the light of the stars is within ourselves


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Post on 08-May-2015




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Dr. Paul w Dyer talks about The troubles with human is forming wrong conclusion in relations to nature expressions. The elements of the universe produce the difference of light.


Page 1: The light of the stars is within ourselves

The light of the stars is within ourselves

The troubles with human is forming wrong conclusion in relations to nature expressions. The elements of the universe produce the difference of light. The light shall be condense or in wave form or frequencies. All of matter comes out of space by a positive action and is returned by a negative action. The most conspicuously obvious thing about all causes and effect in this universe is balance.

The second law of themodynamic reeks with unbalance. It has no place whatsoever in nature. Every effect in nature is based upon the wave and the wave is absolute in its balance. There is nothing in nature outside of the wave therefore there can be no unbalance thing in nature. Expansion cannot exceed contraction. Each is actually the cause of the other. They spring from each other and their continuity constitutes a cycle, which could be recorded.

When heat radiates it expands as part of the laws of nature. After expansion takes place there is a cooling which generates contraction and the contractions heats again. This cycle is generated within the bones of the body when an action is being preformed.

In the practice of heating and cooling in the body with movement of the intended action of force one can achieve top health conditions. When the mind is weak it can cause damages to the immune system by affecting the T-lymphcytes.

The reality is that any human being with a functioning mind may grasp for himself the higher truths about nature of existence for these truths may be learned by steady holistic practices.

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It is our high destiny to live in harmony with nature. To do this, we must first understand its laws and the ways of nature. Through our understanding of the laws of nature which are the laws of good, good will be created. Nature is always ready, willing and able to share her secrets with us. We live in harmony with the Universe. Harmony means to interact with the energy of the Universe. Breathing is important to keep this harmony. We breathe the life of the Universe throughout our body. Whole life practice breathing is to activate and interchange with the energy of the Universe. This is the best way to activate your life power and keep your health. We need only be open, receptive and respectful of her ways and all will be revealed through the process we call time.

Woman as wisdom reveals herself to man as knowledge. It is through our understanding of nature that we acquire both Wisdom and Knowledge. One aspect of this knowledge constitutes biochemistry which is the science of life. It is through biochemistry and applied nutrition that man will eradicate dis ease on this planet.

What I have come to learn through my practice and teaching is the mind is not without the body. The Body is influenced by your surroundings all the time. If the body moves mind, mind is always disturbed by your surroundings and will never become calm. Mind moves body, therefore, we can have strong mind. Even if my body gets sick, mind will not necessarily become ill. Even if my body is exposed to harsh circumstances, my mind will not necessarily be affected by adverse circumstances. I wish I could say this is an easy task to do , but that is not true. The practice must be diligent and daily.

Once you truly train and begin your discipline and purge the mind you can neither be a fool destroyed by environments. This practice opens the awareness of the light in your body and releases the field of glory that lies within. This to me is God’s light.

Modern science agrees that there are Four Fundamental Forces governing the activity of everything in our universe and though they call them Strong

Page 3: The light of the stars is within ourselves

Nuclear Force, Weak Nuclear Force, Electromagnetic Force and Gravitational Force, they are related to the ancient Elemental qualities of Fire, Water, Air and Earth respectively

I will bring you deeper into the informational rabbit hole of energy. What our ancestors have passed onto us is the information of complete connection of life. So when we talk about the complete action we must start talking about the planets and our connection to them. The planetary energies produces certain effects in the body, mind, or spiritual level of a person. Each planetary influence can be experienced and worked with in turn to create physical and spiritual balance. In whole life health sciences the pattern of life and death and rebirth is often repeated upon the being in various forms

There is so much to understand and to practice. As a lifelong student of the sciences and the practices of happiness we can achieve this together. To practice this through the martial sciences or through the practices of whole life it will bring you to the same point. It is a spiritual path leading one to enlightenment to evolving. It can be thought of as a psycho-physiological transformation directed by human self-consciousness.

Through this practice it will give you the ability to see that which cannot be understood by ordinary persons. It develops our intuition so that the essence of our being comes to us as a realization. The level of skill of a whole life human is not judged by the placing in competition or the number of trophies that one has won. The skill of a whole life being is known by the use of the skill he or she has attained in the lifestyle of the practice. This is where I want to bring the collective and not just singular.

Written by: Dr. Paul W Dyer Grandmaster

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