the meaning of karuna reiki


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The Meaning of Karuna

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translanted to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as "compassionate action." When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal. It is also stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by parjna or wisdom in order to have the right effect.

Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. They continually send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to us, but not all are receptive to it. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not only are you helping others, but you also become more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus your healing is quickened as well.

Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.

The Karuna Reiki® Class

This class is for anyone who has had Reiki Master training. It is complete with two levels, two attunements, four master symbols and eight treatment symbols. We have experimented with and taught this system since 1994 and have found it to be effective and powerful. In fact, most students find it more powerful than Usui Reiki! The energy has a more definite feeling to it. It works on the emotional and spiritual levels and also can help one become more grounded. Those who receive the attunements report experiences with their guides, angels, and higher self and feel the healing presence of other enlightened beings.

A brief description of the four Karuna® I symbols is given here: The first symbol prepares the client for deep healing and is useful with past life issues. It helps release karma and deeply seated issues on the cellular level. The second symbol heals deeply and can be used to breakup the negative patterns we unconsciously use to insulate ourselves from the truth, thus shattering delusion and denial. It heals the shadow self. The third symbol fills the person with love and restores balance. The fourth symbol completes the treatment by bringing the client back into the body and grounding. The Karuna II symbols are of a higher vibration and more powerful. They help connect directly with the Higher Self and work on a deeper level. While they have specific purposes discussed in class, the experience of their energy allows intuitive guidance in their use.

Both levels of Karuna Reik®i and both attunements will be given as well as instruction and practice on the use of all twelve symbols. You will be able to teach all four levels of Karuna Reiki®, two practitioner levels and two master levels after taking this class.

Lots of practice time is included for giving treatments, using the symbols and for learning the attunement processes.

We will also be doing a Reiki meditation to be aware of and heal the Shadow Self and using chanting and toning with Karuna Reiki®.

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Come network with other Reiki Masters from all over the country and often the world! This is an exciting workshop with lots of dedicated, high energy people.

A certificate and a 45 page manual is included with in depth descriptions of each symbol and each attunement process.

You will also be offered the opportunity to become a "Registered Karuna Reiki® Master" with The International Center for Reiki Training. You will then be able to use our manuals and your student certificates will come from the Center. If you would like more information on becoming this process, please contact us.

Classes taught all across the US and other countries. See our training schedule for dates and locations. Cost $875.00, $275.00 nonrefundable deposit. Class manual and certificate included. Practicing and Teaching Karuna Reiki®

The symbols can be used just like other Reiki symbols when giving Reiki treatments. When teaching, you can teach the whole method in one 3 day weekend as discribed above as long as your students are already Reiki Masters. Or Karuna Reiki® can be divided into four levels - two practitioner levels and two Master levels. A requirement for taking any of the Karuna practitioner levels is ART or what is also called Reiki 3a. By having and using the Usui master symbol for treatments, it causes the student to be able to hold more healing energy and thus get greater benefit from the Karuna training. Also, it is important that the student realize that Karuna training is not a substitute for Usui Reiki, but the next step after it.

In level one, teach the first four symbols from Karuna I, give the pracitioner attunement for them and time to practice their use. In level two, teach the second four symbols from Karuna II, give the attunement for them and time to practice. If the person is already a Reiki Master, you can go on to level three by giving the Master attunement for Karuna I , show how to do the attunements for Karuna I, and practice doing the attunements. In level four, give the Karuna II Master attunement, show how to do the attunements for Karuna II, and then practice doing the attunements

What is Possible for a Reiki Master? by William Lee Rand

Because of the nature of the master level and the energies that become available to us, being a Reiki master can be an ongoing process involving continuous personal growth. With the master attunement and the use of the master symbol, we receive the opportunity to open more and more completely to the limitless potential of Reiki and to develop in ourselves the qualities that are contained in the Reiki energy. Consider all the aspects of Reiki energy - besides the potential to heal virtually all illness, it also contains unlimited love, joy, peace, compassion, wisdom, abundance and even more. We know these are the qualities of Reiki because people experience them when giving or receiving Reiki treatments. They are especially apparent when we meditate on the source of Reiki. When doing so, many are lifted up into a safe place where they feel completely cared for and become aware of the wonderful possibilities that can come from within.

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When we contemplate these things it is easy to become overwhelmed with optimism and the confident understanding that all challenges in life can be met and that our lives can be a glorious experience. The Japanese name for the master level of Reiki is Shinpiden which means "Mystery Teaching." The mystery which is spoken of is the mystery of God's love, wisdom and power. It is a mystery because God has no boundaries; all the attributes of God including wonder, beauty and grace extend far beyond our ability to comprehend. No matter how developed we become, in this life or in any future level of existence, we will never fully understand it. This is why it is and will always remain a wonderful mystery.

