the memphis daily appeal. (memphis, tn) 1857-03-03 [p ].€¦ · and all necessary out bou.'es;...

ar Stole anir Jpui A Great Bargain in Real Estate. FOR SAIVE, FOR CASH. A HOUSE and LOT ob Adams street. In the dtvof H'tnohis Tni Is part f Lot No. 477, I lilt on the Santh fWe of Adam street, sad adjoins ll'Al the fat kimb which the Whltemore House It ; this lot fronts fifty feet ob Adams street and runs tack 14S feet, tlx Inches to an alley. Tee House contains four large room!, a ball and dining room, two rood tl cbrns, a weU and cittern, a stable, wood and coal bouse. This la a desirable residence let for anyone wishing to purchase, and will be s M low for cash It I the present resldesce of Mr Daneri, and esses slon will be given as soon a I be money is paWL Th -- tie is good, but tke purchaser will of conrae satisfy himself. Apply to WM B. GREEN- LAW, or JESSKlt TATK. feblS-dl- m TO BEXT. ON Lauderdale aire t. outs Me tte corporation. NINE AOSE3 OF LAND, which has been oc-- CTnledTer years by a Gardener. Outbeprem- - .isea is a small dwelling, cenfaislnc four rooms and basement. There is a coal cistern near the bouse. There s also a cood orchard, and a One srapc arbor. Ap ply Immediately to Jan!S-- tf JOHN CANNOVAN, FOR SALE. I OFFER ay Reddenee, on Alabama street, marly cassette Mr Realty's. Let f resting "a 'l feet, and nsBBlsc back 172 feet. Good new noose, wtth fear rooms, pood cisiern. and ear- - den Also. Lot in Soatta Memphis, en nullng street, fronUni fiS feet 4 inches. sX manias out 160 feet Also, 430 acres unimproved Land is Tippah county, Hiss. For terms apply at my oace, on Conrt street. J. W. SANGSTER. N. B. A bargain win be given la exchange for K- - groes. Jass-i- m FOR SAL.E OR REXT. I OFFER for tale or ret t, the RESIDENCE lately occupied by Dr. Bagby, sitaated on the I'11 Raleigb Plank Road, one-hal- f mile East of the ,citv luniu. The Rsswle-- ce contains tin rooms, with an, kitchen, servants rooms, cistern, well, smokehouse, carriage beace, stables, good garden, Cns trait, ahada and evergreens, he., all in perfect order. Potsess.on given 1st Febrnary. Apply to G. B Locke, Or W. G. HARDING. declS-- U FIXE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale, on easy terms, the floe resi dence known as the Hester p'ace. on the Meia- - phis and German town Plank Road, two andeae- - c res of land win be reM with the residence. Apply to E. A, WHITE or to Onl 0. D. McLBAN. decio-t- f FOR REXT. I DESIRE to rent oat for the ensuing year a small farm of eighty acre, lying two miles I rem Court Square. This place has about sixty acre U atoiTrd. and the balance in timber, a oofarU- - b!e residence with Are reoma, kitchen, n gre hoases, and all necessary out h uses, a good cistern and first rate or- chard, ef every variety et fruits. For farther partlca- - lara apply to ortJ--tt II TOIJJKTIXE. A RARE CHAXCE. OFFER for s, on favorable terms and at alow I rice, I my PLANTATION of 03 acres of the best quality of Mississippi botbs land, all greatly above overflow, 10 miles west of Memphis, on the plank road; 108 acres of cleared Land and a new double- - trains House with suit- able offices. Apply at the place to PETER LEONARD, or to sep7-- tf DANIEL HUGHES. Memphis. LAND AT AUCTION. .& OWING to the Inclemency of the weather, the Korrison. Lar-d- , on the Memphis and Ohio iiear Mason's Depot, advertised for the 21st - TinT-rr- r did not come oC. The sale will take place on WEDNESDAY, the 18th March Those desiring a hfaltby location. In a good leitbborbood. wiu do well to attend, Mrs. Alexander's 1153 acres of the same survey, will be offered at the same time, if not prrrious'y sold. Terms made known on the day of sale J. a. .AUitt , Agent. feb3-daw- 4t J3" Browt vine Journal and SoaervlBe Democrat copy I cur times. FARM FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE Coontry Home in Shelby Co., i!6 miles irons IfemphM, and 11 miles from Ger- - amantown ffepot on he Heapeis and Charleston .Railroad, and Piankroad, and between Shelby af ale Hh School and Forest Hill lastitate. There are 104 acres of Land in the tract, of which 79 acres are cleared, and 5 acres of good timber, it has ca it com- tollable dwellings, an orchard of Apples, Peaches and Plums, and nvr-failin- g well of good freestone water. A perfect title givea, and payments made easy. Persons at a distance can get any inf onrtation they may require, by writing to the undersigned at German town, Tenn., or to G. B. Locke, xempais. sepS-daw- tf P. HERS DON. FOR SAJCE. THE sabscriUT oSers tor sale the tract ef land aoc which he bow resides, in Haywood county. Tennessee, through which the Jleruphi and Ohio .Railnad passes. Sal-- , tract contains about four thousand acrea. The improvements csnsict of a fine frame cwriung, witt ten rooms, negro quarters, em bonae. stables, a Ise steam and grist mill, good orchards. and aj the necessary improvements; for a large farm, rr can be convert at); divided into reveral snuU vUl-- s ' Pur aealth and fer:!i'r of soil this place is unsurpassed by any in the c t .y For farther particulars apply to the sncscnoer cs ik premises. declO-das- ra THOS. SHAPABD. AH t ki to tie Iiad in Lands. T WIT. Tact ot Land os which I live, in Tip- - X pas u,- - .,&., six miles west of Ripley, on Tippah river, for crt:k,)contalntnc Eight nundrre Acres, Cve hundrec of the very b"st creek bottom and tae bal ance second bottom and upland. Tfeere are about one hun dred acre- - cleared, and in a fine state ef cultivation The Improvements are good Bd new, con istiag ot a Dwelling boa-- a, and alinecessary oat fetuses. The above tract of land, I have no hesitancy in saying if eae of the best in North Mississippi for raising Cotton, Corn or Stock, as the range is fine both "Winter and Sumra-- r. For particulars about the place, I refer to Davidson, Ellis it Blair, Memphis; John w . Thompson, Ripley, Jtiss.; n . C Peguis. Holly Springs, or to myself en the premises octl2-w- tf v J. J. PEGUIS. Farm for Sale. I OFEBR rav valuable Farm for sale, consisting of 1160 acres, twenty miles from Memphis, on the mail route to . CVvlngton, Tipton county, Tenn., one . miie west of Kosstown. ana tour irom Shelby Depot. It is caps He of being divided info three excel ent Farms. There are 300 acres under a high state f cultivation. The improvements'sl of a large, fine Bri-- k House, with six roms ; Gin House Negro Houses, and all necessary out bou.'es; three wejsaad a floe spring of water, convenhut for use. A rare opportunity is sow aSbrded those wfeo wish to bare a model farm. Tne land is ver fertile; lies well, produces well, and bas toll outlet to the range et Loosa Hatchie and Crooked Creek Bottoms. Pr farther partiCBlars, address me at Jlaieinal r. O.. Tenn., or apply to me an tne premises. Jiy ooject in seiiiag is a oesire to remove i est. febt4-wl- m "WILLIAII P.0?3. TaluaWc Iaucl For Sale. I OFF2R for a valuable tract of Land, situ- - sated in Fayette and Haywood coon ties, containing aabout 1900 acjee. being the tract of Land on wbKb B. B. DeGrasUareid resided at the time of bis death. The Land will be divided to suit purchasers. It is situated near the Hem phis and Ohio Railroad, and is regarded as equal to any tract ot the size in Payette Purchasers are invited to come and examine it. Terms ot sale will be liberal. A ply to tae at my residence in Fay ette, or to Calvin Jones, or W. A-- Williamsos. at Somcr Til e H. E. DrGEAFFENRElD, Executor. janlMa Valuable Farm for Sale. THE place lormely occupied by Dr J. H. Free- - ' man. and more recently br Wa. P. Ome. can- - taininc abont 329 acres, situated about one mile .west of tbe Hernando Court House, and a mile an-- a quarter from the Depot of the iiiselsslppi and Ten nessee Railroad. u his is a highly detirable location well improved, with good bouses, cabins, stable, cribs, cotton gin, gin bouse, and every otucr convenience necessary. Tbs place wfll be sold low for cash, or short payments, cn application to R. E OS5E, Memphis, or W. P. Obsc, at Lake Coraerast, Miss. It net dispo-e- d of before. It will be offered at public eatery, at the Court House door, in the town of neroan- - e, on HONDAT, 29tn December next. novi EJ" Hernando Prss copy. REWARD! ju I WILL give $40 for the delivery of my two Boys Jnr at my bouse, or in any Jail, so that I can get them '(L They left my premises, (near Germantown.) on the 25tb. of January. One of them. JOHN, is about 23 rears old, a low, stout, black boy, with a scar on bis up per Is, weighing about ISO pounds. SlifON is about the same age, black and slim built, about 6 feet 8 or 9 inches high, aad weighs about ISO pounds, one of bis ur per front tseth gone. 'Wben they left, they botb wore the usual Jeans and Kersey ptaststsoa suit. Any Information concerning them will be thankfully received by A r. caktwkiuht, or 4t GOODLETT, NABERS & CO. ROOMS TO LET. 3. C. E. SATTBRFIELD, corner of Madison and Second streets, can accommodate several famines. aisouay Boaroers. .aaai-qj- m 33 IVX O W J- - Xj or TEX NEW RUG STORE. tske pleasure In informing th crHiens ot and the pnblle generally tBtTire have fWE our Steele of Drugs to tbe corner of Vain and streets, and will take pleasure in accom mo- dal nig all wbo may favor us with a can. We are also in receipt of a full supply of fresh and gen ua Drags. Chemicals, paints, uiis, rerionirrx, a. Particular attentioa paid to All in; of Prescriptions at all hours et cay aad night, deest-- tf R. JOrNER k CO Xumber JLtim&er HATE the larg-- st assortment of Lumber oa band 1 I baveereroCered, consisting in part of Seasoned Cy press and Poplar, H. 1, 1 X and 2 inches wide and dear; Sills 6x8 and 8x10 ; Joice 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 and 2x12 ; Scant jf 2x4,2x5, 2x6,3x4, 4x4, and4xC; Weatherboarding. Sheeting, Shingles and 'Walnut Lumber on hand ; also a large lot of dressed Tellow Pine Flooring and rough Pop lar Flooring, Red Cedar Posts of all sizes. Tardea Batture.SoBth side of Centre Landidz. JanlS-dtwawl- T If. E COCHRAN. o a. 32. JS Ir enilum Gallery! Just returned from a bnsieen tour North HATING the facilities for taking Sue, durable Daguerrootypes, Ambro types, &c, I am now ready ia person to serve my frienda and the pnotie generally in my line, oa the mot t reasonable terms. I feava no new tangled patenta and dap-tra-p procefset to etKr tke public My establishment has to stand a tall aald all the Masonry of its naigtbori, upon lis own merlta. sep3diwtf . t trv tkM. minslRft sn.1 T.OTS ta rent f.r the present year, situat-- d In the Northeastern part of the ctty, ra what is known as Winches- ter Avenue, it being the property upon v.liich I Eaw i,Te p0r a more parura ar mRiiinii, jar dosing lie contract ot rtmt, call on Maj.r Wilhan Rut-fi- n, Gas oace. BOB PRICE. a t tbe jaea-dt- t OASES Taraer Brothers' Celebrsb-- Ginger 200 r- -i M... rjVhorr Brandv: ' 35 Pare Juice Port Wist; CO " assorted Gordlalj. H. n. rOTTKR, cS7 Xate-st- ., M door pottb of Wsrrtsso Etsst. (fclitfeiKfl Siaxii. SPIVIT.M.t.s.oM..Mn. C CXJUMCB SPIVJBY & CliAKKE, WnOtXSAXE A5D BXTAIL -E- A-EBJ IN GEIfTLEMES'S AND BOYS Fine Clothing, FIJRWISHING GOODS, Sole Leather Trunks and Carpet Bags, 243 MAIN STREET, Union Block, Opposite Court Square. term are cash, vthich enables us to sen at me OUR prices. "We respectfully solicit a call from all In want of Clothing. maySS-dawl- y SIMON &SEESSEL, MANUFACTURERS OF MENS' AII9 BOYS' CLOTHING, ABO WHOLESALE DEALERS IS Staple and Domestic Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES AND PLANTERS' GOODS. facilities this year being of such a nature we are euabledtooSerour Fall and "Winter stock, which la unusually large, to the trad and dtliens gene: ally at tbe very lowest rates. Country Merchants and River Traders in particular are earnestly requested to call and examine our stock before purcbasingelsewtore. SIMON & SEESSEL, C3 Front Row, Corner Jefferson-st- ., under Commercial Hotel. auglO-daw- tf jflercliant Tailor, 1X3.7 3VT ATTST ST., Under the Worsliain House. riHE subscriber begs leave to announce to hiscustom-J- L ers and tbe dlixens of Memphis that he bas return- ed from New Tork with a full assortment of most splen- did Goods, which be is prepared 14 make up for ca.h on snort notice. . !!?",JL NE V FALL AND WINTER CLOTHISTG. aro now in receipt of our entire FALL and WE STOCE OF CLOTHING, manufactured by our own order expres-l- y for this MARKET, and in olntf style material and irorimaruAip, cannot bo surpassed by any HOCSKin tte Vnittd Statu, and to which we respectjuUy invite tbe attention et Oaslx Buyers. The Raglaad Overcoat; 'French Caslmere bnslness Catalenlan " sails, plainer fancy ; Talmas ; .French Doubli Milled CassL Otoak Coats, la various ma- - merePant,plainorfancs; tertals ; .French Double Elastic Casei Deveashlre Kersey Sacks and' mere Pants, solid ; Overcoats; .Harris' Double Mill Cassl- - Avalaache Coats; i mere Pants" Lamb Skin Sacks and Cata-jSte- el and Oxford Mixed Cas- - loaians; simere Pants; Si perine Black Cietb aadlFJowered Cat Silk Velvet Beaver Dress Overcoats;! Tests; Superfine Black, Hue and,Dsamnd Cut Silk Teivet Brown Dress Coats ; ' Teste; Superfine Black, Blue andFancy Teivet Tests, new Brown Frock Coats; style, with every otbsr Scotch Casslmere, business variety, suits; B0T3 CLOTHING, in all the prevailing styles ; Over 500 sulu ot NEGRO CLOTHING ; BLUE SATINETT SUITS, for Traders ; STRONG EERSE!" SHITS, for FlsW Hands ; OVERCOATS for Neroes; la every grade, shade, sire, variety and price; also Goods ; SUid Sole Leather Trunks, Taliscs, Car pet Bags, Umbrellas, &c , he. All we ask Is a fair ex amiaation ot our stock and prices. SPIVET h. CLARKE, Dealers In Clothing at ITfceUsale and Retail, No. 24J Main street, Union Block, opposite Court Square, Mem- phis, Tenn. Estraved. ON ihe night ef 2th December, a small cbes- - nut sorrell mdle, four years old, marked witn tbe collar, in gooa order, naa one snoe on pefore. has a rope en bis nrtk wben be left. Any in formation left at Caret's stable, or to myself, two miles Nertb of Memphis, will be thankfully received, ana all trouble liberally rewarded. janlS-daw- tt "W. DONALDSON. Chancery Sale. virtue of an Intrrlocatery decree of tbe Chancery BT Court at Ripley, at its December Term, 1S58. 1 will sen at the.Conrt House door, in tbe town of Ripley, on the FIRSr VONDAT in March next, One Hundred Acres ef La d in tbe "th Civil District of Lauderdale county, bttosging to tbe Estate ot Cooper B. Jones. Terms cash, aal3-wti- ls HENRTn RICHARDSON. C. k. M. TIN AND SLATE ROOFING SUPERCEDED BT THE USE OF WEST'S PATENT GALVANIC CE3IEXT. Cement, by its and galvanism, THIS metal roots from rusting and unsoldering ; and resists the extremes o: heat aid cold better than asvtbinz ever invented for entir roofs, or tor covering over old shingles or metal roofs of any kind. Tbe weight heretofore attached to cement roofs Is avoided by tbe use ef this material, it being much lighter than tin or shin gles It is adapted to all kinds of houses, flat or steep roofs. Its appearance is like slate, beautiful alike for therich palace or the bumble collage. Tbe undersigned, bavins secured the right to the State of Tesntasee, Is now prepared to cover oM or new Foofaif acivdescricUon. or to repair old roots that leak around chimneys, sky-ligh-ts, battlemtnts, fcc, at short- est notice; aad will also sell rights to territories, by counties or towns, on reasonable terms. The attention ar architects, builders, and the public generally, is invl ted to this Roofing, as something better than anything before known, tor cheapness and durability, it being fire am! water-proo- f. "W. S. BENNETT. Proprietor. OSee in J. L. Morgan's Arcbl ectural Rooms, No. 10 Walker's Muck, Memphis, Tennessee, where samples may be seen : or address Box 6ST post Hce. Of tee many testimonials I have, I will here submit but one: To Whom it may Concern. This Is to certify that I have bad West's Patent Gal vtaic Cement pat upon a roof at my store, which hereto-- fo e leaked badly; bat since tne application ot tnisue-me-nt it has b--en perfectly water-proo- f. I can recom mend It to tbepablic for all rooting purposes, and believe it to be a permanent fixture against nre and water. JAMES BOTD, No. 172 Main-s- t. Memphis, July IS, 1S56 Having examined sampKs cf West's Patent Galvanic Cement for Roofing, and having a knowledge of the ma- terial used in said rjotng. we have no besltatian in saying tbat we deem said roofing one of the best tbat bas come under our observation, ana wsuw cneenuiiy re- - cemm nd it to the public, it being fire and Signed, John L. Morgan, Architect ; Wm. Crane, Arch!, tect and Civil Engineer; R Tlrgeson, Carpenter; N S. Bruce & Co., Carriage Builder?, Menrue street; D Cockrell, proprietor Commercial Hotel; E. A. Benson Music House, 268 Main street. Memphis, Jnly IS, 1S56. Norton, Bradley & Co., tinners ; S. V. -- aathews; E. B. Wicks, Barnard Slecum; S. Bastable; S. R Mathews Rbas. A. Wbeateu : E. n. Brewster; C. H. Usenkentx Syracuse, N. T ; Amos Pratt, Master steamboat Globe, EuEaVo. N. T.; S. C Case, Sap't Cars and Build lege M C. R. R-- , Detroit, Michigan ; Wm Wells ; Henry Chls- - roIxb; E. Leland, tinner, uieveiana. unto, u. i joco-bn- s & Bro ; Gsge, Brother k. Drake, Trenient House Sap't Pabtlc BuHdlngs, Chicago, Illinois. All of the above name! gentlemen, with hosts of others, have used this Cement, and can testily as to Its utHity awl dura bility- - aarJO-ut- NEVF ORLEANS Direct Importation or FRENCH, GERMAN, BRITISH AND IKIM jnyptrsr goods. Ti & E. REILLT 4c CO.. so long known at the comer X of Royal and Canal streets , beg to say ihey teve re moved to their la-g- e new store Jio. 125 uanai street , be tween Royal and Bourbon streets known as Tcuro Baud' lags, sign of the Golden Flax, where their ample nvm aiid resident buyer in Europe, will enable them t . cep ftbe year round) a complete stock In every depar nirct. Also a fall line of PLANTATION GOODS d tte best Southern manufacture. Combined with the above, they will keep at 'Irt old stand, corner Royal aad Canal streets, under thenar eof Embroidery and Lace Store, A complete stock ef LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, RIBBANDS, EMBH0ICER1K3, I.ACES And Ladles', and Gentlemen's FURNISHING GOODS, ta suit the Ceumrr Merchant as well as tbe cotunmer. This latter is a dass of h :use heretofora unknown in this market. P. It E. REILLT & CO. 126 Canal street, between Royal and Bourbon