the memphis daily appeal,.€¦ · ivvgl an!1 far eutrofon, wld resume hut in where be win re--dr....

5 ii BY JOHN S. C. HOGAN & CO. HEIIPIIIS APPEAL PUBLISHED DAILY WEEKLY JOHN S. C. HOGAN & CO. rBK'K ' Mt'BICRIPTIH. Daily (In iduw per annum : : (11 on " " ptrk r a To per com II t Weekir per annum (Id idruei) ; IN uor- - No 4ub.rtir.tion entered on oar malf book, for lees Umi than one mootk. B4TDI : ADTEBTIStfAM. One qare lniienion additional Ineertlon out week ::::::: two waeaa :::;:: three ki one monm aw All advertisement o. M first Insertion. - Eight lines or enlla a si 00 00 equare. atr AJJ adveniiwraeou In iheBpedal Notice eolamn will be charger oenu per line. aar Marriage death notions pnhMahad aa other advertisement, ar All advertisements fertile Arras matt O. handed In at the Clerk ' deak. TmMeia wiaa! paid or mm- - AdverUaement. the Weekly paper will Is. charged earae rate, per week or conth, aa We Halle, nlear wr apeclai c " " " : : : : : On r friends are rer; nested g J : w for t effects to send as swaacntxira, aad fill tip ocr t.st1. and also to forward anj Items of news thet msybe o'snfllclenl local lmponaaos to warrart their publication. TmatMs) or W KIT at I. Y. - an mdeqemect to get an elaba. we hart BWJ following scale of juices, which are ti as oar current offias agpensss will admit Ml One "opr, on rear ft 111 To etnbscf ten or more, each t 4 00 lanartaVv in ndnowf . Masonic directory. HEBREW st TtarL 301 let heahTetn las Ktatev, IM Tay van. tS la! Sbe-rah- 2 at A. , -- i 1st N- - aan 24 la: at, Jutn Jxxty lJt alinl, Lrftll AUgUJL, CALENDAR. Stan: 1 jansiay. a " 0.?s. Frtdiiy Wtii April. eaaitay, list Apisi," AMSQ.(sr.. aih 11.7, M tint Andrew roar. MASONIC DIRECTORY. isonnsi. ev.'-- T niiin and Main. W. 11 John SorrH RtAai asc1: m ml J. T. Heila: Lan--s -- om to cti i 7 Of s doe and L r 6. In A low M3S. em r. iai7. Onj IKA T Day. Ail, SoTMBMr eaen laumm UaW. kwawam Wo. lag. Mart let Holiday In II.. Hall ear. Toon P. 8 Former. Front street. Beamish, Sec'y. B in. Meets d Friday of i Kali, cor Madison aad eooo&d. oar atodTaooan'l second. John AJilie. w. M.- H. p. Woodward. Hoc Hi:L- - s Ro. jOf Meets Id Fnday of oaeh BtODth Hal!. P. at fltaaley. W W H. Bntts. Sec luvvusis.. No. l D.) Meeu ti Frldas or ec- - month M Tront street. John J. Worsham, J', W. at ; tt. K Bee BOTAL AJtCH. raws i'Lar-'er- . !tn 4. Meets Jd Monday of oaeh month s' Hsli. i Zeat, M. E H P.; B. M. Lavy. See'y. K. (51 S. M. Kcaxaa ionncll. Nc. i Maata 3d afonday of aoch atooth i sid- - r allows' UaXi. John XenL Th. IL.; J. Wlggla. Kac. aaoaaaanaa craasa Coimandery. v o Meets 4th Hoc-ds- v or each moi:Ux. John ZenL Coaa.; W. J. j Vt'iggi s , Roc .. AK1 A.". SCOTTISH lilTfc. Alt rrinM aeet. r Perfecion. 14th So. I. Wednesday et es h mouth. Hetiy j'. "A'siijil. V i .trie H i s. r ... lti o.aac.-- . atirasAs Lod of Perfoc.ion, 14th.; Ho. 1 Meet ch Wednesday eacn month. George Meilersh..C.t. Ok. ; A. H. KtanAiand, 3lsl, Hoc.'. Caaii-hi- '"ooccllcf Pr.aees'C Jtrnsalein, 19th.: So. L Benj. K. PnCan, S3d., Tarab .; CAiV Phi Wl Oo!s one we tU raa tone Tol K- -h, 'th., TAILORING. SCOURING r18TITCB IS TIME SAVES SINE." E DTEIK3, SC0URIN3, REPAIRING, by ISAAC ISAACS,! 64 2 Jefferson Street. Ail exeennsrt with and die paVrb.and eolira aatiafacilon guaranteed wirS ts mars j.i. soon Tfiog. Hunt at Co., PREMIUM BILK AND WOOLEii DYERS BETWEEN Sa.' setwnd profl rrour., ISth., Comm. Essas. Jsbn Dodge Done abort notice orders cearnoa when nw. H. i. (eutreuicij Cluthea Cleaned uawra.tii vjvoUa store O T1CE GAS CONSUMERS. TI corr.fl'aree wtin a tleoga mods 1 commnulcatfon February hoo. Mayr aat4 Board Alderman hi Memphis bvLight lompaiij hare determl ied reduce prtca tbalr ..upplled after afirst Day of December next loweat rate log a CSTaw. SS ' he pi aaasda : At.'. aa u.: ti at M D ; M O.- - of M. of j, W No. H. T. L ; S2d. Cum; at -- a fn a. ate sr. ma 4 given to Preusi i. a or left lu uf lha to tba on af Uaa sd and tba the eroe !ter tben daemed possible, sliow-o- tbe capital rested, and taax tba price .moog TH? LOWEsT RATES CHVREll Id other Hf.uihern and Sonthweatem Their a :uara leu. at ! v at er-a- t ezpttnae proved x - .1... tijir, e tnem to sup pat. on and laal c j ' j: at nil, oiie. lu then setaa- - thai in ea. tbey will supply their 4e- - Osve- - Third, or X.AM Uuin One- - Third the Kate tnbhhri by Bitch Competitor. Tbtsr Works wars Willi a view o' .Lg ttw owners Lr :Ae.t ti me D's, as .r. as for ha publle cured! cure awii stsnlug suck '.nten loo. tkar !! sail or furniab llatat at s Mere Fraetlon of lbs price aakad bj any competing ot op- - poali.g Cwtor-auy- . M w M, inner, uigt C in cltlea WII MMSt-- leu:. WHITHAN BROS., ManufaiCiurers o: an Iea.eis ln PRINTING PAPER, aSw.SS Sjoraaieaal eat. Sa. S7 Aualh t osrl rwbl'c ssssr,. Atreet. Wemphls. w bat J. oard. 4 I f I. l I n I 1 i tMB- - will b rely Ul on si.,ra Ineabeds lli bs civlr.e i lota flia proof com- - wa lm. nu by nock,, uu ocrsd w.tli un iSosew. S have pattoi.laed us for tha iaal tWo seasons, and ihoa - whw ma have prspoaad to ' doer. real soured Ws wi i be rly ror : hatn. Ws oasign cat rfiuWilng a i ouoo Or.m prtan In ocr upon aA ad- - wl.4 b. ready bf tba lot of Oo-- io ir er aoooer. Tbe pis.gia.iiy o onr aatab- - iment U the riser rrnttaia ihr handling of aotAos o .nveiji. ni tnai a a can tranalar oou ..n for shipment by river fraaut arayage. Tna tulvanuiat o' t iie poallean ta auual laona d.ay a. a on sll chiton sent lor oonipreasmenl from othet war ail t.u'es, while on all cousin lo our warehouse for compesfcrnont Uiere nan be two drasaaMSSSvslncs U wou.d be asswsy for j. .1. - - - . jj urun.- - LeT to lorn It oat In the ordinary way tar transfer ay draya T.adlea' J. M,VX&aAJL tarua of Br4uaiV Goodhar A Co. aaAaattaaw constructed reoelseg.sxis J. H OHaUBTI AN A CO. J. K G:- Mi.airn. Iaie with Huii th- eorist, taace A Go. COOOBAR a CILLILAND. Kze:nwrv Whoiasal Dealers la HOOTS and SHOES, EATS A.KD CAPS, jfo, gOl MaH Hi., H cbMier Block,, Batwaas Adaznt so 1 Waahlngtoa, AtaMPHta, tbi; B THE PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHY8ICIANS. DR 13. A.. I"OEH! AN!1 FAR eUTROFON, wld resume hut Ivvgl In where be win re- - DR. WM Cr Mtl foond Kooin No, and House, corner Ma.n wner . - treat aril advi allied, Ae and long experieo all can raliev.-d- , no case, or bow long other, be dealree thoe ritosuutcKn ear in. pecial attention. No. ape dsrwlr I. L. e - EVERETT atiove been 1SVUKAM.K. wjialeo recelv rm DENTIST8. HIN SON, 838 Main Street. t BL' I LP I St.. DKISTTISTS, So. 117 Cwrwer Sec ad Adams Sits , EH! - KP. PICKKTi' and and A, riliOCK. LAWYERS. in to lm r,f r.d B.i he n:" be of nti all of MESSICK & PICKETT, Attorneys at Law.' OFFICE: He. 817 Second Street, near corner of Monroe. sets lm BO WIUCaOSTBS, BoaiKT A, HATCHKa. Late of ...... Ten Late of M:nsoux1 WUit HltilfiS & fiATCUEii. TTOREV3 AT ABfl (ienerai Co!" lectins Agent. Second Mlreet, Tennflai ee. A. m L. 13. McK :.i, WHIGHT & McKISICK, Attorneys at Lnw removed orBor to the Kit HAVE Block, and 4, uJ- - - street. mys slbkbt r:;li boh, um Kocr. aja. Court ling; aioorr. pikk ABAHS, 393 lL, MempLls. L. H. PIKE, ATTORNEY AT LaW Solicitor in Chancery, Little Rock. - - Arkansft- - WUl prvtice la Fsdarsl and State CoorU. t'ollec Ions promptly tended to. nm tr DUOS. DIXON & PERCY, TTORN FTrt AT LAW. OreenvD'.e. A Wiil Prsctl" In the : Tti:ca. uoahama. Bolivar. Washington and Isannenna StLF-FA9TEl- C WR0K.HT m) BUCKLE TIB FOR COTTON BALES. 'S.HI! placi sea trU. c. fran'tr. No. Tnlon New Orlesn Nawijr Tnaert the hoop in slot, draw it tight bole. W. All oil. lias lasteiing hy this ethrsl ore w!li bo at as awowam sis, ara Io -- i Q - - pi if ally P3 itlpria as-- "LAY i- - Main Miss. jou 14 arv the and the O o When the lever of the press is raiaod the tie fasten itself by the out- ward pressure of the Wo sola agents aad prepared flil for the mi 5 il HwX Iran Bociis Tic, i'mis. We sre hnving lured of the must superior lrou Use Usl. IK.. t;en. ...vui.u Kutclianls. ?y. rasT. nni 03 o C o O Z rH 2 O o have their O pxairr. Coar'j, Hole street, will if1 M i ASS MAN'S IRON TICS roa C( ITTOJN Kontii- - watch BLAIR. orders above BALES. bave made eateus sa U. tbe for ;heae il.tlon tol ASsttf ASt Dtort TIE and to'- tin ..k te OS m 16 .ru 9 if at 5 a. C F L ee a a C. I w. a. L a. M a. a a a. . or .. i dr n secure Mr SSunCf and jmpsue fa- - iow saatsss a..t qui of In !nn U Cn n.i Oiruers tllbg Oe CHAU31 It. 4 t.ATTISG. No. Bi rsrnndel. strset, S. O. Our Latest Improved NEW SCALE PIANO-FORT- S. GROVESTEEN & CO., 4.V4V Hroatluoy Y. mHKfc luatrtiiu' nt. hl nioe flaMsrrlng It haa heeu oar sHm-- daring '.he thru,-- j yan that have laanufas'iursl Piano. isaJsj thmmtti ot which are now in In the'd KtAtea and Kurope, ie fir th flnaaX Intirument at he lowett oaat u. rupe-rl- fatlititswi eiiuhie um otTei thnn irom cue three dnllara than any otber Klrni Houae. Tna nv of theaelnrtrunu nt are remaikale Hag vormlile aiwaye jf and to an utiiey Itsked in thrtouat auavi roomer rent and and -- arpeui.ri' ai luaUujaeut la years chi:drB w Sou ir 2 n(j MEdSlt It 7 'os. the w. U. go's! - ay A 3 a a . - r - a- - supply r,. F the nrrsnay- - re irsi IB t tk'U: ' e n t n hnndred leas ' lam t e h f r a -- 1 c 'laiia. fln. (rm SC trd ided, and I for nv Many Wanttt Jrom ii : .sm'.ss tjrri. SITUATION In a Whnleaala (Jrucery A preferred, by a man of -- leads Mors ' nar-acte- r. He has had auona xperlence In His txissirta to Cblckssaw, Oktibbeha, Lowudea, Mourn and roatoloc t.ouatiea, atia.. I'eife.ct sellsfac-tio- giv. n OS to cl.sractar, qua,lrlc.tiu, sic. For the pieaeat address P, Box -- j, Coruatb. aif Executor' Notice. la ben ny unui :, ilic u. :r. of NOTICE BaUia, dtreaeed. and all pattlas that wa, ssaurvlvlug exeeutoi, of aaid (.tats, have this day riled our aceoaii , ucb, with John 1.04UIU.. Cleik ot the county mn of ebelby eooai;. . where parlies concerned ran cooaa forward and cxruine an.e SAMl'SI. MuciBY. ANetaaon c Bvriiri. ftu. rising Kxooutora. Maispma, Oiltmbar 11, 1tt. salliw. MEMPHIS rao oi r TBATci.iwn roRinron HI Jame. Buchanan TbxM'eii aieeene VY be. lined I vrraatlen With the r.x Pr cldeat Hla ttllllrnl ftrnliiuenls I.ahi-astx- Pxwi. . September 27. IHS7. line lieauliCn ..m.-ii- is noted (or lha residence of two raen wbo have, occit- - tiietl a very larire spare in tbeblalory of our country. Janies Buoliaiiao, the rajre of Wheatland, resides m mile from here, and Thad. Me vena, the Marat of the prt-aei- tre, has hu home io the south eru central portion of the city. Both gentlemen have numerous friend and Inveterate enemies There la a consid- erable dhTerrnce, however, apparent in the character of the two elaaaea. The uenple universally ood Irrespective of fwl Irs resrveel Mr etiieh.n.n and sre 0f neighbor and iHtikee. undrrslgiied SHore acquaintance Hia political enemies do not express any personal dislike to him. To Mr St. iens, even many of his political cuui peers liav An utter dislike auU Personally be is exceedingly lu.pupular witli ail classes, but politically htataajrt intellect aod geeiue forces re- spect from bis adherents and followers. Hie intimate personal friends, however. are itewnied tn him. He is a man ofox- - politl nonoies, honest which WABX'S) weakness were man hp in speech, to rrsnri'lnary Intelligence and invention, remedy cAse wss and he has facility operating Ad- - precisely the platform of Calhoun. It vantageousiy character of persons was precisely upon that platform the who his leadership. He ie south defended tier right secession, peerless in his his party, What did the next of application of congress? He that he had before s!I the trickery and used him a the fpiwanMaT of in political machinery. He is cadave-- 1 and resolutions introitucc-- into rou., heartless, looking individual, legislature, as preliminary steps to- - on-- isve brow illsfionesty is stamped, ward dissolving tne union. Jut .. raise In a" his professional career a a Clan, he has had numerous in- cluding knewuotkingism, anti slavery, etc.,eiteesrt lost item, he has never been or consistent. As as Aboritioniet, he has ever been a conscientious And practical advocate of principles. He has carried this to the extent of maintaining a leman, notwithstanding dis- - reuutanic practice, u is saia mat mere are wtii:e let have entreat Any that, identical who Lave used every What stronger oould scriptions of money Garibaldian means r,.ss'ble ti one them- -; he have used' didn't to A legitimate of dissolution of unlou when he had b use natLe. Thad. evidence of steps to dissolve It sick two weeks, and right and he satelites are much exercised constantly was speaking obHaatlcii of his eonilition There noon oath. He declares before and in mis gar tlnn take place, Hia country does not wouM re to to dissolve union. But aow party. His physician is Dr. Carpen- - is all tne men who look rer, is also the fajnily at Mr. Buchanan. Dr. Carpenter is one of And iu SAme speech he said : most opponents of " I assail no man's motives. I that lives north. During war pondered enough on mind he was deC'.iineed constantly as to know that rebel and traitor, ' much more do tAined position defiantly and boldly opinions actions than we are gen thronehout the ..ontesi. and at p ent time, is a prominent worker in the ranks opposing radicalism. He occupies t marked position in his profession, and Is very largely by many radicals who love tne pnysician lint alsimioate the man. His name will be treasured hy thousands in the south, received his attentions kindly now no doubt I should offices when they were prisoners, principles opposite to those ' ciaPv Much he of I hold." ' this as Mason, and a great because hail been in he had a strong south he would been as good a southern man as Davis. Again, Yesterday I visited in he : Buchanan. During few Let us, if we can, reconcile the union he been in feeble health, and at pres ent is slowly recovering, though can- not bear much fatigue. Eighteen yesrs have elapsed since I had last seen He is now seventy yeart of age ; is large iu person, will weigh two hundred and twenty-fiv- e pounds, is over six feet height, very alow in movement, and evidences much feeble- ness of b,dy, much brightness and activity of Intellect. His hair is and very thin over head. eye unusually bright. He has never used snectacles, and reads non- - yareil print easily without fatigue, I kuow I li rca ol liim. 