the loughry family - wvancestry

A Brief Genealogy The Loughry Family of Pennsylvania iTTT Compiled By o JULIA A. JEWETT ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 1923

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Page 1: The Loughry Family - WVancestry

A Brief Genealogy

The Loughry Family

of Pennsylvania


Compiled By





Page 2: The Loughry Family - WVancestry

Copyright, 1924,


Julia A. Jewett

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77its Little Volume is Dedicated to my Friend


of Indiana, Pennsylvania

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T O THE FOUNDERS of States man-kind has always offered extraordi­

nary honors; therefore, in writing this little Volume to put before the descen­dants of one of the pioneer families, rather than before the public generally, I feel there must be some who will be interested in the data contained therein.

To those who have rendered me so much assistance I would express my most sincere thanks and hope in its pages they may find something pleasing about their Ancestry.

The Compiler—


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Loughry History The early emigrants of this name came to Amer­

ica when Pennsylvania was a wilderness. The father came from Derry County, Ireland, with five sons and settled in the extreme confines of Cum­berland County, Pa., in Lack Twp., afterwards Lurgan Township, before 1740, taking up land under Maryland Grant. His Descendants identified themselves with the Colonists, brave Patriots who "pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to their County,'* and did not hesitate to give all when needed.

The name is spelled in various ways, as was the case with most of the names of the early pio­neers, but it is generally conceded, Lochry is the correct spelling. This would indicate the name is of Scotch or Scotch-Irish origin. What is the meaning of Scotch-Irish? It is only an appellation given by Americans to the descendants of the Scots who settled in the north of Ireland and were chiefly of Saxon blood and their religion was Pres­byterian, whereas those who were natives of Ire­land were of Celtic blood, and as we all know their religion was Roman Catholic and the races are said to be as distinct today as when the Scots first crossed the border and took up their abode in that beautiful Irish land.

The name "Lochry* * signifies Mountain Lake. Loch from the Scotch, meaning lake, and **ery" meaning mountain. The Wilsons, Loughrys and

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Loughry Genealogy

two other families came with Lord Forbes into Ire­land from Scotland during the reign of James the First of England and settled in Loughford County, Ireland. There is a lake there called "Lough Rea'* and another called "Lough Ree,** also a town in Galloway County named "Lough Rea,** all of which would indicate the Loughry family settled there.

The various spellings of the name in Pennsyl­vania may be of interest to some of my readers: Lochry, Lochra, Lochery, Loughry, Loughery, Loughrey and many others, but these are the prin­cipal methods.

Hanna in his Scotch-Irish says, "Lochry, Laurie and Lowry'* are all the same name.

From Egle's History of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania we glean the following:

The Manor of Maske, Adam's County, Pennsyl­vania, 1736-1740, p. 282:

The Manor is separated by a narrow strip on the west from "Carroll*s Delight," as it was originally called, and which was surveyed under Maryland authority on the third of April, 1732. It was patented August Sth, 1 735, to Charles, Mary and Eleanor Carroll, whose agent made sales of war­rants for many years, supposing that the land lay within the grant of Lord Baltimore and in the County of Frederick. As originally surveyed, "Carroll's Delight** contained 5,000 acres.

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Under date of March 1 Orh, I 789, a petition was presented to the President and Supreme Council of the State of Pennsylvania by Isaac Robinson, William Waugh , James Brice, William Willie, David Blyth and Ebenezer Finley, asking a re-survey of "Carroll 's Delight." This set forth that in 1741 Archibald Beard, John Witherspoon, James McGenley, William Cochran and Jeremiah Lockery purchased of Charles Carroll 5,000 acres which were taken up and surveyed years before this purchase, but were subsequently found in Hamil ton Ban Township in Pennsylvania, 1789. The petition asked for a settlement of the question. In 1 762 caveats were entered in the office against granting warrants for these lands, -whether in Hamil ton Ban or Franklin Township. The 25 divi­sions adjoining "Carroll 's Delight" were occupied in 1789. Surveyed first in 1732 and lies at the head of Monocacy River on Tom' s Creek and is n o w in Pennsylvania.

From Maryland Historical Magazine, p . 172, VoL 15:

Charles Carroll was a man of much note in Maryland and was the signer of the Declaration of Independence from Maryland. H e was a large land speculator. He founded the City of Carroll­ton, Maryland. Fort Carroll, Maryland, was named for him.

Charles Carroll, Sr., was elected one of the Gov­ernor' s Council, the First Assembly of Maryland,

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5th of February, 1777. P. 160, Vol. 6, Md. Hist. Mag.

Christopher Carroll, 1633, was brought over to Maryland by Ferdinand© Pulton, Esq. P. 268. Vol. 5.

Clenients Brooke married Jane Sewell and their daughter Elizabeth married Charles Carroll, bom in 1702, died in 1781. He was of Annapolis, Md.

Their only son Charles Carroll of Carrollton was bom 1737, died 1832. Signer of the Declara­tion of Independence.

Clement Brooke and wife Mary. Their eldest daughter, Rachel Brooke, married Henry Damall of Prince Georges Co., and their daughter Mary married Charles Carroll of Carrollton the 5th of June, 1768.

He was a Delegate to Congress 18th of April, 1777. Ignatius Diggs was a brother-in-law of Charles Carroll of Maryland. John Diggs and Charles Carroll of Carrollton were cousins.

Diggs—Sir Dudley Diggs had son Edward Diggs. William Diggs, son of Edward Diggs. Ignatius Diggs, son of William. John Diggs, son of Ignatius Diggs.

Prowell's History of York Co.

As before mentioned, the Lochry family settled in the extreme confines of Cumberland County,

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some mention Lack Township and some say Lur­gan Township. Lurgan Township was carved out of Antrim Township in 1 743. Antrim Town­ship, embracing the whole of what is now Franklin County, was detached from Hopewell Township.

The Eastern Township of Cumberland County was Pennsborough and the westermost Township was Hopewell in 1735. In 1741 the west division of Hopewell was called Antrim. In 1743 Lurgan Township was what is now called Franklin County.

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Genealogy of the Loughry Family


1 Jeremiah Lockery, the father of the family in America, was born in Ireland and came to Amer­ica before 1 740. Tradition says he came to Amer­ica with his five sons; no mention is made of his wife or daughters, his wife's name is thought to be Mary. Children of Jeremiah Lockery:

2 Jeremiah Loughry—-born in 1731. 3 William. 4 Archibald—born in 1 733. 5 Margaret. 6 John—born in 1 737 in York Co., Penna. 7 James. 8 Rebecca. 9 Mary.

The children of the family were brought up as youthful pioneers enduring all the hardships of a wild country, thus fitting them for the work in store for them in the future, when their country should have need of their strength and reliability.

He took part in the early wars of the country, for his name is on the list of officers of the Penn­sylvania Regiment commanded by the Honorable John Penn, Esq.

Beer's History states that JEREMIAH LOCK­ERY was buried in the cemetery located near the junction of Big and Little Marsh Creeks in High-

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First Generation

land Township, in what was known as Lower Marsh Creek or Sanders' burying ground. He was buried in 1749.

Register's Office, York, Pa. Administration In­dex A-L, book A, p. 42.

Loughry, Jeremiah; York Co., April 26, 1750.

April 26, I 750. Letters of Administration were granted Mary Loughry and James Loughry on the Estate of Jeremiah Loughry of York County, de­ceased. Inventory to be exhibited on or before April, 1751, given under seal of this office, 16th April, 1750.

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2 Jeremiah Loughry (son of Jeremiah), born in the year 1 731.

10 A daughter, Barbara.

His Military Services:

1757—Jeremiah Loughry was on the list of Colonel Hance Hamilton*s Provincial Troops.

1755*—He was at Fort Littleton, June 1st, on the paid list of Colonel Hance Hamilton's men.

1762, May 25—George Croghan, Esq., sold to Jeremiah Loughry of Cumberland County "Forks of Trusses Run,'* including the deep spring be­low the Forks, 150 acres. Witnessed by John Little. —From Carlisle, Pa., records.

July 7, 1762—Jeremiah Loughry, a warrant issued for land in Cumberland County. Patented to Solomon Reighard. He applied for 100 acres and received 7.

1 763—The men of Colonel Hance Hamilton's company petitioned for a grant of 1000 acres and received it west of the mountains.

1763—He was Commissary General of the stores to the regiment, June, 1 763.

—From Penn. Archives, Vol. 2, Second Se­ries, pp. 525, 524.

Captain John Proctor. Lieut. Jeremiah Loughry. Ensign Joseph Irwin.

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Second Generation

First Battalion; list cf officers of the Penn. Regiment commanded by the Honorable John Penn in 1 764.

1765—He sold the land at Forks of Trusses Run.

Jeremiah Loughry to Patrick Hartford. Forks of Trusses Run sold March 21 , 1765.

Carlisle Records, Vol. 2, Deed Book A, p. 286.

He married about 1 760 and moved to Bedford, Pa.

1 768—He went west of the mountains, and in 1769 he took up land when the Land Office was opened. See early land records of Lancaster and Westmoreland Counties (Harrisburg).

In 1 770 he lived on land situated on both sides of the Great Road to Fort Pitt, about ten miles above Ligonier, adjoining lands of William Perry, the widow Baltimore, and Philip Grouse, in Cum­berland County, Penn.

He did not seem to keep land very well, for in Greensburgh records of deeds we find in Deed Book A, Part 1, p. 43, that the Sheriff sold his land.

Deed Book A, p. 4 3 :

David Hoge, Esq., to Samuel Johnson, Esq., of the Town of York.

Sheriff's Judgment against Jeremiah Loughry and Patrick Hartford.

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No. 1. Adsectum Index to Deeds, Recorder 's Office.

H e witnessed deeds in Bedford County that were signed by Indians in 1772.

1773—He owned land in Westmoreland Co., Pa., known as "Mill Seat," in 1 785 .

1 7 7 8 — H e was commissioned Captain of "Jere Lockry's Rangers . "

1777—He was commissioned Captain of the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment and on Augus t 26, 1778, the Washington Pension Office has "De­serted from his arrest" and immediately raised a company of Rangers to guard the frontier.

In 1774 he was one in Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County, to sign the petition to government for ammunit ion and protection from the Indians.

In 1808 he applied for a pension which was granted by the State of Pennsylvania, according to the Ac t of March 4th, 1807.

From Penn. in the Revolution, 1775 to 1783 p . 767, Vol. 2.

W h e n he applied for pension he gave an ac­count of his services which was printed in the Pennsylvania Argus on Wednesday, January 25 , 1911, and as some may like to read it, we reprint it verbatim.

A Declaration of the Services Done by Me, Jeremiah Lochry, in Defense of M y Count ry :

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Second Generation 1 1

I went out first with General Braddock. Trav­eled the distance of 150 miles through danger before I came up with the army. The Indians having drove the people into garrisons on the Po­tomac and the Canalaway Settlement. On my return I seen some lying killed and scalpt.' That Fall they destroyed the Great Cove. I helped to bury the dead. Was almost constantly upon guards from York County to Cumberland. Fort Littleton was raised and two regiments of men were raised in Pennsylvania and stationed along the frontier. The second summer Col. John Arm­strong wrote my brother to get volunteers and meet him at Fort Shirley, that he 'was going on a private expedition. He got eight. I went along. We took the Kitanian. We were on the advance guards. The year following I engaged in the service under Capt. Hamilton for one year. After that I got to be commissary of the garrisons. Next year General Forbes carried a campaign against Fort Pitt. I got orders to march in front until we got to Ligonier. There Major Grant went against Fort Pitt with eight hundred and forty-seven men, but there was but two hundred and fourteen of us got back, the rest killed and taken. That fall I quit the army, then peace was made with the Indians. Bedford got settled. I married and went to Bedford, some years after. Lived there two or three years and kept a public house. All the King's stores there and no men to keep it, but Quartermaster Curry, a corporal, and eight men, they found the Indians was first to take that.

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then they had all. Curry got word sent for three or four of us, concluded to call in the country people to keep the garrison. Captain Curry sent for me and asked me if I knew where any of the Indian camps was that hunted all winter. I told him I knew where one was on the Warrior path on the Allegheny Mountains. He told me to get a party of men and fetch them in. I could get but four. W e set off and took them prisoners, two men, two squaws and three children, and kept them under guard till peace. There was a number of young men hunters which had no families. I got fifteen or twenty to sign an article to stay till we £o£ relief. One dark, rainy evening there was two girls went over the river for the cows. Six or seven Indians jumped out of the thicket and caught hold of one of them. The other got into the river. W e were on parade and saw them. I fired and killed the Indian that had hold of the girl. The ball that killed the Indian took a piece off the girl's ear. I had to send part of m y scouts to keep Ligonier Garrison. Then Col. Boquet came to go to Pitt with provisions and took the men with him as an advance guard. One of them was killed and two wounded. After that there was no more provisions to be given out of the King's stores nor none to be got. The young men that I had got would stay no longer. I concluded to take my wife away. Col. Crohan was besieged there. He sent for me and asked me how them women and children could get down, without pro-

. visions. I told him we must kill meat for them.

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Second Generation 1 3

H e told me if we would wait two days and guard him down he would draw provisions to take down, which was good news, and we got safe down.

Col. Armstrong was going on a campaign against the Indian towns on the Susquehanna. I got eight men that had never been in the service to go. They chose me for their Captain. W e de­stroyed three Indian towns. One at Mansey Hill, the Big Island, and one called Young W o m e n ' s Town. Got some cows tied in ropes which they left and thirty-two canoes full of com.

Then I got a commission, raised a company rendezvoused in Lancaster under Boquet. Com­mander. W h e n Col. Boquet ordered me to draft the regiment for a rifle company and kept us shooting three days in order to pick the best marksmen. I drafted the first battalion. Captain Brady the second. W e then marched to Pitts­burgh, thence to Whi te W o m e n ' s Creek. The Indians treated with us and w e got one hundred and forty white persons that they had. W h e n I came back to Bedford, I got a poor account of what I left—all gone. Then there was a purchase made west of the mountains . I came there to live in the year 1768; lived some years there in expec­tation of war. Major Lewis from Virginia had a battalion at the Canaway and there was raised in Pennsylvania four companies, in Westmoreland, namely: Capt. Joseph Irwin, Capt. James Smith, Capt. Archibald Lochry, and myself. Ar thur St.

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Clair, our Colonel, marched us to the Kittanian, kept us there three months and discharged us. No war. JEREMIAH LOCHRY.

1786—Jeremiah Lochery had land in Derry Twp., Westmoreland County, Pa.

In 1790 he was on the pay roll of Captain Fletcher. Of his family I have found but little rec­ord. I have read that his wife was killed at the burning of Miller's Station and Hannas Town.

He died January 21 , 1824, at the age of 93 years, at the home of Samuel Moorhead, Salem Township, Westmoreland County.

The historian "Day" says of him: "An old frontier man who had been in Armstrong's Expe­dition, lingered around Kittaning for many years wandering from house to house, staying all night with people and repaying their hospitality with anecdotes of his adventures."

P. 97, Day s Hist, of Penn.

His remains repose in the old graveyard at Congruity Church. -

From the foregoing account we see that Jere­miah Lochry early engaged in service during the war, and afterward in defense of the frontier of westem parts of the state against the Indians, where he was wounded in the shoulder, which dis­abled him. He was granted a pension.

p. 591, Vol. IV, 5th Series Penn. Arch.

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Second Generation 1 5

Jeremiah Loughry, a Pensioner, p. 35, book 1808:

Orphan's Court, Greensburg, Pa.

Jeremiah Loughry, a pensioner; Hugh Martin, Esq., guardian.

Under Act of Assembly of said pensioner on exhibition of his vouchers and accounts to the Court, who after due examination approved and confirmed the same.

