the kind you have always bought€¦ · makes baby nervous and fre1--!, inw'gi.. is...

makes baby nervous and fre1--!, in w'gi .. is the best food-medicine for teeth- ing babies. It strengthe-ns th nerves,-suppLles iie ft,r thei te eth, keeps th.. baby growing. Get a small bottle now. All Druggists Electric Line At Clemson In the near future Clemson College will be operating her own electric Ilne, according to the Greenville News. The mat- ter has been under consideratie!n by the trustees for somne time. In fact when the new boilers and dynamos were installed last summer they were nade amply powerful to supply all local de- mand on them at the College and also to run the electris line from Calhoun to the college. The road will be laid with 90 pound rails and so ballasted as to bear the heaviest trains. Coal, of which t he college uses a great deal. has now to be haul- ed in wagons at great expense and loss of time. So with all other freight. This fall they ex- pect to handle all freight to the collegt in the original cars drawn by their ow mottors. it is the intention of the col- lege to finally extend the line to connect with Cherry's station on the Blue Ridge railroad. The early completion of the road will mean much in freight hauls to say nothing of the con- venience to visitors and others having business at Clemson. Closing Exercises of Roanoke School. Opening Address, Lillian Sammons. Counting Treasures, Francis O'Dell. Little Gretchen, Jessie Hughes. Two Kinds Of Fun, By Two Boys. Shall We Know Each Other There, Ethel Stewart. Freddy's Professions, C'lar- ence Porter. Mamma's Darling, Jessie Meadows. A Very 0(dd Oirl, Edith All- good1. Blue Eyes And Brown Eyes, By Three Girls. We Little Boys, Clarence Car- men. Gods Lamp, Bessie Stewart. The Sins Of Omission, Myrtie Hughes. A Little School Ma'am, Velma Powell. A Quiet Cup Of Tea, By Four Girls. A Valentine, Florree Porter. A Most Obliging Little Sister, Emnmie Cooper. What Did They Teach Little, Boys, Taylor O'Dell. Which Is Best, By Six Little Girls. When Pa Was A Boy, Frank Herd. When Mamma Was A Little Girl. Kate Stewart. Little Midget, Dura Powell. Nobody's Child, Essie Dick ard. Nobody Knows But Mother, Bessie Dickard. What To Dig For, By Twc Boys. Song, Little Light. Thousands Have Kidney. Trouble and Never Suspect it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; ,.a brick dust sedi- Qmenit, or settling, - stringy or milky ( appeairance often 2 ,indicates an un- S~healthy condi- tion of the kid- nes; too fre- - quent desire to - .......... )pss it or pain in the kidneys and bladder are out of order and need attention. what To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kinyremedy, fulfills almost every wish in 'correcting rheumatism, pain i the hack, kidnevs, liver, bladder and~ every part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wvine or beer, and overcome.s that unpleasa~nt ne- cessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest be- cause of its remarkable- health restoring prop- erties. If you need a medicine you should ,.... :. have the best. Sold by- druggists in fityv-cent and one-dollar sizes. Hom, emp1 You may hav-e a sample bottle sent free byimail. Address Dr. Kilmer &Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Mention this paper and rememberthe name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. The Diamond Wedding, Rut] Stewart. Mother Goose Corrected. B Two Boys And Four Girls. Reverie In Church, M.lary Gi' strap. Call'ing,,, Edlith All good.- Ied, White And Blu, B. Three Girls. Remember Boys Make Mel Joel Allgood. The Trials Of A Teacher. Dialogue. Boys Rights. Tommie O'Dell Goldens K..s. Lillian Sam When Vacation Be Bins, B' Eight Children. A Little Girls Speech, Ehsi Hughes. Ternperance, A Dialogue. So Rich, R(y Smith. A Psalh Of Life, Clyde Eliri. bulg. The Lamient Of A Little Girl Ola Smith. Goin' Somewhere, A Dia logne. A Speech For A Six Year Old Francis O'Dell. Johny's History Lesson, Pau Sammons. I Something Whisper, A Duet Closing Address, Elvie Stew art. Misses Lillie Gilstrap, ani Mabel Stewart, Teachers. John Brunson, who died a Norway, S. C., several days age lived in three centuries. Hi was born in 1786. "The Blood Is The LIfr? Science has never gone beyond th, above simple statemunit of scripture. Bu it has illuminated that statement arx given it a meaning ever broadening witl the increasing breadth of knowledge When the blood is "bad" or impure i is not alone the body which suffer through disease. The brain is als clouded, e mind and judgement ar e cted, an ny an evil deed or mpur tho ght ' ectly traced to th, impt'of the b Foul, impure bloo< can -be made nure by t&e ) 15-of- DQ Pierce's Golden Medical Disoyery. , enriches and urifies the blood thereb] curnig, pimples, blotches, eruptions an( other cutaneous affections, as eczema tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and othe manifestations of inipure blood. @ @ @ @ @ @ In the cure of scrofulous swellings, era larged glands, open eating ulcers, or ol< sores, the "Golden Miedical Discovery "ha performed the most marvelous cures. L cases of old sores, or open eating ulcers it is well to apply to the open sores Di Pierce's All-Healing Salve, which pos sesses wonderful healing potency whei used as an application to the sores in con junction with the use of "Golden Aledica Discovery " as a blood cleansing consti tutional treatment. If your druggis don't happen to have the "AlI-Healini Salve " in stock, you can easily procurei by inclosing fifty-four cents in postag stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, 663 Miain St, Buffalo, N. Y., and it will come to you b: return post. Miost druggists keep it a well as the "Golden M1edical Discovery. You can't afford to accept any medicin of tenknoten composition as a substitut for "Golden Miedical Discovery," which I a medicine OF KNOWN COSIPOslTIo3 having a complete list of ingredients il plain English on its bottle-wrapper, th :iame being attested as correct under oatk Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulat and invigorate stomach, liver and bowehi BRING RESULTS Ads inserted in this column at one cei a word each iIve:'.ion. No* ad taken f< less than 15~c. Poultry Secrete Disclosed, Learn how the successful poultryme of the countrs' make their money. The secret methods and discoveries explanl ed fully. FELC H'S Mating Secret< Fertile Eggs. Dr. WOOD'S Egg-Foc Sacret, SECRET of FEED at 15 cents bushel, and scores of others. This rev< lutionary book, (one copy) and Farn Journal two years for 50c. Ser~d stamnj or coin to Wilmer Atkinson Co., 14i Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. ELECRIC BIIONESSO BT ERS AND IDNEYS B.B. B. (Botanic Blood Blood) is tl only Blood Remedy that kills the poisc in the blood and then pui ifies it-sen< ing a flood of pure, rich bloo I direct the skin sturface, bones. joints, ani wher.