the life of jesus

The Life of Jesus Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

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The Life of Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Luke 1 John was born to “old” parents- Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth; angel Gabriel promised it would be a son and to name him John - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Life of Jesus

The Life of JesusMatthew, Mark, Luke, and John

Page 2: The Life of Jesus

The Life of Jesus

Luke 1 John was born to “old” parents- Zechariah

and his wife Elizabeth; angel Gabriel promised it would be a son and to name him John

Child would grow to fulfill a specific mission: “to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous-to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” (Luke 1:16-17)

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The Life of Jesus

Gabriel make one more stop in Nazareth Visits a young virgin girl named Mary, who was

engaged to be married Gabriel assures her that everything will be alright She had been chosen to give birth to a son named

Jesus No ordinary child: “He will be great and will be

called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.” (Luke 1:32-33)

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The Life of Jesus

Mary does point out one problem in her likelihood of having a child: her virginity

Gabriel explains that: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.” (Luke 1:35)

Mary joins her relative Elizabeth after she becomes pregnant and the two grew very close; Mary stays with Elizabeth for about three months and then returns home

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The Life of Jesus

Elizabeth gives birth to a boy and names him John Joseph did not share in Mary and Elizabeth’s

excitementMatthew 1:20 He was upset that his fiancé was pregnant and he

was not the father Almost divorced Mary over the “scandal” Angel appears to Joseph and reassures him that

the child is special and is conceived from the Holy Spirit

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The Life of Jesus

Matthew 1:24-25 Joseph marries Mary, but they do not

sleep together after the birth of Jesus-as order by God

Joseph and Mary have to travel to Bethlehem to take part in a Roman census

Joseph is a descendant of David and must return to his hometown-Bethlehem- a three day trip form Nazareth

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The Life of Jesus

Mary goes into labor while in BethlehemAll the inns were booked and found shelter in

a manger (most likely a cave is where Jesus was born)

Birth might have gone unnoticed except for some unusual events:

Luke 2:13Shepherds led to the Christ child by an angelReturn glorifying God and telling everyone what

they had seen

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The Life of Jesus

At eight days old Jesus was taken to the temple to be circumcised

Man named Simeon had been told that he would live to see “the Lord’s Christ” (or Messiah; both mean “anointed one”) (Luke 2:25-26)

Simeon realizes that Jesus was the one and he praises God and blessed Mary and Joseph

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The Life of Jesus

A women named Anna recognized the child; spent three years fasting and praying in the temple and now spoke out and told all who would listen that the redemption of Jerusalem had come

Travelers, called Magi, headed toward Bethlehem, saw a special star and were bringing gifts for “the one who has been born king of Jews.” (Matthew 2:1-2)

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The Life of Jesus

The Magi stop at King Herod’s palace to see what he had heard

Afraid of a potential rival he warns them, “go and make a careful search”

Magi find the child and give him gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh

Magi probably did not arrive until months or years after Jesus’ birth

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The Life of Jesus

God warns the wise men not to return Herod; they follow

Joseph dreams to go to Egypt because Herod will try to kill Jesus; they leave that night

Herod furious when the Magi do not return Orders that all male children under 2 from

Bethlehem and surrounding area be killed Joseph, Mary, and Jesus remain in Egypt until

Herod’s death

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The Life of Jesus

Herod’s son is on the throne; they return to Nazareth and settle down there

Not much is said about Jesus’ childhood in the bible

Only story is of a family trip to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover at age 12

Not in the group on the way home; Jesus is found in the temple listening and asking searching questions

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The Life of Jesus

Mary scolds him for making them worry Jesus responds:”Why were you searching

for me? Didn’t you know that I would be in my Father's house?” (Luke 2:49)

Mary doesn't quite understand what he is talking about

Jesus grew obedient to his parents and that he “grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:51-52)

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The Life of Jesus

John 1:1-18 Different look at the significance of the birth of

Jesus John proclaims that the Word of God becoming

fleshGod sent Moses with the written Word, people

responded poorlyGod sent prophets to speak the Word boldly, but

prophets were rejected Now the Word had been born into the world as

flesh and bone

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus would not only quote words off a page, but would model them

Words come alive in context of emotion: love, pain, anger, dread, sadness, and joy

Concepts no longer dismissed as theoretical standards handed down from on high, but would become realities proven out in the best and worst situations of life