When we receive the Usui master symbol and the attunement that empowers it, it creates the possibility for us to become aware of the Ultimate Reality. This is expressed in the definition of the Usui master symbol which indicates that it represents that part of the self that is already completely enlightened! When we use the master symbol, we are actually connecting with our own enlightened selves. This in fact, is the true source of Reiki energy - it actually comes from the deepest and most important part of our own nature, our own enlightened self!. While it may appear to some to come from outside ourselves appearing to come down through the crown chakra, this is actually an illusion and only appears this way because of our limited awareness.

Reiki comes to us by the Grace of God and it is this same Grace that heals us and fosters our personal growth. Yet development does not take place automatically. Reiki respects our free will and does not force development on us, but if we seek it and intend it, and use Reiki for this purpose, then certainly, we will be guided into a greater healing experience. Try this experiment. Begin doing Reiki on yourself using the master symbol with your hands in any position that is comfortable. (If you are not a Reiki master but have level I or II, try it anyway without the master symbol.) Then meditate on this affirmation. "I surrender completely to the Reiki energy and the source from which it comes." Repeat this affirmation over and over, then as the Reiki energy continues to flow, with your inner eye, look for the source of Reiki, either within yourself or above.

By doing this, you will have many important experiences. These are likely to include becoming more aware of how Reiki is working within you and feeling it's amazing qualities. New possibilities for personal growth will be presented and you will be invited to participate in life in a more meaningful way. As your awareness moves closer and closer to the source, you will become aware of amazing insights and have ever increasing experiences of joy, security and peace. This is a wonderful exercise and well worth the time. I suggest you do this everyday and as you do so, these experiences will become stronger. Then, if you choose to accept the healing changes that are presented, deep healing will begin taking place and you will also begin receiving guidance about how to improve your life. While this meditation is simple, it is also very powerful and can lead you into a very happy and healthy state of mind, creating lasting changes that will form the foundation of a more worthwhile life.

Reiki can guide you in ways to make it's healing power more beneficial and to heal more deeply. And at the same time, it is possible that Reiki will guide you to other healing techniques that are exactly right for you to use in addition to Reiki. You may also receive guidance about changes you need to make that require you to take action. Your ability to make decisions can improve, making it very easy to decide exactly what you need, who to associate with, where to work, etc. and this could result in an entirely new direction for your life!

When you are involved in the healing process, a good way to determine your progress is to use your outer world as an indication of your inner development. This works because we manifest our entire experience

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through our thoughts and intentions - both conscious and unconscious. When we experience something in our lives, it is because some part of our being has created it. When we accept this idea, and take complete responsibility for what takes place in our lives we enter a very powerful place. We can then change the things that are not healthy and improve every aspect of our lives.

If your outer world contains positive experiences, and you are enjoying your life, this means that your inner world is in a similar state. The reverse is also true, so when we experience painful things or are disappointed or experience things that foster fear, worry or doubt, this is also because some part of our inner being is out of balance and needs healing. If something unpleasant or unwanted takes place in your life, rather than blaming other people or circumstances outside yourself, direct your attention inward and look for the part of yourself that has created this unpleasant event. Then use your Reiki healing skills to nurture and heal this part. When you do this, the unpleasant experiences will stop and be replaced by healthy positive experiences.

As we continue on our healing path, we will become aware of a level of consciousness that resides deep within each of us that can bring a wonderful new way of living. It creates a new attitude that is entirely positive and brings with it the ability to solve many problems and create positive results that previously we did not think possible. This higher consciousness is what Jesus was experiencing when he performed miracles and when he had a profoundly positive effect on those around him.

This new consciousness is coming to many people now and in a short time will become the normal state for most of the people on earth. You might say that it is a higher aspect of Reiki consciousness, but it has gone by many names and it is becoming more and more available to all of us. Jesus spoke of it as the second coming of Christ and I believe that he did not mean that Jesus would return to earth as he did 2000 years ago, but that the spirit of the Christ would become available to all of us.

This Christ consciousness is not limited to those of the Christian religion, but is available to members of all religions and spiritual paths. In fact, this higher way of manifesting our lives has been part of all religious practices and has gone by many names depending on which religious or spiritual group named it. A breakthrough like this is possible with Reiki, so I encourage you to accept this possibility and work with it. Let us release all desire to hold onto negative ways that limit our happiness, but instead, embrace the inner light of Reiki. Within the source of Reiki resides the love of the universe. Those who focus on this love, and surrender to it's healing power are opening to wonderful changes that will lead not only to peace within, but to peace on earth

Distant Attunements by William Lee Rand

Some people have been doing distant Reiki attunements to initiate students into the use of Reiki and have asked me for more information on this subject. In this article I am writing about giving people the ability to use Reiki by using a distant attunement. This is different than doing the Healing Attunement which is only for healing. This article also pertains to receiving attunements from a DVD or online.

Actually, I was one of the first to introduce the idea of distant attunements and included it in my Reiki master manual as far back as 1991. However, I didn't intend for distant attunements to take the place of attunements done in person. My experience in working with others for over 20 years and in talking to those who have experienced distant attunements is that distant attunements can have some limited value under

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certain conditions and also can be used in an emergency or for unusual circumstances, but that for several reasons, they do not appear to be of equal value to attunements and training received in person.

