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Page 1: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train Aggressive LEGAL STUFF The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information
Page 2: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train Aggressive LEGAL STUFF The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information


The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to

serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in

conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician

before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition

program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work

with your physician throughout the course of these workouts, you are agreeing to

accept full responsibility for your actions. By beginning the following workouts,

you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of The Forged Athlete LLC,

and Travis Stoetzel, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of

your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks

and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against The

Forged Athlete LLC, and Travis Stoetzel and their respective affiliates as a result of

any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of,

the use or misuse of your program.

All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced (by any means)

without the expressed written permission of Travis Stoetzel.

This manual is being offered for education and information purposes only. There

is inherent risk with any physical activity.

Please consult your physician before starting this (or any) exercise program.

The Forged Athlete, LLC or Travis Stoetzel cannot be held responsible for any injury that may occur while participating in this program.

Copyright 2014 the Forged Athlete LLC

Page 3: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train Aggressive LEGAL STUFF The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information

The purpose and overview of WARRIOR ripped

Warrior Ripped is a series of 6 workouts and workout finishers all designed to get

you stronger, highly conditioning, and explosive by strategically combining the

training modalities of barbell strength movements, bodyweight training,

dumbbell’s, and The Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer.

These workouts are fast paced and highly intensive which will help not only get

you physically prepared, but also mentally prepared for whatever life happens to

throw your way!

Hence the name, “Warrior Ripped”. You’ll have to battle your way through these

training sessions and be ready for war!

The series of 6 different and unique workouts you’re about to unleash below

were originally designed for the tactical athlete in mind, but after seeing the

results these types of workouts were able to produce with my general clients and

athletes, I had to get it out into the hands of people that love to train hard and

are willing to push the limit!

Now, one must understand the meaning behind the term “Warrior”.

I choose to add that into the main title of these workouts for a few main reasons…

Number one, it just sounds plain badass…

Who doesn’t want to train and be like a Warrior?

And two, to be a “Warrior”, one must be aggressive with their actions, especially

when it comes to training.

Here’s the definition of “WARRIOR” that I pulled off Wikipedia…

“A warrior is a person skilled in combat or warfare, especially within the

context of a tribal or clan-based society that recognizes a separate warrior


Page 4: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train Aggressive LEGAL STUFF The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information

To be a warrior, you must willing to be on the attack and you must be willing to

do the things necessary to fight for what it is you want.

In war, your life is on the line! In training, it should be treated the same way and

if you know me very well, you would know I approach training in a very serious

manner and it’s a part of my personal Aggressive Creed to always be “warrior


In this sense, we are talking about training and every time you go to train, it needs

to be an all out war! It’s you vs. the weights every single time and the weights are

not taking prisoners!

These workouts are just that. You will have to battle and fight your way through

these training sessions if you want to see real results.

These workouts are NOT easy as they were never meant to be.

You will be challenged and if you choose to accept this challenge, you will grow

both mentally and physically stronger.

As you attack these workouts, just keep in mind that YOU are the one that

controls the outcome of your training sessions. YOU are the one responsible for

your personal victories and defeats. Be on the offensive at all times and NEVER

accept EXCUSES!

Live Aggressive and Get Strong!


Page 5: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train Aggressive LEGAL STUFF The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information

You will ALWAYS WARM UP before ALL workouts. NO Exceptions here! You

must properly prepare your body for battle. The warm up is time to not only

get your blood flowing properly, but to also focus your mind in on the session

to come. See The Warrior Ripped Warm Up HERE.

Make sure you are FOAM ROLLING both before and after training sessions.

FOAM ROLL and Stretch after your sessions! NO EXCUSES here. You must

always properly cool down.

Workouts are listed by NUMBERS and LETTERS – 1A), 2A) , 2B), ect… When

you see the same number with a different letter, this means these movements

are paired up together into either a super set or circuit. There will be NO rest

until the set is completed.

As far as REST is concerned with the workouts within Warrior Ripped, you

want to always be pushing the pace. Try not to sit down during your whole

workout and avoid allowing yourself to fully recover after a set. Usually 30-45

secs (unless otherwise noted) is long enough and just about right for what

you’re trying to accomplish.

All sets listed are actual WORK sets so make sure you have always gone

through some light warm up sets before you get into your real sets. This is

especially important with all of you heavier weighted barbell movements.

Pick two movements from the Warrior Finishers categories listed in the back

and perform them after your main workout has been completed. Try to use a

lot of variety with your choices and switch between the different intervals

listed (20/10’s, 15/15’s, and 25/5’s)

If you plan to follow all of the Warrior Ripped workouts to a “T”, I would

highly recommend you have the Jungle Gym XT or another type of suspension

trainer, as there are different workouts that include this type of equipment.