Colonial Services of 2Jeremiah Loughry, son of Jeremiah Lockery, Sr. He was Captain in the 6th Penn. Regiment, Continental Line. Prior to that he was with Braddock in the defeat and then he was Adjutant of the 8th Regiment and went from Westmoreland County to New Jersey under the command of his brother, Archibald Lockery.

Jeremiah Lochry, Captain of "Jere Loughry* s Frontier Rangers.*'

3 William, son of Jeremiah, said to have mar­ried Rebecca. Had land in Derry Twp., West­moreland County, in 1786.

4 Archibald Lochry (Jeremiah) , was born in the north of Ireland in 1733. He rose to promi­nence in Westmoreland County and was appointed County Lieutenant.

References: Penn. Arch., Ist Series, Vol. 8. Also from clipping in Mr. Taylor's Scrap Book.

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The Lcchrys Block House mentioned in Fron­tier Forts of Pennsylvania.

Also in Ist Vol. of Pennsylvania Arch., p . 79, April 17, 1781.

Vol. 8:

In 1756 Archibald Lochry, Ensign in 2nd Bat­talion, Provincial Service. H e was on the list of Colonel Hance Hamilton's Provincial Troops in 1757 and in 1763, July 18, Archie Loughrey, 2nd Battalion, Provincial Troops.

Captain Christopher Lemms.

Lieut. Patrick Pack—July 22 .

Ensign Archibald Lochry—July 18, 1763.

These men were among those who asked for a grant of 1000 acres (Penn. Arch. , 5th Series, Vol. 1, pp. 335 to 337.) H e was Justice of the Peace in Bedford County and owned land there in 1773 (Penn . Arch . ) .

In 1781 he was Clerk of the Court of West­moreland County, and held many offices from time to time. H e was Prothonotary in 1777, March 21st, Greensburg, Pa.

Vol. II, p . 316, Frontier Forts, b y Albert.

Col. Lochry, County Lieutenant, lived on the Twelve Mile R u n in Unity Twp. , on the Turnpike to St. Vincent 's Monastery. H e was a neighbor of Col. John Proctor. This was on the southern

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side of Forbes Read. Hannas Town was on the Forbes Road (p. 2 9 1 ) .


Thomas Cavit to Arch. Lochry.

Dated March 28, 1780. Deed Book A, p. 182.

A t the mouth of Crab Tree R u n joining the Loyalhanna Creek (Greensburg, Penn., Records) .

H e married M A R Y IRWIN (daughter of Capt. Joseph I rwin) , and she after his death married Guthr ie (Widows Appraisement Docket, Greens­burg , P e n n . ) .

H e died Augus t 24, 1781, meeting his fate while with the Clark Expedition. Archibald Loch­ry, Lieut. Colonel Pennsylvania Militia, killed by ihe Indians on the Miami River, Ohio, 24th Aug­ust , 1781 (Continental A r m y Officers' Regis ter ) .

A creek and an island in the Miami are named for him near Cincinnati spelled Laughry (Hist, of Dearborn Co., Indiana) .

His will was dated November 26, 1778, and was witnessed by Jeremiah Loughry and Kinkead and one other.

Children of Archibald Lochry and Mary Irwin Lochry, his wife, were :

11 Jean—born 15th of April, 1776.

12 Elizabeth—born Augus t 3, 1780.

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Mary Lochry, widow of Archibald Lochry, after­wards Mary Guthrie.

In 1 783 she, that is, Mary Lochry, was in pos­session of land in Westmoreland County as shown by tax list.

Elizabeth, daughter of Archibald Lochry, and the mother, petition for a pension because of the father's services in the Clark Expedition, May 4, 1791.

1781—Archibald Lochry, Colonel in General Clark's Command, massacred by the Indians while with the Clark Command.

5 Margaret Loughry (daughter of Jeremiah Loughry the Emigrant) married James Hamilton.

Their children were: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Elizabeth. Hans Mary. Margaret. Catherine. Ann. James. WiUiam. John.

6 John (son of Jeremiah Loughry), was born in Pennsylvania, York County, in 1737.

In 1 760 deposition of John Loughry, Cumber­land Co., ss.: The deposition of John Loughry, of

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York Co., in the Province of Pennsylvania, aged 23 years—by trade a weaver.

Sworn at Carlisle, Cumberland Co., May 6, 1760.

From Penn. Arch., Vol. 3, First Series, p. 731, commencing 1756.

1776—Private in the 5th Penn. Continental Line.

Vol. 1, p . 552, Penn. in the Revolution.

1783—John Lochry, Cumberland Co., Penn., "Rangers of the Frontier."

Penn. Arch., 3rd Series, Vol. 23, p. 279.

7 James Loughry (son of Jeremiah Loughry), took up 200 acres of land, warrant date of sur­vey, November 9, 1750.

In 1757 he was with Provincial Troops under Colonel Hance Hamilton, and in 1 758, June 1 st, we find him at Fort Littleton on the paid list of Colonel Hance Hamilton's men.

Vol. 2, Second Series, Penn. Arch.

He was Major in I 798.

From Penn. Arch., Vol. 1, Fifth Series, pp. 179-280.

In 1776, August 9th, he was in Captain J. Parr's Company, having enlisted for three years. He was Lieutenant in 1754.

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20 Loughry Genealogy

He was living in Indiana Co. in 1798, and was an elder in Kent Presbyterian Church prior to 1834. Caldwell, in his History of Indiana Co.r

states that Bethel Presbyterian Church is seven miles southwest from Indiana and was organized in 1790. Rev. Joseph Washington Henderson was the first pastor, 1798 to 1823. He was originally of York Co., Pa. Major James Loughry was one of the first elders. At a meeting, when the pastor asked for persons to sign the temperance pledge, five persons came forward and signed. Major Loughry was the first r ame on the list. This was Kent or Bethel Church.

He had two sons. Was Mary Loughry, who was a member of Kent Church at the same time, his mother, wife, or sister?

22 James Loughry married Sarah Henderson.

Sarah Henderson was born on the old Hender­son homestead in Centre Twp., Indiana, Co., Pa.

Bom 1807, she was the daughter of Rev. Joseph Washington Henderson and Elizabeth Scott, daughter of Judge William Scott of Adams Co., Pa.

Rev. J. W. Henderson's first -wife was Sarah Dixon, daughter of Col. James Dixon, of Adams Co.

Rev. J. W. Henderson was the son of James and Maria (Breckenridge) Henderson: Maria

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Breckenridge Henderson was a sister of the father of Hon. John C. Breckenridge.

Bethel Presbyterian Church is seven miles south­west of Indiana, Pa.; was organized in 1 790 with the Rev. Joseph Washington as the first pastor, from 1798 to 1823. He was originally of York Co., Pa.

Was this James the son of Major James Loughry?

8 Rebecca Loughry (a Jeremiah), no record.

9 Mary Loughry (daughter of Jeremiah Loughry).

1787—Mary Loughry, of Bedford Co., Pa., single.

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10 Barbara (2Jeremiah, Jeremiah). Barbara Lochry to John Chain; Deed Book D,

p. 17; Greensburg, Nov. 30, 1788, Know all men by these presents that I, Bar­

bara Lochery, of Armstrong Twp. and County of Westmoreland, have granted, etc., my rights to a certain warrant granted me from the Commonwealth of Pennsyl­vania and lying adjoining the old Kittan-ian, being the said warrant which my father Jeremiah Lochry obtained in my name and for my use from the land office at Philadel­phia, dated, etc., whereof I have set my hand and seal the 30th day of Nov., 1 788. Survey, 1785. Barbara Lochry sold to Samuel Kilpatrick, who patented it in Conemaugh Twp., Indiana County, Penn­sylvania, 1808. Warrant—Barbara Loch­ry, whose rights to the same by virtue of sundry good conveyances in law became vested in the said Samuel Kilpatrick. War­rant recorded in Book P, p. 219, Land Office Records. Capitol Building, Harris­burg, Pa. Samuel Kilpatrick, tract known as Downpatrick in Conemaugh Twp., In­diana Co., Pa., by land of John Mathews, Thomas Campbell, and Peter Altman. War­rant returned, 1807.

June 15, 1 785—Barbara Lochry, 300 acres sur­vey.

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3 William (Jeremiah Loughry), married Re­becca. He died and left her with a family.

23 Mrs. Rebecca Loughrey.

Their children were: 24 * James—born in 1753. 25 William—born 1756. 26 Rebecca Loughry.

25 William (3 William Loughry, Jeremiah Loughry), wTas born May 22, 1756. He rose to much prominence in Westmoreland Co. He was appointed a Justice of the Peace in Bedford County when the county was organized in 1771 (Bedford County Records).

March 11, 1771, Justices of Bedford County, Pa.:

25 William Lochry and Arthur St. Clair.

Coroner, Joseph Irwin. Sheriff, John Proctor, Jr.

Appointed October 8, 1771 (Bedford Co. His­tory, p . 71 ) .

He was in that part of Bedford County which was afterwards Westmoreland County. He settled in Ligonier Valley, locating on the Loyalhanna, was a physician and, I am told, spelled his name Lowery. In . 1 783 he was in possession of 200 acres of land in Westmoreland County, also horses, cattle and sheep. In 1 773 he signed the petition for ammunition and protection from the Indians with so many others.

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H e was appointed one of the Justices of the Peace when Westmoreland was organized and pre­sided in 1 776.

H e was Captain of the Light Horse Company, Westmoreland Co., in 1 778 and in 1 779 he w a s Captain of the Westmoreland Associates (Records at Harrisburg, also Penn. Arch. , Vol. 14, p . 6 8 5 ) .

May 25, 1778, he took the oath of allegiance to Pennsylvania before Hugh Martin (Vol. 3, Sec­ond Series, p . 32, Penn. A r c h ) . In 1 789 he 'was Presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. From the Prothonotary 's office a t Greensburg w e found his record as Presiding Justice in 1774 and 1775 (Deed Book A, p . 10 ) .

H e married Esther Allison. H e died in Indiana Co., Pa.-

His will is dated Augus t 15, 1825, and was proved October 5, 1825, and is recorded at In­diana, Pa.

The inscription on his tombstone is:

William Loughry, Esq.,

who died September 27, 1826, aged 69 years. Tha t of his wife is:

Esther Loughry,

who died February 1, 1825, aged 66 years.

They are both buried at Lewisville, in the old cemetery near Ebenezer Church, which was part of the original grant of land to the L O C H R Y S .

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They had eight children:

27 Rebecca Loughry—married Malachi Sutton.

28 James Loughry—bom 1 787—married Ann Wilson.

29 Polly Loughry—bom 1 788—married James Lewis.

30 Joseph Loughry—bom I 790—married Sa­rah Howard.

31 John Loughry—born 1792—married, 1 st, Margaret Sloan; 2nd, Margaret Graham.

32 William Loughry—bom 1795.

33 Sally Loughry—married Wm. Robinson.

34 Benjamin Loughry—married Nancy Sloan.

The History of Indiana County, Pa., states, Wil­liam Loughry settled in Westmoreland County, Pa.; later moving to Blacklick Twp., Indiana County, settling west of Campbell's Mills, in which section he was one of the pioneers.

References: Penn. Arch., Ist Series, Vol. 22, p. 464; Penn. Arch., 6th Series, Vol. 5, p. 7 0 1 ; Penn. Arch., 6th Series, Vol. 2, p. 322.

23 Mrs. Rebecca Loughry—born about 1730, in Ireland, about 100 miles from Londonderry in Armaugh County; died in Indiana, Pa., May 21 , 1824.

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Copy from an old newspaper clipping: "On Tuesday last, at the residence of Charles

Kenning, in the Borough, Mrs. Rebecca Loughry died at the advanced age of 94 years."

Copied from the American, Friday moming. May 21, 1824.

24 James Loughry (3William, Jeremiah Loch­ry) , son of 23Mrs. Rebecca Loughry.

Children were: 35 Joseph Loughry. 36 James Loughry. 37 Robert Loughry—lived in Strongstown. 38 William Loughry. 39 Polly Loughry. 40 Rebecca Loughry—born in 1 789—married

Thomas Sutton, son of Peter.

41 Catherine Loughry—married James Lewis.

26 Rebecca Loughry—daughter of 23Mrs. Re­becca Loughry, married

42 Charles Kenning. Both were living in Indiana in 1836, as

both signed the deed to the old Indiana house to William Henry and wife, Sarah Kenning Henry, and they both died in Indiana, Pa.

Their children were: 43 John Kenning—killed on a pitchfork. 44 William Kenning—died young and single. 45 Joseph Kenning. 46 Letitia Kenning.

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Third Generation 11

47 Rebecca Kenning. 48 Sarah Kenning. 26 Rebecca Loughry was born about 1 754 in

Ireland; married 42Charles Kenning, and died May 20, 1843, 89 years old.

Will of Rebecca Kenning, widow of Charles Kenning. Will Book No. 1, p. 144, Indiana.

Eldest daughter, *6Letitia Fulton, received the Bible.

Second daughter, 47Rebecca Kenning.

William Henry, son-in-law. Granddaughter, Rebecca Kenning, daughter of

Joseph Kenning, received legacy-James Campbell to Charles Kenning. Sold to Charles Kenning property located at

Blairsville, Market and Spring Streets, be­ing part of patent to James Campbell, Sr. Willed to his son James.

Deed Book 4, p. 128, year 1819, In­diana Pa., Records.

He built a public house in Indiana in 1806, and in 1819 he built and was hotel keeper. His was the fifth hotel built.

In 1820 he was one of the Council of Indiana. From Harris Directory of 1837.

In the latter years of their lives Charles and Re­becca Kenning lived with William Henry, their son-in-law.

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2S Loughry Genealogy

1 1 Jean Lochry (4Archibald, Jeremiah Loch­ry), born 15th of April, 1776, and married Sam­uel Thompson.

Their children were:

49 Alexander Thompson. 50 Mary Thompson—married Andrew . 51 Nancy Thompson. 52 William Thompson. 53 Elizabeth Thompson—married Joseph Mc-

Quilkin. 54 Sarah Thompson—married John Paul—

born 1803. 55 David Thompson. 56 Jane Thompson—married Thomas Adaer. 57 Lydia Thompson. 58 Lucy Thompson. 59 Watson Thompson—married Ann Getty. 60 Samuel Thompson.

12 Elizabeth Lochry (4Archibald, Jeremiah Lochry), bom August 3, 1 780. Married Nathaniel McBriar and had large family.

Orphans' Court, Book 179, p. 137, Greens­burg, Pa.; Orphans' Court, Books 1793 to 1808, p. 95, Greensburg, Pa.

Upon petition of Elizabeth Lochry and on the resignation of William Lochry in writing as guard­ian and stating that he had never acted as guard­ian in pursuance of his appointment. The Court appoints John Brandon, etc., for the purpose of

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Third Generation 29

receiving and applying a pension formerly grant­ed the said Elizabeth Lochry.

James Watson—bom in 1816 in Conemaugh Twp., son of Mathew and Mary Watson (nee Mc­Clelland).

Mathew Watson, a native of Ireland, came with his first wife to Westmoreland Co. in 1792. He died in 1859; age 93. Mary, second wife, died in 1866; age 76.

Children were: John. Thomas—married Rebecca Wilson. Mathew—married Jane Thompson. Mary. William. Alexander. Robert. James—married Mary Pattison. Isabella. Ann. Margaret—married Robert Gray. James' children: Bella Jane—married Rev. Hugh H. Boyd. Mr. Boyd married Juliet White.

13 Elizabeth Hamilton—married John Wea­ver, Sheriff of Dearborn County, Indiana.

Their children were: 61 James Weaver. 62 Elizabeth Weaver. 63 Sarah Weaver—married Chase.