I have several reasons for being cautious about the use of distant attunements or those received from a DVD or over the Internet. As stated above, I have communicated with many students who have done this. Most of those who received their first attunement at a distance and then went on to take Reiki training in person and receive the attunement in person have reported that while they did feel something from the distant attunement, or the DVD or online attunement, the attunement in person was much stronger and effective and that their Reiki was also much more effective after receiving the attunement in person. I have also consulted with very sensitive clairvoyants, and with my guides, and received a similar understanding about it. Also, I've talked this over with other well known and experienced Reiki teachers and received a similar understanding from them. It is also important to be aware of the fact that none of the original founders and developers of the Reiki system of healing used distant attunements. This includes Usui, Hayashi and Takata. So, after all this and giving the topic careful consideration, I continue to recommend that if a student is serious about learning Reiki, it is important that they learn Reiki in person from a qualified teacher.

While it may be possible for some to give distant attunements with some affect, important aspects are being left out. It seems that the physical touch is needed to transmit important metaphysical frequencies when the teacher touches the head, the neck and the hands etc. In addition, many want the physical touch as they intuitively understand that it transmits important psychological as well as physiological energies.

It is also important to realize that without really knowing the person who is to give the attunement, you really have no idea what they are transmitting to you. It may be Reiki, but it could be something else.

Often the issue of money is part of the distant attunement process. Because it takes very little time or effort to give a distant attunement and often a whole group is done at one time, the person offering distant attunements can offer them free or for a reduced price. If the cost of Reiki training is an issue, it is important to realize that often those who teach in person may be willing to barter or to give a scholarship to serious students.

Another reason I do not recommend distant Reiki training is that the teaching, practice and coaching aspects of Reiki are equally important when a person receives Reiki training and this is best done in person. With the teacher present, the student can receive quality training as the teacher can observe the student in practice sessions and recommend improvements as well as give validation. Questions that come up spontaneously during practice can be answered and discussions can lead into areas that would not likely take place without the teacher present. This is an important aspect of the student/teacher relationship that is not very well accomplished through the mail, or through Email or even seeing a video. In addition, it is a well known that over 90% of communication takes place non-verbally through body language and simply being in the presence of the teacher and so a great deal is lost when direct interaction between teacher and student is missing. Because of this, I recommend that people approach distant attunements and training mainly as an experimental or additional process. If one wants quality professional training, then I recommend that one receive training from classes with a teacher physically present who can instruct, guide and attune you in person.

These are general guidelines and in the end I always suggest that a person follow her or his own guidance in deciding the style of training to undertake.

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Concerning Karuna Reiki® specifically, because of the quality training that is expected from all those teaching Karuna Reiki® it is required that it be taught with the student physically present. This is explained in the registration form which states that the same attunement process described in the Center Karuna Reiki® manual must be used and this requires that the teacher physically touch the students hands, neck, head, etc. when giving a Karuna Reiki® attunement. We want to maintain high standards for Karuna Reiki® and because of this, ask that the attunements be done with the person physically present.

All those teaching Karuna Reiki® are also required to abide by a code of ethics and minimum teaching standards. This is not an attempt to control Reiki, but simply to maintain a system of standards that people can depend on when they take a Karuna Reiki® training. If a teacher does not want to abide by these standards, they are free to use the same symbols and attunement processes, but will need to give it another name. May you find love, peace and joy in all that you do.

* Karuna Reiki® is the registered trademark of The International Center for Reiki Training

Karuna Reiki® and Divine Guidance by Laurelle Shanti Gaia (formerlyLaura Ellen Gifford)

Karuna Reiki® is a powerful tool for discerning Divine Guidance. We all have intuitive abilities which are developed to varying degrees. Intuition is one of our greatest gifts, for when we listen and act upon our intuitive knowing, we grow stronger spiritually, and come closer to manifesting our Divine Purpose in any moment.

What is Divine Guidance? When I speak of Divine Guidance, I mean the inspiration that is available to us to help us accomplish our purpose in this lifetime. This inspiration comes from the Universal Mind, the Infinite Intelligence, the same energy that guides Reiki. It is infinitely wise, and knows exactly what is best for us, why we are alive now, and what the Divine Plan is for us. Divine Guidance, is just that, guidance. We are never forced to follow it, because we do have free will. We also do not have to even listen, but if you wish to be able to hear, listen and discern this guidance more clearly, Karuna Reiki® can help you do just that.

I have always felt quite in tune with my intuition, but there were so many times that I would wonder, am I just imagining this? I would ask myself how I could be absolutely certain that the guidance I was receiving was indeed Divine, and not my imagination, or some other energy trying to guide me off of my path. It was not until I studied and began regular practice of Karuna Reiki® that I became totally confident in my ability to discern the guidance I was receiving.

