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The Lightweaver Emerald Mystery School Presents the: Cosmic Magician Playshop Presented by Michelle Eloff © Michelle Eloff© 1

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The Lightweaver Emerald Mystery School

Presents the:

Cosmic Magician Playshop

Presented by Michelle Eloff ©

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Introduction by Michelle EloffThank you for choosing to purchase my e-book. You have made a choice that will make positive and long lasting changes in your life. The fact that you have downloaded this e-book means you are ready to experience what will unfold as a result of the words on the pages to follow.

The information contained within this e-book will help you better understand the powerful connection we have to nature and how every aspect of nature influences us. By strengthening your connection to nature and learning more about how it influences you, you begin to tap into a very powerful realm of creation and manifestation. Residing inside of us is a wealth of treasures very few have discovered. They are hidden from the ignorant and fearful. These treasures are powerful energies inside of us which are connected to everything, and are highly attuned, direct from source and possess immense power. When we are no longer operating in fear, these energies open their treasure trove to us as reward. These energies are your birth right!

Everything is interconnected by a sacred web of energy, everything is affected by everything. In this playshop e-book we are delving into the treasures created by understanding and working with the cycles of Mother Moon, also known as Lady Luna, or Goddess LaLuna and the elements.

By following the processes presented here you will develop a deeper insight into who you are truly, and strengthen your ability to better understand how your life is influence by the powerful forces of nature all the time. Harnessing these energies and channelling them in the right direction with pure intent, at the right time, gives birth to miracles and reveals to you the miracle of you! Practice, practice, practice and have fun!

Thank you for being a part of this wonderful journey, and by choosing to set yourself free from the shackles of old world based programming, not only improving your life and the energy you send out to the world, but also for contributing to building the new energies being created to support us as a community of Lightworkers seeking our place within the “Promised Land” and accepting the Promise of New Life where all benefit from us choosing the Pathway of the Authentic Ones.

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Table of ContentsThe Lightweaver Emerald Mystery School.......................................................................1Cosmic Magician Playshop.............................................................................................1Introduction by Michelle Eloff.........................................................................................2

The Cosmic Magician Playshop live presentation.........................................................4Master Kuthumi-Agrippa..............................................................................................34

The Cosmic Magician Playshop channelling...............................................................34

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The Cosmic Magician Playshop live presentation

Doug: Welcome to the Cosmic Magician Playshop, the next instalment in the Emerald Mystery School Golden Temple Teachings. Tonight’s session is about rituals, when to do it, when you shouldn’t do it, how it is going to be most effective etc. So Michelle why don’t you start off by telling everyone what we can expect tonight.

Michelle: Sure, thank you Doug and hello ago again everyone.

This particular playshop has been designed for all of you to understand how to work with the phases of the moon, but, also the Law of Nature, and nature as a body in itself influences absolutely every aspect of our lives, and the main body that influences us the most, celestial body that is, is of course the moon. There are many many myths that have been written around the moon; Mother Moon and how to work with it. It is a very powerful energy and I have had the most awesome experiences working with the moon, doing rituals and things like that which have just been pretty amazing.

An example: In December, on New Years Eve we had the Blue Moon and the Full Moon. I used that time to do some preparation and planning for myself and it was incredible to see and experience how different I felt within an hour and a half or two hours of having done the actual ceremony.

So by all of us understanding the nature of the celestial bodies influencing us, we begin to empower ourselves on a completely different level. It takes our consciousness and our awareness to a completely new stratosphere as such. The closer you become to these bodies of energy; these spirit entities, the more empowered you become because you begin to make connections with these bodies that you possibly would not have connected with previously.

In the notes I have provided you, I have given you some information, very basically, around the moon myths and how the different cultures around the world relate to her. It is clearly evident that Mother Moon is the body of light that has been worshipped for eons of time, and not worshipping it in the sense of making it a god, but worshipping it in the sense of acknowledging this being as such a powerful influence on our planet specifically.

Now that I have given you some basics on that, one of the most important things all of us need to bear in mind whenever we are doing any kind of ceremonial or ritual work is what is called the “Void of Course Moon”.

I first came across the void-of-course moon was when I began studying Medieval Astrology and it was very interesting, because knowing what a void-of-course moon means, and then thinking about how we invest so much time and energy in trying to improve our lives, set our intentions, make differences, we apply the rule of The Secret and many other bodies of very amazing work that have been delivered, but so much of it falls flat, and that always bothered and frustrated me, and then the void-of-course moon started to make a lot more sense.

So I plotted all the times when the moon is void-of-course, I went back to certain times in my personal life where I could distinctly remember important moments and checked up on

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those dates and I could see when the moon was void-of-course, when it wasn’t and how that all played out.

So the basic rule of a void-of-course moon is that whatever you do under a void-of-course moon amounts to nothing. The other way that we look at it is like opening a Pandora’s box, I don’t know if you know the story around Pandora’s box, but maybe you can do a bit of research on that and it will help you understand what I mean by saying that. So it often brings things our way that don't understand, various factors that we weren’t prepared for, but you can use the void-of-course moon for a lot of awesome things as well and prepare for future rituals and things like that.

The void-of-course moon happens on a quite a regular basis, it happens every time the moon moves out of one sign into another, she doesn’t aspect anything as we call it, so when she doesn’t aspect any of the constellations they basically say that there is no power, it holds no power, it holds no energy and a void-of-course moon can last anything from a few minutes to as long as a day and a half, and during that period of time we should take advantage of the process by stepping back, relaxing, retreating and focusing on our spirituality during that time, it is a fantastic time to meditate, in fact it is very similar to what we would do when a planet is retrograde, and those of you who have been following the Lightweaver work for a while, you will be familiar by what I mean by the retrograde planets.

For those of you who don’t know what I am talking about, when a planet goes retrograde what it means is that it stations at a certain point in a constellation and appears to be moving backwards. It is not really moving backwards, it is an optical illusion but when that retrograde is happening it is considered to be an energy that is invisible, internalised and mismanaged, which is why we always say as astrologists, especially when Mercury is retrograde for instance, that you do not make plans around travelling to new destinations especially if it is work related, you do not sign contracts, you do not take on new jobs, you do not do anything that is big or important during that retrograde period because, number one, you could end up losing a lot of money if you are signing a contract, that loss could impact on you for two to four years after that retrograde and that is the time where we don’t get each other – communication is scrambled, technology isn’t operating on its fullest and anyone who was on the Emerald Mystery School Workshop would have witnessed Mercury retrograde first-hand, that was quite an eventual evening!

So the reason I'm giving you that information is to help you see that these bodies influence us, they influence us in ways we don’t even realise. This information is there to empower you, to give you knowledge, to help you make informed decisions in terms of how you are going to manage your life, how you are going to initiate things, when you are going to initiate them and it gives you a better idea of what the outcome can be.

As far as the void-of-course moon is concerned and what not to do when the moon is void-of-course is anything to do with where you are trying to set an intention, start something new, build something new, start a new relationship etc; you do not do initiate anything when the moon is void-of-course because, as I said, the energies are not there and it amounts to nothing. Even buying a car or a house or getting married, shopping for clothing, believe me I tried that one, and also when the moon is in Scorpio. Shopping for clothing under a void-of-course moon means that whatever you buy either you don’t like it anymore and it becomes one of those items of clothing that end up in the back of the closet, or, you wear it a few times and it falls into holes, it falls apart, those kinds of things.

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Even when buying groceries you stand a higher chance of the food being toxic or not lasting very long and going to waste. Those are just the basic things, sometimes we have to go shopping whether the moon is void-of-course or not, but just make sure that you only buy what you need, don’t buy big stocks of food and things like that.

So when the moon is void-of-course the things you can do that are really good is schedule meetings with people where whatever it is that you are discussing you don’t really want to have to come to anything, so those horrible meetings at work, memos, irritating emails, all those kinds of things you tackle under the void-of-course moon. A nice thing to do during a void-of-course moon is to fill out your tax return because the taxman is not going to come after you wanting money, it will amount to nothing, so hopefully in that instance you will get money back.

Do all those menial, trivial little things. A party in a void-of-course moon is wonderful, schedule your golf days, spring cleaning, beauty treatments, pampering, meditation, journal writing to get to deep stuff; those are all the things that you do under a void-of-course moon.

What I also realised with regards to this is very often we are told we need to take time out, we need to rest, we need to recharge and in our modern day world this is one of the things that the majority of people don’t do, it is constant go, go, go. When you know when the void-of-course moon is, if it is for a day you can take a few hours of that day and know that whatever energy you invest in those hours to relax, to sleep, to have a massage, whatever it is, is really going to be feeding your soul and it is what you are required to do during that time and helps us to bring balance back into our lives.

I thought to myself, when I saw that that this is how the celestial bodies communicate with us and support our personal processes of healing, awakening, illumination and understanding, it is done by presenting us with those opportunities when our spirit is fuelled by not doing anything big as such and recharges your battery, so the minute it is in a new sign or a new constellation you are ready and fired up to do what needs to be done.

That is just a bit of the basic information about the void-of-course moon. Are there any questions at this point?

D: A void-of-course moon, is that like a moon retrograde?

M: Yes in terms of not starting anything new, but no because it doesn’t move backwards, it is not doing that reverse motion. All she is doing is, on her path there is period where, if you could imagine driving from one town to the next and between towns there is maybe just flat land with absolutely nothing, that is the equivalent of a void-of-course moon. That is the best way to describe it but I wouldn’t say retrograde in terms of its motion, but in terms of the qualities yes.

D: What about starting a diet?

M: It will amount to nothing! By the next day or two days afterwards you would probably be eating everything in the fridge, but having said that you can sit and maybe plan what it is what you want to do, plan how you are going to structure your diet, or the exercise that you are going to do, those kinds of things, but I would say avoid starting a diet until just

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after the moon goes void-of-course, and also wait until the moon is in Capricorn because it gives you the discipline to stick with it, Capricorn is all about discipline, hard work, those kinds of things, so that would be a really good time to start a diet.

D: Here is a good question: Is the energy ready literally within the minute the moon moves into that sign?

M: The minute it hits 0 degrees of a new sign it is no longer void-of-course and in astrology every degree of a particular sign means something, and that is also very valuable and important, however, I cannot give you all of that information now, this is information that I have gained and studied over the last year and a half, so to deliver that in three hours would be almost impossible, but every degree means something and what I suggest is that if you are working with a specific ritual, the last ten degrees of every sign is what they call the killing degrees, so if you want to end something or banish something it would be good to work with the right moon sign, and to work with it in the last ten degrees of that sign.