'hat are extant are among universa ,y ajbOwUeAM representations at He me that he ' takes do interest in politics, not ex- - any opiniwrs, and cannot rorin any Kiea whither drifting, uor the of imlepenri- - ' nrjfw.'is or results, tie sani ' iha- - when the war was in progress his I whole heart was in the union ; that be j could brook the idea of disuuion, 'hat. therefore, he anxiously hoped j tor the suce-- s of the north to prevent disruption, Lu: when the war closed could not see any wisdom or consist-- 1 N y in the United 8lates government' pursuing any other course that which was embodied in the treaty pro- - I posed by Sherman and accepted hy j i when he surrendered. The Irritating; and tyrannical policy that has been pursued hy the party in and the prostitution of every constitutional right andsacred principle y it has dkrtracted the nation since, have always repugnant to him, whether v. a in a politicAl or christiAU light. rssBld uor any sympathy with) j any other than a most humane and con- - ti y towards the eofcqtiered. He was well aware Ihe southern people would not be outdone tn generosity, and - line, That have just poet him. just past seven very gray does pres siins, never that than Joe. Join newer have course if on their that north south would efforts restoration and recover-- I they ooaUi '0 try prosperity government their ne is v. guy ,;her course. regard that, when ii course extcutive it was his advice, was dutv iilace on record the reasons lor h e i fiicial conduct, aud that being done, be rested, aaticiied in the contsiiousuesn of haviDo; risjit, that poli- ces lietioeforth have no clairus upon him. I have found bis Look to lie a satisfactory egposition of bis jomluct. Every document, paper, s carefully ilafed and retVrencse are oaSnta liireconisiliat l anuot be galnsayed or refuted. The sage of W beat land does uot fear tbe reeord of sdminis-UAUu- u will sm itHikuueii its i ii I a thnti sny others who occupied the presidential seat. Mr. ltuohauAu is a Past Master Mason In I r Lotlste. He has seldom .ii the Lodge during the paet yeArs, i eesaaw of his age reUred bobits, yot his adiulratioii of the nnier is Kroat, aoa his uractire of Its prerepU unabated. This reminds that all the of Ihe I'nitfcd States .except Lincoln) were Masons. WheatiAL.I. the oonntry residence of Mr. Bnchsnan, is an old fashioned ci un-'r- y very English in appearance. It is situated a mile west of Lancaster, Columbia anil Marietta pikes. Tbe house fronts on the lattir. A plain up and down whitewashed paled with picket tops, extends along tbe pike in front of the law n. Tbe grounds re regular and pleasing their outline. The space between the walks aud road- ways are well grassed and shaded by lofty oaks, beneath which smaller trees, -- briilis and hedgerows luxuriate, and are not closely trimmed or trained. There is a pleasing air of contentment and comfort lu alt the surroundings of ibis iieliubtful old lawn occupies ats.ut tea acres, and on its soutberu line - :arge, old fashioned two story brick house Is situated. A small portico, to which eight or leu steps from Usree sides i . is before tbe old fashioned mas-hr- a iloor, which Is flanked by narrow windows. This opened, a wide ball ap- pears. Oo tbe right hand Is A large double parlor ; on the is a small is as a reception room. It is comfortably furnished with hair-dot- covered chairs, A table with books, and at one et.d Is a large square piano. Here Mr. Hucliauau receives visitors and gnasts, and hers the most modest citizeu of the republic may feel himself perfectly a: home in the presence of the great man, who is uot exceedingly plain ilrees and manners, but also one of the rflhbte and genial gentlemen of age. He recounts to his listeners memo-- i ts fall of pleaaaot things and t bat would full of to tbe gen-er- reader. thousands of tba great men tbe nation have gath- ered, mi ' many of the great questions snd plans of the past fifty years shaped ami provided lor. library, sitting rooms and bed rooms are on trie floor and stairs. whole '!:irhment is very plain anpre-- i ending, and much in keeping with its roaster. From there is A vast amount of very beautiful scenery visible. Several raogi's lulls abruptly break off 'hi the Appalachian chain moun- tains, and tbe spurs end In this vicinity. Their depths famish enormous wealth of Iron, coal, nickel, silver, limestone, slate, eta. Ueaiitiful rollingsurfaoes spread be-.o-re tbe view over many miles. Every acre is thoroughly cultivated, aud the whole lioeoru of Uie land there to be a continuous village. Sparkling citt ks, bright rivuiets, sbiuipg and lovely lakes ore every where visible and mote numerous than auy where else on aaslh Far in ihe west north, the dim, misty Allegbaoies bound the borir.'.u with undulating outlines, which turn to faintest purple die away In crimson flashes this even-i- t g's g. ifious sunset hues. smoke of tumbling trains Is here visible from six railways. Telegraph wires, canals,, pikes and railroads form a curious net-wo- over all thesurfAoeof tbe country. Schools and colleges are numerously and six ooltnu mills pouring out from ihfrir receeees a continuous rattling, hum of machinery, and manofaoturtd fAbrica tbAt Are incalculable io valua. This county justly CAlled ube garden spot oi the world, COfnlN WQBMA. The Aldea Pragraoime. We umlrstaud that, in cose tbe Aider. Itrs gain poesessiou of lite city, tbey pro- pose to leave tbe police m $talu quo, and abide by tbe aeoisioo of courts. We are further assured that, uuder oo circumstances, will tbey give tbese police il2u,0(j for paai services uot rendered. A- uthority for tbese statementa is a ilibleer:ntraban4l." 8, OKI o If n H lis Hie)sj i i csi. The following portlorsnf a speech by Judge Tharmao, in Ohio. Is resdible And instructive : Now, ait some down to this gentle- man they the, actine vice president of the United Htates, who, in this city, a few weeks was crying for more blood, as if this country, heaven defend us, kAd i. t enoutrh bino ishei! in ;iie past yean! Dfcin sndh, who nay that every southern leader ought have been hung, and that their northern sympa- thisers ought to been hung, too, that It was s on the part of the government that they cot. What kind of a if to tajk lliat wJV In lS8,In thesenateof the Vnlreir -- Hfrtf- tinder the solemnity of his oath, he de- clared, in the presence of the southern leaders in the nresence of Jefferson Davis, and Toombs and Mason, and the whole of rfanm, that he, rjami Krfllc Wads MIsTPdatal! ttmes tn the wis' the constitutionality, end the pro- priety of the Virginia resolutions of 179K and 17:.'-- And put upon them, that precisely the Calhoun Interprets-tio- a the Interpretation that in the last resort each snate must iudffe for itself both as whether the consii'u- - tlon had been violated, and the in snch a " That the of every acknowledge of manipulation of he say At session And incomparable in tiis said demagognery message of South a Carolina, cold that in the left cen- ter tbe few his voice to remonstrate against them ? Did he South Carolina to recon sider what she was doing, and to stay in the unioa. or did he threaten her with the vengeance of the general government if she went on with her disunion steps ? Not one word of such thing sis but he told her and he told the world these are his words " This is action : " these steps to dissolve the union, and " I do uot or)ect. ladies words Mum for the make of H oi)ect selves the mistress his the anil has been very the the during the Bast his before him in the senate, nnder the his of is God his to his that he oijcl to these irreparable the radical efforts the H. he for hanging who physician of him his word. the the violent radicals have in the the the human a cop- - and human action circura-perliea- but he main- - stances have to a'ith our hi. aud the employed the the has in but his is and bis features few Mat, tetwteu covered only over off qut-stio- call less erally willing to i am now a black republican, as you call me, imbued, I hope, with the principles of universal freedom and reai democracy Its advo- cate on all oecosions but If I had been born on the other side of the if I hod been nurtured by those who hold princi- ples diametrically opposite to those i who and profess, have espe- - diametrically at did now a deal is, that if he born sympathy with rei4a. Jefferson Jaa. that snme speech, said weeks " he ponderous His informed heen bis fence home. is metropolitan with the best interests of sections and all parties, so thus it may endure forever, as I aaMewa it may aaM if other sections thiuk o! herwise if they find it cannot he done consistently with their interests I do not expect them tn act in opposition to heir well settled convictions of interest." In the same speech he : " That there is a great controversy be- tween the different htates of this union eaunot be denied. I do not i here to upbraiil man fur being the advocate of either side ol that great eoiiiroversy. very wall th;it it ha arisen , independently of Ihe wftl or action of any man of any section. It is not under the control ol any man of any section." Then, slter stating that hi t bad of parties are adopted old declaration he Ul of of Wheatland of is, ail euce as .... oasis oi lis p. .itit;a, govern- ment, and after referring ta th .ioctnne of the declaration, that a PAJaaaa have the right to throw off their ancient gov- ernment, anil establish one more condu- cive to their welfare, aud applying this to the people of the soiilli, threais to dissolve the union, he said "I hold they have right. I will not blame any jieopie fof x rearing it whenever they think the contingency has come " Thus he told Jefferson Davis to his face, Toombs t his face, Wigisul to his face, Hanson to his face every one of these southern leaders to his face : " I will not blame you for destroying this government erecting another conducive to your inicreata, when- ever you think'- - - Not I think, not when the Gov- ernment thinks, not when the people think, but whenever you think the contingency has coin". yet this man, who told in tie assailed in tncy were put honor, that man s motive, if he hail been they would have outdone the In he have been just like ibera, al who told them erect ou the an the conn its and ruins of their another more grestnes-- . He had no sympathy with omducive welfare the ry With lo his man these people foilovv. as an he felt his the loudest iu his .Tins done ami M ul that set aud are me presidents tbe in The side par- lor, which used in tbe that are be interest In this room, were The -- ame above Tbe and of if rivers and the of i Tue via- ble, are Uiat that " recent ajfo, to and dom, that avow. that aaol But said ps.-t- v their that and wren that And tn, horn to to seems and Our any aud for blood, for plunder, for confiscation, and for banishment : ami lie is the man whose appetite for blood is not yet satis-fle- but It still goes on crying like a famished tiger for his prey, and not only aliasing those men who followed hi ad vice, hut abusiug tini eighteen bunurt-- thousand ieinourst of the north who never had any opinion at all Inconsis- tent v. :i the ,.; servafl .u of the union. Now, ict fr-in- ls, t lie 'ime ilid come when 'be south thought tie contingency spi-ke- of by Mr. Wade had arrived ; that its interests required that it should go out of the union. It wasagreu1 mis- take ; a fearful blunder. But tin- - time came when they thought so. and when they hod Aright to expiot Mr. Wade to stAid up to his word Tbey had heard him make that declaration, and they be- lieved bespoke his reaiaentimeuts. They Isdieved that if they seceded there would be at -; one man in the senate uf tbe United State-- , Benjamin F. Wade, who would say, "They have a right to go out. Let them depart in peace." That is what tbe south thought. Thty had Lincoln ou their aide, according to his speech, and they had Chief Justice Chase, and they hail Edwin U. Stanton, who, according u Aii-er- t ii. liruwn, of Mississippi, even after Mississippi se- ceded, told bim she had dune right, and not to let her bock down. They had all these men, all theso saints of the radical calendar, thus encouraging them to go oat, and they had no right to suspect that these meu wi uld cat their own words aud become the loudest in the cry for slaughter and blood. TBE TBE.MIKY IIEP.k B I rillST AID THE The following is a correct copy of the circular recently addressed by the sec- retary of the treasury to officers and em- ployees of bis department, in relation to furnishing information to the reporters of the publle press: TAEASI'RY I'PART!T, I is. pumber 24, 1W7. J GcnVcmm : Notwithstanding the rule of the department loilMUiliog any of its offleers, clerks or employoas to eon vr to any person whatsoever not iilSlikally ftnfl nected with it any Information regarding the public hueint as, nub ss with approbation of tbe secretary ami assistant secretary, or head of a bureau, the department is continually embar- rassed, and ttre ptjblle interest seriously eomprtimiatMi, by the ooaimuuicaliou ol importaut it. format ion to the public pressor to Individuals, which could not possibly have heeu made puhlio except through an Inexcusable breach of official duty on the pait of some persou con- nected with tba departmeut or its bu- reaus. 1 ... ir.-- - that you will nail the atteation of every clerk and employee In your re- spective bureaus to the subject, and warn them that the department requires au exact observance of the rule, and that a prompt and dishonorable dismissal will follow an infraction of it. It Is to be particularly noted that the prohibition covers tbe evil practice which is belived to be quite prevalent, though often from Innocent motives, of carrying oo private correspondence in relation to public Dueiues. All oniutnutiicalions upon business of the department must be made by competent authority, and form a part of the oftlotal record. In connection with, and as a part of this subject, your atteuliou is also called to the regulation forbidding tbe admis-sio- u to aoy port of aoy nflL-- iu the de- partment of any reporter of the public press or other person not iiejuugiug to the deportment, unless In connection with tbe business of the office, ond with the permission of tbe head of the bureau orobiefolerk lliereof. Vsrr respectfotly, h. c. Mcculloch, Secretary of the Treasury. OaosMISliUaaml Teal. We are glad to learu that the efficacy of me pr caideui' innmssy prnclauiAtioL In removing the political disability of a citisen is about to lie tested in a court f tbe United States. The Montgomery Mail, of the 22d ult., says : " Tbe Hon. 8. P. Bice, of this city, yesterday went before the board of registration, subscribed to a registration oath, and. claimed the right to register as a voter under tbe late amnesty procIamA-tio- n of President Johnson, and was re- fused. Judge Blee will at once test the constitutionality of the law and the pro- clamation before tbe United States court. This is the first cam uuder tne proclama- tion, and we are glad lo know that the mattertis to be tested and decided by the legal tribunals. Trie affidavit was mode before W. K. sornmisslnnar vvyAtt, united states w DAILY APPEAL,. MEMPHIS, TEESH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1867. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH X oon Iipa.tclie. Li Washington, October 7. (en. 8her-ms- n arrived this morning, in response to a telegram from the president, and during the day OAlied on the president And Gen. Orasik Benor Bomern yesterday took leave of the president, and subsequently called at the olak dopitrtment to present Henor Marescbal, secretary of legation, as charge d' alfalres of the MexIcAtJ repnb- - Havana, October 7. A special says Intelligence has been received per French ."'earner Louisiana, just arrived ir mi .St. Thomas, that a serlnus engagemest teok place on the 13th ult. before Fort Blos- som, on the borders of Ht. Domingo, but on Haytiau Ihe t.acos Maytian revolutionists, who are specially J.oOU P I U Jju. 3, ' of tto President Holnave, and who in possession of the fort, hoisted the white flag on the and while iiolnave's troops were proceeding to take possession of the fort they were tired upon And cut ti pieces by the revwiutionisbj. Some relatives of "the first families of are among the falUn. London, October 6. The report that Sir August B. Paget la to he sent to Washington as British embassador, to replace the late Sir Frederick Bruce, is contradicted. Dispatches from Itime .tare that treat agitation and alarm prevails in that city. There was a decline of in consols yesterday ; quoted at for money. i.oRF.Ni E, October fl Dispatches are ONE arriving memorial pouring in from all cities of the kingdom demanding that R ime be made the capitAl uf Italy. The throughout the urge sub these that blue tand more volunteer wno uave oeeu woniiuco in the fights which have occurred in VI- - terbo. Paris, October ft. It is reported that Napoleon has informed the government of Italy that It may occupy '.ho Roman territory with its troops, but 'hey must not enter the city 01 Rome. ROBERT A. MOON, Cotton Iaotor AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. ITo. 276 Front Street, MEMPHIS, TENN. AlTVANirBB-flnpplI- ea at IIREKAI. ("omm ss oq par !i3iis 'jtton. uua iioliar pec Bait. Jo the Cotton PUtuternof Went Ten- -f" AUtouiMi, Mississippi anul ArkartHtt: The uiid' rlirnrxl raspe atfally Lemlera hlaaer- - vlra aa Bafjajat ior tha fue of your cotton in it ' My. anil or the purchawe of yonr suppllea. 'J'lje u i. ti.ikt.4- iMiuluftUua mI tha war, wuicii so QMttiriailv aifecWd the bat inierau of thttttou Ji, haaialao Uad IN effect upon the t.Diuiiunruuu aj Biunsui iiau-aii- oetwe-- u iuuu' and marchani. You uoubt- - lena Wfll rocnt ni with what penitiacity (pre-- us to Wori, aniountln( lu AOJueiUrituuot-t- . io annnraaor. yuu wer aoliclteU lor yonr liual- - UOeaa Ml .life ikU Ol tltlj Coll per baitt Dlllllli - Iroe f drayaKG, and jtoreii fur tweiva muntlui without charge. Then wi be ia'u 'i the producer waa tba rull element, aud hign rut, ricrh landlurda and intrcriantk l tue ot plsUitera' patxouao. o people or occu pat Ion naTo ben inarn srrlouVy protiate.i than planter and ng, Ajui none o tuucri deaervo to 1h ' and aided In their uninrtunate :nn-- condition. How th t tid ho uiLich UA4Nlud u uietsod aut you I opine two wail know. OtiernOH Kovem-in:- it taxea la aeu-r:ii- , ovnfJ a prctal tax apon T'lurleadl ai roductlou. Cotton, large prollta ..mi un7nadU) pay n: .:; lurntnned, oommtssrtoTiB on alPr riTKlnjr frrmi M 10 $6 prr hale, inontaly s.rage ut ex irbdaut prica 1.. i uiii roe k per nfrmnc : your f jont a tied, an a Kuni total w lil leave you hut ir l U miu' UilUii upou wliitJi to rnbuUd jour .rpi t rjriniAa. o to com pet t wrfh rhaunw orderor urtatrs ; .sftutjO. When I withdrew From :l)r niton and vmmiia.ron Boiin--- . in ln(K. prlTte retUMniH iuu UM me to UaIIi ve that I would ntv r riiauRf iuli again. The goUol-Q- t.r nf many were iorMtrr p- -: i .and adt-ri'r- ' i'i p onio: the lU'erHt: of' he tin oomrmtnity ao far aa my feeble . ijortJ can to eo, and the apprirfnt want of crn'i'u (a sornmuully that In timet1 pant tended ao materlnMy to the of Matnph h and It mrrcantl e ,omniu-n- il y li.ts di tajfUhMd me again to offi r tny aer- - j vloei in the capacity a .Htat-- d Tiie Htocks T cTrtoneiin The Cnftnl iit- - nr.d hoit supp it-- in tin hnnds a " v Kugland manu- - fctnr-- hatTiuts,-- mje advance :n ricem rrom lha latedepreaalon, hence early naiea may ta; prudent and remunerative ; uvck waa the cse the i'aM twoaeaaona. and many planttbra have baa :ause to lezrp? :lie actiug upon tha o"rofmtn pnicMtt'taf lioldlng and Urawna; upon tbttlr cotiu. I wfSnld ao planter ' Uj 'end forward hfBcolVjn tiiileaa he wiahed it nwld upon ttic flnt dcllTB mark. t. It can he held at h me much - thn In HaopaVia. v, v liaxv' s for llln-- ' cotton will be One Oil Uw peg hale. .nsurauC off. clou in ail cjiaes if M' inairuiit'd to ire contrarr. rnaii buy your autplleafrom whoeai hwatea, at van; y ou the tianedt uf Name, tla ururt, by strict attentttm to all Uie Jepartmenta of our bualneaa, I hope to merit a large of patronage. Very Tarnvclfollv. aM tt. A. MOON. GROVER A BAKERS Celebrated Elastic Stitch and Lock Stitch fe, 9 '. ' Ti. vkelU suli oanaVCf wCV vSBas oowBlw i vK Mo aaaW ....... fspajjaadaaHaw uubo... mmmHW SEWING MACHES. " if the ia rover t Baker mlichi$4) ia Beat, 1. It la mace edmpie. durable, and lata liable to ilerbDgrmint than othern. 2. It ttwi tonri ordmaiy spoolt, and no of thread la neoeasary. S. It bewa with ius facility all fabrics, the mot i delicate anil tbe heaviest, and with all of thread, bUlc.outton orltun. 4. iu seam 'a ao Wrong and e attle that !t never hreaks. even on the blaa. 5. ft fatitenaboth eadeof the seam by ita own operation. A ita seam, though cut at every alxth stitch, remaiusdrtn.and neither rane or ravtlti in "a ear. 7. Ita seam la more plump and beautifnl, and retalua lla plnioputas. and. oeauLy alter waeh-iD- than any other. k. Ita afim can he rtmo-ex- l in altetlng after prnt ins trot lion without pica-lu- or cutting Ibera. Watching aid varying the tenaonaupon MietiATvadb nm iwy in Hiker inarhuiea eus necessary tn this The tension being oace ad- justed on tbaUroveraud Uaker Machine, any , aewang may tie dooewtxhont ehat ll It makes oeautilul embroider' without any cuanae 01 ariangemeut, aimpiy by iaaej-t- loglhreaorsof DlUbie ale. a and colors for thJa It f the only machine that both eurpoae. and news p necti) . for Clrealar. tiBOTSB & BAKER'S 9. a. CO.. Jyl3 Main htreot. I'd Stairs. A. H. ISAACSOS. H. X At ISAACSON, SEIXAS & CO., Wholesale Grocers Ann IMPORTERS, .Vo. 66 OowimoT Street, NEW ORLEANS. attention lvan to th PARnCTJLA! Uugar and Molasses. RKKERKNOES : Commercial Bank or Tenuesssa, alempbls , Pike, Brother. New Orleans; H. A. Hnnvsn. Ranker. Ht. tOs. felrtW if LYONS, FIS & CO., Wholeeale and Retail DEALERS DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, ETC., 34VO Kaln St. STXMPBXS, THH. H. LVO!HI, j. Ftas, I. .ISOT.'RrTIS IN SSI plantation snrruEB a. e. roai.ia. . w. mTMKi.Ka. a. i. Msacras. BURNET HOUSE, Horlbwest Corner Tine aad Third Sit., CINCINNATI, OHIO. A. !'. JOaLHi t Bts, Proprleton. Nil lm EUREKA AND PRATT'S soviaenjf ma ax COTTO CJ F siraSKAaiN separates J.Hits,nell, and JL sticks from the fla. d Cotton, sad will nay for Ueett la on crop of 60 but. PKaTT'si iririn. U..rhl,, Q 1 U H E RT, riirrlnrut.! 71nw.ll aunt Ageat sr rtanlel Pn.14 LOTTERIES. NO GIFT ENTERPRISE Or any other Nwioelle ! iB8rn KMrrnr state axd HlTi.s LOTfKRIEB. ONLY LKftAL LOTTSEtIS IN D. 8. ldKY are drawn under siiate Charters ; have 1 kwsndrawu for over FORTY YRAKM. Bolide must, ne sod dapna ted wlUi L". B. Collector as rteenrlty. The prises m drawn In public by two sworn ComnilisUiiierssppolnted by tile .Slate. Most be drawn If Uckete sold or not-- PRIZES ALL CASH. ThM afn two Htt Uruwinjrt acti day, And two Havana Iawliitfn ck mouUu. Irw!ntfF can mu two hours alter par- ch m of ticket. i. ttae r Prism. PrlxtM puld n tiny of purobaj. Ttcke-ti- II to t.tkvr .niinK'o SctMme. PriiAHfi to $100,000, vjnflng w, dctinme. Principal Aifi-n- t, 1M. W. VAN VOAJbT, No. iii.jem-ri- ' mreew. GRAND DISTRIBUTION soil. opnosed R OS. were fort, and press country plan share AMOCSTO'O TO $253,950 IN 9000 CERTIFICATES IN THREE PRELIM..' RY DRAWINGS AND GRAND SCHEME. XlMlsalppI Agrtrnltarsi, Bdarstlenal aad Manofarlarine Aid Society at rie&sbarg, Mln. Chartered hy an Act or the Leglslatnre of passed Feliruury itj. 1SS7, following receipt :mm the State Treea-- ! L urer -- xhihlta the far trat the tloclety haa paid into the Stale Treasury the kuoi of Fivo Thousand uollara fur the iKoeflt of the State University. COPT OF RECEIPT. No. !17 tete of Five Thousand t Dollura, tlLate Treaanry, Jckaon : Beceivd of W. D Lylea, Preaident, etc., per CB. White, the sum of Five TboUHandgUoilani in fhll af Auuitstu,'a receipt warrant No. 127t dated July 18. A. I). lHtTT, In his favor, on account of University of MlrM.-lppi- , under Hth section of Act of Fehmarv it. IH87, entitled ao Act the Miaslreippi AKnt ulturtl, iiuu catlonal aed Manufa tnrinK Aid Society. i! ven under my nnd and seal at office this 18th of July, A.I; , 1897. johj. n. tn Lwfl, tate rroasurer. In the Three Prelliiiiiiary Dlatrlbntlena and (jrrand Hchenae, there will be distributed i-- Premluiuai. anuitintlug to in IWOO PBEHIIS8 FROM $.10 TO $30,000. si 1st Preliminary Dlslrlbntlon, Srpt.lS.'M. I l'remlam al St.jiKl 0 1 ' : 2jM 2.00U I " .. 1.0M 1.(5.0 " ao i.oo 6 " 100 60S 10 " 50 90S sfls " an n tOO Premlnms amonntlng fJ0(4aS ad Prelimlnarr Dlatrlbntlon, Art. 16. Preinlom of. SSuoo ( S.00S 1 ' .1,000 H.0TJ9 1 " 1.500 :..". a Too ai " ISO 75 IS " . 75 7BS 4oJl - 4i 1941 fits Premlnms ainoitnttng to M DMrlbntlo". !Iot. IS. ';. 1 Premium of W.i0 $ s.OI 10 40 Mi rtaunuma aoioauling lu ;,ooii 3S,100 l,IMM) M UK1K, DEC. "7. 1 Premium uf 10 16 2m. an .m lOOO Premiums amotiDi ug to. . 101 W 15.00S lugs 10 0.4. AJUW ",000 2,0 ; -- .ft 3S .. 70 e.Tf Whole Certiorates,":; Klr-- t JnFtalmeut, 113. ITstves, rst Instalment. S M. (gunners. SIS: Ftist mstalmeni, SI 25. Take noi ioe tht sastUSSSBal to tie paid for i iu luktaimtinlfl if pr mint, of lha whole sum the Fr.l, .Secon.i Third I're-llit- n iu' v Drstn tirai-.- slchemft. The vhole atuuunl may u paid al if preferred. By it", will ba seen that ihe airing of a :ru-- over ten cents per day, ,lnrr- - the mnmu. purchase a Quarter i'crt.flcst... keep ihe same renewed throagbont the whula asrles. If noi iltuwn out In second or third preumir.iinea. s Paid mthoat Oedartlon. AF" ertincatea may ordered tlirough or oruer eo direct froui All orders and conn express rlll receive tT Certltlcates Is- oi psnv Ag, nut, l.i iOuO I.OO) 2.000 .000 1.10 4S.SUt 11. S...i (MUiUI 10.OW 0 lri.nijo SM in.ouo .I50 S2S; and and once, plan lion srtt! :tnd nriil, auy may 4,(00 b purchased l rnm or f siot'icty's Agents, Ibis oflloe. iiuuicalluns by mall or ninpt atlenllnn. cared tha Com Yrtf M'JKK. JSl Hec- - una sircal, Eaat Court Mqusre, Memphis, Tenn. Ws IA LI LiS. iTesiil.Ut. AL5KI, . .!-:.- iieci alary. auiio del I SECOND DRAWING OF THJb Southern Asylum LAND COMPANY, TO TAKE PLACE AT HERNANDO. MIS8n AUGUST, 1867. I'ilK First Drawing, which took place at Her-- ii. ihe 'th IpsL.was atUrn Jed with unusoal success, when it ia rem rubs red that hut a few weeks front ihe oi ihe cuterprlse to thai event. 117.000 worto ot tickets having been sold, a Hke amount t preptirty wa drawn for, uuder the upervisioC of gentlemen selected hy the ticket holders .preseul. J he utmost harmony and good feeling jervaded ttiose and, as will be seen from the subjoined certificate or the Manages, the aflVlr wu conducted to a close in a most gratifying auU UaXcuiy .nauner: RkauEAFDO, Mts&, June 15, 1W. We hereby certify Ibal the above report of the Kfrtt lnwioef iha Atrylnm Is correct, and thnt the pnyceedlngs were charac- terised by a spirit of fairness aud Joatneas by any ura wing of which we have .wjay knowledga. The Managers of the Com- pany placed the tickets and whtets nnder oor raola rranasteinciit and oontrol. Signed: J-- B. MORUAN, ROUBHT TEMPLE, V. A. MEKKIWKTHBR, W. W. OAMPTON, M. HAOITIIir. JuHJv AJNHUE, Committee. J. M. HALL. Clerk. The Prises drawn on this occasion numbered Fortv-s- - vr-- and oomprhted lo sin the of Memphis, Tenn., Oorloth, Miss., aad Mia., deeds to which have been made to the lucky ticket-hoHera- . For tbls, the Sec- onal w r however, we are to offer our palronastlll more inducements interest the mseives In our scheme. From a lengthy list of property, much of which has already ht-- -n xdvertiaad to tbe public, weaelecl the following: OCR LIST OF PHIZES. The Ftrnt and Capital Prize. CoL At. C. aallowaf's valaabla real deuce, corner of Oourt .nd Third ui, Menini, one block only from the center of the city, and In the or all the rwleral, tat! and County i.mce I.ot 'Sl)i reel Iront by aH lp. Valaadatavu.000. Second Prize. A oottsa-- e residence of ten moras, with lot arrxico, In lhacitv ol Chlcsgo, III , only ihree-qus- r era of a mile from the heart ot the city, and wlibla one b oca of the street railroad every part or tha city, Valned at 1 hird Prise. On rasMencc lot adiolBirni above property, Kxltn teet; very available for residence ana desirably Valned atssoc. Fourth Prize. On residence rwiioinlna above property. 30x100 feet. Valued al SSUO. Fifth Prize, One residence lot adjotnlns above, also 13x100 feet, valued Sixth Prime. A roost valuable manufacturing; atte with a IH.rrM.tns. fall of S7 feet of nalei. altnated In Winston county, Alabama, with 181 acres ol laud. Valaedai IIO.UOO. Seventh Prime. The Krankiln Spr'ngs, Ml. at ...B;.Kn 4JNU through elapsed incep- tion proaent, Monthrrn vicinity able attractive vicinity located. Female Innltute, at Holly ..'.r-- i ,p.d we OD- - strucled acnuul bulidina, moat ellsibty located. Thi. 1. very desirable property, vaiuedai MTO0. Eighth Prize: iiv in Han' Memphlt. sir. 102x1X1 reeL A beautiful building lot. Valued IMS. Ninth nnuillj, leuunwr, iniou, - . mil the Thl very deslrab e, and an excellent Valued at 100. 111 to Tenth Prize Cottage Residence,'", rooms; lot lrxl7S foal r.u Borland avenue, near Memphla and Laxlesuia railroad, near cerporatlon Una Valned at 40m. twrs need, no purang nat speaks ros itself, and like good wine. no; rrgotivti by ikswe who Tickets each. May be had of. or ort4wed have tried it lln. repair, by a ll ul din- - ' through, any of the Company agents, at the wrighl. whose laouiry was baraed hy the Tail- Arencr, Mcmpula, I sou, or of Col. kees wh'ls ne waln the Confedarstti .errlce- - JanieaJStraln, Herasnup. his. (41a Handi.Uom and Leather, furnished at I Stocknoiders, Lnrectoi. and Officers of the aolory pricaa. order, solicited and iruroptly ComPfay are prnnioiisu 'r. drawlnaa. ,n o. W. K M A c. r. of A are are b 45 mi I4 I0O F .ire for it S ti- lot v. s. ..... : d sniAin. rjckf.ts In sav of he The Company e imply the mvojs for tbe purchase and ul. of real (stale between pnvpey held- - I .stead the general puhli.. mm INSURANCE AGENCIES NEW YORK PLANTERS' INSURANCE COMPAIY OF T5HI9SE. Capital. : : . boots-wes- t terser Up SUlrt, If, B. roBRCST F. F. DOUOHBTY W. H. DRDRICK T.. KBNYOW rayj daw ALL atom Main MxaUma. MKMPUIH, TE?r?iHBHZ. PHtLADKLPtllA, $2O0,000. JwaMowA. Jlenrelary. at Hecreoiry Nortli Amencan Life & Aeciient lm. Co., PA. P. H. ji irlNHoN, Agent Tennessee, Krulucay and Arkansas, IS MAdiMOn street. Memofils. Tenn. TO MY OLD FRIENDS I Test Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas. irfptsd a pTinOfnt Awnrr of HAVING UJriH MUTUAL UlFm INrtU-- I RAM COMPANY. I woold rpetfnl!y :wk the attention of :nj old iiienda to (hat Inatttn tion a a rafV, narftwtn and mltahl mfxtlrm throngd whHsh tly mar aaanre thalr ranniit-- n agaiuL aaat la evmat of deatk, or thm-- : Mlvea from an lmpverljttu9d old age In can uf '.n 'lm. Mr. h. OTLtt is aoo)atvi with mm una IB hareby recommendod lo public confidence, i UanufACturerl nv 'jnr ornee m a; n. ks mwii on ftrcnt, rear room', LM4olo Blook, where we will be happy to Impart any needed Information to Utoee ae firing; Life 1 uauranoe. lytU J H. MMATTi-- INS TJ BANC . Fire and Marine Home In 4 11 run.". Company of S(W TORK. Seeurltj- - . JBtojM 40 Inanranee Company OK 8r W VCrlK. . fl,OtB,70S Enterprisie Insnrmee Cat OF CliiCl.SM vn. Aaseta Jl,i0,ieD Putnam Inttarance Company Or HAHTFORD. CONJJ. ash rapltal ..SSCOJXX well esunr,staeil CompaLlea for nrnmp log. ana taelr large ita tliem to the favor 'if Hoi erty Holders who ilealre r either Klrenr Marine. oanles bnt those rtnlv am Joeai laws. Ail loanMaOji agency. plan. reputation of these aod honorable deal-i- n AaBsSt, eomtnend aneaa Men and Prop-eliah-le loan ranee, fur V'e represent no hy state and lateu and paid at thlo Lindsoy & Vredonburg, Ganerai Insnranoe Agents. No. 11 Maiilaon street (np stalrsl. , Tenn. MILLS, LUMBER, ETC. GAYOSO PLANING MILL LUMBER YARD, Ho. 213 Adams Street, East of Bayou Uayoao. Memphis, Ten a , Rnssrll. KrnTP A Pn Prnnrlpttirv. HAVK always on hand and for sale, at the Market mm for CASH, every Variety of Bailtlern IhTaterlal, oonalstlng in Kloorlng. tVUlng and Weather. uoarilltig. Dreasnd ami ITnureaae,!, iSasli Doors. aMlnds. Moulrllug, Lattles aud sitalr Matarall and Framing Lumber of all kinds. tnuKles, Ijihes, etc.. etc. , Orders solicited and promplly fttler. e,l to. Jill Planters and Men-unnt- s Attention. Tobacco, Toh-wro- , Tobacco. w E will forward to your addles., upon re ceipt of vnar orer enrlosing ihe chsIi, '.lie neat brand, of ..ear tobacco al tbn follow OAs prices : Beat Bright OoU Leaf Chewing Tobacco. 