-ver the disease is located. I th way all sores, ulcers. pimples. eruptior are'healed and cured. pains an]l achi of Rheu matism ce;'se, swsellings subsid, B. B. B. completely changes the bod into a clean healthy condation, givin the skini the rich, red hue of perfe< health. B. B. B3. cures the woist oi cases. Trv it. Botanic Blood Balnm (B. B. B.) Cures Thirough the Blood BI30od Poison, BONE PAINS, CN CER, SCALYSKIN,- PIMPLES, Rheumatism, Eczema Itching ilumors. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM-B Bl is e'.eant amn e to tak: eninpoo.,' of po iB.taie~ ingred ietst. It pu rities amt enri'h the blood l. Il. Il. Stremthe,' the nr.v andt builds up the brokeni downL 'y'tel. I~ru gists *1.00PElR L.\RGE BOTTLE with dire tions for home cure. JSd in ikehm.C by BohRnt & Co 1 ALCOHOL 3 PER-CENT. A~egetabWePreprtonorAs simlating tEFoodal~gda- tintleStmahsandBowejso PromotesDigestionfheeffuI S Ress and Rest.Cohlains eimer * Opiuim.Morphine norMieral. NOTNARCOTIC. 1;,i1 B#6 ed- Aperfect Remedy for Consfip tion, Sour Slonach,Diarhit W WormsCoiwulsios,Feverisk nessandLOSSOFSIEP. FacSimile Signamre of NEW YORK. curtee un rFOC Exact Copy of Wrapper. HARD LIFE OF BACHELOR SEAL. Has Nothing Like So Good a Time as Human Counterpart. "This skin," said the furrier, "came from a young seal bachelor, a youth ignorant of love and of life." "How do you know?" the lady asked. "By its fineness, its perfection," he replied. "The pile, you will note, is like closecut velvet. Only bachelor sealskins have such a pile. "The bachelor seal," he went on, "has a rather sad life. The big bull seals in the seal islands have each a hotsehold of 15 or 20 wives, but the young bachelors must herd by themselves. Let one of them attempt to marry, and straightway a bull slays him. Not till he is big enough to fight and conquer a bull-not till he is 14 or 15 years old-can he know the de- light of settling down in a home of his own. "He is not like the human bachelor, the favorite of the chorus girls, the reveler in all sorts of club luxuries: but he leads a hard, ascetic, celibate life, only in the end, as like as not, to Imake a lady a very fine coat. All the -very fine coats, I repeat, are made afrom the unhappy bachelor seals." Why Snow Is White. The reason that snow is white ts that all the elementary colors are blended Stogether in the radiance that is thrown "off from the surface of the crystals. which may be examined in such a way aas to detect these colors before they aare mingled together to give the eye Sthe impression of whiteness. The whiteness of the snow is also in some degree referable to the quan' tity of air which is left among the frozen particles. Considerably more~ than a thousand distinct forms of snow crystals have been enumerated. These minute crystals and prisms re- flect all the compound rays of which white light consists.-Chicago Trib- une. Sartorial Wisdom, A Manhattan magazine announces upon the authority of the leading t writer on men's fashions that "double- r breasted trousers" will be the vogue next spring. The same authority is quoted as declaring that "it is nowv considered good form to line the but- n tonholes with silk straight to the ir edge." This oracle has a comnpetitor who also periodically ventilates the ludicrous combined with the incon- gruous. In an article treating of the ~approved period of mourning, the rival n of the "double-breasted trousers" dic ~tator, prescribed weeds as follows: 0 "Husband for widow-nine months." L 10 e 9 S SAny Time is Bliss Time d pabox of Bliss Native Hrson hand for all emergen- cies-for headache-distress after eatin g-biliousness-con- stipaton-rheu matis m-blood disorders. Take a tablet once in I: a while just for "health's sake." BLISSI NATIVE H ER BS is an old-time remedy of roots- herbs-and barks pressed into tablets-easy to take-200 tablets for $1.00-guaranteed to benefit or money back. Get the genuine in yellow Sboxes only-made by BLISS in Washington, D. C. SOLD BY.' SF.SA.FIN LEY, Pickenie . C. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of '~ In Use Fr Over Th1ty Years HAS 03I THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW VOAhC CITY. Veteran's Special- 13 Mamphis. 1,-):- "(141 11rnada:non of th- t' ofede: te Ve er:i oand vi-tui- to Moimphi , JI:iini -e-1 '. trn- 1i1:ro 1&olway op-eratr a s;e, ll trtin k i. -vn a- th - "Vete-ran%- 's p-Ci I " Iaavoii ('l *o ai at 1:30 o'.lock M anay ~ jr 7. a u:- ning via Newherry. rt i wo.1. l.Del ton and Greenville, thmce \,lanta and. It- minghImm arriving Memp: is aboiut non Tuesday June 8t. 'I h::, scilvci w. ill 1, composed of first (lsi C(IChI; :uni 1 - man s!eepi:ag ca;s anl will be in (harge of Brigadier General ZXnmerinan DAvis and Staff accumpiie I by the State Sp -nsors -ind 3lai s of I lonor. -a; h- ern Riway ja.zenge: reir.s nt itives will give p e jMt 5)Isal attention enrouwe. For further info rmatin iapp ly to tiek- e agenta Southetrn R1sihvaL. ,J. L. Niak, A. (. 1P. A\ , A tlanta. GI.. W." E. iMc~e T '. P. A ,.\ ugustai, Ga, North Pickens Circuit. Rev. E. L. Thoma01n prelhe in charge. FIRST SABB~ATH'. At Porter's chapel, 11 a. mn.: Salem, :3 p. mn. SECOND) SABBATHI. Mt. Bethel, 11 a. mi.: New Hope, :3 p. m. TH'IIRD SA BPB.\TH. Gap Hill, 11 a. mn.: T welve Mile. :3 p. mn. MIcIiImev'S. 11 8. mv. : Fi-iendb Cheap Excursion Rates Via Southern Railway. Asheville A nd Returni: Ae rt of~ National Associat ioni of T. !. A's 31y 31-June 5th, ticents on-sal.- 31ay :uvt 29 anu :I0 an:d for trarins sch--lni to atl- rive Asheville be-fore: 89 (1p. or. 31Ly 2:1.t 1909. iinral linut 80 dayvs fro'n rte of I~iiaek iil .\int anI S1i it viL-i tl Conffeence Y. Ml t'. A wtI Y. V. C- A. J une 9 2.), 19U9. Tickets o:1 sale to Asleeville Junea 7, 8, 9 aml to 1 lac k .\ountain 9. 10 anud 11. Fijail lin:it re- turning Junre 23. 1'.-9. Charlott sv ille, Vi. aini lIeturn: .\ - Virgmnia, Jutne 1S-Jualy 31, Tickets ensl June 13, l10, 17, 2S. July 5 and 12. Finral limiit returnming 13 diays from date of sale'. Knoxville. Te'nn. and 1ktarn: A- coum:( of sammerir Shiool June 22 -July D, tickets on s-tie Junite 20, 21. 22,. 2). 27 July :1, 10, 11 and I1. Final li:ni:: 15 davs from (late of s-de. Los Ange'e-s, (:al. anid 1keturn. A:- count of B. P U. E. Consientirn J1u1V 11-17. 1)att s of sale M1ay 81, June 1. 2. Final limit Oct. :1. I1309. Louisville IK.v. and R eturn. A re. o: annIual Isessi.:ni Anc(int Arabm Ord 1)er Nobat s of thre 31y.-tie Sluinie Jun- 10. 1909. Darte of s 1iJn, 5, h. 7. rmt n limit Juane 17, 1 ((3. 31-mhiirs Tenr n.~ Ae rt anmmu:r - uilon U:nited Confii bderate- Vetera;s June 8.