In your notes I have given you three links to void-of-course moon calendars, I use Lunarium (, it is one that has been created based on UK timing, which I like because the UK is only an hour or two behind us in time, but there are another two websites you could look at. Just make 100% sure that it is on the same time-line as you, or that you are able to calculate what the correct time is, because if you have got your timing wrong you could very well be doing a ritual under a void-of-course moon when you thought it wasn’t.

D: The links are on page 5 of the booklet that Michelle was just talking about.

M: Void-of-course calendars or charts are valuable to have if you want to really get into working with Mother Moon and doing spells and rituals.

D: You have talked about the void-of-course moon and everyone wants to know when is it? How do you calculate it? Is it the same around the world? How often does it happen every month etc?

M: Ok, let me go back to what I said a few minutes ago, this calendar that you have, these links I have given you, that has got the calendar that will show you exactly when the moon is void-of-course and when it is not, which is why I included them in there so you could bookmark that page, some of them have got downloadable charts that you can download and keep with you. You cannot calculate when the moon is void-of-course, which is why these calendars are so important, unless you are a trained astrologist it is impossible, modern day technology has simplified it for us.

The other thing which I also use, and those of you who are into astrology you may have heard it, it is called an Ephemeris and the Ephemeris gives you all the detailed information around which planet is in which sign, what time it enters the sign, what time it leaves the sign, whether it is retrograde or direct, and then of course the void-of-course moons but, if you have never studied astrology it is not going to make much sense at all.

So don’t worry too much about how you calculate it, if you take one of the three links I have given you and bookmark it, or keep it on your computer. One of them

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( has a photograph of how the moon is waxing and waning so that gives you a nice visual in terms of what the moon looks like when it is going through its changes.

So the void-of-course moon is when you have to sit back and do menial, trivial things, don’t do anything big, bold, bright and beautiful, use that as your time to go inside, to relax, to recharge your batteries.

This helps you especially when there is a major planet retrograde. Now we have got two, and excuse my French, bad-ass planets who are retrograde at the moment, one being Mars and the other Saturn. Saturn is the greater malefic, Mars is the minion of Saturn and called the lesser benefic, and both planets are retrograde at the moment.

So working with the void-of-course moon whilst planets are retrograde is even more powerful because you are then aiding your body, your mind, your heart and your spirit in recharging on a much deeper level, and so if you can just go with that and trust the calendar that you have got, and as I said, make sure that it is one that is the same time zone as you, if it is not on the same time zone as you make sure you are calculating the time differences properly.

What I do is I use my daily diary and I go a month in advance and I make a note of exactly what time the moon is void-of-course in my diary so that when I am planning things I am not planning things around a void-of-course moon, and at a glance you have got it. You can even print out one of these charts and stick it on the wall. There are many different ways that you can find it, if you want to do your own research you can, but I will be honest with you I spent hours and hours researching void-of-course charts that are worthy and these are three best that I found.

Does that answer the questions that everybody was asking earlier? Anything else?

D: You did answer the question, thanks but there are a couple of other questions here.

Firstly what about surgery? Is surgery good or bad during a void-of-course moon?

M: In your notes I have written all the information in for you, so that is why I am not going to go through it all, but what I have to tell you is if you are going to go for surgery and if you want to have it heal quickly, the void-of-course moon would be a good time to do it, but you have to have a look and see where the moon is, for example on page 6 under “Timing Magical Rituals and Ceremonies with the Moon” the timing is very essential for success. So if the moon is in Aries you do not have surgical procedures performed on the head and face during that time, so you can have surgery done to any other part of your body but not the head because Aries, ruled by Mars rules the head and the face.

If the moon is in Taurus, then you do not have any surgical procedures performed on the neck or the throat and so on and so forth.

Now how do you know which sign the moon is in at any specific time? Again with these void-of-course moon charts it is going to tell you exactly which sign the moon is in, so it will show you the moon is leaving Scorpio, it is going to be void-of-course and at such and such a time it enters Sagittarius. So you know when the moon is in Sagittarius you do not

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have any surgery done to your hips for instance, because then you are going to have to go back, or it is going to be slow healing, or there are going to be complications.

That is very important in terms of surgery, bear that in mind, unless it is emergency surgery you can’t do anything about that, so you just have to go with the flow there.

D: How do all these cycles change in the new energy? Is it a belief system that will change?

Is this just a belief system?

M: If it is a belief system that the void-of-course moon is a figment of our imagination, or astrology in general, then I say absolutely no go. I have sufficient experience to see how it works where things have happened and you track it back and it comes straight to that point where there has been a planet retrograde, or there has been a void-of-course moon, or it has been in a sign that affects us. So we cannot say that the moon causing tides, high tide, low tide, is a figment of our imagination or just a belief system, these are bodies that have energy, they are super powers, it supersedes anything we could imagine. The moon affects our subconscious and anyone who has done any kind of research as to what the moon is all about know how people are affected by the moon, whether they believe in it or not.

I would not say that this is just a belief system, this is something that has been tried and tested, it is an ancient system that has worked where people in very high places (Kings, Queens etc) lived by this and would not act unless it was in its right position in order to guarantee success, and that has come with us through the ages.

D: What about the first part of the question, is it likely to change in the new energy? Are these cycles likely to change in the new energies?

M: Generally it does change over thousands of years because of the different speeds at which the planets travel, and they do change by a few degrees, but the influence would not change in terms of what it is doing, but the intensity of that influence can very well change because the veils between the different worlds are getting thinner and thinner, we are becoming more sensitive to these powers and so we may interpret it as being different, changing, becoming more intense but it is just us, we are changing, we are becoming more observant and sensitive and more conscious of these cycles.

The other thing is if you have to look at it from an astronomical point of view, if the moon gets to a certain point where it moves away from our planet, if we don’t have the moon influencing our tides etc we are in big trouble. I also know that our sun is going through changes, our sun will only probably be around for another 50 million years before we are then influenced by a different sun, that is if we still plan on hanging around here in 50 million years.

So if you want to elaborate on what you mean by the cycles changing that is great, but if I have understood you correctly then I hope what I said has answered your question.

D: Well answered there.

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What about studying, reading and listening to channellings during a void-of-course moon? I suppose you won’t take it in?

M: No, that is spiritual work, that is food for your soul, it is the perfect time to do it under a void-of-course moon because you are relaxing, you are taking in information that is feeding the soul. That is why I say, the things to do under a void-of-course moon (which is in your notes) is meditation and inner work on your emotions, beauty treatments and pampering. So whether you are pampering your face or your feet or your soul that is a perfect time to do that kind of thing.

D: That’s good news!

Is there is anything you can do like protection or a ceremony to diminish the affects of a void-of-course moon if you have to do something big during that time, like if you are getting married?

M: I am going to be direct with you, if at all possible change your date! I am being dead serious, even if you try and do something to alleviate the affects it is going to come to nothing, it is a void-of-course moon, it is like trying to bang a drum against thunder, it is not going to work, the thunder is much louder than you.

One of the things we say about a void-of-course moon is that you don’t get married when the moon is void-of-course. So if it is at all possible to change that date I would suggest you do it.

D: So that explains to us what a void-of-course moon is and that we should not specifically do rituals, we are here today to talk about rituals. So now lets talk about the rituals themselves and what kind of fun things we could do to seriously enhance our desires, to magically make them appear!

M: Before we do that you also need to determine what it is that you want to get out of what you are doing. If you are wanting to initiate something new, expand your knowledge, grow something, whenever you grow something you work with the moon when she is waxing; when the moon is growing, moving toward the Full Moon, that is the time where you would do any kind of ritual or ceremony around growing something.

The Full Moon is the best time to supercharge and give like a turbo boost to what it is that you are trying to create.

After the three days of the Full Moon she begins to wane, she begins to shrink, so then you would look at doing things around banishing negative energies, getting rid of bad habits, addictions, if you are wanting to end relationships or end anything, close anything off you work with the waning moon.

I have also given some information here on the different phases of the moon and the kind of magic that you can do. One of the moons that is very popular amongst most witches and pagans is New Moon magic.

I tend to favour Full Moon magic, but New Moon magic is also very powerful, and that is from the day of the New Moon to three and a half days after it. Those kinds of magic would

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be around beauty, health, self-improvement, job hunting, networking, romance, love, all those kinds of things. Then what you would do is plan it to see which sign the New Moon is in, so if the moon is Taurus and it is a New Moon, I suggest that then you do rituals around romance, romantic relationship, love, as well as things for business, money, anything to do with wealth, comfort and luxury.

That is an example of the kind of ritual you would do if the New Moon was in Taurus, or if the Full Moon was in Taurus.

Timing or planning your rituals is very important when you are doing this kind of work, and there are is also a time which is known as the dark moon and we generally don’t perform any magic, but some schools of thought say that it is the best time to work with addictions, change, divorce, dealing with open or hidden enemies - for those kinds of things, the best time to do magic is when the moon is dark, or the dark moon/no moon.

D: Do our own signs affect this as well? Your own rising sign etc, does that have an affect on which moon we should be doing rituals under etc and the type of rituals we should be doing?

M: It would affect us; every sign that the moon goes into is going to affect us differently based on what our natal astrology is. For instance, if your rising sign is Aquarius and the moon is in Aquarius, and your Aquarius is at 20 degrees and the moon hits 20 degrees Aquarius you might find you are feeling down or dreadful, or not so good, or you are flying as high as a kite and everything is going well in terms of spiritual knowledge and your computer is suddenly not giving you all the problems did and things like that, all depending on the aspects leading off of that.

So it is difficult to say exactly how each phase of the moon would affect us individually unless you know your natal chart, but if we look at it as a general thing for example, the moon was in Scorpio on Friday and I witnessed some of the most bizarre and intense things happen to some people who I know, which is exactly what the moon in Scorpio brings about and sometimes it is very challenging, sometimes it really shakes you to the core to wake you up, and other times it is really beautiful.