(This are NOT mandatory, but highly recommended)

Best way to follow the workouts listed in Warrior Ripped is to choose

between the A workouts or the B workouts and cycle through the 4 you

choose for the course of 3-4 weeks. You can intermix both A and B workouts

but DO NOT combine the same NUMBERED workouts.

Warrior Ripped General INFO

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So for example, you can choose to do: 1A, 2B, 3A, 4A together for a 3 week

cycle, but doing 1A, 1B, 2C, 2B together wouldn’t work.

Here’s what a sample 4 week phase would look like:

Every 4th week, you will want perform an OFF /RECOVERY week. These are

weeks filled with lightly weighted movements and bodyweight to help the

body recover and avoid overtraining. DO NOT skip these recovery weeks!

After your recovery week you’ll take on one of the two Warrior Challenges to

put your physical and mental skills to the test. (See the Warrior Challenges

manual for more details). You’ll want to test out BEFORE you start a new


Make sure that you are EATING LEAN AND CLEAN like a TRUE warrior would!

You will NOT see results if you eat like sh*t. If you want to take your RESULTS

to the next level, follow my Lean. Mean. Strong. Simple Nutrition System. This

combines the best of the best in regards to how to eat for strength and lean

muscle gain, fat loss, and overall increases in performance.

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Click Here For Video

1A) 2 Mins of Aggressive Jump Rope

1B) Drop Lunge w/ Overhead Reach x 8 / leg

1C) Push Up + Rotation x 8 / side

1D) Spider Lunge Steps x 8 / side

1E) Superman Reaches x 8

1F) Easy Burpees x 8

1G) Inch Worms x 8

1H) Seal Jacks x 50

Optional – 50 x Band Pull Aparts, 10 x Band Dislocators, 15 x Band OH Squats

The Warrior Ripped Warm Up

Short, Fast, To The Point!

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Workout 1A

1A) Barbell Deadlifts 5 x 5

2A) JG XT Atomic Push Ups 3 x 15 OR Feet Suspended Push Ups

2B) Single Leg DB RDL 3 x 10 / Leg OR DB RDL 3 x 10

3A) JG XT Hip Thrusts 3 x 15 OR Hip Extensions

3B) DB Manmakers 3 x 10 OR Burpees

3C) DB Farmer Walks 3 x max distance

Workout 2A

1A) Barbell Push Press 5 x 5

2A) JG XT Pistol Squat OR Free Pistol Squat 3 x 10 / leg

2B) DB 1A Bent Row 3 x 10 / arm

3A) JG XT Forward / Backwards Handwalks 3 x 5-10 reps OR Wall Walks

3B) DB Power High Pulls 3 x 15

3C) Hollow Rocks 3 x 30

Warrior Ripped Workouts

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Workout 3A

1A) Barbell Power Squat Clean 5 x 5

2A) Feet Elevated Recline Row 3 x submax OR Recline Row

2B) DB 1A Clean and Press 3 x 6 / arm

3A) JG XT Bulgarian Split Lunge 4 x 8/leg OR Bulgarian Squats

3B) DB Renegade Rows w/ Push Up 4 x 10

3C) JG XT Pike 4 x 12

Workout 4A – Warrior Complex A

1A) 5 Rounds of:

a) DB Power Clean x 5

b) DB Front Squat x 5

c) DB Push Press x 5

d) DB Drop Lunge x 5 / Leg

e) DB Power High Pull x 5

See Full Video Demo of Complex HERE

***Take 90-120 secs break between rounds

2A) Warrior Core Circuit x 3 Rounds

a) JG XT Pike x 30 secs

b) JG XT Pendulum Swings x 30 secs

c) Extended Plank Hold x 30 secs

See Full Video Demo of Core Circuit HERE

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Workout 1B

1A) 1A DB OR KB Snatch 5 x 5/arm (Get as HEAVY as possible)

2A) JG XT Suspended Push Up w/ Reach 3 x submax OR Suspended Push Ups

2B) Rack Hold DB Walking Lunge 3 x 10 / leg OR Regular DB Walking Lunge

3A) JG XT Star Press 4 x 8 OR JG XT Y Raise

3B) DB Squat Clean 4 x 10

3C) Single Arm KB Towel Farmer Walk 4 x max distance / arm OR Single Arm DB

Farmer Walks

Workout 2B

1A) JG XT Suspended HSPU 5 x submax OR Handstand Push Ups OR Pike Press

2A) DB Goblet Squats 3 x 10

2B) JG XT Single Arm Recline Row 3 x submax OR Recline Row

3A) JG XT Dips 4 x submax OR Bar Dips OR Bench Dips

3B) JG XT Y Raise 4 x submax

3C) DB Outside Swings 4 x 15

Page 11: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train Aggressive LEGAL STUFF The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information