So how has Karuna Reiki® helped me tune in more clearly, and trust this guidance? First of all one of the immediate experiences I had was an increased awareness of the vast amount of spiritual help available to us. I was introduced to guides, angels and Masters that I never knew existed before. This happens to many people who study this wonderful healing energy because the vibrational frequency of Karuna Reiki® is so high, it takes us spiritually to a very special blending place.

You can think of this blending place as a realm of existence that divides mortals from the spiritual and angelic realm. In order for us to exist in the physical dimension, we must be able to maintain a certain density in our vibration. In order for the guides to access the frequencies that contain higher forms of spiritual wisdom and inspiration, they must be able to maintain their vibration at a high level. Yes they can

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manifest in the physical, and have done so in places like Medjugore where the Divine Mother has appeared to many. There have been manifestations like this in many places around the world. However, in order for this to happen, they must slow their vibration so that they are visible to us.

The Karuna Reiki® blending point is like a realm where we can meet our guides, and maintain a higher frequency. In this place, wonderful things can happen, as we communicate more clearly with the angels, masters and guides. Once we experience this type of connection with the guides, and we know how it feels to receive this guidance, we no longer need to question the guidance we receive on a daily basis. This is because it is that feeling, that knowing, the resonance we experience, we never forget. Then when we sense it in our daily life, we know, without a doubt that a high form of guidance is being offered to us.

I worked regularly with the symbols in meditation to help myself grow in this area. The energy the symbols accesses helps us deal with previous trauma and to heal on the cellular level. They help us work with the guides to heal karmic issues, and to strengthen the light around us so we attract to us stronger light from the guides, as well as friends, family and colleagues. The symbols help us look at parts of our personality that have been blocking us, have been causing us to doubt our guidance, and to accept, love, and heal those parts. The Karuna Reiki® energy is the energy of compassion in action, so it teaches us to have more compassion for others, but also for ourselves. It helps us harmonize the upper and lower chakras, so when we do discern the guidance and wisdom from the Divine, we can move it into the physical realm for manifestation.

Karuna Reiki® also has the ability to help us merge our higher self with our lower self, so that we can become our higher self more as we function in our daily lives. As we are more aware of our higher self, we are more creative and able to act on guidance we receive. We are also empowered to heal co-dependent behaviors, develop reality awareness and become clearer healing channels. Imagine living on the Earth with all people functioning as their higher self in every moment!

One of the most powerful frequencies in Karuna Reiki® helps us develop a complete trust in life, and in our Divine Guidance. This is so important for our growth as individuals and our evolution as a species. Trust in the Divine is absolutely essential, for when we have this trust, there is no fear, and when there is no fear, there can only be peace. If we have no fear, we can follow the guidance we receive, even when it asks us to make sacrifices and let go of things important to us. We can do this because we trust that the Divine has a bigger and better plan for us than we may be aware of in the moment, and we are not fearful.

Karuna Reiki® has helped me make some of the most difficult decisions in my life, because it has increased my ability to listen, and to act upon my guidance. In the past few years, I have been rebirthing myself. I have had to let go of friends, and even distance myself from family members who were not in harmony with the spiritual intensity that flows through me. I was guided to divorce, move, and create a totally new form of expressing my purpose through my work.

I have done this while expressing only love to those I have been guided to let go of, and holding that love in my heart, even when some could not allow themselves to continue to hold love for me. Although that has been a painful process at times, it taught me the meaning of compassion on a higher level than ever before. I have sacrificed a lot that was dear to me, because I know I must to fulfill my mission, and I am at peace with that because Karuna Reiki® is helping me trust and grow.

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I was even "asked" to change my name, which was a powerful expression of letting go of old forms. But when I was guided to change it to Laurelle Shanti Gaia, because my purpose is to assist in the manifestation of peace on Earth (Shanti means peace and Gaia is the living being that is our Mother Earth), I really had to reach deep into that reserve of trust. I was able to do all of this, and maintain peace in my heart because I know that the Divine has a greater plan than I am able to see at this time.

I have become very focused on my purpose for being on this planet, and that is to raise the peace vibration through a variety of methods, and to teach and empower others to do this as well. I had this "calling" when I was a child and didn’t understand it intellectually, but since I welcomed Karuna Reiki® into my life I was reawakened to my purpose, and I am being guided every step of the way.

So if you are at a point in your life, where you feel it is time that you awaken fully to your purpose for this lifetime, to what your personal mission is, and how you are to express that, I recommend the Karuna Reiki® energy as a tool to help you in your discovery, to help you find peace, and trust in your own Divine Guidance.

Karuna Reiki® Helps "Terminal" Cancer Patient by Erika L. Duffy

I am a Karuna Reiki® Master in Goffstown, NH. A friend asked me to provide treatments for her aunt who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She had been told that operating would be useless because the cancer had spread everywhere. She was receiving chemotherapy on a regular basis that left her sick and drained.

This lovely woman was physically incapable of doing anything for herself. Her family had to do everything for her. Mentally, she was extremely depressed and slept most of the day. It also affected her whole family as well, as they were trying to make her as comfortable as possible.