25 pounds SB 00 j Best Bnght Gold Leafsimoklng Tobacc.i. S pound. 5 OS Any one wishing lo engage In the sale of onr Tobacco, wlu reualva li uer cunt, upon all arneiimsof ICO pounds and hI".vp Addreiw, PLKAMANTJ (X)., aoT 'Im 4S4 Wast :heetnnts . Umisviile, Kv. r. STASI.KV. KINO. J. SMITH. titan Iry, Kin & Smith, Cotton Ja ctors COMMISSION MSBCHArTTS. .To. 473 Front Mr44 t. au.T daw ELLIOTT & CO., Ret'etvin, Fonfardinj? AM COH.MlSSKIJf S.BCHAXT9, No. PremscadB St-ee- t, Fcot of Jeflerson. tipp. SMcamiiost Lanuii Office MEM PHIS. TKSN. Dminr in Haj. OatK. orn. AND LT COT'NTRY PHODtTE, Tit. i Bra! S!rrt. artr Bsroo 8rld:e Hept-n.s- iwr. eel LUMBER! LUMBER F. D. MMEM iNo. 04 Popl.-i- r Street A aad C0 KR TilK MARKCT. ment ap2S RKOFFKRINU A LARUK AND WELLl selected lijt ol j4RM-BwM- l rplr B. a 3 Willie Pine find Framing Lumber I A T RKDUCED PRICKS. Also, rihlnsalee. Lsth. Ash. Yllow ant ls4.K:tr Pine r toorine. DrcMeil White Pne 'dur aii'i suiu:ng. r ai.i. jl J Inch Yell w Pine Si- p Lambtr, an J hav very ining oeior.gmg to me i.'iiuoer sassssl ELLIPTIC Lork-Slitc- h Sesing Marhliies. Thalr nt Superiority vindicated by; the I ecii"m of the Highest Authorities. Gold Medal, Fair Mary lud i imitate. 18M the highest premie ms nt ths Maryland ALL N-- York and Pennsylv. ula ntsvie Kalrs in 19An given on Hewing Machine. except one given for heavy t ather work at t he ypw lore rmr, Mier a svvtre ,mu ioipanimi test, were r war dec to tne namely, as Best Kamily Sewing Machine." " Rest Double-Threa- d Machine, " and for the Best Sample ol Sewing Machine Work." Machines iwhichare warranted for two year forwarded to any part ot the world, with prli.tad iwhlch will enable any one tw operate them without the s'lgntest dial cnlty for nse, on reerlet of the price in current rnnd or by disfl ; or,tbey msy ent, pay- ment to tx collected os "silvery . on reeeipi of ' aauiance that it will then be made; ano a orders irom a distance will be faithfully filled as If a personal visit and selec- tion had heen made. Agents wauted. For circulars, with samples of wi rk, audrean, ft. M. CO., Ml Broadway, N. T. D. B. Can. Hup't, aeAdawHw o fieri ns OUR BITTEK8 to the Soothern IN we have no hesitancy la aw art lng ihetr superiority over any Jtorthern u on in oar markets. In IBotr devuMcaaBt thoy ar purely Southern oompoundaO with a "LTIn.?..?S?' "t'fo" special adaptltud. lo varleua typaa of derangonaat prevalent In our cllmata It IS a gentle sUmulont te the uriflargoicg a severe lUneaa. 1 is a our for rryspeTAta. It assists Biaeation. It cures Dlarrfcea aud Cholera Morbus. It ISA preventive for Chill, and Fevera. an vompaauon ior traveling at all aeaaous al the year. .11, a Haa a entaxcrlsa, and after mm doia averywhere. Q. B. SBBEBT ck CO., VcaVB Hroprior., rabio ar VOLUME XVIL-NTJMB- ER 364 CARDS Insnranee. r EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO., MarlBAl onre. rite troailrrgy, YEW YORK. BKAT In JT Km pi re MACirrsrBCo. Vtilow Fever tnu amalr Pox. New Jnne, law. W. the ni too city of J testimony la slmin und f rem ik ineo, uerelo deneo we fe. powers of M VlY lor Uie 1 cllow Fevt i reliable C'jahton oaed ian:m la . . . aud Ptenied American, Vol, it w the only qualit ea easa n' the oioat elastli offlere.1 to am much Thet piled t, sAl'led. diUtiArd of beet i frle: lawlOm will 4rwiso Vobk, ta. Kitoen nawe, .nuth j liaa been linuwri to fall. . KrwariJfa lo avy Unlied Addmei J. iaA XA. BtXMdway. Yore. BILLIARD TABLES THF mrMa Billiard tue AG iec. 1W. been any ntaie. the ose-- l the est that can par'iasaU, and tlie ttiorocgi: the eei; Orni onlv Kay' Cue aathonueaio T SOAR DM AN', aRf & CO, PIANO-FORTE- S. WHOLESALE ! THE oWaVCattaatal wetU ilnn,aai i sola S3 BroadwaT, Vcw . Stewart 1 Where he I lie oi his returned. orders ti B ami riiw it siren. No repeated siy matte. K A 161 m aj C DBIRR. m, material worlrmen Agenry, UKf (c ihe in "eeut, an Deateuiant at X T. wl p aw all to aeo in.- - be of T. aw .1 all are 'or i"0 n DECKER. 1 Mm Opposite Acracv. h of thla inlillsiitsl a leas'xl to t'i, rami. ns. constant ina'te, Ding? Decker agen's lodged (Janal atrecta. City. pnblic. Tnrk cor- - e th. uiy K ..".IV -- ar- the j Siberia Ott, Tni Broadway, York HENRY, ROORE S GENUNG, ManuiVcturers and Jof'l.ers of CI.I )TIII G, xZ2 , opp. St. um Hotel. NEW YORK. PHILIP HENRY. J, formerly Henrys,, Mmith wesad. JOHN T. HKMiY, formerly of Haalstmiy ALKX?T. MOOIIE, ISAAC P. HV.SVSfi, for- - meriy with Henrys. tmth T.wnsen-i- W have readv a Iarr:-- handsome and wll assAtrtej ..tock of HEAlA-.MAl- UIjOXHIBO. :raoni.ictored hv us eic rtslvely 'ortb Srnth- - Trrute, wears piepaxesl ai Lower Prices time rince lJ New .eft ffth r any I .ssh and close Huycrw from The Jre In- - vit-- i examine oursUick hefore purcha.tng. wr lieiicve we outr Hum great .nuace- - men We will be io Ordenv bbbbI our exiarience The outlie-- n en- - alt'ewus nistKe lecttona wni u wlli be i lain give ut MwUtfaetlnn. lr4rrlpiHe CataJooea r-- ent by Titan ii noireo HbXRY. MTOREtt (iKNl 'NO, New York Ju1,1bs7. bJ2 iiroa.iway. if AwtocI2 TEB sV ILLIGEtt & CO., afaiiufactureis of the Improved Klauge Fire and Burglar Proof AFBS, With Combination .nd TV an iun from iiftiiUiartory West Muuaton Ht, Lsppoi, MHiurl. I.iiif, iier chants atmat, W.i.ile- - Otr. i'Steiuw, sspeel which Mslio huslne Triple Lovka. NEW YORK. WATCHED JEWE3LF.Y. MERRlfflftN. BYRO & CO., DOAUCOS IF WATCHES, DIAMONDS, aT sTC olry, Sliver Plattxl-Woro- : Watchma kers nfanufaoturcng Jewelers, 215 MAUI STREET, Opp. tfciuth Court MKatPHla. TKNN. PaJNTTNG. Jk.. r. DAVIS, PBACTICAI. HOUSE and SIGN PAINTEB, (Hiding, t9rtstiti(f, Glazing, Paper Hancinc, Kjisomliilii?, Etc Nhoo1s4 mion Jlreel. Eiuptic Machine, fat Southern Remedy. Instructions ELLIPTIC OOVERT, signature, KavauuKt )ajnpo?es. DR. C. W1LLIA 3' -- ARB- Cap New lonsr with S WOOD NAP THA, Recommended by distinguished members of the Medical Proleaalon. HIS Medicine will be (band on fair trial are having lie in m K A fit lng compounded most Iptea In lu em- - moat cleaned. Sedatives, are know p.eesa loa hcbest repute wlib all Intelligent members tt.e , N.pilia, well the Wild rr.errr, enters into Ita being trie uhfclAT REMKliy sosncoeaaluily used lit Con- sumption by tbe celebrate Dr. Hastings, of Loudon. oar The following evidence from the Rev. 4Y. Ii. r. Sawrle, siding of M.tho-d- i Episcopal for the Diatrlet of Alabama: Da Wiujams Drmr 1 take pleasure gl- - tng my tstlmunv to the virtues of your excellent Balaam of Cherry." Having used several o tiles In my family with decided Huvanlage every case, I can recommend the beat and moat ant meulclne 1 have ever seen, W. SAWRIE. Mold bv all resnectaole irrusalst. mecitv of MaatphU, and ilia oonthern and Western WepasMOar 14. 1817. sets Trustee's Sole. Iiy of Deed Trust mode me by I) w. vJ. llnllon ana on tne I day of lsSS, and the Register's I i race of Shelby ceunty.ln So. 67, art page 15S and 151, secure certain rnuebied. neea therein named, I will oa Krldar the nth dai Ocsobcr. tm Detwecn the hour fr'-u- t of the sucii, ttw0 !4o.SfHecoud nerer rroe .tri-.M- . he Btuilerv, tnreaiasongingtotheJ i.sing appcin aa recei of fse.. .er-Proo been lak lh Pr. Wild book i on and the met ' i ne.- I r i and o'clock s.m.. Paanaera highest bidders Single Cylinder Press Tru.lee. oaldtee.l EDUCATION AI TW SCHOOL, MEffiPHIS COLLEGE. tsw rvpartment nr THT will area an the FTkvr hi.n WTtiBEK. The loilowing the Faculty t'onstltutlonal lav --Oon. Aasearr iH.jors p,.p.i rt...'., . r,J.. . u 1 t.rUB, Law Admiralty uen. COTJB8B or 8TTJDT. HBHSIOrT. TJWIOR CLAHaV-- s ajonrta. walker's Amorieaii Law gen''. ns. Hwncwon rtiwrnai jw uaw Sam tHeptMoa PV Mm Srt-:o- N or JUNIOH :.a-- -s raootha oa Contracts, rirsonsoa Notes and AT s)Mfo!, rXA. o, W wlibnm lp; lord ana Tenaa ttotta, nory'a Manume Lam. WAV tnrtspr-i..'-.- . Diploma loos aw per Session, payable la Kuirsuc. ttr ag mi All Htodentaof aw cn attend 'roe tctnresof College, Inducing S Bs"atOPi aad if Taaiii aaat rmswk ushoioawu. by to wli! ho made to rsiai- -l aad a t? T Pn g juuav WLH8 ViCTOaUA will her chooi, !Vri. w. utKatiu, ail the SfttnclAy, the M mt T At to. im Mnnrrw the York a order I They a Utaeli Hoath can tolKi and and t. a a N.rth n sitaiea. a July, n use Co : - J ' f a i I I . ai rn one n. Tt fa ' ZT. at res. A Li : ' HI or N .. A T A ra t ' to .is is. in ' ce to re W ar at to in ts io ei aa aa la lu it aa ' in i. a. ra 1, ill A , il lo . A i .rr - lo a ' : explanations art'"'" a : I ii i ' " 11 SCHOOL. Htewart. atoter. Neplenther, the servteaa the fnltowtng - Prof. viliehen - wjaa lid MpanlSb : rrof. - i Prof. Millar, ib; - Fashionable Dancioj? icuj. MADAME LlTI8K,of New Orlrsna, woalc pert roily tnronnr. r. .... - Memphis she wcl boranoaaw p.m.. all tba same dar. for p ejiae re wh'x prtn'lpai tiook and mnsl e'ate and vale ramiliea given twiee a month i) ... tn m MASONIC COLLEGE, laroa, Traa iTTATKD thirty miles from Metncbls, aawaw aulas lfayetla Depot, A C.B. rACTJLTT l iorrwsros.A lreaic'ent Prtasjaanr AnelaDl Langnages Orwar Touso, 'inui Matbe- - matla: MtKisrsTT. A H , aalal aud Moral rtcleune sad teratnr . and baa react clenrr. Next ichieve thii SENOR HAM except IWKRM, renenuy aMLAwS Angnste tlonahle, ciralara, Profesaor Sngltsh ieg'tsh anil MsTtieenstts. farm. Kacn Larutuege at.-- I Jimsi AL Law Nrhool tub UNIVERSITY OF KISSISSIPP! ' OXFORD FACULTY JiH A . D a. L. t. C, , Professor. T'HK coarse 1 te:ma -- f nine month. Thetnethod nf !nruetv aminKtlons, daUy. upon y snch and lalion aad foeai aiijodl ueee arr. M.xit ronrta will he :be practice will eonforra e.pct : the rules, modes kohk- atctlot. adopted U 1. Iflairirt ot the Z Circuit Conrt the s. u&reuie i ourt of 4. Circuit m ... d. haucery cmn of M Probate Court. 7. High ' oart Vrr-T- he Law Ubrary nuint. volumes. Ths Law tn have Hlrat tpva ailvau Ci ad Treat Btiona day at sb-:- h of .enrge uu that .in-- n O M. R. 8. of au'4 rr (j. x. w. am tt. of be In of th. en iar a mplstd and Appt tatlent, ol u TEXX BOOKS: TTtAA. r. rs wme 2nIr eaei ftplnc i; ,..;a the Proi.j tier alnaaa. which, w". B.. MM, L T u arawtone-- s ivrnimentarlee. Ke- - f, oTnm. :arl. MK.ry As. t.v SKiry . n Hailtneat Story .n Fartnerah p. Jiylta nautA oat Uontracts, Htepben Fl, ading, sasrxoa teak- - Mooi Cecil. Ureeodeaf n Evidence Mian 1 Ktjully, AmM, a Ames Cornoraojaaat Bj.cs-stone,4- th lu cotjneciiou w lilt i lnali'odeof MhouAMppl .jnde sisalpni. A lllploma flon this Hrfaool ia enulvwiessi a license for practice in At.ssi.-sipi,- i Tnltton fee, sso par tarm, ermnpenaoi, ihe 9th Hepttmber Iter .ti end, the 34th of June, law MEMPHIS COIaLEQE. iFsiramerly St. Tier. B H. reyRD, LUO.. President. DTJPBKX, PTOfeaanr ol Lananaaaa. .Profesaor Maltxntatla. JAlTWOs; Engllrti Dsrartniant Session O&fns Sondav. Srptrafcer 2Btl. M' 1 :cs raa sxaetosr rmt mo i wa : sVnlor Clasa. Inclndlnc Latin. Grrek am'. 1,1 11 II 11 , Ma OA Jutitt.r,Frnlih Branrhesu-atl- n sn. (ireek linmmai ' Sw Primary advants- - . EAGLE COTTON ClNii. oTRAI BS' riRtfrr O Wlieeier, Madden Ai circular aawa " Hall-- s Swont, Por aula Paatory prt. ea or Ml-COMB-S & CO., SOLE AGEXTj, Tlom. 3381 and 334 stain SfrpM, ansQ MEMP"!.. TCSfi. NEW FALL MILLINERY. MRS. M. C. HUNTER ' Southern Emporium of Fashion, QflQ t-- a Main Strajojt, Orpoaite Court Square. t I'iiF ladle, will and all toe latest X theseaae- millinery and fancy good, all uvib. - mane ana trimmed n ... Fnlmonic Balsam or wilfi rriPrTTi,.j;!,' '. Tniouaa., omju, "u w niKtrer to order. saoqtu ,d wrappings, ready made, for aala. selj win given the opening day. THE Dl$ 0KBY0F THE Afii. N O material which baa ever been tllaeoveied haa greater benedta in the honae- - hold e ocomy ihan llwlSlfe MAGIC SOAl. eompoaitton I' Is a saving Invention, aa well aa aa to rateable remedy in Scorsv scald Head. Ernp- - ,.uus ui , i I. mum i . ... by t?s .naUon of the ralnabl moved from tha the Teeth w Ixrectorants. Anodynes and cleana Plaie and Jewelry which Israeli composition, Elder tr.e Church, CHABLt air: "Pulmonic i:eaa- - IX r. throughout virtue of orower recorded of le newspaper j). to la the CI. HIUUST. prise ateen T. advaors. of ezpianaiM.a jaiaaai. r. Jx-o- of rallvtheniea Fayette Citaaty, north and. IS W DEL. atndv th Court of ui usand ford, nr. Osied of or of srs rf ..n tot Bins. on on mi in of J. p. or leauoni Ffre Proof an sovi.iiaaof or made be labor head, d. Wood to to 11 ol A. aa an B. hooki at in 0. on 'i or frectnally removed rrom Carpet. Furniture, "entire. Paint, Varnish or Marble, with the -- rsateai facility and without Injury to theme ertal. It I a peat aavlng of time and labcr elothea, 11 '.a the only Known Coan Ich will waab llannela with iheeaaeot col- - ton or linen wttnout rnillag or sbrtnklna. these imponealoUeraeean beenweted wit Inyary to the akin or the moat delicate faorlca. ?' seesc. no uw. halloo, s wnalerer. Tli. world 1, coal eoged to proouce a aoau whlen pooseowi an many valuanle pre pert! ea and wbleh la ao innocuous ana was. It la a home invention, and deCes competition m any part of the world. It haa beeotn a ni naau. la Mempt's, and Ita uaa la rapidly spreaaloc .brougheni ihedonth, and .entoaily win tend over the Yankee states. North an Sean America, t nrope. As' a, Africa and OcaaotSao. Manulactaredeolely by C P. Moblmaey, Meaa-phi- s, Tenn., and sold at tbe following nlacoa In ihe city at wnolale and retail : Page Co. l Dean's. Taylar"s Drug Htore. Poplar nreet-Klng'- .svrner of Third and Adoaaa : A Co. . isrfloio Bls. Madlaou 'f bo found at any respeetaole 'inti--y irocerviw drng store. The proartattrr la dwesraaauwd thai ... msnnfacture .hall knew ran mmjh . i . idly extending demand for its noa. auis Notice to Tax Payers. TAX BOOKS lor the year ! .487 or new THE and I ahall Immediately proceed to collect seeordlog to law. All tax have PkRs-.NA'- l'ROPERTT "JT at one, or they will and their taxea In thi, bands of Constable who are anthorlxeti to du. train a sumciency to pay all taxes. PHILIP UARVIW Tay Collector ahelcy county, faar, Offloo JTorthwest Oornor JoArawi and Third SfcasSa. SoSJ

