbe other, of someAve haadred acres, ha-- , perbspi, a band red opeaed.On the latter Is a Water-gi- aad other baUdlsgs for thesccommodstloa of a small force; bat tba overroer andocgroea living apen IhJ larger tract, have heretoforersiuvaieo.rjoiai.'geicer. laere are

Porty-Plv- e or Pifty Slaves,Aboat twenty of tbm Seed haacs. Kcne an very old.mcy have been wen tret ted. aje mere Uketr than corn- -

men, and are lacreasteg rar-ll'-

I win a'M sen the Crept (except Oottoa) male thisyear, tee stock riaataun Tools and all other perishable proporty on the nsute

I wsall prefer s tiling Laid aad Kexroea to cae car--

chaaer; and It arraagementa sstlsfsctory to me aremane, each a parcbaser osa get a reaaoaabie credit osa portion cf the Bet havlag determined to sen.I offer the Kecroes la families for cash : and the landone-- . bird cash, ice balance in twe eqsal installments, ona ereati ot twe ih tares yeara. Dearies; eisni per cent.Interest tbs Interest oa the deferred rsymenta to bepaia aaaaatzy.

A portion of the laad aad slsves are aader mortgage traecare aerator arwet eight thoaaaad collars to I. wMoon, ef Sew Orleans.

J. H Appereon Is manarercron the place, and to htm.and U O. L. McSa- -, of Hosst Hetty, Ualen county, Irefer persona . he wish to examine the prrpertr. I expect to be oa the place cr In that neighborhood, by themioaieot ueccmvr next.

My post office is " Trvvmiaa'a Depot, Loelfa. va."When la Arkansas my nisi once win De. Udoeasale.Ooiembta.oaniy, Ara. thus o. watsom,


For Sale on Liberal Terms,fTTWO tbenfana to nnnorea and thirty scree;

i or cnoice ativar xasq. varee nines fromthe Mississippi river I fear handred acres la cal- -iU ration: cnod DweDlag and comfortable Qaar- -.

ters. Steam din and new Gin Stands, will be sold withthe place. Twenty jo t etew lianas, yoang ana likely;twenty Mnies Ox Teens, Wagons, Farming utecalls,Ite

Adjolnlngthls place I will sell cae thaasajd aad fortyacres, one handred and fifty acres la celt . loo. threehaadred deadened The above property . be addfor oae-tht- rd cash, the balance on one aad as yearscredit, ror fanner rarucatars can oa me at tb plan- -

tatlcn. Aocreas j. rwjn.rrentut, stlsilulp 1.

or toDr J. 3. PBACOCS.BUSI-- U Mempbl., Tenneeeu.

LAND FOR SALE.deeIrons ot parcbarlag good bomee withinPKBSOKS half mile ef Coart Sqaare, woald do wen

to call on H TolHctlre. twe doers from the CommercialHotel. lie will sett K0 or 1U acres la lota to salt parch asen not less than so acres.

aalt-dl- f H VOLLIKT1KB.


OFTBR FOB SALB, the following pieces of .

Beat Jsstate near the ciiy, ro-- : limn :iseres etch. . n Fonlar street, last outside the dtyThcs Lota, oae ef which Js well Improved, win be .aold teeether cr separately to salt purchasers. Anothertot of IS seres, rwlthslae aires cleared aad a good or.chardj on the new state use read two awes rrcm tbecity Also a sne lot cntalcing seven acres ana coveredwtth forest trees, or the Germanlews Flaakroad. twomnas root tae cut The above crorjcrtT la an er themoat desirable character and will be sold en favorableterms. pHyo W. B. SBLAVT,

aey gvim Provlne ti Stewart's Block, Msla st.

For Sale.A N Improved Lot fmntlng Goalee atreet 77 by Its feet,A. In the nrlghberheod e' tbe St. Agaea Academy.AIM a Lot freeing Coart r at TS by I13H In the Arsa--Croaada, and Tbr e Lota treating Ik Soto street, ex-tended. 97 -5 feet aacb. by SO deep, a part ef Cel. Foe- -tec's Division ef Lots, aad adjoining the place on which

lives. Far particelars, spply toI. T. HATLZT,

.ciSt-l- 8 Front Bow. efSoe of mu ilia-ley- .

Por Sale. JA MOST desirable BCGAB FLANTATIOK oa

the coast. S3 miles above this dty. contain laBU Arneata ot Laadt S30lacaltlvatloa.tha

balaace heavily timbered, together with S3 ac--rorctlaattd slaves. Tbs place li la perfect order.

Urnu.f ,,t FXUTCHAHP i FLOWXB.Maw Ortatal, Jaw 14, ISS. IcsSMU

fottmrs.SWAN & 00,'S E0TTEBTE3

TRIUMPHANT.fdlowlag schema wtll be drawn by S. Swan oTBB Vaaagera of tbe Sparta Academy Lottery, ia

each ot lbei Single Jfambtr Lotteries for November,1SS3, at ATJQCBTA, Ga., la pabUe, aader the saperla-teadeac-

Cocualistoam.Clats 40 draws on Saturday, November 6, 1858.Class 41 draws Saturday, November 13, 1653.

Class 42 draws Saturday, November 20, 1853.Class 43 draws Saturday, November 27, 1S58.

On the Plan of Single Numbers!50,000 Tickets!

Is early Oao 3Priso to Evory KinoTiokots.


EACH SATUHDAi IN NOVEMBER.iFrtsa af... ..TO,000 JFrtiaa of,.. 10,090 4 M " ,

.. 10,000 t " " ,

.. 6,000 i4,000 CO

1,000 601,(00 1001,000 2SO

APPB0IIKAT10H FBI2XS.Prises ot ttOOAprox'Ung to (70,000 Frtse are 1,600

W0 10,000 1 ,200330 ' 10,000 600" 126 " 6,000 tOO

" 100 4,090 (00" T ,000 S00" 60 I,O0 ' 200" tO are 100,000

6,435 pruts aiaosollnf to..................p20,0CCWholo Tickets, 810 ; Halroa, 85 00;

tj-- A Clrsalar saawlag tbe pian at tbe Lotteries mbe seat U any one desirsu ot recetvlag It

Oerttficatesof rackageawlllbe sold at tee feilowtngrales, which u tne risk :CerUScsW of rackageof 10 Wbsle Tlctets ..(SO 00

" 10 Halt " 40 00" ' 10 Qaarter ........ sa 00

lOElghtlt 10 CO

Ia ordering Tickets or Certificates,Xadusa tbe moncT to car address for tbs Tickets or.

dered, en receipt ot which they will be forwarded by firstman. Farcbasers can bare Tickets easing to any figarethey may designate.

Tae list of drawn aambera aad prises will be aeat taDarcaasers immediately after tbe drawing.

Farcbaaera will please write tbelr sUustares piala, aadctn tbelr Fosl once. iaaty ana state.

13 Bemember that every Fvise Is drawn and payablein ran witaoat oeaactuKi.

t3" All Frlxes of $1,000 and aader, paid immediatelyafter tba drawing other Frizes attbaaiaal Hat ofthirty days.

OT All commaslcatleai strictly confidential.Address orders for Ticket- - or Oertificatea te

S. SWAN At CO.. Aaroita. Qayy Persons residing near KonUonwry, Ala , .ril--

lanta, lit., can nave tatir sruer suieo, aaa ean isby addressing 3. Swan la Co. at either of those cities.

Ey"Aiistcf uteaamKrs tnst are arawn rromweed, with tba amount ot tbe prise that each one U

titled to. will bepabHshed after every drawing, la tbe following papers : yew Orleans Delta, KoVUe BegiitcTiCharltstoaataodard. HaehvUieuuette. Atlanta lnieiu-eacer, yew Tort Weekly Day Book, Savannah Georgian, Blcamead mspatai, yew Tork Dupatca, ram-dla- g

(If las.) Clarion, Aagasta (Oa.) CoasUtatlsaaHst,aaa uttie nocz ( trc i Tree Democrat. iris-iT-e- na

efnsttrairct.1jVFF city

litaUKAittas lUJlfARI UK lUbJlf Ul3iOace Hint Balldlag, Mala stmt, third door sootb of

si arisen.Capital, $SO0,O0O.

JAB. W. O&OCCKB Secretarr.IT. W. WILEiysoy PmHent.