streets, sepl9-G- Toaro BaUdlngs. lgn of be GoHenFlev ESTABLISHMENT. rpilE u&4eri2ned art cow opening at their NEW JL. UiaUtr B1UHJS, NO. 37 FRONT ROW, a general and well selected assortment of Fresh Drugs and Mcdiciues, Chemicals Paints, Oils, Dyestufis, Patent Medicines. Glassware and Pertamery, warranted to be fresh and -- . nclne, direct tram Nw York, wi ich are ottered on ac- commodating terms. Call and Jadge for yourselves, cr end in your orders, which wl'l be promptly attended to, particularly those trom a distance, and tbe goods sent lorward without delay Tbe patronage of oar friends and the public Is respectfully solicited to our new es as we feel assured we can reader satisfac- tion to all who may favor us wilh their custom. Pce&criptlons put up caretally at all becjs. nfiCBi HUlTcTKR:!N8. WATT C. BRADFORD. f f DOZ Crucibles, Nos. IS to 40; .XK Circnla- - Saws. 43 lo 60 inches ; 300 INs. Newark Cement ; 200 " Plaster Paris; A good stuck of Gam Bolting; File of a superior quality, all sires ; French Bin Mill Slows, all rites; A large lot superior Belling Cloth; For sale law at tbe Union Fsundry, Poplar street. ncv29 GAYOSO SAVINGS INSTITUTION, ANEW SAVINGS BANK & EXCHANGE OFFICE, No. 26 Madison Street. Institution, having been organized under a charter THIS by the General Assembly of tbe State of Ten- nessee. Is now ready for business. The Directors for tbe ensuing year are: .,. FRANK M. Willi- -, AU-- '-i a- - ruun.. ru i. C. J. SELDEN, E. M. AVERT, Caihier Hr the charter, married women and children may de posit all sums oi not less tbsn $1 per week, mbjecl only to their control. Interest allowed on all deposits for more than fonr months, at six per cent, per annum. Ex change on New Tors: and New Orleans. Collections made and proceeds promptly rrmlura. Memphis, Tenn . Dec. m, i ly Pare Ohio Catawba Brandy. undersigned bas this day received thirty cases ot THE I.Ton'a nrlme Ohio Catawba Brandy, and bas been appointed sole ag-- nt tor the sale of this celebrated pure Native Brandy, which is strongly recommended by physicians for persons reqnlriBg Alchobullc ttlm nlants, as It Is tbe only pure article f Brandy 1 be procured in tbe United Stales. tfeelJ-t- n UHAfi-E- ii r uii , Agents. SWAN & OO.'S LOTTERIES. Capital Prize 5,Q0O. to the great favor with which oar Single OWING have been received by tbe public, and tbe large demand for Tickets, tbc Managers. S SWAN a. CO., will have a drawing each Saturday throughout the year. " The following Scheme will ba drawn in each cf their Lotteries tor atarcn, 1837. OTiASS 28. To bo drawn In the City ot Atlanta, Georgia, In public, o. SATURDAY, March Tin, 17. . n . x 27. To be drawn In the city ot Atlanta, Georgia, la pubJtt, oa 3ATURPAT, March Wlh, 1857. nT.ASS 28, To be drawn in tbe city of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on SATJRDAT, March 21st, lt7. OIiAsi 29, To be drawn in be city cf Atlanta, Georgia, In public, on SATURDAT, March 28th, 1S57, on tbe pun ot Single Numbers I 3.2GO ios Z I Moro than One Prize to Every Ton C!ic0tSs TIIIRTV THOUSAND TICKETS I II A GN I F I CENT SCHEME. 1 F,tse of $S0,003 i $0,000 1 " 30,000 li 20,0O 1 10 000 is 10,000 1 9,000 is 9 OX I " 8.0 0 Is 8 080 1 " 7,000 il 7 000 1 C 000 is C.000 1 K 5,000 is 6.00 1 " 4,000 is 4 090 1 3,000 is 3 090 1 " 2 030 is 2 000 1 " 1,000 is 1,090 100 " 103 are 10.600 100 " 0 are 5,000 unnnrlif imrtv IHITTUQ 4 Prises ot $i50 Aprox'ttag to $50,000 Prize aro$l00 , 4 00 " 90.000 " 9W 100 10 000 40 so 9,000 3W '65 8000 SOB eo 7,00 240 t5 o.oeo 230 50 5,000 45 i 000 let 40 30u0 160 3't 2000 150 25 1,000 100 3,080 SO are. .60,t00 360 prizes amounting to $20J,C0f Whole Tickets, 810; Halves, $5 00; Quarters, $2 50. Ft,AN OF THE LOTTEKV. The Numbers f rem 1 ia 30,000, corresponding with those Numbers oa the Tickets printed on separate slips ef pa-p- r, are encircled with small tin tabes and placed in one Tbeflrst2I2 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, are placed In anoth-'- r wheel. Tte wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from tbe wheel of numbers, and at tbe same time a Prise 1. drawn fr.m th other wheel. Tbe Number and rrisx out are npened and exhibited to the audience and registered by tna Commissioners; the Piize being placed against tbe Number drawn This operation is repeated until all tbe frizes ar- - drawn out Approximation Prizes. The twnrrecediacandthe 1 wo succeeding Numbers to those drawing tbe first 12 Prises will bs entitled ti the 43 Approximation Prises, ac- cording ta tbe scheme. Jj-T- he 3,000 Prizrs of $20 will be determined by Ibe lat figure ot the numb- -r tbat draws too $50,000 rrice. Furenmple, If the Numbers drawing $50 900 Prise ends with No. 1, tnn allthcTicketswbere the unnibr e4s la 1 will be entitled to ?20. If the Number ends with Nu- - 2. then all tbe Tickets where tbe cumber ends in 2 will be entitled to $20, and so on to 0. Certificates ef Packages will be soM at tbe fallowing rates, which is tbe risk : fc Certificate of Package ef 10 trbolc Tickets $30 00 " 10 Half " 40 00 " 10 Quarter " 20 00 In ordering Tickets or Certificates, end the money to our addres for tha Tickets ordereiLcn raootptotwhlea they wlH be forwarded by first mall. Parchasers can have Tickets endiag in any figure they msy desigaat. Tbe list ot drawn numbers and prizes will be forward- ed to purchasers Immediately after tbe drawing. Parchasers win please write their signtares plain, at give their Post Offlce, County and State. S3" Remember that every Prlre is drawn and payable in lull witboat deduction. S3" All Prises of $1,000 and under, paM Itniutiliately after tbe drawing other Prizes at tbe usual time ot thirty days. S3 AH communications strictly confidential. E3 Prire Tickets cashed or renewed in ether s, at either oEce. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates of Packages of Tickets either to S. SWAN i-- CO., Atlanta, Ga., or ie! 26 S. SWAN. Montgomery. Ala. COTTON SEEO PLANTER! ii,.. This engraving represents an Improvement In MACHINES FOR PLANTING COT- TON AND OTHER SEEDS. Intent. by'J. A. STEWART, of Kentucky, near blitchtUtville. Tenn. Patented July 1st, IS5G. Tl f ANDFACTURED by STRFET & CO., corner of Sec-j- S Jl ond ard Poplar streets, Memphis Orders for Planters received by STREET & CO.; also, by GOODLETT, NABERS &. CO., No. 47 Front Row, Memphis. TERMS $20 00, shop cost, including the right louse. FaM on delivery at the Shop. decS-d- tf Premium Cotton Gins. attention of Cotton Planters Is respectfully called THE the above superior Gins, manufactured by E. Car- ver . Co., East Brldgewater, Mass. Under a recent Im- provement, the Carver Gins are regarded as tbe best cow la general use ; their superiority needs bo comments from us, as thousands are now In successful operatioa in the Southern country. VTe have on band fifty Qiss, embracing all tbc dlferent sizes and numbers of saws. Also 10 and 12 feet segment bolts, washers, etc., com. pkte, all of which wa ofibr to oar friends upon the nsuai terms and time. GWTNN GIBSON, Nos. 1 and 2 Exchange Bunding. Memphis, Sept. 23, 1351 tt WHITLEl'S PATENT PORTA- BLE CIRCULAR SAW MILLS. MAirnrACTtntED bt CjLAKK & AYEEY, St. Louis, Mo. AGENT AT MEMPHIS, TENN., Q. McIaEAN. taken tbe Agencv for tbs sale of the above HAVING Saw Mills, I am prf piued to fill all orders far Mills, with or without the power to drive them on the shortest notice Persons wishing to purchase Mills, and also desirous that tbey should be set up and put into operation, can be ac commodated. We io no, wleh to praise our own work, all we ask of persons wishing to purcbasa Mills is to examine our work before buying elsewhere, as we Ihlnk they will give as the preference after such examination. We are sat isfied our Mills will saw more lumber, and in better style In the same number of hours than any other now made Persons wishing lo purcbaso Mills will pleae address me at Memphis, Tenn. G. McLEAN. CJ.McIiE&IV, BOILER -- MAKER, Black Sinitli ani Sheet Iron worker, Comer of Front Row and n'inthester-tt- ., MEMPHIS, TEXS. SECOND-HAN- D Boilers bongbt,seld and exchanged for new ones. Sheet Iron work done of every description, su- e- as Chlnmeva. Brichen. Fire Beds, Kicape PltmL Condensers FoTces.MctalieLlfe-Boat- s, andSteam- - boat Work In general.'AIso; Bank Safes, FireproJ Shuts, Gasometers, Cisterns, c , 5 - N. B. Boilers repaired at the shortest notice, and qn the -.- est rcatoaable Itnus; UorM-daw- ly DISSOLUTION. the 1st Jane, 1856, the firm heretofore existing ON P. H. CLARK and A CWUHZACH was dis- solved by mntnal consent. F. H. Clark is charged with tbe settlement ot tbe business of tke late firm ot F. H. Clark Co. F. H. CLARK. A. new"firm. The subscribers have associated themselves togstber under the firm of F. H. CLARK & CO. P. H. CLARK, JAS. S. WIIXINS, THOS. HILL. OUR NEW FIRM. It affords me pleasure to aanouneo to my friends and the public tbat I have associated witb me my former partner, JAS. S WILKINS, and my well-kno- assis- tant. TII03. HILL, under the familiar style of F. H. CLARK t CO. The new firm will start with an efficient force In each mechanical branch, the Watch department being nnderthe supervision of Mr. Wllklns. Sto fall at all times of tbelatest fashions, and prices as lei. as tbe sane quality ana style ot goods can be par ebasec in Philadelphia or New Tork. I am thankful for the liberal patronage extended to ma during my fifteen years' residence In Mempals, and my .aim will be to merit lis continuance. m. ai,u. ESTLBOsiffEO 1841. " TJR aim bas bet n to kfep pace with our growing city. V 7 and furnish those who want Goods lo onr line with good articles, and at fair prices. Oar assortment, for years, bas been but little if any benina our Eastern cities. It is more extensive this season than ever. Our leading branches are, first WATCHES," o Of whl w have every variety In general nse. together witb a large assortment made to oar JSiSi) order, which for neatness of style and are surpassed by none. Ia our assortment will be found tbe Right Day Watch and tbe Repeating Chronometer, giving tbe time to a mtnnte ra the f ark. JEWELRY. Our assortment in this important branch Is kept fall by f reiiet receiets of all the new styles, whether of foreign or domestic psod action. GUMS We bote made (bis branch of oar business a study for years, not only posting ourselves with regard to the dif- ferent qualities and merits of tb different styles and ma kers, but of the kinds best sultabW to our market Oar assorts nt, for t number of years, bas been large, to which we have recently made many additions of our own importation. We can f arabh our customers witb SHOT GUNS from $5 to $200; RIFLES trsm $10 to $100, Also, the celebrated SHARPE'S RIFLE. Pistols, DERRINGER and COLT, ot all size., Also, a full as- - sortment ot the kinds in general ase. SILTER GOODS. Tea and Cftfiee Sets, Pitchers, Goblets, Caps, Castors, Spoons, Folks, Ladles, with many choice Fancy Article;, all com nne. SILVER PL4TED GOODS. Urns Cators, Candle;tieksTea and Coffee Sets, Fperg nes. Cake and FraH Baskets Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Pltct-era- , Gobteti, Caps, Walters, &c. &c. O TT Xs 33 , ST . A fan awortment ot Pocket and Table, from tbe best makers, with a great variety of Fancy Goods. OTJB MECHANICAL MLATfCH. All kinds of Walcb Work done in tbs moat f altbtal maimer. Jewelry repaired, aadncw made to order. Engraving. Plstn and Orameutal ; Seals for Lodges, Courts, c, in any style, sienoei ot au a tees. DAGUEREEMGALLERY, Prof Remington, Artist, Umbrae s a suit of rooms bnilt expressly for tbe purpose. and wa-- e prepared to our customers witb first class pictures mall the various styles. In bniidiag expressly tor oar business, we have com fcined every convenience fr tbe different branches, and g eatlyrc aced oar expenses, which, with our facilities and theexiuuiea ot ourbnoiness, enables us to sell goods and do work on tbe most reasonable terms Goods cheer fully Hbown aad fairly represented, and we invite all. b.4h b avers and the curious, to drop in wl' hout ceremony ai examine oar stoc. w- - keep open nonse for all. octlg-dawl- y F. H. CLARK . CO THE SPHEREOTYPE. rpEla.e-lxrKlb- y far the most important Improve- - A ment in Pliotograpby M tbe recently patented plc-t-,!-r- toowu as the SPIIKREOTTPE, which is not only nw and uslike any of Its predecessors, but greatly su to all Tbe Sphereotvpe is proof against time, aib and water, and for richness of tone, warmth of rxprey-i- m and distinctness nesioeqna! m fact tbe il nsien is such that th picture, or Image, seems suspeed- - c- - .u ur, entirely lntiepenueat of tbe back gvoand Kur Id- - picture we have tne exclusive right for Mem- phis Spvctaienscan be seen In our Gallery, where pic tures are alv laxrn in tne varieas style- - by our Artist, PBOP- - REMINGTON", who conibla s the Chemist witb the Artl-- t, which, ess bles bun at all times teprodece superior Pictares. P. H. CLARK CO , de-I-- tf No. 1 Cork's Marble Block. (fcrniftrfionarifs. PARIS HOUSE CONFECTIONERY. Wholesale anil detail CANDY MANUFACTORY, No. 67 Front How. TV THANKFUL to his friends and the pablie L!S!''0T toe liberal patronage extendeil to t3fP him tor the last igbt years. U. LOUIS begs have to nfoim Ihecitlieaj ot i.his aad vicinity tbat be will constantly keep on band a large assortment ot the best Imported Wines-Cl- aret, Port, Madeira, White, &c. ; also, Scotch Ale aad c noon I'oner. M. L. Moxtedoxico always keeps on hand a great vari ty ft Fancy Candies and Toys, an assortnrnt of stick Caudy, Prunes ia Jars and box's. Raisins, Grapes, every kind of Fruits and Nnts, ricties, L&bsters, Sardlntr Olives, French and English Mustard. Sugar in loaf and box. s, Caiacai, MarasUilsto, Old Wines. Ginger, Pre serve. Bavsanan, Aew iors ami iiosten rreservts, cat sup, Pepper Since, Chocolate, Cordials, Syrnp, Macca ronl, yrmacelli. tbe best Havana Cigars, and a great many 6 her articles, too numerous to mention, now offered for sale very low, either by wholesale or retal'. naving. at much expense, secured tbe services of two of the most experienced workmen ev'r In this city, be fiatters blmseif that he cannot be turpassel In arranging and decorating tables for Parties Wedding--- , fcs , with conor io nimscii ana satisfaction to ins customers. dec24-t- f L. HOCCO 5 Manufacturer and Vbolesale Dealer In' JPiaizi ami JFaney CAISTDIES. CAKES, &C. Jtfo. 220 Main-s- t, Odd Fellows' Hall, Klempliis, Tenn., constantly oc hand a large assortmentof Green KEEPS Dry Fruits, Frnlts Li their own Juice. Jellies, Preserve!", Sardines, Lobsters, Spiced ind Pickled Oys- ters, rirki, Cordials, Syrups, fine Wines, Brandies, all kinds of Nuts, c In connection with this establishment I have fitted up in superior style an Ice Ci'eaiiB. alooii. expressly for the Ladles. Also Gt c. . i,oou, where ice Cream is served from a A. il. till lit', il. ap-- 7 S. rilELOS. wit rAnms, ENTERPRISE WORKS, PHELOX & FARMS, Proprietors, NEAR THE DEPOT OF THE Mississippi & Tennessee Railroad of WaJis, Plows, Drays, Carts MANUFACTURERS Agrlca'tural Implements gener ally. Also, tMsb, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings. Brackets Casings and Ba?e kept constantly cn band for sale, acu midetoorder at short notice. All kinds, of Wood Turning and Sawing done on tht mot? reasoaable terms. We tre alo doing a genera1 Building Business, and solicit a call from those Intending to build, as we think wc can do their work cheaper and give better satisfaction than any one else in the city. We ate tbe best and most approved machinery in the manu- facture of oar work, aad being both practical mechanics we can and will do OU' work better and sell It cheaper tbau any other estabtsbment In tbe city. To all we say come and trv us. We also do Wrought-Iro- n Work ol every description make Wrought Shutters for Houses c. All our work Is fully guarantied. Jnlyl7-d3m:wl- y TENNESSEE illARIXE AXD FJRE INSURANCE CO. Of Naslirille, Terns. CAPITAI., :::::: $150,000. JOSEPH TAtri- ,- Pres't Al W. BUTLER, Cec'y DIRECTORS: John M Hill, .Alex Allison, ''Thompson Anderson, Janus Coney, R.H.Gardner,' '. A. Owen, Q. M.Fogg, Joseph. Yaulx, James Ellis, N. E. Alloway, W. 3. Eakla. MARINE INSURANCE on Cargoes and Freights under open or special policies. Inland Transportation Risks ot. Merchandise, by steamboats, railroads, or land carriagts ; also, hatards on rivers and lazes to or from any part of the United States. FIRE INSURANCE oa buildings, dwelling or other booses, goods in store, furniture, fee, in town or country. insured against the dangers of the rivet. .J. G. LONSDALE, Agent, Oace Jefferson street, Memphis'. The Mutual Life Insurance Company, 0fteWtore. Accnmu.atetl Fund, 3,000,000. X is rvtes adopted by bis Company are based upon tbe most corrtA.; coscrvat Ions. Policy holders get all tbe gains of tbe Ceapany, as it Is purely mutual, having no prf fer; red stocE or. other capital to taseths first fruits of pUSis from tbeliured. Any persdtfwisaln; Insurance on his orber lite will re- ceive all lnfonnallen, togather with the requisite foimsti application, by calling on J. G. LONSDALE, Agent Mutual Life Insurance Company,",." cclll-l- y 021o Jefftrron street, Mcmphlij &f pMiJgFEitlr (fed tofr 1 HAWKS, SMITH & C0.S BULLETIN. Stox-xx-- S 1x-,1o- , 1857 i MERCHANTS PLANTER,, MECHANICS! 1L0OK- - TO YOUR INTEREST. HAWKS, SMITH & CO., IMPORtERS AND DEALERS IN ETrc.