the last pixie

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  • 8/8/2019 The Last Pixie


    The Last PixieLisa Marie Arnopp

  • 8/8/2019 The Last Pixie






    You might think things are idyllic growing up in a fairytale kingdom. Its all right

    kind of boring really. It isnt all wishes and daydreams come true at least none of

    mine have. But then Im too pragmatic to waste energy hoping for things that may never

    happen. And dont forget there are evil creatures as well as benevolent ones. From the

    sounds of some newspapers, you might think they had us well out numbered. Luckily I

    live in the southern tip of Kismania. Things run pretty smoothly down here. Plus we

    have fantastic weather year round.

    If it werent for the fact that to get to town we have to cross a bridge I could

    almost forget all about the darker forces. See its a Troll bridge and you either give up an

    offering or trick your way across. Mankus is the father Troll of the family that claims

    that passage.

    When I was younger, every crossing was an act of courage but since I learned he

    likes a nice ripe fruit it isnt so bad. We have a diverse grove growing on our farm so its

    easy to bring enough for the whole clan. I cant say if he feels the same but I consider

    him a friend. If you need proof, once he ran off a pack of wild wolfs that tracked my

    brother Taylor and me home one night.

    Trolls get a bad reputation. It cant be an easy life lurking under bridges or in

    caves unable to be in the sun for more than a few minutes straight. Well, Mankus doesnt

    seem so bad and hes the only adult Troll Ive met in Southland. Granted it isnt a proper

    sampling size to declare all Trolls are misunderstood. Whether hes an exception or not

    I like him. Mankus is a shining example that not all darker beings are destined to be evil.

    His Troll kids, Winky and Dinky, are kind of cute. They lost some of their appeal

    when they started teething and wanted to bite everything including my fingers. Winky,

    his oldest and the daughter, has taken to gnawing on tree limbs to quell her urges. Dinky

    hasnt picked up the wood habit but he was grounding up pebbles from the riverbed in his

    mouth the other day. That cant taste good but if it keeps him from snapping at me when

    I hand him a fruit, I wont complain.

    Gin-gin, my best friend and a Fairy, says that Trolls were once much prettier than

    they are today. Apparently they considered themselves so handsome that they took to

    hiding for privacy. After generations of living in dark dank places their beautiful skin

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    turned green and rough and hence their current appearance. At least they dont grow

    taller than four feet but dont let that fool you. They are quite strong. Stronger than an

    Ogre some say but since I have never met an Ogre, I cant be sure. Most people pay up

    out of intimidation. The few who brave across without a better plan get a stone thrown

    their way.

    As for Fairies, like Gin-gin, they are stunningly beautiful with perfect milky

    complexions and long flowing hair. Gin-gins is pure white and even without moonlight,

    she shines in the night. Her eyes are pale blue. Shes tall for her kind at ten inches and

    now that shes courting age, late forties for Fairies, she has a hard time finding males

    taller than her. There are some. The thing with Fairies is they are very particular on

    appearances. All the girls like tall guys and all the guys like short girls so she has a tough

    time getting the taller ones to take notice for long.

    She would have better luck if she didnt spend so much time with me. Fairies

    dont trust humans as a general rule of thumb, at least not the full grown ones. Her clan

    has not kept their displeasure in her choice of friends silent. Despite that were pretty

    inseparable. Perhaps because we share a firm believe that all life is equal. Not all

    humans feel the same. Many believe because we are the majority that were the top of

    the animal pyramid.

    The Proclaimer, the official news source of Kismania and a rag publication in my

    opinion, has ads for Fairy sales. Its illegal but they cover up their tracks by using coded

    language like Pixie power for so-many doubloons. Why doesnt the King put an end to

    this? The guards make raids but the ads never seem to end.

    I dont understand if they are magical how Fairies can be trapped in birdcages,

    which is how most are kept captive. Gin-gin says their magic is greatly hindered without

    their freedom. Too bad that doesnt discourage folks from collecting them anyway and

    forcing them to do menial magical tasks for their keep.

    The Proclaimeris wrong to allow it but that paper has no scruples. It is all anti-

    kingdom propaganda except for page six which is dedicated to the social elites

    interactions. Ill admit this much whoever does the artwork for their paper is fantastic.

    They use a new device called a camera and the pictures are incredibly lifelike. As much

    as I hate myself for reading those pages, I do.

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    I write forInsights, the next most circulated news, which is merely a tenth the size

    ofThe Proclaimer. If we bothered to sensationalize wed probably catch up but we

    adhere to moral standards like keeping the details to facts and not speculation. Quinn, the

    owner and editor ofInsights, hired me last fall during a visit to Southland. He needed

    someone to report on our remote village. Really there isnt a whole lot going on in my

    neck of the woods. I get a kick to see my articles in print. Mostly I cover the occasional

    tropical storm, weddings, births and any town event is big news like the Harvest and

    Summer Fiestas.

    On Quinns recommendation, I use a pseudonym. My official reporter name is

    Susie Nimm but outside of my family, Gin-gin and a few co-workers, no one knows that.

    Everyone else calls me Felicia, short for Felicidad. Its suits me better than Susie Nimm,

    which I consider my alter ego.

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    My Little Friends

    Yesterday was the big Spring Fling in Southland and it was fabulous; tons of

    food, music and mead. Even the recently available Billy Wilson asked me to dance, not

    once but twice. Hes the nicest looking man in town but he has also been engaged three

    times. He called each off as soon as he got bored. Dancing was pleasant, for one night

    but Im not dumb.

    After spending too much time writing rather than sleeping last night, Im feeling

    pretty groggy. My image in the mirror shows the dark shadows under my eyes to prove

    it. My eyes are hazel like my mothers and my hair is brown like my dads used to be.

    As for the rest of me you see bits and pieces of them here and there; his smile, her

    figure, his odd sense of humor, her smarts. I may not be the fairest of them all but as

    long as I can seem them in me, Im happy with how I look.

    Dad was upset about my job at first. Hes a liberated thinker and since his wife is

    brilliant, he gets why I would enjoy an outlet that flexed my cranium. What bothers him

    is that Quinn wants me to go to Kingdom City to see the full production process. Dad

    grew up there and has never wanted to go back. Its too busy and crowded for his liking.

    What scares him so much is what if I like it and want to move there for good.

    And now that winter has passed Quinn is going to bring it up again. I wouldnt besurprised if Speedy has a request with him when he arrives. Speedy isnt his real name of

    course. We just call him that because he is the fastest messenger Elf and handles all of

    our correspondence. Thing is, I dont know his real name. Hell be here any minute.

    Im sure hell give me his usual hard time. All that traveling on the road gets lonely and

    therefore he gets chatty.

    The difference from Elves and Fairies physically is no wings and they have a blue

    shade in their hair and skin. Speedy is a deep blue because he spends so much time

    running in the sun. Elves dont have any magical powers but are extremely gifted at all

    forms of art as well as incredibly fast and tireless. Oddly, when they arent using their

    energy for speed, they are very serene absolutely sedate.

    When they push themselves, Elves can run for hours into days without getting

    drained or slowing down. It takes Speedy a day to get here from Kingdom City and that

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    is through a lot of densely forested terrain. A person on foot would take four weeks

    maybe. By carriage you can cut that in half and if you rode a horse you can cut that in

    half. The ships can make the journey in four days some smaller sleeker naval vessels

    make it in three.

    Are you decent? A squeaky voice calls from outside my window.

    Yes. I pull back the curtain to let in Speedy, who isnt panting. If Elves get

    tired, they must wait it out before seeing anyone because hes never worn out.

    Well, close enough I suppose. He points his tiny fingers to his eyes, which

    unlike mine, are bag-less. Elves may not be as beautiful as Fairies but they have a lot of

    character in their features. And Speedy is not without his physical charms. His social

    charms are an acquired taste and Im almost able to appreciate them.

    Very nice. Yes, I wrote through most of the night.

    Not going to find a man looking like that. He teases and picks up my article.

    Of course he cant just take it, as is his job. He unrolls the scroll and reads it in a blink of

    the eye. Riveting. He sasses.

    Everyones a critic. I can only do so much with what I have to work with.

    Quinn will love it. He thinks readers like to hear about the small town going-

    ons. He pulls out a thinner scroll and twelve doubloons for me.

    Twelve? Did I get a raise? Usually I get one per article. Yeah, I know I

    wont be getting rich anytime soon. The note is the anticipated request to come to

    Kingdom City with a boat voucher already secured. Unfortunately thrilled isnt the sole

    emotion it conjures. Anxiety sets in as I recall my practiced speech to breach the

    sensitive topic with Dad. Its only for a few days. Its a great experience. And Im sure

    you wont notice Im gone before I return. Weak arguments at best.

    Some extra traveling money. He answers nonchalantly. And where is your

    lovely friend Gin-gin?

    Elves and Fairies have a bizarre rivalry. I have seen it in the past but to be honest,

    I think Speedy has a thing for Gin-gin. Wondering the same thing I answer, Shes

    sleeping off her wild night.