-1I, date of sale June9 5,. . rturn ii it Jane 14 wvith etti on to July 1st byv dop :::ting ticket amnd ii h ig 50i ce-its < X ra. N.' p .ver-s. Se-atil--, Wa-lh. ain i lil rn:. o;nt ts oni sale .lay 24 un:.! I g . :'O h Diverse routes with sto;.ov'r p- ivneg--. Semunt exe'm s-o mt-s m i -f e 31c: '29 to S jp~en. ber r11- fial liit it hr st, 19(9. C1on venien t -chiedl -s and I Ip0ior train service to al poin ts mr ::l .iiru ti ns via SOUTIIERIN lt-\IIiAY. For informaut ion in ctui I. e ill on any agent of the~ Souathern R :irad or al- drss J. L. 3Ieek, W. E. 3M~e Atln. Ca. Augusta, Ga. P A IQ; Q GTS UN SUALE -l' . cWhiti f Barn- b uningto C' t '\ u - t- ~ o til \i V vir p v farm, ~ V T. wi- vnrly pt at pi (.. Cl a a ~uet 1iS :111i in )o l, !r0)1 Which 7e h alst 00 hales, and :1i,- b.*i"Hn A,-e f is ''ind he w ill: p~~~~nni.S)I i n. \ t ol lIntel-! I AT ADUE RHA.E RA IS- re - v-- ur ., A i-c,\ t rtijttI Edor lm:;:v : !?. r Gr '' o ! olow:ing,rn -p md. "k, I; t rI i I e t ) yis. iI .V W I I::: 1.0 - .de :s o C. -1' >- " W . I -:u that by a i e ff. i? i z.r, pihw p dly in 1On (n s -v eres 1 f, ! I 1 i.-:t v(-ar. We ill I!.precie it youi will give us your m-) th Il f I repI, i)*W~ . m. feo. ttion a 'W ll enut;va: i'n 11n h\ -h r, su t.-d in this crop. Wt n i:,i to g v' Llt 1) I)ic the bet' fit f v.Iet N.x rlt-nei Is we think it will illa imhil o -n to 1"11.irmes to side Tn .a11 in nivance' for the fa.vor It!i (i "N.l reply. we ale, ours truly, A ndt. I toil 1s. & Oil Co., And es t->n l'h hat' & Oil Co , Ander- S m, S. C. Ge:.itnw--A nswe'ring your favor of the -th will sty tat :afer prupl ii:g tih lanI %- -i I ptm tw.> han ired ), .inds -f far! z r to tlte ;cre bfoire planting. \t I ho Z* ec1i plowing I applied four izr : e:mre-:ini when tih 'il st cotton io,ml:s upp -ri di I alfyliedI wevnity pounds of nitrate of s .I:t to the aere. I did this' on sixi v tere S f land whltich I plintedI in e >tto't and! on Lte six- Iy :ttr' I g t:.rd sit -ih eig . it s of tic ttontf, averagin~g 511 I thou'h I 1had gathered the crop after ChnItt a ' I pic eough cotton to m-ik H2 ru-ils of lint cotton so it ui 1 e''eenl-at alto'get her I male moure tha svn y. 5 IJ-;.oural hah (i ofcotton on the sixty aceres. I cultivated this ix ', p' it at i t a .f tilized bette r tken maal. A .r tal p-r -.fI this' fertiliz---r unas AnIte' Cn i l ' te arl Oil company f.rii z.', 1.1 Udnce wias (other stand- trI briar-Is I was neir al le to sae by .:t :s m . 41 s :' *u t het. othetr goods Dr.5ing's w Die Pills The best in the world. Su.cced v.hen every'hig else fails. I In necrvous prostration an.d fem.ale wveaknesses they are the supreme ;remedy, as thousands have testified. FO KmNEY,IiVER AND eTOACHRCUBLE it isth be.,t medi:ine evrs d ovegist's counter. l11 v*it~ W In a kin a chant e ini our' businetss we~ wvill sell for :m da ys. beinn l ing on April 10th tiur tirefl stork of D)ry Goods, Nt ins. Shoes G ~lass, Crockerv ad Tin ware ii. etc. in fact, ev- 'rything vt' have except Gr'o- ('(rit s .Wil be soldY at cost. We hav jus ''t opened a line of ai -to ii je spin shoes in all s~y! :nn! at price's from 81.0 All WVe Waiilt is- fo I'voI to come~ and give us a chance'( to show vo'' 'aIi we' wil be surlie to sell ny tili-- WVi5llig tto bUV a dJ-KalnI i~ell ilisinetsS. I l)~ b Cjar, 81 a bargain,. and W. \ Wil t 1i VOtI a store-i'oom ('1 *tp. I E is nar' ille depot and We a1bo 1h8 ve a 5-rooin cottage Xll-e4 1l(d lot fOr 'ale. 0I) fat ~ il ('81 call ndsee? US. Our11S for biitinesS, 'a'U I~ihm-t IIW P. P. P. Maes arveoles Cires in Bloo Poison, Rhomatism aii Scrofil. P. P. P. purifies the blood, builds up the weak and debilitated, gives strengrlh to weakened nerves, expels disease, giving the patient health and happiness, where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevsa4. In blood poison, mercurial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and in 'all blood and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, we say without fear of contradiction that P. P. P. is the best blood purifier in the world. Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure con- dition due to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly binefitted by the won- derful tonic and blood cleansing properties of P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. F. V. LlPPMAN, SAVANNAH, CA. THE TIME IS RIPENING when, with the return of pr~sperity watcht s and all othe-r good jewelry will go bicik to old p -osperity prices. DIMPNDS ESPECIALLY are bound to go up. We can cfter you soine real gem% today at a Drice we are X, absoiutely su.e will pay a handsome profit to the purchasers in e few montl s. Now, if ever. you s*ould buy that 'en- gtgenient ning. H. SNIDER. New, Fresh, Crisp SPRING GOODS. I have spared no means in securing for this Spring's bus- iness the newest and freshest goods that could be found, aad at the lowest prices such goods can be sold for. Our goods and prices are such as to give us a SPECIAL SALE all the time. We do not have to try to fool the people + into "Special Sales" My 20 years business reputation justi- fies me in saying that you get what you buy and what we promise, when you buy from us. AS TO OUR GOODS: We have almost anything in stock that the average buyer of dry goods May need, but es- pecially do we call attention to white g We have a grand assortment of these goods in an rang g in prices lo, 15, 25, 35 and 5oc. yard. OUR COLORED WA GOODS are equal to any seasons offering we have ever shown. A great showing of both Men's and Ladies Udrder Vests await you here, also Men's and Ladies Neckwear and Hosiery, plain and fancy no- tions and head ornaments of all kinds. NOW FOR THE STAPLES. The best shirting, cali- coes for 5c. The best aud heaviest 36 inch wide sheeting that can be sold for 5c. Cotton Checks and Ginghams a c. Remembe me when you want good shoes at low prices. A. K.PARK, West End. Greer.g111e, B. C . What about the old scrap iron that is in -your way We want to finish out a carload by the first of June and when we get up the car wve will not be in the market for scrap iron again. Gather it up. Pemember the May meetings are not far off, so pre- pare yourself for the occasion. Let us fix you up with a- nice pair of Oxfords, fancy socks, Dress Shirts and Sus- p)enders, We can also save you money on a Summer Suit of Clothes, Ladies, We Wallt You to See Our Linle of Siummer Dry Goods. We have never had better sales than we are having now. That means plhased customers. Come to see us, CRAIG BROS., One Price Cash Store REAL ESIAfE. I have several farms, varying in size from the small farm of 35 acres to 200 acres, located in different sections of the county, that I am offering for sale on iug land calI on or write me. I also have enquiries for land that my present list does not supply. If you wish to sell see me. Yours for Business, 7 Pickens, S. G.