I went to the woman’s home to find that she could barely get up on the treatment table. I explained that in accepting the Reiki energy, she was accepting the power of healing herself on as many levels as she chooses. After that first session things started to change for her immediately. Her spirits were high and physically she improved so much that now she actually goes out for a ride twice a day, and socializes in a coffee house with her friends.

I have trained her niece so she can give her regular Reiki sessions. She explained the other day that her legs were becoming much stronger. She actually laughs now, her cancer is in remission and the doctors are confused about why she is in no pain and her tumors are not progressing. Her outlook has totally changed.

This gives me great joy and is one of the reasons I have been training so many medical professionals.

As this wonderful woman heals, her family will follow. Everyone heals just being around this loving energy.

Our Reiki web site has had over 300,000 visits since it first went up in November, 1995! Our website offers over 200 pages of free information on Reiki including over 90 Reiki Articles. It also includes a search engine which allows one to search for any topic one is interested in. About 3,000 people visit our site each week from 95 countries. The average person looks at about 20 pages per visit. We are happy we are able to offer

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this service and thank all who have visited our site for sharing Reiki in their lives. Our web address is

As we all make Reiki easily accessible to more people, we create greater harmony in our lives and help the planet move toward greater peace and happiness.

May blessings of joy fill you always.

Karuna Reiki® and Soul Level Healing by Laura Ellen Gifford

The air was crisp and clear and the sounds of a nearby mountain stream were soothing my spirit. I had slipped away for a few moments of quiet introspection at the Karuna Reiki® Retreat I was co-facilitating in Colorado this summer. I had just received a most transformational healing thanks to the willing service of my fellow Karuna Reiki® Masters and the Karuna Reiki® energy.

I have always loved the way in which Reiki brings together the perfect blend of energies into each class, and this carries through to Karuna Reiki® classes as well. Sometimes there are karmic healings that need to take place among members of a class, sometimes there is future work to be done together, and other times we are simply brought together to learn new techniques from one another. Whatever the reason, the classes always come together perfectly.

...Reiki brings together the perfect blend of energies into each class...

This class was no exception, it brought together exactly the right blend of energies to create the perfect healing environment for each of us.

As I sat by the mountain stream, I perched upon a smooth river rock and dangled my bare feet in the water. The sun was streaming through the trees, sparkling on the rushing water, and a gentle breeze was caressing my skin. This was the perfect place to integrate what had just happened to me.

It was my turn to receive a healing in our practice sessions. Four beautiful Karuna Reiki® Masters gathered around me, joined hands and offered a prayer of intent for my healing. Then they began to channel the Karuna Reiki® energy with their voices. As they chanted and sang, I was transported deeper and deeper into the innermost corridors of my being. I was barely aware when the healing channels began to also direct the Karuna Reiki® energy with their hands.

Suddenly I felt myself hurtling through time and space at an incredible speed and it seemed as if I was traveling for eternity. Then the momentum began to slow down, and I was floating on waves of energy. I had no sense of where I was going, I simply knew there was a definite destination and I felt a positive sense of anticipation. I was so very much at one with the currents of energy, I had no form, it was simply the essence of my being that was being transported. Then I began to feel an intense magnetic sensation drawing me closer to my destination.

Next I began to sense a brilliant golden light and I was drawn into this light by the mysterious, magnetic force. I sensed myself merge completely with this light, and instantly felt total, and absolute peace. This wasn't simply the calm, peaceful state that I reach in my meditations, or when I do Reiki, this was so very much more. This was soul level peace. I was joy, I was love, I WAS peace and I was totally HOME. As I began to merge more deeply with this golden light, my soul wept tears of bliss from the recognition that this was my soul group. This was my soul group in its entirety...from a timespace near the beginning of creation. We were one light, totally united in absolute love, joy and peace. I could recognize individual elements of the light, the essence of other beings within my soul group, yet there was no sense of separation. What I

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was experiencing was ecstasy. I was completely immersed in this experience and felt so safe and secure, I was home. Then suddenly, without warning, we were blasted apart and I was hurtling all alone into nothingness. I was terrified and overcome with sorrow and loneliness. I was totally isolated from anything familiar, I did not know where I was, or what was happening to me. My soul ached from the sudden sense of disconnection and emptiness.

I began to recognize various levels of my consciousness, and from somewhere deep within I heard "This is the source of our fear of abandonment." The words echoed through my entire being, as my consciousness moved closer to my current incarnation. I gradually became aware of my spiritual body, and the words resounded all the way through it. The essence of the words then passed through my mental and emotional bodies and caused my physical body to visibly release deeply seeded cellular memory. My personal fear of abandonment was completely healed in this moment, because I now recognize this fear for the illusion that it is.

I became fully aware of my surroundings in that cabin in the mountains, as I was gently brought back by the soft and loving Karuna Reiki® chanting being offered by my friends.

...I felt so very blessed to have experienced absolute peace.