-w.ri- , CUTLERY. AXD AGRICULTURIL IMPLEMENTS, ITos. 304 and 300 Main-s- t. ALSO AOENTS FOU " Heuing's " Tatcnt Salamander fc'afes ! now received the greater portion of our HAVING for tht TRADE, by recent arrivals from Enrcpa and tbe Eastern Cities, we are prepared to otter greater Inducements to tbe Mrrcbants, Planters aa Merbanlcsof the Southwest tban bave bttnerto been of fercd In this market for proof of which we respectfully so lcit tbe inspection of our stock and prices. In view of tbls, we bave placed onrselves in a position to oner suca Inducements to those wbo may visit Mem ph.s for the pur-D9- S of making their pnrcbas'S, as will deter them from seeking another marktt, so far at least as oar basiaess Is concerned? To f nby carry oat this object we bave made Dermaiwntarran:- - men's with tbe best manufacturers lu Kngland and In this country, to be regularly supplied with a full stock of Gccds In our line, and wfll farsltk those wbo way favor us witb their orders, with goods at as low figures as any bouse in tne country, Soata or west. Our stock comprises For tle Country Trade. Boiled and Charcoal Iron Castings, Boston, PhilnWpMa and Wheeling Nails, nam's and Collins' Axes and Hatchets, Ltg. Trace. Stay and Stretch Chains, Bri:ht and half bright casteH Ilees, Caststeet rlvated-ey- e lloes. Oil and steam bent names, Hog skin Collars, horse and male, Cotton, wool and Jim Crow Cards, Manilla and Jute Cordage, Thread and common cottoo'Rope, Plow Lines, Bed Cords, Clothes Maes, &., Louisville, Cincinnati and New York-ttts- as, Nova Scotia and B ved Grindstones, Ames' ctststerl Shovels and Spades, Rowland's and Can's Shovels and Spades, Table and Pocket Cutlery, all patterns, Locks. La'cbes Hinges, tec. Well Wheels and Well Butkets. Together with every aittde sailed to the trade of tba country merchant. In the Agricultural Department We hae made tbe best selections from the most approved manalaclorers of every article necessary tor jumunlly, lneirwins , Cotton. Cane and Grub Hoes. i Can Knives, and Briar Hooks, Plow and Wagon Chains, ' Fan Ml Is, Corn Mills, Corn SbeBers, Corn and Cob Crushers, Straw Oaltors, Hay and Manure Forks, Rakes, he, Grain Cradles, aad Scythes, Patent and common Churns, s Hames, CoJ'ars, Slugletrees, he., Pruning STws and Chisels, Garden Implements ef aH kinds, Hall fe Spear's wrought and cast Plows, Allen's Cotton Plows and Scraners. Together with a fall stock of tha celebrated Avery aad Livingston Co. Plws, which bave for several years past given such universal satis'actian. We are folly pre- pared to keep always on band a large stock ot these Plows together with tbe extra Points and Castings, so as to be able to supply ear planters witb them at all times. In tbe sebctlon ef onr stock of Goods In the Mechanical Department We bave pld most particular attention to the interests or our mechanics We bave selected socb goods as aro best suited lo this market, and can safely gaaraaty satis- faction t.all. ' Oar stock In tbls department Is fall and complete, comprising in Building Materials Greenwood'aevfebrat'd -- Inge, G reenwood's Axle Pullies and Shatter Fastaiegs, White nd Mineral Eaab Lneks and Latches, Ctoe and Electro-Plate-d " " " Cottage, Rural and Mortisa " " " Fr. nt and sture dsor " ' " Sliding dnor Locks and Furniture, " ng door and Gate Ulngea and Latches, Bts and nooks. Nails, Brads. Screws, Ac. Thl departmen in eur linsiness is under tbe special supervision of one of the partners, wbo bas for many years, In this city, given it his careful attention, aad be- lieving tbat tbls branch of our basiaess reqalres more thanerdinar) care, botb in tbe sWeetkm tt the goods aad In filling orders, he is determined to nse Ms best en- deavors to keep such goods as shall piease all oar me- chanic, and will bold every indue men t to merit tbilr patronage WewouldcaT pirtlcular attention to our stock of Tools, Ihe quality of all which we can Wily guaranty, eoaprls-la- s la Carpenttr's Tools Union Factory Flane, Rules, fee., Spear & Jackson's Hand and Pannell Saws, Batcher's cast steel Chisels and Files, Earl Smiih & Co.'s Files, Wet Derby's Chisels and Draw Knives, Cam's celebrated " " Spirit Levis, Rules and Gaages, . ' ' Acgers. Auger Eitts Screwdrivers, Ac Ttlaclcsmitli's Tools. Peck's Louisville Bellows, Newoumb's New Tork Bellows, S .1W Box awl Parallel Vices, Armitage's Moasehole Anvils, Coley's warranled Anvils, Hand and Sledge Hammers, Blacksmith Tongues, Farriers, Hammers, Knives aad Placers. Tinners' Materials. . Best Oharoaal Tin Plate I O, tt tt t "IX " Leaded Roofing Plate 1 C, Bar Tin, Speltre fee.. Iron Brass and Copper Wire, Bolt Copper, Soldering Irons, fee , Tinned ami Braiiers Sheet Copper. Boiled and Charcoal Sheet Iron. It na s Iralutlon, Rnss. and GalverBlsed Iroa, Bar Iad, Rivets, Corper Tacks, fee. We would also call th attention of Raflrtad aud Levee Cootraeors to our stock of Rallrsad Barrows, Ame's Shovels and Spades, Boring Machines, Mattocks, Picks, fee. naving a thorough knowledge ot our business tet alt Its branch's, we are determined to give It our entire atten- tion, an I shall attend personally to all the orders, aad to the transaction of our business in every partlear, aad by so doing flatter ourselves that we can give satisfac- tion. HAWKS, SMITH & CO., fcbl 301 and 206 Matn-s-t. rpnE undersigned would rerpectfully infirm the pu- b- . lie mat lie oas laten citarge ef the Mara Ktiuol Bear Forest Hill Seminary, where he bops by urreral ting at- - teniion to tne aai tea of bis profession to merit a small share of tbs public patronage. To a thorough Collegiate education, in one of the first Colleges of onr land, be rniltr a large experience as teacher of youth Toung men win be thoroughly flttrd fur Ulege. or tbe active dntie of life. Good board can be bad la respectable pri vate families at elgbt altars per month. The place is af convenient access, being on tbo line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. Students will leave tbe cars at Purest Hill Statlen, where tbey will readily find the scBooi by inquiring at the Female Seminary JAMES VOORHEES. Principal. Referrncet Bv. B. Miller, Principal Female Semiaa-nar- at Forest Hill : H. Owen. B. Cash. V. BaagnH M. le, E W. Kinney, W. T. Bettle, S. Reid. J. Vangls, j. uogus, attach am, Mr. ueKiweii ana li. uwen. dec5-3- m SAINT JOSEPH'S COLLEGE, Mar Somerset, Perry County, 0. rpHK Annual Session cf this Instltation will be re- - -- i sumed on tbejsraf Monday of September, 1SS6 TERMS. For Board and Tuition in English branches, wash- ing and mending linen, and use of bed and bed ding, per annum $110 for uoaru (as a Dove) with Tuition tn Aigeara, Surveying, Book-Kee- p inff, Rhetoric, His- tory, and tbe use of the Globes 130 For Board (as above) with Tuition in tbe Classics and Natural Pbilosopby.. UO For Instructions on Piano, with nse of Instru- ment per annum....... For Instruction on other Instrument sT Stationery, Books, Medicines, wben tarnished, at current rates. To those wbo remain at the Institution daring va-- cation, an extra charge will be made of.. ........ 20 J A. KELLY. President J3" Refer to Rv. J. V. Dalt, Memphis, for further particulars. nlvIS-dawS- Jtlempltis Founder? MACHINE SHOP, Adsms Street, Memphis, Tenn., IS now prepared to do all kinds of Machine Work; also, Ste-mb- oat Wort of every description. Steam Engines. Saw Mills ot every description. Cotton aad Wool Gin Geailcg. Planing Machines. Also. Brass Foundery, Casting and Finishing, Stt-a- Guage Cocks and uutlngs of every description, heavy wrougbt iron "org' lug. Wrought Ir n Gratings for Jails. Bank Vaults. Cel lar and Side-Wa- lk Grates, Iron of every descrip- tion made to order. Alo, nouse Fronts, Window Caps and Sills, of varlon patterns. In a word, I am prepare.' to do every description of work in my line. I liave now in shop the latest and mosl improved pat- terns of Stam Enginee. ISAAC PHEL0N S. McKextcca .Superintendent. frbl0-l- y AMERICAN PRINTS, At Manufacturers' Prices. KAA CASES of tbe various Brands of American tj J U PRINTS, for sale at manufacturers' prices for nett cash, by james LOW fe CO.. Iel jlSMain street, Louisville, Ky. CAKJTEETO.V SHEETINGS. (?ftft BALES Cannclton Sheetings, for sale by OUU JAMBS LOW fe. CO., feb21 418 Main street. Louisville. Ky. lAWIVS. 100 CASES Lawns of the Pacific, Hadley Falls, Portsmouth and Glasgow raakts, on hand and for sale by JAMES LOW & CO , feb21 418 Main street, LonieviIIe, Ky. COTTOIVADES. O fi fi" 0ASES Cottenades New Tork Mills, Ripka'i CjJ and other brands, on hand and for sale by JAMES LOW fe CO , feb2l 18 Main street, Louisville. Ky. Just Received. O K BASKETS Creme de Biuxy Champagne Wine. H. II. POTTER. Main strict. febl9 Third dcor North Worsbsm Hons. Rr.rifcii nnd Irisli iviilair-- r received, by n II. POTTER, JUST Maln- -t . 3d door North Worshasa House. xo -- ".a t;; pltbxiic: The Madison Street Sash,-Doo- r aud Blind Factory. nndfrstlgnd has taken the stand recently THE by Moore fe Halstead. over th Planlnr Mill of Whipple, McCnllagh fe Co , and Is n reus red to flu all or- - d rs tor Sash, Doors, Blinds,' Frames, Citings, Moald- - 1uksibiiuss, a . Particular attcntlou paW to dresslnE and rionlng Lum ber, for .the Carpenters and, ButMeri jan-ue- i ' R.ViH-SSU- n " ETERl" BIAN IS OVTN SU6AR FaANTEK. CHXNESE STJGAB CATTE. THIS Cane will grow on any land sn I table for Corn. It A fiOO gallons of saoerlor srran to the acre, and will produce fifty tlroosand pounds or foddrT. It also ripens two crops of seed in one season, and U tbe mes valuable crop brougut to tbls country since the introduc- tion of cotton. A scull quantity of tbe a bora valuable seed oa con- signment, aad In packages each containing sufficient seed to plant half an acre, at $1 25 per package For farlliei particulars see pamphlets furnished gr at trf bj tbeagcaU LOW.HES ORGILLfeOo.. fel7 Nos Hand It Front Row. SEGOND S XT2P2PXj-T- . fTlHE great demand for oer fine Imported GUNS In-- X duced us to a anwrkir I fit wbbb re luit Ic hand from the Lorn loa makers. ut)b blk DUCK GUNS, Sac laminated steel barrels to 8 bora, 31 U40 inches long. FINE GUNS, mide by SsHlh fe Townsoad, Greener White feTbomrson. nwlin fe Sbratb, etc , etc. RE JPJ'3' ln 0lt C'M- - wi,n uxtures ooBpMe. FINE GUN&, iaMabosjaay Oases, with flxtutos om plete. Also, a full assortment of botb SINGLE and D0CB LK GUNS, which we wi.l sell low to tbe trade. RE PEES. A"0" re and LBt! Also, Mraio, srps and Mvuu PISTOLS COLTS REPEATERS, 1 to 6 iwhsswlth or wUtossM Cases. COLT'S REPEATERS, extra Cna, with Pearl aod Ivory COLT'S REPEATERS, new pattern. COLT'S ARMY aad NAVT HBPRATKRS. SMITn fe WESSON'S VOLCANIC RHPEATBS. DEAN ADA US & DEAN'S patrvt Piwvnr FR:XCU SALOON or PARLOR PISTOLS, asmtea Dura. DarrlngsrPIstels, Revalver. of all sixes, Single Barrel i " rnrai. We bave also Jnst veeetrrd a tall s ptdy of Flasks Belts, Pooches, among wbicb are some entirely aew pat- tern", aod4he Pattnt Safety PuwJ-- r Flask L0WNB8 ORGILI.feCO -- 13 aad It Front Ro-- fb7 New Tork Oftlce, 41 Piatt stroet. TO MERCHANTS. WE respectfully call your attention to .nrr exteastv stk of llardwan Cutlery, Ono French Window Glass, Nails, Castings, Meta'a, an-- 1 ail !h-- r articses ia our line -- nit-d to de of this ei,3 ot eeatry most et which bas either beeo iropjrtrd hy asdireet trasa Earope, or selected from the s at lactones ia America by onr partner ta tbe . Tbe recent addition of another store to or premises, enabled us to tstabqsh a eoav nl t iraOEESLE SAMPLE ROOM, entirely disconnected from tbe retail araadt of oar trade, aad we feet assured that Merchants willeuasalt their owm latere by looking Into this room aad making their se- lections. Nose bat good and p actual rats need apply uatcM accompanied with tbe casa. g - LOWNES, ORGILL & CO , 13 and It Float Raw. Jib New Tork Office, 41 Ptott street. CUMDEREATfD TENNESSEE IRON. E have Just received f rota tte Cambetiaad Rivar a w fall assortment and heavy stcck ef the Celebrated Staclcpr" Iron! Including Wagon and Dandy Tire, riaaga aad Scraper Slabs, assarted Plough Moalds. Horse-aha- e, Nail-re- d. Round, Square, Oral, Half-ov- .l, Scrap, fee, fee--, af aaeiy required dlmenslous. Also Warranted Bellows, solid l- - (aod other) Viara, Moaae- - noia Anvns Meuge ana iiaea asaaurs. asaitsw' Tooaa, Stocks and Dies. Fht, ftaoare aad Oeta&on Cast Steal Esgiiab and American Blister, German Steel, Barax uorac-uau- a, aorkaptvearifva. . spry ia LOWJt-- S, ORGILL fe CO, Jant 13 aad 1 1 Front Raw JPlGWffJlSl JPlOUffllsJ JUST Receiver! beuvy shipmestti of Ploughs, mbracirg sizes of "Livingston County," amoagat which are several hundred of the celebrated No. fi Also Double Mould-boar- d, Sob-so- il. Hill-sid- Harrows Cultivators, and an endless variety of and necersa-- y Agricultural and Hortwultural liupiements tec particular of which, sec our Illustrated Catalogue, far aed era tit a oar store. LOWNES, OKGILL fe Co.. Jant 13 anl It Front Row. RICK'S Fire - Froojt Safes 1 1 FACTS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORD5!l AT tbe great fire which broke oat ia Wanes aad Marray streets, Now Tork, 9th NerrmWr last, whaie ataa-er- ty to tbe amount of S600.000 ! ! was destroyed, several of tbxM Site's irr tested wtth results similar to the foUewtBg : New To he. Nov. 11, IStS. Mn. Editor : lb tbc are at no 39 Warren-stree- t, oa the morning of the 9th last . oarraast valuable books aad papers were espaaed for 34 boars ia one ot Stearns fe Marvin's Fire-Pro- rf Sates. We say fire proof, not becaase they are so labeled, hat hecaase we have so proved then . Oar books and papers eame oat uniajared, save the binding at the books, area siooed by sleata. Our stare was ava stories! above ground, and two sta-rl- ea below, cccupied tram cellar to garraC. The -- iy ot tbe beat caa be attested by aoy arcsaaa who wiiaesaed No furnace osaM be eootrired by tbe iaceaatty ot asaa, ta creat? a ure latsnse beat We Tstaataritr live this tribute to the value at these Safe, and nelect your widely otrcalatfd comawreial Jasma) to iaform the HfM comm unity what eatitaate to place upon SUanu fe Mar- - f vis's Wilder Patent salamander Sates. Respeetfolly, HAVILAND, IIARREL fe RISUST, Whidcsale Prugglsts. In this ronner sou the Manufacturers write tr -- Webave made these Sates over 14 yea s have sold ever 9 50 Had 21S tested in accidental fires in the United State aad Cai ada, and arvrr yet bad a ra'tomer to lose a dottae by fire from one of tbem. We think ihy haveeaiaed a high reputation, as tbey r- - readily sold bre in pretereaee ta other Safe's at to 60 recent. ls price." AfaHatoek kept eoastanUy en band by LOWNES, ORSILL fe CO. Ae-- ni fi ear- - fc -- rfi. (Situational. Classical :id aiathcmatical School, IS" SIE3IPHIS. SCHOOL of the cbaraeter above ladVaated win be A;opened ln tbls place an the $th ot Fehraary, 1867. Ta coarse of instruction wiK be tbe same as that patiswd at Ibe University of Virglrta, and adapted to the pr yaalh for the Uaterrsrry, or the bwa-te- as mrs suits of life. The dine rent branches that wilt be tasjfhi io this School are:. Baglisa Language and Literature; Moral Pbiltaopby and Ethic ; Malhematles aod Nataral Seiace; Grevk Langaace and Uleratare; Latia Inguage aad I.lferataie j Modern Laogaaoes aad Literatare. narinc attended the Lectures m the literary sad Departments of the University ot Vr glial thedegm af Bachelor at Arts, aad beess several years encaged in teaehrag. I flatter saysclt with tba hop tbat I will be ab.e togiv gvnetal MM faction in the stir f erent branehes wbicb I protsaa to teaoat. As reaatd qualifications, moral character, and standtiK, 1 cast refer to tbe Professors of lb-- University, aad to tbe ettiare of Charlottesville, Va., from whoat I have asaala testimo- nials. Terms. $10 per session of fSvemoolbs. payable inva- riably In advance. No deduction made except ia ease of protracted illne-- s. For further particulars, see pr hrted circulars, or call oo me, at the Oarameretal natei. Jan30 JOnN E. JONBS, A. B. FREESE " & FEOIVERS' jNEVMERCAiNTlLE COLLEGE No. 338 Main Street, Bet. Cni a an-- : Gayoao. v33ivc3, z?3iz2snsr. . now open for tbereotpiioa f Students Everything IS that ie taught ia any of a similar kind la tbe Untied States caa be learned her Tbe coarse Single and Doable Boiry BMk-eepi- g, Peaasaa-sbl- p, Commercial Lw. Coraaiercial Panu cad Caiciila-tien- s, Banking, Wbol- - sale and Retail, Cesaton, Slearaboit, Manufacturing fee Students arv net taugbt ia classes ; they ara kaatracted Individually and m paiately ; so latere wilt ha no 'T-t- on account of classes. It takes bat a few weeka ta com- plete the course. lbs hours of Instruction will be frasn 9 to 12 a at., aad from 2 to 5 F M. Aho Bvealng Ltimasw Irosa 7 to 9 TUP.MS: t For f dm course, time unlimited 60 fp For partial course... 25 im For Paumansbip, time uuUtait-- d 16 08 Fr " tweatj teaaoiu;..... & CSj For farther partienhiin, addrea FRER8E k FLOWERS, feblO Cm Proprieaots ST. AGXES FEMALE AGADE3IY, MEMPHIS, TENS. rp HE Spring term and fifteenth Session wBl oaai- - j. me nee on jiu.mjai, ut I o 1 ver aary. For terms se Circulars. Dancing at Professor charges jaaSldtwaw-- m COLLIERTILLE FEMALE COLLEGE Incorporated in 1850 IT1HE fourth Session wiH begin the SECOND DAT ej . iuUAiir, aaa continue' twtntj-oa- e weks. W. n BENNETT, A.M., M. D, Preshssat. Ancient Languages. Mrs. B. BENNETT, Geverness. Vocal and Iastrsuieetal Maslc Miss MATILDA K0EN, E. L. M Entlhb LtaVatBre. J. P-- . STAMPS, Steirard Terms, Payable at Ike Close of Each Strion Primiry lTepartoient.... $10 CO Academic - 15 CO Collegiate 70 GO Music with use of Instrument.... .... 2. 00 Incidental Tax..... 1M Board, including all contingent rxpe-s- ex per month 8 to No extra charge for Ancient Lsngaag-- s Stu tents charged from time or matriculating to close r session, and no dednclwn except for protracted illne-- s. Tbe President and Lady board in College, where a)t pu- pils can be accommodated. Jant-w3- si gg Enquirer copy Gollierville Male Academv. mniRD SESSION begins FIFTH f JAXUART, and I .,alUtteavitsn V- - Tai-5T.t- 3r. J. B. STAMPS, Principal. Kuzlib. J. CLATTON. A. M., Ancient LaBguages. G. R. BRIDGES. Steward. n.o nut tr nr iretiau Oribosrapby, Rea-tln- and Writing ... j (so tPnevllnh r.tmnir faVAPianhf ktTHi A Tit rifJTJS Le IA fVh VbSo-wpliT- . Cbemistry. Astronomy, &c 15 03 Mathematics arw Anaeni 1 aangcagp....... w sa 00 Board. Inclodinff all contlDKeiit eipeiws perifooh 9 00 C...1tt aeistvaart fpflTIi 1 ' rTt t.t .