Cespaay, ceaapoeed ef one haedred and thirtyTHIS business awn of MeawkK Is new ready farbaslnesc, with staple security to tbe lBeare,as4 the cashon hand to pay any imssediate las We aeilctt the

tbe pabltc for Fire, Mlver and Mareae Ktsks,aaa prorstse a prompt aetuinjuut ot ail weees.

actn-ai- r

Memphis Insurance Company.OFF10B Coeavaay's BalMiag, JaSeraes atreet,


A P I T A L$150,000.

SAM. M0SBT, PresMeat.Bnw Mat, Secretary.

Marine, aadRlver Risks KeeriSttBESagalnatFtre, as heretofore, v ill pay all fairloaves prestauy- - UiBBlTTUits.

B. MOIBT.. Q. o. ATsinea.T. n. ALSfBU A- - - HAnnts,J. O. SxxZXlaw, T. A. ysuoir,

marla-I- y D. H. Towmrgp.

t. a. ritncn. x amis. jb.


(Sacceasora lo A ts fa Oo )Soath side Adams street, betrtea Htta aa1 recend.

MfiVFHlS, TSA2TTAVR cn hand a fine saartiseat of Italian sad Aaer- -rl lesa M tble, MonameBts Box TimOS andFet stoaee, ax., gotfn ap la tbe

LATEST A?(D MOST APPROVED STYLES,aad are corttaetly recevtag adllliis to oar alreadylarge stock We employ the belt weeenvn aad are de-termined not te be excelled by any eata.Hetnt Zatt,West. Brrth or Soath. All kinds or Ma Me asd Stonework exrented ts order, at the shortest settee aad lowestcxan prices, uive as a can aaa patronize acme saaa-factar-

Ton shall not leave diasstlsfled e 6 dlmtwSm

$150 Eeward.y WILL give t.eabore reward to itry person whoe.wlU apprehend, aad seare la all er eth rwlse,

so that I can get them, three Negro Mra, that ranaway from ma. Two of them left on the Itlh efSeptember, aad the other on tbe 21th las . If tales apoat of the state, If taken lathe state, one--third far either ot them. Oueof tbs two that left firstIs naired ADAM aboat 6 f .et ( laches high, light cen--slectod aad telnab y and a aear ea bis ncee aadone knee somewhat enlarged by a eat and aboat it yearssftge. Ibe other one li named, Is aboat ftethigh, very blsck, wttghs aboat 1S6 poends, asd ts aboatSSyearaofags I believe they were decoyid. tT aad areaiming to get to a free Stste

The oae who left ontbelfSUet , Isvery black, aboat go y srs ot , end fi ret t techxhigh, heavy bollt aad very s'eat, has rather a dowalook wtea spoken to, berertheiesa very shrewd mlsmart. 9 AmDKi, I MEAL.

oczs-daw-ln year vaceo, Fayette coontyr Tean.

Sua dries.BBLS. Eilr. Family Fleer :100 loo tsjx-- s yo t Fa m seas:

li pacaaaes o.tla Batter;75 VAt. Cr itbed Powdered aad Leaf Facers ;73 bjxe. S'ar Caadlea ;96 djzen Wash Board ;as half chests tre.h Black aad Greee Tea00 :bs Setae, wlae and ratLaua;

10 too VlrglalaFish Heees.with a geaeral assertaseet ef lrcerles.

stora and fsr sale bynil C'A3 MBCLKAy, ra Freot Raw

FALL 1S58- - FALL 1S58.



Fashionable Clothing !

TTAS Jatt retaened from the East with the largest andJJL best selected sicca or

CLOTHING of all grades, shades aad prices;DRY GOODS to suit all and every one ;

BLANKETS, KERSEYS AND LINSEYS;BOOTS AND SHOES, for smalt and large;HA AS A3i U UAl'S ;And a geaeral assortmeet ox all Goods sppertstnleg tabis line, ta which be calls t he atten'lenof every, more especial y,

Country ItXercbauts, River Traders, Planters ami Peddlers,

As his facilities caaaot bo aarpaeeed by aar Tldese lathe city, aad his WhtJ. sale Prices will compare favorably with tb la the Beat M. SIMON,

si rroat bow corner or Jefferson street,sepa-g- m aader the Commercial Hotel

Wm M. WellerT'BUILDEB!Slempis, Tens.PI HOP onJetTersaa street, between Thirl and Fonrth.j An kind i if jsbbtag aad reps nag ot bandingspromptly aiierceej u. m

Mew Furniture.XT are recellg fn m tt.tntrs Eel--

T v ras: ass sehratks. this day. mmlarge assortment of FINE FUBjfrrr Rkfrom Xew Tork. cintlitiar of FrerchBedsteads. Warlrobea Bureau, ffa h staoda Beset..riesaad BoekCatet, Sideboards. Xtagrea, Whst-Xot- a.

etc, as jiii ot which is Brit daes works, aad wtll tsera low. ttT I ml McEINNIT a CO

S50 Rewaril.i, snoraooaitBSSEthdayof Septrm-S-A.

XV tember last, my oeg-- o bey named AMBBOSB, VPagoi about H jeari ; 6 fee S era laches hljh : .rfvoark complexln ; dowa lock , will weigh aboat ISO-- 2-pouaoa. raptayaweuontbendllej had on when heleitanewjalrof hlsecottan rant., efeeeterl i,

ccat, a brown hat aad sew pair shoes.I will alvo 113 if the bey be delivered tome; I wn

-- J invn in aurjausQ taat t rasy ootaia him.U.J CDRBIE.

Jtcksoa Onaty. A'k-.Oc- t SO. 1S58. ntlawlm

Plantation for Sale or Rent.TTTO wm sell ot rent 4 acres et land 199 ,r r nearea. rxo awetiiar. orchard r nn t

miles from Mimphla, oaKoncosaah Creek, tear'.... .... .ZH eea Trut ae w

. BOBISS0S It TOUXO.18 H adlacn streC I

Wanted, Immediately,10.000 TONS OF COTTON SEED.

AS the Agent for the pnrchase of Cotton Seed for thedistrict ef M'suhls, I feg leave to call the alien,

tien ef planters to say cardFor all good, coaad, clean Seed, I will jay eash oa icurcry. io jtur mcrceaais, or lo

FBANK O. CAPJES,Meoinlils. VWn

F. S la cases of contract made rrcrerie. 1 win ev... r. n

VanteeZ XTMMKDIATSLT, a colored Cjok, Watner aad Iracer.forrr r.eC":- - "ar"v ot" I'lav-V- Jl el m. SUA W eav IX).

MlliCll cowsAnn

Dairy Panning!cearnisixo :

THE Breeds, Brecdlxgfand Maragemeot la Heallfa aadof Dslrv and otter rtoct ; the (elecien of

si ucn uowt, wim a rnn evpiwaticncf Bnenoo'a met hod I


MILE, BUTTEB AND CHKBSBjEmbodying tbe most recent lmprovemnte. and adantedw atcuoi ta tae untie, oiates ana urilisa rTSVtaceS.

with a Treatise apen tbe tnDAIPT HCSSAXDIT OF H0LLAXD;

TowtUhliadJed,Horcfall'a Systera of . Dairy Management.


Liberally Ilinstrabd.For sale by


jr. feIjMsOJves.TAILOR,ao. Ait niatunon street.NEARLY OPPOSITE THE UNION BANK,

MEMPHIS,T FSLLOWZS.lataof tba ana tt FeTIawes fc,. Co., takes pleasnr. ia armeunctng te the dll--

oi jawncats, aaa au f rienaa generally, whohave heretofore ao kindly patronised him. that be.

prepared to wait on then at the above So. cn Maditansttest, wiia irea- - mm styiisn Bla.

Xr. T. havlag had an experience ef severtl years lathe principal cities of the Union, heettttra ant ta aasarathat he can give perfect latuf scltsn ta Ml I tor " Stadyw rivese, ta sua ocua. rpia

Ae gEESSEIisLate of tiufirm of Simon, Sttutl,lean to Inform the Lsdtea aad Gentlemen ofBESS aad vicinity, that he has opened bis en-

tirety new and Urge stock ot33X1,-2- - GOODS,

Counting of the vry lsleitglylea etSilks, Woolen and Fancy Dress

Goods. Embroideries. Bose-rie- s,

Notions, stapleGoods, Etc.