    He laughs at the outlandish thought. First, Fairies dont drink much if at all.

    Second, Gin-gin is too responsible to overdo anything even by Fairy standards. I say

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    responsible Speedy says uptight. Elves on the other hand are more than willing to let

    their blue hair down. It would do her good if she did drink a bit too much and let loose

    her wild side. It isnt healthy to keep yourself bottled up.

    Thats fine coming from you. Gin-gin snaps as she flutters into the window.

    She probably stayed away until she knew I was up.

    Good morning. I toss her a cautious look. The pair of them can be very

    annoying when they bicker in their quick chirpy voices. Its like two mad canaries

    fighting over the last grain of bread.

    She lets out a huff and settles on the lip of my desk her usual spot. Do I get to

    read the article first? Crossing her legs she fluffs out her skirt knowing full well it

    drives Speedy crazy.

    Speedy immediately rolls up the scroll and tucks it away. It isnt very good.

    You can see it when its printed. He may not be able to stir her desires like she can his.

    However he can rile her up faster than he runs.

    Everything Felicia writes is inspired. Shes so adorable to think that although

    her sour puss cuts the cute factor a smidge.

    Speedy, let Gin-gin read it. You havent eaten anything and you cant leave until

    you do. Hell need to refuel before heading home. Tireless doesnt happen without a

    hearty appetite.

    With an exaggerated roll of the eyes, he hands over the article. What do you

    have for me today?

    Bread and fruit. Its what we always have and he loves our food. They say our

    land is the most fertile and our crops are the tastiest in Kismania.

    It would have been nice if the parents were out doing chores but they had slept in

    late as well. Both are mulling around the kitchen at this late morning hour. There isnt

    time to think over a good way to let my father know. If I want to make the ship set for

    that afternoon, its probably for the best. If I miss that boat, it will be another three or

    four days before the next one.

    Moms great with Speedy and Gin-gin. She sets up plates cutting everything into

    tiny pieces for them and they sit at a diminutive table on top of our table that my dad built

    for our frequent visitors.

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    When I was a kid and didnt seem to bond closely with any of my schoolmates,

    they worried I would never have a best friend. When it was clear that Gin-gin was filling

    the post, they eased up. Im not klutzy but I am curious and I often got stuck or in

    dangerous situations like up a tree without a good way down excluding gravity. So

    even though they thought it bizarre for a human and Fairy to be so tight they saw how

    having a super strong miniature flying person around wasnt such a bad idea.

    Dad, I use my sweetest tone I can muster knowing he isnt going to like what I

    have to say. Quinn wants me to go to Kingdom City. I wait. It sinks in. If need calls

    for it I have the ready list of semi-persuasive arguments. At present, my mind doesnt

    seem to recall them.

    He grimaces and his head sags with a heavy sigh. Understood.

    We knew it was coming and weve had a long talk. Mom says as she pulls back

    my hair and braids it. It makes me feel like Im five instead of twenty-two but

    considering they arent debating about my trip I dont squirm away.

    Im going with you. Dad adds defiantly.

    Ill be with her. Well be safe. Gin-gin assures him.

    Then well go together.

    Honey, Mom is much better at soothing than I am as she addresses Dad, We

    have a lot of work to do on the farm. Felicia is old enough to travel alone.

    He grumbles incoherently and trudges out to the yard to feed something or check

    the fields. Its as close to permission Im going to get.

    Truth is, I dont mind if he comes but a farm cant run long with two of its

    keepers missing. Even with Taylor and his family putting in their share there is too much

    work in the spring after a long winter. Taylor is my older brother who married at an

    appropriate age per our parents critical opinion.

    Gin-gin leans over and touches my hand. Fairies can detect the near future for

    someone through contact and meditation so this always makes me tentative. Shes my

    best friend and I trust her explicitly but you dont want to know if things are going to be

    rocky. And Fairies dont lie at least I have never heard of any doing so. Since we are

    good friends, she can see a few days ahead otherwise the time span is shortened

    depending on how connected she is to the subject.

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    It will be a good voyage. She says in an ethereal tone.

    Speedy snickers. I could have told you that without the hocus pocus. People

    travel to Kingdom City every day and nothing happens to them.

    Gin-gin shoots him a dirty look and he sticks out his tongue.

    My muscles relax hearing validation that things will run as planned for a couple

    of days anyway.

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    Speeding Things Up

    After spending the next hour packing and saying our good byes around the farm,

    Gin-gin and I head off to the docks, well supplied to pay the toll. Speedy joins us for a

    short while. Hell head off before the bridge since his route is inland.

    Want to race? He challenges pumping his hands as if he were sprinting.

    No. Gin-gin declines. We already know youre faster than ships.

    He turns backwards and jogs while keeping pace with us. Ill run like this.

    Does that slow you down? Something tells me it doesnt.

    If I hit something but that isnt likely. Ive made the trip too many times not to

    know where all the obstacles are. Apparently elves have a sixth sense of memory recall

    and perception.

    Then no. Gin-gin reiterates tersely.

    You sure are a grouchy Fairy.

    Only when youre around.

    My presence is that impactful that it changes your mood. He gives her a sultry

    lift of his blue eyebrows as he grins.

    It does. I must be allergic to irksome elves. She scratches at an imaginary rash.

    Pretending to be shot in the heart by her words he falls on the ground. She walkspast callously. I oblige his dramatics and help him to his feet.

    Can you two behave? It isnt going to be like this all the time in Kingdom City,

    is it?

    I can be nice if she can. He winks at her and she takes to flying well ahead of

    us. Ill see you when youre in town. Assuming I get there first.

    See you soon.

    He darts off the path and I watch until his blue blur disappears over a hilltop.

    Why cant Quinn hire some professional help? He makes enough to pay full

    wage and not settle for low grade workers. Gin-gin hovers in place until we are even


    Gin-gin, hes very sweet when you look past his ego.

    Thats a lot to look past.

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    Good afternoon. Mankus scratchily calls out loping up from beneath the bridge

    to the shade of the elm by the riverbank.

    How are Winky and Dinky? I hand him a mixed basket of fruits.

    His eyes widen at his prize. The two younger Trolls crawl up and hide behind

    their father. They arent biting as much. He wiggles his fingers to display their near

    perfect condition. They were very scarred not long ago. Wow! This is some basket.

    Ill never require payment from you ever again.

    Lie or not, Ill keep bringing him food. Its just the way things work. Im going

    out of town and wanted to make sure you were well stocked. Im his biggest source of


    Winky smiles as she grabs the basket handle to pull it closer. Shes eager to get

    started. Not liking the idea of getting second choices, Dinky pulls from the other side and

    a tug-o-war ensues.

    Stop it! Mankus commands and I remember how threatening he can appear.

    They let go and the basket thumps on the ground with a couple of apples and oranges

    rolling out. Scrambling they restore order. One a piece for now and take the rest to

    your mother.

    Ive never seen his wife. Gin-gin says shes pretty for a Troll but the women

    dont like to be seen by other creatures. She only met her because one of the kids was

    sick. Mankus needed Gin-gins magic to get Dinky better.

    Town is quieter than normal. The few that are out and about are dragging from

    lack of sleep or overdoing it at the Spring Fling. The docks are down the main road and

    seeing the masts of the shipyard stirs the inner traveler. They always have but today its

    more exhilarating. Its my first sea voyage and an intertwining feeling of thrill and

    anxiety swells.

    Since Southland is a port town, we get a lot of tourism and once on the docks, the

    strangers outnumber the locals and you already feel like you left Southland. Mom and

    Dad want me to find a good local guy and settle down. Seeing these sea faring men, I

    know that no ordinary Southlander will do not even Billy. The sailors are big, strong

    and confident. The only problem I see is that they are all so serious. Nary a smile among

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    them. If youre going to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want him to have

    a pleasant disposition.

    Ticket. A burly man with a neat beard and dragon tattoo on his right forearm

    asks. He scans it over. And the Fairy is with you?

    I nod.

    We usually charge more for them. He looks me over and decides to allow it

    without a fee. Motioning us forward he asks the next passenger for their ticket.

    Maybe he was trying to hustle some extra coins. Whatever the reason, Im

    grateful. I thought city folk would be more accepting of Fairies. I mutter quietly to my

    little companion.

    Gin-gin shrugs. He didnt seem shocked to see me. I suppose I am getting a free

    ride. She bats her eyelids.

    Its not like youre weighing down the boat much especially when youre


    Were very dense. I bet I weigh twelve pounds after last night. She pats her

    belly without missing a beat of her transparent wings.

    Yeah. Youre looking kind of pudgy.

    She frowns and flies out ahead of me as if she is mad. Another thing Elves and

    Fairies have in common is the tendency to emote.

    Our small room has two round windows. Gin-gin skits over, opens one, flies out

    and then back in. Brace yourself, were pushing off from the pier.