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Post on 29-Jun-2020




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Page 1: THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL,.€¦ · Ivvgl AN!1 FAR eUTROFON, wld resume hut In where be win re--DR. WM Cr Mtl foond Kooin No, and House, corner Ma.n wner.-treat aril advi allied, Ae






rBK'K ' Mt'BICRIPTIH.Daily (In iduw per annum : : (11 on

" " ptrk r aTo per com II tWeekir per annum (Id idruei) ; IN

uor-- No 4ub.rtir.tion entered on oar malfbook, for lees Umi than one mootk.

B4TDI : ADTEBTIStfAM.One qare lniienion

additional Ineertlonout week :::::::two waeaa :::;::three kione monm

aw All advertisement o.

M first Insertion.- Eight lines or enlla a


equare.atr AJJ adveniiwraeou In iheBpedal Notice

eolamn will be charger oenu per line.aar Marriage death notions pnhMahad aa

other advertisement,ar All advertisements fertile Arras matt O.

handed In at the Clerk ' deak.TmMeia wiaa! paid or

mm- - AdverUaement. the Weekly paperwill Is. charged earae rate, per week orconth, aa We Halle, nlear wr apeclai


""" : : : : :

On r friends are rer; nested





effects to send as swaacntxira, aad fill tip ocrt.st1. and also to forward anj Items of newsthet msybe o'snfllclenl local lmponaaos towarrart their publication.

TmatMs) or W KIT at I. Y.- an mdeqemect to get an elaba. we hart

BWJ following scale of juices, which areti as oar current offias agpensss will admitMlOne "opr, on rear ft 111To etnbscf ten or more, each t 4 00

lanartaVv in ndnowf .

Masonic directory.

HEBREWst TtarL 301

let heahTetnlas Ktatev,IM Tay van. tSla! Sbe-rah- 2at A. , -- i

1st N-- aan 24

la: at, Jutn JxxtylJt alinl, Lrftll AUgUJL,


Stan: 1 jansiay. a "0.?s. Frtdiiy Wtii April.

eaaitay, list Apisi,"AMSQ.(sr.. aih 11.7, M

tint Andrewroar.


isonnsi.ev.'--T niiinand Main.

W. 11 JohnSorrH RtAai

asc1: m mlJ. T. Heila:




i 7 Ofs




r 6.





em r. iai7.



Day. Ail, SoTMBMr eaenlaumm


Wo. lag. Mart let Holiday InII.. Hall ear. Toon

P. 8 Former. Front street.Beamish, Sec'y.

B in. Meets d Friday ofi Kali, cor Madison aad eooo&d.

oar atodTaooan'l second. JohnAJilie. w. M.- H. p. Woodward. Hoc

Hi:L- - s Ro. jOf Meets Id Fnday of oaehBtODth Hal!. P. at fltaaley.W W H. Bntts. Sec

luvvusis.. No. l D.) Meeu ti Frldasor ec- - month M Tront street. John J.Worsham, J', W. at ; tt. K Bee

BOTAL AJtCH.raws i'Lar-'er-. !tn 4. Meets Jd Monday of oaeh

month s' Hsli. i Zeat, M. EH P.; B. M. Lavy. See'y.

K. (51 S. M.

Kcaxaa ionncll. Nc. i Maata 3d afonday ofaoch atooth i sid- - r allows' UaXi. John XenLTh. IL.; J. Wlggla. Kac.

aaoaaaanaacraasa Coimandery. v o Meets 4th Hoc-ds- v

or each moi:Ux. John ZenL Coaa.; W. J. j

Vt'iggi s , Roc

.. AK1 A.". SCOTTISH lilTfc.Alt rrinM aeet.

r Perfecion. 14th So. I.Wednesday

et es h mouth. Hetiy j'. "A'siijil.V i .trie H i s. r ... lti o.aac.-- .

atirasAs Lod of Perfoc.ion, 14th.; Ho. 1Meet ch Wednesday eacn month. GeorgeMeilersh..C.t. Ok. ; A. H. KtanAiand, 3lsl,Hoc.'.

Caaii-hi- '"ooccllcf Pr.aees'C Jtrnsalein, 19th.:So. L Benj. K. PnCan, S3d., Tarab . ;







raa toneTol

K- -h, 'th.,





ISAAC ISAACS,!64 2 Jefferson Street.

Ail exeennsrt with and diepaVrb.and eolira aatiafacilon guaranteed

wirS ts mars

j.i. soon

Tfiog. Hunt at Co.,PREMIUM





rrour., ISth.,


Essas. JsbnDodge

Done abort notice

orders cearnoawhen

nw.H. i.

(eutreuicij Cluthea Cleaned

uawra.tii vjvoUa store


TI corr.fl'aree wtin a tleoga mods1 commnulcatfon Februaryhoo. Mayr aat4 Board Alderman


Memphis bvLight lompaiij

hare determl ied reduce prtca tbalr..upplled after

afirst Day of December next

loweat ratelog aCSTaw. SS

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proved x - .1... tijir, e tnem to sup

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luthen setaa- -

thai in ea.tbey will supply their 4e- -

Osve-- Third, or X.AM Uuin One- - Thirdthe Kate tnbhhri by

Bitch Competitor.

Tbtsr Works wars Willi a view o' .Lg ttw owners Lr :Ae.t time D's, as .r. as for ha publle cured! cure

awii stsnlug suck '.nten loo. tkar !!sail or furniab

llatat at s Mere Fraetlon

of lbs price aakad bj any competing ot op- -poali.g Cwtor-auy- .

M w M,






WII MMSt--leu:.

WHITHAN BROS.,ManufaiCiurers o: an Iea.eis ln

PRINTING PAPER,aSw.SS Sjoraaieaal eat. Sa. S7 Aualh t osrl

rwbl'c ssssr, Atreet. Wemphls.

w bat

J. oard.






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tMB- -

will b rely Ul on si.,raIneabeds lli bs civlr.e i lota flia proof com- -

wa lm. nu by nock,, uu ocrsd w.tli uniSosew. S have pattoi.laed us for tha iaal tWoseasons, and ihoa - whw ma have prspoaad to '

doer. real soured Ws

wi i be rly ror : hatn.Ws oasign cat rfiuWilng a i ouoo Or.m prtan In

ocr upon aA ad- -

wl.4 b. ready bf tba lot of Oo--

ioir er aoooer. Tbe pis.gia.iiy o onr aatab- -

iment U the riser rrnttaia ihr handling ofaotAos o .nveiji. ni tnai a a can tranalar oou..n for shipment by river fraaut arayage. Tnatulvanuiat o' t iie poallean ta auual laona d.aya. a on sll chiton sent lor oonipreasmenl fromothet war ail t.u'es, while on all cousin lo ourwarehouse for compesfcrnont Uiere nan be twodrasaaMSSSvslncs U wou.d be asswsy for j.

.1. - - - .jj urun.- - LeT

to lorn It oat In the ordinary way tar transferay draya


J. M,VX&aAJLtarua of Br4uaiV

Goodhar A Co.





J. K G:- Mi.airn.Iaie with Huii th-

eorist, taace A Go.

COOOBAR a CILLILAND.Kze:nwrv Whoiasal Dealers la


jfo, gOl MaH Hi., H cbMier Block,,Batwaas Adaznt so 1 Waahlngtoa,

AtaMPHta, tbi;




DR 13. A.. I"OEH!AN!1 FAR eUTROFON, wld resume hutIvvgl In where be win re- -



foond Kooin No, andHouse, corner Ma.n

wner . - treat aril adviallied,Ae and long experieoall can raliev.-d- , nocase, or bow longother, be dealree thoeritosuutcKn

ear in.pecial attention.

No.ape dsrwlr







1SVUKAM.K.wjialeo recelv rm


HIN SON,838 Main Street.

t BL' I LP I St..

DKISTTISTS,So. 117 Cwrwer Sec ad Adams Sits ,

EH! -



andA, riliOCK.


in tolm

r,f r.d B.ihe n:"

beof nti all



Attorneys at Law.'OFFICE:

He. 817 Second Street, near cornerof Monroe.

sets lmBO WIUCaOSTBS, BoaiKT A, HATCHKa.Late of ...... Ten Late of M:nsoux1

WUit HltilfiS & fiATCUEii.TTOREV3 AT ABfl (ienerai Co!"lectins Agent. Second Mlreet,

Tennflai ee.

A. m L. 13. McK :.i,

WHIGHT & McKISICK,Attorneys at Lnw

removed orBor to the KitHAVE Block, and 4, uJ- -

- street. mys

slbkbt r:;li boh,um Kocr. aja.




pikk ABAHS,393 lL, MempLls.


Solicitor in Chancery,

Little Rock. - - Arkansft- -

WUl prvtice la Fsdarsl and StateCoorU. t'ollec Ions promptly tended to.

nm trDUOS.


A Wiil Prsctl" In the : Tti:ca.uoahama. Bolivar. Washington and Isannenna







trU. c. fran'tr.No. Tnlon New Orlesn


Tnaert the hoop inslot, draw it tight



All oil. lias lasteiing hy this ethrsl orew!li bo at as


sis, ara Io

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When the lever of thepress is raiaod the tiefasten itself by the out-

ward pressure of the

Wo sola agents aad prepared flilfor the


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HwX Iran Bociis Tic,

i'mis. We sre hnvinglured of the must superior lrou

Use Usl.IK..

t;en. ...vui.u Kutclianls.?y. rasT. nni






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bave made eateus saU. tbe for ;heae

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In!nn U Cnn.i Oiruerstllbg

CHAU31 It. 4 t.ATTISG.No. Bi rsrnndel. strset, S. O.

Our Latest ImprovedNEW SCALE PIANO-FORT- S.

GROVESTEEN & CO.,4.V4V Hroatluoy Y.

mHKfc luatrtiiu' nt. hl nioe flaMsrrlng

It haa heeu oar sHm-- daring '.hethru,-- j yan that have laanufas'iurslPiano. isaJsj thmmtti ot which are now inIn the'd KtAtea and Kurope, ie fir thflnaaX Intirument at he lowett oaat u. rupe-rl-

fatlititswi eiiuhie um otTei thnn irom cuethree dnllara than any otber

Klrni Houae.Tna nv of theaelnrtrunu nt are remaikale




jf tM.ngand to

an utiieyItsked in thrtouatauavi roomer rent and

and -- arpeui.ri'ai luaUujaeut la




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'laiia. fln.(rm

SC trdided, andI for nvMany

Wanttt Jrom ii : .sm'.ss tjrri.SITUATION In a Whnleaala (JruceryA preferred, by a man of -- leads Mors ' nar-acte- r.

He has had auona xperlence InHis txissirta to

Cblckssaw, Oktibbeha, Lowudea, Mournand roatoloc t.ouatiea, atia.. I'eife.ct sellsfac-tio-

giv. n OS to cl.sractar, qua,lrlc.tiu, sic.For the pieaeat address P, Box -- j, Coruatb.aif

Executor' ben ny unui :, ilic u. :r. ofNOTICEBaUia, dtreaeed. and all pattlas

that wa, ssaurvlvlug exeeutoi, of aaid(.tats, have this day riled our aceoaii , ucb,with John 1.04UIU.. Cleik ot the county mnof ebelby eooai;. . where parlies concerned rancooaa forward and cxruine an.e

SAMl'SI. MuciBY.ANetaaon c Bvriiri.

ftu. rising Kxooutora.Maispma, Oiltmbar 11, 1tt. salliw.

MEMPHISrao oi r TBATci.iwn roRinronHIJame. Buchanan TbxM'eii aieeene

VY be. lined I vrraatlen With the r.xPrcldeat Hla ttllllrnl ftrnliiuenls

I.ahi-astx- Pxwi. . September 27. IHS7.

line lieauliCn ..m.-ii- is noted (orlha residence of two raen wbo have, occit- -tiietl a very larire spare in tbeblalory of ourcountry. Janies Buoliaiiao, the rajre ofWheatland, resides m mile from here,and Thad. Me vena, the Marat of theprt-aei- tre, has hu home io the southeru central portion of the city. Bothgentlemen have numerous friend andInveterate enemies There la a consid-erable dhTerrnce, however, apparent inthe character of the two elaaaea. Theuenple universally ood Irrespective offwl Irs resrveel Mr etiieh.n.n and sre

0f neighbor and iHtikee.




