the keys for your open doors

The Keys for your Doors 2014, The year of Open doors.

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  • 1.The Keys for your Doors 2014, The year of Open doors.

2. CG Learning to Prophesy Marco Lafebre May 17, 2014 3. Sound estrange that you need keys for your open doors? 4. Well, lets think of this: If you are out from your house, if you are like me, you need to unlock your door, step out and locked back as you dont want any stranger entering into your house. When you go to your business or to your work place, most probably you would need to use a key to open a door or a couple of them and reach the place that you are supposed to be. 5. The authority, and power of a key So you see, even that you have the right to enter your house and your workplace, you still need to use your keys; for when you left the place, you lock it up to prevent some one creeping in and stealing your valuables. A key will give you the power and authority of entering through doors that you are authorized to enter, while others cannot do it and will need to wait for you to invite them and lead them in. 6. Words that were given for 2014. I will first refresh your mind about the words that the Lord have given us for this year that we are in. Those are spoken words and are still in effect. If you havent receive the benefits of one or all of them, today you will receive some keys to have them all. 7. The open doors. If you remember, I shared with you a prophetic word given to me by the Lord, in September 2013. It was about the many doors of opportunities that the Lord has opened for us. Some time has passed by now and some doors have not being used yet, nevertheless the blessings at the other side of those doors are dormant and waiting to be taken. 8. A New Vision The Lord was giving us a double range of vision, both of them bringing revelation to our lives. A shorter one to pay attention to our surrounding and look for the points where open doors are; paying attention to people that can open doors for us, also to those for whom we can open. 9. A New Vision A larger one was giving us from a higher stand point of view. To be able to see this type of vision we where supposed to be seating where we really belong: At the right hand side of the Father sited in Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus. 10. The Double Harvest As nature was declaring before us, this is the time to collect a double harvest. Every seed that you put on soil would produce a harvest and a late harvest. This is not just for the economical but in all areas of your life and ministry. 11. The importance of 2014 2014 is the 5774 Jewish year, which is preceding the coming of 5775 which is a Sabbatical Year. This is the 6th year count. Next year, slaves free, families will get together, debts to be cancelled, lands back to the owners; the land will rest, so the ones that labor in. 12. The importance of 2014 In the 7th year most of the hardworking labor would stop, and only a minimum necessary labor would be done on the field. What is your field? What is producing your earnings? Are you ready for a supernatural increase? 13. Provisions for the 7th Year Leviticus 25:20-21 (NKJV) 20 And if you say, What shall we eat in the seventh year, since we shall not sow nor gather in our produce?21 Then I will command My blessing on you in the sixth year, and it will bring forth produce enough for three years. 14. The triple increase For those who choose to rest on the Lord, for those who love Him and obey Him, for those who cherish His word; this is the year where you are able to have a triple increase of all your produce, so the coming years you will eat of this increase. 15. The Keys for The Open Door. If your doors are already open you dont need a key to open them up, but perhaps to close them. The Lord has giving me some revelation about how to find our open doors, and how to enter or exit through them, and I want to share it with you. 16. It all started with a dream. A simple picture. A quick vision. 17. A very simple dream This word that Im about to share with you, had its origin in a dream that I had on Friday March 28th. Again, Ill share with you the way how the Lord guide me to prophesy. This time the prophecy comes from a dream. 18. The dream My dream was on Friday March 28th, 2014 It was a vivid dream that cause me to woke up. When I woke up I had a look at the clock, it was 6:30am. 19. The dream: A hand holding a ring with some keys gently deposited the ring close to my right ear over my pillow. End of dream 20. Details of the dream: My pillow was covered with a white pillow case. I could see the hand and part of the forearm covered with a wide white tunic sleeve. The ring and some of the keys had a clear silver color. 21. A vivid dream The dream in fact was just two single pictures in motion. It was so vivid that I woke up looking for the bunch of keys. As I couldnt see them I lifted up part of my pillow to look for the keys, but they werent there. Then I realized it was a dream. 