the maternal death autopsy

Recent Advances in Histopathology - 23 Sebastian Lucas

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Page 1: The maternal death autopsy

Recent Advances in Histopathology - 23Sebastian Lucas

Page 2: The maternal death autopsy

MMR: 11.4/1,00,000 (UK), 120 death a year

India : 178 per 1,00,000

Possible cause of death is very wide Evaluation of causation is complex Medical, social and legal consequences are

profound, prolonged and expensive

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Death at anytime during pregnancy, delivery and up to 42 days postdelivery

Deaths after 42days from delivery are included only if they result from a problem that arose before that caesura


Prolonged survival in intensive care

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Direct Pre-eclampsia, AFE, genital tract trauma and

sepsis, PPH

Indirect Sudden cardiac death, DOA, CHD, VTE, AIDS,


Coincidental Homicide, road collision, drug toxicity, Cancers

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Cause of death

Standard protocol

Information and samples


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Classic form – sudden cardioresp collapse

Clinical triad

Hypotension / cardiac arrest

Pulmonary vasospam

Coagulopathy with severe bleeding

High mortality ; treatment is supportive

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Amniotic fluid, amniotic and fetal squamouscells and hair embolise to small vessels of the lungs


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Renal glomeruli – fibrin thrombi in capillary lumen – DIC

Uterus – mucosal bleed – entry of AF into uterine veins – via CS incision or mucosal split

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Pathogenesis – debated

Acute anaphylactic response with cardiopulmshutdown + triggering the clotting cascade and consumptive coagulopathy

? Eg of SIRS – inappropriate release of endogenous inflammatory mediators, an abnormal maternal response to fetal Ag

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Used as defence against claims of clinical negligence – Fatal peri or PPH

AFE : inevitably fatal

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Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia – 3rd trimester

Increased BP, oedema and proteinuria

Predisp : essential HT, renal disease & obesity

Clonic-tonic seizures in pre-eclampsia

HELLP Syndrome

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Etiopathogenesis – poorly understood Generalised vasculopathy

Mode of acute death HT type intracerebral Hm

Encephalopathy caused by vasogenic edema ( severe generalized version of PRES – due to endothelial damage)

Fatal cardiac arrhythmia

HELLP : intra abdominal Hm

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Intracerebral Hm without pre-exisiting berry aneurysm or predisposing factor (60%)

Diffuse cortical petechial Hm – occipital lobes

Swelling and diffuse cerebral oedema

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Glomerular endotheliosis (unique)

Endothelial cells are swollen ; glomerular capillaries appear bloodless

Glomerulus may also herniate into proximal tubules

Endothelial cells maybe vacuolated with lipid

Silver staining : string of beads appearance

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Uterus and placenta Effects of reduced arterial blood supply on villi + foci

of infarction

Decidua – atherosis, fibrinoid necrosis of spiral arterioles

Liver Gross : blotchy focal or confluent Hm necrosis

Histo : periportal fibrin deposition, Hm and hepatocyte necrosis ( unique )

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General autopsy findings of hypovolemicshock


Pituitary infarction

Hypoxic – ischaemic neuronal necrosis in brain

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Uterine atony – commonest cause Placenta praevia Retained placenta Placental abruption – severe coagulopathy Creta syndromes

Accreta (villi attach direct to uterine muscle)

Increta (invade further into myometrium)

Percreta ( through myometrium)

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Genital tract trauma – large babies / iatrogenic ENBLOC removal of genital tract

Uterine rupture – big baby/ small pelvis/ prolonged labour/ drugs

Abortion Spont ( <24 weeks) : septic or aseptic : genital tract

sepsis/ uterine Hm/ molar preg Legal termination of preg Criminal : infection/Hm

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Several syndromes with diff pathogensis

Severe cases – end results : bacteraemicseptic sock and multiorgan failure with DIC

Placental examination – critical + microbiological culture + HPE

Maternal blood cultures : aseptic – neck veins or heart

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1. Unsafe abortion Clostridium spp Genital tract necrotising sepsis ; septic shock; MOF

2. Ruptured membranes E coli Infected and inflamed placenta, cord and membranes, genital tract sepsis; MOF

3. Post delivery Group A Streptococcuspyogenes (GAS)

Genital tract sepsis, sometimes necrotisingwith high bact load; MOF

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4. Community acquired sepsis

GAS, pneumococcus TSS ; MOF

5. Post partum sepsis related to birth process but genital tract not involved

Gram negative and positive organisms

Localised sepsis, leading to MOF

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Collapse and die suddenly Critical to examine the entire length of pulm


Pregnancy is a procoagulant state

Prevents severe Hm when placenta detaches from decidua

10X relative risk of VTE (through out preg to week after delivery)

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Common category

Aneurysm, dissection and rupture – 3rd trimester

Etiology :multihit Inherent predisposition + progestrone-associated

weakening of the media

Histo : elastic degeneration, mucin deposits and attenuated muscle

Outcome : collapse from shock

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Congenital heart lesion with pulmonary HT Inheritable cardiomyopathy – HOCM, ARVCM Acquired cardiac muscle disease – IHD,

endocardial fibroelastosis, myocarditis SADS – sudden unexpected arrhythmic

cardiac syndrome – negative autopsy – long QT syndrome

Obesity and sudden cardiac death Valvular disease

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Heart failure during last month of pregnancy and upto 5 months post delivery

Dilated cardiomyopathy

Nonsp histology

Oxidative proapoptotic stress on myocytes, related to prolactin

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Pregnancy increases risk of TTP

Abnormalities of vWF physiology – platelet clustering and adhesion to endothelia of the microvasculature – brain, kidney, heart

Postpartum confusion, MAHA and renal failure

Lab : low platelet but normal CF and fibrin

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Preg – relative immunodep state [CMI ]

Viral infection ( HS , hepatitis , influenza ) Listeriosis Tb

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2009-10 pandemic – type A/H1N1

3rd trimester preg – influenze pneumonitisand A/c lung injury

Acquired secondary bacterial pneumonia

Preg was the pre-eminent risk factor for death with H1N1 infection

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Maternal mortality raises by 10 fold

Late presentation at around time of delivery

Death – Tb or opportunistic infections, sepsis or complications of abortion

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Obtain as much as clinical information and lab data as possible before starting the autopsy

Take sterile blood culture; later, retain a femoral venous blood sample

Pay close attention to pulm artery , heart and genital tract

‘Negative’ autopsy : retain a piece of spleen in freezer

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To establish cause of death – discuss the case openly with obstetricians, physicians, anaesthestists and intensivists

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