- -- 1 3tuvlirt vunik" laewa-- a -- .w- ana ss gwu r fU of scslon, ami do deduction except for prat4ntoed iiln3. J.U 4 S3 Endolm copy. ' if .f - Kxfciision Dinimr-TablPH- . :' MAIIOGANT, Oak and Walnut Kxtersseen Tah'fS, faurtferi feet lon?,just reeeived-an- far sale low by D9TI8 - MeS.'rwT ft CO. Wcbster'sTrh-at- c Correspondence;' a Autobiography and Personal Reminlsceaees, VV ooatafaing aboa Biographical noUte of EteiW Webster. Two vols., 8vo. new Life of SnmmerfleM, by WHHam W. WlHett ; Canterbury Tales, by Harriet Lee. intwa ,iiatni: Tb4 Mir, RitkeUcketack, and tbe Peer Geatbman ; iqicc in in w u Yimifj uj ueaancx smoascieacg , rwmaiH nenry aaawuri i3ieiiow complete la two voramca. Hew Juveniles. Tne Castaways; ar, tba Advtnturea ot a Family "In the WUds of At(ka,iOcsira-ed- ; ThePlay-Da- y Book, New Slor..'S fr Lit He Folks, by Fan ny pern ; Caanticlorr, A Tkankaglvlmr SUry ot the Peabody Fami ly, by Cornelius Mathews, witb iHastraltens, by Drley ; Our Grandmother's Stories, and Aat Kate's Fireside Mfaoris. Jnst received aad for sa by JasM-da- w CLKAVE8 fe GUION. DOESTICKS AGAIX. History aad Reeordfof tbeEiepbaBl Clb; THE from Authentic Uoeaments Mow in tbe attsses-si- tb Tmjezieai Society, by Me, Knight RostOck-ssd- e. M D. . and Me. Q K Philander Does ticks, P B Tbls bring ibe veritable and veracious history of tbe aaiBtaacd ratsdoiag of the Elephant CMH. Wsm tss nbMrtf aad porUeaur narrative ot what tbey did. To which I add. da complex and elaborate description of what tbey did'nt. Ccatamiii;, also, the exaKaat record of 'heir memorable saeuss ia eventaasly Malauut each aad every oe. A avjAX of tht entire and unadulterated JMmal, freas tbe prtmittve bair . nbis atteaaated pre-kss- es to ta hast link of hU symmetrical tail. The Hsnomof FataeebrMge: A Cett'ellon at Hator-oa- s aad J? very Day Somes By Jobaatbaa F. Kettey. Lake Ngani; or, Exploration s aad Dlseoveries srag Poar Tears' Wanderiag la the WMa ef Southwestern Afrtos. wtth mssa'sons masiratXa. reprseaMag -- part- lag Subjects of Nataral Hi.Wry, Deviow far deMraytas: WlM Aciawls. fee. Beamnrcbaix aad HI Times. Sketch of rreMb Society sr tha BiabteeBth Centary, fsoss UBpfrMtebed Docasaras. Little DoTit. By Charles Dickens. Coth and paper baud For saw by ! -- daw CLEAVES fe GUION g3Eai aa d" ETesissgNews eoay. Xcw and Popular Xorels and Talrs, TUST received aad tor Ml by CLEAVES fe GUION. J Ivrs , A Love Tale, la two Tstsaea, by Mtas Sewen. Vli-l- ; or. The Cross and th Ctvwsa, by Mr Mclaioeh. Heaey Lyle : or, Llfead Bxtfteaee, by the Daagfeter et tbe at captain Marryau. Tbe n'B-wa- s ML tbe O'Flasttrtys; A NatJoaal Tale. Paal Pane ; or. Parts of a Life cite antoH, by N. Parker Wimx. Caaterbarr Tales, by Hat riot Lre. TarQaadmoa; or A Lwr's Aaveatiues tn LU!ana, by Caps. Mayne Reid Marryi-- r too Late by GeeraeWbad. revatfrTh-War- ot the Pea t, aad "j Canserlet. The Lasn of FU-de- rt; or tha Battle at Golden Spars. Gaunt Hare of OraeBhove, wewdea cura and the laa-Kee- The Cars t tbe VUhvfe, The Haaatsms of batag Rlb, aod Rosa. The Miaer, Rlaketickatack, aad The Poor Geiea, Little norms. By tsrc iiteos. fetX-da- CLRAVRS fe GUOIN A IERET CHRISTMAS. 1LBAVSS fe GUION hate now ready for the approach' KJ mg HliLys a large ami varWd of floe Books, Faner Articles, fee ,csnisagraaartac asbeiuw Robert's Travels 1b tha Holy Land; 6 vale, tlo., Tarkey Morucca, Aaiiqaa style. The Spectator ; S vuts., fast calf, KaeUsh style. Ca-- Novels ; 33 vols., bait calf. Basil-s- style. Hvert-ll'- s Oratkxis aad Spaaches; S voU., fall calf, Aa- - two. redeacsa Dr. Syntax's Tear; 3vaU., fall calf, gattt beck. Very rare. The Works cf the Rev. Rschard Heeksr ; fait calf, Zn-lt- ah style Bnrke's Works; 8 va fsatcalt. EagMsh style. Lord Cbesics-eH- 's Works; 6 res., ran calf, Bogiish style. Perry's Xxpedits- s- ta Japan, ciasaHe l by PriMW L. Hawa L L.D., flaaly itlastrataa, is baX calf, Turkey Mor ceo, lull ;Mt, a aiaer Mrtea. The tame larise aarta. various styles. Spark's Lit-- and Wrttsagaot 12 rota., bait calf. Enalieh lle Spark's Ure and Writiagi at FraakH; 10 vols., half calf, ugtish styw. Boswell's Lit' of Dr. SasaEel Jeaasost L.L.D.; la ten -. ta:i calf. I.iailiu eaMHa- -. The Works at Oliver OassHaaith, with Life aad Xatas, bt 1 vts.. iliU calf. Loadua edlttaa. Haxl ttv Lire of Sbaktf-a- re, ia 4 vis., bait calf, Laa- - dva iditioa. M- - a;5 voU. fast saM, Laadaa, BeaOay's ediuun Addtsor 's Wart. 6 vasa . gilt hack Ta- - Ingoldsbt Leceada, by Bcv R. H. Barbam ; 3 v., half CM'. iwrMededaes. y's adtttee. Lkcid's Dramatic Pacta, i vols . fall catt. Loadua edttss- -. !eneys "SWaays, 2 vols., rsdleatf, Laniaa, Moxe-- i's edi-ta- .a The Works ef CharM ah, t vata., rail calf, Loados, Mjxob's edit oa. Tba Wurk,of stiaaop Barter rn tw vat., faU ealf . BaUsr!, Hadibraa z vols., half caW. Diet--a' s Waras, g vob hak calf Asttaaa- -, Hond's uwn. fall calf. Landed. Moxoaa's eaitlan. Rnflrn's Anesent Hlstary, 4 vols., Tarkey Merraceo.An- - tsaae. b GalKryof Portratowlth MrBlrs;7 vol., MB ealf.zilt edavs. Londen edltasa. Idsrs) Portrait.. M vls , half Tarkay Mara-e- a, rare. Iconecrapbsc Kucyc.apedU, I v., Tackey Mateeaa, fuH gdt Shaw's 9nss aad Becoratlaes of tbe MiMe Ages The Peavy Cjchiaulla, 30 vela., royal ectava, bait bead sa Rstastm leather. Diaund ettiona, boaad la Turkey Morecre, Antkju styles of the Joitowtag Pa U : Daatr, Tatco, Chan- - eer, Spencer, shakspeare, Dvydort, Cewper, MtHeo. Pan. Seats. Baraa. Earke. Whise,Jas aBdethcrs. Pine Octave- --daiiaas la eaa style as above, af Thornton, Shrtetone Milton Cowu-- r. Soathey, Pepe, Barae, Sbipeare, Bt ran. Sect t, Moara, Brasans, aadas- - aaermia others s Stractlead's Qaeeas af Kagiaad; 1 vol., Taikey Mo rocco Antaaae. The SV aah: lean Court : sense style. 4adasaesBtrdof America it vasa., style Aadaisw-- 's and Bachasan's Qn i Uraps- -s ef Nsirlb Ameri Ira ;1 n. .I be Mssa stjrte. LardMaheai's IHseaey at -- gtaad,i 7 vala., taRealt, LastdoaedltteB Maeaalay'a History et 4 vess., ha- - calf, Lon- don, Loagmaa's edillaa. PiaeeeVaWetke; halt eastVAnMaaa state. Coleridge's do de da Cbs roeTHastharii- -i Week ; baX calf, Antteae style. Haaaab MhereH Wuvs ; half calf, ABWqaw style. Mlsa stdaWDr-.h- a do do Ste Mrs. .de da do Bseraft'a Uaaard States ; vals., baK calf, guilt back. Tbeer's French Revolatioa ; t vols., ha't calf, sHt back. Rose's twcrapbical Dtetloaary ; 12 vet., faH calf, te. Irvtag's Works ; 15 Tats., bah Turkey, Antique style. I'aricy 2rticler3i. Rlrb Papier Maviu: pUm and lalart Writiog Desks $, II, Hand W Inch Rich Passer Macae Sew Style Reseat, very baadsemely bHatd. Rich Rapr Macbe Ksreeleae Boxes, m grett variety. Rich Papirr Macbe War Boses, in great variety. Rich Papier Macb- - Jawel Baaec, de de Rich Papter Macbe Port Fatlos, do do Rich PapirMarhe Ink Staaito. da de Ladle' Cabas of Turkey Metscta, Russia Leather, Genoa Velvet, fee. Ladiea' CeaaKX&, la a variety ef styles. Saarb Orasola Jewel Boxes. Ladies Traveling Bg, sevaeal varieHas. New Preach styles I --dies' Velvet BagsacdPerte Monies, very unique. French Wicker Listed Werk B4skt, eattreiy aew styles. New styles Crochet sets. Pearl aad CeneUaa holders. Se s Rbn-'e- fe Seas' Ssifaors, in eases. Freach Packet Scsesots, sesaet teg new. Paper Knives, floe carved Ivory, riri aod Silver, orna-aw-t- ed A stoat variety af ether articles be numerous to men- tion Give as a can, ai wetionot doubt we shall be able to aU tr.e taaUef theaaeet fastfdloas. CLK.tVSfe"GUION, deet7-de- w No 211 Main street. COR3T AA'D WHEAT 3IIS-3- S. ri"HO wh are ta want et Portable Mills for horse, J. steam ar water power or Ban Millstones of every arte, and best quality, are Invited to call at my Factory, here they are nude which are second to none ln tbe United States. My Herte Mills will grind from six to ten aad elevea bushels good taeal pr boar; and I caa tally substantiate th assertion. I gaaraaty satisfaction in all eases I refer to a few . f the merchaats at the city wbo save soM msny ef nay Mills, aad caa testify ot tbe bleb cbaraeter they bear. F. Laae fe. Co., Graham fe nil!, Janes. Brown fe Cu.. J. C Grhtftag fe Bro., B. M. Appevae fe Ca., Straiten, McDavittfe Co., Sample, Mitchell fe Co, All ordrs iiiMrcnH ta ma direct, or tbrourh mr-- chttaU, ,blbare prop attention. Factory oa Poplar street, adjoining City MHte, Bear tbe river, Memphis, Ten a.. WM. BADGER. OecT-l- at Kefine Sheet 'and lired Isinglass, BLANC MANGE, TABLE JELLIES, he A FOR article for Ceftfertloaevs, Hotels, and Family tm nhll, wHh irvcttoa e for naiftK, Of the drtnctB oCi aad Draggtsu thtu heat the rafted atea PKTCR ffOOPHR, New Tark K. J. B. L. WLNN HAS REMOVED HIS Saddle and Harness Manufactory To No. 331 Xtcin-s- t, opaefHe Square. Keeps constant ly aa band aad for sal ueaca, l MBsnea, i n oish or au xisos, Break, I Shatter, I Blind Bridles, Beany, I Plain. I Riding Bridle?. Carryall, I Saantah, Saddle Rags, Wagaa and SMe and I Medical Rags. Plaw I Wagan I Traveling Bags, HARNESS. 1 SADBLR3. '. .C.c. Saddlery Hardware, Saddle Trees, Band, Sole, Upper, uarnees, aantag ana anmt Learners ; Trace Chains, names. Ota Bands, he. mar29-drwl- y I HAVE Jot received so aie of those ele- - fciff'-- Paul PRBNCn B0ORDOIB PIANOS. rJJJ J fl from the celebrated Piano Factory af U 'iiEiiiii 'H1iilianir.milnn fer thera for sale. I keep thse splendid little ORGANS, called Serapb:ne, with from ten lo thirteen steps, and all the h test imsrerr-'nt- s. These are known lo be tbe best IxttruBieats forGbarebes, Lndxea aa School Rooms. An !iitrraert sold as me a.e warranted It fire yvars. S3" Tonlnicand Rtpalrisg of Pianos, Violins, Organs, Modees, eta., efa.detse tna wrkmanttke manner at te pr)ees I do cot prtieW' to give lessens oa any number and variety arinjii . JQBNRT . O, HO.L-KBRR- G. 'anJ-- U 'ih Mala street. S TJ 3. Xi 3 "S 3 GREAT PRIZE SARSAPARILLA. AWARD- - D 21 IT OCTOBER. A$ the bett and only genuine confound of tht ecl sow presented t the public. lOOT-VTL- -E AETKTJiL THIS wonderful preparation, sojns'ly appreciated by American people, baa now becomt tbe standard remedy of tbe ae. The aSicted bear 3Uaoy I its marveloas properties, aad tbe aabappy, pam-wcr- t- and exhausted sutleren rejoice there is betp, wbts tft isrt failed. Oat et the kaadreds of cases scatter- - iver MtMtHppi, Alabama, Wis aln, Mli'ourt, Iodi- c- - and Kentucky, it bas never la a finale tsMtxaee been to fall, aad will care, bryoad all doubt : Dyspepsia or Iadteostk- -, Scrst-- nJa or King's EvH, of tbe Bones. SyphWs, DebUHy, Uabitaal Costiveness, Erystpe-la-tt Patsao arv Diaes rr- - Piles, Female IrregaiarlMes. PVstala. Skin Dtseaa Dawated KHays, aad as a great aad pew-erf- al Ta, parifyiBK tbe B'.aod, and iBTigeratiiig tbe eat e System. This medtclae. te"ah srenared at rmt rmen la --mrtbeless withta tne reach ot soar asVeB ar sec. aid looked apae by the eaWBMy as tht greatest Me .sing evere-Mer- red an aaakiad. Dr. T. A-- H CRUST'S UBfan-- r fmf Af rtT streets Louisville, Ky., whsre an iders w mma. For sale by X F. PARNS ORTTT St rn .Tt no a nr. DLER fe CO , Meajptu. Teaaassee, aad Druggists tbroagh-- at the UaMed States aad Caaadas. mce .1 per battle, or .ix for s. sep2t-cw- iy - Purify your Blood! THE COI.CKNTUATHD FLUID EXTRACT OP l" DOCK ii the savaraiga remedy tar aH Mercu- rial Scrofaia. Swelllar rJ tSa Jeiat. Rm. BaUas-fee- . As a Liver Mrdictne, H has so equal. Its alterative effect oa tbe sybtera, m addtttea to its being a purely Vegetable Preparation, adapts it U, almort aary CbraaieA-e- ct inn where an alterative madtclae Ml re. q aired. For SrapttaBs as tbe Ekia, Old Ulcers. Dypep. sia, aad Nervaaa Haaaacbc, it has aa saeeessfat oom- - peiivor amoag taa aoatrums of the day. Asa Ftmel Medicine it will be found invaluable 53- - Far by CHANDLER fe CO., sept. Jawly DrucgMs aad Apathecsrle,. Odd FeUuwa' Han Black, Mecpbls. THE GREAT RUSSIAN REMEDY. PEO BOITO PUBLICO. "Every Mother should bave a box ta the house fcaady in ease ot accsdeata ta the cbtMrea." BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE. IT is a Boston remedy of thirty yw' staadteg, and is . sxa ay paystetaas. It is a sura and speedy care for Barae, Piles, Sods, Coraa, Felons, Chi J!ais and OM Sores of every kind ; far Fev-- r Sores. Ukert. Itch, Scald Head N-t- tle Raab Bvaiaaia. Sore Nippies, recora BKBdedby aurses.) Whitsow, Sties Festers, Flea Bites, Spader Stings. Froe-- n Lbabs, Salt Rbenm. Scarry, Sore and Crar-- ed Lips Sura Noae, Warts and Flesh W rMt, It is a Bsost valuable remedy aad care, which caa t tes-tta- ed '-- 9 by tbotaads wbe bave ased Km tbe dry ol Bestea and vicinity for the last thirty years. Ia no ease wiH this Salve de an bsyary. er laterfeni wttb a pltfBi-cUn- 's prebcriataoBS. It u made from tbe paiest ls. from a recipe brvnght fresu Ruseia of articles growiag la tbat country and the pranrietarf hav mters rrora aH elassee, etergyaMB. phyaicia-- s, sea captains, airnes. and others who bave used it thesasejves, aod It to others BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Is pat ia large tin boxes, staaaped on the caver with Bio-ta- r ef a bene and a dtsabkd rider, which picture a alac esfrravvd aa the wrapper. Pile. 56 cents a box Sold by WARD fe JONES, aad all draggasts. REDDING fe CO. Proprietors. A Perfumed Breattu HATlady or genO-nti- B would rttaia aader ti --arse of a disareat breath whea ky astag tbe ALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWBRS" aa a deartrttor would aet ealy reader it sweet, bat leave tbe teeth at rte as alabaster Maay perse de net knew theft- - breath Is bad, aad the subject is so delicate tbetr trteade w- - never mention It. Pear a single drap of th" Bah- - .. your taoth-brat- b. aad wash yew teeth Bight aad me- t- sg A fifty dent battle wU last a year. A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION may be east), ac unlrrd by using of a TtHmsaad Pbrwen It will itsaovt tna, BnTiasts aad frecktta freci the tkla, leavlag it of a soft and reaeate hue. Wet a tawe.. poci oa tw ar three drape, aad wash the face sight asd ncorn-ba- g. SttAVIXS MADE EAST. Wet yr atTH.- - . na ta either warm or cahtwster, paar oa two or ts-- ee rope ef aTssMts-s- jd Fkiwers," rub tbebeardw - and K wm nnke a lsenattfnl soft telber, naeh theaperatlaaaf shaving. Price ettly Fifty eeats For sale by FBTRIDGE fe CO , proprietor!., and ail iroirftsta S. MANSFIKLO fe CO WARD fe JONBS, H V FlBXBWOf.TH Oo. MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD AXD FOOT ST0XE8, tte. oa hand, MaBsaBests et all CONSTANTLY $108 to $le ef latest style and pat- terns. Tombs and Head aad Fvet Stones, tarnished aa low as aay other eatebtishraent wbo do their werk weR aad satisfactory. Ta these neediBC aaythiag In the Moo omental line would do well to can aad examine be- fore MBdiBgtheir aiders ta be Nort b . Tbe undersigned will be feaad at the old stand aa Adams street, between Main aad Fraat Raw, oapeeite tbe Wersham House, ready la SO aay orders, having the best of Marble and WaekBsea, Be pains sl be spared ta give satisfaction. JOHN WHITE. P. S. Mr. M L. Sort is new oa a tour through North Mississippi and tbe adjacent con a ties of Tesneasee, setkatiBg orders far Marble work, and will con tract, for Marbie at shop prices, tbe oWect ef bis tour being cafesy to remave tbe tapreesiua that orders most be,snt to'fa. North for good werk. Tbe peblia aetag satisded that, it Is tbe best policy toencearage boae lBdastry, and It geedweik and reasonable prices nil! keep bu.ineia ati borne, give year orders to Mr. Sory. or call opposite the Woraham Uasee aj3-wt- f J. W. g JACOB BECHTOLD, COPaXIR OF CHICKASAW AND JAffiBlft-STS- . VTctps , Tonzt. DEAL-- R in Ale, Porter CldVr and Wines of all atnds, by the most celebrated estabtisbnteati ln tbe United States. Far sale, Wholesale or RetaH. Pram ray long experience In tbe basiaess (twelve years of wbicb bas been to the city of MesaphH 1 Sa tr myself, with tbe gaaraaty I have bail tram my old customer that my exertions have been appreciated by them. Jaiy27-daw- tf JACOB BKCTT"LD. PmXTIXG P A F 11 AG E XCY or Tnz NASHVILLE PAPER MILLS OS COUKT-S- BET. FRONT ROW ASD MAIN. Memphis, Tennessee, all kinds aad sizes t Printing Paper can be WHERE law prices for cash. Orders lar aay unusual state of paper wb dispatched ta NasbvlMe and fined promptly at mlR prices, with the additiea ef transport loa. W. 8. WHITEMAN. ap6-l- y Chas. Davis, Agect. RAGS! RAGS! RAGS! WISH to buy 600,009 pounds of rags aad wist pay tie I highest price in cash far all tbeeettaa and linen rags, and oM rope and bagging tbat it delivered, ta me, and earnestly solkit the saving of rags. W. S. WHITEMAN. arS-l- y Chas Davis. Agent. MERCHANTS, PEDEARS AA'D r ARETERS ara selicited to engage in baying Rags J tbreugfiout the country and tboe whoeagageatlt wBl increase their business, and I will buy all tbey bring. W S WHITEMAN. a;6-l-y Chas; Davis, agent. C K H0LST & SON, Cabinet JUkikers A5D UIVDERTAKEKS Maln-st- ., Old Stnnd, First Doer belew l9r.rce, (The oldest permanent land in Iks Ll'ir.) constantly on band alt sizes of Patent M tan HAVE Cases, which they line and pal hi tr rtbt, ln tbe best manner Also, all kinds ef Weed aa -- ta Covered Coffins wbict tbey sen at a faar prise. Orders trwa tbe coat try pruatptly atteaded W . nr. attars made and repair--d, and rpbuUtcriBj done ocf-l- y GENERAL COLLECTING AGEtVCT. and alter the Sr.t.rf Jansatry IS57. the FROM otters has aervicee so the Mursua . Metan- -, ics aad Profess los nlMeaaf MstapsiH, as a Ollacuiatj Nears and A canals. v All Paoert placed In ray hasd wtl be seeared by re- ceipt andeii dorteseai Arranaesnentfs made with h are ess bsani by the year; ar torn st'paUted per crnl. Letters add'eesed to use rbrastgh th-- PoM Oats, ar lett at say ate , Northwest earn- - r of Mn and Adam streets, ap teat-r- wilt receive proatpt stM-tl- an. J. MAaLSK.VLL WOODWARD. Adrasce on Cotton in " Transtita " TO lalTERPOOIa. qiBB -a- dersicaed will make liberal cash advances oa 1 Gotten ssuppM hence tn Lrtrpovl via NVw Orseaas, om signed to Mecers. ussnsa a. rAiinrsu, New lark, for sale there in traSita Partait-eriBs-rmat- lea apply le WM H. HULL, aav-7-- lf Na ttPraas Row. MXCJE PIES ! TJi RBSn and bet MINCE PIES are t b- - had every day J? ' Spocilt's, n Madl-o- a -- trtet, and families servsd .egatariy, en the abortest setice, with a superior article J3 Partus furnished witb Cakes, ren.ctlaas, Wines, hr , on tbe shortest notice, an-- in bPBCHTS osnal good style. Give him a call. aavS7-d-tf IVOTICE To the Fatrons of the tommcrcial Hotel FRELI.NG very gratefa! to a liberal and gesaress support in whatever of busi- ness I bave been en aged here, I desire to render my mow especially for their suroort af this estahUah-w- nt and fertbe quiet and good order my guests bave enabled me to preserve ln it Tbe Hceste for spirituous Uqsers at tbe bar having expired. It will, in deference to tbe law. be dosed frem and after this day. D COG-RE- LL, Janlt-t-f Proprietor Commercial Hotel. THIS day lost 1b M rapbls. and as I believe, cn Wash, I ington street, a small rae taranda-bou- k, asd JPJKiol Arkansas Swamp Land Scrip. No. 1013 fer $ 10 No. 'Oil for SSrfJSM Issued in September. 1SSS, and payable at Pine- - fag. Th sis to netisy the finder wbo the owner It, and le slva all perteat aetice net to pnrcbase th suae A preper compenaatiou wta be gives " by me te tbe fladeg on.deHrery ' tome. nov2-- tf . THOMAS J AMK For Sale tow to the Trade, 500 350 p4rs bout Tower Mhl TTiil Iaa BaffTttio- - tm. ' r 3 urrsntRsw,