22. Searching for interpretation. At the start of my discerning, I though the keys have to do with my job, but it wasnt so. It took me a couple of days to have a clear understanding of the meaning of the dream. Revelation was given to me in the proportion that I searched for. 23. A prophetic feeling and interpretation. Been a prophetic person as I am, I started to discern the dream step by step. Objects seen in the dream. Symbol and meaning of them. Application of the meaning to a related circumstance. Confirmation in my Spirit. 24. Objects do speak Objects in the dream or in a vision can clearly speak or at least give a hint of what they represent and what part they are playing in the whole picture. Its good not to bypass details, in that way we can have a better understanding of the message 25. The hand that deposit the keys The part of the arm that I could see, was covered with a wide white sleeve as of a tunic. Maybe and angel? Maybe the Lord? Im not sure, but I know that it was a hand send by God! 26. Pillow with a white case. A pillow is a cushion where to rest the head while sleeping or resting. White, color symbolism: Purity / refinement / unblemished / righteousness / heavenly In this case the pillow represents resting on the Lord. 27. So then: When my mind, my thoughts, my soul is resting on the purity and holiness of the Lord, Im able to have heavenly revelation; the Lord will speak to me in a way that my whole being will be centered in what He has to tell me. 28. The time 29. Its time to wake up 6:30 am send me the message its time to wake up, not just from my physical sleep; but also from my spiritual slumbering to an active discerning spiritual state where I can pay more attention to what is happening in the spiritual realm. 30. In this case, my slumbering has to do with not seen the open doors around me, not paying attention to the signs, not helping others to find their doors, not opening for them some doors, not helping them to enter or exit through the door that is open for me. 31. 6:30 6 = Image. 30 = Acceptably conformed, or Unacceptably conformed. At age 30, Jesus began his ministry. : = Punctuation sign used to separate time. 32. Time to be separated It is time to be separated from any ungodly image and be converted into the perfect image of the Lord. It is the acceptable and designed time to Reign on life as David did, To govern as Joseph did in Egypt. To minister in love as Jesus did. 33. The ring of keys 34. Symbol: Ring = Able to hold together. Keys = Tools to lock or unlock doors. Its mark, sizes, and type will show the quality and power to unlock simple, complex, or very secure doors. 35. The ring points out to the Truth that holds the Word of God. 36. Those keys point out to a: Humble heart. Forgiving heart Thankful heart Generous heart Loyal heart Noble heart Helpful heart Joyful heart 37. Hearts that are willing to: Know Gods truth and put it into action. Extend and receive forgiveness. Receive and give Gods love. Receive and accept instruction. Help and receive help. Ready to be used. 38. Meaning: The Lord has deposited to our reach the potential to open doors. We should know by discerning, by trying out, and then by the continuous use of them; which one is the right key to open an specific door. Hearts that practice the mentioned qualities are able to see and open certain doors that are not easily visible from a natural standing. 39. Who holds the keys? The bible clearly points out that it is the Lord Jesus Christ, The Messiah, who hold the Keys. 40. Rev. 1:18-19 (NKJV) 18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death. 19 Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this. 41. Matthew 16:19 (NKJV) 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 42. Obviously, Forgiveness is a mayor key to open doors: Doors of freedom Doors of healing Doors of restoration Doors of anointing Doors of Peace Doors of love Doors of sound mind. 43. Matthew 18:18 (NKJV) 18 Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 44. We can use our given authority to cause mayor changes both in the natural as in the supernatural realms. We may need to bind some doors. Bind the works of the enemy. Release some doors that have been locked. Release the Kingdom of Heaven 45. Luke 11:52 (NKJV) 52 Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered. 46. God given knowledge will give us greater understanding and revelation of the plans he has for us; and will help us to see the open doors of opportunities that God has already open for us. 47. The functionality of keys Keys are used to lock or unlock doors. In the following slides you will see some hints through scriptures, about some keys that need to be used in order to open doors that will usher us to our promised blessings. 48. Now, lets think of this: Jesus is the SON OF GOD, so are we. Jesus is THE KING, so we are kings. Jesus is THE HIGH PRIEST, so we are priests. Jesus is THE DOOR. so are we 49. Revelation 1:6 (NKJV) 6 and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Therefore we can act as what we really are! Kings and Priest. 