Hia political enemies do not express anypersonal dislike to him. To MrSt. iens, even many of his politicalcuui peers liav An utter dislike auU

Personally be is exceedinglylu.pupular witli ail classes, but politicallyhtataajrt intellect aod geeiue forces re-

spect from bis adherents and followers.Hie intimate personal friends, however.are itewnied tn him. He is a man ofox- -






man hp



rrsnri'lnary Intelligence and invention, remedy cAse wssand he has facility operating Ad- - precisely the platform of Calhoun. Itvantageousiy character of persons was precisely upon that platform thewho his leadership. He ie south defended tier right secession,peerless in his his party, What did the next of

application of congress? He that he had befores!I the trickery and used him a the fpiwanMaT ofin political machinery. He is cadave-- 1 and resolutions introitucc-- intorou., heartless, looking individual, legislature, as preliminary steps to- -

on-- isve brow illsfionesty is stamped, ward dissolving tne union. Jut .. raiseIn a" his professional career a aClan, he has had numerous in-

cluding knewuotkingism,anti slavery, etc.,eiteesrt lost item,he has never been or consistent.As as Aboritioniet, he has ever been aconscientious And practical advocate of

principles. He has carriedthis to the extent of maintaining a

leman, notwithstanding dis- -

reuutanic practice, u is saia mat mereare wtii:e




Any that,


who Lave used every What stronger oould scriptions of money Garibaldianmeans r,.ss'ble ti one them- -; he have used' didn't to A

legitimate of dissolution of unlou when he hadb use natLe. Thad. evidence of steps to dissolve Itsick two weeks, and right and hesatelites are much exercised constantly was speaking obHaatlcii his eonilition There noon oath. He declares before andin mis gar tlnn take place, Hia country does not

wouM re to to dissolve union. But aowparty. His physician is Dr. Carpen- - is all tne men who lookrer, is also the fajnily atMr. Buchanan. Dr. Carpenter is one of And iu SAme speech he said :

most opponents of " I assail no man's motives. Ithat lives north. During war pondered enough on mindhe was deC'.iineed constantly as to know that

rebel and traitor, ' much more dotAined position defiantly and boldly opinions actions than we are genthronehout the ..ontesi. and at pent time, is a prominent workerin the ranks opposing radicalism.He occupies t marked position in hisprofession, and Is very largelyby many radicals who love tne pnysicianlint alsimioate the man. His name willbe treasured hy thousands in the south,

received his attentions kindly now no doubt I shouldoffices when they were prisoners, principles opposite to those '

ciaPv Much he of I hold."' this as Mason, and a great because hail been inhe had a strong south he would been as good a

southern man as Davis. Again,Yesterday I visited in he :

Buchanan. During few Let us, if we can, reconcile the unionhe been in feeble health, and at present is slowly recovering, though can-not bear much fatigue. Eighteen yesrshave elapsed since I had last seenHe is now seventy yeartof age ; is large iu person, will weightwo hundred and twenty-fiv- e pounds, isover six feet height, very alow inmovement, and evidences much feeble-ness of b,dy, much brightnessand activity of Intellect. His hairis and very thin overhead. eye unusually bright. Hehas never used snectacles, and reads non- -

yareil print easily without fatigue, I kuow

I li

rca ol liim. 'hat are extant are amonguniversa ,y ajbOwUeAM representations at

He me that he' takes do interest in politics, not ex--

any opiniwrs, and cannot rorin anyKiea whither drifting, uor the of imlepenri- -

' nrjfw.'is or results, tie sani' iha- - when the war was in progress hisI whole heart was in the union ; that bej could brook the idea of disuuion,

'hat. therefore, he anxiously hopedj tor the suce-- s of the north to prevent

disruption, Lu: when the war closedcould not see any wisdom or consist-- 1

N y in the United 8lates government'pursuing any other course thatwhich was embodied in the treaty pro- -

I posed by Sherman and accepted hy j

i when he surrendered. TheIrritating; and tyrannical policy thathas been pursued hy the party in

and the prostitution of everyconstitutional right andsacred principley it has dkrtracted the nation since, havealways repugnant to him, whetherv. a in a politicAl or christiAU light.

rssBld uor any sympathy with)j any other than a most humane and con- -

ti y towards the eofcqtiered.He was well aware Ihe southern peoplewould not be outdone tn generosity, and



Thathave just


him.just past seven












if on their thatnorth south would

efforts restoration and recover-- I they ooaUi'0 try prosperity government

their ne is v.guy ,;her course. regard that, when ii

course extcutive it was his advice, wasdutv iilace on record the reasons lorh e i fiicial conduct, aud that being done,be rested, aaticiied in the contsiiousuesnof haviDo; risjit, that poli-

ces lietioeforth have no clairus uponhim. I have found bis Lookto lie a satisfactory egpositionof bis jomluct. Every document, paper,

s carefully ilafed and retVrencse areoaSnta liireconisiliat l anuot be galnsayedor refuted. The sage of W beat land doesuot fear tbe reeord of sdminis-UAUu- u

will sm itHikuueii its i ii I a

thnti sny others who occupiedthe presidential seat.

Mr. ltuohauAu is a Past Master MasonIn I r Lotlste. He has seldom.ii the Lodge during the paet yeArs,i eesaaw of his age reUred bobits, yothis adiulratioii of the nnier is Kroat, aoahis uractire of Its prerepU unabated.This reminds that all theof Ihe I'nitfcd States .except Lincoln)were Masons.

WheatiAL.I. the oonntry residence ofMr. Bnchsnan, is an old fashioned ci un-'r- y

very English in appearance.It is situated a mile west of Lancaster,

Columbia anil Mariettapikes. Tbe house fronts on the lattir. Aplain up and down whitewashed paled

with picket tops, extends along tbepike in front of the law n. Tbe grounds

re regular and pleasing their outline.The space between the walks aud road-

ways are well grassed and shaded bylofty oaks, beneath which smaller trees,-- briilis and hedgerows luxuriate, and arenot closely trimmed or trained. Thereis a pleasing air of contentment andcomfort lu alt the surroundings of ibisiieliubtful old lawn occupiesats.ut tea acres, and on its soutberu line- :arge, old fashioned two story brickhouse Is situated. A small portico, towhich eight or leu steps from Usree sidesi . is before tbe old fashioned mas-hr- a

iloor, which Is flanked by narrowwindows. This opened, a wide ball ap-pears. Oo tbe right hand Is A largedouble parlor ; on the is a small

is as a reception room.It is comfortably furnished withhair-dot- covered chairs, A

table with books, andat one et.d Is a large square piano.Here Mr. Hucliauau receives visitors andgnasts, and hers the most modest citizeuof the republic may feel himself perfectlya: home in the presence of the greatman, who is uot exceedingly plain

ilrees and manners, but also one of therflhbte and genial gentlemen of

age. He recounts to his listeners memo-- i

ts fall of pleaaaot things andt bat would full of to tbe gen-er-

reader. thousands oftba great men tbe nation have gath-ered, mi ' many of the great questionssnd plans of the past fifty yearsshaped ami provided lor. library,sitting rooms and bed rooms are on trie

floor and stairs. whole'!:irhment is very plain anpre-- i

ending, and much in keeping with itsroaster.

From there is A vastamount of very beautiful scenery visible.Several raogi's lulls abruptly break off'hi the Appalachian chain moun-

tains, and tbe spurs end In this vicinity.Their depths famish enormous wealth ofIron, coal, nickel, silver, limestone, slate,eta. Ueaiitiful rollingsurfaoes spread be-.o-re

tbe view over many miles. Everyacre is thoroughly cultivated, audthe whole lioeoru of Uie land thereto be a continuous village. Sparklingcitt ks, bright rivuiets, sbiuipg andlovely lakes ore every where visible andmote numerous than auy where else onaaslh Far in ihe west north,the dim, misty Allegbaoies bound theborir.'.u with undulating outlines,which turn to faintest purple dieaway In crimson flashes this even-i- t

g's g. ifious sunset hues. smokeof tumbling trains Is here visible fromsix railways. Telegraph wires, canals,,pikes and railroads form a curious net-wo-

over all thesurfAoeof tbe country.Schools and colleges are numerously

and six ooltnu mills pouring outfrom ihfrir receeees a continuous rattling,hum of machinery, and manofaoturtdfAbrica tbAt Are incalculable io valua.This county justly CAlled ube gardenspot oi the world,


The Aldea Pragraoime.We umlrstaud that, in cose tbe Aider.

Itrs gain poesessiou of lite city, tbey pro-pose to leave tbe police

m $talu quo, and abide by tbeaeoisioo of courts. We are furtherassured that, uuder oo circumstances,will tbey give tbese police il2u,0(jfor paai services uot rendered. A-uthority for tbese statementa is a


8,OKI o If n H lis

Hie)sj i i csi.The following portlorsnf a speech

by Judge Tharmao, in Ohio. Is resdibleAnd instructive :

Now, ait some down to this gentle-man they the, actine vice presidentof the United Htates, who, in this city, afew weeks was crying for moreblood, as if this country, heaven defendus, kAd i. t enoutrh bino ishei! in ;iie past

yean! Dfcin sndh, who nay thatevery southern leader ought have beenhung, and that their northern sympa-thisers ought to been hung, too,that It was s on the part of thegovernment that they cot. Whatkind of a if to tajk lliat wJVIn lS8,In thesenateof the Vnlreir --Hfrtf-tinder the solemnity of his oath, he de-

clared, in the presence of the southernleaders in the nresence of JeffersonDavis, and Toombs and Mason, and thewhole of rfanm, that he, rjami KrfllcWads MIsTPdatal! ttmes tn the wis'

the constitutionality, end the pro-

priety of the Virginia resolutions of 179K

and 17:.'-- And put upon them, thatprecisely the Calhoun Interprets-tio- a

the Interpretation that in the lastresort each snate must iudffe for itselfboth as whether the consii'u- -tlon had been violated, andthe in snch a " That

the ofevery

acknowledge ofmanipulation of he say At session

And incomparable in tiis saiddemagognery message of South

a Carolina,cold that

in the






his voice to remonstrate against them ?Did he South Carolina to reconsider what she was doing, and to stay inthe unioa. or did he threaten her withthe vengeance of the general governmentif she went on with her disunion steps ?

Not one word of such thing sisbut he told her and he told the worldthese are his words " This isaction : " these steps to dissolvethe union, and " I do uot or)ect.

ladies words Mum for themake of H oi)ect

selves the mistress his theanil has been very the the

during the Bast his before him in the senate,nnder the his

of is God histo his that he oijcl to these

irreparable the radical efforts theH. he for hanging

who physician of him his word.the

the violent radicals havein the the the human

a cop- - and human action circura-perliea-

but he main- - stances have to a'ith ourhi. aud









bis features











erally willing to i am now ablack republican, as you call me, imbued,I hope, with the principles of universalfreedom and reai democracy Its advo-cate on all oecosions but If I had beenborn on the other side of the if I hodbeen nurtured by those who hold princi-ples diametrically opposite to those i

who and profess, haveespe- - diametrically

at did nowa deal is, that if he born

sympathy withrei4a. Jefferson

Jaa. that snme speech, saidweeks "










with the best interests of sections andall parties, so thus it may endureforever, as I aaMewa it may aaM

if other sections thiuk o! herwise ifthey find it cannot he done consistentlywith their interests I do not expect themtn act in opposition to heir well settledconvictions of interest."

In the same speech he :

" That there is a great controversy be-

tween the different htates of this unioneaunot be denied. I do not i here toupbraiil man fur being the advocateof either side ol that great eoiiiroversy.

very wall th;it it ha arisen, independently of Ihe wftl or

action of any man of any section. Itis not under the control ol any man ofany section."

Then, slter stating that hi t badof parties are adopted old declaration









euce as .... oasis oi lis p. .itit;a, govern-ment, and after referring ta th .ioctnneof the declaration, that a PAJaaaa havethe right to throw off their ancient gov-ernment, anil establish one more condu-cive to their welfare, aud applying thisto the people of the soiilli,threais to dissolve the union, he said

"I hold they have right. Iwill not blame any jieopie fof x rearingit whenever they think the contingencyhas come "

Thus he told Jefferson Davis to his face,Toombs t his face, Wigisul to his face,Hanson to his face every one of thesesouthern leaders to his face :

" I will not blame you for destroyingthis government erecting another

conducive to your inicreata, when-ever you think'- - -

Not I think, not when the Gov-ernment thinks, not when the peoplethink, but whenever you think thecontingency has coin". yet thisman, who told in tie assailed in

tncy were put honor, that man s motive, if he hail beenthey would have outdone the In he have been just like ibera,

al who told them erect ou thean the conn its and ruins of their another more

grestnes-- . He had no sympathy with omducive welfare the ryWith lo his man these people foilovv.

as an he felt his the loudest iu his .Tins

done ami

M ulthat



areme presidents





lor, which used


that arebe interest

In this room,


-- ame above Tbeand



andthe of

i Tue

via-ble, are













ps.-t- v














for blood, for plunder, for confiscation,and for banishment : ami lie is the manwhose appetite for blood is not yet satis-fle-

but It still goes on crying like afamished tiger for his prey, and not onlyaliasing those men who followed hi advice, hut abusiug tini eighteen bunurt--thousand ieinourst of the north whonever had any opinion at all Inconsis-tent v. :i the ,.; servafl .u of the union.

Now, ict fr-in- ls, t lie 'ime ilid comewhen 'be south thought tie contingencyspi-ke- of by Mr. Wade had arrived ;

that its interests required that it shouldgo out of the union. It wasagreu1 mis-take ; a fearful blunder. But tin- - timecame when they thought so. and whenthey hod Aright to expiot Mr. Wade tostAid up to his word Tbey had heardhim make that declaration, and they be-

lieved bespoke his reaiaentimeuts. TheyIsdieved that if they seceded there wouldbe at -; one man in the senate uf tbeUnited State-- , Benjamin F. Wade, whowould say, "They have a right to goout. Let them depart in peace." Thatis what tbe south thought. Thty hadLincoln ou their aide, according to hisspeech, and they had Chief JusticeChase, and they hail Edwin U. Stanton,who, according u Aii-er- t ii. liruwn, ofMississippi, even after Mississippi se-

ceded, told bim she had dune right, andnot to let her bock down. They had allthese men, all theso saints of the radicalcalendar, thus encouraging them to gooat, and they had no right to suspectthat these meu wi uld cat their ownwords aud become the loudest in the cryfor slaughter and blood.


The following is a correct copy of thecircular recently addressed by the sec-

retary of the treasury to officers and em-

ployees of bis department, in relation tofurnishing information to the reportersof the publle press:


is. pumber 24, 1W7. J

GcnVcmm : Notwithstanding the ruleof the department loilMUiliog any of itsoffleers, clerks or employoas to eon vr toany person whatsoever not iilSlikally ftnflnected with it any Information regardingthe public hueint as, nub ss with

approbation of tbe secretary amiassistant secretary, or head of a bureau,the department is continually embar-rassed, and ttre ptjblle interest seriouslyeomprtimiatMi, by the ooaimuuicaliou olimportaut it. format ion to the publicpressor to Individuals, which could notpossibly have heeu made puhlio exceptthrough an Inexcusable breach of officialduty on the pait of some persou con-nected with tba departmeut or its bu-

reaus.1 ... ir.--- that you will nail the atteation

of every clerk and employee In your re-

spective bureaus to the subject, and warnthem that the department requires auexact observance of the rule, and that aprompt and dishonorable dismissal willfollow an infraction of it.

It Is to be particularly noted that theprohibition covers tbe evil practice whichis belived to be quite prevalent, thoughoften from Innocent motives, of carryingoo private correspondence in relation topublic Dueiues. All oniutnutiicalionsupon business of the department must bemade by competent authority, and forma part of the oftlotal record.

In connection with, and as a part ofthis subject, your atteuliou is also calledto the regulation forbidding tbe admis-sio- u

to aoy port of aoy nflL-- iu the de-partment of any reporter of the publicpress or other person not iiejuugiug tothe deportment, unless In connectionwith tbe business of the office, ond withthe permission of tbe head of the bureauorobiefolerk lliereof.

Vsrr respectfotly,h. c. Mcculloch,

Secretary of the Treasury.

OaosMISliUaaml Teal.We are glad to learu that the efficacy

of me pr caideui' innmssy prnclauiAtioLIn removing the political disability of acitisen is about to lie tested in a court ftbe United States. The MontgomeryMail, of the 22d ult., says : " Tbe Hon.8. P. Bice, of this city, yesterday wentbefore the board of registration,subscribed to a registration oath,and. claimed the right to register asa voter under tbe late amnesty procIamA-tio- n

of President Johnson, and was re-

fused. Judge Blee will at once test theconstitutionality of the law and the pro-clamation before tbe United States court.This is the first cam uuder tne proclama-tion, and we are glad lo know that themattertis to be tested and decided by thelegal tribunals. Trie affidavit was modebefore W. K.sornmisslnnar

vvyAtt, united states





Washington, October 7. (en. 8her-ms- n

arrived this morning, in response toa telegram from the president, and duringthe day OAlied on the president And Gen.Orasik

Benor Bomern yesterday took leave ofthe president, and subsequently called atthe olak dopitrtment to present HenorMarescbal, secretary of legation, ascharge d' alfalres of the MexIcAtJ repnb- -

Havana, October 7. A special saysIntelligence has been received per French."'earner Louisiana, just arrived ir mi .St.Thomas, that a serlnus engagemest teokplace on the 13th ult. before Fort Blos-som, on the borders of Ht. Domingo, buton Haytiau Ihe t.acos Maytianrevolutionists, who are specially J.oOU P I U Jju. 3,

' of tto President Holnave, and who inpossession of the fort, hoisted the whiteflag on the and while iiolnave'stroops were proceeding to take possessionof the fort they were tired upon And cutti pieces by the revwiutionisbj. Somerelatives of "the first families of

are among the falUn.London, October 6. The report that

Sir August B. Paget la to he sent toWashington as British embassador, toreplace the late Sir Frederick Bruce, iscontradicted.

Dispatches from Itime .tare that treatagitation and alarm prevails in that city.

There was a decline of in consolsyesterday ; quoted at for money.

i.oRF.Ni E, October fl Dispatches are ONEarriving memorial pouring in fromall cities of the kingdom demanding thatR ime be made the capitAl uf Italy. The

throughout the urge subthese





volunteer wno uave oeeu woniiuco inthe fights which have occurred in VI- -

terbo.Paris, October ft. It is reported that

Napoleon has informed the governmentof Italy that It may occupy '.ho Romanterritory with its troops, but 'hey mustnot enter the city 01 Rome.