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30 Loughry Genealogy

64 Margaret Weaver—married 19James Hamil­ton—no issue.

65 Ann Weaver—married 21John Hamilton— no issue.

66 Permela Weaver—married Nowlin. 67 Vance Weaver.

14 Hans Hamilton (5Margaret Loughry, Jere­miah Lochry) never married.. Lived to an old age.

15 Mary Hamilton (5Margaret Loughry Hamil­ton, Jeremiah Lochry), married Henry.

Their children were: 68 Ann Henry—married Robert Gibson. 69 William Henry.

16 Margaret Hamilton (5Margaret Loughry Hamilton, Jeremiah Lochry), married

70 Joseph Thornburgh.

Their children were: 71 James Hamilton Thornburgh. 72 Catherine D. Thornburgh—married Elijah

McNeely. 73 Samuel Thornburgh. 74 Sarah Ann Thornburgh. 75 Margaret Loughry Thornburgh.

17 Catherine Hamilton (5Margaret Loughry Hamilton, Jeremiah Lochry), married Vane or Vance. She died before 1807; left children.

18 Ann Hamilton (5Margaret Loughry, Jere­miah Loughry), married

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Third Generation 31

76 John Getty. Their children were: 77 James Getty—died in infancy. 78 Margaret Getty—died single. 79 Catherine Getty—died single, 80 Ann Getty. 81 Andrew Getty. 82 John Getty—died single, 83 James Getty. 84 Prudence Getty. 85 Alexander Getty. 86 Eliza Jane Getty. 87 Mary Getty.

19 James Hamilton (r,Margaret Loughry, Jere­miah Loughry), married his niece, 64Margaret Weaver. No issue.

20 William Hamilton (5Margaret Loughry, Jeremiah Loughry), married Helen Sparks. He was Judge and sat on the Judge's bench 16 years in California.

21 John Hamilton (5Margaret Loughry, Jere­miah), married his niece, 65Ann Weaver. No issue. He died in 1819.

Sutton—allied with Loughry family.

27 Rebecca Loughry (25William Loughry, 3Wil­liam Loughry, Jeremiah Loughry), married 92Mal-achi Sutton, third child of 88Peter Sutton, the pio­neer who with his wife 89Phoebe Kenning or Ken-nan, as it is sometimes spelled, came from Baskin

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32 Loughry Genealogy

Ridge, New Jersey, in 1790 to the vicinity of Newport on Blacklick.

Children of Peter and Phoebe Sutton. 90 Peter Sutton, Jr.—married Martha Mc-

Anulty. 91 Thomas Sutton—married 40Rebecca Lough­

ry, daughter of James Loughry, and niece of Zi William Loughry.

92 Malachi Sutton—married 27Rebecca Lough­ry, daughter of William Loughry.

93 Gawin Sutton married Jane Richardson. 94 Mary Sutton—married Ist, Sylvanus Ay­

ers, and 2nd. Robert Nixon: she died in 1851, 70 years old.

95 Phoebe Sutton—married William Harold. All these children were dead in 1880. Peter Sutton, the pioneer, was bom in 1743;

died in 1829. Peter Sutton's tavern was erected in the spring

of 1806. He was Councilman in 1819. His wife, Martha McAnulty, was the daughter of John Mc-Anulty, a Revolutionary soldier. She removed from Chambersburg, Franklin County, to Indiana County in 1812.

John Simpson McAnulty was a grandson of John, and a son of Michael McAnulty.

92 Malachi Sutton, son of Peter, Sr., and Phoebe, his wife, married 1st (27Rebecca Loughry, daughter of 25William Loughry; 3William, Jere­miah Loughry).

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Third Generation 33

Their children were: 96 Peter Sutton—born February 6, 1801 —

married Nancy Fisher. 97 William Sutton. 98 James Sutton—married Eliza Doty. 99 Malachi Sutton—married Miss Lichten-

thaler. 100 Garwin Sutton—married Jane Hilchrist. 101 Phoebe Sutton—married William Mc-


Malachi Sutton, Westmoreland Co. Frontier Rangers, 1778 to 1783, p. 222, Vol. XXIII, 3rd Series, Penn. Arch.

100 Garwin Sutton (27Rebecca Loughry, ^Wil­liam Loughry, 3 William, Jeremiah Loughry), mar­ried Jane Gilchrist.

Their children were:

185 Anna Lena Sutton—married Judge Harry White.

91 Thomas Sutton—married 40Rebecca Lough­ry, daughter of 2James Loughry (3William Lough­ry, Jeremiah Loughry).

Thomas Sutton was born in 1 784; died in 1833.

Married 40Rebecca Loughry, who was born in 1789; died in 1850, at the age of 61 years.

93 Garwin Sutton—son of Peter, Sr., married Tane Richardson.

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34 Loughry Genealogy

Their children were:

249 Peter Sutton. 250 Sylvanus Sutton—married Emma Moore. 251 Phoebe Sutton—married George Hice. 252 Suzanna Sutton — married Alexander

Stewart. 253 Eliza Sutton—married Joseph Chapman. 254 Parmelia Sutton—married L. S. Water­

man. 255 John Sutton.

141 Margaret Sutton—daughter of Thomas and 40Rebecca Loughry Sutton, married Samuel Parker Johnston; their daughter—

214 Jane Johnston—married Charles Rowan Wray, of Pittsburgh, Pa.

Thomas Sutton, 1819, merchant on Philadelphia Street, Indiana, Pa. He was born in Indiana Coun­ty and lived in Clarion Co., Pa., and was admit­ted to the Bar in 1841.

His son, Thomas Sutton, was bom in Indiana, Pa., in 1838, and was admitted to the Bar in June, 1876.

88 Peter Sutton, and wife, S9Phoebe Kennan.

Their children were:

90 Peter Sutton, Jr.—married Martha Mac-Anulty.

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Third Generation 35

92 Malachi Sutton—married, 1st, Rebecca Loughry; 2nd, Sallie Fisher.

93 Gawin Sutton—married Jane Richardson. 94 Mary Sutton—married, 1st, Sylvester Ay­

ers; 2nd, Robert Nixon. 95 Phoebe Sutton—married William Harold. 91 Thomas Sutton—married Rebecca Lough­

ry, daughter of 2James Loughry,

Peter Sutton, Jr., was innkeeper in 1807 in Indiana, Pa.

90 Peter Sutton, Jr.—married Martha Mc­Anulty.

Their children were 5 sons and 2 daughters:

240 John McAnulty Sutton. 241 Phoebe Sutton—married John Sutor. 242 Uriah Sutton.

243 Daniel Stanard Sutton—married Margaret Brewer.

244 Isabella Sutton—married James Hamilton. 245 Johnston Sutton—married Sarah Bu­

chanan. 246 McClain Sutton—married Rebecca Doty. 247 Catherine Sutton—married William Gra­

ham. 248 Mary Sutton—married John Moore. Thomas Sutton, Sr., was bom in 1739^attorney

of Indiana, Pa.

Surveyed to Thomas Sutton, September 2, 1 793, 400 acres, Huntington County, Pa.

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36 Loughry Genealogy

Abraham Sutton, 135 acres in Washington County, Pa.

Penn. Arch., Vol. XXII, 3rd Series.

From Frontier Rangers, Vol. XXIII, 3rd Series, p . 206.

Abraham Sutton, 280 acres, surveyed January 18, 1 785, in Washington County, Pa.

Vol. XXVI, 3rd Series, p. 605.

Benjamin Sutton, Sr., 100 acres, surveyed No­vember 20, 1 787 (p. 609, same vol.).

Surveyed to Peter Sutton, 200 acres. May 6, 1789, in Luzerne County.

Vol. XXIV, p. 273, Third Series, Penn. Arch.

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Fourth Generation 37


28 James Loughry (25William Loughry, 3Wil-liam Loughry, 'Jeremiah Loughry), bom in 1787.

married 104Ann Wilson, daughter of General John Wilson, who came from Ireland to Franklin Coun­ty before the Revolution and served in the war, tradition says, as one of General Washington's life guards for three years. He married Martha McKee in Eastem Pennsylvania and in 1 786 located near Dennistown, Westmoreland County, Pa. In 1 795 he moved to the R. W. Allison farm in White Twp. He married the second time Miss Sheilds.

Children of John Wilson and Martha McKee were: I

102 Mary McKee Wilson—married Robert Allison.

103 Elizabeth Wilson. 104 Ann Wilson—married 2James Loughry. 105 Alexander Wilson. 106 Robert Wilson. 107 Martha Wilson.

His wife died in 1807 at 60 years of age. In 1809 he married Miss Sheilds. He died in 1827 at the age of 70 years.

Creamer's Almanac, Allegheny County, p. 59.

1809—Married, Mr. Wilson to Miss Sheilds, May 17th.

From Warner's History of Allegheny County, Pa., p. 5 or 85.

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38 Loughry Genealogy

Water Street, Elizabethtown, 1819, lived Gen­eral John Wilson.

p. 78. Reserve Twp., John Wilson, an early settler before 1800.

Penn. Arch., 5th Series, Vol. 1, p. 348. A list of persons employed in the department of Deputy Quartermaster-General and their pay.

p. 350. Ligonier, May 20, 1759, John Wilson, sadler, 6.0.

p. 375. Trader's License, December 9, 1767, John Wilson.

From Biographical Sketch of Rev. John Cuth-bertson, Reformed Presbyterian Minister, 1751 to 1791:

Sabbath, September 27, 1751, at James Wil­son's, Licking Creek, Fol ton County, Pa., baptized Eliza, daughter of John Wilson, and Elizabeth, daughter of James Wilson.

April 8, 1753. Mr. Cuthbertson ordained six Ruling Elders. James Wilson, George Wilson, of Licking Creek Settlement, at Rocky Spring.

August 15, 1753. Mr. Cuthbertson preached at William Wilson's, York County.

Members of Licking Creek Settlement previous to 1744.

James Wilson, John Wilson, and George Wil­son, p. 26.

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Fourth Generation 39

28 James Loughry (25William Loughry, 3Wil­liam, Jeremiah Loughry), born in 1 787 in Black­lick Twp., Indiana County, Pa., about two miles north of Campbell's Mills. He died October, 1850.

Children of 28James and 104Ann Wilson Loughry were:

108 John W. Loughry—married Jane Light-cap.

1 09 Mary Loughry—married Abraham Moore and had two children.

1 10 William Loughry—married Margaret Lu­cas.

1 1 1 Alexander—born in 1815—married Lou­isa McLain.

1 12 Martha Loughry. 1 13 Rebecca Loughry—married Gibson Stew­

art. 1 14 Elizabeth Loughry. 1 1 5 Margaret Loughry—died in childhood. 1 16 Robert Loughry—married Susanna Flick-

inger. 1 17 Joseph H. Loughry—bom August 12,

1827—married Martha Bryan Allison December 20, 1849.

Israel Moore — son of James and Ruth (Thomas) Moore, bom 1827; 1st son, Abra­ham, married, 1st, Mary Loughry; 2nd, Phoebe Sutton.

Henry Moore married Rebecca Sutton. Henry Moore of Armagh.

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40 Loughry Genealogy

Armagh was founded September, 1 792, by Mar­garet J. Graham, wife of James Graham.

Sketch in Caldwell's Hist, of Indiana County, Pa.

Armagh is on the Turnpike Road from Ebens-burg to Pittsburgh, I 5 miles southeast of Indiana and 13 miles east of Blairsville.

Margaret J. Graham died May 9, 1827, 74 years old.

From Harris Directory of 1837.

He married 2nd time, Jane Shields.

Children of 28James Lochry and Jane Sheilds: 1 18 Ann Lochry—married James Park. 1 19 Margaret Loughry—married Dr. D M.

Marshall. 120 Esther Lochry—married Dr. Burrell. 121 Mary Jane Lochry — married Joseph

Shields. 122 Nelson McKenna Lochry. 123 James N. Lochry.

30 Joseph Loughry—born in 1790 (2J5William, 3William, Jeremiah Loughry). He was Judge of the Election in 1807, and we find his name on the tax list of Blacklick Twp., Indiana County, Pa. He was a soldier of the War of 1812. Enlisted September 25, 1812, and served to November 24, 1812.

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Fourth Generation 41

Private under Captain John Loughry; Colonel Purviance. Enlisted in Indiana County, Pa.

Date of application for Bounty Fund, August 16, 1832.

Residence at date of application, Indiana Coun­ty, Pa.

Age at date of application, 62 years. Allowed 160 acres. Shown by records at Washington, D. C. P. 357 of Caldwell's History of Indiana County,

Pa., says: Joseph Loughry, Assistant Burgess of Blairsville

in 1829. Census of 1810, Blacklick Twp., Indiana Coun­

ty, Pa., he is listed. Free white males under 10 years of age—two. Of 10 and under 16—one. Of 16 and under 26—one. Head of family: of 26 and under 45—one. Free white females: under 10 years of age—

three. Of 10 and under 16—two. Of 16 and under 26—one. Of 26 and under '46, including head of family—

one. 30 Joseph Loughry married Sarah Howard.

32 WiUiam Loughry (25William, 3WiIliam, Jeremiah) , born in Blacklick Twp., Indiana Coun­ty, Pa. He was a farmer.

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42 Loughry Genealogy

1810 Census, Blacklick Twp., Indiana County, Pa.:

Head of family, 32WiIIiam Loughry. Free white males— Under 10 years of age—one. Of 10 and under 16—one. Of 16 and under 26—one. Of 26 and under 45, including head of family—

one. Free white females— Under 10 years of age—none. Of 10 and under 16—one. Of 16 and under 26—two. Of 26 and under 45, including head of family—


31 John Loughry—son of 25William, son of 3William, son of Jeremiah, married, 1st, ^Mar­garet Sloan; 2nd, 125Margaret Graham.

From tombstone in graveyard at Lewisville:

Margaret, wife of John Loughry, born November 20, 1797 died December 19, 1849

The present village of Lewisville is a part of the original patent, now Comemaugh Township, p. 505.

Original grant of land to the Lockerys. Penn. Arch., 1st Series, Vol. V, p. 135. Penn. Arch., 3rd Series, Vol. XXII, p. 464.

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Fourth Generation 43

31 John Loughry—married 125Margaret Gra­ham, and their daughter, 126Jane Loughry, married George M. Pearson. She was born in Blairsville, Pa.

31 John Loughry (25William, 3William, Je re ­miah Loughry) was born in 1 792.

Census, 1810, Conemaugh Twp.: John Loughry, head of family. Free white males— Under 10 years of age—one. Over 10 and under 16—four. Of 16 and under 26—four. Free white females— Under 10 years of age—two. Of 10 and under 16—one. Of 26 and under 45—one.

34 Benjamin (25William, 3WilIiam, Jeremiah Loughry), bom in Blacklick Twp., married Nancy Sloan, and their children were:

127 Sarah Loughry—married Stearns. 128 William Loughry. 129 Rebecca Loughry. 130 Martha Loughry. 131 Sloan Loughry.

Sarah H. Stearns and Rebecca Loughry. Sold to M. S. Milton at Blacklick, April 2,

1865 (Deed Book 33, p. 414, Indiana, Pa . ) . Daughters of 34Benjamin, and wife, Nancy Sloan Loughry.

From Will Book, 1, p. 132, year 1825.

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44 Loughry Genealogy

He was a member of the Council of Blairsville in 1833, 1834, and 1835. H e died in 1845 (Will Book 1, p . 5 3 2 ) . Nancy Loughry, widow of 34Benjamin Loughry, 1845. Administration in the year 1849. Orphans ' Court Docket, Vol. 3, p . 259, mentions the children: Sarah, over 16 years old; William over 16 years old—in 1849.

Rebecca Loughry. Martha N. Loughry. Sloan Loughry.

132 William Loughry of Blacklick was their uncle.

State of Illinois, Coun ty of McDonoughy (Will Book 33 , p . 414, 1849) , Indiana, Pa.

35 Joseph Loughry ( 2 J a m e s Loughry, 3Wil­liam Loughry, J e r emiah Loughry) , married Polly McQuistian, sister of Sally McQuistian, w h o m his brother William married.