Also, a splendid aurtmeat of Beady-Xad- e

MEN'S AND COT'S CLOTHING,Cent's Faraishlng Gocds, Boots sod a oca at wholesaleaad retail, nbich have Ueo carrfclly aelected at tbe prtu-cjp- sl

port of the country. Mr rnotti ketng cash aad aotbe u naderaold by any other hooae In the clt i , 1 Invite tbapnUln most rcpeetfanr to call aad examine my stock be-fore vnrcbastcg. elsewhere.

A. aSEaSEL. SM Main street,lr Opposite Part Square.


a y d


MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR!At Wholesale and. Betail

roa ttjs


Of 1858.STOCK. OF OOO D5 for tbls season beiag one etOnB largest and beet assorted ever offered by na, aad

wltb oar tadllttea xor gettlax op goods In oar Use, andonrdrtemtnat ton actio be undersold by any, we mostrespect felly lavlte an examiaition from

Wholesale and Retail Buyersof oar stock sad prices before maktoc tbelr parthaaea

jonysoN a. j iisr,Wholeeale end BeUU Clothiers.

sepsa-dawi- Ko S Clark's Marble B'ock

CAMDEE, MIX & CO.,Wbolcsalo and Retail Dealers In

Staple ana Fancy--tn --r -- - A

Sliocs, liats. Carpets, 5;c.,ABB NOW EKCIKTIKS A


Oomprla lzx& :

Plaill & FilllCy SiilW,From $15 to $1 SO pattern.

WOltSTED DRESS GOODS.All qualities and styles.

Vslonceinnoa, Thread Point .Lace,

Quipure, Brussols, Honitonand Crapo Setts, Collars.

Capes, &c.



Gtlovcs, Hosiery,CHILBS' AXD LADIES' SU0ES, &c,



STAPLE GOODS!Full nnd tVell Assorted.


2.000 iiounds Carnet Warn:2UU Dales Alabama, lieorgla, Virginia, Lon-isia- na

and Eistern Osnaburgs and Yarnsju oaies tieavy uuck;50 bales Brown DoBteetlcs;30 eases Bleached. Domestics ;

300 cases Boots and Browns ;

ELy. and Ala. Jeans and Llnseys,From M to 6-- 4 yard wide.

Fulled Cloth for Negroes,From 3-- 1 to 7-- 4 yard wide.

iTashmgtOfl, Plantation, Georgia, Virginia,

Paooiiix and other ttyles of

Wool Twills and Plains.We are i gents far moat of tbe ab vre STAPLB GOODS,

snd will ten to er castomers at as LOW BATB3 aathey can bay same quality at the Factories.

We call erpretal attention to ear Stock of


Mary, TThlfiiey, Waldo, Bfacbi--uavv, uatit. uenttan. unmi's,

Oar Stock is the Largest and Cheapest


Va.elUiUt aJAtJa. Ga UUseCS Iffcln Plf'e't. MfmHiiJi.

atnlinpnlr rtferitttteCHARLES SHOLL,



Office, over tbe River Bank, Madison Street.aan-tl- y


Architect, Civil Engineer & SurTeyor.f FFICB on Madison street over Gsyuo Savings Bank,

srmpnts, win laraisn cesigns for aaassperlalend tbe erection of pnblle or private Bolldjigs,Churches, stores. Store Fixtures, a c WC1 aleo attendto aay work coming coder Ue bead of Civil EngineeringsrSarveylng and famish detigas and worklag drawingsror aiweiuag noasesoroiBcr nai.aisgs in the country,so tbat any contractor or ballder saa followthem.

Will also faralsh all torts ot Ornamental Casting! forIrrn Fronts, Bailings, Balconies, Terinith', it, andMarMe Kaatiee, Fluor Tllv sad Cat Stone of a' 1 descriptions at to we, i marsei prices

BzrESrxcES. Hon A. B. Loorstreet. LL. D .Hoo.lose ocoii, oasx xaxe, sm . rreament or js. & u.Col. W. M. Stockton, Dr J. O. Miningtx, D CockereD,aaa., uoi. t. i. Finale, lien. a. D. Mitchell. J VcXeev.

Bmce nears trost a A- - at. to I p at . aid from 2 ro one-ha-lf past Sr. K. aaKwUtawtf

8. B. UltXCR.. JOt. Flttst.NEW PAINT SHOP.

Miller V Pimm.4 main sireei,(Orer Bisk's Store.)

Ornamental, Sign, Banner, PlainABD

DECORATIVE PAINTING,Execated tn the most approved styles.

ARTISTSOf the rarest order are csestactly employed In thisahem at a ireTaemfrwa f l nen.. wMeK m. m.mcapable cf doing aU classes of work tn oor Una than any I

ether .ban In M Msnhl. I' - - 1nnr Cm nDefies competition both at home and abroad. Persenalattention given to all oar wstk both la dty and country.

X B. SMALL SIGNS at ac hoar's notice.JyU-dd- a


3CORATITE PAIKTHVGGlass Staining. Gilding, &c

W. H. PASSMORE.TH retnmtag.hls sincere thsnk for the very libera! pa t--

ronage cestoweo on him slace his residence in aem- -pnis, woald inform the citizens that he is prepared alau times to make tihh CONTRACTS for the completion

work tn the above branches of his bnslness. In astyle test wm maintain lis enviable Mentation alreadygained In this city.

Store No. 3. Slewaltti Provine's Block. Mala street.below Colon.

X. B. I have tacceeded In engaging the services oroaa of the best practical painters la the conn try, Mr,Bo bebtb, late cfJTew Tork. aa foreman, to eiiUtmetncarrying on tne aa.mess in a manner that will give perfeet satisfaction to all ptrtlea.

ma-a- ir w. li. rassauae.

520 Acres ol aLandFOR SALE.

A LOT of Z acres ef Laad aad a aecoad lotIX. of 100 acre., the former lot- - sltnatrd threeana s pair mile. nonnw?,t cf Baleign, aaa tnelatter adiernl&r TJr. Garneee. I.nd aa BlrOrvek.

Shelby eoTBty are for ssle. The W0 seres hts Kecrea Improvd, and has open It aoed balldlag, o. anirs,

proved land of aae QBallty eI

ittnnin. t, ...i.u BM,iAfi.aH vrenlses. If I

noea!eIse!Trct:4 bytht 1Mb or Dcember, the whale I

ti . . .et,,. I. . ffnmortaoitv te ee-- I ,rare excellent property en very advantageous tee ml, Qt

eeri-cirri- II


WILL COiOIESCS THEIR NWHT SAisThis, Tuesday, sept. 21st,


Goods nlj warraHted as represented.ClolUing, Dry Goads, &c

sepSt . . A- - B. LETT. Aarttcneer-

Ploor Oil ciQtns.bttt cnalltycf Floor Oil Cloth. AH the dlfrereot,

THB receive tbl T, McSlNKST at CO.

fjjat".i, r

Look well to Your Interests and Pur-chase only the Best Machines.



THIS li CBS of the most velaable laventleaa of the davall the qualities Beceasaryto make ltiethe greatest service to every Planter, aad Is destinedsoon to top reed, every other mm and to sopptr a rreatwant long felt In every part of tbe eosatry. II octant.,only 3 feet by t, aad weighs too pounds.

The great dlstiagalshlBg charactertstlcs are. Us simmciTr, DcaAnllJTT, VTIL1TT and glfAlX COSTleqalrlae no skill tok r It 'a urder.It tt sre i -- til' i nrei low . Tant'i Jt i,.fc is i it -- Rr Wi.tcu ILairT

AK invar.uA..tx rrrn vit stoi kIt It adapter to steam, wwi or horsepower, grtndlae

to perfection wheat, corn, eats, backwheat, dragsaadspices grinds with two horse power tin to elaatbasbels per hoar of tbe finest quality ef meal for faraltrase, and ten basbels of prime feed for stock, and neiSibests tbe meal a valaable feature.

It contains mora good qnalltles than all other mm.eceoblaed. aad only needs to be seen tn otxr.ii,vlace every lateaubnt ml ad of Its great rse and riraotueatUlty. w--e challenge the world for a trlil before any other mill ever Invented. HaadM.ef the mills sre In as. In dlSVreat parte af tbe DaltMState, and aU give eattre satUfactlon.

AU orders fsr Mills aad sppUcatliu for Coaaty Bia-ht-

In the Bute of Mississippi, mast be addressed totjua uuu, uoay sprlagt. VisaT. H. 6t CO.,

fcb-d- ly Mem, his, Tenn.