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  • ar Stole anirJpuiA Great Bargain in Real Estate.

    FOR SAIVE, FOR CASH.A HOUSE and LOT ob Adams street. In the

    dtvof H'tnohis Tni Is part f Lot No. 477,

    Ililt on the Santh fWe of Adam street, sad adjoinsll'Al the fat kimb which the Whltemore House It ; thislot fronts fifty feet ob Adams street and runs tack 14Sfeet, tlx Inches to an alley. Tee House contains fourlarge room!, a ball and dining room, two rood tl cbrns, aweU and cittern, a stable, wood and coal bouse. This laa desirable residence let for anyone wishing to purchase,and will be s M low for cash It I the present resldesceof Mr Daneri, and esses slon will be given as soon a I bemoney is paWL Th -- tie is good, but tke purchaser willof conrae satisfy himself. Apply to WM B. GREEN-LAW, or JESSKlt TATK.

    feblS-dl- m

    TO BEXT.ON Lauderdale aire t. outs Me tte corporation.

    NINE AOSE3 OF LAND, which has been oc--CTnledTer years by a Gardener. Outbeprem- -

    .isea is a small dwelling, cenfaislnc four roomsand basement. There is a coal cistern near the bouse.There s also a cood orchard, and a One srapc arbor. Apply Immediately to

    Jan!S-- tf JOHN CANNOVAN,

    FOR SALE.I OFFER ay Reddenee, on Alabama street,

    marly cassette Mr Realty's. Let f resting "a'l feet, and nsBBlsc back 172 feet. Good new

    noose, wtth fear rooms, pood cisiern. and ear- -den

    Also. Lot in Soatta Memphis, en nullng street, fronUnifiS feet 4 inches. sX manias out 160 feet

    Also, 430 acres unimproved Land is Tippah county,Hiss.

    For terms apply at my oace, on Conrt street.J. W. SANGSTER.

    N. B. A bargain win be given la exchange for K- -groes. Jass-i-m

    FOR SAL.E OR REXT.I OFFER for tale or ret t, the RESIDENCE

    lately occupied by Dr. Bagby, sitaated on theI'11 Raleigb Plank Road, one-hal- f mile East of the

    ,citv luniu. The Rsswle-- ce contains tin rooms,with an, kitchen, servants rooms, cistern, well,smokehouse, carriage beace, stables, good garden, Cnstrait, ahada and evergreens, he., all in perfect order.

    Potsess.on given 1st Febrnary. Apply to G. B Locke,Or W. G. HARDING.

    declS-- U

    FIXE RESIDENCE FOR SALE.I OFFER for sale, on easy terms, the floe resi

    dence known as the Hester p'ace. on the Meia- -phis and German town Plank Road, two andeae- -

    c res of land win be reM with the residence. Apply toE. A, WHITE or to Onl 0. D. McLBAN. decio-t- f

    FOR REXT.I DESIRE to rent oat for the ensuing year a

    small farm of eighty acre, lying two miles I remCourt Square. This place has about sixty acre

    U atoiTrd. and the balance in timber, a oofarU- -b!e residence with Are reoma, kitchen, n gre hoases, andall necessary out h uses, a good cistern and first rate or-chard, ef every variety et fruits. For farther partlca- -lara apply to

    ortJ--tt II TOIJJKTIXE.

    A RARE CHAXCE.OFFER fors, on favorable terms and at alow Irice,I my PLANTATION of 03 acres of the best quality of

    Mississippi botbs land, all greatly above overflow, 10miles west of Memphis, on the plank road; 108 acres ofcleared Land and a new double- - trains House with suit-able offices. Apply at the place to

    PETER LEONARD, or tosep7-- tf DANIEL HUGHES. Memphis.

    LAND AT AUCTION..& OWING to the Inclemency of the weather, the

    Korrison. Lar-d-, on the Memphis and Ohioiiear Mason's Depot, advertised for the 21st

    - TinT-rr- r did not come oC.The sale will take place on WEDNESDAY, the 18th

    March Those desiring a hfaltby location. In a goodleitbborbood. wiu do well to attend, Mrs. Alexander's1153 acres of the same survey, will be offered at the sametime, if not prrrious'y sold. Terms made known on theday of sale J. a. .AUitt , Agent.

    feb3-daw- 4t

    J3" Browt vine Journal and SoaervlBe Democrat copyI cur times.

    FARM FOR SALE.A DESIRABLE Coontry Home in Shelby Co.,

    i!6 miles irons IfemphM, and 11 miles from Ger--amantown ffepot on he Heapeis and Charleston.Railroad, and Piankroad, and between Shelby

    afale Hh School and Forest Hill lastitate. There are104 acres of Land in the tract, of which 79 acres arecleared, and 5 acres of good timber, it has ca it com-tollable dwellings, an orchard of Apples, Peaches andPlums, and nvr-failin- g well of good freestone water. Aperfect title givea, and payments made easy. Persons ata distance can get any inf onrtation they may require, bywriting to the undersigned at German town, Tenn., or toG. B. Locke, xempais.

    sepS-daw- tf P. HERS DON.

    FOR SAJCE.THE sabscriUT oSers tor sale the tract ef land

    aoc which he bow resides, in Haywood county.Tennessee, through which the Jleruphi and Ohio

    .Railnad passes. Sal-- , tract contains about fourthousand acrea. The improvements csnsict of a fineframe cwriung, witt ten rooms, negro quarters, embonae. stables, a Ise steam and grist mill, good orchards.and aj the necessary improvements; for a large farm, rrcan be convert at); divided into reveral snuU vUl--s ' Puraealth and fer:!i'r of soil this place is unsurpassed byany in the c t .y For farther particulars apply to thesncscnoer cs ik premises.

    declO-das- ra THOS. SHAPABD.

    AH t ki to tie Iiad in Lands.T WIT. Tact ot Land os which I live, in Tip--X pas u,- - .,&., six miles west of Ripley, onTippah river, for crt:k,)contalntnc Eight nundrre Acres,Cve hundrec of the very b"st creek bottom and tae balance second bottom and upland. Tfeere are about one hundred acre- - cleared, and in a fine state ef cultivationThe Improvements are good Bd new, con istiag ot aDwelling boa-- a, and alinecessary oat fetuses. The abovetract of land, I have no hesitancy in saying if eae of thebest in North Mississippi for raising Cotton, Corn orStock, as the range is fine both "Winter and Sumra--r.For particulars about the place, I refer to Davidson, Ellisit Blair, Memphis; John w . Thompson, Ripley, Jtiss.; n .C Peguis. Holly Springs, or to myself en the premises

    octl2-w- tf v J. J. PEGUIS.

    Farm for Sale.I OFEBR rav valuable Farm for sale,

    consisting of 1160 acres, twenty milesfrom Memphis, on the mail route to

    . CVvlngton, Tipton county, Tenn., one

    . miie west of Kosstown. ana tour iromShelby Depot. It is caps He of being divided info threeexcel ent Farms. There are 300 acres under a high state

    f cultivation. The improvements'sl of a large, fineBri-- k House, with six roms ; Gin House Negro Houses,and all necessary out bou.'es; three wejsaad a floespring of water, convenhut for use. A rare opportunityis sow aSbrded those wfeo wish to bare a model farm.Tne land is ver fertile; lies well, produces well, and bastoll outlet to the range et Loosa Hatchie and CrookedCreek Bottoms. Pr farther partiCBlars, address me atJlaieinal r. O.. Tenn., or apply to me an tne premises.Jiy ooject in seiiiag is a oesire to remove i est.

    febt4-wl- m "WILLIAII P.0?3.

    TaluaWc Iaucl For Sale.I OFF2R for a valuable tract of Land, situ- -

    sated in Fayette and Haywood coon ties, containingaabout 1900 acjee. being the tract of Land on wbKb

    B. B. DeGrasUareid resided at the time of bisdeath. The Land will be divided to suit purchasers. Itis situated near the Hem phis and Ohio Railroad, and isregarded as equal to any tract ot the size in PayettePurchasers are invited to come and examine it. Terms otsale will be liberal. A ply to tae at my residence in Fayette, or to Calvin Jones, or W. A-- Williamsos. at SomcrTil e H. E. DrGEAFFENRElD, Executor.janlMa

    Valuable Farm for Sale.THE place lormely occupied by Dr J. H. Free--

    ' man. and more recently br Wa. P. Ome. can- -taininc abont 329 acres, situated about one mile

    .west of tbe Hernando Court House, and a milean-- a quarter from the Depot of the iiiselsslppi and Tennessee Railroad.

    u his is a highly detirable location well improved,with good bouses, cabins, stable, cribs, cotton gin, ginbouse, and every otucr convenience necessary.

    Tbs place wfll be sold low for cash, or short payments,cn application to R. E OS5E, Memphis, or W. P. Obsc,at Lake Coraerast, Miss.

    It net dispo-e- d of before. It will be offered at publiceatery, at the Court House door, in the town of neroan- -

    e, on HONDAT, 29tn December next. noviEJ" Hernando Prss copy.

    REWARD!ju I WILL give $40 for the delivery of my two Boys

    Jnr at my bouse, or in any Jail, so that I can get them'(L They left my premises, (near Germantown.) on the25tb. of January. One of them. JOHN, is about 23

    rears old, a low, stout, black boy, with a scar on bis upper Is, weighing about ISO pounds. SlifON is about thesame age, black and slim built, about 6 feet 8 or 9 incheshigh, aad weighs about ISO pounds, one of bis ur per fronttseth gone. 'Wben they left, they botb wore the usualJeans and Kersey ptaststsoa suit.

    Any Information concerning them will be thankfullyreceived by A r. caktwkiuht, or


    ROOMS TO LET.3. C. E. SATTBRFIELD, corner of Madison and

    Second streets, can accommodate several famines.aisouay Boaroers. .aaai-qj- m

    33 IVX O W J- - Xjor TEXNEW RUG STORE.

    tske pleasure In informing th crHiens otand the pnblle generally tBtTire havefWE our Steele of Drugs to tbe corner of Vain and

    streets, and will take pleasure in accom mo-dal nig all wbo may favor us with a can.

    We are also in receipt of a full supply of fresh and genua Drags. Chemicals, paints, uiis, rerionirrx, a.

    Particular attentioa paid to All in; of Prescriptions atall hours et cay aad night,

    deest-- tf R. JOrNER k CO

    Xumber JLtim&erHATE the larg-- st assortment of Lumber oa band 1I baveereroCered, consisting in part of Seasoned Cy

    press and Poplar, H. 1, 1 X and 2 inches wide and dear;Sills 6x8 and 8x10 ; Joice 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 and 2x12 ; Scantjf 2x4,2x5, 2x6,3x4, 4x4, and4xC; Weatherboarding.Sheeting, Shingles and 'Walnut Lumber on hand ; also alarge lot of dressed Tellow Pine Flooring and rough Poplar Flooring, Red Cedar Posts of all sizes.

    Tardea Batture.SoBth side of Centre Landidz.JanlS-dtwawl- T If. E COCHRAN.

    o a. 32. JSIr enilum Gallery!Just returned from a bnsieen tour NorthHATING the facilities for taking Sue, durableDaguerrootypes, Ambro types, &c,

    I am now ready ia person to serve my frienda and thepnotie generally in my line, oa the mot t reasonable terms.

    I feava no new tangled patenta and dap-tra-p procefsetto etKr tke public My establishment has to stand atall aald all the Masonry of its naigtbori, upon lis ownmerlta. sep3diwtf

    . t trv tkM. minslRft sn.1 T.OTS ta rent f.rthe present year, situat-- d In the Northeasternpart of the ctty, ra what is known as Winches-ter Avenue, it being the property upon v.liich I

    Eaw i,Te p0r a more parura ar mRiiinii, jardosing lie contract ot rtmt, call on Maj.r Wilhan Rut-fi- n,

    Gas oace. BOB PRICE.a t tbejaea-dt- t

    OASES Taraer Brothers' Celebrsb-- Ginger200r- -i M... rjVhorr Brandv:

    ' 35 Pare Juice Port Wist;CO " assorted Gordlalj.

    H. n. rOTTKR,cS7 Xate-st- ., M door pottb of Wsrrtsso Etsst.

    (fclitfeiKfl Siaxii.SPIVIT.M.t.s.oM..Mn. C CXJUMCB


    GEIfTLEMES'S AND BOYSFine Clothing,

    FIJRWISHING GOODS,Sole Leather Trunks and Carpet Bags,

    243 MAIN STREET,Union Block, Opposite Court Square.

    term are cash, vthich enables us to sen at meOUR prices. "We respectfully solicit a call from allIn want of Clothing. maySS-dawl- y




    Staple and Domestic Dry Goods,BOOTS, SHOES AND PLANTERS' GOODS.

    facilities this year being of such a nature we areeuabledtooSerour Fall and "Winter stock, which la

    unusually large, to the trad and dtliens gene: ally attbe very lowest rates. Country Merchants and RiverTraders in particular are earnestly requested to call andexamine our stock before purcbasingelsewtore.

    SIMON & SEESSEL, C3 Front Row,Corner Jefferson-st- ., under Commercial Hotel.

    auglO-daw- tf

    jflercliant Tailor,1X3.7 3VT ATTST ST.,

    Under the Worsliain House.riHE subscriber begs leave to announce to hiscustom-J- L

    ers and tbe dlixens of Memphis that he bas return-ed from New Tork with a full assortment of most splen-did Goods, which be is prepared 14 make up for ca.h onsnort notice. . !!?",JL


    CLOTHISTG.aro now in receipt of our entire FALL andWE STOCE OF CLOTHING, manufactured by our

    own order expres-l- y for this MARKET, and in olntfstyle material and irorimaruAip, cannot bo surpassedby any HOCSKin tte Vnittd Statu, and to which werespectjuUy invite tbe attention et

    Oaslx Buyers.The Raglaad Overcoat; 'French Caslmere bnslnessCatalenlan " sails, plainer fancy ;Talmas ; .French Doubli Milled CassLOtoak Coats, la various ma- - merePant,plainorfancs;

    tertals ; .French Double Elastic CaseiDeveashlre Kersey Sacks and' mere Pants, solid ;

    Overcoats; .Harris' Double Mill Cassl- -Avalaache Coats; i mere Pants"Lamb Skin Sacks and Cata-jSte- el and Oxford Mixed Cas--

    loaians; simere Pants;Si perine Black Cietb aadlFJowered Cat Silk Velvet

    Beaver Dress Overcoats;! Tests;Superfine Black, Hue and,Dsamnd Cut Silk Teivet

    Brown Dress Coats ; ' Teste;Superfine Black, Blue andFancy Teivet Tests, new

    Brown Frock Coats; style, with every otbsrScotch Casslmere, business variety,

    suits;B0T3 CLOTHING, in all the prevailing styles ;Over 500 sulu ot NEGRO CLOTHING ;BLUE SATINETT SUITS, for Traders ;STRONG EERSE!" SHITS, for FlsW Hands ;OVERCOATS for Neroes;

    la every grade, shade, sire, variety and price; alsoGoods ; SUid Sole Leather Trunks, Taliscs, Car

    pet Bags, Umbrellas, &c , he. All we ask Is a fair examiaation ot our stock and prices.

    SPIVET h. CLARKE,Dealers In Clothing at ITfceUsale and Retail, No. 24JMain street, Union Block, opposite Court Square, Mem-phis, Tenn.

    Estraved.ON ihe night ef 2th December, a small cbes- -

    nut sorrell mdle, four years old, marked witntbe collar, in gooa order, naa one snoe on pefore.has a rope en bis nrtk wben be left. Any in

    formation left at Caret's stable, or to myself, two milesNertb of Memphis, will be thankfully received, ana alltrouble liberally rewarded.

    janlS-daw- tt "W. DONALDSON.

    Chancery Sale.virtue of an Intrrlocatery decree of tbe ChanceryBTCourt at Ripley, at its December Term, 1S58. 1 will

    sen at the.Conrt House door, in tbe town of Ripley, onthe FIRSr VONDAT in March next, One Hundred Acresef La d in tbe "th Civil District of Lauderdale county,bttosging to tbe Estate ot Cooper B. Jones. Terms cash,

    aal3-wti- ls HENRTn RICHARDSON. C. k. M.


    WEST'S PATENT GALVANIC CE3IEXT.Cement, by its and galvanism,THIS metal roots from rusting and unsoldering ;

    and resists the extremes o: heat aid cold better thanasvtbinz ever invented for entir roofs, or tor coveringover old shingles or metal roofs of any kind. Tbe weightheretofore attached to cement roofs Is avoided by tbe useef this material, it being much lighter than tin or shingles It is adapted to all kinds of houses, flat or steeproofs. Its appearance is like slate, beautiful alike fortherich palace or the bumble collage.

    Tbe undersigned, bavins secured the right to theState of Tesntasee, Is now prepared to cover oM or newFoofaif acivdescricUon. or to repair old roots that leakaround chimneys, sky-ligh-ts, battlemtnts, fcc, at short-est notice; aad will also sell rights to territories, bycounties or towns, on reasonable terms. The attentionar architects, builders, and the public generally, is invlted to this Roofing, as something better than anythingbefore known, tor cheapness and durability, it being fiream! water-proo- f.

    "W. S. BENNETT. Proprietor.OSee in J. L. Morgan's Arcbl ectural Rooms, No. 10

    Walker's Muck, Memphis, Tennessee, where samples maybe seen : or address Box 6ST post Hce.

    Of tee many testimonials I have, I will here submitbut one:

    To Whom it may Concern.This Is to certify that I have bad West's Patent Gal

    vtaic Cement pat upon a roof at my store, which hereto--fo e leaked badly; bat since tne application ot tnisue-me-nt

    it has b--en perfectly water-proo- f. I can recommend It to tbepablic for all rooting purposes, and believeit to be a permanent fixture against nre and water.

    JAMES BOTD, No. 172 Main-s- t.Memphis, July IS, 1S56

    Having examined sampKs cf West's Patent GalvanicCement for Roofing, and having a knowledge of the ma-terial used in said rjotng. we have no besltatian insaying tbat we deem said roofing one of the best tbat bascome under our observation, ana wsuw cneenuiiy re--cemm nd it to the public, it being fire andSigned, John L. Morgan, Architect ; Wm. Crane, Arch!,

    tect and Civil Engineer; R Tlrgeson, Carpenter; NS. Bruce & Co., Carriage Builder?, Menrue street; DCockrell, proprietor Commercial Hotel; E. A. BensonMusic House, 268 Main street.Memphis, Jnly IS, 1S56.

    Norton, Bradley & Co., tinners ; S. V. --aathews; E. B.Wicks, Barnard Slecum; S. Bastable; S. R MathewsRbas. A. Wbeateu : E. n. Brewster; C. H. UsenkentxSyracuse, N. T ; Amos Pratt, Master steamboat Globe,EuEaVo. N. T.; S. C Case, Sap't Cars and Build lege MC. R. R-- , Detroit, Michigan ; Wm Wells ; Henry Chls- -roIxb; E. Leland, tinner, uieveiana. unto, u. i joco-bn- s

    & Bro ; Gsge, Brother k. Drake, Trenient HouseSap't Pabtlc BuHdlngs, Chicago, Illinois. All of theabove name! gentlemen, with hosts of others, have usedthis Cement, and can testily as to Its utHity awl durability- - aarJO-ut-


    Direct Importationor


    jnyptrsr goods.Ti & E. REILLT 4c CO.. so long known at the comerX of Royal and Canal streets , beg to say ihey teve removed to their la-g- e new store Jio. 125 uanai street , between Royal and Bourbon streets known as Tcuro Baud'lags, sign of the Golden Flax, where their ample nvmaiid resident buyer in Europe, will enable them t . cepftbe year round) a complete stock In every depar nirct.

    Also a fall line of PLANTATION GOODS d tte bestSouthern manufacture.

    Combined with the above, they will keep at 'Irt oldstand, corner Royal aad Canal streets, under thenar eof

    Embroidery and Lace Store,A complete stock ef



    And Ladles', and Gentlemen's FURNISHING GOODS,ta suit the Ceumrr Merchant as well as tbe cotunmer.This latter is a dass of h :use heretofora unknown in thismarket. P. It E. REILLT & CO.

    126 Canal street, between Royal and Bourbon streets,sepl9-G- Toaro BaUdlngs. lgn of be GoHenFlev

    ESTABLISHMENT.rpilE u&4eri2ned art cow opening at their NEWJL. UiaUtr B1UHJS,

    NO. 37 FRONT ROW,a general and well selected assortment of

    Fresh Drugs and Mcdiciues,Chemicals Paints, Oils, Dyestufis, Patent Medicines.Glassware and Pertamery, warranted to be fresh and--. nclne, direct tram Nw York, wi ich are ottered on ac-commodating terms. Call and Jadge for yourselves, crend in your orders, which wl'l be promptly attended to,

    particularly those trom a distance, and tbe goods sentlorward without delay Tbe patronage of oar friendsand the public Is respectfully solicited to our new es

    as we feel assured we can reader satisfac-tion to all who may favor us wilh their custom.

    Pce&criptlons put up caretally at all becjs.nfiCBi HUlTcTKR:!N8.

    WATT C. BRADFORD.f f DOZ Crucibles, Nos. IS to 40;.XK Circnla- - Saws. 43 lo 60 inches ;

    300 INs. Newark Cement ;200 " Plaster Paris;A good stuck of Gam Bolting;File of a superior quality, all sires ;French Bin Mill Slows, all rites;A large lot superior Belling Cloth;

    For sale law at tbe Union Fsundry, Poplar street.ncv29


    SAVINGS BANK & EXCHANGE OFFICE,No. 26 Madison Street.