36 James—no record.

37 Robert Loughry ( 2 James , 3William, J e r e ­miah Loughry) lived in Armstrong.

38 William Loughry ( 2 James , 3William, J e r e ­miah Loughry) , married Sally McQuistian, and after his death she married Mr. McLanahan and lived in Indiana, Pa.

William McQuistian died in Indiana, Pa., in 1 840, and his executor was William Loughry, son of 2 J a m e s , son of Mrs. Rebecca Loughry.

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Fourth Generation 43

James McQuistian, of Wheatfield Twp., and wife Jane sold in 1828 to William Loughry and wife Juliana, of Indiana, Pa., property in Blairs-ville, Pa. James McQuistian, et ux., sold to Michael Diveley, June 20, 1820, then he to Wil­liam Loughry (Deeds, Vol. 6, p. 480) at Indiana, Pa.

Andrew McQuistian, of Loyalhanna Twp., Westmoreland County, had land granted to Wil­liam Loughry, Conemaugh Twp., Indiana County, village of Lewisville. Transfer, April 6, 1866. Granted to William Loughry, 1 1 th August, I 786. He sold to James Burnes (Indiana County Deeds, Vol. 32, p . 353) .

The transfer of April 6, 1866, was of 75 and 100 acres.

The census of 1820, Blacklick Twp., Indiana County, Pa., gives William Loughry: one male, 40; one female, 30; one female, 10.

39 Polly Loughry—no record.

40 Rebecca Loughry (24James, 3William, Jere­miah Loughry), married Thomas Sutton, son of Peter Sutton, the pioneer. She was cousin of Sarah Kenning, as Sarah Kenning's mother and Rebecca Loughry's father were sister and brother.

The census of 1850 gives Rebecca's age as 61 years old.

91 Thomas Sutton, son of Peter Sutton and Phoebe Kennan, his wife, the pioneers, was born 1784, died 1833.

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46 Loughry Genealogy

Their children were: 8 sons and 3 daughters.

133 Rebecca Sutton—born 1810—married Henry Moore; no issue.

134 Phoebe Sutton — born 1811 — married Abraham Moore, his 2nd wife.

13 5 James Sutton—born 1812—married Sa­rah Strausberry.

136 John Sutton—born 1814—married Mary Agnes Walker.

137 Peter Sutton—married Jane Mechlin, from Kittaning.

138 Rev. Robert—married Elizabeth Andrews. 139 William Sutton—married Ellen Loughry,

daughter of John Loughry, of Blacklick. 140 Thomas Sutton—married Annie Molene. 141 Margaret Sutton—married Samuel Parker

Johnston. 142 Samuel Parker Johnston was son of Wil­

liam and Jane (Parker) Johnston, son of William and Sarah (Mathews) Johnston.

41 Catherine Loughry (2 J a m e s Loughry, 3William, Jeremiah Loughry), married James Lewis.

James Lewis married, 2nd, 29Mary Loughry ("William, 3WilIiam, Jeremiah) .

Lewis family. John Lewis was born in Frank­lin County in 1 768, and married Nancy David in 1791. They settled in Indiana County, 1 796. He died in 1831 she died in 1835, age 75 years old.

Both died in Indiana County.

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Fourth Generation 47

Their children were:

143 James Lewis—born 1791, August 16th, 144 Evan Lewis—born 1802,

James Lewis—born August 16, 1791; died March 20, 1852; married, 1st, "Catherine Lough­ry, December 26, 1815, who was born April 23, 1 792. She died in 1829, at the age of 49 years. He married, 2nd, her cousin, 29Mary Loughry, bom August 25, 1788; married April 6, 1830. Died December 24, 1856.

Children of James and Catherine Lewis were:

145 John Lewis—born April 8, 1816; he set­tled in the State of Indiana.

146 James Loughry Lewis—born December 11, 1818, in Washington Twp., Indiana County; married Julia Ann Sutton.

147 Rebecca Lewis—bom March 26, 1821 — married Robert Stewart.

148 David Lewis—born July 17, 1824—died March 23, 1854, from fever. He was a physician.

149 Nancy—born August 23, 1826-—married October 10, 1849, to R. W. Allison. They had 8 children.

144 Evan Lewis—bom 1802. Last will is re­corded in Will Book 1, pp. 301 and 302, Hun­tington County, Pa.

45 Joseph Kenning (26Rebecca Loughry Ken­ning, 3WiIliam Loughry, Jeremiah Loughry) was born in Ireland, 1 786, and was the oldest child of

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4 8 Loughry Genealogy

26 Rebecca Loughry and Charles Kenning. He mar­ried Hannah McConnell, and their children were:

1 50 Rebecca Kenning.

46 Letitia Kenning (26Rebecca Loughry Ken­ning, 3WilIiam Loughry, Jeremiah Loughry), mar­ried Robert Fulton, of Derry, Pa., who was brother of James Fulton, cf Derry, Pa. She was the eldest daughter.

47 Rebecca Kenning (26Rebecca Loughry Ken­ning, 3William, Jeremiah Loughry), married James Fulton. She was born in 1793, in Pa., according to the 1850 census. They had one daughter, Caro­line, who was born in 1 833, and married Dr. David Burrell, and had three children. He married sec­ond time.

48 Sarah Kenning (26Rebecca Loughry Ken­ning, 3William Loughry, Jeremiah Loughry), born in Indiana, Pa., in 1810; married William Henry, August 23, 1827. WiUiam Henry was a member of the Council of Indiana in 1830 (From Harris Directory of 1837; also in 1835). She died May 20, 1843. She was the youngest child of Charles and Rebecca Kenning.

Their children were: 1 51 John Henry— bom in 1828—died 1896. 152 James Loughry Henry—bom 1831—died

in 1853. 1 53 Charles Henry—died in infancy. 154 Richard Henry—born 1833—died 1867,

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Fourth Generation 49

155 Mary Louise Henry—1837. 156 Juliet Henry—born 1839—died in 1830, 157 Charles Henry—born 1842—died in

1896. 1 58 Sarah Eliza Henry—born 1846. 159 William Henry—born 1850. 160 Harry Houston Henry—born 1852—is a

minister in Bath, Pa.

49 Alexander Thompson ("Jean Lochry Thompson, 4 Archibald Loughry, Jeremiah Lough­ry) , no further record.

50 Mary Thompson ("Jean Lochry Thomp­son, ^Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Lochry), no fur­ther record.

51 Nancy Thompson ("Jean Lochry Thomp­son, * Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Lockery), no further record.

52 William Thompson ("Jean Lochry Thomp­son, 4 Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Loughry), no further record.

53 Elizabeth Thompson ("Jean Lochry Thompson, 4Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Lough­ry) , married Joseph McQuilkin: no further record.

54 Sarah Thompson ("Jean Lochry Thomp­son, 4 Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Loughry), mar­ried John Paul, born in 1803. They had a daugh­ter who married

161 S. M. Jones, and a son, 162 Robert Paul.

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50 Loughry Genealogy

35 David Thompson ("Jean Lochry Thomp­son, 4Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Loughry), no further record.

56 Jane Thompson ("Jean Lochry Thompson, * Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Loughry) married Thomas Adaer; no further record.

57 Lydia Thompson ("Jean Lochry, 4Archi­bald Lochry, Jeremiah Loughry), no record.

58 Lucy Thompson ("Jean Loughry Thomp­son, 4 Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Loughry), no record.

59 Watson Thompson ("Jean Lochry Thomp­son, 4Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Loughry), mar­ried 80Ann Getty, and their children were:

163 Ann Thompson—married John Luke. 164 Catherine Thompson—married, 1 st, Hum­

phrey; 2nd, Shank. 165 Adah Thompson—died unmarried. She

was a very prominent journalist of Wichita, Kas. 166 Loughry Thompson—was killed while in

service during the Civil War, and is buried at Greenville, Pa., where a monument is erected in his honor.

60 Samuel ("Jean Lochry Thompson, Archi­bald Lochry, Jeremiah Loughry), no record.

61 James Weaver ("Elizabeth Hamilton Wea­ver, 5Margaret Loughry Hamilton, Jeremiah Loughry), married

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Fourth Generation 5 i

62 Elizabeth Weaver ("Elizabeth Hamilton Weaver, 5Margaret Loughry Hamilton, Jeremiah Loughry), married Jacob Blaisdell.

Their children were:

167 Elizabeth Ann BlaisdeU—married George Lozier.

168 Henry Blaisdell—married Jane Cox. 169 Enoch Blaisdell—married Anna Cox. 1 70 Sparks Blaisdell—married Margaret Cox. 171 Mary Blaisdell—married Thomas Wil­


A pleasant little anecdote is told of Jacob Blais­dell: he used to say he courted Eliza Weaver. He married Elizabeth, and he lived with Betty. His wife was known by three names.

72 Catherine D. Thornburgh ("Margaret Hamilton Thornburgh, 5Margaret Loughry Hamil­ton, Jeremiah Loughry), married

172 Elijah McNeely. They moved to India­napolis, Ind. They had children.

81 Andrew Getty ( l sAnn Hamilton Getty, 5Margaret Loughry Hamilton, Jeremiah Loughry), married Armelda Moss or, as originally spelled, Maughs, DeLauney, September I I , 1849, in St. Louis, Mo., daughter of Alphonses Nevesis De Launey and Julia Ann (Lightner) De Launey.

Their children were: 173 William Andrew Getty—born in St.

Louis, Mo.

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52 Loughry Genealogy

174 Julia Ann Getty—born in St. Louis, Mo, 175 James Walter Getty—born in St. Louis,

Mo. 1 76 Cora Getty—born in St. Louis, Mo.

61 James Weaver ("Elizabeth Hamilton Wea­ver, 5Margaret Loughry Hamilton, Jeremiah Loughry), married.

His children were: 177 Mrs. Gay. 178 Mrs. Elizabeth Bruce, 1 79 America Weaver.

96 Peter Sutton (27Rebecca Loughry and Ma­lachi Sutton, 25William Loughry, 3William Lough­ry, Jeremiah Loughry), born February 6, 1801; died July 18, 1871; married December 6, 1825, Nancy A. Fisher, of Dauphin County, Pa., who was born August 25, 1809, and died September 7. 1892.

Children were: 180 Julia Ann Sutton—married James L,

Lewis of Blacklick. 181 Sarah Jane Sutton—born July 1 1, 1830—

died July 2, 1868; single. 182 Jonathan Sutton—born January 11, 1833

—married July 25, 1857, Susan Borben. 1 83 William Sutton—born December 23, 1835

—married November 16, 1854, Violet Mikesell. 184 John F. Sutton—born July 30, 1837—

married June 26, 1866, EUen Keslor (References: Prof. Stewart's History of Indiana County, Pa.,

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Fourth Generation 53

p . 536, p. 912) . He gives the death of Peter Sutton as 1865 and of his wife, Nancy Fisher, 1897.

100 Gawin Sutton (27Rebecca Loughry Sut­ton, 2 William Loughry, 3William Loughry, Jere­miah Loughry), married Jane Gilchrist.

Their children were: 185 Anna Lena Sutton—she married Judge

Harry White, of Indiana, Pa. 186 Helen White—married Charles Edmund


108 John W . Loughry (+James Loughry, 25 William, 3 William, Jeremiah), married Jane Lightcap. He was bom on the R. W. Allison farm in White Township.

Their children were: 187 Samuel Wilson Loughry. 188 James M. Loughry—married in 1864,

Flora Smith. 189 Johnson Lightcap Loughry—married Hes­

ter Ann McLaughlin.' 190 Mary Loughry. 191 Margaret A. Loughry.

109 Mary Loughry ( 2James Loughry, 2SWil-liam Loughry, 3William Loughry, Jeremiah Lough­ry) , married Abraham Moore, Jr., and they had tv/o children:

192 Sara Ann—died in childhood. 193 Henry Moore—merchant of Greenville,


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54 Loughry Genealogy

1 10 WiUiam Loughry (2James Loughry, 25Wil­liam Loughry, 3William, Jeremiah Loughry), mar­ried Margaret Lucas in 1838.

Children of "°William Loughry and Margaret Lucas Loughry:

193 Susanna—died in infancy. 194 William R. Loughry. 19 5 Matilda A. Loughry. 196 Eleanor Loughry. 197 John E. Loughry—died in 1863 in the

Civil War. Death was due to exposure and the hardships of the service while serving his country as a Union soldier. He died at Harper's Ferry, Va.

198 Rhoda A. Loughry. 199 Samuel Lucas Loughry—born March I,

1856—died 1895. 200 Clara L. Loughry. 201 James A. Loughry. 202 Mary E. Loughry. 1 10 William Loughry was endowed with high

musical talent, and was a school teacher of fine merit and was a member and Deacon of Indiana Presbyterian Church. He died September, 1859, aged 46 years old. He lies buried in Oakland Cemetery and his wife, who died December 13, 1912, aged 94, lies buried there also. She was born August 18, 1818, and was the daughter of John and Susanna Lucas.

181 7—John and William Lucas, of Indiana, tai­lors.

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1 1 1 Alexander—born 181 5—married Louisa McLean, born in Indiana, Pa., 1815; son of James Loughry and Ann Wilson.

Their children were: Mary Ann—married Alexander Fair. 203 James McClain killed at the second battle

of Bull Run while a member of Company B, 11 th Penn. Reserve Corps.

204 Thomas Clark—married Mary Clara Bruce.

205 John Wilson—married Sarah Bamhart.

122 Dr. McKinna Nelson Loughry, son of James Loughry and Jane Shields, deceased.

123 Dr. James Loughry, son of James Loughry and Jane Shields Loughry, practiced medicine in Pittsburgh, Fifth Avenue; married Matilda Duff; they had 8 boys.

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134 Phoebe Sutton (40Rebecca Loughry, James Loughry, 3William Loughry, J e r emiah

Loughry) , married as his 2nd wife 208 Abraham Moore—and their children

were: 209 Thomas Moore. 210 Lottie Moore. 21 1 John Moore. 212 Harriet Moore—married Lafferty. 213 Sally Moore. 135 James Sut ton—married Sarah Strausberry,

who was a teacher. She v/as the first teacher of Public Schools in Blairsville, Pa., in 1839.

136 John Sut ton (40Rebecca Loughry, 2 J a m e s Loughry, 3William Loughry, J e remiah Loughry) , married Agnes Walker . In 1850 census gives Rebecca Loughry Sut ton 61 years eld and living with her son John Sutton, and his wife, Agnes Walker.

137 Peter Sutton (40Rebecca Loughry, 2 J a m e s Loughry, sWilliam Loughry, Je remiah Loughry ) , married Jane Mechlin from Kittanning.

138 Robert Sut ton—married Elizabeth An­drews.

133 Rebecca Sut ton—married Henry Moore; no issue.

141 Margaret Sut ton (40Rebecca Loughry Sut­ton, 24James Loughry, 3William Loughry, J e r e ­miah Loughry) , married

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142 Samuel Parker Johnston. 214 Daughter: Jane Johnston.

139 WiUiam Sutton (40Rebecca Loughry Sut­ton, "James Loughry, 3William Loughry, Jere­miah Loughry), married Ellen Loughry, daughter of John Loughry of Blacklick.

140 Thomas Sutton (40Rebecca Loughry Sut­ton, 2James Loughry, 3WiIliam Loughry, Jere­miah Loughry), married Annie Molene.

159 WiUiam Henry (*8Sarah Kenning Henry, 26Rebecca Loughry Kenning, 23Rebecca Loughry, and 3William, Jeremiah Loughry), born in 1850. married Catherine Busey.

Their children were : 215 Effie Louise—born 1879. 216 William Henry—in Toronto. 21 7 Mary Henry—in Honolulu. 218 Harry Henry. 219 Charles Henry.

John Paul—married 54Sarah Thompson ("Jean Lochry Thompson, 4Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Loughry). Their daughter married 161S. M. Jones, and they had one daughter.