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Page 1: The Kind You Have Always Bought€¦ · makes baby nervous and fre1--!, inw'gi.. is thebestfood-medicineforteeth- ing babies. It strengthe-ns th nerves,-suppLles iieft,r thei teeth,

makes baby nervous and fre1--!,in w'gi ..

is the best food-medicine for teeth-ing babies. It strengthe-ns thnerves,-suppLles iie ft,r thei te eth,keeps th.. baby growing.Get a small bottle now. All Druggists

Electric Line At ClemsonIn the near future Clemson

College will be operating herown electric Ilne, according tothe Greenville News. The mat-ter has been under consideratie!nby the trustees for somne time.In fact when the new boilersand dynamos were installed lastsummer they were nade amplypowerful to supply all local de-mand on them at the Collegeand also to run the electris linefrom Calhoun to the college.The road will be laid with 90

pound rails and so ballasted as

to bear the heaviest trains.Coal, of which t he college uses

a great deal. has now to be haul-ed in wagons at great expenseand loss of time. So with allother freight. This fall they ex-

pect to handle all freight to thecollegt in the original cars

drawn by their ow is the intention of the col-

lege to finally extend the line toconnect with Cherry's stationon the Blue Ridge railroad.The early completion of the

road will mean much in freighthauls to say nothing of the con-

venience to visitors and othershaving business at Clemson.