ITIBB sabscrtber, a praotleai his terma- -L neatl7 located blmaei r vmAai. ... ..

et and STBAtOHTKNl'yO 0IHCTJLARau mi 'jiner jAo. trerk Ooae st Otactaaall aad.KKiupnn, gaaraatiea.

Also, orders received far a rare efeurtaaLu, r Ran:. " me are warranted saw Mill owaw

wuimut it to taeir advantage ta call ae rae before peiMia nacwecro.

nnep on Poplar street, oppotlte Ualen Faanderv.novsalawlr SAMIT!. V ARTSTB.

RI" iie. .an. JLr 1 1 iSLawju

3C "I" tAVD


Reduced Prices for Cash,Or Approved Paper.


Fan supply of UarJware,Frsm the


Spooial ImportntloxtFROM


Resident Agent in Eiirope.UTTjtirrvnTTtkiiic man leieiewa

ill Goods cf Earopean nianafactnro,At Very Reeiweee! Rates,


ryparehasers et allitadt.WB OAX AVD WIU. FCBK13H TO

Country llerchants.All Ooods In oar Mm at aa

LOW PiaTJHBBAshe can toy them In aay Kastern er Saethern Market.' Cash Bayers Solicited.

HAWKS. SMtTB St CO.,ncta-l- T let aad 384 Ma'a atreet.


Screw Wrencli,Patented March 13th and October 2d, 1855.

w teallen




This Superior


tor which we are


HAsTllS, 8niTH CO.

ftrindetones.30.000 peniIajieva gestla ant Bedea Gilad- -

slcnes. at low flarev.H1WK-- . Swirn S. CI.

Barcafns In Hardware.s i joa who Bargains in iiareaare. cab trpeaA octl HAWT.S, SHUH It CO.

Taole and Pocket Ctttlerv.fXVTL Silortmmt 1 verv large, and w are trllleg atV lover prices than at aay othrr aeub i.hmeat In thecity. lcisi h a wes aiiira s co.

310 Dozen CliopplHir Axes.OF the foUowlsg brands : '3 w Coll, is." Hani's,"

" L'pplocotl's.'' "Lewis." H OHll l" aad" Blodgett Toul Company," far ta'a at BaxtxbwFBiecS. oclSl TIAWE- -, SMITH St CO.

Sundries.MAXILLA Cordage. Oattaa Bev, SO bates Oakmn,

Trace, Fifth. Sfretcher. Stay aad TosgaeChalna; Bar Iron and Steel, TIB Tate, Sa- - Tin; 180aaaoies eaest iron, asiorteo, ror saia at rejeord prices.

UAWSLn SX1TH B-- C.U.,oclS SOt srl lot Msla strset

AT- -




Wholesale VnrohasersAS PAY

Or wnase ability and promptcest arc aadoabted.

WB IMPOST ocaFnrfiSTl CfiflflS DlrfCt ftOH FUr0I)tl!l

, .... anv , . . , , ImuuuiAMERICA! IlIASlJFAtjA lJUES

From Snt hands. Oar Stock It very large fer this market, sal oar prices reduced lo the meet favorable cent.parlson with aay aarket in the United Slates. Mar.

chaata la good standing are Invited te ei a nsteo earStock, which consists ot everything asainv foond In

Hardware or Iron Stores.As oar proSts are excectiagly small en Geeds Jobbed toDealers, we cannot sftirJ to aeU taaay bat FIBST CLASS


Lounct, Orgilt &. Co.,Xoa. it aad It Freal Raw.

Ba.tern Offlce, 41 Watt al reel. K.T lectldawTta VL

Notice. atOrrtcE Sotrntrnx FAcino "Jtti"00- - I

Ma as hall. Tsxas, Oct 18, tSM. I I

a nrEiaiL UEETINU cf the ot towu.r. ot m.A rtmniT will be held at lealsvtlte. Ktateety,T0UB3DAT,the:sth day of Xawabrr test A meet- -

leg ef the Dtmtars or tae twspear - taethe sane place. Batlness st lenwrtaaoe win be trta.aaea J leaia - . rv,.

al credlltrs. beUlng I

I"?.: .J' ror the tamaf ahaat.I.-U,- . m. ... V. Iimna, T.. term, or tne eouii-- ,

. . . . fe.,t.m.m.).,liHm,l,parmeal of this in soteuuea.maaths. in .a or arpref4 n

..iT-v.,.'- .. ii i. sulr ble to prMnrfcyetlt.ltll.ilthis lad bUdn.lbat we msy cvea Into rosea. a elSrB7d andewpetlF of th. CPay aMjUfproceed with tbe we.lroctlen oftoe-nttineA tbs next tntv ive iniwa Mai i tn lbs

,v. n n. neeanl.rv dl.aHllvlee, sad IB' lime,proceed with Ihe rosd be shown, e TJb be ea.

-J..,.. -, n..i.itiiHf tt Teas, er ef the gas Ml amhtT pT,rrl'y. br F!ltc.5?'.,tl fJ&J'!i .i'il etaee,ui aoaje res. oi 0.1 v.,. iiL.. .... a...east, tfiw.rds tats KTVSl v... te

in.rf th. sm railway sytsm et the United Slates.n..U. LKl...... . .

tegttber. te elect a st. . .dl'ecwry. sad tean epen alt sea every taajret wawotbevrntrtWEtroiiy , ,r. t,, .ajea a (A ' w aa ill gaaeetM

Two iriales Lost and One Found.or were swim rreet me, s sorrel HASTBATBD M17LC (borrca ) The tenet Jtfcsaan

branded with the Ititsr "I" Tbe Mttkltm Imm a na naad ea eaa ferefoot eeunese A.males were lo past sre tea mllea f rata Memphis, oa theBalel b p'anlroaa

On the Jllnitant.a BAT MOLH wst tekea ap al theplica trem wblco Iks Mbirs ewar-- d. tad la now tn ntypolsas'ie3B ban stti arani iiew. w

ocil-tfS- S B. Pi XAjjEBS.

OA BABRKLS Oopperts, P. St V.. by ...JavU aaxS tt. T. PARMBWOETB St CO.- -

DEiUTISTRY.TB. J. O. CO LB, late of tbe xrm cfJ BS.TAK k. COLE, wut cnttnea the

bnslness at tba old atsed at tea flraa I1

aa fatly prepared to pert a an esert lionsla Dentistry Teeth tase-te- d en tbe ntost Improved plea.I have a new and valuable Improvement la aritlttalwork, which requires bat a sight to aaUafy 'be mled cfIts atlllty aad strength Oace on Mala trret la Pre-vi-

tt Stewart's new balldlsg, rear ot Qayae Ilottae

n m raizo...... ...M...-.........M- .S Bonus.DRS. SNEED & HORINE,

Denti is "t 3,MEMPHIS, TENN

fmca, Corser ef Oeart ant Mains sheets, oppoilte wens at we.

on Cenit street.Teeth ISMrtirf .n Muiui. t.meascaabe seeaaloarefaos. aBl-ia-

DR. G. W. ACREE,ncntistCourt Street, opposite A T. Wells Bro.

A LL opera lees pevforaud with tbeXX least possible pain and la the meetsktatal manner, dtaeaiea et the gnats aad1teeth sacmafaSy treated. Artificial Teeth rrInserted upon the cumI .scrceed nlaa. vHh ninu.Bdaobaatbog etUeroMor new u offered te tfreplretoe paanc wito consdeiKe la ay skrk, er as ea esdace-ae- at

In call at my office. aalS


irecrjioa to tin. x. bowcott:A... OFEBATIOy S pertsnaad at tba abortandgasraatlnt. Office ea Main atreet,

opposite the yorshsa boase reett-dl- y

DRS. BRYSON t. CKOtVEEE.I iierB, air asm street, oroKe Odd,ew uait, jtesopess, Teaaeeaee

aoS0-t- v

Jjraip Carlrs.

Wines, Brandies, Kums,Wli VCat TEAS. efcC.

P. TIER K A IV & SON,II III timore, nfnrvlnnrl.

OFFiB for sale tbe feel-iil- artio--s of Ih--tr awnparties arly for family aae:

SHBRBTWiyKS Pesarttxe's ftsest psse geV edbiswaSfeenUs, tawoodaad la glass

POST TntrKS-aandea- an's 'oapetltienred aad whMePort, in wood ard m glaas.

