the lessons of the passover (week 9)

The Lessons of the Passover…7 images of Jesus the Messiah Lesson IX… The Sabbath and the Feasts Series

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Page 1: The lessons of the passover (week 9)

The Lessons of the

Passover…7 images of

Jesus the Messiah

Lesson IX… The Sabbath and the Feasts


Page 2: The lessons of the passover (week 9)

LESSON 1: The Lesson of

Lamb’s Selection

Page 3: The lessons of the passover (week 9)

The Lamb’s Selection…

It had to be from their own flock –a healthy male yearling

They were to examine it for 4 days (Deut. 15:21)

What affect do you think this had on the household?

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The Lamb’s Selection…

They fed & cared for lamb (4) days

They grew attached to the lamb

They may have even named it…the lamb had a unique identity that they recognized

Do you think they enjoyed eating it?

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JESUS is the Lamb of


He was selected

from among

His own people

He was examined for 4 days

before He was


He was found

perfect and without

the blemish of

sin (John 18:38)

People had

followed and grown attached to Him

(Matt. 19:1-2)

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The Lesson of the Lamb’s


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Lesson II: The Lamb’s


Passover lamb was born & selected for a purpose

Passover lamb was identified and

marked for death

Passover lamb slain & roasted with fire

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JESUS in the Lamb’s


He was foreknown & foreordained to die 1 Peter 1:19-20

He was led like a lamb to the slaughterIsaiah 53:7

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“…but with the precious blood of Christ , a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for

your sake.”

1 Peter 1:19-20

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“He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He

did not open His mouth; He was led like a lamb to the

slaughter, and as a sheep before her

shearers is silent, so He did not open His

mouth .”

Isaiah 53:7-some secular scholars used to teach that there were multiple versions of Isaiah written after the death of Christ to fit the events…but in 1948 we found a complete copy of Isaiah intact with the Dead Sea Scrolls…it was just as you read it today in your Bible

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Fire in scripture is symbolic of God’s Judgment

God brought down fire on Sodom & Gomorrah

Aaron’s sons Nadab & Abihu were consumed by

fire for approaching God inappropriately

Jesus warns against the fires of hell

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JESUS in the Lamb’s

JudgmentMessiah would suffer

fire & wrath of God’s judgment [Is. 53:10-11]

God made Him to be sin for us [2 Cor. 5:21]

So intense was God’s judgment that Jesus cried out, “My God, My God why hast thou forsaken me?”

Was it just pain from physical judgment?

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None of the Bones of the

Lamb Were to be Broken…

“It (the lamb) is to be eaten in a single house; you are not to bring forth any of the flesh outside of the house nor are you to break any bone of it.”

Exodus 12:46

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JESUS- the Lamb- God’s

Judgment fell on Him instead of



Passover Lamb – No

broken bones

Exodus 12:46

Jesus was battered &

bruised but no bones were


John 19:31-36

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No Bones Were Broken

“Then the Jews…so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath…asked Pilate that the legs be broken…so the soldiers came and broke the legs of the 1st man…but coming to Jesus when they saw He was already dead, they did not break His legs. But one of the soldiers pierced His side and immediately blood and water came out…For these things came to pass to fulfill the Scriptures…

John 19:31-36

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Lesson of the Lamb’s


Passover lamb is a type, a foreshadowing

of Jesus, the true Lamb of God

Over 30 times in Scripture Jesus is called

“The Lamb of God”-A clear reference to Jesus

as our Passover Lamb

Jesus was judged in our place just as it was

predicted in the Scripture

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Page 19: The lessons of the passover (week 9)

Moishe & Ceil Rosen point out something interesting in KJV

about the Passover Lamb (Ex. 12:3-5)-turn there with me…

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The Lamb’s

Personalization and


In Ex. 12:3 – God tells Israelites to take “a lamb”

Lamb is unknown to them at that point, but

It had to meet God’s criteria, and

They had to search for it

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The Lamb’s

Personalization and


In Ex. 12:4 - God refers to lamb as “The Lamb”

Now we have found “The Lamb” after our search

It is the unique one that is set apart

It meets all of God’s criteria

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Lesson of The Lamb’s


In Exodus 12:5 – God refers to the lamb as “YOUR LAMB”

It is personal now

Each redeemed soul had to appropriate a lamb for himself

God identifies the lamb with the person who finds and appropriates it

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Paul reminds us of this

personal appropriation in


“I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me, and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20

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The Lamb’s Personalization

and appropriation…

“No longer I who live” • To myself

irresponsibly and selfishly

• Alone and misguided

“It is Christ”

• The appropriated lamb, my lamb – who lives in me

• I am dead to self

• I am empowered by His Holy Spirit

• It is about His agenda not mine

“I now live by faith”

• Faith in the Son, the Lamb

• Faith that I am alive to Christ

• I put my faith in Christ because He is the one who loved me enough to die for me