I was dazed by my experience. I still felt the deep ache within my being, yet I felt so very blessed to have experienced absolute peace. I do not long for peace anymore, it is within me and has become a part of my personal truth. I have a deeper understanding that, as part of my purpose on Earth, I am to help others know this as well. Since this retreat, further work with Karuna Reiki® has taught me how to travel back to my soul group at will. I find my healing work evolving as a result of this experience. My work is offering me increasing opportunities to work with individuals who experience deep healing by linking with their soul group. Karuna Reiki® continues to help me define, establish and accomplish my divine purpose on Earth.

Karuna Reiki® is a great gift that can help us recognize that complete peace is already within us all. This recognition can then bring us to a place of KNOWING absolute oneness with all creation.©1997 Laura Ellen Gifford - reprinted with permission

Karuna and a Special Journey Within by Cherie Neger

Sitting under my favorite pine tree on an early morning, I listened to my angels clarify for me the work I had performed and the issues I had processed the past eight months. How appropriate it was this humid sultry morning. The temperature released the essence of the pine and the devas delighted my senses with their own aromatherapy session. Leaning with my spine against the tree, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to breathe deeply. The warm smell of the conifers had taken me to a wonderfully sacred space where I can relax and let go of all the external pressures of this physical and material existence. Drinking in the light and love of the pine, I breathe slowly and rhythmically. I begin to use my second symbol from Karuna Reiki® and gently dance into a wonderful meditative state. There I have met with the Deva of the tree I so love to talk to and sit under. It's a twin tree, and being Gemini rising, I think to myself how appropriate and I was not surprised when I heard two voices speak to me.

"Hello Cherie, said a small male and female voice. Hello I replied. We are so glad that you have come to visit and share your healing with us today. You are welcome, is there something special about today I am not aware of? Well, humans forget that we work very hard and in keeping up with this pace to cleanse the air and ourselves as well, we need love, encouragement and support just as you."

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"Oh, I did not think about your need other than when I saw a plant in distress I would sit and talk and offer Reiki."

"We are well aware of that and this is why we have spoken today. We ask that you share this with others who have not activated their light bodies . They are not to a frequency that they can hear us yet. We (the plants and trees) thank all of you humans who have taken the time to lovingly offer us Reiki energy. We are excited to find that you are growing and have been able to open yourselves to receive more of this wonderful energy. We have been wondering when humans were going to begin evolving again, so that we can be at the same level of awareness."

"My Pine twins, are you telling me that you recognize this energy I have activated just now?"

"Yes, this is a continuance of the healing abilities that you already possess."

"How intriguing I replied! Tell me what you know about these symbols I have just used."

"Okay, we like your playful spirit, here goes...humans for a long time have been disconnected from us in the plant realm and we are excited that you have come here and started to share your energies with us. We have noticed that you were sending new tones that you had not activated before. This particular energy you initiated today is very much in harmony with out true purpose here on Mother Earth. We are here to teach and express our love and to walk with you in your meditative states We want to communicate with humans so much and have them hear us clearly. This energy you call a symbol is what we have waited for, a very long time. It is as you say, a remembrance of times before. So with your playful spirit come sit and sing with us every day and you will see in your mind what our relationship can evolve into. Thank you again Cherie for loving us and meditating with us. Go tell everyone what you experienced today and that they can too! We will communicate again soon. Bye, bye."

Needless to say I slept at the base of this tree after this communication. I saw in my dreams a delightful picture where we humans communicated with plants and trees regularly and that they were more like brothers and sisters than this separate species as we know now. I remembered a time as a young girl long ago when my ancestors talked and honored the tree people. Waking, with a glisten of perspiration all over my body, I sat and looked around myself. There was a clarity and a hue of colors as I have never seen before. Could it be that applying this symbol to myself and my twin pine now continued to awaken my capacity for love and beauty around me? Now I must go inside and transcribe this on my computer as I am to share this with everyone.

The paths and enlightenments that Karuna Reiki® has brought into my life have been phenomenal. So as I honor my mission to share this with others I encourage everyone to go into their hearts and ask, is this a journey for me at this time in my life? I and all the other Karuna Masters are here to support you in your decision and welcome others to walk with them through this delightful maze together learning and discovering all the wonders Reiki has to offer. See you then. HO!

Cherie Neger is one of our readers, a Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki® Master from Houston Texas. We thank her for submitting this story

The House That Karuna Healed by Laura Ellen Gifford

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We first walked through the doors of the House that Karuna healed in June of 1995. The 22 acres of rolling Kentucky countryside, and forested areas upon which the house sits were breathtakingly beautiful. The sparkling stream flowing through the property has a special healing ambiance of its own. Though the land and the house were wonderful to look at, there was a certain heaviness or denseness in the energy when we first arrived.

From June through October we held healing sessions there, and all levels of Reiki were taught. The house and the property were initiated to Reiki levels I and II, Advanced and Master, and ultimately Karuna Reiki® via the many classes and practitioners that worked, learned and shared Reiki there.