MADBIBA WINK Join Reward March's fine Made-ira, 1 waod aad in Hals l else, Srsae Jasee.

BOCC WiyBS Jeaaaetberger, Sftsberfer, Maree.brnaaer, O.btnet, Breeseeerg.ef ISeS

CEAMFAGNB WI.N'JS Kol and Chaadea's fiaast, aCjaarts snd ptau.

EEANDII3 OUrd and Heaaatci's fine eM pale aadoars firasatea.

BUMS Old and flae Jaaslea, Asttgaa, Grenada, aadfrom the Islands. Imported direct fcam Lcoaea

HOLLAyD Oiy Tbe best qnalllj Ttevaan araeeana do mixtnre or uematsc sntaea n tt.

309 halt chests of the Sees SOITCHOKG IBA.ecla-l-y



PIG I R O J ,CenstasUy en hand and far Sale.


JKO. 8. MeCUXE. PreeMestJos. S. Pease. Secretary. feast Jlr

c. at. habvet .a. n BA3VET.



OBDSB3 tor Soothers.Staple, rare fafly aad f.prefaettr attended ta. ViMeKhaowts and Fio-- S.

dace recelTed and. forwarded acanrdlas te IBiiraMleeewith dispatch Freight by .all or .teea eeewaeted farat low rates

RErES TO Ctnok St Co , I O 9rtS)eg & Bro., Steedat Etrar-tj- Haaash .V iina. mart Sly

nenne a. bihtholb JOLIBS II. SMITH.macxlot TnoMrson ALrnso c. ara.teoBt

I aJtMaeAaAwJii, SMITH & 00.,

yjnllr.s II. Smith's

celebrated; Old He serve

VaSt. Iouis, Mo.






xn 31ain-8tree- t, Louisville, Ky.eecwHuwi,

Wt xtm ft Confctiions.


Wholesale and RetailCANDY MANUFACTORY,

Ko. 67 Front Us trreeds and the pabltc for the veeyTQAVXFTJL extended ta blea fer the last twelve

years, M LOCI8 HO.STSDONICO bega leave te lafermthectiaaas &t Memphis aad vtclnlty. that he wttleea-.taat- ly

keee an hand a large aatortment ef the beat Im-ported Wines Claret, Fort, Madeira, White, ac; alse.scotch am and Loaeon porter. Alee tee best Brandies,warranted to be pare aad geaalne

M. L. Mostsdosico always kaeta on hand a greatvariety of Fancy Caadtee aad toys, aa aasertaaeBt eTtick Candy. Prases In tare aad boxes. Batata. Graaes.

every kind of Fralts and Hats, Iena,tl slr.dines. Olives, French and English Mestard, Secar, m'oar and oexes, carssae, naraienine. UK wiaes, u rarer.Preserves, Savaasab, Mew Terk aBd Bieten Preserves,Cats an. Peeeer Ssaee, Choealate, Cordials. Syvese. Xac- -carant. Vsraaaoelil, the beat Havana Cktara. aad a greatmany other articles toe onasrroea to mention, new

fer sak very low, er her by wholesale or retailHeweelaaegiMlewaltanlitsaM cesteBaera and aa

many new ones ae may can nana haw, ternlaose themgeaaleet arsteiea and eot4 hrtB astC-l- y

SiOTH 15 OF DISSOLUTION.veearteerehlst heretofore exUthSf between GeeTHE a lerether h this day dt'sotved by lb

death thesanaerMemphis September IB. 188.

JAVKt FLABBBTT asd MARTFLAHSBTT (wldt-- of the late'George Flabrrtj) wn ceattanasthe VURS 7CMC baeineaa. ca--'

ter the style et J.raes ft M Flaherty, at their raw aadextenslvewareieBse, oa the soath s de ef Uatea ateeet.between a aad Secaad, and ad)oiBiBg tbe carriageheare of Messrs J. U. Wlsweil & Co.. where they wmbe pleased to receive the patronage et their irteaes aadthe pabile general! seel


storeSo. 277 Wain Street,


JSftrasseri & JLinUTTATlftG laat aneaed at the above stand, we InviteXI the atttntlcn ef the pshUe, aad the Ladies parUe- -alariy, te ear aasaremeaw er

1 a i id. Jit I Ii QS,of all kinds, au o all tscb. goods aa are kept Is a Bratclass TABinrT usx.

anIO-I- y STBASaBBl S. LlKr.


ATUMBIR ot Tesch'r. 8 ; n timber at PaIS rlls, 131. Bev. WILUAM SHILTOV,A. it.. Pre. Id eat Xext fbeskta bectas.September Utb. Fref. CHABLBa HBM,the bruilsnt Perfirmer and T sober, hatcharge ef the Maslral Depart ea eat Theother depart men a are ailed by the beetTeachers In Ue ccaatrr.

Fer cataiegaea, ceotataiag Terms, u , aperr ae saePresident, or to B S. THOM. eXiT

W. P. LEWIS,Cornor of main nnd Monroe Sts.,

MEMPHIS, tennessi-:e-,

Wholesale and Retail feeler la


SHOEMAKERS' FINDINGS,Meaatteaeree serf tVaMa ta

BaiIuIcs, Milts, htm Wits, Whips, Sc.hsee new en bead, a fall and neaasslsorlraent ot QOOIHI la oar nee, ts4 win

recelslag weakly, rrheMNhae sever sU at,which I win sell a

CUBA P FOR C A 5 ttthe s.iae aealUy at eeeeJe eaa be wrehainl either le

lanctnnaii.irtl. Kala We woaM stetaiiy invite twux-tt- rystnil atlvM ,al ' l .a .t.mlst.U., noct, aswearaeeaarvllelMit ae their orders al

saartrst ttatiee.All Goods uaawattl la tbe Roase, warranted.

aai-Dt- ai


pal THHsM(ltw htsmhshdthela-srs- t! WuAUiXUn er V HtllT TitlKA. FLOWKK

tag nvaauHBRNB ever esvrea in thisMS' Ml at reaairr. Maaeolilt Laara

Uta.ih. and Gism Tinea aatertcd, hv the thoaiaaJrttatert wae have ttHfrred by the late oversow, can

ertehlsh their gatdeas aad ertbares al alx Deaths'ee all seeta ever SUO; er asms et saoo aadap--

wsms, at twnvetetaus' lime with esilsfactory piper,rereeal inMed.All are-er-a addreeeal te me thronxk Ihe Memphis post

win t(i-rersi-t attention Mynarsery la ennetn Its rta.1, 1 h muea trwn

tepit'timty a. ja. w uauatuit .

VIVO tstlredfroai IheAnctlon Bceintst. thesamrbe carried oo al the Ut Hand, Xo. 13 Madlacn

trcet, by

8. liETTf & A. E. FltAXIIIiAND,Under the style and arm et

--r3u. S3. IaETCTTZ-- da OO.Consignments Solicited. Account Sales ea--

JBaerfd promptly. ,r

A 8. 3JST1 & CO- - tsgJrS-da-o

B. F . WILLIAMS'COMPOUHD SrSLlTS3op s&nstiPcZJzii.i.tvn

Xodiclo ofTHIS popatar remedy la now oCered to this cemmantry

nar,tiMAiR.M...ritt. i,. t.i.HWc dtsordcte, and dLreases et the Skla, IaSammattos af the Xautneys, Ehenmatlssz, 46. Please read :

Free the Kaehvlle Gsxette ITo the irmemi imr .tti, mmauia fnvhieh ina attention ef the atiene ts se rreeeeoslv easeM

throegh tae aewspaper preea and otaar mediants, therenams Ooaavaad Exirart of Sarsiasritla aad IwHde ef Felaasa, prepared la this dty by Dr. n. I. wassstas. asa sptedy sad ttt ctlve nmed tar vum, narrxi- - floe. Cm. ntcers. Dnserala. Liver Csesptainsm. see a namearefotbev - ma that Sish la heir to." rl baa raptdlr gsleed