220 Anna Mary Jones. 221 John Louchry Paul of Philadelphia is a

great-grandson of Archibald Lochry 163 Ann Thompson (59Watson Thompson,

"Jean Lochry, 4 Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Loughry), married John Luke.

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Their children were: 222 Edgar Luke—married and moved to Mis­

souri. 223 Annie Luke—-died young. 224 John Luke—died young. 225 Roscoe Luke—married and living in


164 Catherine Thompson (59Watson Thomp­son, "Jean Loughry Thompson, 4Archibald Lochry, Jeremiah Loughry), married, 1st, Hum, phrey, and had

226 Clara Humphrey—married D. Ridney. 227 Cora Humphrey. Married, 2nd, Shank.

1 73 WiUiam Andrew Getty (81Andrew Getty, 18Ann Hamilton Getty, 5Margaret Loughry Ham­ilton, Jeremiah Loughry), died at the age of 16 years of typhoid fever.

1 74 Julia Ann Getty ("Andrew Getty, 18Ann Hamilton Getty, 5Margaret Loughry Hamilton, Jeremiah Loughry), married Charles Neil Jewett.

175 James Walter Getty (81Andrew Getty, 18Ann Hamilton Getty, 5Margaret Loughry Hamil­ton, Jeremiah Loughry), died at the age of 6 years of lung fever.

1 76 Cora Getty (81Andrew Getty, 18Ann Ham­ilton Getty, 5Margaret Loughry Hamilton, Jere­miah Loughry), married, 1st, W. B. Ladd; 2nd, Julien Ransier.

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145 John Lewis ("Catherine Loughry Lewis, "James Loughry, 3William, Jeremiah), born April 8, 1816, was a physician. He married Maria L. Hutchinson and they had two children, James and George. He settled in the State of Indiana Jan­uary 24, 1886.

146 James Loughry Lewis ("Catherine Lough­ry Lewis, 24James Loughry, 3William, Jeremiah), born December 1 1, 1818, in Washington Twp., Indiana County—married October 22, 1846, 1MJu­lia Ann Sutton, born December 24, 1827. They had 8 children. He died April 27, 1896, and is buried at Curry Run Presbyterian Church.

147 Rebecca Lewis ("Catherine Loughry Lewis, 24James Loughry, 3William, Jeremiah), bom March 26, 1821; died Febmary 11, 1851; married Robert Stewart, March 26, 1846. They had one child, John Stewart.

149 Nancy Lewis ("Catherine Loughry Lewis, 24James Loughry, 3William Loughry, Jeremiah Loughry), married Robert W. Allison, son of Robert and Mary McKee Wilson, who was bom on a farm a few miles south of Indiana, Pa., Aug­ust 17, 1822; died June 25, 1899, nearly 77 years old. She died November 4, 1892, age 66 years old.

James and Catherine Lewis were pioneer settlers of Washington Twp., Indiana County, Pa.

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201 James A. Loughry ("°William Loughry, James Loughry, 23William, 3William, Jeremiah) ,

married the 22nd of March, 1887, Nina Van Voor-his, who died January 24, 1912.

Their children were: 2226 James Van Voorhis—bom October, 1889. 2227 Herbert L. Loughry—bom 1890; died

1910. 3227 William R. Loughry—born December

15, 1892. 228 Margaret Wilson Loughry—born April 4,


194 WiUiam R. Loughry ("°William Loughry, 2James Loughry, 25WilIiam Loughry, 3Wflliam Loughry, Jeremiah Loughry), married Clara Si­mons, daughter of David Simons of Indiana, Pa.

Their children were: 229 David Loughry. 230 Edgar Loughry. 231 Ralph Loughry. William R. Loughry, retired business man of

Indiana, Pa. His business career has been excep­tionally fine. He started in business when a very young man and through all the changes the firm underwent continued in the service until he and his brother formed, in 1889, the firm so well known in Indiana, Pa. Mr. Luke Loughry died in 1895, and his sister,

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202 Miss Mary E. Loughry secured his interest in the business, and she became one of the most successful business women of the state. Indiana County people became familiar with the firm's motto: "What you get here will be right."

Mr. Loughry has been identified with the town's interests for more than half a century and has seen Indiana grow from a village to an up-to-date business center. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the State Normal School for many years, and an active worker in the Presbyte­rian Church. Now that he and his sister, Miss Mary, have retired from business, only good wishes follow them.

135 James Sutton—son of Rebecca and Thomas Sutton—married Sarah Strausbury.

232 Dr. R. Strausbury Sutton—their son.

175 JuBa Ann Getty (81Andrew Getty, 18Ann Hamilton Getty, 5Margaret Loughry Hamilton, Jeremiah Loughry), married Charles Neil Jewett, and their children were:

233 Mae Irma Jewett. 234 Charles Percy Jewett. 235 Armelda Jewett.

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228 Margaret Wilson Loughry (2 0James A. Loughry, "°William Loughry, 2James Loughry, 25William Loughry, 3WilIiam Loughry, Jeremiah Loughry), married Alexander Francis Blessing of Harrisburg, Pa. He is a civil engineer; they have one child, "Billy," for short.

236 Francis Wilson Blessing.

214 Jane Johnston (141Margaret Sutton Johns­ton, 40Rebecca Loughry Sutton, 24James Loughry, 3William Loughry, Jeremiah Loughry), married Charles Rowan Wray of Pittsburgh, Pa,

233 Mae Irma Jewett ( " Ju l ia Ann Getty Jew­ett, "Andrew Getty, 18Ann Hamilton Getty, 'Mar­garet Loughry Hamilton, Jeremiah Loughry), married Jay Millard Frye; they have one child,

237 Jay Millard Frye, Jr.

234 Charles Percy Jewett ("Ju l ia Ann Getty Jewett, "Andrew Getty, 18Ann Hamilton Getty, 5Margaret Loughry Hamilton, Jeremiah Loughry), married Ethel Neil and they have children:

238 Neil Jewett. 239 Cora Mae Jewett.

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Loughry Genealogy

Nicholas Loughry, Blacklick Twp., Indiana Co., farmer (1807 Tax List).

William Loughry. Joseph Loughry. Nicholas Loughry.

256 Nicholas Loughry was bom in Ireland. His wife was an Allison; they have five sons, four sons came to America. His son James was born in Derry, Ireland.

257 James Loughry—born March 8, 1760, in County Derry, Ireland—died May 18, 1838, in Adams County, Ohio—married Rebecca Mclntire, who died in Westmoreland County, Pa., Septem­ber, 1828.

Their children were: 258 James Loughry. 259 John Loughry. 260 Rebecca Loughry—bom December 8,

1787—died May 23, 1809. Resided in Indiana, Pa.

261 Sarah Loughry. 262 Mary Loughry. 263 Catherine Loughry.

James Loughry on the tax list for Center Twp., Indiana County, in 1807.

The father and his two sons, James and John, went to Adams County, Ohio, where he died.

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John Loughry, son of the above James, was a soldier of the War of 1812; September 25, 1812, to November 24, 1812; rank, Captain.

Residence at time of enlistment, Indiana County, Pa.

He applied for bounty fund April 14, 1851. Residence at date of application, Adams County,

Ohio. Age at date of application, 64 years old. AUowed 160 acres. Application on file at Washington, D. C.

258 James Loughry, a soldier of the War of 1812.

Date of enlistment, September 25, 1812. Serv­ice to November 24, 1812.

Private under Captain John Loughry, Colonel Purviance, Pa.

Residence of soldier at time of enlistment, In­diana County, Pa.

Date of application for bounty fund, August 20, 1851.

Residence at date of application, Adams County, Ohio.

Age at date of application, 61 years old. Allowed 160 acres. Application on file at Washington, D. C.

264 Jane Loughry, daughter of John, married Robert J. Marshall, M. D., in 1830.

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Jane Loughry was born in 1813; daughter of John Loughry, a native of Indiana County, and subsequently a resident of Circleville, Ohio.

WiUiam Loughry married Margaret Chambers. He died in 1807. His will is the first proved and recorded at Indiana, Pa.

Sons— Robert Not of age in 1807. John Not of age in 1807. James Not of age in 1807. William Not of age in 1807.

Youngest son.

Daughters— Mary Not of age in 1807. Margaret Not of age in 1807. Jane Not of age in 1807.

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66 Loughry Genealogy

Introductory Notes to

Loughry family of Kentucky.

Colonel Alexander Loughry took the oath of allegiance in Donegal Twp., Lancaster County, Pa., July 26, 1777.

1 769—Alexander Loughry, of Mrs. Gross' line. James and Mary Loughry of County Devon, Ire­

land. James Loughry, a soldier of the Revolution and

taxpayer in Bald Eagle Township, Clinton County, Pa., 1793; was he a relative?

1792—Robert Loughry married Sarah McMa­hon in Philadelphia.

1779—John Loughry married Esther Rush, a descendant of Benjamin Rush, the signer of the Declaration of Independence.

On the Ragman's Roll, 1296, Lochere, Gallo­way County, Ireland.

Alexander Loughry had a brother 'who remained in Pennsylvania. A tract of land was left to them by an unmarried uncle. His son, Lemuel, after he reached manhood, tried to locate this land, but as the Court House in Hanna's Town, Westmoreland County, Pa., had been destroyed by fire many years previous, and all records lost, he was not successful in doing so.

Extracts from the Bible of Alexander Loughry: Marriages—

Alexander Loughry and his wife Catherine mar­ried March 5, 1798

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Clarrissa Laughry and Samuel B. Mills married May 20, 1816. Clarrissa married, 2nd, Lee of Virginia.

Lucetta Laughry and WiUiam Steele married July 12, 1827.

Births— Ardavan Loughry, bom January 8, 1809. Catherine Elizabeth Mills, born August 13, 1817. Francis Jane Mills, born May 17, 1818.

Deaths— Alexander Loughry, February 25, 1816. Catherine Loughry, August 13, 1828. Alexander Loughry married Catherine Moffett,

daughter of Robert and Jane (McDowel) Moffett. He was admitted into the Masonic Order, Rock­

ingham Union Lodge, Rockingham, Va., 29th Oc­tober (Alexander Loughry bom 1769).

Mrs. J. J. Gross was Lavinia Loughry. Her line. Alexander Loughry, born in 1 769 in Woodford

County, Ky., married Catherine Moffett March 5, 1798. He died February 25, 1816. She died August 13, 1828, age, 54 years.

Their children were: 1 Lemuel. 2 Newton. 3 Lucetta. 4 Ardivan. 5 Clarrissa. 6 Arribella.

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Lemuel Loughry, born 25 th of October, 1800; died July 10, 1842; married, 1 st, Eliza Steele (daughter of Andrew Steele) ; no issue; 2nd, July 10, 1838, Eleanor (daughter of Joseph and Mary Bussey Snov/don of Baltimore, Md.) ; born Octo­ber 20, 1814; died January 5, 1890, at St. Louisy


Eleanor Snowden Loughry (daughter of Lem­uel Loughry), born March 31, 1839; married Oc­tober 23, 1866, WiUiam Gray (William Gay Gray).

Children were: Eleanor Snowden Gray, born April 9, 1887. Georgie E. H. Gray, born January 1, 1889.

Lavinia Winchester Loughry (daughter of Lem­uel Loughry), born October 19, 1841; married August 24, 1881, Joseph J. Gross of Baltimore, his 2nd wife; no issue.

Newton Loughry, third child of Alexander and Catherine (Moffett) Loughry, was born in Wood­ford County, 1801; married Margaret Shelby, and died in 1833 in Louisville, Ky.

Lucetta Loughry (daughter of Alexander Loughry), born in Woodford County, Ky., 1803; married July 12, 1817, William Steele, son of Andrew Steele, and died in Jeffersonville, Ind.

Their children were: James Newton Steele. i

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Alexander Loughry Steele. Catherine Moffett Steele. William Steele.

Ardivan Loughry, bom January 8, 1809.

Clarrissa Loughry, bom ; married May 29, 1816, Samuel B. Mills.

Mr. John Gray is uncle of William Gray, wife, Eleanor Snowdon Loughry of Baltimore.

Joseph and Hannah Gray of the McDowell fam­ily (p. 363, Hist, of Huntington County, Pa . ) .

Mrs. A. J. Burk, Kirksville, Mo. Mary A. Loughry, born in America, March 10,

1810; died May 28, 1888; married in 1829, Fred­erick Dunire, who -was of German parentage, but born in America. She was one-half Irish.

William Loughry, father of Mary A. Loughry, had two sons in the Revolutionary War.

Mary A. Loughry is great-grandmother of Mrs. Tennie Selby Burk.

John Loughry of Buena Vista, Ohio, belongs to the same family as Mrs. Burk. His letters and credentials were from Pennsylvania.

From the Records of Randolph County, West Virginia.

William Loughry married Margaret Johnson, daughter of Edward Johnson. The ceremony was performed by Robert Maxwell, Justice of the Peace in 1809.

I 797—Martin Miller was married to Margaret Loughry, daughter of John Loughry, Robert Max­well officiating.

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Randolph County Book 2, 1810. John Loughry was in Randolph Co., Virginia,

in 1797. His daughter Margaret married Martin Miller

in 1797. His daughter Sarah married Jonathan Varney in

1809. From the History of Tucker County, W. Va.,

by Hu Maxwell, p. 1884. D. C. Loughry, son of Daniel Loughry, and

Miss Miller of Clarksburg, son of James William Carson Loughry, moved to West Virginia, then to Virginia about 1817.

Daniel Loughry, son of William Carson Lough­ry (as spelled).

James Loughry moved from Green or Fayette County, Pa. His father lived in Maryland and he was born there.

William. Loughry of West Virginia married Margaret Johnson in 1809. Their children were:

Mary Ann Loughry, born March 10, 1810; mar­ried Frederick Dumire in 1829 and died May 28, 1888.

Nancy Loughry—married Aaron Loughry, her father's brother.

Delilah—never married. Ruty Loughry—married Charles or Carlos Du­

mire. From a History of Tucker County, W. Va.,

published in 1884 by Hu Maxwell.

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Frederick Dumire, born March 12, 1806; died March 25, 1888; married Mary Ann Loughry of Holly Meadows, Tucker County, W. Va., in 1829, at Pine Grove Lead Mine, W. Va.

Their children were: Emily Dumire—married J. M. L. Porter and

went to Adrian, Mich. Elizabeth—married as his 2nd wife, Enoch G.

Selby. Daniel Dumire—lived in Tucker County, W. Va. Ezekiel Dumire. Samuel R. Dumire—lived in Tucker County, W.

Va. Alpheus J. Dumire.

Enoch George Selby, married as his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Dumire. Their children were:

Hiram Selby—married. Tennie Selby—(his daughter) married Arthur

J. Burk.

William Loury, Virginia. Collections of Virginia Historical Society,

1882-1892; Virginia County Records, Vol. 1. p . 424.

September 3, 1 788, Richard Loury of Caroline County.

William Loury, deceased (father of Richard); wife, Rebecca (afterwards Rebecca Jones).

Two daughters: Martha, Sally.

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Will recorded in Essux County, Virginia. Richard Loury—Betty, his wife; p. 355, Vol. 1. Richard Loury—Elizabeth, his wife; p. 382,

Vol. I.

(Alias Loughry): Children of Wm. and Rebecca Loury: Richard. Martha. Sally.

Richard Loury—1784-1790; p. 438.

WiUiam Lowrie and Isabel and Robert Lowrey, Sr., to James Henry, 1 70 acres of Borden's 92,100, 160 acres of which was devised to William Lowrie by his father, John Lowrie, by wUl in Augusta, the remaining acres sold to said Loughry, John Weir's line, Edmiston's comer.

Deed No. 17, p. 497, 20th November, 177.1.

WilUam Loury, or Loughry, merchant of Ste. Genevieve, Mo., 1802.