So if you go into the information I have provided you with, I have made sure that I have made if very clear, and I have put in as much information as I could so that you know exactly what to do. I just want to give you an example here: The moon in Cancer - Cancer rules anything to do with your home, family, food, nurturing, the mother and women in general. Therefore when the moon is in Cancer you know that it is a good time to consider doing a house blessing for your home, doing ritual nurturing your family, blessing the food for your family that you are cooking, spending some time with your mom, or sending energy to her, and this tends to last. So anything that you do in the moon in Cancer around home, family, food, etc. tends to last because Cancer as an archetype is what they call the “clingy sign”, it is very home based, very family orientated and it is like the real “Jewish mama” or “Greek mama” who wants everybody in the house, feeding them endlessly and making sure everyone is happy.

It is good for love spells, weather spells, consecrating your alter, your home, enhancing your psychic abilities, if you are wanting to do mediumship those would be good times to sit and work on that kind of thing. That is how you would use the moon in Cancer, but you

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need to be aware of the fact that when the moon is in Cancer, and say now you are Cancer rising you are prone to being overly emotional, and that is another thing that you will begin seeing when you start following the moon cycles, observing how people are behaving you will understand if someone in your home is really over emotional, it is because it is in the sign of Cancer.

Spells of success in buying land, purchasing real estate, a nice place to live where your family is going to be happy, is what you would do when the moon is in Cancer. Do not have surgical procedures performed on your stomach because the stomach is ruled by Cancer. They also say that with love relationships or a marriage begun when the moon is in Cancer, if the relationship does break up then more often than not they reunite.

Therefore magic corresponding to the Cancer moon is very successful at that time and generally things become more nurturing. They are very good for the types of people who like security and need to be around their loved ones, but then again it is not a good day for moving out of your comfort zone. That paragraph I just read to you is in your notes, that in itself already gives you a very good idea of the kinds of things that you can do.

I have included little spells and rituals that you can do which is further on in the notes, but I suggest that you also get creative and do your own thing as well. There is no right or wrong thing to say when doing a ritual, it is more around preparation and what is most important is the energy that you as the so called “magician” is putting into that. So if it is a half-hearted thing then don’t expect great shakes to manifest as a result of what you are doing, but if it is something really important and the feeling is there you can expect some really wonderful things.

The moon works in cycles of nine, so think of nine months of being pregnant, thus when you do a ritual you look nine hours later, nine days later, nine months later, eighteen months later - these are the times to see the manifestation of the energy and the time that you have invested in that ritual. This is where you are going to use what we call your “Book of Shadows”, now before everyone starts bouncing up and down I have got information in your notes about what the Book of Shadows is all about and how to use it.

The Book of Shadows is wonderful in terms of writing your spell or ceremony, or your ritual in it, writing how you felt during the ritual, how you felt afterwards and then write in there how things are unfolding, this creates a beautiful record of how your relationship with the moon is working, and as you become more accustomed to that energy, how your connection with it strengthens and your magic becomes really powerful.

I am giving you the very basics here but it is a lot of information, and although it is basic it is quite advanced in certain terms, especially for someone who has never ever looked at astrology in their life but, I haven’t made it purely around the theme of astrology, it is around magic and ritual, just concentrating on Mother Moon.

I am sure there must be some questions now?

D: People are going to these websites you suggested and seeing other terms there, maybe you can explain them a little bit. Apogee, Perigee, Lunar Station, Lunar Day – is that even important?

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M: Look don’t worry about Apogee and Perigree that is just giving you where the moon is at on its elliptical pathway, because it is not a round pathway, it is the shape of an egg, so Apogee and Perigee is basically the point of that elliptical orbit that the moon is at. Don’t worry about it if you are not an astrologist, but the Lunar Days, those are good to work with but I find on the Lunarium website that the information they give you on the Lunar Days is quite negative so I ignore it.

What I have got in your notes, and what I suggest that you rather look at then, is the table in your notes (page 12) of the” Planetary Hours of the Day” which will give you a really good idea as to what time of the day to do your magic or your ritual or your ceremony based on what exactly it is that you want to do.

For instance if you are doing a ritual with the moon in Cancer and it is around your home, the sign of Cancer is ruled by the moon so you could look at your “planetary hours of the day chart” and we see that on a Monday at about 6 am the moon it is the planetary hour of the moon. If you can’t do it at 6 am in the morning, lets say you've only got time in the afternoon, so at 5 pm on a Tuesday you would do your ritual because that is when it is the planetary hour of the moon.

If you can look at all of those it shows you exactly which planet is ruling which hour of the day, I have also given you which planet is ruling which hour of the night and the upcoming laws, Cosmic Law channellings, which we are going to be doing soon are going to be working with the Laws of the Seven Planets, so the Law of Saturn, the Law of Jupiter, all of which will give you a lot of information in terms of what those planets mean, how they influence you and what their laws are, but I can give you the very basics and this you can make notes on:

When you are working with the sun, the sun is the life-force, it is the giver of life, so if you want to energise the life-force of your ritual, you want it to be Leonesc in nature, so anything to do with leadership you would look at the sun.

The moon is to do with introspection, it is very soft, it is very watery, it is very fluid

Mars is hard, it is action, it is leadership.

So that gives you an idea of what kind of energy you want to include in your spells and rituals. This is a really good exercise because it is going to start educating you on how these bodies influence us subconsciously and consciously and it is going to bond you to nature in a whole new way, because besides working with the planetary hours of the day or the planetary hours of the night then you start bringing other aspects of nature into what you are actually using in your ritual, but we will get to that a little bit later.

Any more questions?

D: Yes there is. How long does the moon stay in each sign? Is it a regular period and obviously that is on those calendars that you have referred people to?

M: Generally the moon stays in a sign for two and half days, so whatever it is that you are doing or need to do, plan it within the two and a half days that the moon is in that sign.

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Do some more research around that, play with it and have some fun, this is educating you, so during the void-of-course moons go sit on the internet and do some Google searching and play around

D: Here is a nice question from Peter-John who has an alpaca farm in Mooi River (in South Africa) and he says he is wanting to breed more female alpacas and heard that if he covers the females during New Moon he will get more females, he tried it last year and got a female, so he is doing it this year to see what happens. Can you comment?

M: Well you have proved the theory right for now, whether that is 100% accurate or not I cannot say unless you want to take it upon yourself to do the case studies and the research, especially if the New Moon is in Cancer you might get some pretty moon-eyed little females, and perhaps if the New Moon is in Gemini you end up with one of your alpacas giving birth to twins.

Those are all the things that you can consider, but Peter-John I can’t say yes or no for sure that it is a rule of thumb, so carry on experimenting and let us know.

D: That is something he heard from Peru, it is an ancient wisdom from there. So Peter-John I would love to know the results of your experimentation.

We have discussed what a void-of-course moon is and that is when you don’t want to do any kind of ritual, so you want to be doing your ritual when the moon is aspecting a particular sign and you can refer to the notes, the PDF document that we have given you, as to what kind of rituals will be more affective in certain signs or according to certain planets, being ruled by certain planets and what you should be doing.

Mich, the question is now how do we go about creating our rituals? What do we need? What do we do?

M: The important thing to do before you start doing this kind of thing is, if you like, and it is lots of fun, is to create a little altar for yourself.

It can be very basic, it doesn’t have to be fancy. I know not everyone is able to have an altar in their home for whatever reason, so you could have something like a tea tray or a piece of wood and create your alter on there and slide it under your bed, or put it in the cupboard where it is not going to be disturbed and you are not offending anyone in your home who is uncomfortable with magic and rituals.

The altar basically represents the space which is sacred where you are not only asking for support and guidance in relation to what it is that you are creating, but it is also a sacred place where you are honouring and respecting the sacredness of the deities, the planets, the stars and everything else that you have, or will, include in your ritual.

When you refer to your notes you will see that I have included details on how to create your altar and, as I say, it is a lot of fun, it is very special and it is important that before you do any kind of ritual work that your altar is clean.

In order to begin creating the altar I make a mixture of water and put some course sea salt in it and a few drops of lavender, and I use that as a cleansing spray, and wash down the

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top of the alter with that. It clears any kind of negative energy that may be contained within the surface that you use.

Some people are happy to create a magic garden if you have got the space and you can do your rituals there. If you live in a country where the weather is not favourable to be outside all the time it would be best to have your altar in a sacred space (mine is in my bedroom) or you could have it in your healing room, or wherever you know it is not going to be disturbed, because there are certain rituals that require you to leave candles burning or to infuse oils etc. with the moon’s energy and you don’t want it disturbed.

If you have got children, keep your altar high enough where little fingers are not going to get hold of the things that are on your altar. If you are doing something that is sacred and deeply personal at least your altar can then hold that energy and that space for you. That is what the altar is, it holds that energy and that space for you.

So the basic tools for your altar, and it does not involve having to spend loads of money to do this, all you need to begin with is a minimum of two candlestick holders, an incense burner, a small little glass bowl where you can pour your course sea salt or oils or herbs into, and use glass, do not use plastic because whatever is in plastic goes into the substances that are in there and it is not a good energy, so use glass where you can.

A small metal pot for burning in if you have to burn certain herbs or you are doing a banishing ritual and you have written on paper what you are wanting to banish and you need to burn it, you would burn it in that pot. So you don’t need one of those cast iron cauldrons which I have got, I have got a little one but a standard pot that you can burn stuff in is fine.

You need matches as well. You never light your candles with a lighter or gas, it is always done with matches, it is wood, it is an element that you are working with and we prefer not to use gas because it is so volatile.

You need a candle snuffer to put your candles out, you never blow your candles out. The reason why you don’t blow your candles out is because your breath is the air element and if whatever you are holding in consciousness at the moment you blow that candle out you are sending that intention of that air element out with the candle, it is best to rather snuff it, if you don’t have a snuffer you can drop a few drops of water on the candle or snuff it with your fingers.

The other thing you can have is a mortar and pestle which is for mixing your fresh herbs in, unless you prefer a small glass bowl for mixing your dry herbs, oils and seeds in. The mortar and pestle is basically for crushing the herbs, but I have also improvised with the bottom end of a wooden spoon in a little glass bowl and it works fine as well.

D: People are asking can you use seashell to burn stuff in instead of a metal pot, can you use a porcelain bowl instead of a glass bowl.

Yes of course, where Michelle is saying glass it is a suggestion it is not a rule, if you would rather use a porcelain bowl please by all means use a porcelain bowl.

M: As long as it is not plastic.

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D: Patterns on the bowl doesn’t matter at all, it is your intent with these things, you must select the items that make sense to you to put on your altar, it is your space after all so it needs to have your energy and your personality in it as well.