."Mimjr, weaavewHseiaeaaiaBy iastarxraer Its teaeaciai enewa numa?1 restortng laSaeGcee we have seen the wan dyspeptic grow Strang In mascte snd wealthy as Seen ! the weeaaa

who had leeg been the ptnelrata rtela ef disease, restored te health and the esjefsent er IMe ; aad SaeantaaeladsnivirtHSs lesciereia entirely nhiu.!4 --i ta.t imtate arSietuio. One tnetaaee a she Jatsevheaewis pantoaiarty gratllyicg w oa A Utile hoy, aged throesun waa rvr seme ttate sfaled with sore eyre.sexraed almost ta nit abM that be waald laee lha seaao ef sight The most erase, at of atedlcal skBI wassaieSej'.aad lbs parents ef the little saerj--er attesded at. tr-.t- .ttb .atk.irjareeualeefleteadeead aeBehtr eareweaeHeelv a rac4Mrarjde father cm leel and bestow, bat aB, Itj.,. vi.. uB.ur anea.aytnasewboaad wHeessed tad expeneeeea .s gr--at cwimi. i,wM.e-- ., ttDr WIIUaaa'8araaGarttlaaadIaeMae,rwit.. mj tj.. aa... iSam wSm tlMaaerlaM them, aaeSit ftod's bleulnr bbob Ibi Motneter of tlia metflela.eyes are aim.! eetlrety well. Msy the medlei.e that bat wreeght IMe ewe area hint, cbtaea a

aad kted heaves skewer Its Heeeek bie.stags apeo e geassae yaeec sewesmsn, Br 8. F Wanliml. $1per bottle, a tar ti. Fer saie by WARS i JON OS.



THEsrenrt-tsr- ef talsas-XV- JS

UMuh,... tea'cetrsOy re--ltanas isuu to hts reaay patraea aadackXMHTladsea a .hare er eaataaa reeeieeddartag the peak BeaMaer beyond exeecUtssa- - He hashsd aa adettteaal beUdusg pet se. aad satpreeemeatsntade lo all the deeart meats ef Me hwese. He dap BesaawsefeahtspaiTATEPABUMS aad enters seenthe Fall aeastn wtth a deSevBtsaattaa te keep an a r--

whaoh he has a adeaveved to earn, that af seeetvsag hss eeetoKevs with the BSH AKD FBBwHKST"ATABLB U be feaad la the markets, Berth aadSeeth.OTSTXRS THIS BAT SSBTZB IK ETBBT STTLS

tus eeaaeatahaient wt.1 be feaad csen ae eirty at SIXZrllT . ,,ISO wr eOBBseeatta af

r?iiT Fa-- e at tble Bestaaraat eaaaet be Bar- - '9ftfl M Tbt flMMM wn MMt a itMir Mnucsm '



. enwr .

Worshain BlOUSe..Mempllls, September lit, IS5S. :

TTeljX-leT- ' Si'

mamrt'. "w aaaiiaae wasoa. the i

seK tae one. Urn i ,etMB Me aetao- -l esmiyU taMa tisseli. aed the a.hsse geswtallv twtaMrUaetal va- -Uwaax-- as tee reaat , and a. setlett a oaattaaaoee at th.trssaeeet for the relate.

He aaaores iheaa that he la faflv txeeared fer theTsteeege TraveL aad the Fan aad winter trade, aad af-ters aa mech eeatfert and aeaet seseattse ae ate te beaasd tn aay Hetet ta the Soeahweet.lie hasabaaSieid, far tbe .reseat, if aet fseenr, the

teea er ehaagsaa; Ms beeteesat aed, bavtnc ataee ereryKestraMea to keep. a. hetusliis, a real, FiBJer-OLAS- eS

eHrTaUieaa I'soutaaeskW, he will centlaav te de-vote Ma anehvhfed aMealtea te the null mail at at MaHeaae. Be.fectraaty,

J 1. WO&SHAM,tepl-t- f Proprietor, ef Werekasn Hoase.

America.CJV. THE sobecrfb- -r wcekt re--.f. apectia taferss hi Iitaads ,

the peejlie, tbat bla F1ESTBESTABKAKT SM BOTEt, nakAl. '

ea Adaaas street, nearly opposite the Wonhasa Hoaae, Isnew open, wnere ata a ana castotaera win be ed

with all Mndsef Game aad oMtcaeiea ef Ueas welas thecheweet brande af Wines. Okalleef

tog all ceatpetltleB, he aetrrtta a le-r-al thapa at theBeet "treaaa.. afl-I- yl JOSEPH THtJFZL

New BooIi-- .

, T , . . . , .

I ! I . H. A V It'.SI Xr XrAlllt'iVv-sJ-i- v .aji v a' ,



u lk- -J i

REV. DAlYXEXs DAHE It , iIFstr aaa bmhvpreiearee br M. sea, ,

a.iuui s,saai,Fitter of tae Oaeest, Aaaesa, Twss.

XBestratsd wtth a See reetrait.

A N INQU I R Ylate the

laATV Ol ."VEGIte S2.AT15RT,Is the

PNTTB StATEfl 8F AMSSteOA ,Tewbeeh ttpeasseeV


Of G sansa.




OT the

KIT TEsTTAMBKT.taieeaetH. B wttneosnorviiat peeeeiah fee tat iseeta e- -.


Fer i ale byBM CLBtTBS 1 TaB-SX- .


tLt of Pel's Cam. II Minatrele.)WOCT.B rrteeetre'le .anecaee. bhst he ha taer '

. , -- .. a.., -- i . i i, . - . w--. . U... w .. k . .wwa--J .

peyeasM Oestreag taetractteas eaa eteereasB tevaaa.&c '

ea en at their reswenees, by lesvlag ereera st te.tove ,

- sewai-t- s

J1 Varil. ,

i'TING reeaiaed agala tbe FCRSITCRB BDBIKB4SHa the eM stead, aad are ae reeatvint: est enter sty

new aaa wen select a steak, waaea caenvt bat eae aa,bath la price aad atyta. Ttrtafcntl to all aar It as fertheir past liberal pttreesg. w14 stsB aomtt tketrtraea, aad weald be pleased ta serve yoa ase be

en-t- r at eRoavxKt)B.H M. oaoaveson. a 1 CAMP.

GBOSVEleOB. CAMP & CO.,Wheleaale aad Deeleis ta


Oil Carpeting &c.IHATTitESSES,


280 Main Street, below-- Madlsen,oe7-- tf Sleinpliis, Tenn.

S40 iewuii.on the night of ltk at SepHm

ST0LBX. tweoty-acve- n mile, frcte Mam--phl. ol the etvtlle read, a c axt eolaredMABB MITLB. foar yeara old. Fr mar ard I

tbset I will pay JW, or $26 fer ma a, at Sheeby OVrtet, oraay ufernaallou received. Ffet OeBce. Shelby Depot

eeJS-l- JP. B. PBTTOX1

ID PENS REPAIBED!:vxGLeWS tacav, wlttat ceoea eaea, tm X eeat staaase'j er oO cent, fca meney. to my aAdrew, aad they win

be retaraed by stall la good order.ROaXl.VS 1 BABXBS,Gesi rea Manafactery,

iylawiy Xe. 88 Third street, LeaHevlBe. ty.

JVotice.T) ESOLTKD, hf the Board ef Mayer aad AJeerniea efXV the OHy et Meetphrs, lhat the Mayer keep a ttaad-- tt

aatsce iilHMtse cuy paeers, that ne aceeantagatcH the city w be eaVd Balm made by aaenertty ofthe Mayer and Board of Aldermen and approved by theMayer t Extract rrota ths atmatrs

B. D. BAU8H, MayerL B Bicbabds, City Begister.Metaphl., AarattS. 1S63. aaT-- l'


Kotary 1'ubllc.of Deeds, Ceesml'stsner ef Oeart et

COMMtSsIONBB State Oaeaatlasieaer, Meetebi,Taa.Oace open 'rem S A. M.t r. st. Atteatksa gives tothe aetauwledaaaeat e' Deede aad ether tastiaaaenia etwrhnsig, n aad aat ef oBtoe ( to the ef Dee,and an other ittstiSBienU et illsagi to the tekhs. efDMaltlft te be ased latheeeeecat State aadTerrt-tarle- at

to Puite HtfigXotee aad ttrarts. lhavetweea- -eee ka lnisiill.n caaaecslea, aad peeeaBt caa eater bythe ttee deer wttbtat the taterreyetesi tee rreertttXee.