Closing Exercises of Roanoke School.Opening Address, Lillian

Sammons.Counting Treasures, Francis

O'Dell.Little Gretchen, Jessie

Hughes.Two Kinds Of Fun, By Two

Boys.Shall We Know Each Other

There, Ethel Stewart.Freddy's Professions, C'lar-

ence Porter.Mamma's Darling, Jessie

Meadows.A Very 0(dd Oirl, Edith All-

good1.Blue Eyes And Brown Eyes,

By Three Girls.We Little Boys, Clarence Car-

men.Gods Lamp, Bessie Stewart.The Sins Of Omission, Myrtie

Hughes.A Little School Ma'am, Velma

Powell.A Quiet Cup Of Tea, By Four

Girls.A Valentine, Florree Porter.A Most Obliging Little Sister,

Emnmie Cooper.What Did They Teach Little,

Boys, Taylor O'Dell.Which Is Best, By Six Little

Girls.When Pa Was A Boy, Frank

Herd.When Mamma Was A Little

Girl. Kate Stewart.Little Midget, Dura Powell.Nobody's Child, Essie Dick

ard.Nobody Knows But Mother,

Bessie Dickard.What To Dig For, By Twc

Boys.Song, Little Light.

Thousands Have Kidney.Trouble and Never Suspect it.

How To Find Out.Fill a bottle or common glass with your

water and let it stand twenty-four hours;,.a brick dust sedi-Qmenit, or settling,- stringy or milky( appeairance often

2 ,indicates an un-S~healthy condi-

tion of the kid-nes; too fre-- quent desire to-

.......... )pss it or pain inthe kidneys and bladder are out of orderand need attention.

what To Do.There is comfort in the knowledge so

often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer'sSwamp-Root, the great kinyremedy,fulfills almost every wish in 'correctingrheumatism, pain i the hack, kidnevs,liver, bladder and~every part of the urinarypassage. Corrects inability to hold waterand scalding pain in passing it, or badeffects following use of liquor, wvine orbeer, and overcome.s that unpleasa~nt ne-cessity of being compelled to go oftenthrough the day, and to get up manytimes during the night. The mild andimmediate effect of Swamp-Root issoon realized. It stands the highest be-cause of its remarkable-health restoring prop-erties. If you need amedicine you should ,.... :.have the best. Sold by-druggists in fityv-centand one-dollar sizes. Hom, emp1You may hav-e a sample bottle sent free

byimail. Address Dr. Kilmer&Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Mention this paper andrememberthe name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp.Root, and the address, Binghamton,N. Y.. on every bottle.

The Diamond Wedding, Rut]Stewart.Mother Goose Corrected. B

Two Boys And Four Girls.Reverie In Church, M.lary Gi'

strap.Call'ing,,, Edlith All good.-

Ied, White And Blu, B.Three Girls.Remember Boys Make Mel

Joel Allgood.The Trials Of A Teacher.

Dialogue.Boys Rights. Tommie O'DellGoldens K..s. Lillian Sam

When Vacation Be Bins,B'Eight Children.A Little Girls Speech, Ehsi

Hughes.Ternperance, A Dialogue.So Rich, R(y Smith.A Psalh Of Life, Clyde Eliri.

bulg.The Lamient Of A Little Girl

Ola Smith.Goin' Somewhere, A Dia

logne.A Speech For A Six Year Old

Francis O'Dell.Johny's History Lesson, Pau

Sammons.I Something Whisper, A Duet

Closing Address, Elvie Stewart.

Misses Lillie Gilstrap, ani

Mabel Stewart, Teachers.

John Brunson, who died a

Norway, S. C., several days age

lived in three centuries. Hiwas born in 1786.

"The Blood Is The LIfr?Science has never gone beyond th,

above simple statemunit of scripture. Buit has illuminated that statement arxgiven it a meaning ever broadening witlthe increasing breadth of knowledgeWhen the blood is "bad" or impure iis not alone the body which sufferthrough disease. The brain is alsclouded, e mind and judgement are cted, an ny an evil deed or mpurtho ght ' ectly traced to th,impt'of the b Foul, impure bloo<can -be made nure by t&e) 15-of- DQPierce's Golden Medical Disoyery. ,

enriches and urifies the blood thereb]curnig, pimples, blotches, eruptions an(other cutaneous affections, as eczema

tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and othemanifestations of inipure blood.

@ @ @ @ @ @In the cure of scrofulous swellings, era

larged glands, open eating ulcers, or ol<sores, the "Golden Miedical Discovery "haperformed the most marvelous cures. Lcases of old sores, or open eating ulcersit is well to apply to the open sores DiPierce's All-Healing Salve, which possesses wonderful healing potency wheiused as an application to the sores in conjunction with the use of "Golden AledicaDiscovery " as a blood cleansing constitutional treatment. If your druggisdon't happen to have the "AlI-HealiniSalve" in stock, you can easily procureiby inclosing fifty-four cents in postagstamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, 663 Miain St,Buffalo, N. Y., and it will come to you b:return post. Miost druggists keep it awell as the "Golden M1edical Discovery.