The reason we had been drawn to this place to do our work was not apparent until the Karuna Reiki® class, which brought gifted Reiki Masters from all over the country to the House of Healing. Karuna is the energy of compassionate action, and assists in strengthening one's connection with ascended, enlightened beings. It helps people heal at the cellular memory level. We were to learn it also heals the earth and discarnate spirits at this level as well.

During the class we became clairvoyantly aware (later historically verified) this land had been a battle ground for centuries. Indian tribes fought over it for hunting ground, civil war battles were fought there, people who lived in this house died. We knew that there were many spirits attached to this anguished land, and the Reiki had made them receptive to healing and returning to the Source.

We were guided to a sensitive spot on the grounds, formed a circle, sent Karuna Reiki® and specific channeled prayers to the land, and then we saw a magnificent physical manifestation. A column of iridescent white light appeared in the center of the circle, and what seemed like millions of flashing colored lights sped into it, and were transformed into white light. We had an inner knowing that these lights were the energetic manifestation of those anguished spirits being healed by the Love of God through open channels of Karuna Reiki®. The vibration of the property was instantly lighter, and the sense of peace that fell over the land cannot be described with words.

Our work is finished on this land at the House that Karuna healed, at least for now, and today the Universe is guiding us to our next place of healing.

In the Light of the Creator We See Only Love

Laura Ellen Gifford is a Center Certified Master Teacher of Reiki, and Karuna Reiki, a clairvoyant healer and has 22 years experience working with energy healing including 8 years experience with Reiki. Laura works full time as a practitioner, teacher, writer and promoter of Reiki and universal healing. She lives near Louisville, Kentucky.

Laura can be contacted at the Center or via e-mail: [email protected] Karuna Reiki® is a registered trademark of the International Center for Reiki Training.

Karuna Reiki®,Truly Intensive Healing by Carol Hall

I would like to share what I would describe as an intense spiritual healing. I would not describe myself as particularly spiritual, although since Reiki entered my life two years ago I have followed an increasingly

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spiritual path. In August, I attended the Karuna Reiki® workshop at Camp Ronora and stayed at the camp the following week with a group of Karuna Reiki® Masters. I relished this opportunity to relax and continue to share Reiki energy before the Reiki Retreat.

During dinner one evening I felt increasingly vulnerable, fearful, a sense of not belonging. Finding these feelings unbearable I was forced to leave the table and escape to my tent. Through tears, I recognized these feelings as not being new.

I have a history of not feeling comfortable in groups. I had no idea what to do with these feelings and I was tired of them surfacing and remaining unresolved. I was also clear that I didn't want to leave the retreat without dealing with this issue.

I prayed for guidance and was directed to return to the group and let them know that I couldn't deal with this emotional pain and that I needed help. I felt myself somehow being pulled back to the group. Sitting at a table with several others, my process unfolded.

My crying intensified, my hands felt tingly and became severely contracted. I no longer had control of my body and was carried to a table where I was treated with Karuna Reiki® and psychic surgery. I felt no pain and completely trusted the process and those treating me. Even now this experience is hard to describe, as it's beyond words. I was told the session lasted nearly 2 hours and at one point there were 15 healers around the table either hands on or beaming Reiki.

Later, I processed my experience with the Center Certified Teacher who facilitated the healing and was told she clairvoyantly witnessed multiple past lives where I had been abused or killed by groups of people. I do not comprehend all that happened to me. I do believe that I was touched by God, that I was guided back to the group by God and that God entrusted the group to heal with Reiki.

As people have described, Karuna Reiki® is intense and powerful. I also believe that this healing occurred as I was open and ready. My reasons for sharing this is my need to continue processing this experience, acknowledging that it was real and perhaps connecting with others who have had similar experience. I am forever grateful to all those who participated in and witnessed this healing. I feel blessed.

Karuna "Team Healing"

by Laura Ellen Gifford

As Karuna Reiki® continues to evolve, we are presented with greater and greater challenges to listen to Reiki as it guides us through uncharted territory.

The experience that Carol describes here was as profoundly healing for those of us who participated as it was for Carol. It was no accident that we had been drawn together in this specific group. We were all healing karmic issues we had with one another and with Carol.

As anchored as I feel I am in my trust in God's abiltiy to heal through Reiki, I still felt my strength momentarily wavering from the intensity of this session. As we were entering our second hour, I became aware that although we were using every technique we had been taught, there was a key element missing in what was needed to complete this particular healing.

Then I realized that we had become preoccupied with technique, and only needed to ask for assistance. So ask I did. I conversed with the guides, in a rather agitated tone I must admit, and said, "Please help us, give

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us what we need to complete this healing for Carol now". Instantly the energy in my right hand shifted to an unfamiliar frequency, and I was told to place this energy at the base of her spine. The other members of our healing team were receiving guidance as well, and in a few short moments the healing session was complete.

Karuna Reiki® has afforded me several opportunities to work with teams of healers, in ways never experienced before. Each experience has been profound and deeply healing.