    Institution, having been organized under a charterTHIS by the General Assembly of tbe State of Ten-nessee. Is now ready for business. The Directors for tbeensuing year are: .,.

    FRANK M. Willi--, AU-- '-i a-- ruun.. ru i.C. J. SELDEN, E. M. AVERT, CaihierHr the charter, married women and children may de

    posit all sums oi not less tbsn $1 per week, mbjecl onlyto their control. Interest allowed on all deposits formore than fonr months, at six per cent, per annum. Exchange on New Tors: and New Orleans. Collections madeand proceeds promptly rrmlura.

    Memphis, Tenn . Dec. m, i ly

    Pare Ohio Catawba Brandy.undersigned bas this day received thirty cases otTHE I.Ton'a nrlme Ohio Catawba Brandy, and bas

    been appointed sole ag-- nt tor the sale of this celebratedpure Native Brandy, which is strongly recommended byphysicians for persons reqnlriBg Alchobullc ttlm nlants,as It Is tbe only pure article f Brandy 1 be procured intbe United Stales.

    tfeelJ-t- n UHAfi-E- ii r uii , Agents.


    Capital Prize 5, the great favor with which oar SingleOWING have been received by tbe public, and

    tbe large demand for Tickets, tbc Managers. S SWAN a.CO., will have a drawing each Saturday throughout theyear. " The following Scheme will ba drawn in each cftheir Lotteries tor atarcn, 1837.

    OTiASS 28.To bo drawn In the City ot Atlanta, Georgia, In public,

    o. SATURDAY, March Tin, 17.. n . x 27.

    To be drawn In the city ot Atlanta, Georgia, la pubJtt, oa3ATURPAT, March Wlh, 1857.

    nT.ASS 28,To be drawn in tbe city of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on

    SATJRDAT, March 21st, lt7.

    OIiAsi 29,To be drawn in be city cf Atlanta, Georgia, In public, on

    SATURDAT, March 28th, 1S57, on tbe pun ot

    Single Numbers I3.2GO ios Z IMoro than One Prize to Every Ton


    II A G N I F I CENT SCHEME.1 F,tse of $S0,003 i $0,0001 " 30,000 li 20,0O1 10 000 is 10,0001 9,000 is 9 OXI " 8.0 0 Is 8 0801 " 7,000 il 7 0001 C 000 is C.0001 K 5,000 is 6.001 " 4,000 is 4 0901 3,000 is 3 0901 " 2 030 is 2 0001 " 1,000 is 1,090

    100 " 103 are 10.600100 " 0 are 5,000

    unnnrlif imrtv IHITTUQ4 Prises ot $i50 Aprox'ttag to $50,000 Prize aro$l00

    , 4 00 " 90.000 " 9W100 10 000 40so 9,000 3W

    '65 8000 SOBeo 7,00 240t5 o.oeo 23050 5,00045 i 000 let40 30u0 1603't 2000 15025 1,000 100

    3,080 SO are. .60,t00

    360 prizes amounting to $20J,C0fWhole Tickets, 810; Halves, $5 00;

    Quarters, $2 50.Ft,AN OF THE LOTTEKV.

    The Numbers f rem 1 ia 30,000, corresponding with thoseNumbers oa the Tickets printed on separate slips ef pa-p- r,

    are encircled with small tin tabes and placed in one

    Tbeflrst2I2 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, areplaced In anoth-'- r wheel.

    Tte wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawnfrom tbe wheel of numbers, and at tbe same time a Prise1. drawn fr.m th other wheel. Tbe Number and rrisx

    out are npened and exhibited to the audience andregistered by tna Commissioners; the Piize being placedagainst tbe Number drawn This operation is repeateduntil all tbe frizes ar-- drawn out

    Approximation Prizes. The twnrrecediacandthe1 wo succeeding Numbers to those drawing tbe first 12Prises will bs entitled ti the 43 Approximation Prises, ac-cording ta tbe scheme.

    Jj-T- he 3,000 Prizrs of $20 will be determined by Ibelat figure ot the numb- -r tbat draws too $50,000 rrice.Furenmple, If the Numbers drawing $50 900 Prise endswith No. 1, tnn allthcTicketswbere the unnibr e4sla 1 will be entitled to ?20. If the Number ends withNu- - 2. then all tbe Tickets where tbe cumber ends in 2will be entitled to $20, and so on to 0.

    Certificates ef Packages will be soM at tbe fallowingrates, which is tbe risk : fcCertificate of Package ef 10 trbolc Tickets $30 00

    " 10 Half " 40 00" 10 Quarter " 20 00

    In ordering Tickets or Certificates, end the moneyto our addres for tha Tickets ordereiLcn raootptotwhleathey wlH be forwarded by first mall. Parchasers canhave Tickets endiag in any figure they msy desigaat.

    Tbe list ot drawn numbers and prizes will be forward-ed to purchasers Immediately after tbe drawing.

    Parchasers win please write their signtares plain, atgive their Post Offlce, County and State.

    S3" Remember that every Prlre is drawn and payablein lull witboat deduction.

    S3" All Prises of $1,000 and under, paM Itniutiliatelyafter tbe drawing other Prizes at tbe usual time otthirty days.

    S3 AH communications strictly confidential.E3 Prire Tickets cashed or renewed in ether s,

    at either oEce.Address orders for Tickets or Certificates of Packages of

    Tickets either toS. SWAN i-- CO., Atlanta, Ga., or

    ie! 26 S. SWAN. Montgomery. Ala.



    This engraving represents an Improvement InMACHINES FOR PLANTING COT-

    TON AND OTHER SEEDS.Intent. by'J. A. STEWART, of Kentucky, near

    blitchtUtville. Tenn.

    Patented July 1st, IS5G.Tl fANDFACTURED by STRFET & CO., corner of Sec-j- SJl ond ard Poplar streets, Memphis

    Orders for Planters received by STREET & CO.; also,by GOODLETT, NABERS &. CO., No. 47 Front Row,Memphis.

    TERMS $20 00, shop cost, including the right louse.FaM on delivery at the Shop. decS-d- tf

    Premium Cotton Gins.attention of Cotton Planters Is respectfully calledTHE the above superior Gins, manufactured by E. Car-

    ver . Co., East Brldgewater, Mass. Under a recent Im-provement, the Carver Gins are regarded as tbe best cowla general use ; their superiority needs bo comments fromus, as thousands are now In successful operatioa in theSouthern country.

    VTe have on band fifty Qiss, embracing all tbc dlferentsizes and numbers of saws.

    Also 10 and 12 feet segment bolts, washers, etc., com.pkte, all of which wa ofibr to oar friends upon the nsuaiterms and time. GWTNN GIBSON,

    Nos. 1 and 2 Exchange Bunding.Memphis, Sept. 23, 1351 tt


    SAW MILLS.MAirnrACTtntED bt

    CjLAKK & AYEEY,St. Louis, Mo.


    taken tbe Agencv for tbs sale of the aboveHAVING Saw Mills, I am prf piued to fill all ordersfar Mills, with or without the power to drive them onthe shortest notice

    Persons wishing to purchase Mills, and also desirous thattbey should be set up and put into operation, can be accommodated.

    We io no, wleh to praise our own work, all we ask ofpersons wishing to purcbasa Mills is to examine ourwork before buying elsewhere, as we Ihlnk they will giveas the preference after such examination. We are satisfied our Mills will saw more lumber, and in better styleIn the same number of hours than any othernow made

    Persons wishing lo purcbaso Mills will pleae addressme at Memphis, Tenn. G. McLEAN.


    BOILER --MAKER,Black Sinitli ani Sheet Iron worker,

    Comer of Front Row and n'inthester-tt- .,MEMPHIS, TEXS.SECOND-HAN- D Boilers bongbt,seld

    and exchanged for new ones. Sheet Ironwork done of every description, su-e- asChlnmeva. Brichen. Fire Beds, Kicape

    PltmL Condensers FoTces.MctalieLlfe-Boat- s, andSteam- -boat Work In general.'AIso; Bank Safes, FireproJ Shuts,Gasometers, Cisterns, c , 5 -

    N. B. Boilers repaired at the shortest notice, and qnthe -.-est rcatoaable Itnus; UorM-daw- ly

    DISSOLUTION.the 1st Jane, 1856, the firm heretofore existingON P. H. CLARK and A CWUHZACH was dis-

    solved by mntnal consent. F. H. Clark is charged withtbe settlement ot tbe business of tke late firm ot F. H.Clark Co. F. H. CLARK.


    new"firm.The subscribers have associated themselves togstber

    under the firm of F. H. CLARK & CO.P. H. CLARK,JAS. S. WIIXINS,THOS. HILL.

    OUR NEW FIRM.It affords me pleasure to aanouneo to my friends and

    the public tbat I have associated witb me my formerpartner, JAS. S WILKINS, and my well-kno- assis-tant. TII03. HILL, under the familiar style of F. H.CLARK t CO.The new firm will start with an efficient force In eachmechanical branch, the Watch department being nnderthesupervision of Mr. Wllklns.

    Sto fall at all times of tbelatest fashions, and pricesas lei. as tbe sane quality ana style ot goods can be parebasec in Philadelphia or New Tork.

    I am thankful for the liberal patronage extended to maduring my fifteen years' residence In Mempals, and my.aim will be to merit lis continuance.

    m. ai,u.ESTLBOsiffEO 1841.

    " TJR aim bas bet n to kfep pace with our growing city.V 7 and furnish those who want Goods lo onr line withgood articles, and at fair prices. Oar assortment, foryears, bas been but little if any benina our Easterncities. It is more extensive this season than ever. Ourleading branches are, first

    WATCHES,"o Of whl w have every variety In general nse.

    together witb a large assortment made to oarJSiSi) order, which for neatness of style and

    are surpassed by none. Ia our assortmentwill be found tbe Right Day Watch and tbe RepeatingChronometer, giving tbe time to a mtnnte ra the fark.

    JEWELRY.Our assortment in this important branch Is kept fall

    by freiiet receiets of all the new styles, whether offoreign or domestic psodaction.

    GUMSWe bote made (bis branch of oar business a study for

    years, not only posting ourselves with regard to the dif-ferent qualities and merits of tb different styles and makers, but of the kinds best sultabW to our market Oarassorts nt, for t number of years, bas been large, towhich we have recently made many additions of our ownimportation. We can farabh our customers witb SHOTGUNS from $5 to $200; RIFLES trsm $10 to $100,Also, the celebrated SHARPE'S RIFLE.

    Pistols,DERRINGER and COLT, ot all size., Also, a full as- -

    sortment ot the kinds in general ase.

    SILTER GOODS.Tea and Cftfiee Sets, Pitchers, Goblets, Caps, Castors,

    Spoons, Folks, Ladles, with many choice Fancy Article;,all com nne.

    SILVER PL4TED GOODS.Urns Cators, Candle;tieksTea and Coffee Sets, Fperg

    nes. Cake and FraH Baskets Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Pltct-era- ,Gobteti, Caps, Walters, &c. &c.

    O TT Xs 33 , ST .A fan awortment ot Pocket and Table, from tbe best

    makers, with a great variety of Fancy Goods.OTJB MECHANICAL MLATfCH.

    All kinds of Walcb Work done in tbs moat faltbtalmaimer. Jewelry repaired, aadncw made to order.

    Engraving.Plstn and Orameutal ; Seals for Lodges, Courts, c,

    in any style, sienoei ot au a tees.

    DAGUEREEMGALLERY,Prof Remington, Artist,

    Umbrae s a suit of rooms bnilt expressly for tbe purpose.and wa-- e prepared to our customers witb firstclass pictures mall the various styles.

    In bniidiag expressly tor oar business, we have comfcined every convenience fr tbe different branches, andg eatlyrc aced oar expenses, which, with our facilitiesand theexiuuiea ot ourbnoiness, enables us to sell goodsand do work on tbe most reasonable terms Goods cheerfully Hbown aad fairly represented, and we invite all.b.4h b avers and the curious, to drop in wl' hout ceremonyai examine oar stoc. w-- keep open nonse for all.

    octlg-dawl- y F. H. CLARK . CO

    THE SPHEREOTYPE.rpEla.e-lxrKlb- y far the most important Improve- -A ment in Pliotograpby M tbe recently patented plc-t-,!-r-

    toowu as the SPIIKREOTTPE, which is not onlynw and uslike any of Its predecessors, but greatly su

    to all Tbe Sphereotvpe is proof against time,aib and water, and for richness of tone, warmth ofrxprey-i- m and distinctness nesioeqna! m fact tbe ilnsien is such that th picture, or Image, seems suspeed--

    c- - .u ur, entirely lntiepenueat of tbe back gvoandKur Id- - picture we have tne exclusive right for Mem-

    phis Spvctaienscan be seen In our Gallery, where pictures are alv laxrn in tne varieas style- - by our Artist,

    PBOP- - REMINGTON",who conibla s the Chemist witb the Artl-- t, which, essbles bun at all times teprodece superior Pictares.

    P. H. CLARK CO ,de-I-- tf No. 1 Cork's Marble Block.



    Wholesale anil detailCANDY MANUFACTORY,

    No. 67 Front How.TV THANKFUL to his friends and the pablieL!S!''0T toe liberal patronage extendeil tot3fP him tor the last igbt years. U. LOUISbegs have to nfoim Ihecitlieaj

    ot i.his aad vicinity tbat be will constantly keep onband a large assortment ot the best Imported Wines-Cl- aret,

    Port, Madeira, White, &c. ; also, Scotch Ale aadc noon I'oner.M. L. Moxtedoxico always keeps on hand a great

    vari ty ft Fancy Candies and Toys, an assortnrnt of stickCaudy, Prunes ia Jars and box's. Raisins, Grapes, everykind of Fruits and Nnts, ricties, L&bsters, SardlntrOlives, French and English Mustard. Sugar in loaf andbox. s, Caiacai, MarasUilsto, Old Wines. Ginger, Preserve. Bavsanan, Aew iors ami iiosten rreservts, catsup, Pepper Since, Chocolate, Cordials, Syrnp, Maccaronl, yrmacelli. tbe best Havana Cigars, and a greatmany 6 her articles, too numerous to mention, now offeredfor sale very low, either by wholesale or retal'.

    naving. at much expense, secured tbe services of twoof the most experienced workmen ev'r In this city, befiatters blmseif that he cannot be turpassel In arrangingand decorating tables for Parties Wedding--- , fcs , withconor io nimscii ana satisfaction to ins customers.

    dec24-t- f

    L. HOCCO 5Manufacturer and Vbolesale Dealer In'JPiaizi ami JFaney

    CAISTDIES. CAKES, &C.Jtfo. 220 Main-s- t, Odd Fellows'

    Hall, Klempliis, Tenn.,constantly oc hand a large assortmentof GreenKEEPSDry Fruits, Frnlts Li their own Juice. Jellies,

    Preserve!", Sardines, Lobsters, Spiced ind Pickled Oys-ters, rirki, Cordials, Syrups, fine Wines, Brandies, allkinds of Nuts, c

    In connection with this establishment I have fitted upin superior style an

    Ice Ci'eaiiB. alooii.expressly for the Ladles. Also Gt c. . i,oou,where ice Cream is served from a A. il. till lit', il.

    ap-- 7

    S. rilELOS. wit rAnms,


    NEAR THE DEPOT OF THEMississippi & Tennessee Railroad

    of WaJis, Plows, Drays, CartsMANUFACTURERS Agrlca'tural Implements generally. Also, tMsb, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings. BracketsCasings and Ba?e kept constantly cn band for sale, acumidetoorder at short notice.

    All kinds, of Wood Turning and Sawing done on thtmot? reasoaable terms. We tre alo doing a genera1Building Business, and solicit a call from those Intendingto build, as we think wc can do their work cheaper andgive better satisfaction than any one else in the city. Weate tbe best and most approved machinery in the manu-facture of oar work, aad being both practical mechanicswe can and will do OU' work better and sell It cheapertbau any other estabtsbment In tbe city. To all we saycome and trv us. We also do Wrought-Iro- n Work olevery description make Wrought Shutters for Houses

    c. All our work Is fully guarantied.Jnlyl7-d3m:wl- y


    Of Naslirille, Terns.CAPITAI., :::::: $150,000.JOSEPH TAtri- ,- Pres't Al W. BUTLER, Cec'y

    DIRECTORS:John M Hill, .Alex Allison, ''Thompson Anderson,Janus Coney, R.H.Gardner,' '. A. Owen,Q. M.Fogg, Joseph. Yaulx, James Ellis,

    N. E. Alloway, W. 3. Eakla.MARINE INSURANCE on Cargoes and Freights under

    open or special policies. Inland Transportation Risks ot.Merchandise, by steamboats, railroads, or land carriagts ;also, hatards on rivers and lazes to or from any part ofthe United States.

    FIRE INSURANCE oa buildings, dwelling or otherbooses, goods in store, furniture, fee, in town or country.

    insured against the dangers of the rivet..J. G. LONSDALE, Agent,

    Oace Jefferson street, Memphis'.

    The Mutual Life Insurance Company,0fteWtore.

    Accnmu.atetl Fund, 3,000,000.X is rvtes adopted by bis Company are based upon tbe

    most corrtA.; coscrvat Ions. Policy holders get all tbe gainsof tbe Ceapany, as it Is purely mutual, having no prf fer;red stocE or. other capital to taseths first fruits of pUSisfrom tbeliured.

    Any persdtfwisaln; Insurance on his orber lite will re-ceive all lnfonnallen, togather with the requisite foimstiapplication, by calling on J. G. LONSDALE,

    Agent Mutual Life Insurance Company,",."cclll-l- y 021o Jefftrron street, Mcmphlij

    &fpMiJgFEitlr (fed tofr 1HAWKS, SMITH & C0.S BULLETIN.

    Stox-xx--S 1x-,1o- , 1857 iMERCHANTS PLANTER,, MECHANICS!



    ETrc.-w.ri- ,


    AGRICULTURIL IMPLEMENTS,ITos. 304 and 300 Main-s- t.


    " Heuing's " Tatcnt Salamander fc'afes !now received the greater portion of ourHAVING for tht TRADE, by recent arrivals

    from Enrcpa and tbe Eastern Cities, we are prepared tootter greater Inducements to tbe Mrrcbants, Planters aaMerbanlcsof the Southwest tban bave bttnerto been offercd In this market for proof of which we respectfullyso lcit tbe inspection of our stock and prices. In view oftbls, we bave placed onrselves in a position to oner sucaInducements to those wbo may visit Mem ph.s for the pur-D9- S

    of making their pnrcbas'S, as will deter them fromseeking another marktt, so far at least as oar basiaessIs concerned? To f nby carry oat this object we bave madeDermaiwntarran:- - men's with tbe best manufacturers luKngland and In this country, to be regularly suppliedwith a full stock of Gccds In our line, and wfll farsltkthose wbo way favor us witb their orders, with goods atas low figures as any bouse in tne country, Soata or west.Our stock comprises

    For tle Country Trade.Boiled and Charcoal Iron Castings,Boston, PhilnWpMa and Wheeling Nails,nam's and Collins' Axes and Hatchets,Ltg. Trace. Stay and Stretch Chains,Bri:ht and half bright casteH Ilees,Caststeet rlvated-ey- e lloes.Oil and steam bent names,Hog skin Collars, horse and male,Cotton, wool and Jim Crow Cards,Manilla and Jute Cordage,Thread and common cottoo'Rope,Plow Lines, Bed Cords, Clothes Maes, &.,Louisville, Cincinnati and New York-ttts- as,Nova Scotia and B ved Grindstones,Ames' ctststerl Shovels and Spades,Rowland's and Can's Shovels and Spades,Table and Pocket Cutlery, all patterns,Locks. La'cbes Hinges, tec.Well Wheels and Well Butkets.

    Together with every aittde sailed to the trade of tbacountry merchant. In the

    Agricultural DepartmentWe hae made tbe best selections from the most approvedmanalaclorers of every article necessary torjumunlly, lneirwins ,

    Cotton. Cane and Grub Hoes. iCan Knives, and Briar Hooks,Plow and Wagon Chains, 'Fan Ml Is, Corn Mills, Corn SbeBers,Corn and Cob Crushers, Straw Oaltors,Hay and Manure Forks, Rakes, he,Grain Cradles, aad Scythes,Patent and common Churns, sHames, CoJ'ars, Slugletrees, he.,Pruning STws and Chisels,Garden Implements ef aH kinds,Hall fe Spear's wrought and cast Plows,Allen's Cotton Plows and Scraners.

    Together with a fall stock of tha celebrated Avery aadLivingston Co. Plws, which bave for several yearspast given such universal satis'actian. We are folly pre-pared to keep always on band a large stock ot thesePlows together with tbe extra Points and Castings, so asto be able to supply ear planters witb them at all times.

    In tbe sebctlon ef onr stock of Goods In theMechanical Department

    We bave pld most particular attention to the interestsor our mechanics We bave selected socb goods as arobest suited lo this market, and can safely gaaraaty satis-faction t.all.' Oar stock In tbls department Is fall and complete,comprising in

    Building MaterialsGreenwood'aevfebrat'd -- Inge,G reenwood's Axle Pullies and Shatter Fastaiegs,

    White nd Mineral Eaab Lneks and Latches,Ctoe and Electro-Plate-d " " "Cottage, Rural and Mortisa " " "Fr. nt and sture dsor " ' "Sliding dnor Locks and Furniture,

    " ng door and Gate Ulngea and Latches,Bts and nooks. Nails, Brads. Screws, Ac.