You can't afford to accept any medicinof tenknoten composition as a substitutfor "Golden Miedical Discovery," which Ia medicine OF KNOWN COSIPOslTIo3having a complete list of ingredients ilplain English on its bottle-wrapper, th:iame being attested as correct under oatkDr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulat

and invigorate stomach, liver and bowehi

BRING RESULTSAds inserted in this column at one ceia word each iIve:'.ion. No* ad taken f<less than 15~c.

Poultry Secrete Disclosed,Learn how the successful poultryme

of the countrs' make their money. Thesecret methods and discoveries explanled fully. FELC H'S Mating Secret<Fertile Eggs. Dr. WOOD'S Egg-FocSacret, SECRET of FEED at 15 centsbushel, and scores of others. This rev<lutionary book, (one copy) and FarnJournal two years for 50c. Ser~d stamnjor coin to Wilmer Atkinson Co., 14iRace St., Philadelphia, Pa.


B.B. B. (Botanic Blood Blood) is tlonly Blood Remedy that kills the poiscin the blood and then puiifies it-sen<ing a flood of pure, rich bloo I directthe skin sturface, bones. joints, aniwher.-ver the disease is located. I thway all sores, ulcers. pimples. eruptiorare'healed and cured. pains an]l achiof Rheu matism ce;'se, swsellings subsid,B. B. B. completely changes the bodinto a clean healthy condation, givinthe skini the rich, red hue of perfe<health. B. B. B3. cures the woist oi

cases. Trv it.

BotanicBlood Balnm(B. B. B.) Cures Thirough the Blood


PIMPLES,Rheumatism, Eczema

Itching ilumors.BOTANIC BLOOD BALM-B Blis e'.eant amn e to tak: eninpoo.,' of poiB.taie~ ingred ietst. It pu rities amt enri'hthe blood l. Il. Il. Stremthe,' the nr.vandt builds up the brokeni downL 'y'tel. I~rugists *1.00PElR L.\RGE BOTTLE with diretions for home cure.

JSd in ikehm.C byBohRnt & Co


ALCOHOL 3 PER-CENT.A~egetabWePreprtonorAssimlatingtEFoodal~gda-tintleStmahsandBowejso

PromotesDigestionfheeffuIS Ress and Rest.Cohlains eimer* Opiuim.Morphine norMieral.


1;,i1B#6 ed-

Aperfect Remedy for Consfiption, Sour Slonach,Diarhit

W WormsCoiwulsios,FeverisknessandLOSSOFSIEP.

FacSimile Signamre of


curtee un rFOCExact Copy of Wrapper.


Has Nothing Like So Good a Timeas Human Counterpart.

"This skin," said the furrier, "camefrom a young seal bachelor, a youthignorant of love and of life.""How do you know?" the lady asked."By its fineness, its perfection," he

replied. "The pile, you will note, islike closecut velvet. Only bachelorsealskins have such a pile."The bachelor seal," he went on,

"has a rather sad life. The big bullseals in the seal islands have eacha hotsehold of 15 or 20 wives, butthe young bachelors must herd bythemselves. Let one of them attemptto marry, and straightway a bull slayshim. Not till he is big enough to fightand conquer a bull-not till he is 14or 15 years old-can he know the de-light of settling down in a home of hisown."He is not like the human bachelor,

the favorite of the chorus girls, thereveler in all sorts of club luxuries:but he leads a hard, ascetic, celibatelife, only in the end, as like as not, to

Imake a lady a very fine coat. All the-very fine coats, I repeat, are madeafrom the unhappy bachelor seals."

Why Snow Is White.The reason that snow is white ts that

all the elementary colors are blendedStogether in the radiance that is thrown"off from the surface of the crystals.which may be examined in such a wayaas to detect these colors before theyaare mingled together to give the eyeSthe impression of whiteness.The whiteness of the snow is also

in some degree referable to the quan'tity of air which is left among thefrozen particles. Considerably more~than a thousand distinct forms ofsnow crystals have been enumerated.These minute crystals and prisms re-flect all the compound rays of whichwhite light consists.-Chicago Trib-une.

Sartorial Wisdom,A Manhattan magazine announces

upon the authority of the leadingt writer on men's fashions that "double-r breasted trousers" will be the vogue

next spring. The same authority isquoted as declaring that "it is nowvconsidered good form to line the but-

n tonholes with silk straight to their edge." This oracle has a comnpetitorwho also periodically ventilates theludicrous combined with the incon-gruous. In an article treating of the

~approved period of mourning, the rivaln of the "double-breasted trousers" dic~tator, prescribed weeds as follows:

0 "Husband for widow-nine months."

L 10

e 9


SAny Time

is Bliss Timedpaboxof Bliss NativeHrson hand for all emergen-

cies-for headache-distressafter eating-biliousness-con-stipaton-rheumatism-blooddisorders. Take a tablet once in

I: a while just for "health's sake."

BLISSI NATIVEHERBSis an old-time remedy of roots-herbs-and barks pressed intotablets-easy totake-200 tabletsfor $1.00-guaranteed to benefitor money back.

Get the genuine in yellowSboxes only-made by BLISS in

Washington, D. C.


SF.SA.FINLEY,Pickenie . C.

For Infants and Children.

