the lectionary

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  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    The Lectionary

    Mr. Pablo Cuadra

    Religion Class

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    What is a Lectionary?

    The Lectionary if the officialliturgical book of the Roman

    Missalcontaining the texts of

    the Holy Scriptures used in

    the Roman Catholic Liturgyor worship.

    The Lectionary for Sunday

    worship is organized into athree year cycle of readings:

    A,B, and C.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    Did you know?

    The first edition of the

    Lectionary as it is known today

    in Catholic worship was first

    introduced on the First Sunday

    of Advent on November 30,

    1970. Seven years after the

    liturgical reforms of Vatican II

    mandated its revision in 1963.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    What Gospels correspond to each

    cycle? Cycle A is mostly Matthew Cycle B is mostly Mark Cycle C is mostly Luke

    The Gospel of John is used during Easter,Lent. Advent and Christmas (whereappropriate)

    The year A cycle begins at Advent near theend of those years whose number is evenlydivisible by 3. For instance, 2007

    Remember: Advent marks the beginning ofthe Liturgical year of the Church. NotJanuary 1.

    For instance, the cycle for the year 2008which is A started December 2, 2007.

    Cycle A is followed by B, and cycle B isfollowed by C. This cycle repeats itself everythree years.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    Did you know?

    The Roman Missal is the official liturgical text forthe rubrics, prayers, blessings, and scripturaltexts of the Roman Catholic Liturgy.

    The Roman Missal since Vatican II is publishedinto two parts:

    A. Sacramentary containing the rubrics,

    prayers of the Eucharist.B. Lectionary--- containing the Scripturalreadings used in worship.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    How many readings are used for

    the Sunday Mass? Officially Three:

    A. A reading from the OldTestament

    B. A reading from the NewTestament such as:

    Epistles, Acts of the Apostlesor Revelation

    C. The Gospel

    Technically Five:

    If we include the responsorialpsalm and the text from theAlleluia when is not anadaptation.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    What is the practice in the Eastern Catholic

    Churches with regards the Lectionary?

    The Byzantine Lectionary is a repeating oneyear cycle that was developed at the GreatChurch in Constantinople, which was the verycenter of Christianity in the Eastern RomanEmpire.

    With a few exceptions, the Lectionary isunchanged since the seventh century. It

    contains two cycles: 1) The Movable Feasts(which are based upon the date of Pascha(Easter)) and 2) The Fixed Feasts.

    A particular day of the liturgical year may havemore than one set of readings, those based onthe movable cycle and those based upon thefixed.

    In some cases the readings of the MovableCycle outrank those of the Fixed Cycle (forexample: Pascha) and in other cases the FixedCycle outrank those of the Movable Cycle (forexample: Christmas Day). Readings given arefor the Divine Liturgy.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    What is the custom in the Catholic Church

    regarding the Book of the Gospel?

    The Gospel book is a more

    elaborate book part of the

    Lectionary that is used for

    ceremonial purposes and for

    the proclamation of the Gospel

    reading during Sunday and

    Pontifical Masses, if the

    lectionary is not used.

    The first reading, psalm and

    second reading are read from

    the Lectionary, if the book of

    the Gospel is used.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    During the Mass who are the people

    appointed to carry the Book of the Gospel?

    The Deacon always has

    preference in the carrying the

    book of the Gospel and in

    proclaiming the Gospel during the

    liturgy of the Eucharist.

    If no deacon is present then thelector may carry it in procession.

    Lectors proclaim the readings of

    the mass, but not the Gospel. This

    is reserved to ordain ministers.

    Faculties to preach and proclaimthe Gospel can be given by the

    bishops to seminarians in their

    training and to lay people in extra-

    ordinary circumstances.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    Editions of the Lectionary

    The lectionary is published ineach country through differenteditions the most common are:

    Lectionary for Sunday Massesand Solemnities cycles: A,B andC.

    Lectionary for Week daymasses cycles: I and II (it canalso be published as a separate


    Lectionary for Common ofSaints, Votives, Various needs.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    Lectionary for Weekday Masses

    The lectionary forweekday masses isdivided into two cycles Iand II.

    Cycle one: is used for theyears that end with anodd number such as:2007.

    Cycle two: is used for theyears that end with aneven number such as:2008.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    How many readings are used for

    weekday Masses? Officially: two

    A reading from the Old

    Testament or New Testament

    (readings alternate)

    The Gospelfrom either Mark, Matthew and

    Luke (same each year)

    Technically: four

    if we include the psalm (orcanticle) and the text of thealleluia if it not an adaptation.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    Did you know?

    The Revised Common Lectionary is aLectionary used by mainline protestantchurches that is very similar to the oneuse by Catholics on Sunday.

    This Lectionary is the fruit of ecumenical

    work among the different Christianbodies including the Catholic Church.

    The lectionary is used by churches like:Lutherans, Methodists, Episcopalians,Presbyterians, The American Baptist

    churches, USA among others.

    Most of these churches follow the samereadings Catholic use on Sundays forthe celebration of the Eucharist.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    Pre-Vatican II LectionaryBefore the renovations made byVatican II:

    Same readings were used yearafter year, on the same Sundaysand feast days.

    Most Masses had only two

    readings: one called "The Epistle"and the other "The Gospel"

    Readings were rarely from the OT,only on a few feasts, vigils, emberdays, and within some liturgicaloctaves

    Most weekday Masses did nothave proper readings, but usedreadings from the prior Sunday ora saint's day.

    Felix Just S.J.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    Vatican II

    The fathers of the council mandated therenovation of the Lectionary in 1963.

    As a result the following improvement weremade:

    A. Three readings are now used for SundayMasses and Solemnities.

    B. A more extensive variety of readingsintegrated into a three year cycle: A,B,C.

    C. Proper readings for weekday massesincorporated into a two year cycle I and II.

    D. Readings for feasts and special needs.

    E. A more profound and extensive coverageof the Holy Scriptures compared with thepre-Vatican II version.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    Serenity Prayer

    God grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change;courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference.

    Living one day at a time;Enjoying one moment at a time;

    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;Taking, as He did, this sinful world

    as it is, not as I would have it;Trusting that He will make all things right

    if I surrender to His Will;That I may be reasonably happy in this lifeand supremely happy with Him

    Forever in the next.Amen.

  • 8/14/2019 The Lectionary


    The End

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