Workout 3B

1A) Barbell Zercher Squat 5 x 5

2A) Towel Pull Ups 4 x submax OR Pull Ups

2B) Hindu Push Ups 4 x submax

3A) JG XT 1L Burpee 3 x 10 / leg OR Single Leg Burpee (without suspension)

3B) JG XT 1 Arm Suspended Row 3 x 10 / arm OR 1 Arm Bent Row

3C) JG XT 1 Arm Prone Reach 3 x 10 / arm OR Plank w/ Front Reach

Workout 4B – Warrior Complex B

1A) 5 Rounds of:

f) 1A DB Power Snatch x 5

g) 1A DB Power Clean Thruster x 5

h) 1A DB RDL (Opposite Leg) x 5

i) 1A Swing x 5 / Leg

j) Goblet Squat x 5 then switch arms

See FULL Video Demo of Complex HERE

***Take 90-120 secs break between rounds

2A) Warrior Core Circuit x 3 Rounds

d) JG XT Side To Side Pike x 30 secs

e) JG XT Mountain Climbers x 30 secs

f) JG XT Body Saws x 30 secs

See Full Video Demo of Core Circuit HERE

Page 12: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train Aggressive LEGAL STUFF The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information

Choose 1 exercise from category A and one exercise from category B and

perform an 8 round circuit using 1 of the 3 intervals listed below:

(Note: Use only movements you did NOT use during your main workout)

Interval Selections – 20/10, 15/15, 25/5 x 8 rounds total (ALL OUT EFFORT)

Category A

Kettlebell Swing

KB / DB Thruster

Lunge Jump

Squat Jump


Burpee Lateral Jump

Burpee Box Jump

Ice Skater

Speed Squats

KB High Pulls

JG XT Atomic Push Ups

Bear Crawl

Jungle Gym XT Recline Rows

KB / DB Ground To Overhead

Box Jump

Push Up Rotation

Category B

Sit thoughts

Mountain Climbers

Suspended Mountain Climbers

Bottom Half Burpee

KB Clean – Double OR Single

Suspended Prone Plank Circles

Suspended Pike

Sprints (RUN FAST)

Jumping Knee Tucks

Plank with Elbow Drives


Side Plank

Spiderman / Lizard Crawls

Crab Walks

Suspended Knee Tucks

Suspended Sprinter

Warrior Finishers

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Aggressive Strength Resources

Travis Stoetzel is a hardcore and aggressive strength coach located

in Omaha, NE where he owns and operates The Forged Athlete

Gym, which caters to highly dedicated athletes and serious lifters.

Below you can gain knowledge insight on the various tools and

resources he uses to help turn his clients and athletes into strong,

jacked, and athletic soldiers. The section below showcases the other

various strength and conditioning programs and products he has

created and uses to help people all across the world get results.

For MORE Aggressive Strength Training Programs and

Systems, Check Out The Aggressive Strength Only Store HERE

Connect With Me More:

Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / Lean And Mean Blueprint

Page 14: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train Aggressive LEGAL STUFF The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information

The Power Wheel is by far one of the most versatile and complete

bodyweight training tools available. You can easily take your ab

training movements to the next level with various amounts of different

roll outs as well as hand walking variations. You can work on both your

lower body and upper body strength virtually anywhere at any time.

The Power Wheel is the perfect tool to have for the gym, road, or at

home. A must have for all serious trainees.


Page 15: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train Aggressive LEGAL STUFF The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information

The Jungle Gym is your all around NO EXCUSES Bodyweight Strength

gym in a bag!

Perform 100’s of different variations of lower, upper, and core

bodyweight movements. These suspension straps will help increase

your bodyweight training results in no time and best of all, can be

used pretty much anywhere at any time!

Check Out More Info On The Jungle Gym XT HERE

Page 16: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train Aggressive LEGAL STUFF The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information

Sandbags are truly one of my favorite strength and conditioning

training tools. There’s really nothing quite like ripping a heavy bag

off the floor carrying it around, pressing it, rowing it, squatting it, or

even throwing it. I’ve tried many different types of bags over the

years and have even made a half dozen of my own.

After a long search through trial and error with different bags, I have

found the best and highest quality training sandbag there is in Brute

Force Sandbags. These are truly made to last and are build just right

for the serious strength enthusiast. Just like all the tools I like to

use, these are a mobile gym – take them anywhere – the field,

playground, your backyard, the gym… anywhere!

Check Out for your sandbag needs!