Cotton IaotorAND


MEMPHIS, TENN.AlTVANirBB-flnpplI- ea atIIREKAI. ("omm ss oq par !i3iis 'jtton.

uua iioliar pec Bait.

Jo the Cotton PUtuternof Went Ten- -f" AUtouiMi, Mississippi anulArkartHtt:

The uiid' rlirnrxl raspe atfally Lemlera hlaaer- -

vlra aa Bafjajat ior tha fue of your cotton init ' My. anil or the purchawe of yonr suppllea.

'J'lje u i. ti.ikt.4- iMiuluftUua mI tha war,wuicii so QMttiriailv aifecWd the bat inierauof thttttou Ji, haaialao Uad IN effect upon thet.Diuiiunruuu aj Biunsui iiau-aii-

oetwe-- u iuuu' and marchani. You uoubt- -lena Wfll rocnt ni with what penitiacity (pre--

us to Wori, aniountln( lu AOJueiUrituuot-t- .

io annnraaor. yuu wer aoliclteU lor yonr liual- -

UOeaa Ml .life ikU Ol tltlj Coll per baitt Dlllllli- Iroe f drayaKG, and jtoreii fur tweiva

muntlui without charge. Then wi beia'u 'i the producer waa tba rull element,

aud hign rut, ricrh landlurda and intrcriantkl tue ot plsUitera' patxouao. o

people or occu pat Ion naTo ben inarn srrlouVyprotiate.i than planter and ng, Ajuinone o tuucri deaervo to 1h ' and aidedIn their uninrtunate :nn-- condition. Howth t tid ho uiLich UA4Nlud u uietsod autyou I opine two wail know. OtiernOH Kovem-in:- it

taxea la aeu-r:ii- , ovnfJ a prctal tax aponT'lurleadl ai roductlou. Cotton, large prollta..mi un7nadU) pay n: .:; lurntnned,oommtssrtoTiB on alPr riTKlnjr frrmi M 10 $6

prr hale, inontaly s.rage ut ex irbdaut prica1.. i uiii roe k per nfrmnc : yourf jont a tied, an a Kuni total w lil leave you hut

ir l U miu' UilUii upou wliitJi to rnbuUd jour.rpi t rjriniAa. o to com pet t wrfh rhaunworderor urtatrs ; .sftutjO. When I withdrewFrom :l)r niton and vmmiia.ron Boiin--- . inln(K. prlTte retUMniH iuu UM me to UaIIi ve thatI would ntv r riiauRf iuli again. The goUol-Q-

t.r nf many were iorMtrr p- -:

i .and adt-ri'r- ' i'i p onio: the lU'erHt: of'he tin oomrmtnity ao far aa my feeble

. ijortJ can to eo, and the apprirfnt want ofcrn'i'u (a sornmuully that Intimet1 pant tended ao materlnMy to the

of Matnph h and It mrrcantl e ,omniu-n- il

y li.ts di tajfUhMd me again to offi r tny aer- - j

vloei in the capacity a .Htat-- d TiieHtocks T cTrtoneiin The Cnftnl iit- - nr.d hoitsupp it-- in tin hnnds a " v Kugland manu- -

fctnr-- hatTiuts,-- mje advance :n ricemrrom lha latedepreaalon, hence early naiea mayta; prudent and remunerative ; uvck waa thecse the i'aM twoaeaaona. and many planttbrahave baa :ause to lezrp? :lie actiug upon thao"rofmtn pnicMtt'taf lioldlng and Urawna;

upon tbttlr cotiu. I wfSnld ao planter '

Uj 'end forward hfBcolVjn tiiileaa he wiahed itnwld upon ttic flnt dcllTB mark. t. It can heheld at h me much - thn In HaopaVia.v, v liaxv' s for llln-- ' cotton will be One OilUw peg hale. .nsurauC off. clou in ail cjiaes ifM' inairuiit'd to ire contrarr. rnaii buy yourautplleafrom whoeai hwatea, at van; y ou thetianedt uf Name, tla ururt, by strict attentttmto all Uie Jepartmenta of our bualneaa, I hopeto merit a large of patronage.

Very Tarnvclfollv.aM tt. A. MOON.


Elastic Stitch and Lock Stitch

fe, 9 '. ' Ti. vkelU suli oanaVCfwCV vSBas oowBlw

i vK Mo aaaW .......fspajjaadaaHaw uubo... mmmHW


if the ia rover t Baker mlichi$4)ia Beat,

1. It la mace edmpie. durable, and lata liableto ilerbDgrmint than othern.

2. It ttwi tonri ordmaiy spoolt, and noof thread la neoeasary.

S. It bewa with ius facility all fabrics, themot i delicate anil tbe heaviest, and with all

of thread, bUlc.outton orltun.4. iu seam 'a ao Wrong and e attle that !t

never hreaks. even on the blaa.5. ft fatitenaboth eadeof the seam by ita own

operation.A ita seam, though cut at every alxth stitch,

remaiusdrtn.and neither rane or ravtlti in "a ear.7. Ita seam la more plump and beautifnl, and

retalua lla plnioputas. and. oeauLy alter waeh-iD-

than any other.k. Ita afim can he rtmo-ex- l in altetlng

after prnt ins trot lion without pica-lu-

or cutting Ibera.Watching aid varying the tenaonaupon

MietiATvadb nm iwy in Hiker inarhuiea eusnecessary tn this The tension being oace ad-justed on tbaUroveraud Uaker Machine, any

, aewang may tie dooewtxhont ehatll It makes oeautilul embroider' without

any cuanae 01 ariangemeut, aimpiy by iaaej-t-

loglhreaorsof DlUbie ale. a and colors for thJaIt f the only machine that botheurpoae. and news p necti) .

for Clrealar.tiBOTSB & BAKER'S 9. a. CO..

Jyl3 Main htreot. I'd Stairs.



Wholesale GrocersAnn

IMPORTERS,.Vo. 66 OowimoT Street,

NEW ORLEANS.attention lvan to thPARnCTJLA! Uugar and Molasses.


Commercial Bank or Tenuesssa, alempbls ,

Pike, Brother. New Orleans;H. A. Hnnvsn. Ranker. Ht. tOs. felrtW if


Wholeeale and RetailDEALERS






plantation snrruEB

a. e. roai.ia. . w. mTMKi.Ka. a. i. Msacras.

BURNET HOUSE,Horlbwest Corner Tine aad Third Sit.,


A. !'. JOaLHi t Bts, Proprleton.Nil lm

EUREKA AND PRATT'Ssoviaenjf maax

COTTO CJF siraSKAaiN separates J.Hits,nell, and

JL sticks from the fla. d Cotton, sad will nayfor Ueett la on crop of 60 but. PKaTT'si

iririn. U..rhl,,Q 1 U H E RT,

riirrlnrut.! 71nw.llaunt Ageat sr rtanlel Pn.14


NO GIFT ENTERPRISEOr any other Nwioelle !

iB8rn KMrrnr state axdHlTi.s LOTfKRIEB.


ldKY are drawn under siiate Charters ; have1 kwsndrawu for over FORTY YRAKM.

Bolide must, ne sod dapna ted wlUi L". B.Collector as rteenrlty.

The prises m drawn In public by two swornComnilisUiiierssppolnted by tile .Slate.

Most be drawn If Uckete sold or not--

PRIZES ALL CASH.ThM afn two Htt Uruwinjrt acti day, And

two Havana Iawliitfn ck mouUu.Irw!ntfF can mu two hours alter par-

ch m of ticket.i. ttae r Prism.

PrlxtM puld n tiny of purobaj.Ttcke-ti- II to t.tkvr .niinK'o SctMme.PriiAHfi to $100,000, vjnflng w, dctinme.Principal Aifi-n- t, 1M. W. VAN VOAJbT, No.

iii.jem-ri- ' mreew.


soil.opnosed R OS.were



press country




$253,950 IN 9000 CERTIFICATES





XlMlsalppI Agrtrnltarsi, Bdarstlenalaad Manofarlarine Aid Society

at rie&sbarg, Mln.

Chartered hy an Act or the Leglslatnre ofpassed Feliruury itj. 1SS7,

following receipt :mm the State Treea-- !L urer -- xhihlta the far trat the tloclety haa

paid into the Stale Treasury the kuoi of FivoThousand uollara fur the iKoeflt of the StateUniversity.

COPT OF RECEIPT.No. !17 tete of Five Thousand

t Dollura, tlLate Treaanry, Jckaon :

Beceivd of W. D Lylea, Preaident, etc., perCB. White, the sum of Five TboUHandgUoilaniin fhll af Auuitstu,'a receipt warrant No. 127tdated July 18. A. I). lHtTT, In his favor, on accountof University of MlrM.-lppi- , under Hth sectionof Act of Fehmarv it. IH87, entitled ao Act

the Miaslreippi AKnt ulturtl, iiuucatlonal aed Manufa tnrinK Aid Society.

i! ven under my nnd and seal at office this18th of July, A.I; , 1897.

johj. n. tn Lwfl, tate rroasurer.

In the Three Prelliiiiiiary Dlatrlbntlena and(jrrand Hchenae, there will be distributed i--

Premluiuai. anuitintlug to in IWOO

PBEHIIS8 FROM $.10 TO $30,000. si1st Preliminary Dlslrlbntlon, Srpt.lS.'M.

I l'remlam al St.jiKl 01 ' : 2jM 2.00UI " .. 1.0M 1.(5.0

" ao i.oo6 " 100 60S

10 " 50 90Ssfls " an ntOO Premlnms amonntlng fJ0(4aS

ad Prelimlnarr Dlatrlbntlon, Art. 16.Preinlom of. SSuoo ( S.00S

1 ' .1,000 H.0TJ91 " 1.500 :..".a Too ai

" ISO 75IS " . 75 7BS

4oJl - 4i 1941

fits Premlnms ainoitnttng to

M DMrlbntlo". !Iot. IS. ';.1 Premium of W.i0 $ s.OI


40Mi rtaunuma aoioauling lu



l,IMM) M UK1K, DEC. "7.1 Premium uf




lOOO Premiums amotiDi ug to.



15.00S lugs10 0.4.

AJUW",000 2,0




e.TfWhole Certiorates,":; Klr-- t JnFtalmeut, 113.ITstves, rst Instalment. S M.(gunners. SIS: Ftist mstalmeni, SI 25.

Take noi ioe tht sastUSSSBal to tie paid fori iu luktaimtinlfl if pr mint, of lha

whole sum the Fr.l, .Secon.i Third I're-llit- n

iu' v Drstn tirai-.- slchemft.The vhole atuuunl may u paid al if

preferred. By it", will ba seen that iheairing of a :ru-- over ten cents per day,,lnrr- - the mnmu. purchase a Quarteri'crt.flcst... keep ihe same renewedthroagbont the whula asrles. If noi iltuwn outIn second or third preumir.iinea.

s Paid mthoat Oedartlon.

AF" ertincatea mayordered tliroughor oruer eo direct froui

All orders and connexpress rlll receive tT

Certltlcates Is- oipsnv Ag, nut, l.i

iOuOI.OO) 2.000



11.S...i (MUiUI














b purchased l rnm orf siot'icty's Agents,Ibis oflloe.iiuuicalluns by mall orninpt atlenllnn.cared tha Com

Yrtf M'JKK. JSl Hec- -

una sircal, Eaat Court Mqusre, Memphis, Tenn.Ws IA LI LiS. iTesiil.Ut.

AL5KI, . .!-:.- iieci alary. auiio del I


Southern AsylumLAND COMPANY,



I'ilK First Drawing, which took place at Her--ii. ihe 'th IpsL.was atUrn Jed

with unusoal success, when it ia rem rubs redthat hut a few weeks front ihe

oi ihe cuterprlse to thai event. 117.000worto ot tickets having been sold, a Hkeamount t preptirty wa drawn for, uuder theupervisioC of gentlemen selected hy the ticket

holders .preseul. J he utmost harmony andgood feeling jervaded ttiose and, aswill be seen from the subjoined certificate orthe Manages, the aflVlr wu conducted to aclose in a most gratifying auU UaXcuiy.nauner:

RkauEAFDO, Mts&, June 15, 1W.We hereby certify Ibal the above report of

the Kfrtt lnwioef iha Atrylnm Iscorrect, and thnt the pnyceedlngs were charac-terised by a spirit of fairness aud Joatneas

by any urawing of which we have.wjay knowledga. The Managers of the Com-pany placed the tickets and whtets nnder oorraola rranasteinciit and oontrol.


Committee.J. M. HALL. Clerk.

The Prises drawn on this occasion numberedFortv-s- - vr-- and oomprhted lo sin theof Memphis, Tenn., Oorloth, Miss., aad

Mia., deeds to which have been madeto the lucky ticket-hoHera- . For tbls, the Sec-onal w r however, we are to offer ourpalronastlll more inducementsinterest the mseives In our scheme. From alengthy list of property, much of which hasalready ht-- -n xdvertiaad to tbe public, weaeleclthe following:


The Ftrnt and Capital Prize.CoL At. C. aallowaf's valaabla real deuce,

corner of Oourt .nd Third ui, Menini,one block only from the center of the city, andIn the or all the rwleral, tat! andCounty i.mce I.ot 'Sl)i reel Iront by aH lp.Valaadatavu.000.

Second Prize.A oottsa--e residence of ten moras, with lot

arrxico, In lhacitv ol Chlcsgo, III , only ihree-qus- r

era of a mile from the heart ot the city,and wlibla one b oca of the street railroad

every part or tha city, Valned at

1 hird Prise.On rasMencc lot adiolBirni above property,

Kxltn teet; very available for residence anadesirably Valned atssoc.

Fourth Prize.On residence rwiioinlna above property.

30x100 feet. Valued al SSUO.

Fifth Prize,One residence lot adjotnlns above, also 13x100

feet, valued

Sixth Prime.A roost valuable manufacturing; atte with a

IH.rrM.tns. fall of S7 feet of nalei. altnated InWinston county, Alabama, with 181 acres ollaud. Valaedai IIO.UOO.

Seventh Prime.The Krankiln

Spr'ngs, Ml.





elapsed incep-tion







Female Innltute, at Holly..'.r-- i ,p.d we OD- -

strucled acnuul bulidina, moat ellsibty located.Thi. 1. very desirable property, vaiuedai MTO0.

Eighth Prize:iiv in Han' Memphlt.

sir. 102x1X1 reeL A beautiful building lot.Valued IMS.


nnuillj, leuunwr, iniou, - .mil

theThl very deslrab e, and an excellentValued at 100.



Tenth PrizeCottage Residence,'", rooms; lot lrxl7S foal

r.u Borland avenue, near Memphla andLaxlesuia railroad, near cerporatlon Una

Valned at 40m.

twrs need, no purang nat speaks ros itself, andlike good wine. no; rrgotivti by ikswe who Tickets each. May be had of. or ort4wedhave tried it lln. repair, by a l l ul din- -

' through, any of the Company agents, at thewrighl. whose laouiry was baraed hy the Tail- Arencr, Mcmpula, I sou, or of Col.kees wh'ls ne waln the Confedarstti .errlce- - JanieaJStraln, Herasnup. his.

(41a Handi.Uom and Leather, furnished at I Stocknoiders, Lnrectoi. and Officers of theaolory pricaa. order, solicited and iruroptly ComPfay are prnnioiisu 'r. ,n


W. K M Ac. r. of A



















sniAin. rjckf.ts In sav of he TheCompany e imply the mvojs for tbe purchaseand ul. of real (stale between pnvpey held- -

I .stead the general puhli.. mm



OF T5HI9SE.Capital. : : .

boots-wes-t terserUp SUlrt,


T.. KBNYOWrayj daw


Main MxaUma.




JwaMowA. Hecreoiry

Nortli Amencan Life & Aeciient lm. Co.,


P. H. ji irlNHoN, AgentTennessee, Krulucay and Arkansas,

IS MAdiMOn street. Memofils. Tenn.


Test Tennessee, Mississippiand Arkansas.

irfptsd a pTinOfnt Awnrr ofHAVING UJriH MUTUAL UlFm INrtU-- I

RAM COMPANY. I woold rpetfnl!y :wkthe attention of :nj old iiienda to (hat Inatttntion a a rafV, narftwtn and mltahl mfxtlrmthrongd whHsh tly mar aaanre thalr ranniit--n

agaiuL aaat la evmat of deatk, or thm-- :Mlvea from an lmpverljttu9d old age In canuf '.n 'lm.

Mr. h. OTLtt is aoo)atvi with mm una IB

hareby recommendod lo public confidence, i UanufACturerl nv'jnr ornee m a; n. ks mwii on ftrcnt, rearroom', LM4olo Blook, where we will be happyto Impart any needed Information to Utoee aefiring; Life 1 uauranoe.

lytU J H. MMATTi--

INS TJ BANC .Fire and MarineHome In 4 11 run.". Company of


Seeurltj- -

. JBtojM 40

Inanranee CompanyOK 8r W VCrlK.