    It isnt my first time on a boat but never one so large. The undulating floor is

    subdued until we are far enough out and they drop sails. Immediately we feel the high

    speed and the rolling rhythmic motion sets a pace. Please dont let me get seasick.

    Felicia, lets go up on deck. Gin-gin eagerly pulls at my sleeve. I must look

    green or something because she asks, Are you ill?

    I dont think so.

    Some food will help. She pulls again.

    I follow thinking the last thing I need is something to eat. Why load a cannon

    before it goes off if you dont mean to shoot anything? We scrape up some morsels and

    nibble overlooking the great expanse of the ocean. Watching the horizon helps settle my

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    queasy stomach. Ive never seen anything like it deep dark blue water stretching out

    forever. Far off a small plume of water jets up and then down. A couple more shoot up

    in the same vicinity. What was that? I point. Did you see that?

    Here. The man who took my ticket offers me a telescope. Its a pod of


    Whales? I slide out the scope and peer through it. Everything gets nearer and

    clearer. A spot on the ocean surfaces smoothes to a glassy finish, then the gray rubbery

    topside of a huge sea creature slides out and finally a spray of seawater shoots vertically

    into the air. In school, we saw pictures of whales and were taught all about them but Ive

    never seen so many in the wild. Amazing. I mutter and jump back when one beasts

    swims right out of the water and flops down with a mighty splash. It was too far away to

    spray us but through the telescope it looked much closer. Embarrassed I return the


    They do that sometimes. He warns too late. I was looking for you.

    Did he change his mind about payment for Gin-gin? Anything wrong?

    Not at all. If you both will follow me.

    I pray he didnt hear me gulp as Gin-gin and I obey. We walk up to the helm

    where a handful of brawny men are in deep debate. The tallest of them is the Captain

    who stands off to the side talking to another man. The Captain is older with gray hair and

    the look of a person that has spent more days at sea than on land. His sharp black eyes

    dart up to us when we step on deck.

    Why is there a woman here? He growls. And a Fairy? Why is there a Fairy

    on my bridge?

    All the men, his conversationalist included, turn towards us. It was at my

    request. The man with the Captain crosses over, Pardon the superstitious natures.

    Broad shoulders and a certain air of discipline are the first impressions that hit me. Hes

    much younger than the captain and a good portion of the sailors on the deck. His head is

    uncovered. He isnt part of the crew. With the wind blowing through his deep brown

    hair and scruffy cheeks, he comes off as a strong hard workingman. My knees give a

    little maybe a little more than a little. Probably less than ten years older than me in age

    but somehow far more mature.

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    Can we go somewhere else to talk? I suggest feeling harsh eyes on us.

    We dont need to. He says casually and leads us further onto the man-only

    sanctuary away from the sailors. It isnt only the captain that feels we dont belong but

    this man is impervious to their severe opinions.

    The Captain keeps an astute glare on our movement but doesnt restate his

    objection. He follows at a short distance close enough to hear but far enough to not be

    considered part of the exchange.

    My name is Charles. The attractive mans large hand extends palm up.

    Im Felicidad Smithe. Pleased to meet you. I put my small hand into his

    massive one and he gently squeezes as he lightly kisses it. And this is Gin-gin. I

    practically stutter after he releases my hand.

    He holds out a finger and bows a greeting. Forgive me for being so forward and

    having you brought here. I have a request to make of you, Gin-gin. Absorbing both of

    our reactions he continues. I have received notice that my presence is required in

    Kingdom City sooner than my original plans. I was hoping that perhaps you would be so

    kind as to speed our journey along.

    The captain grunts. Just give them a royal decree.

    I examine him with more scrutiny but I dont recognize him. King Edward IV is

    twenty years older than me, and his wife twelve. Many of their most trusted personnel

    are young for their levels. King Edward III retired early when he lost his eyesight and

    advises his son from behind the thrown. Although many of his closest consultants are as

    active as before there are many fresher faces that come with a change in command. Both

    Kings have been very good leaders. So even though this man isnt King Edward, he must

    be high up the food chain if he has the authority to throw around royal decrees.

    Smiling for the first time, he winks at me. I cant do that to just anyone. He

    whispers but the Captain heard.

    Its a Fairy for Petes sake. The old seaman blurts out. They know how to


    Shes a free Fairy. I dont mean to be combative but I dont care for the

    implication. Its her choice.

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    Which is why I am asking and not making demands. Charles stares the Captain

    down. He doesnt need his interruptions offsetting Gin-gin willingness to comply. Do

    you think you can do anything to shorten the trip? Perhaps optimize the wind?

    I can but I dont know if I can do more than save a day?

    Even a day would be enough. Charles face relaxes. Whatever hes late for

    must be important.

    Ill do my best. She answers.

    Id appreciate it.

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    Late Night Swim

    That was Commander Moberly. Gin-gin informs me when we are back in our


    Commander Moberly? The names familiar. I rummage through my things and

    pull out an old issue ofThe Proclaimerand flip to page six. Its one of my favorite

    editions because it covered Prince Edward Vs birthday. Its a virtual whos who of the

    Royal Court.

    There. Gin-gin lands on the page and bends down pointing at Commander


    I take back everything I said about the artwork for their paper. Sure, its a

    sufficient representation but with a clean shave and dressed to the tees, Id never

    recognize him. He looks older and heavier in the photo. Draped on him like an overcoat

    is a statuesque blond. The caption reads Commander Charles Moberly and his future

    fianc Agnes Keeton. I practically gag.

    Agnes Keeton is the queen of page six. By queen I mean she is the top reporter

    and when she isnt embellishing some scandal shes dishing out the dirt on the upper

    crust. Ninety percent of page six articles are her handiwork. She has a knack of

    worming her way into these pages by dating many of the men she admires. CommanderMoberly had been her bachelor of the year only three months earlier and now shes his

    intended intended.

    As for Commander Moberly, he isnt just a celebrity for page six fodder. He is

    said to be the right hand man of King Edward IV even above the High Advisor who by

    design is positioned to fill in for the reigning family in times of crisis. I can see why the

    Captain wasnt more assertive with Charles.

    Hes Agnes fianc? Blah!

    No accounting for taste. Gin-gin giggles as she nudges my shoulder with her

    whole body waking me out of my mild sense of disgust.

    It isnt professional jealousy that we base our dislike on Agnes Keeton. Or if

    there is any, its added to our already low opinion of the paper and most specifically the

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    His eyes squint as he considers something. Youve recognized me.

    Blushing I nod. Gin-gin did and we looked up an old paper I had with me. You

    dont look anything like those pictures.

    Thanks. They do add a few years and pounds. He glances back at the Fairy

    who is seated cross-legged on the barrel lid reconsidering her dilemma. Im more an

    Insights reader myself. And he laughs too hard.

    Wouldnt Agnes object to that? It came off sassy. It wasnt for him. Agnes is

    such a hack and well, lets admit it, her paper is our competition and soundly beating us

    in circulation. Susie Nimm will be writing about this preference by Agnes fianc as

    soon as she gets back to her room.

    Agnes objects to that and more all the time. Hes uncomfortable.

    We hit another swell and I teeter forward. In spite of my efforts I fall on him.

    Sorry. I scramble to get up but the ship keeps bucking.

    Grabbing the railing he gets us both to our feet. His arm is sturdier than the beam.

    I stare directly at his Adams apple that is in desperate need of a sharp razors edge.

    Where is she? He asks.

    My heart sinks. Gin-gin isnt on her perch. I run onto the open deck.

    Felicidad, stay below. Ill find Gin-gin. Charles calls from behind me.

    The hull rocks harder than ever and ocean spray drenches down. It doesnt stop

    me but it slows me considerably. Once at her barrel I frantically scan around. Another

    lurch and I slide to the edging hitting my head against a wood beam. Thats going to

    show in the morning but I dont have time to worry about it. A small glow floats up and

    down far back in our wake. Gin-gin!

    Drop anchor! Charles booms next to me. The clink of the chain is too slow.

    Were going fast and I can barely see her. Gin-gins spell is working too well and now

    shes lost at sea.

    Leaning far over the railing I strain to keep her in my sight. Shes sinking.

    Hold tight. Youll fall in. Charles warns.

    The anchor must have hit rock bottom because with a hard stop the floor jumps. I

    soar over the edge and into the chilly water.

    Man overboard! Moberly yells. Felicidad, dont move.

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    The water is frigid and I spit out the salty liquid. Without thinking, I make way

    for the glow. She doesnt have time for them to turn around or send a rescue boat. I can

    only get an occasional glimpse of her at each crest of a wave and then I lose it. The glow

    gets closer which is remarkable because I have barely made any headway. Looking over

    my shoulder the ship isnt far. Gin-gin must be coming to me. Shes alive. Gin-gin!

    Im over here. I pull as far out of the ocean as I can and wave frantically. Water

    splashes loudly against the hull of the ship that is fighting the anchor to move.