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The Life of Jesus

Matthew 3; Luke 3; John 1:29-34 John is growing up a mature and

impressive personalityGrows up in the desert and then appears

in IsraelBecomes a preacher working near the

Jordan River, preaching baptism for forgiveness of sin

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The Life of Jesus

Message was blunt: people should repent their sins, share what they had, be honest, act decent towards each other, and straighten out their lives to “prepare the way for the Lord”

Some suspected he might be the MessiahExplains his baptism is with water, but

someone was coming who would baptize “with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” (Luke 3:16)

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The Life of Jesus

Outspoken in criticism of religious leaders Put in prison by Herod for rebuking immorality Jesus comes to be baptized by John; John

proclaims it should be the other way around; Jesus insists he baptize him

Jesus’ baptism was a the start of a new life:“He saw the heavens opened” and “the

Spirit descended like a dove upon him”

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The Life of Jesus

Same time a voice from heaven: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:16-17)

Jesus begins his ministryHoly Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the

Holy Ghost; these three are one God, the same substance, equal in power and glory.

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The Life of Jesus

Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus is tempted by the devil three times to

divert him to his personal wants rather than to his mission on Earth

Devil promises great power and prestige if he were to switch sides

Jesus passed each test by citing Hebrew Scripture

Devil leaves and angels arrive to help Jesus minister

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The Life of Jesus

After baptism and temptation, Jesus begins his ministry

First two disciples sent by John, Andrew who brought his brother Simon—Jesus renames to Cephas—translated into Greek as Peter…

James and John, fishing along the Sea of Galilee join Jesus as well

Recruits Phillip and Nathanael.. Who was skeptical at first, but once he met Jesus he was convinced

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The Life of Jesus

The rest of the twelve:oMatthew (Levi)-tax collectoroSimon-called the ZealotoThomasoJames, son of AlphaeusoThaddaeus, son of JamesoJudas Iscariot

Disciples come from a broad range of jobs, personalities, and backgrounds

In reality they were pretty “ordinary”

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus had up to 72 “disciples”, but the original 12 were his inner circle, chosen after a night of prayer and later given authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal disease and sickness

All but one stood by Jesus in the best and the worst days of his public ministry

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The Life of Jesus

Luke 4:14-30 Jesus was a popular preacher and healer, and

before long he had quite a following Returns to Nazareth and begins preaching in

the temple At first the people were impressed with Jesus,

but then they became outraged when he spoke of Elijah and Elisha, and they lived with Gentiles because Jews were unbelieving; no prophet accepted in his hometown

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The Life of Jesus

The people became so enraged that they threatened to throw him over cliff; he just walked right through the crowd

Most of Jesus’ family didn’t believe in himTurns his attention to those who did want

and need help

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The Life of Jesus

John 3:1-21 Jesus visits with Nicodemus, who wanted

to know what Jesus was teachingNicodemus believes that Jesus could not

do the things he is doing without God behind him

Jesus tells him that for someone to see the kingdom of God they must be born again

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The Life of Jesus

Nicodemus was confused because he knew that he couldn’t be born again

Jesus explains that this born again must a spiritual rebirth, not physical

He then quotes the most quoted verse in the Bible John 3:16…

John 4:1-42stops at a well and visits with a Samaritan


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The Life of Jesus

Ask her for a drink and she says Jews and Samaritans do not share anything

Jesus tells her that he is no ordinary JewExplains things to her about her personal

life and she soon believes that he is JesusJohn 8:1-11A women is caught committing adulteryThe Pharisees ask Jesus if she should be

stoned to death for committing sin (law)

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus responds with If you any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)

The Pharisees leave one by one Jesus tells the women to leave her life of

sinThese stories show that Jesus showed no

prejudice, didn’t condone sinful actions, did not resort to using guilt or shame

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus’ ministry reflected his birth, people involved weren’t limited to any race, religion, or economic level

People still needed a little additional evidence……

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus’ Miracles:Jesus used logic and reason to defend his

claims, but it was the power of his miracles that truly punctuated the power of his words

1. Healed a paralyzed man by forgiving his sins- considered blasphemy by the Pharisees

2. Touched a leper to purify him

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The Life of Jesus

3. Drove out the evil spirits of possessed men by using only words…

3. Cast out 7 demons from Mary Magdalene4. Spat on dirt, turned it to mud, and healed a

blind man… “Amazing Grace”5. Turns water into wine a wedding that had to

many guests and ran out of wine6. Convinced Peter to fish in “dead” waters..