M: Absolutely and beautifying your altar is really special. This is my favourite part of all of this and that is to gather all the little goodies that mean something to you, which represent the energies of what you are wanting to create, and you would keep them on your altar. You can be as elaborate as you want and use things as beautiful as you like or as plain as you like, it doesn’t matter, as Doug was reaffirming now again is that it is all about the intention you are putting into that.

Now the other important thing with doing this work which I mentioned earlier on is your Book of Shadows. So obtain a beautiful blank paged book, something which is really special and unique which is to become your Book of Shadows, and this is the book which you use to record your magical workings in, to write down your spells you have created and it needs to be blessed and kept sacred, it is your holy book of creation and magic.

D: There is a question here, can you mix two personalities, in other words can two people put together an altar?

M: That would be in line if you were working in a coven lets say, if you have other goddesses or witches or whatever you want to call it, working with you and you are working on something, then you can share an altar, but I would rather suggest if you are doing this on a regular basis for yourself then it is your altar, that no one else is doing there stuff on your altar because then yes, you are going to be mixing energies, and if your intentions are different you could have a mish mash of all sorts of things happening.

What I have also included in your notes is the “Magic Book of Shadows Blessing” This is a good start for you to see what you need to do to prepare yourself, what the ritual is and how you do it, and I have given you a very basic one.

The preparation is as follows:- at the time of the Full Moon take your Book of Shadows, one that hasn’t been written in, it is a clean fresh book and you can take some incense and I suggested pennyroyal, anise or rue and if the weather permits do it outside.

Draw a pentagram on the first page and under that write the information that I suggest there in your notes, which is the date, the time, the place and your magical name if you have got one, if you haven’t got one get creative, choose one that really resonates with you, that feels magical; your cosmic magician name, lets put it as that and if you have got a sacred symbol or a sigil you can also draw that in your book, and anything that you feel is important that you want to include in your book.

Then you hold your book up to the moon and then repeat the blessing that I put there which is-

“Here as the Full Moon shines upon me,Bless this Book I’ve made tonight.

I humbly ask this of theeUnderneath your most sacred light.”

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And that is it, it is as simple as that and your book is blessed.

D: I see some people are going to have a problem with the label “Book of Shadows” for whatever reason that they associate that name. Is there a specific reason it has been named that, can they call it something else if they have got a problem with it?

M: Absolutely, this is the traditional term used for this book. In the ancient tradition of magic, alchemy and spell working they called it the Book of Shadows because it was very personal, very sacred, so it was kept secret in a way, so it is hidden in the shadows of the personal self, it is that personal thing. Basically the shadow meaning that it is hidden, it is personal, it is sacred but if you want to call it something else you can.

D: So we have got the tools of the trade, now what do we do?

M: That is the very basics that you would need to start off with.

There are also accessories for your altar which for me was a lot of fun, but this is not necessary, as I say you do not have to go and spend a fortune on doing this, you can be very simple, you are working with nature so you can take out of nature what you need but the suggestions I have given as accessories for your altar are all things that I have used.

You can get, or if you have, little statues of angels or fairies or whatever has meaning for you or whatever deity you associate with. For example I have got Ganesh on my altar for removing obstacles, I have got a little statue of an intertwined Shakti and Shiva for balance between masculine and feminine and for sacred union, I have got a little Laughing Buddha which represents happiness and humour for me and a few other things.

So those are just some examples of what you can accessorise your altar with as long as it means something to you, that is what is important, it enhances the intentions.

D: I was going to say find stuff that is important to you, this is stuff that means something to Michelle, Ganesh means the removing of obstacles to her specifically, it might mean something different to you, she might represent something different to you, it might represent, who knows, the multifaceted nature of love to someone else and you could put Ganesh on your altar for that purpose. It comes down to the intention or the association that you have with the object that you are putting on your altar. So when you are looking for these objects I think it is important to look inside you and look at what you associate with the object that you feel attracted to put on your altar and why you feel that attraction.

M: The reason why I also use Ganesh is because according to the Hindu tradition they call on Ganesh for protection during travelling, for removing obstacles and things like that which is why I chose Ganesh specifically for that, and I personally have a very strong affinity to Ganesh, but if you are looking for something to represent a specific energy or idea and you don’t know what to use then you can do some research and go and look at the Hindu cultures, go look at the Greek, Roman, Peruvian, Egyptian cultures etc.

When I was in Peru I bought two beautiful little statuettes - Pacha Mama and Pacha Papa, which is the mother and the father and I have them together, which I use whenever I do blessings for my parents, so they represent mother and father for me.

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You can get so creative, you can have so much fun, you can make it as elaborate as you want to or as basic as you want to. The other thing that is nice to keep on your alter are crystals and crystal wands. Pictures and other ornaments symbolising your intentions and for protection, and the other thing I have also enjoyed working with is getting little trinkets that you can charge during your spell or ceremony and carry it with you as an amulet or a talisman.

There are times where your ritual will call for you to do something very basic and simple where you make a medicine bundle or such, and whenever I have done those it is generally where you have written what your intention is on paper, your herbs go in it, the spices, the oils, whatever else you wanted to do, it is then folded up into a tiny little bundle and wrapped with cotton or a thread or a ribbon, which you either have to leave on your altar, or like me put it in your bra because that is the best spot to carry anything including crystals

So if you want a trinket, lets say you are doing a ritual around self-confidence or being more positive on your outlook in life, you could buy tiny little charms, or anything really small that represents that for you, you charge it during your spell or your ritual, then you can wear it on a necklace, carry it in your bag or a pocket, whatever it is. That is really cool and fun too!

The other supplies that you need for your spell casting and your ceremonies are candles. Candles are very important and I suggested different kinds, you get taper candles, tea light candles and votive candles.

I tend to use the tea light and votive candles with my rituals, especially the tea light candles, here in South Africa they come set in a little tin mould, which means it is safe when it burns and it doesn’t take a long time to burn out, unless I am doing a really powerhouse ritual and you need to take these really big candles that have got to burn for five to seven days at a time.

The votive candles you can find anywhere, those are candles that are used in blessings in churches and in various buildings, and rituals related to religion specifically.

The colours of the candles are very important, in your notes I have listed all the colours of the candles and what they mean.

Incense is important and you can use a variety of incense, there are so many kinds now which are really great and when I am doing a ritual around opening a pathway there is an incense that I use called “open roads” there is another called “clearing blockages”, so you can use a lot of things in conjunction with that.

Then I suggest basic oils like Lavender, Jasmine, Rose, Clove, Sage, Tea Tree and Orange Blossom Oil to begin with. Grow your collection as you learn more and as you expand your field of focus in your spells and your ceremonies.

Dried herbs and spices - I find that unless you have got herb garden, if you buy packets of fresh herbs they go to waste because you are not going to use them that often. I tend to use more dried herbs and spices, but if the ritual calls for fresh herbs then I will use it. The

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basics are basil, basil is very good for physic protection, mustard seeds, sage, bay leaf, clove, cinnamon, chilli, ginger, course sea salt and black peppercorns.

That is all in your notes and again you expand your collection as you go along.

What I do is I buy bottles of dried herbs and spices you find in the supermarket, you really don’t have to get fancy and if you have got spice markets or health markets you can find these things at next to nothing.

You need a base oil like olive oil or almond oil, which you use for anointing your candles and if you do need to use fresh herbs it usually calls for things like basil, comfrey, parsley, rosemary, so it could be a nice time to start a little herb box or herb patch if you like.

I have also included a link to a webpage that offers some valuable information regarding Moon Magic, the cycles, the types of the moon phases, that is the one that has got the picture of the current moon phase and the properties of the herbs and the spices I suggest that you use here. The link is in the notes and it will give you all the information, I chose that page because it is just so informative and you can bookmark that page or print it out and have fun with that.

With candles, choose the candle based on what you want to do. You would use a white candle for truth and purity. You would use a red candle for love, health, strength, sex. Green you would use for money, luck, fertility. Black you would use for banishing evil, banishing discord, negativity, confusion etc etc. That is just an idea of the different candle’s colours.

Any questions before I carry on?

D: Again it comes down to your association with the colours as well, if you have a particular association with a colour then you can use it for a ritual associated with that emotion or feeling. What Michelle has given you there are guidelines and you must use your own intuition about these things and your own feelings about it as well.

There was one question here: I am wheelchair bound, if I cannot physically do everything a ritual calls for will it still work?

M: Oh yes, when I do my rituals I am either just standing or I am sitting, you adapt the spell to suit you. I promise you that I have never done a spell that has called for me to bounce around like a kangaroo in my birthday suit or anything like that

As I say, with most of my rituals I am either standing at my altar or I am doing something with the Full Moon, if the weather permits, and I am outside sitting on the grass, I drag all my paraphernalia outside with me, so you don’t have to be mobile in that sense, just go with it.

D: What is a your sigil and does one create one’s own magical name?

M: Yes you can create your own magical name, you can use a spirit name if you have got one. I have had some wonderful experiences in terms of coming up with these different sigils, which are glyphs, or sacred symbols, or a protection seal that you use and the name

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could be as creative as you like but it must have meaning for you, that is the important thing.

D: Can you explain the pentagram and its use?

M: All the pentagram is, is the five-pointed star, which is Venus’ symbol, Goddess Venus.

Venus, as she moves through her path of direct and retrograde motions over a period of eight years in the heavens creates a perfect pentacle, a perfect five-pointed star which is why the pentagram/pentacle is so powerful because it is linked to Venus and to the protection of the Goddess. So anything to do with the number five is related to Venus, she does five retrogrades over a period of eight years and during that period that pentacle has been created.

Some schools turn the pentacle the other way around, which makes it look like the goat, the pentagram and the pentacle are the same thing. Again it is all down to intent, you can use any of these symbols for good or bad, it is all about your intention.

So the pentacle, or the five-pointed star is used as protection and it is something that you also use when you are doing a spell or a ritual, which I will go into just now when I talk about preparing and protection for your spells.

D: Lets talk about that Mich, lets go into that there is too many questions at the moment so lets talk about specific rituals.

M: Before doing any kind of spell, ritual or ceremony you need to make sure your energy is cleansed and that you are protected. Sometimes in an emergency situation, or if lack of time permits it, all you are going to do is spray your aura with a cleansing spray or smudge it with incense and a feather or a dried sage smudging bundle and a feather, but it is really nice if you can go through the process of taking a ritual bath.