50. 1 John 3:1 (NKJV) 3 Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. So we can act as children of God. 51. 1 John 4:8 (NKJV) 8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. So we are called not only to love God, to love our neighbor and to love ourselves; but to become as HE IS: LOVE! 52. Acts 5:18- 20 (NKJV) Once the Lord has taken us out of prison, we must go to the temple, to meeting places, houses, neighborhoods and testify what the Lord has done, and share about the life of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and about the transforming life we are experiencing. The Key of Testifying. 53. Acts 5:18-20 (NKJV) 18 and laid their hands on the apostles and put them in the common prison 19 But at night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said, 20 Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life. One of the keys for seen the open doors is fulfilling the commandment of this scripture. A cheerful and obedient heart will do this promptly, its reward will be more and more doors open in front of him. Doors that men said would be impossible to open, The Lord himself will command the appointed doors to become open. 54. In His Likeness John 10:9; 9 I am the door 1 Cor. 3:9; 9 you are Gods building. Everyone of us is God Building. A Building has access doors. So we are a door. Lets open our house, cleanse our temple and fix the doors. 55. We are those gates Psalm 24:9 (NIV) 9 Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. When we lift up our heads seeking His face, looking to see his beauty, When we lift up the gates of our eyes, of our ears of our mouths, of our hearts; we as a door, as a gate are opening ourselves so the King of glory may come in and take possession of our lives and seat in the throne of our hearts! 56. We are as ancient gates, as the Lord himself planned from millenniums ago that we may become leaving creatures at his appointed time. We are as everlasting doors, because through salvation in Christ we have everlasting life! 57. 2 Chronicles 29:3 (NKJV) Hezekiah Cleanses the Temple 3 In the first year of his reign, in the first month, he opened the doors of the house of the LORD and repaired them. Doors of THE HOUSE OF THE LORD 58. Proverbs 8:34 (NKJV) 34 Blessed is the man who listens to me, Watching daily at my gates, Waiting at the posts of my doors. GODS DOORS 59. Matthew 7:7 (NKJV) Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking 7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. As He does, I should do it. I NEED TO KEEP KNOCKING. 60. What is an OPEN DOOR open door n. 1. Unhindered opportunity; free access. 2. Admission to all on equal terms. 3. A policy whereby a nation trades with all other nations on equal terms. open-door (pn-dr, -dr) adj. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. 61. Fully open door Easily to be found. You just need to exercise your will and enter or exit through the door. As in the case of the Lord, He is a 24/7 Open Door. You can call to Him any time. 62. Door left ajar It will require some effort from your part to first localize the door, and then exercise your will to push the door to open it completely, then you will be able to pass through the door. Some opportunities are like the position of this door, you need to spot it, and act accordingly. 63. Closed, unlocked, invitation sign As in a shop, a store, a salon, at the Doctor, etc. You see the sign and it is your decision to enter or pass by, but the door is open. 64. Closed but unlock You grab the handle, turn it around and push the door open, so you can enter. Again action will follow your determination of entering 65. Closed and locked There are other doors that are closed and locked, but you have the right key, the authority and the power to unlock those doors and enter anytime you wish. 66. Using a conventional door key As in entering in your house, you keep the key on you and you can use it any time you wish. You hold the key, which is your right to enter, you take the initiative to enter. This key, points out to the freedom of access that God has given to every individual. By ourselves, movements in the natural and in the spiritual realm are limited. 67. Using a pass-card There are doors than can be locked, but if you have a given programmed pass-card key, you will be able to open the door. As in my case in the building where I work, my card is a Master Card; I can open any door at any time . In the plan of God, He has programmed that we may have a 24/7 pass into his Household, into his Kingdom. Once we are saved, we are able to use this pass, which is the Blood of the Lamb of God, and enter in different areas of His Kingdom at any time 68. Limited access I believe this points out to special occasions and special places that we as Christians can access. For instance the anointing for service will stay on us for certain time, after that it will fade away. Each one of us have certain authority and power that we use in accordance with our faith. I have access to healing people up to certain degree. I havent resurrected anyone yet. My prophetic anointing is still growing and in a sharpening time. My teaching and preaching abilities are not fully developed and not fully used. Some people can access some doors only during a established schedule. After that period of time the card will not give them access. 