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The Lord’s Day

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Post on 11-May-2018




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The Lord’s Day

God’s People Gather for Worship

By God’s grace alone and to his glory alone, we exist to worship God in his greatness and his holiness with Gospel-drive passion and integrity…” (excerpted from FPC Rome Mission Statement)

Preparing our Hearts

Prelude "I Love to Tell the Story" Sarah Douglass Dr. Patty Nelson, organist


Declaring God’s Praise

Unison Call to Worship Colossians 1:15-20

Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation;

for in him all things in heaven and earth were created, things visible and invisible,

whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers— all things have been created through him and for him.

He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the first-born from the dead,

so that he might come to have first place in everything. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell,

and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things,

by making peace through the blood of his cross.

Hymn No. 33 “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” ST. DENIO

Confessing Our Sin and Embracing Our Forgiveness

“When Satan tells me I am a sinner he comforts me immeasurably since Christ died for sinners.”

Martin Luther

Call to Confession

Leader: Christ himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness; So let us acknowledge our failure and disobedience, and return to the Lord with penitence and faith, as we offer to God our silent prayers of confession.

Silent Prayers of Confession

Assurance of Pardon

Proclaiming the Covenant Promises of God

The Sacrament of Baptism of Robert Harrison Ponder

Offering Our Gifts

Welcome (At this time, children 6 years old – 4th grade are dismissed to Children’s Worship.)

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings “My Jesus, I Love Thee” arr. Dan Forrest

Rebekah Ezell, soloist Kyle Coleman, accompanist

Hearing God’s Word

“Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man would stake his life on it one thousand times. This confidence in God's grace and knowledge of it makes men glad and bold and

happy in dealing with God and with all creatures; and this is the work of the Holy Ghost in faith.”

Martin Luther

Scripture Reading Titus 3:4-8

Sermon “Sola Gratia (Grace Alone)” Rev. Jeff Chadwick

Scattering as Christ’s Church

Hymn of Response No. 343 “Amazing Grace” (verses 1, 2, and 4) NEW BRITAIN

Commissioning and Benediction

Postlude “Toccata in G Major” Lani Smith

Dr. Patty Nelson

God’s People Scatter to Live as Faithful, Fruitful Followers of Jesus Christ

Pray for Our Church Leaders and Missionaries


Pastor Rev. Jeff Chadwick [email protected] Pastor of Adult Discipleship Ministries Rev. Bill Pardue [email protected] Pastor of Family Ministries Rev. Jonathan Schwartz [email protected] Director of Student Ministries Mr. Sonny Walker [email protected] Assistant Director of Student Ministries Ms. Jordan Shaw [email protected] Assistant Director of Student Ministries Ms. Linda Oliver [email protected] Assistant Director of Student Ministries Mr. Thomas Orr [email protected] Assistant Director of Student Ministries Mr. Brad Roberts [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministry Mrs. Andrea Sartorato [email protected] Director of Connections Ministry/Missions Coordinator Mrs. Natalie Pettegrew [email protected] Director of Classic Music Ministries Dr. Aaron Rice [email protected] Assistant to the Director of Classic Music Ministries Ms. Judy Powell [email protected] Organist Dr. Patty Nelson [email protected] Choir Accompanist Mr. Kyle Coleman [email protected] Director of Nursery Ministry Mrs. Nell Milner [email protected] Director of Senior Adult Ministries/Visitation Mr. Martin Foster [email protected]


CLASS OF 2018 CLASS OF 2019 CLASS OF 2020 Dr. Ed Brewster Dr. John Cowan, Jr. Mr. King Askew Mr. Lynn Collier Mr. Greg Garrett Dr. Tom Carver

Dr. John Cowan, Sr. Mr. Ross Johnson Mr. Rob Davis Mr. Martin Foster Mr. Bob Ogletree Dr. Dan Pate Mr. Sandy Hosea Mr. Jarrett Shadday Mr. Dathan Sorrow Dr. Toby Morgan Mr. Alan Storey (Clerk of Session) Elders Emeritus:

Mr. Jonathan Whitley Mr. Kenneth Studdard Mr. Bill Johns Mr. Vance Luke


CLASS OF 2018 CLASS OF 2019 CLASS OF 2020 Mr. Joey Beard, Chairman Mr. David Abernathy Mr. Tommy Atha

Mr. Larry Cagle Mr. Justin Bruce Mr. Andy Garner Mr. Matt Claytor Mr. Mark Brewster Mr. Rick Gilbert

Mr. Lee Clevenger Mr. Ryan Earnest Mr. Chick Harvey Mr. Mike Crego Mr. Tim Morgan Mr. Nate Masters Mr. Brant Evans Mr. Ben Rooke Dr. Jay Riley

Dr. Justin Pettegrew Mrs. Beth Tharp Mr. John Rix Dr. Ryland Scott Mr. Harris York


Rev. & Mrs. Paul Branch, EPC – Guatemala Rev. & Mrs. Robert Shaffer, Entrust - Austria Atlanta Youth Project Ms. Margaret-Elliotte Czentnar, Serge - England Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Stewart, EPC Campus Outreach - Berry College Dr. Ellis Deibler, Wycliffe Bible Translators Rev. & Mrs. Phil Thrash, EPC Casa de Alfarero - Rome, GA Rev. & Mrs. John Fain, EPC/Pioneers - SE Asia Rev. & Mrs. David Walker, EPC/OC - SE Asia Centro Shalom – Tijuana Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Farmer, Cru - Germany Rev. Stephen Woodworth, EPC/ITEN Community Kitchen - Rome, GA Dr. & Mrs. Dan Gill, Ethnos360 - Bolivia Mr. & Mrs. Randy H., EPC/Frontiers - SE Asia EPC World Outreach Engage 2025 - Unreached Peoples Rev. & Mrs. Keith Haywood, OM Jessie & Bobbie - North Asia Family Resource Center - Rome, GA Mr. Kent Howard, FCA - Rome Mike & Stephanie K., EPC - Arab World Good Neighbor Ministries - Rome, GA Rev. & Mrs. Guille MacKenzie, EPC – Argentina Tim & Karen, EPC/SEND - Muslim World Habitat For Humanity - Rome, GA Mr. & Mrs. Nate Mast, Blue Sky - Kenya John & Carlene, EPC - Muslim World Hands of Love – Bolivia Mr. & Mrs. George Mixon, Serge – Kenya Rob & Iris, EPC/Frontiers - Muslim World Haven Health Clinic - Rome, GA Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Pouncy, Ethnos360 Sean & Angie, EPC/Pioneers - Muslim World Hospitality House - Rome, GA Mr. & Mrs. David Preston, Blue Sky Global Stephen & Belinda, EPC - Muslim World Power Ministry - Texas/Mexico Rev. Julian Reese, InterVarsity - UT Knoxville Tim & Kim, EPC/Pioneers - Muslim World Rome Action Ministries - Rome, GA Rev. Jorge Romero, Hispanic Ministry – Atlanta Adger & Sandra M., EPC Muslim World/Refugees Salvation Army - Rome, GA Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Sartorato, 100 Fold Studio Davies Homeless Shelter - Rome, GA