    Man overboard! Someone repeats.

    Keep swimming. I have to keep swimming. But Im not the only thing in the

    water. A fin slices out of the waves and makes a broad circle around me. Then there is

    another and a third. Paddling in place I turn to the ship hoping for a lifeline.

    Stay calm. Charles says from a yard away. The second call for a man

    overboard wasnt for me. He came after us.

    Im bleeding. I feel my head and know thats drawing the sharks.

    Grab on. As soon as he has a grip on my wrist he tows me to him with his left

    arm. His right hand comes out of the water in an arc. Steel flashes in his hand as he

    knives one of the predators behind me. Its muscular tale swipes at my body and slams

    me into Charles but it darts away lesson learned.

    Hoist us up! He hollers. I see a tether leading from his body to the boat.

    Gin-gin. I can barely hear my voice and get more water in than air out.

    Shes almost here. Hold on. His arms have me secure one hand still holding

    the knife in case another shark makes a move for us.

    The one behind Charles promptly moves our direction. Behind you. I say but it

    isnt needed. We are lifted out of the water and floated up to the deck. We hit the floor

    with a thud. Gin-gin wraps her arms tightly around my neck.

    Gin-gin, I thought you were a goner Shivering uncontrollably my words

    sound like Im riding in a wagon at a full run on rocky terrain.

    Were okay. She squeaks out.

    Cut the anchor. Charles shouts getting up on one elbow.

    No need sir, it broke off. The tattooed sailor helps him up.

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    You get the little one, Ill get the big one. Charles carefully picks me up as the

    other man lifts Gin-gin in his hands. The ship is bouncing along again taking full

    advantage of Gin-gins enchantment. Charlie barely falters as he sloshes along the deck

    even with the added load in his arm. I shut my eyes and everything goes dark.

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    Waking up in a Strange Bed

    Shes coming to. Felicidad?


    She needs another blanket. Charles orders and a moment later a wool sheet is

    draped over my shoulders. Felicidad?

    Felicia. Gin-gin corrects. She likes to be called Felicia.

    Whatever. Fine, Felicia.

    Its so cold.

    A dip in the ocean will do that to you. Do you know where you are?

    On the Catalina. I open my eyes. The blurry room is much larger than my

    cabin with two large fuzzy forms towering over me. Wheres Gin-gin?

    Right here. She says standing on a chair next to the bed. Were moving really


    Great. I dont care. Rubbing my temple I dont feel a wound. Gin-gin must

    have healed it but it throbs. And dried me off. Even so, I am chilled to the bone and the

    blankets arent warming enough.

    Thatll be all. Charles tells the sailor.

    Sir.Ive got things covered. They can stay here until theyre ready to move to their


    Yes, sir. Whoever is answering doesnt like the idea but isnt going to counter

    Commander Moberly. I guess it was the tattooed man but I cant make out more than

    vague shapes. The door opens and closes and were alone with Moberly.

    Drink this. Charles shoves a tin mug into my hands. Something has him irked.

    Sitting up I take a swig. The liquid burns going down my gullet. Ugh. What

    was that?

    Whiskey. He withholds a snicker.

    Thanks, I think.

    Itll put hair on your chest.

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    She doesnt want hair on her chest. Gin-gin misses his jokes. It wasnt much

    of a joke.

    So why did you jump in the water? His momentary good humor passed.

    I fell in.

    And then you started swimming away from the boat. You should have stayed


    Gin-gin was sinking.

    I wasnt out long. The coldness woke me up. She puts her hand on mine and


    It reminds me of her forecast, the one that claimed all would be well on our

    voyage. Why didnt you see this? You said wed have a safe voyage.

    I saw us arriving safely in Kingdom City. I didnt think to watch every second

    of the trip.

    Wouldnt have mattered. Charles says.

    Pardon me?

    Fairies can read the future, thats true but if something changes so do the end

    results. I didnt think to ask you to speed up the journey until I heard there was a Fairy

    on board. His roguish smile has too much conceit in it. He knows his Fairy tales. My

    first reaction wasnt to ask for help but to jail you and free your slave. When I learned

    she was with you willingly, thats when I thought why not see if she could do some


    Maybe I could overlook the conceit being that he was going to set things right if I

    had a slave. Its a bit insulting that he thought I could be that kind of person. Slowly

    shapes solidify as I take in a much larger and better-furnished room than ours. Is this

    your cabin?

    It is. Charles sinks into a chair. Get some sleep.

    What about you?

    He closes his eyes and lets his head fall back.

    You cant sleep in a chair.

    One eye pops open. Im not going to sleep much until you ladies are back to

    health, and he added under his breath, and out of here.

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    I have a cabin. I try to stand up but the motion of the ship kicks me back into

    the bed.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Thank you. Gin-gin says. You saved her.

    And you saved the two of us. Were even actually, Im still indebted. Ill be

    home in plenty of time at this rate. Now get some rest. Perhaps he is accustomed to

    barking orders and didnt mean to tell us what to do. Or perhaps he didnt care to take a

    late night swim and to top it off we were intruding on his quarters.

    I dont know how he accomplished it but he fell asleep. Or he is very good at

    snoring as if he were. I wont get to sleep with that buzz saw noise all night.

    Gin-gin, how do you feel?

    Out of energy but otherwise good.

    Me too. And even with the rumbling from Commander Moberly, I fade. I

    dont know how long I was out but I stir when I hear quiet conversation.

    By the looks of it, Ill be there first thing tomorrow morning. Charles speaks

    softly in the corner holding a framed object of some kind.

    How did you manage that? The frame asks back.

    There is a Fairy passenger onboard who was kind enough to help me out. She

    really put herself out there for it.

    A Fairy?

    A free Fairy. Moberly clarifies.

    Sounds like youre making friends. The other voice says.

    It must be one of those communication looking glasses. Two people can talk

    from far away if they each have one of paired mirrors.

    When I have to. Shell be in Kingdom City for a few days.

    Uh huh. The mirror says knowingly. Wed be happy to extend an invitation

    to our party.

    Ill pass that along. Shes traveling with a friend.

    Eddie has never met Fairies.

    He must be talking to the King. The Prince is often referred to as Eddie.

    Only one is a Fairy. The other is a girl.

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    So he meets one Fairy this time. And this girl, is she attractive.

    I strain to make sure I hear his answer but he stalls.

    The mirror continues, Very Id guess by that ruddy complexion.

    Yes, pretty and accident prone.

    I sulk not that he sees.

    Do invite them. I havent had the pleasure of Fairy company for too long. Ill

    enjoy her visit.

    Thank you for offering.

    If they are assisting you its the least we can do. You would have asked me. Im

    not a fool. We didnt have a scheduled talk. You had something on your mind.

    I dont think youre a fool.

    Just addle minded.

    You have a lot to worry about these days. Hows Mary?

    Fine. Ill tell her you asked.

    Charlie puts down the mirror and turns to his convalescing guests. He catches me

    alert. Good morning. Its impolite to eavesdrop. One brow raises as he accurately

    accuses me of listening in.

    Sorry. I cant help my curiosity. Was that Kind Edward?

    It was and he has extended you and Gin-gin an invitation to their ball. But then

    you already know that. He rests his elbows on his knees with his hands folded in front

    of him.

    Whats it for?

    An announcement. Youll find out there.

    Its sweet that we are invited but Im not prepared for such a formal occasion.

    Gin-gin may go without me. Im sure she will. Where is Gin-gin?

    On your other side. He pushes up and walks over to sit next to the bed. Placing

    the back of his fingers to my head he says, You were feverish but its passing. How do

    you feel?


    Do you have anything to wear? Seeing me blush he amends the question, To

    the ball?

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    Not really.

    I know someone who can fix that. Shell get you ready.

    Not Agnes, I hope. Who?

    Mockingly serious he frowned. I took a shark bite for you. You could extend

    me a little trust.

    I bolt upright jostling the bed and waking Gin-gin. You were bitten?

    Heartily chuckling he holds up his right hand. Not really. I did get scratched

    touching it. You rub a sharks skin the wrong way and its like sandpaper. True to his

    word there was a red raw patch on the edge of his hand that held the knife.

    Frowning I caress is his course skin. Im sorry. All I was thinking about was

    getting to Gin-gin.

    From behind me I feel another neck hug from my tiny friend.

    Two peas in a pod. Charles smiles probably really thinking two stowaways in

    my bed. My sister will help you. She loves to fuss over people and since shes been

    married she hasnt had much opportunity. If you can handle being spoiled, shell suit you


    A sister doesnt sound so bad. If he had said Agnes I wouldnt have accepted

    even if it meant skipping the party. If it isnt any trouble.

    Shell love it. Always said she wished I was a younger sister instead of a bratty

    baby brother.

    I snicker at a silly idea. Did she ever dress you up in girls clothes? I would


    He cocks his head. No.

    We should give you back your room.

    My legs wobble under the double speed of the ship but Im rested and ready.