Aeaaeete and natea far eatrectsaa ersast Wtst thissee wtH be ataced ttt the hand ef reUeele eeaeers.

lis-e- n



Matn-St- ., Old Stand, bolow Honroe.(Tts oMerf per tanrxf ifsnd (a fAs ctryj

HATB eeatlanBy en hand all sixes at Patent MetaWcCases, which they tine and rot ap atr-lla-ht

ta the best manner. Also, aH kinds ef Wood aad dothCovered OoStaa, which they sell at a fair Price.

Orders rroa the ceaatry prompt attended ta, and Par-nM-er

made and repaired, and Upholstering exeested.nova-i- y

Xiiterarfj Eureau.AX Experienced Bepur, a taecesstal Anther, and a

thereeahly- - edeeabd Lllertrr Maa. weary withtweaty-- d years et the dredger? af Daily Jesrnallsm,baa eetertalaed te hire oat er seU his brains at retail, tothe who may rtaelre thler service., la any hoaortbleway.

Merthants. Bnslness Mtn. Inventors, aad dealsrs ofrve'y uae whi ceaeppitea, c 7--0 and, wit a Aevertlse- -meats, (poetical or elherwisa.J xotlco., carda, Clrcalara,er aar specie, of article desired.

Iw tUctaas wtll te eapplied with Spreche. BemrtsBMeiatlsBS. Letters. Teaals. Famshhlets. Editorial Ar.iieei, (.watmemcaiioBS, saa fr cry o'E.r sort ef Br.ln aswwrk, whMh net my snd It Inconvenient or tronbi- t-soeor bb aa ter taemser s.

laws .nd Gentlemen, af evirr raak tnsodetr eeaptUes Is life, can have Letters written on an.

a woeiBeroatinejesorsenizmentaj.The advertiser will a' so cocdact or translate Gerrespon

eee ef erery hind, either Bnglien, Preach Spanishtfermae, er Italtan.

Poetry, ACTOtllca. Lines far Alb ami. Kot. mnt.dex, Menedles, and Compesltloat of the most delicateaiM Kiaeoiiai caaracter lackfeat to eve rv tiosalbleclr- -caateUttce or event In tie, wlHbe ftmis bed In Inviolableaanadeace, by writ tig to the anderslzned, and explaining

.IIOrders by mail, accemsaaled with sash, win bastrlctlT

lacaptiy aiteaoca La.aaarese J. THOMPSON. Literary Bsreaa.

3- -' Box SS Philadelphia P O . Fa.


Bj Taleatlne WatsI & ABton Scli-o- ob,kad

"Fori PickerinE".Oa tbe right band aide of tbe WlsaiiiippI ami

Teteuee Kauroad, near we cor-

poration line and riverwttb Weald retpectf BRy aaaeaaoe tbe eltttmnmg cfW . a nw u a vvrpaCTOBT. where aB

terul. efwAvt I tat. Maa. from a half gsHonJogtoa tlxfatten, andlars fr.mbaK to SfUca gsitoa., are made...Haas aaa s.iet r newer pci. cm u eia imt. AH wienies' te see the ntaaaftetkr- -cf these artlctesana aiaase caJJ. Lots,

IPxa-eilw- iI a'OTTri I


with the conidance el 11. HOfestswthe wist Wa i... , w nn.k.M. to GfireK UMaTS. Tstfar.

is aane apon which we place a bihr eeksseae than WaV- -

pabile favor whsrevwr tatrsdaced. Ia aUa cttejiaBsJu

year?, to wheat we ar" attaeaeel by tae atreeeeet etBe sneered tae meet exerataataae pees, s a swam r

aeraaa. with bet sttght beaeaK te Itttle May

The ttt't . V,. iu. el.. kk. terreer vA keiesk. aeeT Ms

Wltearsale Arret", Me

GHXtTEariZLU Co.,VA , ABg I, 'M.

aTEeMBS. Bevr a.AXX to , BtcheaeasLast faa oae at artresiee was tamed looseta the stasia yard:whOe piaytBg with ethermales, raa wtth thewetgat of hsa wh-4-

body agasast a largeplate af sheet tree em- -tteg btralf oe thethigh er ham aeoet tealsebet sang aad frees anbaab an a halt te twolaches deep ; the weud was ot sack a character as ieset Pe be weald never beef aay eerrtee te ase agate-Seei- ng

a aileeeof the Terr OH In the paeers, I peeeandaad applied tt at eaee aa the cat, aad ta aeeet threewee I a he was perfectly well aad at week, aad yoe can-not perceive the feast sear where the cat was mad.

H A W1MTXIB.P " There are suae aaate at bajarasa te CaHe as

aeti kbMhoed, whkh have bean cared by year TwrtLMt aad it f ao, bnent t 1 caa securer, maay

- '.'. - ... J"mmm ii -eet heaarec fssartj they ever saw H. A. WINFtrOB.

AMiLir worwrr, JaayM see.Messrs. Bevr a. Co.. Laat aaeaaan I had a veer aste

herte tetseed ha one e( Ms bind less sehaery aa teeaeweIs. ta vt 1 tk. Mm "f . i.. - - T tmbUevery remedy I eaaaw hear er tauavk ef, wtsheat littusaghtaa IntbeleaH. Berteethe feel the swiSBag lea laseed. when year Mr Archer saw It, and reesaanwededyear Tare OH. I seeeered a bottle and sa a very aeesttreae, befere I bad ased tbe ceettana ef one haaabt, theseauas anbsWed. and yen eaeM net tell wMeh tag wealalared. Be H aew well aad dotat; afl knada eg raeaaweek. Ve-- reseectn ly,

Fer ,a. Mhi. by J '

Wbe have the oMtrel er it ka esse ataaa.


Bat ihttthMt fer the eese ef


INCIPIENT COaWUMPTtOK,Infirmities ofYouth aBd Old A


OO&KMB. or maik ajtd QOAT SerSrJPjrjaL

nCFFAl-O- , XEW TO It Si,A BS the esdy hyalcsu. la the State wae ase as saa

IX. tiers ef the Beyal Colleaw f Sattset,lbe cettaeMed frees S o'clock la thentzkt. In every state and syaantasa ef Waisis,

The IreataneH they adoet la tswreaaMer apweaasftatrty years- - axteaerte ana aaeceeeni aeeetate ssand Astsiats.

A MOM SClSf7iriO IXTINTtOef.An teatraeaeat ter the care ot

Haekarnal gntlsilnai. xasee paaaeitoWeekness,9tc Can be Bersaaneatlr cerewteew te twwty etay., by h--a K nas. aaet roaa ewt, .teaaWceadeatUywrth ntedleaaes.

tookg mbk. tacb PABnetrLAK Nrrreva.Dr. Aai A Bcai Ute altiwire ia i its nsrg BVat abey

bare laiejUed a aae tuoerttat hMtiwaMae sea tb. aeweef the above dtseatea. It has beee sektecsed aeateetefIke swet emleewt phyilrties tat LieSie, Paess. PatliSilpais aad w Task i It kaa been deetaVed the eanr eee- -fai htatrameat ever yet laveeted far te ease ofBat Weakness, er aardieeaae ef the siastsl esvsaa.censed by the secret hahiU ef yoath

Dr. Aaaea A. Sea, ha oreer te MMt the Wiset taisileal as ta the Bserlta of their. lean ussiet, Btaahje Bkem-serv-ea

that ta any lastaae where H aaayaeeesaasatssfasatry after a fair trUl, the aaaey wtll be riluaians ayretarnsag the rnatiaateat tn aoed eeear

Feisans wtsbbas; the above aaetal laitisiiiiataBa,serve that the price, with the eeeasaaastetnceaseeiaasks,seearely peeked, aad sent by atett er sasesss. la teadelta re.

XBW BBMBMB8 ANB QfJICK CUB Bela cran wiaaama.Dr. Aiaea a. Soa have fer a leas Mr lea at jeaes keen

eaagd ta aa exteeeive avaetsee tn the taeatessetaXtsate tad tee theory Isanstr oysaV

Sed Phfeacataa who new advevtlae te case net saa esse- -

Pernae ha any part ot the werM sear be i

treated by ferwatenn a eaevecS etatt af Iwteh a remittance far MaenOBtea, Ac . which wttt be tebarBed wtth the atBteet etaatek, and aecaee seeea eb--

Aaavete DR. AMOS ft SOX. earner Mesa aatl ajaaysareees. Berate X T mart Saw Is




Bleod TwtoVer astl Health Kttrtr !