    Thl departmen in eur linsiness is under tbe specialsupervision of one of the partners, wbo bas for manyyears, In this city, given it his careful attention, aad be-lieving tbat tbls branch of our basiaess reqalres morethanerdinar) care, botb in tbe sWeetkm tt the goodsaad In filling orders, he is determined to nse Ms best en-deavors to keep such goods as shall piease all oar me-chanic, and will bold every indue men t to merit tbilrpatronage

    WewouldcaT pirtlcular attention to our stock of Tools,Ihe quality of all which we can Wily guaranty, eoaprls-la- s

    laCarpenttr's Tools

    Union Factory Flane, Rules, fee.,Spear & Jackson's Hand and Pannell Saws,Batcher's cast steel Chisels and Files,Earl Smiih & Co.'s Files,Wet Derby's Chisels and Draw Knives,Cam's celebrated " "Spirit Levis, Rules and Gaages, . ' 'Acgers. Auger Eitts Screwdrivers, Ac

    Ttlaclcsmitli's Tools.Peck's Louisville Bellows,Newoumb's New Tork Bellows,S .1W Box awl Parallel Vices,Armitage's Moasehole Anvils,Coley's warranled Anvils,Hand and Sledge Hammers,Blacksmith Tongues,Farriers, Hammers, Knives aad Placers.

    Tinners' Materials. .Best Oharoaal Tin Plate I O,

    tt tt t "IX" Leaded Roofing Plate 1 C,Bar Tin, Speltre fee..Iron Brass and Copper Wire,Bolt Copper, Soldering Irons, fee ,Tinned ami Braiiers Sheet Copper.Boiled and Charcoal Sheet Iron.It na s Iralutlon, Rnss. and GalverBlsed Iroa,Bar Iad, Rivets, Corper Tacks, fee.

    We would also call th attention of Raflrtad aud LeveeCootraeors to our stock of

    Rallrsad Barrows, Ame's Shovels and Spades,Boring Machines, Mattocks, Picks, fee.

    naving a thorough knowledge ot our business tet alt Itsbranch's, we are determined to give It our entire atten-tion, an I shall attend personally to all the orders, aad tothe transaction of our business in every partlear, aadby so doing flatter ourselves that we can give satisfac-tion. HAWKS, SMITH & CO.,

    fcbl 301 and 206 Matn-s-t.

    rpnE undersigned would rerpectfully infirm the pu-b-. lie mat lie oas laten citarge ef the Mara Ktiuol Bear

    Forest Hill Seminary, where he bops by urreral ting at- -teniion to tne aai tea of bis profession to merit a smallshare of tbs public patronage. To a thorough Collegiateeducation, in one of the first Colleges of onr land, berniltr a large experience as teacher of youth Toungmen win be thoroughly flttrd fur Ulege. or tbe activedntie of life. Good board can be bad la respectable private families at elgbt altars per month. The place is afconvenient access, being on tbo line of the Memphis andCharleston Railroad. Students will leave tbe cars atPurest Hill Statlen, where tbey will readily find thescBooi by inquiring at the Female Seminary

    JAMES VOORHEES. Principal.Referrncet Bv. B. Miller, Principal Female Semiaa-nar-

    at Forest Hill : H. Owen. B. Cash. V. BaagnH M.le, E W. Kinney, W. T. Bettle, S. Reid. J. Vangls,

    j. uogus, attach am, Mr. ueKiweii ana li. uwen.dec5-3- m

    SAINT JOSEPH'S COLLEGE,Mar Somerset, Perry County, 0.

    rpHK Annual Session cf this Instltation will be re----i sumed on tbejsraf Monday of September, 1SS6TERMS.For Board and Tuition in English branches, wash-

    ing and mending linen, and use of bed and bedding, per annum $110

    for uoaru (as a Dove) with Tuition tn Aigeara,Surveying, Book-Kee- p inff, Rhetoric, His-

    tory, and tbe use of the Globes 130For Board (as above) with Tuition in tbe Classics

    and Natural Pbilosopby.. UOFor Instructions on Piano, with nse of Instru-

    ment per annum.......For Instruction on other Instrument sTStationery, Books, Medicines, wben tarnished, at

    current rates.To those wbo remain at the Institution daring va--

    cation, an extra charge will be made of.. ........ 20J A. KELLY. President

    J3" Refer to Rv. J. V. Dalt, Memphis, for furtherparticulars. nlvIS-dawS-

    Jtlempltis Founder?MACHINE SHOP,

    Adsms Street, Memphis, Tenn.,IS now prepared to do all kinds of Machine Work; also,Ste-mb-oat Wort of every description. Steam Engines.Saw Mills ot every description. Cotton aad Wool

    Gin Geailcg. Planing Machines. Also. BrassFoundery, Casting and Finishing, Stt-a- Guage Cocks anduutlngs of every description, heavy wrougbt iron "org'lug. Wrought Ir n Gratings for Jails. Bank Vaults. Cellar and Side-Wa- lk Grates, Iron of every descrip-tion made to order. Alo, nouse Fronts, Window Capsand Sills, of varlon patterns. In a word, I am prepare.'to do every description of work in my line.

    I liave now in shop the latest and mosl improved pat-terns of Stam Enginee. ISAAC PHEL0N

    S. McKextcca .Superintendent. frbl0-l- y

    AMERICAN PRINTS,At Manufacturers' Prices.

    KAA CASES of tbe various Brands of Americantj J U PRINTS, for sale at manufacturers' prices fornett cash, by james LOW fe CO..Iel jlSMain street, Louisville, Ky.

    CAKJTEETO.V SHEETINGS.(?ftft BALES Cannclton Sheetings, for sale byOUU JAMBS LOW fe. CO.,

    feb21 418 Main street. Louisville. Ky.

    lAWIVS.100 CASES Lawns of the Pacific, Hadley Falls,Portsmouth and Glasgow raakts, on hand andfor sale by JAMES LOW & CO ,

    feb21 418 Main street, LonieviIIe, Ky.

    COTTOIVADES.O fi fi" 0ASES Cottenades New Tork Mills, Ripka'iCjJ and other brands, on hand and for sale by

    JAMES LOW fe CO ,feb2l 18 Main street, Louisville. Ky.

    Just Received.O K BASKETS Creme de Biuxy Champagne Wine.

    H. II. POTTER. Main strict.febl9 Third dcor North Worsbsm Hons.

    Rr.rifcii nnd Irisli iviilair-- rreceived, by n II. POTTER,JUST Maln- -t . 3d door North Worshasa House.

    xo --".a t;; pltbxiic:The Madison Street

    Sash,-Doo- r aud Blind Factory.nndfrstlgnd has taken the stand recentlyTHE by Moore fe Halstead. over th Planlnr Mill of

    Whipple, McCnllagh fe Co , and Is n reus red to flu all or- -d rs tor Sash, Doors, Blinds,' Frames, Citings, Moald- -1uksibiiuss, a .

    Particular attcntlou paW to dresslnE and rionlng Lumber, for .the Carpenters and, ButMeri

    jan-ue- i ' R.ViH-SSU-


    CHXNESE STJGAB CATTE.THIS Cane will grow on any land sn I table for Corn. It A

    fiOO gallons of saoerlor srran to the acre, andwill produce fifty tlroosand pounds or foddrT. It alsoripens two crops of seed in one season, and U tbe mesvaluable crop brougut to tbls country since the introduc-tion of cotton.

    A scull quantity of tbe abora valuable seed oa con-signment, aad In packages each containing sufficient seedto plant half an acre, at $1 25 per package For farllieiparticulars see pamphlets furnished gr at trf bj tbeagcaU

    LOW.HES ORGILLfeOo..fel7 Nos Hand It Front Row.

    SEGOND S XT2P2PXj-T- .fTlHE great demand for oer fine Imported GUNS In-- Xduced us to a anwrkir I fit wbbb re luit Ic

    hand from the Lorn loa makers.ut)b blk DUCK GUNS, Sac laminated steel barrels

    to 8 bora, 31 U40 inches long.FINE GUNS, mide by SsHlh fe Townsoad, Greener

    White feTbomrson. nwlin fe Sbratb, etc , etc.RE JPJ'3' ln 0lt C'M- - wi,n uxtures ooBpMe.FINE GUN&, iaMabosjaay Oases, with flxtutos om

    plete.Also, a full assortment of botb SINGLE and D0CB LK

    GUNS, which we wi.l sell low to tbe trade.RE PEES.A"0" re and LBt! Also, Mraio, srps and

    MvuuPISTOLSCOLTS REPEATERS, 1 to 6 iwhsswlth or wUtossM

    Cases.COLT'S REPEATERS, extra Cna, with Pearl aod Ivory


    Dura.DarrlngsrPIstels, Revalver. of all sixes, Single Barrel

    i " rnrai.We bave also Jnst veeetrrd a tall s ptdy of FlasksBelts, Pooches, among wbicb are some entirely aew pat-tern", aod4he Pattnt Safety PuwJ-- r Flask

    L0WNB8 ORGILI.feCO --13 aad It Front Ro--

    fb7 New Tork Oftlce, 41 Piatt stroet.

    TO MERCHANTS.WE respectfully call your attention to .nrr exteastvstk of llardwan Cutlery, Ono French WindowGlass, Nails, Castings, Meta'a, an-- 1 ail !h-- r articses iaour line -- nit-d to de of this ei,3 ot eeatrymost et which bas either beeo iropjrtrd hy asdireet trasaEarope, or selected from the s at lactones ia America byonr partner ta tbe .

    Tbe recent addition of another store to or premises,enabled us to tstabqsh a eoav nl t

    iraOEESLE SAMPLE ROOM,entirely disconnected from tbe retail araadt of oar trade,aad we feet assured that Merchants willeuasalt their owmlatere by looking Into this room aad making their se-lections. Nose bat good and p actual rats need applyuatcM accompanied with tbe casa.

    g - LOWNES, ORGILL & CO ,13 and It Float Raw.

    Jib New Tork Office, 41 Ptott street.


    E have Just received f rota tte Cambetiaad Rivar awfall assortment and heavy stcck ef theCelebrated Staclcpr" Iron!

    Including Wagon and Dandy Tire, riaaga aad ScraperSlabs, assarted Plough Moalds. Horse-aha- e, Nail-re- d.Round, Square, Oral, Half-ov- .l, Scrap, fee, fee--, af aaeiyrequired dlmenslous. Also

    Warranted Bellows, solid l-- (aod other) Viara, Moaae- -noia Anvns Meuge ana iiaea asaaurs. asaitsw' Tooaa,Stocks and Dies. Fht, ftaoare aad Oeta&on Cast StealEsgiiab and American Blister, German Steel, Baraxuorac-uau- a, aorkaptvearifva. . spry ia

    LOWJt-- S, ORGILL fe CO,Jant 13 aad 1 1 Front Raw

    JPlGWffJlSl JPlOUffllsJJUST Receiver! beuvy shipmestti of Ploughs, mbracirgsizes of "Livingston County," amoagat whichare several hundred of the celebrated No. fi Also DoubleMould-boar- d, Sob-so- il. Hill-sid- Harrows Cultivators,and an endless variety of and necersa-- y Agricultural andHortwultural liupiements tec particular of which, secour Illustrated Catalogue, far aed era tit a oar store.

    LOWNES, OKGILL fe Co..Jant 13 anl It Front Row.

    RICK'SFire - Froojt Safes 1 1FACTS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORD5!l

    AT tbe great fire which broke oat ia Wanes aad Marraystreets, Now Tork, 9th NerrmWr last, whaie ataa-er- tyto tbe amount of

    S600.000 ! !was destroyed, several of tbxM Site's irr tested wtthresults similar to the foUewtBg :

    New To he. Nov. 11, IStS.Mn. Editor : lb tbc are at no 39 Warren-stree- t, oa

    the morning of the 9th last . oarraast valuable books aadpapers were espaaed for 34 boars ia one ot Stearns feMarvin's Fire-Pro- rf Sates.

    We say fire proof, not becaase they are so labeled, hathecaase we have so proved then . Oar books and paperseame oat uniajared, save the binding at the books, areasiooed by sleata.

    Our stare was ava stories! above ground, and two sta-rl- eabelow, cccupied tram cellar to garraC. The -- iy

    ot tbe beat caa be attested by aoy arcsaaa who wiiaesaed

    No furnace osaM be eootrired by tbe iaceaatty ot asaa,ta creat? a ure latsnse beat We Tstaataritr live thistribute to the value at these Safe, and nelect your widelyotrcalatfd comawreial Jasma) to iaform the HfMcomm unity what eatitaate to place upon SUanu fe Mar- - fvis's Wilder Patent salamander Sates.

    Respeetfolly,HAVILAND, IIARREL fe RISUST,

    Whidcsale Prugglsts.In this ronner sou the Manufacturers write tr -- Webave

    made these Sates over 14 yea s have sold ever 9 50Had 21S tested in accidental fires in the United State aadCai ada, and arvrr yet bad a ra'tomer to lose a dottae byfire from one of tbem. We think ihy haveeaiaed a highreputation, as tbey r- - readily sold bre in pretereaee taother Safe's at to 60 recent. ls price." AfaHatoekkept eoastanUy en band by

    LOWNES, ORSILL fe CO.Ae-- ni fi ear- - fc -- rfi.


    Classical :id aiathcmatical School,IS" SIE3IPHIS.

    SCHOOL of the cbaraeter above ladVaated win beA;opened ln tbls place an the $th ot Fehraary, 1867.Ta coarse of instruction wiK be tbe same as that patiswdat Ibe University of Virglrta, and adapted to the pr

    yaalh for the Uaterrsrry, or the bwa-te- as mrssuits of life. The dine rent branches that wilt be tasjfhiio this School are:.

    Baglisa Language and Literature;Moral Pbiltaopby and Ethic ;Malhematles aod Nataral Seiace;Grevk Langaace and Uleratare;Latia Inguage aad I.lferataie jModern Laogaaoes aad Literatare.

    narinc attended the Lectures m the literary sadDepartments of the University ot Vr glialthedegm af Bachelor at Arts, aad beess several

    years encaged in teaehrag. I flatter saysclt with tba hoptbat I will be ab.e togiv gvnetal MM faction in the stirferent branehes wbicb I protsaa to teaoat. As reaatdqualifications, moral character, and standtiK, 1 cast referto tbe Professors of lb-- University, aad to tbe ettiare ofCharlottesville, Va., from whoat I have asaala testimo-nials.

    Terms. $10 per session of fSvemoolbs. payable inva-riably In advance. No deduction made except ia ease ofprotracted illne--s.

    For further particulars, see pr hrted circulars, or call oome, at the Oarameretal natei.Jan30 JOnN E. JONBS, A. B.


    No. 338 Main Street,Bet. Cni a an-- : Gayoao.

    v33ivc3, z?3iz2snsr. .now open for tbereotpiioa f Students EverythingISthat ie taught ia any of a similar kind latbe Untied States caa be learned her Tbe coarse

    Single and Doable Boiry BMk-eepi- g, Peaasaa-sbl- p,Commercial Lw. Coraaiercial Panu cad Caiciila-tien- s,

    Banking, Wbol- - sale and Retail, Cesaton,Slearaboit, Manufacturing fee

    Students arv net taugbt ia classes ; they ara kaatractedIndividually and m paiately ; so latere wilt ha no 'T-t-on account of classes. It takes bat a few weeka ta com-plete the course.

    lbs hours of Instruction will be frasn 9 to 12 a at., aadfrom 2 to 5 F M. Aho Bvealng Ltimasw Irosa 7 to 9

    TUP.MS: tFor f dm course, time unlimited 60 fpFor partial course... 25 imFor Paumansbip, time uuUtait-- d 16 08Fr " tweatj teaaoiu;..... & CSj

    For farther partienhiin, addreaFRER8E k FLOWERS,

    feblO Cm Proprieaots


    rp HE Spring term and fifteenth Session wBl oaai--j. me nee on jiu.mjai, ut I o 1 ver aary.For terms se Circulars.Dancing at Professor charges jaaSldtwaw-- m


    IT1HE fourth Session wiH begin the SECOND DAT ej. iuUAiir, aaa continue' twtntj-oa- e weks.

    W. n BENNETT, A.M., M. D, Preshssat. AncientLanguages.

    Mrs. B. BENNETT, Geverness. Vocal and IastrsuieetalMaslc

    Miss MATILDA K0EN, E. L. M Entlhb LtaVatBre.J. P--. STAMPS, Steirard

    Terms, Payable at Ike Close of Each StrionPrimiry lTepartoient.... $10 COAcademic - 15 COCollegiate 70 GOMusic with use of Instrument.... .... 2. 00Incidental Tax..... 1 MBoard, including all contingent rxpe-s- ex per month 8 to

    No extra charge for Ancient Lsngaag-- sStu tents charged from time or matriculating to close r

    session, and no dednclwn except for protracted illne-- s.Tbe President and Lady board in College, where a)t pu-

    pils can be accommodated. Jant-w3- sigg Enquirer copy

    Gollierville Male Academv.mniRD SESSION begins FIFTH f JAXUART, andI .,alUtteavitsn V- -


    J. B. STAMPS, Principal. Kuzlib.J. CLATTON. A. M., Ancient LaBguages.G. R. BRIDGES. Steward.n.o nut tr nr iretiau

    Oribosrapby, Rea-tln- and Writing ... j (sotPnevllnh r.tmnir faVAPianhf ktTHi A Tit rifJTJS Le IA fVh

    VbSo-wpliT-. Cbemistry. Astronomy, &c 15 03

    Mathematics arw Anaeni 1 aangcagp....... w sa 00Board. Inclodinff all contlDKeiit eipeiws perifooh 9 00

    C...1tt aeistvaart fpflTIi 1 ' rTt t.t .- --13tuvlirt vunik" laewa-- a --.w- ana s s gwu r fUof scslon, ami do deduction except for prat4ntoed iiln3.

    J.U 4S3 Endolm copy. ' if .f -

    Kxfciision Dinimr-TablPH- . :'MAIIOGANT, Oak and Walnut Kxtersseen Tah'fS,faurtferi feet lon?,just reeeived-an- farsale low by

    D9TI8 - MeS.'rwT ft CO.

    Wcbster'sTrh-at- c Correspondence;'a Autobiography and Personal Reminlsceaees,

    VV ooatafaing aboa Biographical noUte of EteiWWebster. Two vols., 8vo.

    new Life of SnmmerfleM, by WHHam W. WlHett ;Canterbury Tales, by Harriet Lee. intwa ,iiatni:Tb4 Mir, RitkeUcketack, and tbe Peer Geatbman ;iqicc in in wu Yimifj uj ueaancx smoascieacg ,rwmaiH nenry aaawuri i3ieiiow complete la two

    voramca.Hew Juveniles.

    Tne Castaways; ar, tba Advtnturea ot a Family "In theWUds of At(ka,iOcsira-ed- ;

    ThePlay-Da- y Book, New Slor..'S fr Lit He Folks, by Fanny pern ;Caanticlorr, A Tkankaglvlmr SUry ot the Peabody Fami

    ly, by Cornelius Mathews, witb iHastraltens, byDrley ;

    Our Grandmother's Stories, and Aat Kate's FiresideMfaoris. Jnst received aad for sa by

    JasM-da- w CLKAVE8 fe GUION.

    DOESTICKS AGAIX.History aad Reeordfof tbeEiepbaBl Clb;THE from Authentic Uoeaments Mow in tbe attsses-si-tb Tmjezieai Society, by Me, Knight RostOck-ssd- e.

    M D. . and Me. Q K Philander Does ticks, P BTbls bring ibe veritable and veracious history of tbeaaiBtaacd ratsdoiag of the Elephant CMH. Wsm tssnbMrtf aad porUeaur narrative ot what tbey did. Towhich I add. d a complex and elaborate description ofwhat tbey did'nt. Ccatamiii;, also, the exaKaat recordof 'heir memorable saeuss ia eventaasly Malauut eachaad every oe. A avjAX of tht entire and unadulteratedJMmal, freas tbe prtmittve bair . nbis atteaaated pre-kss- es

    to ta hast link of hU symmetrical tail.The Hsnomof FataeebrMge: A Cett'ellon at Hator-oa- s

    aad J? very Day Somes By Jobaatbaa F. Kettey.Lake Ngani; or, Exploration s aad Dlseoveries srag

    Poar Tears' Wanderiag la the WMa ef SouthwesternAfrtos. wtth mssa'sons masiratXa. reprseaMag -- part-lag Subjects of Nataral Hi.Wry, Deviow fardeMraytas: WlM Aciawls. fee.

    Beamnrcbaix aad HI Times. Sketch of rreMbSociety sr tha BiabteeBth Centary, fsoss UBpfrMtebedDocasaras.

    Little DoTit. By Charles Dickens. Coth and paperbaud For saw by

    ! --daw CLEAVES fe GUIONg3Eai aa d" ETesissgNews eoay.Xcw and Popular Xorels and Talrs,TUST received aad tor Ml by CLEAVES fe GUION.J Ivrs , A Love Tale, la two Tstsaea, by Mtas Sewen.