These are suggestions I have made around energy cleansing which is all in your notes:

Take a “ritual” bath. Put scented or unscented natural course sea salt in your water and add any kind of other soothing and relaxing oil to your bathwater. What I do then is I light a little tea light candle which is setting the intention that the bath cleanse you and prepare your energy for your ritual.

You can include relaxing music if you like. Let the candle burn out but you don't have to stay in the bath until the candle burns out, we will have a whole bunch of raisins doing rituals, so you can get out the bath, and as I say you don’t want the Gods and Goddesses to confuse you with a raisin

Relax in your bath for at least 10 – 15 minutes concentrating on feeling relaxed and emptying your mind, your body and your heart of heavy or negative thoughts, feelings and emotions and then after your bath put something clean on, an item of clothing that you really like, it could be white or black or you can do it in your birthday suit as well, so if you have the privacy you don’t have to get dressed if you don’t want to!

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That is the very first part of preparing your energy. First of all I assume that you would have decided what your spell is going to be, why you want to do it and what you want to get out of it. You will have gotten everything together that you need to perform your spell. You would have the timing perfect in terms of where the moon is and in which sign it is in, that you need to do before you do anything else, so have that all ready.

Then take your bath and once you are ready to start your spell, you then have to cast a protection circle.

Before you cast your circle make sure you have everything you need to perform your ceremony, because once the circle is cast you cannot step out of it otherwise it breaks that protection energy.

I make my circle big enough to be able to move in it, I don’t have everything on my altar, it becomes too cluttered, so I put it on a little table next to me and I can have easy access to it but it is within my circle.

Depending on where you perform your ritual, and if space and convenience permit it, use salt to make the circle of protection around you and your altar, and as I said make sure it is big enough for you to move around in.

The circle is a sacred place in which the magic is worked, and this is where Wiccans, Witches and Pagans etc meet with the Gods and Goddesses, which is where the circle originated from, and the word circle may be misleading because it is not a flat one dimensional sort of circle, it is actually a sphere of energy which encompasses everybody or everything that is within that particular protection shield. So the magic circle defines the ritual area, it holds in personal power and shuts out all distractions and negative energies, which is why it is so important.

The way you create the circle - you can use objects on the ground to show the boundaries of the circle, such as stones, flowers, branches and candles, or crystals and whether you are using salt or not the circle is formed of personal energy which is visualised as streaming from the body to form what looks like this big bubble of protection. Some Wiccans use a tool which is called an Athame, which is a Sacred Knife that is used to cast spells, it also used to cut through cords of energy, protection, those kinds of things. If you want one you can get yourself one but it is not essential. They use it to direct the power, others just use their hands (which I do) and you can also use a crystal wand if you have. If you use salt or whatever else it is, pour the salt in a clockwise direction to create your circle and once that has been done you would then visualise a five-pointed star inside of your circle which is the Venus Pentacle of Protection. If you cannot use salt as I said, then use a crystal wand or crystal as a tool to project an energy field.

Once the energy is flowing through your fingertips or the chosen tool that you have used, you walk the circle three times clockwise, envisioning that energy, that light or whatever it is, trailing out behind you but also growing in strength and amplifying the protection so it creates that energy of protection, but it is also connected to the actual ritual you want to perform.

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When the circle is complete, you shut off the energy flow by shaking your hand or pulling back the tool that you have been using.

Now you are inside your circle and you can’t go out, so know that the circle is sealed, if you do have to step out you are going to break that seal and you are going to have to re-do the circle.

Once that has been done I call in the Four Guardians of the Four Directions (N,S,E,W) and the Four Elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) and these Guardians stand at the four cardinal points to protect you according to their positioning for the duration of your spell/ceremony.

That is how you start it off. Any questions yet?

D: A lot of people are asking what kind of salt and little things like that, but they must use what they feel is appropriate for them and for what their intent is, you might say sea salt but they want to use some other salt and it comes down to what you associate the object with, so use your intuition and use what feels right for you. Michelle is just giving us the basics, so apply your perspective to this process please.

M: I have included spells in the notes, I have included five or six different kinds of spells that you can use which gives an idea, an example of how to do it. With those examples you can start elaborating on it.

We will do more advanced stuff later on, this is the beginning, this is the first stage of preparing your energy to work with this. Kuthumi is going to come through and speak to all of you just now, he can see how much confusion this is creating and I will let him speak his piece just now.

There are certain rituals that will call for certain spices, herbs or whatever it is, but in all of those if you are living in a country where you don’t have access to a certain plant or herb and it is going to cost you a fortune to import it, there is a lot of information on the internet where you can find an equivalent or whatever you could replace it with, so just bear that in mind as well.

Once you have cast your circle it is time to now open the actual ceremony.

You have invoked the Guardians of the Four Directions, then you start calling in all the Beings you work with, or associate with, like the Angels, Deities, animals, whatever it is that you want to have present there, that you have a very strong connection to and will help you with what you are doing.

Set the intention that whatever you do through your spell/ceremony be in accordance with the highest will of all souls concerned. That is a very important part of it.

Be creative and spontaneous while invoking these energies and preparing for your spell/ceremony. Invoking these energies or evoking them depends onwhat you want to do. Invoking is bringing the energy into your own body, evoking is bringing the energy into your space.

And then you will go ahead and perform your spell/ceremony.

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Now I am going to go into a few of the spells I have put in the notes for you.

To perform the actual spell/ceremony, as I said to you earlier on, it is important that the feeling and the intention be there, that is actually what makes it work, it is the combination of your energy, your light, that desire which is then combined with all the properties of your herbs, your oils, your spices, the moon’s energy, which constellation it is in, the time of the day you are using, so which planet is influencing that, all of that adds up.

Your ceremony can take 5 to 10 minutes from start to finish or it could be a ceremony that goes on for an hour depending on what you want to do, that is very important.

The other thing that I have included in here is closing your spell/ceremony, and I find this works wonders for me. Once you have done all your intentions and you have spoken to nature, I always end all my spells off by saying “Harm to none, this spell or ceremony is done, by the power of three so mote it be!” and I say that 3 times. The reason why we do it three times is because it is emphasizing the Triple God and the Triple Goddess energies, which are masculine, feminine and the divine child, and include my favourite closing sentence “harm to none, this spell is done”, then you know that at any point if the intention has been directed in an area that is not going to be best for you or someone else, it will be nullified.

Giving thanks to all the Beings you invoked is another very important one.

You give thanks to the Guardians of the Four Directions, to the Four Elements and tell them they are released.

Then undo your circle. The way you undo your circle is by walking the circle 3 times in an anti-clockwise direction. If you can’t walk it for whatever reason then just use your intention, project that energy through your third eye and Kuthumi is saying that there is a being that will stand with you specifically to hold that energy for you so just visualise it if you are unable to walk it.

Undo it 3 times in an anti-clockwise direction, once again reaffirming the Guardians of the Four Directions be released. You have to release them. I made the mistake of not releasing them and they got very ratty with me because they were hanging on waiting until eventually the candle in the glass exploded to get my intention, then I realised that I had forgotten to release the Guardians of the Four Directions (my Guardians are dragons). So when you release them their focus is able to go other places, they are not just focusing and concentrating on what you need.

If there are any leftovers from your spell/ritual you need to throw away or bury, then do it now. Sometimes they ask you to take leftover candles or the ashes from paper that you burnt and you have to bury it at a certain place or just throw it away, that is when you will do all of that because then the circle has been released.

So now we go onto some simple recipes and spells to play with and to get you started.

D: Just before you get into that Michelle, I just want to say that what Michelle is giving you here are guidelines, you can get creative and adapt these spells to what you want to do.

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Change the ingredients if one of the ingredients doesn’t have any meaning for you but something else does, then please change the ingredients. What Michelle is giving you are examples for you to then adapt to your desires and your magic.

M: I must say though if they say for instance mustard seeds in a ritual or you need black peppercorns or something like that, that is pretty simple to use and in some of the rituals they will call for specific things, but when it gets to exotic stuff like Saffron and all sorts of other fancy herbs, then yes you can look for an alternative. There is one called Dragon’s Blood and I thought where am I going to find this, I did some research and found out that the everyday name of Dragon’s Blood is chilli, so those are just some examples.

I have put in here a MAGIC FULL MOON OIL which is something that you can create to anoint your candles with and I will explain to you how you do that, and you can use it to rub on your skin. The basic Magic Full Moon Oil is (this is in your notes):

• 13 drops of sandalwood essential oil • 9 drops of vanilla essential oil or extract • 3 drops of jasmine essential oil • 1 drop of rose essential oil

You mix prior to a Full Moon and charge it in a clear container (glass) or a vial in the light of the Full Moon.

And that is it! You mix your oil, you leave it to charge in the Full Moon and you have got a Magic Full Moon Oil, which you use to anoint candles or yourself for Full Moon rituals, or just when you feel like you need the moon’s energy.

The way that you anoint candles is very simple - put the oil on your hands and rub the oil up and down the candle, and while you are doing that concentrate on your intention.

The other thing that I find works very well, for instance if you are doing a ritual or a ceremony to send healing to someone, you can even take pin or toothpick or something sharp and etch their name in the candle before you anoint it and that will hold the essence for that particular person, be it yourself, throughout the ritual.

That you do inside your circle when you start your ceremony.

I have also put in there to CREATE YOUR OWN MOON SPELLS -

Because of the very nature of Magic, each working should be highly individualised and personal and it was what we were saying earlier on, and Doug emphasised a couple of times now that it needs to be personal.

Even if following a traditional spell you can tailor it to suit your specific needs to be most effective for you. You must be patient, I had to go through that initial frustration when you have got a spell there and you are trying to read what the spell is and you are trying to hold that intention and focus and you are looking back to the page and you realise that you didn’t say this or you didn’t say that and that distracts you.

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So keep them simple and know with practice it is going to get easier, the flow begins to come. Don’t worry if you leave out a word or you don’t say a word right, it is the intention, the important thing is your opening intention, you are communicating to the Heavens what it is that you are wishing to create or banish and then closing off with “harm to none, this spell is done”, that is very important.

Understanding the basics of Spell Construction will enable you to formulate your own specific, effective spells for any purpose you desire, but that preliminary planning is necessary. That is when you can use your void-of-course moon times to plan your spells for the next phase of the moon depending on where it is. The moon is the astronomical body closest to us and, therefore, has a profound influence upon us, so it is important to choose when the moon is in the astrological sign which is appropriate for your working, and in my notes I do say refer to the information that I have provided on the planetary influences for more in depth information, but I have also given a basic list.