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Unclassified 73


Dennis Loughry, February 1, 1758, Berks Co., Pa.

Dennis Loughry, the blind poet of Pittsburgh, p. 87, Centennial History of Allegheny Co.,

Pa., 1784. Dennis Laughry, Jr., enlisted for three years,

February 1, 1758.

WiUiam Loughry, Revolutionary War. Date of enlistment not stated. Rank, Ensign, Captain not stated. State, Penn­

sylvania. Battles engaged in, Brandywine. Residence of soldier at enlistment, Lancaster

County, Pa. Date of application for pension by widow, Sep­

tember 16, 1839. Residence at date of application of widow, Arm­

strong County, Pa. Age at date of application of widow, 72 years. This soldier married Margaret Galbreth August

8, 1 790, and died October, 1806. Her claim for pension was rejected as she was unable to furnish proof of service. She could not definitely state it herself.

She afterwards received a pension. From Public Records at Harrisburg, Pa., Vol.

9, of Pensions. Margaret Loughry, paid $40 gratuity per act of

April 1, 1837, p. 23.

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74 Loughry Genealogy

Margaret Loughry, paid $40 gratuity per act of December, 1837.

Margaret Loughry, paid $40 gratuity per act of December, 1838.

Margaret Loughry, Armstrong Co., from Jan­uary 7, 1838, as per act 14th April, 183c5, trans­ferred to Folio 10, p. 109. Vol. 10, paid to 1843.

Margaret Loughry, 1809, October to March, 1846, file or application 183.

John Loughry, stonemason, 1807. William Loughry, husband of this Margaret

Loughry, died in 1806. Comemaugh Twp., Indiana County, Pa., tax list

for 1807. Margaret Loughry, widow.

1787—Daniel Loughry sold land to John Mc­Kee, Lack Twp., Cumberland Councy, August 2nd. In the deed he spelled his name Lochry, of Middleton Twp., Cumberland County.

From Carlisle Records, Vol. 1, Book E, p. 386.

1 782—Daniel Lochry, on tax list of Cumberland County, in Lack Twp., 100 acres (p. 595, Penn. Arch., Vol. 22, Third Series).

Marriages by Rev. Jno. Roan from 1 744 to 1 754 in Paxton and Donegal, Pa.:

Daniel Lochry married to Lettice McConnahy, August 23, 1 764.

1779—Daniel and Lettice, his wife, in the deed spelled their name Lochry of Middleton Twp., Cumberland County, Pa.

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Unclassified 75

1779—Daniel Lochry appears on the list of Freemen, Cumberland County, Middleton Twp. (From Penn. Arch., 3rd Series, Vol. —, p. 205) .

In 1 799 he is on the tax list for Mt. Joy Twp., but pays no tax.

Robert W. Loughry, son of Robert Loughry, Louisville, Ky.

Pennsylvania Census of 1790, York County, gives:

Daniel Loughry, head of family— Males over 16—one. Females—one. Daniel Lochry of Bedford County, 1 787, men­

tioned in Penn. Arch.

Maryland United ArtiUery. T. De Loughry, 4th Sergeant, War of 1812.

From Penn. Arch., Vol. IX, 2nd Series, p. 44. First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. Months, 8; days, 16; year, 1728. Marriage li­

censes. James Lochry and Jane McClelland. Months, 6; days, 30; year, 1733. Giles Lough­

ry and David Forham, same Vol., p. 41 .

Copied from the Baltimore Sun, 1906: Catherine Nelson, daughter of Robert Nelson

and Martha Patterson; born, 1731 ; died ; 63 years, 1 794, at Cedar Springs.

Robert Patterson; born, 1720; died, 1803; 85 years, at Bowling Green, Ky.

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Catherine Nelson married James Banks, of 1812, nine children; seventh child, Anne Banks, married, 1st, a Mr. Laughrie; 2nd, a Mr. Knox of Pitts­burgh, Pa. Children, James and Martin.

WiUiam A. Loughry was Deacon of Blairs­ville Presbyterian Church in 1855.

James Loughry was Coroner in Indiana County, 1815.

William Loughry built the second tannery at Blairsville in 1826, and it was a very small af­fair (Hist, of Indiana County, Caldwell),

From Baltimore Church Records: Zion Lutheran Church (p. 424) .

Jno. Murray and Ann Laughery married by li­cense June 7, 1808.

p. 474, Confirmations. Barbara Laugrey, age 16, 1814. Library of the Maryland Historical Society. Baltimore City Directory. 1810—Laugherty, William, meal dealer, Gal­

lows Hill. 1812—Laugherty, William, meal dealer, Gal­

lows Hill.

New Jersey Arch., Vol. 19, First Series, pp. 427-429.

List of letters on P. O. at Trenton, New Jersey, September 28, 1754: Mr. Laury, Allentown.

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Unclassified 7 7

Margaret Loughry of Blairsville married Charles Graff.

From Harris Directory of 1837. Council members of Indiana, Pa. 1819—Thomas Sutton, Peter Sutton, Jr. 1820—Charles Kenning. 1823—Thomas Sutton. 1830—William Henry. 1835—William Henry.

From Harris Directory, 1847, p. 92. Mrs. Loughry, milliner, 6th Street. Joseph Loughry, saddler , 6th. Jane Loughry, widow, north side 3rd, between

Ferry and Liberty. John Lochry, drayman, southeast corner Front

and Ferry.

Bucks County, Penn., Arch., 3rd Series, Vol. 13, p . 85 ; 1 779, Bucks County Transcripts, Nockamixon Twp.

James Loughry, 84 acres, 1 horse, 2 cattle. Also 1783, p . 393; amount of tax, 0-19-6.

Census of 1850, Senica County, Ohio, Scipio Twp., p. 95.

Jane Laughry, age 75, bom in Pa, Charles Laughry, age 45, bom in Ohio. James Laughry, age 35, bom in Ohio, farmer. Andrew Laughry, age 40, bom in Ohio. Nancy Meyers, age 8, Ohio.

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Eden Township, Charles Laughry, 40; stone­mason, born in Pa.

Susan Laughry, age 38. Jane Laughry, age 8. James Laughry, age 6. Susan Laughry, age 5. Charles Laughry, age 3. Eli Laughry, age 1.

Page 767. Margaret Loughry of Blacklick Twp. married

Elisha Wilkenson. Rebecca Loughry married Denniston Wilkenson. Mark Wilkinson, a native of Hartford, Conn.,

was born 1760; came to Blacklick Twp. in 1819; died, 1856; his wife was Phoebe Freeland, and she died in 1836, 65 years old.

Elisha, the second child, married, 1st, Margaret Loughry; another child, Dennison, married Re­becca Loughry.

Who were the parents of this Margaret Loughry and this Rebecca Loughry?

Mary Loughry. From Greensburg, Pa., Records, Record Book

A, p. 47. Mary Loughry, Sr., to Samuel Moorhead, 100

acres. Dated March 6, 1775. Granted a warrant to said Mary Lochry, 100

acres joining land of William Greir, Thomas Thompson, Soloman Shephard, John Proctor, Esq., and others.

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Unclassified 79

Witnessed—James Hamilton. William Lochry.

(Signed) Mary V. Lochry (her mark) . Acknowledged before William Lochry,

General Information of

Indiana County, Pa., and Armstrong County, Pa.

The southem part of Indiana County was first a part of Chester County, from 1682 to May 10, 1729.

From May 10, 1 729, to 1 750, June 27th, it was Lancaster County.

January 27, 1750, to March 9, 1771, Cumber­land County.

March 9, 1771, to February 26, 1773, Bedford County.

February 26, 1773, to March 30, 1803, West­moreland County.

1803, Indiana County. That part north of the purchase line of 1684

was unorganized territory until 1 784, when it be­came a part of Northumberland County, later Ly­coming County.

1845—Saltsburg Assessments (p. 382, Cald­well's Hist, of Indiana).

Nelson B. Laughry. Joseph Laughry. William Laughry.

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80 Loughry Genealogy

Council of Saltsburg (p. 385) . 1848—William Loughry. Amos Loughry of Huntington County, Pa. Huntington County was taken from Bedford

County. John and James Loughry lived in Smith's Val­

ley, Cass Twp. Amos, son of John, settled here after the war.

He served as Captain in the Maryland Forces in the Revolutionary War. Mentioned in Penn. Arch. (History of Huntington County, by S. S. Africa, p. 238) .

Will Book 2, 1807 to 1822, p. 39, at Hun­tington.

Letters of Administration granted to Nancy Loughry on the estate of her husband, Amos Loughry, late of Union Twp., 12th November, 1808.

Amos Loughry (Deed Book FI., p . 215, 1822). Inventory, December 12, 1809. Nancy, the widow, renounces her right to ad­

minister in favor of George Strever. Amos Loughry, deceased; administration ac­

count confirmed (Book B, p. 218, Orphans' Court Docket). Court orders distribution April, 1811.

Inventory accounts. Bill by proven account of John Loughry, $2.61 ; also $3.30. By amount of judgment by Elizabeth Loughry and costs, $25.92.

Nancy Greenland married Amos Loughry, Cass Twp., Huntington County, Pa. (Hist, of Hun­tington County, p. 237) .

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Unclassified 81

Moses Greenland moved from Baltimore Co., Maryland, to 1 rough Creek Valley. He had three sons: Nathan, Caleb and Joshua, and two daugh­ters.

Nancy married Amos Loughry. Sarah Greenland married Lawrence Swope. Guardian appointed for Benjamin Loughry,


Orphans' Court Docket, Book J, FUe 143, Record Book C, p. 62.

Benjamin Loughry petitions for guardian; 16 years old in 1819.

David Loughry of Union Twp., Huntington Co., Pa.

Deed Book No. 2B, p. 426, year 1840, Town of Salsbury.

Plan laid out 24th September, 1830 (Recorded in Deed Book F, p . 259) .

Early residents of Blair County, Freedom Twp. Robert Laughry. -James Laughry, resident of Blair Co., Pa., in

1840. From History of Huntington County, by J. S.


Mentioned in Penn. Arch. Mary Loughry, single, of Bedford County, Pa. James Loughry. John Loughry. John Laughry.

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82 Loughry Genealogy

Joseph Laughry. Robert Laughry. Michael Loughry.

Roll of Captain James Chamber's Company (enlisted in that part of Cumberland County which is now Franklin County), private, Thomas Lochry (p. 17, Vol. X, 2nd Series, Penn. Arch.), Bat­talion of Riflemen, year 1776.

Sergeant Michael Lockery. Pennsylvania sol­diers entitled to depreciation pay. Cash paid to officers and soldiers of the First Regiment, Penn., at Yorktown, in part of their pay.

p. 55, Penn. Magazine of History, Vol. 28, 1904.

On the tax list for Newberry Twp., York Co., Pa., for 1783, Patrick Lockery, Newberry Twp., 1767.

Samuel and Hugh Lochra came to America in 1774. Samuel settled in Columbia Co. in 1774, where he died in 1826.

A mother, named Margaret, and seven sons em­barked at Belfast for Delaware in 1 776. William came in 1787; James in 1788.

Another mother and ten sons settled in North­umberland Co. Hugh settled in Union Co., Pa., and died in 1828. He had a large family.

Mentioned in Penn. Arch.: For Revolutionary Services Frederick Lochra

received 400 acres. Warrant dated April 3, 1792. Joseph and Christopher Lochra also received land.

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Loughry Genealogy 83

General Information

From the Scotch-Irish, by Hanna, Vol. 2, p. 7.

Lochry, New Jersey, in the year 1682. Among other Scotch gentlemen of enterprise

and means, is the name of Gawin Laurie, acquired a proprietary interest in the Province of East Jer­sey in association with William Penn and eleven other Quakers. In 1684 Gawin Laurie lived at Elizabeth, New Jersey.

Gawin Laurie, merchant, mentioned 1682 (p. 62, Vol. 2, year 1683, p . 202 and p. 204.

From N. J. Hist. Society Documents, p . 388, Vol. 26. year 1701.

Gawin Laurie came over in February, 1684, as Deputy Governor and lived at Elizabethtown (p. 6, Hist, of Perth Amboy, by Whitehead).

Gawin Laurie, of New Jersey, named spelled also Laury (p. 193, Narratives of Early Penn., New Jersey, and Delaware, by Franklin Jameson).

He died 1687, in the fall. His will was dated August 15, 1687, and letters of administration granted his widow October 20, 1687.

East Jersey Records, p. 137. Vol. 3, p. 302, New Jersey Arch.

Miles Foster or Forster, 1689, Collector of Cus­toms at Perth Amboy, 1689; in 1695, residence, New York merchant. He died in 1710; married Rebecca, daughter of Gawin Laurie (p. 8, Vol. 12, New Jersey Arch.); see also Whitehead's Hist, of Perth Amboy, p. 46.

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84 Loughry Genealogy

Scotch-Irish, by Hanna, Vol. 2, index gives name Lochry, Lowry, and Laurie, as the same family.

Friends Meeting (p. 179, Vol. 8, New York Genealogical and Biog. Register).

At the monthly meeting in Amboy, 9th of 12th month, 1686, was granted Miles Foster and Re­becca Laury to marry.

N . J . Arch., Vol. 21 , p. 101.

Will of Gawin Laurie, August 12, 1687, men­tions Brother Arthur and deceased son, James Laury, and children.

Daughters: Mary Haige and Rebecca Foster.

Wife named Mary (p. 102, Vol. 21) , letters of administration granted his widow, October 20, 1687.

James Laurie married Mary Borden November 15, 1739, Upper Freehold (Chesterfield Friend's Marriage Record, pp. 675, 677, Vol. 22, First Series, N. J. Arch.). Witnesses to the marriage: (N. J. Arch.) : William, Mary, Mary, Jr., Jacob, Hannah, and John Laurie (Vol. 22, p. 662).

Mary, daughter of Gawin Laurie, married Wm. Haige.

Thomas Laurie of Freehold to his only son, James Laurie.

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James and Rebecca Laurie imported themselves into this province (Vol. 21 , p. 61 , 1684; December 1, Register's Book of Records), chUdren of Thomas Laurie.

Thomas Laurie, Monmouth Co., and Ann Mur-fin married 1760. Witnesses: WiUiam, Mary, John, James, Joseph, Mary and Jacob Laurie.

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The numbers before each name in this index are those assigned to each individual, and the numbers follov/ing each name indicate the page.