    Why couldnt I have been a Fairy like Gin-gin so I could fly without having to walk on

    the unstable floor?

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    with him and his friends so no one bothered me but without a handful of bodyguards, I

    wouldnt have gone.

    The large window and ample lamps brightly light the room taking off some of the

    seedier edge the dcor creates. The bartender is a bald man with a round belly. By the

    looks of him he knows how to restore order if things get out of hand. It helps that he has

    a colossal wolf sprawled in one corner with a watchful eye on the patrons. His head rises

    to get a better look at Gin-gin who immediately flies to him to say hello. She loves

    animals even large predatory ones.

    She mistakenly thinks all animals are friendly. This large gray wolf is. Hello.

    He smiles.

    Taken aback I slow down my pace but proceed forward. Hi.

    Im Seymour.

    Hi Seymour. Gin-gin alights on his mat and runs a hand down his shaggy


    Too close. Those teeth are sharp.

    Im Gin-gin and this is Felicia.

    Hi. I say sheepishly.

    Im a Werewolf. Thats why I can talk. He tells us easily. Probably used to

    the strange looks and the need to explain why he can speak.

    Shouldnt you be a man until the full moon?

    Dont believe every fairytale you read. My brother and I have to share these

    bodies. While hes a man, Im a wolf. He usually tends to business during the day and I

    get the night shift.

    Interesting. Gin-gin says scratching with both hands behind his ear as he tilts

    his head and shakes a hind leg.

    I hate that I cant control the reflex but it feels sooooo good. He growls a little

    happy noise.

    We have to see someone upstairs. It was nice meeting you.

    Bye Seymour. Gin-gin waves as she takes flight. We go up to the second floor


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    Upstairs is a different feel completely. The halls are covered with soft beige

    wallpaper that has a fleur-de-lis pattern. There is one door with the same wording as the

    window facing Main Street and stairs up to another story of the building. Inside Quinns

    office is a large oak desk and sitting on an especially tall chair is Speedy.

    You girls got here pretty fast. Hes impressed.

    Commander Moberly was on our ship and he asked Gin-gin to speed things up

    for him. I tell him. We should have taken you up on the race.

    His blue eyes bug out. Commander Moberly? Really? Were old friends. He

    boasts trying to outdo our story. He must want to be back in time for the ball.

    Do you know what that is about?

    Havent a clue but Quinn is out hitting up all his sources to find out. Its a no

    press affair and he wants to scoop The Proclaimer.

    Well be going. We can tell you about it afterwards. Gin-gin says with a

    liberal application of relish.

    He hops up on the desk either eager to hear more or envious that we have an

    invitation. Youre going to the ball? Quinn will be pleased.

    And we have a story. There was a bit of excitement on our trip. I give him my

    latest article.

    As usual, he reads it over as soon as he has the scroll in his hot little hands. This

    is better than the usual tripe you write.

    She is a great writer. Gin-gin automatically corrects. He only says those things

    about my writing to provoke her.

    If you say so. The material is better than small town events. Well get it in this

    evening edition. Quinn wont be back until mid afternoon but Ill have it ready knowing

    hell give his approval.

    Thats fine. Well be back before then. We have errands to run. She adds

    disdainfully. For such a sweet Fairy, she can be a little snot with Speedy.

    What errands? Elves hate to be kept out of anything and even though he is

    foolish to bite, he does.

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    Well see you later. I dont usually let Gin-gin get away with rude behavior but

    I dont want Speedy tagging along when we have an appointment to meet Charles sister

    at the castle.

    As we wind up the road to our destination the size that is dwarfed from a distance

    is actualized. It is formidable and beautiful. I bet the whole Royal Family and everyone

    that lives here are thin from so much walking. A stern guard walks down to meet us as

    we make our final approach.

    Felicidad and Gin-gin?

    Stunned I answer, Thats us. But then there is only one Fairy on the guest list.

    Very well. Commander Moberly instructed me to take you right in when you

    arrived. He offers his arm for me and leads us under the raised gate to an open carriage

    pulled by two horses. After we are situated, he clicks at the two-mare team, gently

    shakes the reins and off we go.

    They trot at a leisurely pace. The atmosphere is gorgeous, the picturesque

    landscape delightful. A small bridge spans over the narrow portion of a Lilly pad

    covered pond. Trees and flowers bloom everywhere. It is a good time of year to visit

    such an extravagant garden. And it isnt just the flora that amazes. Animals are plenty;

    ducks, swans, frogs, squirrels, hens, birds, dogs and cats. Its a critter menagerie.

    We amble along the last stretch of road to two staircases leading up to the grand

    entrance. A glorious fountain gurgles spring water across the driveway. The mermaid in

    the center is surrounded by all kinds of sea life while water rains from above her head.

    Its so beautiful.

    It is. The guard agrees and takes my arm again to show me the way. An older

    lady waits for us.

    Sanora, this is Commander Moberlys friends here to see Queen Mary.

    My head snaps up and my mouth drops open but its unable to express anything

    audibly. Im here to see Moberlys sister not the Queen.

    Shes expecting you. Ill show you to the waiting room while I see if now is a

    good time for her majesty. Sanora is a stout woman with a strict face. She spins on her

    heel and proceeds to lead us into the castle.

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    Dumbstruck I rush forward and try to clear up the confusion. Theres some


    Youre not Felicidad and Gin-gin? Shes withholding her anger.

    We are but

    She relaxes. Tea?

    Thank you but

    Tut, tut. You can explain it to Queen Mary. Sanora pours us tea. They even

    have Fairy size cups for Gin-gin. She scoots out and leaves us with our refreshment and

    my guilty burden.

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    Queen Mary

    Unable to sit, I pace nervously. Theyll hang us for misrepresenting ourselves.

    I take a sip of tea figuring it may be the last pleasant thing I ever taste. Bread and water

    for the rest of my life. Queen Mary is good-natured but even so, she wont want to be

    disturbed by strangers with no cause to see her.

    They dont hang people for that. Gin-gin wisely states.

    Good, than well only be tossed into the dudgeon for the rest of our natural lives.

    You dont seem bothered by this.

    We tried to explain and no one wanted to listen. Im sure well be able to sort it

    out quickly and without being sentenced to death or life. She sits on an elfin pillow that

    serves its purpose just as well for a Fairy that purpose being to boost her level with


    Sure well just tell Queen Mary that we didnt mean to bother her and were

    sorry for the inconvenience. I wonder how this happened.

    You dont want to see me? A ravine haired woman steps into the room with the

    most confused look. Could have been worse. She could have been mad. Please have a

    sense of humor.

    Its Queen Mary. Her face is as well known as the Kings. But the rest of herdoesnt match up. Shes in pants, which few women wear outside of house chores. Of

    course considering the gloves she pulls off are covered in dirt, she was probably out in

    the garden.

    I fumble to curtsey and feel completely un-presentable, Your highness. Im so

    sorry for the confusion. Charles had meant for us to meet with his sister not you.

    She tosses her head to one side with a familiar grin. Oh, well usually we cut

    your head off for wasting my time but since Charlie didnt warn you that I am both the

    Queen and his sister, Ill just take it out on his hide with thirty lashes.

    Thats a joke right? Im too petrified to laugh.

    Felicia wouldnt have come if I told her youre the queen. I keep telling you that

    you can be intimidating. Charles saunters in and gives his sister a kiss on the cheek.

    Youre looking well.

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    I just tossed my cookies so I feel great.

    Do queens say things like tossed my cookies?

    I see you managed to get here without further harm. He takes my hand and

    kisses it and then gives Gin-gin a bow.

    I nod still muted by fear.

    And Im sure youre thrilled to have a new test subject. He tells his sister.

    Hopefully shell put up less of a fuss when I put a dress on her than you use to.

    I couldnt help snickering and he looks ashamed. At least I am free of my anxiety


    Shes making that up. He glares at his sister.

    I am not. Mother and Father promised me a sister and then you came along.

    Now I recognize her smile. Its the same as his.

    And the only thing more cruel than pretending I was your sister is that you bring

    it up in front of company. He chides. Before you girls run off to try on clothes and do

    your hair can I take a minute of your time Mary?

    The queen shakes her head. No press. If it is about anything else, than yes.

    She is dead serious about this no press thing. I better warn Quinn before he prints

    something and gets us keelhauled and swinging from the gallows.

    Charles, or is it Charlie, looks up at me as he repeats his request to his Queen

    sister. Can we talk privately?

    Mary looses her cool. Youre so called fianc is not coming to the ball and that

    is my final word. And Edward wont counter me on this one. Edward wont counter me

    for another, she scrunched her face as she calculates, six and a half months.

    His head sinks to half-mast. And how do I explain that to Agnes? The same

    Agnes you wanted me to court.

    To tame the shrew not to give her a free pass to come in, take pictures and

    fabricate lies about us. She exhales after her sermon. Any other occasion, I wouldnt

    care but this is a small get together and no politics, press or phonies.