If you want to do spells around action and enthusiasm you would do it when the moon is in Aries. If it is renewal and sensuality you would work when the moon is in Taurus. Communication, curiosity – Gemini. Emotion, nurturing – Cancer. For vitality and determination you would do spells when the moon is in Leo and so we go on.

Bear in mind that the magical workings for gain, increase or bringing things to you, should be initiated when the Moon is Waxing (moving from the Dark Moon to the Full Moon) and when the Moon is Waning (from Full Moon to Dark Moon), it is the time for doing rituals or ceremonies of sending things away, breaking ties, breaking things down, and the highest energy occurs at the Full Moon and that is, therefore, the most powerful time for any kind of magical workings.The New Moon is the next most powerful time for Magic as well, there are different schools of thought that say New Moon magic is more powerful than Full Moon magic, I use it for different things, you do get specific New Moon spells and you will find them but the only time you don’t do magic is when the moon is void-of-course.

Any comments or questions at this point?

D: Can you include Reiki energy healing in your ritual?

M: Absolutely yes, use all of your specific tools, techniques, your own skills and talents and put it all together, anything that you do that is going to enhance what you are doing, because you believe in it, or you have a very strong affinity with Reiki, so you know it works, so use your Reiki symbols in your spells, it is going to strengthen it because your energy connected to that belief, or acceptance, or understanding of what you are using enhances what you are doing.

I have included a lot of little spells here and I have also given you information on how to work with healing by the moon and what herbs, spices and things like that to use at specific moons based on physical health issues that you or others may be working with, I have even included a cute little one to banish a fever.

D: Do nature and finances have anything to do with each other? And can you give us a ritual and the best time to create increase, or is this more to do with the channelling work that we are doing?

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The channelling work that we are doing is information that we are receiving from the Masters to help us with dealing with stuff like creating increase in our life, creating abundance in our life. What Michelle has given you here are ways to set that intention, to do a ritual combined with the most opportune moon energy to get the best affects. What you should do is take the information that you get from the channelling to create the intent, Kuthumi will explain to you how to create an intent, how to focus and what Michelle is giving you here is some extra pointers on the moon and how we can use it as well as the little trinkets and bits and bobs that go along with it.

So it is a combination of both that you need to do in this case.

M: This particular Cosmic Playshop, there are others that are coming after this, but we cannot go into the serious alchemy and magic stuff until you have got the basics right and any alchemist, or workings with spiritual magic and things like that, you need to understand there are basics, you need to understand the nature of nature because if you are going to do something and you are going against the nature of nature, oh heavens can it backfire big time.

That is why I have given so much information, been so specific about when certain rituals are performed so that you understand the dynamics that you are playing with, even though it is a Playshop, it is not a game, you are working with very very powerful energies. Understanding what you are working with is vital and you are going to learn that by playing with the information that I have given you here, and keeping your journal on what happens, and don’t start off with big bold things like doing a massive spell of the moon in Sagittarius in Jupiter’s hour because you want to win the lotto, sorry for you it may not work that way. So keep it to things that you know will work, start off with small things, the types of spells I have included like a Friendship Candle Spell, that kind of thing you will be able to see, a spell to bless a new relationship, a magic house blessing, a magic blessing for water, I have include the magic witches ladder for comfort and blessing, there is a magic blessing for your body, there is a magic car blessing to keep your car safe and there are spells to heal physical pain.

You need to work with these little things first so that you can actually see what it is doing. If you are going to go big and bold straight away and you haven’t developed a relationship with the energies and how it works you are going to give up, you are going to be disappointed because you are going to feel that you are not seeing the results. So please in this instance I am saying to you keep it simple so that you can see the results and you don’t shoot yourself in the foot, we are going to do the more advanced stuff in the future but this has to be done first. So have fun with it and play responsibly.

D: A question: Mother Moon is with us here right now, what if one just tunes into the moon energy daily instead of keeping our minds busy with calculating these things? Wasn’t that what ancient people did living by the cycles as it were?

What do you think Mich?

M: The ancient people planted by the moon cycles, their farming, agriculture etc was done by moon cycles. Medieval astrology was founded by seven wise men, one of them being

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our beloved Kuthumi-Agrippa who was Hermes Trismegistus, and he was the original founder of medieval astrology if you want to put it like that.

Now that was thousands of years ago. They did everything by the moon’s cycle, but they knew exactly where the moon was because they would watch the constellations, see which constellation the moon was in and knew that at certain times that if the moon is in Leo you plant this, when the moon is in Scorpio you do something differently. They didn’t calculate it as we do now but they still did their calculations through observation and knowing what the cycles of the moon meant.

We are luckier in modern day times because we have the sophisticated technology to calculate this so that we don’t have to stand outside amongst the bright city lights and try and see the constellations of stars in the heavens and try and figure out where the moon is. In those days they didn’t have big cities with city lights which block out the view of the heavens, so that is how they did it, and the Essenes, everything was done is accordance with the astrological cycles.

D: That the average person back then was aware of?

M: Yes, all your farmers, your healers (which we could call today doctors, chemists and things like that) and when we go into the more advanced stuff further down the line when it comes to making amulets and talismans and making mixtures and things like that, then they got very very specific. There are times where you had to smelt the gold at exactly 2 am in the morning for three minutes and then it had to be put in something else, so they were dedicated to this, it wasn’t just a fly by night thing, people lived by nature, they were at one with nature and that is what we as modern day people have lost, we have forgotten that connection and this is why something like this, this Cosmic Magician Playshop, is so important because it is reconnecting you to nature and living by these cycles like our ancient ancestors did, they did everything by the moon's cycles.

D: So initially now for anyone who is not used to doing rituals, or a beginner at this as it were, the advice is to follow the rituals that you have been given, or rituals that they might find but follow the instructions as closely as possible, and as you get used to doing rituals and magic that is when you can start adapting and you can then start bringing in your own intentions or adapting the ritual specifically to your intentions. Would you agree with that Mich?

M: I definitely do agree with that, what I have also done in your notes, I have included the name of a book which I got and which I use, it is one of the most comprehensive ones available called the Encyclopaedia of 5000 Spells. Having said that, if you do purchase this book please don’t have a heart attack because there are some not so kosher spells in there, all I did was take a black marker and scribbled over them, but there are very valuable ones in there as well. So if can get that book it is called “the Element Encyclopaedia of 5000 Spells” by Judika Illes, it gives very basic, very short, very quick ones that you can use and then you will develop it as you go along.

Now the other important thing is, don’t make it an intellectual process, make it a spontaneous process, be intuitive and while you are doing your ritual also be spontaneous.

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You know what your focus is, if your focus is to increase your financial abundance you will have green candles to represent money and growth, you would generally be doing your ritual sometime between the New Moon and the Full Moon (while the moon is busy waxing), and have certain things that represent financial abundance for you. You could even take a 100 dollar bill (or your currency) and put that on your altar, have that charged, keep that $100 bill in your wallet or your purse, which holds the energy representing growth and amplification of your financial abundance.

While you are doing your ritual and speaking to perhaps Goddess Venus, because Venus is not only about art, beauty and love, it is also wealth and money. So if you are doing a ritual around wealth and money you can do it when the Full Moon, or whatever phase of that the moon is in Taurus. Taurus represents money, business, luxury, all those kinds of things.

While you are doing your ritual just be spontaneous with what you need, what you want, how you want this to come about and then let it go, the outcome will be left in the hands of the Gods so to speak. So be spontaneous, don’t intellectualise it too much, this kind of magic/ceremony/ritual, whatever it is, is not an intellectual process, it is a feeling, energy process.

I fully understand that this is new to most of you in terms of actually doing this, and as I said in the beginning it is trail and error, I had it as well but the Gods know that you are trying something new so you are not going to get punished for doing something wrong because you are not familiar with this. Ignorance is dangerous, as always, but if your intention is pure you can rest assured that whatever it is that you are doing is going to bring about something good, which is why I insist on ending my rituals with “harm to none, this spell is done”, so keep that in mind.

D: I have another question here: Do you believe that someone can cast a bad spell on you that can influence your life? If so, how do you reverse this? Or can you set up a spell to protect you from this kind of thing forever and ever?

M: Yes, there are some very powerful magicians in our world, both of the light and of the dark and, yes, they do mess with you. I am qualified as a medieval astrologist now, and I now specialising in spiritual astrology, alchemy and magic. One of things that I have learnt through this is that depending on a person’s aspects in their natal chart, that would make them more prone to, or, more vulnerable to negative influences, and some dark magicians do use people’s planetary positioning to emphasise, or, exacerbate negative aspects of their chart, which would then be considered black magic, and they can use things like your hair, your nails, saliva, blood whatever it is.

So that is there, be aware of it but do not buy into it, this is not about creating fear. We are creating a platform here where you are strengthening your relationship with nature, you are creating a system that supports you and the environment.

There are banishing spells that can be done, what I will do and Kuthumi-Agrippa has suggested this, is that I do put together a few more spells for all of you around specific things you can work with, like banishing spells and things like that, I will put that together for you over the next week or two, and protection, which I have used and it is called the WITCHES PROTECTION BOTTLE. Now I must admit that there were points where I was

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hysterical with laughter actually doing it because I thought if anybody had to see me they would probably have me institutionalised.

The basic protection ritual is that you take a glass bottle, it can be an empty coffee jar or whatever it is, and this is not in your notes, so if you want to make notes you can.

You take a glass jar and put anything sharp it here like nails, broken glass, aloe thorns, rose thorns, anything that is sharp.

Then you add in some salt which represents protection and you put in a drop of your blood, so you prick your thumb, or your index finger, and put in a drop of blood.

This is the funny part – then you need to add some of your own urine to it.

You close the jar, you dig a hole in the garden and at the Full Moon you bury this, and this is your protection for your home, your family, you as an individual, all the sharp objects representing that protection where nothing dark, malefic or of ill intention can penetrate that energy grid which has been created.

The reason why you have to put in some of your own blood is because it is your life-force, and urine is often used in spells and rituals to also create defences or barriers around you, connect through your own DNA, that works like a bomb, it is very powerful.

I have got some other awesome protection rituals that I use which is in my Book of Shadows and I will include those in there, they are simple ones, I have used them, they are very powerful.