A PAGE Adaer, Thomas _ 28 , 50 Africa, J. S 81 Allison, Esther 24 Allison, Martha Bryan Allison 39 Allison, Robert 37 , 59 Allison, R. W _ 37, 47 , 53 , 59 Allison, wife of Nicholas Loughry 63 Al tman, Peter 22 Andrews, Elizabeth 46, 56 Armagh, Indiana County, Pa 39 , 4 0 Ayers , Sylvanus 32 , 35

B Baltimore, Lord _. __ _ 2 Baltimore, Maryland _ _ -..68 Banks, A n n a _76 Banks, James 76 Baskir^ Ridge, New Jersey 31,32 Barnhart , Sarah _ _. _ 55 Beard, Archibald _ 3 Bedford County, Pa _ 2 3 , 79 Beson, Chas. Edmund _ 53

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I n d e x

Bethel Presbyterian Church 2 0 Blaisdell, 1 67 Elizabeth A n n 51 Blaisdell, 169 Enoch 51 Blaisdell, 168 Henry 51 Blaisdell, Jacob 51 Blaisdell, 1 71 Mary 51 Blaisdell, 170 Sparks 51 Blessing, Alexander Francis 62 Blessing, 236 Francis Wilson 62 Borden, Mary 84 Borden, Susan 52 Boyd, Rev. Hugh 29 Boyd, Mr 29 Brandon, John 28 Breckinridge, Hon. J. C 21 Brewer, Margaret 3 5 Brice, James _ 3 Brooke, Clement 4 Brooke, Elizabeth 4 Brooke, Mary 4 Brooke, Rachel 4 Bruce, 1 78 Mrs. Elizabeth 52 Bruce, Mary Clara 55 Buchanan, Sarah 3 5 Burk, Ar thur J 71 Burk, Mrs. A. J 69 Burk, Tennie Selby 69 Bumes , James _ _ 4 5 Burrell, Dr. David 48 Burrell, Dr _ 40 Busey, Catherine 57 Bussey, Mary, of Baltimore 68

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c Campbell, James, Sr _. 27 Campbell, James, Jr 27 Campbell, Thomas _ _ 22 CarroU, Charles 2, 3 Carroll, Charles, Sr 3 Carroll, Christopher 4 Carroll, "CarroU's Delight" _ 2, 3 Carroll, Eleanor _ 2 CarroU, Mary - _ 2 Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton 3, 4 Chambers, Captain James _ 82 Chambers, Margaret „ 64 Chambersburg, Franklin Co., Pa..... 32 Chapman, Joseph _ 34 Case :. _ 29 Chester County 79 Circleville, Ohio 64 Clark's Expedition 1 7 Cox, Anna 51 Cox, Jane 51 Cox, Margaret _ 51 Cockran, William _ 3

Cumberland County—

Antrim Township _ ... 4 Hopewell Township 4 Lack Township 4 Lurgan Township 4 Pennsborough Township 5

Cuthbertson, Rev. John 38

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rv I n d ex

D David, Nancy 46 Darnell, Henry 4 Darnell, Mary 4 Darnell, Rachel (Brooke) 4 De Launey, Alphonsas Nevisis 51 De Launey, Armelda Moss „ 51 De Launey, Julia Ann (Lightner) _. 51 Diviley, Michael 45 Diggs, Sir Dudley 4 Diggs, Ignatius 4 Diggs* John 4 Diggs, William 4 Dixon, Col. James 20 Dixon, Sarah 20

/Doty , Eliza 33 1 Doty, Rebecca 3 5

Duff, Matilda 55 Dumire, Alpheus J 71 Dumire, Charles or Carlos 70 Dumire, Daniel 71 Dumire, Elizabeth _ 71 Dumire, Emily 71 Dumire, Ezekiel - 71 Dumire, Frederick 70, 71 Dumire, Samuel R 71

E Ebenezer Church 24 Elizabeth, New Jersey 83

F Franklin County 4, 5

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Fair, Alexander 5 5 Fair, Mary Ann (Loughry) 55 Finley, Ebenezer 3 Fisher, Nancy A 33, 52, 53 Fisher, Sallie 35 Fletcher, Captain, 1790 14 Flickenger, Susanna _ 39 Forbes, Lord 2 Forbes Road _ 17 Forham, David _ _ 75 Foster, Rebecca 83, 84 Foster, Miles ..„ 83, 84 Freeland, Phoebe 78 Frye, Jay Millard „ ...62 Frye, 237 Jay Millard, Jr .„ _ 62 Fulton, Caroline _. _. _.48 Fulton, James 48 Fulton, 46 Letitia 27, 48 Fulton, 47 Rebecca 48 Fulton, Robert : _.48

G Gay, 177 Mrs. 1 52 Galbraith, Margaret 73 Getty, 18 Ann (Hamilton) _ Getty, 76 John, her husband. _ 31 Getty, 85 Alexander 31 Getty, 81 Andrew 31,51 Getty, 80 Ann 31, 50 Getty, 79 Catherine 31 Getty, 86 Elizajane _ ...31 Getty, 7 7 James 31

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Getty, 83 James 31 Getty, 82 John 31 Getty, 78 Margaret 31 Get ty , 87 Mary 31 Getty, 84 Prudence 31 Getty, 1 76 Cora _ 52, 58 Get ty , 175 James Walter 52, 58 Get ty , 174 Julia A n n 58 ,52 ,61 Getty, 173 William Andrew 5 1 , 5 8 Gibson, 68 A n n ( H e n r y ) 30 Gibson, Robert 30 Gilchrist, Jane 33, 53 Graff, Charles _ 7 7 Graff, Margaret (Loughry) 77 Graham, 125 Margaret 2 5 , 4 2 , 4 3 Graham, Margaret J 40 Graham, James 40 Graham, William 3 5 Gray, Eleanor Snowdon (Loughry) 68 Gray, Eleanor Snowden 68 Gray, George E. H 68 Gray, Hannah , of the McDowell family 69 Gray, Mr. John 69 Gray, Joseph : 69 Gray, Robert 29 Gray, William Gay 68, 69 Greenland, Caleb 81 Greenland, Joshua 81 Greenland, Moses 81 Greenland, Nancy .'. 80 Greenland, Nathan 81 Grier, William 78

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I n d e x vn

Gross, J. J., of Baltimore 68 Gross, J. J 66, 67 Guthrie, Mary 17, 18

H Haige, Mary :. 84 Haige, William „ „.84 Hamilton, 18 Ann J 8, 30 Hamilton, 17 Catherine 18,30 Hamilton, 13 Elizabeth 18,29 Hamilton, 14 Hance _ 18,30 Hamilton, Col. Hance 16,19 Hamilton, James _ 18 Hamilton, James A 35 Hamilton, 19 James __ „ 18 ,30,31 Hamilton, 21 John _ 18 ,3031 Hamilton, 5 Margaret _.... 18 Hamilton, 16 Margaret 18,30 Hamilton, 15 Mary 18, 30 Hamilton, 20 William _. 18,31 Hannas Town 1 7 Hartford, Patrick „ _ _. 9 Harold, William _. _ _ _32, 35 Harpers Ferry _,......_54 Henderson, Rev. Joseph Washington 20, 21 Henderson, James _ 20 Henderson, Maria (Breckinridge) 20 Henderson, Sarah 20 Henry, 68 Ann _30 Henry, 153 Charles 48 Henry, 157 Charles 49 Henry, 219 Charles 57

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Henry, 215 Effie Louise 57 Henry, 160 Harry Houston 49 Henry, 218 Harry 57 Henry, 1 52 James Loughry 48 Henry, James 72 Henry, 151 John 48 Henry, 1 56 Juliet 49 Henry, 15 Mary (Hamilton) 30 Henry, 155 Mary Louise 49 Henry, 217 Mary 57 Henry, 154 Richard ... 48 Henry, 48 Sarah (Kenning) 48 Henry, 1 58 Sarah Eliza 49 Henry, 69 William _ 30 Henry, William _ 27, 48 Henry, 159 William 49, 77 Henry, 216 William 57 Hanna, Scotch-Irish 83, 84 Hice, George 34 Howard, Sarah 25 Humphrey 50, 58 Humphrey, 226 Clara 58 Humphrey, 227 Cora 58 Huntingdon County, Pa 80 Hutchinson, Maria L - 59

I Indiana County, Pa 79

1682—Chester Co. 1 729—Lancaster 1 750—Cumberland 1771—Bedford

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I n d ex ix

1 773—Westmoreland 1803—Indians 1 684—North of the Purchase Line,

Northumberland and Lycoming

Irwin, Joseph (Ensign) _. „ 8 Irwin, Joseph (Captain) _. _ 13, 1 7 Irwin, Joseph (Coroner) _. 23 Irwin, Mary _ 1 7

j Jameson, Franklin 83 Jewett, 235 Armelda 61 Jewett. Charles Neil _ 58, 61 Jewett, 234 Charles Percy 61 ,62 Jewett, 239 Cora Mae _ _ _.62 Jewett, 174 Julia Ann (Getty) _ 61 Jewett, 233 May Irma „ 61 ,62 Jewett, 238 Neil _ _. _. 62 Johnson, Margaret ^ „69 Johnson, Edward _ _ „ _ 69 Johnston, 214 Jane _ _. 34, 57, 62 Johnston, Jane (Parker) Johnston, Samuel Parker 46, 57 Johnston, Samuel, Esq „ 9 Johnston, Sarah (Mathews) 46 Johnston, William ...: _ 46 Johnston, William, son of 46 Jones, 220 Anna Mary _ _. 57 Jones, 161 S. M _ 49, 57 Jones, Rebecca, of Va 71

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K Kennan, 89 Phoebe 4 5 , 3 1 , 3 2 , 3 4 Kenning, 42 Charles 48, 26, 27, 11 Kenning, 43 John _ _ 26 Kenning, 45 Joseph 26, 47 Kenning, 26 Rebecca (Loughry) 26, 27, 48 Kenning, 26 Rebecca WiU _ 27 Kenning, 47 Rebecca 27 Kenning, 1 50 Rebecca, daughter of Joseph-27, 48 Kenning, 48 Sarah 27, 45, 48 Kenning, 44 William 26 Keslor, Ellen 52 Knox, Mr _ _ 76

L Lafferty _ _ _ _ _ 56 Laughery, Ann _ „ 76 Laughry, Andrew _ 77 Laughrey, Barbara, of Baltimore _ _ 76 Laughry, of Senico Co., Ohio 77 Laughry, Charles 7 7 Laughry, Charles _ __. _ ...78 Laughry, Charles _ 78 Loughry, David, of Huntingdon Co., Pa 81 Loughry, Dennis 7 3 Loughry, Dennis, Jr .... 73 Laughry, Eli _ 78 Laughry, Jane 77 Laughry, Jane 78 Laughry, James _81 Laughry, James 78 Laughry, Joseph 82, 79

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I n d ex xi

Laughry, John 81 Laughry, Nelson B 79 Laughry, Robert , of Hunt ingdon Co _. 81 Laughry, Robert 82 Laughry, Susan 78 Laughry, Susan _. 78 Laughry, William 79 Laughrie, Mr 76 Laugherty, William, of Maryland 76 Laurie, A n n (Murfin) 84 Laurie, Authur , brother of Gawin 84 Laurie, Gawin, Deputy Gov. of N. J ....83 Laurie, Rebecca 84 Laurie, William 84 Laury, James _ 84 Laury, Mr., of Allen town 76 Lewis, 41 Catherine (Loughry) 2 6 , 4 6 , 4 7 , 5 9 Lewis, 148 David _ 47 Lewis, 144 Evan 47 Lewis Family _.. 4 6 Lewis, George 59 Lewis, 143 James 25,26,46,47,59 Lewis, 146 James .47, 52 Lewis, 145 John 47, 59 Lewis, 180 Julia A n n (Su t ton ) 47 , 52 Lewis, 29 Mary or Polly (Loughry) 25 Lewis, Nancy (David) 4 6 Lewis, 149 Nancy 4 7 , 5 9 Lewis, Nancy 80, 81 Lewis, 147 Rebecca 4 7 , 5 9 I ichtenthaler , Miss 33 Lightcap, Jane 39

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xn I n a e x I n d

Lochra 82 Lochry, The Name 1, 2 Lochry, 4 Archibald 15-18 Lochry, 10 Barbara 8, 22 Lochry, Daniel 74, 75 Lochry, 12 Elizabeth 17, 1 8 , 2 8 Lochry, 7 James 6 Lochry, James Lochry, 11 Jean 1 7 , 2 8 Lochry, 1 Jeremiah's children 6 Lochry, 6 John, of Cumberland Co 6, 18 Lochry, 5 Margaret 6 Lochry, 9 Mary 6, 21 Lochry, Mary (Irwin) 17, 18 Lochry, Mary, Sr 78, 79 Lochry, Lochry's Block House „ 16 Lochry, John 11 Lochry, Thomas 82 Lochry, Lettice (McConnehy) 74 Loughry, Aaron _. 70 Loughry, 1 1 1 Alexander 39, 55 Loughry, Alexander (Col.) 66 Loughry, Alexander „ 66, 67, 68 Loughry, Amos _. 80, 81 Loughry, 118 A n n 40 Loughry, Ardivan _ _. 67 Loughry, Arribella 67 Loughry, 34 Benjamin 25 , 43 , 44 Loughry, Benjamin 81 Loughry, 41 Catherine 2 6 , 4 6 , 4 7 , 5 9 Loughry, 263 Catherine 63 Loughry, Catherine (Moffett) 66, 67, 68

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I n d e x xm

Loughry, 200 Clara L 54 Loughry, Clarissa „ 67, 69 Loughry, Daniel 70 Loughry, D. C _ 70 Loughry, Daniel 74, 75 Loughry, David 81 Loughry, 229 David 60 Loughry, Dennis _ 73 Loughry, Dennis, Jr 73 Loughry, Delilah 70 Loughry, 230 Edgar 60 Loughry, 196 Eleanor 54 Loughry, Mrs. Eleanor Snowdon _. 68 Loughry, Eleanor Snowden _...68 Loughry, 1 1 4 Elizabeth 39 Loughry, Elizabeth _..80 Loughry, Ellen 46, 57 Loughry, Esther (Allison) 24 Loughry, 120 Esther 40 Loughry, Giles 75 Loughry, 2-227 Herbert L 60 Loughry, 7 James 6, 19, 21 Loughry, 22 James 20, 21 Loughry, 24 James 23 , 26 Loughry, 28 James 25 , 37 , 40, 55 Loughry, 36 James 26, 44 Loughry, 123 James N. (Dr . ) 4 0 , 5 5 Loughry, 188 James M 53 Loughry, 201 James A 5 4 , 6 0 Loughry, 203 James McLain 55 Loughry, 257 James 63 Loughry, 258 James 63 Loughry, James 65

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xiv I n d ex

Loughry, James, of Ireland _ 6 6 Loughry, James, of Bald Eagle T w p _ _ 6 6 Loughry, James, of Green Co. „ _ _ 70 Loughry, James, of Phila _ _. 73 Loughry, James, of Indiana Co „ 76 Loughry, James, of Bucks Co _ _. _ 11 Loughry, James, of Ohio __ _ „ 77 Loughry, James, of Eden Co _ _ _ _ 78 Loughry, James, of Hunt ingdon Co 8 0 Loughry, James, of Bedford Co _ 81 Loughry, 2-226 James Van Voorhis 60 Loughry, James William Carson _ _ 70 Loughry, Jane (Sheilds) _ 40, 55 Loughry, 126 Jane .„ _ _ _ _-_ _ 4 3 Loughry, 264 Jane 64,65 Loughry, Jane _ _ _ 65 Loughry, 6 John _ _ _ 6, 18, 19 Loughry, 31 John _ _ 2 5 , 4 2 , 4 3 Loughry, 108 John W _ - : 3 9 , 5 3 Loughry, John (Captain) _, _ 4 1 , 6 3 , 6 4 Loughry, 197 John E _ _„ _ , _ 54 Loughry, 205 John Wilson _ _ _ 55 Loughry, 259 John _ _ _ _ 63 Loughry, John „ _ _ _ _ 65 Loughry, John _ _ _ _ 66 Loughry, John, of Buana Vista _ _ 69 Loughry, John, of Blacklick _ _ 46, 57 Loughry, John, of Randolph Co., V a 70 Loughry, John _ _ _. _ 74 Loughry, John, of Hunt ingdon Co 80 Loughry, John, Penn. Arch _ 81 Loughry, 189 Johnson Lightcap _, 53