    You arent upsetting the Queen, are you? Sanora is back with a vengeance.

    No. After accepting defeat he turns to us and adds, Have a pleasant time with

    the dictator. He storms out.

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    Mary looks offset. She didnt like bantering with her brother. He can get so

    pissy. Shall we get to business?

    Youre very kind to help us. I mumble and swallow a big breath of air

    preparing myself. So no press.

    Gin-gin stands up knowing what is about to happen. I cant take advantage of

    people under false pretenses. It was fun while it lasted. She zips out low enough for

    only me.

    The Queen puts her fists on her waste to steady herself. No press. Why do you


    I already know too much but I have to be honest with you. I write for a paper.

    Her face, which had grown pink while talking to her brother, turns beat red. For a

    second, she looks like shes about to blow but then calms. Not the good kind of calm that

    sets one at ease the eerie kind of calm that hides an inferno. You may leave.

    Of course. Charles doesnt know and I had no idea about any of this until now.

    Im tired ofThe Proclaimers questionable tactics to get a juicy story out of this

    place. Sanora, please show them out and ensure the gate is instructed to keep them from

    returning. She glides back to the hall and away from us.

    Feeling horrible about the misunderstanding I call after her before she leaves the

    room. It was very nice to meet you and we wont tell anyone youre pregnant.

    She stops. Was that a threat?

    A promise. We wont mention it. Congratulations.

    She walks over with a determined look. I back up bumping into the coffee table

    and spilling my mostly full teacup on the white rug. What will I do next? Catch the

    place on fire?

    Sorry. Im trapped between the furniture and the dictator.

    Why would you mention that unless you mean to print it?

    Getting where she saw the threat I try to explain, I write forInsights sending in

    articles about Southland. Im not an investigative reporter. I dont have that killer


    She doesnt seem satisfied.

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    Its a girl, did you know? Gin-gin asks flying between us and causing Mary to

    give me some space.

    Her harsh glare jump to Gin-gin. How did you know that?

    Fairy. She rolls her eyes. And your due date is off. Shell be here in six

    months or less.

    I added a few weeks of doting husband time. She resizes us up. Gin-gin is


    She nods.

    What else can you tell about the baby? Its a test.

    She likes it when you sing to her.

    The Queen is skeptical about this overly sentimental assessment.

    Unfazed Gin-gin begins to hum a lullaby I havent heard.

    Thankfully the Queen is close enough to me that I catch her when she nearly

    passes out.

    Im guessing thats the right song. Sanora and I get Mary to the couch.

    Im fine. Mary stammers. Her anger has passed completely. She remembers

    the song? And you could sing it?

    Of course. She also likes your voice. Do you talk to the baby often?

    For the last couple of weeks. We didnt know I was pregnant until recently. I

    was in denial. All the signs were there but then it was so different when I was carrying


    Thats because its a girl. Sanora has a satisfied look on her face. Now that

    the Fairy has said the same we know for sure and can start preparations for the nursery

    accordingly. Pink.

    We should go. I didnt know that this was a conflict of interest. Were really

    werent trying to crash your party. It was so nice to meet you. And please, dont let

    anyone know I am a writer. I live an anonymous life.

    Anonymous life? Sounds wonderful. She holds my arm before I can walk

    away. Stay.

    If I do my boss is going to grill me. Hell want a story.

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    Quinn? He probably already knows whats going on. He has an insider in our


    She says it so confidently she must know who it is. But does Quinn realize his

    source is revealed? Either way, Ill keep that under my hat for now.

    She continues, And I dont mind him scooping The Proclaimer. But dont tell

    Charlie that youre a reporter. Hell want Agnes to come and I dont want her here. She

    wrote a nasty article suggesting that I have anorexia when she found out Ive been

    throwing up regularly. Called me flabby and desperate to regain my figure.

    Were usually a couple of days behind the headline news in Southland being so

    far from Kingdom City so it doesnt surprise me an article I hadnt read was out. I dont

    care for Agnes or her methods at all and after hearing Marys comments, my dislike

    grows. Shes a hack.

    Mary laughs so hard she snorts a little. Covering her mouth she looks mortified.

    Excuse me. Its seldom I get to laugh. Always on when youre the Queen.

    It must be a hard life except for the being waited on hand and foot and living in

    the lap of luxury.

    Youre teasing me. It isnt all pretty dresses and afternoon socials. She stands

    up. Lets go see my dress maker. I believe I have a favor to fulfill for my irksome


    Her seamstress is a sweet lady who isnt much older than the Queen. Pleased to

    have a new subject she samples some colors and dress types. Each is more elaborate than

    the first and more uncomfortable.

    Janice, this is a joyous occasion. We dont want to be too burdened with our

    clothes. Simpler is better. Mary hints.

    Simpler. She reluctantly repeats. Whatever you wish.

    Its very pretty. I say hoping to make her feel better. It works some.

    Lets go with a teal scoop neck and loose skirt. Simple enough? Janice drapes

    a silk fabric across my shoulder. The cloth is exquisite and the color so unique. Ive

    never seen such a vibrant shade in silk.

    Its a good color for her. Mary agrees putting her hands on my back and

    turning me to the mirror. No man will be able to resist you.

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    You have a talented eye. Gin-gin says bringing about the first honest smile

    from Janice since we met.

    I told you it wasnt so easy to be Queen. Mary jokes when Janice leaves to get

    some supplies to measure and cut.

    I dont know. This seems pretty nice.

    She laughs and manages not to snort. What about your hair? Do you want it

    done up?

    I pull it back nervously wondering if I look like a wild child as my grandmother

    use to call me when I wouldnt allow them to comb it. I tried it up once but

    I know. Its so itchy and stiff. And you feel like it will topple over every time

    you move your neck. Well leave it down. Its so lovely and wavy, you can get away

    with it easily.

    Did you ever do Charlies hair?

    She gets a faraway look as she recalls her childhood. Mother kept it too short to

    do much with it but I did put bows or flowers in at times. At least until he was about

    three and he wouldnt have it.

    The image makes me giddy.

    Ill never admit this to him but Im really glad he turned out to be a brother after

    all. And he has taken a shine to you.

    Actually, I kind of annoy him.

    Nonsense. He could have given you a monitory reward. He wanted you to come

    to the ball.

    Fairies dont have much use for money and Gin-gin was the one that got him

    here on time.

    Gin-gin rolls her eyes. He adores you.

    She has that reversed but they arent going to listen to common sense. Whatever

    the reason, Im glad to be included.

    Mary gets serious for a moment. Ask Quinn not to mention the baby until after

    the ball. Hell understand.

    I nod feeling ill at ease. He wont like it and Im not sure if hell oblige. Quinn is

    a nice guy but he has a paper to sell.

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    The dress wont be ready until tomorrow. You can get ready here. If you need a

    place to stay youre welcome to lodge here.

    Wed love to. Gin-gin answers excitedly.

    Gin-gin, we have a room.

    Please. Mary tries to sway me.

    Our baggage is at the offices

    We can send for them and rearrange any accommodations you may have already

    made. If you prefer to stay in town, Ill understand but dont feel like its a burden for

    us. She smiles. I cant tell you how glad I am that Charlie was able to get back in

    time. We were about to postpone things but that isnt as easy as it sounds.

    Honestly, I like her. Shes so normal, even more so when she snorted and

    laughed. Wed love to but its too much.

    At least we can prepare for the evening together. Come by after lunch and well

    start with a sauna and massage.

    Its good to be queen.

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    Getting Catty

    Youre going to the ball. Quinn shakes his head in awe and disbelief. And

    you were offered a room at the castle? Hes in his fifties and comes off like a young

    grandfather. The job has taken its toll on him but it also gives him good energy.

    I shrug. What can you say when things fall into place for you like that? It was

    tempting but I dont want to wear out my welcome. She wasnt happy to hear Im a


    He flings his hands downward. She doesnt mind us. Ive met Queen Mary a

    few times and she has always been pleasant. Its The Proclaimerthat bothers them. I

    dont know how she allows her brother to date that shrew.

    I was wondering about that as well. He made some comment that he was

    courting Agnes on Marys request.

    Probably hoping she would ease off her twisted tales. Agnes had her sights set

    on the Commander for a year and he didnt pay her any mind until a few weeks ago.

    And now they are engaged to be engaged?

    So says The Proclaimerand it could be her subtle way to put pressure on him.

    Shes getting too old to keep up her social life at the level she has grown accustomed to.

    If shes going to settle for matrimony, shes going to do so in style.There isnt a subtle thing about Agnes.

    Since youve chosen to slum it with the common folk, I have arranged for a

    room at the Kingdom City Inn across the street.

    And you dont mind sitting on the baby news for a day?

    I do but if Mary asked I dont want to push my luck. Well have a story in the

    morning edition. It isnt the end of the world if we get scooped on that kind of news.

    He tries to convince himself more than us. And this story about Commander Moberlys

    heroics is a nice item. Well sell out tonight and into tomorrow.