I am in awe of the way we were synchronized in our work, how we each knew perfectly what part we must play, whether it was psychic surgery, channeling Usui or Karuna Reiki®, beaming the group, or anchoring the energy. We were orchestrated perfectly by the Love of God. I am thankful for this opportunity to grow as a healer as Karuna Reiki® evolves and shows us the way. In the Light of the Creator...We See Only Love Laura Ellen Gifford is Director of Teacher Certification, Editor of "Reiki News", a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Clairvoyant Healing Channel, Founder of Reiki Wellness Center and United in Healing. Contact Laura thru the Center or at [email protected].

Reiki and Sound by Crystal Wilk

I have worked with sound in my Reiki treatments for quite a while because I've found that sound carries Reiki to the client as strongly as the flow through my hands, and many people have reported a deeper and more healing experience. But, for reasons of sacredness I always had to tone or hum the symbol I used without actually saying its name. So when I studied Karuna Reiki and learned to chant and tone the Karuna symbols during healings I was very excited to experiment and learn new techniques. Here is a treatment scenario that works very well for me. I keep it simple. If I'm working alone I might begin a regular treatment and then ask the client if they would like to be led into a healing meditation and receive Reiki toning. If they say yes, I take about five minutes and work down the body to relax it while I lead the client to a mentally relaxed state. I then go back to the head and remain there. I allow symbols to present themselves to my mind's eye, and then I tone several times or chant a short melody. Working to keep a continuous stream of sound I stay with the symbol until another takes its place in my mind's eye. My tones may vary in range, volume, or duration. I've found myself chanting slowly or quickly, low and softly right next to a client’s ear, whispering, or nearly shouting in my effort to release the tone at its full volume. I've even found myself harmonizing with a piano practice taking place in the next room, where I had no idea what note was coming next. During the treatment the client relaxes into a light sleep for about 3 to 5 minutes. This is when the Reiki toning really goes up in power, because the body has given full permission to be healed. Often clients do not realize that they have indeed slept during their treatment. I believe that this is because there is no break in their consciousness, even though the body sleeps. It is at this point while they sleep that the Reiki tones weave themselves around them. In my mind's eye I see the tones as delicate strands of gold that gently weave an open latticework around the client's body and aura, sealing in the healing energies for as long as they are needed. When the client comes out of their sleep I tone a few more minutes to complete the "cocoon", and then clear and seal the aura while I bring the client out of their healing meditation. They can rest for a few minutes if they wish, then I have them get up slowly and I ground them. The grounding also serves to tether the cocoon to them more efficiently. Every client for whom I've woven a cocoon has told me they can feel it around them, very unobtrusive, perhaps like a favorite blanket. For reasons of safety, if I give a toning treatment I have the client remain on their back because they are in an altered, meditative state. The most exciting discovery came when I began working with more than one person, and now this is my preferred method. Karuna Reiki® chanting in a harmony-discord pattern is a powerful and gentle way of releasing issues of all kinds. In harmony the energy quickly wraps itself around an issue or negative energy. In discord the misqualified energies are quickly lifted out. I got a confirmation of this from one client that I worked with as

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part of a pair. I remained at the head and began the meditation while Jeanette worked down the body. When the client slept we began a harmony-discord pattern and worked our way down the scales for about 3 or 4 minutes. Later our client told us he saw himself lying in a place filled with golden white light, and his guides were around him. He saw tiny stars of blue light rise quickly from beneath him, pass slowly through him and then dash away above him at great speed. This happened many times. He felt that these stars were carriers of some sort, taking away negative energy from him. When he asked his guides about this, he was told that they were indeed carrying away negative energy that he was releasing, and that he should allow it to continue. This took place during the harmony-discord phase of his toning treatment. He told me later he has undergone different types of healing that involve releasing old issues, but no other treatment was so gentle as Karuna Reiki® toning. After his Karuna treatment he was left with a feeling of euphoria that lasted for days. Spirit, and Reiki, can make use of all kinds of things for healing. After learning Karuna Reiki® and applying the chanting and toning techniques we learned, I have additional tools to assist me in my work. Crystal Wilk is a Karuna Reiki® Master in Kansas City, Missouri.

Karuna Reiki® Chanting by Laura Ellen Gifford When I taught a Karuna Reiki® class last summer, little did I know that the group gathering would forever impact my healing sessions. As Crystal describes in her article these techniques can dramaticaly enhance our work. Crystal, her fellow Karuna classmates and I enjoyed the energies of our group so much, that we stayed late after class on two evenings to apply what was learned during class in an actual healing session. The grateful recipient of this team session was a client who is healing from fibromyalgia. She normally has difficulty feeling Reiki as it is received, which at times is discouranging for her. She was able to feel the intensity of the energy flowing through our team of chanting Karuna Reiki® Masters. She felt the effects of this session immediately and for much longer than a standard group session. Karuna Reiki® chanting has added a whole new dimension to my work. In the Light of the Creator...We See Only Love Laura Ellen Gifford is Director of Teacher Certification, Editor of "Reiki News", a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Clairvoyant Healing Channel, Founder of Reiki Wellness Center and United in Healing. Contact Laura thru the Center or at [email protected].

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