69. Programming of the access and times These cards can be temporarily suspended or cancelled, or increased in its area of access, according with the needs and plan of Senior Management. As well if damaged or lose it, they can be replaced after proper request. Promotion comes from the Lord, He can test us, approve or delay the access to some doors that we are trying to enter. On His time He will give us the access to areas of mayor anointing and responsibilities, both in the physical as in the spiritual realm. He has his plan for each one of us. 70. Lastly We are called to be alert and use doors that our fellow Christian friends can open for us. Likewise we should be attentive when the occasion to open door for others comes on our way 71. Opening for others 72. In other words: The Lord is calling us to rest on him, to take a Shabbat rest, to stop doing things that we are doing right now so we can really rest on him. Only when we are resting on him, we will be able to have our thoughts, ideas and visions synchronized with his plans and purposes. If we have not walk yet through those doors that he has opened for as is because we have not come out of the atmosphere which is fogging the vision that he has for us. Our main focus should be his divine presence, then we could easily see displayed in front of us the open doors that he has open with his own hands. 73. It is a time for us to wake up of our slumber, it is time for us to approach the father with absolute certainty that he wants us to life a victorious life and receive the vision that he has for us, only when we accept his vision we will be able to see through his perspective the doors that he wants us to enter through. Its time to separate ourselves from the deceptive words, way of thinking and lethargy that unbelief has deposited in our being. It is time to come to trust in Gods living word, his word holds the absolute truth. His truth will show us by the use of his giving knowledge and wisdom where those doors are, how to approach to them, how to open them. 74. There are some keys that the Lord has giving us and is waiting for us to use them. Forgiveness is one of the mayor keys that we have, forgiveness is as a master key in the spiritual realm; this key will open doors that have been denied access for many years, and who uses it can access anytime he likes, there is no time limit for a master key. Crying out for Gods knowledge is another important key; for that we need to have the reverent fear of God in our lives, his fear will grant us his knowledge and his wisdom, which in turn will give us revelation of the plans of God. 75. Humbleness is another powerful key that we need to use. Just as our Lord was humble, so we are called to use this key. Humbleness will disarm our enemy, his plans will not have effect against us, the attitude of our heart is what god is looking for; if your heart is not humble, is impossible that you will trust God, or to hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. Humility teach us not to trust in ourselves, but in Him, not in our believe, in our opinion or our abilities. When we humble ourselves before God, then God will take His natural place in our hearts and will direct us to save harbor. 76. And I can hear The Lord saying: The unfolding of spring is already showing up the richness of my blessing for you. In the same way that nature is showing the beauty of flowers and the resurgence of foliage coming out of the lethargy of winter, so I am displaying a set of open doors before you. Come out of your slowness and receive the invigorating touch of my Spirit bringing you to a consciousness state of my presence. I have lightened up your eyes; I have push away the cloudiness around you, stand and believe, walk and pass those doors and take possession of the blessings I have kept in storage for you. Now is the time to act, this is the month that will set in motion the blessing for the rest of the year, act now, stand and believe, in love Im giving you the nod, go now, you may take your blessing now. This is your time, your month, your time of victory. Possess your blessing, possess your inheritance. 77. I have split this presentation in three parts. The other two ones are: God opens some doors for us We need to close some doors to see the open doors If you look into all of them, you will have a better understanding of what doors are naturally opened for us, the ones that we need to close, and take the keys that God has giving us un stand walk and open those doors. 78. May the favor of our Lord be constantly before you and help you to realize that you are crowned with glory and honor, and that you need to reign as a King on life, for that is what His word says about you and me. Amen.