    That makes me feel better. Gin-gin and I leave him to find us something for

    dinner. We skipped lunch and Im ravenous. The tavern is full but we find a corner table

    near the wolf that is much heavier now with darker hair. The bartender on the other hand

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    is tall and lean and as bald as the first. Seymour must have switched places with his

    brother already.

    The food is tasty and Seymour keeps a personal watch on us. Its like this when

    your best friend is a Fairy. Some people take a shine to Gin-gin. The nice thing about

    being in the big city is that there are a few elves about and Gin-gin doesnt stand out too

    much when she isnt flying. Doesnt stop the one-eyed man I saw earlier from ogling


    It cant be later than eight but people are already getting unruly from the drink.

    Seymour tosses out two inebriated men. Being in a strange city for the night it should

    probably worry me more but I recognize enough sailors from our ship and guards from

    the castle, among them Charles Moberly himself, so Im not intimidated.

    Of course he has to be looking our way right when I take another peak and waves

    at us. Its my fault for flashing back to him every other minute. Yeah, he adores me.

    Hes very handsome. Gin-gin needlessly says. Its pretty obvious. A clean

    shave makes it even better.

    I roll my eyes. The stumble was kind of rugged. He doesnt look as happy as his

    companions. If anything he looks pretty upset probably still stewing about his sister

    forbidding his girlfriend into her exclusive gathering.

    He has a habit of looking at you. She smiles too hard showing all her perfect

    teeth and annoying me to no end.

    And that guy with the patch watches you. Keep alert.

    She scans the room until she spots him. Ugh! Id turn him into a toad before he

    could lay a finger on me.

    Lets call it a night. Theres something about sea travel that tires me. Even

    being on a fishing boat for a few hours can wipe me out. Theres a way out from our

    back table without walking past Charlie but it would be obvious I was avoiding him.

    Torn between overtly evading him or risking a chat, I resign to take the direct route out.

    Are you girls staying out of trouble? He asks when we near.

    Havent fallen overboard for two whole days. I want to keep moving but Gin-

    gin stops.

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    Then I have wasted my time hiding from you. He smirks at his joke maybe to

    cue that it was a joke because it was easy to overlook. Mary told me you prefer the Inn

    to the castle.

    It was really nice for your sister to ask but I didnt feel comfortable taking

    advantage of her kindness.

    He shrugs. You should have. Its better food than Seymour has here.

    I dont know. Our dinner was scrumptious.

    Who are your friends? A cute man with red hair asks.

    Stanley, this is Felicia and Gin-gin.

    Stanley bows to each of us in turn. Nice to make your acquaintance.

    Hello. We say together. Soldiers are cuter than seaman and they seem to have

    more personality to boot.

    Are you the same Felicia that our brave leader plucked from a watery grave?

    I freeze. Its a quote from the article I handed in earlier that day. Hearing it back,

    it sounds a bit over the top. At least I wrote in third person but I regret using my real

    name as the rescuee. I am.

    Stanley, can we not talk about that? Charlie requests.

    Well, if it hadnt been for Susie Nimm we wouldnt have even known about your

    adventure or as she put it, the handsome Commanders Elf-like reflexes to right all that

    went wrong.

    Leave it alone. Charlie isnt in a good mood. Snapping his head my way he

    challenges, You dont happen to know Susie Nimm, do you?

    I gulp. Why do you ask?

    She had to be on the Catalina with us. I looked up past articles and she always

    writes about Southland. Id wager she is from your hometown.

    Charlie didnt like the story. Stanley tells us and clearly by Charlies reaction,

    he speaks the gospel truth.

    Why not? I flush and my stomach decides to do back flips. It couldnt have

    been nicer to him except for the comment he made about preferringInsights overThe


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    I didnt expectInsights to publish anything about me. Charlie pretends it

    doesnt bother him. It must be the mystery identity of this woman that irks him. He

    glances at the stairs and I wonder if he will demand answers from Quinn.

    That and he got an earful from his girlfriend for the story that wasnt in her

    paper. She doesnt like being scooped or that he hadnt gotten around to telling her


    Believe me, that was hardly the top issue Agnes had with me tonight.

    We know. Gave him a verbal lashing right out on the street when we were

    coming here tonight. Stanley laughs. She says shes going to refuse his proposal

    which is funny because other than her tag lines, no one thought they were going to get


    Excuse me! A shrill voice cracks from behind me.

    In an almost military pose a tall blond, who is not nearly as attractive as her photo

    in the paper, stands with icy enraged eyes. Dont get me wrong. Shes pretty but not as

    perfect as the depiction from her page six clippings.

    Honey, I thought you headed home. As if someone flipped a control switch,

    Charlies demeanor changes to a henpecked man.

    She almost misses his remark as she glowers at Gin-gin and me. I should have

    but I thought I would give you one more chance to make up to me. Perhaps telling me

    what the ball is for. If I cant go, Id like to know why.

    He shakes his head. I cant. Youll print a story.

    You help other journalists. Susie Nimm didnt get all those details from inside

    her cabin. Then her cruel sight falls on us. She thinks we filled Susie Nimm on the

    events. And you two must be the riff raff he pulled out of the ocean.

    I tense at the inappropriate comment too shocked to react.

    Gin-gin on the other hand flies in her face. We arent riff raff.

    Hmph. A Fairy. Dont you have a tree to hide away in?

    Fairies live in enchanted trees where they can sleep safely without a fear of

    capture. But Agnes wasnt bringing that up for her protection.

    Come on Gin-gin, we should get going. One thing is for sure meeting Agnes

    doesnt advance my image of her one iota unless its to clarify how truly heinous she is.

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    Dont go on my account. Perhaps you can manage to get into another sticky

    situation and Charlie can save you again. This time a real paper can break the story.

    I feel the compulsion to defend myself growing and before I can put it in check I

    flippantly say, Like Charlie, I prefer to readInsights.

    She slaps me hard across the face and Im sure its red because it stings. It was a

    bad move. Suddenly the woman is gone and a white cat that looks very surprised is

    fussing at us.

    Gin-gin, you cant leave her like that. Although it is an improvement.

    She was being catty.

    The cat pounces on the table knocking over drinks, which in turn causes the

    drinkers to jump up cursing. Reaching for his feline girlfriend, Charlie gets a hard hit

    across the jaw and that was all it took to get the brawl started. Grown men start swinging

    randomly at each other. Two men take on the Commander who manages to keep the

    upper hand regardless of being outnumbered. Seymour tries to take charge and pulls men

    apart to restore harmony but more men join faster than he can retire others.

    Change her back. I say over the din. Seeing the white cat cowering in the

    corner I skillfully dodge around to pick it up before she gets hurt. Dancing around the

    tangled mass of men, I veer left when I should have gone right and accidently get a fist

    on the other side of my face. Being a stronger hit I stagger into Stanley. He protects me

    as he shoves an opponent into another.

    Pull it together! Commander Moberly orders. The men stop fighting. With an

    exasperated sigh he asks, Gin-gin, please.

    The cat Agnes scratches my face and leaps to the floor.

    Huffing as she undoes her enchantment the very angry Agnes reappears.

    How dare you, you rotten little Pixie! Agnes coughs a bit. Maybe shell hack

    up a giant hairball.

    Gin-gin ignores Agnes uncouth comment as she checks on my face, which has

    been slapped, hit and scratched.

    Agnes, you shouldnt have slapped Felicia. Charlie tells her as if the idea was a

    foreign one.

    Felicia, She bitterly repeats and then continues without remorse, Im sorry.

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    It hurts too much to be polite. All is forgiven. Will we be seeing you tomorrow

    at the gala? Its a cheap shot and I wouldnt have taken it if I hadnt been scratched up

    trying to keep her from getting a swift kick in the tail.

    Youre invited? She glares at Charlie and then at me. Too bad youre going

    to have a scar on your face.

    No she wont. Gin-gin puts a hand on my face and it prickles as it heals

    magically. Youll be as beautiful as ever.

    That shut Agnes up for all of two seconds. And how is it that she is going?

    Agnes, why dont we talk outside? Charlie reaches for her arm that is promptly

    jerked out of his reach.

    If I am not there we are over. Thats final. She tears out of the bar leaving a

    pungent aroma of too much perfume.

    He shakes his head and picks up his drink. Women! Cant live with them, cant

    live without them.

    Go after her. I tell him.

    Charlies face is blank.

    She wants you to go after her. I dont understand how men can be so dense.

    Tomorrow, maybe. For now, its easier if I dont have to argue for the millionth

    time about why she isnt allowed into the castle. He fumes. Thanks by the way for

    bringing up the ball.

    Guilt engulfs me but not so much that the defense mechanism doesnt speak first,

    She behaved like a wild animal.

    Shes a vicious kitty. He says with half sarcasm and half humor. Best joke hes

    made so far. Quickly he wipes the proud grin from his face.