Caught so much fish that boats almost sank; Peter was told to catch people not fish buy Jesus

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The Life of Jesus

7. Calming the Seas-Jesus and the disciples caught in a bad storm at sea; the disciples were terrified they would sink, Jesus told them they did not have enough faith and he calmed the seas..

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The Life of Jesus

8. Walking on Water- Disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee on their own; Jesus stayed behind to pray; Jesus begin to walk into the sea to meet them during a wind storm; disciples thought it was ghost; Peter begins to walk on the water as well, but sinks in fear; Jesus saves him and the disciples praise him as the true Son of God.

9. Miraculously feeds 5000 people from 5 loves and 2 fish. 12 baskets full were left over.

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The Life of Jesus

9. Turns five tiny loaves of bread and two fish into enough food to feed over 5,000 with 12 baskets of leftovers

10. Raises Lazarus from the dead In Bethany- third resurrection; John 11:25-26

11. Heals Peters Mother in Law of High fever.12. Causes Fig tree to wither, because it produces no figs.13. Heals Canaanite woman’s daughter who was demon

possessed.14. Heals Jarius Daughter even though she dies on his

way to heal her. Religious leaders begin to plot to kill Jesus Bible mentions 35 miracles of Jesus

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The Life of Jesus

Sermon on the MountTeaching session for his disciples and

anyone else who wanted to listenMost likely it was broken up with

questions, debates, and tangents that varied from topic at hand

Had fresh ideas and ideals that were unexpected and, quite unorthodox

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The Life of Jesus

Beatitudes (declarations of blessedness):1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is

the kingdom of heaven2. Blessed are those who mourn, for they

will be comforted3. Blessed are the meek, for they will

inherit the earth4. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst

for righteousness, for they will be filled

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The Life of Jesus

5. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy

6. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God

7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God

8. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:1-10)

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus called his followers :”the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world”

“do the right thing”… turn the cheek, don’t brag about giving to the poor, praying, fasting…

Stop judging one another Final Challenge: If they followed him, they

would be a person who built his house on a rock If they did not follow him, they would be a

person who built their house on sand…

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The Life of Jesus

Downfall for JesusAs Passover approached Jesus rides into

Jerusalem on a donkey, a symbol of kingship

People were coming from all around to celebrate the festival

Covered his path with palms and cried for joy over him

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus arrives at the temple and sees that it has become something of a “tourist” trapa. Currency exchangesb. Tax collectingc. Animal sales

Jesus is furious when he sees this activity at temple: “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a den of robbers” (Mark 11:17)

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The Life of Jesus

Religious authorities dislike grows over stronger for Jesus after this incident

Jesus knew what the Pharisees were plotting and planning against him, but did not try and stop it

Publicly ridiculed them calling them; snakes, hypocrites, a brood of vipers etc..

Jesus begins to speak of a time when disbelieving people would be separated from believers

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The Life of Jesus

Some saw Jesus as a menace and a threat to society, while others believed that he was more than just a man, and perhaps more than just a prophet

At the home for Lazarus, Mary washes his feet in perfume and then dries them off with her hair

Judas, treasurer for Jesus, objects saying that the perfume could be used to help the poor

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus tells him to leave her alone, that she will need it for the day of his burial

At this point Luke says that “Satan enter Judas”

Judas goes to the chief priests and asked what he could get as a bounty on Jesus

30 silver coin and he began to look for an opportunity to turn in Jesus

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The Life of Jesus

The Last Supper Jesus and the disciples meet for the

Passover mealBefore eating, Jesus takes off his outer

garment, tied a towel around his waist, and began to was his disciples feet

Peter objects, but Jesus responds: “Unless I was you, you have no part with me” John 13:8

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus announces that one of his disciples will betray him – 2 days before passover

Jesus gives thanks and takes bread and broke it, and said “Take and eat; this is my body.” Matthew 26:26; takes a cup of wine and says: “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins… (Matthew 26:27-29)

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus’ Arrest Disciples argued over who would betray

Jesus Peter tells Jesus that he would die for him

Jesus tells him that before the crow would crow that he would deny him three times

Jesus comforts his disciple and prays for them and tells him he will return to his Father

Gives Judas bread as a sign he would betray him.