The Kind You HaveAlways Bought

Bears theSignature


'~ InUse

Fr OverTh1ty Years


Veteran's Special- 13 Mamphis.1,-):- "(141 11rnada:non of th- t' ofede:

te Ve er:i oand vi-tui- to Moimphi ,

JI:iini-e-1 '. trn- 1i1:ro 1&olwayop-eratr a s;e, ll trtin k i. -vn a- th -

"Vete-ran%- 's p-Ci I " Iaavoii ('l *o aiat 1:30 o'.lock M anay ~jr 7. a u:-

ning via Newherry. rt i wo.1. l.Del ton

and Greenville, thmce \,lanta and. It-minghImm arriving Memp: is aboiut non

Tuesday June 8t. 'I h::, scilvci w. ill1,

composed of first (lsi C(IChI; :uni 1 -

man s!eepi:ag ca;s anl will be in (hargeof Brigadier General ZXnmerinan DAvisand Staff accumpiie I by the StateSp -nsors -ind 3lai s of Ilonor. -a;h-

ern Riway ja.zenge: reir.s nt itiveswill give p e jMt 5)Isal attention enrouwe.

For further info rmatin iapp ly to tiek-e agenta Southetrn R1sihvaL.

,J. L. Niak, A. (. 1P. A\ , Atlanta. GI..W." E. iMc~e T '. P. A ,.\ ugustai, Ga,

North Pickens Circuit.Rev. E. L. Thoma01n prelhe

in charge.FIRST SABB~ATH'.

At Porter's chapel, 11 a. mn.:Salem, :3 p. mn.

SECOND) SABBATHI.Mt. Bethel, 11 a. mi.: New

Hope, :3 p. m.TH'IIRD SA BPB.\TH.

Gap Hill, 11 a. mn.: T welveMile. :3 p. mn.

MIcIiImev'S. 11 8. mv. : Fi-iendb

Cheap Excursion Rates Via SouthernRailway.

Asheville A nd Returni: Ae rt of~National Associat ioni of T. !. A's 31y31-June 5th, ticents on-sal.- 31ay :uvt 29

anu :I0 an:d for trarins sch--lni to atl-

rive Asheville be-fore: 89 (1p. or. 31Ly 2:1.t1909. iinral linut 80 dayvs fro'n rte of

I~iiaek iil .\int anI S1i it viL-i tl

Conffeence Y. Ml t'. A wtI Y. V. C-

A. J une 9 2.), 19U9. Tickets o:1 sale to

Asleeville Junea 7, 8, 9 aml to 1 lac k

.\ountain 9. 10 anud 11. Fijail lin:it re-

turning Junre 23. 1'.-9.Charlott sv ille, Vi. aini lIeturn: .\ -

Virgmnia, Jutne 1S-Jualy 31, Tickets enslJune 13, l10, 17, 2S. July 5 and 12. Finrallimiit returnming 13 diays from date of

sale'.Knoxville. Te'nn. and 1ktarn: A-

coum:( of sammerir Shiool June 22 -JulyD, tickets on s-tie Junite 20, 21. 22,. 2). 27

July :1, 10, 11 and I1. Final li:ni:: 15davs from (late of s-de.Los Ange'e-s, (:al. anid 1keturn. A:-

count of B. P U. E. Consientirn J1u1V11-17. 1)att s of sale M1ay 81, June 1. 2.Final limit Oct. :1. I1309.Louisville IK.v. and R eturn. A re. o:

annIual Isessi.:ni Anc(int Arabm Ord 1)er

Nobat s of thre 31y.-tie Sluinie Jun- 10.1909. Darte of s 1iJn, 5, h. 7. rmt n

limit Juane 17, 1 ((3.31-mhiirs Tenr n.~ Aert anmmu:r -

uilon U:nited Confii bderate- Vetera;sJune 8.-1I, date of sale June9 5,. .

rturnii it Jane 14 wvith etti on to

July 1st byv dop :::ting ticket amnd ii h ig50i ce-its < X ra. N.' p .ver-s.Se-atil--, Wa-lh. ain i lil rn:. o;nt

tsoni sale .lay24 un:.! I g . :'O h

Diverse routes with sto;.ov'r p- ivneg--.Semunt exe'm s-o mt-s m i -f e 31c:'29 to S jp~en. ber r11- fial liit it hrst, 19(9.C1on venien t -chiedl -s andI Ip0ior

train service to al poin ts mr ::l .iiru ti ns

via SOUTIIERIN lt-\IIiAY.For informaut ion in ctui I. e ill on any

agent of the~ Souathern R :irad or al-drssJ. L. 3Ieek, W. E. 3M~eAtln. Ca. Augusta, Ga.

P A IQ; Q GTS UN SUALE-l' . cWhiti f Barn-

b uningto

C' t'\ u - t-~ o


\i V vir p vfarm, ~ V T. wi-vnrlypt

at pi(.. Cla a ~uet

1iS :111i in )o l, !r0)1 Which7e h alst 00 hales, and:1i,- b.*i"Hn A,-e f is ''ind he w ill:

p~~~~nni.S)I i n. \ t ol lIntel-!

I AT ADUE RHA.E RA IS-re- v--ur

., A i-c,\ t rtijttIEdor lm:;:v :

!?. r Gr ' ' o ! olow:ing,rn -p md.

"k, I; trIi Ie t )yis.

iI .V W I I::: 1.0 - .de :s o C. -1'>- " W . I -:u that by a

i e ff. i? i z.r, pihw p dly in

1On (n s -v eres 1 f, ! I 1 i.-:t v(-ar. We

ill I!.precie it youi will give us yourm-) th Il f I repI, i)*W~ . m. feo. ttion a 'Wll

enut;va: i'n 11n h\ -h r, su t.-d in this crop.Wt n i:,i to g v' Llt 1) I)ic the bet' fit

f v.Iet N.x rlt-nei Is we think it willilla imhil o -n to 1"11.irmes to side

Tn .a11 in nivance' for thefa.vor It!i (i "N.l reply. we ale,

ours truly,A ndt. I toil 1s. & Oil Co.,

And es t->n l'h hat' & Oil Co , Ander-S m, S. C.