    I dont know what you see in her anyway. Stanley, who started everything off

    on a horrible footing but has no discernable compunction on the matter, says.

    Journalists are scum of the earth lower than Trolls.

    I know some pretty decent Trolls. I automatically say and we giggle. By we, I

    mean Stanley, Gin-gin and I.

    Charlie frowns. Not all journalists.

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    How can you defend her after that performance? From the sounds of Stanleys

    remark it wasnt the first hissy fit she tossed around in front of his men.

    Im defending Susie Nimm. He finally cracks a small smirk and keeps it. At

    least her story wasnt unfounded garbage.

    Can I tell Agnes you said that?

    Never. He stares at me.

    She fancies you. Stanley jokes in a singsong tone. Susie Nimm writes as if

    youre a saint. She only referred to you as handsome three times.

    Did I? I better reread that story when I get to my hotel not that I can unprint it


    Ignoring Stanley Charlie points at me, As for you, Im not done being mad over

    that crack about the ball.

    Im not sorry.

    Thats why Im mad.

    If hes kidding, I cant tell and he isnt giving his usual hint its okay to laugh.

    Stanley, see to it that these two make it safely to their hotel without further


    Right away, sir.

    Really, its across the street. I say.

    But you seem to attract trouble. Take some backup.


    Its a joke. Charlie tells his dense subordinate.

    Regardless of my wishes, Stanley walks us to the Inn. Good night, Stanley.

    Good night ladies. Ill see you tomorrow. He waits with a silly grin until we

    are inside the building before heading back to Seymours.

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    Who Is She?

    Wouldnt it be nice if I could just wash off the bad feelings and memory of

    Charlies cold stare at the end of the night? But that isnt my nature and I toss and turn

    for an hour before accepting sleep isnt in my near future. So I do what I usually do, I

    write. Needing a topic, I decide on the altercation at the pub. Im extra careful not to

    sound too enamored by Commander Moberly but strangely enough, it isnt a problem.

    Writing works enough. I get in a few winks before the sun comes up but wake

    when Gin-gin gets up. She reluctantly delivers the article to Speedy as I get some more

    rest. Well rest is a generous term. When I wasnt consciously regretting my behavior

    and dreading an evening in a social status I have only read about, I had nightmares where

    I show up to the ball only to see that I am dressed in my bloomers.

    By late morning, I cant sleep with all the noise from the people who probably

    had a good nights sleep. After eating a late breakfast, we set off to see Quinn. He didnt

    have a chance to show us around the office yesterday and the purpose of the trip is to get

    a big picture view of his operation.

    Speedy isnt at his post when we enter. Loud voices boom from the direction of

    Quinns office. Stunned, Gin-gin and I stare at each other.

    You could have warned me before last nights edition hit the stands. And nowthis! Its Charlie and hes even less agreeable than when we saw him last.

    Quinn uses a professional but cautious voice. It isnt my responsibility to keep

    you updated on every story that crosses my desk.

    You knew damn well it was going to cause trouble for me.

    I didnt. I figure you had already updated Agnes on your actions. How was I to

    know you would keep it from her?

    For once I wouldnt mind every detail of my life being printed for the masses.

    Kinder Quinn states, Its part of being a popular public figure. You know that.

    If it werent for the King and Queen youd be the subject of more news items than


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    I expect The Proclaimerto invade my privacy but not you. I want to meet Susie

    Nimm and give her a piece of my mind. First the boat and now the bar. Is she following

    me around? Are you taking to gossip news?

    Insulted, Quinn finally yells back. Theres no need for a tantrum. Are the

    stories accurate? People like to know youre a good guy that watches out for the little

    people. Youre a hero.

    Quinn, weve been friends for a long time. Next time can you warn me? Ill

    keep the timing in your favor. Youll get the scoop but at least spare me the humiliation

    of being confronted by Agnes. Shes going to blow when she reads your paper. It took

    me hours to talk her out of pressing charges against that Fairy. Shell probably change

    her mind now that everyone will read she was turned into a cat last night. Dammit. Im

    going to be in the doghouse for weeks.

    Doghouse? I heard you two were through?

    Well see. Shes mad but we both know this isnt going to end our relationship.

    Im her ticket inside the castle walls.

    You shouldnt been seen here. Itll look suspicious?

    Why? Ive been in the office ofthe Proclaimermore often than I can count.

    How do you think I met Agnes? Hes calmer but still far from happy.

    We should go. Gin-gin whispers.

    I nod but before we escape the very agitated Commander Moberly storms into the

    reception area. And what the hell are you doing here?

    This is a big problem. No one is suppose to know I work for Quinn and if Charlie

    finds out another reporter will be at the ball, hell surely use the information to leverage

    his sisters hand. My stubborn mind goes blank unable to process the needed lie.

    Quinn walks out and goes pale reading the situation. He shakes his head

    emphasizing the need to cover our tracks. It only makes my brain more useless and

    unable to create a believable alibi.

    We came with a few requests to place ads by Southland businesses. Is that an

    issue for you? Gin-gin cleverly covers with a partial truth.

    Hes buying it seeing how Fairies dont lie at least he is until Speedy walks in

    and sees his favorite Fairy.

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    Gin-gin. You cant stay away from me can you?

    Speedy? She doesnt miss a beat. Do you work here?

    It only takes a millisecond for him to see his mistake and he quickly takes his role

    on with vigor. Arent you a crafty Fairy? You did your research to find me and all the

    way from Southland.

    Oh yes. Its as if my wings have a mind of their own seeking you out to get my

    daily dose of obnoxiousness.

    Gin-gin. I tentatively warn. Charlie isnt in a mood to keep up games, even

    mandatory ones, going on for long. Hes confused by our presence and Im not sure how

    much he is deducing despite our best efforts.

    The commander walks up to me. As long as I am wasting my breath asking for

    favors, why dont you keep your trap shut around Agnes?

    Appalled by his discourtesy, I choose diversionary tactics. I dont plan to see her


    Of course not. She isnt going to the ball.

    Maybe I wont either.

    Felicia. Gin-gins eyes are wide open seeing Ive gone down a dangerous path.

    Youll be out of your element if thats concerning you.

    It isnt my cup of tea. A bunch of hoity-toity sycophants sucking up to the King

    and Queen for a crumb of acceptance.

    I wont miss you. His pointy finger is inches from my face. Youve been

    nothing but trouble from day one.

    Quickly he is lifted up and back from me magically. Watch it mister. Gin-gin

    lost her temper.

    I wish I never met the two of you. He says once he is on his two feet again.

    Menaces the both of you.

    The feeling is mutual. I bark back.

    I quit! He snaps at Quinn. Get yourself another informant and call your

    hound dog Susie Nimm off me.

    Charlie, be reasonable. Quinn calls after him.

    Its too late. Charlie is out the door.

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    For a good ten minutes we all stare blankly around the room until I finally ask,

    He was your informant? Does Mary know that? Is Mary behind it?

    And a writer. Hes Max Wells.

    Max Wells writes all the tournament news forInsight. Hes good. No wonder.

    Charlie is usually in the top bouts better than a front row seat.

    Or he was. Quinn says regretfully. He could change his mind when he calms

    down. I dont know. I havent seen him so aggravated before.

    We arent going to the ball. Gin-gin pouts.

    I shouldnt have said that and now I cant take it back. No doubt Charlie is

    informing his sister of her poor choice in allowing us access and that I have rudely

    refused. After declining her offer to stay at the castle, shell hate me.

    Commander Moberly and I go way back. Im sure Ill iron things out. He loves

    to write his column. Itll work out. Quinn runs his hand through his silver hair looking

    older than ever. Come on. Lets get to business. What should we show them first?

    If business was an attempt to get our minds off the awkward moment it only

    works for Speedy, who takes the lead as tour guide. He walks us around the offices

    explaining all the workers, their jobs and then down the stairs to the printing press.

    Quinn has a well-oiled operation. The second floor office is the command center

    for everything except the printing, which is done in a large building behind the tavern that

    shares the space for surplus storage. He employs an army of elves to deliver the papers

    throughout Kismania and they all look up to Speedy. It explains his healthy sense of self


    Im so distracted that I bump into an elf that was setting up the page for the

    evening edition. Metal backward letter tiles fly everywhere. Oh no. Im so sorry.

    No problem. The lady elf tells me as we help her get the letters off the dirty

    floor. Shes so quick that she places the letters in the proper spot as she picks them up.

    Elves are amazing.

    I get most of the details of business despite my split focus. Im not meant for the

    fast paced life of the big city and all the people that live here. Southland is peaceful and I

    miss home. I cant wait to be back on a boat and headed for the farm, better yet, back on

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    the farm. The next ship south is scheduled to leave tomorrow and I am going to be on it.

    Dads fear that Id settle here couldnt be farther from the truth.

    As long as Im evaluating places and plans, Ive changed my mind about nice

    simple farm men. I want a guy that doesnt have complicated moods and duties

    confusing th