. fl,OtB,70S

Enterprisie Insnrmee CatOF CliiCl.SM vn.

Aaseta Jl,i0,ieD

Putnam Inttarance CompanyOr HAHTFORD. CONJJ.

ash rapltal ..SSCOJXX

well esunr,staeilCompaLlea for nrnmp

log. ana taelr large itatliem to the favor 'if Hoierty Holders who ilealre r

either Klrenr Marine.oanles bnt those rtnlv am

Joeai laws. Ail loanMaOjiagency.


reputation of theseaod honorable deal-i- n

AaBsSt, eomtnendaneaa Men and Prop-eliah-le

loan ranee, furV'e represent no

hy state andlateu and paid at thlo

Lindsoy & Vredonburg,Ganerai Insnranoe Agents. No. 11 Maiilaon

street (np stalrsl. , Tenn.



LUMBER YARD,Ho. 213 Adams Street,

East of Bayou Uayoao. Memphis, Ten a ,

Rnssrll. KrnTP A Pn Prnnrlpttirv.

HAVK always on hand and for sale, at theMarket mm for CASH, every

Variety of Bailtlern IhTaterlal,oonalstlng in Kloorlng. tVUlng and Weather.uoarilltig. Dreasnd ami ITnureaae,!, iSasli Doors.aMlnds. Moulrllug, Lattles aud sitalr Mataralland Framing Lumber of all kinds. tnuKles,Ijihes, etc.. etc. ,

Orders solicited and promplly fttler. e,l to.

JillPlanters and Men-unnt- s Attention.Tobacco, Toh-wro- , Tobacco.

w E will forward to your addles., upon receipt of vnar orer enrlosing ihe chsIi,

'.lie neat brand, of ..ear tobacco al tbn followOAs prices :

Beat Bright OoU Leaf Chewing Tobacco.25 pounds SB 00 j

Best Bnght Gold Leafsimoklng Tobacc.i.S pound. 5 OS

Any one wishing lo engage In the sale of onrTobacco, wlu reualva li uer cunt, upon allarneiimsof ICO pounds and hI".vp

Addreiw, PLKAMANTJ (X).,aoT 'Im 4S4 Wast :heetnnts . Umisviile, Kv.


titan Iry, Kin & Smith,


.To. 473 Front Mr44 t.

au.T daw

ELLIOTT & CO.,Ret'etvin, Fonfardinj?


No. PremscadB St-ee- t,

Fcot of Jeflerson. tipp. SMcamiiost Lanuii


Dminr in


Tit. i Bra! S!rrt. artr Bsroo 8rld:eHept-n.s- iwr. eel


F. D. MMEMiNo. 04 Popl.-i- r Street








j4RM-BwM- l rplr




Willie Pine findFraming Lumber

I A T RKDUCED PRICKS.Also, rihlnsalee. Lsth. Ash. Yllow ant

ls4.K:tr Pine r toorine. DrcMeil White Pne'dur aii'i suiu:ng. r ai.i.

jl J Inch Yell w Pine Si- p Lambtr, an J havvery ining oeior.gmg to me i.'iiuoer sassssl

ELLIPTICLork-Slitc- h Sesing Marhliies.Thalr nt Superiority vindicated by;

the I ecii"m of the HighestAuthorities.

Gold Medal, Fair Mary lud i imitate. 18M

the highest premie ms nt ths MarylandALL N-- York and Pennsylv. ulantsvie Kalrs in 19An given on Hewing Machine.except one given for heavy t ather work at t heypw lore rmr, Mier a svvtre ,mu ioipanimitest, were rwar dec to tnenamely, as

Best Kamily Sewing Machine."" Rest Double-Threa- d Machine, " and for the

Best Sample ol Sewing Machine Work."

Machines iwhichare warranted for two yearforwarded to any part ot the world, withprli.tad iwhlch will enable anyone tw operate them without the s'lgntest dialcnlty for nse, on reerlet of the price in currentrnnd or by disfl ; or,tbey msy ent, pay-ment to tx collected os "silvery . on reeeipi of

' aauiance that it will then bemade; ano a orders irom a distance will befaithfully filled as If a personal visit and selec-tion had heen made.

Agents wauted. For circulars, with samplesof wi rk, audrean,

ft. M. CO.,Ml Broadway, N. T.

D. B. Can. Hup't, aeAdawHw

o fieri ns OUR BITTEK8 to the SoothernIN we have no hesitancy la awart lngihetr superiority over any Jtorthernu on in oar markets. In IBotr devuMcaaBt thoyar purely Southern oompoundaO with a

"LTIn.?..?S?' "t'fo" special adaptltud. lo varleua typaa ofderangonaat prevalent In our

cllmataIt IS a gentle sUmulont te the

uriflargoicg a severe lUneaa.1 is a our for rryspeTAta.

It assists Biaeation.It cures Dlarrfcea aud Cholera Morbus.It ISA preventive for Chill, and Fevera.

an vompaauon iortraveling at all aeaaous al the year.

.11, a Haaa entaxcrlsa, and


mm doia averywhere.Q. B. SBBEBT ck CO.,

VcaVB Hroprior.,rabio ar





MarlBAl onre. rite troailrrgy,YEW YORK.

BKAT InJT Km pi re


Vtilow Fever tnu amalr Pox.New Jnne, law.

W. the nitoo city of Jtestimonyla slminund frem ikineo, uerelodeneo we fe.powers of MVlY lor Uie1 cllow Fevt


reliable C'jahton oaedian:m la




aud PteniedAmerican, Vol,

it w the onlyqualit ea easa n'the oioat elastliofflere.1 to am


piled t,


of beet i







Kitoen nawe, .nuth j

liaa been linuwri to fall.. KrwariJfa lo avy

Unlied AddmeiJ. iaA XA.

BtXMdway. Yore.



AGiec. 1W.



ntaie. the ose-- l the est that canpar'iasaU, and tlie ttiorocgi:




onlvKay' Cue





wetU ilnn,aaii sola

S3 BroadwaT, Vcw. Stewart 1

Where he I lieoi his






it siren. No



K A161







(c ihe in"eeut, anDeateuiant



wl p

aw all to


in.- -











Acracv.h of thla

inlillsiitsl a

leas'xl tot'i,





Decker agen'slodged

(Janal atrecta.City.


Tnrkcor- -

e th.uiy



-- ar-

the j

Siberia Ott,Tni Broadway, York


ManuiVcturers and Jof'l.ers of

CI.I )TIII G,xZ2 , opp. St. um Hotel.

NEW YORK.PHILIP HENRY. J, formerly Henrys,,

Mmith wesad.JOHN T. HKMiY, formerly of HaalstmiyALKX?T. MOOIIE, ISAAC P. HV.SVSfi, for- -

meriy with Henrys. tmth T.wnsen-i-

W have readv a Iarr:-- handsome and wllassAtrtej ..tock of HEAlA-.MAl- UIjOXHIBO.:raoni.ictored hv us eic rtslvely 'ortb Srnth- -

Trrute, wears piepaxesl ai

Lower Pricestime rince lJ




r anyI .ssh and close Huycrw from The Jre In- -

vit-- i examine oursUick hefore purcha.tng.wr lieiicve we outr Hum great .nuace--

menWe will be io Ordenv bbbbI our

exiarience The outlie-- n en- -alt'ewus nistKe lecttona wni u wlli be i

lain give ut MwUtfaetlnn.lr4rrlpiHe CataJooea r-- ent by

Titan ii noireoHbXRY. MTOREtt (iKNl 'NO,

New York Ju1,1bs7. bJ2 iiroa.iway.ifAwtocI2

TEB sV ILLIGEtt & CO.,afaiiufactureis of the Improved Klauge

Fire and Burglar ProofAFBS,

With Combination .nd TV

an iun fromiiftiiUiartory West Muuaton Ht,Lsppoi, MHiurl. I.iiif, iier



W.i.ile- -











Sliver Plattxl-Woro- : Watchmakers nfanufaoturcng Jewelers,

215 MAUI STREET,Opp. tfciuth Court MKatPHla. TKNN.



HOUSE and SIGN PAINTEB,(Hiding, t9rtstiti(f, Glazing,

Paper Hancinc, Kjisomliilii?, Etc

Nhoo1s4 mionJlreel.Eiuptic Machine, fat Southern Remedy.







DR. C. W1LLIA 3'







WOOD NAP THA,Recommended by distinguished members of

the Medical Proleaalon.

HIS Medicine will be (band on fair trial

are having lie






lng compounded mostIptea In lu em- -


Sedatives, are know p.eesa loahcbest repute wlib all Intelligent memberstt.e ,

N.pilia, well the Wild rr.errr,enters into Ita being trieuhfclAT REMKliy sosncoeaaluily used lit Con-sumption by tbe celebrate Dr. Hastings, ofLoudon.

oar The following evidence from the Rev.4Y. Ii. r. Sawrle, siding of M.tho-d-i

Episcopal for the Diatrlet ofAlabama:

Da Wiujams Drmr 1 takepleasure gl- - tng my tstlmunv to the virtuesof your excellent Balaam ofCherry." Having used several o tiles In myfamily with decided Huvanlage every case, Ican recommend the beat and moatant meulclne 1 have ever seen,

W. SAWRIE.Mold bv all resnectaole irrusalst. mecitv

of MaatphU, and ilia oonthern andWestern

WepasMOar 14. 1817. sets

Trustee's Sole.Iiy of Deed Trust mode me byI) w. vJ. llnllon ana on tne

I day of lsSS, and the Register'sI

i race of Shelby ceunty.ln So. 67, artpage 15S and 151, secure certain rnuebied.neea therein named, I will oaKrldar the nth dai Ocsobcr. tmDetwecn the hourfr'-u- t of the sucii,

ttw0 !4o.SfHecoud











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and o'clock s.m..Paanaera

highest biddersSingle Cylinder Press




tsw rvpartment nrTHT will area an the FTkvr hi.nWTtiBEK. The loilowing

the Facultyt'onstltutlonal lav --Oon. Aasearr

iH.jors p,.p.i rt...'., . r,J.. . u


t.rUB, Law Admiralty uen.


walker's Amorieaii Law gen''.ns. Hwncwon rtiwrnai jwuaw Sam tHeptMoa PV

Mm Srt-:o- N or JUNIOH :.a-- -s

raoothaoa Contracts, rirsonsoa Notes and

AT s)Mfo!, rXA.

o, W wlibnmlp; lord ana Tenaa

ttotta, nory'aManume Lam.


tnrtspr-i..'-.- .

Diploma loosaw per Session, payable laKuirsuc. ttr ag mi

All Htodentaof aw cn attend 'roetctnresof College, InducingS Bs"atOPi aad if Taaiii aaatrmswk ushoioawu. by to

wli! ho made to rsiai- -l aad

a t? T Png juuavWLH8 ViCTOaUA

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the servteaa the fnltowtng- Prof. viliehen - wjaa

lid MpanlSb : rrof. - i

Prof. Millar, ib; -

Fashionable Dancioj? icuj.MADAME LlTI8K,of New Orlrsna, woalcpert roily tnronnr. r. .... -

Memphis she wcl boranoaaw

p.m.. all tba same dar.for

p ejiae re wh'xprtn'lpai tiook and mnsle'ate andvale ramilieagiven twiee a month






iTTATKD thirty miles from Metncbls, aawawaulas lfayetla Depot, A C.B.


iorrwsros.A lreaic'ent PrtasjaanrAnelaDl Langnages

Orwar Touso, 'inui Matbe- -matla: MtKisrsTT. A H , aalalaud Moral rtcleune sad teratnr .

and baa reactclenrr. Next

ichieve thii



IWKRM, renenuy

aMLAwS Angnste



ieg'tsh anil Kacn Larutuege at.--


Jimsi AL

Law Nrhooltub


FACULTYJiH A . D a.L. t. C, , Professor.

T'HK coarse1 te:ma -- f nine month.Thetnethod nf !nruetv

aminKtlons, daUy. upony snch andlalion aad foeai aiijodl

ueee arr.M.xit ronrta will he

:be practice will eonforrae.pct : the rules, modeskohk- atctlot. adopted U

1. Iflairirt ot theZ Circuit Conrt thes. u&reuie i ourt of4. Circuit m ...d. haucery cmn of M

Probate Court.7. High ' oart Vrr-T- he

Law Ubrary nuint.volumes.

Ths Law tn have




ad TreatBtiona day at

sb-:- h


.enrge uu

that .in-- n

O M. R.




rr (j. x.w.









a mplstd

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arawtone-- s ivrnimentarlee. Ke- - f, oTnm.:arl. MK.ry As. t.v SKiry . n HailtneatStory .n Fartnerah p. Jiylta nautA oatUontracts, Htepben Fl, ading,sasrxoa teak- -

Mooi Cecil. Ureeodeaf n Evidence Mian 1Ktjully, AmM, a Ames Cornoraojaaat Bj.cs-stone,4- th

lu cotjneciiou w lilt ilnali'odeof MhouAMppl .jndesisalpni.

A lllploma flon this Hrfaool ia enulvwiessia license for practice in At.ssi.-sipi,- iTnltton fee, sso par tarm,

ermnpenaoi, ihe 9th Hepttmber Iter .tiend, the 34th of June, law

MEMPHIS COIaLEQE.iFsiramerly St.

Tier. B H. reyRD, LUO.. President.DTJPBKX, PTOfeaanr ol Lananaaaa.

.Profesaor Maltxntatla.JAlTWOs; Engllrti Dsrartniant

Session O&fns Sondav. Srptrafcer 2Btl.

M' 1 :cs raa sxaetosr rmt mo i wa :

sVnlor Clasa. Inclndlnc Latin. Grrek am'.1,1 11 II 11 , Ma OAJutitt.r,Frnlih Branrhesu-atl- n sn. (ireek

linmmai ' SwPrimaryadvants- - .

EAGLE COTTON ClNii.oTRAI BS' riRtfrr MILI.siO Wlieeier, Madden A i circular aawa "Hall-- s

Swont,Por aula Paatory prt. ea or


Tlom. 3381 and 334 stain SfrpM,ansQ MEMP"!.. TCSfi.



Southern Emporium of Fashion,

QflQ t-- a Main Strajojt,

Orpoaite Court Square.

t I'iiF ladle, will and all toe latestX theseaae- millinery and fancy good, alluvib. - mane ana trimmed n ...

Fnlmonic Balsam or wilfi rriPrTTi,.j;!,' '. Tniouaa., omju,


w niKtrer to order.saoqtu ,d wrappings, ready made, for aala.

selj win given the opening day.

THE Dl$ 0KBY0F THE Afii.

N O material which baa ever been tllaeoveiedhaa greater benedta in the honae- -

hold e ocomy ihanllwlSlfe MAGIC SOAl.

eompoaittonI' Is a saving Invention, aa well aa aa torateable remedy in Scorsv scald Head. Ernp- -,.uus ui , i I. mum i . ...



.naUon of the ralnabl moved from tha the Teeth wIxrectorants. Anodynes and cleana Plaie and Jewelry


Israeli composition,

Elder tr.eChurch,

CHABLt air:"Pulmonic

i:eaa- -

IX r.throughout

virtue oforower



le newspaper















Fayette Citaaty,


















tot Bins.on







leauoniFfre Proof























frectnally removed rrom Carpet. Furniture,"entire. Paint, Varnish or Marble, with the

--rsateai facility and without Injury to themeertal. It I a peat aavlng of time and labcr

elothea, 11 '.a the only Known CoanIch will waab llannela with iheeaaeot col- -

ton or linen wttnout rnillag or sbrtnklna.these imponealoUeraeean beenweted witInyary to the akin or the moat delicate faorlca.

?' seesc. no uw. halloo, s wnalerer.Tli. world 1, coal eoged to proouce a aoauwhlen pooseowi an many valuanle pre pert! eaand wbleh la ao innocuous ana was. It la ahome invention, and deCes competition m anypart of the world. It haa beeotn a ni Mempt's, and Ita uaa la rapidly spreaaloc.brougheni ihedonth, and .entoaily wintend over the Yankee states. North an SeanAmerica, t nrope. As' a, Africa and OcaaotSao.Manulactaredeolely by C P. Moblmaey, Meaa-phi- s,

Tenn., and sold at tbe following nlacoa Inihe city at wnolale and retail : Page Co. lDean's. Taylar"s Drug Htore. Poplar nreet-Klng'-

.svrner of Third and Adoaaa : ACo. . isrfloio Bls. Madlaou 'fbo found at any respeetaole 'inti--y irocerviwdrng store. The proartattrr la dwesraaauwd thai... msnnfacture .hall knew ran mmjh . i .

idly extending demand for its noa. auis

Notice to Tax Payers.TAX BOOKS lor the year ! .487 or newTHE and I ahall Immediately proceed to

collect seeordlog to law. All taxhave PkRs-.NA'- l'ROPERTT "JTat one, or they will and their taxea In thi,bands of Constable who are anthorlxeti to du.train a sumciency to pay all taxes.

PHILIP UARVIWTay Collector ahelcy county, faar,

Offloo JTorthwest Oornor JoArawiand Third SfcasSa.