PBHPABBO fisa the FBJtSR BOOT, the easy Madft ;i Pty.wt.iM ar the Baetaet

oM, taspetted root nx inert aad worthless faeae tea

have KTSiT--a he svato 7-- 1fr".i.w IB ww, saa e

UM aW.r.1 El .n. It. mm I

tela. Efcaao B.U, w'Mte Swetlaag, SyaOjias, Baweaaataves,

(wtf, .MM , . tfce M jtaaluatu. r.netfs rim i, r ntia.iiTaasera, Cadexy. &c It reaeaeee lanaiSllii C theBlood or Svataaa r abase of Mercary, aad asstse theskts clear and ttm-uth- aa object of nttereat weth theuetea. rt aaeese e aeea la the tartan; ta sea!Bee4 aad pre--

, cat sukneea. Price, $1 a beetle.

McGokh's EieeHee ef Tsr,Ie a ecrtata care for ttowei (aaaiadaat, aa sabanssvea

Bytentery, Flax, &c.

JIcGown's Doejveui HHtl srH,I rmnisialisi Ni riillli Tlji inpsss.TSlsSilsjiiiisu.

yaJeaeas ae teeArttay U Cows s TBI ton, Agae Cehe, 3VJlcGTJH'f GteleteR feelekratl,

Fertae rvtsrr u Ceofhi, Cvkt:, ri aisaapllaa.Cwl, &c

aictJotvu'r. steiMack Bitters,A peaawt ta ! vvigoratas Teaae

McGoivn's Mntiaeir,Never known to fall caring E!d seeee. Paan i,

External laeliTaaillen, Caroale acre pe, fre.An the above Beeeareil and sekt ty

xt. s. aroma.Xe. 343 Mala street, seeth i.t rkvloBuMe

mrSS-daw- ly Aad fer sal br all other Br


THB Hsn has at lot aiived when aU yarisi seaanasalaay of the tallowing onB,latats, will ae

DB. SLESGS'S CHLBBBATBB COMPOaTXM.CbBls, Freer aael Aawe, Bya. J.aadtee. Lreer Sees

plaint, Xeraeee Headaahe, asd Bis seal TlnS llslj,are cared by the net ef

it-- SLBMBeS XBBTO08 TONWOebts, Ceazhe, Oreaa, laaaiaii, nrisihstaa, Asia rat,

SfMtta. Bisod, anal IscteHat 17 insassillta. seeenras sr tne aeeer

BE. SLXDSK'S HOABHOtTKB FaNBAaBlarraea. Diseeilery, BesesVy Flax, Ohesera Metaas, aad

aB aff' Unas et the Bowels, e enred bytsnaaeef

DB. SLSDGB'S 0BOL3B--t Si DiAXBHZA TBBr.Per rsMrea, when teetMag. Is thss eeeeer ptnloa

tarty aAsvesd.PBiezs Serveae Tesrte J aad JI per beats. Hear

heead and Pectoral St sw kettle, er stx tiltlie Ur tBtarshea Syrap l per settle, or betlleeset .

BXi B THB FOLLOWING CsUttlrWATBal:Mmrnis, Teaa., pebraatr , Has.

DB. J. M. SuteSE 0ser Ser; I have beast taken,ter soeae days, yeat Male Bsttera and take bsiiibsu attsyaasUatsethnasI her. ever tahee hea besMtHtee) aveseated In se shart a thaw aa It hea. Tbere was a gea-e- rt

deMUty aad praetratisa of ary whsie vyeaaaa, a BeaaVache aearty aat the state, and ceaetaat aeeajaaaji farsemetaate after eettna, with eaWaeis ef Bay Iawhe. I asedresaedhM tbat I theeght seed bat wtxheet any speetalbeexat I ecttTaasBed te try year lease Betsaia, aad 1st aday ar twe after aia theaa. I twwaa w laaarerv aaslaeel'that! am gtaastr biaiatttdby it. 1 eammead theaa tethe Bethllc aa ae hasabng, aad aaejaeartanshty esueer ekebest tearaea saw laasefer OektsHyaad geaeral

ef the syeteas. Beepecrelly. yer etieliat eervaee,SAM'LA BOLMB6.

BkSACA, Sa , May It, J. M. Kxssr &Ce., Msateasa, Tvteu.

Genfsr Tea was please seed ae (to Beaea Beeee, erajtweaar-fe- ar beSHea ef the Xetveea Teaec Ser Hi a sage orOkeBn aad Fever. We have seM al yen aent aa wteh theexes, Hea ot oae bettse. It takee One ha tbas pars, andseeaaa ta have the eeetred eet. Pleaae tetwerd aaearly aa convenient. Tears, reapecHaSv,

J. W. & J. HILL.

BcxmvtlMlss..SeytBser9,hBfC.a. J. M. Sitnoc-Be- er Sir: I have Jinat veer

XerveMTeaetobebraeaetalfertheeaee el CatsBs anFever. wWpseaM sl BHtese deienseetla aaeeaatat yea eaa. Tean, very teipectfaBy,


Sbiloh. Ginsorr 0a.. Tens., Sept. 3, hWe.Da. J. M. Sucsoc: Bneleeed we hand yea a leccstt

fee twe aad a halt dexea bottfea Dtarrkea Byrne, waSakcame te hand la dee tbate, and we have see ease anal a,half desen et them. As far aa we know tt baa gevea. anVttre sattstaettea. We have set all the Xarvens Teeneaad Hear boa nd Fectaral left wtth aa by jeer agent. Wepresame we eaaM test two er three desen betake of easit,bt it tt convenient fer yea to aBd them to as.

Taore, trnly, J. C GILLEKPIB taSehaT.

MAaow Depot, M. X O. B. B., Seat, t, aaa.DB. Slxdox : We have seM aH e year Xervea 3aaat

left by year agrat. These that have need K are steehpleased with It. Wehave had several casks feral aseeawe bave been oat. Ten will please send ae eee easebottles and oblige years, etc,

B. T. BROABXAX et SthtCAB ef the above are fer fer rale by aB lire seta tries' '

merchanls threoghent theceentry. Areata sad sabsri,wlahUg t isppry, mast aewreaa

GOODTZAB, ZXJPF A TO,mrl7.Ht SPreeeteters, Meeaaatta Teaa. .

Cancers Cnrett.than 1080 cases have been cared matin theMOBS six years, ranging from oae to tbtrtr year

Heading Orvlt Lovt, Lovmgten, Ta ; Ihemaa Hekbe, .rrtersbnrg, TlrglBla, Joel H Fartak, Leaeases.Virginia, John XternoMe, Big Island. Vtfftata, Theet.

W. Marshall. Beaafert, X . O , Mis Hatlsa Baah esleg.Fine Hall, X. C , Samaei BlBghsai, Maeve, X C.Cel. Archibald aad P. Carter, MosevHe, X. O , Baa.George C. Mend ban, Jamestowa, X. C, Mat. MastsAnderson, Covtrgtoa. Georgia. I A. Baash, Seetatdo, Georgia, Jerry Creamer. Dillon, Ga., i B--

Eltsba Dardeit, Social tBaata, GaCol. T. Lsmpkla asd John Palmer HaaaavHe, Aa.

FamphleU eca taming testbsealal ef the Ml testbe forwarded te aay one wtahjag to test the.

trathof these .rMedielrM J lerwaraea oy man.

Address, JAS A. CLOPTOX, M.oct3S-l- y no tsrUe, Alabama.

KOT1CE.M. SLEDGE haa retaraed treat Xew Tbe.

after an absence of Mae months. sb4 hss egeeteaKBe astoandleg cares in that (My He kaa taken aa,.fem at Xo. XT Xesree street, between Mate IK Seesndttrtet., tad will re an me the piactere af Medtet. wsire

has for sale his celebrated Goapeesda. AB eaststo, day cr night. As he intends lecattet; vera a-- "

twntrets W.T hi.. .td freen Usa rreat saccete heAaa,in th treatmeat ef the varies dHe lies, be tSeeki'-hashoa- ld

have a liberal patronage frera the cHlttos eftMemphis taac-e-a v


been removed to Stewart St Trevtae's Block, on.HAS street, between Union aat Gayeso streetsLands In the Chickasaw and Biv r eonaUej., In, Mi-s-slsslppl. PlsnUtioas to MUtltJlppl sot Arkansas, OMv

Improved and salaprn d ts Memphis andlB.barbl,slwtysoaBA!and Itorialf. tfSJzlTt