A couple of weeks ago I was in quite a challenging situation where two traditional African healers were trying to tamper with my energy field, I picked it up straight away, it was very disturbing and I had to do some serious protection work, cleansing, banishing, I had to do rituals for ten days solid bringing in backup with other people who do these spells as well, but to see how it shattered the grid of what these African men were trying to do was absolutely phenomenal, for me that was mind blowing, and it was interesting because at that stage I was already using the Dragon Energy, I didn’t realise just how powerful the Dragon Energy is in relation to what we are going to be doing in Egypt over the Easter period, and how these dragons come in and completely and utterly obliterate anything that is of such a dark dense malefic force.

I am speaking from experience, which is why I am saying to you don’t buy into the dark, there are ways that you can protect yourself from it, that is when I was told I had to do that protection spell (the Witches Protection Bottle) which I did, believe me I wasn’t going to argue, if they asked me to stand on my head and do break dancing moves I would have done it just to make sure that this was all in order.

D: So it exists but don’t get stuck there.

Here is a question: Is it bad to cast spells on a teenage daughter? (I can just imagine what you want to cast on her!)

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And also how appropriate is it to do spells to break other people out of limiting situations or addictions, or money problems, or should you only work on issues that you have personally.

M: Firstly of all work on your own issues, but if you are wanting to do something for other people, I strongly suggest that you first get their permission, if you think there is no way they are going to give you permission on a physical human level, ask their soul for permission, if their soul or higher self gives permission for you to do it then you work your ritual with their higher self or with their soul, so that that aspect of them directs the energy towards them, but if you get a no, absolutely under no circumstances do you do anything to then help that person, your intention is one of purity and that is fine, but you have also got to bear in mind that sometimes people just aren’t ready for what you think they need to be doing, or they just don’t want it, so you can’t interfere in that sense, which is another reason why I insist on always finishing a ritual “harm to none this, spell is done” and when I open it up I ask that it be done in accordance with the highest will of every soul concerned.

Usually with healing rituals you will get the person’s permission. For teenage daughters, well that depends on how intense the hormonal fluctuations are so if you can corner her on a good day and ask her if you can help her and she says yes, then go for it.

When I do things for my own children, I generally do a ritual for the home where it brings balance and harmony. I do cleansing rituals in their rooms and I put things around my home and inside my home which enhances the quality of harmony, balance and those kinds of things.

A couple of weeks ago my twins were giving me a really hard time, they are Cancer rising, which means they need nurturing and a stable home. A lot of stuff was changing for me and I did a home blessing and brought in some very nice harmonious energies, within two days my twins had completely settled down, they weren’t fighting as much with each other or with me. So work it in the home and it balances their energy.

D: Obviously in that protection spell you mentioned where you have to bury the bottle, what about all those people who live in apartments and don’t have a garden?

M: Then I would suggest if you could get pot plants, or a pot as such, that a pot plant can go into. Get some soil and bury the glass jar in that pot plant of soil and put it either at the entrance of your door or if there is, you can bury it in the garden in your apartment block, go out in the middle of the night when nobody will see you, or at the entrance to your apartment block if there is some sand and bury it there

D: Just have a good story ready when your neighbours come and ask you why you are burying things in the garden

Ok, another question: Can you give us the difference between banishing versus transmutation from the point of view of a magician? I am thinking banishing leaves the negative energy out there to latch onto someone else and transmutation converts the energy into unconditional love, is this accurate?

M: That is accurate. When I do banishing spells, I always ask that the energy that is being banished be taken to the light and put into whatever form of energy is required and

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returned to the individual, or the situation that originally projected that energy, so I am not sending the bad energy back to the person, I am sending the transformed quality of that energy back to whatever its source is. So it gives the source the opportunity to also transform whatever it is that they are feeling.

The banishing spells are also good especially when there are politics in amongst a family, or there is gossip going on and you just want to end that influence, that is when you would banish the negativity, banish it to the light so to speak and that will automatically transform that situation as a result of not only the intention you created, but also as a result of the energy of your ritual.

So if you would prefer to call it a transformation ritual by all means do, I use the words banishment or banishing rituals, which is the original traditional terms that were used. If you are doing research or coming across spells and it says a “banishing spell” you know exactly what it means.

D: Can we use or invoke for example Excalibur, the Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Lords and Ladies to protect ourselves during these magic rituals?

M: Absolutely, that is why I said when you caste your circle that you call in all those deities or beings, or whoever it is that you have a close connection to, because that will add strength and power to your ritual, so by all means do that.

D: One thing I just wanted to add, there is already an Emerald Mystery School group on the website, please if you haven’t joined it, come and join it and what I would like to suggest is that we all offer up suggestions of rituals that work for us, please come and share it on the website with the group.

M: Yes that is a brilliant idea Doug, I think it will also create the basic platform as we grow with this cosmic work, and as I say we are going to get into some really awesome stuff further on down the line and I am being given all the information already, I am having to do the processes, perform the rituals at some ungodly hours of the morning at times, but I am doing it based on the information they are giving me so that I can say to you that it is tried and tested, which is the reason why it needs to be done at such and such a time, or such and such a place.

It is going to be really awesome, especially when it comes to doing things like making amulets, making talismans and getting into the serious alchemical process, because that supports and enhances our own personal journey as a alchemist where we are transforming those base aspects of our self and our consciousness into Golden Consciousness, and these kinds of rituals are worked in conjunction with our personal development as alchemist in our own light, transforming those areas of our life that need transformation.

Until you have got this under wraps and you feel confident in what you are doing and you have seen the results, it is all trial and error, and I must emphasise do not give up after the first ritual, or do not lose hope if you see that you haven’t done it the right way, there is no right or wrong way, it is the intention that is important, and then keep us posted on how this is all happening, especially around the healing by the moon.

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I know so many people are challenged with physical ailments, so the healing rituals that I have included is on how to work with the waxing moon. Therefore, the waxing phase of the moon is the best time to build the body, and this is when you can use nurturing herbs and tonics to strengthen the body’s natural immunity, and I give the different things that you use for that.

Most women ovulate during the Full Moon, which is the time to apply herbs and things like that, that work with those aspects of life, so there is lots of information out there that you can use around keeping your body healthy and strong.

During a waning moon avoid drastic fasting, so if you are the type of person who likes to fast and cleanse your body you would actually be doing more harm to yourself by fasting under a waning moon than you would do if you did your fasting under a waxing moon.

Read all the information I have put together in your notes and I will include some other spells and rituals that I have been given by our team upstairs, and the book I suggested in the notes, that is the most comprehensive one, it is going to save you hours of trying to find stuff on the internet. Not all of the internet sites are very desirable, so I suggested this book because it has just got so much in it and saves you a lot of time.

D: The chart of the “Planetary Hours of the Day” that you gave in the document, is that done according to GMT, London’s time zone?

M: No that would be for any time zone, so 6 am in the morning is the planetary hour for that planet regardless of where you are in the world.

D: There is one interesting question here that I just want to quickly touch on before you channel Mich: The thought it is that the moon, planets etc mirror or reflect how we are influenced, they do not cause our experience.

That is right isn’t it? They don’t cause our experience, we choose our experience but it is our choice, we are playing out certain archetypes, is that correct according to our various astrological signs?

M: Yes, each of these planets are archetypes, and this will be covered in the upcoming Cosmic Law channellings that I am going to be doing around the laws of the different planets, but it is very much based on your natal chart, so the pattern of the different planets in signs at the time of your birth, which will determine the archetypal pattern that you then carry as a cosmic being in a physical body.

Now the choice comes into as to how you respond to, or react by default, to these archetypes, because there are positives and negatives to both of the archetypes, that is the dualistic nature of these archetypes. But if you are focusing on the negatives in yourself it is going to super-size and supercharge the negative aspect of that archetype, so where Mother Moon can bring nurturing, healing and cleansing it can also in its shadow side make you very emotionally unstable, paranoid, over emotional, those kinds of things.

It is all about awareness and understanding of what the nature of nature is, which is why it is so important to understand how all of these things influence us.

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D: There is another question here: How do I work with the feeling that I am not worthy of practising these ritual arts?

M: There I suggest you do a ritual, now, especially that the moon is waning, it is past, the Full Moon working towards the New Moon, that you do a little ritual with your personal guides to help you release those negative feelings and at the same time do any kind of process work that you are inspired to do to help to clear those feelings of unworthiness, or low self-worth in terms of that, and you will be amazed at how things change, but continue with it, persevere and because you feel that way don’t not do it, give yourself the benefit of the doubt.

D: There are a lot questions here about specific rituals but I think we must take it to the website, our Emerald Mystery School Group and we can all help each other there.

Enough from me, enough from Michelle, lets have the final word from Master Kuthumi-Agrippa!

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Master Kuthumi-Agrippa

The Cosmic Magician Playshop channelling

Channelled through Michelle Eloff ©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 7 February 2010

I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come to forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring to you the blessings of illumination, magic, ritual, and ceremony.

The information, which has been presented to each of you at this time is deeply profound. We have presented this specific body of work for a very specific purpose and that is to begin training every aspect of your consciousness to understand the deeper connections with all the bodies of life influencing you and working with, and through, you.

Sometimes there are instances where specific energies “appear to” work against you. However, when you understand the embodiment of the nature of that entity, that body of energy, you are able to work into the light of that archetype and transform the energies.

It is vitally important that Lightworkers now understand the origins of the nature of Nature and reconnect with those origins, awakening the inner magician. The ancient wise ones lived by these systems, applying them to every aspect of their life and, by us introducing you to this energy, we are helping you weave a new thread through the systems of consciousness, which will help you embody the light of your collective soul and spirit and merge it with the collective soul and spirit of the Cosmos.

This basic process opens the chakras, the energy within the chakras, and begins to re-ignite the light within you connected to these “varieties” of energy. Every system presented, every process given; ritual, or ceremony, or spell, whichever you want to call it, is there to help you better understand the nature of your self and the nature of Nature -it’s nature in relation to your human nature. This creates a body of knowledge, a system of information, which will guide you along your journey revealing to you their magic, their secret and sacred codes, which grant you access to certain dimensions and realms of consciousness. One cannot step into a realm ignorantly, for in doing this, not only do you endanger yourself, you endanger all others. These energies are very real and very potent.

Those of you who have chosen to walk the Pathway of the Authentic Ones, are the ones who have chosen to embrace the inner alchemist. You cannot master yourself as an alchemist until you understand the basics of Nature and how this influences you.