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I n d e x XV

Loughry, 30 Joseph _ 25 ,40 ,41 Loughry, 35 Joseph _. _> - - _ 26 Loughry, 1 1 7 Joseph H „ _. _.: _ 3 9 Loughry, Joseph ~ _ 63 Loughry, Joseph, of Pittsburgh, Pa _. 77 Loughry, 2 Jeremiah _. _> ~..8-1 5 Loughry, Juliana .". ~ ~ 4 5 Loughry, Lavinia Winchester „ 67, 68 Loughry, Lemuel _. _. - ~ _, 6 7 , 6^ Loughry, Lucetta _. 67, 68 Loughry, 5 Margaret 6, 18 Loughry, 1 19 Margaret _ 40 Loughry, 1 15 Margaret _ 39 Loughry, Margaret (Sloan) ~ ~ ~ 42 Loughry, Margaret (Graham) .42, 43 Loughry, 191 Margaret A 53 Loughry, Margaret (Lucas) 54 Loughry, 228 Margaret W _ 60, 62 Loughry, Margaret (Chambers) 64 Loughry, Margaret, her daughter 65 Loughry, Margaret (Shelby) 68 Loughry, Margaret (Johnson) 69, 70 Loughry, Margaret, her daughter 70 Loughry, Margaret (Galbraith) 73, 74 Loughry, Margaret, of Blairsville 77 Loughry, Margaret 78 Loughry, Margaret, daughter of John, of Va 70 Loughry, 9 Mary 6, 20 Loughry, Mary (Administratrix) 7 Loughry, Mary (Irwin) 17, 18 Loughry, Mary, of Kent Church 20 Loughry, Mary, of Bedford Co 21,81

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xvi I n d e x

Loughry, Mary, Sr 1 78, 79 Loughry, 29 Mary, or PoUy _ _ 25 Loughry, 39 Mary, or Polly _ 26, 45 Loughry, 109 Mary, daughter of 28 James...39, 53 Loughry, 121 Mary Jane _ _ 40 Loughry, 190 Mary 53 Loughry, 202 Mary E 54, 61 Loughry, Mary A n n _ _ _ 55 Loughry, 262 Mary _ 63 Loughry, Mary _ _ 65 Loughry, Mary, of Ireland _ _ 66 Loughry, Mary A. and Mary A n n 69, 70, 71 Loughry, 1 12 Martha 39 Loughry, Martha Bryan Allison _ 39 Loughry, 130 Martha 43 Loughry, 195 Matilda A 54 Loughry, Matilda (Duff) _ 55 Loughry, Mrs _ _ _ 77 Loughry, Michael 82 Loughry, Nancy _ 7 0 Loughry, Nancy (Greenland) 80, 81 Loughry, Nancy (Sloan) 4 3 , 44 Loughry, 122 Nelson McKenna 5 5 , 4 0 Loughry, Newton _ 67, 68 Loughry, Nicholas 63 Loughry, 256 Nicholas 63 Loughry, Nina (Van Voorhis) 60 Loughry, 231 Ralph 60 Loughry, 8 Rebecca 6, 21 Loughry, 23 Rebecca, Mrs 23 , 25 , 26 Loughry, 26 Rebecca 23 , 26, 27 Loughry, 27 Rebecca 2 5 , 3 1 , 3 3 Loughry, 40 Rebecca 26, 32, 33 , 35 , 45

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I n d e x xvn

Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry, Loughry,

Rebecca _ Rebecca .. Rebecca .. Rhoda A. Robert

39 43 63 54

.26, 44

113 129 260 198 37

116 Robert 39 Robert 65 Robert, of Philadelphia 66 Robert W., son of 75 Robert, of Louisville, Ky 75 Ruty 70

33 Sallie 25 127 Sarah _43 261 Sarah 63 Sally (McQuistian) 44 Sarah, daughter of John, of Va 70 192 Sara Ann 53 187 Samuel Wilson 53 199 Samuel Lucas 54 131 Sloan 43 2-193 Susanna 54 204 Thomas Clark 55 T. De, of Maryland 75

3 William 6, 15, 23 25 William 23, 24, 25 32 William 25 ,41 ,42 38 William 26, 44

1 10 William 39, 54 128 William, son of Benjamin 43, 44 132 William, of Blacklick 4 4 , 6 3 , 7 6 William, wife Juliana 45 194 William R 54,60 ,61

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xviii I n d e x

Loughry, 3-227 William R 60 Loughry, William 65 Loughry, William, of Mrs. Burksline 69 Loughry, William, of Va 69 Loughry, William, of Revolutionary W a r 73 Loughry, William, of Saltzburg, Pa 79 Loughry, William Carson 70 Loury, Betty, wife of Richard 72 Loury, Elizabeth _ 72 Loury, Martha 72 Loury, Richard 71 , 72 Loury, Rebecca, afterwards Jones 71 Loury, Sally 71 , 72 Loury, William 72, 71 Loury, William, of Ste. Genevieve, Mo 72 Lowrie, Isabel 72 Lowrie, Robert, Sr 72 Lowrie, John 72 Lowrie, the said Loughry 72 Lemms, Captain Christopher 16 Lozier, George 51 Lozier, 167 Elizabeth A n n 51 Lucas, John 54 Lucas, Margaret .-. 39, 54 Lucas, 193 Susanna 54 Lucas, Susanna 54 Lucas, William 54 Luke, 163 A n n (Thompson) 57, 50 Luke, 223 Annie 58 Luke, 222 Edgar 58 Luke, 224 John 58 Luke, John, the father 50, 57

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I n d e x xix

Luke, 225 Roscoe 58 Lurgan Township 5 Lycoming Co., Pa 79


Mabon, Jane, married 1st, Sut ton; 2nd, James Baird, Sr., his 4th wife

Malene, Annie 46 Manor of Maske 2 Marshall, Dr. D. M 40 Marshall, Robert J., M. D 64 Maxwell, Hu 70 Maxwell, Robert 69 Martin, Hugh 15, 24 Mathews^ John ^..22 McAnulty, John 32 McAnulty, John Simpson 32 McAnulty, Martha 32, 34, 35 McAnulty , Michael 32 McConnehy, Lettice 74 McConnell, Hannah 48 McClaren, William 33 McClelland, Jane 7 5 McClelland, Mary 29 McDonoughy Co., Ill ...44 McDowell, Jane 67 McDowell, Hannah Gray, of the fam?lv 68 McDowell, Joseph Gray, of the family 68 McBriar, Nathaniel 28 McBriar, 12 Elizabeth (Loughry) 28 McGenley, James 3 Mclntire, Rebecca 63

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xx I n d e x

Mclntire, Rebecca's children 63 McKee, John, of Lack T w p 74 McKee, Martha 3 7 McLain, Louisa 39, 55 McLaughlin, Hester A n n 53 McQuistian, Andrew _ 45 McQuistian, James 45 McQuistian, Jane 45 McQuistian, Polly 44 McQuistian, Sally 44 McQuistian, William 44 McQuilkin, Joseph 49, 28 McLanahan, Mr 44 McNeely, 172 Elijah 51 Mikesell, Violet 52 Miller, Martin 69, 70 Mills, Catherine Elizabeth 67 Mills, Francis Jane 67 Mills, Samuel B 67 Miller, Miss, of Va 70 Mechlin, Jane 46 , 56 Meyers, Nancy 77 Milton, M. S 43 Moffett, Catherine 67 Moffett, Jane (McDowell) 67 Moffett, Robert 67 Monocacy River 3 Moore, 208 Abraham 56, 39, 46 Moore, E m m a 34 Moore, 212 Harriet 56 Moore, Israel 39 Moore, Henry 39, 46

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Moore, 193 Henry 53 ,56 Moore, James 39 Moore, John 35 Moore, 21 1 John _ 56 Moore, 210 Lottie 56 Moore, Ruth (Thomas) 39 Moore, 213 Sally 56 Moore, 209 Thomas 56 Moorhead, Samuel _ _. 14, 78 Murfin, Ann - 84 Murray, John 76

N Nelson, Catherine _ _.75, 76 Nelson, Martha (Patterson) ... 75 Nelson, Robert » _, _.75 Neil, Ethel 62 Nixon, Robert 32, 35 Nowlin ..;; 30 Northumberland County, Pa 79

P Pack, Lieutenant Patrick 16 Park, James _. 40 Pattison, Mary __ 29 Paul, John 28, 49, 57 Paul, 221 John Loughry 57 Paul, 162 Robert 49 Pearson, George M 43 Penn, Honorable John 9 Porter, J. M. J 71 Proctor, Captain John 8

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Proctor, John, Jr. (Sheriff) 23 Proctor, Col. John 1 6 Proctor, John, Esq. 78


Ragmans Roll, Galloway Co., Ireland 66 Rangers of the Frontiers 33 Ransier, Julien 58 Richardson, Jane 32, 33 , 35 Ridney, D _ 58 Riflemen, Battalion of 82 Roan, Rev . John 74 Robinson, Isaac .._ 3 Robinson, WUliam _ 2 5

S Scott, Elizabeth 20 Scott, Judge William 20 Selby, Enoch G 71 Selby, Tennie 71 Selby, Hi ram _ 71 Sewell, Elizabeth 4 Sewell, J ane 4 Shank 5 0 , 5 8 Shelby, Margaret 68 Sheppard, Soloman 78 Shields, Jane 40, 55 Shields, Joseph 40 Shields, Miss 37 Simons, Clara ...._ 60 Simons, David 60 Sloan, 124 Margaret 2 5 , 4 2

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I n d e x xxm

Sloan, Nancy 25, 43, 44 Smith, Flora 53 Smith, Captain James __. 13 Snowden, Eleanor 68 Snowden, Joseph 68 Snowden, Mary 68 Sparks, Helen _ 31 St. Clair, Authur 13 Steams, Sarah 43 Stewart, Alexander 34 Stewart, Gibson „ _ _ Stewart, John _ _. 59 Stewart, Robert _ 47, 59 Steele, Alexander Loughry 69 Steele, Andrew _ _ .....68 Steele, Catherine Moffett 69 Steele, Eliza _ 69 Steele, James Newton _. 68 Steele, William 67, 68 Strausbery, Sarah 46, 56, 61 Strever, George _ 80 Sutor, John _. _ _ 35 Swope, Lawrence 81 Sutton, Abraham 36 Sutton, 185 Anna Lena 33, 53 Sutton, Benjamin 36 Sutton, 247 Catherine 35 Sutton, 243 Daniel Stanard :. 35 Sutton, 253 Eliza 34 Sutton, Eliza (Doty) 33 Sutton, 93 Gawin 32, 33, 35 Sutton, 100 Gawin 33 ,53

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Sutton, 244 Isabella 35 Sutton, 135 James 46, 56,61 Sutton, 98 James 33 Sutton, 136 John 46 ,56 Sutton, 184 John F 52 Sutton, 240 John McAnulty 35 Sutton, 255 John 34 Sutton, 182 Jonathan 52 Sutton, 245 Johnston 35 Sutton, 180 Julia Ann 47 ,52 Sutton, 92 Malachi 25, 31 , 32, 33, 35 Sutton, 99 Malachi 33 Sutton, 246 McLain 35 Sutton, 141 Margaret 3 4 , 4 6 , 5 6 Sutton, 94 Mary 3 5 Sutton, 248 Mary 35 Sutton, 254 Parmella 34 Sutton, 88 Peter, Sr 31 , 32, 34, 45 Sutton, 90 Peter, Jr 32,34, 35, 77 Sutton, 96 Peter 33, 52, 53 Sutton, 137 Peter 46 Sutton, 249 Peter, son of Gawin 34 Sutton, Peter 36 Sutton, 89 Phoebe 31, 32, 34, 45 Sutton, 101 Phoebe 33 Sutton, 95 Phoebe 32, 35 Sutton, 134 Phoebe 46, 56 Sutton, 241 Phoebe 35 Sutton, 251 Phoebe 34 Sutton, 27 Rebecca (Loughry) 3 1 , 3 2 , 3 5 Sutton, 40 Rebecca (Loughry)—

3 2 , 3 3 , 3 5 , 4 5 , 6 1

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Sutt on

I n d e x xxv

133 Rebecca _ 46 Sutton, 138 Rev. Robert 46 Sutton, 181 Sarah Jane _. _52 Sutton, Sallie (Fisher) 35 Sutton, Sarah (Strausbery) _. _61 Sutton, 252 Susanna _. _ _.34 Sutton, 250 Sylvanus _ 34 Sutton, _91 Thomas _ 32,33,35,45,61 Sutton, Ihomas, Sr 33, 34, 35 Sutton, 140 Thomas, Jr 34, 46 Sutton, 232 Dr. R. Strausbery 61 Sutton, 242 Uriah 35 Sutton, Violet (Mikesell) .... 52 Sutton. 183 William _ 52 Sutton, 139 William 46 Sutton, 97 William 33 Sutton Family 32 Tom's Creek ~ 3 Thompson, 49 Alexander .28, 49 Thompson, 163 Ann 50,57. Thompson, 80 Ann (Getty) 50 Thompson, 165 Adah 50 Thompson, 55 David _28, 50 Thompson, 53 Elizabeth 28, 49 Thompson, 164 Catherine 50, 58 Thompson, 56 Jane 28, 50 Thompson, 57 Lydia 28, 50 Thompson, 58 Lucy 28, 50 Thompson, 50 Mary 28, 49 1 hompson, 51 Nancy 28, 49 Thompson, Samuel 28 Thompson, 60 Samuel 28, 50

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Thompson, 54 Sarah „ _ _ 28, 49, 57 Thompson, i nomas _ _ _ _ -...78 Thompson, 59 Watson _ _ 28, 50 Thompson, 52 William - _ __ 28, 49 Thompson, 166 Loughry _ _ _ _ _ 50 Thomburg, 72 Catherine D. _ 30 Thomburg, 71 James Hamilton 30 Thomburg, 70 Joseph 30 Thomburg, 16 Margaret (Hamilton) _ _ 30 Thomburl , 75 Margaret Loughry...... _ 30 Thomburg, 73 Samuel 30 Thomburg, 74 Sarah Ann __ 30

V Vane or Vance ..._ — _ 30 Van Voorhis, Nina _ _ _ 60 Varney, Jonathan _ _ 70 Vamey, Sarah (Loughry) _ 10

W Walker, Agnes, Mary Agnes. _ - 46, 56 Waterman, L. S __. _ _. 34 Watson, Ann _ - _ _ 29 Watson, Alexander .... _ _ _ __.__.29 Watson, Bella Jane _, _ 29 Watson, Isabella «... _ _ _.29 Watson, James _.„ _ 29 Watson, John , „....29 Watson, Margaret 29 Watson, Mary _ 29 Watson, Mary, the mother 29 Watson, Mathew, the father _ _, _ _ 29

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I n d e x x*w.

Watson, Mathew . _ „ _, _ _ 29 Watson, Robert _ „ .., _ 29 Watson, i homas ._ _. _ _ 29 Watson, William . . ._.29 Waugh, WiUiam _ _. _ . 3 Weaver, 65 Ann ...... . 30, 31 Weaver, 1 79 America . 52 Weaver, 13 Elizabeth (Hamilton) . 29 Weaver, 62 Elizabeth : 29, 51 Weaver, 61 James . . . 29, 50, 52 Weaver, John . . 29 Weaver, 64 Margaret ._ _ . . 30, 31 Weaver, 66 ParmeUa _. . ... 30 Weaver, 63 Sarah _ 29 Weaver, 67 Vance „ 30 Weir, John . 72 Westmoreland Co. Associates . . 24 Wilkinson, Elisha 78 Wilkinson, Deniston . . 78 Wilkinson, Mark . 78 Wilkinson, Phoebe (Freeland) 78 White, Juliet .: 29 White, 185 Anna Lena (Sutton) 53 White, 186 Helen . 53 White, Judge Harry 53 Williams, Thomas 51 Willie, William 3 Wilson, 104 Ann 2 5 , 3 7 , 3 9 , 5 5 Wilson, 105 Alexander 37 Wilson, 103 Elizabeth 37 ,38 Wilson, Eliza 38 Wilson, George 38

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Wilson, James _ 38 Wilson, General John 38, 37 Wilson, 107 Martha „ 37 Wilson, Martha (McKee) 37 Wilson, 102 Mary McKee 37 Wilson, 106 Robert _ 37 Wilson, William _ 38 Wilsons _ „ „ _ _ I Witherspoon, John 3 Wray, 214 Mrs. Jennie Johnston 3 4 , 6 2 Wray, Charles Rowan 34, 62

z Zion's Lutheran Church, Baltimore _ _ 76