The one who loved me

• The one gave Himself up for me personally

• The one Who took my sin upon Himself

• The one Who endured ridicule and rejection and the cross for me

• The one Who conquered the grave and sin and death and rose from the dead for me

• The one Who lives so I can live also in eternity with Him

• The one who has prepared a place for me in Heaven

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1. A personal responsibility

and appropriation

2. A 1st step of liberation

3. The sacrifice & covering of

the blood was the 1st step in

the journey

Jewish people knew that

sacrifice of the lamb was:

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Lesson IV: The Lesson of

the Bitter Herbs

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“They shall eat the flesh that same night, roasted with fire, and they shall eat it with unleavened

bread and bitter herbs.” Exodus 12:8

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In Scripture bitterness often symbolizes hardship or death….

“They made their lives

bitter with hard labor

in mortar and bricks

and at all kinds of

labor in the field, all

their labors which

they rigorously

imposed on them.”

Exodus 1:14

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The Lesson of the Bitter


Reminds them of bitterness Israelites suffered in bondage.

During Seder – Maror (bitter herbs) eaten twice – alone & with Matzah in a sandwich

Jews were reminded that they escaped bitterness of Egypt and death

They lived and escaped God’s judgment because the lamb died instead

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Similarly…Our Lesson from

the bitter Herbs is That…

We also were caught in the bitterness and bondage of our own Egypt

Because Jesus the Lamb died, we also appropriated His blood personally and we

escaped sin and death

We also escaped the bitterness of sin and death because God’s judgment fell on Jesus

We also were liberated and received life

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Lesson V

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Unleavened Bread

They…entire community…ate the Passover

lamb with bitter herbs and unleavened bread

Then they ate no more leaven for 7 days

They were to clean or purge their houses of

leaven and those who didn’t would be “cut off”

[Exodus 12:14-16]…Any NT parallels or

implications for us today?...See [1Cor. 5:9-13]

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Q: What Does Leaven Symbolize in



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Lesson of Unleavened Bread

After appropriating the blood of the

Lamb…the believer is to put away the

leaven (sin) of his old life…to purge it

They were to “cut off” from fellowship

those who refused to purge the leaven

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1. Was part of everyday life and its effects

had obvious meaning

2. Hebrew word for leaven “chometz”

means “bitter” or “sour”

3. Sin makes people bitter and sour

4. Leaven causes dough to rise & creates

the appearance of volume…but

5. It’s not really more in substance or

weight but only in air that puffs it up

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Reminds me of Paul’s

words about being puffed

up… “Now … we know that we all have

knowledge. Knowledge makes arrogant (puffs up in some translations), but love edifies. If anyone supposes that he knows anything, he has not yet known as he ought to know; but if anyone loves God, he is known by Him.”

(1 Cor. 8:1-3)

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Lesson of the Leaven

What kind of sin is it when knowledge

makes you arrogant?

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PRIDE Often it’s the result of

ability, wealth or knowledge we believe is “superior”

It causes people to be puffed up, putting themselves above others

What effect does pride have on relationships?

Do you like being around prideful people for very long?

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In: The Abolition of Man

C.S. Lewis uses the chest as a

metaphor for the center of man’s

magnanimity, emotion and

compassion. He argues that it (the

chest) is what makes man human.

It is a mitigating force between the

intellect and the appetite.

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From: The Abolition of

Man According to Lewis modernism & secularism…

“produce men without chests. It is an outrage

that they should be commonly spoken of as

intellectuals. This gives them the chance to say

that he who attacks them attacks intelligence.

It is not so. It is not the excess of thought but

defect of fertile and generous emotion that

marks them out. Their heads are no bigger

than ordinary, it is just the atrophy of the chest

beneath that makes it seem so.” C.S. Lewis

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“If I speak with the tongues of men and of

angels but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging symbol. If I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains but do not have love, I am nothing.”

(1 Cor. 13: 1-2)

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ANOTHER PROBLEM WITH PRIDE… QUESTION: What is usually the cynic’s charge against the church…the thing people sometimes see in the church that they say causes them to stay away? It is a form of leaven and a form of pride…

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Lesson of the Leaven

Jesus warned against the leaven of the Pharisees when he said to his disciples in Luke 12:1: “…beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.”

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Lesson of the Leaven

A hypocrite says one thing publically and does another privately…Pride says, “I am above the rules; they don’t apply to me. I’ll hold others accountable but not me. I’m special or exempt.” Jesus warns that all hypocrisy (sin) will be exposed one day …

Question: Besides double standards there are many other

ways pride can lead to hypocrisy…C.S. Lewis wrote these things about pride: “A man is never so proud as when striking an attitude of humility.” or “…to avoid a man because he is wicked-with the all but inevitable implication that you are less wicked (at least in some respect)-is dangerous and disgusting .” Pride is deceptive to the proud. We don’t always recognize it in ourselves; we can’t.