Ge:.itnw--A nswe'ring your favorof the -th will sty tat :afer prupl ii:gtih lanI %- -i I ptm tw.> han ired ), .inds

-f far! z r to tlte ;cre bfoire planting.\t I ho Z* ec1i plowing I applied four

izr : e:mre-:ini when tih 'ilst cottonio,ml:s upp -ri di I alfyliedI wevnity

pounds of nitrate of s .I:t to the aere.I did this' on sixi v tere S f land whltichI plintedI in e >tto't and! on Lte six-

Iy :ttr' I g t:.rd sit -iheig . it s of tic ttontf, averagin~g 511

I thou'h I 1had gathered the crop afterChnItt a ' I pic eough cotton to

m-ik H2 ru-ils of lint cotton so it ui 1e''eenl-at alto'get her I male moure

tha svn y. 5 IJ-;.oural hah (i ofcottonon the sixty aceres. I cultivated this

ix ', p' it at i t a .f tilized bette r tkenmaal. A .r tal p-r -.fI this' fertiliz---r unasAnIte' Cn i l ' te arl Oil company

f.rii z.', 1.1 Udnce wias (other stand-trI briar-Is I was neir al le to sae

by .:t :s m . 41 s :' * u t het. othetr goods

Dr.5ing's w Die PillsThe best in the world.

Su.cced v.hen every'hig else fails.I In necrvous prostration an.d fem.alewveaknesses they are the supreme

;remedy, as thousands have testified.FO KmNEY,IiVER ANDeTOACHRCUBLE

it isth be.,t medi:ine evrs d

ovegist's counter.

l11 v*it~ W In a kin a chant eini our' businetss we~ wvill sell for:m da ys. beinn l ing on April 10thtiur tirefl stork of D)ry Goods,

Nt ins. Shoes G ~lass, Crockervad Tin ware ii. etc. in fact, ev-

'rything vt' have except Gr'o-('(rit s .Wil be soldY at cost.

We hav jus ''t opened a lineof ai -to ii je spin shoes in all

s~y! :nn! at price's from 81.0

All WVe Waiilt is- fo I'voI to come~and give us a chance'( to showvo'' 'aIi we' wil be surlie to sell

ny tili-- WVi5llig tto bUV adJ-KalnI i~ell ilisinetsS.

I l)~ b Cjar, 81 a bargain,. andW. \ Wil t 1i VOtI a store-i'oom('1 *tp. I E is nar' ille depot and

We a1bo 1h8 ve a 5-rooin cottageXll-e4 1l(d lot fOr 'ale.

0I) fat ~ il ('81 call ndsee? US.

Our11S for biitinesS,


P. P. P.Maes arveoles Cires in Bloo Poison, Rhomatism aii Scrofil.

P. P. P. purifies the blood, builds up the weak and debilitated, givesstrengrlh to weakened nerves, expels disease, giving the patient health andhappiness, where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevsa4.In blood poison, mercurial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and in 'all blood

and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scaldhead, we say without fear of contradiction that P. P. P. is the best bloodpurifier in the world.Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure con-

dition due to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly binefitted by the won-derful tonic and blood cleansing properties of P. P. P., Prickly Ash, PokeRoot and Potassium.


THE TIME IS RIPENINGwhen, with the return of pr~speritywatcht s and all othe-r good jewelry willgo bicik to old p -osperity prices.

DIMPNDS ESPECIALLYare bound to go up. We can cfter yousoine real gem% today at a Drice we are

X, absoiutely su.e will pay a handsomeprofit to the purchasers in e few montl s.

Now, if ever. you s*ould buy that 'en-gtgenient ning.


New, Fresh, CrispSPRING GOODS.

I have spared no means in securing for this Spring's bus-iness the newest and freshest goods that could be found, aadat the lowest prices such goods can be sold for.

Our goods and prices are such as to give us a SPECIALSALE all the time. We do not have to try to fool the people +into "Special Sales" My 20 years business reputation justi-fies me in saying that you get what you buy and what we

promise, when you buy from us.

AS TO OUR GOODS: We have almost anything instock that the average buyer of dry goods May need, but es-

pecially do we call attention to white g We have a

grand assortment of these goods in an rang gin prices lo, 15, 25, 35 and 5oc. yard.

OUR COLORED WA GOODS are equal to anyseasons offering we have ever shown. A great showing ofboth Men's and Ladies Udrder Vests await you here, alsoMen's and Ladies Neckwear and Hosiery, plain and fancy no-tions and head ornaments of all kinds.

NOW FOR THE STAPLES. The best shirting, cali-coes for 5c. The best aud heaviest 36 inch wide sheetingthat can be sold for 5c. Cotton Checks and Ginghams a c.Remembe me when you want good shoes at low prices.

A. K.PARK,West End. Greer.g111e, B. C .

What about the old scrap iron that is in -your wayWe want to finish out a carload by the first of June andwhen we get up the car wve will not be in the market forscrap iron again. Gather it up.

Pemember the May meetings are not far off, so pre-pare yourself for the occasion. Let us fix you up with a-nice pair of Oxfords, fancy socks, Dress Shirts and Sus-p)enders,

We can also save you money on a Summer Suit ofClothes,

Ladies, We Wallt You to See OurLinle of Siummer Dry Goods.

We have never had better sales than we are havingnow. That means plhased customers.

Come to see us,

CRAIG BROS., One Price Cash Store

REAL ESIAfE.I have several farms, varying in size

from the small farm of35 acres to 200 acres,

located in different sections of the

county, that I am offering for sale on

iug land calI on or write me.

I also have enquiries for land thatmy present list does not supply. Ifyou wish to sell see me.

Yours for Business,


Pickens, S. G.