the medical side

Upload: jamesiridium

Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 The Medical Side


    The Medical Side

    (make sure Mr. Gs RAND study gets cited somewhere please)

    I said at the start that the police have no business in the practice of medicine, and I stand by this

    assessment. When legitimate terror threats to American security actually exist, it is difficult to watch our

    wire-tapping friends use such excoriating terms as narco-terrorism to use high-tech weapons on drug

    dealers, fearsome though they may be. Our fascination with imprisoning those who think differently

    than ourselves can be attributed the ancient notion of dangerous classes, otherwise known eternally

    as other. Ever since the Burlingame Commercial Treatya mid-19th

    century law which targeted

    Chinese-AmericansAmerica has made it her mission to root out thise who think differently, even at

    the cost of providing effective and efiicient patient care.

    It has long been known to researchers that cannabinoids (the active ingredient in cannabis)

    have a synergistic effect when combined with opioids. In other words, pain reduction can be achieved

    much more effectively by simultaneous administration of both morphine and marijuana. Plenty of

    medicine have come from folk sources and, like aspirin from willow bark, we have to learn to accept

    that substances can be used in various ways. The negative associations substances have are purely the

    result of our own mental constructs interfering with proper perception. Cannabis, like aspirin, is not

    intrinsically evil, and if cannabis can be used recreationally as well as medically, we will simply have to

    get used to this fact. Federal injunctions reduce state medical boards to mere vassals, and this type of

    infringement on medical dignity should be met with the strongest disapprobation.

    Unfettered study of cannabis, like the study of alcohol and tobacco, is a far more effective way

    to induce people to make healthy choices. Smoking and drinking rates have plummeted since the

    Surgeon General began attaching warnings to both, essentially proving my point. While it might be

    considered a small victory simply to remove cannabis from the Schedule I perch which it now currentlyinhabits, the truth is that such a win would be essentially irrelevant. Science doesnt preach self-

    regulation, it is predicated upon it, and the authorities in positions of medical authority are the most

    brilliant and gracious individuals American has to offer. Drug policy belongs to this band-on-the-run, and

    a gracious transfer of power is long overdue.

    The two main health arguments against cannabis are that it allegedly causes cancer, and that

    it acts as a Gateway Drug. The second proposition is absolutely ridiculous. Any substance known to

    man (milk, sugar, or beer to name a few) might be considered a gateway to harder substances.

    Disprovibng a negative is not a requirement of the scientific method, but all current research shows

    that any evidence of a gateway is simply spurious. On the flip side, Forbidden Fruit Syndrome is veryreal, and we must recognize that there is no way for the government to control unruly appetites and

    placing the burden upon the shoulders of public health officials would surely be welcome.