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The basics of Nature influence every aspect of science and spirituality. Even quantum physics contains very specific “natures” that are projected from the natural world, which impact on your nature.

If you look specifically at quantum physics, and the fact that it is the science of specific opportunities, or the science of potential or possibility, you must know that quantum physics then says that the one performing the experiment often determines the outcome of the experiment. So, what is quantum physics? It is magic, it is alchemy. For, in knowing what you are doing, you create a system which determines, to a large extent, the light that comes through the Divine and the desired inner plan of light which is motivating you.

Bear in mind, everything we present to you is with a purpose and the purpose now, as cosmic magicians, is to awaken you to the Divine Spirit, to the Divine within Spirit. Each step strengthens the bodies inside of you and opens your capacity to connect with energy and information beyond your five human senses. Strengthening those senses is vitally important during this time of change spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically; again, another very important reason why you must be educated in the ‘nature of life’.

The celestial bodies are Beings, Spirits embodying natures, and Archetypes. They channel through you. You respond or react to the essence of that which is being imprinted, or impressed upon your consciousness.

If you, for instance, have a very strong Saturn energy in your natal chart and you do not understand the nature of Saturn, the law of Saturn and what it requires of you, you will be flung from pillar to post.

Saturn is the densest planet impacting on Earth. It is the darkest, the coldest; for it is the furthest away. But Saturn requires of you discipline, patience, and putting in the work necessary, which will earn you the rewards once you have applied what Saturn requires of you. Therefore, as a strong Saturnian type, if you are going to avoid doing what needs to be done, and you reject the disciplines required, you are going to have a very hard time because then you are calling in the malefic nature of Saturn to show you that the law is the law and this is what is required of you in order to bring into power that which you, as a Being, set in place through the blueprint of your body prior to your incarnation, and that blueprint, which was set in place at the time of your birth. Never underestimate the importance of understanding these natures. And, for those of you who want to know yourselves better, use the tool of traditional astrology to know yourself. This will guide you as to where the glitches in your program lie, where malefics are perhaps really challenging you to discover the greater aspects of the collective expanse of your soul’s mission and purpose.

The phases of the moon influence humanity the most often. This is just the beginning. Befriending Mother Moon will show you how the unconscious/subconscious parts of you either work for you or work against you. Knowledge is power, never forget this and always remember that you are dealing with super-sized celestial bodies, ancient Beings who have been about before your time as a human being, and they rule the roost. They are the cosmic wanderers and travellers, and, if you are not going to respect their energy then you must be prepared to suffer the consequences. There is no more room for ignorance, beloved ones.

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I, Kuthumi Agrippa, have created systems with the help of my fellow brothers and sisters through many incarnations to create the information. If you do research on the incarnation where I walked as Cornelius Agrippa you will see how important alchemy is. I have done many, many cycles of dedicated work, doing what Saturn required of me, in order to illuminate and inform the world. That is my purpose as the Cosmic Teacher. I have been able to take my role as the King of the Solar World of the Solar Archangels simply because I have lived by the rules of the Cosmic Laws.

No one is above the Cosmic Laws. None of you are above the Cosmic Laws. Neither one of us are above the Cosmic Laws. These are bodies of energy which govern these laws, and even when you are no longer in a physical body you are still bound to these laws.

Laws are there for a reason. It creates a structure which guides the energy, it gives you the step by step process and, if you want short-cuts, know you are going to miss out on valuable information and you will have to return to the basics. Never underestimate the power of basics, for if you cannot go back to the origin and see what was created there, you will not be able to decode or decipher why certain outcomes are playing out.

Magic and Alchemy are the future. The return of the alchemists is what is happening now. This is why our journeys to the sacred sites activating these energies are so vitally important. This is why you are being called to service, to work with these energies. It is a combined effort of physical and energetic influences bringing the greater picture into manifestation.

Egypt is a Saturnian energy. We are working through the powerful energy of Saturn through the point of Egypt because it is through this densest, darkest, so-called ‘malefic presence’ that we are bringing the light. We are taking the power of the light-side of the archetype of Saturn and bringing that in, grounding the energy of discipline, of patience, perseverance, the energy of applying the laws of the cosmos, abiding by the rules, respecting the higher forces of light and how they work through you.

When one is working in the dense, dark energy of Saturn, so to speak, there is destruction, depression, desperation—everything that is dark, dense, and even diabolical.

The natures of these spirits are inside of you. Each chakra resonates with a planet. There is no getting away from this, you can run as fast as you want to, hide as much as you want to, but those energies are with you and cannot be hidden from.

Precious ones, we are preparing you for something far grander than you could ever imagine and if you are one who is called to become a true alchemist, a true magician in life, and, if you want to be able to use these energies to manifest your intentions then this is a way of doing it. Your spells, your rituals, your ceremonies ground you in your body and concentrate and focus your energy on the intention you are trying to create. By sitting in meditation and focusing on intentions purely in that sense, it is not given a form in which it can grow. So basically what spells, rituals, ceremony and magic is all about is harnessing that energy in a conscious way, like you would say a prayer, like you would give a blessing, and you are honing in on a specific source and force of power, light or dark, depending on your intentions.

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Sometimes one needs to fight fire with fire. And let me say this, because some are asking this question: “How and when does one use the darker nature of a planet for energy?” This needs to be done very carefully, and at this point we do not suggest that you tap into the darker malefic aspect of a planet for “banishment”. This we will explain to you later on where you will be taught how to use that with wisdom, how to use these energies to reflect back at the density and the darkness but transform it into light. You have to, however, first be initiated into these initial powers.

Until you completely understand the nature of the moon, and until you completely understand the laws of the planets, respecting them, abiding by them, doing what they ask of you, they will play with you. You will be the ‘ball’ being pounded from one racket to next until you have got it—until YOU have got your SELF!

The body of light that you are will guide you, so trust this. Never deny its power.

Therefore, beloved ones, take the information you have been given now. Experiment with it. Your intentions are pure, your heart is clear, do not fear that. We will continue to give you information. The laws that come through the cosmic energies will help you better understand this. Apply the rules, and know that we are taking a colossal picture, putting it together in a system that you will understand, and as you transform, as your consciousness opens and you better understand these natures, you will better understand my words. But always go into these kinds of processes with the utmost respect for the energies that you are working with, with the utmost purity of heart and intention, and love the process; never fear it.

I am going to leave you with this at this point for it is going to take some days for you to integrate this information. Listen to it, feel it, love it, and play with it. Have fun, be creatively inspired, divinely design your rituals, there is no wrong way to do it. A ritual is a prayer, it is a communication with the spiritual natures of Nature and the nature of that Spirit, and when you work with it, with knowledge, with pure intention, you begin to experience the cosmic dance of life.

You are now being taken into the realms of playing with the big boys and girls, so to speak. We will very much enjoy playing with you, guiding you, and teaching you. Do not go ahead of yourself. Be patient with this, it is a Saturnian process. Be disciplined, be positive, do what it asks and you will be rewarded.

May the light of all of that which is being delivered to you at this time reveal to you the new pathways, the new opportunities to step into the higher realms of your world, becoming true magicians, true Lightworkers weaving the light of knowledge and consciousness into the grid of the collective.

By more magicians awakening, by more of you taking this light on and working with these energies, the more you strengthen the power of the grids of light.

Magicians awaken! Alchemists arise! Your time has come, it is now or never. Be your Authentic Self and enjoy it.

I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.

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D: Thank you very much Michelle, it was an unusually short channelling from Master Kuthumi-Agrippa, only twenty minutes long!

What he drove home was the old maxim: “with great power comes great responsibility” and that is what everyone has been given here and that is power to work with and experiment with, but always do it with integrity, do it from the heart not from the head.

M: He is saying the reason why he made it so short and sweet is because so much information has been given tonight, he cannot elaborate much more on what has been said other than emphasising the power of what we are dealing with, and the bottom line is to get into this, start working with it and as the questions arise, they will be answered, but a lot more information is going to be given through the upcoming Cosmic Law channellings, so that is why he was so short and sweet.

D: Okay, so there is more coming up in the upcoming channellings, the Cosmic Law channellings, which we have already started and of course there is going to be a Cosmic Magician Part 2 and whilst you are integrating this, there are a lot of questions that haven’t been answered, or if you are listening to this recording down the line and have questions then please come to the Emerald Mystery School group on the website (go the website, login, applications, groups, all groups and search for the Emerald Mystery School and then join the group).

So come and join the group, post your questions there and we will get around to answering them, and please help us to answer other people’s questions, your opinion is valued, we want it and that is why we are asking you all to do it in a public place being The Lighweaver website.

M: Kuthumi is saying something else, he is saying get started with this because what is actually happening, the picture that he is showing me is a magnificent spiral stairway and it is pure gold and that is the stairway to the Heaven of Alchemy, and because we have done so much phenomenal work on ourselves already, and we have come to this point, like Doug said earlier on, we are all here for this playshop for a reason.

The energies have changed so dramatically that it allowed many more avenues of enlightenment to be brought to us, and Kuthumi is emphasising that there is so much more to come and things so much bigger than you could ever imagine, but we have to be ready for that, we have to put in this groundwork, we need to educate ourselves around these systems in order to be able to work properly with what it is that they are going to be bringing us.

So basically just understanding how the planets influence us might sound daunting but you could do some more research and build your knowledge around what Capricorn is, what Aquarius is, what Pisces is etc, because if you understand the nature of that particular sign you will know what it is that you want to do.

I wish I could get across in words the feelings and energies that he is stirring up in my body here in relation to just how emphatic they are being about this, people, there are big things coming, there is going to be some really awesome stuff that we are going to be taught, but we will not be given it until we have actually got the basics under our belts and

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we understand it fully. As Doug said, with greater power comes greater responsibility, and as we get more advanced there is no room for excuses, there is no room for ignorance or forgetting the basics.

Ok, now he is happy!

D: Now we can all breathe a sigh of relief

Alright everyone, thank you very much for an amazing session and bring your questions to the site and lets get the discussions going, lets share the magic, share your spells and rituals if you find anything good or anything that works really well for you, or if you want to share your experiences and your results of doing your rituals, share it on the website.

M: Thank you everyone and thank you for a wonderful playshop and thank you for being here and for sharing in the magic and the fun, and see you next time.

D: Bye everyone.

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