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus and his disciples go to Mount of Olives

Jesus wants to pray by himself and wanted his disciples to pray that they would not be tempted of the things to come

Three times he checked on them and all three times they were sleeping

A crowd gathers with clubs and swords and Judas appears with this crowd

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The Life of Jesus

Judas gives Jesus a kiss and this signaled the men to arrest Jesus

Peter steps in to defend Jesus with a sword but only manages to cut off a guards ear

Jesus tells Peter to stop that he could summon legions of angels if he wanted

Reattaches The guards ear and leaves with the arresting guards

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus’ TrialTaken to the father-in-law of the high priest

first and then to Caiaphas the high priest Jesus is questioned in a very public

assembly about his teachingsFirst answer Jesus gives he is struck by an

official in the faceRemains quiet until Jesus is asked if he is

the Son of Man

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The Life of Jesus

He responds: “Yes, it is as you say. But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” Matthew 26:64

He is pronounced guilty of blasphemySome spat in his face, hit with fists, slapped,

taunted, and pronounced him worthy of death

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The Life of Jesus

The next day the highest court in Jerusalem sentences Jesus to death

Judas tries to give the money back, but the priests refuse and he leaves the money in the temple and then hangs himself

In the courtyard of the trial,Peter is accused three times of being a disciple and three times he denies this; after the third time a rooster begins to crow

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The Life of Jesus

“the Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.”: Luke 22:61

Peter remembers what Jesus had said and he runs outside and wept bitterly

Jewish leaders take Jesus to Pilate, Roman governor of Judea

Asked for the death penaltyPilate doesn’t think this Jewish quarrel had

anything to do with him

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Jews had no power to put someone to death and needed Pilate for the sentence

Pilate and Jesus have a one on one conversation and Pilate ask Jesus if he is of this world

Jesus response: “My kingdom is not of this world.”

Pilate finds no reason to kill himDeclares that since Jesus is a Galilean, he falls

under the rule of Herod

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Herod had long wanted to meet JesusWanted to see a miracle firsthand, but

Jesus would not oblige him Jesus would not answer Herod question’sHerod sends him back to PilatePilate planned to have Jesus flogged and

then releasedThe crowd votes to have a murderer

named Barabbas released instead

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Jesus is flogged by the Romans and then dressed in a purple robe and given a crown of thorns and placed a staff in his hand

Pilates wife warned him to have nothing to do with “that innocent man”. (Matthew 27:19)- she was having dreams

Pilate seemed to like Jesus and worried about the confidence and authority that Jesus seemed to display

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Pilate tried one final time to convince the crowd to leave Jesus alone

The crowd threatened to go to Caesar, Pilate finally turned Jesus over to be crucified

Pilate: “I am innocent of this man’s blood. It is your responsibility.” (Matthew 27:24)

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Jesus' CrucifixationHis robe removed, clothes returned, and he

was marched to a place outside the city called Golgotha, carrying a large wooden cross bar

Simon of Cyrene carried the cross when Jesus could no longer manage the weight

Jesus offered an anesthetic and he refused to take

He was crucified with two criminals

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Pilate prepared a sign that read “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.”

He was mocked by the soldiers, the crowd and even one of the criminals

Took Jesus about three hours to die As he drew his final breath, Matthew describes a

series of strange events:1. Curtain in the Most Holy Place was torn in two2. Earth shook and rocks split3. Tombs broke open and the bodies of the righteous

people came alive

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The Life of Jesus

Jesus is Risen Joseph of Arimathea, a secret disciple

among the Pharisees who opposed Jesus' death Asked Pilate for Jesus' body to be buried Helped by Nicodemus who placed 75 pounds of

myrrh and aloes in linen cloth and wrapped Jesus' body

Placed Jesus in Joseph’s own tomb and rolled a large stone across the entrance

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The Life of Jesus

The religious leaders asked Pilate to place a guard at Jesus' tomb so that he would not rise after three days

Morning after Passover, Mary Magdalene and a few other went to anoint Jesus' body

Upon arrival, saw the stone removed and no guards and no Jesus…

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The Life of Jesus

“ There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.” Matthew 28:2-4

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The Life of Jesus

“Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:5-7

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The Life of Jesus

Women run and tell the disciples who some were skeptical

John and Peter run for the tomb and only the linen clothes remain

Mary Magdalene stood and cried outside the tomb

Asked the angels why was Jesus’ body taken…Saw what she thought was the gardener and

asked if he knew where Jesus was…

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The Life of Jesus

Answered, “Mary!” and she looked again and saw that it was Jesus

Jesus sightings:1. to the other women2. To two disciples not of the twelve on the road to Emmaus Lake3. To Peter4. To the apostles while Thomas was absent5. To the apostles while Thomas was present a week later6. To a group of apostles who had gone fishing7. To more than 500 disciples at once8. To James9. To a group of disciples who saw him ascend into heaven