    Vli-l- ; or. The Cross and th Ctvwsa, by Mr Mclaioeh.Heaey Lyle : or, Llfead Bxtfteaee, by the Daagfeter et

    tbe at captain Marryau.Tbe n'B-wa- s ML tbe O'Flasttrtys; A NatJoaal Tale.Paal Pane ; or. Parts of a Life cite antoH, by N. Parker

    Wimx.Caaterbarr Tales, by Hatriot Lre.TarQaadmoa; or A Lwr's Aaveatiues tn LU!ana,

    by Caps. Mayne ReidMarryi-- r too Late by GeeraeWbad.revatfrTh-War- ot the Pea t, aad "j Canserlet.The Lasn of FU-de- rt; or tha Battle at Golden Spars.Gaunt Hare of OraeBhove, wewdea cura and the


    The Cars t tbe VUhvfe, The Haaatsms of batag Rlb,aod Rosa.

    The Miaer, Rlaketickatack, aad The Poor Geiea,Little norms. By tsrc iiteos.

    fetX-da- CLRAVRS fe GUOIN

    A IERET CHRISTMAS.1LBAVSS fe GUION hate now ready for the approach'

    KJ mg HliLys a large ami varWd of floeBooks, Faner Articles, fee ,csnisagraaartac asbeiuwRobert's Travels 1b tha Holy Land; 6 vale, tlo., Tarkey

    Morucca, Aaiiqaa style.The Spectator ; S vuts., fast calf, KaeUsh style.Ca-- Novels ; 33 vols., bait calf. Basil-s- style.Hvert-ll'- s Oratkxis aad Spaaches; S voU., fall calf, Aa- -

    two. redeacsaDr. Syntax's Tear; 3vaU., fall calf, gattt beck. Very

    rare.The Works cf the Rev. Rschard Heeksr ; fait calf, Zn-lt- ah

    styleBnrke's Works; 8 va fsatcalt. EagMsh style.Lord Cbesics-eH- 's Works; 6 res., ran calf, Bogiishstyle.Perry's Xxpedits- s- ta Japan, ciasaHe l by PriMW L.

    Hawa L L.D., flaaly itlastrataa, is baX calf, TurkeyMor ceo, lull ;Mt, a aiaer Mrtea.

    The tame larise aarta. various styles.Spark's Lit-- and Wrttsagaot 12 rota., bait

    calf. Enalieh lleSpark's Ure and Writiagi at FraakH; 10 vols., half

    calf, ugtish styw.Boswell's Lit' of Dr. SasaEel Jeaasost L.L.D.; la ten -. ta:i calf. I.iailiu eaMHa- -.The Works at Oliver OassHaaith, with Life aad Xatas, bt

    1 vts.. iliU calf. Loadua edlttaa.Haxl ttv Lire of Sbaktf-a- re, ia 4 vis., bait calf, Laa--

    dva iditioa.M- - a;5 voU. fast saM, Laadaa, BeaOay's

    ediuunAddtsor 's Wart. 6 vasa . gilt hackTa-- Ingoldsbt Leceada, by Bcv R. H. Barbam ; 3 v.,

    half CM'. iwrMededaes. y's adtttee.Lkcid's Dramatic Pacta, i vols . fall catt. Loadua edttss- -.!eneys "SWaays, 2 vols., rsdleatf, Laniaa, Moxe-- i's edi-ta- .aThe Works ef CharM ah, t vata., rail calf, Loados,

    Mjxob's edit oa.Tba Wurk,of stiaaop Barter rn tw vat., faU ealf .BaUsr!, Hadibraa z vols., half caW.Diet--a' s Waras, g vob hak calf Asttaaa- -,Hond's uwn. fall calf. Landed. Moxoaa's eaitlan.Rnflrn's Anesent Hlstary, 4 vols., Tarkey Merraceo.An- -

    tsaae. bGalKryof Portratowlth MrBlrs;7 vol., MB ealf.zilt

    edavs. Londen edltasa.Idsrs) Portrait.. M vls , half Tarkay Mara-e- a, rare.Iconecrapbsc Kucyc.apedU, I v., Tackey Mateeaa, fuH

    gdtShaw's 9nss aad Becoratlaes of tbe MiMe AgesThe Peavy Cjchiaulla, 30 vela., royal ectava, bait bead

    sa Rstastm leather.Diaund ettiona, boaad la Turkey Morecre, Antkju

    styles of the Joitowtag Pa U : Daatr, Tatco, Chan- -eer, Spencer, shakspeare, Dvydort, Cewper, MtHeo.Pan. Seats. Baraa. Earke. Whise,Jas aBdethcrs.

    Pine Octave- --daiiaas la eaa style as above, af Thornton,Shrtetone Milton Cowu-- r. Soathey, Pepe, Barae,Sbipeare, Bt ran. Sect t, Moara, Brasans, aadas--aaermia others

    s Stractlead's Qaeeas af Kagiaad; 1 vol., Taikey Morocco Antaaae.

    The SV aah: lean Court : sense style.4adasaesBtrdof America it vasa., styleAadaisw--'s and Bachasan's Qn i Uraps--s ef Nsirlb Ameri

    Ira ; 1 n. . I be Mssa stjrte.LardMaheai's IHseaey at -- gtaad,i 7 vala., taRealt,

    LastdoaedltteBMaeaalay'a History et 4 vess., ha- - calf, Lon-

    don, Loagmaa's edillaa.PiaeeeVaWetke; halt eastVAnMaaa state.Coleridge's do de daCbs roeTHastharii- -i Week ; baX calf, Antteae style.Haaaab MhereH Wuvs ; half calf, ABWqaw style.Mlsa stdaWDr-.h- a do do SteMrs. .de da doBseraft'a Uaaard States ; vals., baK calf, guilt back.Tbeer's French Revolatioa ; t vols., ha't calf, sHt back.Rose's twcrapbical Dtetloaary ; 12 vet., faH calf, te.

    Irvtag's Works ; 15 Tats., bah Turkey, Antique style.

    I'aricy 2rticler3i.Rlrb Papier Maviu: pUm and lalart Writiog Desks $, II,Hand W Inch

    Rich Passer Macae Sew Style Reseat, very baadsemelybHatd.

    Rich Rapr Macbe Ksreeleae Boxes, m grett variety.Rich Papirr Macbe War Boses, in great variety.Rich Papier Macb- - Jawel Baaec, de deRich Papter Macbe Port Fatlos, do doRich PapirMarhe Ink Staaito. da deLadle' Cabas of Turkey Metscta, Russia Leather, Genoa

    Velvet, fee.Ladiea' CeaaKX&, la a variety ef styles.Saarb Orasola Jewel Boxes.Ladies Traveling Bg, sevaeal varieHas.New Preach styles I--dies' Velvet BagsacdPerte Monies,

    very unique.French Wicker Listed Werk B4skt, eattreiy aew styles.New styles Crochet sets. Pearl aad CeneUaa holders.Se s Rbn-'e- fe Seas' Ssifaors, in eases.Freach Packet Scsesots, sesaet teg new.Paper Knives, floe carved Ivory, riri aod Silver, orna-aw-t- ed

    A stoat variety af ether articles be numerous to men-tion Give as a can, ai wetionot doubt we shall be ableto aU tr.e taaUef theaaeet fastfdloas.

    CLK.tVSfe"GUION,deet7-de- w No 211 Main street.

    COR3T AA'D WHEAT 3IIS-3- S.ri"HO wh are ta want et Portable Mills for horse,J. steam ar water power or Ban Millstones of every

    arte, and best quality, are Invited to call at my Factory,here they are nude which are second to none ln tbe

    United States. My Herte Mills will grind from six to tenaad elevea bushels good taeal pr boar; and I caa tallysubstantiate th assertion. I gaaraaty satisfaction inall eases I refer to a few . f the merchaats at the citywbo save soM msny ef nay Mills, aad caa testify ot tbebleb cbaraeter they bear.

    F. Laae fe. Co., Graham fe nil!,Janes. Brown fe Cu.. J. C Grhtftag fe Bro.,B. M. Appevae fe Ca., Straiten, McDavittfe Co.,

    Sample, Mitchell fe Co,All ordrs iiiMrcnH ta ma direct, or tbrourh mr--

    chttaU, ,blbare prop attention. Factory oa Poplarstreet, adjoining City MHte, Bear tbe river, Memphis,Ten a.. WM. BADGER.

    OecT-l- at

    Kefine Sheet 'and lired Isinglass,BLANC MANGE, TABLE JELLIES, he AFOR article for Ceftfertloaevs, Hotels, and Family

    tm nhll, wHh irvcttoa e for naiftK, Of thedrtnctB oCi aad Draggtsu thtu heat the rafted

    atea PKTCR ffOOPHR,New Tark

    K. J. B. L. WLNN


    Saddle and Harness ManufactoryTo No. 331 Xtcin-s- t, opaefHe Square. Keeps constantly aa band aad for salueaca, l MBsnea, i n oish or au xisos,Break, I Shatter, I Blind Bridles,Beany, I Plain. I Riding Bridle?.Carryall, I Saantah, Saddle Rags,Wagaa and SMe and I Medical Rags.Plaw I Wagan I Traveling Bags,HARNESS. 1 SADBLR3. '. .C.c.Saddlery Hardware, Saddle Trees, Band, Sole, Upper,

    uarnees, aantag ana anmt Learners ; Trace Chains,names. Ota Bands, he. mar29-drwl- y

    I HAVE Jot received so aie of those ele--fciff'-- Paul PRBNCn B0ORDOIB PIANOS.rJJJ J fl from the celebrated Piano Factory afU 'iiEiiiii 'H1iilianir.milnn

    fer thera for sale. I keep thse splendid little ORGANS,called Serapb:ne, with from ten lo thirteen steps, and allthe h test imsrerr-'nt-s. These are known lo be tbe bestIxttruBieats forGbarebes, Lndxea aa School Rooms. An!iitrraert sold as me a.e warranted It fire yvars.S3" Tonlnicand Rtpalrisg of Pianos, Violins, Organs,Modees, eta., efa.detse tna wrkmanttke manner at

    te pr)eesI do cot prtieW' to give lessens oa any number and

    variety arinjii . JQBNRT .O, HO.L-KBRR- G.'anJ--U 'ih Mala street.


    A$ the bett and only genuine confound of tht eclsow presented t the public.lOOT-VTL-


    THIS wonderful preparation, sojns'ly appreciated byAmerican people, baa now becomt tbe standardremedy of tbe ae. The aSicted bear 3Uaoy I itsmarveloas properties, aad tbe aabappy, pam-wcr- t- andexhausted sutleren rejoice there is betp, wbts tft isrtfailed. Oat et the kaadreds of cases scatter- - iverMtMtHppi, Alabama, Wis aln, Mli'ourt, Iodi- c- - andKentucky, it bas never la a finale tsMtxaee beento fall, aad will care, bryoad all doubt :

    Dyspepsia orIadteostk- -, Scrst--

    nJa or King's EvH,of tbe Bones. SyphWs,

    DebUHy, Uabitaal Costiveness, Erystpe-la-ttPatsao arv Diaes rr- -, Female IrregaiarlMes. PVstala. Skin Dtseaa

    Dawated KHays, aad as a great aad pew-erf- alTa, parifyiBK tbe B'.aod,and iBTigeratiiig tbe

    eat e System.This medtclae. te"ah srenared at rmt rmen la

    --mrtbeless withta tne reach ot soar asVeB a r sec. aidlooked apae by the eaWBMy as tht greatest Me .singevere-Mer- red an aaakiad.

    Dr. T. A-- H CRUST'S UBfan-- r fmf Af rtTstreets Louisville, Ky., whsre an idersw mma.For sale by X F. PARNS ORTTT St rn .Tt no a nr.

    DLER fe CO , Meajptu. Teaaassee, aad Druggiststbroagh-- at the UaMed States aad Caaadas.

    mce .1 per battle, or .ix for s. sep2t-cw- iy -Purify your Blood!

    THE COI.CKNTUATHD FLUID EXTRACT OP l"DOCK ii the savaraiga remedy tar aH Mercu-rial Scrofaia. Swelllar rJ tSa Jeiat. Rm.BaUas-fee- . As a Liver Mrdictne, H has so equal. Itsalterative effect oa tbe sybtera, m addtttea to its being apurely Vegetable Preparation, adapts it U, almort aaryCbraaieA-e- ct inn where an alterative madtclae Ml re.qaired. For SrapttaBs as tbe Ekia, Old Ulcers. Dypep.sia, aad Nervaaa Haaaacbc, it has aa saeeessfat oom- -peiivor amoag taa aoatrums of the day. Asa FtmelMedicine it will befound invaluable

    53- - Far by CHANDLER fe CO.,sept. Jawly DrucgMs aad Apathecsrle,.

    Odd FeUuwa' Han Black, Mecpbls.


    "Every Mother should bave a box ta the house fcaadyin ease ot accsdeata ta the cbtMrea."

    BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE.IT is a Boston remedy of thirty yw' staadteg, and is

    . sxa ay paystetaas. It is a sura and speedycare for Barae, Piles, Sods, Coraa, Felons, Chi J!ais andOM Sores of every kind ; far Fev--r Sores. Ukert. Itch,Scald Head N-t- tle Raab Bvaiaaia. Sore Nippies, recoraBKBdedby aurses.) Whitsow, Sties Festers, Flea Bites,Spader Stings. Froe--n Lbabs, Salt Rbenm. Scarry, Soreand Crar-- ed Lips Sura Noae, Warts and Flesh W rMt,It is a Bsost valuable remedy aad care, which caa t tes-tta- ed

    '--9 by tbotaads wbe bave ased Km tbe dry ol

    Bestea and vicinity for the last thirty years. Ia no easewiH this Salve de an bsyary. er laterfeni wttb a pltfBi-cUn- 's

    prebcriataoBS. It u made from tbe paiest ls.from a recipe brvnght fresu Ruseia of articles

    growiag la tbat country and the pranrietarf hav mtersrrora aH elassee, etergyaMB. phyaicia-- s, sea captains,airnes. and others who bave used it thesasejves, aod

    It to others BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Ispat ia large tin boxes, staaaped on the caver with Bio-ta- r

    ef a bene and a dtsabkd rider, which picture a alacesfrravvd aa the wrapper. Pile. 56cents a box Sold byWARD fe JONES, aad all draggasts.

    REDDING fe CO.Proprietors.

    A Perfumed BreattuHATlady or genO-nti- B would rttaia aader ti --arseof a disareat breath whea ky astag tbe ALM

    OF A THOUSAND FLOWBRS" aa a deartrttor wouldaet ealy reader it sweet, bat leave tbe teeth at rte asalabaster Maay perse de net knew theft- - breath Isbad, aad the subject is so delicate tbetr trteade w- - nevermention It. Pear a single drap of th" Bah- - .. yourtaoth-brat- b. aad wash yew teeth Bight aad me- t- sg Afifty dent battle wU last a year.

    A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION may be east), acunlrrd by using of a TtHmsaad Pbrwen Itwill itsaovt tna, BnTiasts aad frecktta freci the tkla,leavlag it of a soft and reaeate hue. Wet a tawe.. pocioa tw ar three drape, aad wash the face sight asd ncorn-ba- g.

    SttAVIXS MADE EAST. Wet yr atTH.- - . nata either warm or cahtwster, paar oa two or ts-- ee ropeef aTssMts-s- jd Fkiwers," rub tbebeardw - andK wm nnke a lsenattfnl soft telber, naehtheaperatlaaaf shaving. Price ettly Fifty eeats Forsale by FBTRIDGE fe CO , proprietor!., and ail iroirftsta



    oa hand, MaBsaBests et allCONSTANTLY $108 to $le ef latest style and pat-terns. Tombs and Head aad Fvet Stones, tarnished aalow as aay other eatebtishraent wbo do their werk weRaad satisfactory. Ta these neediBC aaythiag In theMoo omental line would do well to can aad examine be-fore MBdiBgtheir aiders ta be Nort b . Tbe undersignedwill be feaad at the old stand aa Adams street, betweenMain aad Fraat Raw, oapeeite tbe Wersham House,ready la SO aay orders, having the best of Marble andWaekBsea, Be pains sl be spared ta give satisfaction.JOHN WHITE.

    P. S. Mr. M L. Sort is new oa a tour throughNorth Mississippi and tbe adjacent con a ties of Tesneasee,setkatiBg orders far Marble work, and will con tract, forMarbie at shop prices, tbe oWect ef bis tour being cafesyto remave tbe tapreesiua that orders most be,snt to'fa.North for good werk. Tbe peblia aetag satisded that,it Is tbe best policy toencearage boae lBdastry, and Itgeedweik and reasonable prices nil! keep bu.ineia atiborne, give year orders to Mr. Sory. or call opposite theWoraham Uasee aj3-wt-f J. W. g


    VTctps , Tonzt.DEAL-- R in Ale, Porter CldVr and Wines of all atnds,by the most celebrated estabtisbnteatiln tbe United States. Far sale, Wholesale or RetaH.Pram ray long experience In tbe basiaess (twelve years ofwbicb bas been to the city of MesaphH 1 Sa tr myself,with tbe gaaraaty I have bail tram my old customerthat my exertions have been appreciated by them.

    Jaiy27-daw- tf JACOB BKCTT"LD.



    Memphis, Tennessee,all kinds aad sizes t Printing Paper can beWHERE law prices for cash.

    Orders lar aay unusual state of paper wb dispatchedta NasbvlMe and fined promptly at mlR prices, with theadditiea ef transport loa. W. 8. WHITEMAN.

    ap6-l- y Chas. Davis, Agect.

    RAGS! RAGS! RAGS!WISH to buy 600,009 pounds of rags aad wist pay tieI highest price in cash far all tbeeettaa and linen rags,

    and oM rope and bagging tbat it delivered, ta me, andearnestly solkit the saving of rags.

    W. S. WHITEMAN.arS-l- y Chas Davis. Agent.

    MERCHANTS, PEDEARS AA'DrARETERS ara selicited to engage in baying Rags

    J tbreugfiout the country and tboe whoeagageatltwBl increase their business, and I will buy all tbey bring.

    W S WHITEMAN.a;6-l-y Chas; Davis, agent.

    C K H0LST & SON,

    Cabinet JUkikersA5D

    UIVDERTAKEKSMaln-st- ., Old Stnnd, First Doer belew l9r.rce,

    (The oldest permanent land in Iks Ll'ir.)constantly on band alt sizes of Patent M tanHAVE Cases, which they line and pal hi tr rtbt,

    ln tbe best manner Also, all kinds ef Weed aa --taCovered Coffins wbict tbey sen at a faar prise.

    Orders trwa tbe coat try pruatptly atteaded W . nr.attars made and repair--d, and rpbuUtcriBj done

    ocf-l- y

    GENERAL COLLECTING AGEtVCT.and alter the Sr.t.rf Jansatry IS57. theFROM otters has aervicee so the Mursua . Metan- -,

    ics aad Profess losnlMeaaf MstapsiH, as a OllacuiatjNears and A canals. v

    All Paoert placed In ray hasd wtl be seeared by re-ceipt andeii dorteseai

    Arranaesnentfs made with h are ess bsani by the year;ar torn st'paUted per crnl.

    Letters add'eesed to use rbrastgh th-- PoM Oats, ar lettat say ate , Northwest earn-- r of Mn and Adam streets,ap teat-r- wilt receive proatpt stM-tl-an.


    Adrasce on Cotton in " Transtita "TO lalTERPOOIa.

    qiBB -a-dersicaed will make liberal cash advances oa1 Gotten ssuppM hence tn Lrtrpovl via NVw Orseaas,

    om signed to Mecers. ussnsa a. rAiinrsu, Newlark, for sale there in traSita Partait-eriBs-rmat- leaapply le WM H. HULL,

    aav-7-- lf Na ttPraas Row.

    MXCJE PIES !TJi RBSn and bet MINCE PIES are t b-- had every dayJ? ' Spocilt's, n Madl-o- a -- trtet, andfamilies servsd .egatariy, en the abortest setice, with asuperior article

    J3 Partus furnished witb Cakes, ren.ctlaas, Wines,hr , on tbe shortest notice, an-- in bPBCHTS osnal goodstyle. Give him a call. aavS7-d-tf

    IVOTICETo the Fatrons of the tommcrcial HotelFRELI.NG very gratefa! to a liberal and gesaresssupport in whatever of busi-ness I bave been en aged here, I desire to render my

    mow especially for their suroort af thisestahUah-w- nt and fertbe quiet and good order my guestsbave enabled me to preserve ln it

    Tbe Hceste for spirituous Uqsers at tbe barhaving expired. It will, in deference to tbe law. be dosedfrem and after this day. D COG-RE- LL,

    Janlt-t-f Proprietor Commercial Hotel.

    THIS day lost 1b M rapbls. and as I believe, cn Wash,I ington street, a small rae taranda-bou- k, asd JPJKiolArkansas Swamp Land Scrip.No. 1013 fer $ 10No. 'Oil for SSrfJSMIssued in September. 1SSS, and payable at Pine- - fag.Th sis to netisy the finder wbo the owner It, and le slvaall perteat aetice net to pnrcbase th suae A prepercompenaatiou wta be gives" by me te tbe fladeg on.deHrery'tome.

    nov2-- tf . THOMAS J A M K

    For Sale tow to the Trade,500 350 p4rs bout Tower Mhl TTiil Iaa BaffTttio- -

    tm. ' r 3 urrsntRsw,